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T U E S DAY, AU G U S T 3 , 2 0 2 1 w w w. t h e e d g e m a r k e t s.

c o m
ISSUE 226/2021


T U E S DAY, AU G U S T 3 , 2 0 2 1 w w w. t h e e d g e m a r k e t s. c o m
ISSUE 226/2021

HOME: Covid-19: Malaysia reports new record high deaths of 219, with active cases nearing 200,000 p2
July manufacturing subdued by surging Covid-19 infections p5
Maybank Singapore sues NFC chairman, children for defaulting on housing loans worth S$2.53m p6
Constitutional crisis? — A legal opinion p15
WORLD: HSBC steps up dividend plans, eyes buybacks as outlook brightens p19

Perlis, S’wak and

Labuan to move into
Phase three of PPN
this Wednesday
— PM Muhyiddin
Report on Page 3.
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 2 TheEdge CEO morning brief

the edge ceo morning brief published by publisher + . Ho Kay Tat


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Daily Covid-19 figures:

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Daily fatal-
ities linked to Covid-19 climbed to a new As at Aug 1, 2021:

Malaysia reports
high of 219 on Monday, while Malaysia re-
Vaccine doses administered 480,122
ported another 15,764 new infections that
% of population fully vaccinated 21.24
new record high
pushed its active cases — which carry trans-
mission risks — to a new peak of 199,051. % of population with at least
one dose 43.55
deaths of 219,
The previous highest daily fatalities were
207, recorded on both July 27 and 28.
As at Aug 2, 2021:
The latest fatalities raised the country’s
Covid-19 death toll to 9,403, according to with active cases Number of new cases 15,764

nearing 200,000
Health director-generalTan Sri Dr Noor Hish- Number of individuals tested 105,785
am Abdullah in a statement.Year to date, 8,932 Positivity rate (%) 14.90
people across the country have been killed
by the coronavirus, compared with the 471 Category 1 8,783 (87.7%
fatalities recorded for the whole of last year. by syafiqah salim [no symptoms] unvaccinated)
While new daily infections fell to 15,764
Category 2 6,695 (64.5%
from 17,150 a day ago — after staying [mild symptoms] unvaccinated)
above the 16,000 mark for six consecu- • 64 cases from Category 4 (pneumonia
tive days — the rise in actives continued as requiring oxygen therapy); 73.4% un- Category 3 135 (63.7%
new cases surpassed new recoveries, which vaccinated [with pneumonia] unvaccinated)

came in at 11,767, for 38 straight days. • 87 cases from Category 5 (critical cases Category 4 64 (73.4%
Total recoveries nationwide now stand at requiring assisted ventilation); 97.7% [with pneumonia, requiring unvaccinated)

937,732 versus cumulative infections de- unvaccinated oxygen therapy]

tected at 1.15 million. There are now 1,063 patients in inten- Category 5 87 (97.7%
The latest infections were detected sive care, including 532 who need respira- [critical & requiring assisted unvaccinated)
after 105,785 individuals were screened tory assistance. ventilation]
across the country, representing a posi-
tive rate of 14.9%. R0 falls to lowest in 10 days Number of patients in ICU 1,063
The bulk of them came from Selangor, The Ministry said the country’s basic ICU capacity utilisation (%) 76.59
with 6,067 infections, followed by Kua- reproduction number for the coronavi- Number of deaths 219
la Lumpur (1,536), Johor (1,222), Sabah rus, the R0 (pronounced R-Naught), fell Updated as at 7.30pm, Aug 2, 2021
(1,166) and Kedah (1,108), Negeri Sembi- to 1.08 on Aug 1 from 1.1 a day before. Sources: CITF, MoH

lan (862), Perak (748), Penang (667), Kelan- co n ti n ues o n Pag e 3

tan (552), Pahang (475), Melaka (463),
Terengganu (425), Sarawak (411), Putra- Active cases reach a new record
jaya (46), Perlis (nine) and Labuan (seven). Daily Covid-19 deaths since
March 1, 2021 high on August 2
98.2% of cases show little to no symptoms Total number 199,051
The ministry said 15,478 of the new Cov- Malaysia’s Covid-19 200000
of active cases
id-19 cases (98.2%) were in Category 1 death toll: 9,403
250 (as of Aug 2, 2021) 219
and 2, while 286 cases or 1.8% were in 150000
Categories 3, 4 and 5. Close to eight in 10 200
infections (77.6%) were those who were 150 100000
not vaccinated.The breakdown of the cases 100
are as follows: 50000
• 8,783 cases from Category 1 (no symp- 50
toms) ; 87.7% unvaccinated 0 0
• 6,695 cases from Category 2 (mild March 1, 2021 Aug 2, 2021 Jan 1, 2021 Aug 2, 2021
symptoms); 64.5% unvaccinated
Sources: Ministry of Health, Sources: Ministry of Health,
• 135 cases from Category 3 (patients CPRC Kebangsaan CPRC Kebangsaan
with pneumonia) ; 63.7% unvaccinated
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 3 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Sam Fong/The Edge filepix

of vaccines – it is not comparable.

Perlis, S’wak and

“Take the vaccine you were offered, get
the vaccine in your arm, make yourself safe

Labuan to move
and make the world safe,” she said this at
a virtual media briefing today during the

into Phase three

3rd International Conference of Pharmacy
& Health Sciences (ICPHS 2021) hosted

of PPN this
by Universiti Kuala Lumpur Royal Col-
lege of Medicine Perak (UniKL RCMP).

Wednesday —
Lambe, who oversaw the University of
Oxford’s Covid-19 vaccine programme at
Efficacy trials of
PM Muhyiddin
The Jenner Institute, which led to the de-

different vaccines velopment of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vac-

cine, has now been administered to almost

Bernam a
are not comparable, half a billion people around the world.
Themed ‘Modern Research, Innovation

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Perlis, Sar-

just take what is and Practice: The Need of the Hour’, the
conference provides a platform for local
awak and Labuan will move into Phase
Three of the National Recovery Plan
offered and protect and international academics, researchers,
healthcare professionals and students for an
(PPN) beginning this Wednesday, Prime
Minister Tan Sri MuhyiddinYassin said.
yourself, says exchange of ideas, knowledge and expertise
in related areas of interest and research in
In a post on his official Facebook vaccine developer the fields of pharmacy and health sciences.
account, Muhyiddin said this decision Currently, Malaysia’s national vacci-
was made at the special National Secu- nation programme uses Pfizer-BioNTech
rity Council (MKN) meeting, which by syafiqah salim that is reportedly 95% effective against
he chaired this evening, after the three the coronavirus, as well as AstraZeneca
states showed very good results. (62% to 90% efficacy) and Sinovac (51%).
“Congratulations and well done… KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Just trust The Coordinating Minister of the National
[but] I would like to remind that stand- the regulator and take whatever brand of Covid-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK)
ard operating procedures (SOPs) and approved Covid-19 vaccine offered to you, Khairy Jamaluddin said in June that vaccine
regulations must continue to be ad- Professor Teresa Lambe, the principal re- recipients were not allowed to choose the type
hered to and all efforts to improve the searcher (Oxford Covid-19 Vaccine Devel- of Covid-19 vaccine they wanted to receive.
[Covid-19] pandemic situation in the opment) at The Jenner Institute, University It was reported at the time that some
respective states must continue. of Oxford, UK, advised the public. elderly recipients who turned up for their
“I hope with the cooperation of all par- “For me, you need to look at the re- vaccination appointments at the Kuala
ties nationwide, more states would be able al-world effectiveness data, trust the regu- Lumpur Convention Centre had reject-
to move into the next phase… we must be lator and trust the safety monitoring board ed the Sinovac vaccine and asked for the
optimistic and move forward so that Ma- et cetera on the recommendations of the Pfizer vaccine instead.
laysia’s recovery [plan] can be carried out best vaccine in your country. Khairy said the World Health Organiza-
systematically and safely,” he said. “You cannot compare the efficacy tion had also approved Sinovac and given
Meanwhile, the prime minister said across the trials of these different kinds assurance that the vaccine was safe to use.
relaxations for economic sectors and
for individuals who have completed two
doses of the Covid-19 vaccine will be
f ro m Pag e 2
announced soon. 43.55% of the nation’s population having
He said the matter needs to be scru- This is the lowest the R0 has been in 10 received their first dose, including 6.95 mil-
tinised carefully to ensure the govern- days.The previous low was 1.07 on July 22. lion or 21.24% who had completed their
ment’s efforts to revive the economy The R0 projects the average number two-dose regimen.
and the people’s quality of life can be of people each new Covid-19 patient
carried out smoothly and efficiently. will infect — or what is termed the ef-
“InsyaAllah, I will be announcing the fective reproduction number. An R0 of Read also:
relaxations in the near future, which I less than 1.0 means the infection is not
hope will benefit those fully vaccinated spreading. EMCO at five localities in three states
and also help our economic sectors, while from Wednesday, says Hishammuddin
also taking into account the people’s safe- 480,122 vaccine doses administered Click here
ty,” he said. Muhyiddin said the govern- on Aug 1
ment’s strategy is to vaccinate as many Malaysia administered 480,122 doses of
adults in the country as possible to ensure the Covid-19 vaccine on Sunday (Aug 1) Walk-in vaccination: 3,600-8,000 vaccine
Malaysia’s recovery plan runs smoothly. — down from 519,111 shots the day be- doses to be administered daily at KLCC
“The more people vaccinated means fore — with 298,236 going to individuals PPV Click here
more people are protected; there will be who got their first dose and 181,886 shots
less pressure and burden on the country’s going to second-dose recipients.
health system, and more economic and so- Cumulatively, 21.2 million Covid-19 Delta variant in Pasir Puteh may have
cial sectors can be safely opened,” he said. vaccine doses had been administered as spread to other districts, says Kelantan
of Sunday, with 14.25 million people or health authorities Click here


Glove stocks on the last leg of their rally?

Top Glove Corp Bhd Hartalega Holdings Bhd
10 20
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 3): While the
valuations for rubber glove makers can 8
still be seen as attractive currently, the
pandemic-driven rally these counters 15
have seen may be able to gather much
steam if one looks at analysts’ earnings 4
forecasts for 2022 onwards. 10
RM3.92 RM7.03
Most analysts’ “buy” calls are based
on the strong earnings growth forecasts 2
RM1.872 RM6.543
in 2021.
However, equity markets are usually 0 5
April 1, 2020 Aug 2, 2021 April 1, 2020 Aug 2, 2021
six months ahead at least.
This explains why the stellar quarterly Source: Bloomberg Source: Bloomberg
earnings figures have failed to whet inves-
tors’ appetite for glove stocks, despite the
fresh waves of infections globally. Kossan Rubber Industries Bhd Supermax Corp Bhd
Several glove companies are expect- RM RM
ed to release their quarterly earnings 10 12
this month. Some quarters foresee in-
vestment analysts to take the chance
to downgrade the sector when they re- 8
view the latest profit numbers amid the 8
downward pattern of the rubber glove 6
average selling prices, let alone the ad-
ditional new capacity that will come on 4
stream. 4 RM3.33
Looking at Top Glove Corp Bhd’s RM3.20
earnings forecasts, for example, ana- RM2.363 RM0.761
lysts are expecting the world’s largest 2 0
April 1, 2020 Aug 2, 2021 April 1, 2020 Aug 2, 2021
rubber glove maker to post a net profit
of RM8.91 billion for its financial year Source: Bloomberg Source: Bloomberg
2021 (FY21) ending Aug 31, 2021 ac-
cording to Bloomberg data. This would
be a 376% year-on-year (y-o-y) jump This translates into an estimated ment Bank Bhd’s monthly rating sum-
from RM1.87 billion the year before. earnings per share (EPS) of 44 sen for mary, the TPs on Hartalega and Top
Similarly, Hartalega Holdings Bhd is its FY22, versus the EPS of RM1.09 for Glove were lowered from RM15.76
expected to post RM3.89 billion for its FY21, based on projections. At the clos- and RM6.49 respectively as at June 4
FY22 ending March 31, 2022 (up 35% ing price of RM3.92, Top Glove shares to RM13.80 and RM5.60 as at July 30.
y-o-y), Kossan Rubber Industries Bhd are trading at a price-earnings ratio (P/E Hong Leong Investment Bank Bhd also
to report RM3.3 billion for its FY21 ratio) of 8.9 times. Pre-Covid-19 pan- trimmed its TP for Top Glove to RM6.66
ending Dec 31, 2021 (up 203% y-o-y), demic, glove stocks were trading at a on July 7, from RM6.76 in mid-June,
while Supermax Corp Bhd is seen to P/E ratio of less than five times. while Public Investment Bank Bhd low-
post a net profit of RM3.7 billion for its The same goes for the other big four ered its TP for Kossan to RM3.65 on July
FY21 ended June 30, 2021 (up 602% glove makers, as well as the smaller play- 28, from RM6.10 on June 11.
y-o-y). ers like Rubberex Corp (M) Bhd and BIMB, on the other hand, cut its TP
However, analysts’ earnings projec- Comfort Gloves Bhd. for Supermax to RM3.15 on July 8, from
tions for these companies are substan- Rubberex is expected to post a net RM7.30 on May 7.
tially lower from 2022 onwards, which profit of RM175 million for its FY22 That said, the raging Delta variant
may indicate that the second half of ending Dec 31, 2022, 26% lower than worldwide would mean a relatively strong
2021 could be the last leg of high growth the RM238 million in its current financial demand for rubber gloves at the front
and supernormal profits for the glove year, while Comfort Gloves is expected line of the battle with the virus. No one
makers. to see a 42% y-o-y decline in net profit to would rule out that could possibly delay
Beyond 2022, the valuations for these RM215 million for its FY23 ending Jan the normalisation of global demand.
stocks look vastly different. Top Glove 31, 2023, from RM373 million in its cur-
is projected to post RM3.73 billion in rent financial year ending Jan 31, 2022.
net profit for its FY22, a 58% y-o-y Target prices (TPs) for these coun- Read also: Hartalega prospects strong
drop from the forecast earnings for the ters have also been lowered in recent as short-term glove demand to remain
preceding year. months. Looking at Kenanga Invest- high — chairman Click here
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 5 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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July manufacturing subdued

by surging Covid-19 infections
BY Surin Murugiah Malaysia Manufacturing PMI vs Gross Domestic Product
Malaysia Manufacturing PMI Gross domestic product
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Malaysian sa, >50 = growth since previous month %yr/yr
manufacturers continued to report that 60 20
operating conditions were severely ham-
pered by a renewed rise in COVID-19 55
infections. 10
IHS Markit said both production lev-
els and new orders moderated further in 45 0
July, with the former being scaled back
to the greatest extent since April 2020. 40
However, it said that more positively, 35
employment levels stabilised, ending a
period of three consecutive reductions, 30 -20
as manufacturers noted a renewed de- '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19 '20 '21
gree of optimism about the year-ahead Sources: IHS Markit, Department of Statistics Malaysia.
outlook, underpinned by hopes that re-
strictions would lift as the current wave
recedes, boosting domestic and external
demand. signalling a stabilisation of employment improvement from June’s record low.
The headline IHS Markit Malaysia in July, ending a three-month period of Panel members attributed the im-
Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ job shedding. proved outlook to hopes that national
Index (PMI) — a composite single-fig- Preparation for orders in the future and international restrictions would lift
ure indicator of manufacturing perfor- reportedly required additional capaci- and aid a recovery in production and
mance — edged up from 39.9 in June ty,though some businesses comment- sales.
to 40.1 in July. ed on difficulty in hiring workers from IHS Markit chief business economist
IHS Markit said that in remaining abroad. Chris Williamson said Malaysia’s man-
well below the 50.0 no-change level, the Input costs meanwhile increased for ufacturing sector continued to be bad-
latest reading pointed to a steep decline the fourteenth consecutive month in ly hit by the ongoing pandemic in July,
in operating conditions, albeit one that July, reflecting higher prices for a range though companies are already planning
was fractionally softer than that seen in of raw materials and higher freight costs. for better times ahead.
June. The overall rate of inflation was steep He said production fell sharply for a
It said looking at the historical rela- overall and the quickest since May. second successive month as the recent
tionship between the PMI and official Manufacturers sought to partially rise in infections and containment meas-
statistics, the latest reading is represent- pass these higher costs to clients in the ures associated with the Delta variant
ative of a downturn in both industrial form of higher output charges, although both dampened demand and disrupted
production and GDP, as the survey in- the rate of inflation was the softest re- supply chains.
dicates that the manufacturing sector re- ported for five months. Williamson said both domestic de-
mains heavily impacted by the pandemic. Shortages of materials, as well as de- mand and export orders fell sharply at
IHS Markit said survey gauges of both lays in receiving shipments caused av- the start of the third quarter, while sup-
output and new orders signalled further erage supplier lead times to lengthen to plier delays continued to develop at one
marked reductions in July. the greatest extent since May. of the fastest rates yet recorded by the
It said the former saw the rate of de- At the same time, both purchases and survey.
crease quicken from June to reach the inventory levels fell. Some firms noted “There was better news in terms of
fastest since the first wave of the pan- that supply delays had hindered restock- the outlook, however, with companies
demic in April 2020. ing efforts and, in some cases, curtailed becoming more optimistic after the rise
Companies reported that renewed production. of the Delta variant had pushed confi-
pandemic restrictions dampened de- Backlogs of work consequently de- dence in June to its lowest on record.
mand and client confidence in both do- creased for the third month running in “More companies are now seeing
mestic and international markets. the latest survey period. some light at the end of the tunnel, and
That said, the reduction in new export IHS Markit said despite headwinds employment consequently stabilised.
sales was considerably softer than aggre- from supply shortages amid a renewed “There was also better news on pric-
gate new orders, as some firms comment- surge in COVID-19 infections, Malay- es. Although input cost inflation ticked
ed on pockets of demand improving in sian manufacturers displayed a renewed up slightly, it continued to run well be-
Europe and the US in particular. sense of optimism regarding the outlook low the steep rates recorded earlier in
However, according to IHS Markit, for output in the coming year. the year, helping push selling price in-
a brighter picture came from the jobs It said the degree of sentiment was flation down to its lowest since Febru-
market, with Malaysian goods producers modest overall, but marked a welcome ary,” he said.
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 6 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Petronas JV
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Petroliam Meanwhile, Natural GasWorld, quoting
Nasional Bhd (Petronas) and Indian Oil the Press Trust of India, reported that Indi-

embarks on new
Corp Ltd’s equally-owned joint venture an Oil Corp owns the largest network of
(JV) company Indian Oil Petronas Pvt Ltd petrol pumps in India.

retail venture
(IPPL) is planning to launch a new fuel “It also has licences to retail CNG (com-
and gas retail venture, the latest develop- pressed natural gas) to automobiles and

in India
ment in the two-decade-old JV between the piped cooking gas to households in sever-
Malaysia and India national oil companies, al geographical areas,” Natural Gas World
according to news reports quoting Indian reported.
Oil Corp chairman SM Vaidya. Natural Gas World reported that IPPL
It was reported that IPPL will get into by justin lim is a liquefied petroleum gas importer.
retailing of transportation fuel besides nat- According to Natural Gas World, the
ural gas in India. Press Trust of India quoted Vaidya as say-
“The entire energy pie is increasing ing the JV will “diversify into natural
so there is no question of cannibalising,” gas and transportation fuel retailing
Vaidya was quoted as saying by The Eco- business”.
nomic Times on Friday (July 30). At the time of writing today, Petronas
“We intend to get the best practices of had not issued a statement in response to
global companies into India. But it will news reports on IPPL’s plan to launch its
not be at the cost of our own (Indian Oil new fuel and gas retail venture.
Corp) market share,” he said.
It was reported that Indian Oil Corp
did not share more details on investments, Read also: Petronas Carigali confirms con-
timeframes, or the sourcing of fuel as those tractor’s staff test positive for Covid-19 in
details are still being worked out. Bintulu Click here

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Maybank Sin- Maybank Singapore granted a loan of
gapore Ltd has filed a suit against National S$5.38 million in 2010 to the first two

Singapore sues
Feedlot Corp Sdn Bhd (NFC) chairman defendants to finance the purchase of a
Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail and luxury condominium in Marina Bay.

NFC chairman,
his two children for defaulting on two hous- Again, Mohamad Salleh and Wan
ing loan facilities for properties in Singapore. Shahinur Izran defaulted on the month-

children for
Maybank Singapore, which is the plain- ly instalment payments of S$8,700, with
tiff, filed the suit at the High Court registry S$5.06 million being the outstanding

defaulting on
here on July 19 through law firm Messrs amount due as at June 4, 2018, together
Benjamin Dawson. The suit named Mo- with all accrued interests.

housing loans
hamad Salleh as the first defendant, while Maybank Singapore also then exercised
his children Wan Shahinur Izran and Wan its rights by repossessing and selling the

worth S$2.53m
Izzana Fatimah Zabedah were named as property through a private treaty sale at the
second and third defendants respectively. price of S$4.68 million. The sale, however,
Mohamad Salleh is the husband of for- was insufficient to settle the whole out-
mer women, family and community devel- standing amount, and as at Dec 29, 2020,
opment minister Tan Sri Shahrizat Abdul by emir zainul the sum of S$1.17 million remains due.
Jalil, who is also former Wanita Umno chief. The suit alleged that all three defend-
According to the statement of claim sight- ants have failed, ignored and/or neglected
ed by today, Maybank Patrick Goh/The Edge to pay the sum demanded, which resulted
Singapore is seeking the court’s judgement in the bank pursuing the matter through
on a total of S$2.53 million being the out- the Malaysian courts.
standing amount under the loan facilities It is worth noting that the family is also
that the defendants still owed with the bank. embroiled in a RM250 million suit by the
For the first housing loan facility, Malaysian government. Under the suit, the
Maybank Singapore granted a loan of government is seeking RM253.62 million,
S$4.37 million in 2009 to the three de- representing the sum owed by NFC, with
fendants to finance the purchase of a lux- a 2% interest from May 1, 2019.
ury apartment in Orchard Scotts. They are accused of misappropriating
However, the three defendants default- and wrongly using RM118 million from a
ed in the monthly instalment payments of RM250 million loan granted to NFC by
S$7,225, with S$3.94 million being the Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail the government in December 2007 to set
outstanding amount due as at June 22, up and operate a national feedlot centre
2018, together with all accrued interests. price of S$3.2 million. The sale, however, in Gemas.
After the defendants failed to pay the was insufficient to settle the whole out-
sum demanded, Maybank Singapore then standing amount, and as at Dec 29, 2020,
exercised its rights by repossessing and sell- the sum of S$1.37 million remains due. Read also: Maybank Indonesia 1H profit
ing the property through an auction at the For the second housing facility, falls on Covid-19 impact Click here
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 8 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Sime Darby “The strength of our two major markets

— China and Australia — coupled with the

banks on RM2.6b
geographical diversity of our regional opera-
tions which span 18 countries, has enabled

cash as company
us to maintain our growth trajectory, as ev-
idenced by the 89% increase in net profit

eyes first share

to RM1.2 billion for the nine-month period
ended March 31, 2021 (9MFY21).

“Additionally, as demonstrated by our
recent announcements relating to the dis-
posal of non-core assets, we have stayed true
to our focus on our core businesses,” the
spokesperson said.
BNM, Bank
by Izzul Ikram The spokesperson, however, did not elab-
orate on how Sime Darby plans to use its
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Sime Darby estimated bank balances, deposits and cash Indonesia include
Bhd said the diversified group’s prospects that amounted to about RM2.6 billion as at
remain strong, particularly in its core busi- March 31, 2021, compared with RM1.69 direct investment,
nesses of heavy equipment distribution, car billion as at June 30, 2020.
dealerships and hospital operations, and Sime Darby’s net profit rose to RM300 income and
that its estimated RM2.6 billion cash is a million in 3QFY21 from RM115 million a
source of confidence at a time when the glob- year earlier, as revenue climbed to RM11.02 transfer in
al economy is contending with the impact billion from RM8.43 billion. For 9MFY21,
of Covid-19-pandemic-driven movement its cumulative net profit rose to RM1.21 bil- ringgit-rupiah
restrictions. lion from RM643 million a year earlier, while
Sime Darby’s estimated RM2.6 billion revenue jumped to RM33.14 billion from settlement
cash, which the group refers to as “dry pow- RM28.11 billion.
der”, is also expected to be handy as the Sime Darby’s latest reported net assets
company prepares for its first share buyback. per share stood at RM2.30. Bernama
In an emailed statement to theedgemarkets. At Bursa Malaysia’s 5pm close today,
com, a Sime Darby spokesperson said the Sime Darby’s share price settled unchanged KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Bank Ne-
group continues to see strong demand for at RM2.15 for a market value of about gara Malaysia (BNM) and Bank Indone-
luxury cars in China and that the Australian RM14.62 billion based on the company’s sia have announced that the expansion of
market holds upside potential in both the 6.8 billion issued shares. the local currency settlement framework
heavy equipment and automotive markets. Sime Darby’s share price chart since 2006 to include direct investment, income and
The group’s heavy equipment distribu- showed that its shares closed at their highest transfer, in addition to trade, as eligible
tion and car dealerships are placed under of RM3.33 on Jan 11, 2008, and was at its underlying transactions effective today.
the group’s industrial and motors segments, lowest at 35 sen on Feb 20, 2009. “It also includes expansion of eligible
while the healthcare unit runs the group’s Sime Darby, which recently appoint- users of the framework, such as individ-
hospital operations. ed CGS-CIMB Securities Sdn Bhd as the uals, and additional foreign exchange
Besides its core operations in the indus- stockbroker to facilitate the group’s share policy flexibilities, such as more simple
trial, motors, logistics, and healthcare seg- buy-back, said it believes there is value in the documentation requirement, to facilitate
ments, Sime Darby is also involved in the group’s shares and that buy-back will provide the operationalisation of the framework,”
insurance segment in Malaysia. some support to its share price. BNM said in a statement today.
“Our prospects remain strong particularly “We are preparing for the possibility of a It said this expansion is part of con-
in the areas of our core businesses namely share buy-back, as we feel that our shares are tinuous effort to facilitate wider use of
industrial and motors, as well as in growing undervalued,” the spokesperson said with- local currencies for settlement of trade
our healthcare division.The group is bullish out specifying when Sime Darby’s first share and direct investment between Malaysia
given the dry powder we have on our balance buy-back may happen. and Indonesia.
sheet in addition to the gains we are making Based on Sime Darby’s Bursa filings since Given the expansion, BNM and Bank
in the markets that we operate in,” said the Jan 3, 2000, the group has not done any share Indonesia have also appointed additional
Sime Darby spokesperson. buy-backs all this while. qualified commercial banks in both coun-
tries to support the operationalisation of
the expanded ringgit-rupiah settlement
In general, the appointed banks are ex-
perienced in facilitating trade and direct
investment between the two countries,
have a wide customer base and have estab-
lished strong business relationships with
banks in the counterpart country, it said.
The settlement framework was first
launched on Dec 11, 2017 in accordance
with the memorandum of understanding
(MoU) between BNM and Bank Indo-
nesia that was signed on Dec 23, 2016.


Pecca to buy
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Pecca Group relevant in the new business environment.
Bhd is buying a 51% stake in healthcare This dynamism and agility led us to the

controlling stake
products distributor Rentas Health Sdn diversification into the healthcare business,
Bhd for RM100 million in a cash and stock which we believe would be the business of

in MD daughter’s
deal to venture into the healthcare-relat- the future,” said Hwa Cheng in a separate
ed business, to expand its revenue stream. statement.

The 51% stake purchase shall be sat- “We believe the demand for masks,
isfied via a combination of RM50 million PPE and other Covid-19 products will

cash and the issuance of 11.99 million new be here to stay as more officials describe
Pecca shares at an issue price of RM4.17 Covid-19 as an endemic, similar to the

distribution biz
apiece to Teoh Zi Yuen, the daughter of likes of HIV and Hepatitis C. To continue
Pecca’s founder and managing director maintaining our competitive edge, we will

for RM100m
(MD) Datuk Teoh Hwa Cheng. dedicate efforts to R&D (research and de-
ZiYuen holds 99.99% in Rentas Health, velopment) which has always been the in-
said the car-upholstery specialist in a Bursa gredient of success for our group for more
Malaysia filing, adding the proposed ac- than 25 years. We are optimistic to make
quisition is deemed a related party transac- BY JUSTIN LIM new R&D breakthroughs in the short to
tion. Hwa Cheng currently holds a 49.63% medium term.With this new business add-
stake in Pecca. Post-acquisition, his stake ed into our group, we are now ready to
in Pecca will shrink to 46.58%. roll out our vision for Pecca 2.0, our new
The deal comes with a profit guarantee, growth ecosystem that will pave Pecca to
where Rentas Health guarantees it would new heights,” he added.
achieve an audited profit after tax (PAT) Pecca has appointed independent advis-
of no less than RM23 million for the fi- er FHMH Corporate Advisory Sdn Bhd to
nancial year ending June 30, 2022. Of this, advise Pecca’s non-interested sharehold-
the profit attributable to Pecca is RM11.73 ers on the acquisition, which is expected
million, calculated based on the 51% equi- to be completed in the fourth quarter of
ty interest to be acquired by Pecca. 2021. The cash portion of the price tag
Rentas Health, which started its busi- will be funded using internal funds and
ness operations on March 20, 2020, is bank borrowings.
primarily involved in the supply of medi- Pecca will also seek shareholders’ ap-
cal equipment that include Covid-19 test proval on its proposed diversification into
kits and personal protective equipment er customer outreach and to achieve busi- healthcare, as it expects the business to
(PPE). It is the distributor of two face mask ness synergy between its existing healthcare divert 25% or more of the group’s net as-
brands, namely Rentas Health and Callie, business and Rentas Health’s business. sets as well as contribute over 25% of the
as well as an appointed agent for BioSe- “We are a dynamic company that is group’s net profit in the future.
woom Real-Q 2019-nCoV Detection Kit. quick to acknowledge that business con- The trading of Pecca shares, which was
Through the proposed acquisition, the ditions have significantly changed because halted today prior to the announcement,
group said it will be able to tap into the of the Covid-19 pandemic. We saw imme- will resume tomorrow. The stock was last
existing customer base and distribution diate need to embrace new ways of doing traded at RM4.14, giving it a market cap-
networks of Rentas Health to attain a wid- business in order to ensure that we remain italisation of RM778 million.

Britain’s The
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): British news-
paper The Sunday Mirror has issued a pub-

Sunday Mirror
lic apology on allegations of exploitation at
a facility managed by ATA IMS Bhd that

issues apology
manufactures for Dyson and others.
“We accept that the photograph accom-

on allegations
panying the article did not show accom-
modation for any Dyson-assigned workers

of exploitation
and we apologise for its inclusion.
“We also accept that Dyson’s third par-

at Dyson
ty suppliers are regularly and thoroughly
audited by both Dyson and independent, “We are happy to set the record straight,”
internationally recognised auditing compa-
nies, and that Dyson states that the allega- manufacturer it added.
The British newspaper added that on

tions do not relate to their products man- June 20 it published an article making
ufactured by ATA Industrial,” The Sunday allegations about a facility managed by
Mirror noted in a July 25 article. ATA IMS that manufactures for Dyson
“We would like to make clear that the and others.
article was not suggesting Dyson knew or BY SULHI KHALID At the time of writing, shares in ATA
was complicit in any alleged poor treatment IMS were up 20 sen or 8.1% to RM2.67,
of ATA’s workers and we apologise if any valuing the company at RM3 billion.Year
readers understood it in this manner. to date, the stock has risen by 13%.


Revenue Group Bidders of Malaysia’s five digital banking licenses

1. Consortium of Paramount Corp Bhd, Star Media Group Bhd, RCE Capital Bhd, Prosper
consortium Palm Oil Mill Sdn Bhd and an unnamed technology partner
2. A 40:60 JV between AEON Credit Service (M) Bhd and parent AEON Financial Service Co Ltd
submits 3. Consortium of Green Packet Bhd, Zico Holdings Inc and M24 Tawreeq Sdn Bhd
4. Consortium of Pertama Digital Bhd, Crowdo Holdings Pte Ltd and INFOPRO Sdn Bhd
application for 5. A 40:60 JV between RHB Bank Bhd and Axiata Group Bhd via Boost Holdings Sdn Bhd
6. Consortium of Sunway Bhd and partners
digital banking 7. ManagePay Systems Bhd with up to 3 partners
8. Consortium of iFAST Corp, LTAT’s Koperasi Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, THZ Alliance, and
licence 99 Speedmart founder Lee Thiam Wah
9. Consortium of Boustead Holdings Bhd, Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Bhd and
an independent insurance brokerage company
BY SURIN MURUGIAH 10. Consortium of AirAsia Group Bhd via BigPay, MIDF, private equity firm Ikhlas Capital Master Fund Pte Ltd, and another foreign conglomerate
11. Consortium of Hextar Global Bhd, with DNeX’s major shareholder Arcadia Acres Sdn Bhd,
KUALA LUMPUR (August 2): A consorti- and Fass Payment Solutions Sdn Bhd’s SPV Ihsan Equity Sdn Bhd
um comprising Revenue Group Bhd, Sarawak 12. Consortium of PUC Bhd with two state governments and a conglomerate
State and Kenanga Investment Bank Bhd has 13. Consortium of Revenue Group Bhd, Kenanga Investment Bank Bhd, and the Sarawak state
submitted its application for a digital banking government
licence from Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). List is non-exhaustive.
Sources: Bursa Malaysia, The Edge
In a bourse filing today, Revenue said
SSG Digital Resources Berhad, a special
purpose vehicle for the consortium had on Malaysians, including individuals and micro/ Group to bid for a digital banking licence.
June 29 submitted the application for a dig- small/ medium businesses, through transpar- In a separate announcent, Revenue said
ital banking licence from BNM. ent and affordable digital banking solutions. trading in its securities will be halted for one
It said the Consortium, which benefits The announcement today confirms a re- hour from 9am today and resume at 10am.
from the complementary strengths of its three port by The Edge, which cited sources as say- Revenue was last traded at RM1.88, giv-
strategic partners, aims to improve and trans- ing that the Sarawak state government was ing it a market capitalisation of RM861.05
form the lives of underserved and unserved teaming up with Kenanga IB and Revenue million.


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t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 11 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

Analysts raise target price for Unisem

after stellar 2Q results
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Unisem (M) by Cheryl Poo spite depreciation of the US dollar versus
Bhd’s stellar set of quarterly results has the ringgit, which together with increased
gained analysts’ bullish outlook for the interest income contributed to earnings.
coming quarters with some upping their Hong Leong Investment Bank (HLIB)
target prices (TPs) for the stock. Research forecast Unisem’s 3QFY21 rev-
“Unisem remains a good proxy for enue to be up 5% to 8% q-o-q, with good
growth momentum in the semiconductor order visibility across all market segments.
sector, which is expected to remain robust The research house said today that the
at least for the next two to three quarters. positive estimate took into consideration its
Thus, we expect earnings growth to per- clients’ forecasts and past loadings, short-
sist in the upcoming quarters on sustained ages of wafer and substrates and lead frame
demand and optimistic forecasts from all shortages, as well as a two-week closure of
customers,” RHB Research said in a re- Unisem’s Ipoh plant.
port today as it maintained its “buy” call On dividends, HLIB noted that Un-
on the stock and raised its TP to RM10.02 isem had approved an interim tax-ex-
from RM9.17, in line with the anticipat- empt dividend per share (DPS) of two
ed results. sen (2QFY20: two sen) going ex on Aug
“Management expects sequential- 16, and year to date (YTD), DPS also
ly stronger quarters ahead, sustained by amounted to two sen versus the same for
strong demand across power management, 1HFY20.
radio frequency, automotive and consum- “Traditionally, Unisem divvies three
er electronics products in the upcoming expenditure (capex) of RM156 million times every financial year,” it added.
two to three quarters, coinciding with the mainly catered for plant capacity expansion Despite risks arising from the trade war
seasonally strong 2H (second half) for the for assembly and testing in Chengdu and and Covid-19 pandemic, HLIB noted im-
semiconductor industry,” it added. Ipoh, leading to higher capex of RM293.7 proved prospects for the company that in-
MIDF Research also upped its TP for million — increasing 76.4% year-on-year clude the closure of its loss-making Batam
the stock to RM10 from RM8.62 previ- (y-o-y) — in 1HFY21. plant, favourable foreign exchange (forex)
ously as it upgraded its call to “buy” from “Given the upbeat outlook for semi- and a healthy balance sheet.
“neutral”. conductor consumption and application HLIB maintained its “buy” call on the
The research house said in a report to- ahead, we expect capital spending to re- stock with a TP at RM9.88, pegged at 33
day that it was inputting higher revenue main elevated to support the group expan- times FY22 earnings per share (EPS).
forecasts for the financial year ending Dec sion as well as new customer acquisition Meanwhile, CGS-CIMB Research reit-
31, 2021 (FY21) and FY22 on the premise plans,” MIDF said. erated its “add” call for Unisem and TP of
of strong demand across products and ser- For 2QFY21, Unisem raked in a net RM10.50, two standard deviations (SD)
vices, namely wafer level packaging and mi- profit of RM54.64 million, up 60% from above the sector mean in view of the global
cro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMs). RM33.95 million for the same period last semiconductor supercycle.
It also expects a better profit margin due year, and improving 20% from RM45.4 “We think the higher multiple is jus-
to better economies of scale. million for 1QFY21. At RM402.23 mil- tified since Unisem was reinstated as a
“As such, our FY21 and FY22 earn- lion, revenue was 30% higher than RM310 constituent of the FTSE4Good Index in
ings estimates have been revised upwards million last year and 7.6% higher quar- June 2021. The stock trades at 24 times
by 21.7% and 13.1% to RM233.4 mil- ter-on-quarter (q-o-q). CY22F P/E (calendar year 2022 forecast
lion and RM265.5 million respectively,” In a July 30 filing with Bursa Malay- price-earnings), which is a 10% discount
MIDF said. sia, Unisem attributed the improvement in to the Malaysian outsourced semicon-
It added that Unisem’s second quarter revenue to higher sales volume and an in- ductor assembly and test sector P/E of
ended June 30, 2021 (2QFY21) capital crease in average selling prices (ASPs) de- 27 times CY22F,” CGS-CIMB said in a
report today.
Analysts’ recommendation on Unisem (M) Bhd as at Aug 2, 2021 It is worth noting that Unisem had also
proposed a one-for-one bonus issue reward
Reserch house Recommendation Target price (RM)
for its shareholders.
KAF Research Hold 8.64 “We are positive on the bonus issue.
Kenanga Research Outperform 9.80 Although it does not alter the company’s
RHB Research Buy 10.02 fundamentals, we expect this corporate
Affin Hwang Investment Bank Buy 10.00 exercise to boost the stock’s liquidity and
MIDF Research Buy 10.00 improve near-term trading sentiment. The
TA Securities Holdings Buy 11.80 group expects to complete the exercise in
CGS-CIMB Research Add 10.50 4QFY21,” CGS-CIMB said.
Hong Leong Investment Bank Buy 9.88 At the time of writing today, shares in
Unisem were up 33 sen at RM8.68, valu-
ing the company at RM6.7 billion.
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 12 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

Analysts still upbeat on banks despite

loans growth moderating and asset quality
weakening in June
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Analysts re- by Tan Siew Mung sive qualities, over CIMB (TP: RM4.60).
mained upbeat on banks despite the sec- For mid-sized banks, he favours RHB
tor’s moderating loan growth and weaken- (TP: RM6.85) over AMMB Holdings
ing asset quality in June. Bhd (TP: RM2.85), as the former has a
UOB KayHian’s analyst Keith Wee higher CET1 ratio and a larger fair val-
said in a note today that the banking sys- ue through other comprehensive income
tem’s loans growth for June moderated to reserve to buffer against potential yield
a 3.4% year-on-year (y-o-y) growth from curve volatility.
3.9% in May, though he thinks this could For small-sized banks, he prefers BIMB
be “temporary” as the stricter lockdown Holdings Bhd (TP: RM5.20) and Affin
from June onwards could have impacted Bank Bhd (TP: RM2.15) over Alliance
loan disbursements, which are likely to re- Bank Malaysia Bhd (TP: RM 2.60). He
cover from 3Q21. said he likes the former given its positive
Wee is still expecting 2021’s system loan long-term structural growth drivers and
growth to stage a modest recovery to 4%, better asset quality, while the latter has
versus 3.4% in 2020. value unlocking potential.
While the extended lockdown has raised CGS-CIMB Research analyst Winson
concerns of an upside risk to credit cost this Ng noted in a report today that the in-
year, he believes this is unlikely to surpass dustry’s total loan expanded 1.6% in the
2020’s credit cost level of 82 basis points first half, translating into an annualised
(bps), as most banks have adequately set rate of 3.2%.
aside provisions for the vulnerable groups. Meanwhile, Hong Leong Investment “This was within our projected loan
“Even if we were to assume that sector Bank Research’s analyst Chan Jit Hoong growth of 2.5% to 3.5% for 2021, even if
2021 credit cost [was] to mirror 2020’s 82 said in a separate note that June’s loan we factor in a slowdown in loan growth in
bps versus our current estimates of 65 bps, growth was trending below his 3.5% to the second half. Furthermore, the auto-
we are still expecting the sector to deliver 4% full-year FY21 growth estimates, re- matic loan moratorium, which banks start-
a 12% y-o-y earnings growth (versus cur- sulting in him revising his forecast down ed to offer on July 7, should lend support
rent 25% growth estimates). This will be to 3% to 3.5%. to banks’ loan growth as loans under mor-
underpinned by a slight improvement in According to Chan, asset quality for atorium would not be paid down within
net interest margin, stronger loans growth the sector also showed some weakness as three-six months,” he said.
and mid-single-digit non-interest income gross impaired loans (GIL) ratio nudged He said the increase in GIL ratio was
growth,” Wee said. up 3bps month-on-month to 1.62%. expected, given the credit risks triggered
He kept his “overweight” call on the “We expect to see GIL ratio continue by the Covid-19 pandemic, and expects
sector, saying “the sector’s current con- climbing but would not be overly worried the GIL ratio to continue to rise to his
solidation phase provides an excellent op- as banks have made heavy pre-emptive pro- projected 2% at end-2021.
portunity for investors to accumulate on visioning in FY20 and we reckon credit risk Ng also noted total provision for banks
weakness”. has been adequately priced in by the mar- only increased by RM978.1 million in
“The sector is still expected to register ket, looking at the elevated net credit cost 2Q21, versus RM2.04 billion in 1Q21,
a healthy earnings growth even if provi- (NCC) assumption used for FY21 by both and versus RM1.24 billion in 2Q20.
sions were to surprise on the upside in us and consensus (above the normalized From that, he deduced that the downcy-
2021 while common equity tier 1 (CET1) run-rate but below FY20’s level),” he said. cle in banks’ loan loss provisioning (LLP)
ratio at 14.8% is well above the minimum “Also, the government and BNM will continued in 2Q21F, with likely y-o-y and
requirement,” he said. remain supportive in helping troubled bor- quarter-on-quarter drops in 2Q21F LLP.
CIMB Group Holdings Bhd (target rowers, limiting a significant deterioration “This, together with the expected y-o-y
price [TP]: RM5.10) is Wee’s top pick in GIL ratio,” he added. expansion in banks’ net interest margin,
for the banking segment, as he believes He also retained his “overweight” call should have been the earnings drivers for
the group is best positioned in the sector on the banking sector, saying he remained banks in 2Q21F. These likely more than
to benefit from the economic recovery and optimistic on the sector taking into con- offset the weaker loan and fee income
reopening theme, given its strong earnings sideration the Covid-19 vaccination roll- growth (due to the lockdown), leading to
growth off a low base, attractive valuations, out, undemanding valuations, and ample y-o-y increases in banks’ 2Q21 core net
large cap and liquid high beta nature. market liquidity. “Hence, any selldown is profit (stable or higher q-o-q),” Ng said.
He also likes Hong Leong Bank Bhd an opportunity to accumulate, in our opin- He also kept his “overweight” call on
(TP: RM22.30) and Public Bank Bhd ion,” he added. banks, premised on the sectory’s expected
(TP: RM4.60) for their solid asset quali- For large-sized banks, Chan likes net profit growth recovery to a projected
ty track records, and RHB Bank Bhd (TP: Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank) (TP: 9.4% in 2021. His picks are Public Bank
RM6.35) for its strong capital position and RM9.40) for its strong dividend yield, and (TP: RM5.30), Hong Leong Bank (TP:
well-balanced growth. Public Bank (TP: RM4.50) for its defen- RM20.78) and Maybank (TP: RM9.10).
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 13 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Straits Inter safe water depths of up to 30 metres.
Logistics Bhd said its unit Victoria STS Straits Inter “The development will advance the in-
(Labuan) Sdn Bhd has received approval troduction of state-of-the-art multi-func-
from the Marine Department to develop Logistics gets tional energy transhipment facilities that
an integrated offshore ship-to-ship (STS) will be able to accommodate LNG carriers
transhipment hub within the port limits of green light to up to the size of a Q-Max and Very Large
Victoria Bay, Labuan. Crude Carrier,” said Straits.
Victoria STS is a 70% owned subsid- develop Asia’s Noting thatVictoria Bay is strategically lo-
iary of Fajar Maritime and Logistics Sdn cated along international shipping and energy
Bhd, which in turn is a 60% owned sub- largest STS energy trade routes, Straits said the proposed hub
sidiary of Straits. is set to be one of the largest offshore LNG
“The company has mobilized its re- transhipment hub and LPG energy transhipment hubs in Asia.
sources and infrastructure in prepara- The hub, it added is also strategically lo-
tion to commence operation of the STS in Labuan cated within the vicinity of Labuan Liberty
Transhipment Hub in the fourth quarter Port, which is managed and operated by
of 2021,” Straits said in a statement today. Megah Port Management Sdn Bhd (MPM),
The oil trading and fuel bunkering ser- by syafiqah salim a 51%-owned subsidiary of the group.
vice provider said Victoria STS has also Straits said since its announcement on
received approval from the Marine De- July 12 on the hub, it has received numer-
partment on the marine risk assessment. ous enquiries from both international and
The assessment, it said, was done as local entities that are interested in partner-
part of the requirements to be complied ing the group to develop the hub into Asia’s
before Jan 8, 2022 to develop the hub. largest STS Transhipment Hub.
“The company expects to commence and “We are engaged in discussion with
complete the development of the STS Energy many parties in preparation for this pro-
Transhipment Hub, which includes setting ject and Straits is gearing to kickstart this
up the key facilities and equipment such as within the next few months.The other enti-
tugboats, pneumatic fenders, LNG cryogenic ties within the Straits Group will also stand
equipment and single point mooring system to benefit from the business spin-offs of
by the fourth quarter of 2021,” it said. this project,” said Straits Group managing
Straits said the hub will be its flag- director Datuk Seri Ron Ho Kam Choy.
ship energy project which will be locat- Shares of Straits rose half a sen or 2.5%
ed within the port limits of Victoria Bay to 20.5 sen today, giving the group a market
deep water area spanning 3,309 hectares, capitalisation of RM160.06 million. The
supporting an initial six STS berths with counter saw 6.99 million shares traded.

news In brief

Cahya Mata extends CFO Sunway Malls facilitating up to RM200m in working capital to assist
suspension till Aug 31 retailers facing cash-flow crunch
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Cahya Mata KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Sunway Malls announced today that it is facilitating up to RM200
Sarawak Bhd (CMS) has further extended million in working capital to assist its retailers through financing facilities provided by RHB
the suspension of its group chief financial Banking Group and Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Bhd (CGC). The financing
officer (CFO) Syed Hizam Alsagoff until facilities — the Sunway Malls SME Retailers Relief Financing Programme will be made
Aug 31, to accommodate the additional available to the mall group’s retailers across seven malls, it added in a statement. Under the
time required by independent consultant scheme, qualified retailers under Sunway Malls can apply for RHB financing facilities of up
KPMG Management & Risk Consulting to RM500,000 with a loan tenure of seven years, where up to 80% of the principal financing
Sdn Bhd, whom it appointed in June amount is guaranteed by CGC. There is also an option for an overdraft facility of up to 30% of
to review the financial management the financing limit with one of the lowest interest rates in the market. —
of certain investments and contracts,
to complete its job. In a bourse filing
today, CMS said it expects the results Dolphin International proposes second share placement in eight months
of the review to be announced by the to raise RM24m
end of August. Previously the group’s KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Dolphin International Bhd plans to raise about RM24.17
board decided to extend Syed Hizam’s million through a private placement — equivalent to 35% of its market capitalisation of
suspension by 60 days to accommodate RM70 million — to fund its food and beverage business, to repay borrowings and for the
KPMB’s review. The group first group’s working capital. This is the second private placement that Dolphin International
suspended Syed Hizam for 30 days proposed this year. The previous placement was announced on Jan 16, from which it
on May 5 to facilitate investigations raised RM13.4 million by placing out 186.32 million shares at 7.19 sen apiece. In a bourse
into allegations of possible financial filing, the company said the new placement entails the issuance of up to 335.67 million
mismanagement in relation to the placement shares, representing 36% of the group’s total issued shares, at an issue price to
company’s investments and operations. — be decided to third party investors to be identified. The expected proceeds raised is based
by Syafiqah Salim/ on an indicative price of 7.2 sen per placement share. — by Justin Lim/
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 14 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e


election to be
held within
60 days after
revocation of
— EC

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): The Sar-

awak state election will be held within
60 days from the date the Emergency

Roads to Calling for the resignation of Prime Proclamation for Sarawak is revoked
Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, the or annulled, said Election Commis-

opposition MPs criticised the move by the sion (EC) secretary Datuk Ikmalru-
ruling government led by Muhyiddin to din Ishak.

closed, opposition
revoke the Emergency Ordinances despite He said the EC had taken note of
denial by Yang di-Pertuan Agong that he Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin

assemble at
had given his consent to the revocation. Yassin’s statement on July 31 on the
The MPs then proceeded to Dataran Emergency Proclamation by Yang

Dataran Merdeka
Merdeka. di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdul-
Among the opposition MPs marching lah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah

and demand for

to Dataran Merdeka were Bagan MP Lim Shah.
Guan Eng, Amanah president Mohamad “The declaration of the proclama-

PM’s resignation
Sabu and Semporna MP Datuk Seri Mohd tion by Yang di-Pertuan Agong was
Shafie Apdal. Using loud hailers, the MPs made in accordance with Clause (1)
stressed that the government led by Mu- of Article 150 of the Federal Con-
hyiddin had acted in bad faith. stitution to suspend the state elec-
by Surin Murugiah Anwar said the government had diso- tion and that this proclamation beyed the wishes of the King as well as dis- shall extend throughout the state
regarded the public, and thus must resign. of Sarawak from Aug 2, 2021 to
KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 2): Major roads Meanwhile, Shafie said the Dewan Rak- Feb 2, 2022,” he said in a statement
leading to the Parliament building in Kuala yat Speaker had undertaken that questions today.
Lumpur have been closed, while opposi- about the Emergency Ordinances will be According to him, an ordinance
tion Members of Parliament (MPs) were answered today. was promulgated by the King under
prevented from entering Dewan Rakyat. “But Parliament is shut, using Covid-19 Clause (2B) of Article 150 of the Fed-
In separate live feeds on social media, as an excuse. eral Constitution, known as the Emer-
opposition MPs including Nurul Izzah “Legally, we have the right to be in Par- gency (Essential Powers) (Sarawak)
Anwar, Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh and liament,” he said. Ordinance 2021 P.U. (A) 324.
Kota Kinabalu MP Chan Foong Hin said Yeoh, meanwhile, tweeted that the op- He said under the provisions of
the roads to Parliament were closed de- position MPs planned to debate the emer- Clause (3) of Article 21 of the Con-
spite the postponement of today’s sitting. gency proclamation and its ordinances in stitution of the State of Sarawak, the
Dewan Rakyat was ordered shut for Dewan Rakyat but were blocked by police. State Legislative Assembly that should
two weeks from July 29 after Covid-19 “An MP with a walking stick, [another] have been dissolved after five years
cases were detected among attendees seven-month pregnant as well as those aged from its first meeting had no effect
last week. above 90 came along. This is our duty,” pursuant to Section 3 (1) of the Emer-
After being prevented from entering she said. gency Ordinance.
Parliament by police, several opposition The opposition MPs finally dispersed The Sarawak State Legislative As-
lawmakers from PKR, DAP and Aman- after a face-off with Federal Reserve Unit sembly should have stood dissolved
ah instead gathered at Dataran Merdeka. (FRU) personnel in riot gear. on June 7, five years from the date
De facto opposition leader Datuk Seri of its first meeting. However, the
Anwar Ibrahim and former prime minister provision could not take effect due
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad also voiced Read also: Umno to hold special Supreme to the implementation of the Emer-
their dissatisfaction over the blockade by Council meeting on Tuesday on political gency (Essential Powers) Ordinance
the police. developments Click here 2021.
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 15 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Constitutional crisis? — A legal opinion

(Aug 1): 1. Great controversy has been by Rosli Dahlan something about the revocation of the
stirred regarding the recent parliamenta- emergency ordinances that apparently were
ry session. I hope this explanation will help done without the consent of theYDPA. Set
to clarify the misconceptions and heated (a) Formal entry of TuanYang di-Pertua. out below is the black letter of the Hansard
statements which falsely suggest there is a (b) Prayers as shall be approved by the for that day:-
constitutional crisis. House. The prayers for a joint session shall “Dato’ Takiyuddin bin Hassan
be accordingly amended to include refer- [Kota Bharu]: Saya ada tiga perka-
The Parliamentary Session ences to the Senate and to members of the ra sahaja. Respons kepada yang saya
2.This Parliamentary Session was a Special Senate and shall be read by the Setiausaha hormati Yang Berhormat Ketua Pem-
Session. It was called by virtue of Standing Dewan Rakyat. bangkang untuk memandu perjalanan
Order 11(3). (c) Taking of Oath by any new member. mesyuarat ini. Baik, isu mengenai Ti-
(d) Messages from the Seri Paduka tah Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Saya in-
3. Standing Order 11 states as follows:- Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong. gin menunjukkan di sini secara bertu-
“11. (1) The first sitting of the House (e) Announcements by Tuan Yang lis bahawa pemberitahu daripada Yang
in each Session shall be held in such place di-Pertua. Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri kepa-
on such day and at such hour as the Seri (f) Petitions. da Tuan Yang di-Pertua yang berbunyi.
Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong (fa) Minister’s Question Time. Izinkan saya baca. “Dengan hormatn-
may by Proclamation appoint. (g) Questions to Ministers for oral ya, saya ingin memaklumkan bahawa
(2) Subject to the provisions of para- answers. Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan
graph (1), the Leader or Deputy of the (h) Motion on matters of urgent public Agong telah memperkenankan untuk
House shall determine at least 28 days be- importance. kerajaan memanggil Mesyuarat Khas
fore the commencement of each Session, (i) Statements by Ministers. Penggal Ketiga, Parlimen Ke-14 bagi
the dates on which the House shall meet (j) Tributes. Dewan Rakyat yang bersidang pada 26
in the Session: (k) Obituary speeches. Julai sehingga 2 Ogos 2021”. Dokumen
Provided that the Leader or Deputy (l) Personal explanations. speak louder than words. Ini adalah....
Leader of the House may vary from time (m) Presentation of Government Bills Dato’ Seri Dr. Shahidan bin
to time the dates so fixed. (First Reading). Kassim [Arau]: Faham tidak?
(3) If, during an adjournment of the (n) Motions relating to the Order of Dato’ Takiyuddin bin Hassan [Kota
House, it is represented to TuanYang di-Per- Business (to be moved by a Minister). Bharu]: Yang kedua,TuanYang di-Pertua,
tua by the Prime Minister that the public (o) Public Business. saya ingin mengesahkan pada hari ini di
interest requires that the House should meet (p) Motions for the introduction of dalam Dewan ini – saya tertakluk kepada
at an earlier date than that to which the non-Government Bills. kalau saya bercakap tidak benar, baha-
House was adjourned,TuanYang di-Pertua (q) Other items of business in the order wa Kerajaan Persekutuan memutuskan
shall give notice thereof forthwith and the they appear on the Order Paper for the day. tidak akan menasihatkan Yang di-Pertuan
House shall meet at the time stated in such Agong untuk mengisytiharkan Proklama-
notice. The business set down for that day (2) The House may, at any time, upon si Darurat baharu apabila tamat 1 Ogos
shall be appointed by the Prime Minister a motion (to be moved by a Minister) to 2021. [Tepuk]
and notice thereof shall be circulated not be decided without amendment or debate Yang ketiga, yang terakhir. Please lis-
later than the time of meeting.” which may be made without notice and ten to me. Kerajaan telah buat keputusan
shall take precedence over all other busi- berdasarkan kepada Perkara 150(3) un-
4. This was a Special Session called upon ness, decide to proceed to any particular tuk membatalkan semua Ordinan Daru-
an adjournment of the last sitting of the business out of the regular order. rat yang telah dibuat semasa Proklamasi
House. It was a session that was called by (3) A foreign dignitary may as shall be Darurat ini. Oleh sebab telah di revoke,
the Prime Minister making representations decided by the Government address the maka isu ungkai ataupun annulment su-
to the Speaker of the House. The purpose House or the House jointly with the Sen- dah tidak lagi relevan....[Dewan riuh].
of this special session was to discuss mat- ate and such address may be given at any Terima kasih.”
ters of public interest. In this case, it was time during sitting of the House.”
to discuss the Covid-19 Pandemic and the 9. The allegation that has been levelled
Government’s response to it. 7. It is therefore clear that unlike Stand- against the Law Minister and the Gov-
ing Order 14, Standing Order 11 does ernment is that it has revoked the Emer-
5. The business of the Special Sessions not provide for votes on motions or bills gency Ordinances without the consent of
is to be determined by the Prime Minis- etc. The only business that is provided the YDPA.
ter. This is unlike an ordinary sitting of for in Standing Order 11 is that which
Parliament. is determined by the Prime Minister. In 10. As one can see this is not the case.
this instance, the Prime Minister set the The Minister did not mislead parliament.
6. In an ordinary sitting of Parliament the business of the House so as to allow the He stated facts. The government had de-
order of business is determined by Stand- Prime Minister and the Cabinet to brief cided not to advise the YDPA to declare
ing Order 14. Standing Order 14 is repro- Parliament on the Covid-19 National Re- a fresh emergency after 01.08.2021 and
duced below:- covery Plan. the Government had decided to revoke
“14. (1) Unless the House otherwise the Emergency Ordinances made during
directs, the business of each sitting shall The Statement by the Law Minister the Proclamation of Emergency.
be transacted in the following order: 8. The law minister is alleged to have said co n ti n u es o n Pag e 16
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 16 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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from Pag e 15

The Process of Emergencies

11. Emergencies are regulated under
Article 150 of the Federal Constitution.
Article 150 is reproduced below.

“150. Proclamation of emergency

(1) If theYang di-Pertuan Agong is sat-
isfied that a grave emergency exists where-
by the security, or the economic life, or
public order in the Federation or any part
thereof is threatened, he may issue a Proc-
lamation of Emergency making therein a
declaration to that effect.
(2) A Proclamation of Emergency
under Clause (1) may be issued before
the actual occurrence of the event which
threatens the security, or the economic life,
or public order in the Federation or any
part thereof if the Yang di-Pertuan Agong
is satisfied that there is imminent danger
of the occurrence of such event.
(2A) The power conferred on the Yang
di-Pertuan Agong by this Article shall in- di-Pertuan Agong to issue a new Procla- pursuance of the Proclamation and, to the
clude the power to issue different Procla- mation under Clause (1) or promulgate extent that it could not have been validly
mations on different grounds or in differ- any ordinance under Clause (2B). made but for this Article, any law made
ent circumstances, whether or not there is (4) While Proclamation of Emergency while the Proclamation was in force, shall
a Proclamation or Proclamations already is in force the executive authority of the cease to have effect, except as to things
issued by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong un- Federation shall, notwithstanding any- done or omitted to be done before the
der Clause (1) and such Proclamation or thing in this Constitution, extend to any expiration of that period.”
Proclamations are in operation. matter within the legislative authority of
(2B) If at any time while a Proclamation a State and to the giving of directions to 12. From Article 150 (1) and (2B) it is
of Emergency is in operation, except when the Government of a State or to any of- clear that the YDPA does two things. His
both Houses of Parliament are sitting con- ficer or authority thereof. Majesty issues a ‘proclamation’ of emer-
currently, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is (5) Subject to Clause (6A), while a gency and His Majesty ‘promulgates’ ordi-
satisfied that certain circumstances exist Proclamation of Emergency is in force, nances under the Emergency. There is no
which render it necessary for him to take Parliament may, notwithstanding anything provision for the YDPA to revoke, annul
immediate action, he may promulgate such in this Constitution make laws with respect or cancel the proclamation or the prom-
ordinances as circumstances appear to him to any matter, if it appears to Parliament ulgated ordinances.
to require. that the law is required by reason of the
(2C) An ordinance promulgated un- emergency; and Article 79 shall not apply 13. It is also clear that by virtue of Article
der Clause (2B) shall have the same force to a Bill for such a law or an amendment to 40 of the Federal Constitution, the YDPA
and effect as an Act of Parliament, and such a Bill, nor shall any provision of this is constitutionally bound to accept the ad-
shall continue in full force and effect as if Constitution or of any written law which vice of the Government and act in accord-
it is an Act of Parliament until it is revoked requires any consent or concurrence to ance with such advice. The only instances
or annulled under Clause (3) or until it the passing of a law or any consultation of personal discretion for the exercise of
lapses under Clause (7); and the power with respect thereto, or which restricts the any power provided to the YDPA is when
of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to promul- coming into force of a law after it is passed the words “in his discretion” are used. This
gate ordinances under Clause (2B) may be or the presentation of a Bill to the Yang principle was codified by amendment of
exercised in relation to any matter which di-Pertuan Agong for his assent. the Federal Constitution. The principle
respect to which Parliament has power to (6) Subject to Clause (6A), no provi- has been affirmed by the Federal Court
make laws, regardless of the legislative or sion of any ordinance promulgated un- and has been repeated and adopted mul-
other procedures required to be followed, der this Article, and no provision of any tiple times.
or the proportion of the total votes required Act of Parliament which is passed while
to be had, in either House of Parliament. a Proclamation of Emergency is in force 14. In Teh Cheng Poh v. Public Prosecu-
(3) A Proclamation of Emergency and and which declares that the law appears tor [1979] 1 MLJ 50, the Privy Council,
any ordinance promulgated under Clause to Parliament to be required by reason when describing the Emergency powers
(2B) shall be laid before both Houses of of the emergency, shall be invalid on the of the YDPA said:-
Parliament and, if not sooner revoked, ground of inconsistency with any provi- “Although this, like other powers under
shall cease to have effect if resolutions sion of this Constitution. the Constitution, is conferred nominally
are passed by both Houses annulling such (7) At the expiration of a period of six upon the Yang di-Pertuan Agong by virtue
Proclamation or ordinance, but without months beginning with the date on which of his office as the Supreme Head of the
prejudice to anything previously done by a Proclamation of Emergency ceases to be Federation and is expressed to be exercisable
virtue thereof or to the power of the Yang in force, any ordinance promulgated in co n ti n u es o n Pag e 17
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from Pag e 16 17. The law on this subject has remained Shorn of the formal language and ni-
if he is satisfied of a particular matter, his unchanged since the late 1970s. There is ceties, the substance of the statements
functions are those of a constitutional no doubt that the YDPA is bound to act were:-
monarch and except on certain matters on the advice of the Government to either a) That the YDPA had not consented
that do not concern the instant appeal, he proclaim an emergency or to promulgate to the revocation of the Emergency Or-
does not exercise any of his functions under any ordinance and finally to revoke them. dinances because the YDPA wanted the
the Constitution on his own initiative but is There is no discretion in the matter. Emergency Ordinances to be debated in
required by art 40(1) to act in accordance Parliament;
with the advice of the Cabinet. So when 18. When we examine Article 150(3) with b) That the revocation of the Emergency
one finds in the Constitution itself or in the statements of the Law Minister, it is Ordinances were to circumvent (“mem-
a Federal law powers conferred upon the clear that there has been no misleading of belakangi”) the constitutional function of
Yang di-Pertuan Agong that are expressed Parliament or any constitutional violation. the YDPA;
to be exercisable if he is of the opinion or c) That the revocation was backdated
is satisfied that a particular state of affair 19. Article 150(3) envisages two ways in to 21 July 2021 notwithstanding that the
exists or that particular action is necessary, which an emergency ordinance can be application for consent of the YDPA was
the reference to his opinion or satisfaction brought to an end. It can be laid before the only received on 23 July 2021;
is in reality a reference to the collective House and the House can pass a resolution d) That the power to revoke the Emer-
opinion or satisfaction of the members of to annul it or it can be ‘sooner revoked’. gency Ordinances was a power that vests
the Cabinet, or the opinion or satisfaction In other words, the Emergency Ordinanc- in the YDPA and not exclusively in the
of a particular Minister to whom the Cab- es which the Law Minister referred to as Cabinet; and
inet have delegated their authority to give being revoked by the Government would e) That the YDPA has directed that the
advice upon the matter in question.” fall within this proviso to Article 150(3). revocation of the Emergency Ordinances
be laid before and debated by Parliament
15. The YDPA, with the deepest of respect, 20. In addition to the methods outlined before the YDPA signs the revocation.
does not have the discretion to refuse the above, the Proclamation of Emergency
advice of the Government. Chang Min Tat J in this case had a sunset provision. It was 23. The YDPA has not been properly ad-
made this clear in N Madhavan Nair v. Gov- due to naturally expire on 01.08.2021. By vised of his constitutional role. This can be
ernment of Malaysia [1975] 2 MLJ 286:- virtue of Article 150(7), any ordinances seen as follows:-
“As I have earlier shown, executive pow- promulgated under the Proclamation of a) TheYDPA’s power is to proclaim the
er is in the hands of the Yang Dipertuan Emergency would likewise lapse and cease Emergency and promulgate the Ordinanc-
Agung and his Cabinet. Though the Yang to have effect 6 months after the Procla- es under Article 150(1) and 150(2B);
DiPertuan Agung is with customary and mation ceased to have effect. b) That decision to proclaim and prom-
loyal courtesy asked to be pleased to prom- ulgate is not a personal decision of the
ulgate the Ordinance, it is clear that he as 21. Consequently, there has been no mis- YDPA or a personal power to be exercised.
the Constitutional Monarch does not re- leading of Parliament or constitutional vi- It is to be carried out on advice of the cab-
fuse. He has no discretion in the matter olation because the Government:- inet and must be followed;
but surely the events of those days were a) Called for the special sitting of Par- c) There is similarly no power of revo-
clearly sufficient and only too apparent liament under Standing Order 11; cation. Even if there is a formal require-
to show the necessity for the Ordinance b) The business of the meeting was to ment for the written assent of the YDPA,
without any agreement.” brief the House on the Covid-19 Recov- the YDPA is bound to accede and carry
ery Plan; out the advice of the Government;
16. As recently as 2001, a five man bench c) There was no business set by which d) There is certainly no power to di-
of the Federal Court restated the position any motions or bills could be debated or rect that the revocation of the Emergen-
in Abdul Ghani bin Ali v. Public Prosecutor voted upon. Standing Order 14 was not cy Ordinances to be tabled and debated
[2001] 3 MLJ 561:- in effect. There was no ordinary business before the House before the YDPA can
“In his book, Governments & Crisis of the House to be transacted; consent to it;
Powers, which is a legal study on the use d) The Law Minister did in fact inform e) The YDPA does not have the power
of emergency powers, Cyrus V Das said the House about the ‘decision of the Gov- to direct what is to be laid before and vot-
at p 237 that although a debate had pre- ernment’ not to seek a further proclama- ed on in Parliament. That is exclusively a
viously ranged on the subject, there can tion of Emergency; Government power; and
be no doubt now that the Privy Council e) The Law Minister also informed the f) The Emergency Ordinances are not
opinion on the Teh Cheng Poh case settles House that “the Government has made bills of Parliament that they have to be de-
the point firmly that the Yang di-Pertuan the decision pursuant to Article 150(3) to bated and voted on before they are signed.
Agong does not have a personal discretion revoke all the Emergency Ordinances”;
under art 150(1) but has at all times to act f) The Government did lay before the 24. The YDPA is being advised to exceed
on Cabinet advice. House the Emergency Ordinances; and his authority under the constitution. In this
It is my considered view, based on the g) There was no need to debate or move respect the Minister of Law had simply
constitutional provisions and the authori- a motion on the continued existence of the stated the facts. The Cabinet had decid-
ties cited, that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Emergency Ordinances given the fact that ed to revoke the Emergency Ordinances.
in acting under cl (1) of art 150 of the the Government had made the decision to There was therefore no need to debate it
Constitution in the position of a consti- ‘sooner revoke’ them under Article 150(3). in Parliament. While the YDPA may have
tutional monarch, must act on the advice suggested to the Government that it be so
of the Cabinet as provided in art 40 of the The Statement by the Palace debated, the Government was under no
Constitution.” 22. The Palace issued two statements. constitutional duty to do that.

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t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 19 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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HSBC steps up
LONDON/SINGAPORE (Aug 2): HSBC first half of the year.
Holdings Plc is accelerating plans for Revenue at the investment bank was

dividend plans,
shareholder payouts, as it said the global down more than a fifth, as trading reve-
economy was starting to emerge from the nue slumped on lower market volatility.

eyes buybacks as
worst effects of the pandemic. Banking revenue at the unit also dropped
The bank said it now expects to meet on lower client activity and lower inter-

outlook brightens
its target of paying out 40% to 55% of est rates.
earnings in dividends this year, rather than
next. It is also examining the possibility of Wealth overhaul
share buybacks, the latest lender to unveil HSBC began a fresh restructuring this year
such plans after the Bank of England re- by Harry Wilson, that aims to refocus the bank on the Asian
moved restrictions imposed at the height Ambereen Choudhury & Denise Wee markets where it makes most of its money.
of the pandemic. Bloomberg The bank wants to manage more assets for
“We definitely feel more confident,” the region’s wealthiest residents – a lucra-
Chief Financial Officer Ewen Stevenson interim dividend, after adjusted sec- tive but highly competitive market. In May,
said on Bloomberg Television. “We will keep ond-quarter profit doubled from a year HSBC sold 90 branches in the US, mark-
buybacks under review” together with div- earlier to top analyst estimates, according ing a retreat from mass-market banking
idends. to a statement Monday. The jump came as in the country. Weeks later, the company
HSBC is one of the biggest dividend Europe’s biggest lender joined its British agreed a potential disposal of its unprofit-
payers in European banking, and after a peers in reversing loan provisions that it able French retail business.
year of restrictions is expected to set aside booked in the early stages of the pandemic. “We have taken firm steps to define the
more than any of its rivals this year and Costs were higher than expected, driv- future of our US and continental Europe
next, according to estimates collated by en by spending on technology and higher businesses, and further enhanced our glob-
Bloomberg Intelligence. performance-related pay, even after HSBC al wealth capabilities,” Chief Executive Of-
The bank will pay a 7 cents a share reduced headcount by around 3,500 in the ficer Noel Quinn said in the statement.
The bank said it has hired 600 wealth
bloomberg managers in Asia in the first half of the year
and is eyeing deals in the region.
“We are currently looking at a num-
ber of smaller opportunities in the wealth
space across Asia, spanning insurance, as-
set management and traditional wealth,”
CFO Stevenson said in a phone interview
Monday, adding on a call with analysts
that the lender was looking at three or four
potential deals, each about US$500 mil-
lion in size.

Click here to read the full story

Read also: HSBC exits or downsizes 77 of-

fices as hybrid work takes hold Click here

Japan’s biggest
TOKYO (Aug 2): Mitsubishi UFJ Finan- MUFG’s credit-related costs in the
cial Group Inc (MUFG), Japan’s largest first quarter came in at ¥5.1 billion,

bank MUFG
lender by assets, on Monday reported versus ¥145 billion in the same period
that first-quarter net profit doubled year- last year.

doubles quarterly
on-year as credit-related costs dropped The lender had estimated ¥350 billion
sharply. of credit-related costs for the current fi-

profit as credit
MUFG, which owns about 20% of Wall nancial year which runs through March.
Street investment bank Morgan Stanley, In contrast, net interest income —

costs drop
reported profit of ¥383.1 billion (US$3.49 mainly derived from its traditional lend-
billion) for the three months to June 30, ing business — came in at ¥496.9 bil-
against ¥183.5 billion a year earlier. lion for the quarter, marking a 5.9%
The bank retained its full-year profit year-on-year rise, as corporate clients
forecast of ¥850 billion. That compared by Takashi Umekawa rushed to borrow to overcome the pan-
with an average forecast of ¥859 billion Reuters demic fallout.
from nine analyst estimates compiled by Peers Sumitomo Mitsui Financial
Refinitiv. year, three major lenders including MUFG Group Inc and Mizuho Financial Group
Japanese banks have been struggling collectively booked ¥1.1 trillion in cred- Inc last week both reported their net
with years of ultra-low interest rates and it-related costs, which nearly doubled year- profits for the quarter more than dou-
a shrinking population. In the past financial on-year, amid the Covid-19 pandemic. bled as credit-related costs dropped.
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 20 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Tide of US debt set to recede,

countering effect of Fed taper
NEW YORK (Aug 2): For the first time by Liz Capo McCormick it could start with the auctions being held
in more than five years, the US Treasury Bloomberg next week.
in coming months will be scaling back its If the majority are right, the Treasury
mammoth quarterly sales of notes and lion from this year. will keep the refunding at US$126 billion,
bonds, Wall Street dealers said — in a shift For notes and bonds alone, net issuance composed of the following:
so large it is likely to more than counter the will be about US$1 trillion less next year • US$58 billion of three-year notes
Federal Reserve’s (Fed) looming reduction versus 2021, the bank said. Meantime, the • US$41 billion of 10-year notes
in purchases. Fed will only be buying, from the second- • US$27 billion of 30-year bonds
The Treasury Department on Wednes- ary market, US$316 billion of such secu- It is a far cry from the pattern since even
day will announce its so-called quarterly rities in 2022, given its tapering — down before the pandemic struck.Total Treasury
refunding of longer-term securities, when from US$960 billion this year, JPMorgan debt outstanding has surged by about 50%
it typically lays out any coming changes to forecasts. since late 2017, to US$21.7 trillion.
debt-issuance strategy. While most dealers Reduced Treasuries issuance could fur- Much of the increase in 2020 came in
expect no change in the US$126 billion ther diminish any lingering concerns about the form of bills, as the Treasury rushed
size of recent refundings, many see offi- a 2013-style taper tantrum, when markets to accumulate cash to use for emergency
cials setting the stage for a reduction from took fright at the prospect of Fed stimulus relief spending. T-bills hit some 25% of the
November. withdrawal. The slide in Treasury yields in total share of the Treasury debt pile out-
Issuance has been going the other way recent months had already helped quell standing last year.
for years, thanks to surging federal budget such worries. It is now about 20%, after cutbacks in
deficits in the wake of president Donald Apart from the refunding, the Treasury issuance to work down what had been a
Trump’s tax cuts and later the emergency is currently grappling with manoeuvres to record cash pile. The Treasury Borrowing
spending caused by the pandemic. Even avoid hitting the federal debt limit, after a Advisory Committee, made up of major
with Congress negotiating new spending two-year suspension of the ceiling ended dealers and investors, advised a recom-
on infrastructure and social programmes, on Sunday. Economists and strategists alike mended range of 15% to 20%.
borrowing needs are set to drop, as law- anticipate Congress will act to boost or The Treasury on Monday releases its
makers plan fresh revenue measures for suspend the limit again before the Treas- quarterly financing estimates, and will
those multi-year initiatives. ury runs out of room to avert a payments give a fresh reading on cash balance as-
“Their financing needs will fall very default in the fall. sumptions for coming quarters. Details on
sharply from 2021 into 2022,” said Meghan Primary dealers, which trade directly plans for bill issuance should be revealed
Swiber, a rates strategist at Bank of America with the Fed, are not united on when the on Wednesday.
Corp. “We think Treasury needs to imple- scaling down in issuance of so-called cou- The shrinking of the deficit — to
ment cuts sooner rather than later — or it pons — notes and bonds — will occur. US$1.2 trillion next year from US$3 tril-
risks being overfunded,” she said. Among those in the November camp: lion this year, in the latest Congressional
The reduction in sales will likely — if • Bank of America Budget Office projections — is mainly a
economists’ forecasts are right — come • Credit Suisse Group AG reflection of the pandemic’s retreat.
during a time when the Fed will be reduc- • Deutsche Bank AG “Of course, these debt reductions aren’t
ing its purchases of Treasuries. Fed chair • JPMorgan coming because we are getting anywhere
Jerome Powell said last week that policy- • NatWest Markets near having balanced budgets,” said John
makers had begun discussing the timing • Societe Generale Briggs, global head of desk strategy at Nat-
and pace of future tapering. Analysts expect • Wells Fargo & Co. west Markets. “Our equilibrium end state
them to start by early 2022. Goldman Sachs Group Inc and Mor- — say, after August 2022 — will still have
JPMorgan Chase & Co predicts total net gan Stanley see the February refunding the debt higher than before the pandemic,
issuance of debt, including bills, at US$1.46 as a more likely starting point. But Bar- with the recognition that deficits are going
trillion for 2022, down about US$860 bil- clays plc and RBC Capital Markets said to be here for a long time.”
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 21 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Tesla’s India
NEW DELHI (Aug 2): India said it has no sells every other car on Indian roads, glum
plans to cut import duties on electric vehi- about the uptake of electric cars in the nation.

plans dealt blow

cles, weeks after Tesla Inc appealed to the “Unfortunately the technology presently
government to slash taxes, and its billion- available leads to electric cars being pro-

as minister rules
aire chief Elon Musk floated the possibility duced at a cost much higher than the con-
of a local factory once it starts selling whol- ventional cars,” Maruti’s Chairman R.C.

out tax cut

ly-built units from overseas in the world’s Bhargava said in the company’s annual re-
second-most populous nation. port Monday. “This, along with the lack of
“No such proposal is under considera- charging infrastructure makes it very diffi-
tion in Ministry of Heavy Industries,” jun- cult to sell electric cars to people who can
ior minister Krishan Pal Gurjar told parlia- by agini Saxena only afford small cars.”
ment on Monday, referring to the ministry Bloomberg The market penetration of electric vehi-
in charge of making policies for the auto cles will be “very small” given that only 5%
industry. He added that the government is bloomberg of cars sold in India are priced above 1.5
however taking steps to promote the use of million rupees (US$20,169), said Bharga-
electric cars by lowering domestic taxes and va, who heads the local unit of Japan’s Su-
adding charging stations. zuki Motor Corp. The per capita income
The reply to lawmakers may be perceived in India is only US$2,000 — 5% of that in
as part of the tug-of-war between Prime Europe and Japan — which puts expensive
Minister Narendra Modi’s administration, electric cars beyond the reach of most con-
which wants to boost local manufacturing, sumers, he said.
and Tesla, which is urging India to allow it Such statistics have raised concerns that
to import cars more cheaply, before it com- without progress in cleaning up poorer na-
mits to setting up a factory in the country. tions’ roads, global warming won’t be kept
Tesla last month wrote to the transport and below dangerous levels, even as richer na-
industry ministries requesting them to cut tions plan to phase out combustion-engine
import duty on electric cars to 40% from vehicles to combat climate change. Most
the current range of 60%-100%, Bloomberg EVs are sold in the US, China and Europe,
News had reported. Tesla is seeking to make inroads into where state-backed purchasing incentives
A Tesla factory to produce cars in In- Asia’s third-largest economy, where elec- and investments in charging infrastructure
dia is “quite likely” if the electric auto- tric vehicles account for less than 1% of make it easier for customers to abandon
maker can first begin sales with imported annual car sales, compared with about 5% combustion cars.
vehicles, Chief Executive Officer Musk in China. The sparse charging infrastruc- To achieve net-zero emissions, Maruti
said in a subsequent tweet. Musk has for ture and expensive cost have deterred large will work on hybrid models, improve tech-
years showed his eagerness to enter one scale adoption of electric vehicles in India, nology for cars running on compressed natu-
of the world’s most-promising automobile unlike China where Tesla set up its first fac- ral gas and look into biofuels, Bhargava said.
markets, but complained that Indian rules tory outside of the US and now dominates “The use of hydrogen is also an interesting
prohibit him from testing the waters first electric-car sales. alternative and should be considered spe-
with imports, as high duties make Tesla Those deterrents have also turned Maruti cially to reduce dependence on importing
cars “unaffordable.” Suzuki India Ltd, the top local carmaker that Lithium.”

FRANKFURT (Aug 2): Euro-area facto- est level since at least 1985, according to
ries are hiring new workers at record pace a separate survey.

factories hire
to keep up with persistently strong orders. The International Monetary Fund has
Job creation was particularly pro- raised its economic forecasts for the 19-na-

workers at record
nounced in Germany and Austria last tion region, predicting momentum in the
month, according to an IHS Markit survey bloc’s four largest economies will pick up

pace to fill orders

of purchasing managers. Manufacturers in the coming months.The European Cen-
continued to face substantial supply-chain tral Bank is bracing for a “strong” increase
bottlenecks and passed on rising costs to in output in the current quarter, though it
customers. has also warned that resurgent infections
With economies around the world re- by Jana Randow and supply constraints risk damping the
covering from the coronavirus pandem- Bloomberg recovery.
ic, Europe’s factories are running at full “Manufacturers and their suppliers are
steam. Businesses in North Asia are also bloomberg struggling to raise production fast enough
benefitting from rising global demand, to meet demand, driving prices ever high-
while a slump in activity in Southeast er,” said Chris Williamson, an IHS Markit
Asia — currently seeing one of the world’s economist. “Capacity constraint indicators
worst Covid-19 outbreaks — serves as a continue to flash red.”
reminder of how quickly the crisis can New orders jumped in July, fuelling a
flare up again. considerable increase in backlogs of work.
Still, confidence in the outlook for the Widespread shortages of materials and
euro area is running high. A gauge measur- poor transport availability produced re-
ing economic sentiment rose to the high- cord gains in input costs and selling prices.
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 22 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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(Aug 2): SPAC bosses are finding they us Tsang, is among the new listing hope-
have to speed up their deal hunt if they fuls. It aims to raise US$80 million to buy

IPOs show time

want to attract investors these days. a company in the technology or e-com-
About half the blank-cheque compa- merce industry in Asia.

is money with
nies that filed for US listings since the Neo Technology Acquisition Corp
start of June are giving themselves an in- and Singularity Acquisition Corp, both

speedier deal
itial period of 18 months or less to find run by little-known China dealmakers,
an acquisition target, according to data will also have just a year to find a target.

compiled by SPAC Research. That’s a big Both can be extended multiple times,
change from earlier in the boom, when each time by three months, if they can’t
more than 80% set their duration at a find a deal within the initial window and
standard 24 months. their sponsors deposit more funds into a
Stock buyers are getting more selec- by Crystal Kim & Crystal Tse trust account.
tive as the market for special purpose Bloomberg
acquisition companies cools, making it Investor demands
more difficult for lesser-known issuers to The duration of blank-cheque compa-
raise capital. Hedge funds investing with bloomberg
nies is going to be a topic that investors
borrowed money are more willing to bet will push back on, according to Jennifer
on an unproven team if they can profit Deason, the chairman of Beyond Acqui-
quickly — or at least get their money sition Corp.
back soon if it doesn’t pan out. “It’s the market,” Deason, whose
“Pricing IPOs is difficult with so many blank-cheque firm started trading in
in the market,” said Nicholas Skibo, a July, said in an interview. “There are a
managing partner at Gritstone Asset lot of SPACs out there, and the pendu-
Management, which invests in SPACs. lum swings back and forth in terms of
“So you either have to be a world-class supply and demand.”
sponsor or you have to provide an in- The shorter timespans mean these new
centive.” blank-cheque companies have deadlines
closer to those of SPACs that are already
Time crunch listed, said Steven Halperin, co-head of
Seasoned dealmakers from former Face- capital solutions at investment bank Mo-
book Inc executive Chamath Palihapitiya elis & Co.
to billionaire investor Paul Singer are still The benefit for serial dealmakers,
taking their time with their latest SPACs, though, is that they may not need too
giving themselves two years to find a tar- The shorter durations are helping much time to seal a deal.
get. Newcomers are promising to deliv- these blank-cheque companies stand out “For a repeat issuer, the sponsor will
er a deal in half that time, with many of among the more than 300 SPACs wait- already have the experience and poten-
the SPACs that unveiled listing plans last ing to sell shares in New York. A SPAC I tially a shortlist of targets required to
week intending to merge with a private Acquisition Corp, led by former Franklin complete the SPAC lifecycle in a shorter
company within 12 months. Templeton Investments executive Claudi- timeframe,” Halperin said.

Grab loss
SINGAPORE (Aug 2): Singapore’s Grab Commission guidance.
Holdings Inc, set to go public in the US Grab said the change will not affect

narrows on food
through a deal with a blank-cheque com- its historical balance sheet, cash flow,
pany, reported a narrower loss for the gross merchandise value (GMV), gross

delivery ahead
first quarter as the pandemic boosted billings, adjusted net sales, or adjusted
demand for food delivery. earnings before interest, taxes, depreci-

Net loss shrank to US$652 million ation and amortisation.
in the quarter ended March 31 from The company also provided an update

US$771 million a year earlier, South- on its post-merger board. Grab co-found-
east Asia’s most valuable start-up said er Tan Hooi Ling and Rich Barton, chief
in a statement on Monday. Adjusted net executive officer (CEO) of Zillow Group
sales, a revenue measure that does not Inc and a director of Altimeter Growth,
comply with international accounting by Yoolim Lee will join as independent members on the
standards, rose 39% to US$507 million. Bloomberg six- person board. They will replace two
Grab reported its first-ever quarter- outgoing members, who are represent-
ly financial results in a filing connect- quarter as it works on an audit of the atives of shareholders SoftBank Group
ed to its planned merger with Altime- past three years. Corp and Toyota Motor Corp. Other in-
ter Growth Gorp, the special-purpose Quarterly revenue based on Interna- dependent directors include Uber Tech-
acquisition company (SPAC) of Brad tional Financial Reporting Standards, nologies Inc CEO Dara Khosrowshahi,
Gerstner’s Altimeter Capital Manage- or IFRS, rose to US$216 million from Ng Shin Ein, and Oliver Jay.
ment. Grab has postponed the US$40 just US$1 million a year ago, after Grab
billion deal — one of the largest-ever changed its accounting methods to com-
mergers with a SPAC — to the fourth ply with US Securities and Exchange Click here to read the full story
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 23 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Square to buy
SAN FRANCISCO (Aug 2): Square Inc, The deal should also help boost Cash
the digital-payments platform led by Twit- App’s total user base by adding Afterpay’s

Afterpay for
ter Inc founder Jack Dorsey, agreed to buy 16 million users to Cash App’s existing user
Australian buy-now, pay-later company base of 70 million annual users, Ahuja said.

US$29 bil to tap

Afterpay Ltd for US$29 billion in its larg- Larger competitors have pushed into
est-ever acquisition. the market recently, adding to the challeng-

younger users
The all-stock offer values Afterpay es for Afterpay and its peers. Apple Inc is
shares at A$126.21 each, 31% higher teaming up with Goldman Sachs Group
than Friday’s closing price of A$96.66, Inc on a buy now, pay later service that
the companies said in a statement. Still, would be tied with Apple Pay, Bloomberg
that’s less than Afterpay’s February high of by Kurt Wagner, Angus Whitley News reported in July. Afterpay shares fell
A$158.47. The stock jumped as much as & Peter Elstrom 10% the day following the report.
29% to A$125 in Sydney trading Monday. Bloomberg Afterpay shareholders may reject the
Square said the buy-now, pay-later con- proposed Square offer, Bloomberg Intel-
cept represents a chance to capitalize on a Bloomberg ligence analysts Matt Ingram and Regan
shift away from traditional credit, especially Burrows wrote. They pointed out the offer
among younger consumers. The plan is for is below the stock’s peak earlier this year
Square to integrate Afterpay into both its and its growth is much faster than the US
consumer Cash App, and its Seller prod- company.
uct for small businesses, Chief Financial Under the proposed agreement, After-
Officer Amrita Ahuja said in an interview. pay co-founders and co-CEOs Anthony
“It’s very different from the tradition- Eisen and Nick Molnar would join Square
al consumer-financing business model,” and help lead Afterpay’s merchant and
Ahuja said, describing “buy now, pay lat- consumer businesses as part of Square’s
er” as an “alternative” to traditional credit. Seller and Cash App division.
“Since our founding days we have seen it as The acquisition would be easily the big-
a key priority for our customers, whether gest deal for an Australian company, eclips-
merchants or consumers, to get fast access stallments. It’s particularly popular with ing the US$16.6 billion a group of pension
to funds,” she added, but declined to say younger consumers — who may not have a funds last month bid for Sydney Airport,
whether Square would offer other tradi- credit card — to buy clothes, beauty prod- only to have the offer rejected as too low.
tional finance options, like a credit card. ucts and homewares. There are no fees or
Afterpay lets consumers purchase items interest on the loan as long as people pay
on credit and pay later with a series of in- on time, according to Afterpay’s website. Click here to read the full story

UK’s Meggitt
LONDON (Aug 2): Parker-Hannifin the best owner,” Williams said in an inter-
Corp, the US maker of industrial mo- view. “This is a company we’ve liked for

soars on US$8.8b
tion-control systems, agreed to buy Meg- a long time.”
gitt Plc for £6.3 billion (US$8.8 billion) in The deal is so big it will rule out fur-

buyout by
cash to strengthen its hand in a rebounding ther M&A by Parker-Hannifin for the
aerospace industry. next three years, Williams said, as the

Shares of Meggitt surged the most on company focuses on investment, divi-
record after the 170-year-old company dends and paying down debt to get lev-
said its board would recommend the 800 erage ratios down.
pence-per-share offer, 71% above Friday’s The deal is the latest example of US
closing price. The massive premium will BY Charlotte Ryan buyers eyeing UK aerospace. Cobham
make it harder for a rival to jump in and Bloomberg Ltd, the UK defence contractor that was
snatch the Coventry, England-based target, acquired by US private equity firm Ad-
after a string of buyouts of UK aerospace Bloomberg vent International Corp in early 2020, last
and defence firms by US suitors. month made a £2.6 billion buyout ap-
The deal would be the biggest ever for proach for Ultra Electronics Holding Plc.
Parker-Hannifin, which has accelerated its Senior Plc, a UK supplier of aerospace
buyout activity under Chairman and Chief parts to Boeing Co and Airbus SE, reject-
Executive Officer Tom Williams. The com- ed a buyout offer from Texas-based Lone
pany, which supplies a variety of industries, Star Funds last month.
was on a tear before the coronavirus pan- Parker-Hannifin said it would offer
demic, with the US$4.3 billion purchase of commitments to the UK, including a
filtration-products manufacturer Clarcor pledge to continue supplying the govern-
in 2017, and materials-science specialist ment, and maintain existing technology
Lord Corp for US$3.7 billion in 2019. and manufacturing in the country. A ma-
Adding Meggitt will nearly double the coming out of its biggest slump in history, jority of Meggitt’s board will continue to
size of Parker’s aerospace systems unit, it as demand for aircraft returns. be British, it said.
said in a statement. That would position “We wanted a price that would be very
the Cleveland-based company to better compelling, that would gain shareholder
compete in an aviation sector that’s just support and would be very clear that we’re Click here to read the full story
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 24 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

Keppel Corp makes S$2.2 bil offer

to acquire SPH’s non-media portfolio;
SPH valued at S$3.4 bil
SINGAPORE (Aug 2): Keppel Corpora- by Felicia Tan In a separate statement, SPH reasoned
tion has proposed to acquire the non-me- that the privatisation of the entire company
dia portfolio of Singapore Press Holdings is the “preferred solution” in which share-
(SPH) for S$2.2 billion on Aug 2. S$1.729 per share in SPH. holders receive a better valuation outcome
This includes SPH’s businesses and Shareholders will also receive any fi- where the control premium is paid for the
assets such as its purpose-built student nal dividend declared by the board for the entire company.
accommodation (PBSA) and senior liv- FY2021. The move also maximises value and
ing businesses, stakes in SPH REIT and According to Keppel, the acquisition minimises disruption for its sharehold-
its REIT manager, as well as its other de- will boost its Vision 2030 plans, where ers, SPH adds.
velopment assets. it seeks to move beyond “a developer The proposed transaction is expected to
The move, which comes after the group model to providing urban development be completed by December and is subject
proposed to spin off its media business into solutions”. to the approvals of Keppel’s and SPH’s
a not-for-profit entity on May 6, values The group adds that SPH possesses a shareholders at their respective extraor-
SPH’s non-media business at S$3.4 billion. “quality portfolio of businesses and assets dinary general meetings (EGMs).
Keppel Corporation, through its whol- which are strongly aligned with Keppel’s Upon the completion of the scheme,
ly-owned subsidiary, Keppel Pegasus, will business”. The acquisition will also com- SPH will be delisted. It will then become
acquire all the issued and paid-up ordinary plement and strengthen three out of four a wholly-owned subsidiary of Keppel.
shares in the capital of SPH via a scheme focus areas for Keppel, which are Urban Keppel will hold a remaining 20% stake
of arrangement. Development, Connectivity and Asset each in both SPH REIT and Keppel REIT.
Under the terms of the scheme, share- Management. “The proposed acquisition of SPH is
holders will receive a total of S$2.099 per The proposed acquisition would also very much in line with Keppel’s Vision
share, which comprises 66.8 cents in cash, allow Keppel to consolidate its existing 2030, where we seek to grow Keppel’s
0.596 issued units in Keppel REIT valued ownership of M1 and the jointly-owned business as a provider of solutions for
at 71.5 cents and 0.782 units in SPH REIT Genting Lane data centre. sustainable urbanisation through organ-
valued at 71.6 cents from a distribution Furthermore, the addition of SPH RE- ic and inorganic options. This is a rare
in-specie by SPH. IT’s assets under management (AUM) will opportunity to acquire SPH’s non-me-
The consideration represents a 16.2% potentially grow Keppel Capital’s pro for- dia portfolio, which fits very well with
premium over the one-month volume ma AUM by about 27% to S$47 billion Keppel’s business and growth strategy,”
weighted average price (VWAP) of SPH’s from S$37 billion as at end-2020. says Loh Chin Hua, CEO of Keppel
shares as at July 30. It also represents a Had the scheme been effective Jan Corporation.
11.6% premium to the last traded price 1, Keppel’s earnings per share (EPS)
of $1.88 per share on July 30 and a 21.4% would have increased from 16.5 cents
premium to the three-month VWAP of to 17.5 cents. Click here to read the full story
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 25 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Oil Search, Santos Heineken sees

to merge into ‘material’
US$16 billion LNG commodity
powerhouse costs crimping
was grappling with the toughest inflation
earnings since the 2008 financial crisis.
Bloomberg Heineken shares, which had gained
7.7% this year before today, were little
by Thomas Buckley changed in Amsterdam on Monday.
Bloomberg Heineken said it would also sell less
beer in 2021 than in years before the pan-
LONDON (Aug 2): Heineken NV, the demic due to the impact of Covid-19 in
world’s second-largest brewer, joined rival key African and Asian markets, even as
Anheuser-Busch InBev NV and scores of half-year earnings beat estimates as bars
other consumer goods companies from reopened across the world. The subdued
Nestle SA to Unilever plc in warning that performance of its Asia division amid lock-
soaring commodity costs will depress earn- downs in Southeast Asian markets was a
by James Thornhill ings in the near term. “surprise”, the CEO said by phone.
Bloomberg Although the maker of Heineken lager Restrictions in South Africa also hurt
has annual hedging contracts in place that performance, he said.
SYDNEY (Aug 2): Australia’s second- and cover about 90% of its exposure to com- Still, the company delivered strong rev-
third-biggest oil and gas companies are set modity inflation, the price of aluminium enue and volume numbers as restrictions
to merge to become one of the largest in the and freight is rising at such a pace that the eased in the first half of the year.
region and in the top 20 globally. beermaker sees a “material effect” on prof- Growth was led in the half-year period
Oil Search Ltd on Monday said it agreed it next year, chief financial officer Harold by Heineken’s namesake lager, with ship-
to an improved all-share offer from Santos van den Broek said by phone. Heineken ments of the brand rising by about a fifth
Ltd that would give its equity holders 0.6275 will seek to offset some of the impact by on demand from countries such as Brazil,
new Santos share for each one held, giving raising prices, he said. China,Vietnam, and Nigeria. Heineken’s
them about 38.5% of the merged group. The company is experiencing inflation- operating profit on an organic basis rose to
The combined entity would have a market ary pressures not seen at any time in the €1.63 billion (US$1.93 billion). Analysts
capitalisation of about US$16 billion, vying past decade, chief executive officer (CEO) expected €1.23 billion.
with Woodside Petroleum Ltd to be Austral- Dolf van den Brink said in an interview Budweiser maker AB InBev reported
ia’s biggest independent liquefied natural with Bloomberg TV, echoing recent com- results last week that missed estimates be-
gas (LNG) producer. ments from Unilever that the maker of cause of currency-related effects and higher
The move follows a wave of tie-ups Dove soap and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream commodity and marketing costs.
among exploration and production com-
panies in the US shale patch, as smaller pro-
ducers seek to cut costs while majors look to
exit carbon-intensive operations. It may not Co., according to a statement from the
be the last deal in Australia this year, with Unacademy value company Monday.
Woodside said to be eyeing BHP Group’s The coronavirus pandemic has boost-
petroleum business in the nation, accord- tops US$3.4b ed the popularity of online education as
ing to Wood Mackenzie Research Director students and professionals seek to up-
Andrew Harwood. in Temasek-led grade their skills, while schools and offic-
“We’ve been expecting to see more consol- es have shuttered. Indian digital educa-
idation among international E&Ps, following funding round tion peer Byju’s has become the country’s
the lead of the US independents that have most valuable startup and is expanding
sought strength and resilience in scale,” he aggressively through acquisitions.
said in a statement. “The Santos-Oil Search by Saritha Rai Unacademy was founded by Gau-
merger follows the consolidation template, Bloomberg rav Munjal, Hemesh Singh and Ro-
bringing together two firms with overlapping man Saini in 2015. It specializes in test
interests, building scale in a strategic resource (Aug 2): India’s online education preparation for a wide array of competi-
theme, LNG in this case, and on terms that startup Unacademy said its valuation tive fields including India’s civil service,
provide additional value upside potential for reached US$3.44 billion in a funding banking and programming through a
both sets of shareholders.” round led by Temasek Holdings Pte, a roster of celebrity teachers. It has more
Monday’s announcement comes less nearly 10-fold increase in the past year than 50,000 educators and 62 million
than two weeks after Oil Search rejected and a half as the coronavirus boosts de- users and offers courses in 14 Indian
an earlier proposal that offered 0.589 share mand for remote learning. languages.
in Santos. The startup raised US$440 million in The Bangalore-based company also
a Series H round, with General Atlantic, got funding from entrepreneurs Ritesh
Tiger Global Management, SoftBank Agarwal of Oyo Hotels and Homes Pvt
Click here to read the full story Vision Fund and Mirae Asset Securities and Deepinder Goyal of Zomato Ltd.
t u e s d ay a u g u s t 3 , 2 0 2 1 26 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Pfizer, Moderna

raise Covid-19
vaccine prices
in EU — report
by Sabahatjahan Contractor

BENGALURU (Aug 1): Pfizer Inc and

Moderna Inc have raised the prices of their
Covid-19 vaccines in their latest European
Union supply contracts, the Financial Times
reported on Sunday.
The new price for the Pfizer shot was curement deal but lower than the previous- adult population by the end of the summer.
€19.50 (US$23.15) against €15.50 previ- ly agreed US$28.50 because the order had In May, the EU said it expected to have
ously, the newspaper said, citing portions grown, the report said, citing one official received more than a billion doses of vac-
of the contracts seen. close to the matter. cines by the end of September from four
The price of a Moderna vaccine was The European Commission said onTues- drug makers.
US$25.50 a dose, the contracts show, up day that the EU was on course to hit a tar- Pfizer and Moderna were not immediate-
from about €19 (US$22.60) in the first pro- get of fully vaccinating at least 70% of the ly available for comment to Reuters.

Fund managers’
COPENHAGEN/LONDON (Aug 2): Eu- Some asset managers are already fac-
ropean fund managers are gradually having ing scrutiny as questions are raised over

ESG claims face

to acknowledge that claims of sustainability their ESG classifications. The Wall Street
across their portfolios may be inflated, as Journal reported Sunday that DWS Group

credibility test as
new regulations force the industry to take GmbH, the fund management firm con-
a more measured approach. trolled by Deutsche Bank AG, has at times

gaps found
“It’s clear that the Sustainable Finance overstated the ESG content of its portfoli-
Disclosure Regulation is starting to work its os, citing its former sustainability chief and
purpose of aligning ESG definitions across internal emails. Desiree Fixler, who start-
the industry,” said Mandeep Jagpal, an eq- ed in DWS’s newly created role of group
uity analyst at RBC Capital Markets in by Tasneem Hanfi Brögger sustainability officer in September 2020,
London. “Asset managers are now rethink- & Alastair Marsh was dismissed earlier this year.
ing what can and should be classified as an Bloomberg In a statement to the newspaper, DWS
‘environmental, social or governance in- said it’s always been transparent and stands
vestment,’ although there may still be some by the annual report, audited by KPMG.
variation in interpreting the new rules.” reuters A representative confirmed the comments
Europe’s asset management industry al- when contacted by Bloomberg News.
ready had to remove the ESG label from an The second-quarter reports of some of
estimated US$2 trillion in assets between Europe’s biggest publicly traded asset man-
2018 and 2020, as tougher regulations were agers have revealed a difference between
gradually put in place. Europe’s Sustainable ESG-labeled products and what can be
Finance Disclosure Regulation, which took defined as ESG under SFDR.
effect in March, requires asset managers to Amundi SA’s results show the manager
document claims of sustainability in their had total ESG assets under management of
portfolios, as policy makers in the region €798 billion (US$948 billion), though only
set the world’s most ambitious agenda to €680 billion of that was defined under the
drive capital away from carbon emitters. SFDR framework. At DWS, the gap was
A poll conducted last year by Schroders 2025, which would be well over a third of even wider, with €459 billion carrying an
Plc revealed that 60% of 650 institutional the global total in assets under manage- ESG label at the end of last year, though
investors said “greenwashing,” where the ment, according to Bloomberg Intelligence. only €87 billion qualified under the SFDR
environmental benefits of an investment The expectation is that the rollback of framework as recently as June 30.
strategy are exaggerated or misrepresented, ESG labelling will continue across the asset For now, investors appear to be unde-
was the biggest thing standing in the way management industry, Jagpal said. “I think terred by the reporting gap. “It seem DWS
of their sustainability goals. the gap will continue to close for the next was still able to generate excellent flows
Meanwhile, demand for ESG assets 12 months or so, as asset managers make over the year so far,” RBC’s Jagpal said.
seems insatiable, providing a lucrative progress on the more onerous disclosure “Including €8 billion into ESG funds, of
source of business for fund managers. The requirements under SFDR, but it’s hard to which half were in the second quarter, after
market is set to exceed US$50 trillion by say whether it will close all the way,” he said. SFDR was implemented.”


CPO RM 4,312.00-235.00 OIL US$ 74.50-0.91 RM/USD 4.2248 RM/SGD 3.1248 RM/AUD 3.1073 RM/GBP 5.8811 RM/EUR 5.0205

Top 20 active stocks

(%) (RM MIL)
RESINTECH BHD 113.4 0.140 0.735 129.69 100.8
GREENYIELD BHD 90.2 0.08 0.38 100 126.8
SERBA DINAMIK HOLDINGS BHD 89.1 -0.015 0.380 -78.41 1409.7
SAUDEE GROUP BHD 80.3 -0.015 0.120 -71.22 85.9
PUC BHD 78.3 0.010 0.190 18.75 237.5
SERSOL BHD 60.3 -0.050 0.500 156.41 107.7
DAGANG NEXCHANGE BHD 54.5 -0.005 0.715 217.78 2128.3
ADVANCE SYNERGY BHD 54.0 0.000 0.165 10.00 153.3
M3 TECHNOLOGIES ASIA BHD 44 -0.01 0.055 -15.38 49.1
DATASONIC GROUP BHD 38.9 0.015 0.475 -9.52 1368.9 World equity indices
YBS INTERNATIONAL BHD 35.5 0.05 0.465 151.35 114.6 (%) (%)
SALUTICA BHD 35.3 0.000 0.600 42.86 231.0 DOW JONES 34,935.47 -149.06 -0.42 INDONESIA 6,096.54 26.50 0.44
FOCUS DYNAMICS GROUP BHD 34.8 0 0.04 -93.85 254.9 S&P 500 4,395.26 -23.89 -0.54 JAPAN 27,781.02 497.43 1.82
GLOBALTEC FORMATION BHD 34.3 0.05 0.73 75.9 196.4 NASDAQ 100 14,959.90 -88.46 -0.59 KOREA 3,223.04 20.72 0.65
MAG HOLDINGS BHD 33.1 -0.01 0.18 -10 250.8 FTSE 100 7,079.86 47.56 0.68 PHILIPPINES 6,446.31 176.08 2.81
GOLDEN PHAROS BHD 30.7 0.095 0.525 114.29 72.9 AUSTRALIA 7,491.45 98.83 1.34 SINGAPORE 3,161.22 -5.72 -0.18
BUMI ARMADA BHD 29.5 -0.015 0.41 17.14 2421.9 CHINA 3,464.29 66.93 1.97 TAIWAN 17,503.28 255.87 1.48
CABNET HOLDINGS BHD 27.5 0.03 0.375 44.23 67 HONG KONG 26,235.80 274.77 1.06 THAILAND 1,525.11 3.19 0.21
LYC HEALTHCARE BHD 26.8 0.045 0.345 4.55 148.9 INDIA 52,950.63 363.79 0.69 VIETNAM 1,314.22 4.17 0.32
Data as compiled on Aug 2, 2021 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Aug 2, 2021 Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by %) Top losers (ranked by %)

(%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
GREENYIELD BHD 0.380 26.670 90232.7 100.00 126.8 KEY ALLIANCE GROUP BHD 0.025 -28.57 25338.2 -50.00 58.9
RESINTECH BHD 0.735 23.53 113359.5 129.69 100.8 COMPUGATES HOLDINGS BHD 0.015 -25.00 1030.0 -25.00 46.0
GOLDEN PHAROS BHD 0.525 22.090 30715.5 114.29 72.9 NEXGRAM HOLDINGS BHD 0.020 -20.00 3406.0 -55.56 73.5
CHUAN HUAT RESOURCES BHD 0.650 17.120 8017.8 49.43 109.6 M3 TECHNOLOGIES ASIA BHD 0.055 -15.38 44006.4 -15.38 49.1
LYC HEALTHCARE BHD 0.345 15.000 26778.6 4.55 148.9 LIEN HOE CORP BHD 0.320 -14.67 222.5 23.08 106.4
HARN LEN CORP BHD 0.935 14.720 12930.1 28.08 166.0 MNC WIRELESS BHD 0.030 -14.29 1929.3 -33.33 52.8
KOBAY TECHNOLOGY BHD 4.000 13.960 10402.8 402.09 1201.1 GREEN OCEAN CORP BHD 0.030 -14.29 6108.9 -66.67 52.8
IDIMENSION CONSOLIDATED BHD 0.085 13.330 5962.9 6.25 23.1 JOHAN HOLDINGS BHD 0.095 -13.64 17592.2 -50.00 111.0
YBS INTERNATIONAL BHD 0.465 12.050 35461.4 151.35 114.6 JOE HOLDING BHD 0.035 -12.50 309.0 -68.18 107.1
YLI HOLDING BHD 0.420 12.000 3226.5 -6.67 43.2 XOX BHD 0.035 -12.5 5030.5 -68.18 141.3
VISDYNAMICS HOLDINGS BHD 1.040 11.230 11315.3 37.75 181.4 SCOMI GROUP BHD 0.035 -12.50 1374.4 16.67 33.6
TOP BUILDERS CAPITAL BHD 0.05 11.11 2237.3 -56.52 33.4 QUALITY CONCRETE HOLDINGS 1.330 -11.33 838.8 33.00 77.1
CHINA OUHUA WINERY HOLDINGS 0.050 11.110 3629.8 -16.67 33.4 MLABS SYSTEMS BHD 0.040 -11.11 16711.1 -50.00 48.3
CLASSIC SCENIC BHD 0.790 10.490 550.0 74.59 190.4 SAUDEE GROUP BHD 0.120 -11.11 80261.8 -71.22 85.9
ATA IMS BHD 2.700 9.310 5809.0 13.45 3247.7 DGB ASIA BHD 0.045 -10.00 5646.9 -80.00 60.8
YGL CONVERGENCE BHD 0.300 9.090 18151.0 93.55 76.7 BRAHIM’S HOLDINGS BHD 0.190 -9.52 1.0 -42.42 58.4
EMICO HOLDINGS BHD 0.305 8.930 1477.9 7.02 35.1 SERSOL BHD 0.5 -9.09 60336.9 156.41 107.7
CABNET HOLDINGS BHD 0.375 8.700 27474.7 44.23 67.0 ARTRONIQ BHD 0.355 -7.79 9145.2 -29.70 102.6
EUROSPAN HOLDINGS BHD 1.29 8.4 1733.8 113.22 57.3 KEJURUTERAAN ASASTERA BHD 0.66 -7.69 17024.7 13.14 1116.6
HEXTAR GLOBAL BHD 1.3 8.33 9749.6 131.11 1707 BERTAM ALLIANCE BHD 0.12 -7.69 231.3 -7.69 29.8
Data as compiled on Aug 2, 2021 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Aug 2, 2021 Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by RM) Top losers (ranked by RM)

(RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
MALAYSIAN PACIFIC INDUSTRIES 45.56 1.06 286.3 75.5 9061.7 HONG LEONG FINANCIAL GROUP 17.020 -0.220 144.9 -5.76 19492.1
KESM INDUSTRIES BHD 13.98 0.82 176.3 2.95 601.3 HENGYUAN REFINING CO BHD 4.110 -0.210 721.9 -31.39 1233.0
VITROX CORP BHD 19.62 0.72 989.5 33.47 9264.8 QUALITY CONCRETE HOLDINGS 1.33 -0.17 838.8 33 77.1
KOBAY TECHNOLOGY BHD 4 0.49 10402.8 402.09 1201.1 KOSSAN RUBBER INDUSTRIES 3.330 -0.130 4669.1 -24.38 8496.9
CHIN TECK PLANTATIONS BHD 6.93 0.33 14.8 3.57 633.1 TOYO VENTURES HOLDINGS BHD 2.020 -0.130 50.5 19.53 216.1
NESTLE MALAYSIA BHD 133.3 0.3 13.4 -4.03 31258.9 SAM ENGINEERING & EQUIPMENT 10.680 -0.120 2239.2 44.91 1445.5
PANASONIC MANUFACTURING 32.5 0.28 5.4 5.52 1974.2 TRANSOCEAN HOLDINGS BHD 3.86 -0.11 103.7 388.61 174.1
UNISEM M BHD 8.6 0.25 3470.4 39.16 6936.2 OM HOLDINGS BHD 2.530 -0.100 148.1 0.00 1868.7
PETRONAS GAS BHD 15.48 0.24 598.6 -9.61 30630.8 SIME DARBY PLANTATION BHD 3.300 -0.100 5640.7 -33.56 22821.9
PENTAMASTER CORP BHD 5.54 0.24 5850.4 9.7 3946.2 RIVERVIEW RUBBER ESTATES BHD 3.000 -0.100 3.6 -1.04 194.6
CARLSBERG BREWERY MALAYSIA 21.46 0.24 46.6 -7.66 6561.4 MALAYSIA SMELTING CORP BHD 2.020 -0.080 564.7 41.26 848.4
UWC BHD 5.97 0.23 6070.2 21.84 6570.8 LPI CAPITAL BHD 13.760 -0.080 61.1 0.29 5481.7
ATA IMS BHD 2.7 0.23 5809 13.45 3247.7 KEIN HING INTERNATIONAL BHD 1.090 -0.080 3349.4 52.45 118.7
GREATECH TECHNOLOGY BHD 6.63 0.21 3820.4 45.71 8300.8 LOTTE CHEMICAL TITAN HOLDING 2.540 -0.080 3825.7 -8.30 5785.0
MI TECHNOVATION BHD 4.1 0.21 8610.8 4.06 3363 DUOPHARMA BIOTECH BHD 2.780 -0.080 835.6 -17.75 1963.6
PETRONAS DAGANGAN BHD 18.6 0.2 159.9 -13.08 18478.2 DUTCH LADY MILK INDUSTRIES BHD 33.020 -0.080 4.4 -11.95 2113.3
INARI AMERTRON BHD 3.5 0.17 20286 27.52 12879.9 MULPHA INTERNATIONAL BHD 2.010 -0.080 91.4 50.00 634.4
WESTPORTS HOLDINGS BHD 4.22 0.16 1779.2 -1.86 14390.2 MISC BHD 6.630 -0.070 1710.4 -3.49 29594.6
D&O GREEN TECHNOLOGIES BHD 5.45 0.15 3321.5 139.04 6459.4 PERUSAHAAN SADUR TIMAH M’SIA 3.780 -0.070 34.0 -3.08 488.0
RESINTECH BHD 0.735 0.14 113359.5 129.69 100.8 MALAYSIA AIRPORTS HOLDINGS 5.71 -0.070 784.7 -3.55 9474
Data as compiled on Aug 2, 2021 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Aug 2, 2021 Source: Bloomberg

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