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Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Demographic Profile of the Study Area

Population Distribution:

The total population of the district is 1,564,708 out of which

1,232,015 lives in rural and the rest 332,693 in urban areas. There

are four tehsils in the district namely Sasni, Sikandra Rao, Hathras

and Sadabad. The most populous tehsil is Hathras followed by

Sikandra Rao, Sasni is least populated tahsil preceding Sadabad. The

urban population in the district is 21.3 per cent. The urban

population is maximum at 35.4 per cent in Hathras tahsil. There are

669 revenue villages in the district out of which 655 are inhabited at

the 2011 Census and remaining 14 are un-inhabited. The total rural

population of 1,232,015 is spreaded over 7 CD Blocks. The most

populous CD Block is Sasni with a population of 210,991 but the

maximum number of inhabited villages (143) are in Murasan CD

Block. About half of the populated villages have a population in the

size of 500-999 and 1000-1999 and such villages form as high as 56

per cent of total populated villages.

Table - 1.01
General Population figures and decadal Population Growth in the
Country, State and the District Hathras
Country/ Population - 2011 Decadal Population Growth
State/Region 1991-2001-2011
1981-91 1991- 2001-11
Total Rural Urban

121056957 83346344 37710612

23.87 21.54 17.68
India 3 8 5
199812341 44495063 25.61 25.85 20.23
Uttar Pradesh 8

Hathras 1564708 1232015 332693 22.30 18.30 17.12

Source: Census of India, 1981 and 1991, 2001 and 2011

Table - 1.02
RESIDENCE, 2001-2011
S Percentage
N Tahasil Population
variation -

2001 2011 Tota Rur Urba

Total Rural Urba Total Rural Urban l al n
1 Sasni 19611 18086 1525 22428 21099 1329 14.4 16.7 -12.9

9 1 8 2 1 1
2 Sikandra 34265 28303 5961 40456 33002 7454 18.1 16.6 25.0
Rao 2 5 7 7 3 4
3 Hathras 46487 31497 1498 55154 35652 1950 18.6 13.2 30.1

4 8 96 0 8 12
4 Sadabad 33238 29267 3970 38431 33447 4984 15.6 14.3 25.5

6 7 9 9 3 6
District 13,36, 10,71, 2,64, 15,64, 12,32 3,32, 17.1 15. 25.8
Total 031 551 480 708 ,015 693 0
Source: Census of India, 2001 and 2011.
Table – 1.03:
RESIDENCE, 2001-2011
Sl. Population Area Populatio
Developmenta Population Population
No Growth 2011 n Density
l Blocks 2001 2011 2
. 2001-11 (Km .) 2011

1 Sasni 180861 210991 16.66 268.58 788

2 Hathras 158735 174014 9.63 238.16 731
3 Mursan 156243 182514 16.81 225.56 809
4 Sikandrarao 136542 158365 15.98 262.05 604
5 Hasayan 146493 171658 17.18 289.14 594
6 Sadabad 184966 207545 12.21 296.37 700
7 Sahpau 107711 126928 17.84 176.65 719
  Total 123402 1756.5
1071551 15.16 703
6 1
Source: Census of India, 2001 and 2011.

The population density is reported at 703 Persons/Sq. Km

which is higher than the state average at 689 Persons/Sq. Km and

much higher than the national average of 324 Persons/Sq. km. An

over view of some demographic indicators for the last three decades is

presented in the table given below. As usual population growth has

shown a declining trend during 1981-91 to 2001-11 decade.

Population growth was 22.30 percent for 1981-91, 18.30 for 1991-

2001 and it was 17.12 percent for 2001-2011 decade. Growth of

population has been below the national as well as state average which

was 23.87 percent for 1981-91, 21.54 for 1991-2001 and 17.68
percent for 2001-2011 decade at the national level whereas these

figures were 25.61 percent for 1981-91, 25.85 for 1991-2001 and

20.23 percent for 2001-2011 decades in the state, whereas for the

rural area population growth for the 2001-2011 decade was only

15.16 percent.

Population Growth

The 2011 census of India has witnessed a perceptible change in

the country's demographic profile. It was from 1971 to 1991 that the

percentage increased during these three decades have not witnessed a

drastic change but the increase was viewed as a little higher during

1971-81 in comparison to 1961-71. Whereas this growth had

witnessed a little lower during 1981-91 which was observed as 24.8%

during 1961-71, 24.99% during 1971-81 and 23.79% during 1981-91.

The population of Hathras has witnessed a lower rate of growth that is

21.02% in comparison to the national as well as the state averages of

23.79% and 25.48% respectively.

Table: 3.04

Blockwise Population Growth in Hathras District

Sl. Name of The Population Population Population

No. Blocks 2001 2011 Growth Rate
1. Sasni 180861 210991 16.66
2. Hathras 158735 174014 9.63
3. Mursan 156243 182514 16.81
4. Sikandrarao 136542 158365 15.98
5. Hasayan 146493 171658 17.18
6. Sadabad 184966 207545 12.21
7. Sahpau 107711 126928 17.84
1071551 1234026 15.16
Source: Census of India, Town and Village Directory, 2011

The block level population growth may be classified into three

classes i.e. below 15%, 15-17% and above 17%. The first category

includes the block Hathras and Sadabad having 9.63% and 12.21%

population growth whereas Sikandra-Rao, Sasni and Mursan comes

under the second category having 15.98%, 16.66% & 16.81%

population growth and rest of the two blocks namely Hasayan and

Sahpau comes under the third category witnessing highest population

growth among all the seven blocks recording 17.18% and 17.84%


Density of population

Density of population is the ratio between land and population

in a particular area. It shows the burden of population on land. It also

represents the changing relationship between population and

resources in a particular area with the increase in the density of


Table: 3.05
Blockwise Density of Population in Hathras District - 2011
Sl. Name of The Area Population Population
No. Blocks (in Km2) 2011 Density
1. Sasni 268.5 210991 786
2. Hathras 238.2 174014 731
3. Mursan 225.6 182514 809
4. Sikandrarao 262.0 158365 604
5. Hasayan 289.1 171658 594
6. Sadabad 296.4 207545 700
7. Sahpau 176.7 126928 719
Hathras District 1756.5 1232015 703

Source: Census of India, Town and Village Directory, Series -22, U. P. 2011.

Population and land are the two important elements, is ratio is

of great importance in all studies related to population and also

related to land studies like agricultural land use, Land utilisation. It is

clear from the above mentioned table that there exists variation in

population density in the district. On the basis of population density

the whole district may be classified into three orders- Less than 650,

650-750, above 750 The first order includes the blocks having low

population density i.e. Hasayan and Sikadrarao blocks having 594

and 604 person per square kilometer respectively. The Second order

blocks include Sadabad, Sahpau and Hathras blocks having 700, 719

and 731 person per square kilometer respectively. The third order

blocks include Mursan and Sasni blocks having 786 and 809 person

per square kilometer respectively.

This order represents that Mursan block has recorded highest

density of population having 809 person per square kilometer while

Hasayan is the block having lowest density i.e. 594 person per square


Population Distribution

According to the census-2011, the total population of Hathras

district is about 1564708 constituting 836127 male and 728581

female. Total rural population is about 1232015 and urban population

is 332693. During the last 10 years (2001-11) there is normal increase

in the total population. Population of Hathras district increased from

1071551 to 1232015. Total occupied residential houses are about

240468 in which rural occupied residential houses are about 188992

and urban residential houses are 51476. Total Area of the district is

about 1800 km2 out of which 1756.5 km 2 is rural and 43.6 km 2 is

urban area.


Literacy is one of the important measurements for the

development of any society. This aspect depicts the level to which the

population of an Area has been aware for their own development. The

concept of literacy varies from country to country. In India it generally

refers to the minimum level of skills making a person able to read,

write and understand something. In some countries the length of

schooling has after being considered as a major of differentiates

between a literate person and an illiterate person. Trewatha (1969)

considers the basis of length of schooling as an invalid measurement

for literacy. According to UNESCO’S (1957) definition “A person who

could neither read nor write may be treated as illiterate.

Table: 3.06
Blockwise Level of Literacy in Hathras District – 2011
Sl. Name of The Total Male Female Total
No. Blocks Literates Literacy Literacy Literacy
1. Sasni 128336 83.60 59.77 72.49
2. Hathras 105490 83.54 59.90 72.52
3. Mursan 113449 85.51 59.88 73.65
4. Sikandrarao 90241 80.06 54.40 68.09
5. Hasayan 96400 79.85 53.41 67.57
6. Sadabad 128006 86.53 58.20 73.44
7. Sahpau 76046 84.28 57.58 71.88
Hathras 737968 83.48 57.74 71.52
Source: Census of India, Town and Village Directory, Series -22, U. P. 2011.

Literacy rates in any Area are the outcome of a variety of factors

including historical, social and economic along with these there are

various other factors too. The following table reveals the patterns of

literacy in the district of Hathras. According to 2011 Census the

highest literacy among the seven blocks of Hathras district was

observed in Mursan block recording 73.65 percent whereas, lest

literacy has been observed as 67.57 percent in Hasayan Block. The

literacy records may be put under three categories i.e. below 70

percent 70 to 73 percent and above 73 percent. Sikandrarao and

Hasayan Blocks with 68.09 and 67.57% people as literate, lie under

the least literate category. The Second category include Sahpau, Sasni

and Hathras blocks having 71.88%, 72.49 5 and 72.52 percent

literacy respectively. High literacy levels have been witnessed in the

blocks like Mursan and Sadabad having 73.65% and 73.44% literacy


As far as male literacy is concerned Sadabad block takes the

lead with 86.53 percent male literates followed by Mursan and

Sahpau blocks with 85.51 and 84.28 percent male literates. Medium

level male literates are recorded in Sasni and Hathras blocks having
83.60 and 83.54 percent male literates. Low literacy has been

observed in Sikandrarao and Hasayan blocks having 80.06 and 79.85

percent literates. Female literacy figures are different from the male

and total literacy figures. Highest female literacy has been observed in

Hathras block followed by Mursan and Sasni having 59.90, 59.88 and

59.77 percent female literates respectively. Medium female literacy

has been witnessed in the blocks namely Sadabad and Sahpau having

58.20 and 57.587 percent female literates respectively. Low female

literacy as usual been recorded in Sikandrarao and Hasayan blocks

having 53.41 and 54.40 percent female literates respectively.

Sex-ratio in Hathras district

Sex ratio represents the ratio of males and females (No. of

females per thousand males). It shows the social and economic

conditions practiced in a particulars area. And is also an important

tool for Areal Analysis. It effects population growth, occupational

structure, marriages, and others demographic elements. At

international level there are difference methods of its representation.

In this way the classification of Sex- structure helps in its systematic

and comparative study.

Data collection of sex- ratio takes place in 3 stages and these

three are differentiated. Primary sex- ratio is related with sex- ratio

during pregnancy period while secondary sex- ratio is related with the

sex- ratio during the period of birth and tertiary sex- ratio is related

with the period of census. The Areas having less no. of females

represents the exploitation of females in that area.

Table: 3.07
Blockwise Distribution of Sex Ratio in Hathras District 2001-2011
Sl. Name of The Sex Ratio Sex Ratio
No. Blocks 2001 2011
1. Sasni 857 874
2. Hathras 862 872
3. Mursan 843 861
4. Sadabad 841 858
5. Sahpau 851 865
6. Sikandrarao 866 875
7. Hasayan 857 867
Hathras District 853 867
Source: Census of India, Town and Village Directory, Series -22, U. P. 2001, 2011.

It is clear from the table that in Hathras district, at the block

level Sikandrarao block has the highest sex ratio i.e. 875 females per

1000 males neck to neck followed by Sasni block with 874 females per

1000 males while Sadabad block has lowest numbers of females per

1000 males i.e. 858 only. Categorically the blocks may be divided into

three group i.e. High, Medium and Low sex ratio. High sex ratio has

been witnessed in Hathras, Sasni and Sikandrarao blocks recording

872, 874 and 875 female per 1000 male. The medium sex ratio has

been witnessed in Hasayan Sahpau and Mursan block recording 867,

865 and 861 female per 1000 male whereas the lowest sex ratio has

been observed in Sadabad block recording 858 female per 1000 male.

The main causes behind it are-

Agricultural work is only done by males, dogmatic approaches

of females, lack of medical facilities; lack of urban settlements,

Illiteracy, abortions, feticide etc. If the sex- ratio decreases

continuously, it reveals that there is going to be a scarcity of females

in the coming decades which will lead to various problems such as

exploitations and sexual harassment etc.

Occupational Structure of Hathras District

Occupational structure of working population of any region is

expressed in terms of working population engaged in difference

occupations. Occupational structure of any country gives us the

information about the economy of that country whether the country is

dominated by primary activities, Secondary or Tertiary activities. In

terms it also explains the status of Economic development of a

country. Occupational structure of a region or of a society is the

product of many inter related causes in which the physical resource

base is the most important reason variations is the physical resources

and natural resource base give rise to different types of occupations.

Good and fertile soils lead to agricultural occupations rugged

topography with grasslands give rise to Animal husbandry important

mining resources leads to mining occupations etc. The natural

resources available are utilized on a large scale for economic

development of a region. This leads to variation in occupation in that

region where as subsistence level of utilization of natural resources

don’t lead to large scale variation in the occupational structure. As the

development impulse starts channelizing with the help of

industrialization, development in Science and technology etc. The

variations in the occupation structure become more and more visible.

The above points also lead to the development of new occupations.

On the basis of the census classification the occupational structure is

classified into 9 basic categories. The statistical commission of the

United Nations also classifies the economic activities into 9 basic

heads which are as follows.

1. Agriculture, Forestry, Cattle-rearing, Hunting and Fishing.

2. Mining

3. Manufacturing Industries

4. Construction

5. Electricity, Gas, Water and Health facilities

6. Business

7. Transport, Storage and communication

8. Services

9. Other works which are not engaged anywhere

In 2011 census, Census Department of India has classified working

population into Four categories: -

1) Formers (Cultivators)

2) Agricultural labourers

3) Workers involved in Household industries

a. Cottage Industries
b. Non- Cottage Industries

4) Other Workers

Table: 3.08
Blockwise Occupational Structure of Hathras District-2011

Name of Cultiv Agricu Hous Other main margi Total

Blocks ators ltural ehold worker worker nal Workers
labour indus s s worker
ers try s

1. Sasni 16497 12287 1606 14368 44758 19490 64248

2. Hathras 12403 11181 2276 10947 36807 18091 54898

3. Mursan 14792 9337 1555 14225 39909 15789 55698

4. Sadabad 18616 12643 4500 10898 46657 21723 68380

5. Sahpau 10122 7357 961 7182 25622 14158 39780

18895 9140 1384 6191 35610 13944 49554

7. Hasayan 17061 10516 1831 5390 34798 20680 55478

Total Blocks 108386 72461 14113 69201 264161 123875 388036

Total Urban 2947 5018 5993 59176 73134 22945 96079

Total District 111333 77479 20106 128377 337295 146820 484115

Source: Census of India, Town and Village Directory, Series -22, U. P. -2011.
According to census, 2011 there are 337295 persons as main

workers in Hathras district which constitutes 33% of the total

population of this district.

1) Cultivators- this category includes those persons who have

either their own land or take land on lease for cultivation. It is clear

from the given table that (during 2011) out of the total working

population of this district 41.03% are cultivators, which is the highest

among the working groups. Sikandra-Rao and Hasayan blocks hold

very high percentage of cultivators which is about. 53.06% and

49.03% respectively. It is much higher as compared to the other

blocks? Blocks having medium percentage of cultivators between 35

to 40% includes Sadabad, Sahpau, Mursan and Sasni having 39.90%,

39.51% 37.06% and 36.86% cultivators, whereas Hathras block is

having only 33.70% of cultivators which is lowest among all

blocks.From this it is clear that even today (Farming) cultivation is the

main occupation of the economy of Hathras.

2) Agricultural Labourers- Agricultural labourers are those who

don’t have their own land but they use to work on the fields of another

person’s and earn either money or some part of crops in return of

their work. In such type of work they don’t have any king of right on

Agricultural land.

Total percentage of Agriculture Labourers in this district is

27.43 percent in 2011 which is second to cultivators. Highest

percentage of Agricultural Labourers is found in Hathras block

i.e.30.38% whereas Mursan block is having the lowest share i.e.

23.40%. In Hathras district blocks having Agriculture Labourers more

than 30% includes Hathras (30.38%) and Hasayan (30.22%).

Sikandrarao, Sadabad, Sasni and Sahpau Blocks have medium share

of Agriculture Labourers, which is between 25-30% ,these blocks have

witnessed 25.67, 27.10, 27.45 and 28.71 percentage Agriculture

Labourers respectively.

3.) Household Industries Worker- Household Industries, are those

Industries which can be started by one or more members of the family

in their own house within the village in rural areas. It can also be

established either on village boundary or inside their own house in

urban areas. It contributes 5.96% of the total working population in

Hathras district. In this group contribution of Sadabad block is the

highest recording 9.64 percent of the total working population in the

block. Two blocks namely Hasayan and Hathras have recorded

between 5 to 10 percentage share i.e. 6.18 and 5.26 percent

respectively. Blocks namely Mursan, Sikandra-Rao, Sahpau and

Sasni have recorded 3.90, 3.89, 3.75 and 3.59 percent respectively.

4.) Other Workers – This group contributes 38.06% of the total

working population of Hathras district. On the basis of its percentage

all seven blocks can be classified into three groups i.e. below

20percent, 20 to 30 percent and above 30 percent. First category

includes the blocks namely Hasayan and Sikandrarao recording 15.49

and 17.39 percent share of main workers as other workers category.

Second Category includes the blocks namely Sadabad Sahpau and

Hathras where, 23.36, 28.03 and 29.74 percent main workers are
engaged in other workers category. Sasni and Mursan blocks have

higher share under this category i.e. 32.10 and 35.64 percentage


5.) Main workers- Those workers who had worked for the major

part of the reference period (i.e. 6 months of more) are termed as main

workers. According to 2011 Census, percentage of main workers is

69.67% of the total workers in Hathras district. Sikandra-rao block

have the highest percentage of main-workers (71.86%) followed by

Mursan having 71.65%. Whereas Hasayan block is having lowest

percentage (62.72%). Sahpau, Sasni, Sadabad and Hathras blocks

have medium share under main workers category recording 64.41,

67.05, 68.23 and 69.66 percent respectively

6.) Marginal Workers- Those workers who had not worked for the

major part of the reference period (i.e. less than 6 months) are termed

as marginal workers. It contributes 30.33% of the total working

population in Hathras district Hasayan blocks is having 37.28%,

which is highest among the blocks whereas, Sikandrarao is having

only 28.14% which is lowest among all blocks. Other blocks namely

Mursan, Sasni, Sadabad, Hathras and Sahpau having 28.35%,

30.34% 31.77%, 32.95% and 35.59% respectively. (Fig.15)

Work force Participation Rate

Work Force participation rate is defined as the percentage of

total workers (Main and marginal) to total population-

% of Total workers ( Main+ marginal)

Work force participation rate ¿ X 100
Total population
Work force participation Rate in Hathras district is about

31.50%. In this district on the basis of data Sadabad block ranks first

with 32.95% followed by Hasayan 32.32%, Hathras (31.55%), Sahpau

(31.34%), Sikandrarao (31.29%), Mursan (30.52%) and Sasni (30.45).

This participation rate shows the high level of participation of the

working population leading to high level of opportunities available to

the working age group population in the district.

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