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1MRS751365-MEN COM 500

Issue date: 31.01.00 CPI for MicroSCADA

Program revision: 2.0
Documentation version: A

Copyright © 2000 ABB Substation Automation Oy

All rights reserved.

Notice 1

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not
be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any error
that may occur in this document.

Notice 2

This document version complies with the program revision 2.0.

Notice 3

Additional information such as Release Notes and Last Minute Remarks can be found
on the program distribution media.

Microsoft is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
LONWORKS is a registered trademark of Echelon Corporation.
Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders
All Microsoft products referenced in this document are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft.
COM 500 CPI for MicroSCADA 1MRS751365-MEN
Configuration Manual

Related SYS 500, COM 500 and MicroSCADA Technology Manuals

The following SYS 500 manuals are published with this software release.
Installation 1MRS751254-MEN
Picture Editing 1MRS751255-MEN
Visual SCIL User Interface Design 1MRS751256-MEN
Visual SCIL Objects 1MRS751257-MEN
System Management 1MRS751258-MUM

The following MicroSCADA technology manuals are published with this software
Introduction to MicroSCADA Technology 1MRS751710-MUM
Connecting LONWORKS Devices to MicroSCADA 1MRS751249-MEN
System Configuration 1MRS751248-MEN
System Objects 1MRS751252-MEN
Application Objects 1MRS751253-MEN
Programming Language SCIL 1MRS751250-MEN
Status Codes 1MRS751251-MEN

The following COM 500 manuals are published with this software release.
COM 500 Engineering 1MRS750984 MUM
Configuring MicroSCADA for IEC 60870-5-101 Master Protocol 1MRS751456-MEN
Configuring MicroSCADA for DNP V3.00 Slave Protocol 1MRS751703-MEN
Configuring MicroSCADA for DNP V3.00 Master Protocol 1MRS751456-MEN
Configuring MicroSCADA for IEC 60870-5-101 Slave Protocol 1MRS751702-MEN
Configuring MicroSCADA for Profibus FMS Protocol 1MRS751704-MEN
Configuring MicroSCADA for Modbus Slave Protocol 1MRS751263-MEN
Communication Programming Interface (CPI) 1MRS751365-MEN

ABB Automation
1MRS751365-MEN CPI for MicroSCADA COM 500
Configuration Manual 1 Introduction



1 Introduction .......................................................................................1
1.1 Hardware and Software Requirements .................................................. 1
1.2 CPI Interface.......................................................................................... 1
1.3 TCP/IP Interface .................................................................................... 2

2 CPI Overview .....................................................................................3

2.1 NET Unit Emulation with CPI ................................................................. 3
2.2 Operating Principle ................................................................................ 3
2.3 Memory Management ............................................................................ 5
2.4 Application Communication Protocol ACP ............................................. 6
2.5 Transmission Error Handling.................................................................. 9
2.6 Base System Configuration.................................................................. 10

3 Creating Protocol Converters with CPI .........................................13

3.1 General................................................................................................ 13
3.2 Slave Devices Connected to MicroSCADA Base System via CPI ........ 14
3.3 Master Device Connected to MicroSCADA via CPI.............................. 16

4 CPI Library .......................................................................................19

4.1 Basic ACP Communications ................................................................ 20
4.2 Communication Control Services......................................................... 22
4.3 Message Filtering Services .................................................................. 23
4.4 RTU and SPA Process Data Sending Functions.................................. 24
4.4.1RTU – Application Level Data Transmission Services ................... 24
4.4.2SPA - Application Level Data Transmission Services .................... 30
4.5 Generic ACP Packet Building .............................................................. 36
4.5.1Message Header Information ........................................................ 37
4.5.2Data Filling Functions .................................................................... 37
4.5.3Reply Status Filling Functions ....................................................... 39
4.6 ACP Packet Unpacking........................................................................ 39
4.6.1Message Header Information ........................................................ 39
ABB Automation
COM 500 CPI for MicroSCADA 1MRS751365-MEN
Configuration Manual

4.6.2Data Scanning Functions ............................................................... 42

4.6.3RTU Commands ............................................................................ 43 General Handling.................................................................... 43 RTU Object Command Handling............................................. 44 RTU Analog Setpoint Handling ............................................... 45
4.7 Communication Supervision................................................................. 45
4.8 Buffer Management.............................................................................. 45
4.9 Initialisations......................................................................................... 46
4.10 Bitset Functions ................................................................................. 48

5 Support for System Configuration Tool ........................................51

5.1 General ................................................................................................ 51
5.2 Functionality ......................................................................................... 51
5.3 Permanent Protocol Configuration File ................................................. 52
5.4 Attribute Definitions File........................................................................ 53
5.5 Attribute Mappings File......................................................................... 57

6 Glossary ...........................................................................................59

7 Disclaimer ........................................................................................63

ABB Automation
1MRS751365-MEN CPI for MicroSCADA COM 500
Configuration Manual 1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Hardware and Software Requirements

1.2 CPI Interface

1.3 TCP/IP Interface

Using this Manual

This manual is the one that should be read when you want to use the Communication
Programming Interface (CPI) and need information related to it. CPI is available for
connecting foreign systems with MicroSCADA base system (SYS 500 revision 8.4.2
or newer or COM 500 revision 2.0 or newer).

Referenced Manuals

The following MicroSCADA manuals should be available for reference during the use
of this manual:
• System Objects manual.
• Programming Language SCIL.
• System Configuration manual.

1.1 Hardware and Software Requirements

The following software is required:

• Operating system - Windows NT 4.0, which includes TCP/IP protocol. Install the
software as described in its own respective manuals.

Memory needed in development environment is 64 Mb, for MicroSCADA computer

128 Mb. Memory needed for running an application depends on what is supposed to
do with it. Installation needs about 10 Mb in all.

1.2 CPI Interface

Communication programming interface CPI is a protocol environment software that is

used for externally implemented protocol converters.

CPI is a collection of functions that make the data transferring between MicroSCADA
base system and the CPI application program possible. The CPI library contains
functions for sending and receiving messages to or from MicroSCADA base system
and functions for packing and unpacking data of messages. CPI application program
may run at the different computer as may be seen in Table 1 below or also at the same
computer with MicroSCADA.

CPI application program (gateway program) which uses CPI interface emulates NET
containing stations of the RTU, SPA or SPI (RP570 slave) device type (SPI device
type can be emulated as a RTU device type. In this case the SPI station should be
ABB Automation 1
COM 500 CPI for MicroSCADA 1MRS751365-MEN

1 Introduction Configuration Manual

configured as a RTU station by the MicroSCADA base system). CPI supports both the
slave and the master communication.

Normally only the messages from the base system to station devices (RTU, SPA)
configured in the CPI application node are visible for the CPI functions. To be able to
emulate a conventional NET unit operation there is a need to access also messages
directed to the CPI application node itself (NET object). To access these messages the
filtering must be disabled using message filtering functions (see Chapter 4, CPI


1.3 TCP/IP Interface

The communication between application using CPI and MicroSCADA is based on the
TCP/IP protocol. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is used for data
transmission in LAN network to provide communication with several protocols across
connected networks of computers, see Table 1. On TCP/IP interfaces, the ACP
messages are sent via stream type BSD sockets.

The CPI interface is designed to support connections to several applications running

one or more MicroSCADA base systems. All applications on one certain
MicroSCADA base system can be reached by using the same TCP/IP socket.

2 ABB Automation
1MRS751365-MEN CPI for MicroSCADA COM 500
Configuration Manual 2 CPI Overview

2 CPI Overview

2.1 NET Unit Emulation with CPI

2.2 Operating Principle

2.3 Memory Management

2.4 ACP Communication Protocol

2.5 Transmission Error Handling

2.6 Base System Configuration

2.1 NET Unit Emulation with CPI

CPI communication resembles the communication between base system and NET
unit. CPI application program acts as a communication frontend. This is called the
NET unit emulation. Though CPI is an external and independent application, the base
system can not identify if the message is coming from the NET unit or the CPI
application because of similar interfaces in both cases.


2.2 Operating Principle

CPI application program usually runs in an infinite loop where it checks with
cpiSelect function if there are any incoming messages from MicroSCADA. The
following examples show the basic functionality of the CPI interface. The detailed
description of every function presented below can be found in Chapter 4.

/* Example of receiving the commands from the base system*/

cpiMsgID recv_id,reply_id=0;
cpiBitSet in_set,out_set,exp_set;
int msg_type,reply_pending;
attr char[2];
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2 CPI Overview Configuration Manual

/* Infinite loop*/
in_set = out_set = exp_set = 0x7;
cpiSelect( &in_set, &out_set, &exp_set,15);
if (cpiISSET(1, in_set)) {
cpiGetMessage(1, &recv_id, &msg_type);
switch( msg_type ) {
case cpiWRMSG:
/* processing of the write message */
cpiGetMsgAttr(recv_id, &attr);
if ( GV_ Is_Config_Attr( &attr )) {
if (reply_id != 0) {
GV_Process_Write_To_Attribute (recv_id,reply_id,,,);
if (cpiISSET(1, out_set)) {
reply_pending = 0;
else {
reply_pending = 1;
case cpiRDMSG:
/* processing for the read message */
case cpiRPMSG:
/* processing for the reply message */
if (reply_pending) && cpiISSET(1, out_set)) {
reply_pending = 0;

/* Example 2, how to send data to the base system */

cpiMsgID ind_id, fail_id;
cpiBitSet in_set,out_set,exp_set;
int reply_ready,retries,status;
reply_ready = 1;
/*Infinite loop*/
in_set = out_set = exp_set = 0x1;
cpiSelect( &in_set, &out_set, &exp_set);
/* Sending of an indication value */
if (GV_Indication_To_Send()) && (cpiISSET(1,out_set)) {
if (reply_ready) {
retries = reply_ready = 0;

/* Checking the reply message */

if (cpiISSET(1, in_set)) {
cpiGetMessage(1, &recv_id, &msg_type);
switch( msg_type ) {
case cpiRPMSG:
cpiGetReplyStatus(recv_id, &repl_id, &status);
if ((status != OK_STATUS) || (repl_id != ind_id)) {
display_error_msg(“Error reply for indication “, Block, Bit, Val);
reply_ready = 1;

4 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 2 CPI Overview

/* Testing the possible exceptions*/

if (cpiISSET(1, exp_set)) {
switch( cpiException(1) {
cpiGetFailedMessage(1, &fail_id);
if (++retries > 3) {
display_error_msg(“Sending of indication fails“, Block, Bit, Val);
else {
/* no connection to the base system*/

2.3 Memory Management

Application reserves automatically memory needed when cpiInitRemoteNode routine

is called. CPI reserves memory pools also for message buffers:

• Received messages.

• Transmitted messages.

• Transmissions failed.

These pools are CPI internal and they are not seen directly by the CPI application
program. It must have its own memory management for communicating with the
protocol it emulates.

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2 CPI Overview Configuration Manual

2.4 Application Communication Protocol ACP

Communication between MicroSCADA base system and frontends like NET unit is
based on ACP (Application Communication Protocol). It is an internal protocol of
MicroSCADA that is generally used in communication between MicroSCADA nodes.
Also the CPI application program can be seen as one of the nodes.

NET unit can communicate concurrently with several applications on the base system.
The CPI library using ACP communication supports following types of message
dialogues presented in Table 3:


D Write commands: The base system writes the value of an attribute to the
CPI application program.

E Read commands: The base system requests the value of an attribute

from the CPI application program.

F Write commands: CPI application program writes data to the base

system process database.

G Notifications: The system message is sent from the CPI application

program to the base system.

ACP Messages

Each communication system contains a set of system objects, which specify the line
properties, connected devices etc. These objects can be created, modified and deleted
by SCIL (Supervisory Control Implementation Language), and setting the attributes of

6 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 2 CPI Overview

the objects can change the properties. The detailed description of attributes can be
found in Chapter 5 and creation of protocol converters in Chapter 3.

Target of the ACP message sent by the MicroSCADA base system is an attribute of a
communication system object (NET, STA) configured in the NET unit. The attributes
of the communication system object can be divided into two main categories:

• Configuration attributes.

• Communication attributes.

Configuration attributes refer to the NET unit internal data. To these messages the
NET unit can reply immediately. Communication attributes refer to the data external
device. In this case the ACP message must first be converted to the protocol of
external device before sending it forward. The replies to communication attributes are
not usually sent back to base system before the actual reply from external device is

Data transmission from the base system to the CPI application program is done by
setting the attributes of communication system object or process object. This may
happen by using SCIL and its commands.

ACP implements layers presented in Table 4:


The ACP network layer consists of two sublayers:

• ANSI X 3.28 Network layer handles low level (link layer) message routing

• ACP Network layer information is used for routing on the device level
(application layer).

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2 CPI Overview Configuration Manual

The following is a list of fields of the ACP protocol messages. The CPI functions that
can be used to get referred information are presented as well.

Fields presented in Table 5 are for the low level message routing and the second list in
Table 6 consists of fields used for routing on the device level.
Field Description CPI function
DST Destination node address cpiGetDestination
SRC Source node address cpiGetSource
CMD Command/reply code cpiGetMessageType (not read
STS Status cpiGetReplyStatus (not read directly)
TNS Transaction number

Field Description CPI function
LDS Logical destination cpiGetRtuNo (not read directly),
LSR Logical source Connection number
CNT Transaction count
FNC Function cpiGetMessageType( not read
MBX Mailbox
ATR Attribute cpiGetAttribute
IND1 First index cpiGetIndex
IND2 Last index cpiGetIndex
DATA Device data cpiGetNextData,

The following examples describe the relationship between SCIL and fields of the ACP

#SET STA1:SDT(1..2)=(1,2)
| | | | | |
| | | | | |____Data
| | | | |_________Last index
| | | |____________First index
| | |___________Attribute
| |________________RTU number (device number and type packed to LDS)
|_____________________Message type (command + FNC write)
@A = STA1:SAM(10)
| | | |________First index
| | |____________Attribute
| |__________________RTU number (device number and type packed to LDS)
|________________________Message type (command + read)

8 ABB Automation
1MRS751365-MEN CPI for MicroSCADA COM 500
Configuration Manual 2 CPI Overview

Reserved Attributes

Because the CPI application program emulates STA objects in the NET unit the use of
attributes is not completely free. Some attribute names are reserved for RTU process
data communication. They can not be used as the attributes of an application except if
they have been used exactly in the same way as the RTU or SPA devices do (the
frontend emulation).

Following attributes are used by the system and they are not allowed to be used as the
attributes of the application program. Except these the attribute can be any abreviation
that consist of two letters.
Attribute Description
DA Process data
SM System status message

The messages to the DA attribute are generated automatically by the base system
when the output process objects are set. If this method is used with CPI application
program, it must emulate DA attribute handling exactly in the same way as the RTU
device does.

The attributes IU, SA, AL, AS, MI and MS are used with RTU type station. It is
recommended that these attributes should be used in the same way as documented in
System Objects manual Chapter 14.

2.5 Transmission Error Handling

When using CPI programming interface there are possibilities to handle different
kinds of communication errors between the CPI application program and the base
system. The following is a list of transmission error types on the CPI application
program level. Examples how the application reacts to each situation are presented as

• TCP/IP connection is not open when the CPI application program tries to send a
message to the base system (or for some other reason the message is not actually

An error status is returned by one of the ACP Basic communication functions,

for example cpiSendMessage or cpiSendRtuMessage.

• MicroSCADA base system does not reply to the ACP data message:

The failed application connection is identified by the exception flags of the

cpiSelect function.

The function cpiGetTransmissionBuffer cannot get a new buffer if failed

transmission exists. It is therefore possible to retransmit or delete the message
that has failed.

• MicroSCADA base system replies with error status to the data message:
ABB Automation 9
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2 CPI Overview Configuration Manual

The application program can read the status of the reply message by using the
cpiGetReplyStatus function. In this case there is no automatic retransmission
mechanism included to the CPI retransmission mechanism. If the base system
replies with the error status message it usually does not help to retransmit the
same message again for it is very much possible that it replies with error status

2.6 Base System Configuration


Each base system has a set of objects that specify the base system and its environment,
hardware and software, as well as the physical and logical connections of the base
system and its applications.

Base system objects are defined with SCIL commands in the SYS_BASCON.COM
file, which is executed every time the base system is started. With a few limitations,
you can also define and modify base system objects any time when MicroSCADA is
running. During the operation, the base system objects are in the primary memory of
the base system computer.

The CPI application program emulates a RTU or SPA type of stations which means
that the interface towards the base system is similar as with an RTU or SPA stations.
The following describes the configuration of base system for CPI application program
which emulates RTU type of station. The CPI application program require a node of
its own. Communication between this node and the base system takes place via a LAN

Configuration Steps

To configure SYS_BASCON.COM:

 Define the base system.

 Define a LAN link.
 Define a node.
 Define a monitor.
 Define an application.
 Define the RTU stations. The number of RTU stations could be the same as the
number of connected process units. This way the information related to a certain
process unit can be routed to the corresponding station in the NET unit.
The definitions are made in the example below. For more information on the system
objects, see the System Objects manual.


The following is an example of SYS_BASCON.COM file for communication with

Modbus slave protocol. An application CPI_TEST together with two stations is
defined into MicroSCADA base system.

10 ABB Automation
1MRS751365-MEN CPI for MicroSCADA COM 500
Configuration Manual 2 CPI Overview




LI = 1,-
SA = 203)

#LOOP_WITH I = 1..5
@MON_MAP(%I) = -1
#LOOP_WITH I = 6..10
@MON_MAP(%I) = -1
AP = (1,2),-



ABB Automation 11
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2 CPI Overview Configuration Manual


ST = "RTU",-
ND = 3,-
TN = 1)
ST = "RTU",-
ND = 3,-
TN = 2)


12 ABB Automation
1MRS751365-MEN CPI for MicroSCADA COM 500
Configuration Manual 3 Creating Protocol Converters
with CPI

3 Creating Protocol Converters with CPI

3.1 General

3.2 Slave Devices Connected to MicroSCADA Base System via CPI

3.3 Master Device Connected to MicroSCADA Base System via CPI

3.1 General

When a protocol converter is implemented using the CPI library the work of the
project normally consists of following parts:

• The application programming required in the MicroSCADA.

• The program that utilizes the CPI library for data transfer with MicroSCADA
base system.

• The program that converts the messages between the foreign protocol and the
CPI application program.

• The program that handles the foreign protocol functions.

• An interface between the CPI part and the foreign protocol part of the program.

Furthermore the protocol converters done with CPI can be usually divided into two
categories. In the first case the MicroSCADA base system is seen as a master and the
slave devices connected via CPI are collecting data into the MicroSCADA process
database. In the second case the MicroSCADA base system is seen as a slave device
and data is sent from the MicroSCADA process database to the master via CPI. Use of
CPI and the work needed in different parts of the project differs significantly in these
two cases. The following chapters explain the differences and give information about
the possible solutions of implementing protocol converters with CPI.

ABB Automation 13
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3 Creating Protocol Converters Configuration Manual

with CPI

3.2 Slave Devices Connected to MicroSCADA Base System via CPI

When slave devices are connected to MicroSCADA base system via the CPI, the data
flow is typically from the slave devices into the MicroSCADA as shown in Table 8.
Only commands (eg. breaker operation) are transferred from the MicroSCADA base
system to the slave devices. From the MicroSCADA base system’s point of view the
slave devices are seen either as RTU or SPA type stations.


MicroSCADA Base System Configuration

CPI application is configured into the MicroSCADA base system as a node. This node
is placed on a TCP/IP LAN link. The devices connected to the CPI are configured as
RTU or SPA stations. More about Base System Configuration see Chapter 2.

Application Programming in MicroSCADA

The need for special application programming in this case is usually very small.
Library can be used to create the process database and the picture functions.

Data Transfer with MicroSCADA Base System Using CPI Library

The process data received from the slave devices can be sent to the MicroSCADA
process database using the following CPI functions (detailed descriptions of each

14 ABB Automation
1MRS751365-MEN CPI for MicroSCADA COM 500
Configuration Manual 3 Creating Protocol Converters
with CPI

function can be found in Chapter 4). Notation “XXX” means that there are several
functions with variable timestamps.

Indications: cpiSendRtuIndicationXXX
Analog values: cpiSendRtuAnalogValueXXX
Pulse counters: cpiSendRtuPulseCounterXXX
Digital values: cpiSendRtuDigitalValue
BitStream values: cpiSendRtuBitStream
The commands from the MicroSCADA Base System can be handled using the
following cpi function:


With this function it is possible to read the command object type, address and the
value. The object type of the command can be one of the following:

• Object command (binary output).

• Regulation command.

• Digital setpoint.

• Analog setpoint.

• General persistent output.

Converting Messages between CPI and the Foreign Protocol

For converting messages between CPI and the foreign protocol it is difficult to give
any specific instructions, but typically the following questions need to be answered:

• How does the addressing of the data differ from the MicroSCADA base system
addressing method? Is a cross-reference table needed or could it be possible to
map the addresses directly into the MicroSCADA base system address space?

• How closely do the data types of the foreign protocol match the available types in
the MicroSCADA base system? What kind of a conversion or scaling is needed?

• Is there a need for intermediate database in the CPI to reduce the data transfer
between the CPI application program and the MicroSCADA process database?

Implementation of the Foreign Protocol

Typically the foreign protocol is implemented as a separate thread (process), which

simplifies the program structure and makes it easier to handle time critical tasks in
both CPI part and the foreign protocol part of the program.

ABB Automation 15
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3 Creating Protocol Converters Configuration Manual

with CPI

Interface between the CPI Part and the Foreign Protocol Part of the

There are several ways of handling the communication between the CPI part and the
foreign protocol part of the program. The example program delivered with CPI
installation package named CPI_EXAMPLE uses common global variables for
transferring data between the program parts (threads).

3.3 Master Device Connected to MicroSCADA via CPI

When a master device is connected to MicroSCADA base system via the CPI, the data
flow is typically from the base system to the master as shown in Table 9. Only
commands (eg. breaker operation) are transferred from the master into the
MicroSCADA base system. It is suggested that CPI application program will emulate
RP570 slave device (SPI) as close as possible, to be able to use the existing
applications in MicroSCADA base system for data transfer between MicroSCADA
base system and the CPI application program (COM500).



MicroSCADA Base System Configuration

CPI application is configured into the MicroSCADA base system as a node. This node
is placed on a TCP/IP LAN link. The master device connected to the CPI is configured
as RTU or SPA station although the behaviour resembles more the SPI station. More
about Base System Configuration see Chapter 2.
16 ABB Automation
1MRS751365-MEN CPI for MicroSCADA COM 500
Configuration Manual 3 Creating Protocol Converters
with CPI

Application Programming in MicroSCADA

The application program in the MicroSCADA must take care of forwarding the data
from the process database to the CPI application program. This is usually done using
event channels in the process objects that are connected to command procedures. The
commands from the master are received into input process objects activating a
command procedure that will then operate the actual output process object. When the
interface to the CPI is done according the SPI (RP570 Slave device) profile, it is
possible to use the existing command procedures and tools (COM500). See
MicroSCADA System Objects manual for details of SPI station attribute interface.

Data Transfer with MicroSCADA Using CPI Library

The data received from the MicroSCADA can be unpacked with the following CPI
functions (detailed descriptions of each function can be found in Chapter 4):







The commands received from the master can be sent to MicroSCADA base system by
using the following CPI function:


Converting the Messages between the CPI and the Foreign


For converting the messages between the CPI application program and the foreign
protocol is difficult to give any specific instructions, but typically the following
questions need to be answered:

• How does the addressing of the data differ from the MicroSCADA base system
addressing method? Do we need a cross-reference table or can we map the
addresses directly into the MicroSCADA base system address space?

• How closely do the data types of the foreign protocol match the available types in
the MicroSCADA base system? What kind of a conversion or scaling is needed?

• Is there a need for intermediate database in the CPI to reduce the data transfer
between the CPI application and the MicroSCADA process database?

ABB Automation 17
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3 Creating Protocol Converters Configuration Manual

with CPI

Implementation of the Foreign Protocol

Typically the foreign protocol is implemented as a separate thread (process), which

simplifies the program structure and makes it easier to handle time critical tasks in
both CPI part and the foreign protocol part of the program.

Interface between the CPI Part and the Foreign Protocol Part of the

There are several ways of handling the communication between the CPI part and the
foreign protocol part of the program. The example program delivered with CPI
installation package named CPI_EXAMPLE uses common global variables for
transferring data between the program parts (threads).

18 ABB Automation
1MRS751365-MEN CPI for MicroSCADA COM 500
Configuration Manual 4 CPI Library

4 CPI Library

4.1 Basic ACP Communications

4.2 Communication Control Services

4.3 Message Filtering Services

4.4 RTU and SPA Process Data Sending Functions

4.5 Generic ACP Packet Building

4.6 ACP Packet Unpacking

4.7 Communication Supervision

4.8 Buffer Management

4.9 Initialisations

4.10 Bitset Functions


CPI library is a collection of functions for sending and receiving messages between
MicroSCADA and the CPI application, and also for message handling, packing and
unpacking. The functions contained CPI library are specified in this chapter. A list of
the program files is presented in Table 10 below:
File Name Description
cpint.lib Microsoft Developer Studio Win32 Static Library file
cpi.h Header file for the CPI functions
cpicl.h CPI internal definition, type and function header file
bufms.h CPI buffer handling definitions

Part of the definition file cpi.h, which contains the definition for different data types:
typedef int cpiMsgID;
typedef unsigned char cpiObjectType;
/* Object type numbers are same as in the ACP */
#define cpiU8 0
#define cpiS8 1
#define cpiU16 2
#define cpiS16 3
#define cpiU32 4
#define cpiS32 5
#define cpiF32 6
#define cpiADDR 7
#define cpiBV 8
#define cpiB 9

typedef struct {
cpiObjectType ObjectType;
unsigned int ObjectAddress;
int ObjectValue;

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4 CPI Library Configuration Manual

typedef struct {
cpiDataType item_type;
union { /* this definition is cpu specific */
unsigned char U8;
unsigned char S8;
unsigned short int U16;
short int S16;
unsigned long int U32;
unsigned int S32;
float F32;
unsigned short A;
addressItem ADDR;
} value;

/* Message types */
#define cpiWRMSG 1
#define cpiRDMSG 2
#define cpiRPMSG 3
#define cpiNOTIF 4
typedef struct {
unsigned char (year,month,day,hour,minute,second,ms)
} cpiTime;

4.1 Basic ACP Communications

The communication between the MicroSCADA base system and the NET unit is
based on the ACP, MicroSCADA internal communication protocol.
Function Description
cpiSelect Checks the status of the TCP/IP socket.
cpiException Determines the cause of exception.
cpiSendMessage Sends an ACP formatted message to MicroSCADA.
cpiSendRtuMessage Sends an ACP formatted message to MicroSCADA
from RTU.
cpiSendSystemMessage Sends a system message from any device.
cpiGetMessage Reads an ACP formatted message from the received
message queue.


This function checks the TCP/IP socket if there are any messages coming from the
base system application and if there are any connections ready for writing. It also
returns information if any of the connections have failed or any message has not got a
reply in time. Some of the communication between the base system and application is
actually done inside this function, so it must be called in the main loop of the CPI
application. The cpiSelect function returns when one of the specified input
connections has received a message or at least after the specified time.

When this function is called, its arguments specify which connections we are
interested in. Then the function modifies the arguments to indicate the status of each


RD WR EX Description
bit0 bit0 bit0 connection 1 flags
bit1 bit1 bit1 connection 2 flags
bit2 bit2 bit2 connection 3 flags

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RD Bit is set when CPI has received a message from this connection.

WR Bit is set when CPI does not waiting any reply from this connection.

EX Bit is set when CPI has lost this connection or data message does not get
reply from this connection. The actual cause of exception can be
determined by using cpiException function.

int cpiSelect(cpiBitSet *RD, cpiBitSet *WR, cpiBitSet *EX, long MS);

RD Received message flags (max 16 connections)

WR Ready for writing flags
EX Failed connections flags
MS Max. waiting time in milliseconds

Return values:
0 : OK


This function determines the cause of exception (cpiSelect EX flags).

int cpiException(int CONNECTION);

Return values:
1 : TCP/IP error
- Connection to this node has been lost
2 : No reply error
- Message sent by CPI has not got a reply from MicroSCADA
6 : Application error
- Message sent by CPI has been a reply with error status from MicroSCADA


This function sends an ACP formatted message to MicroSCADA. Before using this
function the message buffer must be reserved by using the functions
cpiGetTransmissionBuffer or GetReplyBuffer, and formatted by using some of the
cpiPutXXXData functions presented in Chapter 4.5.2 Data Filling Functions.
(Notation XXX means, that any function of this type is available.)

int cpiSendMessage(int DESTIN, cpiMsgID ID, int TIMEOUT);

DESTIN Destination connection number
ID Message buffer identification
TIMEOUT Waiting time for the base system reply in milliseconds,
if 0 -> no time-out supervision

Return values:
0 : OK
-2 : Invalid MsgID ; the buffer ID is not free, or it is unknown


This function sends an ACP formatted message to MicroSCADA from RTU. Before
using this function the message buffer must be reserved by using the function
cpiGetTransmissionBuffer and formatted by using some of the cpiPutXXXData
functions presented in Chapter 4.5.2 Data Filling Functions. (Notation XXX means,
that any function of this type is available.)
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int cpiSendRtuMessage(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, cpiMsgID ID, int TIMEOUT);

DESTIN Destination connection number
SOURCE Source RTU number
ID Message buffer identification
TIMEOUT Waiting time for the base system reply in milliseconds,
if 0 -> no time-out supervision

Return values:
0 : OK
-2 : Invalid MsgID


The following function can be used to send a system message from any device.
int cpiSendSystemMessage(int con, int source, int address, int dataValid, short
source Source logical device, the following macro should be used to
calculate the value LOGICAL_ADDRESS(deviceType,deviceNumber)
;Sending NET1 line status 12602 to address 6103:


This function reads an ACP formatted message from the received message queue.

This function must not be called before the unpacking of the previous message is
completely ready, because the data of the previous message is overwritten by this

int cpiGetMessage( int SOURCE, cpiMsgID *ID, *MSGTYPE);

SOURCE Source connection number
ID Message buffer identification
MSGTYPE Type of the received message,
1=write, 2=read, 3=reply, 4= notification

Return values:
0 : OK
-4 : No messages from this source

4.2 Communication Control Services

These functions control the failed message transmission.

Function Description
cpiGetFailedMessage Returns the ID of the failed message.
cpiRetransmitMessage Retransmits the message, which is in the failed
message queue.
cpiGiveUp Deletes a message from the failed message queue.

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This function returns the id of the failed message. The failed message has not got a
reply from the application.

int cpiGetFailedMessage(int DESTIN, cpiMsgID *ID);

ID Id for failed message
DESTIN Destination connection number

Return values:
0 : OK
-4 : Not any failed messages in this connection


This function retransmits the message, which is in the failed message queue.

int cpiRetransmit(cpiMsgId ID);

Return values:
0 : OK, the retransmission started
-2 : Invalid MsgID


This function deletes a message from the failed message queue.

int cpiGiveUp(cpiMsgId ID);

Return values:
0 : OK
-2 : Invalid MsgID

4.3 Message Filtering Services

Normally only the messages from the base system to station devices (RTU,SPA)
configured in the CPI application node are visible for the CPI functions. To be able to
emulate a conventional NET unit operation there is a need to access also messages
directed to the CPI application node itself (NET object). This filtering can be
controlled and monitored with the following functions.

When the filtering is switched off, all messages except diagnostic messages (NET
object attribute names NS and DS are reserved for CPI internal use) directed to CPI
node are passed through the interface and can be further processed with CPI functions.
Function Description
cpiNetMessageFiltering Monitors filtering of messages sent by the base
cpiSetNetMessageFiltering Controls filtering of messages sent by the base

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Monitors filtering of messages sent by the base system. The current state of the
filtering can be read by this function.
int cpiNetMessageFiltering();

Return values:
0 = off
1 = on


Controls filtering of messages sent by the base system.

void cpiNetMessageFiltering(int value);

0 = off
1 = on (default)

4.4 RTU and SPA Process Data Sending Functions

The following functions are a sort of “automatic” functions for building and sending
certain ACP messages to the MicroSCADA process database. Each 6HQG function
reserves a buffer for message, fills it and sends it to the base system.

Each one of the following functions can also be made manually, instructions for this
can be found in sections 4.5 Generic ACP Packet Building and 4.6 ACP Packet

4.4.1 RTU – Application Level Data Transmission Services

The RTU Object Model is based on an REMHFW W\SH and REMHFW EORFN QXPEHU
concept, see Application objects manual chapter 3. for further details. For input
process data the object block number range is [1…255]. For commands (from the
MicroSCADA application to the CPI application) the range is [1…2047].

Function Description
cpiSendRtuStatusMessage Sends an ACP formatted notification message to
cpiSendRtuIndication Sends indication values to the base system process
cpiSendRtuIndicationBlock Sends indication value block to the base system
process database.
cpiSendRtuIndicationWithTS Sends the indication values with timestamp to the
base system process database.
cpiSendRtuAnalogValue Sends an analog value to the base system process
cpiSendRtuAnalogValueWithTS Sends an analog value with timestamp to the base
system process database.
cpiSendRtuPulseCounter Sends a pulse counter value to the base system
process database.
cpiSendRtuPulseCounterWithTS Sends a pulse counter value with timestamp to the
base system process database.

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Function Description
cpiSendRtuBitStream Sends a bit string to the process object database of
the base system.


This function sends an ACP formatted notification message to MicroSCADA. The

reply to this message is not expected.

int cpiSendRtuStatusMessage(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int STYPE, int DATAVALID,

short STATUS );
DESTIN Destination connection number
SOURCE Source RTU number
STYPE Status type
0 -> Device status message
1 -> Terminal status message
2 -> Terminal event message
3 -> Terminal message
DATAVALID 0 -> data is not longer valid in this RTU.
1-> data is valid in this RTU
STATUS Status code

Return values:
0 : OK
-13 : No buffer -> CPI can not get a buffer for the message

After starting the application program (the connections to the base systems and the remote
RTU should be established) it is important to send the system status message to the base
system. The status parameter is OK (or STARTED) and the DATAVALID parameter is
TRUE. The base system marks the object status of the process data of the source RTU to
OK (OS=0) or OBSOLETE_STATUS (OS=2) based on the DATAVALID parameter.

Following status codes are valid when frontend emulates RTU device (refer to Status
Codes manual):


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The purpose of this status message is to indicate that the CPI application program
considers the RTU connection to be working properly. This should always be sent
right after the startup situation, when a connection has been established. After the
communication break it should also be sent, when the connection has been re-


When the CPI application program activates an RTU device image for process
communication, this is the first system message to be sent. It indicates that the CPI
application program does not currently have the connection to this RTU (but it is
trying to establish it since this is the RTU connection startup situation).

It is also sent when the CPI application program detects that the connection to a
certain RTU is lost. The DATAVALID parameter is set to false to indicate that the
process database image of this RTU is no longer valid (see above).


This status message indicates that to the message initiated from a MicroSCADA
application was not reacted by the RTU. Note, that this means no response
whatsoever. The negative acknowledgements are handled by the "Not executed
response" status code.


The CPI RTU device image is "stopped" by setting its "IU" -attribute to zero. This
means that the connection to the RTU is orderly disconnected. When this is done, the
RTU image should send this status message to the MicroSCADA application. The
DATAVALID flag should be set to FALSE since the updating of the MicroSCADA
process database now stops from this RTU image.


When the "IU" attribute of a device is set to one (1) the RTU image should respond by
this system message. If this is the first time after startup the RTU image is started the
DATAVALID should be set to FALSE. If the RTU image receives an "IU" attribute
while the device connection is OK, the DATAVALID is set to TRUE.


If the MicroSCADA application attempts to update an attribute with an invalid index

(e.g. index equal to 5 when the highest allowed index is 4), the RTU image responds
with this status message.

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The RTU image responds with this status message for attempts to read values from
attributes that only can be written. A typical example might be some of the command
type attributes.


This status message is sent to the MicroSCADA application when the RTU responds
with negative acknowledge to the command from the application.


This status message indicates the attempts to write an invalid value to an RTU image
attribute, e.g. a text value to an integer type attribute.






This function sends indication value to the base system process database.

int cpiSendRtuIndication(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int BLOCK, int BIT, int VAL,
int STATUS, int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);
DESTIN Destination connection number
SOURCE Source RTU number
BLOCK Object address of the process object
BIT Bit number destination word (0..15)
VAL Value of bit 0,1 for single indications, 10,11,12,13 for double
BVAL 16 bit value
TS Timestamp
TIMEOUT Timeout in ms;
STATUS Status code for data (0= ok)

Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : buffer full, the filling of ACP message has been failed
-13 : cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : connection waiting
The sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has not
been received
-22 : Invalid value


This function sends indication value block to the base system process database.
int cpiSendRtuIndicationBlock(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int BLOCK, int BVAL,
int STATUS, int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);
DESTIN Destination connection number
SOURCE Source RTU number

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BLOCK Object address of the process object

BIT Bit number destination word (0..15)
VAL Value of bit 0,1 for single indications, 10,11,12,13 for double
BVAL 16 bit value
TS Timestamp
TIMEOUT Timeout in ms;
STATUS Status code for data (0= ok)

Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : buffer full, the filling of ACP message has been failed
-13 : cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : connection waiting
The sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has not
been received
-22 : Invalid value


This function sends indication value with timestamp to the base system process
int cpiSendRtuIndicationWithTS(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int BLOCK, int BIT,
int VAL, cpiTime TS, int STATUS, int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);
DESTIN Destination connection number
SOURCE Source RTU number
BLOCK Object address of the process object
BIT Bit number destination word (0..15)
VAL Value of bit 0,1 for single indications, 10,11,12,13 for double
BVAL 16 bit value
TS Timestamp
TIMEOUT Timeout in ms;
STATUS Status code for data (0= ok)

Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : buffer full, the filling of ACP message has been failed
-13 : cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : connection waiting
The sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has not
been received
-22 : Invalid value


This function sends an analog value to the base system process database.

int cpiSendRtuAnalogValue(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int BLOCK, int VAL,int

int FLAGS, int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);

DESTIN Destination connection number

SOURCE Source RTU number
BLOCK Object address of process object
VAL Value of an analog value, the value range is [-2000...+2000].
Incoming values must be scaled to this range.
TS Timestamp
TIMEOUT Timeout in ms;
STATUS Status code for data (0= ok)
FLAGS Status flags of analog value process objects
bit0 -> Lo Alarm flag
bit1 -> Lo Warning flag
bit2 -> Hi Warning flag
bit3 -> Hi Alarm flag

Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : buffer full, the filling of ACP message has been failed
-13 : cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : connection waiting

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The sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has not
been received
-22 : Invalid value


This function sends an analog value with timestamp to the base system process
int cpiSendRtuAnalogValueWithTS(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int BLOCK, int VAL,
cpiTime TS, int STATUS, int FLAGS, int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);

DESTIN Destination connection number

SOURCE Source RTU number
BLOCK Object address of process object
VAL Value of an analog value, the value range is [-2000...+2000].
Incoming values must be scaled to this range.
TS Timestamp
TIMEOUT Timeout in ms;
STATUS Status code for data (0= ok)
FLAGS Status flags of analog value process objects
bit0 -> Lo Alarm flag
bit1 -> Lo Warning flag
bit2 -> Hi Warning flag
bit3 -> Hi Alarm flag

Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : buffer full, the filling of ACP message has been failed
-13 : cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : connection waiting
The sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has not
been received
-22 : Invalid value


This function sends a pulse counter value to the base system process database.

int cpiSendRtuPulseCounter(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int BLOCK, long VAL,int

STATUS, int FLAGS, int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);
DESTIN Destination connection number
SOURCE Source RTU number
BLOCK Object address of the process object
VAL Value of the pulse counter
TS Timestamp
TIMEOUT Timeout in milliseconds
STATUS Status code for data (0= ok)
FLAGS Status flags of the pulse counter process objects
bit4 -> End of the period flag

Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : Buffer full, the filling of ACP message has been failed
-13 : Cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : Connection waiting
-The sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has not
been received
-22 : Invalid value


This function sends a pulse counter value with timestamp to the base system process
int cpiSendRtuPulseCounterWithTS(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int BLOCK, long VAL,
cpiTime TS, int STATUS, int FLAGS, int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);
DESTIN Destination connection number

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SOURCE Source RTU number

BLOCK Object address of the process object
VAL Value of the pulse counter
TS Timestamp
TIMEOUT Timeout in milliseconds
STATUS Status code for data (0= ok)
FLAGS Status flags of the pulse counter process objects
bit4 -> End of the period flag

Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : Buffer full, the filling of ACP message has been failed
-13 : Cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : Connection waiting
-The sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has not
been received
-22 : Invalid value


This function sends a bit string to the process object database of the base system.

int cpiSendRtuBitStream(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int ADDR, int LEN, char
int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);
DESTIN Destination connection number
SOURCE Source RTU number
ADDR Address of the process object
LEN Length of bitstream in bits !!
STREAM Array of bits stored on the char array (Bitstream begins from bit0 of
first char)
TIMEOUT Timeout in milliseconds
FLAGS Status flags of the pulse counter process objects
bit4 -> End of the period flag

Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : Buffer full, the length of the bit stream is too long.

4.4.2 SPA - Application Level Data Transmission Services

The following functions reserve a buffer for a message, fill and send it from SPA type
device to the base system.
Function Description
cpiSendSpaAnalogValueWithTS Sends an analog value with timestamp to the base
system process database.
cpiSendSpaAnalogValue Sends an analog value to the base system
process database.
cpiSendSpaDigitalValueWithTS Sends a digital value with timestamp to the base
system process database.
cpiSendSpaDigitalValue Sends a digital value to the base system process
cpiSendSpaIndicationWithTS Sends the indication value with timestamp to the
base system process database.
cpiSendSpaIndicationBlockWithTS Sends the indication value block with timestamp to
the base system process database.
cpiSendSpaIndication Sends indication value to the base system process
cpiSendSpaIndicationBlock Sends indication value block to the base system
process database.
cpiSendSpaPulseCounterWithTS Sends a pulse counter value with timestamp to the
base system process database.

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Function Description
cpiSendSpaStatusMessage Sends an ACP formatted notification message to
cpiSendSpaMessage Sends an ACP formatted message to
MicroSCADA from SPA.


This function sends an analog value with timestamp to the base system process

int cpiSendSpaAnalogValueWithTS(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int BLOCK, float VAL,

cpiTime TS, int STATUS, int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);

DESTIN Destination connection number

SOURCE Source SPA number
BLOCK Object address of process object
VAL Value of an analog value
TS Timestamp
TIMEOUT Timeout in milliseconds
STATUS Status code for data (0= ok)

Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : Buffer full, the filling of ACP message failed
-13 : Cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : Connection waiting
-The sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has
not been received
-22 : Invalid value


This function sends an analog value without timestamp to the base system process
int cpiSendSpaAnalogValue(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int BLOCK, float VAL, int
DESTIN Destination connection number
SOURCE Source SPA number
BLOCK Object address of the process object
VAL Value of an analog value
TIMEOUT Timeout in milliseconds
STATUS Status code for data (0 = ok)

Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : Buffer full, the filling of ACP message failed
-13 : Cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : Connection waiting
-The sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has
not been received
-22 : Invalid value


This function sends a digital value with timestamp to the base system process
int cpiSendSpaDigitalValueWithTS(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int BLOCK, int VAL,
cpiTime TS, int STATUS, int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);
DESTIN Destination connection number
SOURCE Source SPA number
BLOCK Object address of the process object
VAL Digital value
TS Timestamp

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TIMEOUT Timeout in milliseconds

STATUS Status code for data (0 = ok)

Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : Buffer full, the filling of ACP message failed
-13 : Cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : Connection waiting
-The sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has
not been received
-22 : Invalid value


This function sends a digital value without timestamp to the base system process

int cpiSendSpaDigitalValue(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int BLOCK, int VAL,

int STATUS, int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);

DESTIN Destination connection number

SOURCE Source SPA number
BLOCK Object address of process object
VAL Digital value
TS Timestamp
TIMEOUT Timeout in ms;
STATUS Status code for data (0= ok)

Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : buffer full, the filling of ACP message failed
-13 : cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : connection waiting
-the sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has
not been received
-22 : Invalid value


This function sends the indication value with timestamp to the base system process

int cpiSendSpaIndicationWithTS(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int BLOCK, int BIT,

int VAL, cpiTime TS, int STATUS, int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);
DESTIN Destination connection number
SOURCE Source SPA number
BLOCK Object address of process object
BIT Bit number destination word (0..15)
VAL Value of bit 0,1 for single indications,
10,11,12,13 for double indications
BVAL 16 bit value
TS Timestamp
TIMEOUT Timeout in ms;
STATUS Status code for data (0= ok)

Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : buffer full, the filling of ACP message failed
-13 : cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : connection waiting
-the sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has
not been received
-22 : Invalid value

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This function sends the indication value block with timestamp to the base system
process database.
int cpiSendSpaIndicationBlockWithTS(int DESTIN, int SOURCE,
int BLOCK, int BVAL, cpiTime TS, int STATUS, int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);

DESTIN Destination connection number

SOURCE Source SPA number
BLOCK Object address of process object
BIT Bit number destination word (0..15)
VAL Value of bit 0,1 for single indications,
10,11,12,13 for double indications
BVAL 16 bit value
TS Timestamp
TIMEOUT Timeout in ms;
STATUS Status code for data (0= ok)

Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : buffer full, the filling of ACP message failed
-13 : cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : connection waiting
-the sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has
not been received
-22 : Invalid value


This function sends an indication value to the base system process database.
int cpiSendSpaIndication(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int BLOCK, int BIT,
int VAL, int STATUS, int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);
DESTIN Destination connection number
SOURCE Source SPA number
BLOCK Object address of process object
BIT Bit number destination word (0..15)
VAL Value of bit 0,1 for single indications,
10,11,12,13 for double indications
BVAL 16 bit value
TIMEOUT Timeout in ms;
STATUS Status code for data (0= ok)

Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : Buffer full, the filling of ACP message failed
-13 : Cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : Connection waiting
-The sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has
not been received
-22 : Invalid value


This function sends an indication value block to the base system process database.
int cpiSendSpaIndicationBlock(int DESTIN, int SOURCE,
int BLOCK, int BVAL, int STATUS, int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);
DESTIN Destination connection number
SOURCE Source SPA number
BLOCK Object address of process object
BIT Bit number destination word (0..15)
VAL Value of bit 0,1 for single indications,
10,11,12,13 for double indications
BVAL 16 bit value
TIMEOUT Timeout in ms;
STATUS Status code for data (0= ok)

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Return values:
0 : OK
-7 : Buffer full, the filling of ACP message failed
-13 : Cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : Connection waiting
-The sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has
not been received
-22 : Invalid value


This function sends a pulse counter value with timestamp to the base system process
int cpiSendSpaPulseCounterWithTS(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int BLOCK,
long VAL, cpiTime TS, int STATUS, int TIMEOUT, cpiMsgID *ID);

DESTIN Destination connection number

SOURCE Source SPA number
BLOCK Object address of process object
VAL Value of the pulse counter
TS Timestamp
TIMEOUT Timeout in milliseconds
STATUS Status code for data (0 = ok)

Return values:
0 OK
-7 : Buffer full, the filling of ACP message failed
-13 : Cannot get buffer for transmission message
-20 : Connection waiting
-The sending failed because the reply for previously sent message has
not been received
-22 : Invalid value


This function sends an ACP formatted notification message to MicroSCADA.

int cpiSendSpaStatusMessage(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, int STYPE,
int DATAVALID, short STATUS );
DESTIN Destination connection number
SOURCE Source SPA number
STYPE Status type
0 -> Device status message
1 -> Terminal status message
2 -> Terminal event message
3 -> Terminal message
DATAVALID 0 -> Data is not longer valid in this spa unit.
1-> Data is valid in this spa
STATUS Status code

Return values:
0 : OK
-13 : No buffer -> cpi cannot get buffer for message

Following status codes are valid when frontend emulates SPA device (refer to Status
Codes manual):




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This function sends an ACP formatted message to MicroSCADA from SPA. Before
using this function the message buffer must be reserved by using the function
cpiGetTransmissionBuffer and formatted by using some of the cpiPutXXXData
functions presented in Chapter 4.5.2 Data Filling Functions. (Notation XXX means,
that any function of this type is available.)
int cpiSendSpaMessage(int DESTIN, int SOURCE, cpiMsgID ID, int TIMEOUT);
DESTIN Destination connection number
SOURCE Source SPA number
ID Message buffer identification
TIMEOUT Waiting time for the base system reply in milliseconds,
0-> no time-out supervision

Return values:
0 : OK
-2 : Invalid MsgID

4.5 Generic ACP Packet Building

All of the functions for sending RTU or SPA process data presented in previous
section can be done manually using the following functions. With them it is possible

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to build up messages also for special purposes - usually when functions needed does
not exist. A situation like this can be for example when the several analog values need
to be sent in a single message.

Before any of the following packet building functions can be called, the buffer, where
message is going to be built up, must be reserved by using cpiGetTransmissionBuffer

4.5.1 Message Header Information

To be able to emulate a conventional NET unit operation the following functions can
be used for setting freely the logical destination and source.

Function Description
cpiPutSource Sets the logical source of the message
cpiPutDestination Sets the logical destination of the message


With this function the logical source of the message can be set.
int cpiPutSource(cpiMsgID id, int SOURCE)
SOURCE Source logical device, the following macro should be used to
calculate the value LOGICAL_ADDRESS(deviceType, deviceNumber)
;Setting the logical source for NET1:

Return values:
0 : OK
-5 : Unknown Message ID


With this function the logical destination of the message can be set.
int cpiPutDestination(cpiMsgID id, int DESTINATION)
DESTINATION Destination logical device, the following macro should be used to
calculate the value LOGICAL_ADDRESS(deviceType,deviceNumber)
;Setting the logical destination for APL1:

Return values:
0 : OK
-5 : Unknown Message ID

4.5.2 Data Filling Functions

ACP message can be filled with the process data by using the following functions.

Function Description
cpiPutData Puts data to the ACP message.
cpiPutRtuData Puts the process data with status to the ACP

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Function Description
cpiPutRtuDataWithoutStatus Puts the process data without status to the ACP
cpiPutRtuDataWithTS Puts the process data with timestamp to the ACP

The object type determines also the type of the value. If object type is
0 = NO_OBJCET_TYPE type of value is free.


Puts data to the ACP message. Refer to Table 10 andfile cpi.h.

int cpiPutData(cpiMsgID id, cpiData *data)


This function puts the process data with status to the ACP message.
int cpiPutRtuData (cpiMsgID ID, cpiObjectType OT, int BLOCK, cpiData VAL, int
ID Identification number for message
OT Object type of RTU process object
BLOCK Object address of RTU process object (1 ... 255)
VAL Value for process object
TS Time stamp
STATUS Status code
0 -> OK

Return values:
0 : OK
-2 : Invalid MsgID
-7 : Message buffer is full, putting of the data has not succeeded


This function puts the process data without status to the ACP message.
int cpiPutRtuDataWithoutStatus(cpiMsgID ID, cpiObjectType OT, int BLOCK,
cpiData VAL);

ID Identification number for message

OT Object type of RTU process object
BLOCK Object address of RTU process object (1 ... 255)
VAL Value for process object
TS Time stamp
STATUS Status code
0 -> OK

Return values:
0 : OK
-2 : Invalid MsgID
-7 : Message buffer is full, putting of the data has not succeeded


This function puts the process data with timestamp to the ACP message.
38 ABB Automation
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int cpiPutRtuDataWithTS (cpiMsgID ID, cpiObjectType OT, int BLOCK, cpiData

VAL, cpiTime TS, int STATUS);
ID Identification number for message
OT Object type of RTU process object
BLOCK Object address of RTU process object (1 ... 255)
VAL Value for process object
TS Time stamp
STATUS Status code
0 -> OK

Return values:
0 : OK
-2 : Invalid MsgID
-7 : Message buffer is full, putting of the data has not succeeded

4.5.3 Reply Status Filling Functions

Function Description
cpiPutReplyStatus Puts the status of the reply to the reply message


The following function puts the status of the reply to the reply message. If the reply
status is OK, there is no need to use this function.
int cpiPutReplyStatus (cpiMsgID ID, int STATUS);
ID Identification number for message
STATUS Status code

Return values:
0 : OK
-2 : invalid MsgID

4.6 ACP Packet Unpacking

The message arrived from MicroSCADA base system can be unpacked by the
following functions.

4.6.1 Message Header Information

The following functions are used to read the header information of the received
message. See also the Chapter 2.4.

Function Description
cpiGetDestination Reads the station address of the destination node
from the message (CPI application node).
cpiGetSource Reads the station address of the source node from the
message (MicroSCADA node).
cpiGetRtuNo Reads the station number from the message.
cpiGetAttribute Reads the attribute from the message.
cpiGetIndex Reads the index from the message.
cpiGetReplyStatus Reads the reply status of the message.
cpiGetReplyDefinition Reads the reply definition of the message.
cpiGetMessageType Reads the type of the incoming message.
cpiGetMessageLength Reads the length of the received message.
cpiGetDeviceType Retrieves the logical device type message.
cpiGetDeviceNumber Retrieves the logical device number message.

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This function reads the station address of the destination node from the message (CPI
application node).
int cpiGetDestination( cpiMsgID ID, int *DESTIN);
ID Identification number for the message
DESTIN The CPI application node station address

Return values:
0 : OK
-5 : Invalid message buffer


This function reads the station address of the source node from the message
(MicroSCADA node).
int cpiGetSource( cpiMsgID ID, int *SOURCE);

ID Identification number for the message

SOURCE Station address of the source

Return values:
0 : OK
-5 : Invalid message buffer


This function checks which RTU station the message is meant to.
int cpiGetRtuNo(cpiMsgID ID, int *RTU);
ID Identification number for the message
REPLYID Id of the message which response this reply message is
STATUS Status of the reply
HEADER Header information of the message
MSGTYPE Type of the incoming message
LENGTH Length of the received message (whole ACP message)

Return values:
0 : OK
-5 : Invalid message buffer


This function reads the attribute of the message.

int cpiGetAttribute( cpiMsgID ID, char *ATTRIBUTE);
ID Identification number for the message
ATTRIBUTE Attribute of the message

Return values:
0 : OK
-5 : Invalid message buffer


This function reads the index of the message.

int cpiGetIndex( cpiMsgID ID, int *FIRST, int *LAST);
ID Identification number for the message
FIRST First index of the message
LAST Last index of the message

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Return values:
0 : OK
-5 : Invalid message buffer


This function reads the reply status of the message.

int cpiGetReplyStatus( cpiMsgID ID, cpiMsgID *REPLYID, int *STATUS);
ID Identification number for the message
REPLYID Id of the message which response this reply message is
STATUS Status of the reply

Return values:
0 : OK
-5 : Invalid message buffer


This function reads the reply definition of the message.

int cpiGetReplyDefinition(cpiMsgID ID, cpiMsgHeader *HEADER);
ID Identification number for the message
HEADER Header information of the message

Return values:
0 : OK
-5 : Invalid message buffer


This function reads the type of the message.

int cpiGetMessageType (cpiMsgID ID, int *MSGTYPE); 1=write, 2=read, 3=reply, 4=
ID Identification number for the message
MSGTYPE Type of the incoming message

Return values:
0 : OK
-5 : Invalid message buffer


This function reads the length of the message.

int cpiGetMessageLength (cpiMsgID ID, int *LENGTH);
ID Identification number for the message
LENGTH Length of the received message (whole ACP message)

Return values:
0 : OK
-5 : Invalid message buffer


A new function will be implemented to retrieve the logical device type message.
int cpiGetDeviceType(cpiMsgID *msg, int *deviceType)

Return values (constants defined in cpi.h):


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A new function will be implemented to retrieve the logical number message.

int cpiGetDeviceNumber(cpiMsgID *msg, int *deviceNumber)

Return values:
0 : OK
-1 : If fails

4.6.2 Data Scanning Functions

The data part of the message can be unpacked with the following functions.

Function Description
cpiGetNextData Reads the next data item from the received message
cpiGetNextDataType Reads the type of next item in message
cpiGetNextS32Data Reads the next item from the message
cpiGetTimeData Retrieves the time information from the message
written in RTU_ATIME format.


The following function reads the next data item from the received message. The
function is used to read items one by one from the message to the cpiData structure.
The function returns the value of the same type as the values in the message. Because
the type of data may vary between messages, the type information of cpiData must be
used when data of message is used by CPI application program.
int cpiGetNextData (cpiMsgID ID, cpiData *VAL);
VAL Value (structure!)

Return values:
0 : OK
-1 : Connection error, reading of the next item from the message has failed for
some reason. More detailed reason can be read from the global variable
cpi_errno. The explanation for cpi_errno values can be read from the
Status Codes manual.
-2 : Invalid MsgID
-10 : No data items left in the buffer


This function reads the type of the next item in the message. The function does not
remove item from the message.
int cpiGetNextDataType (cpiMsgID ID, cpiDataType *VAL);
VAL Value

Return values:
0 : OK
-1 : Connection error, reading of the next item from the message has failed for
some reason. More detailed reason can be read from the global variable
cpi_errno. The explanation for cpi_errno values can be read from Status
Codes manual
-2 : Invalid MsgID

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-10 : No data items left in buffer


The following function reads the next item from the message. The item is converted to
the long type. The items of the binary type are not possible to read by using this
int cpiGetNextS32Data (cpiMsgID ID, long *VAL);
VAL Value

Return values:
0 : OK
-1 : Connection error, the reading of next item from message has been failed
for some reason. More detailed reason can be read from the global
variable cpi_errno. The explanation for cpi_errno values can be
read from the Status Codes manual
-2 : Invalid MsgID
-10 : No data items left in the buffer


This function can be used to retrieve the time information from the message written in
RTU_ATIME format.
int cpiGetTimeData(cpiMsg *msg, cpiTime *time);

Return values:
0 if ok
-1 if fails

4.6.3 RTU Commands General Handling

This function can be used to read command data from the message.
Function Description
cpiGetNextAddrData Reads the next Address Type item from the message


The following function reads the next Address Type item from the message. This can
be used for unpacking the process commands from the MicroSCADA, which are sent
via the process database. All of the commands that are sent via MicroSCADA process
database use the DA attribute and the Address Type data item. The data is divided into
the three parts: the object type, the object address and the object value.

int cpiGetNextAddrData (cpiMsgID ID, cpiData *VAL);

VAL Value (structure!)

Return values:
0 : OK
-1 : Connection error, the reading of the next item from the message has been
failed for some reason. More detailed reason can be read from the global
the manual Status Codes
-2 : Invalid MsgID

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-10 : No data items left in buffer

Example of use:
cpiGetAttribute(id, AT);
if (!strcmp(AT,"DA"))
/* compare AT to see if it is DA = command via process database*/
i = 0;
printf("DA message received \n");
while(cpiGetNextAddrData (id, &data) == 0) {
printf(" OT = %d", data.value.ADDR.ObjectType );
printf(" OA = %d", data.value.ADDR.ObjectAddress);
printf(" OV = %d\n", data.value.ADDR.ObjectValue);
switch(data.value.ADDR.ObjectType) {
printf("Object Command received\n");
switch(data.value.ADDR.ObjectValue) {
case 0: printf("IMMEDIATE COMMAND OFF \n"); break;
case 1: printf("IMMEDIATE COMMAND ON \n"); break;
case 16: printf("INHIBIT COMMAND \n"); break;
case 17: printf("CHECK BACK COMMAND \n"); break;
case 32: printf("EXECUTE COMMAND OFF \n"); break;
case 33: printf("EXECUTE COMMAND ON \n"); break;
printf("Analog Setpoint received\n");
} RTU Object Command Handling

The (byte) value received when a command is activated is a byte coded as shown in
the Table 23 (see also the example of use in chapter
Object Command Status High Nibble Low Nibble
Value Value
ON 1
ON 1

Object Command Status High Nibble Low Nibble
Value Value

44 ABB Automation
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Configuration Manual 4 CPI Library RTU Analog Setpoint Handling

The value of the analog setpoint is stored into the ObjectValue field of the cpiData

4.7 Communication Supervision

Function Description
CpiConnectionStatus Checks the status of an application connection


This function checks the status of an application connection. It also returns the status
code of the last reply message, if it is rejected by the base system.

int cpiConnectionStatus (int DESTIN);

DESTIN Connection number of the destination

Return values:

0 : OK
1 : Waiting connection
others : Refer to the Status Codes manual

4.8 Buffer Management

The following functions reserve buffers for different message types.

Function Description
cpiGetTransmissionBuffer Reserves a buffer for transmission.
cpiGetReplyBuffer Reserves a buffer for a reply message transmission.
cpiGetDefinedReplyBuffer Reserves a buffer for a reply message.
cpiGetNotificationBuffer Reserves a buffer for a notification message.


This function reserves a buffer for a transmission. The function returns with error
status if the transmission queue is full or if the failed transmission queue contains
messages. The length of the transmission queue is  in this version, so the previously
sent message must get a reply from the base system before a new buffer can be

int cpiGetTransmissionBuffer(int CON, cpiMsgID *ID);

CON Connection number of the destination
ID Id for or a message buffer

Return values:
0 : OK
-13 : No buffers left
-20 : Connection is still waiting for a reply for previously sent message

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This function reserves a buffer for a reply message transmission. It is used when it is
possible to send the reply message back to base system immediately.

int cpiGetReplyBuffer(cpiMsgID RQ, cpiMsgID *ID);

RQ Id of the message which reply this message is
ID Id for a reply message

Return values:
0 : OK
-13 : No message buffers left
-15 : Invalid source ID


This function reserves a buffer for a reply message. It is used when the reply message
cannot immediately be sent back to the base system.

int cpiGetDefinedReplyBuffer(cpiMsgHeader *HEADER, cpiMsgID *ID);

HEADER Header data of message to which this message is a reply
ID Id for reply message

Return values:
0 : OK
-13 : no messages buffers left


This function reserves a buffer for a notification message. It is used to send the system
status messages to the base system.

int cpiGetNotificationBuffer(int CON, cpiMsgID *ID);

CON Destination connection
ID Id for reply message

Return values:
0 : OK
-13 : No messages buffers left

4.9 Initialisations
Function Description
cpiInitThisNode Initialises data of this node.
cpiInitRemoteNode Gives information of MicroSCADA node to CPI.
cpiCreateConnection Creates connection and starts the communication
between CPI and MicroSCADA.
cpiCloseConnection Removes connection between CPI and MicroSCADA

These functions initialise TCP/IP connections between MicroSCADA applications and

CPI application program. Following Table 28 explains what kind of an initialisation is
needed when connecting CPI to MicroSCADA

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Example of initialisation needed for CPI:

basesystem.sin_family = AF_INET;
basesystem.sin_port = SPIDERSERVER;
cpiInitThisNode(202, 2);
cpiInitRemoteNode(basesystem, 209, 9);
cpiCreateConnection(9, 1, &con1);
cpiCreateConnection(9, 5, &con2);

The CPI sends an analog value from RTU2 to application 1 using following function:
cpiSendAnalogValue(con1, 2, block, val, status, &ID);


This function initialises data of this node.

int cpiInitThisNode(cpiNodeAddress SA, cpiNodeNumber NA);

SA Node address of this socket (1...254).
NA Node number of this socket (1...99)

Return values:
0 : OK
-26 : Invalid data


This function gives information of MicroSCADA node to CPI.

int cpiInitRemoteNode(cpiTCPIPAddress TA, cpiNodeAddress NA, cpiNodeNumber NN);

TA MicroSCADA TCP/IP address
NA Node address of MicroSCADA socket (1...254)
NN Node number of MicroSCADA (1...99)

Return values:
0 : OK
-1 : Connection error
-8 : Invalid address
-14 : Invalid node
-17 : Invalid tcp address

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This function creates a connection and starts the communication between CPI and

int cpiCreateConnection( cpiNodeNumber NN, int AN, int *CN,);

NN Node number of MicroSCADA
AN Application number in MicroSCADA, where this connection is created
CN Connection number, this return value is used as a destination number when
sending messages to the MicroSCADA.

Return values:
0 : OK
-1 : Connection error
-14 : Invalid node number


This function removes the connection between CPI and MicroSCADA.

int cpiCloseConnection(int CN);

CN Connection number

Return values:
0 : OK
-1 : Connection error, invalid connection number

4.10 Bitset Functions

Following functions are used to handle bitset data type. Bitset data type is used in
cpiSelect function.

Function Description
cpiSET Sets one bit in a bit set.
cpiCLR Clears one bit from a bit set.
cpiISSET Checks the value of one bit and returns it.


This function sets one bit in the bit set.

int cpiSET(int BIT, cpiBitSet *BITSET)

BIT A number of bit which is set to 1, (0 = first bit)

BITSET Bitmask to use with cpiSelect

Return values:
0 : If tested bit does not belong to the bitset
1 : If tested bit belongs to the bitset


This function clears one bit from the bit set.

int cpiCLR(int BIT, cpiBitSet *BITSET)

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BIT A number of bit which is clearedt to 0, (0 = first bit)

BITSET Bitmask to use with cpiSelect

Return values:
0 : If tested bit does not belong to the bitset
1 : If tested bit belongs to the bitset


This function checks the value of one bit and then returns it.
int cpiISSET(int BIT, cpiBitSet *BITSET)

BIT A number of bit which state is tested

BITSET Tested bit mask

Return values:
0 : If tested bit does not belong to the bitset
1 : If tested bit belongs to the bitset

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Configuration Tool

5 Support for System Configuration Tool

5.1 General

5.2 Functionality

5.3 Permanent Protocol Configuration File

5.4 Attribute Definitions File

5.5 Attribute Mappings File

5.1 General

This chapter gives the instructions how to provide support for CPI communication
protocol configuration in System Configuration Tool.

When using System Configuration Tool for configuring CPI application program the
MicroSCADA base system revision needs to be 8.4.3 or later.


• Configuration attribute; value that is stored into permanent protocol

configuration file by System Configuration Tool. This value is later utilized when
CPI application protocol is started in MicroSCADA.

• Attribute definitions; the information about all CPI configuration attributes. For
each CPI configuration attribute: names, data types, data structures, description
texts, help texts, description texts for different attribute values to be used by the
System Configuration Tool.

Dependencies on Other Systems

Base system and communication system are configured by using the functionality
included into System Configuration Tool during system start-up. The CPI application
programs utilize its own permanent protocol configuration file during its start-up.
More detailed information about base system configuration can be found in Chapter 2.

5.2 Functionality

The included CPI protocols are recognized from the MicroSCADA computer in
System Configuration Tool based on following requirement: under \sc\prog folder,
each sub-folder is assumed to be named according to CPI application program, if

• it includes the permanent protocol configuration file named &RQILJLQL.

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• it includes the attribute definitions file named $WWUB'HIVFO.

• it includes the attribute mappings file named $WWUB0DSLQL.

The station type to be attached into CPI protocol communication line is RTU or SPA.

CPI application program, i.e. the executable file, may exist in the same computer,
where System Configuration Tool is running or in external computer. However, the
permanent protocol configuration file, attribute definitions and mappings files need to
exist in sub-folder under \sc\prog folder in the same computer, where System
Configuration Tool is being used. If CPI application program is running in external
computer, one of its drives can be mapped to the network location, where the
MicroSCADA is running. In this way these files are needed only once both for CPI
application program and configuration with System Configuration Tool. The name of
the protocol to be used for CPI application program is concluded from the sub-folder
name under \sc\prog folder.

In the figure is the MODBUS SLAVE communication protocol included into system
configuration. The folder \sc\prog\modbus_slave exists in MicroSCADA computer,
where System Configuration Tool is located. The name of the protocol is displayed as
MODBUS SLAVE in the object tree, i.e. included underscore character is removed
and the sub-folder name is uppercased.


Permanent protocol configuration file is assumed to be named to &RQILJLQL. This file

includes configuration parameters to be used by the CPI application program. The
format of this file follows the Windows Initialization File Format specification. For
those parameters, which are shown and configured in System Configuration Tool as a
property of CPI communication line, are supposed to be included under section name

Attribute definitions file is assumed to be named to $WWUB'HIVFO. This file includes

e.g. limit values and descriptions for configuration parameters to be used by the
System Configuration Tool. The format of the file follows the SCIL syntax.

5.3 Permanent Protocol Configuration File

The format of this file follows the Windows Initialization File Format specification.
All the configuration attributes, that are needed to be shown in System Configuration
Tool, need to exist as key names and values under the section name Configuration.

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Other section names may be used to store the information related to CPI application
program, which is not needed to be shown in System Configuration Tool.

key name 1=key value 1
key name 2=key value 2

key name n=key name i
[Section name 2]
key name 1=key value 1
key name 2=key value 2

key name n=key name n

[Section name m]
key name 1=key value 1
key name 2=key value 2

key name n=key name n

The key name is the same as the attribute name in the Attribute definitions file

Example of Config.ini

5.4 Attribute Definitions File

The format of each attribute definition follows the SCIL syntax. The following
common definitions are valid for all data types:

<Attribute name> = LIST(-

data_type=<attribute data type>,-
modifiable=<attribute editable>,-
descriptive_text=<name text for attribute>,-
default_value=<default value for attribute>,-
help_text=<help text for attribute>)

The name of the attribute is unique for all the CPI configuration attributes. No spaces
are allowed, they must be replaced with the underscore characters, e.g. attribute
TCP/IP Address is presented as TCP_IP_ADDRESS as valid CPI attribute name for
System Configuration Tool.

Possible data types for attribute are the following:

• Integer

• Real

• Text

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• Time

• Boolean.

If attribute is editable the value is TRUE - otherwise FALSE. If the attribute is defined
to be editable its value can be edited in the edit area of System Configuration Tool. If
the attribute is non-editable, the editing of attribute is disabled in the edit area of
System Configuration Tool. All the CPI attributes are included into View named All
Attributes and under group name CPI Configuration Attributes.


Descriptive text is used in the attribute tree of System Configuration Tool. When some
CPI attribute becomes selected in the object tree, the status bar displays the help text at
the bottom of System Configuration Tool.


Default value is utilized for attribute, when CPI application protocol is added into
System Configuration Tool. It is possible for the user to change the attribute value
according to its attribute definitions by using edit area.

Definitions for Different Attribute Data Types

Attribute definition Description data type Example
Data_type TEXT ”INTEGER”
Min_value INTEGER 1
Max_value INTEGER 7
Special_values VECTOR of INTEGERs (1, 3, 7)*
Value_descriptions VECTOR of TEXTs (”Not in Use”, ”Synhcronized”,
Descriptive_text TEXT “Example Integer Attribute”
Default_value INTEGER 3

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Attribute definition Description data type Example
Help_text TEXT “This is an example of integer

Attribute definition Description data type Example
Data_type TEXT ”REAL”
Min_value REAL 1.0
Max_value REAL 1.5
Descriptive_text TEXT “Example Real Attribute”
Default_value REAL 1.1
Help_text TEXT “This is an example of real attribute.”

Attribute definition Description data type Example
Data_type TEXT ”TEXT”
Min_length INTEGER 4
Max_length INTEGER 5
Descriptive_text TEXT “Example Text Attribute”
Default_value TEXT ”COM1”
Help_text TEXT “This is an example of text attribute.”

Attribute definition Description data type Example
Data_type TEXT ”TIME”
Min_value TIME Pack_time(1978,1,1,0,0,0)**
Max_value TIME Pack_time(2045,12,31,23,59,59)**
Descriptive_text TEXT “Example Time Attribute”
Default_value TIME Pack_time(1999,12,20,12,0,0)**
Help_text TEXT “This is an example of time attribute.”

Attribute definition Description data type Example
Data_type TEXT ”BOOLEAN”
Descriptive_text TEXT “Example Boolean Attribute”
Default_value BOOLEAN TRUE
Help_text TEXT “This is an example of boolean

* The VECTOR data type is recognized from the paranthesis around

enumerated INTEGER or TEXT values. If only one item is included into
VECTOR, then there is need to explicitly use the VECTOR statement
around the attribute value, VECTOR(1)

** The PACK_STR is a SCIL function, which can be used to convert

year/month/day and hour/minute/seconds representation to the TIME data

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type format of SCIL. E.g. PACK_STR(YEAR, MONTH,


Example of Attr_Def.scl
descriptive_text=”Own Node Number”,-
help_text=”Specifies the own node number to be used in CPI application
descriptive_text=”Own Station Number”,-
help_text=”Specifies the own station number to be used in CPI application
descriptive_text=”Base System Node Number”,-
help_text=”Specifies the base system node number to be used in CPI application
descriptive_text=”Base System Station Number”,-
help_text=”Specifies the base system station number to be used in CPI
application program.”),-
descriptive_text=”TCP/IP Address”,-
help_text=”Specifies the TCP/IP address to be used in CPI application

descriptive_text=”Application Number”,-
help_text=”Specifies the application number, where CPI application program is
descriptive_text=”Communication Port Name”,-
help_text=”Specifies the communication port name, which CPI application program
is utilizing.”))

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Configuration Tool

Editing of this file should be done by using the SCIL Editor.

The reason for this is that the format of this file need to follow the SCIL syntax, and
there is always a risk that due to some typing error the Attr_Def.scl file is not
applicable to SCIL syntax. In the SCIL Editor, it is possible to define the Syntax
Check mechanism into use automatically during save operation by selecting Options –
Check Syntax at Save.

5.5 Attribute Mappings File

The section name refers to the MicroSCADA object, where the attribute name

[NODE] Base System Node Object (NOD:B)

[NODE_LINK] Communication Line Object (NET:S)

[STATION] Communication Station Object (STA:S)

The key name in this file is the same as the attribute name in attribute definitions file
and key name in permanent protocol configuration file. The key value in this file
represents the two-char attribute name to be used for defining the property to the
MicroSCADA object.

E.g. if inside NODE section, there exists key name own_station_number with key
value SA it means that configuration attribute is referenced to the NOD’n’:BSA
attribute in the MicroSCADA, where ’n’ equals to the node number object.

Example Attr_Map.ini

ABB Automation 57
1MRS751365-MEN CPI for MicroSCADA COM 500
Configuration Manual 6 Glossary

6 Glossary

This section describes terminology and defines words used in this document. The
same words may have quite different meanings in other circumstances; these
explanations refer only to this document.

Definitions and Abbreviations


Application Communication Protocol; an internal protocol of MicroSCADA that is

generally used in communication between MicroSCADA nodes.


Communication between MicroSCADA nodes is implemented by using ACP. It

supports three types of message dialogues, write commands, read commands and


Individual data items which form part of an object are called attributes. Each object
has a set of attributes that store information and describe the the qualities of the object.
Attributes contain for example measured values, texts, program lines, time stamps etc.
depending on which object type is concerned.


Base system offers services to the applications. It provides database structures,

database handling mechanisms and file handling functionality. Base system also offers
an application programming interface for attaching functions as separate programs.


Socket interface defined in the Unix version developed by the Berkeley Software..


Communication Programming Interface; protocol environment software that is used

for externally implemented protocol converters. CPI Library is a collection of
functions for sending and receiving message to or from MicroSCADA base system
and functions for packing and unpacking data of messages.

ABB Automation 59
COM 500 CPI for MicroSCADA 1MRS751365-MEN

6 Glossary Configuration Manual


(Called ‘gateway program’ in some cases) ; Application program made by using CPI
interface exchanges data between MicroSCADA and foreign system. It emulates NET
containing stations of the RTU, SPA or SPI device type.


Handles the data transmission in the MicroSCADA system and also between devices.
The communication can be divided into upper level communication and process


Local Area Network; used for communication between the base system, frontend and
workstations, for upper level communication. It has a large capacity for data


A place in the memory to store ACP messages to or from MicroSCADA base system.
CPI Buffer Management functions reserve buffers for different message types.


MicroSCADA communication unit.


. CPI application program resembles the behaviour of the NET unit, so it “acts” as a
communication frontend.


Communication object in MicroSCADA, for example MicroSCADA base system or a

CPI application program.


A unique identifier of the node.


Open System Connection; a model for network architectures standardised by ISO

(International Standards Organization).

60 ABB Automation
1MRS751365-MEN CPI for MicroSCADA COM 500
Configuration Manual 6 Glossary


Protocol is a set of rules and conventions for transmitting information in the network.
They govern the content, format, timing, sequencing and error control of messages.


Remote Terminal Unit


Supervisory Control Implementation Language; a high level language especially

designed for composing customised, process specific supervisory control software.
Data transmission from the base system to the CPI application program is done by
setting the attributes of communication system objects or process objects.


A SPACOM module connected to the MicroSCADA is seen as a SPA device.


Manages the configuration of the base system and NET communication unit.


Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is used for data transmission in LAN

network to provide communication with several protocols across connected networks
of computers.


An independent part of the program that is active until stopped by the main program
or it stops itself. Threads can be used to isolate tasks. Usually the foreign protocol is
implemented as a thread.

ABB Automation 61
1MRS751365-MEN CPI for MicroSCADA COM 500
Configuration Manual 7 Disclaimer

7 Disclaimer

When using this document, keep the following in mind:

• The information in the CPI manual is subject to change without notice and
should not be construed as a commitment by ABB Substation Automation Oy.

• ABB Substation Automation Oy assumes no responsibility for any intellectual

property claims or other problems that may result from applications based on the
examples in this document.


• Windows® is a trademark of the Microsoft® Corporation.

ABB Automation 63
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Configuration Manual


ACP ........................................................................................................................... 6, 22, 61
ACP protocol messages ............................................................................................... 6, 7, 61
ACP-OSI ......................................................................................................................... 7, 63
Analog setpoint.................................................................................................................... 15
Application Communication Protocol ................................................................................... 6
Application Programming ............................................................................................. 14, 17
Attr_Def.scl ................................................................................................................... 54, 55
Attr_Map.ini ........................................................................................................................ 54
Attribute definitions............................................................................................................. 53
Attribute Tree ...................................................................................................................... 56
Attributes ......................................................................................................................... 9, 61
Base system ......................................................................................................................... 61
Base System Configuration ..................................................................................... 10, 14, 17
Base System Node Object ................................................................................................... 59
Bit position .......................................................................................................................... 22
Boolean................................................................................................................................ 56
BSD socket ...................................................................................................................... 2, 61
Cause of exception .............................................................................................................. 23
Communication attributes...................................................................................................... 7
Communication Line Object ............................................................................................... 59
Communication Station Object ........................................................................................... 59
Communication system ....................................................................................................... 62
Config.ini............................................................................................................................. 54
Configuration attributes................................................................................................... 7, 53
Connection status................................................................................................................. 22
Converting messages ..................................................................................................... 15, 18
CPI....................................................................................................................................... 61
CPI application program...................................................................................................... 62
CPI Library.................................................................................................................... 21, 61
ABB Automation
COM 500 CPI for MicroSCADA 1MRS751365-MEN
Configuration Manual

CPI_EXAMPLE.............................................................................................................16, 19
Data transfer.........................................................................................................................18
Data Transfer .......................................................................................................................15
Data Types ...........................................................................................................................56
Deleting message .................................................................................................................25
Device level routing ...............................................................................................................8
Digital setpoint.....................................................................................................................15
Edit Area ..............................................................................................................................56
Emulation.........................................................................................................................3, 62
EX connection......................................................................................................................23

ABB Automation
1MRS751365-MEN CPI for MicroSCADA COM 500
Configuration Manual

Example Attr_Map.ini......................................................................................................... 59
Example of Attr_Def.scl...................................................................................................... 58
Example of Config.ini ......................................................................................................... 55
Failed message..................................................................................................................... 25
Fields ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Frontend emulation................................................................................................................ 9
Functionality........................................................................................................................ 54
Functions ............................................................................................................................. 21
Gateway program ............................................................................................................ 1, 62
General persistent output ..................................................................................................... 15
GetDeviceNumber............................................................................................................... 44
Implementation of the foreign protocol............................................................................... 16
Infinite loop ........................................................................................................................... 3
Integer.................................................................................................................................. 56
Key name....................................................................................................................... 55, 59
LAN................................................................................................................................. 2, 62
Location of files................................................................................................................... 54
Low level message routing .................................................................................................... 7
Memory management............................................................................................................ 5
Message buffers............................................................................................................... 5, 62
Message conversion....................................................................................................... 15, 18
Message dialogues................................................................................................................. 6
Message failure types ............................................................................................................ 9
Modbus Slave ...................................................................................................................... 54
Naming of files .................................................................................................................... 54
NET ................................................................................................................................. 3, 62
NET emulation ................................................................................................................ 3, 62
Node .................................................................................................................... 6, 14, 42, 62
Node number ....................................................................................................................... 62
Notifications .......................................................................................................................... 6
Object command.................................................................................................................. 15
Object type of command ..................................................................................................... 15
OSI ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Packet building .................................................................................................................... 39
Packet unpacking................................................................................................................. 42
Program files ....................................................................................................................... 21
Protocol ......................................................................................................................... 13, 63
Protocol Converter............................................................................................................... 13
Protocol Implementation ..................................................................................................... 18
RD connection ..................................................................................................................... 23
Read commands..................................................................................................................... 6
Real...................................................................................................................................... 56
Regulation command........................................................................................................... 15
Reserved attributes ................................................................................................................ 9
Revision............................................................................................................................... 53
Routing .................................................................................................................................. 7
RP570 slave device.............................................................................................................. 16
RTU Object Model.............................................................................................................. 27
RTU station ............................................................................................................. 10, 54, 63
SCIL ................................................................................................................................ 6, 63
SPA device .................................................................................................................... 54, 63
Status Bar ............................................................................................................................ 56
Status codes
SYS_BASCON.COM ......................................................................................................... 10
System Configuration Tool ........................................................................................... 53, 63
System Start-Up .................................................................................................................. 53

ABB Automation
COM 500 CPI for MicroSCADA 1MRS751365-MEN
Configuration Manual

TCP/IP .......................................................................................................................2, 22, 63

Text ......................................................................................................................................56
Thread ......................................................................................................................16, 19, 63
Time .....................................................................................................................................56
Transmission error handling ..................................................................................................9
Type definitions ...................................................................................................................21
WR connection.....................................................................................................................23
Write commands ....................................................................................................................6

ABB Automation
1MRS751365-MEN CPI for MicroSCADA COM 500
Configuration Manual

Customer Feedback

About This Chapter

This chapter contains information on how to send customer feedback and how to get
technical support from the SA Help Desk.

Customer Feedback Database

Customer Feedback is a Lotus Notes database, using which ABB companies can
report errors, make improvement proposals and queries related to products
manufactured by ABB Substation Automation Oy. Customer Feedback database is
connected to the change management system of ABB Substation Automation Oy,
which handles all error corrections and improvements made to the products.

Please note that the Customer Feedback database is primarily intended for writing
reports about released products. If you are using for example a beta release in a pilot
project, this should be clearly stated.

Writing A Customer Feedback Report

When writing a Customer Feedback report the following general instructions should
be taken in consideration:
• Write the report in English.
• Write only one error report, query or improvement proposal in a Customer
Feedback report.
• If you are reporting an error, try to isolate the error as well as possible. Describe
the sequence of events and actions that leads to the error. If any error messages or
other debug information is provided by the system please write it down. Include
also information of the system, e.g. a system diagram, revision information and
configuration data.
• If you are making an improvement proposal, try to describe how the improved
function should work and avoid providing solutions. Information about the
importance of the improvement, e.g. number of projects that require the
improvement, helps us to make the decision whether and when the improvement
should be implemented.
To make a Customer Feedback report select Feedback Report from the Create menu.
This opens an empty Customer Feedback document. Fill out the fields listed below. A
question mark next to a filed provides help for filling out the field.

 Subject. This should contain a short description of the issue. A more detailed
description can be given in the Description of Feedback field below.
 Type of Feedback: Comment/Improvement, Query or Complaint/Error.
 Customer Information.

ABB Automation
COM 500 CPI for MicroSCADA 1MRS751365-MEN
Configuration Manual

 Reporting Information. This should contain detailed information of the product the
report is about.
 The person who you want to send the feedback to and whether you want to get a
reply from that person.
 Information related to internal handling of the report (not obligatory).
You can issue the report by clicking the Issue Feedback button. This will send the
report to the selected person and change its status to “in progress”.


When ABB Substation Automation Oy receives a Customer Feedback report it is

analysed by a sales person or a representative of the technical support. The analyser
may ask for additional information in order to completed the analysis. After the report
has been analysed on of the following actions is taken:

• In case of a clear error the report is moved to the change management system of
ABB Substation Automation Oy. In this system the error is analysed in detail and
corrected in a future patch release or major release depending on the severity and
impact of the error.
• In case of an improvement proposal the report is also moved to the change
management system where it be taken as a requirement to future releases.
• In case of a query an answer is provided.
When Customer Feedback reports are handled in the change management system, the
outcome can be one of the following:
No Actions It is decided that the report
requires no further action. If for
example the problem is caused by
a configuration error, it belongs to
this category.
Will be implemented in patch/current release This result means that the
correction or new feature will be
available in the next official
program release.
Moved to future release This result means that the new
feature will be available in some
new program release in the near

SA Help Desk

ABB Substation Automation Oy provides a technical support service called SA Help

Desk to support local engineering centres in their system projects. The purpose of SA
Help Desk is to provide support for urgent issues such as:

• Year 2000 issues

• High-priority issues concerning systems at customers’ sites.
ABB Automation
1MRS751365-MEN CPI for MicroSCADA COM 500
Configuration Manual

For other kind of technical support please use the Customer Feedback database. SA
Help Desk is available every day from 06:00 to 21:00 Central European Time.

SA Help Desk can be contacted by telephone, the number is:

+358 50 334 1900

ABB Automation
MRS 751365-MEN

ABB Substation Automation Oy
P.O.Box 699
Tel. +358-10 224 000
Fax. +358-10 224 1094

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