Syllabus Obs - Gyn 2022 Medicine
Syllabus Obs - Gyn 2022 Medicine
Syllabus Obs - Gyn 2022 Medicine
Medical Faculty № 1
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Syllabus course
Obstetrics and gynecology
Amount 10.0 ECTS credits, 300 hours
Semester, year of study VII - XII semesters, 4, 5, 6 course
Days, time, place On schedule
Teacher (s) Teachers of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Contact phone (048) 723-29-01
Workplace Auditoriums of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Odessa, street
Pasteur, 9
Consultations Thursday 14.30-16.00
Saturday 9.00-13.00
Communication is possible during full-time consultations (offline / Face to face), or
remotely (online) with the help of Teams (by prior arrangement). Communication can also be
done using E-mail. You must indicate your last name, first name, course, faculty and the name of
the course. The solution of "working issues" is possible by the specified phone number.
The subject of the discipline "Obstetrics and Gynecology" are methods of diagnosis,
treatment and rehabilitation of gynecological patients, pregnant women, women in labor,
postpartum woman and breastfeeding women, as well as methods of assistance in childbirth.
Prerequisite of the course: the discipline is compulsory and is based on the study by
students of such fundamental disciplines as human anatomy, physiology, microbiology, virology
and immunology, general surgery (with operative surgery and topographic anatomy) and
integrates with surgery, oncology, emergency and urgent medical care, anesthesiology and
intensive care.
Postrequisite of the course: lays the foundations for the study of family medicine and
emergency medicine by students, provides for the integration of teaching with these disciplines
and the formation of skills to apply knowledge of obstetrics and gynecology in the process of
further study and professional activities.
The aim of the course "Obstetrics and Gynecology" is to master higher education
methods of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of gynecological.
Tasks of the discipline:
1. Formation of skills and abilities in differential diagnosis, the most common diseases in
gynecological patients and pregnant women.
2. Improving the skills of substantiation of clinical diagnosis, drawing up a plan of
laboratory and instrumental research in gynecological diseases and during pregnancy.
3. Mastering the ability to determine the tactics of treatment and prevention of
gynecological diseases and complications of pregnancy.
Expected results. As a result of studying the discipline the student must:
- basic principles of organization of obstetric and gynecological care for the population of
- possible complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period;
- tactics of management of patients with different types of obstetric pathology;
- etiopathogenesis, classification, diagnosis of diseases of the female reproductive
- tactics of management of patients with different types of gynecological pathology.
- methods of contraception for certain categories of the population; WHO medical criteria
for eligibility for contraception.
Be able:
- Collect data on patient complaints, medical history, life history.
- Evaluate information about the diagnosis using a standard procedure, based on the
results of laboratory and instrumental studies.
- Determine the list of necessary clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies and evaluate
their results (according to list 4).
- Identify the leading clinical symptom or syndrome (according to list 1).
- Establish a preliminary diagnosis, make a differential diagnosis and determine the
clinical diagnosis of the disease (according to list 3).
- To determine the principles of treatment of diseases, the necessary mode of work and
rest, the nature of nutrition (according to list 2).
- Diagnose emergencies (according to list 3).
- Define tactics and provide emergency medical care (according to list 3).
- Conduct consultations on family planning, determine the tactics of physiological
pregnancy, physiological childbirth and the postpartum period.
- Determine the condition of the mother; to carry out diagnostic and tactical measures in
each period of childbirth; to conduct an examination of the mother; assess the condition of the
fetus during childbirth; to spend the postpartum period.
- Assess the patient, and the necessary examination before using the contraceptive;
demonstrate family planning counseling skills.
- It is reasonable to formulate and bring to the mother, relatives and specialists
recommendations for the most effective delivery; provide the necessary information about
changes in a woman's body in the postpartum period.
- It is reasonable to formulate and bring to the patient, relatives and specialists
recommendations on the choice of contraceptive method; provide the necessary information
about changes in a woman's body while using a contraceptive.
Master the skills:
- Communication and clinical examination of the patient.
- Perform medical manipulations (according to list 5).
- Keep medical records.
Forms and methods of teaching
The course will be presented in the form of lectures (20 hours) and practical classes (150
hours), organization of independent work of students (145 hours).
Teaching methods, according to the curriculum are: a) practical classes; b) independent
work of students.
Practical classes are conducted on clinical bases with the use of modern technical
teaching aids; interactive teaching methods: role play, method "standardized patient", use of
video library on obstetrics and gynecology, simulators, practice of practical skills of
manipulations according to list 5 in the simulation training room, solving clinical situational
problems, curation of pregnant women / mothers / parturients.
Independent work of the student independent work with the textbook, independent work
with the bank of test tasks Step-2, independent solution of clinical problems.
Individual task - a form of organization of education in order to deepen, generalize and
consolidate the knowledge that students receive in the learning process, as well as the application
of this knowledge in practice, ie individual educational and research task.
Contents of the discipline "Obstetrics and Gynecology"
Section 1. Gynecology. (4th year)
Topic 1. Organization of obstetric and gynecological services in Ukraine. The role of the
family doctor in providing obstetric and gynecological care.
Topic 2. Clinical anatomy and physiology of female genital organs. Methods of
examination of gynecologic patients. General symptomatology of gynecological diseases.
Topic 3. Neuroendocrine regulation of genital function. Disfunctions of the reproductive
Topic 4. Neuroendocrine syndromes in gynecology.
Topic 5. Benign tumors of female genital organs. Endometriosis. Breast formation.
Topic 6. Pre-cancerous diseases of the female genital organs.
Topic 7. Inflammatory diseases of female genital organs.
Topic 8. "Acute abdomen" in gynecology.
Topic 9. Infertile marriage.
Topic 10. Family planning.
Section 2. Obstetrics (5th year)
Тopic 11. Maternal pelvis. The fetus as an object of labor.
Тopic 12. Physiology of pregnancy. Methods of examination of pregnant women.
Perinatal care.
Тopic 13. Physiology of labor. Analgesia of labor.
Тopic 14. Physiology of the postpartum period. Physiology of the neonatal period.
Тopic 15. Anomalies in the development of the fertilized egg. Multiple pregnancy.
Тopic 16. Fetal distress. Intrauterine growth restriction.
Тopic 17. Isoantigenic incompatibility of maternal and fetal blood.
Тopic 18. Early gestosis. Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia.
Тopic 19. Miscarriage. Preterm labor.
Тopic 20. Contracted pelvis. Malposition and malpresentation. Breech presentation.
Тopic 21. Abnormal uterine action. Birth trauma. Operative obstetrics.
Тopic 22. Аnte-, intra and postpartum obstetric bleeding.
Тopic 23. Postpartum septic diseases.
Section 3. Obstetrics and gynecology (6th year).
Тopic 24. Disorders of the menstrual function in reproductive age. Neuroendocrine
syndromes in gynecology. Physiological and pathological conditions of the reproductive system
at different ages.
Тopic 25. Female urogynecological inflammatory diseases.
Тopic 26. Benign tumors of the female genitalia. Dishormonal diseases of breasts.
Тopic 27. Рrecancerous diseases of the female genitalia. Malignant tumors of the
Тopic 28. Urgent conditions in gynecology. Surgical operations in gynecology.
Preparation and postoperative care of gynaecological patients during emergency and planned
operations. Prophylaxis of HIV-infecting.
Тopic 29. Infertile marriage. Modern aspects of planning of a family. Methods of
contraception. The criteria for the use of contraceptive methods by the WHO.
Тopic 30. The physiology of pregnancy, labor and postpartum period. Perinatal protection
of fetus. Pharmacotherapy in obstetrics.
Тopic 31. Early gestosis. Hypertensive conditions during pregnancy. Preeclampsia.
Тopic 32. Premature breaking of pregnancy. Prolonged pregnancy. Multi-fetal (multiple)
Тopic 33. Anomalies of the pelvic bone. Macrosomia in obstetrics. The disparity between
the size of the fetal head and mother`s pelvis. Anomalies of position of the fetus. Pelvic
presentation of the fetus. Anomalies of the contraction activity of the uterus. Birth and maternal
Тopic 34. Obstetrical bleedings during pregnancy, during labor and in the postnatal
period. Hemorrhagic shock. DIC - syndrome. Intensive therapy and resuscitation during bleeding
in obstetrics.
Тopic 35. Pregnancy and labor of women with extragenital diseases. Perinatal infections.
Prophylaxis to prevent vertical HIV transmission.
Тopic 36. Placental dysfunction, hypotrophy of the fetus, fetal distress symptoms.
Anomalies of development of fertilized ovum.
Тopic 37. Operative obstetrics. Postnatal septic diseases.
Methods of current control: oral examination, testing, assessment of practical skills,
solving situational clinical problems, assessment of activity in the classroom.
Criteria for current assessment in the practical lesson:
«5» The student is fluent in the material, takes an active part in discussing and solving a
situational clinical problem, confidently demonstrates practical skills during the examination
of a sick child and interpretation of clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies, expresses
his opinion on the topic, demonstrates clinical thinking.
«4» The student is well versed in the material, participates in the discussion and solution of
situational clinical problems, demonstrates practical skills during the examination of a sick
child and interpretation of clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies with some errors,
expresses his opinion on the topic, demonstrates clinical thinking.
«3» The student does not have enough material, uncertainly participates in the discussion and
solution of the situational clinical problem, demonstrates practical skills during the
examination of a sick child and interpretation of clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies
with significant errors.
«2» The student does not have the material, does not participate in the discussion and solution of
the situational clinical problem, does not demonstrate practical skills during the examination
of a sick child and the interpretation of clinical, laboratory and instrumental studies.
The student (4, 5 cours) is admitted to the final control provided that the requirements of
the curriculum are met and if for the current educational activity, he received at least 3.00 points
and passed the test control for the tests "Step-2" not less than 90% (50 tasks). Test control is
carried out in the Training and Production Complex of Innovative Technologies of Teaching,
Informatization and Continuing Education of ONMedU at the last lesson on the eve of the
Differential test.
Upon completion of the discipline, a differential test is conducted. Only those students
who do not have an academic debt and have an average score of at least 3.00 for the current
academic activity are allowed to complete the certification.
Student's examination is assessed on a 4-point (traditional) scale.
Final control: oral Differential test:
• survey;
• solving situational problems;
• evaluating the performance of medical manipulations on phantoms.
Criteria for assessing the learning outcomes of students in the Differential test:
«5 It is presented to a student who systematically worked during the semester, showed
» during the Differential test versatile and deep knowledge of the program, is able to
successfully perform the tasks provided by the program, mastered the content of basic
and additional literature, realized the relationship of individual sections of the discipline,
their importance for future profession. showed creative abilities in understanding and
using educational material, showed the ability to independently update and replenish
knowledge; level of competence - high (creative);
«4 It is presented to a student who has shown full knowledge of the curriculum,
» successfully performs the tasks provided by the program, mastered the basic literature
recommended by the program, showed a sufficient level of knowledge in the discipline
and is able to independently update and update during further study and professional
activities; level of competence - sufficient (constructive-variable)
«3 Exhibited to a student who has shown knowledge of the basic curriculum in the amount
» necessary for further study and further work in the profession, copes with the tasks
provided by the program, made some mistakes in answering the exam and when
performing exam tasks, but has the necessary knowledge to overcoming mistakes under
the guidance of a research and teaching staff; level of competence - average
«2 Exhibited to a student who did not show sufficient knowledge of the basic curriculum,
» made fundamental mistakes in performing the tasks provided by the program, cannot
without the help of the teacher to use the knowledge in further study, failed to master the
skills of independent work; level of competence - low (receptive-productive)
The student (6 cours) is admitted to the final control provided that the requirements of the
curriculum are met and if for the current educational activity he received at least 3.00 points and
passed the test control for the tests "Step-2" not less than 90% (50 tasks). Test control is carried
out in the Training and Production Complex of Innovative Technologies of Teaching,
Informatization and Continuing Education of ONMedU at the last lesson on the eve of the exam.
Final control: oral exam:
• survey;
• solving situational problems;
• evaluating the performance of medical manipulations on phantoms.
Criteria for assessing the learning outcomes of students in the exam:
«5 It is presented to a student who systematically worked during the semester, showed
» during the exam versatile and deep knowledge of the program, is able to successfully
perform the tasks provided by the program, mastered the content of basic and additional
literature, realized the relationship of individual sections of the discipline, their
importance for future profession. showed creative abilities in understanding and using
educational material, showed the ability to independently update and replenish
knowledge; level of competence - high (creative);
«4 It is presented to a student who has shown full knowledge of the curriculum,
» successfully performs the tasks provided by the program, mastered the basic literature
recommended by the program, showed a sufficient level of knowledge in the discipline
and is able to independently update and update during further study and professional
activities; level of competence - sufficient (constructive-variable)
«3 Exhibited to a student who has shown knowledge of the basic curriculum in the amount
» necessary for further study and further work in the profession, copes with the tasks
provided by the program, made some mistakes in answering the exam and when
performing exam tasks, but has the necessary knowledge to overcoming mistakes under
the guidance of a research and teaching staff; level of competence - average
«2 Exhibited to a student who did not show sufficient knowledge of the basic curriculum,
» made fundamental mistakes in performing the tasks provided by the program, cannot
without the help of the teacher to use the knowledge in further study, failed to master the
skills of independent work; level of competence - low (receptive-productive)
Distribution of points received by applicants for higher education The grade for the
discipline consists of 50.0% of the grade for the current performance and 50.0% of the grade for
the exam. The average score for the discipline is translated into a national grade and converted
into scores on a multi-point scale. Conversion of the traditional grade for the discipline in the
200-point is carried out by the information and computer center of the university program
Table for conversion of traditional assessment into multi-point:
National assessment for the The sum of points for the discipline
«5» 185 – 200
«4» 151 – 184
«3» 120 – 154
Points from the discipline are independently converted into both the ECTS scale and the
four-point scale. ECTS scale scores are not converted to a four-point scale and vice versa.
Further accounts are carried out by the information and computer center of the university.
Conversion of traditional assessment in the discipline and the amount of points on
the ECTS scale
Assessment on the ECTS scale Statistical indicator
А The best 10% of students
В The next 25% of students
С The next 30% of students
D The next 25% of students
Е The next 10% of students
The ECTS scale is given by the ONMedU educational subdivision or the dean's office
after ranking the grades in the discipline among students studying in one course and in one
specialty. According to the decision of the Academic Council, the ranking of students - citizens
of foreign countries is recommended to be carried out in one array.
Independent work of students
Independent and individual work of students involves independent processing of
educational material submitted to the VTS, and is carried out in the following forms: study of
educational, specialized literature, policy documents, writing a medical history, writing essays on
missed classes and more.
Independent work of students during the current control of mastering the topics of
sections in the relevant classroom. Assimilation of topics that are submitted only for independent
work are checked during the test control.
Deadline and recompilation policy
All missed classes must be completed. Lectures are practiced by writing essays on the
topic of the lesson. Practical classes are practiced according to the schedule of consultations.
Students do not have the right to rearrange the current satisfactory and unsatisfactory
grades in order to increase the arithmetic mean of all current grades.
Students have the right during the semester to retake current unsatisfactory grades only in
order to achieve an average current score of 3.00.
Academic Integrity Policy
Adherence to academic integrity by students provides:
- independent performance of educational tasks, tasks of current and final control of learning
outcomes (for persons with special educational needs this requirement is applied taking into
account their individual needs and opportunities);
- links to sources of information in the case of the use of ideas, developments, statements,
- compliance with the law on copyright and related rights;
- providing reliable information about the results of their own (scientific, creative) activities,
used research methods and sources of information.
Unacceptable in educational activities for participants in the educational process are:
- the use of family or business ties to obtain a positive or higher assessment in the
implementation of any form of control over learning outcomes or advantages in scientific work;
- use of prohibited auxiliary materials or technical means (cheat sheets, abstracts,
headphones, telephones, smartphones, tablets, etc.) during control measures;
- passing the procedures of control of learning outcomes by fictitious persons.
For violation of academic integrity, students may be held subject to the following academic
- reduction of results of assessment of control work, examination, credit, etc.;
- re-assessment (test, exam, test, etc.);
- appointment of additional control measures (additional individual tasks, tests, tests, etc.);
- re-passing the relevant educational component of the educational program;
- conducting additional verification of other works by the infringer;
- deprivation of the right to participate in competitions for scholarships, grants, etc.;
- notification of the entity that finances the training (scientific research), the institution that
issued the grant for training (research), potential employers, parents of the applicant for higher
education about the violation;
- exclusion from the rating of applicants for an academic scholarship or accrual of penalty
points in such a rating;
- deprivation of an academic scholarship;
- deprivation of tuition benefits provided by the University;
- expulsions from the University.
Attendance and lateness policy
The student should not miss lectures and practical classes, the absence of valid reasons
should be informed in advance to the teacher, delays are not desirable.
Mobile devices
It is not allowed to use a mobile phone, tablet or other mobile devices during the lesson
(except in cases provided by the curriculum and guidelines of the teacher).
Behavior in the audience
Creative, business, friendly atmosphere.