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Establish Quality Standard

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Establish quality standard

LO1: Establish quality specifications for service

1. Introduction
This LO is intended to be used by service employees and managers responsible for efficient and
effective service delivery. It outlines common concepts and best practices for successfully
developing and managing service standards for both internal and external services to citizens and
business. This LO defines service standards and describes a set of generic steps that lead to their
development, implementation, and performance monitoring at the organizational level.

Service standards are an important element of service management excellence; they help clarify
expectations for clients and employees, enable performance management, and support client
satisfaction. Over time, this Guideline will contribute to enhancing coherence across the
Government of Canada in the area of service standards. It also supports the work of the Red Tape
Reduction Commission that indicated a desire among stakeholders for clear service standards
from government.

2. Defining Service Standards

What Is a Service Standard?

A service standard is a public commitment to a measurable level of performance that clients can
expect under normal circumstances.

What are "Normal Circumstances"?

When developing service standards, the organization should consider its resources and expected
level of demand for regular day-to-day service operations (normal circumstances). Special
circumstances where regular service standards may not apply include holidays, the end of April
for tax filing, natural disasters, or emergencies. These are circumstances that are typically not
within the organization's control.

Why Are Service Standards Important?

Service standards are integral to good client service and to effectively managing performance.
They help clarify expectations for clients and employees, drive service improvement, and
contribute to results-based management. Service standards reinforce government accountability
by making performance transparent, and increase the confidence of Canadians in government by
demonstrating the government's commitment to service excellence.

Service standards serve two key purposes:

 To provide staff with performance targets ("Phone must be answered within three rings");
 To inform clients what to expect ("Waiting time is less than 10 minutes").

Many organizations have implemented service standards that serve these purposes.

A service standard should be linked to an operational performance target or the frequency to

which the organization expects to meet the service standard. The target takes into account the
risks associated with process delays and uncertainties arising from factors such as workload
fluctuations, staff movements, and seasonal variations.

The purpose of the target is to help manage operations and track progress against overall delivery
objectives. The target is typically designed for management use but can also be made available to
the public. Table 1 below provides examples that distinguish between a service standard and an
operational performance target.

Keep in Mind

Operational performance targets are a good starting point. Working from a target to a meaningful
external service standard can save design time and effort.

Table 1. Comparing Service Standards and Operational Standards

Service Standard
Performance Target
The target for achieving
The Country Revenue Agency has put in place a standard to process T2
this standard is set at 90
corporation income tax returns within 60 days.
per cent.
Western Economic Diversification Canada has established a standard
The target for meeting
that states: "WD will issue a claim payment cheque within 15 business
this standard is set at 95
days of receiving a complete claim from the client, including all of the
per cent.
required claim information."

What Is a Service Pledge?

Service standards are distinct from service pledges. Specifically, a service pledge is a public
commitment to a basic code of conduct and generally consists of a qualitative statement
expressed within values and principles. A pledge can provide the overarching service direction
for an organization and provide context to the service standard development process.

The following are examples of service pledges from the Economic Development Agency of
Canada for the Regions of Quebec: "We undertake to provide our clientele with quality service."
"We serve our clients courteously and professionally." "We serve our clients in the official
language of their choice."

Characteristics of a Good Service Standard

 Relevant to the client: Service standards are consistent with client priorities and address
aspects of the service they value most within available resource allocations.
 Based on consultation: Service standards are developed in consultation with clients,
managers, staff, and other partners in service delivery to ensure that they are meaningful
and match the organization's mandate.
 Measurable: Service standards are quantifiable and linked to monitoring activities.
 Consistent across government: Service standards should be consistent throughout
federal organizations providing similar services. Having similar service standards across
government for similar services helps both clients and government. Clients will find it
easier to deal with different organizations, and the organizations themselves will find it
easier to share best practices and adopt common approaches.
 Ambitious but realistic: Service standards are realistic, based on analysis and consistent
with objectives, yet sufficiently challenging to service providers.
 Endorsed by management: Service standards are understood and endorsed by senior
 Communicated: Service standards are clearly communicated to clients, employees, and
other stakeholders to help manage expectations.
 Transparent: Service standards are monitored and reported to senior management, and
performance results are published to ensure transparency and client trust.
 Continuously updated: Service standards are regularly reviewed and updated as

Note: These are general characteristics and practitioners should refer to policy-specific
requirements when developing their standards.

Types of Service Standards

There are three types of service standards: access, timeliness, and accuracy. In deciding what
kinds of service standards to establish, organizations are encouraged to focus their efforts on
areas of greatest importance to the clients they serve and program

Table 2. Types and Examples of Service Standards

Types of
Service Access Standard Timeliness Standard Accuracy Standard
Commitment outlining the Commitment stating how
Commitment stipulating
ease and convenience the long the client should
that the client will receive a
Definition client should experience expect to wait to receive a
service that is up to date,
when attempting to access service once the service has
free of errors, and complete
service been accessed
Examples Service Canada Western Economic Canada Revenue Agency

Diversification Canada
"Respond to written
[benefit and credit]
"WD will provide a funding
enquiries and to telephone
"We provide 90% of decision to a client within
referrals from the Call
Canadians with access to 90 business days of
Centres with the correct
our services within 50 receiving a complete
information, and process
kilometres of where they funding proposal. If the 90-
new recipient information,
live." day standard will not be met
including issuing a
on a project, the client will
payment, notice, or letter,
be contacted on the delay."
Canada-Ontario Business
Service Centre Veterans Affairs Canada
Department of
Immigration and
"The information you "You will be advised in
Citizenship (Australia)
request will be provided by writing of our decision
your choice of fax, mail, or [relating to eligibility for
"We will regularly review
e-mail. Faxes and e-mails the Public Service Health
and update information to
will be sent within three Care Plan] within 4 weeks
ensure it is current and
hours of your call. Mail is of receiving your signed
meets your needs and
sent the same day if your and completed application
call is received before 3:00 form."
p.m. (Eastern Time)."

Do Clients Have Obligations?

Many services provided by the Government of Canada require clients to fulfill certain
obligations. Service standards can be conditional upon clients satisfying their obligations, in
which case they should be incorporated into the service standard.

3. Service Standards Portfolio

A service standards portfolio represents all the service standards the organization has in place.
Examining service standards as an integrated portfolio increases transparency, which in turn
encourages consistency across the organization. It also facilitates the development of coherent
approaches to service standards across sectors and branches. Finally, examining service
standards as a portfolio helps ensure that all major services and client groups have been

How Do Service Standards Contribute to Overall Organizational Management?

When integrated with corporate planning and reporting activities, service standards are a useful
tool to support overall organizational management:

 The Treasury Board Policy on Management, Resources and Results Structures requires
departments to establish a Program Alignment Architecture (PAA) identifying and
grouping related activities and linking them logically to the Strategic Outcomes they
support and providing "the framework to link expected results and performance measures
to each program at all levels of the PAA and for which actual results are reported."
Service standards comprise one source of information used to develop a
performance measurement framework related to services.
 Part III of the Estimates process requires that departments prepare departmental
expenditure plans consisting of a Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP) and a
Departmental Performance Report (DPR). Service standards help express and
formulate performance objectives and should be incorporated into the business
planning process. Reporting on performance against service standards helps demonstrate
progress toward expected results.
 The Management Accountability Framework (MAF) sets out the Treasury Board's
expectations for effective performance. One of the 10 elements that make up the MAF is
"citizen-focused service." Service standards are an essential component in achieving
service excellence and directly contribute to advancing results-oriented management

4. Service Standards Life-Cycle Management

The following five phases of service standard management support the creation, implementation
and assessment of service standards from an organizational perspective:

1. Establish priorities;
2. Plan and develop service standards;
3. Implement service standards;
4. Measure performance against service standards; and
5. Act on the results.

Figure 1 lays out the overall process (inside circle) and presents the specific steps included under
each phase (outside circle). While 5 phases and 15 steps are presented in a sequential order, some
can be undertaken concurrently. The remainder of this Guideline outlines this methodology and
provides helpful tools and guidance to successfully implement service standards throughout the
life cycle. Some organizations have experienced some common challenges and

Figure 1. Phases and Steps in Life-Cycle Management of Service Standards

5. Phase I: Establish Priorities for Service Standards

Step 1: Take Stock

The first step to developing service standards is to review the services your organization delivers.
Consider the following:

 Has government set priorities for service that should be taken into account?
 What service standards already exist across the organization? Are there gaps that should
be addressed first?
 Do other organizations offer similar services for which service standards already exist or
are being developed?
 Is the organization compliant with existing policies and legislation with regard to service
 Are other parts of the organization in the process of reviewing or establishing service
standards right now?

This review will help you understand the context, including government priorities related to
service. It will also raise awareness of similar services offered by other federal departments and
agencies. Where possible, comparable service standards should be considered for similar
services, and best practices shared across the organization.

Adopting an integrated management approach for service standard development, review and
oversight can further encourage the development of a balanced service portfolio. A service
inventory, or catalogue of the services that are delivered by an organisation, can assist in this
area and a separate guideline is devoted to this topic.

Did You Know?

Service standard development and implementation can apply to internal and external services.
Please keep in mind that all government departments provide services to their employees and in
certain cases to other federal organizations. These internal services in turn can enable front-line
staff to deliver services to the public.

Step 2: Connect Service Standards to Organizational Priorities

Once you have taken stock, the next step is to identify which services should be priorities for
service standard development. To help decide where to focus efforts first, it is useful to ask the
following questions:

 Which services have the broadest reach, largest impact on clients, or are rights and
benefits related?
 Are there services that involve substantial risk for clients and government if expectations
and performance associated with service delivery are not clear?
 How many services already have service standards in place? Are they up-to-date and
 Are there major services with their own distinct client groups that do not currently have
service standards? If so, do other organizations already have service standards in place
for similar services that could serve as a model?
 Are there Treasury Board policies or applicable legislation requiring service standards?

Answering these questions will position the organization to decide where to focus efforts first.
The selection of priorities may involve balancing several considerations, including clients' needs,
resources, alignment with government or organizational priorities, and the existence of
comparable service standards in other organizations that could serve as a model (in order to save
time and effort, and promote alignment across organizations). Beginning with a manageable
number of priorities can help provide focus and create the opportunity for early successes.

Validate Priorities with Senior Management

Visible support and engagement from senior management in the development of service
standards are essential.

In establishing service standards, senior management and service-related program managers

should create a plan that outlines the work involved, timelines for implementation, capacity
(human resources and monitoring mechanisms) for delivery and monitoring, and the roles and
responsibilities of each party. The careful consideration of priorities, roles and resources is
critical in establishing strong service standards. Designating a champion to spearhead their
implementation may also assist in driving change as needed.

Best Practice: Adopting a Project Management Approach

Including the development of a business case, a project brief, or a project charter helps secure
senior management approval from the outset. It explains the expected reach and impact of the
proposed service standards, clarifies roles and responsibilities, describes the overall service
standards project schedule, and provides essential details regarding the consultation and approval
process. Designating a service standard "champion" or sponsor can further help by integrating
and aligning service standard development efforts.

Checklist for Phase I

 Review the services and service environment:

o Identify government priorities for service improvement.
o Identify existing service standards within the organization and any ongoing efforts
to develop service standards.
o Review organizational compliance with existing policy and legal requirements.
o Identify high-impact services that do not have service standards in place.
o Identify comparable services delivered by other organizations and review existing
service standards that could serve as a model.
o Review TBS policy and regulatory requirements related to service standards.
 Develop a short list of priority services for which service standards should be developed,
by considering government priorities, client needs, policy and legal obligations, and
 Engage senior management and validate the priorities.
 Develop a plan to guide the development process.
 Identify a champion or internal sponsor to lead the effort.

6. Phase II: Plan and Develop Service Standards

Phase II consists of: developing service standards, assessing monitoring capacity, validating
proposed service standards, and determining the performance methodology and measurement

Step 3: Develop Service Standards

Review the Service Context for each Service

This involves examining how the service standards will contribute to the organization's mandate
and business activities.

Take into consideration the following:

 Legislation, policies, and guidelines associated with the service.

 Service specifics including main characteristics, delivery channels, and seasonal
 Whether other organizations deliver similar services for which service standards may
already exist.
 The suite of services that your organization is delivering. A service inventory (see Step 1)
can assist in this process.
 Baseline information on current levels of service performance.


In addition to reviewing the service context, consultation can provide other valuable information
to develop and manage service standards. Input can shed light on aspects of the service that are
viewed as most important, such as current client satisfaction levels, changes in client needs and
expectations, and the roles and responsibilities of each party. Consultation can include focus
groups, telephone or online surveys, feedback forms, and one-on-one meetings.

Important: Talk to Your Departmental Public Opinion Research Coordinator

Before engaging in consultation activities, consult your departmental Public Opinion Research
Coordinator for guidance and to ensure compliance with the Communications Policy of the
Government of Canada.

Throughout the consultation process, consider:

 Consulting with front-line staff and considering innovative ideas for improving service.
 Consulting with service delivery partners such as other organizations and private sector
partners to fully understand roles, responsibilities, and operational constraints.
 Determining the aspects of service delivery that are most important to recipients of the
 Identifying areas where clients propose changes or problem areas that require
 Identifying client priorities relative to the targeted level of service.

Linking service standards to client satisfaction measurement allows an organization to target the
most relevant areas of improvement, ensuring that the standards are meaningful and easily
understood by the client and that progress is being made.

Identify the Service Standard Type

Reviewing the service context and consulting key stakeholders will assist in providing an
understanding of both what is valued from a client perspective and feasible from an
organizational perspective. It will also help identify which types of standards are the most
appropriate for the service.

As indicated earlier in Table 2, there are three types of standards: access, timeliness, and
accuracy. For example, what might be most important to clients applying to a grants and
contributions program is the time required to receive approval for their application. In this case, a
timeliness service standard best responds to client needs.

Draft Service Standards

Service standards should be based on clients' needs and be expressed in a way that is easy to
understand, and consider available human and financial resources. Strike a balance between
client expectations, internal capacity and priorities. Adopting a risk management approach is an
important step in crafting strong services standards.

Did You Know?

Over the past decade, the Institute for Citizen-Centered Service (ICCS) has conducted research
studies in the area of service needs and expectations. Chapter 5 of Citizens First 5 focuses on
service standards and on what Canadians consider timely services.

When drafting service standards, consider:

 Developing clear statements that describe the public commitment to service, taking into
account the information collected through consultations, dialogue with legal and
communications service groups, your organization's communications strategy and overall
performance monitoring approach. For services that require a great deal of time to deliver
outputs, such as decisions on appeals, intermediate service standards could be set for
timeliness at different stages in the process to facilitate client expectations.
 Developing realistic internal targets for each standard.
 Crafting a monitoring strategy.

Establish Feedback and Redress Mechanisms

Establishing a process to collect constructive information and resolve issues raised by various
stakeholders is fundamental. Elements to consider include:

 Establishing internal processes to handle comments, concerns or complaints, including

possibly a point-of-service resolution mechanism.
 Developing a tracking system that monitors client feedback and complaints. This could
be an essential component of your service standard monitoring strategy. The information
contained within the system can be a valuable resource to determine client satisfaction.

One example is a record that includes the nature, source and description of each
 Ensuring the redress mechanism is publicly available and easy to locate.
 After reviewing comments, concerns and complaints, inform clients of any changes

Step 4: Assess Monitoring Capacity

Performance against the service standard will be regularly monitored. An organization needs to
ensure it has sufficient capacity to monitor and evaluate performance, and report against the
service standards. This capacity will require the necessary resources and infrastructure to support
performance evaluation.

Consider the following when addressing performance measurement capacity:

 Is sufficient monitoring occurring, including an analysis of performance data?

 Are we currently collecting information that could be used to monitor the proposed
service standard? If so, which methods are we using?
 Are there reliable and accurate data sets available to assist in evaluating performance? If
not, possible data sources will need to be identified.

An evaluation branch or other similar unit that specialize in undertaking statistical analysis or
conducting internal audits can help identify successful and practical approaches to performance

Step 5: Validate Proposed Service Standards

Proposed service standards should be validated by testing before launching full-scale

implementation. This provides an opportunity to assess the standard and minimize potential
interruptions on service operations.

Important: Involve Your Organization's Legal Services Group

Your organization's legal services group should be involved in the development process for
service standards from the beginning and regularly review the proposed wording to eliminate
potential legal liabilities.

Ensure that the proposed standards are realistic, attainable, and measurable. Carrying out a pilot
project or test can help secure manager and staff support and verify that the standards are
meaningful to clients.

As part of the validation process, consider:

 Verifying the service standards with senior management, service-related program

managers, front-line staff, and your organization's legal services group;
 Consulting stakeholders, clients and service delivery partners to validate proposed
priorities and standards; and
 Seeking feedback from independent third parties such as professional associations,
advisory groups, other government jurisdictions or PAAs, as they can provide objective

Step 6: Determine the Performance Methodology and Measurement Framework

Consider the examples in Table 3 to assist in framing evaluation criteria:

Table 3. Examples of Evaluation Criteria

Standard Successful applicants will generally receive their grant within X weeks.
Measure What proportion of successful applicants received their grant within X weeks?
Standard The information contained in this database will be updated every 48 hours.
Measure How many times was the database updated on schedule in the previous quarter?

When developing performance methodology and timing for a suite of services, consider the

 How will the information on performance be collected?

 At which frequency will the information on performance be reviewed - annually,
quarterly, monthly?
 What performance criteria need to be in place?

Once performance indicators have been identified for the service standards, they will need to
integrate these into a performance framework. The framework should cover each of your service
standards and clearly indicate how the organization is assessing their progress. The aim should
be to provide a clear and comprehensive picture of the organization's achievements and should
be linked to the overall organizational performance framework.

Remember that performance activities should be relevant, timely, systematic, affordable, based
on evaluation parameters, and aligned with the other applicable planning, monitoring, and
accountability activities.

Important: Remember to Seek Approval from Senior Management

Once the service standards have been defined and a plan for tracking performance and measuring
achievements developed, approval should be sought from senior management. Be sure to include
next steps such as an implementation plan, publishing the results and making any future changes
to the service standards.

Checklist for Phase II

 Review the service context and define the key characteristics of service standard types
applicable to the organization.
 Consult with clients, employees, stakeholders and other organizations, where relevant, to
obtain their feedback and input on proposed service standards.
 Draft clear service standards statements and associated internal targets.
 Identify the process to handle complaints and other feedback.
 Assess internal capacity to monitor service standards.
 Develop a performance measurement methodology.
 Seek final approval from senior management.

7. Phase III: Implement Service Standards

Step 7: Establish an Implementation Plan

With the service standard priorities already established, an implementation plan indicates when,
where, and how service standards will be applied to departmental services.

To create an implementation plan, consider the following elements:

 Set time frames associated with key deliverables and milestones for each service partner
in the process.
 Identify potential risks that might affect the implementation of service standards, and
establish mitigation strategies.
 Examine constraints and opportunities for efficiency linked to standard implementation,
and develop strategies to address them.
 Develop a strategy to monitor progress.

Step 8: Determine if New Processes Are Required

Implementing service standards may require restructuring existing processes or introducing new
systems. Decisions to modify or introduce new processes or systems should be carefully thought
out. Consider:

 Which tools and resources are required? To maximize efficient service standard
implementation, determine which tools, such as a tracking database, and which resources,
such as who will be responsible for collecting the information, are required to
successfully move forward.
 Does the change make sense? The decision should be based on a risk analysis exercise,
taking into account implications, including financial, to the organization. Consider if this
could be combined with another tool or system to reduce effort and cost.
 When and how quickly should change be implemented? When assessing appropriate
timing to modify or introduce new processes, strike a balance between the drivers for
change and your organization's human and financial capacity.
 What information and training are needed and for whom? To foster smooth
implementation, clearly communicate the expected benefits and the rationale for the
change and identify any training needs.

Step 9: Train Staff and Service Delivery Partners

Training activities help ensure that employees and service delivery partners have the resources to
meet the service standards and understand what is expected of them. Training provides the
opportunity to clarify roles and responsibilities and answer questions that relate to the standards
and their implementation.

Consider the following when developing training activities:

 Assess the degree of formality required. Minor service changes call for informal training
sessions; more complex service changes require sophisticated training activities.
 Determine the most appropriate structure, such as instructor-led courses, workshops, self-
service training modules, information sessions, Q&A workshops, and staff retreats.
 Focus on essential knowledge and skills such as service process, complaint mechanisms,
and communication and analytical abilities needed to successfully meet the service

Service Standards Training

Organizations interested in receiving specialized training related to service standards are

encouraged to contact the Canada School of Public Service or the Institute of Citizen-Centred
Service to learn more about their course offerings.

Step 10: Communicate Service Standards

The final step to implementation is putting in place a communication strategy that ensures
standards are visible and well understood. This strategy should state how the organization plans
to inform its clients, service delivery partners, and employees about the service standards and
when they are scheduled to come into force. Your departmental communications branch can
provide invaluable assistance in developing and implementing your communication strategy.

A meaningful communication strategy should target the following:

1. Plan what needs to be communicated, including service descriptions, the service

standards, and complaint mechanisms.
2. Identify the target audience and position the communication messages accordingly.
3. Evaluate which are the most appropriate communication channels, such as websites,
social media, speaking engagements, and news releases.
4. Communicate overall direction and timelines to staff and service delivery partners using
communications such as emails, social media, newsletters, and memos to clarify the
objectives of the initiative. A Question & Answer format is one way of effectively
communicating this information to employees.
5. Ensure senior management supports your communications strategy.

Keep the following points in mind:

Always use plain language when communicating your service standards to clients. Ensure that
they are clear, easily understandable, and readily available to clients.

Checklist for Phase III

 Develop a plan to implement service standards.

 Review processes to introduce any appropriate changes.
 Train employees to successfully meet the new service standards.
 Prepare a communications strategy to ensure that the service standards are publicly
known and understood by employees and clients.

8. Phase IV: Measure Performance

The measurement of service standard performance enables the analysis of trends and
identification of potential areas for improvement. A well-designed measurement process helps

 Whether the service is consistent within and across delivery channels such as in person,
telephone, mail, and the Web.
 How well the service is being performed compared with similar services provided by
other organizations (benchmarking); and
 Whether the service performance level is improving over time and by how much.

Step 11: Measure Performance

Performance should be measured regularly to establish progress against baseline data, and
performance measures related to service standards should be incorporated into the overall
performance measurement strategy.

Characteristics of Measurement Activities.

When measuring performance, take into account the following principles:

Collect data through impartial sources such as Web hits.
Review data periodically to ensure that the service is performing at the desired level and
to identify any needed adjustments.
Verify data and confirm accuracy.
Consistency over time:
Measure performance in the same way for each assessment to facilitate results
comparison throughout the standard life cycle.
Data should present a clear picture of performance and make it easy to identify future

Important: Consult Your Departmental Head of Evaluation

In accordance with the Policy on Evaluation, performance measurement strategies should be

reviewed by the department's head of evaluation.

Step 12: Evaluate Findings and Report to Senior Management

Evaluating service standard performance data determines organizational strengths and

weaknesses, identifies progress, and sets priorities for future action. When evaluating
performance activities, consider the following elements:

 Examine overall performance against each individual standard such as access, timeliness,
and accuracy as appropriate.
 Analyze the results of monitoring activities and identify trends, issues, and progress.
 Compare standards and results with similar services both within the department and in
other organizations (benchmarking).
 Consider other evaluation activities, such as client satisfaction measurement,
consultations, and operational reviews. Identify any gaps or successes.

The results of this evaluation should then be reported to senior management to provide
intelligence on how their organization is meeting its service goals and should highlight areas of
success and where additional attention may be required.

Step 13: Publish Results for Clients

Communicating performance results can help manage client expectations about the level and
consistency of service. It can also provide staff with objective feedback on how well they are
meeting the standards.

When communicating results:

 Ensure that information is meaningful and relevant to clients and staff.

 Identify the key standards to report on publicly.
 Determine appropriate venues to share results and ensure that information is easily
accessible. Consider sharing performance results using Departmental Performance
Reports (DPRs), service delivery points of access, and websites.
 Present information using clear and understandable language so clients and staff can
easily interpret performance results.
 Remember that communication materials should respect the requirements of official
languages and the Federal Identity Program.

Checklist for Phase IV

 Measure actual performance against standards.

 Evaluate performance data and identify trends, successes and issues.
 Evaluate findings and report to senior management.
 Publish results for key services (easy to access) and indicate any circumstances that were
not deemed to be "normal".

9. Phase V: Act on the Results

The final phase is examining the performance-monitoring findings and acting on those results to
enhance performance.

Step 14: Determine Course of Action

Once evaluation of performance results has been completed, determine the future course of
action, including what measures should be taken to maintain or enhance service quality. Table 4
outlines three scenarios and possible courses of action.

How to Handle Unmet Service Standards

In cases of reports or complaints regarding unmet service standards, determine what happened. A
first step is re-examining the reliability of the performance measurement system and its data. In
some cases, interviewing selected staff and clients can be helpful in diagnosing the issue. When a
genuine occurrence of unmet service standards is established, determine whether it was due to a
systemic issue that will cause performance to fall short on an ongoing basis or whether it was
due to unusual or exceptional one-time circumstances such as sudden increases in intake or
workload, sudden changes to legislation or practice, or a high level of absenteeism due to illness.

Table 4. Three Performance Results Scenarios and Possible Courses of Action

Scenario 2:
Scenario 1: Results Are Scenario 3:
Results Exceed Standards Consistent With Results Fall Short of Standards
1. Determine why standards are 1. Confirm that 1. 1. Determine why
being exceeded: clients are standards are not being
o Was the methodology satisfied with met:
used to develop the current levels o Are service
standards adequate? of service standards too high?
o Has the organization's through client o Is the business
capacity improved? feedback and process unclear or
o Are the standards too results of client unnecessarily
low? satisfaction cumbersome?
o Were projections about measurement. o Were there
trends and client 2. Determine unexpected
behaviours accurate? whether changes in resource
o Did circumstances higher capacity and level
change, such as lower standards are of demand for
than expected demand or warranted or service?
new technology? desirable. o Was sufficient
2. Decide how to respond: 3. Prepare plans attention paid to
o Raise standards where to address the potential
appropriate. emerging / impact of known
o Redeploy resources to longer-term trends, such as new
lower-performing areas. issues such as demand, loss of
o Communicate results to resources, resources, or
clients, staff, and service capacity, change in channel
delivery partners. expected preferences?
o Share knowledge, change in 2. Decide how to respond:
including best practices demand, and o Rethink the
and lessons learned, with new priorities. business process?
the service community. o Increase capacity?
o Celebrate success. o Identify best
3. Prepare plans to address practices for
emerging / longer-term issues, similar services?
such as resources, capacity, o Consult
expected change in demand, and stakeholders?
new priorities. o Lower service
standards if
3. Inform stakeholders of
your plans to address
outstanding issues and to
improve service.
o Remember to take
financial resources

and changing
priorities into

Step 15: Implement Changes

It can be challenging to successfully implement and integrate changes to an established service.

To increase the likelihood that changes will achieve anticipated results:

 Engage employees and service delivery partners to offer suggestions for improvement
and identify potential solutions.
 Monitor implementation of change to quickly identify any problem areas.
 Show flexibility and allow for modifications to occur throughout the overall process.

Checklist for Phase V

 Assess which Performance Results Scenario matches your service standards.

 Decide a future course of action for continuous service improvement.
 Implement any necessary enhancements.

10. Conclusion
When used effectively, service standards can be an important tool for organizations to manage
their portfolio of services for the public. This Guideline has outlined a clear process for service
standard development, measurement and improvement at an organizational level. When
developing service standards related to transfer payment programs, user fees, or regulation,
consult these policy centers for specific advice.

Service standards demonstrate an organization's commitment both to transparency and providing

service excellence. They also provide a source of relevant information to senior management on
the quality of service and potential difficulties the organization may be facing. Finally, this
commitment reflects positively on the organization, both with employees and the public at large,
by illustrating an open approach to working with the public to improve service delivery.


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