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Effects of Face Mask Treatment With and Without Rapid Maxillary Expansion in Young Adult Subjects

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Original Article

Effects of face mask treatment with and without rapid maxillary expansion in
young adult subjects
Koray Halicioglua; İbrahim Yavuzb; İsmail Ceylanc; Abdulvahit Erdemd

Objectives: To investigate the skeletal, dental, and soft tissue effects of the face mask (FM)
treatment with and without rapid maxillary expansion (RME) in young adult subjects with maxillary
Materials and Methods: Pretreatment and posttreatment cephalometric radiographs from 32
subjects who had a skeletal Class III malocclusion were analyzed. The subjects were divided into
two groups: FM group (N 5 17; 3 male and 14 female subjects; mean [SD] age 14.47 [0.89] years)
was treated with FM only, while the RME+FM group (N 5 15; 3 male and 12 female subjects; mean
[SD] age 14.67 [1.28] years) was treated with both FM and RME. Ten cephalometric linear and
nine angular variables were measured to assess dentofacial changes. Within-group and between-
group comparisons were determined by a paired t-test and Student’s t-test, respectively.
Results: Forward displacement of the maxilla and a clockwise rotation of the mandible occurred in
both groups. The maxillary-mandibular relationship improved and soft tissue changes resulted in a
more convex profile. The maxillary incisors were more proclined in the FM group than in the
RME+FM group, the only difference between the two groups. Notably, the mandibular incisors
moved backward in both groups.
Conclusions: Forward movement of the maxilla can be obtained in young adults after face mask
treatment. However, there was no difference in this phenomenon between the FM and RME+FM
groups. (Angle Orthod. 2014;84:853–861.)
KEY WORDS: Face mask; Rapid maxillary expansion; Young adults; Cephalometric

INTRODUCTION The mechanisms of action of FM treatment are sutural

remodeling3 and maxillary forward movement.4–7 It was
Until the 1970s, skeletal Class III malocclusion was
commonly accepted that FM treatment may be the
considered to originate only from the mandible.1,2
most effective at an early age. In younger patients,
Orthodontic use of face mask (FM) treatment in-
maxillary deficiency can be treated conservatively due
creased with awareness of maxillary deficiency as an to the growth potential of the circummaxillary sutural
essential cause of the skeletal Class III malocclusion. articulations. Authors have recommended a wide age
range for use of FM treatment such as early mixed
Assistant Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of dentition,8 before the age of 8 years,5,9 until the age of
Dentistry, Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey. 12 years,10 and even during puberty.6,11
Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, However, clinicians are often confronted with the
Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey. treatment of young adult patients with maxillary
Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry,
deficiency. Although all human facial sutures except
Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey.
Professor and Chair, Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of the midpalatal suture remain patent until late in life,12 a
Dentistry, Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey. limited number of published studies discuss the use of
Corresponding author: Dr Koray Halicioglu, Department of FM in nongrowing patients.
Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Abant İzzet Baysal University, A number of authors have recommended the
14280, Bolu, Turkey
implementation of maxillary expansion together with
(e-mail:, koray.halicioglu@ibu. FM. In adolescent and preadolescent patients, maxil-
lary expansion disrupts the circummaxillary sutural
Accepted: January 2014. Submitted: September 2013.
Published Online: March 14, 2014 system and increases the orthopedic effects of FM
G 2014 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, even if there is no deficiency in the transverse
Inc. dimension.8,13–15 In addition, it was reported that the

DOI: 10.2319/092913-707.1 853 Angle Orthodontist, Vol 84, No 5, 2014


maxilla might move slightly forward and downward, respectively. All subjects represented the complete
and mandible rotation might move backward and adolescent growth spurt (skeletal maturation stage
downward after rapid maxillary expansion (RME).16 according to Fishman17510,11).
These changes also may be increased as effects of A banded RME appliance was used for RME, which
FM. included a Hyrax screw (Forestadent, St. Louis, MO),
Although research into FM with or without RME has and bands were compatible with the permanent
grown in the past years, no study until now has been maxillary first premolars and the first molars. A screw
carried out to compare the skeletal, dental, and soft was soldered to these bands in the palatal side. These
tissue effects of FM treatment, with and without RME, teeth were linked together by soldered labial stainless
in young adult subjects. In this study, we aimed to steel wires. In addition, two hooks were twisted from
compare FM treatment results between expansion stainless steel wires at the mesial of the maxillary
and nonexpansion groups in young adults; both canine for extraoral elastics. After cementation, the
groups were matched by age and sagittal skeletal Hyrax screw was activated two quarter-turns a day
relationship. during the full expansion phase until the desired
change in the transverse dimension was achieved.
MATERIALS AND METHODS The RME appliance was not removed during the FM
treatment in order to maintain retention.
The material of this retrospective study consisted of
A Petit type FM (GAC Intl Inc, Bohemia, NY) was
the cephalometric and hand-wrist radiographs of 32
used for about 16 hours a day. Anchorage for FM was
young adult subjects (6 male, 26 female) who were
provided via metal bands cemented to the permanent
treated using a FM with and without RME in the
maxillary first premolars and first molars, which were
Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry,
linked together by soldered palatal and labial stainless
Atatürk University, who did not accept the orthognathic
steel wires. Hooks were made at the mesial of the
surgery option. This retrospective study was approved
maxillary canine for extraoral elastics.
by the local ethical committee.
The total force of the FM was approximately 600–
Inclusion criteria were negative overjet, a Class III
1000 g, and the angle between the occlusal plane and
molar relationship, and ANB angle of 0u or less and
the direction force applied by the FM was approxi-
Wits appraisal of 21 mm or less due to maxillary
mately 30u–40u in both groups. FM treatment of all
retrusion according to SNA (degree) and Co-A (mm)
patients in the present study was ended after the
values. We excluded subjects with severe skeletal
anterior crossbite was corrected satisfactorily. The
problems, craniofacial syndromes, and cleft lip or
mean (SD) treatment period was 9.10 (1.15) months
palate. Additionally, the skeletal maturation and
for the RME+FM group, while the mean (SD) treatment
pubertal growth of these subjects were determined
duration was 8.44 (1.48) months for the FM group.
with hand-wrist radiographs using the method de-
Nine angular and 10 linear variables were measured
scribed by Fishman.17
to assess skeletal, dental, and soft tissue changes.
All cephalometric radiographs were taken in the
The angular and linear measurements are shown in
same cephalostat (Siemens Nanodor 2, Siemens AG,
Figures 1 and 2, respectively. A cephalometric analy-
Munich, Germany) in the habitual body posture. The
sis was performed using the Quick Ceph program
patients were requested to keep their teeth in centric
(Quick Ceph Systems, San Diego, Calif).
occlusion during exposure, and special attention was
Fifteen randomly selected radiographs were re-
given to ensure that the lips were at rest to prevent
traced and remeasured by the same investigator
possible soft tissue changes. Lateral cephalometric
2 weeks after the initial analysis. The method error
radiographs were taken at the beginning (pretreat-
was determined using the coefficient of reliability,
ment, T1) and, after achieving a positive overjet and/or
calculated for each measurement: coefficient of
a Class I occlusion, at the end of the observation
reliability 5 1 2 Se2/St2, where Se2 was the variance
period (posttreatment, T2). Subjects were divided into
due to random error, and St2 was the total variance of
two groups representing those who were treated with
the measurements.18
RME and a FM (RME+FM group; N 5 15; 3 male, 12
female) and those patients who were treated with only
Statistical Analysis
a FM (FM group; N 5 17; 3 male, 14 female). If a
posterior crossbite was presented when the patient’s All statistical analyses were performed using the
maxillary model was advanced to establish Class I SPSS software package for Windows (version 15.0,
occlusion, these subjects had undergone RME. The SPSS, Chicago, Ill); P , .05 was considered
mean (SD) ages of the RME+FM and FM groups statistically significant. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
were 14.67 (1.28) years and 14.47 (0.89) years, was applied to the data, and all data were found to be

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 84, No 5, 2014


Figure 1. Angular measurements. (1) SNA. (2) Maxillary incisor-SN. (3) SNB. (4) Mandibular incisor-MP. (5) ANB. (6) Convexity angle. (7) MP-
SN. (8) PP-SN. (9) Gonial angle.

normally distributed. Thus, parametric tests were used (P 5 .609 and P 5 .176, respectively) (Table 1).
for statistical evaluations. A paired t-test was used to Mann-Whitney U-test showed no statistically signifi-
determine the differences within each group. Due to cant differences between the sexes in the measure-
abnormal distribution of male and female subjects in ments used except the SNA (degrees) and A-N perp
each group, a Mann-Whitney U-test was performed to (mm) values in the RME+FM group (P , .05).
determine potential differences by sex in both groups. In Therefore, data from male and female subjects were
addition, the Student’s t-test was applied to investigate pooled. The pretreatment measurements were com-
the differences between the two groups. pared, and no statistically significant difference was
present for the initial values of the groups (Table 2).
Descriptive statistics, including means and standard
The value of the coefficient of reliability was above deviations of T1 and T2 measurements and the results
0.90 (range 0.90–0.98) for all measurements. No of the paired t-test are presented in Tables 3 and 4,
statistically significant differences were found between respectively. The results of Student’s t-test are shown
groups in the chronologic ages and treatment periods in Table 5.

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 84, No 5, 2014


Figure 2. Linear measurements. (1) A-N perp. (2) Co-A. (3) Co-Gn. (4) Go-Me. (5) Wits. (6) LAFH (lower anterior face height). (7) TAFH (total
anterior face height). (8) TPFH (total posterior face height). (9) UL-EL. (10) LL-EL.

The changes in the RME+FM group were statisti- the FM group were statistically significant except for
cally significant except for the maxillary incisor-SN, the gonial angle and the Co-Gn and LL-E line distance
PP-SN, and gonial angles and the Co-Gn, UL-E line, measurements. In both groups, the measurements of
and LL-E line distance measurements. The changes in SNB and mandibular incisor-MP angles exhibited a
significant decrease, whereas some other measure-
Table 1. Means and Standard Deviations of Chronologic Age and ments showed a significant increase.
Treatment Period for Each Group, and the Results of Student’s t-Test Forward displacement of the maxilla and clockwise
RME+FMa FMa rotation of the mandible occurred in both groups, with
Mean SD Mean SD t Value P Value increases occurring especially in the vertical dimen-
Chronologic 14.67 1.28 14.47 .89 2.516 .609
sion. The mandibular incisors uprighted in both groups;
age, y however, while the maxillary incisors moved forward in
Treatment 9.10 1.15 8.44 1.48 21.386 .176 both groups they did so only with statistical signifi-
period, mo cance in the FM group. The upper lip moved forward in
FM indicates face mask; RME, rapid maxillary expansion. the FM group, while no statistically significant changes

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 84, No 5, 2014


Table 2. Initial Cephalometric Measurements of Class III Malocclusion Patients Treated With Face Mask (FM) With and Without Rapid
Maxillary Expansion (RME)
Mean SD Mean SD t Value P Value
Maxillary skeletal
SNA, degree 76.88 4.40 76.81 4.69 .043 .966
A-N perp, mm 25.45 4.19 24.91 3.83 2.379 .707
Co-A, mm 85.19 6.71 85.25 4.92 2.028 .978
Maxillary dental
Maxillary incisor-SN, degree 106.72 5.62 103.70 5.77 1.496 .145
Mandibular skeletal
SNB, degree 78.93 4.37 78.56 4.23 .242 .810
Co-Gn, mm 118.04 7.90 119.49 5.81 2.585 .563
Go-Me, mm 75.81 8.16 74.57 3.92 .535 .596
Mandibular dental
Mandibular incisor-MP, degree 84.91 7.74 85.13 6.27 2.088 .931
Maxillary-mandibular relationship
ANB, degree 22.05 2.00 21.77 2.68 2.345 .732
Convexity angle, degree 25.65 4.47 26.66 6.32 .525 .603
Wits, mm 27.62 3.96 25.81 2.51 21.516 .140
Vertical relationship
MP-SN, degree 37.26 6.01 35.11 7.50 .898 .377
PP-SN, degree 9.11 2.94 8.21 2.94 .857 .398
Gonial angle, degree 128.59 7.15 128.37 7.64 .082 .935
LAFH, mm 70.47 5.19 71.71 5.11 2.677 .503
TAFH, mm 125.08 6.47 126.59 6.27 2.666 .511
TPFH, mm 78.18 6.58 80.97 6.28 21.220 .232
Soft tissue
UL-E line, mm 27.63 2.34 28.69 2.65 1.200 .240
LL-E line, mm 23.97 2.47 25.15 2.84 1.253 .220

were observed in the lower lip in either group (Table 3 skeletal, dental, and soft tissue effects of FM treatment
and 4). with and without RME in young adult patients. In
According to Student’s t-test, no statistically signif- addition, this study has the oldest patient group treated
icant differences were found between the RME+FM with FM.
and FM groups, except for the maxillary incisor-SN In both groups, statistically significant increases in
angle (Table 5). SNA angle, A-N perpendicular, and Co-A distances
suggested the forward movement of the maxilla, which
DISCUSSION is a common result in a number of FM studies with or
Maxillofacial growth modification with FM is an without expansion.5,6,8,19–21 However, after a thorough
effective method for resolving maxillary deficiency in literature search, it is understood that the degree of
children and adolescents.6,13 FM has been widely used forward movement of the maxilla changes with age.
to treat hypoplastic maxilla in orthodontic clinics for the Kapust et al.5 stated that the SNA angle increased
last 40 years. However, maxillary expansion has been 3.71u, 1.98u, and 1.89u in the 4- to 7-, 7- to 10-, and
advocated and recommended as a routine procedure, 10- to 14-year-old age groups who were treated with
with FM, for skeletal Class III treatment in children or RME+FM, respectively. Takada et al.11 noted a
adolescents. For young adult patients who did not significant SNA angle increase in the 7- to 10-year-
accept orthognathic surgery, an alternative is to treat old (1.51u) and 10- to 12-year-old (2.04u) age groups,
them with dentoalveolar compensation. However, in whereas the 12- to 15-year-old age group showed a
young adult patients, there was no statistical evalua- less significant increase (0.94u). Cha22 reported that
tion of RME in conjunction with FM. the SNA angle increased in the prepubertal growth
Therefore, the aim of the present study was to peak group (2.18u with mean [SD] age 9.82 [1.50]
examine the skeletal, dental, and soft tissue effects of years), the pubertal growth peak group (2.03u with
FM treatment with and without associated RME. To mean [SD] age 11.31 [1.16] years), and the postpu-
our knowledge, this study is the first to compare the bertal growth peak group (0.53u with mean [SD] age

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 84, No 5, 2014


Table 3. Means and Standard Deviations of Pretreatment and Posttreatment Measurements and the Results of the Paired t-Test in the
RME+FMa Group
Pretreatment Posttreatment
Mean SD Mean SD t Value P Value
Maxillary skeletal
SNA, degree 76.81 4.69 77.83 4.89 26.019 .000
A-N perp, mm 24.91 3.83 23.77 3.94 27.112 .000
Co-A, mm 85.25 4.92 86.70 4.88 25.930 .000
Maxillary dental
Maxillary incisor- SN, degree 103.70 5.77 104.07 5.48 2.502 .624
Mandibular skeletal
SNB, degree 78.56 4.23 77.39 4.09 3.923 .002
Co-Gn, mm 119.49 5.81 119.53 5.58 2.163 .873
Go-Me, mm 74.57 3.92 74.79 3.88 24.172 .001
Mandibular dental
Mandibular incisor-MP, degree 85.13 6.27 81.49 7.65 5.272 .000
Maxillary-mandibular relationship
ANB, degree 21.77 2.68 0.47 2.45 27.057 .000
Convexity angle, degree 26.66 6.32 21.69 5.06 25.415 .000
Wits, mm 25.81 2.51 21.65 2.28 27.043 .000
Vertical relationship
MP-SN, degree 35.11 7.50 37.23 7.09 26.313 .000
PP-SN, degree 8.21 2.94 7.07 4.12 1.594 .133
Gonial angle, degree 128.37 7.64 128.47 7.71 2.621 .545
LAFH, mm 71.71 5.11 75.83 5.49 27.478 .000
TAFH, mm 126.59 6.27 129.49 5.87 26.802 .000
TPFH, mm 80.97 6.28 82.37 6.32 215.940 .000
Soft tissue
UL-E line, mm 28.69 2.65 28.15 2.78 21.206 .248
LL-E line, mm 25.15 2.84 24.97 3.44 2.402 .693
Face mask treatment with rapid maxillary expansion.

13.07 [1.43] years) after RME+FM treatment. Yavuz Downward and backward movement of the mandi-
et al.6 noted that SNA angles increased in adoles- ble is consistent with previous studies,5,6,15,19,22,23 and it
cents (2.31u with mean [SD] age 11.8 [0.8] years) improved the maxillomandibular skeletal relationship
more than in young adults (0.78u with mean [SD] age and the convexity of the profile.19 The maxillary
14.02 [0.63] years), when all subjects were treated incisors were more proclined in the FM group than
with FM. These results are very compatible with our the RME+FM group, which is the only difference
findings. In the present study, the SNA angle in- between the two groups. This difference may be
creased in both the RME+FM group (1.03u) and the explained by the expansive effect of the RME in the
FM group (0.95u). maxillary anterior segment. The mandibular incisors
Many authors5,6,11,19 advised that palatal plane retroclined spontaneously without any orthodontic
counterclockwise rotation occurs where the posterior intervention. We thought that the cause was soft
drops more than the anterior. Like changes with age in tissue pressure from the force exerted by the chin cup
the forward movement of the maxilla, Kapust et al.5 part of the FM.
showed that PP-SN angles decreased by 2.47u, 1.46u, Kilic et al.24 reported that Class III patients with
and 0.70u in the 4- to 7-, 7- to 10-, and 10- to 14-year- maxillary deficiency often have an anterior crossbite
old age groups, respectively. Yavuz et al.6 stated that with a concave facial profile, as observed in the
the PP-SN angle decreased more in adolescents present study. They stated that the concave soft tissue
(2.45u) more than in young adults (1.39u). In the profiles of the Class III subjects with maxillary
present study, this angle decreased in both the deficiency were corrected by anterior movement of
RME+FM group (1.14u) and the FM group (1.02u), in the maxilla and a concomitant increase in the fullness
accordance with previous studies. In addition, no of the upper lip in growing children (mean [SD] age
statistically significant difference was observed be- 12.69 [10.8] years), and that the upper lip protruded a
tween the two groups. mean 1.15 mm after use of FM. However, Yavuz et al.6

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 84, No 5, 2014


Table 4. Mean and Standard Deviation of Pretreatment and Posttreatment Measurements and the Results of the Paired t-Test in the Face
Mask (FM) Group
Pretreatment Posttreatment
Mean SD Mean SD t Value P Value
Maxillary skeletal
SNA, degree 76.88 4.40 77.83 4.36 24.102 .001
A-N Perp, mm 25.45 4.19 24.22 4.42 24.141 .001
Co-A, mm 85.19 6.71 86.38 7.31 22.766 .014
Maxillary dental
Maxillary incisor- SN, degree 106.72 5.62 109.56 5.97 25.326 .000
Mandibular skeletal
SNB, degree 78.93 4.37 77.56 4.44 5.314 .000
Co-Gn, mm 118.04 7.90 118.31 8.99 2.632 .536
Go-Me, mm 75.81 8.16 76.19 8.10 25.303 .000
Mandibular dental
Mandibular incisor-MP, degree 84.91 7.74 81.14 8.12 3.551 .003
Maxillary-mandibular relationship
ANB, degree 22.05 2.00 0.20 1.45 26.864 .000
Convexity angle, degree 25.65 4.47 21.27 3.29 28.168 .000
Wits, mm 27.62 3.96 24.13 3.78 27.414 .000
Vertical relationship
MP-SN, degree 37.26 6.01 38.60 6.30 23.520 .003
PP-SN, degree 9.11 2.94 8.08 2.60 2.983 .009
Gonial angle, degree 128.59 7.15 127.89 7.51 1.515 .149
LAFH, mm 70.47 5.19 73.76 5.94 29.633 .000
TAFH, mm 125.08 6.47 128.21 7.46 25.818 .000
TPFH, mm 78.18 6.58 79.55 6.57 23.389 .004
Soft tissue
UL-E line, mm 27.63 2.34 26.62 2.32 22.259 .038
LL-E line, mm 23.97 2.47 24.20 2.78 .399 .695

reported that UL-E distance decreased in adolescents malocclusion using FM. They observed more dental
(1.42 mm) more than in young adults (1.07 mm). As effects than skeletal effects, with only a 0.5u increase
can be seen, there is a relationship between forward in the SNA angle. However, the results of the present
movement of the maxilla and upper lip protrusion. In study showed that FM treatment with and without RME
addition, Yavuz et al.19 showed that UL-E distance led to significant dentoalveolar and mild skeletal
decreased both in the FM group (1.59 mm) and in changes, which affected many areas of the dentofacial
RME+FM group (0.97 mm) in adolescent patients. In complex, in young adult patients. Therefore, it can
the present study, UL-E distance decreased in both be stated that FM treatment may be considered
the RME+FM (0.54 mm) and FM (1.01 mm) groups, as an alternative to orthognathic surgery in young
in the studies above, and no statistically significant adult patients with nonsevere skeletal Class III
difference was observed between the two groups. malocclusion.
Yavuz et al.25 evaluated the changes in the maxillary There were some authors19,20,27 who have claimed
sutures as a result of FM treatment in a 16-year-old that the use of RME should be based on purely clinical
female patient by single photon emission computer- criteria rather than assisting the FM treatment in
ized tomography. They observed in measuring the adolescent and preadolescent patients. In the present
stimulated bone activity that there were significant study, in contrast to the many authors8,13–15 who
increases in both sides of the zygomaticomaxillary recommend the use of RME together with FM in
suture and the outer zygomaticomaxillary area and adolescent and preadolescent patients, no statistically
concluded that the determination of bone activity by significant difference was observed between the two
scintigraphic records at suture regions demonstrates groups, except in one parameter. This result may be
that FM treatment may be useful to obtain improved explained as follows: patient age is an important
facial esthetic and dental relation in nonsevere cases. determinant when considering the effects of RME on
Hamamci et al.26 presented a nonsurgical treatment of craniofacial structures, and RME treatment has been
a 16-year-old female patient with skeletal Class III found more effective in children than in adults.28–30

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 84, No 5, 2014


Table 5. The Results of Student’s t-Test Regarding the Differences Between Treatment Groups
Mean SD Mean SD t Value P Value
Maxillary skeletal
SNA, degree 0.95 0.96 1.03 0.66 2.250 .804
A-N perp, mm 1.22 1.22 1.14 0.62 .239 .813
Co-A, mm 1.18 1.76 1.45 0.94 2.518 .608
Maxillary dental
Maxillary incisor-SN, degree 2.84 2.20 0.37 2.88 2.741 .010
Mandibular skeletal
SNB, degree 21.36 1.06 21.17 1.15 2.507 .616
Co-Gn, mm 0.28 1.80 0.05 1.11 .427 .673
Go-Me, mm 0.38 0.29 0.22 0.20 1.730 .094
Mandibular dental
Mandibular incisor- MP, degree 23.77 4.38 23.63 2.67 2.105 .917
Maxillary-mandibular relationship
ANB, degree 2.25 1.35 2.24 1.23 .028 .978
Convexity angle, degree 4.38 2.21 4.97 3.56 2.572 .572
Wits, mm 3.49 1.94 4.17 2.29 2.907 .372
Vertical relationship
MP-SN, degree 1.34 1.57 2.12 1.30 21.515 .140
PP-SN, degree 21.02 1.41 21.14 2.77 .153 .880
Gonial angle, degree 20.70 1.91 0.09 0.58 21.547 .132
LAFH, mm 3.29 1.41 4.13 2.14 21.315 .198
TAFH, mm 3.12 2.21 2.91 1.66 .310 .758
TPFH, mm 1.36 1.66 1.40 0.34 2.081 .936
Soft tissue
UL-E line, mm 1.01 1.84 0.54 1.73 .735 .468
LL-E line, mm 20.23 2.37 0.18 1.73 2.551 .585
FM indicates face mask; RME, rapid maxillary expansion.

Difficulties of orthopedic movement in young adults CONCLUSIONS

and adults have been attributed to rigidity of facial
After use of FM with or without RME in young adults:
skeleton, ossification of the midpalatal suture, and the
rigidity of the articulation of the zygomatic complex N the maxilla moved forward and upward;
contiguous to the maxilla. Kanekawa and Shimizu31 N the mandible rotated downward and backward;
investigated age-related changes on bone regenera- N soft tissue changes produced a more convex profile,
tion during expansion of a midpalatal suture in rats of while dental changes also contributed to the correc-
different ages and demonstrated age-related de- tion; and
crease in bone regeneration after expansion of the N RME did not increase the effects of FM in young
suture in young adults and adults. However, there adults.
have been no clinical studies that show age-related
changes in bone regeneration capacity in maxillary
sutures during orthopedic movement like RME and/or REFERENCES
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Angle Orthodontist, Vol 84, No 5, 2014

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