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Multitier Fog Computing With Large-Scale Iot Data Analytics For Smart Cities

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2, APRIL 2018 677

Multitier Fog Computing With Large-Scale

IoT Data Analytics for Smart Cities
Jianhua He, Senior Member, IEEE, Jian Wei, Kai Chen, Zuoyin Tang,
Yi Zhou, and Yan Zhang, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Analysis of Internet of Things (IoT) sensor data is the existing problems faced by modern cities, such as traffic
a key for achieving city smartness. In this paper a multitier congestion, pollution, low quality public services, insufficient
fog computing model with large-scale data analytics service is public resource and budget for health and education. Smart
proposed for smart cities applications. The multitier fog is con-
sisted of ad-hoc fogs and dedicated fogs with opportunistic and cities is an ambitious vision to tackle the above city problems
dedicated computing resources, respectively. The proposed new by making more efficient use of city resource and infrastruc-
fog computing model with clear functional modules is able to ture and improve the quality of life for citizens. It is proposed
mitigate the potential problems of dedicated computing infras- to capitalize on the latest technology advances of Internet of
tructure and slow response in cloud computing. We run analytics Things (IoT), communication and networking, computing and
benchmark experiments over fogs formed by Rapsberry Pi com-
puters with a distributed computing engine to measure computing big data analytics, to provide smartness on many sectors, such
performance of various analytics tasks, and create easy-to-use as transport and traffic management, health care, water, energy,
workload models. Quality of services (QoS) aware admission con- and waste management.
trol, offloading, and resource allocation schemes are designed to IoT provides a vital instrument to sense and control the
support data analytics services, and maximize analytics service physical city environment [1]–[3]. IoT data analytics is a key
utilities. Availability and cost models of networking and com-
puting resources are taken into account in QoS scheme design. in achieving and delivering the city smartness. With virtually
A scalable system level simulator is developed to evaluate the unlimited computing and storage resource, clouds are thought
fog-based analytics service and the QoS management schemes. to be the natural places for big data analytics [4], [5] and
Experiment results demonstrate the efficiency of analytics ser- can provide easy management of IoT services [5]. However,
vices over multitier fogs and the effectiveness of the proposed QoS with expansion of IoT systems and emerging big data from
schemes. Fogs can largely improve the performance of smart city
analytics services than cloud only model in terms of job blocking smart city applications and fast response requirement from
probability and service utility. applications, such as public safety and emergency response,
there are problem with cloud-based solution due to real-time
Index Terms—Data analytics, fog computing, Internet of
Things (IoT), quality of services (QoS), Raspberry Pi, smart and reliable transport of enormous IoT traffic over communi-
cities, Spark. cation networks, especially wireless access networks, which
is well known with features of low bandwidth and high
I. I NTRODUCTION communication cost.
ITH greater access to public resource, such as There are several edge computing models (including
W education and health and more job opportunities, more
and more people leave villages to live in cities. A rapid
cloudlet, mobile edge computing and fog computing) proposed
to tackle the data analytics problems in the cloud computing-
urbanization of the world’s population was witnessed in based solution [3], [6]–[9]. The principle is moving computing
the last decade. The global proportion of urban population and caching resources and analytics services closer to the
was reported by United Nation to be 49% (3.2 billion) in things, where data is generated. However, it is noted that for
2005, and is expected to rise to 60% (4.9 billion) by 2030. the cloudlet, mobile edge computing and fog radio access
However, the fast increasing urban population exacerbates networks-based solutions [7], [9], computing facilities are
provided by the third party at fixed locations, which can
Manuscript received January 31, 2017; revised May 30, 2017; accepted be powerful for big data analytics but may not be flexible
June 14, 2017. Date of publication July 11, 2017; date of cur-
rent version April 10, 2018. This work was supported by EU FP7 enough for on demand deployment when there is a need.
Project DETERMINE under Grant FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES 318906. And the wireless access bottleneck problem still exist for the
(Corresponding author: Yi Zhou.) IoT data traffic. Fog computing is gaining increasing research
J. He, J. Wei, and Z. Tang are with the School of Engineering and
Applied Science, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, U.K. (e-mail: and development momentums but still in a very early stage.;; According to [3] and [8] end devices, such as smart phones
K. Chen is with the Institute of Image Communication and Network and Wi-Fi access points can be used for data analytics when
Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China (e-mail: available and needed. But they are expected to take only very
Y. Zhou is with the Computer Science Department, Shanghai Jiao Tong simple time-sensitive data processing tasks. Less time sensitive
University, Shanghai 200240, China (e-mail: analysis and big data analytics are performed in the clouds.
Y. Zhang is with the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo,
0316 Oslo, Norway (e-mail: The original fog computing model does not solve the large
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2017.2724845 scale data analytics problems faced by the IoT applications.
2327-4662 c 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

In addition, its network architecture and service model are not

clearly specified.
It is noted that within the last several years we wit-
nessed an explosive growth of mobile smart personal devices
(e.g., smart phones and tablets). These smart personal devices
with increasingly available computing and communication
resources can be utilized to form small ad-hoc fogs. On
the other hand, the number of small cell base stations and
Wi-Fi-based home hotspots are also expected to grow fast.
Dedicated computing resource can be deployed alongside
these small base stations and home hotspots in addition to the
macro cellular base stations to form dedicated fogs. With prop-
erly design quality of services (QoS) management schemes
these multitier fogs can complement to each other and remote
clouds to provide more effective and prompt response to fast
changing circumstances of smart cities.
In this paper we propose a multitier fog computing-based Fig. 1. Multitier fog cloud architecture.
large scale data analytics service for smart city applications.
There are three main contributions.
1) A multitier fogs computing framework is proposed,
which include both ad-hoc fogs with distributed oppor-
tunistic computing resources and dedicated fogs with
specifically deployed computing resources. The fogs can A. Proposed Multitier Fog Computing Model
utilize opportunistic and dedicated computing resources In the Cisco fog computing model, fog aggregation nodes
to mitigate the problem of huge initial fog infrastruc- are not clearly defined. For example, it is not clear, where these
ture investment. Large scale analytics service can be nodes are located, how much computation power and storage
run over multitier fog computing system with support resources they have, and by whom they may be deployed.
of distributed computing engines. The fog nodes are expected to analyze and act on the large
2) Analytics benchmarking over multifogs is run over small volume of data generated by thousands of things across a large
size Rapspberry Pi computers with Spark computing geographic area in less than one second [3]. It is not likely
engine to create workload models of various analytics that the small size fog nodes like smart phones and video
jobs. In the existing offloading schemes the workload of cameras can deliver the expected analytics services. But there
computing jobs were usually represented by the instruc- is no discussions in the literature if dedicated fog nodes can
tions per second (e.g., [6]). By contrast, in this paper complete the tasks. If the fog computing relies on the dedicated
easy-to-use job level working load models are cre- fog nodes and fog aggregation nodes for fast and reliable data
ated and utilized in the design of practical QoS aware analytics services, then there is little difference between fog
management schemes. computing and cloudlet models.
3) QoS aware service and resource management schemes On the other hand, the fog nodes in the Cisco fog com-
are designed and developed for admission control, puting model are not expected to take complex and advanced
offloading and resource allocation, to provide real-time data analytics. The majority of IoT data traffic still goes to
analytics services to smart city applications and improve the traditional data centers for big data analytics, which does
utility for fog computing operators. The network band- not solve the bandwidth and prompt response problems faced
width and latency, communication and computing costs, by real time smart city applications. In addition, the connec-
and computing time are all taken into account. to sat- tions of IoT devices to the Internet may not exist or have
isfy the QoS constraint of real time job completion and very limited network bandwidth, such as in the scenarios of
improve computing utility for the QoS aware analytics emergency response and anti-terrorism events. Under theses
services. To the best of our knowledge, QoS issues for conditions data analytics services for smart city applications
mobile edge computing and fog computing have rarely may not be effectively delivered through the public clouds.
been touched in the literature. We propose a new multitier fogs computing model for
In the rest of this paper we present a framework of multi- smart city applications, which includes both ad-hoc fogs
tier fog computing system for smart city applications and the and dedicated fogs. Fig. 1 presents the architecture for the
large-scale analytics service model in Section II. In Section III multitier fog computing model. In the hierarchical architec-
design and results on the benchmarking experiments over ture, the Tier 1 fogs are dedicated fogs, which include the
both ad-hoc fogs and dedicated fogs are reported. Design MEC and fogs supported by the dedicated routers and cel-
of QoS aware service and resource management schemes lular network base stations. Tier 2 fogs are ad-hoc fogs,
is presented in Section IV. Analytics services and the QoS which are formed by opportunistic devices with computing
schemes are evaluated and QoS performance is analyzed. and networking resources, such as smart phones, laptops, and
Section V concludes this paper. vehicles.

2) Networking and Virtualization Module: Networking is

a critical part of fog, especially for the scenarios, where ad-
hoc fogs nodes are mobile and the wireless link bandwidth
is limited. The fog master should keep tracking the mobility
and network connection of the fog workers, and adaptively
allocate the computing tasks to the fog workers to maximize
the computing QoS.
In the fogs resource virtualization is optional but very
important for the fog nodes which may have their own
heavy computing tasks. With virtualization a part of comput-
ing resources can be reserved for the local computing tasks.
And fog computing tasks can be run only in the isolated
resources, by which local computing and security performance
are ensured. The existing virtualization technologies can be
applied with modifications for both ad-hoc and dedicated fogs.
3) Fog and Resource Management Module: Fogs can be
formed on demand and managed by fog master nodes. Each
Fig. 2. Function model for fog nodes. fog has a life cycle of formation, maintenance, and release. Fog
workers are responsible of monitoring and reporting comput-
ing resources and communication conditions to fog masters.
Fog nodes can share unused computing resources to provide Fog masters maintain the status of the available computing
data analytics services for both IoT applications and mobile resources and communication conditions of the members in the
applications. They can participate in a hierarchical cloud com- fogs. Special incentive and reward schemes can be applied by
puting system, working with traditional remote clouds and fog masters to encourage interconnected devices to join fogs
optional cloudlets. They can also work in a stand alone mode. and share their unused computing resources. It is noted that
With data analytics services from multitier fogs, analytics mobility and security can have large impact on ad-hoc fogs.
results are sent to the interested users of the analytics ser- With the centralized fog and resource management framework,
vices. A large volume of IoT data from smart city applications fog worker mobility and security could be handled effectively
may not need to be sent to the remote clouds. Therefore, the to achieve high level QoS.
response latency and bandwidth consumption problems could 4) Job Admission and Scheduling Module: When a com-
be solved. puting job request is received (from smart city applications
or other IoT applications), a fog master needs to assess the
B. Fog Functional Model computing resources required to complete the job, and admit
Next, we present the function model for the fog nodes. Each or reject the job request according to the available compute
fog is formed by a cluster of computers with a pool of com- resources. If a job is accepted, it is scheduled to run over one
puting resources. There are two types of fog nodes, i.e., fog or more fog workers depending on their available compute
master and fog worker. The functionalities of these nodes are resources and network conditions. The fog master may com-
illustrated by the functional models shown in Fig. 2. municate with other fog masters to jointly work on analytics
In the ad-hoc fogs, fog workers are usually interconnected tasks, or make decisions on offloading jobs to other fogs or
devices which join the fogs by invitation, e.g., from fog remote clouds.
masters. The fog workers are responsible for sharing their 5) Services Module: There are three standard service mod-
computing resources, undertaking computing jobs, monitor- els provided by traditional clouds, namely infrastructure as a
ing and reporting available computing and communication service, platform as a service, software as a service. If the
resources to fog masters, etc. fog nodes are static and have powerful computing resources,
Each fog has at least one fog master. Multiple masters can a large computation resource pool can be created for fogs
be present in one fog for improved reliability. The masters may and the standard cloud service models can be offered by
physically co-locate with the normal fog workers, or locate the fogs. However, due to the limitations on the computing
separately. The masters have the main responsibilities, such power, bandwidth of wireless connections, and mobility of
as fog creation, service management, and job scheduling. fog nodes, ad-hoc fogs may not be ideal to provide these
1) Resource Module: The resource module is at the bottom standard cloud computing services. We propose to provide
of the function models for both fog master and fog work- large scale analytics service over fogs. With the analytics ser-
ers. It represents physical resources of fog nodes, which may vice model the users of IoT applications can request analytics
include sensing resources, computing resources and commu- services from fog masters. The masters analyze the analyt-
nication resources for connection to other fog nodes. It is ics service request, choose the required analytics algorithm
noteworthy that apart from Wi-Fi technology, other commu- and computing engine, and assess the service requirements on
nication technologies, such as cellular radio and visible light computing and communication resources. If the service request
communication technologies can also be used for fog node is admissible, fog member nodes and computing resources are
communication. scheduled to provide the service. Multiple fog member nodes


B. Computing System Setup for A-Fog Benchmarking

In the benchmarking with A-Fogs, we consider a pool of
Fig. 3. Overall benchmarking framework. computing resources with one desktop PC and eight Raspberry
Pi three credit card sized micro computers, which forms an A-
Fog environment [14]. The Raspberry Pis are connected to a
may work collectively with distributed computing engines to Wi-Fi ad hoc network through their built-in wireless 802.11
provide advanced analytics if needed. module. One of the computers acts as fog master, while the
rest act as fog workers. Virtual machines (VMs) are installed
on the computers and each is allocated 700 MB RAM. Spark
III. B ENCHMARKING E XPERIMENTS FOR A NALYTICS with the latest version 2.0 is installed in the VMs. Analytics
A PPLICATIONS OVER F OGS job requests are sent from one of the fog nodes to the mas-
As the multitier fog and cloud systems will undertake vari- ter node, which dispatches the jobs to the fog member nodes.
ous analytics services from smart city applications with diverse Job completion time and resource consumption of the analyt-
QoS requirement, it is important to design and implement ics jobs over Spark are recorded and used in the QoS aware
QoS aware service and resource management schemes for the resource management.
analytics services. However, in order to do so, a key is to mea- Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer with a 1.2 GHz 64-
sure and model the workloads of different analytics services bit quad-core ARMv8 CPU and 1 GB RAM [14]. A 32 GB
over the fogs with various computing and communication micro SD card with operating system Raspbian installed is
resources. In this section we present benchmarking experi- slotted on each machine. Raspberry Pi has the features of
ments over ad-hoc fogs (A-Fogs) and dedicated fogs (D-Fogs), low cost, low power consumption, small size but still good
to provide basis for QoS scheme design. computing power. It has been used for many cost-effective
entertainment, surveillance, mobile, and IoT applications. In
addition computing power and storage of Raspberry Pi have
A. Overall Experiment Methodology the similar features of A-Fog nodes, such as smart phones,
For the benchmarking of analytics systems there could tablets, but has a better user-friendly programming environ-
be three major dimensions of diversities that need to con- ment. Therefore, Raspberry Pi is selected in our benchmarking
sider [10]: 1) analytics computing platform; 2) analytics instead of laptops.
algorithm; and 3) analytics job dataset. In our previous work, Spark is an open source fast and general distributed com-
we have performed an intensive benchmarking of analytics puting engine for large scale data analytics [11]. It is very
systems over both private and public clouds, with various popular for big data analytics with significant performance
computing platforms and analytics algorithms. It was found enhancement over Hadoop [12], [13]. Spark has been evaluated
from our previous work that Spark and GraphLab perform and mainly used in large centrally controlled computer clus-
the best over the other computing platforms [11]–[13]. As ters. To the best of our knowledge, it has not been tested and
GraphLab has not been updated for a long time, we use Spark evaluated in highly resource (computing and communications)
as the only computing platform for benchmarking. The overall constrained distributed computing environments.
benchmarking experiment framework is shown in Fig. 3. Experiment datasets for analytics jobs are generated by the
For the analytics algorithms, we present only experi- Spark datasets generator. The synthetic datasets are used for
ments with logistic regression (LR) and support vector performance evaluation in this paper mainly for easy control
machine (SVM) for demonstration purpose only. LR and SVM of the dataset size. Datasets generated from real IoT applica-
are two typical machine learning algorithms for classification tions can be used as well. For the benchmarking over A-Fogs,
applications, which identify the category an object belongs to. five datasets with different data sizes are used, with labels
It is noted that we have tested fog computing performance DS-A-1, DS-A-2, DS-A-3, DS-A-4, and DS-A-5. The letter A
with various analytics algorithms as done in [10]. It is trivial in the labels designates to the A-Fogs. Table I summarizes the
to include more analytics algorithms and computing platforms datasets used for the algorithms LR and SVM. In this set of
to the benchmarking experiments. experiments the largest file size is 1.77 G, which is believed


to be large enough for A-Fogs mainly consisted of devices

with limited computing resource and energy. Larger datasets
should be offloaded to and processed by dedicated fogs or
remote clouds.

C. Benchmark Results With A-Fogs

Benchmarking results with Spark are presented over 14 A-
Fog computer settings as shown in Table II. It is noted that
the letter “A” in the computer setting labels designates to
A-Fogs. As A-Fog nodes have only very limited computing
resources, they should work together cooperatively and effi-
ciently to process large datasets. It is unclear if Spark can (a)
run over distribute compute environment with small size and
resource constrained micro computers, and how scalable it is to
support large scale data analytics services over A-Fogs. Here,
scalability is referred to the ability of a computing platform
or fogs to improve its computing performance with increasing
computing resources [15].
Ideally a scalable platform is supposed to improve its
performance linearly with addition computing resources. As
single fog node with computers like Raspberry Pi has limited
computing power, a scalable computing platform is important
to extend the analytics capabilities over fogs. We can study
the feasibility of large scale analytics and system scalability
from two different aspects: 1) the size of datasets that can
be processed and 2) the service completion (or running) time
with increasing number of fog nodes.
Fig. 4 presents the job completion time for LR and SVM
jobs with DS-A-2, DS-A-3, and DS-A-4 datasets over the
14 A-Fog computer settings. It can be observed that the
job completion time of both LR and SVM applications
reduces quickly with increasing computing resources. The
large datasets requires much more service time, and the com-
puter setting A-1 fails to complete the jobs with dataset
DS-A-4. The results show clearly the feasibility of running
large scale analytics service over A-Fogs but also the neces-
sity of distributed computing to process large analytics jobs.
In addition the desktop computer shows a large impact on
the analytics service capacity, which substantially reduces job (c)
completion time and extends the size of datasets that can be
processed. Fig. 4. Job completion time of LR and SVM algorithms versus A-Fog com-
puter settings over different datasets. Letter A in the dataset labels designates
to A-Fogs. (a) Dataset DS-A-2. (b) Dataset DS-A-3. (c) Dataset DS-A-4.
D. Benchmark Performance Over Dedicated Fogs
For the benchmarking experiments over D-Fogs, it is SSD drive. An extra NFS server with 16 TB to store and access
assumed that more powerful computing resources (including the input and output files consistently for all configurations.
processing, memory, and storage) are available. We use four In order to test the computing performance of the D-Fog, a
DELL R620 servers to set up a computer cluster to represent pool of 16 VMs is created. The operation system installed on
a D-Fog. In practical D-Fogs more powerful servers may be each VM is CentOS release 6.5 with the kernel version 2.6.32.
used to provide a much larger pool of computing resources. To evaluate and compare the analytics computing performance
Each server consists of an Intel Xeon E5-2680v2 2.8 GHz CPU under different experiment configurations, 12 computer set-
(dual core), a total memory of 256 GB, and a standard 240G tings representing the number of CPU cores and the memory



size are used, which are shown in Table III. It is noted that the
letter “D” in the computer setting labels designates to D-Fogs.
Similar to the experiments over A-Fogs, Spark datasets gen-
erator and GTgraph are used to generate synthetic datasets for
benchmarking experiments over D-Fogs. Table IV shows the
labels of the datasets, number of vertices and dataset size used
for LR algorithm and SVM algorithm. The dataset size can
be adjusted by changing the number of vertices for machine
learning algorithms. In total eight datasets with different data
sizes are used for the experiments with D-Fogs, ranging from
1.14 GB to 35.38 GB.
Similar performance trends with D-Fogs benchmarking
results are obtained as these for A-Fogs. First the job com-
pletion time decreases with computing resources (CPU and
Fig. 5. Service management framework.
memory) scaling up. The size of dataset that can be processed
by the D-Fogs also increases largely due to more computing
power and memory. However, for the largest datasets DS-D-7
managed in this block. Each A-Fog has a cluster of
and DS-D-8, only the highest computer settings can complete
fog workers, forming a pool of computing resources.
the analytics jobs successfully.
For each arriving job request with associated QoS tar-
gets (e.g., target job completion time) admission control
IV. Q O S AWARE S ERVICE AND R ESOURCE scheme is applied to decide if the job request can be
M ANAGEMENT accepted or rejected, based on the cost models for com-
puting and communication resources, job completion
In this section we presents the design of QoS aware job
time tables, available computing resource and network
and resource management schemes for analytics services over
conditions. If a job request is accepted, computing
multitier fogs, which is a core intelligent management module
resources at the A-Fog, D-Fog or cloud are allocated.
of fog masters introduced in Section II.
The computing and QoS performance is recorded, and
The overall service and job management framework is
also feedback to the benchmarking block to update
presented in Fig. 5. There are two major blocks, one for offline
and enhance the workload models as well as the
benchmarking and the other for online analytics service and
jobs management.
1) Offline Benchmarking: In Section III, we have run
extensive benchmarking experiments, which sent sam- A. System Model
ple analytics jobs with different type of applications We consider the problem of managing analytics jobs over
and dataset sizes to A-Fogs and D-Fogs with differ- two tiers of fogs and a cloud. An example scenario is shown
ent computer settings. Workload models in terms of in Fig. 6. The A-Fog has a fog master and a cluster of com-
job completion time, computing, and communication puters as workers, which form a computing resource pool of
resource consumption are created in relation to the job Nd desktop computers and Nr Raspberry Pi computers, The
properties (e.g., analytics algorithm and dataset size) and D-Fog has a fog master and a computing resource pool of Nc
computing resource settings. A table is created for each CPU cores and Nm GB memory. The specification of comput-
analytics algorithm from the workload models. In the ing resources for allocation to the analytics jobs is assumed to
tables each entry stores a job completion time for one be the same as those used in the benchmarking experiments
dataset size and one computing resource setting. presented in Section III for A-Fog and D-Fogs, respectively.
2) Online Analytics Service and Resource Management: The remote clouds are assumed to have unlimited computing
Real analytics jobs and computing resources are resources.

or the cloud) running the job, otherwise the service is not

2) Networking Price Models: The round trip delay from the
analytics jobs to the A-Fog, D-Fog, and the cloud is denoted
by Ta , Td , and Tc , respectively. The bandwidth of bottleneck
link in the paths from the sensors to the A-Fog, D-Fog, and
the cloud is denoted by Ba , Bd , and Bc , respectively. In general
we have Ta ≤ Td ≤ Tc .
Let Cg,s,j denote the communication cost for the job Jg,s,j ,
which depends on the dataset size and the networking price.
The letter z designates to the type of computing environments,
where the job is executed, with z = a for the A-Fog, z = d
for the D-Fog, and z = c for the cloud. Let P_u, z denote
the communication price in dollars per bytes, with z designat-
ing the type of computing environments. Then communication
cost can be computed by Cg,s,j = Dg,s,j Pu,z . As the A-Fog is
Fig. 6. Fog system scenario.
close to the IoT and mobile devices, the communication cost
to the A-Fog is much lower than that to the D-Fog and the
1) Job and Service Models: Analytics jobs are generated 3) Computing Price Models: Let Cg,s,j (k) denote the com-
by a group of smart city IoT sensors and mobile devices. An puting resource cost for the job Jg,s,j under the kth computer
analytics job is jointly characterized by the analytics algo- setting option. A computer setting option k implicitly deter-
rithms and the dataset size. Let (g, s) denote a job type with g mine the computing environment (the A-Fog, the D-Fog or
representing analytics algorithm, g ∈ [1, NG ], and s represent- the cloud). The computing cost depends on the computing
ing the ID of dataset interval, s ∈ [1, NS ]. NG and NS denote resource price and the time used by the given analytics job.
the number of analytics algorithms and intervals, respectively. Let Pq,d and Pq,r denote the computing price per seconds
There are NG = 8 analytics algorithms, which are mentioned for using a desktop and a Raspberry computer in the A-Fog,
in Section III. There are 13 dataset intervals (NS = 13), cor- respectively. Let Pq,c and Pq,m denote the computing price
responding to the five datasets used for A-Fog benchmark per seconds for using a VM CPU core and one GB memory
in Table I and the eight datasets used for D-Fog benchmark in the D-Fog or cloud, respectively. The computing resource
experiments in Table IV. The first dataset interval (s = 1) cor- price for the D-Fog and the cloud are set to be the same. Let
responds to the range of dataset sizes from 0 to the size of Tg,s,j (k) denote the computation time (in seconds) if the job
dataset DS-A-1. Jg,s,j is processed with computer setting option k. Then the
Let Jg,s,j denote the jth job of type (g, s). We assume the computing cost for a given job can be computed according to
jobs generated from the IoT sensors and mobile devices fol- the computing resource allocated for this job, the computation
low Poisson distribution for all job types. The job generation time with the allocated resources, and the computing resource
rate per second for job type (g, s) is denoted by λg,s . The price.
actual dataset size for a job Jg,s,j is denoted by Dg,s,j in bytes, Let us define the overall cost for job Jg,s,j processed with
which is assumed to be uniformly distributed in the dataset computer setting option k, which is denoted by Cg,s,j (k), as
interval s. the sum of the communication and computing costs for the
u,z q
Consider the target job completion time as the QoS metric job. We have Cg,s,j (k) = Cg,s,j + Cg,s,j (k).
of interest for analytics jobs, Each job is associated with a
target job completion time and a service completion charge.
The job completion time is counted from the time the job B. Job and Resource Management Schemes
request is received to the completion of the job at a fog or For a new analytics job, the request is sent to the A-Fog
the cloud, including the network latency, data communica- master node. If an A-Fog is not available, the job request can
tion time, possible queue delay, and job computation time. be sent to the D-Fog or the cloud.
Data communication time is determined by network bandwidth The fog masters need to make the following three decisions.
and dataset size, while job computation time is determined by 1) Admission Control Decision: Decide if to accept a job
the analytics algorithm, dataset size, and allocated computing according to the existing computing resources, the target
resource for the job. Let Tg,s,j denote the target completion job completion time and the benefit of accepting a job.
time in seconds, and Rg,s,j denote the service completion 2) Offloading Decision: Decide, where to run the job, the
charge in dollars, for job Jg,s,j , respectively. The service com- A-Fog, the D-Fog or the cloud.
pletion charge of a job is set proportional to the dataset size 3) Resource Allocation Decision: Decide how many and
of the job. For the analytics service model, consider a simple which computers for the A-Fog, or CPU cores and
business model: if a job request is accepted and is completed memory for the D-Fog and the cloud to run the job.
within the target completion time, the user of the analytics The three decisions are made by the A-Fog master.
service for the job is charged by the operator (A-Fog, D-Fog, The A-Fog and D-Fog masters regularly exchange resource

S YSTEM C ONFIGURATION ON DATA R ATE AND R ESOURCES the last 12 settings are used at the cloud, corresponding to the
same computer settings used in the D-Fog.
The A-Fog computing resource prices are set higher than
those of D-Fog and cloud. The computing resource prices
for the D-Fog and cloud are set in line with the current
Amazon EC2 service prices, where virtually unlimited com-
puting resources are available. The main consideration is that
the A-Fog nodes are usually energy constrained and comput-
ing resource limited. Higher computing resource price is used
to provide incentives for sharing unused computing resources.
On the other hand, the price of communication to the D-Fog
and clouds are much higher than that to A-Fog. According to
our market research, the currently cheapest mobile broadband
data tariff in the U.K. is 2 pounds per GB mobile data traffic.
The communication price for the job to D-Fog is set accord-
ing to the market price. Part of the analytics job data may
be delivered to the D-Fog through low cost wireline access
availability and resource prices models. The objective of deci- networks.
sion making is to maximize the service utility of processing Analytics job arrival rates λg,s are set to decrease with
an analytics job. Let No denote the total number of computing dataset s, but remain the same for any given algorithm g.
resource configuration options. Let Ug,s,j (k) denote the utility For simplicity the traffic arrival rates for dataset types except
(or revenue) of completing a job Jg,s,j with the kth computer the dataset DS-A-2 are fixed and set to be relatively small,
setting, for k ∈ [1, No ], which is defined as representing background traffic in the simulations. The main
 analytics jobs are generated from different algorithms with
Rg,s,j − Cg,s,j (k), Tk ≤ Tg,s,j
dataset DS-A-2. The traffic arrival rates λg,1 is varied to gen-
Ug,s,j (k) = (1)
−Cg,s,j (k), Tk > Tg,s,j
erate light and heavy traffic loads. Each job has a random
target completion time, which is the communication time to
where Tk denotes the actual job completion time with com-
the cloud times a uniformly distributed random number in
puter setting k, including the data communication time and job
the range of [1] and [3]. The job service charge in dollars is
computation time.
assumed to be the communication cost to the cloud times a
When a new request for job Jg,s,j is received by the A-Fog
random value in the range [1], [2].
master, it simply computes the utility Ug,s,j (k) with (1) over all
With the above system parameters configuration, we can
the possible computing resource configuration options with the
compute the communication costs for jobs to the A-Fog,
available computing resources, and then find the best option
D-Fog, and cloud, and the computing cost for the sample jobs
k∗ which maximizes Ug,s,j (k) over these possible computing
running with all the 38 computer settings. The total costs of
resource configuration options. If the utility Ug,s,j (k∗ ) with
communication and computing versus the computer settings
the option k∗ is positive, then the job request is accepted;
are sorted in increasing order and stored in a table for each
otherwise, the job is rejected.
job type. In the simulations we can simply pick the best option
It is noted, if following the above procedure, a job request is
for a given job as the first available computer setting from the
accepted with option k∗ , the offloading and resource allocation
corresponding cost table, which can significantly speed up the
decisions are made implicitly as well, as the correspond-
simulation process.
ing computing environment (A-Fog, D-Fog or cloud) and the
Four different cloud computing architectures are compared:
resource allocation strategy are uniquely determined by the
1) with A-Fog only (label “A-Fog” in the following figures);
global computer setting option k∗ .
2) with all the three computing systems (labeled “All”); 3) with
only D-Fog and cloud (labeled “D-Fog+cloud”); and 4) with
C. Evaluation of Job Management Scheme only cloud.
The proposed job management scheme and the analytics ser- For the data analytics service and the QoS aware job man-
vices over multitier fogs are evaluated. A discrete-event driven agement schemes, the major concern from the data analytics
system level simulator is developed, which can be used to per- service users is on the service quality, such as job block-
form fast simulations with a large scale of computing resources ing probability; while for the service operators of the fogs
in the A-Fogs and D-Fogs. Based on the simulator extensive and the clouds they are more concerned on the utility (or
experiments are run to obtain simulation results. revenue) generated from the analytics services. Job block-
Table V shows the main system configurations. No is set ing probability and service utility are chosen as the main
to 38 in this paper. The first 14 computer settings are used performance metrics. Typical results of blocking probabil-
at the A-Fog, corresponding to computer settings for A-Fog ity and service utility are presented in Fig. 7(a) and (b),
experiments shown in Table II and the following 12 computer respectively. It is noted that each result shown in the figures
setting are used at the D-Fog, corresponding to the settings in is obtained by averaging over ten simulations. Each sim-
the D-Fog for the D-Fog experiments shown in Table III and ulation stops until 10 000 jobs are successfully completed.

quality. The job blocking probability with cloud only

architecture is larger than 0.2 irrespective of job arrival
2) On the other hand, the A-Fog only computing archi-
tecture can provide quite good service quality until
job arrival rate is larger than 0.2 jobs per second.
Due to the limited computing resources at the A-Fog,
the blocking probability increases fast with job arrival
rates larger than 0.2, which indicates strong need
of dedicated computing resources at D-Fog and/or
3) When the multitier computing architecture is used (with
A-Fog, D-Fog, and cloud), the overall analytics service
(a) has the lowest blocking probability, which is less than
0.03 for most job arrival rates.
4) The multitier fog computing system achieves the highest
service utility for most job arrival rates, which is almost
double of the cloud only system. The A-Fog only com-
puting system can also deliver a high service utility rate
with job arrival rate of less than 0.2.
5) Compared to the A-Fog only architecture, the
D-Fog+cloud architecture has lower utility rate
with low job arrival rates, but higher utility rate at high
job rates. The job blocking rate is relatively high, which
is more than 0.15 for most job arrival rates. According
to Fig. 8, the jobs offloaded to the D-Fog or the cloud
increase linearly with job arrival rate due to the limited
(b) computing resource at the A-Fog.
According to the results, we can conclude that large scale
Fig. 7. Analytics services performance over multitier fog computing platform analytics service over fogs computing is feasible. The A-Fogs
against job arrival rate. (a) Job blocking probability. (b) Service utility.
formed with opportunistic distributed computing resource can
provide good analytics service quality alone when the analyt-
ics job arrival rate is low. With increasing analytics service
popularity additional D-Fogs with dedicated and larger pool
of computing resources can be deployed to provide better
analytics services.

In this paper we proposed a multitier fog computing model
based analytics service for smart city applications. In the
multitier fog computing model there are both ad-hoc fogs with
opportunistic computing resources and dedicated fogs with
dedicated computing resources. Detailed functional modules
of fog nodes were designed. QoS aware job admission con-
trol, offloading and resource allocation schemes were designed
Fig. 8. Proportion of jobs completed in the A-Fog under the All computing and developed to provide QoS support for large scale data
analytics services over multitier fogs. To support the QoS
aware resource management schemes, extensive benchmark
experiments over both ad-hoc and dedicated fogs were run to
Further details on the proportion of the jobs completed at measure computing performance of analytics jobs over fogs
the A-Fog under the computing architecture All is presented and create workload models for QoS management schemes.
in Fig. 8. Analytics services over fogs and the proposed QoS aware
From the results presented in Figs. 7 and 8, we have the resource management schemes were evaluated with various
following observations. computing architectures with and without fogs. Simulation
1) Fog computing can provide good analytics service qual- results demonstrated the efficiency of analytics services model
ity. Although the cloud has virtually unlimited com- over multitier fogs and the effectiveness of the proposed QoS
puting services, it does not provide satisfactory service schemes.

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Jianhua He (A’07–M’07–SM’12) received the B.Sc.

and M.Sc. degrees from the Huazhong University
of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 1995
and 1998, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in Yan Zhang (M’05–SM’10) received the Ph.D.
2002. degree from the School of Electrical & Electronics
He is a Lecturer with Aston University, Engineering, Nanyang Technological University,
Birmingham, U.K. He has authored or co-authored Singapore.
over 100 technical papers in major international jour- He is a Full Professor with the Department of
nals and conferences. His current research interests Informatics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. His
include 5G and beyond technologies, machine to current research interests include next-generation
machine communications, Internet of Things system and technologies, and wireless networks leading to 5G, and green and
big data analytics. secure cyber-physical systems (e.g., smart grid,
Dr. He has been an/a Editor/Guest Editor of several journals and the TPC healthcare, and transport).
Chair of several international conferences. He is a TPC member of many Dr. Zhang is an Associate Technical Editor of the
international conferences including IEEE Globecom and IEEE ICC. IEEE Communications Magazine, an Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS
Surveys & Tutorials, and IEEE I NTERNET OF T HINGS J OURNAL, and an
Associate Editor of IEEE ACCESS. He serves as the Chair for a number of
conferences, including IEEE GLOBECOM 2017, IEEE VTC-Spring 2017,
Jian Wei received the B.E. degree in electronic engineering from Shanghai IEEE PIMRC 2016, IEEE CloudCom 2016, IEEE ICCC 2016, IEEE CCNC
Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 2013. He is currently pursuing 2016, IEEE SmartGridComm 2015, and IEEE CloudCom 2015. He serves
the Ph.D. degree in engineering and applied science at Aston University, as a TPC member for numerous international conference, including IEEE
His current research interests include machine learning and data mining, IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Distinguished Lecturer. He is a Senior
modeling and scheduling in distributed computing systems, and fog computing Member of the IEEE ComSoc, IEEE CS, IEEE PES, and IEEE VT Society.
for IoT big data analytics. He is a Fellow of the IET.

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