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KL.2 - Global Culture (Single and Universal Culture)

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Ahmad Aisy Zaki, Alfiah Ilmi Husnullah dan Deliana Putri

Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

I. Abstrak
According to E.B Tylor (1832-1917), culture is a complex system that includes knowledge,
belief, art, morals, law, custom, ability, and habits acquired by man as a member of society. 1
Culture universally means that this culture is comprehensive and exists in all life man. Universal
can also be interpreted that cultural elements can be found in all nations and corners, meaning
that there is no society that does not have the culture, the culture in question are language, science,
technology, social organization, economy, religion and art.While this single culture, a culture that
is only owned by certain groups/societies, which may be the culture itself can be a characteristic
for people who have that culture. This research is descriptive qualitative.The data collection
method is by studying the literature by collecting various references both from books, articles,
journals, and other internet sources.

Keywords : Culture, Global Culture, Universal and Single

II. Introduction

According to Koentjaraningrat (1980), the word "culture" comes from the Sanskrit word
budhayah, which is the plural form of budhi which means "mind" or "reason". Therefore Culture
can be interpreted as "things related to reason". While the word "culture"is a compound
development of "cultivation" which means "the power of the mind" so that distinguished between
"culture" which means "power of the mind" which is in the form of creativity, intention and taste,
with "culture" which means the result of creativity, initiative and taste. 2 Culture is everything

Alfina Rosyadah, “Dampak Penanaman Budaya Religius Pada Peserta Didik (Studi Kasus di SMA Negeri 1
Purwoasri Kab. Kediri)”, (Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Ilmu Keguruan Institut
Agama Islam Negeri Kediri, 2020)
M. Munandar Soelaeman, Ilmu Budaya Dasar, (Bandung: PT Eresco Bandung, 1987) hlm.12

related to all aspects of human life which is lived, and owned together. Within culture are beliefs,
arts and customs. According to anthropology presented by Koentjaningrat (1980), Culture is all
human capabilities based on their thoughts, reflected in their thoughts, reflected in their behavior
and in the objects of their work can by training and learning.

Thus culture is a human creation.Therefore, this article discusses global culture, with sub-
cultureuniversal and single culture, also analyzes the characteristics of universal culture and global

III. Research Methods

The methodology of this type of research is a descriptive methodology using the research
instrument approach used is literature study. That is, the author conducts research or research that
originates from literature or literary works such as books that contain theories that are relevant to
research problems. The problem in this research is knowing.

IV. Discussion Results

A. Single Cultural
1. Single Cultural Notion

Single culture or "monoculturalism" is a concept that refers to a situation in which a

society or country has only one main or dominant culture. A single culture assumes that
everyone in the society has the same values, norms, beliefs and practices. This means that
there is no cultural variation within the society and that all are expected to follow the same
norms and practices. A single culture can also result from various factors, such as history,
religion, politics or a homogeneous social environment. However, the existence of a single
culture can also lead to the loss of the diversity of differences that arise in society.

1. Characteristics of a Single Culture

• Attachment to Local Identity A single culture is usually owned by a particular
group or community thick with local identities such as language, traditions,
beliefs, or customs customs attached to that society.

• Focus on Specific Values A single culture is usually based on specific values
that are exemplified by the community. This is often a factor influencing the
behavior and way of life of citizens.
• Has a Distinctive Social Structure A single culture is often reflected in the social
structure of a particular society. Matter This can result in differences in the
division of labor, the division of powers,hierarchical system, and so on.
2. Example of Single Culture

The examples of a single culture include:

a) Eskimo: is a native tribe found in arctic areas, such as Alaska and northern Kuanda. They
share the same culture in terms of language, beliefs, values, and way of life, such as
hunting and fishing for a living.
b) Amish: The Amish are a Christian religious group originating in the United States. They
live in very isolated communities, practice the same traditions and values, such as
dressing conservatively, rejecting modern technology, and living simply.
c) Sami: Sami are an ethnic group native to the northern regions of Europe, such as
Norway, Sweden, and Finland. They have the same language, beliefs and traditions, such
as raising wildebeest, weaving traditional clothes, and practicing Sami music and dance.
d) Tibet : Tibet is an autonomous region in China which is known to have a unique and very
strong culture. Tibetans share the same language, beliefs and traditions, such as worship
of the Dalai Lama, traditional dances and carving.

It should be remembered that even though a group has a single culture, it does not mean that they
have cultural variations or diversity among their members. In addition, a single culture can develop
over time and outside influences that enter into a group.

B. Universal Culture

1. Universal Culture Notion

Culture is universal, meaning it is comprehensive and exists in all human life.

Universal can also be interpreted that cultural elements can be found throughout the nation
and corners, meaning that there is no society that does not have culture.

Universal culture is a collection of values, norms, beliefs,and practices that are
considered universal throughout the world. This concept implies that there are aspects of
culture present in almost all human society, such as values such as compassion, justice, and
respect towards older people.

Universal culture also includes the existence of various practices or traditions that
found in many human societies, such as wedding ceremonies, funerals, and religious rituals.
This shows that although there are differences between cultures around the world, there are
also significant similarities. Discusses Universal Culture, closely related to the 7 elements
culture universally. Kluckhon divides the cultural system into seven elements universal
culture or known as universal culture. According to Koentjaraningrat, the term universal
indicates that the elements of culture are universal and can be found in the culture of all
nations scattered in various directions world. The seven elements of culture are language,
knowledge system, system social organization, systems of living equipment and
technology, economic systems and eyes livelihood, religious system, and art.3

1) Language
Language is a form of communication between humans. language is universal elements
of culture developed by humans because Example of Universal Culture communication
needs with others, both in groups and outside the group.4
2) Knowledge Each culture always has a set of knowledge about nature, plants, animals,
objects, and people in surrounding. According to Koentjaraningrat, every ethnic group in
the world have knowledge of, among other things
• natural surroundings;
• plants that grow around the area where they live;
• animals that live in the area where they live;
• substances, raw materials, and objects in their environment;
• the human body;
• human characteristics and behavior;

Siany L., Atiek Catur B. Khazanah Antropologi Jilid 1 untuk kelas XI SMA dan MA. (Jakarta: Pusat perbukuan,
Departemen Pendidikan, 2009) hlm.58
Siany L., Atiek Catur B. Khazanah Antropologi Jilid 1 untuk kelas XI SMA dan MA. (Jakarta: Pusat perbukuan,
Departemen Pendidikan, 2009) hlm.58-59

• space and time5
3) Kinship and Social Organization
This cultural element is related to how humans form society through social groups.
Kinship in this means marriage. In addition, this kinship meant social marriage will
produce offspring. Every ethnic group has a system different kinship in terms of marriage
or establishing customs.6
4) Living Equipment and Technology
In carrying out his life, humans need a variety of things tools to make life easier. Next,
various Equipment from simple to modern was created, such as tools household,
production, transportation, and other forms of technology increasingly
sophisticated.7Examples are; means of production,weapons, containers, tools for starting
fire, food, clothing/jewelry,shelter/house and means of transportation.
5) Economy / Livelihoods
The economic system in traditional societies, including hunting and gathering; raise
livestock; farming in the fields; catching fish; match Sedentary planting with irrigation
6) ReligionThe definition of a belief system is broader than religion and belief to God
Almighty. Belief systems relate to power outside of man. Belief in gods,
animism,dynamism, and belief in God Almighty are proof religious elements in culture.
In every culture will be found these elements, although in different forms.
7) Art
Art is closely related to the sense of beauty (aesthetics) one has by every human being and
society. This sense of beauty is what gave birth to various forms of art that differ between
cultures one and another culture.8

Siany L., Atiek Catur B. Khazanah Antropologi Jilid 1 untuk kelas XI SMA dan MA. (Jakarta: Pusat perbukuan,
Departemen Pendidikan, 2009) hlm.61
Cicin Yulianti, “7 Unsur Kebudayaan Menurut Para Ahli Antropologi”, , (Senin,
13 Maret 2023, 19:42)
Siany L., Atiek Catur B. Khazanah Antropologi Jilid 1 untuk kelas XI SMA dan MA. (Jakarta: Pusat perbukuan,
Departemen Pendidikan, 2009) hlm. 66
8Siany L., Atiek Catur B. Khazanah Antropologi Jilid 1 untuk kelas XI SMA dan MA. (Jakarta: Pusat perbukuan,
Departemen Pendidikan, 2009) hlm. 69-72

V. Conclusion

Single culture refers to a culture that is only owned by one certain groups or communities
and have little or no influence on other cultures. Meanwhile, universal culture refers to aspects of
culture that found in different countries or ethnic groups and assumed to be the value or widely
accepted norm. A single and universal culture has characteristics that different. A single culture
is limited to certain groups or communities, whereas Universal culture includes aspects of culture
that are exemplified by many groups and widely accepted.


Cicin Yulianti,

menurutpara-ahli-antropologi , “7 Unsur Kebudayaan Menurut Para Ahli Antropologi”,
(Senin,13 Maret 2023, 19:42)
L. Siany, Catur Atiek. 2009. Khazanah Antropologi Jilid 1 untuk kelas XI SMA dan MA.
Jakarta:Pusat perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan
Rosyadah Alfina. 2020. “Dampak Penanaman Budaya Religius Pada Peserta Didik (Studi Kasus
di SMA Negeri 1 Purwoasri Kab. Kediri)”, (Kediri: Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam
Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Ilmu Keguruan Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kediri, 2020)
Soelaemajn Munandar. 1987. Ilmu Budaya Dasar. Edisi ke-1. Bandung: PT Eresco Bandung

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