21st Century Literature
21st Century Literature
21st Century Literature
In Pakistan, Tariq and Laila marry and finally Author: Carrie Ryan – Is the New York Times
begin the life they dreamed of so many years bestselling author of multiple books for both
ago. With time, both of Laila's children warm to middle-grade and young adult readers such as
Tariq and they enjoy their new life. But in the Forest of Hands and Teeth series, the Map
September, 2001, their happiness was the Everywhere series. Carrie is a graduate of
overshadowed by news that the United States Williams College and Duke University School of
had attacked Afghanistan. Following the US Law. Her books have sold in over 22 territories
invasion, conditions in Kabul improve, and Laila and her first book is in development as a major
insists that her family move back home so they motion picture. A former litigator, Carrie now
can help rebuild their city. They stop by Herat lives in Charlotte, NC, with her Husband and
on their way to Kabul, where Laila visits various pets.
Mariam's old home and is able to come to
Background – Zombie is a fictional creature, a
terms with her grief over Mariam's execution.
being not really alive but not dead either, often
Laila and Tariq build a new life in Kabul: Laila
refer to as “the undead” In most books and
becomes a schoolteacher at the orphanage
movies, zombies are slow moving monsters in
where Aziza once lived. And when Laila
various stages of mutilation or decay. They
becomes pregnant, she decides that if she has a
usually have only one goal – to attack humans
girl, she'll name her Mariam.
and thus create more zombies. True to the
A Forest of Hands and Teeth mythology of these creatures, in the Forest of
Hands and Teeth, author Carrie Ryan places
Introduction – In this story, as Mary faces her
readers in a world in which zombies pursue
environment, she tries to make sense of her
people in order to bite and infect them, thus
world and her relationships, not unlike any
turning them into fellow zombies.
young person anywhere or at any time. Though
her world is strange to us, some of its problems Although not real, the idea of zombies has some
are not. The mix of elements in the book makes historical basis. The voodoo cults of Haiti
it hard to classify it simply in terms of genre – combined with some Christian rituals, west
there are elements of horror, fantasy, science African religions, and magic brought to Haiti
fiction and romance. What keeps the story with enslaved peoples. The voodoo cults
moving, thought is the non-stop action as Mary believed in many kinds of strange spirits,
and her friends and family stay ahead of the including corpses that can be brought back to
zombies. Although there are many aspects of life. To them, a zombie was a being without a
many genres in the book, the action and will of its own, always doing the bidding of its
adventure of this tale is what keeps you turning master. Zombie stories give people the
pages. Beyond the genre, this book is a good opportunity to witness the end of the world
example of archetypal literature. An archetype they’ve been secretly wondering about.
is a repeated pattern that shows up often in Zombies embody the great contemporary fear
literature. The Forest of Hands and Teeth is the and for some people, the great contemporary
story of a quest, one of the most common kinds fantasy.
of stories told throughout time. In this guide,
Vocabulary Words
you will see a boxed element called Thinking
1. Unconsecrated – The zombies who live stories about the ocean. One night, a young girl
in the forest; the undead who prey on named Gabrielle wanders into Mary's village.
the villagers. She is brought into the Cathedral, where the
2. Heirloom – a valuable object that has Sisterhood keeps her locked up. Mary gets a
belonged to a family for several chance talks to Gabrielle through the walls of
generations her room, but the next night Gabrielle's room is
3. Sympathy – feelings of pity and sorrow empty.
for someone else’s misfortune
4. Enclave – a portion of territory within or Mary later finds out that the Sisterhood forced
surrounded by a larger territory whose her into the forest, where she was bitten by a
inhabitants are culturally or ethnically zombie and turned into one herself. To help her
distinct. escape the Sisterhood, Harry proposes to Mary,
5. Labyrinth – a place constructed of or who accepts, even though she's in love with his
full of intricate passageways and blind brother, Travis. On her wedding day, sirens go
alleys off again, but this time the unconsecrated have
6. Breach – to break or make a gap by breached the fences. Mary, Travis, Harry, her
battering best friend Cass, a young boy named Jacob, her
7. Wail – making a prolonged high-pitched brother, and his wife escape by entering the
sound forest. They explore the forest by using a
8. Indoctrination – the process of teaching labyrinth of fences and find an abandoned
a person or group to accept a set of village. After a few minutes of exploring, they
beliefs uncritically. find out that the village is crawling with
9. Enormity – the great or extreme scale, unconsecrated.
seriousness or extent of something
perceived as bad or morally wrong. Mary and Travis run to a house, as Travis is
10. Dystopia – an imagined world or society unable to climb the ladders that would bring
in which people lead wretched, them to the safety of the tree houses, where
dehumanized, fearful lives. their friends have escaped to. Mary and Travis
Summary spend a lot of time together and fall in love. The
zombies eventually break into their house,
Mary’s mother has always told her about the but Mary and Travis manage to escape. They
stories about the ocean. A place where there make their way into a tree house, where the
was nothing but water and it was always rest of the group is staying. Jacob starts a fire
moving. Because of that she had always dreamt in the village, and Travis gets bitten by a
of looking for the ocean. The world has been zombie in the process of trying to escape.
overrun with Unconsecrated. Mary lives in the Mary ends up cutting off his head in order to
middle of a forest, in a small village protected save him from being a zombie. As they
by fences. She and her brother always looked continue walking through the fenced path in
after their mother because their mother tends the forest, Mary decides to leave her friends
to look for their father and insists to cross over and find the ocean. She finds a gate and runs
the fence. One day she left her mother at home into the forest, where she is quickly
and she heard sirens. Mary discovers that her outnumbered by zombies.
mother has been infected, and dies. Her brother
Jed bans Mary from their house. Mary then Jed dies in the process of saving her. She arrives
joins the Sisterhood of nuns after Sister Tabitha at the edge of a cliff and jumps off into a river in
threatens her. During her stay in the Cathedral, an attempt to escape the unconsecrated. A man
Mary meets Travis, a wounded citizen as well as finds her washed up on shore and brings her to
her childhood friend, and tells him her mother’s his home, a lighthouse.