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 Pedagogy: The term pedagogy boils down to the study of different teaching methods.

Generally, each teacher has their pedagogical approach to teaching and learning in
their classroom. However, it's crucial that they also consider the most effective content delivery and mastery evaluation based on individual student needs.
Peda+gogy(children+study).Nature: Knowledge transformation,Psychological,Scientific,curricular nature.Objectives/Imp: Improves quality of teaching:

 Improves quality of teaching:If a well-thought pedagogy is implemented in the classrooms, the quality of education can show a drastic improvement.

 Eliminates monotonous learning :Pedagogy and child development work hand in hand. It helps the student to think in different ways and move beyond the traditional
methods of memorization and comprehension for learning.
 Student can follow their ways of learning :A well thought pedagogy can help the students to grasp education in various ways. It caters to the learning abilities of
different students.
 Convenient learning approach for all:Students with special needs require different ways of learning and teaching in the institutes. Implementation of a suitable
pedagogical approach will help them learn better and encourage them to be a part of the mainstream learning community.
 Improves teacher-student communication :The teacher understands the student in a better way which helps them to focus on the student’s weaknesses and guide them.
Characteristics of teaching: Student Centered,Specific nature, Behavioral nature, measurable, Observable, Achievable, Condition.
Principle of teaching methods:
1.Principle of selection 2.Motivation 3.correlation with environment 5.Individual differences 6.child all round development 7.variety 8.Maxim of teaching 9. Principle
of Experiences.
Two Teachers personality and quality:Teachers who educate children deserve more honour than parents .(Aristotle).The teacher is the prophate of the true
god and the usherer of the kingdom of god(John Dewey) Personal Charecteristics:
Expert communication skills/Superior listening skills/Deep knowledge and passion for their subject matter/The ability to build caring relationships with students/Friendliness and
approachability/Excellent preparation and organization skills/Strong work ethic/Community-building skills/High expectations for all Knowledge related: content knowledge,
general pedagogical knowledge, curriculum knowledge, pedagogical content knowl- edge, knowledge of learners, knowledge of educational contexts, and knowledge of
educational aims, purposes, and values.Social quality:..
The role that a teacher: has to play is outlined here in order to formulate educational policies, implement objectives and fulfill them 2. To participate in curriculum
development and implementation, 3. Creation of schedule and action plan and all-round development of learning to do Qualified 4. To reduce social tension and conflict
and bring about social innovation, mainly 5 class management as well as to speed up the effective teaching and learning process is: of the teacher Earn below 6. To build
supervision and support, 7. To preserve professional competence, ethics and integrity, 8. To maintain national international understanding etc. Explain the function of
teacher. 1. Planning: Planning is the first duty of the teacher. While the teacher is making plans, annual, monthly, unit plans and daily lesson plans, educational materials
and Teaching: The most important task of a teacher is teaching. The teacher should prepare the appropriate materials for teaching, determine and use methods and
methods and make the teaching fruitful by making the students active as needed to achieve.3. Organization: The third important task of teaching is to organize the
teaching-learning activities. As part of such tasks related to organization or management, such tasks as maintaining the order of curriculum and co-curricular activities,
organizing the school's physical resources, managing classrooms, managing furniture in the classroom. 4. Evaluation and record keeping: whose condition in the teacher
directions follower Educational of learning How much is the teacher available to the students in the subject they are teaching? 5. Direction and guidance: Direction and
guidance is another key strategy. The teacher can help the students to find the right path by giving them the correct instructions on time. The main task of the teacher is to
know about the physical, mental, social emotional and financial problems of the students. 6. Supervision: This is another major duty of the teacher. The teacher should
supervise the various actions and behaviors of the students and give support for positive changes in them. Attendance of students in class work, homework, experimental
work, etc., should be regularly supervised and nurtured for progress. 7. To establish relationship: As a leader of education management, teachers should maintain a clean
and harmonious relationship with students, teachers, principals, management committees, inspectors, parents and the community. 8. Other functions: a) Arranging
educational visits. Should: b) Arranging sports development and competitive programs. c) Organizing plays, films, monologues, cultural programs in schools from time to
time. d) Masses on various occasions like Women's Day, Education Day Arranging the program. .Ways of Teaching in a diverse classroom While teaching diverse
issues, one should be aware of their identity, fear and discrimination./ It is the presentation of an emotional style on any subject or creating a discriminatory
situation. /Think about the purpose of the hunt and what your purpose will be in the classroom It is necessary to distinguish between them. As much as possible, a plan
should be made to develop high-level thinking skills in the learner/. Selection of lessons and teaching strategies should be done keeping in mind the growth of the
learner's ability./ A safe, inclusive and busy environment should be created in the classroom. /Teaching and learning programs should be conducted by creating
different parts so that diversity issues are addressed.

Learning Styles:1.Lingustic(learn from teachers)2.Naturalist 3.Musical4.Kinestnestic5.Vidual6.Logical(learn from logic) Components of classroom management:Planning,Organization,staffing,
learning, controlling, Types of instructional organization: Grade teaching,Subject teaching,Multi-grade Teaching,Mix teaching. Advantages of multigrade teaching:fosters
independence,encourages cooperation and collaboration,allows children to work at their own pace, promotes responsibility, and teaches organisational and time management skills. Instructional
Instructional planning: It is a process of deciding what to teach and how to teach during the teaching-learning process. Instructional planning helps the teacher to construct goals, objectives,
and instructional and assessment methodology for the classroom. It is systematic planning that helps in developing, evaluating, and managing the instructional process during the classroom process.
PRINCIPLES OF INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING:1.Instructional planning is important for understanding the basis of the course in the context of the educational institution.2.To
determine what content to be included in the course concerning set objectives.3.To complete the subject matter at the specified time.
Types of instructional planning:Yearly operation calendar,Annual work plane,Unit plan,Dailu lesson plan,Schedule.
1. Course plan/Annual work paln: A course plan is a plan of instruction in which planning of the whole content can be done before the commencement of the course. The course plan provides
the details of the content, skills, and sometimes, values to be taught for the entire course. It is a long-range teacher guide.2. Unit Plan: After the course plan, the unit plan can be prepared by the
teacher. A unit plan consists of many lessons and is longer than a lesson plan. A unit plan has five sections i.e., introduction, objectives, contents, hints for teachers, and evaluation. The topic is the
smallest unit of a unit plan.3. Lesson Plan: A lesson plan is a teacher's plan for teaching an individual lesson. The lesson plan is the guide of the teacher which includes the aims, objectives, subject
matter, materials, devices to be used, etc. during the teaching-learning process. A lesson plan also helps in deciding the teaching methods and techniques and evaluation for achieving the desired
Imp: It provides for adequate lesson summaries, ensures a definite assignment for class, and availability of materials for lesson when needed. /It stimulates the teacher to
introduce pivotal questions and illustrations. / Since lesson planning establishes proper connections between different lessons or units of study, it provides and encourages
continuity in the teaching provides and encourages continuity in the teaching process. / It ensures association between various lessons in the same main, unit, the selection and
organisation of subject-matter, materials and activities.It has certain definite functions to perform which are indispensable in good teaching. Differentiate anticipation building
knowledge and consolidation from personalized system of instruction: Anticipation:It is the first step of ABC framework. It refers to the fact that if any activity
or lesson is supposed to be started, it should anticipate target population' s desires
22and intentions. According to Crawford ,et al. ( 2005, p. 235) "It is the phase at
the beginning of a lesson in which activities done to remind students of what
they already know about a topic, encourage them to raise questions about the
topic, and set the purposes for their learning." There are different purposes of
anticipation phase. They are to:call up the knowledge students already have/ informally assess what they have already know, including
misconceptions/set purposes for learning..Building knowledge:It is the second step of critical thinking approach. According to this phase,
after the lesson gets started, the teaching leads students to inquire, find out,
make sense of the materials, answer their prior questions, and find out new
questions and answer. The overriding purposes of this phase include of the
following. They are to: compare expectations with what is being learned/ revise expectations or raise new ones/indentify the main points/ monitor personal
thinking/ make inferences about the material
Consolidation:This is the final step of critical thinking approach to teaching. This phse or step
is also known as evaluation step. At this step, the following purposes will be
sought. They are to: summarize the main ideas/interpret the ideas/share opinions/make personal responses/ test out the ideas

Teacher centered Methods:1. Lecture Method:The word ‘lecture’ is derived from Latin word ‘lectus’, which means “that which is read.” It wasn’t until the 16th
century that the word was used to describe oral instruction given by a teacher in front of an audience of learners. Presently, teacher uses lecture method that involves,
primarily, an oral presentation given him/her to a group of learners. Many lectures are supplemented by some sort of visual aid, such as a slideshow, a word document,
an image, or a film. Some teachers may even use a whiteboard or a chalkboard to emphasize important points in their lectures. It is the most conventional teacher
centered instructional method wherein teacher transmits the knowledge and learners are the passive recipients of it. All the activities related to teaching-learning process
in the classroom and beyond the classroom, are under the control of the teacher.. ADVANTAGES:a)Teacher control: Because the lecture is delivered by one
authoritative figure – a teacher, a professor, or an instructor, s/he has full control over the transaction of the lesson and the tone of the classroom. S/he is able to shape
the course of the lecture. So, lectures remain highly consistent.b) New material: Lectures are literally just long-winded explanations of information, deemed important by
the lecturer.As such, learners can absorb large quantities of new information.c) Effortless: The lecture method makes the learning process mostly effortless on the part
of learners, who need only to pay attention during the lecture and take notes when they feel necessary. Because so little input is required from learners, it’s the most
clear, straightforward and uncomplicated way to impart learners to large quantities of information – as explained above – and in a way that is controlled and time
sensitive. Learners just need to know how to take good notes.DISADVANTAGES :a) One-way communication: People, who are against the lecture method, find it as a
one-way communication. Professors dictate information to learners, who have little or no opportunity to provide their own personal inputs, or examine the information
being delivered. Learners just have to sit down and take information; sometimes, learners will even be forced to agree with the lecture if they want a passing grade. b)
Passive listeners: Not only do people find the lecture method a biased, one-way communication, they also see it as a wholly passive experience for learners. This isn’t
just harmful because of the ways we described above. Not being actively engaged in a discussion over certain learning experience can make the learning experience
itself seem worthless to a learner. After all, the aim of education isn’t to programme learners to think a certain way according to their instructor’s lectures but to critically
analyze the information being provided and learn how to apply it in different contexts. c) Strong speaker expectations: The lecture method can be disadvantageous to
the professor as well. Not all academics can be expected to have the same level of public speaking skill. What if a teacher is a genius in his or her field, knows the
material from every angle, and is enthusiastic about the subject…but has trouble speaking in front of large groups? 2. Demonstration Method:Demonstration method
works on the principle of activity centeredness and, to some extent, on child centeredness. Therefore, it is better off than the lecture method. Demonstration method is
based on performing some activities or experiments in front of learners and learners minutely observe them. Demonstration method has dual purposes. One, it is in
accordance to the maxim of teaching concrete to abstract i.e. concepts, which are abstract in nature and harder to understand, can be demonstrated through an activity
or experiment, which would facilitate the teacher to explain them easily and learners too can internalize them effectively. Second, learners can replicate the same
demonstration wherein they can also understand concepts by doing.Moreover, demonstration helps learners develop their motor skills. Quality of demonstration
method depends upon the following aspects:i) Demonstration should be planned and rehearsed: It is necessary for a teacher to identify the concepts that need to
be demonstrated through activity or experiment. Therefore, initial planning and rehearsal is must for a successful demonstration. During planning stage, it is necessary
that all the materials required for demonstration should be arranged beforehand and they should be placed on the demonstration table in a sequential manner so that
teacher while experimenting needs not to worry about acquiring material as well as searching for it.After that, teacher needs to practice that demonstration as many times
as possible so that it leads to expected outcomes.ii) Purpose of demonstration: Before demonstration, teacher should be clear about its purpose and make the aim of
the demonstration clear to learners beforehand. Teacher should clearly state what specific things need to be observed while demonstration, based on which inferences
can be drawn or generalization can be made.iii) Active participation of learners: Teacher should ensure that learners not only observe but also actively participate
during the demonstration. It could be in the form of setting up of instruments related to experiment or activity or it can be in the form of seeking answers from the learners.
It can also be that learners can write their observations on the blackboard.
iv) Training in scientific thinking: Demonstration method provides learners with opportunity to develop process skills i.e. observe, explain, analyze, infer, verify and
review.MERITS :It inculcates the habit of scientific thinking among learners. /It is psychologically sound method as it takes into account the teaching from concrete to
abstract./It does provide opportunity to learners to participate during demonstration. /Theorization of concepts through verbal mode by teacher is reduced and focus is on
demonstration of concepts through experiment or activity./It is suitable for a multicultural and differential classroom.LIMITATIONS:Demonstration method is time
consuming as lots of effort on the part of teacher is required during planning, organizing and conducting phase.It is a resourceful method so sometimes teacher is unable
to organize the materials required for demonstration. /If demonstration fails in achieving the purpose, then it will have negative impact on the morale and attitude of
learners./All the topics or contents can not be covered through this method. 3. Team Teaching:The word ‘team’ is associated when two or more than two members join
together to achieve some specific objectives. In team teaching too, two or more than two teachers with special abilities, competencies and specialization join together and
teach in a classroom. According to R.A. Singer (1964), team teaching may be defined “as an arrangement whereby two or more teachers cooperatively plan, teach and
evaluate one or more class groups in an appropriate and agreed teaching plan in given length of time, so as to take advantage of specific competencies of the team
members”.According to David Warwick (1971), team teaching represents “a form of organization in which individual teacher declared to pool resources, interests
and expertise, in order to devise and implement a scheme of work suitable to the needs of their learners and the facilities of the institution”.From the above
definitions, it can be concluded that team teaching involves a group of teachers working cooperatively in a team to develop a programme of instruction and share among
themselves teaching, evaluation and course improvement.CHARACTERISTICS OF TEAM TEACHINGi) Group of teachers: Team teaching generally involves a group
of teachers. The number of teachers depends upon nature and objectives of the course, the size of the class and the facilities to be used.ii) Joint responsibilities: In
team teaching, teachers work together and are jointly responsible for planning and instruction of a course.iii) Cooperative teaching: Team teaching is also referred to
cooperative teaching, as teachers cooperatively develop a programme of instruction and share in planning, organizing, teaching, evaluation and course improvement.
iv) Specific competencies: In team teaching, each individual teacher has specific competencies and work is assigned based on these specific competencies. In team
teaching, a teacher needs to be multi-tasking. Teachers, who are good in planning would get an appropriate chance for instruction and length of time so as to use special
competencies of teaching content to a group of learners.v) Need-centered: In team teaching, teachers have to consider the needs, interests and development level of
their learners and they should teach cooperatively to satisfy learners’ needs and interest and to remove their difficulties and problems.
vi) Autonomy to teachers: Team teaching provides autonomy to each of the teachers to choose their teaching related activities and responsibilities as per their needs,
interest and abilities.vii) Flexibility in teaching: Team teaching provides enough of flexibility to teachers in scheduling their activities to meet the needs of learners and
themselves.viii) Improvement in teaching-learning process: Team teaching is a resultant of joint collaboration of teachers who have some specific abilities which
would immensely help the learners in improvement in learning outcomes.ix) Pooling of resources: In team teaching, resources are pooled up so as to benefit learners
at large and help teachers individually.ADVANTAGES OF TEAM TEACHINGa) Better planning: In traditional system, teachers separately spend their time individually
in planning the same content at different period of time for two different classes or same classes. In team teaching both teachers can devote more time to and energy in
planning and preparing content for the benefit of learners.b) Improvement in teaching: In team teaching, teachers are given the opportunity to observe each other
teaching and thus obtain feedback on each other’s teaching and thus it helps in improving their skills of teaching. In traditional teaching, teachers are devoid of this
opportunity of observing the lesson of each teacher.c) Benefit of specialization: In team teaching, teachers normally are chosen based on their specialization, which
would immensely help learners in getting deeper understanding of the content which is not the case with single teachers.d) Useful for bright learners: Team teaching
would be helpful to bright learners as they get more knowledge about the subject matter, which is sometimes not possible in single teacher classroom. They are given
extra work and they do not lose interest as they do in traditional classroom teaching.e) Optimal utilization of resources: Team teaching provides opportunity for optimal
utilization of human resources. Learners are benefited by the best of available teachers.f) Better interaction: Both teachers and learners get opportunities to interact
with experts in a subject or a specialized field. It gives them useful exposure in terms of learning new and specialized field things. It also provides learners motivation and
inspiration for reaching the top in the field of learning, instruction and research.g) Flexibility: It is a highly flexible method of teaching whereas traditional methods of
teaching are rigid. It is quite flexible in terms of scheduling and grouping techniques to meet the needs of a particular teaching learning situation. The time table also
allows flexibility for the organization of team teaching.DISADVANTAGESa) Costly method: Team teaching is costlier than traditional method as it hires team of
specialized teachers.b) Lack of material facilities: Inadequate space and material facilities in the form of large rooms, furniture, laboratory, library, workshops, teaching
aids, materials and communication equipments act as a barrier for success of team teaching.c) Lack of cooperation: The basis of team teaching is cooperation. But
sometimes teachers hesitate to cooperate with other teachers. Hence cooperation from all teachers cannot be expected.d) Lack of accountability: In traditional
teaching, a teacher teaches a subject to a particular class and s/he is accountable for the results and progress of learners into the subject. In team teaching, since it is the
joint responsibility of team of teachers teaching the learners therefore accountability rests with all the team members. One teacher can shirk its responsibility to other
teachers.e) Difficulty in maintaining harmony: Team teaching requires proper understanding, cooperation and harmony among the members of the team. There is
difficulty in maintaining proper team-spirit, positive attitude towards the assigned work, proper coordination and harmony among the members of the team.f) Non
availability of specialized teachers: All teachers of the team should have a thorough knowledge of the subject along with the necessary skills to handle the classroom
management along with academic activities. Such type of competent and specialized teachers with complete willingness and positive attitude towards team teaching are
not available.Direct Instruction:Direct instruction is where teachers use explicit teaching techniques to teach a specific skill to their students. This type of instruction is
teacher-directed, where a teacher typically stands at the front of a room and presents information. Teachers match their instruction to the task to enhance students’
understanding of a topic. This technique depends on strict lesson plans with little room for variation. It does not include active learning activities such as discussions, workshops
or case studies. The six steps in direct instruction are: Introducing material, that is used to activate students’ prior knowledge/ Presenting new material, where students begin
to learn with step-by-step guides/ Guiding students, where teachers can correct mistakes early on and reteach material if needed/ Providing feedback, where teachers give
students an indicator of their performance/ Practicing independently, where students individually apply the skills that they’ve gained/ Evaluating, where students are tested on
what they’ve learned.

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