CPULATOR Functionalities
CPULATOR Functionalities
CPULATOR Functionalities
Systems Programming
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl
Semester 2 — 2020/21
No proprietary software has been used in producing these slides
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl (Heriot-Watt Univ) F28HS Hardware-Software Interface 2020/21 1 / 39
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl (Heriot-Watt Univ) F28HS Hardware-Software Interface Tutorial 1: Prging an LED 4 / 39
Tutorial 2: Programming an LED
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Tutorial 2: Programming an LED
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The high-level picture
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Data explained
Here is a simple program to turn on the first LED (from the right):
#define GPIOBASE 0xFF200000
static unsigned long *gpio = GPIOBASE;
void main () {
*gpio = 0b00000001;
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CPUlator after running the program
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Controlling an LED in ARM Assembler
.equ LEDBASE, 0xFF200000
First we load the bitmask 0b00000001 (first LED on, all other
LEDs off) into register R2.
Then we write this value into the LED register.
The behaviour is the same as in the C program before.
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Next Task: Blinking LED in ARM Assembler
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Blinking LED in ARM Assembler
.global _start
One loop (with counter in R1), flipping a value (R3) in each iteration.
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The delay function in ARM Assembler
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Hans-Wolfgang Loidl (Heriot-Watt Univ) F28HS Hardware-Software Interface Tutorial 2: Prging an LED 16 / 39
Tutorial 3: Programming a Button input device
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Accessing Push-Buttons on the CPUlator
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Core Techniques
In the LED tutorial, we have seen that we first need to identify the
registers that give control to the device.
For that we will again look into the De1-SoC Manual
We need to identify the documentation for peripheral devices:
“2.5.10 Pushbutton Key Parallel Port” on page 10.
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The low-level picture
.global _start
LDR R0, =BUTTONBASE @ physical address of the buttons
LDR R3, [R0] @ read value from BUTTON register
@ this will be a binary
representation of buttons
@ i.e. 1st and 2nd button pressed
=> 0b11 == 3
.equ BUTTONBASE, 0xFF200050
We read the contents of the button register, containing the status of all
buttons, into register R3.
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A button Press Counter in ARM Assembler
.global _start
start: LDR R0, =BUTTONBASE @ physical address of buttons
MOV R1, #10 @ loop counter
MOV R2, #0 @ button press counter
MOV R5, #1
LSL R5, #BUTTON_NO @ bitmask for testing BUTTON_NO
loop0: NOP
LDR R3, [R0] @ read value from BUTTON
CMP R3, R5
BNE nocount
ADD R2, R2, #1 @ increment press counter
nocount: BL delay
SUBS R1, #1
BNE loop0
.equ BUTTONBASE, 0xFF200050
.equ BUTTON_NO, 0
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A button Press Counter in ARM Assembler
These are in essence two nested loops, doing nothing in the body.
Needed to provide a delay between button reads.
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Tutorial 4: Programming a HEX display
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Program the 7-Segment (HEX) Displays in Assembler
1 segment controlled by 1 bit
.global _start
_start: LDR R0, =HEXBASE @ physical address of the HEX
MOV R2, #0b1011011 @ bitmask for pattern of a ’2’
MOV R3, R2, LSL #24 @ display: 2
MOV R2, #0x3f @ bitmask using hex-repres.
ORR R3, R2, LSL #16 @ display: 0
MOV R2, #91 @ bitmask using a decimal no.
ORR R3, R2, LSL #8 @ display: 2
MOV R2, #6 @ again usin a decimal value
ORR R3, R2, LSL #0 @ display: 1
STR R3, [R0]
.equ HEXBASE, 0xFF200020
This code displays the number 2021 on the four rightmost displays of
the CPUlator
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HEX Display Example
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Exercise: Button read and HEX display
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Exercise: Button read and HEX display (structure)
start: LDR R2, =BUTTONBASE @ physical address of buttons
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Exercise: Button read and HEX display (structure)
start: LDR R2, =BUTTONBASE @ physical address of buttons
MOV R5, #1
LSL R5, #BUTTON_NO @ (1) bitmask testing BUTTON_NO
loop0: NOP
LDR R3, [R2] @ read value from BUT register
CMP R3, ___ @ (2) check against bitmask
______________________ @ (3) not pressed => OFF
______________________ @ (3) pressed => ON
BL delay
B loop0 @ NB: infinite loop
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Exercise: Button read and HEX display
start: LDR R2, =BUTTONBASE @ physical address of buttons
MOV R5, #1
LSL R5, #BUTTON_NO @ (1) bitmask for testing
loop0: NOP
LDR R3, [R2] @ read value from BUT register
CMP R3, R5
BLNE showoff @ (3) not pressed => OFF
BLEQ showon @ (3) pressed => ON
BL delay
B loop0 @ NB: infinite loop
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Exercise: Button read and HEX display (show)
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Exercise: Button read and HEX display (show)
See the picture about the 7-segement display at the beginning of the
slide set to match bit-patterns to segments on the display.
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Hans-Wolfgang Loidl (Heriot-Watt Univ) F28HS Hardware-Software Interface Tutorial 4: Prging a Button 38 / 39
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Tutorial 5: Cache-friendly Programming
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl (Heriot-Watt Univ) F28HS Hardware-Software Interface Tutorial 5: Cache-friendly Programming 39