Eapp 12-Q3-M9
Eapp 12-Q3-M9
Eapp 12-Q3-M9
Professional Purposes
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Quarter 3 – Module 9: Concept Paper: Art
First Edition, 2020
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English for Academic and
Professional Purposes
Lesson 9
Quarter 1
Prepare a Concept Paper: Art
Introductory Message
Welcome to the English for Academic and Professional Purposes on Concept Paper:
Art This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators
from Schools Division Office of Pasig City headed by its Officer-In-Charge Schools
Division Superintendent, Ma. Evalou Concepcion A. Agustin in partnership with the
Local Government of Pasig through its mayor, Honorable Victor Ma. Regis N. Sotto.
The writers utilized the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum using the Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) while overcoming their personal, social,
and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning material hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Further, this also aims to help learners
acquire the needed 21st century skills especially the 5 Cs namely: Communication,
Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking and Character while taking into
consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Moreover, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners
as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
Welcome to the English for Academic and Professional Purposes Module on Concept
Paper: Art.
The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner
is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and
skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning material while being an active learner.
Recap - This section will measure what learnings and skills that
you understand from the previous lesson.
Lesson- This section will discuss the topic for this module.
Posttest - This will measure how much you have learned from
the entire module. Ito po ang parts ng module
Identify the following terms. Choose your answer inside the box and write on
the space before the number.
___________ 2. This provides the readers with a clear title to your proposal
as well as any other specific information is requested.
____________ 4. This provides a full list of all of the sources of information you
have used and cited within your article using the correct
_____________ 5. This gives the reader a clear idea of what you hope to
achieve through the article you intend.
• Title Page: this provides the readers with a clear title to your proposal as
well as any other specific information is requested.
• Statement of the problem: this introductory section should provide the
reader with an outline of the issue you are looking to solve and why it is
• Preliminary literature review: this is a study of the literature is available
around the subject of your intended analysis. Usually, you start with a
broad view of the topic and then focus into look at the specific issue you
be investigating.
• Goal statement: this gives the reader a clear idea of what you hope to
achieve through the article you intend.
• Research questions: these are the specific questions you seek to answer
through your intended work.
• An abridged methodology: you need to show and justify the methodology
you`ll be looking to use to conduct your research.
• Timelines: show you have thought about your analysis with care and
provide a timeline with clear milestones to show what be achieved and
• References: you should always provide a full list of all of the sources of
information you have used and cited within your article using the correct
Let’s try a few items as practice exercise. Make a thumbs up if you think
the example is a step in writing a concept paper. Do the thumbs down if it is
You need to show and justify the methodology you`ll be using to conduct
your research.
You should always provide a full list of all of the sources of information
you have used and cited within your article using the correct format.
Goals and Objectives: What are the objectives of your project? Give your
most focused vision for the finished project or production. Describe any
key expressions, impressions, or insights that you intend, and the
audience that you intend them for.
Significance: Cite sources of artistic/design inspiration for the project.
What is the relationship between your proposed project and past or current
work by other artists/designers? In light of the current dialog across
related media, how is your vision unique, interesting, or original? Make a
case that there is a community of artists and critics that will be interested
in your work.
Project Plan: It is best to plan out how you will approach writing a concept
paper. Often this is something can take months to complete. What techniques
will you use? Why and how will you use them? What area or media will
you be working in? What is your conceptual approach to this project? What
concerns do you address? How do you envision your final product? For
productions or exhibitions, provide a detailed timeline with the projected
start date, including: pre-production research; production schedule,
itemizing tasks and allocating time & delegation for each; post-production
plans, if applicable. How will the final work or production you envision
enhance your interests, skills, opportunities for further work? How will
your plans for presenting this work affect your audience?
Outline your Proposal: use their guidance to map out exactly what should
be covered in every section of your work. A good outline will make creating
considerably easier and help you to avoid issues and rewriting.
Preparation: What formal or informal training and mentoring have you had,
or will you need? How do your past experiences inform this project? Link
to online samples of your previous work if possible.
Get advice: always have others review your document and accept any
criticism they level at your task. It is always better to act on what they tell
you rather than have your document rejected.
Proofread: simple mistakes in your content can sink your essay before you
have any chance to go any further with your researchers.
Read the following concept paper and briefly answer the questions that follow.
One of the overall goals of the Sequim Arts Advisory Commission is to foster
more artistic related activities and opportunities in the downtown area,
specifically around the City Hall Plaza. The Arts Commission has overseen
lobby displays; plaza displays, events and activities (ie concerts, dances);
Downtown activities (ie Keying Around); and placement of art pieces at City
Hall and on the Plaza. We also recognize that our community has a wealth of
talented writers, thespians, musicians and artists of all kinds living in and
around Sequim. Statement of Need: One of the opportunities missing in our
area are small, workable and economical space for art classes,
demonstrations, gatherings and lectures. We have talked to local artists who
would be interested in an economical, centralized location to hold classes or
to use as a studio. While there are facilities (ie OTA, Guy Cole, Sunland,
Grange, Pioneer Park) in the area, scheduling a short lived series of classes
and/or small meetings, demonstrations or lectures in these spaces is not
always a viable option. Usually smaller spaces are all that is needed along
with easy access to water, restrooms and a central location are important.
The Concept: This proposal is to consider creating an “Art House” in the City
owned building located at the SE corner of Spruce and Sequim Ave. (the
former temporary City Hall). Currently we know the building is basically
empty except for some identified storage areas. It is not being used and the
space would be ideal for use by individuals and smaller groups for classes
and/or meetings. It is our understanding that the cost to hold this property
is currently being completely covered by the City. Some of the options this
space could be used for include: studio space for artists, drawing or painting
classes; writing workshops; music instruction (we could provide a piano from
Keying Around); social gatherings; demonstrations, meetings or presentations
for various groups. The options are limitless. Since the building has water,
bathrooms, a minimal kitchen and one larger space with smaller rooms
around the center core, a combination of storage and classes could be
accommodated. Note: While Peninsula College does have class space close by,
art classes requiring more space (ie painting) are not really possible and this
could be presented as an option to PC to allow them to provide this type of
class in Sequim instead of Port Angeles and Port Townsend exclusively as it
is now. Financial Concept: We would need to establish a base hourly fee to
cover utilities based on a 30% to 50% usage (est. 15 to 23 hours/week). The
assumption here is that the utility "holding" costs would be minimal – based
on current figures. The User would then be charged a fee based on their
scheduled hours. See Cost Estimates Examples of usage for an Art Class: The
User would identify the length of the class time (# hours), calendar dates,
duration of the class and would be able to schedule space on a master
calendar. The fee would be based on space and time usage. They could enroll
as many students as they wanted up to the established capacity for each type
of class and charge whatever they wanted for their fees. The goal is to have
the User realize their fees and cover the facility expenses. City responsibility
would be to • provide tables and chairs for all classes/events • draw up
agreements between the City and the User and • develop a facility rental
system to handle User scheduling Attachment 1 Item No. 4 • require payment
of fees in advance to the City of Sequim The Users would be responsible for
any necessary promotions. Any promotions could also be made available on
the City website and the tourism website. Note: City staff or volunteer would
be needed in support of the following: Development and/or review of rental
agreements; Receipt of rental deposits/funds; Posting of information on the
City websites and identified information dissemination. The goal would be to
identify a volunteer, associated with the Arts Advisory Commission, to oversee
the rental applications and scheduling during the developmental phases and
timing. Murals & Student Involvement: To make this a visible part of the
Sequim central core Arts Project, we would like to work with the Sequim High
School art classes to design and execute wall murals surrounding the
building. While creating a unique venue, wall murals fit with the concept of
murals on other locations downtown and provide a focus while involving
students in the execution. Grant Possibility: If the City were to support this
concept by providing the building participant in this project for Grant
Application purposes. Several of the State Arts grants look for participation
from municipalities as a criteria. Grant applications would not be limited to
the State. We would work with the Olympic Foundation to identify other grant
options and would also look at our local resource grantors. Cost Estimates :
Based on initial information provided by the City Current: $250/month
Electric, Sewer & Water (no est. for janitorial) For budgeting purposes, we are
using a figure of $350/month or $87.50/week or $17.50/day based on a 5
day week. Note: Using this amount allows for seasonal changes, added
janitorial and a percentage to deal with potentially increased electrical or
water charges plus hopefully would provide a small reserve fund. Rental Fee
Options: Initial rates based on holding costs and other facilities Assuming
most classes/events would probably be 2 to 3 hours in duration, it is possible
that 2 or 3 different classes/events could take place each day. Due to the
general configuration, it is doubtful that more than one class/event could take
place at the same time however. Options below are for the large room, set with
tables and chairs. Smaller rooms, if used could be costed separately. Below
are 3 different approaches to fees. Option 1: Daily Fee of $35.00 for up to 3
hours; $65.00 for 3 to 8 hours This would be charged to each separate
class/event scheduled per day. Multiple rentals on one day would need to be
monitored to ensure adequate space utilization and/or spacing. Option 2:
Hourly Fee of $15.00 would be good for 1 or 2 hour meetings/events. Option
3: Sliding Scale Hourly fee of $17.50 would be charged for event up to 3 hours
in duration ($52.50 max.); A flat fee would be charged for events over 3 hours,
ie $65.00 for 3 to 6 hours; $85.00 for 6+ hours/day. All fees would be based
on the Renter being responsible for clean up of space; return to readiness for
next group. Time blocked would include a grace period of 15-30 minutes prior
to and post for arrival Attachment 1 Item No. 4 for basic set up and striking
of supplies, etc. and could be structured to accommodate specific class/event
requirements. Renters not complying could be charged a janitorial fee and
subject to monitoring for continued usage (spelled out in agreement). Current
Usage: With this program, the goal would be to adequately cover the holding
expenses and build a small reserve fund. After a 3 month operational fund is
realized, it is proposed that all additional funds received above the monthly
cost would be transferred to a general fund managed by the CAAC for art
projects/purchases and/or “arts” events in and for the City of Sequim. This
could include purchased artwork/sculptures; sidewalk enhancements;
special improvements to local downtown areas ie Seal Park; Plaza events ie
dances, concerts. Summary: We know this “concept” has been fairly detailed,
but felt it should be to show the tremendous possibilities such an “Art House”
could provide the City. Having this space as a supplemental, small, affordable
rental space for social gatherings or meetings alone will enhance availability
for many, but adding the focus on our arts community will show again, that
Sequim believes that the Arts – all forms – are important to the overall culture
and fabric of our community. This type of “Art House” is not something we
can accomplish without the support of the City. We hope you will consider
this and the positive impact it could have to reinforcing the City Hall Plaza
core as the “HEART” of Sequim. (Not a bad name for it either!) Thank You for
your consideration of this concept.
- Does the writer exhibit a thorough knowledge of his/her topic as
shown in the presentation of the ideas?
To wrap everything up that we have talked about in this lesson, do the 3-2-1
Important Things Activity
The three important things I learned for today`s lesson are..
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
“It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and
whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what
is done in love is well done.”
― Vincent Van Gogh
1. Always have others review your document and accept any criticism
they level at your task.
a. Proofread b. Get advice c. Preparation
5. It is best to plan out how you will approach writing a concept paper.
6. Simple mistakes in your content can sink your essay before you
have any chance to go any further with your researchers.
a. Proofread b. Get advice c. Research thoroughly
B 7.
A 6.
B 5. 5.Goal Statement
A 4. 4. References
A 3. 3. Research Questions
C 2. 2. Title Page
B 1. 1. Statement of the Problem