SSP4 Midterm 01
SSP4 Midterm 01
SSP4 Midterm 01
The concept of cultural relativism as we Asia is home to the major religious of the
know and use it in contemporary time was world: Christianity Catholicism, Islam,
established as an analytic too by the Judaism, Hinduism, Confucianism, THE PROBLEM: THE BIOLOGICAL VERSUS
German- American anthropologist Franz Buddhism and Taoism, all playing THE ETHICAL
Boas (1848-1942) in the early 20th significant roles in the formation of faith,
century. Spirituality and ethical beliefs of their Honor your mother and your father, we
followers. are told.
➢ We should learn how to be
cultural relativist. For our consideration, we will be choosing Everywhere and always parents must
respect for the elderly or one's parents for feed, shelter, and clothe their young
In the study of geography, Boas first I believe this is something common among children.
articulated the idea in 1887" civilization is us as Asians.
not something absolute. but.. is relative, For if parents didn't care for their children,
and... our ideas and conceptions are true SCRIPTURE PASSAGES ABOUND IN there would be no future generations,
only so far as our civilization goes". RELATION TO RESPECT FOR ONE’S certainly, without adult protection,
PARENTS children could not survive, and without
➢ Maaring pwede sa isang children, the human race would
civilization pero bawal dun sa Deuteronomy 5:16 Honor your father and disappear.
isa. (vice versa) mother, as the lord. your god, has
➢ E.g. Marijuana commanded you, that you may have a In a sense the purpose of the
➢ Relative sya kung saan ka long life and prosperity in the land which commandment is to reverse the natural
nakalugar. the lord, your god is giving you. order, replacing biology with ethics. It is a
➢ Magiging tama yung ginagawa
rule that raises society to a human level,
mo pag dun mo ginawa saknila Ephesians 6:1-3 - Children, obey your as it establishes an obligation that
parents in the lord, for that is what is replaces the brute realities of nature with
BASIC CONCEPTS RELATING TO expected of you. Honor your father and
CULTURAL RELATIVISM morality. As long as our parents are alive,
mother is the first commandment to carry we should honor them. In practice this
a promise with it.-"That it may go well means that when they can no longer take
Cultural relativism is the view that all
beliefs, customs, and ethics are relative to with you, and that you may have long life care of themselves, we as their children
the individual within his own social on earth. must take care of them.
Exodus 21:17 - Whoever curses his father This attitude is a mark of human
Cultural Relativism is the idea that a
or mother shall be put to death. civilization. Unlike other animals humans
person's beliefs, values, and practices
should be understood based on that Colossians 3:20 You Children, obey your do not leave the firm behind when they
person's own culture, rather than judge move. There is no biological advantage for
parents in everything as the acceptable
another society's customs. children to honor their parents. It is purely
way in the lord.
an ethical notion, serving not the need of
Cultural Relativism refers to the idea that the species but our personal, religious,"
the values, knowledge, and behavior of
and social sense of what it means to be
people must be understood within their
own cultural context.