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PAP 970559

A Vehicle Dynamics Tire Model for Both

Pavement and Off-Road Conditions

R. Wade Allen and Theodore J. Rosenthal

Systems Technology, Inc.

Jeffrey P. Chrstos
JPC Engineering

Reprinted from: Research into Vehicle Dynamics and Simulation - 1997


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February 24-27, 1997

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A Vehicle Dynamics Tire Model for Both

Pavement and Off-Road Conditions
R. Wade Allen and Theodore J. Rosenthal
Systems Technology, Inc.
Jeffrey P. Chrstos
Copyright 1997 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. JPC Engineering
ABSTRACT unpaved surfaces as developed by Metz [8]. Tire modeling for
unpaved surfaces is useful for the analysis of highway vehicle
This paper describes a tire model designed for the full dynamics during shoulder and side slope incursions, and for the
range of operating conditions under both on- and off-road analysis of off-road vehicle dynamics under a range of surface
surface conditions. The operating conditions include conditions. The general vehicle dynamics problem involving
longitudinal and lateral slip, camber angle and normal load. The varying surface conditions requires knowledge ofthe location of
model produces tire forces throughout die adhesion range up each tire and setting tire model parameters according to the local
tiirough peak coefficient of friction, and throughout the tire/surface conditions. This generally involves a change in the
saturation region to limit slide coefficient of friction. Beyond lateral and longitudinal force versus slip characteristics, and
die peak coefficient of friction region, the off-road portion of high lateral forces under high load, high slip angle, loose soil
die model simulates plowing of deformable surfaces at large conditions where a tire can dig in or bull doze the surface.
side slip angles which can result in side forces significantly
above the normal load (e.g., equivalent coefficients of friction Some background will be given next for current modeling
greatly exceeding unity). approaches for paved and unpaved surfaces. Subsequent
sections will then discuss die details of an on-road/off-road tire
The model allows changing die saturation function
depending die surface currently encountered by a given tire in model and means for establishing typical model parameters.
die vehicle dynamics model. Saturation functions can vary BACKGROUND
from the sharp peak function associated widi radial tires on
paved surfaces, to the exponential like saturation associated widi Paved surface tire modeling has been reasonably well
various off-road surfaces. Smooth transition functions are developed over die past two decades [1-7]. The general
provided between the adhesion and saturation regions, and logic characteristics that have been modeled are summarized in
is provided to ensure that tire force always opposes slip velocity Figure 1. Generally these characteristics involve force versus
no matter what operating condition is encountered. slip functions in the adhesion region, peak coefficient of friction
as the tire reaches saturation, and force reduction at higher post
This paper describes the model functional characteristics saturation slip conditions out to the limit slide coefficient of
and response to a range of operating conditions. Data sources friction. Typically these characteristics are all functions of tire
for the model are discussed. Cases are run with a vehicle normal load, and can vary considerably with tire brand, size and
dynamics model to illustrate model response to changing construction.
surface conditions.
Tire/surface conditions can also significantly alter tire
response characteristics. For example, different firm surfaces
that resist deformation or shear can vary in their apparent peak
The basic purpose of the tire modeling discussed in this and slide coefficients of friction. Examples include icy and
paper is to provide appropriate tire/surface forces for vehicle snowy paved surfaces, and firm dirt or gravel surfaces which are
dynamics simulation. To this extent, the model must account summarized in Table 1 [9]. Beyond basic coefficient of friction,
for tire input conditions defined by surface characteristics and various soil conditions also result in particular force versus slip
motions, loads and orientations defined at individual wheels. conditions as summarized by Metz [8].
Given these input conditions trie tire model must dien produce Under soft terrain conditions, tires can also penetrate the
forces in each local wheel/terrain plane that will be applied to surface depending on the tire load and the amount of shear
the vehicle dynamics. Tire modeling for paved surfaces is a displacement. These effects have been analyzed by Wong and
relatively mature discipline, e.g., [1-7]. Modeling off-road tire Bekker e.g., [9-11]. In this case, the tire terrain penetration
characteristics through the full range of operating conditions, results in increased rolling resistance and plowing forces due to
particularly in combination with paved surface behavior, has soil displacement. The rolling resistance amounts to a force
had limited attention, e.g., [8]. required to roll the tire forward, and is typically a function of
In addition to describing a model for paved surfaces [6,7], normal load. Plowing forces occur under high side slip
mis paper will discuss extensions for approximating forces on conditions, e.g., [12, 13], and can result in apparent high lateral

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both tire slip angle and longitudinal slip ratio. This composite
slip is then used in a force saturation function, controlled by five
shaping parameters. From the force saturation function, tire
lateral and longitudinal forces are computed.
The STIREMOD equations are based on a composite slip
formulation, which is basically a quadratic function of lateral
and longitudinal slip. Lateral slip is expressed as the ratio of the
side slip velocity of the tire patch relative to me longitudinal
speed of the tire patch, which is the equivalent of die tangent of
the tire patch slip angle, a Longitudinal slip is defined as the
ratio S of the differential tire patch to ground longitudinal
velocity divided by the longitudinal velocity of the wheel hub
coefficient of friction out in me region where, on a firm surface, relative to the ground.
we would expect reduced coefficient of friction described by me
limiting slide value. Composite Slip

Next we summarize the basic equations required to

produce tire forces and moments over the full range of input
operating conditions, i.e., normal load, camber, lateral and
longitudinal slip, and speed.
BASIC MODEL This formulation accounts for changes in tire patch length, cip,
which is dependent on lateral and longitudinal force response:
ADHESION REGION -The basic derivation and
Tire contact patch length
equations for a composite slip tire model (STIREMOD) have
previously been developed by Szostak [6], and generally derive
from the developments of Sakai [3], Schallenmach and Grosch
[14] and Pacejka [15]. Without going into detail, the tire model
computes a composite slip parameter, which is a function of
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where the sensitivity coefficient; K3 is used as a fitting parameter properties: 1) as slip increases from zero there is a positive
in STTREMOD to accommodate the asymmetrical lateral force slope; 2) the function ratio reaches an asymptote at high slip
response under traction versus braking conditions. The initial conditions. The roots of the numerator and denominator
patch length apois dependent on normal load (Fz), rated polynomials can be located to give a wide variation in the shape
of the saturation function to accommodate me full range of
design load (FZT), tire width (Tw) and tire pressure (Tp): pavement and off-road surface conditions. This function is a
ratio of polynomials that define a load normalized composite

Force Saturation Function

The tire patch length dependency on longitudinal force has been
noted in chapters 5 (Fig. 5.75) and 8 (Fig. 8.2.65) of [1]. The
initial patch length formula derives from the relationship
between pressure and normal load: Patch
length does not vary linearly with normal load, however. Given the normalized composite force, we then define the
Normal load is a near linear function of vertical deflection ([1] normalized lateral and longitudinal forces without cambering in
chapter 8, Figs. 8.2.20-22), which results in a convenient linear terms of the stiffness weighted lateral and longitudinal slip
tire spring constant. Tire patch length tends to be a square root ratios. With camber y, the normalized side force also includes
function of vertical deflection, however ([1] chapter 5, Figs.
5.27,28), so that patch length is thus proportional to me square an additional camber component where
root ofnormal load Thus, in order to utilize this Normalized Side Force:
relationship while maintaining consistent units, we partition
Fz so that where FZT is the maximum tire
loading. In equation 3 the term is assumed to vary while
remains constant.
The primed camberstiffness accounts for saturation effects
The composite slip formulation also accounts for the discussed further on, and according to Calspan convention [16],
relative stiffness of the tire force production between lateral and camber stiffness is a quadratic function of normal load:
longitudinal slip. Longitudinal stiffness (Kc) is generally
greater than lateral stiffness (Ks) since tires typically saturate at
a longitudinal slip of around 0.10, while lateral slip saturation Normalized Longitudinal Force:
occurs in the region of 0.20-0.25 radians. The stiffness
coefficients are a function of normal load, according to Calspan
formulations [16] and are expressed as follows:
Lateral Stiffness Coefficient:
The primed quantity K'c accounts for saturation effects
discussed below.

Aligning moment is considered a basic function of side

force operating on a "pneumatic trail" moment arm. Under
The last term is a new addition to STIREMOD that permits saturation (i.e., high slip) conditions aligning moment
increased cornering stiffness under hard braking conditions approaches zero as the pneumatic trail goes to zero. The
which is evident in tire test data where aligning moment is expressed as the product of two functions:
Aligning Moment:

Longitudinal Stiffness Coefficient:

where the aligning moment stiffness Km is a function of

Given a composite slip function, we now define a force normal load:
saturation function. This function is expressed as a ratio of
numerator and denominator polynomials with two important
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The first function gives an initial linear slope of aligning Lateral/Longitudinal Stiffness Transition
moment as a function of lateral slip ratio which then falls off at
higher slips due to the denominator quadratic in composite slip.
The shaping coefficient G, allows fitting the peak and fall off of
aligning torque at high slips. The second function and shaping Camber force stiffness is also reduced as a function of the
coefficient G2 allow accounting for combined cornering and force saturation function:
braking effects on aligning moment due to tire patch lateral Camber Force Stiffness Transition

Transition and Saturation Regions - As noted in

Figure 1, on paved surfaces tire forces reach a peak at When Ky is set to 1.0 the camber force goes to zero under
relatively low slip conditions then fall off with further
increases in slip out in me saturation region of force high slip conditions.
production. This peak coefficient of friction can be different
for lateral and longitudinal force production, and can be
interpreted in the sense of a friction ellipse. STIREMOD has
been expanded to include separate lateral and longitudinal slip
to slide transition equations for coefficient of friction: Metz [8] has developed an empirical model to estimate tire
lateral forces during off-road running which only considers pure
cornering. To employ this development we will set S= y =0
which gives the reduced equations:

where µx,µy Uy are the equivalent of transition coefficients of The Metz model is based on an exponential function of slip
friction, µpx,µpy are the peak coefficients of friction, a is angle, with the parameter relating to cornering stiffness being a
the tire slip angle and S is me longitudinal slip ratio. In terms function of vertical load. The Metz exponential model is given
by the following equations:
of friction ellipse interpretation, µpx,µpy define the limit
force ellipse conditions, and the above equations provide the
transition throughout the saturation region. Under paved
surface conditions the limit slip coefficients of friction are
referred to as slide coefficients of friction and are typically 10 Where: A is the equivalent of maximum lateral force (sliding
30% below the low slip peaks depending on speed as defined friction); B is the equivalent of cornering stiffness (1/deg); C
by the Kux and Kuy parameters. By setting Kux and Kuy to & D are empirical coefficients for variation of B with Fz
negative values, tire forces can also be caused to increase (1/deg); m is an empirical exponent; a is tire slip angle
beyond me peak transition region, which can be used to FZT rated tire load (lbs).
produce forces due to surface deformation under high slip
conditions as will be discussed subsequetly. To make STIREMOD emulate an off-road tire model,
According to Calspan convention [16] the peak force saturation function shaping parameters can be determined
coefficients of friction are a function of normal load: to match the exponential shape of Metz's model. The following
derives equivalent shaping parameters C1 through C5 for the
case of pure cornering. These shaping parameters can then be
used in STIREMOD to predict tire forces during off-road
To compute the equivalent C1S for a particular set of
Metz coefficients, equation 16 must be set equal to equation 17.
where SNT is the measurement skid number (i.e., 100 x Metz's equation for Fy is a function of slip angle (a) in
coefficient of friction) while SN0 is the skid number of the degrees, while STTREMOD's equation for F is a function of
simulated surface.
composite slip which are nearly proportional as illustrated in
In the slip to slide transition region two other saturation Figure 2 since a = tan or for small slip angles. The slope of s
functions are also defined. The longitudinal stiffness versus a at a given normal load is designated 'DsDa'. Metz's
coefficient Kc merges to the lateral stiffness coefficient Ks equation for Fy can now be put in the domain of composite slip
for symmetry in the limit locked wheel condition: by:

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Table 2 lists coefficient values given by Metz for various terrain

conditions. Figure 2 illustrates the lateral force as a function of
slip angle of each of the Table 2 terrain types for a tire.


There is an additional process dealing with rail mechanics

that must be considered in generating tire forces in soft terrain
under high slip conditions. As developed by Bekker and Wong
[9-11], the shear stress, t, varies directly witii shear
displacement, As and normal pressure, P. (Figure 3). The shear
stress is given in horizontal force per unit area (i.e., tire patch
average pressure over the area of the tire patch, ATP), which is
our case the composite tire force Fc opposing the direction of
soil displacement:

Now, equation 16 must be related to equation 17. Performing

an exponential expansion, and rearranging terms, equation 18
can be written as:


Shear displacement is the length over which the soil has been
compacted. The normal pressure can be expressed as normal
load per unit area:

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Now, we note that shear stress p is nominally proportional to order of one foot. The characteristic distance for tire/soil
normal pressure as illustrated in Figure 3 [9-11]. The ratio of interaction under furrowing conditions is suspected to be on me
mese two quantities gives the ratio of composite horizontal force order of several feet to tens of feet based on typical marks left
to normal load: by vehicles in off road encounters, e.g., [12].
Given the development of tire force due to large slip
accompanied by soil displacement or plowing, we must now
This last relationship gives normalized tire/soil horizontal force determine the relationship between force and slip. This will be
which is the basic output of STIREMOD. defined by recent measurements discussed further on.
For dry soils, me shear strengm (p) is proportional to the
normal stress on the sheared surface (?) and the angle of internal PAVED SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS - The tires
shearing resistance ofthe material (F): used to demonstrate parameter identification on paved surfaces
are P205/65R15 steel belted radials (these tires were part of a
simulation evaluation program conducted by the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration [15,16]). Twenty-six
Here, we will assume that there is an equivalent coefficient tires were purchased from a single manufacturing batch in an
friction corresponding to the ratio of shear strength to normal attempt to minimize the tire-to-tire variability. Six of these tires
stress: were sent to Smithers Scientific Services, Inc., and were tested
on their MTS Flat-Trac II [17] flat-belt tire force and moment
measurement machine. A complete description of this testing
For sand, Wong [9] reports from measurements a ratio on the and its data analysis can be found in [18], and the complete test
order of 0.7. matrix is documented in Appendix A of this reference.

Now consider the relationship of shear stress (p) to shear Five types of tests were used to compute the tire model
parameters. Each was run at three normal loads: 560, 930, and
displacement (As). Wong [9] suggests a general exponential 1300 lbs (note: It is preferable to test a tire at four or five
relationship for plastic soils (e.g., sand, saturated clay, dry normal loads. Many of the load varying parameters are
snow): described by second order polynomials. Much more reliable
curve fits are achieved when there are more than three, the
minimum, normal loads used). Measurements during each test
included: slip angle, slip ratio, inclination angle, belt speed,
spindle height, lateral, longitudinal, and vertical force, and
In the above expression, Xc is a characteristic
compaction overturning and aligning moment. The five test types were:
distance. In loose soils such as sand, when the medium is
compacted under pressure without significant disturbance, the 1.Quasi-static steering - At each normal load, with zero
compaction distance is on the order of 0.1 feet. For our purpose camber angle and a belt speed of 30 mph, slip angle is
here, where we are considering plowing or furrowing of the soil swept at 1 deg/sec between ± 15°.
surface, me compaction distance will be much longer, perhaps
on the order of feet or tens of feet. 2.Quasi-static braking/driving - At each normal load, witii
zero camber angle and a belt speed of 30 mph, longitudinal
The exponential soil shear strength response as a function slip ratio is swept at 33 percent per second between ± 50
of distance is analogous to tire side force lag which is really a percent.
distance function related to the tire rolling a characteristic length 3.Quasi-static discrete cambering - At each normal load, with
as the tire patch assumes its new force/slip operating condition. zero slip angle and a belt speed of 30 mph, camber angles
Thus, for each update interval or frame time, Ts, in the vehicle of -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6 degrees.
dynamics, me tire moves an incremental distance Ax based on
its velocity, U: 4.Discrete sinusoidal steering - At 930 pounds normal load,
zero camber angle and a belt speed of 30 mph, with
amplitude of a = 0.8° discrete sinusoidal slip angle
frequencies of 0.13, 0.63, 1.25, 1.88, 2.50, 3.13, 3.38, 3.75,
4.38, and 5.00 Hz.
The shear force development time constant, Tc for the tire
5.Discrete sinusoidal loading - At 930 pounds normal load,
under soil furrowing conditions will then be given by: zero camber angle and a belt speed of 10 mph, with
amplitude of ± 2.4 mm axle height varied sinusoidally at 1

Tire Model Parameter Identification -The tire model

The characteristic distance for rolling tires on paved surfaces is
on the order of their radius, which for passenger cars is on the parameters are computed using the force and moment data

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described above. The computation of the parameters has been B1y, B3y , B4y Calspan Peak Lateral Force versus Normal Load Parameters
automated using a program written in the MATLAB© [23] - These parameters relate the peak lateral normalized
language. The following describes the procedure used to force (FY/FZ) to tire normal load in equation 13. Quasi-static
compute each parameter in the order that they are computed. steering test; are used (at Fz = 560, 930, and 1300), and
for each test the average of the peak positive and negative normalized
Tw Tire Contact Patch Width (in) - The tire contact patch lateral force is computed. A second order polynomial
width is measured using a tope measure with the vehicle at its is fit through the three peak normalized forces, and B1y,
curb load. Tw is men used in the initial tire patch area (ao) B3y, B4y are determined. determined.
A0, A1 , A2 Calspan Cornering Stiffness versus Normal Load
Tp Tire Inflation Pressure (psi) - This is the tire inflation Parameters - These parameters relate on-center cornering
pressure as tested. Tp is then used in the ao computation. stiffness to tire normal load. Quasi-static steering tests (at F2 =
560, 930, and 1300) are used, and the cornering stiffness of each
Fn- Tire Design Load - This is the tire design load as marked is computed for a slip angle range of 2°. A second order
on the tire side wall.
polynomial is fit through the three cornering stiffness, and A0 ,
RR Tire Rolling Radius at Test Loading (ft) - The tire rolling A1, A2 are determined.
radius is the effective tire radius under free rolling conditions at
normal driving load. Using data from the 0.13 Hz discrete PLYSTEER Slip Angle Offset for Zero Lateral Tire Force
sinusoidal steering test (at Fz = 930 lbs), rolling radius is (rad) - STIREMOD offsets the slip angle to account for tire
computed from: plysteer. PLYSTEER is the slip angle where the lateral force is
zero for the quasi-static steering tests. Using the regression
results from the determination of the cornering stiffness
parameters A0 , A1 and A3, the average intersection with the
slip angle axis is computed.

K, Calspan Coefficient for Aligning Torque Stiffness Variation

with Normal Load (ft) - This parameter relates on-center
aligning moment to tire normal load and tire lateral force using
K7 Falloff of Camber Thrust at High Slip - STIREMO equation 11 . This equation is the STIREMOD aligning moment
camber thrust model is for small camber angles operating at near zero slip angle. Quasi-static steering tests (at F2 = 560,
small lateral and longitudinal slip. This parameter determines 930, and 1300) are used, and the slope of each is computed for
die degree of camber force saturation. a slip angle range of 2°. K1 is the average of the three slopes.

Uax , Uoy, Coefficient ofLateral and Longitudinal Friction of Kµx Coefficient of the Decay in Longitudinal Friction with
Experimental Test Surface -This is the Directional skid number Increasing Slip Ratio - Kux is the slope of the normalized
ofthe pavement on which the vehicle tests were run. A nominal longitudinal force (FX/FZ) versus slip ratio at high slip ratios.
number of 0.85 is chosen for dry pavement. Quasi-static braking tests (at Fz = 560, 930, and 1300) are used,
and a straight line is fit to normalized lateral force versus slip
CS/FZ Calspan Coefficient for Longitudinal Tire Force ratio data above slip ratio of 0.2 (chosen to be past the peak
Stiffness - CS/FZ is computed from the quasi-static braking runs longitudinal force). These three slopes are averaged to compute
(at FZ = 560, 930, and 1300). For each test, a straight line is fit
to the normalized longitudinal force versus longitudinal slip Km Coefficient ofthe Decay in Lateral Friction with Increasing
between zero slip and the slip ratio corresponding to 75% of the
peak longitudinal force (note: the 75% of the peak longitudinal Slip Angle - Kpy, is the slope of the normalized lateral force
force limit for the curve fit is chosen as an approximate average (FY/FZ) versus slip angle at high slip angles. Quasi-static
steering tests (at Fz = 560, 930, and 1300) are used, and a
region where the Fx / Fz verses slip ratio curve is linear, and straight line is fit to normalized lateral force versus slip angle
could be changed for a particular tire). The slopes of the three data above slip angles of 10° (chosen to be past the peak lateral
tests are averaged to compute CS/FZ. force). These three slopes are averaged to compute Kuy.
B1x , B3x , B4x Calspan Peak Longitudinal Force versus Normal A3 , A4 Calspan Camber Stiffness versus Normal Load
Load Parameters-These parameters relate the peak longitudinal Parameters - These parameters relate on-center camber
normalized force (FX/FZ) to tire normal load in equation 13. stiffness to tire normal load using equation 8. Quasi-static
Quasi-static braking (at Fz = 560, 930, and 1300) are used, and discrete cambering tests (at Fz = 560, 930, and 1300) are used,
for each test the average of the peak normalized lateral force is and the camber stiffness of each is computed about zero camber
computed. A second order polynomial is fit through the three angle. A second order polynomial is fit through the three
peak normalized forces, and B1x, B3x, B4x are determined. camber stiffness, and A3-, A4 are determined.

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C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 Shaping Coefficientsfor Force Saturation U is the vehicle speed in ft/sec. Solve for KTL and substitute
Function -The shaping parameters C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, can not in U = 44 ft/sec (the tire test speed). TSPRINGR
be determined independently, nor can they be determined from
a single tire test. A non-linear iterative estimation procedure is Tire Spring Rate (lb/ft) - From the Discrete Sinusoidal
used to determine the best (in a least squares sense) values for Loading Tests, data from a 10 mph, and a 1 Hz loading
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5. The estimator uses data from quasi-static frequency, tire normal load is regres ed against axle height.
steering, braking, and driving tire tests at three normal loads, The
and uses STIREMOD to compute the tire forces. This estimator
is run after all of the load varying parameters have been results of the above identification procedures are summarized
determined. in Figure 4 for several parameters. The overall force
and moment fits are summarized in Figure 5. OF -ROAD
Ka Coefficient of Elongation of Tire Contact Patch Due to
Longitudinal Force - This rameter is used to allow
asymmetry in the tire's braking/driving while cornering
predictions. It is computed during the non-linear curve fitting
used to determine the shaping parameters C1, C2, C3, C4, C5
(see above for description ofprocedure).
G1 , G2 Aligning Moment Shaping Parameters - Parameter G1
determines thshape of the aligning moment curve versus slip
angle for zero longitudinal slip. A non-linear iterative estimation
procedure is used to determine the best (in a least squares sense)
values for G1. The estimator uses data from quasi-static steering
tire tests at three normal loads, and uses STIREMOD to
compute the tire forces. This estimator is run after all of the
load varying parameters have been determined. G2 adjusts the
aligning moment for longitudinal tire forces. A non-linear
iterative estimation procedure is used to determine the best (in a
least squares sense) values for G2. The estimator uses data from
the combined steering/braking/driving tire tests at the 930 pound
normal load, and STIREMOD to compute the tire forces. This
estimator is run after all of the load varying parameters have
been determined.

LONGLAG Longitudinal Slip Ratio Time Constant (sec) STIREMOD

uses a first order dynamic model of longitudinal slip
ratio as proposed by Bernard [22]. The standard STTREMOD
parameter value of 0.25 seconds was used. K
Lag Constant (ft) - STIREMOD uses two first order lags
tire lateral force to model the tire force dynamic characteristics.
From the Discrete Sinusoidal Steering Tests, the lateral
force frequency response to ste ring angle was computed. TIRE CHARACTERISTICS - Under small
The test used was run at 30 mph, with a tire normal load slip conditions below saturation, the tire is repres nted by the
of 930 lbs. The two first order lags are modeled as a second Metz exponential function and typical parameters identified for
order lag with damping ratio equal to one, the phase angle various soils. Under saturation conditions, the build up of plowing
of this system is given by: Where or tripping forces is repres nted by a combination of Kw,
which allows forces to be increased over the tire/surface coefficient
of friction, and the tire side force lag characteristic distance
KTL. Kµ is a decay factor which reduces coefficient of friction
F is the phase angle,? is the damping ratio, w is the input frequency, as slip increases beyond saturation, so negative values will
be used to obtain higher tire forces due to fur owing or plowing.
and Wn is the system natural frequency. From the measured KTL is usual y on the order of one foot for unsaturated rolling
frequency response, the frequency where the phase angle tires. This characteristic distance will need to be on the order
drops 45° is found to be w=3.4 Hz. Substituting f = 45° into, of several feet to tens of feet to represent the distance related
and solving for w/wn gives roots of 0.4142 and -2.41. Snce build up of fur owing or plowing forces. High
w/wn can not be negative, w/wn = 0.4142. Substituting w
= 3.4 gives wn = 8.21 Hz; = 51.58 rad/sec. The system time constant, slip data under off road conditions is relatively rare, but
2, is equal to Hwn = 0.0194. In VDANL, z=KTL/U, where there are some key sources that can provide some data to get 34
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us into the right ball park. Typical friction data often reported
for off road surfaces gives coefficients less than for paved
surfaces. For example, tire/surface friction values for gravel and
sand have been reported in the region of 0.4-0.6 [9,24]. These
values are for braking, and low slip conditions where the soil is
not being significantly disturbed. More relevant are
measurements reported by Delays and Brinkman [12] made by
towing a compact passenger car at different slip angles over sod
under free rolling tire conditions. At a slip angle of 39° they
obtained an effective friction coefficient value as high as 1.13
with moist sod, while at 90° slip they achieved a maximum
value of 0.89. Typical values were about 0.5 on the average
with the vehicle being towed at 10-15 mph. They report a slight
trend of increased motion resistance with decreased firmness of
soil, and variable forces which can be attributed to local
irregularities of the ground surface. In comparing their results
with sinkage models they also suggest that the high coefficients
are probably due to bulldozing (i.e., plowing or furrowing)
effects. Finally, Delays and Brinkman comment that towing
force increase with slip angle is consistent with the assumption
that "motion-resistance force is proportional to the projection of
the vertical tire/soil interface area in the direction of motion."

Systematically collected data has recently been reported by

Christoffersen, et al. [13] that is directly relevant to our purposes
here. In these tests a vehicle was towed over several different
types of surfaces at several different slip conditions by a tractor
at 0.5 mph. As summarized in Figure 6a, in straight ahead tests
the wheels were locked which resulted in 100% longitudinal
slip. In side slip tests (30°, 60° and 90°) the wheels were
allowed to freely roll, and the tire side slip friction coefficients
reported below were obtained from Christoffersen' s
deceleration factors by resolving through the towing slip angle
as indicated in Figure 6b. For the cases of 0 and 60° tests, the
lateral force and thus friction factor perpendicular to the tires
must be larger than the value in the direction of motion as
reported by Christoffersen, et al. since the free rolling tire will
not generate significant longitudinal forces (other than rolling
resistance). The friction factors reported below at 30° and 60°
slip are larger than reported by Christoffersen by the inverse of
sin a. For 30° this increase is (sin 30°)-1 = 2 and for 90° the
increase is (sin 60°)-1 = 1.15.
The Christoffersen, et al. data reinterpreted based on
Figure 6 is summarized in Figure 7 for several test surfaces
ranging from asphalt to sand. The asphalt surface behaves as
expected, with the highest friction at 30° which falls off
considerably under locked wheel and high lateral slip
conditions. The coastal grass condition gives the lowest friction
factors for off road conditions. Sandy soil gives the highest
friction factors under high slip conditions. Note, however, for
the sand data mat under the straight ahead, 100% locked wheel
condition, the friction factor is 1.0 while under the 90° (100%)
side slip condition the friction factor is 1.41. The other two soil
conditions (black dirt/foliage and bedded corn rows) give a
similar result in that high lateral slip gives much higher effective
friction than the straight ahead locked wheel (100% longitudinal
slip) condition. Christoffersen, et al. report that the three soil
conditions exhibiting high limit side slip friction coefficients

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also exhibited plowing which increased with slip angle.

Significantly, they also report that the coastal grass condition
exhibited no plowing, which as noted in Figure 7 has a friction
response more similar to asphalt than the other soil conditions.
The response of STIREMOD under off-road conditions
for Metz's plowed field condition [8] are summarized in Figure
8. The off-road condition has a much less aggressive saturation
curve than paved highway conditions (see Figure 2) but
according to Christoffersen's data [13] reinterpreted in Figure 7
the peak coefficient of friction approaches unity at high side slip
angles (here we have assumed that Cristoffersen's bedded com
rows condition in Figure 7 is the equivalent of Meet's plowed
field condition. In Figure 8 we see that the friction ellipse is
narrow longitudinally because of the low peak coefficient of
friction for an unpaved surface, but is very high laterally
because of the tire's plowing effect under high side slip
conditions. Unlike paved surfaces the peak lateral forces occur
under 90° side slip due to the plowing effect. As discussed
earlier, these plowing forces develop as a function of distance
that the tire has traveled, analogous to the tire's relaxation
distance on pave surfaces which is related to tire diameter. The
relaxation distance for the development of plowing forces is
related to soil mechanics, and is probably on the order of feet to
tens of feet. It should be noted that the plowing effect implies a
significant soil displacement.

The STIREMOD tire model [6] has been expanded to

include off-road surface conditions. Unpaved surfaces result in
less aggressive cornering stiffness, and lower effective
coefficient of friction under low side slip conditions. Under
loose soil conditions, plowing can occur under high slip
conditions, and soil buildup develops into a tripping mechanism
which is modeled as a high effective coefficient of friction. This
approach allows for a low effective coefficient of friction for
longitudinal forces on loose surfaces, while permitting high
lateral forces under high slip angles with low shear strengtii
soils. In a vehicle dynamics simulation, this would allow for
loss of braking and acceleration traction, while providing for
tripping conditions under high side slip conditions. This
modeling approach will be useful for the analysis of highway
vehicle encroachments on road shoulders and side slopes.
STIREMOD as currently mechanized allows model parameters
to be changed dynamically depending on the surface
encountered by each tire as determined in the computer
simulation vehicle dynamics and terrain models.


The expansion in the tire model STIREMOD described

herein has been funded in part by me Federal Highway
Administration. Mr. John Viner originally served as the COTR
(contracting officer's technical representative). Mr. Leonard
Meczkowski. Served as COTR upon Mr. Viner' s retirement.
We are also indebted to all of the past tire modeling
investigators as referenced in this paper.

Downloaded from SAE International by University of Wisconsin - Madison , Sunday, September 09, 2018


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13.Christoffersen, S.R., et al., A Deceleration Factors on Off
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24.Warner, C.Y., et al., Friction Application in Accident test respectively
Reconstruction, SAE Paper 830612, Society of Automotive
Engineers, Warrendale, PA. Tc - tire/soil shear force development time constant
T - tire pressure
Ts - simulation frame time or sampling interval
ap - tire patch length under traction/braking conditions U - wheel hub forward speed
apo - static tire patch length Tw - tire patch width
A - Metz model off-road coefficient of freedom Xc - characteristic compaction distance
A0, A1, A2 - quadratic coefficients for lateral stiffness Yy - camber stiffness
a - lateral slip angle
A3, A4 - quadratic coefficients for camber stiffness
coefficient ?x - tire longitudinal movement during simulation frame
time Ts
ATP - tire patch area
As - soil shear displacement
B - Metz model off-road cornering stiffness
f - soil angle of internal shearing resistance
- quadratic coefi nts for longitudinal (x) and y - tire camber angle with surface
lateral (y) coefficients of friction C - Metz
µ - tire/surface coefficient of friction
of -road tire model shaping coefficient C1 ,...,C5 -
polynomial coefficients for STIREMOD saturation function D µpx,µpy - peak longitudinal (x) and lateral (y) tire/surface
- Metz coefficients of friction

off-road tire model shaping coefficient DsDa - slope µx,µy ~ Peak to slide transition coefficients of friction
of compsite slip (ó) versus slip angle (a) Fx,Fy,FZ - longitudinal, î - soil shear strength
lateral and vertical tire forces FXesl - estimated p - tire/soil shear stress
longitudinal force used to increase cornering stif nes under ó - composite slip
hard braking conditions FZT - rated t - tire relaxation distance time constant

tire design load tire design load 38

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