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Automotive-Trends-Report PWC 2019

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trends 2019
The auto industry must find a way to balance
accelerating innovation and financial survival

Part of PwC’s 22nd Annual Global CEO Survey trends series
2 | Automotive trends 2019 Part of PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey trend series

The case for

collaborative CASE
Much of the news coming out of the automotive industry these days
concerns a new wave of collaboration. Honda, which in the past generally
preferred proprietary technology and in-house engineering, has agreed to
join with General Motors’ Cruise Automation unit on autonomous vehicle
(AV) development. The two automakers were already working together on
advanced batteries for electric vehicles (EVs). Ford and Volkswagen — which
had each previously earmarked billions for solo EV and AV design efforts —
are discussing a joint arrangement to share future costs. Also reportedly in
talks to share R&D efforts for autonomous vehicles are BMW, Volkswagen
and Daimler. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) is collaborating with Google
self-driving car affiliate Waymo. And, of course, the newly proposed merger
between Renault and FCA represents in part an effort to combine the
companies’ innovation efforts and raise their EV–AV profile together.
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Although this sudden flurry of activity and targeted 1.5m global EV sales for
was not widely anticipated, it was the Renault-Nissan Alliance by 2016. Yet
inevitable: it’s a way to share the only 400,000 had been sold by the end of
ballooning costs of vehicle innovation. 2018. In 2010 J.D. Power and Associates
For the past decade, many automakers predicted that global hybrid and EV annual
have based their strategies on the sales would top 5m units within a decade.
idea that a revolutionary change in However, the cumulative total of all electric
the automobile is imminent. Original vehicles (including hybrids) sold up through
equipment manufacturers (OEMs) early 2019 is just 4m. To be sure, CASE mobility will
have invested many billions of dollars
As for self-driving cars, five years ago some
ultimately remake the auto
to design vehicles for connected,
autonomous, shared and electrified (or, analysts had forecast that the AV market industry. No one doubts that.
in industry parlance, CASE) mobility. share would approach 80% by 2035. But
Development time lines for these more recently Waymo’s CEO conceded that
technologies have varied — connected it could be decades before autonomous
cars are already ubiquitous and electric cars are routinely seen on roads. He added
cars are gaining in popularity, and that AVs may never be able to drive without
although autonomous and shared human assistance in difficult conditions,
vehicles are still a futuristic bet, the such as bad weather or areas crowded with
rosy forecasts assume rapid and construction or emergency equipment.
widespread adoption.
To be sure, CASE mobility will ultimately
But so far, most automakers and remake the auto industry. No one doubts
suppliers have been disappointed that. But what automakers need most
by the ROI from these investments, now is not a grand CASE-related dream.
even when their expectations were They need a clear-eyed look at their own
conservative. Nissan introduced the prospects and capabilities, and a plan
Leaf plug-in EV automobile in 2010, for navigating the pressures of the next
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few years. They shouldn’t abandon Adding up the costs Although returns have not met and autonomous vehicles represents
their long-term strategies, but they expectations and despite the recent a huge revenue opportunity, as does
Return on capital (ROC) gives a
should temper them with short-term flurry of partnerships, investment in the possible ancillary cash flow from
sense of how deeply the spending on
realism. Then, when the time comes, innovation and product introduction infotainment and shared mobility.
they will be equipped for the radical CASE innovation has already cut into
is projected to continue to rise an Consequently, the short-term pain
new business models that eventually automaker performance. Between
estimated 59% through 2023, with the of large R&D expenditures will more
will be required. Thus, this year, all 2015 and 2017, OEMs of non-
fastest growth by far in EVs and AVs. than pay off in the end, they say, and if
successful approaches should involve premium motor vehicles produced
There also will be additional tooling they don’t participate, they risk being
the same overarching principles: a a relatively anaemic 4% ROC, and
and launch costs for electric and marginalised by the companies that do.
more specialised portfolio, a more premium car manufacturers did just a
autonomous vehicles. All of this could
focussed value proposition, more bit better at 5%. That’s below the cost Unfortunately, that logic overlooks a
drive up OEM annual spending on
rigorous financial management, and of capital and lags behind most other number of other factors that could
new EV and AV models by as much as
more willingness to collaborate with major industries, including information constrain revenue gains and reduce
140% by 2022.
other companies, particularly technology (13%), consumer staples profit margins. For one thing, a
in CASE-oriented innovation and (11%) and telecommunications Automotive OEMs and suppliers good deal of the value in these next-
capital investment. services (7%). generally argue that the shift to electric generation vehicles will be captured
5  |  Automotive trends 2019 Part of PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey trend series

by nontraditional suppliers and other service EXHIBIT

providers — for instance, companies that make Three scenarios for the In the most plausible optimistic alternative future (Scenario 1),
sensors, batteries, propulsion software, and electric vehicle (EV) development is fast-paced. In Scenario
infotainment and connectivity programmes. auto industry in 2023 2, automakers delay investment, cutting their current EV
In addition, most of the plans for EVs production plans by about half, and Scenario 3 represents a
involve smaller, lighter vehicles — the type future with difficult market conditions. None of the projections
that automakers are already struggling to would lead to a winning end-state for the entire auto industry.
make profitably. Moreover, many EVs and
AVs are destined to be low-margin fleet 2018 Global Scenario 1: Scenario 2: Scenario 3:
purchases by commercial entities, such as automotive High Delayed High investment
ride-sharing services, cutting further into OEM industry investment investment with reduced
profit opportunities. (top 20 OEMs) gross margin
To put real numbers to the auto industry’s
Revenue US$2.2tn US$2.6tn
product development conundrum, we
analysed three different future scenarios for Earnings before interest
the sector, varying by level of investment in 6.3% 4.0–4.4% 5.1–5.5% 3.0–3.4%
and taxes (% of revenue)
EVs and by market penetration of these new
Return on capital (ROC)
vehicles. We found that the industry’s financial 3.9% 2.3–2.7% 3.0–3.4% 1.7–2.1%
as %
metrics worsened in all cases. Under all three
scenarios, operating margins fell to between Change in ROC from 2018 n/a (1.2%)–(1.6%) (0.5%)–(0.9%) (1.8%)–(2.2%)
2.8% and 5.1% from the current level of 6.2%.
Return on invested capital dropped to between Battery-powered electric
1.7% and 3.1% from the current level of 4.6%. vehicle (BEV) / plug-in
~12% 33% 16% 33%
Given the risks involved, the cost of capital for hybrid electric vehicle
the industry would likely rise at the same time. (PHEV) model launches (%)
6  |  Automotive trends 2019 Part of PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey trend series

Today’s action for tomorrow’s gain indeed on a threshold of change, What actions, then, should an
and transformation of the industry automaker (or supplier or other major
None of these scenarios — and
in our view, no plausible scenario will happen. Moreover, there is likely auto industry company) take this
that maintains the current pattern to be further consolidation before year? Although there are no one-
of investment — leads to a viable the direction of the auto industry size-fits-all approaches to suggest,
future for the industry as a whole. becomes clearer. Today, there are there are a few precepts to consider
But neither will a ‘business as more than 20 global automakers; as the revolution approaches:
usual’ strategy of ignoring CASE by 2025, there may be only half
innovation altogether. Mobility is that number.

1. Embrace specialisation. No matter how the specifics play out, only a few automakers will be able to profitably produce a wide variety of
vehicles for a broad base of consumers. Successful auto companies probably will have to focus more closely
on particular types of vehicles or excel at narrower value chain roles in order to compete. Starting with a
comprehensive analysis of your organisation’s skills, assets, scale and financial condition, you must develop a
reasoned view of the areas in which your company can best compete.
Some companies may reorient themselves around branded design and the marketing of vehicles while
outsourcing technology development to companies that are digitally proficient. Others might expand into full-scale
manufacturing, using their mastery of the factory of the future. Automakers that have already invested heavily in EVs
and have a leading position in the nascent market may go all in, withdrawing from other product segments to do so,
or cutting back in geographies in which they find themselves slipping.
Be particularly rigorous in analysing CASE-related endeavours, as your company may not have the capabilities to
succeed in those realms. New technologies and potential new revenue streams — such as connected services
that offer shopping and entertainment through the Web, accessible directly from the vehicle — may seem enticing.
But no more than a few OEMs can actually generate profits from these features. The same caution applies to new
business models, such as those related to shared mobility.
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2. Focus your value Having chosen a path to follow, calculate the required investments and potential payoffs, as well as the risks and
proposition. flexibility needed to take that course. In some cases in which capital is at a premium, automakers may decide to
be fast followers rather than innovation leaders, tailoring and retrofitting new technologies from other companies
for their particular market niche.

3. Manage costs No matter what scenario unfolds, returns will be slim and competition will be fiercer than before. Think about
zealously. spending strategically as the centrepiece of what we call a Fit for Growth* programme. Invest only in the critical
capabilities required to deliver on your strategy, while cutting costs in the ‘table stakes’ areas in which every
automaker must invest (such as insurance and legal costs).

4. Don’t do it all Share the burden of investments with other companies, syndicating costs and risks through partnering,
yourself. consolidation and outsourcing across the industry. Dividing up a wide-ranging portfolio among OEMs in a
consortium could become much more routine. Outsourcing capital-intensive parts and component development,
in which proprietary designs are not necessary, could also be a smart strategy in a cash-starved and cash-
demanding environment.

Long-term foresight, tempered by a but investments of technological mobility services and cloud-based
coherent plan to navigate short- to skill, organisational capabilities and technologies. Only that approach will
medium-term challenges, will be leadership attention — should be enable automakers to get past their
crucial. Strategic decisions about aligned with a thoughtfully reasoned immediate challenges and prepare
how much and where to invest time line for the emergence of themselves to participate in the auto
— not just financial expenditures, electric and autonomous vehicles, industry’s radically different future.

* Fit for Growth is a registered service mark of PwC Strategy& LLC in the United States.
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It is impossible to predict precisely will be needed to build electric

Strategy what types of vehicles will be
leading the market a decade from
vehicles, which have fewer parts
and simpler drive trains than internal
made real now, but no matter how successful
the shift to electric, autonomous
combustion engine automobiles.
The combination of these factors will
and shared vehicles is, the likely slash the global auto industry
composition and operations of workforce at least in half by 2030.
automobile factories will change in
radical ways. And while automakers and suppliers
How will automobile factories manage the downsizing and
change during the next decades as For one thing, during the next ten automating of their factories, they
electric and autonomous vehicles years and beyond, OEMs will be will have to turn their attention to
come of age? How should auto compelled to corral factory costs, recruiting and training workforces
companies and suppliers prepare primarily because the fulsome unlike any they have had before.
research and development and This new group of employees will
strategically and operationally for
M&A outlays they made in order be much more digitally oriented
these changes? to design and develop entirely and comfortable with new
new kinds of automobiles could technologies than prior generations
cut deeply into potential profits. of autoworkers. Indeed, the number
As a result, the role of robotics of required data engineers will
and automation in factories will expand by 80% or more in some
rise exponentially as machines automobile factories, while the
are increasingly relied upon to number of software engineers
speed up assembly processes and needed will expand by as much as
reduce expenses. Smaller crews 90%. R&D teams will also have to
9  |  Automotive trends 2019 Part of PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey trend series

be beefed up — and their output are not flexible enough for these
will have to speed up. The time scenarios, in which autonomous
required between R&D and the guided vehicles will take each
point of production could shrink car on its own unique route
from three to five years today between assembly stations.
down to two years or so, in order OEMs might retrofit some of
to keep pace with technological their existing factories, but they
and design changes. One strategy will need to decide on a case-
for accelerating R&D functions by-case basis whether and how
may be to hand over lower- this makes economic sense. And
level routine decisions and in a plug-and-play plant, one in
paperwork to robots with artificial which OEMs are asking suppliers
intelligence capabilities. to deliver more and more
preassembled modules that can
It is possible that auto factories be fitted by robots into a range of
of the future will fall into two vehicles, automaker profits could
categories: One will be a highly be at risk: as complexity passes to
automated ‘plug and play’ plant the supply chain, so does value.
producing large volumes of cars
with minimal variations among Clearly, automakers and suppliers
vehicle types for the discount have huge challenges ahead as
arena; the other will produce their primary product morphs
customised, premium vehicles — in unorthodox ways. But it is
including, but not limited to, those critical that they also focus on
for the combustion engine, EV and how their factories will evolve
AV markets. Today’s production and be able to manage costs and
lines, while allowing for some operations through this period of
degree of product customisation, critical change.
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Authors and

Germany United Kingdom United States

Felix Kuhnert Rich Parkin Akshay Singh
Partner, PwC Germany Partner, PwC UK Principal, PwC US
+49-711-25034-3309 +44-79-0016-3731 +1-216-875-3491

Reid Wilk
Principal, PwC US

Andrew Higashi
Director, PwC US

Acknowledged for contributing to this report is former

PwC US principal Evan Hirsh.
About PwC’s PwC conducted 3,200 interviews with CEOs in more than 90 territories.
22nd Annual Global • Not all figures add up to 100%, as a result of rounding percentages and
exclusion of ‘neither/nor’ and ‘don’t know’ responses.
CEO Survey • We also conducted face-to-face, in-depth interviews with CEOs and
thought leaders from five continents over the second half of 2018. The
interviews can be found at
• Our global report (which includes responses from 1,378 CEOs) is weighted
by national GDP to ensure that CEOs’ views are fairly represented across
all major regions.
• The research was undertaken by PwC Research, our global centre of
excellence for primary research and evidence-based consulting services:

You can find other CEO Survey reports here:

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