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LVL 3 - Goblin - Adventure

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The Goblins of Boldavia

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

Terrain: Forest
Total Party Levels: 12 (Average 3rd level)

The Set Up

A large band of goblins has been seen roaming the hills in the Northwest section of Boldavia principality for some
time. The village of Palatinsk has recently become a frequent target of their raids. One week ago the jewel of Rapan was
stolen from its owner, the leader of the elders. The elders will pay 1000 gp for the return of the jewel, and the destruction of
this threat. (The Jewel of Rapan is a 10,000 gp emerald)

The Lair

The goblins were quite disorganised before Galazar arrived. He found that the goblins followed his orders
unerringly, and he was able to form a small army of goblins under his power. He allows the goblins to keep a small amount
of treasure to keep them happy, and his strongest guards are allowed to use his magical weapons. They will never turn on
him willingly. Galazar lairs in a hidden tomb, two miles north of town inside of which he found a large clay jar filled with
beads. When thrown these beads turn into 2-dice fireballs, these are known as Firebeads (he allows the goblins to use these).

The elders are not sure where the lair is, and tell the heroes to visit the local tavern and consult Eracles. Eracles is
the towns prophet, he will answer any question for a glass of good wine (5 sp). He often responds in long answers that make
decent sense (but are not always true). The people trust him unerringly, he will always be in the tavern. Several other people
will answer as follows:
 A known drunk (with poor eyesight) claims that on his way home from the tavern one night he saw a huge blue
lizard. He says that the lizard asked him where Hemseth was, and when he responded that he didn't know it flew away.
 Several woodsmen tell about seeing eerie red balls of fire flying through the northern forest at night. They were
curious, but they were more afraid (this is just the goblins practicing with their Firebeads).
 An old woman says that the goblins have been possessed by powerful spirits that haunt the forest, and given all
the strange occurrences most of the local people believe her.
 Nearby ranchers claim that goblins have been seen dragging off slain pigs from their ranches to the west. The
ranchers add that goblins always disliked the taste of pork and that the goblins never bothered the pigs before last month.
The goblins were seen praying over the pigs bodies, and left several trinkets and coins behind when they left with the

Roughly halfway there the party will notice a lone goblin in the brush near a tall tree, it appears to have broken its
leg, and will tell the heroes that it fell while trying to get the bird eggs up in the nests (there are in fact several nests in the
tree). The goblin is not hurt, and has two friends hiding nearby to the east.
The “wounded” goblin carries a steel long sword (+1;+2), wear a leather armor and has a 25 gp opal. The second
goblin wields a silver dagger and wear a studded leather armor. The third goblin wears a leather armor and an amulet of
protection (AP +20; AC +2), and wields a long sword. Each goblin carries 4 Firebeads, 3 Acorns of healing, and 25 gp.
They will wait until the party is broken up, then try to attack from behind. The goblins will attack immediately if
the heroes attack the injured one. If questioned the injured goblin will tell the party to find his friend who has wandered
west, he is the tribes leader, if the party falls for his story and tries to find his friend, the goblins will attack as the party turns
west. If combat begins to go badly they will retreat to the lair, being careful not to be followed

The lair is well hidden behind a stand of large oaks. One of the oldest trees produces Acorns of healing. The goblins
gather these acorns daily and hide them in the lair. Each goblin carries three of these at all times. If the heroes cast detect
magic they will find four acorns on tree to be magical. Several goblins guard the area around the cave, they keep watch in
giant nests 20' high in the trees with the eagles that created them. The goblins don't control the eagles, but the eagles will
listen to them. There are three nests in the area around the lair. The eagles will not fight heroes that enter their nests (they
assume the heroes to be goblins). Each of the 3 nests contain 2 goblins and 2 giant eagles. The nest treasures are as follows:
1. 40 gp diamonds, and (5) Acorns of Healing.
2. 125 gp gold necklace,(3) fake rubies,(50 gp appearance).
3. metal flask containing a Potion of anti-poison (7 drops).
The goblins from the first encounter will be here if not slain. The goblins begin by throwing Firebeads down on the
heroes, each bead does 2d6 points of fire damage, save vs. spells for half. The goblins will then have the eagles attack as
they climb down, the eagles will retreat when they lose half of their hit points. The goblins will attack as the eagles retreat.
The goblins retreat when they are reduced to six or less hit points, or when two of them have been slain. The goblins will run
towards the lair, but will split-up and attempt to elude the heroes in the forest before entering. They will regroup inside the
lair and use their acorns to heal themselves.

The cavern

The entrance to the lair is hidden behind a thick wall of heavy vines, these vines are very stiff to the touch, and a
find secret doors roll must be passed to find the entrance. Behind the vines lies a 10' wide passage with a 15' ceiling, it runs
30' ahead before ending in a 30' wide by 40' long chamber, this chamber is quite damp, water seems to be seeping in from
above. The walls are coated by a heavy moss. At the back of the room is a 10' wide corridor running west. There are four
torches providing light in this room. At the back of the room is a secret door, but the goblins will not go through this. There
are four goblins standing guard here.
Four yellows goblins: each carries a long sword, four Firebeads, three Acorns of Healing, and 50gp; they wear
leather armor, and the #3 as a wooden shield.
The goblins from the first two encounters will also be here (if they survived). When the party arrives most of the
goblins will be hiding by the entrance, while two (the most powerful) stand at the back of the chamber. they will all attack
when the party reaches the center of the room. If the combat goes badly, the goblins will retreat through the side passage. In
a small sack hidden near the entrance are 120 gp, a 50 gp emerald, and a 1 gp copper ring with the word "kashan" engraved
on the inside.

The passage to the west slopes up gradually, slowly becoming dryer. 20' down the side passage is a 10' square, 20'
deep covered pit, if the party is chasing the goblins they have a 5% chance of seeing the goblins using heavy vines to swing
across the pit. The vines are secured to a large iron ring set in the ceiling. The vines have a 10% chance of breaking each
time they are used (roll for the goblins as well) if one breaks for an goblin he will fall screaming into the pit and die when he
strikes bottom, the others will continue on (allow the rest make it safely). Falling heroes take 2d6 points of damage. The pit
is dimly lit although there is no visible light source. There is a body of a dead wizard in the pit, he wears a Ring of
Invisibility (6 charges left), if the heroes search the pit one of them is sure to stumble over him. The source of the light is a
10 gp gem he carries, with a Continual Light cast on it.

The passage ends in a 30' square chamber, all the goblins from previous encounters will be here if not slain, as well
as two more (1 yellow and 1 blue goblin): each carries a long sword, four Firebeads, three Acorns Of Healing, and 50 gp;
armor : the blue has a badly-kept chain mail (AP +38),
There are ten Firebeads, and five Acorns of Healing, at the back of the room from which they will replenish their
supply. If they sustain heavy losses, they will try to get to the secret door in the main chamber, if cut off they will fight to
the death (they fear the dragon more than the party). If the goblins manage to retreat through the secret door, they will be
found later with the dragon. The chamber appears empty, but hidden under a loose rock in the east wall is a small chest, it is
locked and has both a Leomunds trap, and a Nystuls arua cast upon it. The lock is quite poor quality, and 2-3 blows from a
blunt object will break it, the Chest is not trapped. It contains a Potion of muting (can’t talk for 3 hours), a horn of
summoning (the goblins don't know the command word, which is “Pleh Ym Ot Emoc Nomed”; their is 3 charges left), and
four Acorns of Healing.

The secret door in the main chamber is hidden extremely well behind a layer of heavy moss, it can be found on a
roll of 1 on 1d10,(1-2 for elves). Behind it is a cut stone passage 8' wide by 40' long, with a 8' ceiling. this passage is not as
wet as the main chamber, but it is still quite damp. 20' down the corridor on the left is a heavy wooden door, there is a
roughly carved a skull with two bone in cross on the surface. The door has swelled slightly from the moisture and requires a
successful bend bars roll to open. Beyond the door is a small room 20' square, there are 4 zombies (2 human, 1 goblin and 1
dead zombie [killed by the goblins]) in the room that attack almost immediately.
The goblins do not enter in that room now that they know what’s in it. They are what remain of three human
warriors buried here centuries ago. The room contains three large stone platforms upon which the bodies rested when buried.
upon the first lies a rotting cloak and a vial of arsenic (clearly labeled). Upon the second rests a suit of badly rusted chain
mail (AP +24) ( the zombie #3 have it ), and a set of Bracers of Defense (AP +13, AC +4) ( the zombie #2 have take it ).
The third is covered in a layer of green moss, the moss will appear to be a green slime (90% chance). Under the moss is a
200 gp ruby, and a Potion of Flying.

10' past the first door there is another door on the opposite side of the corridor. This door is solid granite, almost 2'
thick, a cleric can feel an aura of good surrounding it. Although it can be opened on its massive stone hinges, its enormous
weight requires a combined strength of 30 or more to move it. The goblins are not strong enough to move it. The room
beyond is 25' wide by 30' long.
There is a large circular fountain,(7' across) set against the far wall, with a 3' tall statue of a warrior in the center.
The water in the fountain will heal 1-4 points of damage per character, per day. The fountains base is white marble, but the
statue is made of red granite. Carved into the wall above the statue is a cryptic message written in common: "Nearby lies the
warrior of thirst, to reach him you must heal him first. Beware that he who plunders his tomb, should be prepared to face his
doom." If the water in the fountain is splashed on the statue the entire wall will turn ninety degrees. The wall will revolve
back when pushed, it turns quite easily. Take note that the only way to revolve the wall from the inside is a Knock spell, if
the party traps themselves they will be doomed to their fate.
The room beyond is 25' wide by 40' long. It is incredibly clean, as if nobody had ever entered this room before.
There are two wights in the room, if a priest enters that is lawful, or good in alignment they will not attack, they will simply
back-up and stand near the back wall, if attacked they will retaliate. If a priest is not with the party, or if the party disturbs
the skeleton, they will attack.
The wights will try to force heroes out of the tomb, rather than try to destroy them, due to the nature of the tomb +2
is added to all "turn undead" roles. In the back of the room is a raised dais upon which rests a white marble throne. Sitting in
the throne is a human skeleton, it wears a Tiara of Wisdom,(adds +1 to wisdom score), and holds an amber bastard sword
(1d8+2, hit +1), set in its eyes sockets are two 50 gp sapphires. If the gems are removed the statue will activate. If it still
holds its sword it will strike whoever stands before it, striking for 1d8+2 points of damage. After it attacks, or if its sword
has been taken it will yell "Be Cursed all who steal my riches", and collapse, at which point the wights will attack. The
throne is solid marble and is worth almost 1000 gp but weighs close to a ton.

The hall continues to a "T" intersection at its terminus. The east passage leads 20 feet and end at a large steel-bound
oak door. The West passage goes 20' west and turns south, there is a wooden door in the west wall of the bend.
The eastern door is locked, and as the lock is rusted a "pick locks" roll will always fail. There are several cracks and
marks on the door from the goblins attempts to break it down. The door has 57 AP left, edged weapons will only do half
damage. Behind the door is a 8' wide hallway that runs 20' to a 30' square. room. The room contains several small pieces of
fine oak furniture, including a desk, two chairs, and a small table. But time and moisture have taken their toll and have made
it all quite worthless. within a secret drawer in the desk (requiring a secret door roll to find) ,is a scroll of the priest spell
Neutralize Poison. Three tapestries which depict a priest building a massive church hang on the walls (he’s building the
church of Leenz in Aalban). They show no signs of deterioration, for they are magically protected. They could be worth 50
gp each to the right buyer. In the right-rear corner of the room is a stone coffin, the lid requires a combined strength of 35 or
more to move. Inside is a necropidius (undead naga), it will attack as the lid is opened.
Inside the coffin is a gold urn worth 100 gp that contains the ashes of the priest depicted in the tapestries. As well as
a small black stone lion, which is really a Dimensional Mine.

The door at the bend in the west passage is locked with a large padlock, it is of exceptional quality, and subtracts
20% from a thieves chances to pick it. If undamaged, a locksmith would pay up to 20 gp for it. The door itself has 20 AP,
and when struck the person striking the door suffers the same damage as the door. The room beyond is 30' square with a 10'
ceiling. the only item in the room is a bag sitting by the far wall. As the party steps through the door they will feel that
something does not seem right in the room. The floor has been magically protect with a permanent silence spell. Nothing
will happen until the characters pick-up the bag, at which point the entire floor except the 5' square section where the bag
lays will vanish, the floor will instantly appear 20' below where the floor used to be, falling characters take 2d6 points of
damage. If a exactly equal amount of weight is replaced where the bag was the floor will raise slowly back to where it was.
Getting out without resetting it is bound to be a problem since the heroes are now 20' below the door. The bag contains a
gold key worth 2 gp, 25 lead coins, and a invisible diamond worth 100 gp. The bag weighs exactly one pound.

After the western corridor turns right it heads 20' south and ends in a large locked wooden door. This door has a
permanent silence cast on it, the heroes will be able to hear nothing by listening at the door. When opened it reveals a 50'
square room with a 30' high ceiling. If Galazar has had no warning of intruders he will be on his treasure stacking gold
coins. If any goblin managed to get here then the hero opening the door will immediately be struck by Galazar (young red
dragon) fire breath.
Any goblin that managed to escape the party will be healed and ready to attack. Galazar believe that physical
combat is beneath him and will allow the goblins to do most of the fighting if they are present. He will wait until they are
slain and then attack the party. If the goblins have not warned him he will not be surprised by the party, he will converse
willingly if the party does not attack, in 4-8 rounds he will tire of conversation and will attack. Galazar Attacks first with his
breath weapon and then uses his physical attacks. If reduced to ten or fewer hit points he will cast Wall of Fog, and use his
ring to escape through a small pipe in the back of the room.
His Treasure includes, 3000 cp, 5000 sp, 750 gp, (3) 100 gp diamonds, a gold ring with a large black opal set in it
worth 75 gp, a small crystal statue of a wolf worth 50 gp, a Ring of The mouse (he uses this to exit and enter the tomb), a
Wand of Metal and Mineral Detection, a pearl quarterstaff, and a Potion of Gaseous Form.
The following items have been stolen, and the owners will wish their return, a crystal breast plate armor, a non-
magical cloak of elven making, a crystal ball, and the jewel of Rapan. The owners of the items will pay a total of 1300 gp
for their return.

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