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Diet-Detox Program

Weight Loss and
Detoxification with
Natural Foods
Geoff and Po D’’Arcy

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Diet-Detox Program


Diet-Detox Program © 2001, 2004 by Po & Geoff D’’Arcy

No part of this book may be used

or reproduced in any manner without written permission,
except in brief quotation in critical articles or reviews.

Exclusive distribution by
Wellbeing Publications, 63 South Main Street, Sherborn, MA 01770

Photography / design: Po & Geoff D’’Arcy

author’’s disclaimer

The following recommendations are written for the purpose of educa-

tion and perspective and are not intended to be medical advice, nor a
prescription for any disease. If you have a medical condition or are
experiencing any unusual or persistent symptoms, please consult a
qualified natural healthcare practitioner immediately.

2 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

““There’’s hidden sweetness in the stomach’’s emptiness.

We are lutes, no more, no less.
If the soundbox is stuffed full of anything, no music.

If the brain and the belly are burning clean with fasting,
every moment a new song comes out of the fire.
The fog clears, and new energy makes you
run up the steps in front of you.””

16th Century Sufi Poet

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Diet-Detox Program

Diet-Detox table of contents:

x Preface / Introduction
x Do you need to cleanse?
x Our Amazing Liver
x Health Studies
x Detoxification
x Why Organically Grown Foods
x Food as Energy——A TCM Perspective
x Yin and Yang
x Acid / Alkaline
x Program Overview
x Common Symptoms
x Shopping List
x Phase 1
x The Liver Flush
x Green Tea
x Phase 1 Recipes
x Phase 2 Recipes
x Phase 3 Recipes
x Recommended Program Supplements
x Poems
x Appendix I——Organic Food Choices
x Appendix II——Broccoli Sprouts
x Appendix III——Acid Alkaline Food Charts

4 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

Do you need to cleanse and purify your body?

Take the challenge! Prove to yourself, the power of rejuvenation,

energy and renewal that the cleansing diet and herbs will bring
your body and mind. What’’s to lose? Just excess weight and tox-

1. Do you often feel tired?

2. Do you ever feel dizzy, trouble concentrating or foggy thinking?
3. Do you eat fast, fatty, fried, oily, processed foods?
4. Do use stimulants, coffee, cigarettes, candy or soda to boost
yourself each day?
5. Do you move your bowels less than twice a day?
6. Do you have intestinal gas, bloating or constipation?
7. Do you experience headaches?
8. Do you live with or near polluted air or water?
9. Do you eat fish more than twice a week?
10. Do you have food allergies or skin problems?
11. Do you have sinus problems or often have lower back pain or
12. Are you exposed to chemicals, pharmaceuticals?
13. Do you feel sluggish or overweight?
14. Do you spend most of your time indoors?
15. Is it difficult getting out of bed in the morning?

If you answered yes, to three or more of the questions above,

this program is for you!

We do not recommend this program if you are currently experiencing the

following medical conditions: pregnancy, breastfeeding, severely
underweight, insulin dependent diabetics, advanced kidney and heart
disease. We also recommend that those with eating disorders do so under
medical supervision.*

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*If you have a We began our annual Diet-Detox Programs with my old
medical partner and friend, Dr. Guillermo Asis, MD more than
condition, in 18 years ago. We are grateful for his introduction to
our experience
it really is
this powerful healing experience. Over time we have
common sense experimented with doing one, two and sometimes three
to consult a short programs per year, each time adding to our ap-
physician or
qualified health
preciation and re-connection to food as a source of our
practitioner ““life-force.”” Nowadays, we have fallen into the rhythm of
immediately. taking two weeks each Spring and one week each Fall
This Diet Detox
Program can
do enter into this cleansing process. Each and every
help you to time we experience the rejuvenation in the body, mind
achieve and spirit and gain renewed appreciation for the mys-
sustainable tery and miracle of the body.
weight loss
and an You may be approaching this Diet-Detox Program for
increase in
your energy cleansing and detoxifying toxins from your body; or,
and vitality. perhaps you may want to marshal your body’’s life-force
for a specific healing; some of you may simply want to
drop a few unwanted pounds, while others may want to
challenge negative life-long habit patterns around food.
Whatever your goal, we offer this booklet to your
health, to help you raise up the functioning of your
Is it possible liver, (our sacred filter,) to help you shift negative pat-
that we don’’t
make the con-
terns and replace them with healthy educated choices.
nection be- In addition to motivation, we offer practical recipes and
tween our helpful tips we’’ve learned over the years. We offer this
health and the
food we are
to the heart of your physical, emotional and spiritual
eating? wellbeing, to your blood and your cellular nourishment,
to your experience of more energy, and to your lessen-
ing of suffering and disease.
On a daily basis, we see first-hand the suffering created
for patients from simply having made poor choices in
their daily food intake. Fast-food and the denatured,
refined, processed, so called ““foods”” found on our gro-
cery shelves can create serious health problems, or mi-
nor ones so that most of us just don’’t feel that good
most of the time. Is it possible that we don’’t make the
connection between our health and the food we are eat-
ing? Somehow there is a disconnect between food and
health, and this has created an erosion in the health
and spirit of our nation, most visible in the health of
our children. For our own sake, and for the sake of
those we feed, we need to make the re-connection. We
believe strongly that in a few days, by challenging your
habit patterns and allowing your body to clear out and

6 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

renew, you will experience the connection between food

and nourishment in an entirely new way.
This is a book to accompany and motivate you in your
process of rejuvenation. We provide the basic guidelines
and offer it to you as a tool for your exploration of full
health and wellbeing. For the program to work, all it
takes is your interest and your willingness to participate
fully. For some who are familiar with natural foods, it
will call you to a renewed commitment to your health.
For others, who have not experienced this approach, it
will require a leap of faith. The recipes are user friendly
and taste good, the information provided will motivate
you mentally and the program is easy to follow. Re-
member, it is only for two weeks, and even though
there may be some challenging moments, ultimately at
the end of these two weeks, you will have gained some
knowledge for yourself about the importance of food
quality and your relationship to food and your eating
habits. We support you in your exploration of health
and radiant wellness!
—— Po and Geoff D’’Arcy
We believe
that creating
Introduction healthy new
eating habits
Welcome to our Diet-Detox Program and thank you for is more im-
your participation. Over the past 18 years, many people portant than
any amount
have participated in this program and have made per- of weight you
manent changes in their diets and in their approach to may lose with
eating in general. Often the idea of balancing the diet this program.
has helped them to find balance in other areas of their
lives as well, increasing their ability to manage stress,
work and/or relationships with greater ease and effec-
tiveness. We believe that creating healthy new eating
habits is more important than any amount of weight
you may lose with this program. Typically, when we
want to learn something new, we read about it. How-
ever, this kind of intellectual learning will play only a
minor role in this program. There will be times when
you will love what you’’re doing. And there will be times
when you may question your own judgment for getting
yourself into this predicament. A lot has already been
written about nutrition, and some of the most incredi-
ble diets are waiting on the shelves of your local book-
store. We do not intend to re-invent the wheel. Instead,
let’’s let our own bodies have a say in the matter. If we
are looking for sound advice as to what foods are good

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for us, what kinds of foods will increase our vitality and
wellbeing, we need to listen to what our bodies are tell-
ing us.
Our medical elite tells us to eat five portions of fruit and
vegetables a day and that this alone will lower cancer
rates in the U.S. by 40%! Yet, when we look at what we
are serving our children in the schools of America, we
can easily get the ‘‘disconnect’’ that we as a nation have
around food. This has to change, and it CAN
can change in your circle of friends and within your cir-
cle of loved ones by making a change right now for
yourself! We have seen many people on the typical
““American diet”” who start their change with this pro-
Our medical gram and shift into the adventure of energy, weight
elite tells us to loss, greater vitality and greater health.
eat five portions
of fruit and In our world today, the development of refined foods,
vegetables a
day and that soft drinks and fast food outlets has upset the balance
this alone will of health in this country. This modernization of the
lower cancer American diet has represented an economic drain. Al-
rates in the U.S.
by 40%!
though some of the repercussions will be felt for a long
time it is possible to clean up some of the waste. Just
Yet, when we as our planet has its chemical waste problems, our
look at what we smaller environment, the body, is also greatly threat-
are serving our
children in the ened. Toxins may accumulate in the colon and the liver,
schools of leading to fatigue, headaches, and pre-menstrual ten-
America, we sion. We take these symptoms for granted without real-
can easily get
the ““disconnect””
izing that they represent a state of ill health. There are
that we as a certainly many others. The ultimate truth about wastes
nation have is that in the body’’s natural tendency to preserve bal-
around food. ance, what goes in must go out.
Cleansing and detoxification involve the removal of tox-
ins that enter the body through our food, drink, air and
the toxic byproducts of our metabolic processes. Gener-
ally, our modern diet and polluted environment build up
toxins faster than our organs can detoxify. Through a
periodic dietary cleansing, we can give our organs time
to remove accumulated toxins. When wastes accumu-
late in the body they interfere with the normal function,
nourishment, and regeneration of our body cells. If this
problem becomes chronic it can result in a general me-
tabolism slowdown and premature aging.

8 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

Our Amazing Liver

One of our primary targets for the Detox Program is the
liver. If you suffer with any of the following, this pro-
gram may be the beginning of relief of some of these
symptoms. The following are indicators of imbalance of
liver potential.

Abnormal Metabolism of Fats:

Abnormalities in the level of fats in the blood stream,
such as elevated LDL cholesterol and reduced HDL cho-
lesterol and elevated triglycerides are signs of the body
struggling with fat processing. Arteries blocked with
fat, leading to high blood pressure, heart attacks and
strokes is a another clue. The build up of fat in other
body organs (fatty degeneration of organs), or lumps of
fat in the skin (lipomas and other fatty tumors) are sug-
gestive of abnormal metabolism of fats. Excessive
weight gain, which may lead to obesity or the inability
to lose weight even while dieting, may all be signs of
abnormal metabolism of fats. Sluggish metabolism, cel-
lulite, a fatty liver to the tell tale sign of a roll of fat
around the upper abdomen - (liver roll) are all sugges-
tive fats not being metabolized well.
Digestive Problems:
Indigestion, and/or acid reflux
Gall stones and gall bladder disease
Intolerance to fatty foods
Intolerance to alcohol
Nausea and vomiting attacks
Abdominal bloating
Irritable bowel syndrome
Pain over the liver - (upper right corner of abdomen &
lower right rib cage)
Blood Sugar Problems:
Craving for sugar
Hypoglycemia and unstable blood sugar levels
Mature onset diabetes (Type II) is common in those with
a fatty liver

Nervous System Problems:

Mood changes such as anger and irritability. Metaphysi-
cally the liver is known as the "seat of anger"
Poor concentration and "foggy brain"
Overheating of the body, especially the face and torso

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Recurrent headaches (including migraine) associated

with nausea

Immune Dysfunction:
Allergies - sinus, hay fever, asthma, dermatitis, hives
Multiple food and chemical sensitivities
Skin rashes and inflammations
Increased risk of autoimmune diseases
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Increase in recurrent viral, bacterial and parasitic infec-
External Signs:
Coated tongue
Bad breath
Skin rashes
Itchy skin (pruritus)
Excessive sweating
Offensive body odor
Dark circles under the eyes
Yellow discoloration of the eyes
Red swollen itchy eyes (allergic eyes)
If the filtering Acne rosacea - (red pimples around the nose, cheeks
and/or detoxi- and chin)
fication sys-
tem within Brownish spots and blemishes on the skin (liver spots)
our livers is Red palms and soles which may also be itchy or
overloaded or inflamed
this will cause
Flushed facial appearance or excessive facial blood ves-
toxins, dead sels (capillaries/veins)
cells and
micro- Hormonal Imbalance:
organisms to Intolerance to hormone replacement therapy or the con-
build up in traceptive pill
our blood
Menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes may be
more severe
Premenstrual syndrome may be more severe
Clean that Filter!! If the filtering and/or detoxification
system within our livers is overloaded or inefficient, this
will cause toxins, dead cells and micro-organisms to
build up in our blood stream. This will then increase the
workload of our immune systems, which will become
overloaded and irritated. Our immune system will then
produce excessive inflammatory chemicals, and in some
cases, auto antibodies, because it is in a hyper-
stimulated state. It is a great idea to cleanse our livers
at least once a year, as we do not want these dangerous
substances building up in the blood stream and moving

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to deeper levels in our bodies.

The liver is the body’’s toxin filter, and main defense
against the toxins of daily life. The liver protects our
The liver is the
body by filtering over one liter of blood a minute and body’’s toxin
produces up to one quart of bile a day. It metabolizes filter, and
internal wastes such as harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses main defense
against the
and parasites, while breaking down our hormones such toxins of daily
as testosterone and estrogen, preventing build ups, that life.
could lead to PMS or mood swings, and other hormonal
The toxins processed by the liver are excreted by the
lungs, kidneys and through bile into the gall bladder
and out through the intestines. So it makes sense to
give your liver and gall bladder a little help from time to
time. This is especially important for patients who suf-
fer constipation as they are re-circulating wastes
through their systems. The effective combination of
herbal supplements and a cleansing diet, will better
protect you from internal and external toxins, and help
you maintain a healthy body weight. American
Environmental toxins and toxins produced inside our uses nearly
bodies can be stored in adipose (fat) tissue, and often 10lb (4.5 kg) of
lead to fatigue and poor health. When we lose weight pesticides per
person on the
we break down fat cells and release stored toxins into food supply
circulation. each year.

Detoxification means to remove a poison or toxin or the

effect of such from the body or to render a harmful sub-
stance harmless. Detoxing is an additional benefit of
weight loss, yet it has its hidden dangers if your filter,
the liver, is in sluggish. It is estimated that one in every
four Americans suffers from some level of heavy metal
poisoning. Heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, cad-
mium, and arsenic, are by-products of industry. Syn-
thetic agriculture chemicals, many of which are known
to cause health problems, are also found in food, air,
and water. American agriculture uses nearly 10lb (4.5
kg) of pesticides per person on the food supply each
These toxins have become almost unavoidable. Pesti-
cides that are used only on crops in the southern United
States have been found in the tissue of animals in the
far north of Canada. DDT, a cancer-causing insecticide
that has been banned for decades, is still regularly
found in the fatty tissue of animals, birds, and fish,

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 11
Diet-Detox Program

even in extremely remote regions such as the North

Detoxification is Pole.
the process of
clearing toxins Detoxification is the process of clearing toxins from the
from the body or body or neutralizing or transforming them, and clearing
neutralizing or excess mucus and congestion. Detoxification involves
them. dietary and lifestyle changes that reduce intake of tox-
ins and improve elimination. Avoidance of chemicals,
from food or other sources, refined food, sugar, caf-
feine, alcohol, tobacco, and many drugs helps minimize
the toxin load. Drinking extra water (purified) and in-
creasing fiber by including more fruits and vegetables
in the diet are steps in the detoxification process.
Toxins. Let’’s get the some perspective on modern tox-
ins that place much of an extra burden on our liver. In
1989, enough toxins were released into the air and
earth to fill a line of semi-trailers parked bumper-to-
bumper with a cargo capacity of 45,000 pounds each,
stretching from downtown Los Angeles to Des Moines,
Iowa! That is 1,680 miles!!!!!
We are exposed to a spectrum of more than 100,000
potentially harmful chemicals, and exposure to these
In 1989,
enough toxins can bring on disease. According to a 1997 study by the
were released National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers
into the air for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, many of
and earth to
fill a line of
these chemicals may accumulate in our bodies. Then,
semi-trailers tucked away in our fatty tissues, they can damage our
parked reproductive, neurological and immune systems. The
bumper-to- American Food and Drug Administration, for example,
bumper with a
cargo capacity put out a warning in September 1997 that predatory
of 45,000 fish such as swordfish and sharks may contain methyl-
pounds each, mercury levels in excess of its one part per million
from down-
(ppm) recommended limit. The FDA's advice is that the
town Los Ange- fish is safe to eat, as long as the quantity does not ex-
les to Des ceed more than one portion a week. However, once the
Moines, Iowa! toxins are in our bodies, they stay there for a long
That is 1,680
miles!!!!! time... maybe for ever, or until sudden weight loss.
Japan's health ministry has long been concerned about
mercury levels in whale meat. A recent article in the
New Scientist magazine revealed research had found
that whale meat was so laced with mercury, that Japa-
nese who eat just a mouthful ran the risk of brain dam-
age or poisoning their unborn children. Japanese re-
searchers from the University of Hokkaido found such
high concentrations of mercury in at least two whale or
dolphin liver samples that eating 0.15 grams would ex-

12 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

ceed World Health Organization safe weekly intake lev-

els. We can be
The Good News! If our Liver is healthy and strong, it is
by under-
an astounding filter. standing the
All of this news can be overwhelming, but we can be body’’s
encouraged by understanding the body’’s amazing ca- amazing
capacity to
pacity to take care of itself. The liver detoxification take care o
pathways inside the liver cells are sophisticated mecha- itself.
nisms that have evolved over millions of years to break
down toxins. Every drug, artificial chemical, pesticide
and hormone, is broken down (metabolized) by enzyme
pathways inside the liver cells. Many of the toxic chemi-
cals that may enter the body are fat-soluble, which
means they dissolve only in fatty or oily solutions and
not in water. Fat-soluble chemicals have a high affinity
for fat tissues and cell membranes, which are made of
fatty substances. In these fatty parts of the body, toxins
may be stored for years, being released during times of
exercise, stress or weight loss. Our liver is remarkably
designed to convert fat-soluble chemicals into water-
soluble chemicals so that they may then be easily ex-
creted from the body via watery fluids such as bile and
urine. Even modern synthetic chemicals, never seen
before in the millions of years of evolution can be bro-
ken down!
When we detoxify our bodies we risk old toxins that
were isolated and not broken down by the liver being
released back into our systems. We offer some recom-
mendations that can help with this process. Research
shows that there is an ingredient in Broccoli Sprouts,
sulforophane, that stimulates the liver’’s Phase 2 en-
zymes, the ones needed to break down toxins so they
can be excreted, instead of tucked-away into fat cells.
We highly recommend that during the Diet-Detox that
you take Broccoli Sprouts.

Good News about Broccoli Sprouts and other vegeta-

There is now compelling scientific evidence that con-
sumption of vegetables and fruits helps to reduce the
risk of some cancers. The USDA's Dietary Guidelines for
Americans, as well as the National Research Council and
American Institute of Cancer Research recommenda-
tions, all reflect this growing knowledge. Vegetables do
keep us healthy, and can be a powerful weapon against
toxins. According to a recent international report, mak-

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Diet-Detox Program

ing dietary changes to include vegetables and fruits in

our diets can prevent 30 to 40 percent of cancer cases,
(three to four million cases annually).

What is it about vegetables that produce those healthy

It is the naturally protective phytochemicals from thou-
sands of naturally occurring chemicals in vegetables.
Some of these protective compounds in vegetables are:
allicin, found in garlic; carotenoids, found in carrots;
lycopene, in tomatoes; and another amazing compound
found in broccoli, sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS ).
These compounds increase the body's own defense sys-
tem against carcinogens. Cells in the body contain a
family of detoxification enzymes (Phase 2 enzymes) that
neutralize cancer-causing chemicals as well as free radi-
cals before they damage DNA and initiate cancer.
Chemo-protection can be accomplished by activating
the body's Phase 2 defense. The Phase 2 enzymes are
an integral part of the body's amazing detoxification
system, neutralizing carcinogens and making them in-
active. This detoxification system turns carcinogens and
other toxic substances into harmless molecules that are
excreted from the body.
In his article "Sulforaphane Stimulates the Body's Cancer
Fighting Enzymes," Richard Conant describes how sul-
foraphane works. ““The detoxification of carcinogens
and other toxic substances takes place in the liver, and
involves two distinct enzyme driven processes or
"phases." Phase 1 enzymes neutralize toxins by various
routes. Some of these convert toxins into substances
that are immediately eliminated. However, other Phase
1 steps convert toxins into intermediate products which
are carcinogenic themselves, and require further treat-
ment before they can be excreted. Phase 2 enzymes do
this vital job. Phase 2 enzymes deactivate these carcino-
genic metabolites of Phase 1, and the final breakdown
product is then eliminated once and for all. ...We can
see therefore that it is vitally important to keep Phase 2
enzymes operating well. This is where sulforaphane
plays its cancer preventive role. Sulforaphane is a pow-
erful inducer of Phase 2 enzymes.”” ( See Appendix II for
further discussion on Broccoli Sprouts.)

14 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
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Why Organically Grown Foods ““Organic

growing is a
On the Diet-Detox Program we are trying to give our process of
bodies a break from all processed foods, artificial in- attunement
gredients and herbicides, pesticides growth hormones, that calls for
looking at
anti biotics and any other food contaminant and toxin. and respond-
So the body can use these two weeks to fully rejuvenate ing to whole
itself and its organ functioning. ecosystems in
which plants
Plenty of organic, unrefined, unprocessed foods, fresh are growing,
whole foods, including fresh vegetables, fruits, whole rather than
grains and unrefined carbohydrates should make up on isolated
the majority of the the Diet-Detox Program and ulti- aspects.““ --
mately our regular diet. Dan Jason,
1991. Green-
Why are organically grown medicinal plants and foods ing the Gar-
so important? For food, as for medicinal plants, organi- den.
cally grown or cultivated, means avoiding the use of
man-made chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticides,
chemical growth regulators/hormones and antibiotics.
These substances are poisoning our external and inter-
nal ecologies.
Organic farming is based on a system of farming that
uses production methods that minimize the impact on
the environment. The primary focus is to maintain a
healthy soil and develop a balanced farm ecosystem
that is environmentally sustainable. Conventional farm-
ing practices, not only are dangerous because of toxic
chemical use, but because they do not protect the soil.

The Soil Conservation Service estimates that over 30 ““Certified Or-

ganic”” in North
years of planting of vast areas with the same crop year America, means
after year and environmentally insensitive farming prac- that a product
tices, have resulted in the worst topsoil erosion in his- has been pro-
duced in accor-
tory. Soil is the organic farmer's most revered tool.
dance with
Rather than relying on synthetic fertilizers, they build specific guide-
their soil through natural amenities, such as com- lines and or-
posted manure, and by planting diverse crops. Organic ganic stan-
dards, as estab-
farmers respect the soil and view it as the foundation lished by a
of the food chain. Studies show that vegetables grown certifying
in organic soil have many more vitamins and trace ele- agency.
ments than conventionally-grown food and, of course,
are not treated with any noxious chemicals. When you
buy certified organic food and products, your money
casts a vote for a healthier planet because organic agri-
culture and processing practices.
So why organic foods? Because when you realize the
facts its common sense - well-balanced soils grow

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strong healthy plants that are full of nutrients and also

taste great.
Safe Foods! Be Sure That These Foods are on your
Shopping List Are Organic! (Please see Appendix I)


A Kirlian photograph on the wall of my office pictures a

leaf with the top part cut off and thrown away. The pho-
tograph captures the ““corona discharge”” that represents
““People call the
soil mineral
millions of electrons streaming from the leaf. The upper
matter, but some portion of the leaf is cut off yet one can clearly see the
one hundred ““phantom leaf”” or ““energy body”” that remains.
million bacteria,
yeasts, molds,
diatoms, and All living organisms have an attending energy body in-
other microbes terfacing with the physical body. This bio-energetic fac-
live in just one tor has yet to be explored from a scientific viewpoint,
gram of ordi-
nary topsoil. Far
yet from 5,000 years of use within the framework of
from being dead Traditional Chinese and Japanese Medicine, a huge
or inanimate, body of evidence has been accumulated about energetic
the soil is teem- qualities found in certain herbs and foods, even refined
ing with life.
These mirco- to the point of understanding which energy meridian
organisms do the herb or food enters, which organ system with which
not exist without it has an energetic affinity, and to which tissues it is
reason. Each
lives for a pur-
pose, struggling, Food has energy, and fresh food has more ““Qi”” or ““Life
cooperating, and
carrying on the force”” than refined or processed foods. When we eat
cycles of nature.”” any food, we not only get the nutritional chemical val-
--Masanobu ues from that food, but also the lifeforce of the food - if
Fukuoka, The
Natural Way of
it is available.
According to Chinese legend, Shen Nung, the Chinese
father of agriculture and leader of an ancient clan, took
it upon himself to test, one by one, hundreds of differ-
ent plants and foods to discover their nutritional and
medicinal properties, testing plants and foods for their
properties of inducing cold, heat, warmth, and cool-
Traditional Chinese Medicine, (TCM), and other mature
systems throughout the world have studied the herbal
and food energetic signature effects on the body and

The ““Four Energies”” are classified as: Hot, Warm, Cool,

Cold or Neutral.

16 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

The ““Four Directions”” help to classify the tendency of

the food with respect to area of effect in the body.

Applying Yin and Yang theory to diet means choosing a

balanced diet of both yin and yang foods which compli-
ment each other. The idea is to balance yang foods with
yin foods, and to use foods that are neutral as a base.

More Potentially Toxic—————————————— ————————————————————More Detoxifying

fats sweets nuts brown rice fruits

Allergenic refined seeds squash greens

foods foods

GMO Fried foods beans Root veg- veggies

organ processed milk millet potatoes herbs
sugar meats eggs oats buckwheat

Hydrogen- cheese Baked pasta water

ated goods

Most Congestion—————————————————— ——————————————————-Least Congesting

Extreme Yin and Extreme Yang:

Yang qualities are contracting, while Yin qualities are
expanding. Very Yang foods include Red Meat, eggs,
salt, cheese. Very Yin foods include refined foods
(sugar), alcohol, ice cream, and fruit.
Balancing Yin and Yang in foods is about avoiding ex-
tremes. In the West, most people could tell you that a
diet of steak with no fruit or vegetables is bad. They
might say that a steak diet doesn’’t supply complete
nutrition. An Eastern chef might tell you that steak
alone is an all-Yang diet, and that’’s no good. In short,
whether you’’re eating in the West or East, imbalance is
not healthy.
Too many Yang foods in someone’’s diet——eggs, poultry,
meat——would be as bad as too many Yin foods——fruits,
dairy, sugar, alcohol, or coffee. Fans of grains will be
happy to note that grains are considered one of the
most balanced foods according to this philosophy. As

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 17
Diet-Detox Program

both seed and fruit, grains symbolize the entire life cy-
Cold/Cool cle of the food.
foods, such
as water-
melon and Even the manner in which a person chooses to cook
salad food can affect its Yin-Yang qualities. Pressure cooking
greens, have makes a food more Yang; microwaving, or steaming is
the medici-
nal functions
considered Yin. Stir frying is one of the most balanced
of clearing ways to cook, which brings us to the topic of chi in
heat and cooking.
fire, cooling
the blood,
and eliminat- The Four Energies of Food.
ing toxins.
For practical purposes, TCM practitioners classify Chi-
nese foods into three energetic groups: Cold/Cool
foods; Neutral foods; and Warm/Hot foods. Cold/Cool
foods, such as watermelon and salad greens, have the
medicinal functions of clearing heat and fire, cooling
the blood, and eliminating toxins. Warm/Hot foods
such as garlic and chicken have the medicinal functions
of warming meridians, strengthening Yang, invigorating
Blood, opening collateral meridians, and eliminating
cold. Neutral foods are used to serve as bridges, har-
monizers, or neutralizers to bring about a balanced
It is easy to see how the Four Energies of food can be
used to achieve balance in the body. If a person suffers
from a Cold-induced condition, he will be advised to
avoid cold (and raw) foods, and to eat warming foods.
The opposite advice would be given to a person with
too much Heat in his system.
All foods fall into three categories; yin foods, yang
foods and neutral foods. The term yin or yang relates to
whether a food is a cooling or a warming food. Do not
be fooled by simple assumptions, as these terms often
have nothing to do with the taste, nor how it is cooked.
They relate to deeper essences of the foods nature. You
might assume that all drinks are cooling; beer is cool-
ing, but brandy is not. Here is a very basic food list:

18 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

Flowers—Fruits—Leaves—Fast Seeds—Twigs—Branches-Barks—Roots—Slow

TCM practitio-
FOODS Chinese foods
into three
groups: Cold/
Cool foods;
Almonds, Apple, Aspara- Bread Beef, Black pepper, Brown Neutral foods;
gus, Bamboo, Banana, Carrots sugar, Butter, Cheese,
and Warm/
Barley, Bean curd, Bean Cauliflower Chicken liver and fat,
sprouts, Beer, Broccoli, Cherries Chillies, Chocolate, Cof- Hot foods.
Cabbage, Celery, Clams, Lean chicken meat fee, Eggs, Smoked fish,
Corn, Corn flour, Crab, Dates Garlic, Green peppers,
Cucumber, Duck, Eels, Milk Goose, Ham, Kidney
Fish, Grapes, Honey, Ice Peaches beans, Lamb, Leeks,
cream, Lemons, Mush- Peas Onions, Peanut butter,
rooms, Mussels, Oranges, Pigeon Roasted peanuts, Potato,
Oysters, Peppermint tea, Plums Rabbit, Turkey, Walnuts,
Pineapple, Salt, Shrimps, Raisins. Whisky, Wine
Spinach, Strawberries, Brown rice
Soya beans, White sugar, Steamed white rice
Tomatoes, Water

Cold Foods Cool Foods Neutral Warm Foods Hot Foods


Bamboo Apples Apricots Cherries Chinese

shoots Bean curd Beets Chicken Green onion
Bananas Button mush- Carrot Chives Green & red
Clams rooms Celery Dates bell pepper
Crab Cucumber Corn Ham Onion (red,
Grapefruit Lettuce Egg Leek Yellow or
Lettuce Mango Honey Mutton white)
Seaweed Mung beans White rice Peaches Pepper
Water chest- Pear Potato Raspberries Soybean oil
nut Spinach Pumpkin Shrimp Nuts
Watercress Tomato Cabbage Scallions Grilled
watermelon Peppermint Potato Sunflower Foods
Bok Choi Green Tea Grape seedsWalnuts Avocado
Turnip Oolong Tea Almond wine Lichee
Celery Bitter Gourd Garlic Chocolate
Califlower Green Apple Noodles Cocoa
Bean Sprouts Snow Pea Bread Raw onions
Asparagus White Corn Pork Coffee
Eggplant Oranges Turkey Lamb
Cucumber Cabbage Broccoli Duck
Grapefruit Soybean Green Pepper Eggplant
Pineapple Sprouts Green Beans Venison
Tangerine Cooked Onion Egg Whites Deep Fried
Zucchini Strawberries Yellow Corn Foods
Seaweed Cheese Egg Yolk
Tofu Cherries Fish
Mushrooms Ginger
Miso Cooked to-
Black tea

Salty Bitter Sour Sweet Pungent

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 19
Diet-Detox Program

Acid Alkaline Foods

Whether foods are categorized to Yin/Yang, toxic to
detoxifying, or acid to alkaline, these systems are not
black and white and there are many gray areas. One
thing is certain however in that they generally represent
human experience, the experience of hundreds of thou-
sands of people’’s experience captured within a meta-
Optimal blood
pH level = 7.4 phor that collects or attempts to explain that data. All
of the theories and practices we have looked at certainly
contain a lot of wisdom and back up our experience
that high vegetable, health food diets are very detoxify-
The acid/alkaline metaphor has many points of conten-
tion from within its own ranks. Nevertheless, the pH
strips make this metaphor a very powerful one to work
with in the Diet-Detox Program. It is tangible and you
can measure shifts in your body’’s metabolism.
Our bodies are designed to survive and has all the intel-
ligence it needs to maintain the optimal blood pH level
Alkaline is lush of 7.4. Yet it will borrow from built up alkaline levels in
and supports
other organs in the body in order to keep the necessary
growth and life.
ph balance.

Problems begin when those alkaline reserves are not

replaced through proper nutrition. Our immune systems
do not function well in an oxygen-depleted environment
and won’’t provide the necessary protection to keep you
healthy. Long-term deprivation of alkalinity and oxygen
will allow disease to get out of control.
Acid is a desert
that breaks Here is how this theory goes……
down life and
works against
growth. What is Acid/Alkaline balance and why is blood & body
pH balance so important?
The pH balance or acid/alkaline balance is basically how
alkaline or acidic our body is, particularly saliva, blood
and tissues. Every function performed by any organ in
the body depends on that range of pH level. When a
body is acidic, it creates a welcoming environment for
viruses and bacteria to come in and begin to flourish.
As viruses and bacteria continue to flourish inside our
body, we experience lack of energy, frequent illness
and pains. If a person doesn't do anything about chang-
ing the acidic state of the body, and you are constantly
acidic the situation can get worse. Virus or bacteria can

20 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

mutate into a serious illness such as cancer, infection

and other serious illnesses or diseases. When a body
is acidic, it
creates a
When you have an alkaline body ph, bacteria and vi- welcoming
ruses will struggle to survive in this alkaline environ- environment
ment. A pH balanced body, or alkaline body doesn't for viruses
and bacteria
create the environment for viruses and bacteria to thrive to come in
and flourish. Thus, no bacteria or virus will enter an and begin to
alkaline body, grow and mutate into serious illness or flourish.

You will notice that acidic foods are well known "junk"
foods and alkaline foods are well known "healthy"
foods. This is no coincidence, alkaline foods are very
healthy and now you know the reason. In addition to
good nutrition and live foods natural alkaline supple-
ments can help improve your health and even heal a
sick body.

Why is an acidic body & acidosis so common? You will notice

One reason points to the typical American diet, which is that acidic
foods are well
far too high in acid-producing animal products like known "junk"
meat, eggs and dairy, and far too low in alkaline- foods and
producing foods like fresh vegetables. We eat acid- alkaline foods
producing processed foods like white flour and sugar are well
and drink acid-producing beverages like coffee and soft "healthy"
drinks like they are going out of fashion (and they will!). foods.
We use too many pharmaceuticals, which are acid-
forming; and we use artificial chemical sweeteners like
NutraSweet, Equal, or Aspartame, which are extremely
acid-forming. One of the best things we can do to cor-
rect an overly-acid body is to clean up the diet and life-

It all starts with nutrition, and an alkaline diet:

With nutrition that nourishes and energizes the body,
provides more enzymes and oxygen to the body. In-
creases flow of oxygen to all the organs in the body as
it clears up the blood. The nutrition that has been used
by ancient people for many generations. The nutrition
that guaranties optimal health, energy and vitality.
If your saliva is too acid you may wish to increase the
alkalinity of your body. Eat mostly alkaline foods. The
general "rule of thumb" is to eat 20% acid foods and
80% alkaline foods. Avoid the "strongly acid" foods. The
chart below shows the middle of the road balance too
acid and not 100% alkaline. During the Diet-Detox we

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 21
Diet-Detox Program

place the first week’’s emphasis on being nearly 100%

““Now we depart alkaline creating an environment totally conducive to
from health in detoxification, giving the liver a break to enable it to
just the propor- raise up its functioning.
tion to which we
have allowed
our alkalies to Over acidity, which can become a dangerous condition
be dissipated by that weakens all body systems, is very common today.
introduction of
It gives rise to an internal environment conducive to
food in too disease, as opposed to a pH-balanced environment
great amount... which allows normal body function necessary for the
It may seem body to resist disease. A healthy body maintains ade-
strange to say
that all disease quate alkaline reserves to meet emergency demands.
is the same When access acids must be neutralized our alkaline re-
thing, no matter serves are depleted leaving the body in a weakened
what its myriad
modes of ex-
pression, but it
The concept of acid alkaline imbalance as the cause of
is verily so. ““ ——
William Howard disease is not new. In 1933 a New York doctor named
Hay, M.D. William Howard Hay published a ground-breaking book,
A New Health Era in which he maintains that all disease
is caused by autotoxication (or "self-poisoning") due to
acid accumulation in the body.
Potential of hydrogen, pH, is a measure of the acidity or
alkalinity of a solution. It is measured on a scale of 0 to
14——the lower the pH the more acidic the solution, the
higher the pH the more alkaline (or base) the solution.
When a solution is neither acid nor alkaline it has a pH
of 7 which is neutral.
Water is the most abundant compound in the human
body, comprising 70% of the body. The body has an
acid-alkaline (or acid-base) ratio called the pH which is a
balance between positively charges ions (acid-forming)
and negatively charged ions (alkaline-forming.) The
body continually strives to balance pH. When this bal-
ance is compromised many problems can occur.
It is important to understand that we are not talking
about stomach acid or the pH of the stomach. We are
talking about the pH of the body's fluids and tissues
which is an entirely different matter.

Test Your Body's Acidity or Alkalinity with pH Strips:

It is recommended that you test your pH levels to deter-
mine if your body's pH needs immediate attention. By
using pH test strips, you can determine your pH factor
quickly and easily in the privacy of your own home. If
you’’re urinary pH fluctuates between 6.0 to 6.5 in the

22 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

morning and between 6.5 and 7.0 in the evening, your

body is functioning within a healthy range. If your saliva The countless
stays between 6.5 and 7.5 all day, your body is func- names of ill-
tioning within a healthy range. The best time to test nesses do not
your pH is about one hour before a meal and two hours really matter.
What does
after a meal. Test your pH two days a week. matter is that
they all come
The most accurate test is considered the first urine test from the same
of the day, the saliva and urine may well fluctuate root
throughout the day. Play with the strips; test before and cause...too
much tissue
after you eat.
acid waste in
the body!
The Acid Alkaline Ph Strip Color Indicator: —— Theodore
A. Baroody,
N.D., D.C.,

Strongly Mild Neutral Mild Acid Extreme

Alkaline Alkaline 20% Acid
(supplem 80% 80%
Calcium Fruits Cow's Milk Grains Meat
Vegetables Whey(raw) Nuts Fish
Berries Margarine Seeds Eggs
Magne- Soft Drinks
Dairy Oils Legumes
Potassium Yogurt

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 23
Diet-Detox Program

Let’’s Begin……

What is the Diet-Detox Program?

There are 3 Phases to the Diet-Detox Program.

Phase 1 is the initial detox phase. During this phase,

you will be eating and drinking foods that will create
the most cleansing response in the body.
During Phase 2 and 3, you will add in foods that will
provide some more protein, variety, and balance to the
Phase 1 program. Each addition is optional, and you
can go back to Phase 1 at any time.

You can choose the length of each Phase, depending on

the total length of the program that you want to do.

The recommended 2-week program:

Phase 1: Six days

Phase 2: Five days
Phase 3: Three days

Option 1: If however you are in a weakened state, or

just over coming a prolonged illness, or if you have
never challenged food issues before, you might con-
sider the following shorter program: (10 days)

Phase 1: Three days

Phase 2: Four days
Phase 3: Three days

Option 2: If you are struggling with a toxic condition

and/or have had experience with detox programs be-
fore, you might consider the following longer program:

Phase 1: Seven days

Phase 2: Four days
Phase 3: Three days

24 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program


During this phase, you will eat only vegetables and
fruits. We recommend starting each day with the Liver
The idea is to maximize cleansing of toxins from such
organs as your colon and liver. During the first few
days of this week, depending on how much your body
has to clean up, symptoms such as headaches, dizzi-
ness or weakness may appear. These should be tempo-

The Meal Plan:

Eat all kinds of vegetables . . .

x Eat as much as you need of all kinds of vegetables,
with the exception of avocadoes, potatoes, yams,
sweet potatoes to be used only in moderation.

x Please take your time and chew well.

x We suggest that you alternate raw and cooked vege-


x In the case of salads, avoid extras such as croutons,

grated cheese, etc. Remember to use vegetables

x For a dressing we suggest that you use a small

amount of oil, with either vinegar or lemon juice.
You could also use spices to supplement this dress-

x If you are using cooked vegetables, generally rec-

ommended for colder weather, vary the vegetables
as well as the cooking method as much as possible.
This way you won’’t find yourself always eating the
same thing.

x Use a good quality vegetable oil, (extra virgin olive

oil) in your cooking. You will not be using salt.

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 25
Diet-Detox Program

Eat all kinds of fruits . . .

x You may eat any fresh fruit with the following ex-
ceptions: coconut and all dried fruits; use bananas
in moderation only.

x In our experience, people tolerate fruit differently.

Listen to your body. The amount and kinds of fruit,
as well as their combination will vary from person
to person. While some people suffer from symp-
toms such as bloating, others may feel very clear
mentally and very satisfied.

x In general, fruits are rather cooling in their effect on

the body. We suggest them more for warmer
months. If you store them in the refrigerator, let
them sit at room temperature for a while before

Beverages. . .
x Have as much spring water as you would like, car-
bonated or not.

x Vegetable juices are unlimited when prepared with

your own juicer. Avoid canned juices.

x Bottled and fresh fruit juices are okay in small

amounts, 12 ounces per day only. Very sweet fruit
juices should be diluted with spring water 50:50.

x Staying away from sugar will greatly enhance your

ability to appreciate the natural sweetness in vege-
tables and fruits.

x While deprivation and calorie counting is not nour-

ishing, a diet of quality, vital foods, seasoned and
eaten in a way that enhances nutrition is essential
for the health of the whole person. When we eat
this way, less food is needed to nourish our bodies.
Reduced cravings and weight loss are among the
many rewards.

x We recommend avoiding coffee during the clean-

sing program, especially if you feel somewhat weak
at the beginning of the cleansing of toxins. If you
absolutely have to have it, do so at your own discre-

26 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

tion, without milk, sugar, or any other chemical

sweetener or creamer, and organic if possible! Teas
of any kind, without milk, sugar, etc., can also be
used at your discretion. Green tea is a healthier
alternative to black tea.

Common Symptoms for the first few days of Phase 1:

The following symptoms are common and will usually
dissipate within a few days:
Bad breath
Coated tongue
Dry or itchy skin
Offensive body odor
Difficulty sleeping (too much or too little)
Feeling hot or cold
These are common symptoms that result from the
body’’s natural tendency to heal itself. The body will
always move towards balance and sometimes this can
temporarily feel uncomfortable, but hang in there be-
cause these symptoms will pass on their own. To help
make it a little easier, it is very important to move your
bowels every day. With so much fiber from the fruits
and vegetables it should not be a problem, but if it is,
using the Easy Move Formula can help, drinking prune
juice also.
To help minimize symptoms:
1. Make sure you drink at least 8-12 glasses of wa-
ter/liquids per day. Water is the preferred beverage
during cleansing. Spring water or filtered water is
2. Allow more time for sleep, and/or take a nap.
3. Exercise daily to move energy and blood and to
help fight off fatigue, and sweat it out.
4. If you are irritable or having trouble sleeping, take a
combination of calcium citrate (500mg) and magne-
sium citrate (250mg), also Sleep-Ease can help.
5. For upset stomach, drink ginger or peppermint tea,
or fennel tea. (Also Digest-Ease herbal formula).
6. Take hot baths if you are feeling cold, and make

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 27
Diet-Detox Program

sure you dry off completely. Use olive oil on your

skin to keep the heat in and soothe dry skin.
7. Treat yourself to a massage –– this can move and
circulate stuck energy.
8. Go to the gym, sit in the hot tub and take a long
steam or shower.
9. Try to give yourself a little extra time for everything
–– slow down, turn down the sounds around you if
10. Nourish yourself in new ways –– buy flowers, get a
haircut, read a new book, watch a movie.

Phase #2
This week, you include some protein supplementation
into your vegetable and fruit based diet. Continue with
the Liver Flush.

All dietary additions described in the following para-

graph are optional. Keep in mind that eating fruits and
vegetables alone is not a nutritionally sound diet for a
prolonged period of time. On the other hand, if you are
feeling satisfied with your cleansing diet, you may want
to continue for just a few more days.

During Phase 2 you can add:

x One cup of cooked whole grain every day (brown
rice, millet, quinoa, barley, etc.).

x Up to five rice cakes per day. The rice cakes should

be plain (no added flavors) and unsalted. A bowl of
air-popped popcorn can be substituted for the rice
cakes if you prefer.

x 1/2 cup of unsalted almonds or seeds per day. Al-

mond butter, 1 Tsp. is an alternative.

x One teaspoon of miso (a Japanese fermented soy-

bean paste available in natural food stores) can be
used as a condiment for soups, salad dressings,
x Experiment, explore, and have fun!

28 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

Phase #3
This phase you are providing a smooth transition into
your future diet! Liver Flush is optional.

Remember, any addition is optional. You can add:

x Legumes (such as lentils and beans) or soybean
products (such as tofu or tempeh.) Use a small
amount as a side dish, or

x A serving of white meat fish to substitute for the

beans or soybean products, twice a week.

x Two small or one large potato, instead of grains,

twice a week.

During the entire time of the program we suggest the


Exercise regularly, at least 20 minutes per day. If you

already have an exercise routine, you can maintain it,
but you may want to back off somewhat. Walking, swim-
ming, jogging, yoga and stretching are all very benefi-
cial during these two weeks as you want to keep things
Sweating helps to release toxins, a hot bath, or steam
bath 3 -4 times a week is very helpful in addition to
your moderate exercise.
Increase your sleep, allowing for more sleep on the
cleanse diet will help all the systems or your body and
It is important to keep the intestines moving regularly
and to sweep their walls with high fiber and living foods
of fruits and vegetables. If you do not move you bowels
you must consider a supplement. It is unacceptable to
not move your bowels every day. It is even more unac-
ceptable while you are the Diet-Detox Program as more
toxins maybe released from your system, and need to
be eliminated.
For those have a tendency to feeling cold:
Eat warm foods, baked, steamed, roasted, and use oil.
You can have some raw, but always have it with the
cooked. Include brown rice and a small portion of fish,
organic chicken or beans every day. Drink ginger tea,
and other warming beverages. Avoid cold, sweet bever-

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 29
Diet-Detox Program

ages, and eat your fruit at room temperature. Preferably,

It is a good idea to use the CD with the guided relaxation
exercise. Listen to this for 10 –– 20 minutes every day as a
stress management aid.
Quiet time: Take time to read uplifting and motivational
books, or keep a personal diary. This can provide mental
and emotional support.

What about Coffee on the Diet Detox Program?

Caffeine has become the American drug of choice. Used
originally in most cultures for special ceremony, it has
become a regular, overused and over dosed energy stimu-
lant in the Western world, with the United States leading
in coffee and caffeine use. It helps us push past chronic
tiredness. This intolerance of tiredness allows us to push,
unchecked onward to adrenal exhaustion. For this reason
more than others we recommend no coffee during the

There are several basic areas of concern about this sub-

stance. And maybe even more important than the caffeine
itself is the toxic chemicals used in the many stages of
growing and marketing coffee. The easily rancified oils
and the irritating acids contained in the beans offer fur-
ther hazards. People trying to cut down by drinking decaf
could even be exposed to dangerous chemicals unless
they are drinking coffee prepared by the water process or
Swiss process, which uses steam distillation to remove the
caffeine. Otherwise, agents such as TCE (trichlorethylene)
or methylene chloride used in the chemical processing
may be contained as residues in the decaf coffee. More
coffee-drinking concerns have arisen over the last dec-
ades as pesticide use and chemical processing have gen-
erally increased

How about a cup of green tea instead of a coffee?

The benefits of green tea are huge and in our opinions far
out weigh coffee. One of the staples of Eastern health in-
cluding the Okinawan’’s are the average of three cups of
green tea a day for health and the extremely low rates of
cancer in comparison to the West. So as long as you are
open to changing to healthier patterns of food and drinks
for your longevity, let us take a detailed look at why green

30 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

tea is exciting the scientists so much these days.

Weight loss benefits: green tea research is showing that

it has its major weight loss benefits through its ability
to create thermogenesis, increase metabolic rates of
cells respiration. It is a great addition to your daily life
during the Diet-Detox and long after. The color (green,
oolong, and black) of tea (Camellia sinensis) is deter-
mined by how it is manufactured. Green tea is prepared
in such a way as to avoid the oxidation of the polyphe-
nols; oolong tea is partially oxidized; black tea is largely
oxidized. Consumption of green tea beverage (or ex-
tracts) confers a wide range of possible health benefits.

Below is a summary of many beneficial medical studies

Cancer Prevention
Cancer Treatment Adjunct
Heart Disease Prevention
Stroke Prevention
Metabolic Effects & Weight Loss
Glucose (Blood Sugar) Homeostasis
Protective of Membrane Fluidity

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 31
Diet-Detox Program

My Diet-Detox Shopping list:

What are the foods I need to have before I start?
During the Program the one main thing we have learned is
make sure you have PLENTY of abundant supplies avail-
able. Lots of legal food ready to go in the fridge. (Do not
get caught hungry with only restricted foods around you.)

Always carry something with you. You may find yourself

feeling hungry more often. In addition to all the restric-
tions which are inherent to the cleansing nature of the
diet this week, if you do not have the food that you need
available, you will probably feel deprived. If you come
from deprivation, suddenly you can be overwhelmed by
every thing you ever deprived yourself of. All of these
negative sensations will work against you.

On the other hand NOURISHMENT will have so many posi-

tive connotations you will ride on its wave of positivity.
Plan your meals and snacks in advance as much as possi-
ble, and spoil yourself with high quality foods.

Important: Be sure to use only stainless steel or enameled

cookware when making food or broth. (No aluminum.)

Stay ahead of your hunger! If you are preparing a meal

starving, you might be in trouble. However if you have
prepared a delicious meal before the ravenous stage,
you’’ll feel nourished and satisfied on so many levels.

FRUITS: (organic)
Apples (8-12)
Pears (4)
Grapes (only organic) (2 bunches)
Oranges (6-8)
Grapefruits (8-12)

32 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

VEGETABLES: (organic)
Salad Greens
Dark leafy greens
Butternut/cup Squash
Acorn Squash
Sweet Potatoes
Summer Squash
Spaghetti Squash

Spring Water, non-carbonated
Spring Water, fizzy, unsweetened
Organic fruit juices
Organic vegetable juices
Herbal teas
Detox tea

Vegetable Broth (organic)
Lemon juice
Lime juice
Maple Syrup
Miso paste (to make broth)
Cayenne pepper

Brown Rice, organic, short or long
Brown Rice Cakes, Lundberg, salt- free, organic

Fruit Spreads, Almond Butter, Braggs Liquid Aminos,
Salad Dressings

Almond, Soy, Rice

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 33
Diet-Detox Program

Preparation Day (Stock up day)
In the morning and lunch, have a regular day but eat
lighter, being aware that you are beginning the detox
process. Let yourself get used to the idea.
If possible, avoid refined flour and sugar products, and
ease off coffee and tea or other caffeinated beverages, no
soda today.
Add fresh organic fruit and vegetables to your day.
Drink a lot: Water, juices, herb teas, green and black tea.
After 4 pm, you will begin your cleanse. For ““dinner””,
have tea, vegetable broth, vegetable juice, try the Master
Go to bed early!

Fruit and Vegetable Days

Start the day with your first Liver Flush (See page 36)

Wait ½ to 1 hour, then drink at least one cup of one or

more of the following:

Master Cleanser (Lemon Juice, Maple Syrup, Cayenne Pep-

per) (See page 36)
Detox tea, or other herbal tea
Green tea, or organic black tea
Fresh Juice (or diluted bottled juice, 50:50 with water)

See how long you can go without solid food up until

lunchtime. If you feel you are too hungry in the morning,
eat a piece of fruit, either raw or steamed.
Continue through the day drinking as much as you want
of any of the above beverages. In addition, add fruits and
vegetables at your discretion.
For Dinner eat lightly, (see Week One recipes for sugges-
Soup (Broth or fresh vegetable soup.)
Steamed vegetables
Green salad, with lots of mixed greens and as many vege-
tables as you want.
Use one tablespoon of oil for salad dressing.
Before bed, a cup of herbal, master cleanser or Detox tea.

Go to bed early if you can!

34 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

Fruit and Vegetable Days (Phase 1)

Start your morning with:
Liver Flush or Master Cleanser!!!
Hot water with lemon, tea, etc.
These two days you will have only fruits and vegetables,
cooked and raw.
Use Phase 1 recipe suggestions in booklet. Experiment
with lots of different kinds of fruits and vegetables. Try
eating ““in season””, i.e., in the Autumn, apples, squash,
yams, leeks, onions; in the Spring, lots of greens, add
oranges, grapefruit. THINK ORGANIC!!!!
Add 1 tablespoon of good olive oil per day in addition
to the Liver Flush. Braggs (Liquid Aminos) is okay.

Drink lots of water and herbal tea, juices, master

cleanser, etc.

Start your morning with Liver Flush or Master Cleanser

OR Hot water with lemon.
Herbal tea, green tea, black tea, etc.

Use the following recipes to fill out your meal plans for
Phase 1.

A typical day would look something like:

After the morning ““flush””, a large bowl of mixed fruit,
glass of fresh juice, (fresh or diluted), a cup of hot tea.

Bowl of vegetable based soup.
Mixed green salad with olive oil and lemon.
Side vegetable.

Steamed or stir fried vegetables.
Side salad and/or soup.
Hot Beverage.

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 35
Diet-Detox Program

The Liver Flush

Use the liver flush first thing in the morning.

The liver flush is used to help shunt the bad stuff out of
the liver. It has the added benefit of providing oil to the
diet during the first two phases, which helps to keep
you warm and things moving.

After ““flushing””, have a cup of tea of your choice. Take

a shower or bath or go for a walk. After 30 minutes you
can have your morning meal.

Juice of ½ to 1 lemon, or use 3-4 T. bottled lemon juice,

organic if possible,
1 Tablespoon of high quality extra virgin olive oil
¼ to ½ cup of warm water
Ginger, grated or powdered, pinch
Garlic, minced, pinch

Stir together in a cup and drink it down all at once.

Master Cleanser

The Master Cleanser is a beverage you can drink all day,

hot or cold. The lemons are cleansing and astringent,
the maple syrup provides calories, and the cayenne
pepper promotes sweating. It tastes good too.

Juice of 1 or 2 lemons, or use bottled lemon juice, 2-3

Pinch of cayenne pepper
Up to 1 Tablespoon of maple syrup
½ to 1 cup of hot water, or use warm water
Sip slowly if hot.
4-8 glasses a day while fasting.
(Also, this is a good drink to take if you feel like you’’re
getting a cold or sore throat.)

36 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

Phase 1 Recipes:
Freshly juiced raw vegetables are easily digested and
contain valuable vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Be
sure to include chlorophyll-rich green leafy vegetables
for additional cleansing benefits.

Blended Vegetable Cocktail

Use a base of carrot, papaya, or pineapple juice diluted
with water, or start with 1 cup of water.
Add any combination of:
dandelion greens
Blend and drink.
For clear juice, strain the pulp through a sieve. For pu-
rée, leave thick.

Vegetable Juice Combinations

If you don’’t have a juicer, you can use a blender. Start
with some water to help ””prime the pump”” of those wa-
ter rich vegetables.

The time between harvest, purchase, preparation, and

eating should be as short as possible. This is important
for fresh juices; their taste and nutritive value is re-
duced in as little as 20 minutes.

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 37
Diet-Detox Program

It is a good idea to begin meals with a light vegetable
soup or a mineral-rich vegetable broth to warm the
body and stimulate digestion. Juices and pulp can be
used for soup stock.

Vegetable Stock or Broth

A mineral-rich vegetable stock can be used as a base for
soups, for cooking vegetables, in sauces, or to be en-
joyed before meals. Save the stems and ends from vege-
tables in a covered container in your refrigerator. Add
them to a soup pot along with additional vegetables.
Use what you have on hand, but be light-handed with
the greens, as they can make a bitter broth. Add
enough water to cover the vegetables and bring to boil.
Cover and simmer about 45 minutes, then strain. Some
ingredients and vegetables that can be used for vegeta-
ble stock:

water, leftover from cooking vegetables pulp from

juiced vegetables
leeks (well cleaned)
summer squash
winter squash
bay leaf
curry spices (for Curry Soup)
celeriac (celery root)
stems from fresh

Keep warm by drinking ginger tea and vegetable broth

seasoned with rosemary, marjoram, or dill throughout
the day.

38 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

A bath with rosemary warms the body through and

through, and enlivens the metabolism.

Create a soup from ingredients on hand. You’’ll need a
liquid, some seasonings, and fresh vegetables. Here are
some ideas to get you started.
water from steaming vegetables
vegetable juices
vegetable stock
fruit juices
fresh or dried herbs . . . parsley, oregano, dill, etc.
spices . . . curry, cayenne, nutmeg, coriander, etc.
garlic, scallions, onions
fresh ginger
olive or sesame oil
lemon or lime juice
(phase II) Miso
Satisfying Soup Combinations:
carrot - leek - dill
carrot - onion - coriander
parsnip - carrot - turnip - fennel - coriander
parsnip - spinach - mushroom - nutmeg - thyme -
cauliflower - onion - curry
broccoli - onion - basil - oregano
corn - leek - red pepper - thyme - dill
corn - onion - fresh basil
watercress - tomato - lemon
Jerusalem artichokes - kale - nutmeg - coriander -
onion - shiitake - black pepper -parsley
Phase 2: grated celeriac - onion- carrot - coriander
- almond milk
Phase 3: potato - leek - parsley- marjoram
Phase 3: red potato - garlic –– coriander

Boil water or stock. Add the harder vegetables (carrots,

winter squash, stems) and cook until nearly soft. Add
lighter vegetables (greens, cauliflower, broccoli tops).
Simmer until tender yet still crisp. Flavor to taste and
garnish with parsley or green onion.

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 39
Diet-Detox Program

Cooking With Arame

With its sweet, mild flavour, arame is an excel-
lent choice for introducing sea vegetables into
your daily diet. Its rich, dark colour adds vivid
contrast and beauty to any meal. Arame con-
tributes an exotic flair to salads, and it is deli-
cious sautéed with carrots and onions, or with
deep-fried or dried tofu. To reconstitute, soak
arame in cool water for 8 to 10 minutes. Drain
well and rinse briefly.

Potassium Broth:
This recipe provides a wonderful alkalinizing liquid
which can be made in a large batch, refrigerated and
then warmed to drink. Once the broth is made, do not
reboil it or it will lose its potency. The amount of each
ingredient is to your taste, and dependent on the
amount you wish to make. Try to take 8-16 ounces
each time you take it to achieve therapeutic results.

1 cup carrots
1 cup red beets
2 large potatoes
1 cup celery with leaves
1 small onion

You may add up to ¾ cup of other vegetables as you

wish, but use the list here in each batch.
Over a large pot, cut vegetables into quarters and add
to 1.5 quarts of spring water, boil for 45 minutes,
reomve from heat and let stand for 30 additional min-
utes. Strain out the vegetable residue. Drink while
warm and refrigerate any unused portion. Be sure to
reheat before drinking.

Puréed Carrot and Parsnip Soup with Vegetables

4 large or 6 –– 7 medium carrots, chopped
1 large or 3 small parsnips, chopped
1/2 large or 1 small onion, chopped
1-2 cloves garlic, minced
Cook until very tender in 2 –– 3 cups water.
Purée or mash.
Return to medium heat and add water if too thick.
Then, cut up, and cook your choice of the following in
the purée until the vegetables are just tender:
Broccoli, asparagus, zucchini, parsley.

40 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

You can easily change the flavor of the whole meal with
an intuitive and judicial addition of fragrant herbs and

1 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. sweet marjoram
1 tsp. basil
dash of white pepper, allspice, cinnamon, ground
coriander seed

Add water if necessary. Heat gently, until the flavors are

well-blended. Herbs and spices bring out the best in
foods, enhancing flavor and appeal. They are stimulat-
ing for the liver and for digestion. They are said to oc-
cupy a place somewhere between food and

Hearty Squash Soup

1 Tbs. olive oil
6 c. water or stock
2 cloves garlic
1 large carrot
1 large onion
1 leek
1 stalk celery
1/2 cup burdock root or parsnip
2 cups butternut squash
1/2 cup peas
2 bay leaves
1 tsp. each basil, marjoram
1/2 tsp celery seed

Heat oil in a soup pot and sauté onions and leek until
soft. Add garlic and the remaining
vegetables, bay leaves, celery seed, and herbs.
Add the water and stock and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat and cook until squash is soft, about 30
minutes. Purée 1/3 of soup in blender and return it to
the pot.
Season with lemon juice and black pepper.
Garnish with lemon, scallions, parsley or cress.
A variation: Replace celery seed, basil, and marjoram
with cinnamon, curry, parsley, cumin, and ginger.

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Diet-Detox Program

Creamy Cauliflower Soup

2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
2 leeks, chopped
3 clove garlic, minced
1 carrot, diced
2 stalks celery, chopped
2 medium cauliflower, cored and coarsely
1 Tbsp. curry powder
1/8 tsp. fresh ground black pepper
1/2 tsp. dried thyme
1 tsp. dried basil
1 tsp. each, marjoram and dill
5 –– 6 cups water or vegetables stock
1/4 tsp. fresh ground nutmeg (optional)
juice of 1/2 lemon (optional)

Sauté onion, leeks, and garlic in olive oil until onions

are golden brown.
Add celery, carrot, cauliflower and seasonings and cook
another 2 minutes.
Add water or stock. Bring to a boil, then lower heat and
simmer for 15 minutes or until cauliflower is tender.
Purée in blender until smooth and creamy. Add fresh
ground nutmeg and garnish with fresh parsley or water-

Curried Squash Soup

2 medium acorn or butternut squash
4 cups water or stock (can use part orange or apple
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1-1/2 cup chopped onion
2 apples, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced or crushed
1 stalk celery, chopped
1 tsp. ground ginger
1/2 tsp. each, ground cumin, ground coriander, ground
1/4 tsp. dry mustard lemon juice (optional)

Preheat oven to 375° and bake squash for 30 minutes

or until tender.
Sauté onion, garlic, celery, and apple in olive oil until
onion is soft.
Cover and cook 5 minutes over low heat.

42 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

Add spices and water or stock and bring to a boil.

Lower heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes.
Cut squash and purée, with sautéed mixture, in batches
in a blender or food processor. Return the purée to
saucepan, adjust seasonings.
Add lemon juice if desired.

Vegetable Soup
6 cups stock or water
1 medium onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 pound mushrooms, sliced
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 cup cut asparagus
2 stalks celery, chopped
1 up cut green beans
1 cup chopped zucchini
1/2 cup fresh chopped parsley
1 tsp. basil
1 tsp. oregano
1/2 tsp. black pepper

Sauté onion, garlic and mushrooms in olive oil until

soft. Add remaining vegetables, except parsley.
Saute 5 minutes. Add water, basil, oregano and pepper;
bring to a boil, cover and simmer until vegetables are
crisp but tender. Add parsley.

Garlic Soup
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 bulb garlic, peeled and separated into cloves
2 onions, chopped
3 bay leaves
1 tsp. thyme
1 rib celery, chopped
4 cups stock or water
1 cup fresh spinach

Cooked Vegetables Steamed Greens

daikon greens
savoy or green cabbage
mustard or turnip greens
Add 1/4 –– 1/2 cup water or vegetable broth to greens.
Bring to a boil, cover and turn off heat.
Steam 5 –– 10 minutes until tender.

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 43
Diet-Detox Program

For a sweeter variation, before steaming greens, add

carrots sliced in long, thin diagonals.
Season with marjoram, dill, caraway.

Steamed Garlic Broccoli

1 cup broccoli
3/4 cup sliced leeks (white part and the tender
green part)
1 clove garlic, minced

Steam broccoli, leeks and minced garlic until

broccoli is bright green and vegetables are slightly
soft. Season with lemon juice, or oregano and
green or red chard

Sweet Baked Vegetables

This sweet vegetable dish is great for breakfast, lunch
or dinner.
Cut or slice vegetables in bite-sized chunks.
Place in pot with 1/4 inch of water or vegetable stock.
Bring to boil, cover and bake 45 minutes at 375°. Sea-
son with ginger, coriander, and toasted sesame oil.

Cinnamon Squash
1 squash (acorn, delicata, butternut)
Ground cinnamon and ginger
Cut squash in half and scoop out seeds.
Sprinkle with cinnamon and ginger.
Place in oiled baking dish, cover and bake at 375° for
45 minutes or until tender.

Indian Curried Vegetables

1 large onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 T. olive oil
1 T. curry powder
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup water
2 large carrots, diced
1 small head cauliflower, cut into florets

44 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

1 large zucchini, sliced

3 large tomatoes, chopped

Sauté onion and garlic.

Add cinnamon, curry and water and bring to a boil.
Add carrots, cauliflower, zucchini and tomatoes.
Cover and simmer for 15 minutes.

Summer Vegetable Medley

Yellow squash
1Tbs. olive oil
1 clove garlic, mashed
1 small onion
1 ripe tomatoes
shreds of fresh basil or spinach 1/2 tsp. each tarragon
and marjoram

Sauté yellow squash in a little oil with garlic and onion.

Add fresh basil or spinach, chopped tomato, tarragon
and marjoram, and a little vegetable broth.
Cover and steam for 5 minutes or until vegetables are


Dandelion Green Salad

Dandelion greens are especially nourishing
and detoxifying for the liver.
1 bunch dandelion greens
6 –– 8 red radishes, sliced

Toss with Italian Dressing.

Dandelion greens arrive in the market in the spring. If
you’’re picking it yourself, be sure that they are from an
are unsprayed by lawn chemicals and pesticides and not
close to busy roads.

Cauliflower Salad
1 small head cauliflower, chopped
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup grated carrots
4 sliced radishes
Toss with the salad dressing of your choice.

Orange and Red Onion Salad

2 oranges, sectioned
1 small red onion, sliced

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 45
Diet-Detox Program

1 Tbsp. canola oil

1 Tbsp. lime juice
1/2 cup watercress
fresh ground black pepper

Mix oil, lime juice and pepper. Toss oranges and onion
and pour dressing over. Serve on watercress.

Rainbow Salad
1 small beet, grated
2 carrots, grated
2 stalks celery, chopped
1 scallion, chopped
1/4 cup chopped parsley

Mix together and serve with Italian dressing.

Option: add a pinch of wasabi (powdered Japanese
horseradish) and toss with the salad.

Dressings and Sauces

A tea made from nettle leaves can be sipped throughout
the day to cleanse and build the blood. Add yarrow for
liver support, and a little mint for flavor.

Italian Dressing
Add the following to a jar and shake to blend:
2 cloves garlic
1/8 tsp. dry mustard powder
1 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. basil
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup lemon juice

Vegetable Dressing
3 carrots, shredded
1 stalk celery, finely chopped
1/4 cup parsley, chopped
2 scallions, chopped
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup olive oil

Fresh Tomato and Basil Sauce

1 cup chopped tomatoes
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup fresh basil leaves
1 tsp. olive oil
dash cayenne pepper

46 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

Purée tomato and garlic in blender or food processor.

Add basil, oil and cayenne.
Serve on vegetables, fish, beans or grains.
High quality foods, those that are grown in vital, living
soil without the use
of insecticides or pesticides, are recommended whenever
possible, and especially during a cleansing program. The
toxic residues from chemicals would be counterproduc-
tive to your intention!


Spicy Squash/Apple Breakfast

butternut squash
cooking apples
spicy cinnamon
cider/pear juice
Halve squash, bake in oven until tender (40- 60 minutes).
Core apples, slice and put in pan with small amount of
cider or pear juice in the bottom.
Sprinkle generously with cinnamon.
Simmer over low heat until soft (30-45 minutes).
When squash is done, scoop out insides, mash with fork
or blender, and mix with apples.
Apple to Squash ratio can vary from 25:75 to 50:50.
Try varying the consistency by adding more or less liq-
uid, and more and less mashing and mixing.

Cooked Applesauce
6 –– 10 apples, diced
1/4 –– 1/2 cup juice or water
1 tsp. cinnamon, nutmeg lemon juice
Cook for 10 ––15 minutes for chunky style,
1/2 hour for smooth applesauce.

Spiced Pears
A warming breakfast or dessert.
1 tsp. canola oil
2 Bosc pears, sliced
Try flavoring applesauce with other fresh fruits. A fruit
compote is a
delicious and satisfying way to begin the day.
1/4 tsp. cardamom
1/8 tsp. dried, ground ginger
pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
1/4 c. apple juice

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 47
Diet-Detox Program

Sauté pears in oil for 3 minutes or until golden.

Add spices and juice and cook for another 2 –– 3 min-

Melon Frappé
1/2 ripe melon, diced
Blend until smooth.

Summer Fruit Soup

2 cups berries, cantaloupe, strawberries, peaches
1 Tbsp. lemon juice

Water, as needed, enough to make the consistency of

heavy cream
Blend until smooth, and chill. Garnish with blueberries
and fresh mint.

Fruit Sorbet
2 cups puréed fruit (peaches, nectarines, pears, apri-
cots, berries, mango)
1/2 cup fruit juice
4 drops mint extract
Combine ingredients in a bowl, freeze 3 –– 4 hours.
Place in food processor or blender and process before
Eating by day and fasting during the night are part of
life’’s rhythm. That’’s why we call the first meal of the
day ””breakfast, ””the meal that breaks the fast.
Be kind to your liver! Give it 12 hours of rest and re-
newal each night. In the evening, eat lightly, and not
too late. What is good for the liver is good for the
whole metabolism.

Fruit Kanten
2 cups apple juice
5 Tbsp. agar flakes (available from Japanese and natural
food stores)
1 cup fresh strawberries, halved
1 kiwi fruit, sliced
1 tsp. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. vanilla (optional)

Pour juice in pot and stir in agar. Simmer 10 minute

until agar is dissolved. Turn off heat, stir in other ingre-
Pour into heatproof bowl or individual dishes.

48 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

Refrigerate 2-3 hours.

Variations: Use your favorite seasonal fruits, blueber- Often, cravings
ries, pears, oranges, peaches or melon. come from a
real physiologi-
cal need –– when
””Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Bold- the body is
ness has genius, power, and magic in it.”” starving for
quality foods
–– Goethe needed for
metabolic func-
tion, or as a call
to respond to a
Phase 2 lack of nourish-
ment on other
levels. Nourish
This phase you can supplement your daily fare from your whole body
Phase I with some vegetable protein from whole grains, with quality
foods, share
almonds, seeds and miso. meals with a
friend, make
Continue with your morning routine, starting the day eating a special
event even when
with the liver flush or hot lemon water, master cleanser, you’’re alone . .
tea, or fresh juice. Soft music,
fresh flowers,
In addition to fruits, vegetables, you can add grain, al- artistic activity,
a massage, a
monds, and miso. long bath, a
nature walk.
You may want to stick with fruits and vegetables during
the day and then have a ““full”” dinner with grains and
protein. Or add to your favorite recipes.

Be creative and try new things!!!!!!

Phase 2 Recipes
When cleansing, it is best to eat foods in their most vital
form. For this reason, we recommend that most of your
grains be whole, and uncracked or freshly cracked.
Whole grains, those with the bran, germ, and en-
dosperm intact are ““living;”” their ability to germinate
demonstrates the life potential they contain. Experiment
with the great variety of cereals (wheat, rice, barley,
oats, rye, millet, and corn) as well as the seeds from
non-grass plants (quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, etc.)
and spelt, an ancient relative of wheat that is more eas-
ily tolerated by those with wheat sensitivity.

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 49
Diet-Detox Program

Cooking Whole Grains

For each cup of dry grain, most grains will make about
2-1/2 cups of cooked grain. All whole grains need to
be washed before cooking. Processed grains (oatmeal,
roasted kasha, corn grits, bulgur, couscous) should
not be washed. To shorten the cooking time and
heighten the flavor, toast grains in a dry skillet for a
few minutes, until they are aromatic and appear dry.
Bring water to a boil and cover. Keep the heat on low
for the duration of cooking. Season and remove from
heat. Allow grains to rest until all of the water ahs
been absorbed and the grains begin to split open. Sea-
son grains with culinary herbs and spices. Top them
with small amounts of sesame seed, chopped almonds,
toasted sunflower seeds, etc.

The Secret to Cooking Perfect Grains

•• Low heat and
•• minimal disturbance
(stirring or uncovering while cooking.) to water and
blend. Strain, if desired. good on breakfast cereals or

Rice: harmonizes the fluid balance in the body, stimu-

lating elimination through the kidneys
Barley: contains silica to stimulate function of the nerv-
ous system and connective tissue.
Oats: are warming, stimulating, and are magnesium-
Millet: supports the function of the skin and sense or-
gans. It’’s good for the gall-bladder.
Wheat: contains the qualities of the sun. It is easily
digested and nourishes all the organs.
Rye: is strengthening, rich in potassium.

Nut or Seed Milk

1/4 cup raw almonds or sunflower seeds
1 cup water
1/4 tsp. pure vanilla
1/4 cup fresh fruit purée

Grind nuts or seed in nut grinder or blender. Add wa-

ter slowly to blend milky smooth, add vanilla and fruit
to taste.

50 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

1/2 cup organic rolled oats
4 Tbsp. sunflower seeds
2 Tbsp. sesame seeds
2 Tbsp. flax seeds
1/4 cup fresh fruit nut milk (optional)

Mix oats and seeds in bowl. Add just enough water to

cover and soak overnight in refrigerator. Serve the next
morning topped with grated apple, berries, sliced pa-
paya or fruit of your choice. Top with nut milk, if de-
sired. Variation: try 1/4 cup each of organic millet and
buckwheat in place of oats.

Breakfast Pudding
1 cup cooked rice or millet
1 puréed peach, nectarine or pear
cinnamon sliced almonds (optional)
Pour puréed fruit over rice or millet. Sprinkle with cinna-
Serve warm or cold. Top with sliced almonds if desired.

Mixed Grain Cereal

•• cracked wheat, oats, rye, barley, millet, buckwheat,
bran rice, flax seeds
•• chopped or ground almonds, sunflower seeds
•• cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger
•• nut milk (optional)
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. ginger
1/8 tsp. nutmeg
1 Tbs. fresh lemon juice

Almond milk is rich in calcium, B vitamins, and nerve

nourishing phosphates. Good for the liver and the pan-
creas. It is well tolerated by most people.
Use any combination of grains to total one cup.

Dry roast grains.

Add water and nut milk (4 cups of liquid), flax seeds,
and spices. Bring water to a boil, cover, and simmer on
low heat for 45 minutes. Top with almond milk, nuts
and seeds, and seasonal fruit.

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 51
Diet-Detox Program

Quinoa and Millet with Coriander

1/2 cup millet
1/2 cup quinoa
2-1/2 cups water

Dry roast millet and quinoa in skillet until lightly

toasted. Add water and spices, bring to a boil, cover
and simmer 15 –– 20 minutes.
Variation: Add diced onion and carrot to quinoa before
Sprinkle with sesame or sunflower seeds, or serve with
stir-fried vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, and carrot)
with ginger, garlic, and cumin seeds.

1 cup raw buckwheat
1-1/2 cups water

Dry roast buckwheat in skillet over medium heat until it

Add to boiling water, cover and simmer for 15 minutes.
Add caraway seed and marjoram, remove
from heat and allow to stand for 15 minutes.

Millet Vegetable Curry

1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 medium onion, sliced
1 tsp. coriander
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. caraway seed
2 stalks celery, chopped
2 carrots, sliced
1 large zucchini, sliced
1 chopped tomato
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp. minced fresh ginger
1 cup millet
2 cups stock or water
1 Tbsp. curry powder
fresh ground pepper, to taste

Sauté onion, celery, carrots, zucchini, and tomato, gar-

lic and ginger in olive oil about 5 minutes.
Meanwhile toast millet in dry skillet, stirring frequently.
Add toasted millet to stock or water, curry and pepper
to vegetables.

52 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

Cover the pan, simmer for 15 minutes or until all liquid

is absorbed.

Curried Basmati Rice

1 medium onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 T. olive oil
2 tsp. curry powder
1 cup peas
3 cups water (can use part vegetable stock)
2 cups brown basmati rice
1/4 cup sliced almonds (optional)

Sauté onion and garlic in oil. Add curry powder.

Add water and bring to boil.
Add rice, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 30 min-
Add peas and cook another 15 minutes, or until rice is
Top with sliced almonds, if desired.
Make an Indian banquet; serve with Indian Curried
Vegetables (Phase I).

Millet with Gingered Carrots

Cook millet according to chart with 1/2 tsp. coriander
and 1/4 tsp. ginger.
Serve with carrots sautéed in a little oil with fresh gin-
ger and sesame seeds.
Buckwheat Variation:
Add chopped cauliflower, cabbage, or onion.
Top with toasted, ground sesame seeds.

Baked Stuffed Squash

2 small or 1 large acorn squash
2 apples, chopped
1/2 cup chopped celery
1 small onion, chopped
1/4 cup water or apple juice
1 cup cooked brown rice
2 tsp. olive oil
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/3 cup sunflower seeds

Preheat oven to 375.°

Cut squash in half and place cut side down on baking
pan with 1/2 inch of water.
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Bake for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, saute apples, onion, and celery in saucepan in
oil until soft.
Add remaining ingredients and mix.
Remove squash from oven; stuff and return to oven and
bake for 20 –– 30 minutes more until squash is tender.

Quick Carrot Soup

4 cups stock or water
2 cups grated carrots
3/4 cup chopped onion
1/2 tsp. thyme
2 Tbsp. fresh dill or 1 tsp. dried dill
1/2 cup almonds

Bring stock or water to boil.

Add carrots, onions, thyme and dill.
Reduce heat and simmer 20 minutes.
Grind nuts in nut grinder or blender and add to soup.
Purée soup in batches in a blender or food processor.
Sprinkle with dill before serving.

Miso Soup
1 scallion, minced
1 small carrot, diced, sliced or cut in matchsticks
1/4 tsp. miso
1 cup water or vegetable broth

Boil the water or broth and add the carrot.

Lower heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the miso, stir-
ring until it dissolves. Remove from heat. Garnish with

Vegetable Barley Soup

1 Tbsp. olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium onion, or 1 leek, chopped
6 cups water
1 cup uncooked barley
2 cups carrots, sliced
1 bay leaf
1 tsp. thyme or dill
2 cups fresh peas
2 cups chopped kale
2 Tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
Sauté garlic and onion until tender.
Add water and barley, cover and simmer for 1 hour.

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Add carrots and seasonings and simmer 20 minutes

Add peas and kale and cook another 5-10 minutes.
Stir in the parsley and serve hot.

Millet Salad with Fresh Corn and String Beans

1 cup millet
2 cups water
1 cup green beans
3 ears fresh corn
3 scallions, sliced
2 stalks celery

Toast millet in dry skillet.

Add water, cover and lower hear.
Simmer for 15 minutes or until water is absorbed.
Let millet cool in a bowl.
Boil corn in water for 3 minutes. Remove corn and
blanch green beans in water for 5 minutes.
Drain beans and rinse in cold water; cut into pieces.
Remove kernels from corn. Add corn and beans to
millet and add scallions and celery.
Pour dressing over salad, toss and enjoy.

Miso is a savory fermented paste made from soy-

beans and/or grains and sea salt. It contains protein,
and it’’s high in B vitamins and friendly bacteria,
needed for a healthy intestinal flora. Use miso in
soups and sauces. Dissolve miso in a bit of liquid,
and add the mixture to the pot. Remember to remove
the pot from the heat; miso is a living food, like yo-
gurt, and the heat will kill the culture. For a rich fla-
vor, use barley miso; for a lighter flavor, try chick-pea
miso. You can add a tablespoon of miso to
any of the soup recipes during phases 1 and 2.

Pesto Sauce
2 cups fresh basil
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup lemon juice

Grind sunflower seeds in blender or food processor.

Add garlic, oil, and miso and process until smooth.
Add lemon, water, and basil. Blend until smooth.
Great on spaghetti squash, steamed vegetables or in

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Ume-(Miso) Salad Dressing

1-2 T. Balsamic vinaigrette (Or your favorite vinaigrette)

1 tsp. Ume Plum Vinegar
1 tsp. miso (optional)

Blend and use as a dressing for salads and veggies. Yum!

Bean Spread

2 cups cooked chick peas or other beans

1 stalk celery, minced
1/4 cup onion, chopped
1/4 cup minced parsley juice of 1 lemon
1/4 cup ground roasted sesame or sunflower seeds

Toast seeds in skillet and grind in blender or nut grinder.

Mash the beans.
Mix all ingredients.
Use as a dip for vegetables or as a spread on rice cakes.

Seaweed Recipes

Mixed Salad with Arame & Pesto Dressing

Introduce Arame into our daily salads.
1/2 cup Arame
shredded lettuce
1 bunch watercress, cut into bite-sized pieces
1/2 cucumber, cut in cubes
1/2 pack radishes, finely sliced
1 carrot, grated
2 tbsp orange rind
1/2 cup almond powder
1 garlic clove, minced
2-3 tbsp white miso
1/2 tsp umeboshi paste
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Rinse the arame under cold water, soak it in cold
water to cover for 10 minutes, and drain. Mix all
the salad ingredients, including the drained
arame, in a large serving bowl. Blend the pesto
ingredients with a small amount of water to the
desired consistency, and serve it with the salad.

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Mediterranean-style Roasted Vegetables and

1/2 cup Arame
4 baby onions, or 1 medium onion, quartered
2 medium carrots, cut into chunks
2 courgettes cut into thick rounds
1 red pepper, cut into pieces (discard seeds)
handful of mushrooms, cut in half
1 clove garlic, minced
3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
3 tbsp concentrated apple juice (optional)
1 tbsp dry oregano
2 bay leaves
pinch of sea salt

chopped fresh parsley
Rinse the arame under cold water quickly. Soak
it in just enough cold water to cover for 7 min-
utes, then drain well.
Heat the oven to medium heat
(200°C/375°F/gas mark 6). In an oven casserole
dish, mix the vegetables, arame and seasonings
Add a small amount of water to just cover the
bottom of the dish.
Cover with the lid and bake until the vegetables
are sweet and tender (approximately 30-35
Garnish with the capers and parsley. Serve.

Phase 3 Recipes:
This phase, you can add small amounts of legumes, soy
products, or white meat fish to your growing repertoire
of delicious, cleansing foods. Also, you may substitute
potatoes for grains, twice a week.

These recipes can be integrated into your regular diet.

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Arame with Smoked Tofu Croutons and Sweet

2 tbsp plus a few drops extra virgin olive oil
1/2 pack smoked tofu, cut into small cubes
1 cup Arame
4 medium onions, cut into thin half moons
pinch sea salt
1/2 cup water
1 corn-on-the-cob cut into thin rounds, or 1/2
cup sweet corn
3 tbsp soya sauce (tamari)
2 tbsp apple juice concentrate
sliced spring onions to garnish
Heat 2 tbsp olive oil in a frying pan,
Add the tofu cubes, and gently fry until golden
and crunchy.
Remove and drain on a paper towel.
Quickly rinse the arame under cold water, soak
with just enough cold water to cover for 10
minutes, then drain.
In the same frying pan, add a few drops of olive
oil, the onions and a pinch of sea salt.
Sauté uncovered at medium flame for 10 min-
Add the water, corn and arame, cover and cook
gently for 20 minutes. Season with the soy-
sauce or tamari, and apple juice concentrate
and uncover to allow the remaining liquid to
Mix in the tofu and spring onions and serve.

Aduki Beans
1 cup aduki beans
4 cups water
1 strip kombu seaweed, rinsed

Wash beans and place in a pot with kombu and half the
Bring to a boil, cover and simmer _ hour.
Pour in remaining cold water.
Simmer another hour, or until beans are tender.
Variation: Add 1 cup butternut squash (peeled and
diced) during the last 1/2 hour of cooking.

Baked Beans
2 cups dried kidney beans, soaked
1 cup bean-cooking liquid

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1 Tbsp. miso
1 medium onion, chopped
1 large carrot, grated
1 apple, grated What do
1 Tbsp. oil you need
1/2 tsp. dry mustard powder to
2 tsp. vinegar nourish
Cook beans in soup pot, covered, over low heat for 45 soul?
Drain, saving 1 cup cooking liquid.
Preheat oven to 350.° Sauté onion in oil for 3 minutes.
Add grated apple and carrots to onions, cover and cook
over low heat for 5
Combine mustard, vinegar, miso and bean liquid.
Add carrot, apple, onion mixture. Mix in beans and
bake in covered casserole dish for 1

Black Bean Salad

1 cup dried black beans, soaked
2 ears corn
1 red pepper, chopped
2 tomatoes, chopped
2 scallions, sliced
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro (basil or parsley may be
1/4 cup chopped almonds
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1/4 cup lemon juice or lime juice
1/2 tsp. dry mustard powder
1 clove garlic, crushed

Cook beans for 1 hour, covered.

Boil corn in water, 3 minutes.
Remove from water, cool, slice kernels off cob.
Add corn, pepper, tomato, scallions, cilantro and nuts
to beans. Mix olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and mustard.
Toss and serve.

Lentil Stew
1 cup lentils
2 cups root vegetables (carrot, parsnip, onion, ruta-
baga, burdock, etc.)
1/2 cup chopped kale, escarole, celery or cress pinch
rosemary or thyme

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Wash lentils and place in pot with onion and root vege-
Add water to cover, bring to a boil.
Lower heat, cover the pot and simmer 45 minutes.
Add greens the last 10 minutes.
Season with rosemary or thyme.

Vegetable Soup with Chickpeas

This recipe calls for cooked chickpeas. Begin by soaking
3/4 cup raw chickpeas, overnight or at least 6 hours in
Cook them in a large pot with plenty of water to cover;
they do expand!
Cook them for 1-1/2 hours, or until tender.
2 Tbsp. olive oil
2 cups chopped onion
3 cloves crushed garlic
2 cups chopped, peeled sweet potatoes or winter
squash or rutabaga
1/2 cup chopped celery
1 cup chopped, fresh tomatoes
1/2 cup chopped sweet red pepper
1/2 cup cut green beans or zucchini
1-1/2 cups cooked chickpeas
4 cups stock or water
2 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. curry
1 tsp. basil
1/2 tsp. thyme
Include a raw vegetable salad with your meal to pro-
mote healthy weight loss. Prepare it with some foods
that detoxify the liver and the blood, and stimulate me-
tabolism —— bitter greens (dandelion, chicory), grated
beets and carrots, horseradish, artichoke, radish,
ground flax seed, chopped watercress, mustard, garlic.
Add chopped fresh herbs (parsley, basil, thyme) a little
good quality olive oil, and a splash of lemon juice.
dash of cinnamon
2 bay leaves
1 Tbsp. miso
In a soup kettle or large saucepan sauté onions, garlic,
celery and sweet potatoes in olive oil for about five min-
utes. Add seasonings, (except miso), and the stock or
water. Simmer, covered, 15 minutes. Add remaining
vegetables and chickpeas.
Simmer another 10 minutes or so, stir in miso.

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Lentil Soup
1 large onion, chopped
3 large cloves garlic, minced
1 Tbsp. curry powder
1 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. cilantro
2 Tbsp. olive oil
2 cups lentils, sorted and washed
8 cups stock or water
1 large carrot, sliced
2 stalks celery, sliced
1 bay leaf
1 cup spinach, kale or other greens

Sauté onion and garlic in oil.

Stir in spices.
Add remaining ingredients, except spinach.
Cover and simmer 1 hour, or until lentils are soft. Stir in

Chickpea Vegetable Curry

1 cup cooked chickpeas
Curried Vegetables (see Phase I)
Add chick peas to spices and simmer with vegetables.
Tofu Miso Soup
Prepare Miso =Soup from Phase II recipes.
Add 1/2 cup diced tofu with the carrots.

Eggplant Parmesan
1 large eggplant
1 pound tofu, crumbled
2 cups tomato sauce
Slice eggplant in 1/2 inch slices.

Brush with oil and broil 5 –– 10 minutes on each side.

Add some tomato sauce to a lightly oiled baking dish
and arrange half the eggplant on dish.
Cover with half of the tofu and tomato sauce.
Top with remaining eggplant slices and top with tofu
and tomato sauce. Bake at 350° for 25 –– 30 minutes or
until slightly browned.

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Baked Fish
6 oz. filet of sole, halibut, red snapper, cod, or other
white fish
1 clove garlic
1 Tbsp. grated ginger
1/2 to 1 tsp. miso, vegetable stock
1 Tbsp. sesame or olive oil
3 Tbsp. lemon juice

Combine marinade ingredients and pour over fish.

Let sit 15 –– 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Place fish and marinade in baking dish and bake at 350°
15 –– 20 minutes or until just flaky and tender.

Baked Schrod with Tomato Basil Sauce

6 oz. schrod
1 Tbsp. olive oil
See recipe in Phase 1
Preheat oven to 400.°
Place fish in oiled casserole dish and top with sauce.
Bake 15 –– 20 minutes.

Baked Pear Surprise

Bartlett pears
ground almonds
slivered almonds (roast in oven if desired)
pear juice
Preheat oven to 375.°
Combine ground almonds and tofu (amounts to suit your
own taste) in a blender. Mix to a creamy consistency.
Wash pears and slice 1/2 inch off the top of each; re-
serve tops.
Core the pears with an apple corer but don’’t puncture
the bottom of the pears.
Stuff pears with the ground almond/tofu mixture, and
replace the tops.
Stand pears in shallow baking pan and pour in 1/2 inch
of water.
Bake for 30 –– 40 minutes or until soft. (Baking time will
vary with the size and hardness of the pears.)
While the pears are baking, heat a small amount of
ground almonds in a little pear juice to make a sauce.
When pears are done, pour on some pear/almond sauce
and generously garnish with roasted, slivered almonds.

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Phase 3 Options:
During this third and final phase if you choose to, you
can add Chicken or fish. Organic, free-range poultry is
best; Wild Altantic Salmon is recommended.

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Suggested Program Supplements:

We recommend support with herbal formulas.

Read through the following information and see which
is applicable to your individualized and targeted pro-

Recommended to everyone during the cleanse:

x Broccoli Sprouts, (stimulates liver to break down
toxins that might be released on Diet-Detox Pro-
x Green Power Drink. (Solid nutritional support for
Diet-Detox and weight loss nutrition.)

1. BROCCOLI SPROUTS: Sulphoraphane glucosinolate

(SGS ) is found at its highest concentration in 7 to 10
day old broccoli sprouts. Dosage: 1 capsule, two times
per day.

2. GREEN POWER DRINK: Okinawa reports 80% less heart

disease and 80% less estrogen receptive cancers
(breast, ovarian, prostate) than the U.S.!!!! Their diet is
very heavy in vegetables; in fact, an astounding 36% of
their diet is vegetables. Researchers have found that the
Okinawans have the highest amounts of protective anti-
oxidants flowing through their blood, much more than
any other race on earth. Most of these antioxidants are
believed to be from their vegetable rich diet. Research-
ers are now focusing on these antioxidant levels being
responsible for their remarkable disease-free health and
longevity. Greens are also very detoxifying. Dosage:
One to two scoops daily.

3. GREEN TEA TRIM Formula: Green tea has such broad

health benefits: anti-oxidant, anti-aging, anti-
mutagenic, cancer prevention, cancer treatment ad-
junct, heart disease prevention, stroke prevention,
metabolic booster and weight loss support, glucose
balancer, homeostasis, neuro-protection, protection of
membrane fluidity, anti-bacterial function and skin pro-
tection. Yet it takes 12 cups a day to get to the dosage
needed. In addition, thermogenesis for weight loss is
another benefit to green tea. Clinical studies have
shown that green tea raises metabolic rates and speeds
up fat oxidation without raising heart rates. Dosage: 2
capsules, three times per day.

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4. DIET-DETOX Formula. This formula supports the diet-

ing process and stimulates detoxification and regenera-
tion of the liver and other organs. This formula includes
herbs to support the digestive process and create more
life force from a reduced dietary intake. Diet-Detox will
support and energize without the jagged edge of caf-
feine or other herbs that are over tonifying. The West-
ern herbs in this formula help to restore and
detoxify the liver and calm the mind. Dosage: 2 cap-
sules, three times daily. Maintenance: 1 capsule, three
times daily.

5. CLEANSE Formula: This formula cleanses toxicity

from the blood and helps remove wastes held in the
blood. These undesirable wastes are from both the in-
ternal and external world and may include pesticides,
herbicides, internal cellular wastes, viral particles, yeast
cells, and bacteria. Dandelion is a great cleansing herb
that supports liver function (as does blessed thistle),
stimulating bile production and flow. Dandelion root
opens up perspiration and is a wonderful diuretic; both
dandelion and blessed thistle help excrete wastes. The
yellow-flowered ““weed”” is the only diuretic that actually
helps replace potassium, often depleted by all other
diuretics, herbal and pharmaceutical. Burdock is one of
the foremost detoxifying herbs of the Eastern and the
Western traditions; it is used to cool and cleanse toxic
accumulations from the body, and, along with red clo-
ver, improves skin quality (rashes and other chronic
skin problems). Dosage: 2 capsules, three times daily.
Maintenance: 1 capsule, three times daily.

6. G.B.-LIVER CLEANSE Formula: The liver and gall blad-

der need a little help from time to time and this formula
targets the cleansing of these two organ systems. Dan-
delion and barberry root stimulate bile secretions to aid
in cleansing the gall bladder. Recent studies demon-
strate the ability of schisandra berries to help liver cells
regenerate. Blessed thistle clears inflammation, re-
moves stagnant ‘‘Qi’’ energy and congestion from the
liver. Fennel seeds promote bile production and diges-
tion. Gentian is the European digestive aid, cooling and
stimulating secretions. Dosage: 2 capsules, three times
daily. Maintenance: 1 capsule, three times daily.

B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 65
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7. TRIPHALA Formula: Because of its high nutritional

content, Ayurvedic doctors generally do not regard
Triphala as a mere laxative. Some of the scientific re-
search and practical experience of people using it down
through the ages has demonstrated that Triphala is an
effective blood purifier that stimulates bile secretion as
it detoxifies the liver, helps digestion and assimilation,
and significantly reduces serum cholesterol and lipid
levels throughout body. It is considered a nutritious,
cleansing tonic formula that also happens to have a
very mild laxative. Dosage: 2 capsules, two times daily.

8. EASY-MOVE Formula: A gentle laxative, yet still a

little stronger than Triphala. If you know you have a
problem with constipation use this formula. It is so im-
portant to move you bowels, even more so on the Diet-
Detox, so as not to prevent toxins released by the pro-
gram from being excreted. Dosage: Acute Episode:
Break open 2 capsules, mix with water, and drink last
thing at night, first thing in the morning. Maintenance:
1 capsule, twice daily.

If you normally have a diet high in sugar or sugary
drinks (Coke, Pepsi, etc.) the Chromium may help stabi-
lize any blood sugar swings. Chromium is a trace min-
eral that is critical to proper insulin activity. By promot-
ing the body’’s sensitivity to insulin, chromium improves
blood sugar control and influences fat metabolism. Dos-
age: 1per day.

10. "WEIGHT-LESS””, Balanced Multivitamin: When you

are cutting calories, you run the risk of cutting nutri-
ents. That is not only hard on your health, but also hard
on your weight-loss program. Dosage: 1 capsules, two
times a day.

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B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 67
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There’’s hidden sweetness in the stomach’’s emptiness.
We are lutes, no more, no less. If the sound box
is stuffed full of anything, no music.
If the brain and the belly are burning clean with fasting,
every moment a new song comes out of the fire.
The fog clears, and new energy makes you
run up the steps in front of you.

Be emptier and cry like reed instruments cry.

Emptier, write secrets with the reed pen.

When you’’re full of food and drink, an ugly metal statue

sits where your spirit should. When you fast
good habits gather like friends who want to help.

Fasting is Solomon’’s ring. Don’’t give it to some illusion and lose your
but even if you have, if you’’ve lost all will and control,
they come back when you fast, like soldiers appearing
out of the ground, pennant flying above them.
A table descends to your tents,
Jesus’’ table.
Expect to see it, when you fast, this table spread with other food,
better than the broth of cabbages.


68 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
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A sheikh and a disciple are walking quickly toward a town
Where it’’s known there is very little to eat. The disciple
Says nothing, but he is constantly afraid of going hungry.

The sheikh knows what the disciple thinks. How long

Will you be frightened of the future
Because you love food? You have closed the eye
Of self-denial and forgotten who provides.

Don’’t worry. You’’ll have your walnuts and raisins and special desserts.
Only the true favorites get hunger for their daily bread.
You’’re not one of those. Whoever loves the belly
Is brought bowl after bowl from the kitchen.

When such a person dies, bread itself comes to the funeral

And makes a speech: ““O corpse, you almost killed yourself
With worrying about food. Now you’’re gone and food
Is still here, more than enough. Have some free bread.””

Bread is more in love with you than you with it.

It sits and waits for days. It knows you have no will.
If you could fast, bread would jump into your lap
As lovers do with each other.

Be full with trusting,

Not with these childish fears of famine.


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Organic Food Choices

We need to protect the health of our future generations. The average

child receives four times more exposure than
an adult to at least eight widely used cancer-
causing pesticides in food. The food choices
parents make today will impact their chil-
dren's health tomorrow. It is a medical mys-
tery marked "urgent." All over America, grow-
ing numbers of children are suffering from
asthma, childhood cancers like leukemia, as
well as learning and behavioral disabilities.
Scientists are searching for clues to the
causes of these illnesses, and a growing body
of research suggests that everyday environ-
mental toxins - what kids eat, drink, and breathe - may put them at risk.
Medical investigators and health officials are just beginning to be en-
gaged in the latest research on links between childhood illness and envi-
ronmental contamination.
Many fruits and veggies especially during the winter are grown out of
the U.S. where many of the herbicides and pesticides are not considered
safe by our FDA and are even banned for use in the U.S. Yet they can be
used in Costa Rica or Chile and then shipped to the U.S.

The 25 most important foods to buy organically:

Baby Foods
Milk and Butter

Peaches, Cherries, Nectarines, Apricots
Red Raspberries
Imported Produce

Bell Peppers
Leafy Greens –– Lettuces
Green Beans

70 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
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Whole Wheat

Protein Foods
Seafood, Meats

Here’’s why:

1. Baby Foods. Infants are more sensitive to pesticides because of

their more vulnerable nervous and immune systems. Pesticide lim-
its are based on a 155 lb. Adult male.
2. Strawberries. This is the most heavily contaminated produce item in
the U.S. Often 300-500 lbs. of pesticides per acre are used! Some
growers also spray harvested strawberries for shipping. Strawber-
ries were found to have the highest level of hormone-affecting pesti-
cides, including benomyl, vinclozolin, and endosulfan. Methyl Bro-
mide is another common spray used on strawberries. (Out of sea-
son strawberries are more heavily treated.)
3. Milk and Butter. Dairy products tend to retain higher levels of resi-
dues and chemicals from feeds and other sources. Milk is a common
source of the herbiced atrazine ( a known endocrine disrupter) and
Bovine Growth Hormone. There is also an increased risk of antibiot-
ics in the milk as 80% of cows treated with BGH get udder infections.
4. Bananas. Commonly gassed with ethylene, and coming from south-
ern and tropical countries they are exposed to some chemicals at all
phases of production and receive heavier pesticide exposure. They
are also fumigated with ethyl bromide for shipping.
5. Stone Fruits. Their skins are very absorptive and they tend to retain
more chemicals. In FDA spot checks, 71% of the peach crops had
pesticide residues in violation of regulations. Cherries are also heav-
ily sprayed, and apricot crops showed residues over the limit with
the carcinogenic pesticide captan present.
6. Leafy Greens. Chemicals remain on the leaves of the vegetables
making these foods potentially more harmful. Spinach crops were
found to contain dangerous residues with 10% showing residues of
DDT, which was phased out of use in the U.S. 25 years ago.

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7. Grapes. They receive multiple applications, with imported grapes

even more heavily treated. High percentages of pesticide residues
are found (esp. from Chile), with carcinogenic pesticides, captan and
iprodione. U. S. growers use high amounts of sulfites and methyl
bromide for fumigation.
8. Green Beans. The EPA has registered more than 60 pesticides in use
on green beans, with very high levels found, with imported beans
exceeding limits.
9. Apples. Found nearly to be as contaminated as strawberries. Forty-
eight different pesticides were detected by FDA testing in nearly
2500 samples from 1984 to 1991, while 36 different chemicals were
found in their 1992-1993 evaluations. Nearly half of these chemicals
were either neurotoxic or carcinogenic.
10. Rice. Many persistent water-soluble herbicides and insecticides have
been found to contaminate the ground water near major rice fields.
11. Corn products. Corn is typically heavily treated; 50% of all pesti-
cides are used on corn. Also, GMO contamination is a great cause of
12. Sweet Peppers. Both red and green bell peppers were found to have
many chemical residues from the most neurotoxic of the pesticides.
These vegetables may also be waxed making it difficult to remove
the residues and other chemicals.
13. Tomatoes. Tomatoes are thin skinned and absorbent, with as many
as 30 different pesticides used on these crops.
14. Tropical Fruits. Tend to absorb more of the sprays and are more
heavily treated during cultivation, preparation and shipping.
15. Celery. Very absorptive and easily retains residues, often the
stronger neurotoxic and carcinogenic ones.
16. Berries. During cultivation berries have high pesticide exposure,
and most of these are systemic.
17. Imported Produce. Higher toxicity due to different regulations.
18. Cruciferous Vegetables. We eat the parts that are sprayed with car-
cinogenic chemicals so it is best to eat organically grown broccoli,
cauliflower, brussel sprouts and cabbage.
19. Cucumbers. Found to have residues of dieldrin, a potent pesticide
that increases your cancer risk.
20. Wheat. Treated during growth and repeatedly fumigated during
storage. Most ““wheat allergies”” could actually be a result of a neuro-
toxic reaction to the pesticide residues in the grain.
21. Eggs. Factory farm eggs often contain salmonella bacteria, and
come from chickens commonly fed antibiotics.
22. Seafood. Polluted water contaminates the fish with pesticides, heavy
metals, etc.

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Diet-Detox ProgramI

23. Meat. One of the most contaminated products in our food supply.
Higher up on the food chain, animals will store pesticide and herbi-
cide residues in their fat cells, as well as the antibiotics, hormones
and steroids they are regularly given.
24. Coffee. Often heavily treated with chemicals. If you drink it regu-
larly, drink organic beans made with purified water.
25. Wine. Grapes and wine may contain a variety of accumulated pesti-
cides and other chemicals. Hangover headaches may actually be the
result of chemicals in the wine.

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Broccoli Sprouts:

According to studies by Dr. Paul Tala-

lay and his colleagues at Johns Hop-
kins University School of Medicine, sul-
foraphane enhances the cancer-
protective capacity of animal cells. Sul-
foraphane in Broccoli sprouts induces
Phase 2 (detoxification) enzymes,
which are the enzymes that help to
deactivate carcinogens and free radi-
cals, thereby enhancing the liver and
body’’s own defense system against
cancer-causing chemicals.
Some of the best growing techniques
now guarantee large quantities, up to 5,500 parts per million, of sul-
foraphane within organically grown broccoli sprout powder. "Three-
day-old broccoli sprouts consistently contain 20 to 50 times the
amount of chemo-protective compounds found in mature broccoli
heads, and may offer a simple, dietary means of chemically reducing
cancer risk," says Paul Talalay, M.D. (See Fahey, Zhang and Talalay, "
Broccoli sprouts: An exceptionally rich source of inducers of en-
zymes that protect against chemical carcinogens.") In general, Bras-
sica family plants such as broccoli are rich in sulforaphane in its glu-
cosinolate precursor form. Unfortunately, broccoli must be eaten in
large quantities to substantially reduce the risk of cancer. Prelimi-
nary studies suggest that to cut the risk of cancer in half, the aver-
age person would need to eat about two pounds of broccoli or simi-
lar vegetables per week. Because of the Johns Hopkins research they
were able to identify that broccoli varies in sulforaphane content, and
that certain varieties of young broccoli sprouts, grown under stan-
dardized conditions, contain large, uniform quantities of the com-
pound. And since the concentration of sulforaphane is much higher
in broccoli sprouts than in mature broccoli, the same reduction in
risk theoretically might be had with a weekly intake of just over an
ounce of sprouts, and maybe a few capsules of sprout powder.

In animal studies, sulforaphane blocked tumor development, reduc-

ing incidence, multiplicity, and size of carcinogen-induced mammary
tumors. Small quantities of broccoli sprout extracts have reduced
the incidence and size of mammary tumors in animals. Talalay's re-
search team fed extracts of the sprouts to groups of 20 female rats
for five days, and exposed them and a control group that had not
received the extracts to a carcinogen, dimethylbenzanthracene. The
rats that received the extracts developed fewer tumors, and those

74 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

more slowly. Clinical studies are underway to further explore the ef-
fects of broccoli sprouts on protective biomarkers against human
Scientists at the American Health Foundation discovered that sul-
foraphane inhibited the formation of pre-malignant lesions in the
colons of rats, and researchers in France found that sulforaphane
induced cell death in human colon carcinoma cells. This study sug-
gests that "in addition to the activation of detoxifying enzymes, in-
duction of apoptosis [cell death] is also involved in the sulforaphane-
associated chemo-prevention of cancer."

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Diet-Detox Program

Acid / Alkaline Food Chart

Extremely Moderatly Neutral Moderately Extremely

Alkaline Alkaline Acidic Acidic

Lemons Apples (sweet) Butter (fresh, Bananas (green) Artificial

Watermelon Alfalfa Sprouts unsalted) Barley (rye) Sweeteners
Apricots Blueberries Beef
Avocados Bran Beer
Bananas (ripe) Cream (fresh, Butter Cereals Breads
Currants raw) (unrefined) Brown Sugar
Dates Cheeses Carbonated
Figs (fresh) Cow's Milk Crackers Soft Drinks
Garlic and (unrefined rye, Cereals
Grapefruit- rice and wheat), (refined)
Grapes (less Cranberries Chocolate
sweet) Whey (raw) Dried Beans Cigarettes and
Guavas (mung, adzuki, Tobacco
Leafy Greens pinto, kidney, Coffee
Lettuce (leafy Margarine garbanzo) Cream of
green) Dry Coconut Wheat
Nectarines Egg Whites (unrefined)
Oils (except
Peaches Eggs Whole Custard (with
(sweet) (cooked hard) white sugar)
Pears (less Fructose Deer
sweet) Goat's Milk Drugs Fish
Peas (fresh, (homogenized) Flour (white
sweet) Honey wheat) Fruit
Pumpkin (pasteurized) Juices with
(sweet) Ketchup Sugar Jams,
Sea Salt Maple Syrup Jellies Lamb
(unprocessed) Liquor
Milk Maple Syrup
(homogenized) (processed)
Molasses Molasses
(unsulphured (sulphured)
and organic) Pasta (white)
Most Nuts Pastries and
Mustard Cakes from
Oats (rye, or- White Flour
ganic) Pickles
Olives (pickled) (commercial)
Pasta (whole Pork
grain) Pastry Poultry Sea-
(whole grain food Sugar
and honey), (white) Table
Plums, Salt (refined
Popcorn (with and iodized)
salt and/or Tea (black)
butter) White Bread
Potatoes White Vinegar
Prunes (processed)
Rice (basmati Whole Wheat
and brown) Foods
Seeds Wine
(pumpkin, Yogurt
sunflower) (sweetened)

76 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y
Diet-Detox Program

Acid Akaline Readings

Morning Noon Evening Other

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7














B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y 77
Diet-Detox Program

The Animal Soul

There’’s part of us that’’s like an itch.

Call it the animal soul, a foolishness
That when we’’re in it, we make
Hundreds of others around us itchy.

And there is an intelligent soul

With another desire, more like sweet basil,
Or the feel of a breeze.

Listen and be thankful even for scolding

That comes from the intelligent soul.
It flows out close to where you flowed out.

But that itchiness wants to put food

in our mouths that will make us sick,

Feverish with the aftertaste of kissing

A donkey’’s rump. It’’s like blackening your robe
Against a kettle without being anywhere
Near a table of companionship.

The truth of being human is an empty table

Made of soul-intelligence.

Gradually reduce what you give your animal soul,

The bread that after all overflows from sunlight.

The animal soul itself spilled out

And sprouted from the other.

Taste more often what nourishes your clear light,

And you’’ll have less use for the smoky oven.

You’’ll bury that baking equipment into the ground!


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About the Authors

Po and Geoff are owners of D’’Arcy Naturals, an herbal

supplement business for people and their pets. They
sell their herbal formulas in Japan, Russia, Scotland,
Canada and the U.S. Geoff is an acupuncturist and
herbalist and Doctor of Oriental Medicine. He has
practiced for 23 years. They have offered the Diet-
Detox Program for over 15 years an d have synthesized
their experiences in this easy to use booklet format.
Together they founded the D’’Arcy Wellness Clinic and
Store in Natick Massachusetts.

A book from
Wellbeing Publications, Natick,

84 B Y G E O F F A N D P O D ’’ A R C Y

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