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Name:_____________________________ Date: _________

Course, ear and Section: ______________ Subject: ________

1. Why is tour guiding called the orphans of the travel industry?

a. Because of its freelancing nature
b. Because of the lack of tour guides in the Philippines
c. Because of the guides nature to be left out
d. None of the above

2. The following are nature of tour guiding except.

a. They operate independently
b. It is a part time basis job
c. They are like travel agencies and tour operators.
d. None of the above

3. Why is it that only a few tour guides can make a reasonable amount of living?
a. Because of the low wage
b. Because of the seasonality nature of the job
c. Because tourist are picky of their tour guides
d. None of the above

4. The primary duty of a tour guide is to.

a. be a local service provider
b. to inform
c. to accompany
d. None of the above

5. According to the tour guide code of 1987 by the department of tourism a tour guide is .
a. An individual who lives in the area and guides tourist for a fee
b. An individual who is accredited by the DOT to guide tourist for a fee
c. An individual who is preferably a tourism graduate who guides tourist for a fee
d. None of the above

6. Outside the tourism industry a tour guide is widely used to describe the various professionals who are engaged in
guiding people except.
a. Tour Managers
b. Local government Unit
c. Interpreters
d. None o the above

7. Which of the following is not true about tour guide expertise?

a. A tour guide does not need any expertise as long as he/she is a local in the area
b. Their expertise varies from a piece of art to the whole region
c. It is common for guides to know the culture and history of the area
d. None of the above

8. If a tour guide is an educator, then what is the primary job of a tour manager?
a. Concierge and Analytics
b. Administrative and Social
c. Assistance and Marketing
d. None of the Above

9. Phillip is a tour guide, he loves to tell stories of his home country to the his 20 tourists clients from the US, his job
descriptions include:
 Meet the group upon arrival to the city
 Coordinate with the attractions that will be visited.
 Plan what and where will the tourist have their meals
 Arrange the hotel check ins and check outs of the tourist
 Accompany them until they depart
What kind of guide is Phillip?
a. Driver Guide
b. Government Guide
c. Urban Guide
d. None of the above

10. Eric is a Law student; he is very excited for his tour at the Supreme Court of the Philippines. During his tour he met
their tour guide Jenny, her job description includes:
 Tour the guest and make sure they do not wonder off on restricted area
 Inform students about the history and what is the purpose of the supreme court
 Make sure to answer controversial questions properly
Jenny is what kind of tour guide?
a. Driver Guide
b. Government Guide
c. Urban Guide
d. None of the above

11. Mr. Cruz is a tour guide in the UK, his job description includes:
 Drive the tourist to the attractions
 While driving, entertain the tourist with fun facts about their surrounding
 Make sure the tourists are safe.
Mr. Cruz is considered a __________ tour guide.
a. Driver Guide
b. Urban Guide
c. Government Guide
d. None of the above

12. Driver guides can be considered a disservice to the tourist because.

a. The driver might focus on a specific task and neglect the other task
b. He/she might ask for tip to the tourist
c. Tourists are not interested in drive guides
d. None of the above

13. Mica works for gardenia; one day her boss told her that there will be 40 children who will be conducting a tour
around the factory next month. She wants to get ready for the children’s tour. The following are information she needed
a. History of the company
b. Information about the owner
c. The technicalities on how the product is made
d. None of the above

14. Mica’s best friend, Lenny loves to hike, her goal is to reach the summit of famous mountains in the Philippines, last
week, she went to mount Daraitan in Rizal in which she met her tour guide Mang Kiko, his job description includes:
 Make sure Lenny is safe
 Guide Lenny throughout the trail
 Inform her the rules and regulation
Mang Kiko is considered a what kind of tour guide?
a. Adventure Guide
b. interpreters
c. Step On Guide
d. None of the above

15.Diane is a tour guide in intramuros, she loves going to work with her work friends, Marjorie a deaf person who only
communicates using sign language and Fei who is very fluent in Chinese. What kind of tour guide is Fei and Marjorie?
a. Adventure Guide
b. interpreters
c. Step On Guide
d. None of the above

16. Which of the following is not true about a tour manager ?

a. They are the one who administer and regulate the tour
b. They are responsible for the smooth operation of the tour
c. Makes sure that the itinerary is followed
d. none of the above
17. During Ancient empire, many people travel by________ and by _______.
a. Land and sea
b. Sea and Air
c. Railway and Sea
d. None of the above
18. Why did tourism flourished in ancient Greece?
a. Because of the Olympic games
b. Because of the increasing number of tourism sites
c. Because Greece is abundant in fruits and vegetables
d. none of the above
19. Which of the following is not true about the so called “periegetei”?
a. it means leader in greek
b. they can also be called “exegetei” or eplainer
c. Their function is to help fellow citizens to travel abroad.
d. None of the above
20. Which of the following is true about tourism during the dark ages?
a. Tourism increased
b. Tourism stayed still
c. Tourism declined
d. None of the above
21. During the middle ages, people travel for what purpose?
a. Leisure
b. Religious
c. Social
d. None of the above
22. Why are tour guide needed during the middle ages?
a. Because tourist need them as a tutor
b. Because tourist need them as a protector from robbers
c. Because tourist need someone to be with
d. None of the above
23. Which of the following is not true during the grand tour?
a. It is considered a trend wherein young boys are sent to tour around Europe
b. The boys are sent to learn about art, history and being well versed and mannered
c. The students are sent in places such as Spain, Mexico, Canada and Sweden
d. None of the above
24. Why are tour guides needed during the grand tour?
a. Because they are considered as tutors
b. Because it is a sign of wealth
c. Because it is required when participating the grand tour
d. None of the above
25. The following are qualities a cicerone must have except.
a. Multi lingual
b. Well verse in any subject
c. Come from a rich family
d. None of the above
26. The best cicerone can be:
a. Tour manager, operator or a host
b. A writer, teacher, or historian
c. Wealthy, business minded or a travel writer
d. None of the above
27. Who created the 7 categories of a traveler?
a. Robert Blake
b. Valene Smith
c. Thomas Cook
d. none of the above
28. Which of the following actions of tourist has a negative effect in the host community?
a. Tourists being more demanding to the host community
b. Tourist traveling by group
c. Tourist eating local cuisine
d. None of the above
29. Which of the following is an effective way to guide international tourist?
a. Introducing yourself and telling your personal life
b. Telling the history in the deepest manner
c. Try to learn cultures to avoid misunderstandings
d. None of the above.
30. For student groups, a tour guide is also an:
a. Assistant
b. Informer
c. Educator
d. None of the above
31. Senior citizens can be hard to guide because.
a. They do not tip
b. They tend to be repetitive
c. They don’t like tours
d. None of the above
32. Tour managers see their tour guides as
a. Educator
b. Public representative
c. leader
d. None of the above
33. Kathleen Pond created a survey among tour operators and tourist, in her observation tour operators and tourist see
tour guides in different perspective but agree in 2 issues except.
a. The guides roles varies depending on the visitor, the purpose, and the guide himself
b. The guide carries his/her duties simultaneously
c. The guide attends the duties of a tour manager
d. None of the above
34. The following are qualities of a good leader among guides except.
a. Good in navigating, shepherding, and maintaining control
b. Good in managing tension, entertainment and keeping good humor and morale
c. Good in embarrassing people at fault to make them learn their lesson
d. None of the above
35. Which of the following qualities of an educator is useful in becoming a tour guide?
a. Knowing cultural skills of the area such as traditional dance and cooking local cuisine
b. Having a soft speaking voice
c. Knowing how to ask questions for the group
d. None of the above
36. Which of the following is a quality of a good host?
a. Curious
b. Patriotic
c. Enjoys people
d. None of the above
37. A public relations role is also called a _________
a. Conduit
b. Ambassador
c. Host
d. None of the above
38. Tasks such as navigating, shepherding, and maintaining control is considered as.
a. Social component
b. Physical Component
c. Instrumental component
d. None of the above
39. Tasks such as maintaining humor, entertaining, and integrating with the group is considered as.
a. Social component
b. Physical Component
c. Instrumental component
d. None of the above
40. Sensitivity is a good trait of a tour guide, what does it mean?
a. Being sensitive to jokes and humor because it might offend the guest
b. Be sensitive and tell the tourist that jokes about the destination is not allowed
c. Being sensitive to the needs and wants of the tourist
d. None of the above

ESSAY: Create an essay about the following topics, 10 pts each

1. How does the following make a tourist a socially responsible traveler?

 Buying Local Products
 Respect Culture and customs
 Don’t bargain on locals
2. The Philippines has one of the highest gap between rich and poor, according to the National Geographic Slum
tourism in the Philippines is getting more popular amongst tourist. What is your reaction to the statement?

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