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SSP4 Midterm 01

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PECO, KIMBERLY – 20212304 A different approach was used by Marcus Human nature, the environment, time,

Tulluis Cicero activity and human relationship.

He was considered as one as one or Taking as an example the view on human
THE MORAL AGENT Rome's greatest orators and prose stylists. nature, we can clearly see that the culture
Most ethics philosophers believer that of each social group is based on expressed
He equated culture as cultivation of the and implied positions about human nature
only rational beings, who can reason and
soul or cultura animi. based on the prevailing philosophical
form self-interested judgments, are
capable of being moral agents. beliefs, all cultures develop answers to
➢ Pag aalaga mo sa isang halaman. questions such as; Is human nature
➢ If you are a rational person you basically good, bad or neutral?
Cicero's understanding of culture was
know what is the right and
wrong and you come into that prevalent up to the early 17th century A person who agrees with the teachings of
reason and make a judgment on until a German jurist, political philosopher, Mencius that man is fundamentally good
that particular issue you can say economist, statesman and historian, and moral would behave differently in
that you are a moral agent. Samuel Pufendorf (1632 1694). treating people than someone who would
Although whether your decision advocate another.
or your judgment is right or This "The Two Books On The Duty Of Man
wrong you still be a moral agent. And Citizen" according to the natural law Chinese philosopher, Li si (c. 280- c. 20i
(1682) took over Cicero's metaphor in a BCE), who taught that human nature is
Some would agree that those with limited modern context, similar in meaning but no essentially evil. Not moral championing
rationality (for example, people who are longer assuming that philosophy was the ideas of legalism which proposed strict
mildly mentally disabled or infants) also man's natural perfection. laws to produce an ordered state.
have some basic moral capabilities.
His use of the world culture and that of the philosopher from Geneva, Switzerland
➢ When we say that we are a many writers after him refers to all the Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) who
moral agent we are able to ways in which human beings overcome claimed that man is good by nature, and
make judgment based on our their original barbarism, and through that it is civilization which ruins him.
own reason whether it is right or artifice, become fully human."
wrong. He denied that the sciences and arts had
However, it was only during the early 19th contributed toward the purification of
Moral agency is an individual's ability to century when an English anthropologist, manners, and he even argued that the arts
make moral judgments based on some Edward Burnett Tylor (1832-1917), first and sciences corrupt human morality
notion of right and wrong and to be held coins the term "culture".
responsible for these actions. MCGREGOR
He was considered as the founder of
➢ You should always be cultural anthropology. McGregor observed that managers who
responsible for your own espouse Theory X believe the workers
judgment or actions that you are He believed that the study of society essentially dislike work and will do
a moral agent now. becomes incomplete without proper everything they can or avoid it. Such
understanding of culture and society since managers insist that the average person
CULTURE AS SOURCE OF ETHICAL BELIEF culture and society go together. wishes to avoid responsibility, lack
ambition, and values security over
Culture generally refers to a pattern way ➢ You cannot solve the problem of
everything else. The manager must be
of thinking feeling and acting that people the society unless you study
share and communicate to one another. their culture you cannot impose coerced and forced into conformity to
the rules that is compatible organizational objectives.
➢ Norms of thinking unless you study their culture.
McGregor assumed that theory X
➢ You know and acting that people ➢ Since there is a society there is
managers are likely to provide an
share and communicate to one always a culture.
another so including language, autocratic- type of leadership. They tend
dialect that you are using, Taylor's understanding of culture is that of to closely shepherd workers by giving
including your acting (mano, po a complex whole which includes orders and precise.
at opo) knowledge belief, art, moral, law, custom
➢ We act as our one culture. We They will rarely solicit for ideas about how
and any other capabilities and habits
share the same feelings exactly to do it. The managers expect
acquired by man as a member of society.
workers to follow orders and nothing
Some philosophers and social scientists more.
believed that these core values reflect a
Managers who belongs to Theory Y, in
particular culture's orientation to five
contrast, believe that workers basically
constant aspects of human condition:
like work and views it as something
natural and potentially enjoyable like
workers are motivated as much as pride
and a desire for self-fulfillment as by
money and job security. They do not Ethnocentrism - is the practice of viewing ASIAN AND FILIPINO MORALITY
eschew responsibly, but accept and seek it and judging someone else's culture based
out. on the values and beliefs of one's own. In Buddhism, respect for one's parent is
associated with filial piety.
Theory Y managers, on the other hand, Aubrey De Selincourt (1894-1962), an
are more likely to provide a democratic English writer, classical scholar, and Buddhist teachings would remind their
style of leadership. In the process of translator mentioned an anecdote of adherents that since parents spend so
informing the workers on the tasks to be Darius The Great who illustrated the much time raising their children, children
performed, they will also invite, and are principle of cultural relativism by inquiring must repay the pains their parents look.
open for new ideas coming from them. about the funeral customs of the when a child is young a vulnerable,
They Appreciate and use this information Greeksand the Callatiae peoples from the parents introduce their child to the world
to refine their own ideas about how to do practiced cremation and funerary and take care of him, so when parents
those task. cannibalism, respectively. reached old age, their child must care for
them in a similar way.

The concept of cultural relativism as we Asia is home to the major religious of the
know and use it in contemporary time was world: Christianity Catholicism, Islam,
established as an analytic too by the Judaism, Hinduism, Confucianism, THE PROBLEM: THE BIOLOGICAL VERSUS
German- American anthropologist Franz Buddhism and Taoism, all playing THE ETHICAL
Boas (1848-1942) in the early 20th significant roles in the formation of faith,
century. Spirituality and ethical beliefs of their Honor your mother and your father, we
followers. are told.
➢ We should learn how to be
cultural relativist. For our consideration, we will be choosing Everywhere and always parents must
respect for the elderly or one's parents for feed, shelter, and clothe their young
In the study of geography, Boas first I believe this is something common among children.
articulated the idea in 1887" civilization is us as Asians.
not something absolute. but.. is relative, For if parents didn't care for their children,
and... our ideas and conceptions are true SCRIPTURE PASSAGES ABOUND IN there would be no future generations,
only so far as our civilization goes". RELATION TO RESPECT FOR ONE’S certainly, without adult protection,
PARENTS children could not survive, and without
➢ Maaring pwede sa isang children, the human race would
civilization pero bawal dun sa Deuteronomy 5:16 Honor your father and disappear.
isa. (vice versa) mother, as the lord. your god, has
➢ E.g. Marijuana commanded you, that you may have a In a sense the purpose of the
➢ Relative sya kung saan ka long life and prosperity in the land which commandment is to reverse the natural
nakalugar. the lord, your god is giving you. order, replacing biology with ethics. It is a
➢ Magiging tama yung ginagawa
rule that raises society to a human level,
mo pag dun mo ginawa saknila Ephesians 6:1-3 - Children, obey your as it establishes an obligation that
parents in the lord, for that is what is replaces the brute realities of nature with
BASIC CONCEPTS RELATING TO expected of you. Honor your father and
CULTURAL RELATIVISM morality. As long as our parents are alive,
mother is the first commandment to carry we should honor them. In practice this
a promise with it.-"That it may go well means that when they can no longer take
Cultural relativism is the view that all
beliefs, customs, and ethics are relative to with you, and that you may have long life care of themselves, we as their children
the individual within his own social on earth. must take care of them.
Exodus 21:17 - Whoever curses his father This attitude is a mark of human
Cultural Relativism is the idea that a
or mother shall be put to death. civilization. Unlike other animals humans
person's beliefs, values, and practices
should be understood based on that Colossians 3:20 You Children, obey your do not leave the firm behind when they
person's own culture, rather than judge move. There is no biological advantage for
parents in everything as the acceptable
another society's customs. children to honor their parents. It is purely
way in the lord.
an ethical notion, serving not the need of
Cultural Relativism refers to the idea that the species but our personal, religious,"
the values, knowledge, and behavior of
and social sense of what it means to be
people must be understood within their
own cultural context.

➢ Kailangan titignan mo ang

kanyang kultura.
➢ If you don't want that kind of
practices then you should leave
your own country.

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