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Food Cold Chain Management System - From A Structured Theoretical Analysis To A Conceptual Framework On Perishable Commodities in India

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 5 Issue 1, November-December 2020 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Food Cold Chain Management System – From a Structured

Theoretical Analysis to a Conceptual Framework on
Perishable Commodities in India
Ligi Jolly
Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, NSS College, Pandalam, Kerala, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Ligi Jolly "Food

Agricultural system always had a transition period. This transition came very Cold Chain Management System – From a
slowly from production for consumption to production for marketing or for Structured Theoretical Analysis to a
exchange. Agriculture is characterised by fairly large and year to year seasonal Conceptual Framework on Perishable
fluctuations in production whereas consumption pattern remains almost same Commodities in
and unchanged. Therefore it is necessary to store and preserve large India" Published in
quantities of farm products for a longer period due to this conflicting nature of International Journal
demand and supply pattern. Traditional storage structures and practices need of Trend in Scientific
to be transmuted for ensuring the quality of farm products. Cold chain Research and
management is a contemporary system that rely on modern technologies to Development (ijtsrd),
control and monitor the temperature of perishable farm products to conserve ISSN: 2456-6470, IJTSRD38059
its freshness and quality throughout the entire supply chain. It is also highly Volume-5 | Issue-1,
beneficial in price stabilization, proper distribution and marketing of December 2020, pp.860-863, URL:
commodities. The present paper focuses on the need of effective cold chain
system in reducing the harvest and post-harvest losses of perishable
commodities. Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and
International Journal of Trend in Scientific
KEYWORD: cold chain management, supplychain, storage structure, perishable Research and Development Journal. This
commodities. Agriculture is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of
the Creative
Commons Attribution
License (CC BY 4.0)

Statement of Intended Contribution

An attempt was made by the researcher to answer the storage and refeer (refrigerated) transport and it includes
following questions; pre-cooling facility, refeer containers, cold storages,
Why do India fails in feeding its population though it has warehouse information management system, finance and
adequate food resources? insurance institutions and traceability. The Cold chain
What is the reason for increasing the share of post- facility helps the farmer’s to reach faraway markets to
harvest losses of perishable goods over the years? capture a large buyer base so that they can bring their
What are the bottlenecks of Indian Cold chain system in harvest to more valuable end use. For strengthening the
preventing post-harvest losses? farmer’s income, special attention should be given for
developing cold chain facilities across the nation.
The present study attempts to identify the major bottlenecks
in the marketing of agricultural produces particularly Production of fruits and vegetables
perishable products like fruits and vegetables. Food losses Indian agriculture shown a remarkable growth in the
are the main issue to be addressed in the present scenario production as well as area expansion of fruits and vegetables
due to the non-availability of adequate infrastructure. It is over the few years. Area under horticulture grew by 2.6
the area where government and other authorities need to percent per annum and thereby annual production increased
look into as it affects the food security of the nation in the by 4.8 percent over the decades. The production of
long run. vegetables has increased from 162.89 Million Tonnes to
184.40 Million Tonnes since 2013-04 to 2017-18 and
Introduction production of fruits has increased from 88.98 Million Tonnes
The Cold chain management system has become a linchpin in to 97.35 Million Tonnes. An analysis of annual production
the wheel of agriculture sector in India. Every year India and percentage share of fruits and vegetables from 2013-14
wastes nearly 18 percent of fruits and vegetables due to the to 2017-18 is depicted in figure 1 and figure 2. Figure3
absence of adequate storage facility. The Cold chain system depicts the major leading states in the production of fruits
can potentially solve post-harvest losses and can ensure and vegetables from 2013-14 to 2017-18
extended life cycle for perishable products. It maintains the
quality and freshness of perishable goods by slowing down Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat and
the respiration rate and transpiration rate and by lowering Karnataka were the five leading states in the production of
microbial acticity. Cold chain sector is a combination of base vegetables since 2013-14 to 2017-18.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38059 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 1 | November-December 2020 Page 860
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and fruits since 2013-14 to 2017-18.
Gujarat were the five leading states in the production of

Figure 1

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Figure 2

Source: Ministry Of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Figure 3

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Post-harvest losses of fruits and vegetables

India continues to fail in feeding its population, even though it has abundant agricultural resources. India ranked 103 among
119 countries as per Global Hunger Index. As per the latest report of FAO (United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization,
2019), India wastes nearly one lakh million worth of food every year and 40-50 percent of food gets spoiled before reaching the
neediest consumers. Every single day, close to 194 million people go hungry all over the country. India needs to feed nearly
225-230 million tonnes per year.

By taking into consideration, the growing need of preserving food for ensuring the food security of the nation, suitable
mechanism need to be developed for minimising the harvest and post-harvest losses of fruits and vegetables.

Harvest and post-harvest losses of major food grains are depicted in table 1

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38059 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 1 | November-December 2020 Page 861
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Table 1
Crops % Average loss (CIPHET Nanda etal2012) % Average loss (CIPHET Nanda etal2015)
Apple 12.3 10.39
Banana 6.6 7.76
Citrus 6.4 9.69
Grape 8.3 8.63
Guava 18.01 15.88
Mango 12.7 9.16
Papaya 7.36 6.7
Sapota 5.8 9.73
Onion 7.5 8.20
Tomato 13.0 12.44
Cabbage 6.9 9.37
cauliflower 6.9 9.56
potato 9.0 7.32
Source: CIPHET Report, 2015

Ever year India wastes nearly 18 percent of fruits and vegetables due to lack of post harvesting storage mechanism. According
to MFPI (Ministry of Food Processing Industry), post-harvest losses of food grains are 25 million tonnes whereas fruits and
vegetables constitute 12 million tonnes and 21 million tonnes respectively.

Systems for post-harvest loss handling

Post-harvest management is one of the major intervention to improve the farm production by doubling the income of farmers.
India is lacking a sustainable supply chain management system due to its unorganised nature. Therefore, India needs an
effective cold chain system which will integrate the supply chain for vegetables and fruits from the post-harvesting stage to
ultimate consumption stage.

Cold chain system remains untapped due to several reasons like high initial investment for setting up, high share of single
commodity, lack of adequate basic infrastructure, lack of awareness for handling perishable goods or lapse of service either by
the storage provider or the transporter.

Table 2 depicts the Gap analysis of cold chain infrastructure in India

Table 2
All India Requirement(A) All India created(B) All India Gap
Holding Capacity/ Number/
No Infrastructure component Numbers
Storage size storage capacity
1 Pack-House 11,21,274MT 70,080 249nos (69,831)Nos.
2 Cold Storage (Bulk) 341,64,411MT -
3 Cold Storage(Hub) 9,36,251MT - 31823700MT (32,76,962)MT
4 Refeer Vehicle 4,94,608MT 61,826 (52,826)Nos.
5 Ripening Chamber 91,306MT 9,131 812nos (8,319)Nos.
6 Onion storage structure 70,06,028MT 2,80,241 - -
Source: NCCD, 2015

Gap analysis indicates that Present capacity is nowhere close enough to support cold chain management system. A study
conducted by Indian institute of management, Kolkata has discovered that nearly 10 percent of agriculture produce get cold
storage facility in India.

Challenges in cold chain management system cities of the country every year. Out of which approximately
Misallocation of cold storages 100 MT moves via non refeer (non-refrigerated) mode and
Majority of the cold storages are concentrated into few states only 4 MT are transported by refeer mode.
of the nation and rest are undeserved. As per the report of
Emerson (2013), 60 percent of India’s cold storage capacities Untrained handling of perishable products
are utilised just by 4 states-West Bangal, Uttar Pradesh, In India, a warehouse with air condition is considered as a
Gujarat and Punjab.High share of a single commodity pause a cold storage. Different commodities require different
problem for preserving other commodities. temperature handling mechanism, which may not be known
to the cold storage staff and those who handles the products
Potato accounts for 75-80% of the storage capacity. including transporters. It ultimately leads to inventory
Under developed refeer transport
According to the report on Global capacity by international Non-prioritization of vegetables
Association of Refrigerated warehouse (2010), nearly 104 Most of the pack houses in India are mainly focused on fruits
MT of perishable farm products are transported between the and there is little emphasis for vegetable sector. Some of the

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38059 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 1 | November-December 2020 Page 862
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
exotic vegetables are handled properly and others are [3] Agmarknet, Commodity wise distribution of cold
outside the attention of pack houses. storages as on 31-12-2009,retrieved from
High capital cost r/Cold_Storage/COMMODITYWISEDISTRIBUTIONOF
Entrepreneurs my not find cold storage as a viable option for COLDSTORAGES.aspx
investment as it require huge set-up cost. It was estimated
[4] NCCD Report,2015,
that approximately 3-4 Crores in Indian rupees is required
for setting up of 5000 MT cold storages and to set up a 1000 [5] Jha, Shyam & Vishwakarma, Rajesh & Ahmad,
MT multi-purpose cold storage, investment of around 20 Tauqueer & Rai, Anil & Dixit, Anil. (2016). Assessment
Crores are required. of Quantitative Harvest and Post-Harvest Losses of
Major Crops/Commodities in India.
India ranks first position in the production of Banana, ssment_of_Quantitative_Harvest_and_Post-
Mango, Lime, Lemon, papaya and Okra and it is a pride factor Harvest_Losses_of_Major_CropsCommodities_in_India
that it is the second largest producer of vegetables and fruits.
[6] Horticulture at glance,2015 published by ministry of
Food wastage of fruits and vegetables are also in the range of
Agriculture and Farmers’ welfare,
18-40 percent. Post harvesting management system in India
is still at its nascent stage. India needs an effective cold chain
system to reduce the harvest and post-harvest losses and to
provide an extended life cycle of perishable products. In [7] Horticulture at glance,2016 published by ministry of
turn, it will ensure the food security of the nation. Effort Agriculture and Farmers’ welfare,
should be made from the Government to ensure the proper
functioning of the cold chain system where 100 percent FDI C/Yq6HcdIxMvJ0RY/w0FTznMeREnr5ok=
is admitted in this sector. India needs to mobilise large scale
[8] Horticulture at glance,2017 published by ministry of
investment in cold storages, refrigerated transports and on
Agriculture and Farmers’ welfare,
other logistics management systems.
[1] Acharya SS and, Agarwal NL (2016), Agricultural [9] Horticulture at glance, 2018 published by ministry of
Marketing in India, 6th ed. Oxford and IBH Publishing, Agriculture and Farmers’ welfare.
New Delhi.
[2] Mr. Karthikeyan, krishiJagran, 20 March, 2019,
retrieved from [10] CIPHET Report 2015,
farmers/ [11]

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38059 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 1 | November-December 2020 Page 863

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