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Federal Republic of SURVEY 2006



Collaboration Between
National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and
National Bureau of
African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)
Statistics National Focal Point Secretariat

Map of Nigeria
List of Tables
List of Figures
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Executive Summary

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Objectives

2.0 Chapter Two

2.1 Methodology/Survey Design
2.2 Planning and Preparation
2.3 Survey Background
2.4 Coverage
2.5 Scope
2.6 Sample Design
2.7 Sample Size
2.8 Survey Instrument
2.9 Training of Field Staff
2.10 Data Collection Arrangement
2.11 Field Monitoring and Quality Assurance
2.12 Retrieval of Records/Questionnaires
2.13 Data Processing
2.14 Sample Achieved

3.0 Chapter Three

3.0 Survey Results
3.1 Socio Demographic Characteristics
3.2 General Knowledge about APRM/ Instruments and Standards

3.3.0 Thematic Areas

3.3.1 Democracy and Political Governance
3.3.2 Economic Governance and Management
3.3.3 Socio- Economic Development
3.3.4 Corporate Governance

4.0 Chapter Four
4.1 Observations
4.2 Conclusions
4.3 Recommendations

Appendix I Technical Appendices
i Definition of Terms and Concepts
ii Mass Household Questionnaire
Appendix II Statistical Appendices
i Percentage Distribution Tables



SDC Table Percentage Distribution of Persons by Gender (National)

SDC Table Percentage Distribution of Persons by Age Group (National)

SDC Table Percentage Distribution of Persons by Relationship to Head of the Household

SDC Table Percentage Distribution of Persons by Marital Status (National)

SDC Table Percentage Distribution of Persons by Education (Highest level completed)

SDC Table Percentage Distribution of Persons by Employment Status (National)

SDC Table Percentage Distribution of Persons by main Occupation (National)

SDC Table Percentage Distribution of persons by Institutional Sector (National)

SDC Table Percentage Distribution of Persons by Religion (National)


SDC Figure 3.1.1 Percentage Distribution of Persons by Age Group (National)

SDC Figure 3.1.2 Percentage Distribution of Persons by Marital Status (National)

SCD Figure 3.1.3 Percentage Distribution of Persons by Employment (National)

SCD Figure 3.1.4 Percentage Distribution of Persons by Religion (National)

Abbreviations and Acronyms

ADB African Development Bank

ADP Agricultural Development Programme
APRM African Peer Review Mechanism
ASCII American Standard Code for International Interchange
AU African Union
CBN Central Bank of Nigeria
CBOs Community Based Organizations
CBs Community Banks
CCB Code of Conduct Bureau
CRM Country Review Mission
CSAR Country Self-Assessment Report
CSM Country Support Mission
CSOs Civil Society Organizations
CSPro Census and Surveys Processing System
ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States
EA Enumeration Area
EFCC Economic and Financial Crime Commission
EU European Union
FAO Food and Agricultural Organization
FBOs Faith-Based Organizations
FCT Federal Capital Territory
FEC Federal Executive Council
FGD Focus Group Discussion
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GNP Gross National Product
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
ICT Information and Communications Technology
ICPC Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offences Commission
IMPS Integrated Micro-computer Processing System

LEEDS Local Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy
LGA Local Government Area
LROs Lead Research Organizations
MDGs Millennium Development Goals
MNC Multi-national Corporation
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MSMEs Micro, Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises
NAPEP National Poverty Eradication Programme
NAFDAC National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control
NDE National Directorate of Employment
NDLEA National Drug Law Enforcement Agency
NHIS National Health Insurance Scheme
NEEDS National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy
NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development
NFP National Focal Point (Secretariat)
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NPC National Planning Commission
NPoA National Programme of Action
NPRC National Political Reform Conference
NSC National Steering Committee
NWG National Working Group
OAU Organization of African Unity
POA Programme of Action
PPP Public Private Sector Partnership
PPR Public Procurement Reform
PSDP Public Service Delivery Programme
RES Rural Electrification Scheme
SAP Structural Adjustment Programme
SEEDS State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy
SMEDAN Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria
SMEs Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises
SMIEIS Small and Medium Industries Equity Investment Scheme

SPSS Statistical Package for Social Scientists
SSE Small Scale Enterprises Programme
TCs Thematic Coordinators
TRIs Technical Research Institutes
UBE Universal Basic Education
UN United Nations
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNECA United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNHCR United Nations High Commission for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations Children Fund
USA United States of America
VAT Value Added Tax
WHO World Health Organization

African Peer Review Mechanism
National Mass Household Survey 2006

List of NBS Major Participants

1. Dr. V. O. Akinyosoye DG (NBS)

2. Dr. G. O. Adewoye D (CSD)
3. Mr. F. B. Ladejobi DD (F & M)
4. Mrs. A. N. Adewinmbi DD (CMIS)
5. Mr. C. C. Nweze DD (FS)
6. Alh. R. A. Sanusi DD (M)
7. Mr. E. O. Ekezie AD (CMIS)
8. Mr. M. T. Owolabi AD (HSD)
9. Mr. M. S. Simon PSO 1 (CPTC)
10. Mr. S. A. Adeniran PS (M)
11. Mr. A. T. Adebisi PS (M)
12. Mr. T. A. Oladokun PS (M)
13. Mr. A. O. Ofunne PS (HSD)
14. Mr. J. O. Ogungbangbe PSO 11 (HSD)
15. Mrs. O. Oloyede SS (ESC)
16. Mrs. B. O. Adeniji SSO (HSD)
17. Mr. R. F. Busari SPA (CMIS)
18. Miss S. Offia SDPO (CMIS)
19. Mr. M. A. Akinola HDPO (CMIS)
20. Mr. U. Ekwejunor-Etchie SPA (CMIS)
Secretariat Staff
21. Mrs. F. B. Ajayi Secretary (CSD)
22. Mrs. H. I. Ogunkoya Secretary (CSD)
23. Mrs. O. A. Adeyinka Secretary (HSD)

The National Mass Household Survey was undertaken by National Bureau of Statistics
(NBS) in collaboration with the National Focal Point Secretariat of African Peer Review
Mechanism(APRM-NFP). The National Mass Household Survey is one of the largest
surveys conducted by NBS. NBS is much appreciative of the confidence reposed in her to
conduct this important survey.

NBS is grateful to the Presidency and particularly, to the National Coordinator of APRM,
Ambassador, Isaac A. Aluko-Olokun, for the level of cooperation and understanding
extended to NBS to conduct the Mass Household Survey with its attendant challenges.

We want to also extend our appreciation to the APRM Director, Dr. Gabriel Gundu and the
Thematic Coordinators(TCs), Prof. Alex Gboyega, Prof FON Roberts, and Hon. Benson A.
Ekujumi, the Statistician that coordinated the survey on behalf of APRM and also helped to
review the report. NBS is grateful for their technical support.

NBS is obliged to thank the Director General and other members of staff of National
Orientation Agency (NOA) and the Civil Society Organizations who assisted in monitoring
the main survey in all the selected Local Governments in the 36 states of the Federation
and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Their contributions were invaluable in validating
the field exercise.

NBS worked with a team of committed staff from the Censuses and Surveys Department,
Field Services and Methodology Department, Corporate Planning and Technical
Coordination, Computer Management and Information Services Department and the
Secretariat Staff.

Dr. George O. Adewoye

Censuses and Surveys
Project Coordinator


The National Mass Household Survey remains the largest survey organized by African
Peer Review Mechanism (APRM). APRM is an instrument voluntarily acceded to by
member states of the African Union as a self – monitoring mechanism for African states.
The primary purpose of the APRM is to foster the adoption of policies, standards and
practices that lead to political stability; high economic growth; sustainable development;
and accelerated sub – regional and continental economic integration through the sharing of
experiences and the re- enforcement of successful and best practices, including identifying
deficiencies and assessing the needs of capacity building.
The National Mass Household Surveys was designed to capture the perceptions of
Nigerians at all levels of the society, particularly at the grassroots.
Four thematic Areas of governance were covered by the survey. These were: Democracy
and Political governance, Economic governance and Management, Socio – Economic
Development, and Corporate Governance.
Each thematic area had its set broad objectives which were addressed in the
questionnaire. These were mostly the issues addressed by the millennium development
goals (MDGS) as domesticated by Nigeria.
The outcome of the results would help to provide National Plan of Action (NPOA) for good
governance and poverty reduction by government and could also be used by Research
This Report is being recommended to government, programmed managers in the private
sector, policy formulators and evaluators, the multi- nationals and other international
agencies. However, your further comments on the improvement of this report would be
highly welcome.

DR. V. O. Akinyosoye
Director General
African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) is the flagship programme of New
Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). APRM is an instrument voluntarily acceded
to by member States of the African Union as a self-monitoring mechanism for African
States. The mandate of APRM is to ensure that Policies and Practices of Participating
States conform to the agreed political, economic and corporate governance values, codes

and standards contained in the Declaration on Democracy, Political, Economic and
Corporate Governance. Nigeria acceded to APRM in 2003. In the process of being
reviewed, APRM-National Focal Point Secretariat (APRM-NFP) decided to conduct a Mass
Household Survey (MHS) in the country in order to provide scientific data on the
perceptions of Nigerian citizens on the governance in Nigeria, taking account of the four
thematic areas of APRM and the objectives of each of the thematic areas. National Bureau
of Statistics was given the responsibility to conduct the MHS. It was specifically charged
with the responsibility of capturing the perceptions of Nigerians on governance and socio-
economic development, rule of law, national ownership and popular participation in
governance, transparency, accountability, credibility, inclusiveness, technical competence,
independence of the electoral process and also independence from political manipulation.
Essentially, the survey covered the 36 States of the Federation and the Federal
Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja.
All the four Thematic Areas of APRM were covered. These were:
(a) Democracy and Political Governance
(b) Economic Governance and Management
(c) Socio-economic Development
(d) Corporate Governance
In the Sample Design, three Senatorial Districts/Local Governments Areas were
covered. There were 200 households covered in each LGA, and 22,200 households
covered throughout the federation.
The Survey was monitored by APRM team of Monitors, the National Orientation
Agency (NOA), and NBS Senior Technical Staff.

Socio- Demographic Characteristics
The gender issue was taken into consideration among the respondents as 51.5
percent were males and 48.5 percent were females.

The youths formed the largest group of respondents as age group 12-24 years
constituted 35.5 percent; and 25-35 years formed 22.1 percent of the respondents with the
percentage decreasing with other age groups.
Nigeria being a secular state, NBS tried to categorize the respondents by religion.
They were; Muslims (49 percent); Christians (47.7 percent); traditional religion (1.6 percent)
and others unspecified (1.7 percent).
General Knowledge about APRM
Only 11.1 percent of the respondents contacted had knowledge about APRM with
88.9 percent claiming ignorance of it. Those who knew about APRM indicated that their
source was mainly through radio (78.4 percent), television (34.9 percent) and Newspapers
(33.9 percent).
Instruments and Standards
On the extent to which Nigeria has taken measures to sign, ratify, adopt and comply
with the international and regional instruments and standards listed in the APRM
questionnaire, only 21.5 percent considered the extent as “very high”; “moderate extent”
was 26.7 percent; “low extent” was 14.5 percent and “very low” was 16.5 percent while
those who “did not know” about it were 20.9 percent. Only 24 percent of the respondents
had knowledge of NEPAD and their perceptions on the challenges facing government in
implementing the NEPAD Initiative were identified as:
(i) Political insecurity/instability (70.1 percent)
(ii) Illiteracy among the people (68.9 percent)
(iii) Indiscipline (13.2 percent)
(iv) Others - unspecified (91.5 percent).

Thematic Areas
Democracy and Political Governance
There are nine broad objectives in this thematic area.

Prevention and reduction of intra and inter State conflicts

The major factors contributing to the occurrence and/or increase of internal conflicts
in the country were identified as “ethnicity”, and “political exclusion/marginalization” (41.0
percent); “poverty and unemployment” (39.3 percent), particularly in the South South and
South East geo-political zones.
When the sources of conflicts between African countries were examined, the
respondents considered “cross-border crime” as ‘very high’ (31.0 percent). Others include:
“political difference” (like the ownership of Bakassi between Nigeria and Cameroon), “illicit
arm trade”, “resource control” and racial difference”.

Constitutional Democracy, Political Competition, the Rule of Law, Citizen Rights and
Supremacy of the Constitution
About one third (37.0 percent) of all the respondents believed that the laws made by
the legislatures have positive impact on their lives especially at the State level, such as
Niger (71.3 percent), Benue (57.3 percent), Borno (52.9 percent) and Ekiti State (52.7
It was the considered opinion of the respondents that their political representatives
were not representing their interest adequately as they were not satisfied with their
performance. On the rule of law, 67 percent of the respondents were of the opinion that the
rule of law was not adhered to in Nigeria and that there was inequality in its application.

Promotion and Protection of Political, Civil, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Elections conducted in Nigeria in 1999 and 2003 had been described as not being
free and fair and particularly worse in 2003 (68.3 percent). About 30.0 percent of the
respondents reported that culture, economic, social, civil and political rights are partially
protected in the country. The Labour Union was rated highest among the organizations
protecting and promoting individual rights in the country.

Fighting Corruption in the Political Sphere

Since the inception of the present Administration, fighting corruption has been one of
its major concerns. About 62 percent of the respondents agreed that the fight against
corruption has been on the increase. The respondents (53.1 percent) rated the level of
corruption as ‘very high’ in the country, with 30.3 percent considering it as ‘high’ and 10.9

percent as ‘moderate’. The bottom - line is that 83.4 percent of the respondents believe
that there is corruption in Nigeria. They have rated “inadequate welfare” (55 percent) and
“poverty” (51 percent) as very serious factors contributing to corruption in the country.
Other factors include; “lack of job security” (42 percent); “societal/cultural values” (40
percent) and “unequal distribution of rights” (36 percent).
Among the Institutions established to combat corruption in Nigeria, Economic and
Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) was rated highest (64.2 percent), followed by
Independent Corrupt Practices and related offences Commission (ICPC), and the Due
Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women
Giving women equal access to education was seen as a strong measure to promote
and protect gender equality. “Economic empowerment” of women and their “appointment
into positions of decision-making” were also identified as crucial. About 35 percent of the
respondents have said that involvement of women in the executive in all tiers of
government and other sectors would help to prevent and protect the rights of women.

Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Vulnerable Groups

Poverty was identified as one of the major factors militating against the promotion of
“child rights” in Nigeria. Most of the child abuse and human trafficking have been traced to
poverty in the households.
On the attitude of government at all levels towards the Protection of Rights of the
vulnerable groups, the present Administration have been scored below 40 percent.
However, it is believed that more can still be done by government.


Economic Governance and Management focuses on five broad objectives.

Promotion of Macro-economic Policies for Sustainable Development

The objective relates to issues such as inflation rate, exchange rate, growth in real
GDP, the fiscal deficit to GDP, and resource mobilization et cetera.
The outcome of the survey showed little or no improvement in the living standards of
most Nigerian citizens in the past two years and that the value of the currency (naira) had
reduced. The cost of living over the past 2 years had increased with most citizens
struggling to survive. Though the inflation rate has reduced officially, the impact was not
reported in the survey. Income of some Nigerians has been reported to have increased but
the purchasing power remains low. Obtaining credit or loan in the past years had not been
easy for most citizens as reported by the respondents because of “inability to provide
collaterals” and also because of the “high interest rates” apart from “long loan processing
period” by the financial institutions.
In the last five years, the respondents reported increase in the prices of goods
despite government’s lower rate of inflation. The exchange rate was said to have been
fairly stable though with some slight increase.

Promotion of Sound Public Finance Management

The respondents were of the opinion that the “Reforms” carried out in Nigeria Custom
Service brought about increase in domestic resource mobilization.
The re-capitalization and re-consolidation of 89 Banks into 25 strong Banks in
Nigeria have received the support of Nigerians (50 percent). The respondents believed
that businesses could be better if the people have access to micro-credit facilities. The
respondents have thrown their weight behind the establishment of Revenue Allocation and
Mobilization Committee. The publishing of Statutory Revenue Allocation by the Federal
Ministry of Finance was applauded by most respondents as it has encouraged
transparency and accountability in Public Finance.
The respondents decried government’s not prioritizing its development projects and
the way the implementation of the projects were carried out. They complained of not
involving external bodies/independent organizations like the Civil Society Organizations in
supervising/monitoring and evaluating the development projects. They also complained of
not been informed about the financial management of development projects carried out at
the State and Local Government Level.

Fighting Corruption and Money Laundering
The survey revealed that corruption was very high in Nigeria and that the process of
accountability was inefficient. Some of the Public Officers were reported to be demanding
bribes before performing their normal duty. The respondents rated EFCC highest in the
fight against corruption in the counting over ICPC, Code of Conduct Bureau, and the “Due
They also commended the efforts of NAFDAC for fighting against “killer drugs” and
NDLEA for its role in preventing the smuggling of drugs and narcotics.
Accelerating Regional Integration
About three-quarters of the respondents were aware of regional bodies in Africa
such as Economic Commission for West African States, Economic Commission for Africa,
African Development Bank (ADB) and African Union (AU). Some respondents believed in
the use of the same currency by ECOWAS members-States, who to them, it will promote
sub-region economic trade or exchanges in the region.

This thematic area focuses on six broad objectives.

Promotion of Self-Reliance and Sustainable Development

The National Poverty Alleviation Programme is seen as a pet of the present
Administration to fight poverty in the country. The respondents rated the effectiveness and
efficiency of the programme low, as it has not met with the needs of the citizens.
The domesticated Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Economic Reforms
introduced by the present Administration were seen as good but faulted the application and
implementation strategy. NEEDS programme was said to have made some impact in the
financial sector all over the country but SEEDS and LEEDS are yet to be fully integrated in
the States and LGAs respectively. The level of awareness of LEEDS is very low at the
LGA level.
The provision of basic facilities and/or services to the community was seen to be
mainly the responsibility of government. The huge allocation of funds to provide
facilities/services like education, health care, potable water, energy (electricity supply),
financial services were said to be unjustifiable at the end of every financial year. Electricity

supply which could have cushioned businesses and generated employment particularly in
the “informal sector” was rated ‘very low’ by the respondents.
The UBE was hailed by most respondents but that the quality of teachers, and the
welfare of the pupils should be improved upon.

Accelerating Socio-economic Development

The respondents saw subsistence agriculture as the mainstay of Nigerian economy
but would want government to encourage agriculture with the provision of inputs.
Commercial agriculture was seen to be practiced by only a few individuals and groups. If
there were constant supply of electricity, provision of potable water and other infrastructure
like housing, and provision of good roads, the country would have developed better, and
more citizens, as reported, would have gone into small-scale businesses.
The level of poverty was rated very high in the country. The factors identified to be
responsible for poverty were: Unemployment, Low level of education, Lack of farm input,
absence of social infrastructure, non access to loan, and inflation in the country.

Strengthening Policies and Delivery Mechanism

Government policies on education have been described as quite dynamic. Policies
on education were applauded but they have to be given time for effective impact in the
Water supply is yet to be adequate for Nigerians as most citizens in the South South
geo-political zone rely on rivers/stream for their drinking water. Most of the citizens in the
same geo-political zone defecate on “surface water” (87 percent), while those in the
northern zones still make do with “traditional pit toilet”, and “ventilated improved pit latrine”.
Most of the citizens use “firewood straw” for their cooking with others using “kerosene”

Progress towards Gender Equality

Government is gender sensitive and has allocated more women to positions of
decision-making than in previous administrations. It has also encouraged more women to

go into politics. The respondents gave government “kudos” in this direction, but solicited
for more encouragement.
Promote and encourage broad-based participation in development by all
stakeholders at all levels

The respondents were of the opinion that the planning and development of
programmes, policies and projects, and the budgeting process have not been broad-based.
They believed that they have been inhibited by factors like: “bribery and corruption”;
“political influence”; “lack of transparency” and “god- fatherism”.

Corporate Governance focuses on five broad objectives.

Promotion of enabling environment and effective regulatory framework for economic


Nigeria is an agrarian society. Agriculture still remains the mainstay of the economy.
Only about 25 percent of the respondents owned a business. However, business
ownership varies from one geo-political zone or urban centre to another. More people are
into small-scale business in the southern part of Nigeria than in northern part of the country.
About half of the respondents confirmed that their business was better today than it was
since 2003.
Corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability
Some Corporations in Nigeria were said to be observing Labour Laws. Most of the
Labour Laws existing today were recommended to be revised by the Legislature. Nigerian
workers were said not to be adequately protected in their place of work. For environmental
protection laws, the respondents were of the opinion that the mechanisms put in place were

Promoting the Adoption of Good Business Ethics

Less than 20.0 percent of the respondents were engaged in “formal” employment.
Most of them are engaged in employment in the “informal” sector like it is commonly found
among the Nigerian citizens in the South East zone.

Corruption in Nigeria
Like in other thematic areas, corruption was rated “very high” in the country. On the
effectiveness of agencies tackling corruption in Nigeria, EFCC was rated highest as been
the most effective agency. This was followed by ICPC, Code of Conduct Bureau, and “Due
Process”. A lot of ‘lootings’ from the Treasury were said to have been uncovered, and some
funds saved through the stringent application of the “Due Process.”

Rights of Shareholders and Stakeholders

Only about 2.0 percent of the respondents owned shares in companies compared
with 98.0 percent who did not own any. About 60.0 percent of those who own shares
confirmed that they received regular information from their companies. About 83.0 percent
of those who own shares also reported that they were treated with respect and fairness.

Accountability of Corporations, Directors and Officers

About 66 percent of those who own shares in companies reported that shareholders
received audited accounts from their companies every year. About 65.0 percent of the
shareholders among the respondents also confirmed that the audited accounts represented
the correct position of what transpired in the companies.


Reference Number






SECTOR (Urban=1 Rural =2)




Completed => 1 Partially Completed => 2
Not at Home=> 3 Refused => 4
Household not Located => 5 Moved Away => 6
Others (Specify)=> 7






Plot 762, Independent Avenue, Central business district, ABUJA



Office of the secretary to the government of the federation,
Federal secretariat, ABUJA

Reference Number


The African peer Review Mechanism (APRM) is a programme of the New

Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) for fostering good governance in
African countries. It is basically a mutually adopted instrument for self-
monitoring by African countries, using agreed African and international
standards. The peer review process is designed to enthrone and deepen good
governance in the continent. As part of the APRM process, each country is
expected to carry out a self-assessment of its performance on
(a) Democracy and Political Governance;
(b) Economic Governance and management;
(c) Socio-Economic development; and
(d) Corporate Governance.
This interview forms part of the effort to assess Nigeria’s performance on the
four thematic issues. The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) is responsible for
the mass household survey. NBS is the foremost National Information resource
centre selected because of its competence in carrying out such research.

Your views will be helpful in giving the public a good picture of the performance
of the country on the various aspects of good governance of concern to the
peer review process.
Whatever views that you express during this interview will be treated with
utmost confidentiality and shall not be disclosed to anyone unconnected
with the research. You are not required to disclose your political

Thank for your candid opinions

Reference Number

Reference Number
General Knowledge about the APRM

Have you heard about the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)? (Enter code)
1 = Yes; 2 = No (If No go to Q5)

Q2 If yes, through what medium or media? (You can tick more than one option)
1. Newspaper
2. Radio
3. Television
4. Conference
5. Workshop
6. Market place
7. Taxi Union
8. Others

Q3 Are you aware that Nigeria has agreed to the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)?
(Enter code) 1 = Yes ; 2 = No

Instruments & Standards

Q4 To what extent has Nigeria taken measures to sign, ratify, adopt and comply with the
international and regional instruments and standards listed in the APRM Master
Questionnaire? (Enter code)
1=High extent;2 = Moderate extent;3 = Low extent;4 = Very low extent; Don’t know

Q5 Do you think the Nigerian government is complying with the objectives of the Millennium
Development Goals (MDG) in its national development plan? (Enter code)
1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know

Q6 In your view, is the Nigerian government enforcing the African Charter for Popular
Participation of 1990?(Enter code)
1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know

Q7 To what extent would you rank the Nigerian government in complying with the principles
of ownership and broad-based participation of the New Partnership for Africa’s
Development (NEPAD) in its development policy and projects? (Enter code)
1 = Good; 2 = Fair; 3 = Poor; 4 = Very Poor

Q8 Have you heard about NEPAD? 1=Yes; 2=No (Enter code)

Q9 If yes, do you understand the objectives of NEPAD?

(Enter code) 1 = Yes; 2 = No (If No go to thematic 1)

Reference Number

If yes, in your opinion, what are the challenges facing the Nigerian government in
implementing the NEPAD initiative? (You can tick more than one option)
1. Corruptions
2. Political Insecurity/Instability
3. Illiteracy
4. Indiscipline
5. Don’t Know
6. Others (Specify)

Reference Number

SECTION B : Thematic
Objective 1: Promotion of Self-Reliance and Sustainable Development
In your opinion, how effective are the government’s poverty alleviation programmes and
projects? 1 = Very effective; 2 = Effective; 3 = Not effective; 4 = Don’t know

Q2 What are the poverty-reduction programmes and projects that you know? Tick as many
Poverty reduction programmes
1. National Agency for Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP)
2. National Directorate of Employment (NDE)
3. Agric Development Programme (ADP)
4. Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP)
5. Others (Specify)

Q3 What are your suggestions for improving on the poverty–reduction programmes and projects
mentions in Q2?
Poverty reduction programmes
1. Enlightenment/Sensitization
2. Employment Generation
3. Practical Implementation
4. External monitoring by the Government
5. Others (Specify)

Q4 Are you aware of the government’s National Economic Empowerment and Development
Strategy (NEEDS)? 1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know

Q5 Are you aware of the State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (SEEDS)?
1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know

Q6 Are you aware of the Local Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (LEEDS)?
1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know

Q7 In your view, do the NEEDS, SEEDS and LEEDS have impact on the immediate community to
reflect the needs of the poor, the private sector and the civil society group?
1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know
1. Rural Poor
2. Urban Poor
3. The Private Sector
4. Civil Society group

Reference Number

Q8 Do you have educational, health, water and sanitation, electricity and financial services in
this community? 1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know
1. Education
2. Health
3. Potable water and Sanitation
4. Electricity
5. Financial Services

Q9 If yes, are you aware of how the funds used to set up these social services were raised?
1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know

Q10 If yes, indicate the sources of financing for these facilities,

1 = Government; 2 =.Development partner; 3 = Non Governmental Organisation
(NGO); 4 = Community/faith-based organisations; 5 = Others (Specify)
1. Education
2. Health
3. Potable water and Sanitation
4. Electricity
5. Financial Services

Q11 If you are not aware of how the resources used in the facilities are mobilized, state the
reason(s). Enter 1 if the reason is mentioned or 2 if the reason is not mentioned.
1. Not interested
2. Not informed
3. Not given opportunity to participate
4. Lack the capacity to be involved
5. Others (specify)

Q12 Please rank the performance of the different stakeholders in the provision of these
services? 1= Excellent; 2= Good; 3= Fair; 4 = Poor; 5 = Very poor
1. Government
2. Development partner
3. Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO)
4. Community
5. Others (Specify)

Reference Number

Q13 Rank the role of the community in setting up and the maintenance of these facilities,
by recording the code for one of these options against the social services.
1 = Very active 2 = Active 3 = Moderate 4 = Weak 5 = Very weak
Factors Setting-up Maintenance
1. Education
2. Health
3. Potable water and Sanitation
4. Electricity
5. Financial Services

Q14 Are there opportunities open to you to influence the decisions regarding availability
and provision the following services in this community?
1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know
1. Education
2. Health
3. Potable water and Sanitation
4. Electricity
5. Financial Services

Q15 If yes, rank your effort in empowering more people to participate in the decision-
making process. 1 = Moderate; 2 = Weak; 3 = Very weak .

1. Education
2. Health
3. Potable water and Sanitation
4. Electricity
5. Financial Services

Q16 Rank the benefits of these facilities to you or the community. Recording the code for
one of these options against the facilities.
1 = Excellent; 2 = Good; 3 = Fair; 4 = Poor; 5 = Very poor
1. Education
2. Health
3. Potable water and Sanitation
4. Electricity
5. Financial Services

Q17 Is there any Community-Based Organisation (CBO) in your community?

1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know (If No or Don’t know, Go to Q21)

Reference Number

Q18 If yes, what are the objectives? (Tick as many)

1. Security of lives and properties
2. Maintenance of social facilities
3. Assist in Implementation of government policies
4. Improve the standard of education in the community
5. Provide financial aids/assistance
6. Others (Specify)

Q19 What service(s) does the CBO render to the people in your community?
Enter 1 if the service is mentioned or 2 if the service is not mentioned
1. Education
2. Health Services
3. Water/Sanitation
4. Financial Services
5. Others (specify)

Q20 To what extent does each service enable the members of the community to assert
their rights and identify their needs? 1=Very Large Extent; 2=Large Extent;
3=Lesser Extent; 4=Not at all; 5=Don’t know
1. Education
2. Health Services
3. Water/Sanitation
4. Financial Services
5. Others (Specify)

Q21 Could you, rank the extent to which the NEEDS, SEEDS, LEEDS have been
accepted and incorporated into the development process and help to promote service
delivery and sustain local livelihoods?
1 = Moderate; 2 = Poor; 3 = Very poor; 4 = Not applicable
Extent of Programme
1. Internalized into the development process
2. Help to promote service delivery
3. Sustain Local Livelihood

Reference Number

Objective 2: Accelerating Socio-Economic Development

What is/are your main source(s) of livelihoods? 1 = Very important;

2=Important; 3=Moderate; 4=Not important;5 = Not applicable
Sources of livelihood
1. Subsistence agriculture
2. Commercial agriculture
3. Small-scale business
4. Formal employment
5. Others (specify)

In what way(s) have your sources of livelihood changed your life in the last five years?
Q2 1=Significant; 2=Moderate; 3=Constant; 4=Declined;
5 = No impact
Sources of livelihood
1. Subsistence agriculture
2. Commercial agriculture
3. Small-scale business
4. Formal employment
5. Others (specify)

How would you rate the changes with respect to your access to the following in the last five
Q3 years? 1 = Significant; 2 = Moderate; 3 = Constant; 4 = Declined Moderately;
5 = No Significant impact
1. Education
2. Health
3. Water and Sanitation
4. Productive Resources like land and capital
5. Employment and Income Earning Opportunities
6. Information and Political Participation
7. Proper housing
8. Energy supply (Electricity)

Are you aware of programmes created by the government or development partner(s) to

Q4 accelerate socio-economic development and poverty eradication in Nigeria?
1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know

Reference Number

Q5 If yes, indicate how they have benefited the following categories of people, using these
options;1 = Very significant; 2 = Significant; 3 = Moderate; 4 = Weak; 5 = Very weak
Categories of People
1. The landless
2. The subsistence farmers
3. The pastoralists
4. The unskilled casual workers
5. The female-headed households
6. The people with disabilities
7. The youth
8. Others (Specify)

Q6 How would you rate the level of poverty in your community?

1 = Very High; 2 = High; 3 = Moderate; 4 = Low

Q7 What are the factors responsible for poverty in your community? (Tick as many)
1. Unemployment
2. Low level of education
3. No access to Loan
4. Absence of social infrastructure.
5. Inflation
6. Lack of farm input
7. Others

Objective 3: Strengthening Policies and Delivery Mechanism

Q1 Do you have children attending primary schools? 1 = Yes; 2 = No

Q2 If yes, how many?

Q3 How would you rate the government policy on primary education?

1 = Very good; 2 = Good; 3 = Fair; 4 = Bad

Q4 What do you regard as the main strength and weakness of the current policy on primary
education in Nigeria?
Strengths code Weaknesses code
1. Introduction of UBE 1. Poor remuneration of teachers
2. Qualified Teachers 2. Ineffective Monitoring/supervision
3. Good Remuneration 3. Inadequate Infrastructure/facilities
4. Improvement on the welfare 4. Public school not deliver good
of the pupils service
5. Others(Specify) 5. Others (Specify)

Reference Number

Q5 Do you have children attending secondary schools? 1 = Yes; 2 = No

Q6 If yes, how many?

How would you rate the government current policy on secondary education in Nigeria?
1 = Very good; 2 = Good; 3 = Fair; 4 = Bad

What do you regard as the main strengths and weaknesses of the current policy on
secondary education in Nigeria?
Strengths code Weaknesses code
1. Construction and maintenance of 1. Ineffective Implementation and
school buildings monitoring of the policy
2. Maintenance of discipline in the schools 2. Examination Malpractices
3 UBE Programmes 3. Lack of Qualified teachers
4. Employment of qualified teachers 4. Lack of Science equipment
5. Others (Specify) 5. Others(Specify)

Q9 Do you have children attending universities and/or colleges of technology? 1 = Yes; 2 = No

Q10 If yes, how many?

How would you rate the government current policies on tertiary and university education in
Nigeria? 1 = Very good; 2 = Good; 3 = Fair; 4 = Bad

Briefly comment on what you consider as the major strengths and weaknesses of the
current policy on education in Nigeria?
Strengths code Weaknesses Code
1. It makes the tertiary institutions
more enterprising 1. High tuition fees
2. Academic Staff/Non Academic Staff
Unions strike action reduced 2. facilities are in bad condition
3. Inability to curtail cultism/other
3. Improved Quality of teaching social vices
4. Others (Specify) 4. Others (Specify)

Where do you receive medical treatment? Enter code 1 if facility/outlet is mentioned or

code 2 if facility/outlet is not mentioned
Medical Treatment
1. Government hospital
2. Government health care centre
3. Government dispensary
4. Traditional herbal homes
5. Mission hospital/clinic
6. Private hospital/clinic
7. Pharmacy/chemist
8. Mobile clinic
9. Community health centre
10. Others (specify)

Reference Number

Q14 Are you generally satisfied with the services you receive from the outlet(s) mentioned in
Q.13? 1=Very satisfied; 2=Just satisfied; 3=Not satisfied

Q15 How would you rate the government policy and actions on primary healthcare in your
community? 1 = Very good; 2=Good; 3=Fair; 4=Bad

Q16 What is the main source of drinking water for members of your household?
1 = Piped water (in dwelling); 2 = Piped water (in compound/plot); 3 = Public tap;
4 = Open well in compound; 5 = Open public well; 6 = Covered well in compound;
7 = Covered public well; 8 =Spring; 9 = River/stream; 10 = Pond/lake; 11 = Dam;
12 = Rain water; 13 = Bottled water; 14 = Others (Specify)_________________

Q17 What kind of toilet facility does your household use?

1= Flush toilet; 2= Traditional pit toilet; 3=Ventilated improved pit latrine;
4= bush/field; 5= Bucket; 6= Surface Water; 7= No facility; 8=Others(specify)

Q18 How would you rate the performance of the government in ensuring access to proper
and hygienic sanitation? 1 = Very good 2 = Good 3 = Fair 4 = Bad

Q19 What is the major type of fuel used by your household for cooking?
1= Electricity; 2= LPG/Natural gas; 3=Biogas; 4=Paraffin/kerosene;5=Coal, Lignite;
6= Charcoal from wood; 7=Firewood straw; 8= Dung; 9=Others (Specify)________

Q20 How would you rank the performance of the government in ensuring access to
affordable energy for domestic use? 1 = Very good; 2 = Good; 3 = Fair; 4 = Bad

Q21 What is your household alternative to energy source

1 = Generating Plant; 2 = Kerosene lantern; 3 = Candle; 4 = Rechargeable lamp

Q22 Has any member of your family acquired credit from any financial institution in the last
12 months? 1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know

Q23 If yes, which financial institution?

1= Commercial bank; 2 = Cooperative; 3 = Non-banking financial institution;
4 = Micro-finance institution; 5 = Others (specify)_________________

Q24 How would you rate the performance of the government in ensuring that affordable
credit is available to those who need it?
1 = Very good; 2 = Good; 3 = Fair; 4 = Bad; 5 = Very Bad

Q25 What is the type of tenure of the structure your household live in? 1 = Owner Occupier;
2 = Rented/leased; 3 = Nominal/subsidized rent; 4 = Pays no rent (squatting)

Q26 Does household own the land on which your house is built?
1 = Owner; 2 = Rented/leased; 3 = No rent

Q27 How would you rate the performance of the government in ensuring adequate housing
for the rural and urban poor? 1 = Good; 2 = Fair; 3 = Poor; 4 = Very poor

Reference Number

Q28 In your view, is the government policy on land pro-poor?

1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know

Does your household have access to the following?

Enter code 1 if there is access or code; 2 if there is no access to the facility.
1. A telephone or mobile phone
2. E-mail facilities
3. Computer facilities
4. Electricity
5. Generating Plant
6. Refrigerator
7. Television
8. Motor Vehicle
9. Motor Cycle
10. Boat/Canoe
11. Gas Cooker
12. Modern Stove
13. Donkey
14. Camel

Objective 4: Ensuring Affordable Access to Water, Sanitation,

Energy and Finance

How do you rate government’s performance in the provision of the following basic
Q1 needs, using these options: (Please enter code)
1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low; 6 = don’t know
Basic Needs
1. Shelter
2. Energy/Light
3. Potable water
4. Health Services
5. Education
6. Sanitation
7. Land to all citizens
8. Micro-finance (SME)
9. Employment
7. Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

Are you aware of the following policies initiated by government to ensure access to the
basic needs in Q.1 above? 1 = Yes; 2 = No 3 = Don’t know
1. Universal Basic Education (UBE)
2. National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)
3. National Directorate of Employment (NDE)
4. Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
5. Others (Specify)

Reference Number

Q3 In your opinion, what is the impact of the commercialization of public utilities like power
and water on the wellbeing of the people? 1 = Highly positive; 2 = Positive;
3 = Negative; 4=Highly negative; 5= Don’t know

Q4 Rank your affordability of the services provided by the government in the following
areas, using these indicators: (Enter Code only)
1= Very high; 2=High;3=Medium; 4=Low; 5=Very Low; 6= Don’t Know
Facilities/Services FED. STATE LG
1. Housing
2. Energy
3. Portable Water
4. Sanitation
5. Access to affordable land
6. Loans and Finances inclusive of micro-credit schemes for the rural people
7. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Objective 5: Progress Towards Gender Equality

Q1 Rank how government’s policy and programmes have promoted gender equality in the
following areas, using these indicators:
1 = Very good; 2 = Good; 3 = Fair; 4 = Bad; 5 = Very bad
Areas of interest FED STATE LGA
1. Decision making
2. Education system in your community
3. Employment in your community
4. Access to Medicare in your community
5. Legal and institutional frameworks
6. Others (Specify)

Reference Number

Objective 6: Promote and Encourage Broad based participation in Development by all

Stakeholders at all Levels

Q1 In your view, what path is the Nigerian government taking to planning and development?
1=Ground-up; 2=Top-down; 3=Don’t know

Q2 Is the government encouraging broad-based participation and ownership of the

development process by the people? 1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know

Q3 If yes, In your own opinion, what are the mechanism, policy and/or institutional
framework for implementation (Please Tick as many)
1. National Poverty Eradication Programme
2. National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)
3. National directorate of Employment (NDE)
4. National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC)
5. National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA)
6. Others (Specify)

In your opinion, are the budgeting processes broad-based?

1 = Yes; 2 = No 3 = Don’t know

Q5 If No, could you give reasons? (Please, tick as many)

1. God-fatherism is inherent
2. Bribery and corruption is rampant
3. Political influence
4. Lack of transparency
5. Others (Specify)

Reference Number


Objective 1: Promotion of Macro-Economic Policies for Sustainable Development

Macro-economic policies relate to economic policies that are concerned with broad economic
aggregate such as the inflation rate, the exchange rate, growth in real GDP, the fiscal deficit to GDP,
resource mobilisation, etc,

Q1 What has been the trend in Prices of commodities in the Nigerian economy in the last
five years? 1 = Increasing; 2 = Static; 3 = Decreasing; 4 = Don’t Know

Q2 What has been the trend in the movement of the exchange rate of the Naira in relation to
other currencies in the last five years?
1 = Increasing; 2 = Static; 3 = Decreasing; 4= Don’t Know

Q3 Do you think that the Nigerian economy has produced more goods and services in the
last five years? 1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know

Q4 Do you think the volume of imported goods and services exceed the volume of exported
goods and services in the last five years? 1 = To a greater extent;
2 = To a greater extent; 3 = To a lesser extent; 4 = Not at all; 5 = Don’t know

Q5 Have you depended more on imported goods than locally made products in the last five
years? 1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know

Q6 If yes, why do you do so? 1=Strongly agree; 2=Agree;

3=Agree to some extent; 4= Not at all; 5= Don’t know
1. The imported goods are cheaper
2. The quality of imported goods is better
3. The locally produced goods are inferior
4. The locally produced goods are sub-standard
5. The locally produced goods are less durable

Q7 In the last five years, do you think that the Nigerian government has been spending
above its budget? 1 = Yes; 2 = No 3 = Don’t know

Q8 If yes, why was govt spending more than the budget? 1=Strongly agree; 2= Agree;
3=Agree to some extent; 4=Not at all; 5= Don’t know
1. There is no check by the legislature
2. The legislative house is dominated by the ruling party
3. The Executive uses its executive power over the legislative
4. Others (Specify)

Q9 Are there laws and agencies put in place to promote effective resource mobilisation?
1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know

Reference Number

Q10 If yes to question 9, mention some of these laws and agencies

1. Economic & Financial Crime Commission (EFCC)
2. Value Added Tax (VAT)
3. Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC)
4. National Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission (NRMAFC)
5. National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA)
6. National Agency for Food and Drug Administration & Control (NAFDAC)
7. Others (Specify)

Q11 What are the sources of shocks/Problems and constraints to the Nigerian economy?
(Enter code 1 if the source is mentioned or 2 if the source is not mentioned)
Source of socks
1. Current account balance
2. Export and import domestication measures
3. Terms of Trade
4. Changes in net foreign asset
5. Others (specify)

Q12 What steps has Nigeria taken to reduce the country’s exposure to such shocks?
(Tick as many)
1. Production of more good and services for export.
2. Banning of importation of some goods that can be produced locally
3. Establishment of Monitoring and Control Unit
4. High tariffs on imported goods to improve terms of trade
5. Others (Specify)

Q13 What measures has government put in place to promote sound macro-economic
policies in Nigeria? ( Tick as many)
1. Granting of agricultural credit facilities
2. Banning of importation of certain goods and services
3. Encouraging exportation of home produced goods and services
4. Privatization of public Utilities
5. Reform of Financial Institutions e.g. Re-capitalization of Banks, Insurance etc.
6. Others (Specify)

Q14 How effective are these measures?

1 = Highly effective 2 = Moderately effective 3 = Ineffective

Reference Number

Q15 What are the main problems affecting government attempt to implement sound macro-
economic policies in Nigeria? (Tick as many)
1. Corruption of public officers
2. Non-implementation of policies
3. Lack of infrastructures
4. Poor Management of resources
5. High foreign exchange Rate
6. Others (Specify)

Q16 How satisfied are you with the extent to which Government takes account of
independent advice/analysis in assessing macroeconomic outlook?
1 = Highly satisfied 2 = Moderately satisfied 3 = Not satisfied

Q17 In your judgment, how would you rate government performance in the past 2 years in
dealing with the following issues?
1 = Very good/excellent; 2 = Good; 3 =.Fair; 4 = Poor; 5 = Very poor
1. Economic reform
2. Unemployment
3. Disasters (e.g. floods, fire, famine)
4. Management of local Government by State Govt. (ensuring
accountability and transparency)
5. Industrial disputes and labour issues (employee strikes)
6. Infrastructure development (e.g. roads, electricity, Telecommunications)
7. Environmental management (e.g. deforestation, erosion, land degradation,
8. Land reform and ownership (e.g. Settling squatters)
9. Corruption
10. Insecurity

Q18 Over the past 2 years, has your income? 1 = Increased a lot;
2= Increased; 3= Not changed; 4 = Decreased; 5 = Decreased a lot

Q19 In your own judgement, would you say that the value of money (Naira) over the past 2
years has? 1 = Increased a lot;2 = Increased; 3 = Not changed; 4 = Decreased;
5 = Decreased a lot ; 6= Don’t Know

Q20 In your opinion, would you say that the cost of living over the past 2 years based on
prices of essential commodities (including flour, sugar, rent etc) has?
1 = Decreased a lot ; 2 = Decreased; 3 = Not changed;
4 = Increased; 5 = Increased a lot

Q21 Over the past 2 years, would you say that your living standard/quality of life you lived
has? 1 = Improved a lot; 2 = Improved; 3 = Not changed;
4 = Become worse; 5 = Become a lot worse

Q22 In your opinion, over the past 2 years, would you say you are being taxed?
1=A lot less; 2=Less;3=Same as before; 4=More; 5=A lot more

Reference Number

Q23 Have you obtained any credit/Loan over the past 2 years?
1 = Yes; 2 = No If No, go to Q.28

Q24 If yes in Q.23, What was/were the source(s) of credit/Loan? (Enter code)
1 if the source is mentioned or 2 if the source is not mentioned.
1. Bank
2. Micro credit institution
3. Money lender
4. Relatives
5. Cooperative
6. Friends
7. Others (specify) __________________________

Q25 How much did you borrow?

1. less than N100,000
2. N100,000 or less than N200,000
3. N300,000 or less than N400,000
4. N400,000 or less than N500,000
5. N500,000 and above

Q26 For what purpose did you borrow? (Enter code)

1 if the purpose is mentioned or 2 if the purpose is not mentioned.
1. Business
2. School fees
3. Subsistence
4. House building
5. Medical care
6. Social expenses (e.g. Marriage, Funeral, etc.)
7. Others (specify)

Q27 How much did you repay as interest? (Actual amount/percentage)

1. less than N1,000
2. N1,000 or less than N2,000
3. N3,000 or less than N4,000
4. N4,000 or less than N5,000
5. N5,000 and above

Q28 If not borrowed, what is the main reason?

Enter code 1 if the reason is mentioned or 2 if the reason is not mentioned.
1. Lack of collateral
2. Lack of guarantors
3. Lack of information on where one can borrow
4. Loan processing takes too long
5. Interest charged is high
6. Others (specify)

Reference Number

Q29 Please provide information about access to credit/loan over the past 2 years with respect
to ease of obtaining credit/loan
1 = Very easy; 2 = Easy; 3 = Difficult ; 4 = Very difficult; 5 = Don’t Know

Q30 Please provide information about access to credit/loan over the past 2 years with respect
to distance to the nearest financial institution (e.g. banks, micro credit institutions) in
1 = 1-10 km; 2 = 11-20 km; 3= 21-30 km; 4 = 31-40 km; 5 = More than 40 km

Q31 Please provide information about access to credit/loan over the past 2 years with respect
to the cost of credit/loan
1=Very easy; 2=Easy;3=Difficult ;4=Very difficult 5=Don’t Know

Q32 How would you rate the time taken by public servants to provide the following services
1 = Too Long; 2 = Long; 3 = Prompt; 4 = Short; 5 = Don’t Know
1. Registration of business
2. Issuance of licenses and permits e.g. driving license,
birth certificate, passports etc
3. Attend to patients in public hospitals
4. Enrolment in schools
5. Others (specify)

Q33 How would you rate overall service delivery, for the services you receive from the
government over the last 2 years? 1 = Improved a lot; 2 = Improved; 3 = Not changed;
4 = Become worse; 5 = Become a lot worse

Q34 Over the past 2 years, was your household affected negatively by the following events?
1=Yes; 2=No
1. Flood
2. Drought
3. Famine
4. Illness
5. Drastic price increases of essential commodities (e.g. sugar, flour etc)
6. Fires
7. Commodity price fluctuations (e.g. coffee)
8. International trade disputes
9. Banning of commodity exports to International markets
10. Ethnic (Tribal) clashes
11. Theft of household assets/Robbery
12. Other (specify)

Q35 Did you receive any assistance? 1 = Yes; 2 = No; (If No, skip to Q.38)

Reference Number

Q36 Who offered the assistance? (Enter code 1 if assisted or 2 if not assisted)
1. Government
2. Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)
3. Church/Mosque
4. Individuals
5. Others (specify)

Q37 Would you say the assistance offered was 1=Very adequate; 2=Adequate;
3=Fairly Adequate; 4=Inadequate; 5=Very inadequate

Q38 In your opinion, would you say that government response with regard to assisting victims
of disasters/shocks over the past 2 years has 1 = Improved a lot; 2 = Improved;
3 = Not changed; 4 = Become worse; 5 = Become a lot worse; 6 =Don’t Know

Q39 In the event of the following disasters/shocks, how would you rate your level of
vulnerability on a scale of 1 to 4? 1 = Not at all vulnerable;
2 = Vulnerable to a small extent; 3 = Fairly Vulnerable; 4 = Very vulnerable
1. Flood
2. Drought
3. Famine
4. Illness
5. Drastic price increases of essential commodities (e.g. sugar, flour etc)
6. Fires
7. Commodity price fluctuations (e.g. coffee).
8. International trade disputes
9. Banning of commodity exports to International markets
10. Ethnic conflicts
11. Theft of household assets/Robbery
12. Others (specify)
10. Ethnic (tribal) clashes
11. Theft of household assets/Robbery
12. Others (specify)

Reference Number

Objective 2: Implementation of Sound, Transparent and predictable Micro-Economic


Micro-economic issues are those that relate to the people’s perception of the economy in terms of
jobs, income, prices, water, food, housing, health, education, electricity, fuel, roads, transportation,
communication, security of lives and property etc.

Q1 What has been the focus of micro-economic policies and programme in Nigeria in the
last five years?
1. Provision of soft loans
2. Provision of Infrastructures
3. Job creation
4. development of Agriculture
5. Fuel
6. Housing
7. Communication

Q2 How would you assess the Nigerian economy in the last five years in terms of provision
of these services using the following scale?
1=Very Much Adequate; 2=Adequate; 3=Inadequate; 4=Don’t Know
1. Electricity Supply
2. Good roads
3. Water supply
4. Communications
5. Health delivery services
6. Housing
7. Others (specify)

Q3 How has the Nigerian government faired in relation to the following micro economic
indices in the past five years? 1 = Improving; 2 = Static; 3 = Worsening
Micro Economic indices
1. Job creation
2. Good housing
3. Good health care
4. Qualitative education
5. Electricity or energy supply
6. Good roads
7. Good transport facilities
8. Good recreational facilities
9. Good nutrition
10. Security of life and property

Q4 To what extent does the Nigerian Government takes into account the different interest of
male and female in its economic programmes and policies? 1 = Greater extent;
2 = Great extent 3 = Lesser extent; 4 = Not at all; 5 = Don’t Know

Reference Number

Q5 How favourable have the government’s programmes and policies been to women’s
empowerment and development in the last five years? 1=Highly favourable;
2=Moderately favourable; 3=Not favourable; 4= Don’t Know

Q6 How effective are the following govt measures in achieving gender equality?
1 = Highly Effective; 2 = Moderately Effective; 3 = Ineffective; 4 = Don’t know
1. Women in Political Offices
2. Establishment of Ministry of Women Affairs
3. Promotion of Girl Child Education
4. Employment of Women in Public Service
5. Others (Specify)

Q7 What are the main problems affecting the promotion of sustainable micro-economic
policies and programmes in the last five years?
1. Bribery and corruption
2. Lack of security
3. Indiscipline in the implementation of programmes
4. Political instability
5. poor Infrastructure
6. Others (Specify)

Q8 How would you assess the following institutions of public administration in Nigeria?
Fill in the boxes, using the scales stated as follows: 1=Yes; 2= No; 3=Don’t Know
Institution of Public Administration EFFECTIVE TRANSPARENT PREDICTABLE
1. Executive
2. Legislature
3. Judiciary
4. Federal Govt.
5. State Govt.
6. Local Govt.
7. Civil Service
8. Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)
9. The Police Force
10. Customs Service
11. Immigration
12. Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN)
13. Others (Specify)

Reference Number

Q9 How would you describe the information you get about how government spend money?
1=Yes; 2=No;3=Don’t know
1. Timely
2. Comprehensive
3. Frequent

Q10 Which of the following transparency measures are observed in government business in
Nigeria? 1=Yes 2=No 3=Don’t know
1. Publishing Government’s procurement information through advert in the Newspapers,
Internet, Gazette etc.
2. Consulting major stake-holders, and civil society organisations and given them up to
date and complete information on the governance processes
3. Giving the media and other stakeholders effective access to some internal documents
on Government’s projects and expenditure. .
4. Giving the people the opportunity to directly supervise and/or make inputs into
development projects that affect their lives.
5. Allowing civil society organization access to monitor and publish findings on public
budgets, expenditures and procurements.

Q11 Can you briefly suggest ways by which Government can effectively manage the Nigeria

Q12 In your judgment, how would you rate the government’s effort to improve and promote
the growth of the following areas? 1= very adequate;2= adequate;
3= Fairly adequate; 4= Inadequate; 5= Very inadequate
1. Access to agricultural inputs
2. Marketing of agricultural produce
3. Access to agricultural extension services
4. Access to credit
5. Marketing of products from Small and Micro enterprises
6. Marketing of livestock products
7. Fisheries

Q13 Do you save in a financial institution (i.e. bank, micro credit institutions, and
cooperatives)? 1 = Yes; 2 = No; ( If No, go to Q.16)

Q14 If yes, where do you save? Enter code 1 if place of save or 2 if not place of save
1. Bank
2. Micro credit institution
3. Cooperative
4. Insurance
5. Others (specify)

Reference Number

Q15 Would you say that your savings rate over the past 2 years has? (Skip Q.16)
1=Increased a lot; 2= Increased; 3=Not changed; 4=Decreased; 5 = Decreased a lot

Q16 If no in Q 13, what is the main reason why you do not save?
1 = Level of minimum deposit required; 2 = Distance to the nearest financial
institution;3 = I do not have extra money to save; 4 = Others (Specify)_________

Q17 How would you rate your Local Government and the your State Government with regard
to service delivery in the following areas: 1 = Improved a lot; 2 = Improved;
3 = Fairly improved; 4 = Become worse; 5 = Become a lot worse
1. Licensing of businesses
2. Maintenance of local markets
3. Provision for hawking
4. Fire fighting
5. Planning of cities/towns
6. Water supply
7. Sewerage
8. Garbage collection
9. Housing (Building residential houses)
10. Street lighting
11. Building and maintaining roads within Towns/cities
12. Security
13.Magistrate Courts

Q18 In your opinion, how would you describe the level of rates and levies charged by your
local councils? 1 = Very low; 2 = Low; 3 = Fair; 4 = High; 5 = Very high

Reference Number

Objective 3: Promotion of Sound Public Finance Management

Issues of public finance relate to resource mobilisation, allocation and distribution among the relevant
stakeholders in the public and private sectors.

Q1 What has the Nigerian government done to increase domestic resource

mobilisation including public and private savings and capital formation? (Tick as many)
1. Empowerment of Federal Inland Revenue Service through legislation
2. Port concession
3. Nigerian Customs service Reforms
4. Increase Tariffs on utilities
5. Re-capitalization of Banks
6. Establishment of Revenue Allocation and Mobilization Committee
7. Expansion of Business through Micro-credit facilities
8. Introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT)
9. Others (Specify)

Q2 Are there laws and institutions put in place to promote effective resource mobilisation,
distribution and allocation? 1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know

Q3 What are these laws and institutions?

1. Port Concession
2. Revenue Allocation Bill
3. Fiscal responsibility bill
4. Pension Reform
5. Value Added Tax (VAT)
6. Flexible Businesses Regulations
7. Others (Specify)

Q4 How favourable is the resource allocation framework to your State, LGA STATE LGA COMM.
and community? 1 = Favourable; 2 = Unfavourable; 3 = Don’t Know

Q5 If unfavourable in Q4, what should be more favourable Allocation? FEDERAL STATE LGA COMM.
1 = More Allocation; 2 = Less Allocation; 3 = Don’t know
Q6 What are the key measures taken by government to ensure effectiveness and
transparency of its public finances management?
1. Transparency of monthly allocation
2. Publication of Allocation to the 3 tiers of govt.
3. Budget Discipline
4. Public Procurement Reform
5. Establishment of EFCC
6. Due Process principle in Public Establishments
7. Establishment of ICPC
8. Others (Specify)

Reference Number

Q7 How would you rate the level of population participation in government affairs at the local
level? 1 =Very involved; 2 = Involved; 3 = Fairly involved;
4 = Not involved; 5 = Not at all involved
Level of involvement
1. Identifying development projects
2. Planning for the development projects
3. Prioritizing the development projects
4. Implementation of the development projects
5. Supervision/monitoring of development projects

Q8 Should your Senator/House of Rep. member/State House of Assembly members

exclusively be in charge of constituency development Fund?
1 = Yes; 2 = No

Q9 How would you rate the degree of transparency with which the Constituency
Development Fund in your constituency is used?
1 = Fully transparent; 2 = Fairly transparent; 3 = Transparent to a small extent;
4 = Not transparent at all; 5 = Don’t Know

Q10 In your opinion, would you say that the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is used
to fund deserving and useful development projects in your community?
1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know

Q11 In your judgment, would you say the money allocated to your local Government area
council from the Federation Account is? 1 = Very adequate; 2 = Adequate;
3 = Fairly adequate; 4 = Inadequate; 5 = Not at all adequate; 6 = Don’t know

Q12 How would you rate the level to which the Local Govt. allocation is used on projects that
improve service delivery in your LGA?
1 = Fully used; 2 = Used to a large extent; 3 = Used to a moderate extent;
4 = Used to a small extent; 5 = Not used at all; 6 = Don’t Know

Q13 How would you rate the degree to which you are informed about the financial
management of development projects carried out by your local Govt?
1 = Fully informed; 2 = Informed to a large extent; 3 = Fairly informed;
4 = Informed to a small extent; 5 = Not at all informed

Q14 Rank the following principles of revenue allocation in order of importance

1 = Very Important; 2 = important; 3 = Moderately important; 4 = Least important;
5 = Not Important; 6 = Don’t know
Revenue Principle
1. Derivation
2. Population
3. Landmass/Terrain
4. Equality of State/ LGA
5. Social Development
6. Revenue Efforts

Reference Number

Q15 What do you believe will be the impact of Resource Control on the following
1 = Promote; 2 =Not Promote; 3 = Don’t’ Know
1. Fiscal Decentralisation
2. Resource Mobilisation
3. Inter-Governmental Harmony
4. Equity
5. Even development
6. Initiative and entrepreneurship
7. Financial recklessness

Q16 Is the system of Resource mobilisation and distribution decentralised in Nigeria?

1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know

Q17 If Yes, to what extent?

1 = Highly decentralized;2=Fairly decentralized; 3=Just a little Decentralized

Q18 How would you assess the effectiveness of decentralization? 1 = Highly Effective;
2 = Effective; 3= Moderately Effective; 4 = Not effective; 5 = Don’t know

Objective 4: Fighting Corruption and Money Laundering

Corruption entails the use and abuse of public office for private gains against public interest and
national economic, social and political development

Q1 Do you believe there is corruption in Nigeria?1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know

Q2 How efficient is the process of accountability in Nigeria?

1 = Highly efficient; 2 = Inefficient; 3 = Don’t Know

Q3 Are the following legal and institutional measures for fighting corruption in Nigeria
effective? 1 = Highly Effective; 2 = Effective;
3= Moderately Effective; 4 = Not effective; 5 = Don’t know
1. Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offences Commission (ICPC)
2. Economic & Financial Crime Commission (EFCC)
3. National Agency for Food and Drug Administration & Control (NAFDAC)
4. National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA)
5. Faith-Based Organization
6. Others (Specify)

Q4 Due process reform is one of the measures for combating corruption in the Nigerian
public sector. How effective is the mechanism since its inception?
1 = Highly Effective; 2 = Effective ; 3= Moderately Effective;
4 = Not effective; 5 = Don’t know

Reference Number

Q5 What in your own opinion is/are the root causes of corruption in Nigeria’s public and
Private sector? (Please tick as many as applicable).
Causes of corruption PUBLIC PRIVATE
1. Job insecurity
2. Low income and wages
3. Poverty
4. Lack of effective sanctions for past corrupt officials
5. Defective cultural value
6. Lack of effective checks
7. Others (Specify)

Q6 Do you think government officials who enrich themselves through corrupt practises get
adequate punishment required to fight corruption? 1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know

Q7 Is the fight against corruption in Nigeria applied to everybody and every sector?
1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know

Q8 Everything considered, do you think the Nigerian government is actually fighting

corruption? 1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know

Q9 Considering the level of corruption in Nigeria, how would you descried the number of
high ranking Govt. officials charged to court for corruption?
1=Very large; 2= Large; 3 = small; 4 = Very Small: 5 = Don’t know

Q10 Do you know of any high ranking government official convicted of corruption in Nigeria in
the last 5 years? 1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know

Q11 Do you think corruption is a major reason why poverty is widespread in Nigeria?
1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know

Q12 Does corruption impact on the distribution of economic resources in Nigeria?

1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know

Q13 Give an assessment of the magnitude of money laundering in Nigeria

1 = High; 2 = Moderate; 3 = Low

Q14 How effective are these measures taken to combat money Laundering in Nigeria?
1 = Highly Effective; 2 = Effective ; 3= Moderately Effective;
4 = Not effective; 5 = Don’t know
1. Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC)
2. Economic & Financial Crime Commission (EFCC)
3. Code of conduct Bureau
4. Prohibition of money Laundering Act
5. Others (Specify)

Reference Number

Q15 Over the past 2 years, would you say that corruption in the public sector has?
1 = Decreased a lot; 2 = Decreased;
3 = Remained the same; 4 = Increased;5 = Increased a lot

Q16 Thinking about the public sector, would you say that corruption in the following
Departments has? 1 = Decreased a lot; 2 = Decreased;
3 = Remained the same; 4 = Increased; 5 = Don’t Know
1. Police department
2. Civil service (ministries, departments Agency etc.)
3. Immigration department
4. Licensing departments (Local authorities, Government institutions)
5. Parastatals (e.g. Fed Inland revenue services)
6. Public hospitals
7. Law courts
8. Public Schools/ colleges/Tertiary institutions
9. Customs
10. Others (Specify)

Q17 How would you rate the frequency with which bribes are demanded for services
rendered by the government over the last 2 years?
1 =Bribes are not demanded; 2 = Less frequently than before;
3 = Just as frequently as before; 4 = More frequently than before

Objective 5: Accelerating Regional Integration

Q1 Which regional economic or political organizations are you aware of?
(Tick as many, If ECOWAS is ticked Skip Q2),
Regional / Political organization
1. Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS)
2. Economic community for Africa (ECA)
3. African Development Bank (ADB)
4. African Union (AU)
5 Others (Specify)

Q2 If Economic Community for West African States is not mentioned ASK; Are you aware
of the ECOWAS? 1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know
(If No or Don’t know, Go to the next Thematic)

Reference Number

Q3 In your judgment, which three of the following would you say are the Nigerians’ major
benefits as a result of the ECOWAS co-operation?
(Rank three in order of importance and write in box)
Major Benefits
1. Variety of goods available
2. Reduced prices of commodities
3. Increased job opportunities
4. Increased volume of trade
5. Improved security
6. Investment In-flow
7. Human Capital Development
8. Others (Specify)

Q4 In your opinion please rank the three major challenges arising from this co-operation?
1. Loss of market share/competition
2. Job losses to foreigners
3. Increased insecurity
4. Increased illicit trade (Smuggling)
5. None
6. Others (Specify)

Q5 Based on these challenges and benefits, how would you rate the pace with which the
Government should move with regional co-operation initiatives?
1 = Very fast; 2 = Fast; 3 = Fairly fast; 4 = Slow; 5 = Very slow

Q6 Do you think all members-states of ECOWAS should use the same currency?
1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know

Q7 If all member-state of ECOWAS use the same currency, would it promote sub-region
economic trade or exchanges in the region? 1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know

Reference Number


Objective 1: Promotion of Enabling Environment and Effective Regulatory Framework

for Economic Activities

Q1 Do you own a business?(Please enter response code)

1 = Yes 2 = No (If No, skip to Question 7)

Q2 If Yes, What type of business do you own? (Please enter code)

1 = Kiosk; 2 = Retail shop; 3 = Wholesale shop;
4 = Professional services; 5 = Manufacturing; 6 = Others (specify)

Q3 How is your business performing this year? (Please enter code)

1 = Very Well; 2 = Well; 3 = Fair; 4 = Badly; 5 = Very Badly

Q4 Is your business better today than it was since 2003? (Please enter code)
1= Yes; 2= No; 3= Don’t Know (If No or Don’t know, skip to Question 7)

Q5 If Yes, give reasons why your business is better today (Tick as many)
1. Increase in Population
2. Increase Income
3. Access to Loan
4. More Patronage
5. Others (Specify)

Q6 How do you rate the help you get from the following organizations to support your
business? (Please enter code) 1 = Helps very much; 2 = Helps much;
3 = Helps moderately;4 = Helps a little; 5 = Does not help
1. Bank
2. Chamber of Commerce & Industry
3. Manufacturers Association
4. Consultants e.g. Lawyer, Investment Adviser, Auditor, Accountant
5. Business Associates
6. Government Officials
7. Cooperative Officials
8. Franchise Holder Support
9. End Customer /Supplier Support
10 Internet
11. Others (Specify)

Reference Number

Q7 To what extent in your opinion do the following factors impact on business activities in
your community? (Please enter code)
1 = Very high; 2= High; 3 = Medium; 4= Low; 5 = None
1. Bank Interest charges
2. Exchange rates
3. High taxation rate and many taxes
4. Cost and availability of land
5. Condition of roads
6. Port Services
7. Rail Services
8. Water Supply
9. Electricity supply
11. Judicial process and system
12. Official bureaucracy
13. Security
14. Corruption
15. Unfair competition (counterfeits, dumping etc)
16. Others (Specify)

Q8 Indicate what you would like to be done to improve the climate for investment and
doing business in Nigeria. (Please enter code)
1 = Very important; 2 = Important; 3 = Fairly important;
4 = Not important; 5 = Don’t Know
1. Make business regulations more flexible
2. Provide more financial services
3. Fair application of the business laws
4. Improve infrastructure
5. Reduce bureaucracy
6. Stability in Government
7. Adequate Security
8. Others (specify)

Reference Number

Objective 2: Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability

Q1 To what extent do you think corporations, as part of their social responsibility, have
been involved in the following areas? (Pls. Enter code)
1 = Very High Involvement; 2 = High involvement;3 = Medium involvement;
4 = Minimum involvement; 5 = Have not be involved
Level of involvement
1. Conserving environment (protecting the environment)
2. Providing health services to community
3. Paying taxes
4. Observing laws
5. Funding HIV/AIDS programmes
6. Making donations to charities and disadvantaged members of
7. Provision of infrastructure
8. Funding education/training

Do corporations in Nigeria observe labour laws? (Please enter code)

Q2 1 = Yes; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t know (If Yes, skip to Question 4)

Q3 If the answer is No, in what ways? (Please enter code)

1 = Fair; 2 = Bad; 3 = Very Bad; 4 = Not at all
1. Good wages
2. Dispute resolution
3. Health and safety at work place
4. Compensation scheme in case of injury
5. Participation in trade unions
6. Conducive work environment
7. Adequately compensate injured staff
8. Others (specify)

Q4 In your opinion, how well do corporations in Nigeria observe human rights?

(Please enter code)
1 = Very Good; 2 = Good; 3 = Fair; 4 = Bad; 5 = Very Bad; 6 = Don’t Know
1. Freedom of opinion and expression
2. Freedom of peaceful assembly
3. Freedom of representation
4. Right to life, liberty and security
5. Racial and other discriminations
6. Freedom from slavery and servitude
7. Freedom from torture, cruelty and in-human treatment

Reference Number

Q5 How do you rate Nigeria’s corporations’ response to the concerns of communities in

which they operate? (Please enter response code)
1=Very Good; 2=Good; 3=Fair; 4=Bad; 5=Very Bad

Q6 What measures would you consider necessary to reduce human rights abuses in the
corporate sector? (Please enter response code) 1 = Very Stringent measure;
2 = Stringent measure; 3 = Fair measure; 4 = No measure
1. Enhance enforcement of the laws
2. Conduct human rights awareness campaign
3. Promote civic awareness
4. Review human rights laws
5. Sanction corporations that abuse human rights
6. Others (Specify)

Q7 How do you rate the way labour laws (LL) and human rights (HR) are observed in the
following sectors in Nigeria?(Please enter code)
1=Very Good; 2=Good; 3=Fair; 4=Bad; 5=Very Bad; 6=Don’t Know
Sectors/ Sub-sector Labour law Human Right
1. State-owned Corporations
2. Large Manufacturing Industries
3. Small and Medium Enterprises
4. Industries in Export Processing Zones (EPZ)
5. Banking, Finance and Insurance services
6. Trade, restaurants and hotels
7. Agriculture and forestry Industries
8. Horticultural industry
9. Building and construction
10. Mining and quarrying
11. Private Security Services
12. Medical Services
13. Cooperatives
14 Others (Specify)

Q8 Are workers in Nigeria adequately protected in their place of work?

1 = Yes; 2 = No;3 = Don’t Know

Q9 If No in Q8, give reasons for your answer (Tick as many)

1. Workers ignorance of their rights under labour law
2. No proper enforcement of the Labour law
3. Employers who violates the labour law are not sanctioned
4. Others (Specify)

Reference Number

Q10 How would you rate the seriousness of the following environmental issues in Nigeria?
(Please enter response code) 1=Very Serious; 2=Serious; 3= Moderately serious;
4= Least serious; 5= Not serious
Current state of environmental care Labour Law Human Right
1. Degradation of environment (erosion)
2. Water pollution
3. Air pollution
4. Noise pollution
5. Deforestation
6. Depletion of water resources
7. Sea incursion
8. Refuse disposal/sanitation
9. Others (specify)

Q11 Do you think Nigeria has adequate laws and institutions to protect the environment?
1. =Yes; 2 = No; 3.= Don’t Know (If No, skip to Question 13)

Q12 How do you rate the following mechanisms in protecting the environment?
(Please enter code) 1=Very effective; 2=Effective;
3=Moderately effective; 4=Poorly effective; 5=Not effective at all
1. Environmental Protection law
2. Enforcement of the law
3. Environmental awareness campaign
4. Ministry of Environment
5. Environmental NGO’s
6. Federal/State Environmental Protection Agency
7. Local Government environmental sanitation officers
8. War Against Indiscipline (WAI) Brigade
9. Others (specify)

Reference Number

Q13 In your opinion, how do you rate the extent to which the following activities are affecting
the environment? (Please enter response code)
1=Very much; 2=Much; 3=Moderately; 4=Little; 5= Very little
1. Use of plastics/Polythene bags
2. Solid waste disposal
3. Quarrying and Mining
4. Unplanned Settlements (Slums, squatters etc)
5. Allocation of and settlement in forest areas
6. Manufacturing (effluent discharge, solid waste including plastics etc)
7. Transport (Carbon Dioxide and Lead Emissions, etc)
8. Building & logging industry
9. Agriculture
10 Extensive use of wood as fuel
11. Tourism
12. Fishing and marine activities
13. Others (specify)

Q14 Do you know of anyone who has been prosecuted for damaging and polluting the
environment? (Please enter code) 1 = Yes; 2 = No

Objective 3: Promoting the Adoption of Good Business Ethics

Q1 Are you currently engaged in a formal employment? 1 = Yes, 2 = No

(If No, skip to Question 4)

Q2 If Yes, how do you rate the level of corruption in your organization?

1 = Very high; 2 = High; 3 = Medium; 4 = Low; 5 = Very low

Q3 What type of corruption exists in your organization? (Please enter code)

1= Very much; 2 = Much; 3 = Moderately;4 = Little; 5 = Very little
1. Bribery
2. Nepotism
3. Tribalism
4. Tax evasion
5. Favouritism
6. Sexual harassment
7. Others (specify)

Q4 What is your overall assessment of corruption in the country?

1 = Very high; 2 = High; 3 = Medium; 4 = Low; 5 = Very low

Q5 In your opinion, has corruption been decreasing or increasing in Nigeria over the last
two years? 1= Increasing; 2 = Decreasing; 3 = Unchanging; 4 = Do not know

Reference Number

Q6 How would you rate the level of corruption in the following sectors?
(Indicate the Code that best describes the situation for each in the score column)
1 = Very high; 2 = High; 3 = Medium; 4 = Low; 5 = Very low
1. Federal Government (overall)
2. State Government (overall)
3. Government Agencies
4. Private sector (overall)
5. Local Government
6. State Owned Corporations
7. Nigeria Police Force
8. Nigeria Customs Service
9. Nigeria Prisons Service
10. Nigeria Immigration Service
11. National Assembly
12. Judiciary
13. Others (specify)

Q7 How do you rate the effectiveness of the following agencies in tackling corruption in
Nigeria? (Please enter code) 1=Very effective;2=Effective;
3=Moderately effective; 4=Poorly effective; 5=Not effective at all
1. Economic & Financial Crimes Commission
2. Independent Corrupt Practices Commission
3. Code of Conduct Bureau
4. Budget Monitoring & Price Intelligence Unit of the Presidency (Due Process Office)
5. Others (specify)

Q8 Whom would you blame most for continuing corruption in Nigeria?

(Indicate the Code that best describes the situation for each in the column to the
right) 1 = Very high; 2 = High; 3 = Moderate; 4 = Least; 5 = Not to blame
1. Past military regimes
2. Current Government
3. Judiciary
4. Police
5. Businessmen
6. Professionals
7. Public Officers
8. Politicians
9. Ordinary Citizens
10. Others (Specify)

Reference Number

Q9 What do you consider to be the main causes of corruption in Nigeria?

(Indicate the Code that best describes the situation for each in the score column).
1 = Very high; 2 = High; 3 = Moderate; 4 = Low; 5 = Not at all
1. Lack of political will to fight corruption
2. Lack of capacity in Government, Judiciary and other oversight/
regulatory bodies like Auditors, Parliamentary Committees etc
3. Poverty
4. Poorly remunerated civil service
5. Job insecurity
6. Unclear separation of powers between executive, legislative and
judicial arms of government
7. Ineffective laws (e.g. Penalties not being sufficiently deterrent)
8. The private / corporate sector
9. Others (Specify)

Q10 How would you rate the role of the media in the war against corruption?
1 = Very high; 2 = High; 3 = Medium; 4 = Low; 5 = Very low

Objective 4: Rights of Shareholders and Stakeholders

Q1 Do you own shares in any company? 1 = Yes, 2 = No

(If response is No, Go to the next Thematic)

Q2 Do you get regular information from your company(ies) through annual reports,
newsletters or at meetings? 1 = Yes, 2 = No (If No, Skip to Q.6)

Q3 If Yes to Q2, do you find the information you get from your company adequate to
enable you to know what is happening? 1=Yes; 2= No

Q4 If No to Q3, Have you ever asked for more information? 1 = Yes; 2 = No

Q5 In your opinion, does your company(ies) treat you and other shareholders with respect
and fairness? 1 = Yes, 2 = No

Q6 In your opinion, is there a policy for dealing with stakeholders grievances in your
company 1 = Yes; 2 = No

Reference Number

Q7 What options exist in the event of poor treatment in your organization?

(Rank the following options from the most likely to the least likely).
1= Most likely; 2 = Likely; 3 = Unlikely; 4 = Most unlikely
1. Quit the organization
2. Petition the government to intervene
3. Protest to shareholders association
4. Raise the issue during an AGM
5. Lobby to have directors voted out
6. Go to the press
7. Seek legal redress / go to court…
8. Others (specify)

Q8 In your opinion do companies and organizations treat the following stakeholders with
respect and fairness? (Please enter response code) 1 =Very Respectful;
2=Respectful; 3 = Fairly Respectful;4 = Poorly respectful; 5 = Not respectful at all
Category of stakeholders
1. Employees
2. Directors
3. Creditors (secured)
4. Creditors (unsecured)
5. Consumers
6. Suppliers
7. Government
8. Local communities
9. Pensioners
10. Others (specify)

Objective 5: Accountability of Corporations, Directors and Officers

Q1 How often do you get information about your company /organizations / society etc?
1 = Monthly; 2 = Quarterly; 3 = Annually; 4 = Not at all

Q2 Do you receive audited accounts from your company every year? 1 = Yes; 2 = No

Q3 In your opinion, do the accounts represent the correct position of the company?
1 = Yes; 2 = No

Q4 Do you receive other information about the company other than the accounts?
1 = Yes; 2 = No

Reference Number

Q5 If Yes, do you receive any of the following information?(Please enter code)

1 = Yes; 2 = No
1. Future business prospects and operating climate
2. Human resource reports
3. Activities in local communities
4. Competition
5. Major planned investments
6. Disclosure of any businesses directors do or plan to do with Company
7. Others (Specify)

Q6 In your opinion, who appoints the auditors? (Please enter code) 1 = Yes; 2 = No
Appointing authority for auditors
1. Shareholders
2. Management
3. Government
4. Others (specify)

Q7 Are you satisfied with the role of Auditors in protecting your interests as a shareholder?
1 = Yes; 2 = No

Q8 Do you have an audit or supervisory committee in your company?

1=Yes; 2=No; 3 = Don’t know

Q9 Has your company ever been in problems for the failure to file statutory reports and tax
returns? 1 = Yes; 2 = No

Q10 Who appoints the Board of Directors/Management? (Please enter code) 1 = Yes; 2
= No
Appointing authority for Chairman
1. Shareholders
2. Management
3. Board of Directors
4. Government
5. Others (specify)

Q11 Who appoints the Chairman of the Board?(Please enter code) 1 = Yes; 2 = No
Appointing authority for Chairman
1. Shareholders
2. Management
3. Board of Directors
4. Government
5. Others (specify)

Reference Number

Q12 Who appoints the Chief Executive in the company you know about?
(Please enter code) 1 = Yes; 2 = No
Appointing authority for Chief Executive Officer
1. Shareholders
2. Management
3. Board of Directors
4. Government
5. Others (specify)

Q13 In your opinion or experience, are the roles and functions of the Chairman and
Directors clear and well defined? 1 =Yes ; 2 = No

Q14 In your opinion or experience, are the most experienced personnel often appointed as
Chairmen, Directors and Chief Executive Officers based on training, qualifications,
skills and integrity? 1. =Yes ; 2 =No

Q15 If No, what are the considerations in making the appointments of the directors /
management committees? (Tick appropriately)
Consideration / criteria
1. Local leader
2. Political connection
3. Old boy / girl networks
4. Recommendation from previous board
5. Representative of group interest
6. Others (specify)

Q16 In your opinion, how would you rate the boards of directors / management committees
you are aware of in steering the companies to success?
1=Very Good;2=Good;3=Fair;4=Poor;5=Very Poor

Q17 In your opinion or experience, do Board of Directors / Management Committee always

act in the best interest of the company? 1=Yes ; 2=No

Q18 If Yes, in what way? (Tick one or more of the options)

1. Searching for Business opportunities
2. Formulating Policies to Improve quality of services
3. Others (Specify)

Q19 Do the board always act in good faith and without conflict of interest? 1=Yes; 2= No

Q20 In your opinion or experience, does the Board of Directors/ Management Committee
comply with the law? 1 = Yes; 2 = No

Reference Number

Democracy and Political Governance in Nigeria

Objective 1: Prevention and Reduction of Intra- and Inter-State Conflicts

Q1 Rank the contribution of these factors to the occurrence and/or increase of internal conflicts.
1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
1. Ethnicity
2. Religious intolerance
3. Inequality in distribution of resources
4. Unequal economic opportunities
5. Political exclusion/Marginalisation
6. Poverty and unemployment
7. Political manipulation e.g. Political incitement

Q2 Assess the effectiveness of the following measures taken by government in the prevention
and management of internal conflicts)
1=Very effective; 2=Effective; 3=Moderate; 4=Not effective; 5=Do not know
1. Establishment of inter-religion council
2. Rapid intervention in conflict situation
3. Training and empowerment of conflict resolution (NGOs)
4. Encouragement of international conflict resolution intervention
5. Enhancement of capacity of internal security agencies
6. Using of Traditional rulers/Opinion Leaders

Q3 What is your opinion on the role of other stakeholders in the prevention and management of
internal conflicts? 1 = Supportive; 2 = Non – Supportive; 3 = Don’t Know
1. Traditional rulers
2. Socio-cultural bodies
3. Politicians
4. Religious organizations
5. Opinion leaders
6. Labour leaders
7. Media
8. Others (Specify)

Q4 Assess the security of lives and property of citizens in Nigeria today.

1 = Very secure; 2 = Fairly secure; 3 = Not secure
Q5 Please rank the following sources of conflicts between countries in Africa:
1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
1. Colonial boundaries
2. Racial difference
3. Illicit arm trade
4. Cross-Border crime
5. Political difference
6. Resource Control
7. Others (Specify)

Reference Number

Q6 Assess the level of involvement of Nigeria in ECOWAS peace operations in the West
African sub-region1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
1. Ethnicity
2. Religious intolerance
3. Inequality in distribution of resources
4. Unequal economic opportunities
5. Political exclusion/Marginalisation
6. Poverty and unemployment
7. Political manipulation e.g. Political incitement

Objective 2: Constitutional Democracy, Political Competition, the Rule

of Law, Citizen Rights and Supremacy of the Constitution

Q1 Do you agree that the laws made by the legislators have positive impact on the lives of
Nigerians? (Please enter code) 1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree;
3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Do not know

Q2 How well do your elected representatives strive to represent your interests in the following
areas? (Enter code) 1= Very well; 2= Well; 3= Moderately Well; 4= Poorly;
5 =Very poorly (CL—Councillors; SA—State Assembly; NA—National Assembly)
Areas Councillors S/Assembly N/Assembly
1. Development Projects
2. Organizing Security
3. Resolving Conflicts
4. Representation in Parliament
5. Attending to Constituents personal needs

Q3 In your opinion does the rule of law apply equally to everyone in Nigeria? (Enter code)
1 = Yes ; 2 = No; 3 = Don’t Know

Q4 If No, what is responsible for partiality? (Tick appropriately)

1. Wealth
2. Corruption
3. Personal Vendetta
4. Political connection
5. Social status/respect
6. Others (Specify)

Reference Number

Q5 Do you agree that the creation of states and local government councils has improved the
delivery of services and participatory governance? (Enter code) 1 = Strongly Agree;
2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Do not know;

Q6 State and local governments have enough resources to carry out their constitutional
responsibilities. (Enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Do not know

Q7 Evaluate the autonomy exercised by each tier of government. (Enter code)

1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
1. Federal
2. State
3. Local

Q8 Do you agree that more powers and resources should be given to states and local
Governments? (Enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree;; 3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Do not know
1. State
2. Local

Objective 3: Promotion and Protection of Political, Civil, Economic,

Social and Cultural Rights
Q1 Do you agree that the Multi-ethnic composition of Nigeria promotes democracy and good
political governance? (Enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 Don’t Know

Q2 Evaluate elections conducted in 1999. (Please Enter Code)

1 = Free & Fair; 2 = Not Free & Fair; 3 = Do not know
1. Local government
2. State legislature
3. Governorship
4. Federal legislature
5. Presidential

Q3 Evaluate elections conducted in 2003.

(Please Enter code) 1 = Free & Fair; 2 = Not Free & Fair; 3 = Do not know
1. State legislature
2. Governorship
3. Federal legislature
4. Presidential

Reference Number

Q4 Evaluate Local Government elections conducted in 2004.

(Please Enter code) 1 = Free & Fair; 2 = Not Free & Fair; 3 = Do not know

Q5 Rank the following factors as negative, their influences, on the conduct of free and fair
elections in Nigeria: (Please enter code)
1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
1. Ethnicity
2. Excessive use of money
3. God fatherism
4. Incumbency factor
5. Lack of political education
6. Manipulation of electoral bodies
7. Manipulation of Religion
8. Weak political parties
9. Others (Specify)

Q6 Has the practice of democracy been narrowed by the dominance of one powerful political
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Do not know; 4 = Disagree; 5 = Strongly Disagree

Q7 Do you agree that Governments at all levels accommodate the views of the opposition in
the process of policy and decision making?
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Do not know; 4 = Disagree; 5 = Strongly Disagree

Q8 To what level does government takes accounts of, and respond to Public Opinion?
(Please enter code) 1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
1. Federal
2. State
3. Local

Q9 Do you agree that community leaders are actively involved in the democratic process?
(Please Enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3= Disagree; 4= Strongly Disagree;5 = Do not know

Q10 How relevant are traditional rulers to democratic governance? (Please Enter code)
1 = Very relevant; 2 = Relevant;3 = Not Relevant

Reference Number

Q11 Assess the impact of each of the following on the democratic process: (Please Enter code)
1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
Impact of
1. Apathy and lack of trust
2. Electoral irregularities
3. Ethno-religious intolerance
4. Illiteracy
5. Manipulation by political elite
6. Monetized politics
7. Weak political culture
8. Weak political parties
9. Involvement of Traditional rulers
10. Manipulation of electoral bodies

Q12 Assess the level of compliance to the rule of law and the supremacy of the constitution by
all tiers of government. (Please Enter code)
1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
1. Federal
2. State
3. Local

Q13 Rate the protection and promotion of the following rights: (Please enter code)
1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
1. Civil rights
2. Cultural rights
3. Economic rights
4. Political rights
5. Social rights

Q14 Rank the role of the following organizations in the protection and promotion of the above
rights (Please enter code) 1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
1. Government institutions
2. Labour unions
3. Media
4. Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
5. Professional Bodies
6. Religious organizations
7. Traditional institutions
8. Non-Governmental Organsations (NGOs)
9. Community Based Organisations (CBOs)

Reference Number

Q15 Assess the impact of the following actors on the violation of fundamental human rights
(Please enter code) 1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
1. Corporate organizations
2. Ethnic militias and vigilantes
3. Family units
4. Government officials
5. Other employers of labour
6. Private individuals
7. Security agencies
8. Traditional rulers

Q16 Do you agree that there is equal access to Public decision-making organs by all citizens?
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Don’t Know

Q17 Do you agree that all geo-ethnic groups in the state and local government are fairly
represented in government agencies, parastatals, and departments at all tiers of
government in accordance with the federal character principle? (Enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Don’t Know
1. Federal
2. State
3. Local

Objective 4: Separation of Powers and Protection of the Independence

of the Judiciary and Legislature

Q1 Do you agree that the Executive arm respects the powers of the Legislative and Judicial
arms of government? (Please enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3= Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Don’t Know
1. Federal Executive Arm
2. State Executive Arm
3. Local Government Executive Arm

Q2 Do you agree that the Judiciary always operates independently, without external
influences? (Please enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Do not know

Q3 How would you rate the performance of the Judiciary in the delivery of justice to all
Citizens? (Please enter code)
1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low

Q4 Do you agree that In practice, Legislative arms of government exercise their powers
independent of the Executive arm? (Please enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree;3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Do not know
Legislative Arms
1. Federal legislature
2. State legislature
3. Local government councils

Reference Number

Q5 Do Legislators in practice, represent and protect the interest of their constituencies.

1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree;4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Don’t know

Q6 Assess the effectiveness of the legislative arm in monitoring and checking the excesses of
the executive arm (Please enter code)
1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
Legislative Arms
1. Federal legislature
2. State legislature
3. Local government councils

Objective 5: Accountable, Efficient and Effective Public/Civil Service

Q1 Do you agree that sufficient measures exist to ensure the continuous accountability of
appointed public officials? (Please enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 Don’t Know

Q2 Do you agree that sufficient measures exist to ensure the continuous accountability of
elected public officials? (Please enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree;4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 Don’t Know

Q3 Do you agree that there are effective legislative provisions for the evaluation of the
performance of civil servants? (Please enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 Don’t Know

Q4 Do you agree that there is a system of rewarding outstanding public officers/servants,

based on merit, in order to encourage accountability and transparency?
(Please enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree;4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Don’t Know

Q5 If Code 1 or 2 in Q4, have the incentives given to well-performing civil servants enhanced
their effectiveness and efficiency? (Please enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree;4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 Don’t Know

Objective 6: Fighting Corruption in the Political Sphere

Q1 Do you agree that government efforts in fighting corruption have been on the increase
since 1999? (Please enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree;4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 = Don’t Know

Q2 Do you agree that government efforts in fighting corruption has been equally targeted at:
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree;4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 Don’t Know
1. Close associates/ Friends of the government
2. Members of the cabinet
3. Governors considered unfriendly to the federal government
4. Business Executives
5. Political Party Leaders
6. Others (Specify)

Reference Number

Q3 Do you agree that Government has the will to fight corruption? (Please enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5 Don’t Know

Q4 How do you rate the level of corruption in Nigeria today?

(Please enter code) 1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = moderate; 4 = low; 5 = very low

Q5 Assess the contributions of these factors to corruption.

(Please enter code) 1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
1. Greed
2. Inadequate welfare
3. Lack of job security
4. Poverty
5. Societal/cultural values
6. Unequal distribution of rights

Q6 How effective are the following Institutions established by government to combat

corruption? (Please enter code) 1 = very effective; 2 = effective ;
3 = moderate effective ; 4 = Not effective; 5 = Don’t Know
1. Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offences Commission (ICPC)
2. Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC)
3. Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB)
4. Due Process
5. Others (Specify)

Objective 7: Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women

Q1 Do you agree that there are laws and institutions put in place to promote gender equality in
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5= Don’t Know

Q2 Assess the effectiveness of these measures in the promotion of gender equality

(Please enter code) 1 = very effective; 2 = effective ;
3 = moderate effective ; 4 = Not effective; 5 = Don’t Know
1. Economic empowerment
2. Equal access to education
3. Redress of violations of rights
4. Special quota for females
5. Appointment into positions
6. Others (Specify)

Reference Number

Q3 Please evaluate the participation of women in governance at all levels.

(Please enter code) 1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
1. Federal
2. State
3. Local


1. Federal
2. State
3. Local

Q4 Rank the following factors working against gender balance in Nigeria.

(Please enter code) 1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
1. Culture and value systems
2. High cost of politics
3. Illiteracy and lack of awareness
4. Lack of interest
5. Low economic power
6. Low educational qualification
7. Others (Specify)

Objective 8: Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children and Young Persons

Q1 How would you rank the prevalence of the following practices concerning the child in
Nigeria? (Please enter code) 1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = moderate; 4 = low; 5 = very
1.Child crime
2.Child labour
3.Child prostitution
4.Child Slavery
5.Child Trafficking
6.Others (Specify)

Q2 Assess the negative impact of the following factors on the promotion of child rights:
(Please enter code) 1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
1.Cultural and value systems
4.Unequal Opportunities

Reference Number

Q3 Do you agree that there are adequate legal and constitutional provisions for the protection
and promotion of child rights? (Please enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5= Don’t Know

Q4 Rate the contribution of the following in the promotion of child rights (Please enter code)
1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low
1. Government agencies
2. Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
3. Community Based Organisations (CBOs)
4. Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
5. Professional bodies
6. Religious groups
7. Women organizations
8. Traditional institutions
9. Others (Specify)

Q5 Do you agree that the youth are actively involved in government public decision-making
organs that shape their future? (Please enter code)
1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Disagree; 4 = Strongly Disagree; 5= Don’t Know

Objective 9: Promotion and Protection of the Rights Of Vulnerable Groups

Q1 How would you assess the attitude and actions of government at all levels towards the
protection of rights of the physically challenged people. (Please enter code)
1 = very Impressive; 2 = Impressive; 3 = Fairly impressive; 4 = Not impressive
1. Federal Government
2. State Government
3. Local Government

Q2 How would you assess the attitude and actions of government at all levels towards the
protection of rights of the internally displaced persons? (Please enter code)
1 = very Impressive; 2 = Impressive; 3 = Fairly impressive; 4 = Not impressive
1. Federal Government
2. State Government
3. Local Government

Q3 How would you assess the attitude and actions of government at all levels towards the
protection of rights of refugees? (Please enter code)
1 = very Impressive; 2 = Impressive; 3 = Fairly impressive; 4 = Not impressive
1. Federal Government
2. State Government
3. Local Government

Q4 How would you assess the prospects of a lasting democracy in Nigeria?

(Please enter code) 1 = very high; 2 = high; 3 = medium; 4 = low; 5 = very low

Refence Number
Give information about members who usually live in your household. start with name of household head and include respondent

Sex Age In Relationship Marital Education Employment Main Institutional Religion

Name Male=1 Completed to Head of Status Highest Level Status Occupation Sector Re
Female=2 Household completed Ye
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

o Head
tionship 01
01 Never Married Code Main Occupation 02
02 Married 01 None 13 Education
01 Agic, Hunting,Foestry 03
02 Nursery 14 Health and Social work
03 Divorced 02 Fishing 04
15 Social & Personal Services
04 Separated 03 Primary 03 Mining 16 Private Household with
05 Widow 04 Secondary 04 Manufacturing employed person
d 05 Post Secondary
06 Others 05 Electricity,gas & Water Supply 17 Others
ster 01 Pub
hew 06 Construction
01 Employer 07 Wholesale & Retail Trade 02 Priv
ter in Law 03 Par
02 Employee 08 Hotel & Resturant
03 Own Accoun worker 09 Transport, Storage and Communication 04 Min
aw 05 oth
04 Member of Producers cooperative 10 Financial Intermidiate
tives 11 Real estate, Renting &Business Activities
e Servant 05 Unpaid Family Workers 12 Public Administration & defence
ves 06 Others

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