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Ed 695b Final Competencies - Brunsgaard

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ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies (required for all Higher Education/Student Affairs)

Portfolio Evaluation Form - Stacy Brunsgaard

SKILL/KNOWLEDGE Initial (ED 695A) Mid-Program (Practicums) Final (ED 695B or ED 699)
A. Advising & Supporting Self Score (1-5) and Comments Self Score (1-5) and Comments Self Score (1-5) and Comments

A1. Interpersonal Skills: 4 – Between my years of experience in the 5 - As I continue my work as an academic 5 - My daily work with students in mostly a
Know theory and techniques for advising and field, my previous education, and the advisor at a new institution, my continued one-on-one capacity allows for me to
supporting others from various cultures and various professional development experience and professional development continuously hone my interpersonal skills and
identities. Ability to help others set goals and opportunities I’ve had, interpersonal skills continue to keep my interpersonal skills cater my advising style to each individual
achieve them; to evaluate what students need are a strength for me. Meeting with students strong. student and their unique needs to create
to succeed. Dispositions to support others, on a daily basis allows me to continuously trusting relationships.
foster trust, and respect the identities, views, work on these skills.
and choices of others.

A2. Professional Development: 3 – I am hoping to build these skills more 4 - Professional development opportunities 4 - I feel that professional development is
Know current laws, policies, and techniques with MSU. I have experience and have done such as the Appreciative Advising Institute, something to always be pursued, as new
for advising and helping. Ability to use some professional development, but I could Mental Health First Aid, Humanize my resources and tools become available. I have
technology to increase knowledge and skills; stand to have more formal training. Hoodie, and the Intercultural Development recently completed trainings for being on
to advise and inform others. Dispositions to Inventory have expanded my skills in this hiring committees as well as holistic nursing
keep knowledge and skills current; to use area. admissions that included identifying and
creative thinking to facilitate others’ confronting biases.

A3. Group Dynamics: 2 – Again, an area I have practical 3 - Again, professional development 4 - My expertise in group advising has
Know theory and techniques for advising and experience in, but not much formal training. opportunities such as the Appreciative expended as I have participated in advising
supporting groups. Ability to help groups set For example, I was using a solution-focused Advising Institute and the Intercultural and registration sessions for new students as
and achieve goals and reflect on them; to approach for a long time before I knew what Development Inventory have expanded my well as presenting admission/application
address implicit conflicts and other obstacles it was called. I am hoping to learn more skills in this area. requirements to pre-nursing students. I have
to success. Dispositions to support groups about this. plans to continue to explore ways to support
and respect their views and choices. students in group settings.

ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies (required for all Higher Education/Student Affairs)

A4. Partnering with Others: 1 – This is definitely an area of 3 - I have worked on this skill extensively, 5 - This past year I have worked extensively
Know how to connect with local and external improvement for me. My first roles in especially since moving to another institution. with the nursing department in working
resources; to design and promote programs. student affairs were at a private, for-profit Between new employee training and towards a new an updated program including
Ability to identify, assess, and promote institution where these things didn’t exist, so professional development opportunities, I application and admission requirements. I
referral services; mentor others; create I’ve always felt this has been a deficit area gained new knowledge and experience. It all advocated for the best interest of students and
interventions in response to student needs. for me. accumulated in the grad outreach project I worked towards communicating the changes
Disposition to promote the growth and health worked on for spring 2022. to the program with students and colleagues.
of others.

A5. Conflict and Crisis Situations: 3 – I often seek out regular professional 4 - Mental Health First Aid training has 4 - I continue to be aware of crises situations
Know crisis intervention plans; various development opportunities in this area, as helped me to develop skills for intervening and when to escalate to receive counseling
approaches to problem solving and the techniques and skills are often evolving with students in crisis and referring to and mental health support for my students. I
mediation. Ability to advocate for others; to and updating as time goes by. appropriate resources. also continue to use my extensive experience
discern when conflicts are escalating. in advising to calm stressed/anxious students
Dispositions to think creatively and and get them to think about next steps rather
critically; to respond with urgency in crisis; than dwelling on problems.
to care for people in need.

ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies (required for all Higher Education/Student Affairs)

B. Assessment, Evaluation and Research Self-Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments

B1. Terms and Concepts: 2 – I have not had much opportunity to work 4 - As I have worked more with the 4 - I continue to work with more data in my
Know and be able to describe terms, with these concepts in my professional role. communication team for advising and day-to-day activities. I am assisting with
concepts, and strategies, associated with I have some experience from my counseling, I have been utilizing more data testing a new advising dashboard that give
assessment, program review, evaluation, undergraduate and graduate educational and research to send out targeted information on my caseload of students.
planning and research. Disposition to view programs, but none recently. communication and make informed decisions
AER as an essential element for improvement for the department communication plan.
at the unit, division, institutional, and
professional levels.

B2. Values/Ethics/Politics: 2 – I have some experience with data and 3 - With the data I have been using for 4 - I have been involved in meetings within
Know the value of assessment and the ethical assessment, but not enough to be confident communication, there has been layers of the past year that have discussed data at the
principles associated with data collection, in using that information to create permissions and ethics. I have renewed college, how it is utilized, and how to access
management, analysis, and reporting. Ability institutional policies effectively. FERPA training and institutional data it. Continued discussions of what data is
to use results towards continuous policies. needed and how to use data will guide how I
improvement; to follow institutional policies continue to lead the initiatives I am in charge
and procedures. Dispositions to navigate of executing.
institutional politics effectively; to adhere to
standards; and to sustain a culture of

B3. AER Design: 2 – I have participated in evaluating and 3 - At my current institution, we have three 4 - I currently lead an initiative to work with
Know theoretical frameworks that align with editing student learner outcomes, but have college-wide goals, and must keep these goals students who are ready to graduate and have
organizational outcomes, goals, and values. never created them from scratch to have in mind with all student communications and not applied. This initiative is in direct
Ability to create learner-centered outcomes them align with goals and outcomes. initiatives. Data is tracked and assessed to response to one of the college’s goals, and
that align with divisional and institutional ensure goals are being met and initiatives are has a positive impact both for students and
priorities; to design and lead a process- successful. the college.
oriented strategy to address the assessment’s
purpose or research questions. Disposition to
think critically and systematically about
questions and problems of practice.

ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies (required for all Higher Education/Student Affairs)

B4. Methodology, Data Collection, and 2 – I’ve had some experience with this in the 4 - Recent college initiatives I have been 4 - I am still working with college initiatives
Data Analysis: research I did for my undergraduate work involved with have included data utilization, that include data utilization, collection, and
Know strengths and limits of research and graduate work, but not recently. I would collection, and assessment. I have been assessment. I still continue to be in
methodologies. Ability to match methodology need more experience in this competency to included in discussions about research and discussions about research and data.
with purpose of assessment and guiding gain more confidence. data.
questions; to collect and analyze data.
Dispositions to take a critical stance in
collection and analysis of data; rigorous
attention to detail; creative thinking.

B5. Interpreting, Reporting, and Using 2 – I can often get the gist of data, but need 4 - Recent college initiatives I have been 4 - I continue to collect data on the success of
Results: some guidance in interpreting it correctly involved with have included data utilization, the graduate outreach initiative I lead, and
Know how to interpret data in practical and not assuming causation when it is really collection, and assessment. I have presented have used the results to adjust the initiative
terms that are relevant to the institutional just correlation. If given guidance, I do not data to my department to show the success of and make it more impactful. Based on data
context. Ability to present results concisely in have difficulty presenting the data to others. one of our most recent initiatives. and feedback, the initiative continues to be
reports that are useful to a variety of successful.
audiences; to use findings to make informed
decisions and to align resources.
Dispositions to collaborate; to represent
findings accurately and fairly; to share
interpretations with stakeholders, including
C. Law, Policy, and Governance Self-Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments

C1. Laws and Legal System: 3 – I know of enough laws and regulations 4 - Between FERPA training and fall 2020 4 - I continue to stay up-to-date on the laws
Know laws of country, state or province, and (like FERPA) to do my job, but would like ED 630 Educational Law and structure; I am that impact my work as an Academic
regulations that both influence and govern to become more knowledgeable about them feeling more confident in this area. Advisor.
higher education. Ability to apply the law to and how to respond to new legislature.
policies and practices carried out by
individuals working in higher education.
Disposition to see the big picture and
respond appropriately to regulations
imposed by external influences.

ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies (required for all Higher Education/Student Affairs)

C2. Governance: 3 – I know my institution well and who to go 4 - I have worked within my union to work 4 - I continue to work with student affairs
Know the governance structure, policies, and to for most of my inquiries and suggestions with college leadership to implement new leadership on communication initiatives and
legal resources at one’s institution. Ability to for positive change. I have worked with the benefits. We worked together to consult learn what can and can’t be done based on
describe and interpret the procedures and campus governance to institute policy members of the union to create fair processes. policies at the college-level and the
processes required to engage with the change. Minnesota State level.
governance structure.
Dispositions to work collaboratively; consult
with stakeholders as appropriate; promote
equality, and challenge injustice.

C3. Ethical and Inclusive Application of 2 – I have done some committee work that 3 - Again, I have worked within my union to 5 - In my work with implementing the new
Policy: had addressed some of these things. I would work with college leadership to implement nursing program, I have learned a great deal
Know how policy is developed and applied, like more experience and practice doing so. new benefits. We worked together to consult about what it takes to change and develop
including how policies may promote or members of the union to create fair processes. programs. I’ve had many difficult/contested
discourage equitable practice. Ability to conversations and had to try and have more
engage in difficult conversations about stakeholders join the conversation. I’ve tried
contested issues, gather input from diverse to be a voice for both students and advisors.
stakeholders, and formulate policy that
appropriately represents stakeholders.
Disposition to work within the system to
propose and enact meaningful change where
all voices are represented.

C4. Civic Engagement: 1 – I have no experience in this competency. 2 - I have worked a bit in this area now, with 4 - With the new nursing program, I
Know how to engage with law, policy and health science advisory teams that include connected with advisors from Minnesota
governance outside of the University and content experts in the community. This is a State Universities to learn about their BSN
apply it to University systems. Ability to process that is required to maintain programs in order to ensure that our students
remain current with changing policies and to accreditation. would still have a fairly easy time applying
connect the institution’s constituents to the and being admitted even with upcoming
systems occurring outside the institution. changes.
Dispositions to become an active and
engaged citizen; to abide by democratic
processes and outcomes.

ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies (required for all Higher Education/Student Affairs)

D. Leadership Self-Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments

D1. Foundational and Theoretical 3 – I have done Dale Carnegie training and 4 - I now lead two workgroups, and have 5 - I have become more comfortable in my
Principles of Leadership: also have an MBA, which have both taught worked on creating missions, norms, values, role as a leader. In doing so, I have delegated
Knowledge of research, theory, and current me strong leadership skills. I also lead a roles, and goals with each group. more and have been able to set appropriate
practices that promote effective leadership. workgroup within my department. I would boundaries for myself and the amount of
Ability to identify needs, consider and apply like the opportunity to apply more work I can handle and be successful with.
leadership theory and models in one’s work. leadership skills within my institution.
Disposition to view leadership broadly, as a
complex response to addressing the needs of
people and organizations.

D2. Self-Awareness and Continual 2 – I have done some self-reflection, but not 3 - After an instance of conflict within one of 4 - I have addressed some of the issues of
Reflection: so much to feel confident about it, especially the teams I lead, I did a lot of self-reflection internal conflict within one of my teams, in
Know the experiences and theoretical when it comes to leadership skills and on myself as a leader and how things could be terms of sharing more of the responsibility to
perspective that inform one’s leadership. qualities. done differently to have a cohesive team. have more of a buy-in from team members.
Ability to engage in critical self-reflection Additional discussions may be needed to
and identify the relationship between beliefs brainstorm how to have members take a more
and actions. Disposition to reflect on one’s active role in initiatives.
influence and to exhibit congruence between
thoughts and leadership.

D3. Teamwork and Interpersonal Skills: 3 – I know how to identify strengths and 4 - I have completed strengths training 5 - I feel that I have a good ability to appeal
Know how to identify one’s strengths and weaknesses within myself. I also know how individually and with my department to work to people’s strengths and how they want to be
challenges as a leader and seek opportunities to use other’s strengths to the benefit the on utilizing team members’ best qualities and communicated with. This allows me to
to develop skills. Ability to create, nurture, team/department. nurture a healthy team. achieve consensus in many of the groups in
and advance an inclusive, cohesive team. which I participate.
Disposition to identify and develop skills of
self and others.

ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies (required for all Higher Education/Student Affairs)

D4. Change Management and Innovation: 3 – I learned many of these concepts during 4 - Recently, one of the teams I lead had went 5 - The nursing program went through a huge
Know leadership theories and practices that my MBA coursework, and some of my through significant change in terms of many change in terms of requirements and
can improve operations and campus cultures. undergraduate coursework. While I do not new members. I had to address conflicts and application/admission steps. I worked with
Ability to assess the political, social, and apply the knowledge often, I am comfortable how to proceed while addressing all students and staff to organize and
cultural landscape of one’s campus, the with the subject. stakeholders. communicate the changes and create tools
context of higher education, and society. that assist all with understanding the new
Dispositions to consult stakeholders; to think requirements. There were many times where I
strategically, critically, and creatively; to needed to display confidence when I had
take action in the face of criticism; to exhibit little.
confidence in the capacity of individuals to
organize and take action.

E. Organizational and Human Resources Self-Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments

E1. Assessment, Advocacy, and 2 – I have been on several hiring 3 - I have recently worked with both the 5 - With the new nursing program, I needed
Networking: committees, but haven’t had a strong desire records office and the health science to work across departments to advocate for
Know institutional policy and goals; to network with others outside my departments in terms of student/staff changes that were advantageous and fair for
professional networks and their impact on department unless there is a common communication and initiatives. The students.
goal achievement. Ability to communicate interest to be discussed. I work individually relationships need to be cultivated further.
with various groups; motivate others; most of the time, and need to work on
interview and select staff and assess seeking out assistance/teams more.
professional performance. Dispositions to act
with transparency; to cultivate appropriate
alliances and collaborate with others.

E2. Skill Development: 4 – I have recently developed a professional 5 - I continue to seek out professional 5 - As I am able, I continue to seek out
Know relevant professional development development plan for myself through the development opportunities and nurture my professional development opportunities.
practices and motivation theories; identify support of my supervisor. I have strong skills. I convey messages to my teams and Once this program is complete, I will seek out
areas for professional growth, create plans, skills in presenting information to others. I department and serve as a mentor for new marketing training to enhance my skills for
and facilitate development in self and others. have also trained my fellow team members employees to the college/department. the communication efforts I lead.
Know how to present relevant information in on new technologies and procedures.
a clear, organized, and manner; convey
essential information to appropriate
audiences as intended.
Dispositions to value continuous learning
and growth; to motivate self and others to
achieve organizational goals.

ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies (required for all Higher Education/Student Affairs)

E3. Hiring and Staffing: 4 – Since I have been on hiring committees, 4 - I have renewed the trainings recently, but 4 - I have renewed trainings recently and am
Know institutional policies and practices for I have had to do trainings on all of these have yet to further my knowledge in this area. prepared to serve on a hiring committee
fair and ethical recruitment and hiring; state/ practices and have used this knowledge should an opportunity present itself.
province and federal laws regulating recently.
employment; best practices for staffing
functional areas. Ability to design and
evaluate staffing structures with attention to
employee diversity and distribution of work;
create or contribute accurate information for
job descriptions.
Dispositions to create and value a diverse
workplace; to represent the institution,
workplace, and position accurately.
E4. Supervision, Communication, and 3 – I have studied these principles in my 3 - After an instance of conflict within one of 4 - I continue to work on my skills with
Conflict Resolution: previous MBA coursework. I am familiar the teams I lead, I did a lot of research and internal conflict resolution. I am coming to
Know scholarly literature and best practices with these concepts. planning to work through the incident with accept that conflict is natural and sometimes
related to supervision, conflict, and my team and have better relationships. the best outcome is to be able to work with
management. Ability to supervise others others while moving past a disagreement.
using a variety of techniques and
communication styles; negotiate with others
to resolve conflict; forecast needs of the
organization. Dispositions to guide and
critique the work of others; to accept conflict
as normal; to engage in resolution strategies.

E5. Crisis and Risk Management: 1 – I have no experience in this competency. 2 - I have done a bit of training in this area 3 - I continue to read anything that I come
Know campus risk management and with my institution’s public safety office. across in regards to crisis and risk
campus emergency management policies management. If I have the opportunity to
in response to critical incidents. Ability move into a supervisory role, I will actively
to create, interpret, and enforce policies seek out more training.
to minimize risk and liability. Disposition
to respond with urgency in critical

ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies (required for all Higher Education/Student Affairs)

E6. Resource Management, Stewardship, 2 – I have been exposed to a minimal 3 - This area was studied a bit in spring 2021 4 - I have not had any additional experience
and Sustainability: amount of this information in my previous ED 662 Administration in Student Affairs in this area, other than having projects where
Know institutional procedures for budgeting MBA coursework, but it was not much and and Higher Education. must work with the resources at hand and
and facilities use and policies related to it is not a strong subject for me. have no room for additional costs.
sustainability. Ability to monitor revenue and
expenditures and interpret financial reports;
conduct fundraising initiatives; cross-
divisional teams; assess risk and liability.
Disposition to use resources ethically and
conscientiously for long-term sustainability.
E7. Technology: 4 – I have helped implement an electronic 5 - I continue to utilize and learn current and 5 - I love learning about new technology and
Know resources supported by the institution check-in, online scheduling, and video new technology. how to implement it into efficient processes. I
and their application to one’s work. Ability animation site. I am also working on how to also have successfully trained others with
to use technology, teach others, and assess improve at-distance appointments with technology. I have offered to test and offer
the need to adopt new technologies. video conferencing. This is an area of feedback on advising caseload management.
Dispositions to learn new technology; to strength for me.
value innovation and adopt technology that
enhances one’s work.

F. Personal and Ethical Foundations Self Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments

F1. Wellness and Healthy Living: 3 – While I am aware of this information, I 3 - I have not sought out additional 4 - I have made recent changes to my lifestyle
Know health-related facts and behaviors. sometimes have a hard time motivating information in this area. in order to have a healthier life, with plans to
Ability to assess the state of one’s health and myself to actually use that knowledge. incorporate more healthy habits in the near
how to seek holistic wellness. Dispositions to future.
be disciplined in pursuit of wellness lifestyle,
to seek help, and to support others as needed.

F2. Ethical Codes and Professional 3 – I have a lot of educational knowledge 4 - I have continued professional 5 - I continue to consider ethics and how to
Standards: from this from my previous undergraduate development and explored it in fall 2021 hold myself and others accountable. I will
Know ethical codes and professional and graduate education. It was (and is) a Personal Communication and Ethics. seek guidance from my supervisor or
standards, how ethics intersects with legal subject I enjoy and feel comfortable with. colleagues if I am unsure how to proceed

ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies (required for all Higher Education/Student Affairs)

obligations and cultural influences. Ability to with a given situation.

articulate one’s ethical code and protocol for
decision making, hold others accountable,
and consult with others about ethical
practice. Dispositions to seek help, to accept
ethical guidance, to support others’
development, and to sustain an ethical
workplace culture.

F3. Self-Assessment and Reflection: 3 – I try to remain aware of my biases every 4 - The Intercultural Development Inventory 5 - I continue to constantly assess myself and
Know personal beliefs, values, assumptions, time I meet with a student to try and make has helped me understand my cultural view my views to understand how they impact my
biases. Ability to engage in rigorous and sure they have a fair and positive points and how I interact with others from actions and decisions.
systematic self-reflection and share insights experience. other cultures.
with others as appropriate. Dispositions to
seek meaning in experience and to implement
one’s insights.

G. Social Justice and Inclusion Self Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments

G1. Understanding of Self and Navigating 2 – I have studied this in the past, but do not 3 - The Intercultural Development Inventory 4 - With the new nursing program, I argued
Systems of Power: use this knowledge regularly. I would has helped me better understand this area as for equitable and transparent processes.
Knowledge of concepts of power and benefit from more experience and well. There are regular department Although not everything was considered, I
privilege in relation to identities, knowledge. discussions about equity and inclusion. argued for processes that wouldn’t advantage
intersectionality and equity. Ability to students who know how to “work the system”
operationalize methods to respond to social versus those who follow rules as written.
dynamics in an equitable manner.
Dispositions to be flexible in practice, to
account for differences, and advocate for
more equitable practice.

G2. Critical Assessment and Self-Directed 2 – I seek out trainings and professional 3 - The Intercultural Development Inventory 4 - I recently attended holistic admissions
Learning: development on this competency, but not and in spring 2021 ED 662 Administration in training, and did another review of my biases
Knowledge of how to conduct a critical often am I able to participate. Student Affairs and Higher Education also that, if ignored, would impact my decisions in
assessment of the micro and macro addressed some of these issues. scoring nursing applicants. I continue to
contributors to institutional inequities. reflect on the privilege I have and how to
Ability to practice continual self-reflection consider the perspectives of marginalized
ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies (required for all Higher Education/Student Affairs)

and consistently seek out opportunities for groups.

continued learning. Dispositions to foster a
culture of reflection; to seek out and include
the perspectives of marginalized groups.

G3. Engaging in Socially-Just Practice: 2 – My professional development has taught 3 - Regular professional development and 4 - Regular professional development,
Knowledge of behaviors and practices that me some of these skills, but I am not quite discussed in spring 2022 ED 753 College including holistic admissions training, as
promote inclusion. Ability to incorporate comfortable with this competency. Student Development. allowed me to examine my biases and
knowledge of inequities, social justice challenge those within myself.
frameworks, and social trends through daily
interactions, behaviors, and work products.
Disposition to dismantle bias, engage in
consciousness raising and lead by example in
a way that allows for learning and progress.

G4. Organizational Systemic Advocacy: 1 – I have little to no experience in this 3 - Regular professional development and 4 - With the new nursing program I
Knowledge of the manifestation of competency. recent initiatives have given me more advocated for equitable practices that would
institutional oppression and strategies to experience in this area. Also, in spring 2021 not advantage privileged individuals nor
create equity. Ability to build an active ED 662 Administration in Student Affairs disadvantage marginalized individuals.
network of campus stakeholders dedicated to and Higher Education.
facilitating change. Disposition toward
institutional and personal accountability,
while empowering others to do the same.

H. Student Learning and Development Self Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments

H1. Understanding Theory: 2 – I know a little bit about student 3 - Addressed in spring 2022 ED 753 College 4 - Addressed in spring 2023 ED 601
Know student development theories and development theories, but not much. This is Student Development. Psychological Foundations of Education.
models that facilitate holistic development. a competency that I hope to gain more
Ability to articulate how theoretical knowledge about.
constructs influence development; recognize
ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies (required for all Higher Education/Student Affairs)

how one’s own development can bias one’s

perspective. Disposition to think abstractly
about lived experience; to reflect on one’s
identity, learning, and practice.

H2. Design and Application: 1 – I have limited knowledge in this 3 - Addressed in spring 2021 ED 527 4 - Addressed in spring 2023 ED 601
Know theory-to-practice models and competency. Emerging Technology, where learning goals Psychological Foundations of Education, with
implementation steps. Ability to utilize were established and design and implementing theory in updating learning
learning goals to create intentional learning implementation of lessons were developed. assignments/opportunities.
strategies and opportunities. Disposition to
be intentional in using theory in the design
and implementation of learning

H3. Assessment and Integration: 2 – I have some experience evaluating 3 - Some recent initiatives I have been 4 - With the graduate outreach initiative I
Know appropriate steps to evaluate and effectiveness of new initiatives, but would involved with have required evaluation for lead, I continue to analyze what goes well and
assess the effectiveness of learning and like to expend my formal knowledge on the effectiveness. what could be improved, and adjust the
teaching. Ability to articulate, analyze and subject. process accordingly based on that data.
apply theory to improve practice at
individual, divisional and institutional levels.
Dispositions for social justice; to improve
practice, guided by theory.

I. Technology Self Score(1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments

I1. Technical Tools and Software: 4 – I love learning new technologies and 5 - I continue to learn and implement new 5 - Technology continues to be an area of
Know new technologies and current usage how to implement them for the benefit of all. technologies into my work. I am able to adapt strength for me, learning new tools and
patterns. Demonstrate ability to incorporate I have helped incorporate several new quickly to technical issues and either work resources and finding ways to implement
current technological tools into work, and be technologies into my department. I have through or solve them. them in thoughtful ways.
able to anticipate and troubleshoot software, strong skills in troubleshooting and solving
hardware and connectivity problems as technology issues.
appropriate. Disposition to demonstrate
adaptability in the face of fast-paced
ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies (required for all Higher Education/Student Affairs)

technological change.

I2. Data Use and Compliance: 2 – I am familiar with these laws, but not 3 - I have worked a little bit more with these 4 - I continue to familiarize myself with data
Know compliance laws and policies related very familiar. I would like to become more laws/policies in my current position, as well use and compliance laws. With my role as
to technology. Demonstrate ability to use and knowledgeable about them and understand as learned about and discussed in spring 2021 advising communication lead, I work with
secure electronic data according to legal and how they could affect my work. ED 527 Emerging Technology. student affairs leadership to ensure practices
ethical standards, utilize inclusive practices are compliant.
when developing online tools and be able to
analyze accuracy and quality of data.
Dispositions to value data accuracy and
promote a culture around technology that
fosters the legal and ethical use of data as
well as an overall sense of accessibility and

I3. Digital Identity and Citizenship: 2 – I am aware of this information for 3 - Again, I have worked a little bit more with 4 - I work more and more within the digital
Know one’s own digital identity and know myself, but have not had the opportunity to these laws/policies in my current position, as learning community and work with my
how to access digital learning communities share this with others. well as learned about and discussed in spring students to teach them to use responsible
in which professionals learn and network. 2021 ED 527 Emerging Technology. resources online for educational research.
Demonstrate the ability to teach others about
responsible engagement in digital
communities, and both utilize and
constructively contribute to local, country
and global digital learning communities.
Disposition to be aware of one’s digital
reputation and influence in digital
communities and networks.

ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies (required for all Higher Education/Student Affairs)

I4. Online Learning Environments: 3 – While I am not familiar with trend data 4 - Ever since the pandemic started I have 5 - I am fluent with online communications
Know research and trend data related to use now, I am familiar with implementing digital engaged even more in use of online materials with staff and students. I have designed
of technological tools. communications into my work. and resources. Also discussed in spring 2021 information sessions that were offered both
Demonstrate ability to appropriately ED 527 Emerging Technology. virtually and in-person.
integrate digital communications into one’s
work and be able to design and implement
co-curricular learning experiences in both
online and hybrid formats. Dispositions to be
a consumer of new information and to
collaborate when designing new tools and

J. Values, Philosophy, and History Self Score(1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments Self-Score (1-5) and Comments

J1. Historical Foundations: 2 – This is something I am starting to learn 3 - Learned about in fall 2019 ED 660 4 - Addressed in spring 2022 ED 753 College
Know historical roots of student affairs now in my Introduction to Student Affairs Student Affairs and Higher Education, as well Student Development and fall 2022 ED 717
profession. Ability to compare/ contrast course. as spring 2021 ED 662 Administration in Adult Learning.
current issues with historical trends and Student Affairs and Higher Education.
integrate into one’s practice. Disposition to
appreciate and build on historical context.

J2. Theoretical Foundations: 2 – I have studied a few of these topics as a 4 - Discussed in all coursework so far in the 5 - Discussed in all coursework in the MS
Know foundational philosophies, models, part of professional development, but not MS Educational Leadership program at Educational Leadership program and
and theories related to the profession. Apply much. This is what I am hoping to learn MSU. explored in depth in fall 2022 ED 717 Adult
scholarship in professional contexts to now. Learning and spring 2023 ED 601
enhance practice. Dispositions to theorize Psychological Foundations of Education.
practice; to advance new scholarship to the

J3. Societal/Cultural Context: 1 – I have little to no experience with this 3 - Discussed in Discussed in all coursework 4 - Discussed in all coursework in the MS
Know contributions made by the profession competency. I am hoping to learn this with so far in the MS Educational Leadership Educational Leadership program and
to higher education communities and beyond. MSU. program at MSU, but especially in spring explored in depth in fall 2022 ED 717 Adult
Ability to critique contemporary social and 2022 ED 753 College Student Development. Learning and spring 2023 ED 601
cultural issues and situate them into practice. Psychological Foundations of Education.
Disposition to appreciate global perspectives
ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies (required for all Higher Education/Student Affairs)

in higher education.

J4. Professional Service: 4 – With my years of experience, I know 5 - I work every day to remember this 5 - I continue to work every day to make
Know the value that student affairs and the and live this competency daily. I am in competency and make positive impacts in the things better for my students and my
higher education community assign to service to students and try to make their lives of my students. colleagues. I believe in positive change, even
service. Ability to contribute positively to the experience a positive one. I try to learn from if it means more/harder work. I am happy to
profession. my experiences, both good and bad. share what I have learned with others.
Dispositions to actively share lessons learned
through service to professional associations
and publications.

J5. Campus and Civic Engagement: 2 – I know of this competency, but need 3 - I am learning more about this competency 4 - I now understand that my support of my
Know the importance of campus and civic more guidance on how to enact civic as I progress through the MS Educational students and the college supports the
engagement play in fostering civic responsibility and engagement within Leadership program at MSU. community and creates globally responsible
responsibility. Ability to create intentional student affairs. citizens.
global engagement and citizenship
development opportunities. Disposition to
assume the responsibilities of a global


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