Linear Algebra and Graphs
Linear Algebra and Graphs
Linear Algebra and Graphs
Observation_3 There’s not much to say about the rows of the inci-
dence matrix (two nonzero entries, one −1 and one +1). Note that
if �1 is the column vector of all ones, then A · �1 = �0 (how many
ones in �1? how many zeros are in that zero vector?). In contrast
to its rows, a column of the incidence matrix might have several
nonzero entries. What does the number of +1 entries signify about
a particular vertex? What about the number of −1 entries?
1. The edge is included in the graph and oriented from the smaller
numbered vertex to the larger.
With three possibilities for each of (n2 ) edges, the number of directed
graphs with no more than one edge joining a pair of vertices is 3( 2 ) .
At one extreme in the pantheon of graphs we have the
complete graphs on n vertices, in which every pair of vertices is
joined with an edge. At the other extreme, a connected graph must
on n vertices have at least n − 1 edges as illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 2: A complete graph on 4 ver-
Question: Count the net number of edges going into vertex 3 of
tices and its incidence matrix
the graph in figure 2. How could you count net number of edges
going into a particular vertex (#in − #out) using a matrix multi-
plication? Suppose you are a vertex on Facebook; what’s being
counted here? Can you think of another setting in which the net
number of edges into a vertex might be a useful thing to know?
� �
−1 1
Question: In terms of Facebook, what would the submatrix
1 −1
−1 0 1
mean? How about a submatrix that looks like this 1 −1 0 ?
0 1 −1