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Course: Citizenship Education and Community Engagement (8606)

Level: B.Ed (1.5/2.5 Years) Semester: Autumn, 2022



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Course: Citizenship Education and Community Engagement (8606)

Level: B.Ed (1.5/2.5 Years) Semester: Autumn, 2022


Q. 1 a) Describe the means of social control in a society


Social Control

The ways in which society prevents and sanctions behavior that violates social norms.

Social control refers to societal and political mechanisms that regulate individual and group behaviour
in an attempt to gain conformity and compliance to the rules of a given society, state, or social group.
Sociologists identify two basic forms of social control – informal control and formal control.

Formal Control

Formal social control typically involves the state. External sanctions are enforced by the government
to prevent chaos, violence, or anomie in society. An example of this would be a law preventing
individuals from committing theft. Some theorists, like Émile Durkheim, refer to this type of control
as regulation.

Informal Control

Informal control typically involves an individual internalizing certain norms and values. This process
is called socialization. The social values present in individuals are products of informal social control,
exercised implicitly by a society through particular customs, norms, and mores. Individuals
internalize the values of their society, whether conscious or not of this indoctrination.

Informal sanctions may include shame, ridicule, sarcasm, criticism, and disapproval, which can cause
an individual to conform to the social norms of the society. In extreme cases, sanctions may include
social discrimination, exclusion, and violence. Informal social control has the potential to have a
greater impact on an individual than formal control. When social values become internalized, they
become an aspect of an individual’s personality.

Informal sanctions check ‘deviant’ behavior. An example of a negative sanction is depicted in a scene
in ‘The Wall,’ a film by Pink Floyd. In this scene, a young protagonist is ridiculed and verbally
abused by a high school teacher for writing poetry in a mathematics class. Another example occurs in
the movie ‘About a Boy. ” In this film, a young boy hesitates to jump from a high springboard and is
ridiculed for his fear. Though he eventually jumps, his behaviour is controlled by shame, not by his
internal desire to jump.

b) In your opinion, which social control agents are influential in our society and why.

Social control which implies the social intercourse is regulated in accordance with established and
recognised standards, is comprehensive, omnipotent and effective to stimulate order, discipline and
mutuality; and to discourage, and if need be, to punish the deviance.The aim of social order, Parsons
has well said, is “nipping deviant tendencies in the bud”. If that be not done, social order would cease
to exist; the law of the brute would prevail. The world would be that ‘brutish’ and ‘nasty’ state will
prevail in society. Just the opposite is the process and influence that regulated social action.
Course: Citizenship Education and Community Engagement (8606)

Level: B.Ed (1.5/2.5 Years) Semester: Autumn, 2022

The mechanics of socialisation, the process of internalization of values etc. and the bondage due to
emotion – repulsion and attraction, that individuals, generally come up as conformists. Social control
works always and all the time. But in view of the fact that society is subject to external impact, and
internal revulsions, that continuity and change is the character of social system, the enforcement of
social control is not simple.

Some may be dissatisfied with it and they may find satisfaction in deviance. The danger is always
present, it cannot be eliminated. It is also not tolerable. The effectiveness of social control would
therefore depend on the appropriate coordination of the accepted means of social control.

Meaning of Social Control:

Generally speaking, social control is nothing but control of the society over individuals. In order to
maintain the organisation and the order of the society, man has to be kept under some sort of control.
This control is necessary in order to have desired behaviour from the individual and enable him to
develop social qualities.

Society in order to exist and progress has to exercise a certain control over its members since any
marked deviation from the established ways is considered a threat to its welfare. Such control has
been termed by sociologists as social control.

Social control is the term sociologists apply to those mechanisms by which any society maintains a
normative social system. It refers to all the ways and means by which society enforces conformity to
its norms. The individual internalises social norms and these become part of his personality. In the
process of socialisation the growing child learns the values of his own groups as well as of the larger
society and the ways of doing and thinking that are deemed to be right and proper.

But every social group makes errors, great or small, in the socialising the young, says Lapiere. Even at
best, the internalisation be so the social norms can scarcely of complete that a person’s own desires
exactly coincide with the social expectations of his group.

Hence, there is some deviations from group norms in every group. But any deviation beyond a certain
degree of tolerance is met with resistance, for any marked deviation from the accepted norms is
considered a threat to the welfare of the group.

Hence sanctions – the rewards or punishments- are applied to control the behaviour of the individual
and to bring the nonconformists into line. All these efforts by the group are called social control,
which is concerned with the failures in socialisation. Social control, as says Lapiere, is thus a
corrective for inadequate socialisation.

Q.2 a) Analyze the effect of school on community in a progressive society

Schools were particularly credited with improving student attitudes and behaviors in addition to
performing the academic functions of increasing knowledge and career preparation. They were
referred to as "bank accounts" that are helping communities to prepare for their futures through
investments in children. Students at the schools were thought to be more likely to avoid jail,
pregnancy, and delinquency and to get good jobs that would benefit the overall community. Even if
Course: Citizenship Education and Community Engagement (8606)

Level: B.Ed (1.5/2.5 Years) Semester: Autumn, 2022

the students left to finish school elsewhere, it was thought they would be likely to return and work in
the area.The schools also benefit the communities by employing teachers who would otherwise be
without jobs and income. This is indicative of the sense that the schools are key players in a virtuous
cycle for communities. By benefiting students, families, teachers, and other stakeholders, those
individuals develop the skills and stability to help others, thereby perpetuating an ongoing process of
community development.

Coupled with these strong feelings about the importance of the schools, participants expressed a deep
sense of ownership of the schools. This reinforces the centrality of the schools to the communities,
and is also a credit to the manner in which the schools were developed and the methods used to
generate community engagement. Because of the sense that the schools belong to the communities,
the teachers, parents, and other focus group participants all expressed willingness to volunteer to help
the schools in any way that they could. Many described ways in which they have helped in the past or
on an ongoing basis—such as assisting with construction, providing materials, hauling water and
food, setting up events, and cleaning. And they appeared eager to assist in the future as new needs
arise. They reported attending meetings whenever the principal organized them to remain current on
what is happening in the school and to help as needed. In addition, they all desired the formation of
school committees in order to facilitate participation in decision making, maintain awareness of the
schools’ needs, and identify new opportunities to provide assistance. Parents’ and teachers’ reports of
their roles in making decisions for the schools did vary across the schools, indicating that some
principals welcomed advice and additional perspectives more than others

b) What strategies can a teacher apply to strengthen the relationship between school and

Education is not all about finding X in a mathematical equation or writing book reports. It extends to
how students will fit into the real world during their school days and afterward.A good education
produces young people with a positive sense of self-concept and sound emotional and mental well-

These young people will be able to form healthy, positive relationships with their parents, family
members, and the rest of the community. Plus, they will become good future employees and

The school on its own can not instill these values. In the same vein, parents and social groupings
alone can not produce well-rounded individuals.

This is why the school and the community must work together to get the best outcomes for young
people. Today, we will offer strategies for building relationships between the school and the
community to promote student success.

Why Promote Positive School-Community Relations

When schools and communities work together:

 Students score better grades

 They skip fewer classes
 More students achieve higher qualifications
Course: Citizenship Education and Community Engagement (8606)

Level: B.Ed (1.5/2.5 Years) Semester: Autumn, 2022

 Lower incidences of bullying and delinquency are recorded

In a case study of the Oakland Unified School District, researchers found that community
involvement positively impacted school outcomes.According to the case study, The Oakland
International High School is a successful case of a great school and community partnerships.In 2010,
29% of the schools' population were recent immigrants from other countries. The majority of the
school’s students were refugees who had endured difficult trauma, which was pulling down school

Through successful community-school engagement programs, they managed to turn the situation
around. For instance, they offered after-school language classes for school learners and their parents.

Here are some of the positive results of these initiatives.In a 2015-16 survey, two-thirds of students
reported being "happy" or “very happy” with their educational experience.72% of students were able
to graduate, with a high number taking and passing all required courses for admittance into California
state universities.

51% took enough rigorous college-prep classes to make them eligible to attend either UC or CSU
schools—6 times higher than peers district-wide.

It’s plain to see that the community and school can help young people achieve more when they work

Here are some strategies for bridging the gap between the school and the community.

Consider the School and Community Equal Partners

Research on school-community partnerships in rural Tennessee schools established that the

community is more invested in learning outcomes if they are treated as equal partners.If school
leaders make it clear to all stakeholders that they are an equal partner in the children’s development,
the result is a solid school-community relationship.The school should view communities and families
as equal experts in a child’s education. In addition, schools should tap into the values and strengths
that the outside parties bring to the table.Plus, it helps cultivate a sense of trust and belonging among
students, educators in the school districts, and families by partnering with the community.

For instance, schools can invite community organizations and families to take the lead in some school
programs and events, such as quiz competitions, athletic events, or talent shows

Q.3 a) Explain why communication skills are essential for effective teaching

One of the most important skills of a good teacher is communication skills. Communicating
effectively with students creates a positive learning environment and fosters student success. Strong
communication skills also enable teachers to build strong relationships with students, parents, and

Table of Contents

 Good communication skills are important for several reasons:

Course: Citizenship Education and Community Engagement (8606)

Level: B.Ed (1.5/2.5 Years) Semester: Autumn, 2022

 Here are a few other ways how teachers can improve communication skills:
 7 Reasons Why Good Communication Skills are Important for Teachers
 To Be Effective, Teachers Need To Be In Control Of Their Classrooms
 Good Communication Skills Are Important For Student Learning
 Good Communication Skills Can Decrease Teacher Turnover
 Good Communication Skills Are Necessary For Parent-Teacher Interaction
 Good Communication Skills Can Help Teachers Spot Problems Early On In A Student’s
Educational Program
 Good Communication Skills Are Important For Teachers Who Are Dealing With Special
Needs Children
 Good Communication Skills Can Influence Parents’ And Students’ Perceptions Of Teachers
 Final Thoughts
 One of the most important skills of a good teacher is communication skills. Communicating
effectively with students creates a positive learning environment and fosters student success.
Strong communication skills also enable teachers to build strong relationships with students,
parents, and colleagues.

Communication is essential in the workplace. Good communication skills can help you build strong
working relationships, resolve conflict, and increase productivity. Therefore, the importance of
communication in the workplace cannot be underestimated.

 Good communication skills are important for several reasons:

 When you can communicate effectively, you can better teach skills to others.
 Good communication skills can help you build strong relationships with the people around
 Effective communication can help you better understand the world around you.

One of the most important skills in the workplace is effective communication. Communication is
essential to maintain relationships with co-workers, superiors, and customers. Good communication
skills can help to resolve conflicts, build relationships, and increase productivity. A few key things to
remember when communicating effectively in the workplace: be clear, concise, and respectful.Good
communication skills are essential for teachers. They need to be able to communicate effectively with
their students and other teachers and school staff. Good communication skills can help teachers to
better understand their students, and to build positive relationships with them. In addition, good
communication skills can help teachers resolve conflicts and manage their classrooms effectively.

Teachers need to be able to communicate with students and parents. Good communication skills are
important for the success of any teaching profession. In this article, we explore why it is necessary to
have good communication skills and some other ways teachers can improve their effectiveness in
delivering instruction and educating students.

First impressions do matter! A teacher’s first impression of a student can affect future interactions
with that student in or out of school. Therefore, a teacher must demonstrate positive images through
verbal cues and nonverbal messages such as tone of voice, facial expressions, body language, eye
contact, etc.

 Here are a few other ways how teachers can improve communication skills:
Course: Citizenship Education and Community Engagement (8606)

Level: B.Ed (1.5/2.5 Years) Semester: Autumn, 2022

 Have a systematic plan with clear goals, objectives, and expectations for each class period.
 Have enough engagement with students by involving them in academic activities and
experiences outside the classroom.
 Show enthusiasm for the activities that teachers are facilitating in their classrooms.
 Communicate the importance of their role as a teacher and role models to their students.
 Demonstrate positive behavior, language, and instructional techniques.
 Help students find success in school and remind them that they are all learners as well

b) How can effective communication result in improved management

Communication and management are closely linked. Communication refers to the process by which
information is exchanged between two or more people (increasingly, machines are also included in
communication, but we limit the discussion here to communication between people). Each of the
management roles—planning, organizing, leading, and controlling—depends on effective
communication. Managers must be able to receive accurate information to determine plans, and they
must be able to send accurate information for the plans to be implemented. When information is
accurately sent and received, everyone in an organization can be informed. As we see in the earlier
example, however, when information is misinterpreted or when incorrect information spreads,
communications can create significant problems in organizations.

The Role of Communication in Management

The role of management is to accomplish the goals of an organization. To do this, managers create a
plan that defines what needs to be done, when it will be done, and how it will be done. To implement
the plan, managers must convey this information to everyone in the organization. That is, they must
communicate the plan to members of the organization. However, managers need to do much more
than just inform people what they need to do to support the plan. They also must motivate people to
support the plan, build commitment to the organization, establish rapport and collaboration, and keep
everyone informed of events and actions that affect the organization. Good communication not only
informs but also helps to create a culture that makes people feel like they belong to and want to
support the organization. The opening example shows what can result from poor communication.
Following are some of the benefits of effective communication.

Provides clarity. Confusion, uncertainty, and ambiguity make people uncomfortable and
uncooperative. Making roles, responsibilities, and relationships clear gives everyone the information
they need to do their jobs and to understand their contributions to the organization. Effective
communication reduces the cost associated with conflicts, misunderstandings, and mistakes.

Builds Relationships. A culture that promotes open communication reduces tension between
hierarchical levels of employees, both professionally and socially. In a trusting and collaborative
culture, people are more likely to seek help with problems and to suggest solutions and
improvements. Effective communication creates a collegial culture that fosters teamwork and
encourages cooperation.

Creates commitment. Effective communication involves not only sending information but also
receiving it. By listening to employees’ concerns, allowing them to have input on their work and their
workplace, and giving consideration to their suggestions, managers can make everyone in the
organization feel like they are valued contributors. When employees feel like they are valued in the
Course: Citizenship Education and Community Engagement (8606)

Level: B.Ed (1.5/2.5 Years) Semester: Autumn, 2022

organization, they will likely be more engaged and motivated. Effective communication creates
support and commitment.

Defines expectations. When people are uncertain about what is expected of them and how they will
be evaluated, they can’t do their jobs well. Performance reviews are difficult because the employee
does not know the performance standards they are expected to meet. And if corrective measures are
necessary, the employee may be resentful if he can’t see how his behaviors reduced his effectiveness.
When expectations and standards are clear, employees know what they need to do to get a positive
review and the benefits that come with it.

Q.4 a) Describe the relationship between technological change and society

Technology and Social Change

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the making of tools to solve specific
problems. Technological advances such as automobiles, airplanes, radio, television, cellular phones,
computers, modems, and fax machines have brought major advances and changes to the world.
Indeed, 20th century technology has completely—and irreversibly—changed the way people meet,
interact, learn, work, play, travel, worship, and do business.

Technological information increases exponentially: The entire database of scientific knowledge

doubles every several years. This “technological explosion” is due in part to an “Information
explosion,” as well as to advances in storage, retrieval, and communication of data. In other words, a
cycle occurs: Improvements in technology lead to increases in knowledge and information and, thus,
to uncovering the means to create better technology. Consequently, sociologists are concerned with
how technological societies will be forced to adapt to the social changes that improvements in
technology will continue to bring.

Computer technology

In the 1990s, people witnessed an explosion of computer technology—both in America and around
the globe, which has in turn led to a change in how and where people work. Telecommuters are
employees of agencies or business firms who work full ‐time or part ‐time at home instead of in the
office. They connect to their offices via electronic networking: phone, computer, e ‐mail, and fax.
Telecommuting allows employees to work under supervisors in another state or country. This form of
employment especially helps disabled individuals who are unable to leave home or travel to an office,
as well as working parents of young children.

The Internet—the world's largest computer network—has revolutionized electronic networking. The
number of people using the Internet continues to double annually, with at least 50 percent of all
Americans “online” in 2000.

The Internet originally developed from a system built by the U.S. Defense Department to permit
governmental work in the aftermath of a nuclear attack. Although originally only those with
governmental or university positions could access the Internet, now virtually any home can purchase
World Wide Web service. Net‐surfers can telecommute, read articles, check stock prices, conduct
research, comparison price, shop from home, meet others in chat rooms or on bulletin boards, take
college courses, and even earn an accredited degree.

The Internet has certainly provided exciting new possibilities for electronic communication, yet critics
argue that a dark side exists to this informational tool. One area of special concern, especially for
Course: Citizenship Education and Community Engagement (8606)

Level: B.Ed (1.5/2.5 Years) Semester: Autumn, 2022

families with young children, is the ability to access and download pornographic materials. Internet
users can download pornographic photos, trade sexual messages on a bulletin board, have overtly
sexual conversations with a distant “playmate,” play erotic games, or purchase tickets for a singles
cruise. In recent years, sexual predators have also used the Internet to identify potential victims. Other
areas of concern include potential social isolation, random and reckless dissemination of nonverifiable
or inaccurate information, plagiarism, and family estrangement.


Recent decades have produced dramatic—though controversial—scientific advances in biotechnology

(the application of technology to the practice of medicine). Advances in such areas as reproductive
technologies, surrogate parenthood, sex preselection, and genetic engineering have raised difficult
political, ethical, and moral questions.

Reproductive technologies and sex preselection

Not every couple wanting to conceive can do so. If they fail to conceive after one year or more of
trying, the couple is considered infertile. At any one time, up to 20 percent of couples in the United
States may be infertile.

In many cases, doctors can successfully treat infertility:

Fertility drugs (ovulation‐stimulating hormones) can help when the woman's inability to ovulate
causes the infertility.

Artificial insemination, which involves collecting and introducing sperm into the vagina using a
syringe, proves particularly useful when the man possesses a below ‐normal sperm count.

In vitro fertilization, or the “test‐tube baby” method, involves fertilizing an egg outside the woman's
body and implanting it into the uterus. This procedure is useful when the woman has blocked
fallopian tubes.

b) Analyze the response of Pakistani society to technological change

Pakistan’s startups need government help to foster innovation and protect intellectual property.
Technology, including the IT industry, in Pakistan has enormous potential for growth. But teething
problems, especially a lack of funds and encouragement for product development, have deterred start-
ups from moving forward with disruptive innovations or technologies. While Pakistan’s technology
sector struggles to get off the ground, Indian IT exports have reached more than $100
billion.However, Pakistan can turn a corner by investing in tech start-ups and disruptive technologies,
providing facilities like incubators, office space, and financial leeway. Such measures could not only
promote entrepreneurship and innovation-based critical thinking but would also clean the Augean
stables of poverty and unemployment. Technology is sine qua non for the 21st century and ignoring it
could result in unquantifiable lost economic opportunities.Pakistan has a very robust youth population
and with measures like incubators and financial assistance the country can create a roadmap toward
innovation-based technologies and breakthroughs– much like the United States did at the start of 20th
century and India did in the early 1990s.
Course: Citizenship Education and Community Engagement (8606)

Level: B.Ed (1.5/2.5 Years) Semester: Autumn, 2022

Technological innovation can be classified in different ways: product vs process, disruptive vs
sustaining. It is imperative that government should enable institutions and corporations working on all
types of innovation based technologies and, importantly, the processes involved.Another important
step to enhance innovation would be to have a legal framework to protect intellectual property (IP)
rights. Such framework would not only penalize IP rights infringement (which is currently quite
prevalent in corporate circles of Pakistan) but would also help in creating an atmosphere for
innovation.It is important for the government to understand the importance of IP rights. IP protection
and the related legal framework could not only enable innovation based thinking, businesses, and
products but would also help develop the IP industry in Pakistan. IP, in the form of patents,
contributes enormously to national and state economies, but for now, Pakistan’s IP is stuck leap years
behind other countries.The strength of the U.S. IP industry and accompanying legal framework show
in the data. According to the Global Intellectual Property Center, IP intensive industries employ 55
million Americans and are worth $5.8 trillion, more than the nominal GDPs of France and Britain. IP
accounts for 72 percent of all U.S. exports, which amounts to nearly $1.5 trillion. All that is possible
because the U.S. government understands the importance of mechanisms that enable IP rights
protection and further technological innovation.

Q.5 a) Explicate the roles and responsibilities of school, parents and local bodies in communitiy

The role of parents, community and schools are the main stakeholders related to a student’s quality
education. I have focused to this because the education system has not shown the proper ability to
complete the tasks and problems occurred with the education provided by Nepalese Educational
institutions. The study is focused how to ensure the capabilities in the children during the time of
proving the education in our formal education system.

Importance of study:

Each and every study should have with great importance for its practicality. The study which is
improper and impractical is meaningless. So, I have taken that this article will play an important role
for those who are really establishing the formal foundation of learning among the responsible
authorities to ensure children’s quality education.

Objectives of study:

The main objectives of my article are to:

1. Provide awareness for newly establishing educational institutions for ensuring quality education.

2. Provide guidelines for related stakeholders about their roles in education.

3. Show the main limitation of getting the trouble in quality education.

Role of Parents:

A kid’s education starts from home. Parents are their first teachers and they have a key role in shaping
up their character. A balance of education at home and school moulds a student’s actual learning. Be a
helping hand in their educational journey and travel with them with true inspiration. Parental
encouragement had played a crucial role in successful students. Their role is not limited to home but
involvement in school activities too.A child’s learning scale is highly related to how they are treated
at home. Here are a few ways which parents can adopt to help with their child’s education:
Course: Citizenship Education and Community Engagement (8606)

Level: B.Ed (1.5/2.5 Years) Semester: Autumn, 2022

Be a role model: Kids would be easily inspired by what their parents do. So it would be good to be a
role model in their learning phase. Parents are a kid’s first teachers and so learn the first things
together at home. Show them how exciting and meaningful a school life can be if they give out their
best. Inspire them to learn novel elements in and out of school with friendly reminders and
guidance.Doing things together with parents give them a sense of support and confidence. Reading
the lessons together is one of the best ways to be close with the child’s learning at school. This not
only improves their vocabulary but invokes interest in them to read more. It is also a good idea to visit
the library together and share quality books to help them get additional knowledge than classroom
lessons.Oversee child’s activity: It is important to have an eye on the child’s activity in school and
home. Their general habits are closely linked to how they perform in their studies. So give timely
advices and correct any abnormal behavior right from the childhood days and inspire them to be good
citizens. Help them to be more organized with their daily routine and find enough time for the
lessons.No over scheduling: It is not a good idea to over schedule them with learning activities at
home. They are spending about half of their day at school. So help them schedule their extra learning
and homework time at home without burdening them. Balancing the time between lessons, play time
and rest is important to have a quality student life.Provide pleasant atmosphere: Parents should make
sure that the kids are provided with a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere at home. It is good to avoid
discussing family problems in kid’s presence and don’t create a mess at home with unnecessary
quarrels. Both father and mother should consider the importance of their study life and give them
adequate moral support.Give constructive criticism: If you notice that your kid is not performing well
or giving less importance to studies, correct them at the beginning itself. However, it is not good to
spoil their peace of mind with ill words. Have some patience and give only constructive criticism if
you notice any downsides. Make them understand what is right and wrong rather than simply blaming

b) Do you think teachers' personality can be a source of motivation for their students? Give

Motivating Students

One of the most difficult aspects of becoming a teacher is learning how to motivate your students. It is
also one of the most important. Students who are not motivated will not learn effectively. They won’t
retain information, they won’t participate and some of them may even become disruptive. A student
may be unmotivated for a variety of reasons: They may feel that they have no interest in the subject,
find the teacher’s methods un-engaging or be distracted by external forces. It may even come to light
that a student who appeared unmotivated actually has difficulty learning and is in need of special

Interested in developing your skills as a teacher? Explore online education short courses designed to
give you an in-depth understanding of various skills in teaching.

While motivating students can be a difficult task, the rewards are more than worth it. Motivated
students are more excited to learn and participate. Simply put: Teaching a class full of motivated
students is enjoyable for teachers and students alike. Some students are self-motivated, with a natural
love of learning. But even with the students who do not have this natural drive, a great teacher can
make learning fun and inspire them to reach their full potential.

Here are five common steps to get your students excited about learning:

1. Encourage Students
Course: Citizenship Education and Community Engagement (8606)

Level: B.Ed (1.5/2.5 Years) Semester: Autumn, 2022

Students look to teachers for approval and positive reinforcement, and are more likely to be
enthusiastic about learning if they feel their work is recognized and valued. You should encourage
open communication and free thinking with your students to make them feel important. Be
enthusiastic. Praise your students often. Recognize them for their contributions. If your classroom is a
friendly place where students feel heard and respected, they will be more eager to learn. A “good job”
or “nice work” can go a long way.

2. Get Them Involved

One way to encourage students and teach them responsibility is to get them involved in the classroom.
Make participating fun by giving each student a job to do. Give students the responsibility of tidying
up or decorating the classroom. Assign a student to erase the blackboard or pass out materials. If you
are going over a reading in class, ask students to take turns reading sections out loud. Make students
work in groups and assign each a task or role. Giving students a sense of ownership allows them to
feel accomplished and encourages active participation in class.

3. Offer Incentives

Setting expectations and making reasonable demands encourages students to participate, but
sometimes students need an extra push in the right direction. Offering students small incentives makes
learning fun and motivates students to push themselves. Incentives can range from small to large
giving a special privilege to an exemplary student, to a class pizza party if the average test score rises.
Rewards give students a sense of accomplishment and encourage them to work with a goal in mind.

4. Get Creative

Avoid monotony by changing around the structure of your class. Teach through games and
discussions instead of lectures, encourage students to debate and enrich the subject matter with visual
aids, like colorful charts, diagrams and videos. You can even show a movie that effectively illustrates
a topic or theme. Your physical classroom should never be boring: use posters, models, student
projects and seasonal themes to decorate your classroom, and create a warm, stimulating environment.

5. Draw Connections to Real Life

“When will I ever need this?” This question, too often heard in the classroom, indicates that a student
is not engaged. If a student does not believe that what they’re learning is important, they won’t want
to learn, so it’s important to demonstrate how the subject relates to them. If you’re teaching algebra,
take some time to research how it is utilized practically for example, in engineering and share your
findings with your students. Really amaze them by telling them that they may use it in their career.
Showing them that a subject is used everyday by “real” people gives it new importance. They may
never be excited about algebra but if they see how it applies to them, they may be motivated to learn

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