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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Academic Year 2022-2023



A Thesis

Presented to the Faculty of


Santa Rosa City, Laguna

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy



Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023


The COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines in March 2021 brought about

numerous changes in the way people lived their lives. With the widespread of
the virus, many establishments were forced to shut down, resulting in job
losses for many. The government stepped in and provided aid in the form of
food and medicine to help families get through the pandemic. However, the
Philippines economy took a hit and is still recovering. Some establishments
have adapted by allowing employees to work in a skeletal system, implementing
health protocols from organizations such as the World Health Organization and
local government units. Despite the pandemic, education continued through
online classes, with DepEd and CHED choosing to continue the schooling of

Virtual schooling is the new form of attending class as the pandemic

happens. As a result of that, teachers and professors shift from traditional
classroom set-up to work-from-home They face key challenges in adapting
practices with regards to online learning environment with the help of various
forms of technology. As the pandemic continues, it is important to understand
the level of motivation among teachers during these challenging times.
Motivation of teachers, an educator is an important factor in order to perform
the challenging task of being in front of their students, who have all types of

According to Kamstra 2020, Language lecturer at the University of Essex,

teacher motivation has been linked to student motivation, and those teachers
who are motivated to teach would more likely influence their students to learn.
However, factors such as a lack of social recognition, a heavy workload, and
stress can lead to demotivation among teachers. Hence, this study aims to
determine the level of motivation of teachers in the Polytechnic University of
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

the Philippines – Santa Rosa during the work-from-home setup. The results of
this study could help in preparing for similar crises in the future and provide
insights into what can be done to support teachers in maintaining their
motivation to teach.


Self-determination theory and motivation in psychology refer to each

person's capacity to make decisions and govern their own lives, according to
Deci and Ryan (1985), as referenced by Kendra (2020). This skill is crucial for
maintaining psychological health and wellbeing. People can experience a sense
of control over their decisions and life when they are self-determining. It also
affects motivation since people are more inclined to act when they believe their
actions will have a bearing on the final result. Self-determination theory has
been used in a wide range of contexts, including employment, parenting,
exercise, and health. According to research, high levels of self-determination
can promote success in a variety of spheres of life. It was a sensible decision by
the writers of this legacy paper (Ryan et al., 2021) to draw attention to the
relevance and meaning of autonomous functioning in human lives. It was a
sensible decision by the writers of this legacy paper (Ryan et al., 2021) to draw
attention to the relevance and meaning of autonomous functioning in human

In connection to human motivation, growth, and wellbeing, Self-

Determination Theory (SDT) emphasizes the significance of three fundamental
psychological needs: autonomy, relatedness, and competence (ARC);
nonetheless, what has always been distinctive about the theory is its emphasis
on autonomy. Attachment theorists have done an effective job of examining
relatedness, while the motivational theory of life span development has
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

highlighted competence. Because many people conflate autonomy with the

ideas of independence, self-reliance, and individualism, it is crucial to
concentrate on what autonomy actually means. SDT defines autonomy as
having a sense of volitional control over one's activities. Self-determination
theory states that in order to experience psychological growth, persons must
feel the following: Autonomy, which is the sense of being in charge of one's own
actions and objectives. People's feelings of self-determination are greatly aided
by their perception of being able to take immediate action that will lead to
genuine change. When people need to learn new abilities and become task
masters, they are said to be competent. People are more inclined to take
activities that will forward their goals when they believe they possess the
necessary talents for success. People need to have a sense of connection or
relatedness when they want to feel like they belong and are attached to other
people. Imagine someone who drops the ball on a crucial assignment at work.
If someone has a high level of self-determination, they will own up to their
mistakes, think they can solve the issue, and act to change it. If the same
individual lacked self-determination, they may seek out other people or events
to blame instead. They could offer justifications, place responsibility, or deny
that they played a part. Perhaps most significantly, this person won't be
inspired to correct the error. Instead, they could have a sense of helplessness
and think that nothing they do would change the issue.

The motivation of teachers is crucial in fostering a positive learning

environment. Self-determination theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 2000) can provide
light on the motivations of teachers, including why they go on teaching and
accomplish their jobs.
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023



1. Administrators and -Development of the
professor’s assessment survey questionnaire
of the level of -Administration and
motivation under the retrieval of accomplished
work-from-home set-up survey questionnaires
as to: through Online platform
1.1. Autonomy -Statistical treatment of
1.2. Teaching data
Competence -Analysis and
1.3. Satisfaction interpretation of data Intervention Program
1.4. Self-Efficacy
2. Challenges
encountered by the
respondents on the
above mentioned

FIGURE 1. Conceptual Paradigm

The diagram shows the outline of the study. The input contains the variables

considered as the major factors such as the administrators and professor’s

assessment to the level of motivation under the work-from-home set-up as to:

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

autonomy, teaching competence, satisfaction, and self-efficacy. Second the

challenges encountered on the above mentioned variables. And lastly, the

intervention program.

The process includes the development of the survey questionnaire,

preparation, administration and retrieval of accomplished survey

questionnaires through the Online Survey, statistical treatment of data, and

analysis and interpretation of data

The output is the intervention program for school employees. .


The study aimed to determine the work-from-home level of motivation of

administrators and professors. Specifically, it will sought answers to the
following sub problems:

1. How do the administrators and professors assess the level of motivation

under the work-from-home set-up as to:

1.1. Autonomy

1.2. Teaching Competence

1.3. Satisfaction

1.4. Self-Efficacy

2. What are the challenges encountered by the respondents on the above

mentioned variables?
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

3. Is there a significant difference in the assessments of the two (2) groups of

respondents as to the above mentioned variables?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the assessments of the two (2)

groups respondents and the challenges encountered?

5. Based from the findings, what intervention program may be proposed?


This research aims to know the relationship of the motivation of the

administrators and professors, and the Work-from-home setup on their
teaching process. The study also aims to know if the work-from-home setup for
the administrators and professors is effective on their way of teaching.


The study was about the work-from-home level of motivation of

Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Santa Rosa administrators and
professors in the work from home setup during the pandemic. The total
respondents were 50, which according to most statisticians it is the minimum
sample size to get any kind of meaningful result is. If the target population is
less than 50 then the researchers have to survey all of them (Bisits 2021). The
study was conducted during Academic Year 2022-2023.

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

This chapter presents the procedures adapted by the researchers about

the details on the research design, population and sampling, respondents of

the study, research instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical

treatment of data applied in order to come up with this study.


The researchers will utilize the descriptive quantitative method. A

research design is the procedure for collecting, analyzing, interpreting and

reporting data in research studies. According to Creswell (2018). Quantitative

research is an approach for testing objective theories by examining the

relationship among variables. These variables, in turn, can be measured,

typically on instruments, so that numbered data can be analyzed using

statistical procedures. The final written report has a set structure consisting of

introduction, literature and theory, methods, results, and discussion. Like

qualitative researchers, those who engage in this form of inquiry have

assumptions about testing theories deductively, building in protections against

bias, controlling for alternative or counterfactual explanations, and being able

to generalize and replicate the findings.


First, the researchers will ask the administrator to provide them the list

of teachers employed in Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta. Rosa

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

Campus. After having the list the researchers personally conducted the data

gathering and explained to the respondents' the purpose of the study. Then,

the researchers introduced themselves to the selected teacher who will answer

the prepared questionnaire. They explained the procedures of answering

questionnaires and guaranteed them of confidentiality. The questionnaires will

be given through google forms to avoid the spread of viruses. The results will

automatically be collected right after they answer them. The gathered data we

tallied, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted.


1. Weighted mean will use to determine the teachers (a) autonomy, (b)

competence and(c) connected and relatedness.

2. Chi-Square - A chi-square statistic is one way to show a relationship

between two categorical variables. In statistics, there are two types of

variables: numerical (countable) variables and non-numerical (categorical)

variables. The chi-squared statistic is a single number that tells you how much

difference exists between your observed counts and the counts you would

expect if there were no relationship at all in the population.


Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

Sub-problem No.1. 1. How do the administrators and professors assess the

level of motivation under the work-from-home set-up as to:

1.1. Autonomy

Table 1 

Assessment of the Respondents on the Level of Motivation on WFH as to


Autonomy Professor Administrator

WM Int Rank WM Int Rank CM Int Rank

1. I select teaching 4.47 O 1 4.75 A 1 4.55 A 1

approaches and strategies.

2. I utilize instructional
4.25 O 5 4.50 A 4 4.32 O 5
3. I am mostly guided by
4.21 O 6.5 4.46 O 6.5 4.28 O 6.5
the school guidelines.
4. I have a little say about
the scheduling of my time 4.10 O 8 4.25 O 10 4.14 O 9

in my handle/subjects. 
5. I assess/evaluate the 4.28 O 3 4.54 A 2.5 4.35 O 2.5
students activities.
6. I have lessons presenting
4.00 O 10 4.29 O 9 4.08 O 10
the content and skills in my
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

7. I have
4.28 O 3 4.54 A 2.5 4.35 O 2.5
materials/resources utilized
for delivering the lesson.
8. I have standards in my 4.21 O 6.5 4.46 O 6.5 4.28 O 6.5
class set by myself. 
9. I have a little say over the
4.28 O 3 4.46 O 6.5 4.33 O 4
content/skill selected in
teaching my subjects. 
10. I have my own dictates
4.03 O 9 4.46 O 6.5 4.15 O 8
as to when and how topics
are taught

Average Weighted Mean 4.21 O 4.47 O 4.28 O

Table 1 presents the assessment of the professors and administrators on the

level of motivation on WFH as to autonomy.

       It could be seen in the table that indicator “I select teaching approaches

and strategies” is assessed as always as supported by the combined mean of

4.55. Meanwhile, the other indicators were assessed as often. These were the

indicators “I assess/ evaluate the students activities”, “I have

materials/resources utilized for delivering the lesson”, “I have a little say over

the content/ skills selected in teaching subject/s”, “I utilize instructional

planning”, “I am mostly guided by the school guideline”, “I have standards in

my class set by my-self”, “I have a little say about the scheduling of my time in

my handle subject/s”, and “I have lesson presenting the content and skills in
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

my subject/s” as supported by the combined means of 4.35, 4.35, 4.33, 4.32,

4.28, 4.28, 4.15, 4.14, and 4.08 respectively.

       Moreover, the assessment of the professors and administrators obtained

an average weighted mean of 4.21 and 4.47 respectively. Hence, it can be

inferred that professors and administrator’s assessment on autonomy aspects

were often as supported by an overall average weighted mean of 4.28. 

To support the data, In the book of Rick & Salokangas (2018). Teacher

autonomy has become an increasingly popular research topic over the past

decade, reflecting wider, national and global education trends. In this light, this

article investigates and compares the perceptions of German and Swedish

teachers concerning their professional autonomy. The findings show that the

teacher is interviewed in German and Sweden value autonomy in various

domains and dimensions differently, even if there also are many similarities. In

instruction, that is, the educational autonomy domain.

1.2. Teaching Competence

Table 2

Assessment of the Respondents on the Level of Motivation on WFH as to

Teaching Competence
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

Teaching Competence Professor Administrator

WM Int Rank WM Int Rank CM Int Rank

1. I have mastery of the

4.08 O 8.5 4.43 O 3 4.18 O 6
topics/subject matter that I
2. I praise students for
exceptional work 4.11 O 6 4.39 O 4 4.19 O 5

3. I have clear information about

the objectives, contents and 4.11 O 6 4.71 A 1 4.28 O 2

assessment methods.
4. I inform students about the
4.29 O 1 4.32 O 6.5 4.30 O 1
competencies that will be
expected to acquire
5. I manage my classes
4.13 O 4 4.50 A 2 4.23 O 4
6. I encourage the students and
motivate them to learn. 4.08 O 8.5 4.18 O 9.5 4.11 O 9
7. I attend/respond to students'
question in the class 4.03 O 10 4.21 O 8 4.08 O 10
8. I use varied teaching
strategies that are suited to
students' needs. 4.14 O 3 4.18 O 9.5 4.15 O 8

9. I assess students' works

objectively and efficiently.
4.22 O 2 4.32 O 6.5 4.25 O 3
10. I use resource materials that
4.11 O 6 4.36 O 5 4.18 O 7
facilitate students learning. 

Average Weighted Mean 4.13 O 4.36 O 4.20 O

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

 Table 2 presents the assessment of the professors and administrators on the

level of motivation on WFH as to teaching competence.

       As portrayed in the table, the indicators were assessed as often. These

were the indicators “I inform students about the competencies that will be

expected to acquire”, “I have clear information about the objectives, contents

and assessment methods”, “I assess students works objectively and efficiently”,

“I manage my classes effectively”, “I praise students for exceptional work”, “I

have mastery of the topics/ subject matter that I teach”, “I use resource

materials that facilitate students learning”, “I use varied teaching strategies

that are suited to student’s needs”, “I encourage the students and motivate

them to learn”, and “I attend/respond to students questions in the class” as

supported by the combined means of 4.30, 4.28, 4.25, 4.23, 4.19, 4.18, 4.18,

4.15, 4.11, and 4.08 respectively.

       Moreover, the assessment of the professors and administrators obtained

an average weighted mean of 4.13 and 4.36 respectively. Hence, it can be

inferred that professors and administrator’s assessment on teaching

competence aspects were often as supported by an overall average weighted

mean of 4.20. 

To support the data, In the book of  Dolev and Leshem, (2017).  A

growing body of intelligence (EI) to different life aspects, including personal well
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

being, quality of social relationships and effectiveness. In the field of education,

EI has been linked to different aspects of school life, such as learning,

academic achievements and pro social behavior among students and more

recently, to effective teaching. Abun (2019) .The study wanted to determine the

relationship between teachers’ behavior in classroom and student’s

participation in classroom discussion. To support the study, theory was

proposed, and related literature and studies were reviewed. To carry out the

study, statement of the problems were proposed, and validated questionnaires

were used to gather the data. The study used descriptive correlation research

design aided by fact finding inquiry to explain teachers’ behavior and it’s

correlation with students’ participation in classroom discussion.

1.3. Satisfaction

Table 3

Assessment of the Respondents on the Level of Motivation on WFH as to


Satisfaction Professor Administrator

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

WM Int Rank WM Int Ran CM Int Rank


1. I am paid well 4.63 A 1 4.75 A 1 4.66 A 1

2. I have full credit for the work I
4.36 O 3 4.46 O 3 4.39 O 3
3. I am not rewarded the way it 4.39 O 2 4.64 A 2 4.46 O 2
should be
4. I have all the support needed 4.25 O 5 4.18 O 6 4.23 O 4
from my superior
5. I have time management 2.53 S 10 2.89 S 10 2.63 S 10
6. I am more comfortable in a
work-from-home set-up in terms of 4.14 O 7 4.39 O 4 4.21 O 5.5
working environment.
7. I have chance to try something
different in my job.
4.03 O 9 4.00 O 9 4.02 O 9
8. I have chance to develop new
and better ways to do my job.
9. I have freedom to use my own 4.06 O 8 4.21 O 5 4.10 O 8
judgement .
10. I have chance to work that is
well suited to my abilities. 
4.22 O 6 4.11 O 7 4.19 O 7

4.28 O 4 4.04 O 8 4.21 O 5.5

Average Weighted Mean 4.09 O 4.17 O 4.11 O

Table 3 presents the assessment of the professors and administrators on the

level of motivation on WFH as to satisfaction.

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

As reflected in the table, indicator “I am paid well” is assessed as always

as supported by the combined mean of 4.66. Meanwhile, the other indicators

were assessed as often. These were the indicators “I am not rewarded the way I

should be”, “I have a full credit for the work I do”, “I have all the support

needed from my superior”, “I am more comfortable in a work-from-home set-up

in terms of working environment”, “I have a chance to do work that is well

suited to my abilities”, “I have freedom to use my own judgement”, “I have

chance to develop new and better ways to do my job” as supported by the

combined means of 4.46, 4.39, 4.23, 4.21, 4.21, 4.19, 4.10, and 4.02

respectively, However, the indicator “I have time management” is assessed as

sometimes as supported by the combined mean of 2.63.

Moreover, the assessment of the professors and administrators obtained

an average weighted mean of 4.09 and 4.17 respectively. Hence, it can be

inferred that professors and administrator’s assessment on satisfaction aspects

were often as supported by an overall average weighted mean of 4.11. 

According to Han Jiying and Hongbiao (2016). The past decade has

witnessed in research on teacher motivation which has been proved a crucial

factor closely related to a number of variables in education such as student

motivation, educational reform, teaching practice and teachers’ psychological

fulfillment and well-being. To address the constant calls for teacher motivation

research, this paper attempts to pose a comprehensive review of teacher

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

motivation studies conducted from diversified theoretical perspectives. Five

research areas related to teacher motivation and teaching effectiveness: teacher

motivation teacher motivation and teaching effectiveness: teacher motivation

and student motivation teacher motivation research across different disciplines

and the instruments for assessing teacher motivation. Based on a critique of

existing literature in terms of theoretical perspectives, research methodology,

research content and content and concerns about contextual issues, potential

directions for future research  are finally proposed.

1.4. Self-Efficacy

Table 4

Assessment of the Respondents on the Level of Motivation on WFH as to


Self-Efficacy Professor Administrator

WM Int Rank WM Int Rank CM Int Rank

1. I have views on important school

4.08 O 8.5 4.43 O 3 4.18 O 7
2. I have instructional/material
4.13 O 5.5 4.39 O 4 4.20 O 5.5
equipment needed
3. I have most difficult students in
the class/subject/s 
4. I have lack of support (family, 4.14 O 3.5 4.71 A 1 4.30 O 1
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

friends, etc.)
5. I have to get students to work
together 4.29 O 1 4.32 O 6.5 4.30 O 2

6. I have to motivate students who

show low interest in school work 4.13 O 5.5 4.50 A 2 4.23 O 4

7. I have to get students to follow

online class rules.
4.08 O 8.5 4.18 O 9.5 4.11 O 9
8. I have to get students to do their
homework/ project/s 
9. I have to make students enjoy 4.06 O 10 4.21 O 8 4.10 O 10
attending online classes
10. I have to get students to trust
teachers O
4.11 O 7 4.18 O 9.5 4.13 8

4.25 O 2 4.32 O 6.5 4.27 O 3

4.14 O 3.5 4.36 O 5 4.20 O 5.5

Average Weighted Mean 4.14 O 4.36 O 4.20 O

Table 4 presents the assessment of the professors and administrators on the

level of motivation on WFH as to self-efficacy.

It can be gleaned that all the indicators were assessed as often. These

were the indicators “I have most difficult students in the class/subjects”, “I

have lack of support (family, friends, etc.)”, “I have to make students enjoy
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

attending online classes”, “I have to get student to work together”, “I have

instructional materials/ equipment needed”, “I have to get students to trust

teachers”, “I have views on important school matters”, “I have to get students to

do their homework/projects”, “I have to motivate students who show low

interest in school work”, and “I have to get students to follow online class

rules” as supported by the combined means of 4.30, 4.30, 4.27, 4.23, 4.20,

4.20, 4.18, 4.13, 4.11, and 4.10 respectively,

Moreover, the assessment of the professors and administrators obtained

an average weighted mean of 4.14 and 4.36 respectively. Hence, it can be

inferred that professors and administrator’s assessment on self-efficacy aspects

were often as supported by an overall average weighted mean of 4.20. 

Moreover, in the study conducted by  Akman Yener (2018). The Teacher

occupies a central position and is very strategic in the education system.

Teachers are a dominant factor in relation to improving the quality of

education. This is because the teacher is an inseparable part of the overall

education system. In the study of Edrada (2018). This research employed a

qualitative method based on focus on group discussions and individual

interviews of teachers from different jurisdictions in the Philippines and

supplemented with a critical analysis of the educational reform in the country.

Based on the findings, the concept of teacher leadership still struggles to thrive

in school organizations. This paper has highlighted two phenomena that make
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

it a challenge for teacher leadership to blossom: one is the traditional

‘principal-oriented’ nature of leadership training and teacher classification that

they follow. According to Jimenez (2020). The teacher, aside from the

challenges he/she faces in everyday work, the rigors of student management

and the mountain of paperwork, is also confronted with the task to be

emotionally mature, exhibit positive work habits, and display high teaching

performance. This study aimed to determine the emotional quotient, work

attitude, and teaching performance of secondary school teachers. The study

used a descriptive-correlational method of research.

Sub-problem No. 2. What are the challenges encountered by the

respondents as to the above mentioned variables?

2.1. Autonomy

Table 5

Challenges Encountered as to Autonomy

Autonomy Professor Administrator

WM Int Rank WM Int Rank CM Int Rank

1. Lack of
4.47 A 1 4.75 SA 1 4.55 SA 1
resources for
utilizing for
delivering the
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

2. Lack of
A 3 4.50 SA 3 4.31 A 3
about the subject
3. Lack of 4.18
A 4 4.46 A 4 4.26 A 4
experience and/or
training with
4.Difficulty in 4.07
utilizing A 5 4.25 A 5 4.12 A 5

5. Poor internet A 2 4.54 SA 2 4.34 A 2

Average Weighted 4.21 A 4.46 A 4.28 A


Table 5 presents the challenges encountered by the professors and

administrators on the level of motivation on WFH as to autonomy.

It could be seen that indicator “Lack of materials/resources for utilizing

for delivering the lesson” is assessed as strongly agree as supported by the

combined mean of 4.55. Meanwhile, the other indicators were assessed as

agree. These were the indicators “Poor internet connection”, “Lack of

inquiries/communication about the subject/s”, “Lack of experience and /or

training with instructional technology”, and “Difficulty in utilizing instructional

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

planning” as supported by the combined means of 4.34, 4.31, 4.26, and 4.12


Moreover, the assessment of the professors and administrators obtained an

average weighted mean of 4.21 and 4.46 respectively. Hence, it can be inferred

that professors and administrator’s assessment on autonomy aspects were

agree as supported by an overall average weighted mean of 4.28.

            In the study of Guillen-Gamez Francisco  (2019). In the area of foreign

languages, it is necessary to develop the digital competence of future teachers

in order to improve the teaching-learning process that they will carry out with

their students. However, different intrinsic variables of teachers can influence

their use of information and communication technologies (ICT). The main

objective of this study is to analyse the use of  ICT by future primary education

teachers. The secondary objective  is to find out whether age, gender and

seemotivation affect their use of ICT.  Non- experimental research has been

carried out with sample of 134 future teachers, specifically those teaching

foreign languages.

2.2. Teaching Competencies

Table 6

Challenges Encountered as to Teaching Competencies

Teaching Competencies Professor Administrator

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

WM Int Rank WM Int Rank CM Int Rank

1. Difficulty to manage 4.01 A 5 4.29 A 5 4.09 A 5

classes effectively
2. Difficulty to attend some
student in 4.26 A 2 4.54 SA 1 4.34 A 1.5
online class
3. Conflict in encouraging and
motivating the
4.18 A 3 4.46 A 3 4.26 A 3
students to learn
4.Conflict in assessing/
evaluating 4.29 A 1 4.46 A 3 4.34 A 1.5
students activities
5. Lack of resource materials
4.03 A 4 4.46 A 3 4.15 A 4
that facilitates
student learning

Average Weighted Mean 4.16 A 4.44 A 4.24 A

Table 6 presents the challenges encountered by the professors and

administrators on the level of motivation on WFH as to teaching competencies.

As portrayed in the table, the indicators were assessed as agree. These

were the indicators “Conflict in assessing/ evaluating student’s activities”,

“Difficulty to attend some students in online classes”, “Conflict in encouraging

and motivating student’s activities”, “Lack of resource materials that facilitates

students learning”, and “Difficulty to manage classes effectively” as supported

by the combined means of 4.34, 4.34, 4.26, 4.15, and 4.09 respectively.
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

              Moreover, the assessment of the professors and administrators

obtained an average weighted mean of 4.16 and 4.44 respectively. Hence, it can

be inferred that professors and administrator’s assessment on teaching

competency aspects were agree as supported by an overall average weighted

mean of 4.24.

              According to Madrunio (2016). The study upon which this chapter is

based is premised on the importance of teacher’s views about learner

autonomy, an area in the literature which has not been given sufficient

attention by scholars. This paper points to teacher responds’ informed

skepticism is that learner autonomy. The reason for their skepticism is that

learner autonomy is always set against the backdrop of educational

infrastructures and cultural norms which are largely beyond the control of the

teachers also embrace the potential of learner autonomy to transform learners’

lives. This paper concludes with a note on the situatedness of learner

autonomy that is, it is a range of conditioned practices enacted within

institutional and sociocultural infrastructures

2.3. Satisfaction

Table 7

Challenges Encountered as to Satisfaction

Satisfaction Professor Administrator

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

WM Int Rank WM Int Rank CM Int Rank

1. Difficulty in a work from 4.42 A 1 4.75 SA 1 4.51 SA 1

homeset up working
2. Difficulty to try something 4.24 A 3.5 4.50 SA 3 4.31 A 3
different in my job
3. Conflict in time 4.24 A 3.5 4.46 A 4 4.30 A 4
4. Lack of support from my 4.08 A 5 4.75 A 5 4.13 A 5
5. Lack of freedom to use 4.29 A 2 4.54 SA 2 4.36 A 2

Average Weighted Mean 4.25 A 4.50 SA 4.32 A

Table 7 presents the challenges encountered by the professors and

administrators on the level of motivation on WFH as to satisfaction.

As reflected in the table, indicator “Difficulty in a work from home set-up

working environment” is assessed as strongly agree as supported by the

combined mean of 4.51. Meanwhile, the other indicators were assessed as

agree. These were the indicators “Lack of freedom to use judgement”, “Difficulty

to try something different in my job”, “Conflict in time management”, and “Lack

of support from my superior” as supported by the combined means of 4.36,

4.31, 4.30, and 4.13 respectively. 

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

Moreover, the assessment of the professors and administrators obtained an

average weighted mean of 4.25 and 4.50 respectively. Hence, it can be inferred

that professors and administrator’s assessment on satisfaction aspects were

agree as supported by an overall average weighted mean of 4.32. 

            In the study of Edrada (2018). This research employed a qualitative

method based on focus on group discussions and individual interviews of

teachers from different jurisdictions in the Philippines and supplemented with

a critical analysis of the educational reform in the country. Based, on the

findings, the concept of teacher leadership still struggles to thrive in school

organizations. This paper has highlighted two phenomena that make it a

challenge for teacher leadership to blossom: one is the traditional ‘principal-

oriented’ nature of leadership training and teacher classification that they


2.4. Self-Efficacy

Table 8

Challenges Encountered as to Self-Efficacy

Self-efficacy Professor Administrator

WM Int Rank WM Int Rank CM Int Rank

1. Lack of 4.44 A 2 4.75 SA 1 4.53 SA 1

 support (family, friends, etc )
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

2. Difficulty to students to 3
4.24 A 2 4.50 SA 3 4.31 A
follow class rules
3. Difficulty to motivate
students who show low 4
interest in school works/ 4.21 A 2 4.46 A 4 4.28 A
4. Conflict in most difficult
students in the class/subject 4.07 A 2 4.25 A 5 4.12 A 5
5. Conflict in class/ subjects/
4.28 A 2 4.54 SA 2 4.35 A 2

Average Weighted Mean 4.25 A 4.5 SA 4.3 A

0 2

Table 8 presents the challenges encountered by the professors and

administrators on the level of motivation on WFH as to self-efficacy.

              It could be seen that indicator “Lack of support (family, friends, etc.)”

is assessed as strongly agree as supported by the combined mean of 4.53.

Meanwhile, the other indicators were assessed as agree. These were the

indicators “Conflict in class/ subjects/ scheduling”, “Difficulty to students to

follow online class rules”, “Difficulty to motivate students who show low

interests in school works/ subjects”, and “Conflict in most difficult students in

the class/ subjects” as supported by the combined means of 4.35, 4.31, 4.28,

and 4.12 respectively. 

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

Moreover, the assessment of the professors and administrators obtained an

average weighted mean of 4.25 and 4.50 respectively. Hence, it can be inferred

that professors and administrator’s assessment on self-efficacy aspects were

agree as supported by an overall average weighted mean of 4.32. 

              According to Jimenez (2020). The teacher, aside from the challenges

he/she faces in everyday work, the rigors of student management and the

mountain of paper work, is also confronted with the task to be emotionally

matured, exhibit positive work habits, and display high teaching performance.

This study aimed to determine the emotional quotient, work attitude, and

teaching performance of secondary school teachers. 

Sub-problem No. 3. Is there a significant difference in the assessments of

the two (2) groups of respondents as to the identified variables?

Table 9

Difference in the Assessments of the Respondents on Level of Motivation

on WFH

Variables p-value Hypothesis Conclusion

Autonomy 0.1054 Accept Ho Not Significant

Teaching Competence  0.0719 Accept Ho Not Significant

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

Satisfaction 0.1146 Accept Ho Not Significant

Self-Efficacy 0.1075 Accept Ho Not Significant

Note: Level of significance at 0.05

Table 12 reveals that there is no significant difference on the assessments of

the respondents on the level of motivation on WFH in terms of autonomy,

teaching competence, satisfaction, and self-efficacy supported by the computed

p-value of 0.1054, 0.0719, 0.1146 and 0.1075 accepted the null hypotheses.

Sub-problem No. 4. Is there a significant relationship between the

assessments of the two (2) groups of respondents and the challenges


Table 10

Relationship between the assessments of the Respondents and the

Challenges Encountered
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

Variables p-value Hypothesi Conclusion

o Autonomy  0.5639 Accept Ho Not t
vs  Significant
e Challenges encountered :

Teaching Competence  0.3060 Accept Ho Not

vs  Significant
Challenges encountered

Satisfaction  0.0000 Reject Ho Significant

Challenges encountered

Self-Efficacy  0.0000 Reject Ho Significant

Challenges encountered
Level of significance at 0.05

Table 13 presents the relationship between the assessments of the respondents

the level of motivation on WFH as to autonomy, and teaching competence, and

the challenges encountered supported by computed p-value of 0.5639 and

0.3060 accepted the null hypotheses. Thus, there is no relationship between

the assessments of the respondents the level of motivation on WFH as to

autonomy, and teaching competence, and the challenges encountered.

       Meanwhile, the relationship between the assessments of the respondents

the level of motivation on WFH as to satisfaction, and self-efficacy, and the

challenges encountered supported by computed p-value of 0.0000 and 0.000

rejected the null hypotheses. Hence, there is no significant relationship

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

between the assessments of the respondents the level of motivation on WFH as

to satisfaction, and self-efficacy, and the challenges encountered.

Sub-problem No. 5. Based on the findings of the study, what intervention

program may be proposed?

       Most of the professors and administrators describe the given challenges

encountered as “very often” during the work from home set-up.

There is no significant difference on the assessments of the respondents on the

level of motivation on WFH in terms of autonomy, teaching competence,

satisfaction, and self-efficacy.

There is no relationship between the assessments of the respondents the level

of motivation on WFH as to autonomy, and teaching competence, and the

challenges encountered. Meanwhile, there is no significant relationship

between the assessments of the respondents the level of motivation on WFH as

to satisfaction, and self-efficacy, and the challenges encountered.


Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

1. Majority of the professors and administrators in Polytechnic University of the

Philippines – Santa Rosa agreed on the level of motivation under WFH set-up

as to autonomy, teaching competence, satisfaction, and self-efficacy.

2. Most of the professors and administrators agreed that the challenges

encountered during the work from home set-up were “Lack of materials/

resources for utilizing for delivering the lesson”, “Poor internet connection”,

“Lack of inquiries/ communication about the subjects”, “Lack of experience

and or training with instructional technology”, and “Difficulty in utilizing

instructional planning”. As observed these is more on challenges encountered

as to autonomy.

3. This shows that there is no significant difference on the assessments of the

respondents on the level of motivation on WFH in terms of autonomy, teaching

competence, satisfaction, and self-efficacy.

4. It was found out that there is no relationship between the assessments of

the respondents the level of motivation on WFH as to autonomy, and teaching

competence, and the challenges encountered. Meanwhile, there is no

significant relationship between the assessments of the respondents the level of

motivation on WFH as to satisfaction, and self-efficacy, and the challenges

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

5. To continually enhance the strategies from the work from home set-up,

project SLC or (School Leadership Collaboration) is suggested as an

intervention scheme.


1. The professors and administrators of Polytechnic University of the

Philippines – Santa Rosa may enhanced their strategies in handling these level

of motivation under the work from home set-up as to the above mentioned

variables. They may create or explore other options to be more productive and

balanced in the working environment.

2. Address the most common problems encountered by the professors and

administrators which is mostly in autonomy aspect through giving an

enhanced plan or action plan. Another is the implementation of Psychological

First Aid to establish a positive and strong connection and communications

with the professors, administrators and students and provide mental health

psychosocial support.

3. Maintain and enhance the strategies in the work from home set-up so that

it will be more effective and productive for their job performance level.

4. The intervention program could be used to improve the assessed level of

motivation and the challenges encountered on the autonomy aspect.

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

Enhancement on the Psychological First Aid is needed through the intervention


5. The suggested intervention scheme can be sent to the school for review and

approval before being applied. Similar studies in the intervention scheme could

be concluded to provide more clarity on the issues surrounding the work from

home set-up in the school.


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from home. White Swan Foundation.




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COVID-19 Crisis and HR Practitioner Response. Frontiers.
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023

Teachers’ Experiences Working from Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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I. (2021, December 21). How to work from home effectively as a teacher or


Panadero, E. (2022b, March 28). Teachers’ Well-Being, Emotions, and

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