Thickness of Foam Board Is Indicative The Subtrade Builtup Shall Be Provided On Site S Per Specs
Thickness of Foam Board Is Indicative The Subtrade Builtup Shall Be Provided On Site S Per Specs
Thickness of Foam Board Is Indicative The Subtrade Builtup Shall Be Provided On Site S Per Specs
Tinted Primer
Concrete Substrate/
Insulation Board
Reinforcing Mesh
Tinted Primer
Senergy Finish
Concrete Substrate/
Alpha Dry Adhesive
Insulation Board
Reinforcing Mesh
Tinted Primer
Senergy Finish
Insulation Board
- Typical at windows, doors, etc. m
- Maintain a min. 13mm perimeter sealant joint 30
- Flashing are by others and shall be as per design/code
Concrete Substrate/
Alpha Dry Adhesive
Insulation Board
Tinted Primer
Senergy Finish
MasterSeal NP 2
with Backer Rod
Wrap Alpha Dry Base
Coat and Senergy
Reinforcing Mesh
Window Frame
Concrete Substrate/
Alpha Dry Adhesive
Insulation Board
Tinted Primer
Senergy Finish
MasterSeal NP 2
with Backer Rod
Window Frame
Concrete Substrate/
Alpha Dry Adhesive
Insulation Board
Tinted Primer
Senergy Finish
MasterSeal NP 2
with Backer Rod
Wrap Alpha Dry Base
Coat and Senergy
Reinforcing Mesh
Window Frame
Concrete Substrate/
Alpha Dry Adhesive
Insulation Board
Tinted Primer
Senergy Finish
Window Frame
MasterSeal NP 2
with Backer Rod
Senergy Finish
Tinted Primer
Reinforcing Mesh
Alpha Dry Base Coat
Insulation Board
Concrete Substrate/
- Extend flashing min 50 mm over EIFS
- Flashing are by others and shall be as
per design/code requirements
Window Frame
Wrap Alpha Dry Base
Coat and Senergy
Reinforcing Mesh
Senergy Finish
Tinted Primer
MasterSeal NP 2
Reinforcing Mesh
Alpha Dry Base Coat
Insulation Board
Metal Coping
MasterSeal NP 2
Senergy Finish
Tinted Primer
Reinforcing Mesh
Insulation Board
Concrete Substrate/
Alpha Dry Adhesive
MasterSeal NP 2
with Backer Rod
Insulation Board
Concrete Substrate/
Wrap Alpha Dry Base
Coat and Senergy
Reinforcing Mesh
Alpha Dry Adhesive
Acceptable Sheathing
MasterSeal NP 2
with Backer Rod
Note: Joint as per design
Concrete Substrate/
Alpha Dry Adhesive
Insulation Board
MasterSeal NP 2
with Backer Rod
Note: Joint as per design
Concrete Substrate/
Alpha Dry Adhesive
Insulation Board
MasterSeal NP 2
with Backer Rod
Sealant at perimeter
Pipe of penetration
Concrete Substrate/
Alpha Dry Adhesive
Insulation Board
Concrete Substrate/
Alpha Dry Adhesive
Insulation Board
Wire opening
MasterSeal NP 2
Concrete Substrate/
Alpha Dry Adhesive
Insulation Board
MasterSeal NP 2
- Grade shall be pitched for
positive drainage
- Terminate system min.
203 mm above grade
Concrete Substrate/
Alpha Dry Adhesive
Insulation Board
MasterSeal NP 2 min. 25 mm
with Backer Rod
System Components Uses Benefits
Primary barrier moisture + ■ Low rise ■ Aesthetic appeal
control Insulation board ■ New and retrofit ■ Adhesively applied system
construction to meet most wind-load
Insulation Fastener
■ In all climates requirements
■ Energy saving
Energy Efficiency
Reinforced base coat
+ ■ Exceptional durability
100% Acrylic polymer finish ■ Low maintenance
Senerflex Secondary Weather barrier ■ High rise ■ When secondary weather
Weather Barrier + ■ Low rise barrier is desired
Primary and secondary Adhesive ■ New and retrofit ■ An added protection of the
barrier moisture control +
construction sheathing is desired
Insulation board
■ In all climates ■ An air barrier is desired
Insulation Fastener ■ Adhesive attachment is
+ required to meet wind-load
Reinforced base coat requirement
100% Acrylic polymer finish
Concrete Substrate
System Guide
Mechanical Fastener
Flexguard 4
Reinforcing Mesh
Tinted Primer
Reinforcing Mesh
Fiber reinforcing mesh for Exterior Insulation and Finish System
Balanced, open-weave glass, fiber reinforcing Alkali resistance, compatibility with Alpha
mesh, twisted multi-end strands treated for Dry Base Coat
compatibility with Alpha Dry Base Coat. A Maintains tensile strength and flexibility for
variety of Reinforcing Mesh types are available long-term durability
to meet the different requirements of impact
resistance at specific wall locations.
For use with all Senerflex® Wall Systems
that use insulation boards and for use over
insulation shapes on all Senerflex Wall
Reinforcing Mesh
ASTM E 695 impact resistance: No cracks in the exterior insulation and finish system from a drop height
of 1.83m. Maximum indentation did not exceed 8.5mm. EIMA impact standard 101.86:
Dade county protocol 201 impact tests (large and small missile): Passed with various wall
Reinforcing Mesh
Store Reinforcing Mesh in a cool, dry place
protected from exposure to moisture.
The technical information and application advice given in this Master Builders Solutions publication are based on
STATEMENT OF the present state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no
RESPONSIBILITY assumption can be made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its
accuracy, reliability or completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user
is responsible for checking the suitability of products for their intended use.
Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by Master Builders
NOTE Solutions either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since
they, and not Master Builders Solutions, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific
The technical information and application advice given in this Master Builders Solutions publication are based on
STATEMENT OF the present state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no
RESPONSIBILITY assumption can be made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its
accuracy, reliability or completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user
is responsible for checking the suitability of products for their intended use.
Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by Master Builders
NOTE Solutions either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since
they, and not Master Builders Solutions, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific
Substrate shall be dry, clean, sound and free
of releasing agents, paint or other residue or
coatings. Verify substrate is flat, free of fins
Provides an aesthetically pleasing surface or planar irregularities greater than 6.4 mm in
colour and texture for the Exterior Insulation 3 m.
and Finish System. Apply Texture Finish directly to Tinted
Can also be utilized as a textured coating for Primer with a clean, stainless steel trowel.
poured concrete or unit masonry, veneer Note: In order to minimize the possibility of
plaster or gypsum board (interior applications Alpha Dry Base Coat read-through in
only), conventional stucco, Classic PB Texture Finish, we recommend the use of
System, Secondary Weather Barrier Tinted Primer.
System and certain insulating concrete Apply and level Texture Finish during the
forms. same operation, to obtain minimum 1.6 mm
thickness uniform coverage.
Note: Not recommended “smooth” applications
Maintain a wet edge on Texture Finish by
applying and texturing continually over the
wall surface.
Ability to create unique surface textures – Work Texture Finish to corners, joints or
achieve a wide variety of appearances other natural breaks and do not allow
includes stippled and skip-trowel. material to set up within an uninterrupted wall
100% acrylic polymer chemistry - long-term area.
durability and weather resistance Float Texture Finish to achieve final texture.
Does not require a sealer – save time and
money Note: Minor colour deviations caused by the use of
Weather resistant - repels water and resists natural stone granular material are possible in
wind-driven rain different batches. Therefore, only use material from
Breathable - doesn’t blister, peel or flake the same batch number for continuous surfaces. Mix
the last few pails from one batch with a different batch
to minimise any colour differences.
Texture Finish is supplied in 25 kg units and
available in a wide variety of standard colours.
Texture Finish
Varies depending upon texture. All products originating from Master Builders
Solutions Dubai, UAE facility are manufactured
WATCHPOINTS under a management system independently
Protect products during transportation and certified to conform to the requirements of the
installation to avoid physical damage. quality, environmental and occupational health
& safety standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and
Do not apply in ambient temperatures below
ISO 45001.
4°C. Provide supplementary heat during
installation and drying period (at least 24 * Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.
hours after installation and until dry) when
temperatures less than 4°C prevail. If using a ® = Registered trademark of the MBCC Group in many countries.
thicker application of Texture Finish, longer
drying period will be required.
Do not apply to frozen surfaces.
Samples of Texture Finish are available for
colour approval only. Samples for job
approval must be made in the field by the
applicator and approved prior to ordering.
The technical information and application advice given in this Master Builders Solutions publication are based on
STATEMENT OF the present state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no
RESPONSIBILITY assumption can be made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its
accuracy, reliability or completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user
is responsible for checking the suitability of products for their intended use.
Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by Master Builders
NOTE Solutions either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since
they, and not Master Builders Solutions, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific
Senergy® Colours
Standard Colours
The very first impression of a building is almost always
made by its colour. That’s why our colour palette presents
so many choices for distinctive style and design, limited
only by the imagination. All Senergy decorative and
protective finishes are available in 128 standard colours as
well as unlimited custom tinting.
Standard Colours
330 Ultra-white 342 Parchment 354 Stark White 361 Champagne 410 Snow 440 Custard 549 Pink Ash
600 Silverado 601 Dynasty 3028 Vintage 3033 Peacherine 3034 Muslin 3037 Mariposa 3038 Scarborough
Custom Colours
3039 Coral 3041 Firenze 3044 Ramie 3045 Edelweiss 3046 Finesse 3047 Tortilla 3048 Lotus
3049 Artisan 3050 Nougat 3051 Windsong 3053 Tawny 3054 Sonata 3056 Papyrus 3057 Luna
3058 Nightingale 3062 Angora 3063 Frappe 3066 Bambi 3068 Birch 3074 Coriander 3075 Parsnip
3080 Ecru 3084 Egg Nog 3085 Meringue 3089 Gauze 3090 Honeysuckle 3100 Biscuit 3103 Sandstorm
Note: All standard colours (except for Storm
Grey and Charcoal), have a light reflectance
value (LRV) greater than 20%. The use of dark
Standard Colours
Custom Colours
329 Putty Grey 425 Salt White 427 Oatmeal 431 Almond 433 Aztec Gold 543 Slate Rose 545 Dusty Peach
547 Blush 602 Crystal Blue 603 Atlantis 604 Truro Blue 605 Bluet 606 Glacier 607 Gem
Custom Colours
608 Glade 609 Greenbrier 610 Porridge 611 Robin Egg 612 Seashell 614 Clay 618 Hazelnut
620 Ash Brown 751 Morning Mist 752 Dawn Grey 755 Seamist 757 Magnum 758 Thundermist 869 London Fog
870 Storm Grey 872 Whale Grey 875 Grey Cloud 877 Slate Grey 880 Charcoal 3025 Paprika 3026 Clay Pot
3027 Mannequin 3029 Creme Brule 3030 Solitude 3031 Ground Mace 3032 Melon 3035 Strawberry 3036 Daiquiri
Note: All standard colours (except for Storm
Grey and Charcoal), have a light reflectance
value (LRV) greater than 20%. The use of dark
Standard Colours
Custom Colours
3040 Jute 3042 Nirvana 3043 Pueblo 3052 Cardamon 3055 Shearling 3059 Mosque 3060 Cafe au Lait
3061 Dune 3064 Raw Hide 3065 Peanut 3069 Sepia 3070 Brunet 3071 Java 3072 Bulgur
Custom Colours
3073 Hickory 3076 Umber 3077 Ocha 3078 Gold Ochre 3079 Bay Leaf 3081 Empire 3082 Cumin
3083 Flax 3086 Lion’s Mane 3087 Mint Aspic 3088 Cat’s Eye 3091 Sprite 3092 New Frond 3093 Seattle Mist
3094 Harrier 3095 Mint Tea 3096 Orchid 3097 Saddlesoap 3098 Crescent 3099 Brume 3101 Vibrato
3102 Revere 3104 Walden 3105 Sandman 3106 Concord 3107 Sage 3108 Badger 3109 Grey Ash
Note: All standard colours (except for Storm
Grey and Charcoal), have a light reflectance
value (LRV) greater than 20%. The use of dark
Senergy® Finishes
A myriad of choices to create inviting surfaces and lasting
Standard Colours
impressions. Beyond looks, Senergy advanced decorative
and protective finishes offer the performance that
traditional cement-based finishes and paints never could.
Performance that protects your home or building through
rain and sleet, baking hot sun, or high humidity dampness.
And keeps it looking great for years to come.
Choose Your Finish | Senergy has the finish options to meet your needs.
Senergy® Finish
A 100% acrylic polymer-based finish with high solids formulation, Senergy offers long-term durability and weather resistance. Used over
cement-based surfaces, Senergy is flexible enough to seal existing, non-moving hairline cracks, thereby protecting against deg-
radation caused by moisture and pollution intrusion. With a more rigid surface than elastomeric finishes, Senergy offers excellent
abrasion and dirt pick-up resistance.
Factory-mixed, 100% acrylic polymer finish coat. Available in Senergy’s standard colours and custom
colours. FINE Finish utilizes uniformly-sized aggregates for a uniform, fine texture.
Coverage: 11.6 m² per pail
Factory-mixed, 100% acrylic polymer finish coat. Available in Senergy’s standard colours and custom
colours. SAHARA Finish provides a uniform, “pebble” appearance.
Coverage: 8.7 m² per pail
Custom Colours
Factory-mixed, 100% acrylic polymer finish coat. Available in Senergy’s standard colours and custom
colours. TEXTURE Finish can achieve a wide variety of free-formed, textured appearances, including
stipple and skip-trowel.
Coverage: varies depending upon application
Factory-mixed, 100% acrylic polymer finish coat. Available in Senergy’s standard colors and custom colors.
CLASSIC Finish has a medium “worm-holed” appearance which is achieved by the random aggregate
sizes in the Finish. The “worm-holed” look can be circular, random, vertical or horizontal.
Coverage: 10.2 m² per pail
Factory-mixed, 100% acrylic polymer finish coat. Available in Senergy’s standard colours and custom
colours. COARSE Finish has a heavy “worm-holed” appearance which is achieved by the random
aggregate sizes in the Finish. The “worm-holed” look can be circular, random, vertical or horizontal.
Coverage: 6.5 m² per pail
Belgian Lace
Factory-mixed, 100% acrylic polymer finish coat. Available in Senergy’s standard colours and custom
colours. BELGIAN LACE Finish has a fine “worm-hole” appearance which is achieved by the random
aggregate sizes in the finish. The small “wormhole” look can be circular, random vertical or horizontal.
Coverage: 11.6 m² per pail
■■ Does not bridge moving cracks