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07.structure of The Crust and Upper Mantle Beneath The Parnaíba Basin, Brazil, From Wide-Angle Reflection PDF

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Structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath

the Parnaíba Basin, Brazil, from wide-angle
reflection–refraction data
Instituto de Geociências, Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Universidade de Brasília,
Brazil, 70910-900
School of Geosciences, Meston Building, King’s College, University of
Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3UE
Universidade Federal do Pampa, Avenida Pedro Anunciação, 111 Vila Batista,
Caçapava do Sul/RS, Brazil, 9670-000
Instituto de Engenharia e Geociências, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará,
Brazil, 68040-470
J.E.P.S., 0000-0001-5585-3981

Abstract: The Parnaíba Basin is a Phanerozoic intracontinental basin within the South America plate, lying on
top of and within Precambrian terranes. The Parnaíba Basin Analysis Program wide-angle reflection–refraction
(WARR) lies east–west and is 1150 km long profile crossing the basin and its margins. The WARR results show
that the crust and uppermost mantle along the profile consist of the Amazonian Craton and Borborema Province,
and the Grajaú and Teresina domains comprising the Parnaíba block hidden below the sedimentary cover of
the basin itself. The lithospheric characteristics of the Parnaíba block and their differences from the adjacent
Precambrian Amazonian Craton and Borborema Province elucidate some aspects of the present day existence
of the sedimentary basin covering it. Important elements include the presence of a high mantle velocity and
high-velocity lowermost crustal region, interpreted as linked to the intrusion of mafic material into the crust
underlying the Grajaú domain, and indications that the crust in this area has been intruded since its consolidation
in the Neoproterozoic. It is tentatively proposed that magmatism is related to the inferred thinning of the lower
crust of the Teresina and Borborema segments of the profile, with this, in turn, linked to Cretaceous extensional
tectonics and the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean.

Supplementary material: Datasets and ray-tracing modelling for all 20 shot gather seismic sections from the
WARR experiment of the Parnaíba Basin. Available at

Together with the Amazonas-Solimões, Parecis and the Brasiliano/Pan-African Orogeny at the end of
Paraná basins, the Parnaíba Basin is part of a set of the Neoproterozoic and early Paleozoic.
Paleozoic intraplate basins within the South America The deeper structure of the Parnaíba Basin, until
plate. Its depositional history spans Silurian to Ceno- now, has mainly been inferred from geological
zoic time and it is typically associated with an exten- (e.g. Cordani et al. 1984, 2009) and potential field
sional event, similar to the formation of Paleozoic observations (Nunes 1993; Castro et al. 2014,
intraplate basins around the world such as, among 2016) and is poorly constrained by seismological
others, the Williston and Illinois basins in North (Assumpção et al. 2013a, b; Feng et al. 2004) and
America, the Congo and Taoudeni basins in Africa seismic data (Daly et al. 2014). Its structure and gen-
and the Siberian basin in Russia (Condie 2004; esis are the subject of some controversy and debate.
Kearey et al. 2009; Allen & Allen 2013). All these The petroleum company BP has recently spon-
basins appear to represent widespread extensional sored the multidisciplinary Parnaíba Basin Analysis
tectonics on the Gondwana supercontinent following Program, involving universities and research centres

From: DALY, M. C., FUCK, R. A., JULIÀ, J., MACDONALD, D. I. M. & WATTS, A. B. (eds) 2018. Cratonic Basin Formation:
A Case Study of the Parnaíba Basin of Brazil. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 472, 67–82.
First published online April 13, 2018,
© 2018 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:
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from Brazil and the UK, with the aim of investigating model of the crust and upper mantle of the basin to
the deep structure of the Parnaíba Basin and illumi- be constructed. Field acquisition was carried out in
nating its genesis and evolution. As part of this September 2015 by the Lithosphere Research Labo-
effort, Daly et al. (2014) presented a dense CDP ratory of the University of Brasília, in partnership
image of the Parnaíba Basin crust (range 20 s two- with the Pampa Federal University (Caçapava do
way travel time) along a 1400 km east–west transect, Sul) and the University of Aberdeen.
crossing the basin and its western and eastern borders
at roughly the latitude 5.35° S (Fig. 1).
The wide-angle reflection–refraction (WARR) Tectonic setting
experiment presented here was carried out along
almost the same path as the Daly et al. (2014) CDP The Parnaíba Basin is a sag basin occupying an area
profile and has allowed a two-dimensional velocity of c. 660 000 km2 (Cordani et al. 1984) in NE Brazil

Fig. 1. Physiographic map of north Brazil highlighting the limit of the Parnaíba Basin and showing the paths of the
CDP (Daly et al. 2014) and WARR profiles. The profiles are coincident except between Imperatriz and Barra do
Corda and between Altos and Castelo. Stars indicate the locations of the WARR profile shot points and the triangles
are the locations of three-component seismograph stations used for the preliminary receiver function estimates of
Moho depth. The dashed line is the inferred location of the Transbrasiliano Lineament (CPRM 2015). The inset map
shows the Parnaíba Basin in the context of the South American continent (modified from CIGIAR 2017).
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and, in contrast with the Amazonas-Solimões, Pare- cross-cuts the Parnaíba Basin in its SE segment
cis and Paraná basins, it does not show any preferen- (Fig. 2). The Transbrasiliano Lineament (Schobben-
tial rift direction controlling its sedimentary infill. haus Filho et al. 1975) is a continental shear zone
Nevertheless, the basement of the Parnaíba Basin crossing the South America plate and continuing
presents a series of small north–south-, NW–SE- into the Africa plate (where it is known as the
and NE–SW-trending rift-like structures, mainly Kandi Lineament) and is defined as the scar of a
defined by potential field analyses, which have been transcontinental terrane amalgamation that took
considered as the precursory structures of the overly- place at the end of the Neoproterozoic as part of
ing sag basin (Nunes 1993; Oliveira & Mohriak the formation of West Gondwana (Cordani et al.
2003; Castro et al. 2016). Among these, the largest is 2013; Brito Neves & Fuck 2014).
the Jaibaras rift (Oliveira & Mohriak 2003; Pedrosa The Parnaíba Basin as a whole records a complex
Jr et al. 2015, 2017), exposed along, and apparently history of deposition and can be subdivided into
controlled by, the Transbrasiliano Lineament, which the Parnaíba (Silurian–Carboniferous), Alpercatas

Fig. 2. Geological map of the Parnaíba Basin; see Figure 1 for legend (modified from CPRM 2015).
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(Permian–Jurassic) and Grajaú (Cretaceous– path of the CDP profile (Daly et al. 2014), except
Cenozoic) sub-basins (Vaz et al. 2007) (Fig. 2). between Imperatriz and Barra do Corda and between
Strictly speaking, the Parnaíba Basin consists only Altos and Castelo, where the WARR experiment
of the Silurian–Carboniferous succession, although avoided bends in the previous reflection profile.
the term is used to connote the whole of the sedimen- The data were recorded by 36 short-period,
tary basin succession, including the overlying three-component stations (recorder model RefTek
Permian–Jurassic and Cretaceous–Cenozoic succes- DAS130 with triaxial sensor model Sercel L-4A
sions (known as the Alpercatas and Grajaú basins, 3D from PEG-BR) installed at 30 km intervals,
respectively). mainly covering the western and eastern parts of
The Parnaíba Basin is marked by regional mafic the line (cf. Figs 1 & 2), and 600 vertical component
magmatism of the Triassic–Early Jurassic Mosquito stations (300 RefTek Texans with vertical sensor
Formation (199±2.4 Ma, Merle et al. 2011), related model Sercel L4-A from PEG-BR and 300 Texans
to the opening of the central Atlantic Ocean, and with 4.5 Hz vertical geophones from the PASSCAL)
by dykes and sill-like intrusions of the Cretaceous evenly distributed along the deployment line (cf.
Sardinha Formation (129–124 Ma, Fodor et al. Figs 1 & 2).
1990), linked to the opening of the South Atlantic The three-component short-period stations were
Ocean. The total thickness of magmatic rocks installed before the active source acquisition field-
derived from these two events is c. 600–800 m work began, with these instruments working in a
intruded into a sedimentary pile of maximum continuous recording mode with a sample rate of
3.5 km thickness (Daly et al. 2014). 100 sps for a period of six months, aimed at obtain-
The initial Early Paleozoic basin depocentre ing a teleseismic dataset for receiver function studies
shifted to the central part of the basin realm dur- complementary to the WARR acquisition. The verti-
ing Early Carboniferous–Jurassic time and migrated cal component stations were specifically deployed
again, northwestwards, in the Cretaceous (Vaz et al. for the WARR acquisition and recorded during pre-
2007 and references cited therein), suggesting a tem- programmed windows of 10 minutes duration, dur-
poral relation with Mosquito and Sardinha magma- ing which shots were detonated, and sampled at a
tism, respectively. The basin realm was initially rate of 200 sps. The Texans have very accurate inter-
broader than it is today, with a link to the Amazonas nal clocks, calibrated with global positioning system
and Paraná basins and possibly even with the Congo time before and after deployment.
basin in Africa (Melo 1988). The shots were loaded in boreholes of 25 cm
At present, the Parnaíba Basin shows a sharp fault diameter and 45 m depth with the lower two-thirds
contact with the Tocantins Province (Araguaia Belt) (of the boreholes) filled with a chemical emulsion
in the west (Daly et al. 2014), a tectonic/erosional corresponding to 1.5 tonnes of dynamite explosive
contact with the Tocantins Province to the south, charge and the upper one-third packed with soil. The
and a smooth northwards sedimentary contact with experiment was planned with a shot every 50 km
the São Luis Craton and with the São Francisco Cra- along the line, making a total of 24 shots. No eventual
ton to the SE. Along the eastern border, the limit of permission was granted for shots 3 and 23, so shots
the basin with the Borborema block is erosional, 2 and 24 were duplicated, with two boreholes and
with the basal Silurian sediments of the basin being 3.0 tonnes of explosive for each. The shots were
exposed. detonated during four nights with shot times con-
The basement of the Parnaíba Basin consists of a trolled with a precision of 10 ms. Shots 5 and 8
collage of at least three main domains, classified as did not deliver sufficient energy to be recorded
the Amazonian, Parnaíba and Borborema blocks, and were discarded. The final dataset consists of 20
which are marked by steep contacts between them shot gather seismic sections (see the supplementary
(Daly et al. 2014; Castro et al. 2014). material).

WARR experiment Data processing and data quality

The WARR transect is a 1150 km long east–west The recorded dataset is of good quality. For most
profile, beginning over the Amazonian Craton shot gathers it is possible to obtain information to
(c. 150 km west of Marabá), crossing the Parnaíba an offset of 350 km, allowing for good control of
Basin and finishing over the Borborema Province, the crustal structure and Moho discontinuity dis-
100 km east of the basin margin, close to Indepen- position, as well as the velocity in the uppermost
dência (Figs 1 & 2). Its path is regionally almost a lithospheric mantle. For some shots (e.g. shots 7
straight line, following paved and secondary dirt and 9; Fig. 3) there are clear phase alignments
roads, passing through an isolated, mainly sparsely along the whole profile, which means far offsets up
populated part of NE Brazil. It coincides with the to 850 km (cf. shot 7; Fig. 3). Reflections from a
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tr = t − Offset / 8 (s)

07 − Sítio Novo/TO Pb
10 PmP
PmP PmantleP
8 Pn
Pb2P Pb2P
6 Pb1P Pn

4 Pg

Psed Psed


−250 −200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850
Offset (km)

tr = t − Offset / 8 (s)

09 − Amarante/MA
10 Pb PmP PmP Pb
8 Pb2P Pb2P
6 Pn
4 Pg Pg

Psed Psed
−350 −300 −250 −200 −150 −100 −50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
Offset (km)

Fig. 3. Shot gathers 7 (upper panel) and 9 (lower panel), shot within the Parnaíba Basin and recorded along the whole profile, presenting maximum offsets of 850 and 650 km,
respectively. These broad offset recordings provide good constraints on the upper mantle velocity. Examples of seismic phases mentioned in the text are labelled. The reducing
velocity on the vertical (time) axis is 8.0 km s−1 and a bandpass filter of 2–8 Hz has been applied to the seismic traces. Note that the scale of the horizontal axis differs from shot
point to shot point. The inset figure on each shot gather shows the Parnaíba Basin outline (grey shade) and the trace of the WARR profile with the position of the respective shot.

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discontinuity or discontinuities below the Moho from 3.0 to 3.9 km s−1 (top) to 3.5–5.5 km s−1 (bot-
(PmantleP) are well recorded by these shots. tom). Its boundaries at the surface and base as well as
The main phases are generated at boundaries in its geometry are well constrained by geological and
the sediments of the Parnaíba Basin and the Creta- well data. The bottom of the upper crustal layer
ceous sediments and metasedimentary rocks of the ranges in depth from 19.7 to 26.0 km, corresponding
Araguaia fold belt (Psed), within the upper crust to a thickness variation between 17.6 and 24.0 km,
(Pg) and as a reflection at the base of the upper respectively. The P-wave velocity varies from top
crust (Pb1P), as a refraction crossing the lower to bottom between 5.9 and 6.3 km s−1 in the central
crust (Pb) and as reflected phases at a lower crustal portion of the profile, between 6.27 and 6.40 km s−1
boundary and the Moho (Pb2P and PmP, respec- in the easternmost segment, and between 6.1 and 6.5
tively), and the Moho refraction (Pn) from the upper- km s−1 elsewhere. The lower crustal model layer dis-
most mantle. It is also possible to identify some very plays a velocity range of 6.6–6.9 km s−1 and has a
deep reflections (i.e. PmantleP), suggesting an inter- thickness varying between 13 and 23 km. The base
face within the upper mantle below the Moho of the crust represents the Moho in the model, except
discontinuity. between model distances of 150–650 km, where the
In general, the shot gathers of the shots located WARR data imply the presence of high velocity
within the basin display lower signal-to-noise ratios (7.0–7.45 km s−1) material up to 6 km thick immedi-
and are more reverberatory than those outside the ately above the Moho. The Moho depth shows
basin. The seismograms from shots 1, 2 (Amazonian highly irregular behaviour along the seismic line,
Craton) and 24 (Borborema Block) (Fig. 4), for ranging from 51.0 to 33.5 km. Sub-Moho upper
example, are clean in appearance with clear phase mantle P-wave velocities range between 8.0 and 8.4
alignments, including the Moho reflected (PmP) km s−1. Figure 7 presents the ray-tracing and the fit
and refracted (Pn) phases. By contrast, the constitu- obtained between the theoretical and observed
ent seismic traces from shot gathers from shots times for all shots from the shallow part and for
within the basin present a more scattered aspect shots 1, 6, 12, 20 and 24 for the whole model. The
(Figs 3 & 5, also see the supplementary material), complete modelled dataset is given in the supple-
mainly due to reverberations within the layers of mentary material.
the sedimentary basin itself. The statistics summarized in Table 1 give an idea
of the quality of the model in terms of replicating the
observed and computed phase travel times. It shows
Modelling and results the number of observations, the pick uncertainties
(assigned qualitatively), the residual Trms of com-
An initial velocity model is required at the start of the puted times with respect to the observed data and
modelling process. This was derived from a direct the χ2 value for each phase separately and for all
analysis of the alignment of identifiable phases in picks together. The average χ2 value of 1.4 for the
the shot gathers in conjunction with a tomographic whole dataset seems reasonable in view of the exten-
model along the profile computed from first arrival sive length of the profile and the fact that 20 shot
phases only (carried out by the authors, but not gathers were considered.
shown here nor published elsewhere), combined The model statistics can also be considered in
with the main features of the deep CDP profile pub- terms of all phases on individual shots rather than
lished by Daly et al. (2014). Some consideration was individual phases on all shots and the average values
also taken of Moho depth estimates from the prelim- of Trms per shot point are shown in Figure 8. The
inary receiver functions results computed (by the smallest misfits between the observed and model
authors, but not yet published) from teleseismic computed travel times are for shots located outside
data recorded at the three-component stations along the Parnaíba Basin (i.e. shots 1–7 within the Amazo-
the WARR profile (located in Figs 1 & 2). Once a nian Craton and shots 18–24 within the Borborema
good approximation of the velocity distribution had block). The shots inside the basin (shots 9–17) pre-
been achieved via forward modelling, the inversion sent significantly higher Trms values.
mode Rayinvr was applied (Zelt & Ellis 1988) to
improve the geometry and travel time fits of some
of the more complex parts of the forward model. Discussion
The resulting seismic velocity model is shown in Parnaíba Basin
Figure 6 and consists of five layers. The uppermost
layer represents sedimentary rock; the next three are The WARR dataset and modelling allow some
upper crust, lower crust and a high-velocity lower observations to be made not only on the deeper
crustal layer, respectively; and the lowermost layer crustal structure, but also on the shallow part of the
is lithospheric upper mantle. The sedimentary layer crust and on the structure of the Parnaíba Basin itself
is up to 3 km thick with a P-wave velocity ranging (Fig. 6, upper panel). The western part of the profile
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tr = t − Offset / 8 (s)

01 − Marabá/PA
10 Pb

8 PmP
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Offset (km)

tr = t − Offset / 8 (s)

02 − Marabá/PA
10 Pb

8 PmP
−50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Offset (km)

tr = t − Offset / 8 (s)

24 − Independência/CE
8 Pb PmP
6 Pb1P
−550 −500 −450 −400 −350 −300 −250 −200 −150 −100 −50 0
Offset (km)

Fig. 4. Shot gathers 1 (upper panel), 2 (middle panel) and 24 (lower panel), shot in the Amazonian Craton (shots 1
and 2) and in the Borborema block (shot 24), presenting well-defined phase alignments. Examples of seismic phases
mentioned in the text are labelled. The reducing velocity on the vertical (time) axis is 8.0 km −1 and a bandpass filter
of 2–8 Hz has been applied to the seismic traces. Note that the scale of the horizontal axis differs from shot point to
shot point. The inset figure on each shot gather shows the Parnaíba Basin outline (grey shade) and the trace of the
WARR profile with the position of the respective shot.

is characterized by three shallow graben over the of 6.23 km s−1, which is the highest shallow velocity
Araguaia belt, resolved in the WARR data, resting along the profile.
over the Amazonian Craton basement. They are The contact between the Araguaia belt rocks and
deeper to the east, with a maximum depth of 1 km. the sedimentary rocks of the Parnaíba Basin is tec-
The Cretaceous sedimentary rocks infilling these tonic and is represented by a sharp fault, as modelled
graben present an average velocity of 3.6 km s−1and in this work and seen in the CDP profile of Daly et al.
the Amazonian Craton basement presents a velocity (2014). The shape of the basin is asymmetrical,
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tr = t − Offset / 8 (s)

12 − Barra do Corda/MA
6 a) b)

10 10
9 PmP ? 9
8 8
7 7
Offset (km)
6 (a) (b) 6
Pg Pg
5 5
−150 −125 −100 100 125 150

Fig. 5. Shot gather 12 (Barra do Corda; Fig. 1). The zoomed insets show the difference between the (a) negative and
(b) positive parts of the section at offsets 50–150 km. The negative side is more reverberatory between the arrivals of
the Pg and PmP phases, indicating the presence of mafic intrusions throughout the crust. The shot gather is reduced
with 8.0 km s−1 and filtered in the bandpass of 1–10 Hz. The inset figure on each shot gather shows the Parnaíba
Basin outline (grey shade) and the trace of the WARR profile with the position of the respective shot.

reaching a maximum depth of 3.2 km in its central WARR velocity model, probably due to their small
part (distance 600 km) and thinning strongly east- dimensions and/or because the velocity of the strata
wards. As the basin as a whole thins, older layers in these rifts is close to the velocity of the adjacent
are exposed at the surface until the outcrop of the and underlying basement rocks.
Silurian succession near the eastern margin of the The upper crustal layer is almost regular in thick-
basin (cf. Figs 2 & 6). ness, with its base at an average depth of 24 km
The average velocity of the sedimentary package (Fig. 6, lower panel). Beneath the Parnaíba Basin
is c. 3.6 km s−1 and is >5.0 km s−1 in the distance (distances 300–900 km), the upper–lower crust
range 560–800 km. This increase in P-velocity is boundary is roughly parallel with the basin basement
associated with the mafic igneous rocks of the Sardi- horizon. Elsewhere, the upper–lower crust boundary
nha and Mosquito formations, which are exposed as is undulating under the Amazonian Craton and more
discontinuous outcrops as well as revealed in the or less flat in the Borborema block. At distances
subsurface within abundant boreholes in this area, 300–600 km, both the basin and upper crust dip
which has been a target for hydrocarbon exploration. gently eastwards, the depocentre of the basin coin-
As a result of the lack of resolution of the refraction ciding with the deepest point of the lower boundary
data, it is not possible to differentiate the type of of the upper crustal layer. From this point eastwards
magmatic rock or to define their position within the until distance 900 km, both the basin–upper crust
sedimentary succession. Nevertheless, the velocity and upper crust–lower crust layer boundaries
field indicates where magmatic rocks occur in the become shallower. The latter undulates in the range
basin: they were emplaced east of the deepest part 600–900 km and follows the top of the high-
of the basin. amplitude body identified in the CDP section and
interpreted as a sill-like intrusion by Daly et al.
Crustal layers (2014). At the western end of the profile the shallow
upper crust of the Amazonian Craton is characterized
The basement velocity, immediately below the sedi- by anomalously high velocities (6.25 km s−1 on aver-
mentary layer, along the WARR profile is 5.9–6.1 age) and by a smooth and small velocity gradient,
km s−1, increasing to 6.2 km s−1 at a distance of reaching 6.4 km s−1 at the base of the upper crust.
850 km and locally decreasing to 6.1 km s−1 In contrast with the Amazonian Craton, the west Par-
between 950 and 1000 km, possibly indicating the naíba block (labelled the Grajaú domain in Fig. 6)
Jaibaras graben and the Transbrasiliano Lineament. presents a steep upper crustal velocity gradient rang-
The set of early Phanerozoic rifts underlying the Par- ing from 6.1 to 6.5 km s−1. This high gradient coin-
naíba Basin recognized from other work (e.g. Nunes cides with the eastward-dipping upper crust–lower
1993; Oliveira & Mohriak 2003; Castro et al. 2016), crust boundary (to c. 500 km in Fig. 6). To the east
including the Jaibaras graben, are not seen in the the velocity distribution in the upper crustal layer
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Fig. 6. Two-dimensional WARR crustal velocity model across the Parnaíba Basin and its western and eastern margins (lower panel). The upper trace shows the topography
along the profile and the locations of shot points (yellow stars) and three-component seismometers (red triangles). The model is divided into four main domains defined from
west to east as: (1) the Amazonian Craton (0–250 km); (2) the Grajaú domain (250–550 km); (3) the Teresina domain (550–850 km); and (4) the Borborema block (850–1150 km
offset). The middle two domains comprise the Parnaíba block. In general, the model crust thins eastwards, especially through the thinning of lower crust. The upper panel details
the shallow part of the model (uppermost 15 km) showing the graben of the Araguaia belt, the asymmetry of the sedimentary basin and a high-velocity region (>5.0 km s−1)

inside the sedimentary basin, indicating that part of the basin along the profile was affected by magmatic intrusions. The ray-trace coverage can be seen in the background of both
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Fig. 7. Ray-tracing and the fit between theoretical and observed travel times for the shallow part of the model (upper
panels) and for the deeper crust and upper mantle (lower panels). Fits for all shots are plotted in the former but, for
clarity, only those of shots 1, 4, 9, 13, 16, 17, 22 and 24 are shown in the latter. The observed travel times are plotted
as error bars (the length being an indication of uncertainty in picking the phase arrival times) and the theoretical travel
times computed from the velocity model shown in Figure 6 are continuous lines. The precision of the misfits is
shown in Table 1. A complete modelling dataset is presented in the supplementary material.
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Table 1. Statistical analysis of the seismic modelling a reverberatory aspect between offsets −50 to
considering the rms values, the χ2 values per phase −150 km and reduced time axis 5–9 s, suggesting
and for all the phases together that the lower crust, and even the upper crust, in
this region may have been intruded and affected by
Phase No. of picks Trms (s) χ2 mafic magmatism. Such mafic bodies disturb the
propagation of the wave front, generating multiples
Psed 144 0.112 1.987 and discontinuous reflections, and even obscuring
Pg 1859 0.093 1.197
the Moho reflection (PmP). By contrast, the same
Pb 631 0.154 1.274
Pb1P 387 0.073 1.101 shot gather in its eastern part shows a crust that is
Pb2P 77 0.070 1.184 not affected in this way.
PmP 837 0.255 1.281
Pn 1338 0.140 1.176
All 5273 0.147 1.417
Moho character and upper mantle
The depth to the Moho along the WARR velocity
model is fairly irregular, varying from 51 km in the
is more irregular, being 5.9–6.1 km s−1 in its upper Amazonian Craton to 33.5 km at the profile’s eastern
part and 6.2–6.3 km s−1 in its lower part, presenting end within the Borborema block. In general, there is
a smooth gradient that characterizes the east Parnaíba a trend for the Moho depth to shallow, and thus the
domain, known as the Teresina block (Castro et al. crust to thin, towards the east along the profile. The
2014). From 900 km through to the eastern end of eastwards crust-thinning trend is underlined by
the profile, the velocity in the Borborema block is zones of Moho structure that can be correlated with
6.0 km s−1 in the upper part of the basement and 6.4 the crustal domains along the profile labelled in
km s−1 at the bottom and is characterized by a strong Figure 6.
velocity gradient. The upper crust–lower crust boun- The most striking structure on the Moho is
dary is flat in this area. beneath the Amazonian Craton, where it deepens
The lower crustal layer in the model has a veloc- from 38 to 51 km at the front of the Neoproterozoic
ity varying from 6.7 to 6.9 km s−1, except where Tocantins–Araguaia suture, between 100 and
there is anomalously high-velocity material (7.0–7.4 200 km, before thinning sharply to 41 km at a dis-
km s−1) within the lowermost part of the lower crust tance of 300 km. Part of the thickened crust (and
in the distance range 150–640 km. Excluding this hence deeper Moho) in this zone is due to the high-
high-velocity material, the P-wave velocity in the velocity material (7.4 km s−1) added to the lower
lower crust is fairly uniform throughout the profile crustal layer. Together with the seismic fabric imaged
(6.7 km s−1 at the top of the layer and 6.9 km s−1 in the CDP section (Daly et al. 2014), the Moho
at the bottom) and, accordingly, has a similar veloc- geometry suggests that this thick crust is formed by
ity gradient throughout. lower crustal underthrusting and duplication.
Shot gather 12 (Barra do Corda; Fig. 5) shows The Moho reflection (PmP) is usually clear, indi-
that the crust to the west of Barra do Corda presents cating the strong contrast of impedance between the

Fig. 8. Histograms showing the quality of the misfit (Trms) between theoretical and synthetic phases per shot. The
average Trms of 0.125 s is a good result considering the amount of data and the basin environment, which usually
increases uncertainties due to reverberation in the recorded traces.
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rocks of the lowermost crust and the top of the man- 0

tle. The PmP phases between shots 4–9 and 17–19 of
the present dataset, however, are not well defined. 10
These phases are unclear in the shot gathers (see
the supplementary material), suggesting that in 20
both regions the Moho is not a first-order discontinu-
ity. These segments are geographically related to 30

Depth (km)
the Amazonian Craton–Parnaíba and Parnaíba–
Borborema block sutures, respectively, and are prob- 40
ably an indication of the complexity of the Moho
below both these zones. Mafic intrusions within the
crust can also affect the Moho reflection. They 60
reduce the velocity and impedance contrasts between Amazonian Craton
Grajaú Block
the crust and mantle, transforming the Moho into 70 Teresina Block
more of a transition layer rather than a first-order
Borborema Province
boundary and diminishing the PmP phase. 80
The upper mantle velocity inferred from the
WARR dataset is 8.2–8.4 km s−1 under the Parnaíba 90
Basin and around 8.0 km s−1 outside the basin, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
under the Amazonian Craton and the Borborema Velocity (km s–1)
block. The anomalously high velocity directly
under the basin could represent mantle that has Fig. 9. Average one-dimensional P-velocity curves of
been differentiated, enriched and densified, forming the main crustal domains recognized along the profile
a strong mantle foundation under the Parnaíba Basin (as seen in Fig. 6). The main differences are in the
and probably isostatically linked to the present day velocity gradient of the upper crust, the upper–lower
mapped basin limits (that is, a higher density upper- crust transition and lower crust–upper mantle transition.
most mantle isostatically compensating the overly- The upper mantle velocity is higher under the basin
(up to 8.4 km s−1) than outside the limits of the basin
ing low-density Parnaíba sediments). (8.0 km s−1).

Crustal domains along the WARR profile and

lower crust (cf. Christensen & Mooney 1995). A
implications non-abrupt limit is, accordingly, inferred between
Any two-dimensional WARR model presents a rela- the lower crust, the high-velocity material and the
tively smooth velocity field geometry defining het- upper mantle.
erogeneities within the model layers and the lateral The lower crustal accretionary material, consid-
variations along the length of the model. Sometimes ered here as an ‘underplate’ in the sense of Thybo
the differences of interest between geological (or & Artemieva (2013), is geographically coincident
crustal) domains are better expressed by velocity with the surface extent of Cretaceous sediments in
gradients rather than by the absolute velocities them- the Parnaíba Basin (cf. Fig. 2), with this same seg-
selves. For the present model, a series of velocity– ment of crust interpreted to have been affected by
depth profiles, evenly extracted along the model magmatism, as shown by shot gather 12 (Fig. 5).
domain, have been stacked and allow the differenti- Considering that this youngest basin depocentre
ation of four domains along the profile (Fig. 9): the was established in the Cretaceous (e.g. Vaz et al.
Amazonian and Borborema blocks, exposed outside 2007), a genetic link between magmatic underplat-
the basin, and the Parnaíba block hidden below the ing (resolved by the velocity model) and crustal
sedimentary cover, here subdivided into the Grajaú depth magmatism (although not enough to have sig-
and Teresina domains. nificantly affected crustal velocities) and surface
The Grajaú domain is characterized by high- subsidence defining the Cretaceous basin depocentre
velocity material in the lower crust (6 km thick seems possible.
with a velocity of 7.0–7.2 km s−1), where the The Teresina domain is marked by a flat Moho at
Moho is 44 km deep on average (Figs 6 & 9). This 39 km depth. It is separated from the Grajaú domain
region, although modelled as an independent veloc- by a step of 4 km in the Moho (600 km), accommo-
ity layer coupled to the lower crust, is more likely to dated almost totally by the termination of the high-
be a transitional layer resulting from upper mantle velocity lower crustal layer (interpreted as being
and lower crustal extension, decompression and evidence of underplating, as defined here), and
mafic magma intrusion, affecting the crust as a from the Borborema block by a step of 2 km
whole, but mainly expressed in the velocity model (900 km). The nature of the limit between the Grajaú
as the higher velocity material in the lowermost and Teresina domains is not well defined and
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Figure 9 shows that the average velocity of these Parnaíba Basin itself. The lithospheric characteristics
blocks is similar, the main differences being in the of the Parnaíba block and its constituent domains and
upper crustal velocity gradient and the crust–Moho their differences from the adjacent Amazonian and
transition linked to the high-velocity ‘underplate’. Borborema blocks are relevant to the present day
Thus it is not clear from the WARR data whether existence of the sedimentary basin covering it.
the Grajaú and Teresina domains represent distinct Starting at the base of the model, the upper mantle
tectonic domains since their amalgamation in the velocity below both domains of the Parnaíba block is
Neoproterozoic, or whether the differences that are higher (up to 8.4 km s−1) than elsewhere. This iso-
now observed are the result of later processes, statically compensates the Early Paleozoic (and, in
including magmatism that took place in Jurassic– part, younger) sedimentary succession above the
Cretaceous times. The CDP section of Daly et al. crust and is likely to have been a factor in the initial
(2014) is also inconclusive in this regard given its development of the Early Paleozoic sedimentary
complete lack of crustal reflectivity in the Grajaú basin, subsequent to the Neoproterozoic (and pos-
domain. sibly earliest Paleozoic) Brasiliano–Pan-African
The contact between the Teresina and the Borbor- consolidation of the crust of the Parnaíba block.
ema blocks is tectonic and is considered to be a Regarding the lower crust of the Parnaíba block
suture zone, with the former subducted under the and its age, it is noted to have been in part reworked
Borborema block to the east, as shown in the CDP eastwards from the Tocantins–Araguaia suture, with
section of Daly et al. (2014). The WARR data the adjacent Amazonian Craton lower crust, in con-
resolved the Moho depth at c. 39–41 km in the trast, appearing to have been basically preserved,
area of this suture zone, suggesting that any Moho maintaining Neoproterozoic structures. Neverthe-
structure that was associated with it has since been less, the whole of the suturing area also displays
removed. the presence of a high-velocity lowermost crustal
The Borborema domain shows the Moho shal- material, which can be interpreted as caused by mag-
lowing continuously eastwards, from 41.0 to matic underplating and lower crustal intrusion. The
33.4 km at the end of the WARR profile. The age of this magmatic event is possibly Cretaceous
upper crustal layer does not show similar thinning; because it spatially coincides with the Cretaceous
its thickness is nearly constant in the Borborema and younger depocentre of the Parnaíba Basin. In
domain, such that at the eastern extremity of the pro- this case, there is a possible genetic link between
file the upper crust is more than twice the thickness Cretaceous basin subsidence and magmatism within
of the lower crust. The crustal structure of the Bor- the sedimentary succession, although the latter is
borema block obtained here replicates the structure spatially offset from the lower crustal high-velocity
determined along the NW–SE Borborema deep seis- body. Since the crust was intruded (as inferred
mic refraction line (Tavares et al. 2012; Lima et al. from the character of observed seismic traces) in
2015) to the NE of this profile. The Borborema Prov- the Grajaú domain, it is reasonable to suggest that
ince, as a whole, displays a thin crust (Soares et al. it may also have been stretched at the same time
2011; Lima et al. 2015; Luz et al. 2015) and a thin (e.g. Mooney et al. 1983). There is strong evidence
lithosphere. Its crust and probably lithospheric man- that the Borborema block was stretched in the Creta-
tle were affected by extension linked to the opening ceous (linked to South Atlantic opening; Soares et al.
of the South Atlantic Ocean in the Cretaceous. This 2011; Lima et al. 2015; Luz et al. 2015), so it follows
may be linked to marginal uplift of the Borborema that the Teresina domain of the Parnaíba block, along
Province and the exposure of basement rocks during with the Grajaú domain, would also have been
and after the Cretaceous, and to the present erosional stretched at this time. There is no remnant structure
margin of the eastern border of the Parnaíba Basin. at the Moho related to the suturing of the Parnaíba
and Borborema blocks according to the WARR
model; this can be taken as support for Cretaceous
Integrated WARR results and stretching of this part of the model and the removal
their implications of any such structure. It is also noted that there is
no discrete signature of the Transbrasiliano Linea-
The main WARR results are integrated in Figure 10. ment resolved by the WARR data in the lower
They show that the crust and uppermost mantle crust of the Parnaíba Basin.
along the profile consist of four domains, distinct The upper crust along the profile does not display
in their seismic velocities and layering and crustal any structural effects of extensional tectonics in the
thicknesses. These are the Amazonian Craton and Mesozoic, as inferred for the lower crust and
Borborema Province, to the west and east of the Par- Moho, although there was some degree of magmatic
naíba Basin, respectively, and the Grajaú and Tere- intrusion in the Grajaú domain and the upper crust
sina domains, together comprising the Parnaíba appears to have been uplifted at the eastern border
block hidden below the sedimentary cover of the of the Parnaíba Basin, as shown by the erosional


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Grajaú sub−basin Alpercatas sub−basin Parnaíba

Araguaia Belt
Grajaú Domain Teresina Domain
Marabá Araguatins Barra do Corda Caxias Teresina Lineament Independência

0 3



ra sut
6.15 km s–1

an sutu
6.3 km s–1 s–1

ja ur
6.2 km
6.3 km s–1 Pa 4

ú- e

Te (?
s-A re


re !)

Vp (km s–1)
su a-B


tu or
Depth (km)

u re bo
aia zo re
30 6.8 km s–1 6.8 km s–1 6.8 km s–1 6.7 km s–1 ne m
6.8 km s–1 5
40 s
–1 7.1 km s–1
8.0 km s–1 6
50 8.0 km s–1 8.3 km s–1
8.3 km s–1
60 7
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150
Distance (km)
Fig. 10. Integrated interpretation of the WARR velocity model. Continuous lines are structures (e.g. faults, fractures) interpreted from the CDP session, as are the speculative
positions of the Amazonian–Parnaíba and Parnaíba–Borborema sutures, and the dashed lines are the authors’ complementary interpretations. The thick red-coloured body
interpreted as a sill in the mid-crust of the Teresina domain was extracted from deep CDP interpretations (Daly et al. 2014). The thin line network in the Grajaú domain
represents magmatic intrusions throughout the crust inferred from the WARR data.
Downloaded from at CAPES-COORDENACAO DE

margin of the basin there. An extended upper crust Michael Schmitz and Richard England and the editor
usually presents a brittle behaviour. The graben Mike Daly for valuable discussions and suggestions that
structures recorded in the Araguaia belt, in the west- greatly improved the paper.
ernmost segment of the WARR profile, are a good
example of this. However, no rift-like structures or
large faults, or strong thickness variations, are Funding The WARR seismic data acquisition as well as
resolved in the WARR model of the upper crust some ancillary (passive seismological) activities were
funded by BP Brazil as part of their multidisciplinary
beneath the Parnaíba Basin. This includes the set Parnaíba Basin Analysis Program, many of the results of
of late Neoproterozoic–early Cambrian rifts (includ- which are reported in this Special Publication of the
ing the Jaibaras rift), which may have played a local Geological Society of London. The fieldwork received
part in early basin formation and evolution, but not in scientific and material support from the Brazilian National
the later Mesozoic phase of basin development. As Institute of Science and Technology for Tectonic Studies,
seen at the scale of the WARR data, the crust as a and took advantage of the facilities of the Brazilian Pool
whole beneath the basin has been flexed downwards, of Geophysical Equipment, based at the Observatório
in keeping with the sub-parallel basement horizon of Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, as well as the Portable Array
the basin itself, and shows no typical rift-type control Seismic Studies of the Continental Lithosphere equipment
pool, part of the Incorporated Research Institutions for
on basin formation. Seismology consortium based in the USA. R. Fuck
thanks CNPq for a research fellowship.
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