Definitions of Culture1
Definitions of Culture1
Definitions of Culture1
- 1952 – Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn uncovered three hundred definitions of
culture, many of which echo the definition of Tylor.
A. Definitions of Culture.
- Early anthropologists recognized the close biological kinship between humans and the
great apes - especially gorillas and chimpanzees.
• But they maintained that it was culture that produced a uniquely human way of
• Culture requires superior, biologically based mental abilities.
• Tylor demonstrated this by the human’s use of the powerful symbolism of human
• John H. Bodley (2000) - The use of words and symbols is indeed one of the most
important features of culture.
Tylor's basic definition of culture has served anthropology well, but in his
day, little was known about the behavior of chimpanzees, our closest
nonhuman relatives.
- Lowie, on the other hand, considers culture as the sum total of what an individual
acquires from his society - those beliefs, customs, artistic norms, food-habits, and crafts
which came to him not by his own creative activity but as a legacy from the past,
conveyed by formal and informal education.
• These modifications are more refined, enriched and somehow has become a
standard reference to the definitions of culture.
- For Kroeber, culture is the mass of learned and transmitted motor reactions, habits,
techniques, ideas and values - and the behavior induce.
- For Kluckhon, culture is the total life-way of a people, the social legacy the individual
acquires from the group, the behavior acquired through learning.
Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired
and transmitted by symbols constituting the distinctive achievement of human
groups, including their embodiment of artifacts; the essential core of culture
consists of traditional (i.e. historically derived and selected) ideas and especially
their attached value; culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as
products of action, and the other, as conditioning elements of further action.
• For him, if all the later definitions say that culture is constituted by rituals,
customs, opinions, dominant ideas, ways of life which characterize a certain
people at a given period.
- Myth, understood as symbolizing that which we believe at such a deep level that we are
not even aware that we believe it: "it is useless to say it," "it is understood," "it is
obvious," "we shall not pursue the investigation any further" ...
• We question myth only when we already partly stand outside it: this is because it
is precisely the myth which offers us the basis from which the question as
question makes sense.
• For the myth gives us the horizon of intelligibility where we must situate any
idea, any conviction or any act of consciousness so that they may be held by our
- Each culture is a galaxy which secretes its self-understanding, and with it, the criteria of
truth, goodness, and beauty of all human actions.
- Myth and faith are correlative, just as there exists a special dialectic between mythos and
- Cultures are not folklore, as certain mainly political milieu are in the habit of
interpreting them, when they speak arrogantly and condescendingly of multicultural
• Cultures are not mere specific forms of a genus called human civilization.
• Each culture is a genus. Cultures are not abstract species of a single sovereign
genus. The sovereign genus, which would be human culture, exists only as an
• But the way according to which each one of the human invariants is lived and
experienced in each culture is distinct and distinctive in each case.
- Cultural respect requires that we respect those ways of life that we disapprove, or even
those that we consider as pernicious.
- He is a missiologist. In his book "The Church and Cultures", he underlines the symbolic
or semiotic view of culture as of special importance for the church (1988: 1.39).
- As basic elements for a definition of culture the following must be considered:
Culture is:
• a plan
- Thus, for him, culture is a "socially shared design for living", it is a "plan according to
which society adapts itself to its physical, social and ideational environment." (1988:
• According to him, a plan for coping with the physical environment would include
such matters as: food production and all technological knowledge and skill.
• The social adaptation would include: political systems, kinship, family
organization and law as a plan according to which one is to interact with his
• The ideational environment would refer to knowledge, art, magic, science,
philosophy and religion.
• He considers different cultures as "but different answers to essentially the same
human problems." (1963:61)
- A famous catholic theologian, sees the necessity of culture as the human being's
fundamental task:
• "This term designates the shaping of man himself and of his world through the
exercise of his own mind and freedom. Man can never exist without culture, for
he necessarily exists as an embodied being (objectifying himself in his
corporeality and its surroundings) and as a personal being who has freely
fulfilled himself; therefore, culture is his fundamental task (Gen. 1:28), in
accomplishing which he also realizes his relationship with God."
7. UNESCO: Culture is the "set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional
features of society or a social group and that it encompasses, in addition to art and
literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs".
[UNESCO, 2002]
B. Aspects and Functions of Culture.
1) Aspects of Culture
- There are three aspects of culture: (1) mental, or what people think, (2) behavioral, or
what people do, and (3) material, or what people produce.
- Anthropologists vary in their emphasis:
• Tylor originally proposed, mental processes, beliefs, knowledge, and values all
can be considered part of culture.
For example: Americans are not born knowing that the color white means
purity, and indeed this is not a universal symbol for purity. (In East Asia,
white often symbolizes death).
The human ability to assign arbitrarily meaning to any object, behavior or
condition makes culture enormously creative and helps distinguish culture
from animal behavior.
This also means that people can change cultures in positive ways
2) Functions of Culture.
- Culture also has primary functions. Culture exists to guarantee human survival and
- Culture is the unique means by which people in a given society satisfy their human needs,
regulate the size of their society and the distribution of social power; and manage natural
- Culture gives people power to produce and distribute resources in ways that can make
entire groups prosper or decline.
• How culture is used as a means of power over the natural environment is clearly
one of the keys to human survival and well-being.
• Effective adaptation to the natural environment implies more than mere survival.
It involves establishing a sustainable balance between resources and consumption
while maintaining a satisfying and secure society.
• Because environments change constantly, adaptation is an ongoing process
- Tylor's basic definition of culture has served anthropology well, but in his day, little was
known about the behavior of chimpanzees, the human being's closest non-human
• Recent research on chimpanzees suggests that many aspects of culture may not be
unique to humans.