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Linear Algebra and Graphs

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Linear Algebra and Graph Theory

For any situation in which the pairwise connections between items

are of interest, a graph is a suitable model: think of transportation
networks joining cities, electrical circuitry in a computer, or social
networks on (or off) the internet. Mathematically, a graph is a set of
points (called nodes or vertices) and a set of edges (called edges) that
join pairs of vertices. In a complete graph there is an edge joining every
pair of vertices. At the other end of the spectrum are trees in which a
particular vertex is joined to at most two others. The graphs we will
study are directed graphs, meaning that each edge goes from one of its
vertices to the other. In this case we represent edges by arrows. Here
are a couple of examples.
Given a directed graph, we can associate to it an incidence matrix
(call it A). The incidence matrix is m-by-n with m = #edges and n =
#vertices: information about a particular vertex is contained in a row
of the matrix, information about an edge in one of its columns. The
(i, j) entry in the incidence matrix is given by the following formula: Figure 1: Two graphs and their inci-
 dence matrices

 i f the ith edge does not contain jth vertex
Aij = −1 i f the ith edge emanates f rom the jth vertex

+1 i f the ith edge terminates at the jth vertex
Since each edge has two vertices, each row of the incidence matrix
has two nonzero entries: −1 in the column corresponding to the ver-
tex at the tail of the arrow that represents that edge and +1 in the
column corresponding to the vertex at the tip of the arrow represent-
ing that edge. Note that the incidence matrix contains all the infor-
mation there is about how the vertices of the graph are connected.
Knowing how to process matrices, our job is to figure out what the
processing can do to or tell about the graph.
Observation_1 Given the graph, we can construct its incidence ma-
trix. Once we decide which is the first vertex, which is the second,
. . . and which edge is first, second, etc., the incidence matrix is
unique to the graph. Construct the the incidence matrix for the
graphs on the worksheet.

Question: The choices are related to permutation matrices P multi-

plying A on the left or on the right. Do you see why? What’s the
correspondence between vertices/edges and left/right?

Observation_2 Given the incidence matrix, we can construct the

graph to which it belongs. The number of columns is the num-
ber of vertices and the information in each row of the matrix al-
lows construction of the directed edges. Thus the correspondence

between graphs and incidence matrices is exact. Construct the

graphs associated to the incidence matrices you’ve been given.
Illustrate the effect of a permutation on the appearance of graph 3.

Observation_3 There’s not much to say about the rows of the inci-
dence matrix (two nonzero entries, one −1 and one +1). Note that
if �1 is the column vector of all ones, then A · �1 = �0 (how many
ones in �1? how many zeros are in that zero vector?). In contrast
to its rows, a column of the incidence matrix might have several
nonzero entries. What does the number of +1 entries signify about
a particular vertex? What about the number of −1 entries?

Observation_4 How many graphs are possible given n vertices?

Let’s stipulate that at most one directed edge can join a given pair
of vertices. With n vertices, there are (n2 ) = 2!(nn!−2)! = 12 n(n − 1)
possible pairs of vertices (i.e. possible edges). With respect to
graphs, there are three possibilities for each edge:

1. The edge is included in the graph and oriented from the smaller
numbered vertex to the larger.

2. The edge is included in the graph, but oriented in the opposite


3. The edge is not included in the graph.

With three possibilities for each of (n2 ) edges, the number of directed
graphs with no more than one edge joining a pair of vertices is 3( 2 ) .
At one extreme in the pantheon of graphs we have the
complete graphs on n vertices, in which every pair of vertices is
joined with an edge. At the other extreme, a connected graph must
on n vertices have at least n − 1 edges as illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 2: A complete graph on 4 ver-
Question: Count the net number of edges going into vertex 3 of
tices and its incidence matrix
the graph in figure 2. How could you count net number of edges
going into a particular vertex (#in − #out) using a matrix multi-
plication? Suppose you are a vertex on Facebook; what’s being
counted here? Can you think of another setting in which the net
number of edges into a vertex might be a useful thing to know?

Question: Suppose you’d like to add a single edge to your graph, an

edge that goes from one of the vertices to itself. This sort of messes
up the incidence matrix (why?). Think of an easy � modification
� of
−1 1
the graph that yields a “submatrix” of the form . Find
1 −1
this submatrix in example graph 5.

� �
−1 1
Question: In terms of Facebook, what would the submatrix
1 −1
 
−1 0 1
 
mean? How about a submatrix that looks like this  1 −1 0 ?
0 1 −1

Observation_5 I suppose we should start talking about “the Face-

book matrix”. Help me to make that idea precise: what are the
vertices? What do the (directed) edges mean? How would you in-
terpret the statement “Any friend of Nicholas Nickleby is a friend
of mine” as a statement about connections in the Facebook graph?
How are these connections reflected in the incidence matrix?

Question: What about the “Six Degrees of Separation” game? See,

for example,

Question: If I am separated from myself by 6 degrees, is there some

sort of submatrix involved? More importantly, what would this say
about my social life?

Observation_6 Time to move from submatrices to the entire inci-

dence matrix of the graph. The basic matrix operation we have is
elimination. Justify the following claim: The elimination matrices
involved when working with the incidence matrix of a graph have
only zeros, ones, and minus ones as entries.

Question Perform elimination on the incidence matrix in example

graph 5. Is it generally true that each matrix during the elimina-
tion process, I mean the EA’s, has only zeros, ones, and minus
ones as entries?

Question The defining property for an incidence matrix is having

one −1 and one +1 in each row. Ignoring any rows of zeros, does
elimination preserve this property?

Question Cool! This means that at each step of the elimination we

have an incidence matrix, and hence a new graph! Trace through
the graphs involved in example graph 5. Describe what is happen-
ing at each stage of the process. What is the end result? Try your
hand at this process a second time using example graph 6.

Observation_7 During elimination, certain things disappear. We

should be able to describe what is disappearing in some sensible
way. Perhaps we can even predict beforehand what will disappear
and what will remain once elimination is complete. Do you have
any conjectures along these lines? Seems this would make a nice
HW project. Additional HW is given on the sheet of examples.

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