Stats Res
Stats Res
Stats Res
A Thesis
In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree
the Philippines – Santa Rosa during the work-from-home setup. The results of
this study could help in preparing for similar crises in the future and provide
insights into what can be done to support teachers in maintaining their
motivation to teach.
FIGURE 1. Conceptual Paradigm
The diagram shows the outline of the study. The input contains the variables
intervention program.
1.1. Autonomy
1.3. Satisfaction
1.4. Self-Efficacy
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023
statistical procedures. The final written report has a set structure consisting of
First, the researchers will ask the administrator to provide them the list
Campus. After having the list the researchers personally conducted the data
gathering and explained to the respondents' the purpose of the study. Then,
the researchers introduced themselves to the selected teacher who will answer
be given through google forms to avoid the spread of viruses. The results will
automatically be collected right after they answer them. The gathered data we
1. Weighted mean will use to determine the teachers (a) autonomy, (b)
variables. The chi-squared statistic is a single number that tells you how much
difference exists between your observed counts and the counts you would
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023
1.1. Autonomy
Table 1
in my handle/subjects.
5. I assess/evaluate the 4.28 O 3 4.54 A 2.5 4.35 O 2.5
students activities.
6. I have lessons presenting
4.00 O 10 4.29 O 9 4.08 O 10
the content and skills in my
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023
7. I have
4.28 O 3 4.54 A 2.5 4.35 O 2.5
materials/resources utilized
for delivering the lesson.
8. I have standards in my 4.21 O 6.5 4.46 O 6.5 4.28 O 6.5
class set by myself.
9. I have a little say over the
4.28 O 3 4.46 O 6.5 4.33 O 4
content/skill selected in
teaching my subjects.
10. I have my own dictates
4.03 O 9 4.46 O 6.5 4.15 O 8
as to when and how topics
are taught
It could be seen in the table that indicator “I select teaching approaches
4.55. Meanwhile, the other indicators were assessed as often. These were the
materials/resources utilized for delivering the lesson”, “I have a little say over
my class set by my-self”, “I have a little say about the scheduling of my time in
my handle subject/s”, and “I have lesson presenting the content and skills in
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023
To support the data, In the book of Rick & Salokangas (2018). Teacher
autonomy has become an increasingly popular research topic over the past
decade, reflecting wider, national and global education trends. In this light, this
teachers concerning their professional autonomy. The findings show that the
domains and dimensions differently, even if there also are many similarities. In
Table 2
Teaching Competence
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023
assessment methods.
4. I inform students about the
4.29 O 1 4.32 O 6.5 4.30 O 1
competencies that will be
expected to acquire
5. I manage my classes
4.13 O 4 4.50 A 2 4.23 O 4
6. I encourage the students and
motivate them to learn. 4.08 O 8.5 4.18 O 9.5 4.11 O 9
7. I attend/respond to students'
question in the class 4.03 O 10 4.21 O 8 4.08 O 10
8. I use varied teaching
strategies that are suited to
students' needs. 4.14 O 3 4.18 O 9.5 4.15 O 8
As portrayed in the table, the indicators were assessed as often. These
were the indicators “I inform students about the competencies that will be
have mastery of the topics/ subject matter that I teach”, “I use resource
that are suited to student’s needs”, “I encourage the students and motivate
supported by the combined means of 4.30, 4.28, 4.25, 4.23, 4.19, 4.18, 4.18,
mean of 4.20.
To support the data, In the book of Dolev and Leshem, (2017). A
growing body of intelligence (EI) to different life aspects, including personal well
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023
academic achievements and pro social behavior among students and more
recently, to effective teaching. Abun (2019) .The study wanted to determine the
proposed, and related literature and studies were reviewed. To carry out the
were used to gather the data. The study used descriptive correlation research
design aided by fact finding inquiry to explain teachers’ behavior and it’s
1.3. Satisfaction
Table 3
were assessed as often. These were the indicators “I am not rewarded the way I
should be”, “I have a full credit for the work I do”, “I have all the support
combined means of 4.46, 4.39, 4.23, 4.21, 4.21, 4.19, 4.10, and 4.02
According to Han Jiying and Hongbiao (2016). The past decade has
fulfillment and well-being. To address the constant calls for teacher motivation
research content and content and concerns about contextual issues, potential
1.4. Self-Efficacy
Table 4
friends, etc.)
5. I have to get students to work
together 4.29 O 1 4.32 O 6.5 4.30 O 2
It can be gleaned that all the indicators were assessed as often. These
have lack of support (family, friends, etc.)”, “I have to make students enjoy
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023
interest in school work”, and “I have to get students to follow online class
rules” as supported by the combined means of 4.30, 4.30, 4.27, 4.23, 4.20,
Moreover, in the study conducted by Akman Yener (2018). The Teacher
Based on the findings, the concept of teacher leadership still struggles to thrive
in school organizations. This paper has highlighted two phenomena that make
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023
they follow. According to Jimenez (2020). The teacher, aside from the
emotionally mature, exhibit positive work habits, and display high teaching
2.1. Autonomy
Table 5
1. Lack of
4.47 A 1 4.75 SA 1 4.55 SA 1
resources for
utilizing for
delivering the
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023
2. Lack of
A 3 4.50 SA 3 4.31 A 3
about the subject
3. Lack of 4.18
A 4 4.46 A 4 4.26 A 4
experience and/or
training with
4.Difficulty in 4.07
utilizing A 5 4.25 A 5 4.12 A 5
5. Poor internet A 2 4.54 SA 2 4.34 A 2
planning” as supported by the combined means of 4.34, 4.31, 4.26, and 4.12
average weighted mean of 4.21 and 4.46 respectively. Hence, it can be inferred
in order to improve the teaching-learning process that they will carry out with
objective of this study is to analyse the use of ICT by future primary education
teachers. The secondary objective is to find out whether age, gender and
seemotivation affect their use of ICT. Non- experimental research has been
carried out with sample of 134 future teachers, specifically those teaching
foreign languages.
Table 6
by the combined means of 4.34, 4.34, 4.26, 4.15, and 4.09 respectively.
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023
obtained an average weighted mean of 4.16 and 4.44 respectively. Hence, it can
mean of 4.24.
autonomy, an area in the literature which has not been given sufficient
skepticism is that learner autonomy. The reason for their skepticism is that
infrastructures and cultural norms which are largely beyond the control of the
2.3. Satisfaction
Table 7
agree. These were the indicators “Lack of freedom to use judgement”, “Difficulty
average weighted mean of 4.25 and 4.50 respectively. Hence, it can be inferred
2.4. Self-Efficacy
Table 8
2. Difficulty to students to 3
4.24 A 2 4.50 SA 3 4.31 A
follow class rules
3. Difficulty to motivate
students who show low 4
interest in school works/ 4.21 A 2 4.46 A 4 4.28 A
4. Conflict in most difficult
students in the class/subject 4.07 A 2 4.25 A 5 4.12 A 5
5. Conflict in class/ subjects/
4.28 A 2 4.54 SA 2 4.35 A 2
It could be seen that indicator “Lack of support (family, friends, etc.)”
Meanwhile, the other indicators were assessed as agree. These were the
follow online class rules”, “Difficulty to motivate students who show low
the class/ subjects” as supported by the combined means of 4.35, 4.31, 4.28,
average weighted mean of 4.25 and 4.50 respectively. Hence, it can be inferred
he/she faces in everyday work, the rigors of student management and the
matured, exhibit positive work habits, and display high teaching performance.
This study aimed to determine the emotional quotient, work attitude, and
Table 9
on WFH
p-value of 0.1054, 0.0719, 0.1146 and 0.1075 accepted the null hypotheses.
Table 10
Challenges Encountered
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023
Most of the professors and administrators describe the given challenges
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023
Philippines – Santa Rosa agreed on the level of motivation under WFH set-up
encountered during the work from home set-up were “Lack of materials/
resources for utilizing for delivering the lesson”, “Poor internet connection”,
as to autonomy.
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023
5. To continually enhance the strategies from the work from home set-up,
intervention scheme.
Philippines – Santa Rosa may enhanced their strategies in handling these level
of motivation under the work from home set-up as to the above mentioned
variables. They may create or explore other options to be more productive and
with the professors, administrators and students and provide mental health
psychosocial support.
3. Maintain and enhance the strategies in the work from home set-up so that
it will be more effective and productive for their job performance level.
5. The suggested intervention scheme can be sent to the school for review and
approval before being applied. Similar studies in the intervention scheme could
be concluded to provide more clarity on the issues surrounding the work from
Jeurkar, R. (2020, March 30). Managing your mental health while you work
Chen, Z. (2021c, September 23). Influence of Working From Home During the
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna
Academic Year 2022-2023