Introduction To Linear Programming: EE 477 Optimization Techniques Fall 2017 Handout #4 Outline of The Handout
Introduction To Linear Programming: EE 477 Optimization Techniques Fall 2017 Handout #4 Outline of The Handout
Introduction To Linear Programming: EE 477 Optimization Techniques Fall 2017 Handout #4 Outline of The Handout
Updated 26 September 2017 10. Special Cases of LP solutions EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
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Mathematical programming is used to find the best or optimal
solution to a problem that requires a decision or set of
decisions about how best to use a set of limited resources to
variables, that is maximized or minimized maximization of a linear function subject to some linear
Objective function
• Linear inequalities
1. LP formulations are very common in modern Linear programming methods make it possible to
industry choose the best solution from many possible solutions.
2. Nice connection between Algebra and Geometry
3. Geometry (Graphical Solution) is not useful for An important factor in the widespread use of the LP
more than 3 variables techniques is the availability of very efficient computer
Remark: Remark:
In solving an LP, the constraints (except the non-negativity of the
variables), are transformed into equalities. Since Max f(x) = Min (-f(x)), then any maximization
An inequality of the form
problem may be replaced by a minimization problem by
ai1 x1 ai 2 x2 ... ai n xn bi
is replaced by changing "Max f(x)“ to "Min –f(x)".
ai1 x1 ai 2 x2 ... ai n xn si bi , si 0.
The new variable si is called a slack variable.
An inequality of the form Similarly, a minimization problem may be replaced by a
ai1 x1 ai 2 x2 ... ai n xn bi
is replaced by maximization problem by changing "Min f(x)" to
ai1 x1 ai 2 x2 ... ai n xn si bi , si 0
"Max –f(x)".
The new variable si is called a surplus variable.
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Standard Form of an LP Problem
Any linear program can be transformed into the following Standard Form of an LP Problem
standard form. Using compact vector notation, the standard problem
max (or min ) z c1 x1 c2 x2 cn xn
s.t. becomes Max (or Min) z cT x c0
a11 x1 a12 x2 a1n xn b1
a21 x1 a22 x2 a2 n xn b2
subject to:
am1 x1 am 2 x2 amn xn bm
x1 0, x2 0, , xn 0
Ax b and x 0 ( A is m n; x Rn )
b1 0, b2 0, , bm 0
where x is an n-dimensional column vector,
where the bi 's, ci 's and aij 's are fixed real constants, and
c is an n-dimensional column vector, A is an m by n
the xi 's are real numbers to be determined.
matrix and b is an m-dimensional column vector.
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Feasible solution - a vector x which satisfies the How to find the optimal point?
constraints of an LP. The set of feasible solutions is Randomly draw objective function line.
called the feasible set or feasible region. Push the line in the “direction of decrease” (if minimization
problem) or the “direction of increase” (if maximization
Optimal Solution: A feasible solution that makes the value
The last point that you encounter in the feasible region is
of the objective function an optimum (maximum or the optimal point
minimum) is called an optimal solution (maximizer,
minimizer). EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
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Interesting Facts Sensitivity Analysis
Rarely are the parameters in the objective function and constraints
The feasible region will have a finite number of
known with certainty.
extreme points – Usually parameters are just estimates which don’t reflect
Extreme points are the intersections of constraints uncertainties such as absenteeism or personal transfers in the
Stratton Company problem.
(including non-negativity)
– After solving the problem using these estimated values, the
analysts can determine how much the optimal values of the
Any linear program that has an optimal solution decision variables and the objective function value Z would
be affected if certain parameters had different values. This
has an extreme point that is optimal!!
type of post solution analysis for answering “what-if”
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi questions is called sensitivity analysis. EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
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A. Quadratic Functions
A function of n variables f(x1,x2,…..,xn) is called a quadratic form if
n n
2. Mathematical
f ( x1 , x 2 ,...., x n ) q ij x i x j x T Qx , where Q(nxn) = [qij] and
i 1 j 1
xT = (x1,x2,…..,xn).
Example 2: 2 1 0 x1 1 T
x Qx where qij
( pij p ji )
x1 x2 x3 1 2 1 x2 2(x1 ) 2
2x1x 2 2(x 2 ) 2 2 2
0 1 2 x3 Q is symmetric
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
– 2x 2 x 3 2(x 3 ) 2 EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
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Example 3: Example 4:
– Supose matrix P non-symmetric.
f ( x)
1 2
2x1 2x1x2 4x1x3 6x22 4x2 x3 5x32
Polynomial terms up to 2nd order:
2 2
2 2 4 f ( x1 , x2 , x3 ) 3 4 x2 2 x1 x2 x1 x3
1 T
f ( x) x Px, P 0 6 4
2 General form:
0 0 5 1 T
f ( x) x Ax bT x c
2 1 2 T T
1 T x1 2 4 0 x1 0 x1
x Qx , Q 1 6 2 1
2 x2 0 0 0 x2 4 x2 3
2 2 5 2
x3 0 0 2 x3 0 x3
Q is symmetric
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Example 5: B. The Hessian Matrix
1 0 0
x1 The second derivative of an n - variable function is defined
xT x1 x2 x3 A 0 1 0 x x2
0 0 1 x3
by the n2 partial derivatives:
1 0 0 x x1
T T 1
x Ax x ( Ax ) Ax 0 1 0 x2 x2 2
f (x) 2
f (x)
0 0 1 x3 x3 , i j, , i j.
xi x j xi2
F ( x) x Ax x ( Ax) x1 x2 x3 x2 x12 x22 x32
F ( x) x12 x22 x32
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f2 f2 f2
x12 x1 x2 x1 xn
2 2 2
f 15 3( x3 ) 2 6( x2 ) 2 6 x1 x3
f f f
H f x2 x1 x2 2 x2 xn
0 0 6 x3
H f 0 12 x2 0
f2 f2 f2
6 x3 0 6 x1
xn x1 xn x2 xn 2
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Example 7: Example 8:
f ( x) x1 x22 x2 cos x1 1 3 1 3
f ( x, y ) x y y2 xy
f f
2 2
x 12 x1 x 2 x 2 cos x 1 2x 2 sin x 1
f (x)
f f
2x 2 sin x 1 2x 1
3 2
x1 x 2 x 22 x y
f ( x, y )
Note: If the Hessian matrix of f(x) is a constant 3 2
y 2y x
matrix, f(x) is then quadratic, expressed as: 2
2 3x 1
T T H ( x, y ) f ( x, y )
f (x) 1
2 x Hx c x 1 3y 2
f (x) Hx c, f (x) H
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• H(x) is positive semi-definite if and only if xTHx ≥ 0 for all x and Test for positive definiteness:
there exists and x 0 such that xTHx = 0.
– Show that yTHy for all y (test #1)
• H(x) is negative semi-definite if and only if xTHx ≤ 0 for all x and – Or All the eigenvalues i of H are positive
A matrix Q is indefinite when xTQx > 0 for some x and < 0 for
A matrix is “negative definite” if all of its eigenvalues are
other x.
1 2
2 2
is indefinite. negative (< 0). We write M < 0.
Remark: Remark:
Principal minor of order k: A sub-matrix obtained by deleting any Let the matrix A be such that:
n-k rows and their corresponding columns from an n x n matrix a11 a12 a13
Q. A a21 a22 a23
1 2 3
Consider Q 4 5 6 a31 a32 a33
7 8 9
Principal minors of order 1 are diagonal elements 1, 5, and 9.
The leading principal submatrices of A are:
Principal minors of order 2 are 1 2 1 3 5 6
, and a11 a12 a13
4 5 7 9 8 9 a11 a12
Principal minor of order 3 is Q. [a11 ], , a21 a22 a23
a21 a22
Determinant of a principal minor is called principal determinant. a31 a32 a33
f x 2 (1 )x1 f (x 2 ) (1 ) f (x1 )
that is, if the line segment joining the two points lies entirely
below or on the graph of f(x).
f f
x1 αx1+(1-α)x2 x2 x1 x2
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f f
x1 αx1+(1-α)x2 x2 x1 x2
x1(1) x1( 2 )
x2(1) x2( 2 )
x1 and x 2
xn(1) xn( 2 )
and all , 0 1,
f x 2 (1 )x1 f (x 2 ) (1 ) f (x1 )
that is, if the segment joining the two points lies entirely above or on the
graph of f(x).
Example 17:
Strictly concave function
f(x) = ex
xa xb
d2 f
H ( x) ex 0 for all real values of x. Hence f(x) is strictly convex.
dx 2
f ( x) 0
Strictly convex function
xa Zribi
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Example 18: Example 19:
Determine whether the following function is convex or concave.
Determine whether the following function is convex or concave. f(x1,x2) = 2x13-6x22
f(x) = -8x2 2
f 2
x12 x1 x2 12 x1 0
H ( x)
f2 2
f 0 12
x1 x2 x22
d2 f
H ( x) 16 0 for all real values of x. Hence f(x) is strictly concave.
dx 2 2
12 x1 0 for x1 0 H(x) 144 x1 0 for x1 0
0 for x1 0
0 for x1 0
3x2 2 x1 2 3 24 x 2 18 x 1 18 24
f (x) and H( x )
f (x) and H( x ) 24 x 1 32x 2 24 32
3x1 6 x2 3 6
so |H1| = 18 and |H2| = 576 – 576 = 0
so |H1| = 2 and |H2| = 12 – 9 = 3
• Thus H is positive semi-definite (determinants of
Conclusion f (x) is strictly convex all submatrices are nonnegative) so f (x) is convex.
because H(x) is positive definite.
• Note, xTHx = 2(3x1 + 4x2)2 ≥ 0. For x1 = 4, x2 = 3,
we get xTHx = 0.
Thus f(x) is not convex although it is strictly convex near (1, 1).
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Example 24:
Here the principal minors are given by: f (x1, x2, x3) 3x12 2x22 x32 2x1x2 2x1x3 2x2x3 6x1 4x2 2x3
8 8 0
6x1 2x2 2x3 6 • H is a symmetric.
8 6
12 0 f (x1, x2, x3) 4x2 2x1 2x3 4 • All diagonal elements are positive.
6 6
2x3 2x1 2x2 2
8 6 1 • The leading principal determinants are
6 2 2
6 6 0 114 0 6 0 6 2
Hf (x1, x2, x3) 2 4 2 20 0
1 0 10 2 4
2 2 2
Hf 16 0
and hence the matrix H(x) is positive definite for all real values of • H is a positive-definite matrix, which implies f is convex function
x1, x2, x3. Therefore f(x) is strictly convex function.
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Example 25: f ( x ) 2 x12 3x1 x2 2 x22 Example 26:
f (x) 2
f (x) 2
f (x) f (x) = (x2 – x12)2 + (1 – x1)2
4 x1 3 x2 4 3
x1 x12 x1 x2
4 x2 12 x12 2 4 x1
f (x) 2
f (x) H( x )
3 x1 4 x2 4 4 x1 2
x2 x22
4 3 4 3 Thus the Hessian depends on the point under consideration:
H ( x) , 1 4, 2 7 10 4
3 4 3 4 At x = (1, 1), H(1,1)
4 2
which is positive definite.
4 3 2 2 0
eigenvalues: | I 2 H| 8 7 0 At x = (0, 1), H(0,1) which is indefinite.
3 4 0 2
1 1, 2 7. Hence, f (x) is strictly convex. Thus f(x) is not convex although it is strictly convex near (1, 1).
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Convex Sets
xa region non convex
A set S is convex set (or region) if for any two
region xb points in the set the line joining those two points
is also in the set.
A convex set of points exist if for any two points, xa S is a convex set if for any two vectors x(1) and
and xb, in a region, all points: x(2) in S, the vector x = λ x(1) +(1-λ) x(2) is also in
S for λ between 0 and 1.
x xa (1 )xb , 0 1
on the straight line joining xa and xb are in the set.
If a region is completely bounded by concave functions then
the functions form a convex region. EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
Non-convex set
Pts on line are not in
feasible region
C and D are extreme points
The feasible region for any linear program is a
A and B are not
convex set.
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min f x min f x1 , x2 ,
, xr Ci xi Convex function
x i 1
s.t. gi x 0 i 1, ,m subject to
in which a ji xi bj j 1, 2, ,m
Convex i 1
(a) f x is a convex function, and region r
a ji xi bj j m 1, m 2, ,p
(b) each inequality constraint is a convex function i 1
xi 0 i 1, 2, ,r
(so the constraints form a convex set).
A local minimum is a global minimum.
The minimum must lie at the intersection
The local minimum of f x is also the global minimum! of several constraints, but not in the interior
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
of the convex region. EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
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14 –
12 –
10 – (0, 8)
8– 2x+3y > 6
6– 2x+3y < 6
4x1 + 6x2 ≤ 48 1
4– x
(0,0) 1.5 3 4.5
2– (12, 0)
0– | | | | | | | | |
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
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Step 1: Replace the inequality sign with an equal sign, and
sketch the graph of the corresponding equation, e.g., x = – 2
The solutions of x > –2 are The solutions of y 3 are
points lying to the right of x points lying below (or on)
Step 2: Test one points in each of the regions formed by the = –2 (A dashed line is used the line of y = 3 (A solid
graph in step 1. If the point satisfies the inequality, then shade for > or <) line is used for or )
Notes: The corresponding equation separates the plane into two regions, and one
the entire region to denote that every point in the region of the following two statements is true
satisfies the inequality (1) All points in the region are solutions of inequality
(2) No points in the region are solutions of the inequality
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x y 2
x 2
y 3
Notes: For complicated regions, two border lines could
Solution: intersect at a point that is not a vertex of the solution region
Vertex A(–2, –4): the intersection of x – y = 2 and x = –2
Vertex B(5, 3): the intersection of x – y = 2 and y = 3
Vertex C(–2, 3): the intersection of x = –2 and y = 3
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A feasible solution is
located in the feasible
Feasible Solution: region.
A feasible solution is a solution for which all the An infeasible solution
is outside the feasible
constraints are satisfied. region.
Infeasible Solution:
An infeasible solution is a solution for which
at least one constraint is violated.
Feasible Region:
The feasible region is the collection of all
feasible solutions. EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
8. Steps for Solving LP
(4,3) Problems using the
The modified problem has multiple optimal
solution, two of these optimal solutions ,
(2,6) and (4,3), are CPF solutions.
Graphical Method
Graphical Method
4 12 20
x1 x2 20
x1 x 2 20
x1 0 4 12 20
4 12 20
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi x2 0EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
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x1 0 4 12 20
20 20
10 10
4 12 20 4 12 20
Z = 25x1 + 20x2
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
Z = 25x1 + 20x2 EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
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20 20
optimal solution:
(20/3, 40/3)
z = 433 1/3
Z = 25x1 + 20x2
10 10
Z = 25x1 + 20x2
4 12 20 4 12 20
4 12 20
Example 44:
Step 1: Model Coordinate Axes
Using the Graphical Method, find the solution of the
following maximization problem:
maximize Z=$40x1 + 50x2
subject to
1x1 + 2x2 40 hours of labor
4x1 + 3x2 120 pounds of clay
maximize Z= 40x1 + 50x2 x 1, x 2 0
subject to
1x1 + 2x2 40 (hours of labor)
4x2 + 3x2 120 ( pounds of clay)
x1, x2 0
Step 4: Draw the Area Common to both constraints Step 5: Identify the Feasible Solution Area
Step 8: Draw the Optimal Solution Step 9: Identify the Optimal Solution Coordinates
x2 = 2 4
- Plot the graph of x2 - x1 = 1
x2 = 0 6
Step 2:
2) Determination of the optimum solution from among
all the feasible points in the solution space:
- After finding out all the feasible half-spaces of all
the 6 equations, feasible region is obtained by the
line segments joining all the corner points A, B, C, D, E
and F
- Any point within or on the boundary of the
solution space ABCDEF is feasible as it satisfies all the
- Feasible region ABCDEF consists of infinite number of
feasible points
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- To find optimum solution identify the direction in which the - Values of x1 and x2 associated with optimum corner point
maximum profit increases , that is z = 5x1 + 4x2 C are determined by solving the equations
- Thus in this way the optimum solution occurs at corner point - So daily product mix of 3 tons of exterior paint and 1.5 tons
C which is the point in the solution space of interior paint produces the daily profit of $21,000 .
8 x 0
Graph the constraints: 6
4 y 0
2x y 8 2
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 2 4 6 8 10
x y 4 -2
x 0, y 0 -6
Max z 3x 2 y
Max z 3x 2 y
subject to : 2 x y 8
subject to : 2 x y 8
x y 4
x y 4
x 0, y 0
x 0, y 0
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2x y 8
x y 4
Max z 3x 2 y Max z 3x 2 y
subject to : 2 x y 8 subject to : 2 x y 8
x y 4 x y 4
x 0, y 0 x 0, y 0
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In LP, on one side of the line all points are feasible (i.e. they 700
satisfy the constraint) and on the other side all points are not
feasible. For instance take the point (0,0). The point x1 =0 and
x2 =0 satisfy the above constraint [7/10 * (0) + (0) is less than
300 C1
630]. Thus all points that are on the side of the line containing
this point will also satisfy this constraint. We put a red arrow to
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Constraint 2 (C2): Arbitrarily, let x2 =0. Then x1 =1200. Therefore a 2nd point
1/2 x1 + 5/6 x2 ≤ 600 on this line is (1200, 0). Connect the points (0, 720) and
In order to graph a line we need two points that fall on the (1200,0) to draw this line.
line. Arbitrarily, let x1 =0. Then 1/2 (0) + 5/6 x2 =600.
Solving this equation for x2 gives x2 =720. Therefore one Determine the Feasible Side of the Line:
point on this line is (0, 720).
Use the point (0,0) as a test point. Since x1 =0 and x2 =0
satisfies the above constraint [1/2 * (0) + 5/6 (0) is less than
Arbitrarily, let x2 =0. Then x1 =1200. Therefore a 2nd point
600]. Thus all points on the side containing the point (0,0)
on this line is (1200, 0). Connect the points (0, 720) and
will satisfy this constraint. We put a red arrow to indicate
(1200,0) to draw this line.
the feasible side of the line.
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Constraint 3 (C3):
1 x1 + 2/3 x2 ≤ 708
In order to graph a line we need two points that fall on the line.
Arbitrarily, let x1 =0. Then x2 =1062. Therefore one point on this line is
(0, 1062).
Arbitrarily, let x2 =0. Then x1 =708. Therefore a 2nd point on this
500 C2
line is (708, 0). Connect the points (0, 1062) and (708,0) to draw this line.
Using our test point point (0,0), we find that x1 =0 and x2 =0 satisfies the
100 above constraint [1 * (0) + 2/3 (0) is less than 708]. Thus all points on the
0 side containing the point (0,0) will satisfy this constraint. We put a red
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
arrow to indicate the feasible side of the line.
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Constraint 4 (C4):
1/10 x1+ 1/4 x2 ≤ 135
Arbitrarily, let x1 =0. Then x2 =540. Therefore one point on this line is (0, 540).
Arbitrarily, let x2 =0. Then x1 =1350. Therefore a 2nd point on this line is (1350, 0).
Connect the points (0, 540) and (1350,0) to draw this line.
400 Using our test point (0,0), we find that x1 =0 and x2 =0 satisfies the above constraint
C1 [1 * (0) + 2/3 (0) is less than 708]. Thus all points on the side containing the point
(0,0) will satisfy this constraint. We put a red arrow to indicate the feasible side of
the line.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
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Non-negativity Constraints
feasible region).
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
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1200 After graphing each of the constraints and their feasible
sides individually, we must determine all points on the
800 coordinates which satisfy all constraints. These points
C1 make up the feasible region.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
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The feasible region is colored red. Extreme Points and the Optimal Solution
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
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Extreme Points and the Optimal Solution The feasible region and the extreme points
Optimal point occurs on the objective function line
corresponding to the optimal objective function 1200
value 1000
have to evaluate all feasible solution points. 600
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
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Drawing an Objective Function Line The feasible region and the extreme points
1. Randomly select a point in the feasible region.
2. Substitute the coordinates of this point into the objective function 1200
For this example 600
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Finding the Direction of Increase Finding the Direction of Increase
(for Maximization problems) (For Minimization problems)
Maximization problem: Finding the direction of increase Minimization problem: Finding the direction of decrease
1. Let c1= the coefficient of x1 in the objective function. 1. Let c1= - (the coefficient of x1 in the objective function).
2. Let c2= the coefficient of x2 in the objective function. 2. Let c2= - (the coefficient of x2 in the objective function).
3. Plot the point (c1, c2) on the graph. 3. Plot the point (c1, c2) on the graph.
4. Draw an arrow from the origin (the point x1=0, x2=0) to the point 4. Draw an arrow from the origin (the point x1=0, x2=0) to the point
(c1,c2). This is the direction of increase. Push the objective (c1, c2). This is the direction of decrease. Push the objective
function in this direction until you encounter the last point in the function in this direction until you encounter the last point in the
feasible region. This point is optimal. feasible region. This point is optimal.
Finding the direction of increase for this example Finding the direction of increase for this example
Maximize 10 x1 + 9 x2
600 Direction of Increase
increase. x1
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The optimal solution of the example
The optimal solution of the example
Constraint 1: 7/10 x1 + x2= 630
Constraint 3: 1 x1 + 2/3 x2 = 708
Find the point where these two lines intersect.
Solve the first equation for x2: => x2= 630-7/10 x1
The optimal point is formed by Substitute the above equation for x2 in the 2nd equation.
400 the intersection of Constraint 1
and Constraint 3. x1 + 2/3(630-7/10 x1)=708
Solving the above equation for x1 gives, x1 = 540. Thus
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 x2= 630-7/10 (540)= 252.
x1 The optimal point denoted x1*=540, x2*=252.
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3T + 4C = 2400 2T + 1C = 1000
600 600
> 2400 hrs
Intercepts Intercepts
(T = 0, C = 600) (T = 0, C = 1000)
(T = 800, C = 0) Feasible (T = 500, C = 0)
< 2400 hrs
0 800 T 0 500 800 T
1000 C
Max Chair Line
Objective Function
C = 450 Line
7T + 5C = Profit
Optimal Point
600 400 (T = 320, C = 360)
Min Table Line
T = 100 300
Feasible 200
0 100
0 100 500 800 T
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211 0 100 200 300 400 500 T 212
Example 49: Dorian Auto
Additional New optimal point
Constraint 500 T = 300, C = 375 Dorian Auto manufactures luxury cars and trucks.
Need at least 75 more The company believes that its most likely customers
chairs than tables 400 T = 320
C = 360
are high-income women and men.
C > T + 75
No longer
feasible To reach these groups, Dorian Auto has embarked on
C – T > 75 an ambitious TV advertising campaign and will
purchase 1-mimute commercial spots on two type of
100 programs: comedy shows and football games.
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0 100 200 300 400 500 T
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Each comedy commercial is seen by 7 million high income
women and 2 million high-income men and costs $50,000. Dorian must decide how many comedy and football ads should be
purchased, so the decision variables are
Each football game is seen by 2 million high-income women
– x1 = number of 1-minute comedy ads
and 12 million high-income men and costs $100,000.
– x2 = number of 1-minute football ads
Dorian Auto would like for commercials to be seen by at least Dorian wants to minimize total advertising cost.
28 million high-income women and 24 million high-income Dorian’s objective functions is
men. min z = 50 x1 + 100x2
Dorian faces the following the constraints
Use LP to determine how Dorian Auto can meet its
– Commercials must reach at least 28 million high-income
advertising requirements at minimum cost. women. (7x1 + 2x2 ≥ 28)
– Commercials must reach at least 24 million high-income men.
(2x1 + 12x2 ≥ 24)
– The sign restrictions are necessary, so x1, x2 ≥ 0.
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
215 216
The Dorian LP has a convex feasible region. To solve this LP graphically begin by graphing the feasible
z = 600
region. 2
4 6 8 10
12 14 X1
Since Dorian wants to minimize total advertising costs, Ozark farms uses at least 800 Ib of special feed is a mixture of
corn and soybean meal with the following compositions:
the optimal solution to the problem is the point in the
feasible region with the smallest z value.
An isocost line with the smallest z value passes through
point E and is the optimal solution at x1 = 3.4 and x2 =
The dietary requirement of the special feed are at least 30%
Both the high-income women and high-income men protein and at most 5% fiber.
Ozark Farms wishes to determine the daily minimum- cost
constraints are satisfied, both constraints are binding.
feed mix.
Crop-quick 4 3
x1, x2 0 (nonnegativity constraint)
Graphical Solution
Example 53:
Minimize z = 2x1 + 3x2
Subject to x1 + 3 x2 15
Min Z = 6x1 + 3x2 + 0s1 + 0s2
subject to 2 x1 + 2 x2 20
2x1 + 4x2 - s1 = 16
4x1 + 3x2 - s2 = 24 3 x1 + 2 x2 24
x 1, x 2, s 1, s 2 0
x1, x2 0
(0,12) Optimum = 22.5 at (7.5, 2.5) Galaxy manufactures two toy models:
z = 26 – Space Ray.
z = 30
– Zapper.
z= 36
Resources are limited to
z = 39
(4,6) – 1200 pounds of special plastic.
z = 42
– 40 hours of production time per week.
z = 22.5
Minimum at (7.5,2.5) (15,0) EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
EE 477 Dr. M ohamed Zribi
237 238
600 600
A (0,600)
Production mix
Production Feasible B
(480,240) x1-x2 < 450
Time C
Feasible (550,100)
•To determine the value for x1 and x2 at the optimal point, the two equations
of the binding constraint must be solved.
By Compensation on :
The plastic constraint: Max 8x1 + 5x2
2x1+x2 < 1200 (x1, x2) Objective fn
x1= 480
(0,0) 0
x2= 240
(450, 0) 3600
(480, 240) 5040
Production Production mix (550, 100) 4900
Time constraint:
x1-x2 < 450 (0,600) 3000
3X1+4X2 < 2400
The maximum profit (5040) will be by producing:
Space Rays = 480 dozens, Zappers = 240 dozens
X1-X2=450 x1= 550
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
x2= 100 EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
247 248
It could be find the range of optimality for an
The plastic constraint:
The < 1200
Plastic constraint objectives function coefficient by determining the
Total production constraint: range of values that gives a slope of the objective
x1+x2 < 800
function line between the slopes of the binding
Production Infeasible
Production mix
3x1+4x < 2400
(200, 200) (550,100)
x1-x2 < 450
* (300,0) *
600 800
Boundary point
point EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
point EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
249 250
The binding constraints are: To find the range of optimality for Space Rays, and
3.75 ≤ c1≤ 10
Range of optimality for C2 is found by sloving the
following for C2:
-2/1 ≤ -8/c2 ≤ -3/4
4 ≤ c2≤ 10.667
y x + y ≤ 1200 1500
Maximize 3x 2y Optimum x ≤ 500
8 solution
Subject to x 3y 12
x ≥ 0, 1000
x y 8
2x y 10 500
x≥ 0
x 0
y 0 4
3 Feasible set (0,0) 500 1000 1500
x + y ≤ 1200
*(6, 2) x ≤ 500
Figure The feasible solution space and extreme points Figure Optimal solution point
Example 60:
Maximize z=8x1+5x2
Maximize z = 2x1 + x2
Subject to
2x1+x2 400
Optimum =1800 Subject to x1 + x2 ≤ 40
x1 150
at (100,200) 4 x1 + x2 ≤ 100
(0,200) x2 200
x1, x2 ≥ 0
x1,x2 0
Maximize z = 2x1 + x2
Optimum = 60 at (20, 20) Subject to: x2 10
2 x1 5 x2 60
z maximum at x1 x2 18
3 x1 x2 44
x1 , x2 0
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
269 270
Example 62:
Find the maximum value of z = 3x + 2y subject to the
z is maximum at (13, 5) constraints listed below
x 0
Max z = 31 y 0
x 2y 4
x y 1
z = 28 At (0, 0): z = 3(0) + 2(0) = 0
At (1, 0): z = 3(1) + 2(0) = 3
(0,10) (10,8) [1] At (2, 1): z = 3(2) + 2(1) = 8 (maximum value of z)
z = 20 (13,5) At (0, 2): z = 3(0) + 2(2) = 4
z = 10 z = 31
※ Try testing some interior points in the
(14.6,0) region. You will see that corresponding
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi [2] EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
value of z are less than 8
z=4 [4] [3] 271 272
Why the maximum value of the objective function must occur
Example 63:
at a vertex? Solving a linear programming problem
Consider to rewrite the objective function in the form Find the maximum value of z = 4x + 6y, where x 0 and y
0, subject to the constraints
3 z x y 11
y x
2 2 x y 27
Sol: 2 x 5 y 90
※ First, the above equation represents a
family of parallel lines given different At (0, 0): z = 4(0) + 6(0) = 0
values of z, each of slope to be –3/2 At (0, 11): z = 4(1) + 6(11) = 66
※ Second, if you want to find the
At (5, 16): z = 4(5) + 6(16) = 116
maximum value of z for the shaded
region, it is equivalent to find the line At (15, 12): z = 4(15) + 6(12) = 132
with the largest y-intercept At (27, 0): z = 4(27) + 6(0) = 108
※ Finally, it is clear that such a line will
So the maximum value of z is 132, and
EE 477 pass Zribi
Dr. Mohamed through one (or more) of the
this occurs when x = 15 and y = 12
vertexes of the region 273
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
Example 64:
Find the minimum value of the objective function
z = 5x + 7y, At (0, 2): z = 5(0) + 7(2) = 14
where x 0 and y 0, subject to the constraints At (0, 4): z = 5(0) + 7(4) = 28
2x 3 6 At (1, 5): z = 5(1) + 7(5) = 40
3 x y 15 At (6, 3): z = 5(6) + 7(3) = 51
At (5, 0): z = 5(5) + 7(0) = 25
x y 4
At (3, 0): z = 5(3) + 7(0) = 15
2x 5 y 27
So the minimum value of z is 14, and
this occurs when x = 0 and y = 2
• Trying different solutions, the optimal solution will be: • If the objective function happens to be parallel to one of the
x1 = 270 edges of the feasible region, any point along this edge
between the two extreme points may be an optimal solution
x2 = 75 that maximizes the objective function. When this occurs, there
• This indicates that maximum income of $4335 is obtained by is no unique solution, but there is an infinite number of
producing 270 units of product I and 75 units of product II. optimal solutions.
• In this solution, all the raw material and available time are used,
because the optimal point lies on the two constraint lines for these
resources. • The graphical method of solution may be extended to a case
in which there are three variables. In this case, each constraint
• However, 1500- [4(270) + 5(75)], or 45 ft2 of storage space, is not
is represented by a plane in three dimensions, and the feasible
used. Thus the storage space is not a constraint on the optimal
solution; that is, more products could be produced before the
region bounded by these planes is a polyhedron.
company ran out of storage space. Thus this constraint is said to be
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
283 284
Example 68: The Reddy Mikks Problem
A market survey has established that the daily demand for the
The Reddy Mikks company owns a small paint factory that produces interior paint cannot exceed that of exterior paint by more than
both interior and exterior house paints for wholesale distribution.
1 ton. The survey also showed that the maximum demand for
Two basic raw materials, A and B, are used to manufacture the
paints. the interior paint is limited to 2 tons daily.
The maximum availability of A is 6 tons a day; that of B is 8 tons a
day. The daily requirements of the raw materials per ton of interior
The wholesale price per ton is $3000 for exterior paint and
and exterior paints are summarized in the following table.
$2000 per interior paint. How much interior and exterior paint
Tons of Raw Material per Ton of Paint
Raw Material A
Maximum Availability (tons)
should the company produce daily to maximize gross income?
Raw Material B 2 1 8
A solution is any specification of
XE = Tons of exterior paint to be produced values for the decision variables.
XI = Tons of interior paint to be produced Constraint 2: 2XE + XI 8
A feasible Solution is a solution
Constraint 3: -XE + XI 1 for which all the constraints are
Thus, the LP formulation of the Reddy-Mikks Company is as follows:
The feasible region is the set of
all feasible solutions.
Maximize z = 3XE + 2XI Notice that the feasible region is
Constraint 4: XI 2 convex
Subject to:
XE + 2XI 6 (1) (availability of raw material A)
2XE + XI 8 (2) (availability of raw material B) Constraint 1: XE + 2XI 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 E
Point 1: XE =2, XI = 0: Z = 6 EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
289 290
Resource availability:
40 hours of labor per day Resource Constraints:
120 pounds of clay 1x1 + 2x2 40 hours of labor
4x1 + 3x2 120 pounds of clay
Decision Variables:
x1=number of bowls to Non-negativity Constraints:
produce/day x1 0; x2 0
x2= number of mugs to Complete Linear Programming Model:
produce/day maximize Z=$40x1 + 50x2
subject to
Objective function 1x1 + 2x2 40
maximize Z = $40x1 + 50x2 4x2 + 3x2 120
where Z= profit per day xEE1477
, x2Dr. Mohamed
0 Zribi
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
291 292
Feasible/Infeasible Solutions Slack Variables
A feasible solution does not violate any of the constraints:
Example x1= 5 bowls Standard form requires that all constraints be in the form of
x2= 10 mugs equations.
Z = $40 x1 + 50x2= $700
Labor constraint check:
1(5) + 2(10) = 25 < 40 hours, within constraint A slack variable is added to a constraint to convert it to an
Clay constraint check: equation (=).
4(5) + 3(10) = 70 < 120 pounds, within constraint
An infeasible solution violates at least one of the constraints: A slack variable represents unused resources.
Example x1 = 10 bowls
x2 = 20 mugs
A slack variable contributes nothing to the objective function
Z = $1400
Labor constraint check:
1(10) + 2(20) = 50 > 40 hours, violates constraint
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
293 294
Example 70:
The owner of Black Angus Ranch of Australia is trying to determine the correct
mix of two types of beef feed, A and B, which cost 50 cents and 75 cents per.
maximize Z=40x1 + 50x2 + 0s1 + 0s2
subject to pound, respectively. Five essential ingredients are contained in the feed, as
1x1 + 2x2 + s1 = 40 shown in the table below, which also indicates the minimum daily requirements
4x2 + 3x2 + s2 = 120 of each ingredient:
x1,x2,s1,s2 = 0
where x1 = number of bowls
x2 = number of mugs Ingredient Feed A(%) Feed B (%) Min. Daily
s1, s2 are slack variables Requirement
1 .20 .25 30
2 .30 .10 50
3 0 .30 20
4 .24 .15 60
5 .10 .20 40
Find the least-cost daily blend for the ranch; that is, how many pounds of deed A and feed B will be
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
included in the mix? (Solve graphically). EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
295 296
Solution: Minimum ingredient
Requirement Coef.:
Two decision variables: how much of each
type to be mixed? Percentage in
Ingrel. A B Min. requmt
Let: 1 20% 25% 30
x1-amount of type A to be mixed.
2 30% 10% 50
x2-amount of type B to be mixed.
Objective Function:
3 0% 30% 20
Minimize - Total cost. Given: 4 24% 15% 60
C1 = 50, C2 = 75 5 10% 20% 40
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
297 298
Objective function Min z = 50x1+75x2 500
Sub. to: 400
0.20x1+0.25x2 ≥ 30
0.30x1+0.10x2 ≥ 50 B
products. The material requirements per ton are shown below. Material 1 20 tons
Material 2 5 tons
Product Material 1 Material 2 Material 3
Material 3 21 tons
Fuel additive 2/5 0 3/5 If the contribution to profit is $40 for each ton of fuel additive
and $30 for each ton of solvent base, how many tons of each
Solvent base 1/2 1/5 3/10 product should be produced in order to maximize profit?
Max 40x1 + 30 x2
The constraint for material 3 is Subject to (s.t.)
3/5 x1 + 3/10 x2 ≤ 21 2/5 x1 + ½ x2 ≤ 20 Material 1
1/5 x2 ≤5 Material 2
3/5 x1 + 3/10 x2 ≤ 21 Material 3
Finally, since the decision variables can not be negative, we add non- x1, x2 ≥ 0
negativity constraints
x1 ≥ 0 and x2 ≥ 0 (Now, let’s look for a graphical solution.)
5 10 15 20 x1 315 316
Example 73: Giapetto’s Woodcarving
Each week Giapetto can obtain:
Giapetto’s, Inc., manufactures wooden soldiers and trains. – All needed raw material.
– Each soldier built:
– Only 100 finishing hours.
• Sell for $27 and uses $10 worth of raw materials.
• Increase Giapetto’s variable labor/overhead costs by $14. – Only 80 carpentry hours.
• Requires 2 hours of finishing labor. Demand for the trains is unlimited.
• Requires 1 hour of carpentry labor.
At most 40 soldiers are bought each week.
– Each train built:
• Sell for $21 and used $9 worth of raw materials. Giapetto wants to maximize weekly profit (revenues – costs).
• Increases Giapetto’s variable labor/overhead costs by $10. Formulate a mathematical model of Giapetto’s situation that can be
• Requires 1 hour of finishing labor. used to maximize weekly profit.
• Requires 1 hour of carpentry labor.
Giapetto’s weekly profit can be expressed in terms of the decision
The Giapetto solution model incorporates the characteristics shared
variables x1 and x2:
by all linear programming problems.
Weekly profit =
– Decision variables should completely describe the decisions to
weekly revenue – weekly raw material costs – the weekly
be made.
variable costs = 3x1 + 2x2
• x1 = number of soldiers produced each week
• x2 = number of trains produced each week Thus, Giapetto’s objective is to chose x1 and x2 to maximize
– The decision maker wants to maximize (usually revenue or weekly profit. The variable z denotes the objective function value
profit) or minimize (usually costs) some function of the of any LP.
decision variables. This function to maximized or minimized is Giapetto’s objective function is
called the objective function. Maximize z = 3x1 + 2x2
• For the Giapetto problem, fixed costs do not depend upon
The coefficient of an objective function variable is called an
the the values of x1 or x2.
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
objective function coefficient. EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
319 320
As x1 and x2 increase, Giapetto’s objective function grows larger. The coefficients of the decision variables in the constraints are
called the technological coefficients. The number on the right-
For Giapetto, the values of x1 and x2 are limited by the following hand side of each constraint is called the constraint’s right-hand
three restrictions (often called constraints): side (or rhs).
To complete the formulation of a linear programming problem,
– Each week, no more than 100 hours of finishing time may be
the following question must be answered for each decision
used. (2 x1 + x2 ≤ 100) variable.
– Each week, no more than 80 hours of carpentry time may be – Can the decision variable only assume nonnegative values,
used. (x1 + x2 ≤ 80) or is the decision variable allowed to assume both positive
and negative values?
– Because of limited demand, at most 40 soldiers should be • If the decision variable can assume only nonnegative
produced. (x1 ≤ 40) values, the sign restriction xi ≥ 0 is added.
• If the variable can assume both positive and negative
values, the decision variable xi is unrestricted in sign
(often abbreviated urs).
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
321 322
For the Giapetto problem model, combining the sign restrictions x1 Since the Giapetto LP has two variables, it may be solved
≥ 0 and x2 ≥ 0 with the objective function and constraints yields the graphically.
following optimization model: The feasible region is the set of all points satisfying the
2 x1 + x2 ≤ 100 (finishing constraint)
Max z = 3x1 + 2x2 (objective function)
x1 + x2 ≤ 80 (carpentry constraint)
Subject to (s.t.) x1 ≤ 40 (demand constraint)
2 x1 + x2 ≤ 100 (finishing constraint) x1 ≥ 0 (sign restriction)
x1 + x2 ≤ 80 (carpentry constraint) x2 ≥ 0 (sign restriction)
x1 ≤ 40 (constraint on demand for soldiers)
x1 ≥0 (sign restriction)
x2 ≥ 0 (sign restriction)
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
323 324
The set of points satisfying the Giapetto LP is bounded by
the five sided polygon DGFEH. Any point on or in the Having identified the feasible region for the Giapetto LP,
interior of this polygon (the shade area) is in the feasible a search can begin for the optimal solution which will be
region. the point in the feasible region with the largest z-value.
To find the optimal solution, graph a line on which the
points have the same z-value. In a max problem, such a
demand constraint
z = 100
carpentry constraint
z = 180
z = 60
10 20 40 50 60 80 X1
Example 74:
A constraint is binding if the left-hand and right-hand side of
the constraint are equal when the optimal values of the decision
variables are substituted into the constraint. RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS
– In the Giapetto LP, the finishing and carpentry Labor Clay Revenue
PRODUCT (hr/unit) (lb/unit) ($/unit)
constraints are binding. Bowl 1 4 40
A constraint is nonbinding if the left-hand side and the right- Mug 2 3 50
Subject to: 40 –
x1 + 2x2 40 hr (labor constraint) 4 x1 + 3 x2 120 lb
Revenue = $1,360 0– | | | | | |
10 20 30 40 50 60 x1
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
329 330
x1 + 2x2 = 40
4x1 + 3x2 = 120
40 – 4 x + 3 x 120 lb 4x1 + 8x2 = 160
x1 = 0 bowls
1 2
-4x1 - 3x2 = -120 x2 x2 = 20 mugs
x1 = 224 bowls
30 – 5x2 = 40 Z = $1,000
40 – x2 = 8 mugs
x2 = 8 x1 = 30 bowls
Z = $1,360
20 – 30 – x2 = 0 mugs
x1 + 2 x2 40 hr x1 + 2(8) = 40
20 – A
Z = $1,200
x1 = 24
10 –
8 10 –
x1 B
0– | | 24 | |
0– | | | C|
10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 x1
Z = $50(24) + $50(8) = $1,360
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
331 332
Example 75:
40 –
4x1 + 3x2 120 lb
10 – B subject to
2x1 + 4x2 16 lb of nitrogen
x1 + 2x2 40 hr
4x1 + 3x2 24 lb of phosphate
0– | | | C |
10 20 EE 477 30 40 x1, x2 0
Dr. Mohamed Zribi x1
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
333 334
14 –
x1 = 0 bags of Gro-plus
12 – x2 = 8 bags of Crop-fast
Z = $24
10 –
Product 1: An 8-foot glass door with aluminum framing Number of hours of production time available per week in Plant 1 for the new
Product 2: A 4x6 foot double-hung wood framed window products: 4
Each product will be produced in batches of 20. The production rate is defined as the Number of hours of production time available per week in Plant 2 for the new
number of batches produced per week.
products: 12
The company wants to know what the production rate should be in order to maximize Number of hours of production time available per week in Plant 3 for the new
their total profit, subject to the restriction imposed by the limited production capacities
available in the 3 plants. products: 18
Number of hours of production time used in Plant 1 for each batch produced of
Product 2: 0
Number of hours of production time used in Plant 2 for each batch produced of
Product 2: 2
Number of hours of production time used in Plant 3 for each batch produced of
Product 2: 2
Thus, x1 and x2 are the decision variables for the model. Using the data of Table
3.1, we obtain
Shaded area shows values of (x1, x2) Shaded area shows values of (x1, x2) , The value of (x1, x2) that maximize 3x1 + 5x2 is (2, 6)
allowed by x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0, x1 ≤ 4 EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribicalled
feasible region EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
343 344
Special Cases
It is infeasible.
We note that the (unique) optimum solution occurs at
one of the “corners” of the set of all feasible points.
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
347 348
Special Cases Special Case #1: Infinite Number of Optimal Solutions
• Some LPs have no feasible solution (infeasible LPs). entire line segment corresponding to a binding constraint.
• Some LPs are unbounded: There are points in the feasible Infinite Number of Optimal Solutions occur when
region with arbitrarily large z-values (in a maximization isoprofit/isocost line is parallel to one of the binding
problem) or arbitrarily small z-values (in a minimization constraints.
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
349 350
Example 77: Infinite Number of Optimal Solutions Example 78: Infinite Number of Optimal Solutions
Any point (solution)
Feasible Region
AE will yield an optimal
solution with the same E
objective value z = 100
z = 120
z = 60
10 20 30 40 50 X1
(100,200) x1 150
x1 150 (0,200)
Subject to: z maximum x2 200
x2 200 =2000 at
z=600 z=1500
2 x1 x2 400 (150,100) x1,x2 0
x1 , x2 0 z=2000
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
z=400 (150,0) EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
Objective function is
(30,20) parallel to a constraint
maximize Z=40x1 + 30x2
All points on this line from subject to
1x1 + 2x2 40
(30,20) onwards are 4x1 + 3x2 120
Optimal solutions. x1, x2 0
Max z = 6 x1 4 x2
x1 4
z1 z2 z3
2 x2 12
Maximize z = 3x1 – x2
subject to 15x1 – 5x2 30
3 x1 2 x2 18
10x1 + 30x2 120 x1 0, x2 0
x1 0, x2 0
optimal value is z =
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
361 362
The constraints are Feasible Region
6 D
satisfied by all points
bounded by the x2 axis 5 B
and on or above AB and z=4
CD. 4
There are points in the
feasible region which 2
will produce arbitrarily
large z-values 1
(unbounded LP). A C
1 2 3 4 5 6 X1
–3x1 + 2x2 2
maximize Z = 4x1 + 2x2 x1 0, x2 0
subject to
x1 4 Bounded objective function with an unbounded
feasible region
x2 2 x2
x1, x2 0 4
1 No optimal solution
0 1 2 3 4 x1
No optimal solution
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
371 372
Example 94: Unbounded LP Problem Example 95: Unbounded LP Problem
To maximize the objective function z = 4x + 2y given the
following shaded region
No optimal solution
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
373 374
Maximize z = 5x1 + 7 x2
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi
375 376
Example 97: Infeasible LP Problem Example 98: Infeasible LP Problem
Min 2 x1 3x2 Maximize 5x 4y 6
s.t. 3 x1 4 x2 12 Subject to x y 2 5
7 x1 6 x2 42 x 2y 6 4 x 2y 6
x 0
x1 , x2 0 3
y 0
x y 2
An infeasible LP problem 2 1
Graphical Solution 0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6
The feasible region is empty 1
EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi EE 477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi 2
379 380
Example 101: Infeasible LP Problem Example 102: Infeasible LP Problems
x2 Maximize z = x1 + x2
subject to 3x1 + x2 6
constraint: 1
Inconsistent constraint system
1 2 3 4 x1
x2 6 –3 x1 0, x2 0
x1, x2 0 Constraint system allowing only nonpositive values for x1 and x2
No point, simultaneously,
lies both above line 1 and
No optimal solution - Infeasible problems- below lines 2 and 3
383 384