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The IoT for Smart Sustainable Cities of the Future: An Analytical Framework
for Sensor-Based Big Data Applications for Environmental Sustainability

Article  in  Sustainable Cities and Society · December 2017

DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2017.12.034


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Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

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The IoT for smart sustainable cities of the future: An analytical framework T
for sensor-based big data applications for environmental sustainability
Simon Elias Bibri
NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer and Information Science and Department of Urban Planning and Design, Sem Saelands
veie 9, NO-7491, Trondheim, Norway


Keywords: The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the key components of the ICT infrastructure of smart sustainable cities as
Smart sustainable cities an emerging urban development approach due to its great potential to advance environmental sustainability. As
The IoT one of the prevalent ICT visions or computing paradigms, the IoT is associated with big data analytics, which is
Big data analytics clearly on a penetrative path across many urban domains for optimizing energy efficiency and mitigating en-
Sensor technology
vironmental effects. This pertains mainly to the effective utilization of natural resources, the intelligent man-
Data processing platforms
agement of infrastructures and facilities, and the enhanced delivery of services in support of the environment. As
Environmental sustainability
Big data applications such, the IoT and related big data applications can play a key role in catalyzing and improving the process of
Cloud computing environmentally sustainable development. However, topical studies tend to deal largely with the IoT and related
Fog/edge computing big data applications in connection with economic growth and the quality of life in the realm of smart cities, and
largely ignore their role in improving environmental sustainability in the context of smart sustainable cities of
the future. In addition, several advanced technologies are being used in smart cities without making any con-
tribution to environmental sustainability, and the strategies through which sustainable cities can be achieved fall
short in considering advanced technologies. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to review and synthesize the
relevant literature with the objective of identifying and discussing the state-of-the-art sensor-based big data
applications enabled by the IoT for environmental sustainability and related data processing platforms and
computing models in the context of smart sustainable cities of the future. Also, this paper identifies the key
challenges pertaining to the IoT and big data analytics, as well as discusses some of the associated open issues.
Furthermore, it explores the opportunity of augmenting the informational landscape of smart sustainable cities
with big data applications to achieve the required level of environmental sustainability. In doing so, it proposes a
framework which brings together a large number of previous studies on smart cities and sustainable cities,
including research directed at a more conceptual, analytical, and overarching level, as well as research on
specific technologies and their novel applications. The goal of this study suits a mix of two research approaches:
topical literature review and thematic analysis. In terms of originality, no study has been conducted on the IoT
and related big data applications in the context of smart sustainable cities, and this paper provides a basis for
urban researchers to draw on this analytical framework in future research. The proposed framework, which can
be replicated, tested, and evaluated in empirical research, will add additional depth to studies in the field of
smart sustainable cities. This paper serves to inform urban planners, scholars, ICT experts, and other city sta-
keholders about the environmental benefits that can be gained from implementing smart sustainable city in-
itiatives and projects on the basis of the IoT and related big data applications.

1. Introduction amounts of urban data pertaining to the environment across several

cities badging or regenerating themselves as smart sustainable. These
The IoT technology and related big data applications are clearly on data come from different sources, such as land-use patterns, spatial
a penetrative path across the systems and domains of smart sustainable organizations, environmental dynamics, transport and traffic systems,
cities (e.g. Bibri & Krogstie, 2017b). This is manifested in the pro- mobility and travel behavior, natural ecosystems, energy resources,
liferation and spread of various permutations of the underlying core building automation, infrastructures and facilities, and so on. In light of
enabling technologies for collecting, processing, and analyzing colossal this, the development of smart sustainable cities based on the IoT and

E-mail address:
Received 12 October 2017; Received in revised form 25 December 2017; Accepted 26 December 2017
Available online 29 December 2017
2210-6707/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

related big data analytics is increasingly becoming a clear prospect. mining and machine learning techniques to build models, carry out
Smart sustainable cities typically rely on the fulfillment of various further pattern identification, make correlations, and deploy the ob-
ICT visions of pervasive computing (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017a, 2017b), tained results to automate, support, and make decisions in relation to
most notably the IoT (e.g. Kyriazis, Varvarigou, Rossi, White, & Cooper, urban operations, functions, and services associated with environ-
2014; Zanella, Bui, Castellani, Vangelista, & Zorzi, 2014), where ev- mental sustainability.
eryday objects communicate with each other and collaborate across Despite the recent increase of research on the IoT and related big
heterogeneous and distributed computing environments to provide in- data applications in the domain of urban development, the bulk of work
formation and services to urban entities and urbanites. Heralding a tends to deal largely with economic growth and the quality of life in the
major technological change characterized by an ever-growing em- realm of smart cities (e.g. DeRen, JianJun, & Yuan, 2015; Ji, Ganchev,
beddedness of ICT into urban systems and domains, the IoT as a socially O’Droma, Zhao, & Zhang, 2014; Khan, Anjum, Soomro, & Tahir, 2015;
disruptive technology is projected to result in a drastic transformation Kitchin, 2014; Kumar & Prakash 2014; Perera, Zaslavsky, Christen, &
of the techno-urban ecosystem in all its complexity and variety. This Georgakopoulos, 2014; Wan et al., 2016; Zanella et al., 2014), leaving
may in turn alter how ICT can be applied and used in all urban spheres important questions involving in what ways the IoT and related big data
with far-reaching environmental implications. It has in fact been sug- applications can add to the environmental dimension of sustainability
gested that as ICT becomes pervasive, i.e. permeate infrastructures, in the realm of smart sustainable cities barely explored to date. Thus,
facilities, resources, architectural designs, ecosystem services, admin- the main research question to be addressed is: ‘How and to what extent
istrative services, and citizens’ objects, we can speak of cities getting could augmenting the informational landscape of smart sustainable
smarter as to addressing environmental problems (e.g. Batty et al., cities with the sensor-based big data applications of the IoT advance
2012; Bibri & Krogstie, 2017a, 2017b; Piro, Cianci, Grieco, Boggia, & environmental sustainability?’ Moreover, worth pointing out is that
Camarda, 2014; Townsend, 2013). Big data capability is regarded as most of the definitions of smart cities fail to incorporate environmental
key factor for realizing the novel applications pertaining to the IoT. In sustainability (e.g. Bibri & Krogstie, 2017a; Höjer & Wangel, 2015), or
all, the expansion of the IoT as a computing paradigm and related big say little about the environmental performance of cities (e.g. Kramers,
data analytics trend is increasingly stimulating smart sustainable city Höjer, Lövehagen, & Wangel, 2014). In smart cities, economic and so-
initiatives and programs within ecologically and technologically ad- cial aspects tend to dominate over environmental aspects (e.g.
vanced nations (e.g. Bibri & Krogstie, 2016). Ahvenniemi, Huovila, Pinto-Seppä, & Airaksinen, 2017). Furthermore,
With the recent advances in low-cost sensor devices, pervasive several advanced technologies are being used in smart cities without
computing infrastructures, wireless communication networks, and Web making any contribution to environmental sustainability, and the
technologies, the IoT has gained momentum and strong footing in strategies through which sustainable cities can be achieved fall short in
connecting everyday objects to the Internet and facilitating particularly considering advanced technologies (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017a; Bibri,
machine-to-machine communication with the physical world. The IoT 2018). Explicitly, sustainable cities lack innovative solutions based on
offers the capability to integrate digital and physical entities, enabling a the IoT and related big data applications in several urban domains
whole new class of big data applications and services that need to be where such solutions can have a substantial contribution to the goals of
fully realized and exploited as to advancing environmental sustain- environmentally sustainable development.
ability. Indeed, the notion of the IoT and related big data applications in The aim of this paper is to review and synthesize the relevant lit-
the domain of urban sustainability have attracted enormous attention erature with the objective of identifying and discussing the state-of-the-
among various urban scholars and practitioners over the past few years. art sensor-based big data applications enabled by the IoT for environ-
They are changing the way cities function and can be managed and mental sustainability and related data processing platforms and com-
planned in line with the goal of environmental sustainability, driving puting models in the context of smart sustainable cities of the future.
decision-making processes pertaining to the operational functioning Also, this paper identifies the key challenges pertaining to the IoT and
and planning within several urban domains with regard to optimizing big data analytics, as well as discusses some of the associated open is-
energy and environmental efficiency. The digital urban data enabled by sues. Furthermore, it explores the opportunity of augmenting the in-
the IoT are projected to grow exponentially (see Bibri & Krogstie, formational landscape of smart sustainable cities with big data appli-
2016). Around smart sustainable cities, a growing amount of such data cations to achieve the required level of environmental sustainability. In
continues to be produced beyond imagination, and the sheer volume of doing so, it proposes a framework which brings together a large number
information that is already available out there coming from diverse of previous studies on smart cities and sustainable cities, including re-
urban domains is at such a high value that it would be astute for urban search directed at a more conceptual, analytical, and overarching level,
planners and strategists in collaboration with ICT experts to exploit it as well as research on specific technologies and their novel applications.
for advancing environmental sustainability. The goal of this study suits a mix of two research approaches: topical
Sensor technology is one of the core enabling technologies of the literature review and thematic analysis. In terms of originality, no study
IoT. There exist a vast range of the IoT architectures that essentially aim has been conducted on the IoT and related big data applications in the
to provide the appropriate infrastructure for the operation of IoT eco- context of smart sustainable cities, and this paper provides a basis for
system in relation to large-scape applications such as smart sustainable urban researchers to draw on this analytical framework in future re-
cities. Typically, they include multiple, diverse types of sensors, in search. The proposed framework, which can be replicated and tested in
addition to data processing systems, wireless communication networks, empirical research, will add additional depth to studies in the field of
and actuators through which the systems act or pre-act in the physical smart sustainable cities. The main motivation for this paper is to cap-
environment (Bibri, 2015b). The sensors are basically utilized to collect ture further and invigorate the application demand for the environ-
the large masses of urban data that serve as inputs for big data appli- mental sustainability solutions that the IoT and related big data appli-
cations. Sensor technology is thus a key element of data processing as a cations—as powerful drivers for the emerging wave of urban computing
set of computational and analytical functionalities associated with the and analytics—can offer.
IoT ecosystem in the context of smart sustainable cities. Furthermore, The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 fo-
big data applications enabled by the IoT are increasingly maturing and cuses on the two research approaches adopted in the study: topical
rapidly proliferating, spanning a variety of urban domains due to the literature review and thematic analysis. Section 3 introduces, describes,
advance and prevalence of sensing technologies and capture ap- and discusses the relevant conceptual and theoretical constructs that
proaches, and what these entail in terms of multi-fusion techniques, make up the study, namely smart sustainable cities, the IoT, big data
signal processing methods, and sensor networks. The sensor-generated analytics, and sensor types and sensing areas, in addition to elucidating
data, which are acquired and pre-processed, are analyzed using data the link between big data, the IoT, and sensors. Section 4 provides a

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

survey of related work in terms of the state-of-the-art research in big standard search strategies were used involving querying a variety of
data analytics, the core enabling technologies of big data analytics and relevant academic or scholarly sources, namely electronic (cross-dis-
thus the IoT and related applications, issues, knowledge gaps, and re- ciplinary) databases from university libraries as well as Google scholars.
search opportunities. Section 5 presents the operational aspects of a A number of international journals and conference proceedings were
model of sustainable cities that puts emphasis on the use of the IoT and searched. The main contributions came from quality journal articles
big data analytics to examine them more accurately. Such aspects in- based on Scott (1990) four criteria for assessing quality: authenticity,
clude sensor technologies, data processing platforms, computing credibility, representation, and meaning.
models, and data-centric applications pertaining to diverse urban do- The searched keywords included ‘smart cities AND the IoT’, ‘smart
mains in the context of environmental sustainability. Section 6 de- cities AND environmental sustainability’,‘smart cities AND big data
scribes the technological factors and environmental benefits underlying analytics’, ‘smart sustainable cities AND big data analytics’, ‘smart
the IoT-based model of smart sustainable cities. Section 7 describes and sustainable cities AND environmental sustainability’, ‘smart sustainable
illustrates the proposed analytical framework for sensor-based big data cities and the IoT’, ’smart city frameworks and infrastructures’, ‘smart
applications based on the core enabling technologies of the IoT. Section sustainable city frameworks’, ‘smart cities and big data applications’,
8 identifies and enumerates the key scientific challenges pertaining to and ‘smart sustainable cities and big data applications’, as well as de-
the use of the IoT and big data analytics, and briefly discusses sone of rivatives of these terms. These keywords were used to search against
the associated open issues. This paper ends, in Section 9, with con- such categories as the articles’ keywords; title; and abstract to produce
cluding remarks, contributions, and some final thoughts. some initial insights into the field on focus. To note; due to the short-
comings associated with relying on the keyword approach; backward
2. Research approaches literature search (backward authors; backward references; and pre-
viously used keywords) and forward literature search (forward authors
The purpose of this study suits a mix of two research approaches: (1) and forward references) were additionally used to enhance the search
topical literature review and (2) thematic analysis to achieve different (see Webster & Watson, 2002).
yet related objectives. It also determines the usefulness of this sub-
stantive category of literature review to this particular endeavor. The 2.1.2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
premise is that not all literature reviews are the same or conducted for The key aspects for which previous and current research or results
the same purpose. Worth noting is that the gap analysis concerning the from qualitative analyses on smart (and) sustainable cities were sought
paucity of research on developing integrated frameworks for smart were employed to further select the relevant documents, in particular
sustainable cities as a holistic urban development approach provides a journal articles, for reading. This selection was initially bounded with
basis for the proposed analytical framework. This is to be derived ad- the aforementioned research question. This is underpinned by the re-
ditionally from the thematic analysis focused on environmental sus- cognition that once the research question is set, it becomes possible to
tainability applications and the underlying sensor technologies, data refine and narrow down the scope of reading, although there may seem
processing platforms, and computing models, based on the IoT and big to be hundreds of sources of information that appear pertinent. With
data analytics. that in mind, to be considered an article that provided information or
evidence on the aspects being addressed, the article had to cover one of
2.1. Topical literature review the thematic categories intended to be elaborated on, analyzed, and
discussed (see Sections 4 and 8). The focus was on articles that provided
This approach provides a survey of related work covering the state- definitive primary information from a topical review perspective. While
of-the-art research in big data analytics, the core enabling technologies certain methodological guidelines were deemed essential to ensure the
of big data analytics and the IoT and related applications, issues, validity of the review, it was of equal importance to allow flexibility in
knowledge gaps, and research opportunities. The survey also includes, the application of the proposed approach to capture the essence of re-
in a separate section, an enumeration of key scientific and intellectual search within the interdisciplinary area on focus. The whole idea was to
challenges pertaining to the IoT and big data analytics, as well as a brief ‘accumulate a relatively complete census of relevant literature’
discussion of some of the associated open issues. Accordingly, this lit- (Webster & Watson, 2002, p. 16). With the above in mind, to ensure an
erature review involves the exploration of a broad array of material effective outcome, the articles excluded were those that did not meet
(journal articles, books, conference proceedings, dissertations, reports, specific criteria in terms of relevance to the aspects being addressed.
etc.) at the intersection of various disciplinary areas of relevance to the Therefore, each of the published articles was assessed accordingly.
research topic on focus, and focuses mainly on qualitative research. A Specifically, scoring them was based on the inclusion of issues and to-
review method was developed and used to indicate the aspects to be pics relating to the research question, keeping in mind the aim of re-
addressed, search strategies to retrieve articles and other documents lating the literature to and explaining the main research question. As to
from various sources, inclusion and exclusion criteria to identify the abstract review, the abstracts were reviewed to assess relevance to the
relevant articles and other documents. review and to ensure reliable application of the inclusion and exclusion
criteria. Inclusionary discrepancies were resolved by re-review. The
2.1.1. Search strategy and scholarly sources process allowed to refine and narrow down the scope of reading. The
To find out what has already been written on the topic of the IoT exclusion involved specific criteria in terms of the quality of the re-
and big data analytics in terms of their applications for environmental search on the topic, including information source adequately searched
sustainability in the context of smart sustainable cities, a search for and applicable, inclusion/exclusion criteria comprehensible and ap-
related work was performed. The objective of the search strategy plicable, and the approaches into combining results applicable.
adopted was to identify the relevant studies that address the topics
mentioned in Sections 4 and 8. Of importance to underscore here is that 2.1.3. A combination of organizational approaches
the preliminary selection of available material was done in line with the This literature review is organized using a combination of structural
problem being investigated, using a variety of academic sources that are approaches, namely thematic, inverted pyramid, and the benchmark
relevant, current, and authoritative. That is, the search for the intended studies. This means that the survey is divided into sections representing
published work was directed with the following main research question the conceptual subjects and the thematic categories for the topic on
in mind: How and to what extent could augmenting the informational focus. The related discussion is organized accordingly while, when
landscape of smart sustainable cities with the sensor-based big data appropriate, starting from a broad perspective and then dealing with
applications of the IoT advance environmental sustainability? However, more and more specific perspectives from studies related to the main

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

research question addressed by this study. In doing so, the focus is on 3. Conceptual and theoretical background
the major writings considered as significant in the field of smart sus-
tainable cities in terms of the IoT, big data analytics, and environmental 3.1. Smart sustainable cities
The concept of smart sustainable cities has emerged as a result of
2.2. Thematic analysis three important global trends at play across the world, namely the
diffusion of sustainability, the spread of urbanization, and the rise of
As regards to the second approach, it is assumed that in smart ICT (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017a). As echoed by Höjer and Wangel (2015),
sustainable cities, there are concepts and applications that repeat the interlinked development of sustainability, urbanization, and ICT has
themselves and compose distinct models of smart sustainable cities in recently converged under what is labelled ‘smart sustainable cities.’
the context of environmental sustainability. Therefore, the paper uses a Accordingly, smart sustainable cities is a new techno-urban phenom-
qualitative approach to identify these concepts and applications as well enon that materialized around the mid-2010s (e.g. Ahvenniemi et al.,
as the underlying technologies, and eventually, to identify the con- 2017; Al-Nasrawi, Adams, & El-Zaart, 2015; Bibri & Krogstie, 2017a,
structs behind them. In relation to the thematic analysis, the aim of 2017b; Höjer & Wangel, 2015; Kramers, Wangel, & Höjer, 2016). The
qualitative studies is to describe and explain a pattern of relationships, idea revolves around leveraging the advance and prevalence of ICT of
a process that entails a set of conceptual categories (Mishler, 1990) pervasive computing in the transition towards the needed sustainable
pertaining in this context to the IoT and big data analytics and the role development in an increasingly urbanized world. Therefore, the de-
of related applications in environmental sustainability. velopment of smart sustainable cities is gaining increasing attention
Following a set of qualitative ‘tactics’ suggested by Miles and worldwide from research institutes, universities, governments, policy-
Huberman (1994) that can assist in generating meanings from diverse makers, and ICT companies as a promising response to the imminent
material, a thematic analysis has been designed and employed with two challenges of sustainability and urbanization.
purposes in mind. First, to identify the most advanced applications of The term ‘smart sustainable city’, although not always explicitly
the IoT pertaining to environmental sustainability and related concepts discussed, is used to describe a city that is supported by the pervasive
and technologies. Second, to conceptualize the theoretical base behind presence and massive use of advanced ICT, which, in connection with
the model of smart sustainable cities with the underlying technological various urban systems and domains and how these intricately inter-
components associated with environmental sustainability in terms of relate and are coordinated respectively, enables the city to control
the efficiency of energy systems and the mitigation of environmental available resources safely, sustainably, and efficiently to improve eco-
effects. As an inductive analytic approach, thematic analysis can be nomic and societal outcomes. The combination of smart cities and
used to address the different types of questions posed by researchers to sustainable cities, of which many definitions are available, has been less
produce complex conceptual or analytical cross-examinations of the explored as well as conceptually difficult to delineate due to the mul-
underlying meaning in qualitative data. This can be done through dis- tiplicity and diversity of the existing definitions (see Bibri & Krogstie,
covering patterns, relationships, themes, and concepts in the qualitative 2017a for an overview). International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
data that include interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary literature. (2014) provides a comprehensive definition based on analyzing around
Thereby, thematic analysis is an appropriate approach when analyzing 120 definitions, ‘a smart sustainable city is an innovative city that
and synthesizing a large body of documents—in the form of, for ex- uses...ICTs and other means to improve quality of life, efficiency of
ample, conceptual frameworks, critical reviews, descriptive accounts, urban operation and services, and competitiveness, while ensuring that
and empirical research (e.g. practical applications, case studies). It can it meets the needs of present and future generations with respect to
be applied to produce theory-driven analyses. economic, social and environmental aspects.’ Another definition put
The main steps of this study’s thematic analysis approach are as forth by Höjer and Wangel (2015, p. 10), which is deductively crafted
follows: and based on the concept of sustainable development, states that ‘a
smart sustainable city is a city that meets the needs of its present in-
1. Review of smart city, sustainable city, the IoT, big data analytics, habitants without compromising the ability for other people or future
and other multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary literature that is generations to meet their needs, and thus, does not exceed local or
related to environmental sustainability. The aim is to deconstruct a planetary environmental limitations, and where this is supported by
multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary text related to the model of ICT.’ This entails unlocking and exploiting the potential of ICT of per-
smart sustainable cities that puts emphasis on energy efficiency vasive computing as an enabling, integrative, and constitutive tech-
technology and other ICT-based climate solutions based on the IoT nology for achieving the environmental, social, and economic goals of
and big data analytics that are applicable to diverse urban domains. sustainability due to the underlying transformational, substantive, and
The outcomes of this process are numerous themes, ‘applications, disruptive effects (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017a, 20117b). Another con-
sensor technology, data processing platforms, and computing ceptualization of the term provided by Bibri and Krogstie (2016, p. 11)
models’ in this case, that are related to the respective model of smart states: ‘as a dynamic, complex interplay between scientific innovation,
sustainable cities. technological innovation, environmental innovation, urban design and
2. Pattern recognition entails the ability to see patterns in seemingly planning innovation, institutional innovation, and policy innovation,
random information. The purpose is to note major patterns and smart sustainable cities represent and involve inherently complex socio-
concepts within the result of the first step, and then to, in this second technical systems of all sorts of innovation systems. Such systems,
step, look for similarities or patterns within the sample and code the which focus on the creation, diffusion, and utilization of knowledge and
results by concepts (applications, sensor technologies, data proces- technology, are of various types (variants of innovation models), in-
sing platforms, and computing models). cluding national, regional, sectoral, technological, and Triple Helix of
3. Identifying a model of cities of the future involves recognizing a university-industry-government relations.’
specific and distinctive model of smart sustainable cities of the fu- As ICT permeates infrastructures, architectural and urban designs,
ture. ecosystem services, human services, and citizens’ objects, we can speak
4. Conceptualization is about finding theoretical relationships among of cities getting smarter as to addressing environmental, social, and
the identified concepts and smart sustainable cities of the future. economic problems, as well as providing services to citizens to improve
the quality of their life (Batty et al., 2012; Bibri and Krogstie, 2016,
2017a; Piro et al., 2014; Shepard, 2011; Townsend, 2013). Indeed, this
pervasion of ICT into urban environments implies new and more

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

extensive sources of urban data, which can provide immense possibi- 3.3. Big data analytics: characteristics and techniques
lities to better monitor, understand, analyze, and plan smart sustainable
cities to improve their contribution to the goals of sustainable devel- The term ‘big data’ is used to describe the growth, proliferation,
opment (e.g. Bibri & Krogstie, 2017b). The increasing convergence of heterogeneity, complexity, availability, temporality, changeability, and
urban ICT of various forms of pervasive computing (e.g. the IoT) is utilization of data across many application domains. These character-
increasingly seen as a way to capture further and invigorate the ap- istic features render the processing of big data exceed the computa-
plication demand for the diverse solutions for urban sustainability that tional and analytical capabilities of standard software applications and
emerging and future ICT can offer. The ability of computerizing all conventional database infrastructure. In short, the term essentially de-
urban systems and domains and hence thinking data-analytically about notes datasets that are too large for conventional data processing sys-
how to improve their contribution to the different dimensions of sus- tems. Traditional analytic systems are not suitable for handling big data
tainability constitutes an indication of the reach of the gravitational (e.g. Katal, Wazid, & Goudar, 2013; Khan, Uddin, & Gupta, 2014). This
field of ICT of pervasive computing’s effort to develop innovative so- implies that big data entail the use of tools (classification, clustering,
lutions and sophisticated approaches from the ground up for smart regression, and other algorithms), techniques (data mining, machine
sustainable cities of the future. Therefore, the potential of monitoring, learning, statistical analysis, etc.), and technologies (Hadoop, Spark,
understanding, analyzing, and planning cities through advanced ICT HBase, MongoDB, etc.) that work beyond the limits of the data analytics
can well be leveraged in the improvement of sustainable urban devel- approaches that are being employed to extract useful knowledge from
opment. Indeed, smart cities (e.g. Al Nuaimi, Al Neyadi, Nader, & Al- large masses of data for timely and accurate decision-making and en-
Jaroodi, 2015; Batty et al., 2012) and sustainable cities (e.g. Bibri & hanced insights. As a common thread running through most of the
Krogstie, 2017b; Kramers et al., 2014; Shahrokni, Årman, Lazarevic, definitions of big data, the related information assets are of high-vo-
Nilsson, & Brandt, 2015) that are engaging on the new transition in ICT lume, high-variety, and high-velocity, and thus require cost-effective,
are getting smarter in achieving the required level of sustainability. As innovative forms of data processing, analysis, and management. While
complex systems par excellence, smart sustainable cities rely more and there is no canonical or definitive definition of big data in the context of
more on sophisticated technologies and their novel applications to smart sustainable cities, the term can be used to describe a colossal
realize their potential for responding to the challenge of sustainability. amount of urban data, typically to the extent that their manipulation,
One of the most prevalent of these technologies and their applications, analysis, management, and communication present significant compu-
which are prerequisite for realizing ICT of pervasive computing, is the tational, analytical, logistical, and coordinative challenges. It is near on
IoT and related big data applications in relation to the domain of sus- impossible to humanly make sense of, or decipher, urban big data based
tainable urban development (e.g. Al Nuaimi et al., 2015; Batty et al., on existing computing models and practices. Important to note is that
2012; Bibri and Krogstie, 2016, 2017a; Bibri, 2018; Kyriazis et al., such data are invariably tagged with spatial and temporal labels, largely
2014; Zanella et al., 2014). Big data analytics as a rapidly growing area streamed from various forms of sensors, and mostly generated auto-
of ICT is becoming of crucial importance to the operational functioning matically and routinely. Regardless of the lack of agreement about the
and planning of smart sustainable cities (Bibri & Krogstie, 2016; Bibri, definition of big data, there seems to be consensus that big data will
2018). Therefore, the expansion of the IoT as a computing paradigm lead to, in light of the projected advancements and innovations, im-
and big data analytics as an analytical trend are increasingly stimu- mense possibilities and fascinating opportunities in the coming years.
lating the development of different models of smart sustainable cities as Big data are often characterized by a number of Vs. The main of
urban initiatives and endeavors. which—identified as the most agreed upon Vs—are volume, variety,
and velocity (e.g. Fan & Bifet, 2013; Laney, 2001). Additional Vs in-
clude veracity, validity, value, and volatility (e.g. Khan et al., 2014).
3.2. The internet of things (IoT) The emphasis here is on the main characteristics of big data, namely the
huge amount of data, the velocity at which the data can be analyzed,
The concept of the IoT (e.g. Huang & Li, 2010; Uckelmann, and the wide variety of data types.
Harrison, & Michahelles, 2011) refers to a computationally augmented The term ‘big data analytics’ refers commonly to any vast amount of
everyday environment where the physical world (everyday objects) and data that has the potential to be collected, stored, retrieved, integrated,
the informational world are integrated within the ever-growing Internet selected, preprocessed, transformed, analyzed, and interpreted for dis-
infrastructure via a wide range of active and smart data-sensing devices, covering new or extracting useful knowledge. This can subsequently be
including RFID, NFC, GPS, infrared sensors, accelerometers, and laser evaluated and visualized in an understandable format prior to its de-
scanners (Bibri & Krogstie, 2016). Bibri (2015b) defines the IoT as ‘the ployment for decision-making purposes (e.g. a change to or enhance-
interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded devices, physical ment of operations, functions, strategies, designs, practices, and ser-
and virtual objects, and smart objects [connected to humans, embedded vices). Other computational mechanisms involved in big data analytics
in their environments, and spread along the trajectories they follow] include search, sharing, transfer, querying, updating, modeling, and
using the Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) [the new addressing in- simulation. In the context of smart sustainable cities, big data analytics
frastructure of the Internet with an unlimited capacity], embedded refers to a collection of sophisticated and dedicated software applica-
systems, intelligent entities, and communication and sensing-actuation tions and database systems run by machines with very high processing
capabilities’. The IoT as an intriguing construct that is evolving into power, which can turn a large amount of urban data into useful
more and more sophisticated network of (sensor) devices and physical knowledge for well-informed decision-making and enhanced insights in
objects is estimated to involve all kinds of everyday objects, including relation to various urban domains, such as transport, mobility, traffic,
people, roads, railways, bridges, streets, buildings, water systems, environment, energy, land use, planning, and design.
electrical networks, vehicles, appliances, goods, machines, animals, The common types of big data analytics include predictive, diag-
plants, soil, and air. In short, the connectivity achieved by the IoT in- nostic, descriptive, and prescriptive analytics. These are applied to ex-
volves people, machines, tools, and places. The aim of using the IoT is tract different types of knowledge or insights from large datasets, which
to achieve different intelligent functions from conducting information can be used for different purposes depending on the application do-
exchange and communication, including learning about things, identi- main. Urban analytics involves the application of various techniques
fying things, tracking and tracing things, connecting with things, based on data science fundamental concepts—i.e. data-analytic
searching for things, monitoring things, controlling things, evaluating thinking and the principles of extracting useful knowledge (hidden
things, managing things, operating things, repairing things, and plan- patterns and meaningful correlations) from data, including machine
ning things (Bibri, 2015b). learning, data mining, statistical analysis, regression analysis

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

(explanatory modeling versus predictive modeling), database querying, wirelessly interconnected sensing and computing devices will pervade
data warehousing, or a combination of these. The use of these techni- urban environments and make everyday objects smart by enabling
ques depends on the urban domain as well as the nature of the urban them to communicate with each other, interact with people and their
problem to be tackled or solved. For a detailed account of data mining objects, and explore their surrounding. In light of these characteristic
and data-analytic thinking in the next wave of urban analytics in re- features, the IoT involve complex sensor infrastructures and networks
lation to urban sustainability, the reader can be directed to Bibri for the objects involved are boundless. A key significant facet of this
(2018). technology is thus the large number of things that can be connected to
mobile, wireless, and Internet networks, each one providing data for a
3.4. Sensor types and sensing areas particular purpose and in relation diverse distributed applications.
Mechanisms to store, integrate, process, analyze, and manage the
Big data analytics involves a wide variety of sensors. A sensor can be generated data through scalable applications remain a major scientific
described as a device that detects or measures a physical property or and technological challenge in the ambit of computing, in general, and
some type of input from the physical environment, and then indicates of big data analytics, in particular. This emanates from the various
or reacts to it in a particular way (e.g. Bibri, 2015a). The output is a sensor recording parameters and their length as to the collected and
signal in the form of human-readable display at the sensor location or of stored data, among other things. The fundamental centralized data
a recorded data that can be transmitted over a network for further processing platforms and data mining architectures remain unfit to
processing. Commonly, sensors can be classified according to the type computationally and analytically support data stored in distributed
of energy they detect as signals, and include, but are not limited to, the sites across pervasive, dynamic environments. Despite the difficulty in
following types (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017c): overcoming the hurdles to the wide adoption of the IoT within smart
Location sensors (e.g. GPS, active badges) sustainable cities, the IoT has demonstrated distinguished potential to
Optical/vision sensors (e.g. photo-diode, color sensor, IR and UV add a whole new dimension to the application and enhancement of
sensor) environmental sustainability across diverse urban domains by enabling
Light sensors (e.g. photocells, photodiodes) communication between and information exchange among the physical
Image sensor (e.g. stereo-type camera, infrared) and smart objects deployed across urban environments in connection
Sound sensors (e.g. microphones) with energy and environmental systems. Hence, more research in the
Temperature sensors (e.g. thermometers) related big data applications is imperative, and once this novel tech-
Heat sensors (e.g. bolometer) nology has successfully been implemented in terms of its big data ap-
Electrical sensors (e.g. galvanometer) plications, the benefits and opportunities will be tremendous in the
Pressure sensors (e.g. barometer, pressure gauges) context of smart sustainable cities of the future.
Motion sensors (e.g. radar gun, speedometer, mercury switches,
tachometer) 4. Related work
Orientation sensors (e.g. gyroscope)
Physical movement sensors (e.g. accelerometers) To expand on the literature provided in the introduction section,
Biosensors (e.g. pulse, galvanic skin response measure) this section provides a detailed review and synthesis of the technical
Vital sign processing devices (heart rate, temperature) literature on big data analytics and the IoT as well as of the multi-
Wearable sensors (e.g. accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers) disciplinary and interdisciplinary literature on smart sustainable cities.
Identification and traceability sensors (e.g. RFID, NFC).
While there are different ways of sensing that could be utilized for 4.1. Big data analytics and its core enabling technologies
collecting urban data based on the IoT, in the realm of smart sustainable
cities not all the above are of use in relation to data-centric applications As a prerequisite technology for realizing the IoT as an ICT vision of
in terms of optimization, control, automation, management, and plan- pervasive computing, big data analytics entails extracting useful
ning associated with environmental sustainability. How many and what knowledge from large masses of data for enhanced decision-making and
types of sensors can be used and the way in which they can be in- insights pertaining to a large number and variety of urban domains
corporated in relation to a given data-centric application is determined (Bibri & Krogstie, 2016, 2017b). In recent years, the concept and ap-
by the nature, scale, and complexity of that application. plication of big data analytics has been expanded beyond the ambit of
business intelligence to include the area of urban development as to
3.5. The link between the IoT, big data, and sensors such domains as energy, transport, mobility, accessibility, traffic, power
grid, building, planning, design, and so on in the context of environ-
Big data trends are mainly associated with the IoT as a form of mental sustainability (e.g. Al Nuaimi et al., 2015; Batty et al., 2012;
ubiquitous computing (e.g. Batty et al., 2012; Bibri, 2018; Bibri and Bibri, 2018; Bibri & Krogstie, 2017a, 2017b; Bettencourt 2014; Khan
Krogstie, 2017, 2017b; DeRen et al., 2015; Chen, Chiang, & Storey, et al., 2015; Kumar & Prakash, 2014). Moreover, big data analytics has
2012; Vongsingthong & Smanchat, 2014). To gain further insights into become a key component of the ICT infrastructure of smart sustainable
this relationship, the interested reader might want to read a recent cities, in particular in relation to the IoT ecosystem (Bibri & Krogstie,
survey carried out by Qin et al.’s (2016), where they review the state-of- 2016, 2017b). In this context, it targets optimization and intelligent
the-art research efforts in IoT from data-centric perspectives, including decision support pertaining to the control, optimization, automation,
data stream processing, complex event processing, and searching in IoT. management, and planning of urban systems as operating and orga-
The IoT deals with countless physical and virtual objects and thus in- nizing processes of urban life, as well as to the efficiency and en-
volve a myriad of sensors due to the scale of its ubiquity, and hence the hancement of ecosystem and human services in support of the en-
volume of the data generated is huge and the processes and platforms vironment (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017c). Additionally, it targets the
involved in handling these data are complex. The IoT, which ‘is evol- improvement of environmental policies and strategies by changing
ving into more and more sophisticated network of (sensor) devices and them based on new trends or emerging shifts. In all, the analytical
physical objects, is estimated to involve all kinds of everyday objects, outcome of data mining/knowledge discovery (see Bibri, 2018 for an
including people, roads, railways, bridges, streets, buildings, water overview with relevant use cases) serves to improve urban operational
systems, electrical networks, vehicles, appliances, goods, machines, functioning, optimize resource utilization, and reduce environmental
animals, plants, soil, and air.’ (Bibri & Krogstie, 2016, pp. 6ö7), to re- risks. However, the literature on the uses of big data analytics in rela-
iterate. It signifies that technology in the form of countless nearby tion to environmental sustainability applications in the context of smart

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

sustainable cities remains scant, whether be it descriptive, prescriptive, • Analysis techniques and algorithms, e.g. data mining, machine
or analytical. This is due to the fact that smart sustainable cities is a new learning, statistics, and database query and related computational
techno-urban phenomenon and the concept only became widespread mechanisms
during 2015, and hence research is still in its early stages (e.g. Bibri & • Wireless network technologies, e.g. the satellite-enabled GPS, mo-
Krogstie, 2017a, 2017c). bile phone, LPWAN, and Wi-Fi networks, for collecting and co-
Furthermore, many reviews or surveys have been conducted in re- ordinating data in terms of the data themselves and how that data
cent years on big data analytics. While they offer different perspectives are stored and made accessible
on, and highlight various dimensions of, the topic, they overlap in many • Data visualization for representing and displaying useful knowledge
computational, analytical, and technological aspects (Bibri & Krogstie, in understandable formats for human interpretation.
2017c). Also, they are more often than not oriented towards business
intelligence (see, e.g., Chen et al., 2012; Provost & Fawcett, 2013). And In addition to reviewing and synthesizing the important works, the
they tend to put emphasis on different components of big data analy- authors highlight the key applications of big data analytics for urban
tics, such as techniques, algorithms, software tools, platforms, and ap- sustainability. Though these are enumerated and documented, they are
plications. Chen et al. (2012) provide a systematic review of data neither detailed and explained in terms of how they function using the
mining in technique view, knowledge view, and application view, core enabling technologies of big data analytics and thus the IoT, nor
supported with the latest application cases related mostly to business analyzed in relation to the informational landscape of smart sustainable
intelligence. In their survey, Zhang et al. (2016) explore new research cities in the context of environmental sustainability. Thereby, the need
opportunities and provide insights into selecting suitable processing for the thematic analysis and the derived analytical framework as ob-
systems for specific applications, providing a high-level overview of the jects of the subsequent sections.
existing parallel data processing systems categorized by the data input
as stream processing, machine learning processing, graph processing, 4.2. Smart city frameworks and infrastructures
and batch processing. Singh and Singla (2015) provide an overview of
the leading tools and technologies for big data storage and processing, While the literature evidence shows a diversity of smart city fra-
throw some light on other big data emerging technologies, as well as meworks, the one developed by Giffinger et al. (2007): the European
cover the business areas from which big data can be generated. In their Smart Cities Ranking, remains the most widely quoted, used, and ap-
review, Tsai, Lai, Chao, and Vasilakos (2015) discuss big data analytics plied in the field. It is intended for the comparison of cities badgering or
and related open issues, focusing on how to develop a high performance generating themselves as smart, as well as for the assessment of their
data processing platform to efficiently analyze big data and to design an development towards the direction of smartness. Accordingly, it has
appropriate mining algorithm to extract useful knowledge from big been used as a classification system—based on six distinct dimensions,
data, in addition to presenting some research directions. Katal et al. namely smart mobility, smart environment, smart living, smart people,
(2013) provide a varied discussion covering several big data issues, smart economy, and smart governance—against which smart cities can
challenges, tools, characteristics, sources, and best practices in relation be gauged. Each dimension comes with a set of factors or criteria that
to such applications as social media, sensor data, log storage, and risk evaluate success under that dimension. In this regard, a city identifies,
analysis. Karun and Chitharanjan (2013) deliver a whole review on based on the examination of its current state of smart growth, the areas
Hadoop in terms of HDFS infrastructure extensions, making a com- that might necessitate further improvements and then attempts to meet
parison of Hadoop Infrastructure Extensions (HadoopDB, Hadoop++, the necessary conditions so as to be able to become smart. In doing so, it
Co-Hadoop, Hail, Dare, Cheetah, etc.) on the basis of scalability, fault can set goals based on its unique circumstances by pursuing the six
tolerance, load time, data locality, and data compression. Chen, Mao, dimensions in terms of related visions or prospects (Giffinger et al.,
and Liu (2014) review the big data background and the associated 2007; Steinert, Revital, Phillippe, Veiga, & Witterns, 2011). Other smart
technologies, including applications and challenges (in relation to data city frameworks (e.g. Chourabi et al., 2012; Correia & Wuenstel, 2011;
generation, acquisition, storage, and analysis). Neirotti, De Marco, Cagliano, Mangano, & Scorrano, 2014) tend to
Due to the paucity of survey work on the core enabling technologies differ slightly from the aforementioned one by combining, rearranging,
of big data analytics and related applications in the context of smart extending, or renaming the defining characteristics or constituting di-
sustainable cities, Bibri and Krogstie (2017c) have recently conducted a mensions (i.e. application domains) of smart cities. There are also other
thorough review of the technical literature with the objective of iden- smart city performance assessment systems, such as Albino, Berardi,
tifying and synthesizing such technologies and illustrating the key and Dangelico (2015), Lazaroiu and Roscia (2012), and Lombardi,
computational and analytical techniques and processes associated with Giordano, Farouh, and Yousef (2012).
the functioning of big data ecosystem. In doing so, the authors develop, Another set of frameworks has been developed for certain urban
describe, and elucidate some of the relevant frameworks pertaining to domains. In this regard, some frameworks have been proposed to
big data analytics in the context of smart sustainable cities, bringing benchmark cities and to assess the smartness of their transportation
together research directed at a more conceptual, analytical, and over- systems (e.g. Debnath, Chin, Haque, & Yuen, 2014; Garau, Masala, &
arching level to stimulate further research endeavors in connection Pinna, 2016), urban mobility (e.g. Garau, Masala, & Pinna, 2015), en-
with the role of these frameworks in advancing urban sustainability. vironment (e.g. Neirotti et al., 2014), or the quality of life (e.g. Khan
The proposed frameworks, which can be replicated and tested in em- et al., 2015). In relation to sustainability, Ahvenniemi et al. (2017, p.
pirical research, are intended to add additional depth and rigor to 235) state, quoting, Marsal-Llacuna, Colomer-Llinàs, and Meléndez-
studies in the field. According to the authors, the underlying enabling Frigola (2015), ‘the smart city assessment builds on the previous ex-
technologies and related key computational and analytical techniques periences of measuring environmentally friendly and livable cities,
and processes consist of the following: embracing the concepts of sustainability and quality of life but with the
important and significant addition of technological and informational
• Data collection and preprocessing, e.g. data sensing methods and components’. A study conducted by Bifulco, Tregua, Amitrano, and
signal processing techniques D'Auria (2016) addresses the connection between the technologies en-
• Data repositories or storage facilities, e.g. database and data ware- abling the smart city characteristics as conceptualized in the framework
house servers proposed by Giffinger et al. (2007) and the goals of sustainability.
• Data processing, e.g. data analytic systems and computing models, While the authors outline a new research avenue for the development of
i.e. software tools and database systems and cloud and fog/edge frameworks that amalgamate ICT with sustainability in, and new in-
computing dicators for the evaluation of, smart interventions, no further detail is

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

provided as to how to develop such frameworks in terms of the tech- future, the core enabling technologies of the IoT and thus big data
nological and urban components needed to achieve the purpose. This analytics, namely digital sensing technologies, data processing plat-
relates to the paucity of research on developing integrated frameworks forms, computing models, and wireless communication networks, will
for smart sustainable cities. This issue is taken up below in more detail. be the dominant mode of monitoring, understanding, analyzing, and
Moreover, a number of smart city infrastructures (e.g. Al-Hader & evaluating smart sustainable cities as to their operational functioning
Rodzi, 2009; DeRen et al., 2015; Khan et al., 2012; Khan et al., 2014, and planning to improve their contribution to the goal of en-
2015; Khan & Kiani, 2012; Nathalie, Symeon, Antonio, Kishor, 2012) vironmentally sustainable development (Bibri & Krogstie, 2016).
have been proposed and some of them have been applied in recent
years as part of case studies. These infrastructures are based on cloud
computing and tend to focus on technological aspects (especially big 4.4. Conceptual and analytical frameworks for smart sustainable cities
data analytics and development and monitoring), urban management,
privacy and security management, or citizen services in relation to the The field of smart sustainable cities is still in its early stages of de-
quality of life. There have been no research endeavors thus far to de- velopment (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017a, 2017b). Indeed, smart sustainable
velop integrated infrastructures for smart sustainable cities as a holistic cities is a new techno-urban phenomenon, and thus the term only be-
urban development approach (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017a). But there have came widespread during the mid-2010s (see Section 3 for literature
been some endeavors to address some aspects of environmental sus- evidence). It follows that the use of big data analytics in sustainable
tainability in the context of smart cities. For example, Lu et al. (2011) urban development has just gained some footing in research. In this
propose a framework for multi-scale climate data analytics based on regard, an attempt has recently been undertaken by Bibri and Krogstie
cloud computing. Speaking of the climate in this context, there is still a (2017b) to develop a matrix (conceptual Framework) to illustrate the
risk of a mismatch between urban climate targets and the opportunities relationship between the major themes pertaining to the typologies and
offered by ICT solutions (e.g. Kramers et al., 2014). design concepts of sustainable urban forms and big data applications
with respect to sustainability effects. The proposed smart sustainable
4.3. The IoT and related big data applications: smart cities versus smart urban form matrix provides insights into how models of such form can
sustainable cities improve their contribution to sustainability with support of ICT of
pervasive computing. In particular, the authors substantiate the real
Research on the IoT and related big data applications has been ac- potential of big data analytics to improve the contribution of smart
tive in the realm of smart cities, dealing largely with economic growth sustainable cities to the goal of environmentally sustainable develop-
and the quality of life. But the role of the IoT and related big data ment. This entails merging big data technologies and their applications
applications in advancing environmental sustainability in the context of with the typologies and design concepts of sustainable urban forms to
smart sustainable cities as a holistic urban development approach is achieve multiple hitherto unrealized goals. The proposed matrix is in-
barely explored to date. In other words, despite the proliferation of the tended to help scholars and planners in understanding and analyzing
literature and thus the increase of the research on the IoT and related how such contribution can be improved through big data analytics. To
big data applications, the bulk of work tends to deal largely with smart extend this work further, this study endeavors to illustrate how and
cities in terms of business intelligence applications and citizen services what kind of big data applications can be used to improve the en-
(e.g. DeRen et al., 2015; Ji et al., 2014; Khan et al., 2015; Kitchin 2014; vironmental performance of smart sustainable cities in relation to
Kumar & Prakash, 2014; Perera et al., 2014; Townsend, 2013; Wan various urban domains. The final outcome of this study consists
et al., 2016; Zanella et al., 2014), thereby hardly exploring the re- therefore of an analytical framework. In relation to this, Bibri and
levance and role of the IoT and related big data applications in the Krogstie (2017a) identify a number of knowledge gaps in the field of
urban domain, especially in relation to improving the contribution of smart sustainable cities, of which the most relevant to this study are the
smart sustainable cities to the goal of environmentally sustainable de- following:
velopment. Moreover, while smart cities have been criticized for the
lack of explicitly incorporating environmental sustainability and for • There is no framework for merging the informational and physical
falling short in considering environmental performance (e.g. landscapes of smart sustainable cities. This can play a pivotal role in
Ahvenniemi et al., 2017; Bibri & Krogstie, 2017a; Höjer & Wangel, laying the foundation for their development and deployment based
2015; Kramers et al., 2014), sustainable cities have encountered diffi- on big data analytics
culties in addressing the challenge of environmental sustainability • There is a need for augmenting the informational landscape of smart
(Bibri and Krogstie, 2017a, 2017b; Jabareen, 2006) due partly to a lack sustainable cities with the IoT and related big data applications to
of integrating ICT-based climate solutions (e.g. Kramers et al., 2014). further enhance their contribution to environmental sustainability
Consequently, a new research wave has started to focus on how to • Smart sustainable cities fall short in considering smart solutions in
enhance smart city approaches as well as sustainable city models by relation to several urban domains where such solutions can have a
combining the two urban development strategies in an attempt to substantial contribution with respect to environmental sustain-
achieve the required level of environmental sustainability through en- ability.
hancing urban operations, functions, designs, and services using ad-
vanced ICT (e.g. Al Nuaimi et al., 2015; Ahvenniemi et al., 2017; Bibri, In addition to the above, a detailed analytical account supported
2018; Bibri and Krogstie, 2017a, 2017b; Kramers et al., 2014; with an illustration is particularly needed to explain and visualize how
Shahrokni et al., 2015). This integrated urban development approach big data applications can be implemented and function in relation to
emphasizes the use of big data analytics as a set of advanced techni- the various domains of smart sustainable cities in the context of en-
ques, processes, platforms, infrastructures, and applications, in addition vironmental sustainability. Important to note is that while there already
to other advanced forms of ICT like context-aware computing. In par- are several frameworks for big data analytics based on cloud computing
ticular, the evolving data-centric approach is seen to hold great po- in the literature, they pertain predominantly to smart cities (see
tential to address the challenge of environmental sustainability under Subsection 3.2. for literature evidence). Specifically, research remains
what is labelled ‘smart sustainable cities’ of the future (Bibri & Krogstie, generally scant on the development of analytical frameworks for smart
2017a, 2017b). The way forward for future cities to advance environ- sustainable cities based on big data analytics as a set of advanced
mental sustainability is through advanced ICT that ensures the utili- technologies and their novel applications based on the IoT. Therefore,
zation of big data analytics (see, e.g., Al Nuaimi et al., 2015; Batty et al., the purpose of proposing an analytical framework on the basis of the
2012; Bettencourt, 2014; Bibri & Krogstie, 2017a, 2017b). In the near IoT and big data analytics is to advance the existing work in the field.

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

5. The results of the thematic analysis function in a more effective and efficient way, especially in relation to
environmental sustainability.
The thematic analysis is intended to identify the main con- The urban environment is being pervaded by huge quantities of
cepts—repeated and significant themes of a model of smart sustainable active devices of diverse kinds and forms to particularly automate
cities that puts emphasis on the use of the IoT and big data analytics in routine decisions. The fabric of smart sustainable cities is expected to
relation to environmental sustainability. These themes involve sensor be, arguably, enveloped with an electronic skin, which can be sewed
technologies, data processing platforms, computing models, and data- together and entrenched with even more advanced embedded mea-
centric applications pertaining to diverse urban domains. suring devices, information processing systems, and communication
networks. These include countless intelligent sensing and computing
5.1. Pervasive sensing and computing for environmental urban devices and related sophisticated and dedicated techniques and algo-
sustainability rithms, as well as a widespread diffusion of wirelessly ad-hoc, mobile
network infrastructures and related protocols. The primary aim is to
5.1.1. Collecting. measuring, and processing urban big data build an entirely new holistic system which supports the following
In the emerging field of smart sustainable urban planning (e.g. Bibri, components of big data ecosystem (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017c):
2018), many scholars in different disciplines and practitioners in dif-
ferent professional domains advocate the inclusion of ubiquitous sen- • The acquisition and coordination of data from multiple distributed
sing. Sensor ubiquity is a core feature of smart sustainable cities of the sources
future, which rely on the fulfillment of the prevalent ICT visions of • The management and organization of data streams
pervasive computing, including the IoT. Within the next 15 years or so, • The integration of heterogeneous data into coherent databases and
most of the data that will be used to monitor, understand, analyze, and their warehousing
plan the systems and domains of smart sustainable cities will come from • The preprocessing and transformation of data
digital sensors in the form of observations, transactions, and move- • The management and seamless composition of extracted models and
ments associated with the operating and organizing processes of urban patterns
life. Such sensors can provide readings on many environmental and • The evaluation of the quality of the extracted models and patterns
physical phenomena. The sensor data will be available in various forms, • The visualization and exploration of behavioral patterns and models
with temporal tags and geotags, coupled with a variety of data mining • The simulation of the mined patterns and models
methods and data visualization techniques for processing data and • The deployment of the obtained results for intelligent decision
displaying patterns and correlations respectively. A large number of support and efficient service provision.
approaches into collecting and capturing urban big data from new
varieties of digital access are being fashioned and deployed across Regardless of their scales, new sensing and computing devices are
urban environments. Examples of digital access include the satellite- projected to be equipped with quantum-based processing capacity,
enabled GPS in vehicles and on citizens, traces left from online trans- unlimited memory size, and high performance communication cap-
actions processing and related demand-supply situations, online inter- abilities, all linked by mammoth bandwidth and wireless (Internet)
actions, numerous kinds of web sites, and online interactive data sys- connectivity linking several kinds of distributed, heterogeneous hard-
tems pertaining to crowd-sourcing (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017c). Satellite ware systems and software applications (Bibri, 2015a). All of the above
remote-sensing data are also becoming widely deployed, in addition to is to be directed for advancing the contribution of smart sustainable
a variety of scanning technologies associated with the IoT (e.g. Batty cities to the goals of sustainable development. Explicitly, future urban
et al., 2012). The convergence of these phenomena are increasingly ICT driven by the IoT as a form of pervasive computing will result in a
paving the way for big data analytics to become the dominant mode of blend of advanced applications, services, and computational (data)
urban analytics in relation to urban operational functioning and plan- analytics enabled by constellations of instruments across several spatial
ning, as well as for exploiting and extending a variety of data mining scales linked via multiple networks. This can provide a fertile en-
and machine learning techniques through which the generation of vironment conducive to monitoring, understanding, analyzing, and
models will be essential in a wide spectrum of engineering solutions for planning the sustainability of future cities, especially its environmental
advancing urban sustainability, e.g. improving the contribution of dimension.
smart sustainable cities to the goals of environmentally sustainable Recent advances in sensor technology have given rise to a new class
development. Such cities are to be monitored, understood, analyzed, of miniaturized devices characterized by advanced signal processing
and planned across several spatial levels mostly on the basis of data methods, high performance, multi-fusion techniques, and high-speed
routinely and automatically collected by sensors. With the flourishing electronic circuits (Bibri, 2015a). The trends toward ICT of pervasive
smart sustainable urban planning approach (e.g. Batty et al., 2012; computing, especially the IoT, coupled with the evolving concept of
Bibri, 2018; Bibri & Krogstie, 2017a), pervasive sensing is gaining in- smart sustainable cities, are driving research into ever-smaller sizes of
creased momentum and prevalence as to measuring and collecting data sensors capable of powerfully sensing complex and varied aspects of
on urban functioning and change in a new way, from the ground up, by urban life and environment at very low cost (Bibri & Krogstie, 2016).
means of powerful sensing technologies (infrared, laser, radar, sound, The production of sensing devices with a low cost-to-performance ratio
light, heat, electrical, pressure, motion, orientation, physical move- is further driven by the rapid development of sensor manufacturing
ment, location, etc.). At present, for instance, sensing urban change technologies (e.g. Bibri, 2015a). The increasing miniaturization of
from the ground up occurs through new technologies that ‘depend on computer technology is making it possible to develop miniature on-
hand-held and remote devices through to assembling transactional data body and remote sensors that allow registering various urban, physical,
from online transactions processing which measure how individuals and environmental parameters without disturbing citizens or inter-
and groups expend energy, use information, and interact’ (Batty et al., fering with urban activities, thereby the commonsensical infiltration of
2012, p. 492) with respect to resources. Linking and meshing data from sensors into daily urban life and environment. This is instrumental in
various types of sophisticated measuring devices, such as stereo-type enhancing the computational understanding and data processing of
camera, laser scanners, galvanometers, radar guns, gyroscopes, accel- human mobility, urban dynamic changes, and urban operational func-
erometers, GPS, RFID, and NFC with the automation of standard sec- tioning, a process that entails analysis, interpretation, modeling, and
ondary sources of data and unconventional data provides a rich nexus evaluation of big data for enhanced decision-making and deep insights.
of possibilities as to providing new and open sources of data necessary The new wave of urban computing is about the omnipresence of in-
for monitoring and understanding how smart sustainable cities will visible technology in urban environments and thus citizens’ everyday

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

life. Countless tiny, distributed, networked sensor devices will be in- optimization, control, and management of urban processes in terms of
visibly embedded in cities for data collection. The research in the area operational functioning and services. Likewise, citizens will be in-
of micro- and nano-engineering (Lyshevski, 2001, 2005) is expected to undated by massive amounts of real-time responses based on inter-
yield major shifts in ICT performance and the way mechatronic com- acting and networking RFID tags (Bibri, 2015b). These tags can be in-
ponents and devices are manufactured, designed, modeled, and im- stalled near individuals or along the trajectories they follow daily, and
plemented, thereby radically changing the nature and structure of be read without their knowledge. They can potentially be on everything
sensing devices and thus the way cities will be monitored, understood, possessed by citizens and in their surroundings. The way information
analyzed, and planned in the near future in the context of the IoT. can be collected in smart sustainable cities of the future will radically
change—with further advancements of RFID tags due to the nature of
5.1.2. Environmental urban sustainability mining their scalability. The micro- and nano-scale RFID (and other types of
As part of urban reality mining (e.g. Batty et al., 2012; Eagle & sensors) will result in their integration into more and more everyday
Pentland, 2006), environmental urban sustainability mining, which objects as part of the IoT, enabling people to communicate directly with
pertains to sensing complex environmental dynamics and changes by all sorts of objects, which in turn will communicate with each other and
means of ubiquitous sensors embedded, wirelessly networked with other people’s objects. Holding great potential for disruptive urban
throughout urban environments, is a key determinant of how smart transformations, especially in relation to environmental sustainability,
cities and sustainable cities developing and responding to the challenge the IoT landscape will consist of trillions of devices and other physical
of environmental sustainability are becoming smarter. Mining of en- objects connected to the Cloud of Things. To note, RFID had long been
vironmental urban sustainability depends on dedicated, powerful soft- the dominant technology until more recently, during the early 2010s,
ware applications to log urban infrastructures, spatial and physical when near-field communication (NFC) became more dominant. NFC is
organizations, and mobility patterns as well as natural ecosystems and associated with smartphones and proposed as a solution for monitoring
related services based on sensor data (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017c). The and actuating in large-scale deployments within emerging smart sus-
analysis of derived large datasets will help extract computationally tainable cities.
complex activity, behavior, process, and environment models to iden-
tify and gain predictive insights into new structures, systems, and 5.1.4. The Automated Big Data
processes as to how smart sustainable cities can increase their con- This paper is concerned with the automated forms of big data,
tribution to the goals of environmentally sustainable development which is the most useful source of big data, whether enabled by the IoT
through enhancing urban intelligence functions for decision-making in or other forms of ubiquitous computing, when it comes to city devel-
this regard. Therefore, sensor-based big data applications have en- opment and planning. Such data are generated as an inherent, auto-
ormous potential to drive decisions about how environmental sustain- matic function of the devices and systems that are widely deployed and
ability can be better translated into the infrastructural, operational, and networked across urban environments. Indeed, the automated forms of
functional forms of smart sustainable cities across several spatial scales. data generation have recently captured the imagination of those con-
Further studies in this direction are most likely to enhance mobility, cerned with understanding, managing, and planning cities as well as
transport engineering, energy engineering, environmental planning, seeking useful insights into urban systems, in particular in the context
spatial and physical structures, and data-driven characterization of of environmental sustainability. In particular, there has been an interest
urban functioning and resource utilization. in sensor networks and the IoT as well as the tracking and tracing of
people and objects (Kitchin, 2014). Sensor networks involve an array of
5.1.3. The IoT components and RFID tags tiny, inexpensive sensors and actuators that can be embedded or placed
The IoT encompasses the following components (Bibri, 2015b): on different structures and systems to measure specific physical outputs
or properties pertaining to urban environments, including levels of
• Tagging things, i.e. RFID and NFC tags are attached to everyday light, humidity, temperature, heat, acoustics, air pressure, motion, or-
objects and people ientation, location, speed, and so on. Active sensors broadcast data at
• Sensing things, i.e. sensors act as devices to collect the data from the regular intervals over local or wide area networks, or might be
physical world and transmit them to the informational world equipped with NFC capabilities that enable two-way communication
• Thinking things, i.e. smart things process information, make in- (Hancke, de Carvalho e Silva, and Hancke, 2013). Sensors networks can
dependent decisions, self-configure, self-regulate, and self-repair be used to monitor the use and condition of public infrastructures, such
• Miniaturized things, i.e. sensing and computing devices based on as buildings, roads, parks, facilities, and utility provision, as well as
micro- or nano-electro-mechanical systems (MMES) or (NMES) general environmental conditions within smart sustainable cities. In
technology, which are so small to be virtually invisible, embedded this context, smart sustainable cities entail a blend of advanced appli-
in everyday objects to enable them to interact and connect within cations, services, and computational (data) analytics enabled by con-
the smart things thanks to micro-engineering and nanotechnology. stellations of instruments across many spatial scales linked via multiple
networks, which can provide a fertile environment conducive to mon-
In the IoT, the everyday objects involve devices with intelligence, itoring, understanding, analyzing, and planning urban systems to im-
communication, sensory, and actuation capabilities, e.g. machine-to- prove environmental efficiency and sustainability by providing con-
machine, vehicle-to-vehicle communication, and people-to-things ap- tinuous data regarding physical activities and human movements as
plications. In other words, the IoT entails sensor and actuator tech- well as the status of various forms, structures, and processes. As such,
nologies, wireless technologies, and smart things. However, the notion smart sustainable cities offer the prospect of an objectively measured,
of IoT tends to be identified with RFID, which was seen as a prerequisite real-time analysis of the processes operating and organizing urban life,
for the IoT in the early days and thus the standard method of com- which is of paramount importance to advancing environmental sus-
munication (e.g. Bibri, 2015b). RFID tags are being attached to many tainability.
objects and are expected to be—with further advancement of the IoT There are a number of different means by which the automated
predominately—entrenched in virtually all kinds of objects around us, forms of data can be generated (Batty et al., 2012; Dodge & Kitchin,
handling addressability and traceability, monitoring and controlling 2007; Kitchin, 2014; Kitchin & Dodge, 2011), including sensors:
devices, and automating process controls and operative tools, and so on Capture systems in which the means of performing a task captures
(Bibri, 2015b). This is at the core of smart sustainable cities of the fu- data about that task
ture in terms of environmental sustainability, i.e. the role of big data Digital traces left through purchase of goods and related demand
analytics in relation to the engineering solutions associated with the supply situations

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

Digital devices that record and communicate the history of their (Singh & Singla, 2015). Hadoop is a framework for data management
own use on which MapReduce works as a programming model, and its func-
Transactions and interactions across digital networks that not only tionality is based on batch processing: dividing the big task into small
transfer information, but generate data about the transactions and in- subtasks and then executing them in parallel. Numerous technologies
teractions themselves (e.g. Apache PIG, Apache HBase, Apache Hive, Apache Scoop, Apache
Clickstream data that record how people navigate through websites Flume, Apache Cassandra, Scribe, Apache Zookeeper, and many more)
or apps can be built on the top of the Hadoop system to form a Hadoop eco-
Sensed data generated by a variety of sensors and actuators em- system along with HDFS to enhance the efficiency and functionality of
bedded into objects or environments that regularly Hadoop (Singh & Singla, 2015).
communicate their measurements While Hadoop is originally developed for use in the domain of
The scanning of machine-readable objects such as travel passes, business intelligence (e.g. customer buying behavior, advertisement
passports, or barcodes on parcels that register payment and movement targeting, user recommendation, retail, and search quality), its uses are
through a system increasingly being extended to include several urban domains in the
Machine to machine interactions across the IoT context of smart cities and smart sustainable cities in connection with
Automatic meter reading (AMR) that communicates utility usage on big data applications. For instance, Khan et al. (2015) develop a pro-
a continuous basis totype to demonstrate the effectiveness of big data analytics, and im-
Automated monitoring of public service provision plement it using Hadoop and Spark for the purpose of comparing the
Uniquely indexical objects and machines that conduct automatic results in terms of the suitability of these two data processing platforms.
work and are part of the IoT, communicating about their use and To note, Spark (In-memory) model of computing is more efficient in
traceable if they are mobile (automatic doors, lighting and heating terms of real-time data processing, which is of relevance to the IoT
systems, washing machines, security alarms, wifi router boxes, etc.) applications. Further, the authors present a theoretical and experi-
Transponders that monitor throughput at toll-booths, measuring mental perspective on the use of big data analytics in smart cities based
vehicle flow along a road or the number of empty spaces in a car park, on cloud computing. Their prototype analyses an open dataset to
and track the progress of buses and trains along a route identify statistical correlations between a set of selected urban en-
GPS in vehicles and on people vironment indicators of the quality of life, such as health, well-being,
RFID tags attached to objects and people employment, air quality, housing, income, and crime. Another project
Smart tickets that are used to trace passenger travel. that uses Hadoop for big data analytics in the context of smart city is
In the domain of urban planning and management, these forms of government city administration, where Hadoop architecture is used to,
instrumentation provide abundant, systematic, dynamic, varied, well- quoting Neirotti et al. (2014), ‘manage real-time analysis of high vo-
defined, resolute, relatively cheap data about urban processes and ac- lume data, develop a massively scalable, clustered infrastructure…for
tivities, allowing for real-time analytics and adaptive forms of man- discovery and visualization of information from thousands of real-time
agement and governance (Kloeckl, Senn, and Ratti, 2012). This is of sources, encompassing application development and systems manage-
high relevance to environmental sustainability in the context of smart ment built on Hadoop, stream computing, and data warehousing’ (Al
sustainable cities. Nuaimi et al., 2015, p. 7).
The big data phenomenon is associated with the open source soft-
5.2. Data processing platforms ware movement, and Hadoop is an open source architecture. It imple-
ments the HDFS (Hadoop distributed File system) and MapReduce
Data processing platforms are a key component of the ICT infra- model. Using the master slave architecture, HDFS involves storing,
structure of smart sustainable cities with respect to big data applica- processing, and analyzing large datasets to extract useful knowledge
tions. Among the leading platforms for big data storage and processing from data. HDFS divide the large files into blocks in a standard way and
include Hadoop MapReduce, IBM Infosphere Streams, Stratosphere, store these blocks into a large cluster. MapReduce entails dividing the
Spark, and NoSQL-database system management (e.g. Al Nuaimi et al., large task into small subtasks and then deal with them accordingly. It
2015; Fan & Bifet, 2013; Karun & Chitharanjan, 2013; Khan et al., 2015; has four core components: input, mapper, reducer, and output, and
Singh & Singla, 2015). As ecosystems, they perform big data analytics their number vary based on the application domain. As explained by
related to a wide variety of large-scale applications intended for dif- Fan and Bifet (2013, p. 3), Hadoop enables to write ‘applications that
ferent uses associated with the process of sustainable development, rapidly process large amounts of data in parallel on large clusters of
such as management, control, optimization, assessment, and improve- compute nodes. A MapReduce job divides the input dataset into in-
ment related to environmental sustainability, thereby spanning a dependent subsets that are processed by map tasks in parallel. This step
variety of urban domains and subdomains. Thus, they are prerequisite of mapping is then followed by a step of reducing tasks. These reduce
for data-centric applications in the context of smart sustainable cities. tasks use the output of the maps to obtain the final result of the job.’
There are different data processing platforms being used in various Apache Hadoop is a software system that is designed for data-intensive
sectors for handling the storage, analysis, and management of large distributed applications and used for storing, processing, and analyzing
datasets, depending on a variety of technical requirements and objec- big data in Hadoop cluster. This homogeneous environment denotes
tives. The focus here is on Hadoop MapReduce platform due to the that all the components (RAM, CPU, etc.) of the systems comprising the
suitability of its functionalities with respect to handling urban data, as cluster share the same configuration (Singh & Singla, 2015). The data
well as to its advantages associated with load balancing, cost effec- systems are deployed as scale-out architectures on clusters of servers
tiveness, flexibility, and processing power. As stated by Singh and and storage (Khan et al., 2015). Another software system is Apache S4:
Singla (2015), Hadoop allows to distribute the processing load among a platform designed specifically for managing and processing con-
the cluster nodes, which enhances the processing power; to add or re- tinuous data streams in real time (Neumeyer, Robbins, Nair and Kesari,
move nodes in the cluster according to the requirements; and to make 2010). When dealing with IoT, real-time data processing approaches,
the homogenous cluster with various group of machines instead of the like Apache storm, should also be considered.
costly option of using one supercomputer, and to handle unstructured Hadoop MapReduce has become the primary big data processing
data. Another benefit of Hadoop is that it is free of charge for different system given its simplicity, scalability, and fine-grain fault tolerance
commercial uses because it is an open source architecture. There are (Zhang et al., 2016). Karun and Chitharanjan (2013) deliver a whole
different extensions of Hadoop, which are usually considered for com- review on Hadoop in terms of HDFS infrastructure extensions, making a
parison, including HadoopDB, Co-Hadoop, Hadoop++, and Dare comparison of Hadoop Infrastructure Extensions (HadoopDB, Hadoop

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

++, Co-Hadoop, Hail, Dare, Cheetah, etc.) on the basis of scalability, sustainable cities. As a combination of infrastructure, platform, and
fault tolerance, load time, data locality, and data compression. Hadoop software, it entails a set of powerful machines in large data centers
MapReduce architecture can run on the cloud. Khan et al. (2015) pro- across distributed environments, which are used to deliver a variety of
pose an abstract architectural design of cloud computing based on big services and thus meet the needs of different urban constituents in
data analytics in the context of smart cities. This is motivated by the terms of the use of big data analytics tools, methods, techniques,
guiding design principle of cloud computing as to reusing existing, well- models, and technologies in the context of urban sustainability.
tested, and reliable tools and techniques for big data analytics func- Big data analytics can be performed ‘in the cloud’. This involves
tionalities. The system architecture proposed by the authors consists of both big data PaaS and IaaS. Big data analytics is associated with cloud
three layers for different functionalities: computing (e.g. Al Nuaimi et al., 2015; Ji, Li, Qiu, Awada, & Li, 2012;
Khan et al., 2014, 2015), an Internet-based computing model that is
(1) the bottom layer comprises distributed and heterogeneous re- increasingly seen as the most suitable solution for highly resource in-
positories and various sensors; tensive and collaborative applications as an on-demand network access
(2) the middle layer serves to map and link the resource data to support to a shared pool of computing resources (memory capacity, energy,
workflows to develop relations among data of different formats and computational power, network bandwidth, interactivity, etc.) (Al
semantics in the data repositories due to heterogeneous data Nuaimi et al., 2015; Kramers et al., 2014; Voorsluys, Broberg, & Buyya,
sources, as well as to find scenarios; 2011). This entails that computer-processing resources, which reside in
(3) the top layer is an analytic engine which processes the data for the cloud, are virtualized and dynamic. This implies that only display
application specific purposes, using the linked data available in the devices for information and services need to be physically present
middle layer to submit queries, application algorithms to find spe- across urban domains where diverse stakeholders (administrators,
cific information in the data repositories. planners, landscape architects, sustainability strategists, authorities,
citizens, etc.) can make use of software applications and services to
5.3. Cloud computing for big data analytics improve different aspects of sustainability. Such stakeholders can access
cloud-based software applications through a web browser and a lean
The term ‘cloud computing’ has been defined in multiple ways by client (a computer program that depends on its server to fulfill its
ICT experts and researchers and a wide range of organizations (e.g. computational roles) or mobile devices while software tools and urban
government agencies) and institutions (e.g. educational institutions). data of all kinds can be stored on servers at a remote location. Indeed,
Common threads running through most definitions are that cloud cloud computing model is based on hosted services in the sense of ap-
computing describes a computing model in which standardized, scal- plication service provisioning running client server software locally. In
able, and flexible ICT-enabled capabilities delivered in real-time via the this respect, smart sustainable city applications (pertaining to transport,
Internet in the form of three types of services: (1) Software-as-a-Service traffic, mobility, energy, waste management, and so on in the context of
(SaaS), (2) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and (3) Infrastructure-as-a- environmental sustainability) reside ‘in the cloud’ and can be accessible
Service (IaaS) to external users or customers. SaaS and PaaS denote the per demand. Moreover, the software development platform can be of-
provider’s software applications and software development platforms fered in a public, private, or hybrid network, where the cloud provider
respectively, and IaaS means virtual servers, storage facilities, pro- manages the platform that runs the applications and relieves the cloud
cessors, and networks as resources, all being delivered over the cloud. clients from the burden of securing dedicated platforms, which would
Thus, cloud computing consists of several components, which .can be otherwise be very demanding and costly in terms of resources and time.
rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort. However, the The cloud clients can accordingly benefit from tested, scalable, reliable,
diversity of the definitions of, coupled with the lack of agreement over and maintainable platforms offered by the cloud provider. Another
what constitutes, cloud computing has created confusion as to what it advantage involves service process optimization through advanced
really means as an emerging computing model, and consequently its functionalities of software development platforms, namely flexibility,
definitions have been criticized for being too broad and unclear (see interoperability, reusability, scalability, and cooperation. There is also a
Kalyvas, Overly, & Karlyn, 2013a; Kalyvas, Overly, & Karlyn, 2013b). great opportunity to slash or minimize energy consumption associated
Users of cloud computing, including individuals, organizations, and with the operation of ICT infrastructure, especially when it comes to
government agencies employ it to, as a variety of enabled services, store large-scale deployments like in the case of smart sustainable cities as to
and share information; manage, sift, and analyze databases; and deploy different departments and service agencies. Beloglazov, Abawajy, and
Web services, including processing huge datasets for complicated pro- Buyya (2012) develop policies and algorithms that aim at increasing
blems of scientific kinds (Paquette, Jaeger, & Wilson, 2010). Cloud energy efficiency in cloud computing. Energy consumption is way too
computing can also be used to process urban big data in relation to lower than if all urban entities have their own software development
smart sustainable city applications. platforms. These are indeed shared by multiple users as well as dyna-
In recent years, cloud computing has attracted great attention and mically reallocated per demand. This approach maximizes the use of
gained popularity worldwide, proliferating as part of the infrastructure computational power and reduces energy usage and thus mitigate GHG
of smart cities (see, e.g., Al Nuaimi et al., 2015; Khan et al., 2015) as an emissions associated otherwise with powering a variety of functions as
extension of distributed and grid computing due to the advance and well as data centers dispersed throughout the departments and service
prevalence of sensing devices, storage facilities, data/information pro- agencies of smart sustainable cities. Whether public or private, the
cessing platforms, pervasive computing infrastructures, and wireless cloud provider includes the cloud environment’s servers, storage, net-
communication networks. Especially, most of these technologies have working, and data center operations. This implies that the cloud pro-
become technically mature and financially affordable. By commodi- vider has the actual energy-consuming computational resources; users
tizing services, low-cost (open source) software, and geographic dis- or clients can simply log on to the network without installing anything,
tribution, cloud computing is becoming increasingly an attractive op- thereby curbing energy usage and making the best of the available
tion (Kalyvas et al., 2013a, 2013b). Additionally, cloud computing offer computational power. Energy efficiency in cloud computing can result
solutions to many challenges facing smart sustainable cities by facil- from energy-aware scheduling and server consolidation (Andreas et al.,
itating big data storage and providing the capabilities needed for data/ 2010). Mastelic, Ariel, Holger, Ivona Pierson, and Vasilakos (2014)
information processing, analysis, and management for extracting useful provides a survey on energy efficiency in cloud computing. Also, cloud
knowledge from large masses of urban data. Therefore, cloud com- computing is seen as a form of green computing, especially if it is based
puting is the basic backbone for distributed urban computing involving on renewable energy like solar panels. It has other intuitive benefits
the various functionalities of big data applications in the realm of smart because it relies on sharing resources and maximizing the effectiveness

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of shared resources, thereby reducing the costs otherwise incurred by reference to the growing difficulties in accessing information objec-
ICT operations as to human, technical, and organizational resources. In tively. This results in a lack of quality of the obtained content. The
cloud computing, supercomputers in large data centers as a distributed effects of fog computing on cloud computing and big data applications
system of many servers are used to deliver services in a scalable manner may vary; however, a common aspect that can be extracted is a lim-
as well as to enable the storage and processing of vast quantities of data, itation in accurate content distribution, an issue that has been tackled
to reiterate. Cloud computing offers great opportunities for stream- with the creation of metrics that attempt to improve accuracy
lining data processing (Buyya, Beloglazov, & Abawajy, 2010). In all, (Numhauser, 2013). Cloud computing performs complex and full data
cloud computing constitutes an efficient and elegant solution in terms validation, storing, processing, and processing (big data analytics),
of facilitating the huge demand for computing resources associated whereas fog computing carries out more complex data processes,
with big data analytics for decision-making processes in relation to the namely validation, storage, and forwarding.
operational functioning and planning of cities in terms of environ- The disadvantage of fog computing is the extent of complexity it
mental sustainability. Through the use of cloud computing, smart sus- brings to the computation, storage, and networking as part of the
tainable cities can hence have higher possibilities to perform more ef- overall architecture. This has implications for the time taken to perform
fectively and efficiently thanks to the advanced technological features analysis as well as the cost of ownership since physical things have to be
underlying the functioning of cloud computing model. secured and maintained due to the fact that fog computing pulls pro-
In addition, cloud computing performs service-oriented computing. cessing capabilities to a fog as a form of decentralized location.
In this regard, it can rapidly process large and complex data produced
from urban activities and simultaneously serve citizens in relation to a 5.4.2. Fog and edge computing for the IoT
wide variety of services in support of the environment, providing a kind Fog and edge computing models have been developed to respond to
of integrated and specialized center for information services to both the the sheer, monumental increase of data bandwidth required by the end
general public and urban departments across various urban domains. In devices that underpin the IoT. The concept has indeed been fueled by
light of this, with reference to smart sustainable cities, cloud computing the explosion of the IoT, a computing paradigm that has made it ne-
has the ability to run smart applications on many connected computers cessary to process the generated data much closer to the source in real
and smartphones at the same time for different purposes associated time, pushing the cloud closer to the requester as a way to minimize
with increasing environmental sustainability performance. latency as well as to increase quality. Fog networking supports the IoT
concept, in which most of devices and everyday objects are to be con-
5.4. Fog and edge computing nected to each other, such as smartphones, wearable devices, connected
vehicle and augmented reality using devices (e.g. Bonomi et al., 2012).
5.4.1. Fog computing versus cloud computing The fundamental objective of the IoT is to obtain and analyze data from
Fog computing (Numhauser, 2012), also known as fogging or edge physical assets or things that were previously disconnected from most
computing, can be viewed as an alternative computing model to cloud data processing tools. This relates to sensor-based big data applications
computing in the context of the IoT and its underlying big data ana- pertaining to smart sustainable cities in the context of environmental
lytics. It is an architecture that uses one or more collaborative near-user sustainability. The urban big data are generated by physical assets or
edge devices to carry out a substantial amount of storage (rather than things deployed at the very edge of the network that perform specific
stored primarily in cloud data centers), communication (rather than tasks to support environmental sustainability. The IoT is about con-
routed over the Internet backbone), control, configuration, measure- necting the unconnected devices (things) and sending their data to the
ment, and management (rather than controlled primarily by network cloud or Internet to be analyzed. In traditional IoT cloud architecture,
gateways). Although both fog computing and cloud computing provide all these data from physical assets or things are transported to the cloud
storage, applications, and data to end-users, fog computing has a bigger for storage and advanced analysis associated with big data applications.
proximity to end-users and bigger geographical distribution (Bonomi, The IoT devices generate a constant stream of data that has to be va-
Milito, Zhu, & Addepalli, 2012). On the data plane which constitutes lidated, analyzed, and processed in real time. Data validation needs to,
one of the components of fog networking, fog computing enables with the with the explosion of the IoT devices, take place closer to the
computing services to reside at the edge of the network as opposed to requester. In this regard, fog and edge computing can crunch through
servers in a data-center like in cloud computing. Accordingly, fog data at a fast pace compared to cloud computing (data center). It
computing emphasizes proximity to end-users and client objectives, moreover allows disconnected validation of data, a feature that lowers
dense geographical distribution, and local resource pooling, latency bandwidth costs, as it helps reduce the total amount of end to end
reduction and backbone bandwidth savings to achieve better quality of bandwidth needed.
service (QoS) (Brogi & Forti, 2017), as well as edge analytics/stream
mining resulting in redundancy in case of failure (Arkian, Diyanat, & 5.4.3. Fog and edge computing: commonalities and differences
Pourkhalili, 2017). Moreover, it is said that fog computing is a medium Fog and edge computing in smart sustainable city applications are
weight and intermediate level of computing power, whereas cloud network and system architectures that attempt to collect, analyze, and
computing can be a heavyweight and dense form of computing power, process data from physical assets closer to the requester and more ef-
as it uses a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, ficiently than traditional cloud architecture. In light of this, these two
manage, and process data, rather than a local server. Mist computing is computing models are closely related and aimed at reducing latency
a lightweight form of computing power that resides directly within the cost and increase quality, to reiterate. Both are able to filter data prior
network fabric at its extreme edge using microcomputers and micro- to reaching a big data lake for further consumption, thereby decreasing
controllers to feed into fog computing nodes and potentially onward the amount of data that need to be processed. Data reduction is an
towards the cloud computing platforms. Furthermore, fog computing important process of big data analytics techniques. Though there is a
extends cloud computing to the edge of an organization or city's net- key difference between the two concepts. fog and edge computing ar-
work. In this context, it facilitates the operation of computation, sto- chitectures share similar objectives, namely reducing the amount of
rage, communication, and networking services between end devices data sent to the cloud, decreasing network and Internet latency, and
and cloud computing data centers, and entails the distribution of the improving system response time in remote applications. Also, data in
related resources and services on or close to devices and systems in the both are generated from the same source—physical assets like sensing
control of end-users (Ostberg et al., 2017; Zhang, 2016). devices which perform a task in the physical world, i.e. sensing the
In the context of smart sustainable cities, fog computing can be seen world around them as related to environmental phenomena, dynamics,
in big data structures as well as in large cloud systems, making changes, parameters, patterns, and so on in the context of smart

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

sustainable cities. There is such a wide variety and large number of infrastructure monitoring and management, and planning and design
physical things augmented with sensing, actuation, and communication (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017c).
capabilities that make up the IoT system as part of the overall ICT in-
frastructure of smart sustainable cities. In addition, both involve 5.5.1. Smart transport and mobility
pushing processing and intelligence capabilities down closer to where Transport and mobility involve key IoT applications associated with
the IoT data originate—at the network edge—and the physical things environmental sustainability. The IoT plays a key role in improving all
are connected together. The key difference between the two archi- forms of transport and mobility in smart sustainable cities. The use of
tectures lies in exactly where such capabilities are placed, i.e. the lo- the IoT encompasses automated tracking of travelers and their vehicles,
cation of the devices. In fog computing, intelligence and computing monitoring road conditions and traffic jams and providing alerts ac-
power are pushed down to the local area network (LAN) level of net- cordingly, finding parking spaces, road pricing and tolling mechanisms,
work architecture, processing data in a fog node or the IoT gateway. and safety supervision when distributing valuable goods (Dlodlo, Foko,
Whereas in edge computing, data validation and processing intelligence Mvelase, & Mathaba, 2012; Ghose et al., 2012; Ren, Jiang, Wu, Yang, &
together with communication capabilities of an edge gateway are pu- Liu, 2012; Vongsingthong & Smanchat, 2014). In more detail, the IoT
shed directly into central edge devices like routers. This is crucial to devices can assist in interconnecting various aspects of transportation
strengthening security measures by implementing encryption in the systems (vehicles, infrastructure, drivers, roads, etc.) in terms of in-
local network before the data traverse through insecure or unprotected tegrating communication, management, control, and information pro-
parts of the Internet. Furthermore, the need for validating and pre- cessing units across such systems, which results in smart traffic control,
processing data either within a fog (a LAN) or an edge (a gateway de- road assistance and safety, smart parking, logistic and fleet manage-
vice) emanates from the fact that it is not sensible to install a full data ment, vehicle control, and toll collection systems. Most of these appli-
centre on a plane. In all, the basic idea of fog and edge computing is to cations are intended to improve the goals of environmentally sustain-
move data logic (data validation) to an outer ring of processing cap- able urban development. Furthermore, the IoT provides advanced
abilities. location-based services related to on-board navigation systems (using
In fog computing, transporting data from things to the cloud re- GPS) that allow, by means of multi-media presentations wirelessly
quires several components (steps), namely: transmitted and displayed on different kinds of mobile devices, effec-
tive use of existing transport infrastructure and network. This reduces
• The automation controller for automating the physical assets or energy consumption and pollution as well as helps drivers to select cost-
things and time-efficient driving routes. By also using GPS and the IoT, in-
• The server or protocol gateway for receiving the data from the formation can be gathered and predictions be made regarding pollution
control system program and then converting the data into a protocol density to generate localized air quality alerts (Shang, Zheng, Tong, &
Internet systems Chang, 2014). In addition, the IoT provides services to citizens in re-
• The fog node or the IoT gateway on the LAN to which the data are to lation to the choice of transport modes, which are integrated with each
be sent for performing higher-level processing and analysis. This other and with the wider city. Also, through using the IoT, citizens can
system filters, analyzes, processes, and may even store the data for emit faster and more extensive data of a spatial nature through their use
transmission to the cloud or WAN at a later date. of smartphones, which can potentially enable local authorities in cities
to monitor and respond to mobility in real-time manner. In all, using
Hence, fog computing involves in the context of the IoT many layers the IoT as a form of pervasive computing is aimed at curbing energy
of complexity and data conversion (e.g. Bonomi et al., 2012). To move consumption, lowering pollution, and eliminating inefficiency being
data from the physical world of assets across the domains of smart heavily impacted by transport and mobility.
sustainable cities into the digital world of ICT requires many links in a
communication chain, which fog computing architecture relies on and 5.5.2. Smart traffic lights and signals
in which each link is a potential point of failure. This is in contrast to To note, the applications presented in this subsection overlap with
edge computing which simplifies the communication chain and de- some of those mentioned above given the synergic relationship between
creases the number of potential points of failure in the IoT-enabled big the respective urban domains. The IoT can provide advantages as to
data applications. Indeed, edge computing is a direct response to the smart traffic lights and signals for controlling the traffic flow in smart
mammoth increase of bandwidth required by the end devices that un- sustainable cities. This enhances traffic patterns and conditions and
derpin the IoT, to reiterate. In addition, edge computing saves time by thus transportation, as well as commuting and other forms of mobility.
reducing the complexity associated with system and network archi- This occurs through handling high volume of traffic congestion (data)
tecture as well as streamlining IoT communication. This feature is of by measuring different parameters of the traffic flow (the positions and
crucial importance to the success of the IoT-enabled big data applica- speeds of vehicle, traffic speed and density, traffic conditions or jams,
tions in the context of smart sustainable cities. waiting time at the lights, etc.) using different types of sensors (GPS,
In edge computing, the focus is on the automation controller into loop sensors, remote sensors, etc.). Aggregation and fusion of the
which physical assets like sensors are physically wired, and which au- measured or collected data and their analysis target intelligent decision-
tomate things by executing an onboard control system program. support and optimization and implementation of decision-taking pro-
Intelligent programable automation controllers with edge computing cesses and optimization strategies through control in the form of ap-
capabilities collect, process, and analyze data from the physical assets propriate instructions to be given to the lights and signals or by sending
they are linked to. Subsequently, they use edge computing capabilities feedback to specific departments to proceed with alleviating potential
to determine what data should be stored locally or sent to the cloud for traffic bottlenecks. For these sensors and computational mechanisms to
further analysis. function properly in terms of providing information about traffic pat-
terns and better services in relation to smart traffic lights and signals,
5.5. The IoT-enabled big data applications for environmental urban the interconnection of these lights and signals should occur via the
sustainability traffic grids, data should be collected from all traffic lights across var-
ious spatial scales, and intelligent decision systems should be built
There is a range of applications of big data analytics enabled by the using real-time big data. For instance, the IoT enables ‘data streaming
IoT that are compatible with the goals of environmental sustainability. to process and communicate traffic information collected through
They include, and are not limited to, transport and mobility, traffic sensors, smart traffic lights, and on-vehicle devices to drivers via
lights and signals, energy systems, power grid, environment, buildings, smartphones or other communication devices.’ (Al Nuaimi et al., 2015,

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

p. 8). By predicting traffic conditions, the IoT can assist in reducing smart meters, remote controls, and communication technologies within
roads’ congestion and accidents by opening new roads, directing ve- electricity networks to increase efficiency, reliability, and environ-
hicles to alternative roads, collecting and providing information on mental sustainability. This relates to the idea that distributed energy
parking lots, and enhancing transport infrastructure on the basis of systems have become self-managing and self-sustaining, and services in
congestion data (Al Nuaimi et al., 2015). the energy market dynamically reorganized and coordinated. Accord-
ingly, there is a tight coupling between the IoT and the energy sector.
5.5.3. Smart energy The IoT can enable new mechanisms for trade on the basis of supply
Using the IoT underpinned by big data can support decision-making and demand in energy market (e.g. ISTAG, 2008). In addition, by
pertaining to the supply of power in line with the actual demand of the providing near real-time data about energy consumption and its pat-
citizens and the other contextual conditions. Decision makers can base terns, the smart grid enables consumers to manage their usage based on
their decisions on real-time data, and energy companies can respond what they actually need and afford, adding to implementing processing
easily to market fluctuations on the same basis. This entails adopting an to shun potential power outages that might result from high demand on
approach as to when to increase or decrease production, thereby con- energy, namely dynamic pricing models for power usage; this entails
tributing to optimizing energy efficiency. Also, using the same tech- increasing charges during peak times to smooth out peaks and applying
nologies enables the efficient analysis of the big data collected and lower charges during other times (Al Nuaimi et al., 2015). Incidentally,
stored for forecasting or prediction purposes in a near-real time fashion. smart metering is key to avoiding the expensive and carbon-intensive
Similarly, the IoT-enabled mobile devices allow citizens to have access peaks in power grid, using new ways of coordination as to the overall
to live energy prices and to adjust their use accordingly, thereby re- ensemble of consumers; it provide new means for aggregating real-time
ducing stress on the energy costs (as well as on the grid) (Batty et al., data on energy consumption and defining dynamic prices schemes
2012). Using specific pricing plans in accordance with supply, demand, (ISTAG, 2008). With the roll-out of metering devices and novel software
and thus production and consumption models is an effective way to applications, the IoT has made it possible to e-organize and coordinate
align with energy resource optimization as strategic objectives (Al demand and supply, using new pricing and billing mechanisms, based
Nuaimi et al., 2015). on the energy market and production. Furthermore, new technologies
In addition, the IoT provides great potential for optimizing and are transforming the distribution of energy from the broadcasting
controlling energy consumption through integration of sensing and model to a community-based model (see ISTAG, 2008). In relation to
actuation systems (Ersue, Romascanu, Schoenwaelder, & Sehgal, 2014). renewable energy, advanced technologies enable power grid to ‘im-
As an integrated system, it can include all forms of appliances and prove planning and coordination around power generation from re-
energy consuming devices (bulbs, switches, power outlets, etc.) and newable plants depending on wind or sun. Weather forecast is today so
collect and transfer real-time data to the utility supply companies so good, that quite good estimations of electricity generation from wind,
they can effectively balance power generation, distribution, and usage solar panels and photovoltaic plants can be made three days in ad-
(Parello, Claise, Schoening, & Quittek, 2014). Moreover, as by product vance...It is well conceivable, for instance to offer a better price for
of their normal operation, the IoT sensors and actuators allow urbanites electricity on a windy or sunny day and thus create an incentive to use
as users and consumers to remotely control their devices (e.g. electric this carbon neutral energy at a certain time.’ (ISTAG, 2008, p. 7).
outlets and switches), as well as provide them with advanced functions
like scheduling (e.g. changing lighting conditions), which can also be 5.5.5. Smart environment
made available through cloud based interfaces (Ersue et al., 2014). The IoT has great potential to enhance the quality of life of citizens
Among consumer devices that can be controlled for cost-effectiveness by improving the environment through increasing air quality and re-
and efficiency encompass television, washing machines, bulbs, oven, ducing noise pollution. This can be achieved by deploying and setting
and water heaters. It is possible now to program intelligent washing up stations across the city as well as mounting sensors on bike wheels
machines to run automatically with the cheapest energy rates using the and cars for measuring air quality. The IoT can be used to make in-
IoT. ferences about the quality of air or the unknown air quality. This can be
done by estimating car emissions using floating car data (where cars are
5.5.4. Smart power grid at a given moment) as primary sources, which involves individual GPS,
Given the synergy between smart energy and smart grid in the Wi-Fi signals, mobile phones, and loop sensors. Then the outcome can
urban domain of energy, some of the applications presented in this be transferred to the decision-making unit. Zheng, Liu, and Hsieh
subsection overlap with the above ones as well. With that mind, the IoT (2013) suggest a model based on machine learning and data mining,
allows for observing energy consumption and monitoring GHG emis- where diverse types of data, including historical data, human mobility,
sions in real-time across several spatial and temporal scales so to make real-time air data, traffic flow, and road networks, are integrated for
them more efficient by curbing energy usage and thus mitigating GHG further processing using artificial neural networks and conditional
emissions. This entails that the smart grid collects big data from diverse random fields. Major achievements are expected by the IoT in im-
power sources and then process and analyze them in a real-time fashion proving air and water quality, as it offers the potential to use advanced
for decision-making by transmitting relevant information (useful monitoring tools, i.e. end-to-end service delivery development invol-
knowledge) for process control to improve the performance of the ving new powerful forms of decision-support for pollution prevention as
power system (e.g. Mohamed & Al-Jaroodi, 2014; Yin, Sharma, Gorton, well as management of resources. The IoT has also potential for en-
& Akyoli, 2013). Additionally, the IoT has huge potential for power grid vironmental monitoring where sensors can be used for monitoring air
management, as it enables systems to gather and act on near real-time quality and atmospheric conditions, thereby assisting in environmental
data on power consumption, generation, and inefficiency from end-user protection (e.g. Li, Wang, Xu, & Zhou, 2011). With using the IoT, it is
connections (information about producers and consumers’ behavior), possible to predict future environmental changes based on spatial and
and to manage other distribution automation devices with the aim to temporal geographic maps, and to detect natural disasters (e.g. earth-
improve the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of power produc- quake) to save many lives and huge resources. Pervasive sensors, which
tion and distribution (Ersue et al., 2014; Parello et al., 2014). This in- detect pollution in the air and water, can help remove many types of
volves using smart metering infrastructure, including sensors placed on pollutants detrimental to pubic health (Lee, Han, Leem, and Yigitcanlar,
consumers access points as well as on production, transmission, and 2008).
distribution systems. Smart metering is acknowledged for its efficiency
as to monitoring energy consumption for customers. Commonly, self- 5.5.6. Smart buildings
monitoring and feedback are used as mechanisms as part of deploying The IoT uses a system of sensors and actuators to monitor and

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control the mechanical, electrical, and electronic systems used in re- questionnaires, and reviews of documents and reports. These issues
sidential, industrial, public, and commercial buildings. Its functions have indeed long affected the robustness and reliability of research
relate to Building Management System (BMS), which is ‘a computer- results (theories, generalizations, perspectives, etc.) within the field of
based system used in smart buildings to automatically control, monitor, environmental urban sustainability. This has in turn impacted on urban
and adjust the mechanical and electrical components and devices of practices in terms of the application of the principles and methods of
heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, lighting environmental sustainability in urban planning and development. Many
systems, home automation systems, power systems, and so on… Its core studies investigating, or referring to other research work carried out on,
function is to manage the environment within the building; monitor the correlation between travel behavior (walking, cycling, car driving,
system performance; manage demand control ventilation; control etc.) and other indicators of environmental performance, on the one
temperature and minimize heat/cooling losses; monitor carbon emis- hand, and density, compactness, diversity, mixed-land use, and other
sions levels; manage window and door operations; provide lighting typologies and design concepts through which sustainable urban forms
based on an occupancy schedule; and so forth.’ (Bibri, 2013, p. 16). In can be achieved, on the other hand, point implicitly or explicitly to the
this context, the three main areas covered in the literature are: disadvantages of the traditional data collection and analysis methods
and how they affect the value of the obtained research results (Bibri &
• The integration of the IoT devices with building energy management Krogstie, 2017b). These studies usually generate non-conclusive, weak,
systems in order to create energy efficient and IoT driven smart limited, unreliable, conflicting, or uncertain results. The interested
buildings reader might want to read a recent article by Bibri and Krogstie
• The real-time monitoring for reducing energy consumption and (2017b), where a detailed discussion is provided on several topics re-
monitoring occupant behaviors lated to sustainable urban forms, including, in addition to big data
• The integration of smart devices in the built environment and how analytics as an alternative to traditional data collection and analysis
they might be used in future applications. methods for investigating sustainable urban forms, the role of big mo-
bility data in evaluating the environmental performance of sustainable
With embedded sensors and actuators, digital and physical objects urban forms, urban simulation models as an approach into strategically
can process information, self-configure, and make independent deci- assessing and optimizing the contribution of sustainable urban forms to
sions as to their operational functioning (see Vermesan & Friess, 2013). sustainability, and big data as the basic ingredient for the next wave of
Generally, the IoT applications can configure themselves in reaction to sustainable urban form analytics.
the surrounding (physical) environment, an intelligent behavior that
can autonomously be triggered to cope with emerging situations (e.g. 5.5.9. Large-scale deployments
Vongsingthong & Smanchat, 2014). Large-scale deployments of the IoT are happening across the world,
so too is the construction of big data processing platforms and cloud
5.5.7. Infrastructure monitoring and management and fog/edge computing infrastructures, to improve urban operational
The application of the IoT is associated with monitoring and con- functioning, management of urban systems, coordination of urban do-
trolling the operations of urban infrastructures in terms of bridges, mains, and urban planning in line with the goals of environmental
railway tracks, and tunnels (e.g. Gubbi, Buyya, Marusic, & sustainability (e.g. Al Nuaimi et al., 2015; Batty et al., 2012; Bibri &
Palaniswami, 2013). This pertains to any events or changes in the Krogstie, 2017a, 2017b; Kyriazis et al., 2014). The initiatives of smart
structural conditions of urban infrastructures that can increase risk and cities enabled by the IoT in several countries across Europe, the USA,
cost as well as compromise safety and service quality. In this regard, the and Asia are increasingly considered as national urban development
IoT devices can be used to improve incident management, enhance projects that center on strengthening the role of the IoT and its un-
emergency response coordination and service quality, and to reduce derlying big data analytics in sustainable urban development, among
operational costs in all infrastructure related areas (Chui, Löffler, & other things. This is manifested in the deployment and implementation
Roberts, 2014). The IoT infrastructure, as a by-product of its operation, of sensor technologies and networks, cloud/fog computing infra-
allows for scheduling repair and maintenance activities in an efficient structures, and wireless communication networks in existing urban
manner (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017b) by coordinating tasks between dif- environments on a hard-to-imagine scale. In the meantime, across the
ferent service providers and users of these infrastructures and facilities globe, sustainable cities are being planned to be wired, connected,
(Ersue et al., 2014). In addition, waste and water management and networked, and transformed into a continuous stream of data that can
distributed networks constitute key areas of IoT application in terms be analyzed and modeled by large machines for a wide variety of de-
monitoring, automation, and optimization. cision-making processes. Hence, the trend towards smart sustainable
cities is underpinned by the recognition that as data processing cap-
5.5.8. Investigation and evaluation of the typologies and design concepts of abilities become embedded in urban infrastructures, functions, designs,
sustainable urban forms services, and physical objects, cities can get smarter as to increasing
Big data analytics enabled by the IoT has a lot of potential to, in their contribution to the goals of environmental sustainability. Data-
addition to its uses in all the urban systems and domains of smart centric applications as innovative solutions have proven track records
sustainable cities for improving their contribution to the goals of en- for enhancing many aspects of the environmental sustainability of
vironmentally sustainable development, accelerate and improve how smart cities, as well as for smartening up sustainable cities in terms of
data can be collected, processed, analyzed, modeled, and simulated in improving their contribution to the goals of environmental sustain-
relation to the investigation and evaluation of the typologies and design ability—thanks to the increasing infiltration of urban environments
concepts of sustainable urban forms in terms of the extent to which they with the IoT and big data technologies. This implies that the ability of
contribute to the goals of environmentally sustainable development, monitoring, understanding, analyzing, and planning cities can well be
and what can be done to enhance this contribution (Bibri and Krogstie, leveraged in the advancement of environmental sustainability. Indeed,
2017a, 2017b). With that in mind, big human mobility data can, for large-scale deployments of the IoT are increasingly being justified by
example, ‘be used to overcome the limits of surveys, namely their high the benefits that can be gained with respect to environmental sustain-
cost, infrequent periodicity, quick obsolescence, incompleteness, and ability. Among the applications and services targeted by the ongoing
inaccuracy’ (Batty et al., 2012, p. 489), as well as the constraints and large-scale deployments include environmental monitoring and pro-
biases associated with several traditional data collection and analysis tection, noise pollution reduction, transportation efficiency, energy ef-
methods used in the domain of urban planning and development, such ficiency, water and waste management, building automation, urban
as participatory and non-participatory observations, interviews, survey infrastructure monitoring and management, traffic management, fleet

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

and logistics management, smart parking, and paperless ticketing. 7. Augmenting the informational landscape of smart sustainable
In all, the use of the IoT and thus big data analytics in smart sus- cities with the IoT and its underlying big data analytics to advance
tainable cities offers the prospect of significantly improving the en- environmental sustainability
vironmental dimension of sustainability. One of the core ideas under-
lying the use of this novel technology and its big data applications is to 7.1. On the analytical framework
integrate and harness solutions and approaches through coordinating,
coupling, and merging urban systems and domains. Hence, exposing big The framework is derived based on the findings drawn from the
data via a sustainable, socially synergistic, evolvable, dynamic, ex- literature review and the thematic analysis, coupled with the con-
tensible, scalable, and reliable IoT ecosystem offers a wide range of ceptual and theoretical background. This involves the relevant issues,
benefits and opportunities with reference to environmental sustain- knowledge gaps, and research opportunities highlighted and discussed,
ability in the context of smart sustainable cities. the significant themes distilled and described, and the concepts defined
and linked. The outcome provides a mapping or traceability from those
6. A model of smart sustainable cities: the IoT and its underlying findings as well as justifies the link to the different layers/components
big data analytics of the framework. The thematic analysis provides a rationale for the
different component/layers of the framework. It is worth noting that
The prospect of developing, deploying, and implementing smart the layered approach to the proposed framework is based on the sci-
sustainable cities based on the IoT and related big data applications is entific literature in terms of the overall framework being used com-
increasingly becoming a reality. This has been boosted by the recent monly in system architectures and infrastructures in the context of
advances in several scientific and technological areas in the ambit of smart cities when it comes to big data solutions. However, a layered
ubiquitous computing and big data analytics, notably multi-sensor data approach is only one among other approaches to consider in this regard,
fusion, hybrid modeling and reasoning, machine learning, data mining, and thus a hybrid, horizontal, or dynamic approach can also be ex-
cloud and fog computing, wireless communication networks, and so plored, e.g. combining cloud and fog computing with various ap-
forth. (See Bibri and Krogstie for an overview). Smart sustainable cities proaches into collecting and capturing urban big data from new vari-
as a new techno-urban phenomenon and holistic urban development eties of digital access, including satellite-enabled GPS in vehicles and on
strategy is opening entirely new windows of (data-centric) opportu- citizens, satellite remote-sensing data, traces left from online transac-
nities for smart cities to explicitly incorporate environmental sustain- tions processing and related demand-supply situations, and scanning
ability and for sustainable cities to smarten up their contribution to technologies.
environmental sustainability. Smart sustainable cities as a techno-urban It is important to elucidate how the IoT and its underlying big data
innovation represent transformative processes that have been fueled by analytics can be applied to deploy the smart applications in order to
the increasing infiltration of information intelligence into urban sys- enhance the performance of the systems and domains of smart sus-
tems in terms of operations, functions, designs, and services. Such in- tainable cities as to the underlying operations, functions, designs, and
telligence enabled and driven by the IoT and its underlying big data services in line with the goal of environmentally sustainable develop-
analytics could be leveraged in the advancement of environmental ment. The framework presented here is intended to augment the in-
urban sustainability by enhancing and integrating urban systems as formational landscape of smart sustainable cities with the IoT and re-
well as by facilitating coordination and collaboration among diverse lated big data applications. It includes urban systems and domains,
urban domains. Indeed, there is a growing recognition that advanced from which big data flow from the physical assets or things associated
ICT (the IoT) constitutes a promising response to the challenge of en- with the IoT for storage. processing, and analysis based on a cloud
vironmental urban sustainability thanks to data science, computer sci- computing or fog/edge computing solution. The analytical outcome
ence, and complexity science upon which the application of the IoT is resulting from the process of knowledge discovery/data mining is in-
founded. This is of fundamental importance as to dealing with the tended to make, support, or automate decisions depending on the ap-
complex mechanisms and patterns involved in the interactions between plication domain. In this context, big data analytics targets optimization
environmental and physical systems of smart sustainable cities, and and intelligent decision support pertaining to the control, optimization,
how these interactions affect the environment (see Bibri & Krogstie, automation, management, and planning of urban systems as operating
2016). and organizing processes of urban life, as well as to the efficiency of the
Significant opportunities exist for big data applications enabled by associated ecosystem and human services in support of the environment
the IoT in relation to transforming the urban model in ways that in- (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017c). In all, the outcome of data mining/knowl-
crease its contribution to environmental sustainability. This is due to edge discovery (useful knowledge) serves to improve operational
the fact that the range of urban applications that utilize big data ana- functioning, optimize resources utilization, and enhance services, with
lytics in connection with environmental sustainability is potentially the primary aim of mitigating environmental effects and risks in the
huge, as this disruptive technology ushers in information intelligence in context of smart sustainable cities.
nearly all urban domains thanks to the explosion of the IoT. The main
strength of big data lies in the high influence it will have on environ- 7.2. Description and illustration of the analytical framework
mental aspects of smart sustainable cities (e.g. Al Nuaimi et al., 2015;
Batty et al., 2012; Bibri and Krogstie, 2017a, 2017b; Pantelis & Aija, • Urban systems and domains. These should function and be managed
2013). using ICT of pervasive computing, namely the IoT and its underlying
The results of the thematic analysis can be integrated in terms of the big data analytics as a set of advanced technologies and their novel
identified concepts (applications, sensor technologies, data processing applications. These should ideally be combined with the typologies
platforms, and computing models) into a model of smart sustainable and design concepts of sustainable urban forms (see Bibri and
cities that puts emphasis on the use of the IoT and its underlying big Krogstie (2017b) and Jabareen (2006) for an overview). Typologies
data analytics to advance environmental sustainability. This relates to include compactness, density, diversity, and mixed-land use as
the use of ICT of pervasive computing to improve the contribution of typologies in conjunction with sustainable transport, greening, and
smart sustainable cities to the goals of environmentally sustainable passive solar design as design concepts. These typologies and design
development through enhancing different aspects of urban operations, concepts constitute key strategies to achieve the required level of
functions, designs, and services in support of the environment, based on sustainability in the context of sustainable urban forms (namely
the IoT-based climate solutions. This model can be described and illu- compact city, eco-city, green urbanism, and new urbanism) These
strated in the next section in the form of an analytical framework. urban components are to be supported by high standards of

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

environmental and urban management. The idea is that smart sus- traffic systems versus energy systems), in terms of control, auto-
tainable cities should be—as forms of planning principles and design mation, optimization, and management.
concepts of sustainability—monitored, understood, analyzed, and • Big data applications. This component entails the diverse data-cen-
planned to improve their contribution to the goal of en- tric applications enabled by the IoT associated with environmental
vironmentally sustainable development on the basis of highly in- sustainability in relation to diverse urban domains. One application
telligent and innovative solutions. Urban systems and domains usually involves several solutions pertaining to different sub-do-
constitute the main source of urban data, which are generated by mains of each domain, depending on the type of the environmental
various urban entities in terms of the physical assets associated with sustainability problem that is to be solved (see Bibri, 2018 for fur-
the IoT, including city authorities, urban departments, urban ad- ther details). To put it differently, data-centric applications involve
ministrators, individual citizens, and private companies. They pro- system behavior and service delivery in the context of this paper. At
vide heterogeneous and colossal amounts of data as inputs for big the core of this component is the outcome of the implementation of
data applications enabled by the IoT. Urban data in their variety, optimization strategies and action-taking processes. Therefore, it
scale, and velocity are invariably tagged with spatial and temporal executes actions and provides services according to the type of the
labels, largely streamed from diverse sensory sources and stored in decision taken based on the extracted useful knowledge from the IoT
databases, generated routinely and automatically, and integrated data. This occurs based on different levels of human intervention
and coalesced in data warehouses for use at the city-wide scale. (input) depending on the type of the analytics method adopted to
Thus, this component involves different sectoral and cross-sectoral deal with the environmental sustainability problem pertaining to
sources of urban data of varied types and sizes that are to be col- urban operations, functions, designs, and services. Accordingly, this
lected, stored, and retrieved for later processing, analysis, visuali- component involves different decision and strategy support systems.
zation, deployment, and sharing throughout the informational As far as the system behavior and service delivery are concerned, the
landscape in order to support urban operations, functions, designs, focus is on the control, automation, management, and optimization
and services in the context of environmental sustainability. of urban processes and the efficiency of ecosystem and human ser-
• Urban big data sources, storage facilities, and data categories. This vices respectively in respect of environmental sustainability.
component is devoted to data collection, storage, and management.
It involves data repositories, data warehouses, and silos of public Fig. 1 shows the employment of big data analytics using the core
data. For instance, warehousing as a big data analytics technique enabling technologies of the IoT running on the cloud or fog in the
used in the urban domain entails consolidation of data from several context of smart sustainable cities. Such technologies include sensors,
databases, which in turn are maintained by various urban units data repositories and warehouses, data processing platform (Hadoop
along with historical and summary information. Also, this compo- MapReduce), and cloud or fog computing model. The sensor data per-
nent includes diverse sources through which data flow to the central taining to various urban domains, which are collected, coalesced, pre-
city warehouse or main storage facility, including sensors, smart- processed, and transformed, are analyzed using data mining and ma-
phones, wearable devices, computers, and database systems. These chine learning techniques to build models, carry out pattern identifi-
sensing devices and computing systems are used to collect and cation, make correlations, and deploy the obtained results for the
transfer data for retrieval, processing, and analysis using a cloud purpose of automating, supporting, and making decisions in relation to
computing or fog computing solution. Database management sys- urban operations, functions, designs, and services. The data-centric
tems are used to maintain urban data of large-scale and diverse applications use decision support systems to improve different aspects
categories. Also, cloud-based storage can be fully virtuali- of environmental sustainability across urban domains. To put it dif-
zed—computer-generated version of storage facility, and all devices ferently, through pervasive sensing, data processing systems, and
are completely transparent to the urban constituents as users of the wireless networking infrastructures, the cloud collects, stores, co-
cloud that can connect to the cloud storage via the network. This ordinates, manages, processes, analyzes, and models data pertaining to
enables these constituents to have storage equivalent to the entire various urban domains to discover useful knowledge which can then be
storage capacity of the cloud. This feature attains linear expansion used by diverse urban entities to improve the environmental perfor-
of performance and capacity. The added value of combining cloud mance of smart sustainable cities using big data applications in relation
storage with intelligent compression methods lies in, in addition to to monitoring, control, automation, optimization, and management of
significantly reducing storage costs, providing the possibility of ef- infrastructures, resources, facilities, services, and networks.
fectively storing all types of big data belonging to the domains of
smart sustainable cities. 8. Key scientific and intellectual challenges pertaining to the IoT
• Cloud computing or fog/edge computing and Hadoop MapReduce and big data analytics
architecture infrastructure for big data processing and management.
This component is dedicated to the process of knowledge discovery/ The rising demand for the IoT and big data analytics as disruptive
data mining. The sub-processes related to knowledge discovery en- technologies, coupled with their potential to serve many urban domains
compass selection, preprocessing, transformation, mining, inter- in the context of environmental sustainability, comes with major sci-
pretation, and evaluation (see Bibri, 2018 for a description and il- entific and intellectual challenges that need to be addressed and over-
lustration of these steps). As to data mining, the sub-processes come with regard to the design, development, and deployment of data-
involved include data understanding, data preparation, modeling, centric applications in the realm of smart sustainable cities. These
evaluation, and deployment (see Bibri, 2018 for a detailed de- challenges are mostly scientific, computational, and analytical in
scription with illustrative examples). These two processes are in- nature. The challenges are mostly scientific, computational, and ana-
volved in the urban domains and sub-domains associated with en- lytical in nature. They include, but are not limited to, the following (e.g.
vironmental sustainability, and aimed at discovering new or Al Nuaimi et al., 2015; Batty et al., 2012; Bibri, 2018; Bibri and
extracting useful knowledge from large masses of data. The dis- Krogstie, 2017a, 2017c; Katal et al., 2013; Kaisler, Armour, Espinosa, &
covered or extracted knowledge involves intelligence functions, and Money, 2013; Kitchin 2014; Lacinák & Ristvej, 2017; Liesbetvan, 2016;
result from data processing and management performed by Hadoop Qin et al., 2016; Porambage, Ylianttila, Schmitt, Kumar, & Gurtov,
MapReduce based on cloud computing or fog/edge computing. Such 2016; Townsend, 2013):
functions are intended for decision-making, decision support, and
decision automation. Intelligence functions are used for real-time • Constraints of design science and engineering
and strategic decisions, depending on the application domain (e.g. • Data analysis and evaluation
S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

Fig. 1. An analytical framework for data–centric applications enabled by the IoT to advance environmental sustainability in the context of smart sustainable cities.

• Management of IoT data produced in dynamic and volatile en- the data being generated in terms of their large, diverse, and time-
vironments evolving character. To put it differently, the scale, heterogeneity, and
• Database integration across urban domains velocity of urban data makes it difficult to manage, integrate, process,
• Privacy and security analyze, and evaluate in order to deploy the resulting knowledge.
• Establishing context (e.g. geolocation and time) Adding to these primarily technical challenges are the financial, orga-
• Data growth and sharing nizational, institutional, regulatory, and ethical ones, which are asso-
• Data uncertainty and incompleteness ciated with the implementation, retention, and dissemination of big
• Data accuracy/quality and veracity data across the domains and entities of smart sustainable cities. Kitchin
• Intelligence functions and simulation models (2014) provides a critical reflection on the implications of big data and
• Fault tolerance and scalability smart urbanism, examining five emerging concerns: the politics of big
• Data storage and processing. urban data, technocratic governance and city development, corpor-
atization of city governance and technological lock-ins, buggy, brittle
The main challenges of big data analytics arise from the nature of and hackable cities, and the panoptic city. In addition, controversies

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

over the application and benefit of big data analytics relate to limited underlying big data analytics lies in enabling such cities to leverage
access and related divide and ethical concerns about accessibility (Fan their informational landscape by deploying, implementing, and com-
& Bifet, 2013). Nevertheless, understanding, exploiting, and extending bining the related ecosystems to enhance their processes, designs, and
the available computation, analysis, and management capabilities as- services in line with the vision of environmental sustainability. To put it
sociated with big data analytics in terms of conceptions, tools, princi- differently, big data analytics and its uses will play a significant role in
ples, paradigms, methodologies, and risks, great opportunities could be realizing the key environmental features of smart sustainable cities,
realized in terms of improving, harnessing, and integrating urban sys- namely the efficiency of operations and services, the optimization of
tems and thus facilitating collaboration, coordination, and coupling natural resources, and the intelligent management of infrastructures
among urban domains through data-centric and applications to advance and facilities. Indeed, huge expectations for environmental gains are
environmental sustainability in the context of smart sustainable cities. being placed on the ongoing research within the IoT and big data
It is safe to say that as long as big data in urban analytics are driven by analytics in academic circles as well as in industry.
environmentally sustainable development agenda and thus utilized and The aim of this paper was to review and synthesize the relevant
implemented strategically for the purpose of monitoring, under- literature with the objective of identifying and discussing the state-of-
standing, analyzing, and planning smart sustainable cities, ICT of per- the-art sensor-based big data applications enabled by the IoT for en-
vasive computing (e.g. the IoT) will drastically change the way such vironmental sustainability and related data processing platforms and
cities function as to increasing their contribution to the goals of en- computing models in the context of smart sustainable cities of the fu-
vironmentally sustainable development over the long run. This requires ture. The big data applications enabled by the IoT have the potential to
the current open issues stemming from the aforementioned challenges serve a variety of the domains of smart sustainable cities with respect to
to be under rigorous investigation and scrutiny by the socio-technical their operational functioning, management, and planning in the context
systems involved in the underlying technological innovation system of of environmental sustainability. The most relevant data-centric appli-
the IoT and big data analytics, namely industry consortia, business cations enabled by the IoT pertain to transport, mobility, traffic, energy,
communities, research institutes, universities, policy makers and net- power grid, environment, infrastructure monitoring and management,
works, and governmental agencies (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017c). urban design and planning, and large-scale deployments. Several cities
For a detailed account of the different types of challenges pertaining in ecologically and technologically advanced nations have already
to both the IoT and big data analytics, the interested reader can be started integrating the IoT and related big data applications, actively
directed to Al Nuaimi et al. (2015), Bibri (2015b), Katal et al. (2013), engaging in smart sustainable initiatives in the hopes of reaping en-
Kaisler et al. (2013), Porambage et al. (2016), Kitchin (2014), Qin et al. vironmental benefits by developing and implementing data-driven so-
(2016), and Townsend (2013), among others. Bibri (2018) provides an lutions across urban systems and domains (see, e.g., Al Nuaimi et al.,
overview of the potential solutions to the common challenges facing big 2015; Bibri and Krogstie, 2016, 2017a, 2017b; Kyriazis et al., 2014).
data analytics, including data management, database integration across The role of big data analytics is evident not only in terms of cata-
urban domains, data growth and sharing, data uncertainty and in- lyzing and boosting the environmental development processes of smart
completeness, and data accuracy and quality. sustainable cities, but also in terms of understanding, monitoring,
As regards to privacy and security, Lacinák and Ristvej (2017) focus analyzing, and planning such cities in ways that strategically improve
in their work on the question of the safety and security in smart cities of their contribution to the goals of environmentally sustainable sustain-
the future, and also provide some insights into the importance and use ability. The big data directed for urban analytics entail a blend of ad-
of modeling and simulations to address safety issues. Liesbetvan (2016) vanced applications, services, and computational and analytical cap-
hypothesize how smart city technologies and big data applications raise abilities enabled by constellations of instruments across many spatial
privacy concerns among citizens. The general hypothesis of the fra- scales linked via multiple networks, which can provide a fertile en-
mework the authors propose offers clear directions for further empirical vironment conducive to realizing environmental gains. Advanced
research and theory building about privacy concerns in smart cities, as technologies can be highly useful when considering the intelligent
well as provides a sensitizing instrument for local governments to management and planning of the infrastructure, natural resources, and
identify the absence, presence, or emergence of privacy concerns facilities of the city, as well as the improvement of its physical and
among citizens. In their work, Khanac, Pervezb, and Abbasic (2017) spatial forms and the quality of life of its citizens, with the ultimate goal
provide a secure service provisioning framework in smart cities. They of improving environmental sustainability.
state that accumulating and processing of various data streams (e.g. In answering the research question, augmenting the informational
citizens’ location information, digital engagement, transportation, and landscape of smart sustainable cities with the sensor-based big data
environment and local government data) all raise security and privacy applications of the IoT has great potential to advance environmental
concerns. In view of that, they identify a comprehensive list of stake- sustainability. This advanced technological feature will add to the ef-
holders and modeled their involvement in smart cities by using the fects of design concepts and planning principles associated with sus-
Onion Model approach, and present a security and privacy-aware fra- tainable urban forms as instances of sustainable cities (namely density,
mework for service provisioning accordingly. Their framework provides compactness, diversity, mixed-land use, sustainable transportation,
end-to-end security and privacy features for trustable data acquisition, ecological design, and passive solar design). Accordingly, smart sus-
transmission, processing, and legitimate service provisioning, in order tainable cities of the future should combine urban design features and
to ensure citizens’ privacy and guarantee services’ integrity. This fra- the IoT applications to improve their contribution to the goals of en-
mework can also be applied to services associated with different di- vironmentally sustainable development. Besides, the idea of smart
mensions of sustainability (including energy, transport, traffic, mobi- sustainable cities is about leveraging the IoT and related big data
lity, accessibility, healthcare, utility, and public services) in the context analytics, among other technologies, in the needed transition towards
of smart sustainable cities of the future. environmentally sustainable development by merging the urban in-
formational and physical landscapes in ways that sustain their con-
9. Conclusions tribution to environmental sustainability. The untapped potential of the
IoT and related big data analytics is evident and needs to be exploited
Enabled by the IoT as a form of pervasive computing, big data ap- and unlocked to achieve the required level of environmental sustain-
plications are increasingly becoming ever more important to smart ability in the context of smart sustainable cities of the future. It is very
sustainable cities with respect to their operational functioning and beneficial from a sustainability perspective to bring together the sus-
planning to improve their contribution to the goals of environmentally tainable city and smart city endeavors. Especially, urban systems and
sustainable development. Hence, the potential of the IoT and its domains should function and be managed and coordinated using

S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

advanced ICT and its novel applications. The idea is that sustainable Further, this paper explored the opportunity of augmenting the in-
cities should be—as a set of planning principles and design concepts of formational landscape of smart sustainable cities with big data appli-
sustainability—monitored, understood, analyzed, and planned using cations to achieve the required level of environmental sustainability. In
highly smart and innovative solutions to improve their contribution to doing so, it proposed a framework which brings together a large
the goal of environmentally sustainable development. number of previous studies into smart cities and sustainable cities, in-
Sensor technology has an important enabling role in the IoT-enabled cluding research directed at a more conceptual, analytical, and over-
data processing in terms of collecting and measuring data across urban arching level, as well as research on specific technologies and their
domains prior to their analysis. The urban big data enabled by the IoT applications. This is to stimulate research opportunities for the devel-
are increasingly becoming associated entirely with routinely and au- opment and implementation of such cities, as well as to provide a basis
tomatically sensed data, especially as conventional datasets tend to be for urban researchers to draw on analytical insights in future research.
complemented by routine and automatic sensing. Moreover, pervasive The proposed framework, which can be replicated and tested in em-
sensing is a core feature of smart sustainable cities of the future, which pirical research, will add additional depth to studies in the field. It is
typically rely on the fulfillment of several ICT visions of pervasive also intended to align different urban stakeholders (scholars, re-
computing, especially the IoT. Within the next 10 years or so, most of searchers, scientists, architects, planners, developers, engineers, ad-
the data that will be used to monitor, understand, analyze, and plan the ministrators, policy makers, decision makers, etc.) and bring them on a
systems of smart sustainable cities will come from digital sensing in the common platform to operationalize and concretize the idea of smart
form of observations, movements, and transactions associated with the sustainable cities based on the IoT and realted big data applications to
operating and organizing processes of urban life. advance environmental sustainability.
Recent advances in sensor technology have given rise to a new class Just as there are many opportunities ahead to embrace, there are
of miniaturized devices characterized by novel signal processing challenges ahead to address and overcome in the context of the IoT and
methods, high performance, multi-fusion techniques, and high-speed big data analytics. These challenges are of computational, analytical,
electronic circuits (Bibri, 2015a). Consequently, research on the IoT has and technological kinds. While many of the related open issues are
started to focus on the use of multiple miniature dense sensors in re- currently under investigation and scrutiny by industry, research, and
lation to big data systems. A multitude of sensors are already en- technology and innovation policy communities, deploying the IoT and
trenched in very-small ICT, and it is only a matter of time when ad- related big data applications in smart sustainable cities requires over-
vanced use can be gained from these complex technologies, in coming other organizational, institutional, ethical, and regulatory
particular in relation to the IoT. It is predicted that the IoT will be challenges.
densely populated by devices and systems with potentially powerful
nano-information and communication capabilities. The miniaturization Competing interests
trend is making it possible to incorporate multiple smart sensors in big
data applications and systems, owing to sensors being manufactured on The author declares that he has no financial and non-financial
a micro- and nano-scopic scale. The trends toward the IoT are driving competing interests.
research into ever-smaller sizes of sensors capable of powerfully sensing
complex physical properties or inputs from the physical environment at Funding
very low cost.
Cloud computing has attracted great attention and thus gained po- The study is an integral part of a Ph.D research project being carried
pularity worldwide, proliferating as part of the infrastructure of smart out at NTNU.
sustainable cities (see, e.g. Al Nuaimi et al., 2015; Bibri & Krogstie,
2017c; Kramers et al., 2014) This is justified by the numerous ad- Submitting author’s information
vantages it provides as a computing model. Among the key advantages
provided by cloud computing technology include cost reduction, loca- Simon Elias Bibri is a Ph.D scholar in the area of smart sustainable
tion and device independence, virtualization (sharing of servers and cities of the future and Assistant Professor at the Norwegian University
storage devices), multi-tenancy (sharing of costs across a large pool of of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of Computer and
cloud provider’s clients), scalability, performance, reliability, and Information Science and Department of Urban Design and Planning,
maintenance (Bibri & Krogstie, 2017c). Therefore, opting for cloud Trondheim, Norway. His true passion for academic and lifelong
computing to perform big data analytics in the realm of smart sus- learning, coupled with his natural thirst for interdisciplinary knowl-
tainable cities remains thus far the most suitable option for the opera- edge, has led him to wittingly pursue an unusual academic journey by
tion of infrastructures, applications, and services whose functioning is embarking on studying a diverse range of subject areas—at the inter-
contingent upon how urban domains interrelate and collaborate, how section of computer science, data science, and the social sciences. His
efficient they are, and to what extent they are scalable as to achieving intellectual pursuits and endeavors have hitherto resulted in an edu-
and maintaining the required level of environmental sustainability cational background encompassing knowledge from, and meta-knowl-
(Bibri & Krogstie, 2017c). Fog and edge computing can be viewed as an edge about, different academic and scientific disciplines. He holds the
alternative computing model to cloud computing in the context of following academic degrees:
smart sustainable cities in terms of the IoT-enabled big data applica-
tions. It is well-suited for the IoT and its underlying big data analytics. • Bachelor of Science in computer engineering with a major in ICT
While different data processing platforms are usually mentioned management and strategy
when discussing smart sustainable cities with respect to big data ap- • Master of Science in computer science with a major in ICT for sus-
plications (see, e.g. Al Nuaimi et al., 2015; Bibri & Krogstie, 2017c), tainability
Hadoop MapReduce is the most commonly used platform due to the • Master of Science in computer science with a major in informatics
several benefits it provides compared to other platforms when it comes • Master of Science in computer and systems sciences with a major in
to large-scale applications intended for different uses, such as control, decision support and risk analysis
automation, optimization, assessment, management, and improvement. • Master of Science in entrepreneurship and innovation with a major
Hadoop MapReduce platform is mainly characterized by the suitability in new venture creation
of its functionalities with respect to handling urban data, as well as to • Master of Science in strategic leadership toward sustainability
its advantages associated with load balancing, cost effectiveness, flex- • Master of Science in sustainable urban development and planning
ibility, and processing power, among others. • Master of Science in environmental science with a major in eco-
S.E. Bibri Sustainable Cities and Society 38 (2018) 230–253

technology and sustainable development References

• Master of Social Science with a major in business administration
(MBA) Ahvenniemi, H., Huovila, A., Pinto-Seppä, I., & Airaksinen, M. (2017). What are the

• Master of Art in communication and media for social change differences between sustainable and smart cities? Cities, 60, 234–245.

• Postgraduate degree (one year of Master courses) in management

Albino, V., Berardi, U., & Dangelico, R. (2015). Smart cities: Definitions, dimensions,
performance, and initiatives. Journal of Urban Technology, 22(1), 3–21.
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universities, namely Lund University, West University, Blekinge Andreas, B., Gelenbe, E., Di Girolamo, M., Giuliani, G., De Meer, H., Dang, M. Q., et al.
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Before embarking on his long, still ongoing, academic journey, Bibri
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 82, 152–165.
served as a sustainability and ICT strategist, business engineer, re- Batty, M., Axhausen, K. W., Giannotti, F., Pozdnoukhov, A., Bazzani, A., Wachowicz, M.,
searcher, and consultant. Over the past few years and in parallel with et al. (2012). Smart cities of the future. The European Physical Journal, 214, 481–518.
his academic studies, he has been involved in a number of research and Beloglazov, A., Abawajy, J., & Buyya, R. (2012). Energy-aware resource allocation
heuristics for efficient management of data centers for cloud computing. Future
consulting projects pertaining to green ICT strategy, big data analytics, Generation Computer Systems, 28(5), 755–768.
strategic sustainability innovations, sustainable business model in- Bettencourt, L. M. A. (2014). The uses of big data in cities Santa Fe Institute. New Mexico:
novation, and sustainable urban planning. Santa Fe.
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Bibri's current areas of research work include smart sustainable ci- cities: A study in science, technology, and society. Sustainable Cities and Society, 29,
ties; Ambient Intelligence (AmI), Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), 219–246.
the Internet of Things (IoT), and Sentient Computing (SenComp) as well Bibri, S. E., & Krogstie, J. (2017a). Smart sustainable cities of the future: An extensive
interdisciplinary literature review. Sustainable Cities and Society, 31, 183–212.
as how these computing paradigms relate to urban sustainability, sus- Bibri, S. E., & Krogstie, J. (2017b). ICT of the new wave of computing for sustainable
tainability science, urbanization, and urban design and planning; and urban forms: Their big data and context-aware augmented typologies and design
big data analytics and context-aware computing and their associated concepts. Sustainable Cities and Society, 32, 449–474.
Bibri, S. E., & Krogstie, J. (2017c). The core enabling technologies of big data analytics
core enabling technologies, namely sensor technologies, data proces- and context-aware computing for smart sustainable cities: A review and synthesis.
sing platforms, cloud and fog computing infrastructures, middleware Journal of Big Data, 4(38), 1–50.
architectures, and wireless communication networks. Bibri, S. E. (2013). ICT for sustainable urban development in the European Information
Society: A discursive investigation of energy efficiency technology. Master Thesis. School of
Bibri has a genuine interest in interdisciplinary and transdisci-
Culture and Society, Malmö University.
plinary research. In light of his multidisciplinary academic background, Bibri, S. E. (2015a). The human face of Ambient Intelligence, cognitive, emotional, affective,
his research interests include the following areas: behavioral, and conversational aspects. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
Bibri, S. E. (2015b). The shaping of Ambient Intelligence and the Internet of Things: histor-

• ICT visions of pervasive computing

ico–epistemic, socio–cultural, politico–institutional and eco–environmental dimensions.
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer–Verlag.
• Big data analytics and context-aware computing Bibri, S. E. (2018). Smart sustainable cities of the future: The untapped potential of big data

• Sustainable urban planning and development analytics and context–aware computing for advancing sustainability. Urban Books Series.

• Sustainable city models (eco-city, compact city, green urbanism,

Bifulco, F., Tregua, M., Amitrano, C. C., & D'Auria, A. (2016). ICT and sustainability in
new urbanism, etc.) smart cities management. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 29(2),
• Smart city approaches (ambient city, ubiquitous city, sentient city, 132–147.
Bonomi, F., Milito, R., Zhu, J., & Addepalli, S. (2012). Fog computing and its role in the
real-time city, etc.) internet of things. Proceedings of the first edition of the MCC workshop on mobile cloud
• Sustainability transitions and socio-technical shifts computing, ser. MCC’12. ACM, 13–16.
• Green innovation and knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship Brogi, A., & Forti, S. (2017). QoS-aware deployment of IoT applications through the fog.

• Philosophy and sociology of scientific knowledge IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 99, 1.

• Social construction and shaping of science-based technology

Buyya, R., Beloglazov, A., & Abawajy, J. (2010). Energy-efficient management of data
center resources for cloud computing: A vision, architectural elements, and open
• Technological and national innovation systems challenges. Paper presented at the 2010 international conference on parallel and dis-

• Sustainable business model innovation tributed processing techniques and applications, PDPTA 2010.

• Technology, innovation, and environment policy.

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Chourabi, H., Nam, T., Walker, S., Gil–Garcia, J. R., Mellouli, S., Nahon, K., et al. (2012).
sive computing and one in the field of smart sustainable cities of the Understanding smart cities: An integrative framework. The 245th Hawaii international
future. Also, he has occasionally been working on his fourth book in conference on system science (HICSS) (pp. 2289–2297).
parallel with his doctoral studies. The titles of these books are as fol- Chui, M., Löffler, M., & Roberts, R. (2014). The internet of things. McKinsey quarterly.
McKinsey & Company.
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2. The Shaping of Ambient Intelligence and the Internet of Things: Dlodlo, N., Foko, T., Mvelase, P., & Mathaba, S. (2012). The state of affairs in Internet of
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