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Cloudspire FAQ1.7

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Cloudspire FAQ

Errata + rules details:
The text "When this minion is defeated, no reward is granted" should be removed from this talent. If you
Wounded Priest/Recruit talent recruit the Wounded Priest, your opponent will receive the Relic reward if they defeat it. If you defeat it
for yourself, you´ll get the reward.
The Text for this die should read: "Once per wave, at the start of your turn during the onslaught phase,
roll this die…" The forming die may not be used more than once per wave. You do put the upgrade/health
Grovetender forming die
chip ON the unit, also during deployment on the fortress gate.. At the end of the wave, the chip will not
be removed.
Instead of the trigger for Campfire Mode being "At the end of a turn in which only one faction has units in
Campfire mode play..." It should be "At the end of a turn in which no opposing factions have units in play..."
This will not make a difference for PvP, but does make a difference for co-op and team modes.

General gameplay:
Any effects occurring at the same time, such as at the start of your turn, can be resolved in the order of
Effect order
the current player's choice.

You can take into account the deployment stack of players with a turn order before yourself. So, for
stack order info for other
example, if you are the second player in turn order, you are only permitted to get information about the
players first player's deployment stack, not the third or fourth.
In every wave there´s only one onslaught phase. An onslaught phase consists of numerous turns. A wave
Onslaught phase
ends, when all minions are defeated.
A hex group must be adjacent to your fortress gate, contain one of your spires, or be adjacent to a hex
Influence group containing one of your spires, in order to have influence over it. Touching your fortress on the side
doesn´t count.
You may use both limited build options in the same turn. You still get a turn as long the wave continues,
Limited build options even if all your units are defeated. You can therfor use limited build options, play relics or use relevant
advancements on your turn.
Whenever your faction (units, spires or fortress gate) is responsible for the defeat of an opposing unit,
Earning source
spire or fortress gate, you should get the corresponding reward
Lateral movement When using your lateral movement, you have to use as much movement points as possible.
Feast or Famine Your entire income is negated, including bonusses from purchased advancements.
Inactive units Inactive units are still in play = not triggering campfire mode etc.

Two engage landmarks in range You can choose which one to attack

Fair Fight specifically copies the attack stat of the unit that is attack or retaliating against it. Talents that
Fair Fight
modify the damage dealt do not alter the landmark minion's attack stat.
Urefusable Offer A unit must have a CP stat in order to use Unrefusable Offer on it.
The Ancient Traxxyr is not considered a landmark minion (it will still retaliate as a landmark minion
Ancient Traxxyr
would). Spires can´t fire on the Traxxyr, fortresses retaliate as normal.

Landmarks with no attack If a landmark with no attack stat becomes a faction minion and makes it to a fortress gate, treat the
state minion as it is hitting the fortress gate (for 0) and it has to take the retaliation damage until it is defeated.

An earthscape on top of one or more isles is still considered to be an isle. So the Secret Passage can be
Secret passage / earthscapes used to swap with landmarks on those. If the earthscape has been placed to extend the play area, the
Secret Passage can´t be used on any of those landmarks.
Once equipment is attached to a hero, it will remain on that hero until it is defeated. You cannot trade it
for another piece of equipment. If the hero returns to its fortress, it keeps the equipment and will deploy
with it again next time it enters play. When the hero is defeated, the equipment is discarded. Heroes that
return to their fortress immediately recover to full health, but otherwise maintain their upgrades,
equipment, etc. They are placed beside your barracks, and if selected to deploy again in the future, will
deploy in the same state.

A hero in Campfire Mode may need to be displaced. This is the only interaction that can occur with a
Campfired hero. Campfire mode is active, when no opposing unit (including opposing heros) is in play. For
Campfire mode
example: You´re having a hero and two minions in play, your opponent(s) units (minions + heros) are
defeated = your hero goes into campfire mode, but your minions finish their turns, till they are defeated.
The grouped unit that takes the defeated unit's place continues its turn from where the previous unit left
off, which means it does not get to attack as the previous unit did.
Grouped minions
However, the new unit will still retaliate from the first attack against it, even if the unit that was
previously on top already retaliated.
If Forsakens and Elfinkazes are the only minions left, the wave continues, till only one of these two
Forsaken/Elfinkaze minion types is left. If a Forsaken is controlled by a different faction than brawnen, the die still has to be
Inactive units can´t be displaced (except heroes and yling units). Other units have to walk around them.
Inactive units
Inactive units are still considered as in play.

If multiple players have spires that will fire at the same time, they will fire in turn order, with each player
firing all of their applicable spires before passing to the next player.

Under no circumstances can you build spires beyond your spire limit (6 spires in a two player game, 5
Remove spire spires in a three player game, and 4 spires in a four player game). You cannot voluntarily remove spires
from play - once constructed, they will remain until defeated or removed from a specific game effect.

For one Build Option, you can add as many upgrades as you would like to one of your spires in play - as
long as you do not exceed your spire's upgrade capacity.
Note that constructing a spire and upgrading that spire would be two separate Build Options. You cannot
construct a spire and immediately upgrade it using the same Option.
You can count range through the fortress gate to determine range for a fortress spire. The hexes adjacent
to the spire are at range 1, the hex in front of the gate is at range 2 for a fortress spire.
A portal spire (Naroran) can be constructed in a fortress well. It can be moved onto from an adjacent hex,
Fortress spires
including the fortress gate. If a hero were to teleport to the portal within the fortress, they would still
need to move 1 more to the fortress gate in order to return to the fortress. Also he can move outside the
fortress (movement 1) onto an adjacent hex to that portal.
Deployment / Fortress gate:
Your entire deployment stack, including heroes, must move out of the fortress at their earliest
opportunity. Once outside of the fortress, it is your choice how much of your heroes' movement stat to
use and where they move.
Deployment Between heroes left in play from the previous wave, and heroes in your deployment stack, the maximum
number of heroes you are permitted to have is two heroes per wave (except Wave 1 which is restricted to
just your starting hero).
Units within the fortress gate are not targetable. You can attack the fortress gate itself, and the player
controlling the fortress may decide if they would like that damage to go through to their fortress, or if the
Attacks top unit in their fortress gate will intervene and take the damage (just damage from attacks, not from
talents) If a talent is triggered that affects adjacent units, it will not affect units in the fortress gate even if
adjacent. Fortress spires can be targeted and attackes as normal.
Heros that return to their fortress gate immediately recover to full health, but otherwise maintain their
Returning Heros upgrades, equipment etc. They are placed beside your barracks and if selected to deploy againin the
future, will deploy in the same state.
Talent exceptions on fortress Unruly, Tempered, Anarchy, and # Elfin are all exceptions to the rule of units not being able to use their
gate talents in the fortress gate.

Units inside the fortress gate cannot attack or use their skills. If your fortress gate is attacked, you can
Attack from fortress gate hex
choose to have the top unit step up, take the damage and retaliate instead of it applying to the fortress.

Retaliation Retaliation is automatic, even for heroes. Any unit that is attacked by a unit within its range, will retaliate.
If a unit with the talent Survival is displaced, it will not get to recover that turn. As well, a unit that is
Survival/Toxic Secretion
displaced into a hex affected by Toxic Secretion will take the damage from this talent.
Flying units can be attacked by units with the talent Flying, units with the Talent # Range, and spires with
the talent Air Defense.
Flying Other talents that deal damage outside of an attack (such as Glidebomb or Entropy) can damage units
with the talent Flying.
If a unit with the talent Flying makes an attack, its target does get to retaliate.
When Anvasse uses Matter Distortion, you get to place an earthscape for free, but do not get to
Matter Distortion
automatically construct a spire on it.
Triggers before or after this unit’s movement if it is adjacent to an ungrouped opposing faction minion. If
Possess a grouped unit is using the talent possess, it will ungroup for this. If a Forsaken is possessed, the unit
possessing it is inactive but still in play. The wave will not end.
Minions with the talent Incorporeal must use this talent if it is the only way they would be able to use
Incorporeal their full movement to make progress, as they must do this if able. The talent is optional if they have
other movement options that would use their full movement to make progress
Echri will recover back to 5 health. This is considered her maximum health stat. When the queen burrows,
it will lose its upgrades as any other hero.
Echri's maximum health is considered to be the 5 health that she departed the fortress with. She cannot
recover above 5.
Retaliation is an automatic response to being attacked. It even gets to retaliate if being attacked by a hero
during evloving. Units in the evolution pit cannot be attacked by an enemy hero, or damaged in any way
until they are deployed.
After finishing its evolution at the start of a turn, it takes its turn as normal.
Tunnel acces chips can´t be placed on source wells. You still put all selected units in the fortress gate
Tunnels access during Prep Phase. As you are deploying them, you can choose where they deploy if you have multiple
Brood nest It doesn´t cost CP to spawn. CP are only used during prep phase. Spawn is used during in your turn.
The non-griege unit has to move adjacent to the Toxic secretion. It doesn´t work the other way around.
Toxic secretion
Teleporting into a toxic secretion area triggers this talents effect.
Armor is only effective against attacks. It´s not effective against retaliation or damage from talents,
advancements or any other source.
Recruit/Exposure Recruited minions still get hurt by exposure, because they are still non-griege units by themselves.

Evolution Pit An evolving unit in the evolution pit can´t be attacked by a hero, just like a unit within the fortress gate.
Elfinkazes come into play at the start of the Onslaught Phase, on top of any active units or spires that
have the talent Elfin. This includes units ready for deployment in the fortress gate, as long as they are not
grouped underneath other units. You must choose whether the elfinkaze is coming out on its Glidebomb
side or its Save side when it enters play.
Elfinkaze can stay on that unit or spire without being considered a group. Both the elfinkaze and the unit
or spire underneath it are considered active and can attack and be attacked.
When the bottom unit moves, the elfinkaze goes along with it.
The elfinkaze can also move off of the unit. Its movement is allowed by its Roost Roam ability, which says
that you may choose how much of its movement to use and where it moves. Its movement stat is
dictated by the Roost number it was most recently, or is currently, perched on.
If an elfinkaze starts its turn not on a roost, perhaps because it moved away the previous turn or its perch
was defeated, it has to either use its movement to return to a roost, or use its Glidebomb or Save
talent. The elfinkaze can move #roost roam away from its perch on one turn, then the next turn move
#roost roam more. If that movement doesn't land it back on a perch, it must immediately use
Glidebomb and Save are both triggered either before or after the elfinkaze’s movement. Glidebomb will
Elfinkazes deal 2 damage to all adjacent units, fortress gates, and spires; it will also defeat the elfinkaze which is
then returned to your barracks. Save allows an adjacent unit to recover up to 4 health. Again, the
elfinkaze is defeated when this talent is used.
If elfinkazes are the only minions in play, the wave ends and the elfinkaze should be returned to your
Something often forgotten with elfinkazes is that they may attack, though they do not have to do so.
Movement when perched: The unit on the bottom is considered to be moving, not the elfinkaze.
The Glidebomb/Save only triggers at the end of its movement, while the ToxicSecretion triggers as an
Elfinkaze moves into the hex, therefore triggering during the movement action = it doesn´t explode/can´t
use that talent, if going on a Toxic Secretion hex.
If you choose to move an elfinkaze, it will move when it becomes the leading minion. If it is on top of
another minion, it can move either before or after its perch moves.The shortest route to the mark can be
different for the Elfinkaze (because of its terrain allowance), so it could be the leading minion instead of
the unit it is perched on.
Each "1 Elfin" will only produce 1 elfinkaze per wave, but those elfinkazes can move and perch on other
roosts. There is nothing limiting, how many elfinkazes can be on a single Roost.
Fury kick works even against landmark minions. This may displace the Joust onto a terrain it cannot
Fury kick
normally traverse onto. On the next turn it takes the shortest route back to terrain it can travel on.

When a Builder used its talent, a spire will maintain the same upgrades, as it had before the talent was
used. The only change that happens is the spire chip is flipped over.
It is your choice when to use it, but once rolled it is resolved immediately.
While you cannot purchase either of these advancements if you do not have the Level 1 (Forsaken
Artillery die
Artillery) advancement, you can use them if you already purchased them previous to using the Artillery
If a spire with the talent cover is attacked by a ranged attack, it will get 0 damage. It is still an attack, so a
talent like splash will occur for surrounding units.
Cover A non-adjacent unit with # Range could attack a spire with Cover, however no damage will be dealt.

Impale Landmark minions are considered opposing, so they will be damaged by Impale.

Summon The summoned unit is a new unit and gets to come out at full health (with promoted unit under it)
Any talent (including Yrtel's Will and Yrtel's Way) that has flipping it to its other side as the second part of
Yrtel´s Way the talent, must perform the first part in order to do the flipping. You cannot perform Yrtel's Way if there
is no adjacent qualifying minion to return to its barracks.
Pacify/Engage The unit with the talent pacify is forced to attack as any other unit would.
Portal Seekers

Summon hero Any hero in play can be teleported = even enemy heroes.

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