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Christmas in Prague

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Do you know everything about your family - your

parents, your grandparents, your brothers or sisters,
your uncles or au n ts? D oes your fam ily know
everything about you? All families have secrets —they
can be big secrets, small secrets, things to laugh about,
things to cry about.

Jan lives in O xford with his English wife Carol, and his
father Josef, who is Czech. Jan was born in Prague, but
he came to England with his father when he was a baby.
He never knew his mother - she died soon after he was
born. And he knows nothing about her because his
father never talks about her. But Jo sef still carries a
photograph of his wife in his pocket - after all these

Carol plays the harp in an orchestra, and the orchestra

is giving some concerts in Prague at Christmas. Carol
wants to go, and she wants Jan and Jo sef to go too.
‘Prague is a wonderful place,’ she says, ‘for a family
Christm as.’

But there are family secrets waiting for them in

Prague - wonderful secrets, happy secrets, and very sad
secrets . . .
Human Interest

Christmas in Prague
Stage 1 (400 headwords)

Series Editor: Jennifer Bassett

Founder Editor: Tricia Hedge
Activities Editors: Jennifer Bassett and Alison Baxter

Christmas in Prague

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1 Christmas 1957 1
2 England 1995 5
3 The accident 10
4 Nobody understands Carol 18
5 Some visitors for Carol 23
6 Who is Pavel? 28
7 The music must come first 35

g lo ssa ry 40
a c t iv it ie s: Before Reading 44
a c t iv it ie s: While Reading 46
a c t iv it ie s: After Reading 48

Christmas 1957

/ t is night, and the fields near the village are white with
snow. The village is quiet3but not everybody is sleeping.
Eyes are watching the roads and the fields near the village,
because this is Czechoslovakia and the year is 1957. Across
the fields, only h alf a kilometre aw ay, is the Austrian
border, but the people o f Czechoslovakia are not free to
go to Austria. The border guards watch day and night -
and they carry guns.
In a house in the village a man and a woman are talking.
The woman holds a six-month-old baby boy in her arms.

The border guards watch day and night.

The border guards watch day and night.

Christmas in Prague

She is excited, but she is afraid, too.

‘Tell me again,9she says. ‘Did he get to Austria all right
last night?9
‘Yes, he did,9the man says. ‘Nobody saw him, nobody
heard him. But last night was easy because the sky was
dark. Tonight it9s more difficult - look at that moon!9
‘But it9s Christmas night,9 the woman says, ‘and the
guards are drinking in the guardhouse, yes?9
‘That9s true,9says the man, ‘but sometimes they come
out and drive up and down the road for a time. So you
must be careful, and you must run fast - very fast.9 He
looks at his watch. ‘It9s time to g o .9
The woman puts on a white coat and a white hat. The
baby wears a white coat too, and the woman carries him
on her back.
‘G ood,9the man says. ‘White is best when there9s snow.
Nobody can see you. Now, are you ready? Let9s g o .9
They leave the house and walk quickly out o f the village.
After a time they stop and the man says, very quietly:
‘OK. Do you see those trees? Turn right there and go
fifty metres. When you come to the road, go across it
quickly and run down the hill through the trees. Then you
come to the river. Turn left and go 500 metres. The trees
finish there and you can walk through the river easily.
Across two more fields, and youre in Austria. Our friends
are waiting for you in the second field. Go now. Goodbye

Christmas 1957
Christmas in Prague

—and good luckV

The woman begins to run. The baby on her back is
sleeping, but now he opens his eyes and begins to cry. The
woman is afraid and runs more slowly, but the baby's
crying is loud in the night. At the trees the woman turns
right and soon she is at the road. She does not see the black
car under the trees, but the men in the car see her.
Suddenly there is a noise in the night —the noise o f guns.
Then it is quiet again.
The woman s body lies in the snow on the road. Now
the only sound is the crying o f the baby.

England 1995

C T T ey> J an>1 °°^ at this!’ Carol said. She had a letter

X JL in her hand and took it across to her husband at
the breakfast table. ‘It’s from the Oxford Orchestra,5 she
said. ‘They’re giving concerts in the Czech Republic this
Christmas. They’re doing three concerts in Prague and
they’re asking me to go because they need a harpist. Shall
we go to Prague for Christm as? I can play with the
orchestra, and you can come with us.’
‘When are the concerts?’ asked Jan. ‘I always have a lot
of work in the weeks before Christmas. I must finish writing
my new book then.’
Jan taught Czech at Oxford University and wrote books
about languages. He was born in Czechoslovakia, but came
to England with his father when he was very young. He
met Carol when she was one of his students at university.
‘The first concert is on December 20th,’ Carol answered.
‘Are you free then?’
‘No, I’m sorry, Carol,’ Jan said, ‘but I can’t come before
December 24th.’
‘Well, it doesn’t matter. You can come for the second
concert. It’s on December 25th.’

Christmas in Prague

‘But what about my father?’ said Jan. ‘We can’t go away

and leave him at Christm as time. He loves a family
Christmas with us - you know that.’

Ja n s father came slowly into the room.

England 1995

Josef Vlach was sixty-eight years old, and his eyes were
bad. He couldn’t see very well, so he lived with Carol and
‘Josef can come with us,’ Carol said. ‘He often talks
about Prague at Christmas. He says it’s the most beautiful
time of the year there because of all the snow on the old
‘I know,’ said Jan. ‘But he only talks about Prague.
He never wants to go there. Every time we ask him to
come with us, he says no. I don’t know why, but I think
it’s because of my mother. When he thinks about Prague,
he remembers her. You know, sometimes he cries when
he looks at his photo of her - after all these years!’
Just then the door opened and Ja n ’s father came slowly
into the room.
‘Good morning,’ he said, and sat down at the table. ‘Is
there any coffee?’
‘It’s cold now,’ said Carol. ‘Shall I make you some more?’
‘Thank you, my dear,’ he answered. ‘You’re very good
to me.’
Carol went out for some coffee. Jan looked at his father
carefully. ‘I must ask him now,’ he thought, ‘while Carol
is out of the room.’
‘You’re very quiet, Ja n ,’ said the old man. ‘Is something
‘No, no,’ said Jan quickly. ‘Nothing’s wrong. It’s ju st. . .


Ja n ’s father came slowly into the room

Christmas in Prague

I want to ask you a question, but I . . . I . . . it’s difficult.’

Jan stopped. His father smiled.
‘Difficult? Why is it difficult? Are you afraid of an old
‘Of course not,’ said Jan. ‘But I am afraid of your answer.
You see, Carol wants to go very much. She loves playing
her harp, but it’s Christmas time and— ’
‘Stop!’ said Josef. ‘What are you talking about? Where
does, Carol want to go at Christmas?’
‘To Prague,’ said Jan. ‘And I would like to go with her.
We want you to come too.’
‘Ah!’ said the old man. ‘To Prague. I understand now.’
The roOm was suddenly very quiet. Jan drank his cold
coffee and waited.
The old man took something out of his pocket. It was a
photograph of his dead wife, Ja n ’s mother. He spoke very
quietly - not to Jan, but to the photograph in his hand.
‘Perhaps now . . . before I die . . . just once I can go back
again . . .’
Carol came back with some hot coffee. She looked at
Josef, then at Jan.
‘Shhh . . . H e’s thinking about Prague,’ Jan said quietly.
Carol put the coffee on the table and sat down. The
hands on the clock slowly moved through two long
minutes. Then the old man put the photograph back in his
England 1995

‘All right,’ he said. ‘Let’s all go to Prague for Christmas.

It’s beautiful there when it snows. I remember it so w ell. . .
so very well.’

‘Let’s all go to Prague for Christmas/


The accident

he first rehearsal began at nine o’clock and finished

T at two o ’clock.
‘What a long morning!’ everyone said.
‘I’m sorry,’ said the conductor, ‘but we have very little
time. The first concert is tomorrow night and a lot of
important people are coming, so we must play well. Now
please go and eat. This afternoon is free, so you can go

We must play well.

The accident

7 must find something this afternoon/

and look at this beautiful city. Tomorrow morning we

begin again at nine o ’clock. Please don’t be late!’
Carol left the rehearsal room with Alan, one of the first
‘What are you going to do this afternoon, Carol?’ Alan
‘I’m going to get a quick sandwich, and then I’m going
shopping,’ Carol said. ‘My husband Jan and his father are
arriving on Sunday. M onday is Christmas Day, and I
haven’t got any presents for them. I must find something
this afternoon - our only free afternoon.’
‘See you tomorrow, then,’ said Alan. ‘And good luck
with the shopping!’

The accident

7 must find something this afternoon.’

and look at this beautiful city. Tomorrow morning we

begin again at nine o ’clock. Please don’t be late!’
Carol left the rehearsal room with Alan, one of the first
‘What are you going to do this afternoon, Carol?’ Alan
‘I’m going to get a quick sandwich, and then I’m going
shopping,’ Carol said. ‘My husband Jan and his father are
arriving on Sunday. M onday is Christmas Day, and I
haven’t got any presents for them. I must find something
this afternoon - our only free afternoon.’
‘See you tomorrow, then,’ said Alan. ‘And good luck
with the shopping!’

Christmas in Prague

‘Thanks,’ Carol said. ‘There are some wonderful shops

in the Stare Mesto, the old town, so I’m going down there.’
Carol went into a lot of shops that afternoon. In the
end she got a book for Jan arid a picture for his father.
When she left the old town, it was nearly dark. It was very
cold, so she walked quickly through the streets back to
her hotel. There were Christmas trees in all the shop
windows, and the city looked beautiful. There was a lot of
noise too - people, cars, taxis, buses. ‘Everybody’s doing
their Christmas shopping,’ Carol thought.

7 an! Jan! IPs me, Carol!3

The accident

Suddenly she saw a man across the street. It was Jan!

Why was he in Prague so soon?
‘Jan !’ she shouted across the street. But Jan didn’t hear
her. He walked on. Carol shouted again, very loudly.
‘Ja n ! Jan! It’s me, Carol!’
A lot of people stopped this time. They all looked at
her. The man stopped too. He turned and looked at Carol
for a minute, but he didn’t smile and he didn’t speak. It
was a very long minute for Carol. Her husband’s eyes were
cold, and Carol began to feel afraid.


‘Jan! Jan! It’s me, Carol!’

Christmas in Prague
The accident

Then he moved and began to walk away from Carol

down a little street. Carol did not understand it, but she
knew one thing - she did not want to lose him.
‘Perhaps he didn’t see me very well. It’s so dark now . . .
He’s going . . . Where is he going? Jan, come back . . . Are
you ill?’
She ran across the street.
There was a sudden noise and somebody shouted. Two
seconds later Carol lay in the snow.
‘She ran right in front of me,’ the bus driver said later. ‘I
couldn’t stop - there was no time.’
Carol’s face was white and her eyes were closed. Soon
an ambulance came and took her body away.
Was she alive or dead?
* * *

At nine o ’clock the next morning the conductor was ready

to begin the rehearsal. He opened his music and the
orchestra started to play. Suddenly his hands stopped
moving and the music stopped at once.
‘Harpist!’ the conductor shouted angrily. ‘What’s the
matter with you? Are you sleeping? You begin to play here.’
‘Excuse me, M r Rinaldi,’ said someone at the back of
the room. ‘The harpist is not here.’
Everyone turned and looked at the harp at the back of
the orchestra. It was true. There was nobody in the harpist’s

Christmas in Prague

‘Well, where is she?’ asked the conductor. There was

no answer. ‘We can’t wait for her,’ he said. ‘We must have
this rehearsal without her. Where is Alan? He can speak
some Czech.5
Alan stood up.
‘Can you go to the hotel and look for her there?5 the
conductor asked. ‘Then come back here at once - with or
without her.5

(Can you go to the hotel and look for her thereV

The accident

Alan left. H alf an hour later he was back.

‘She’s not at the hotel,’ he said. ‘I spoke to two or three
people in the hotel, and they say that Carol wasn’t there
at breakfast this morning. And they think that she didn’t
sleep in her room last night.’
‘I don’t like this,’ said the conductor. ‘Carol is never
late for rehearsals, and she knows that these concerts are
important for us. I think we must tell the police.’
‘Shall I do it now?’ Alan asked.
‘Yes,’ said the conductor. ‘Please go now.’
‘Can you go to the hotel and look for her there?’


Nobody understands Carol

arol slowly opened her eyes. Her head hurt. She closed
her eyes again.
A man said something. What was it?
‘Carol,’ she heard. ‘Carol, can you hear me?’
‘f can hear you,’ Carol said. ‘But I don’t want to open
my eyes. My head hurts. Who are you?’

‘Who are you?’

Nobody understands Carol

‘It’s me, Giorgio Rinaldi, the conductor of the orchestra.’

‘Mr Rinaldi?’ Carol opened her eyes again. Her head
didn’t hurt so much this time.
‘What are you doing in my bedroom?’ she asked angrily.
‘What’s happening?’
‘This isn ’t your bedroom ,’ said M r Rinaldi. ‘It’s a
hospital in Prague. You had an accident yesterday. Can
you remember anything about it?’
Suddenly C arol remembered everything. The old
town . . . the Christmas trees in the shop windows . . .
Christmas presents . . . Jan . . . Jan !
She sat up.
‘Jan! Where’s Jan ?’ she asked Mr Rinaldi.
‘Please, Mrs Vlach,’ said a woman quietly. ‘Don’t get
excited. Lie down again.’
Carol turned her head. It hurt again. Near the door of
the room she saw a woman in a white coat - a doctor.
‘But I must see Ja n ,’ Carol said. ‘Where is he? I must
find him . . . I can’t . . . Oh, dear.’ She put her hand to her
‘Who’s Jan ?’ the doctor asked Mr Rinaldi quietly.
‘Her husband,’ he answered. He took C arol’s hand.
‘Listen, your husband is coming. We told him about the
accident. H e’s on a plane from London now.’
‘On a plane? Why? H e’s here in Prague. I saw him in the
street, near the old town. I called out to him, and he saw

‘Who are

Christmas in Prague

me, but he didn’t stop . . . He just walked away from me.

Please find him . . . please . . . I must talk to him . . . I
m u st. . .’
The doctor moved nearer to the bed.
‘Jan is coming soon, Mrs Vlach,’ she said. ‘Please don’t
get excited. It’s not good for you. Now, lie down again
and close your eyes. You must sleep, and I know you’re
feeling very tired.’
Carol lay down and closed her eyes. The doctor was
right. She was tired. But why didn’t they listen? Why didn’t
they understand? Jan was in Prague, and she must find
him . . . talk to him . . .
The doctor looked at Mr Rinaldi and spoke very quietly.
‘Let’s leave her now, please. She needs to sleep. You can
come back later.’
Mr Rinaldi and the doctor left the room. They closed
the door quietly, and then looked at Carol through the
window in the door.
‘She’s going to be all right,’ said the doctor. ‘She just
needs to sleep for a time. There’s nothing wrong with her.’
‘Yes, there is!’ said Mr Rinaldi. ‘She thinks her husband
is in Prague. But I spoke to him on the telephone three
hours ago and he was in Oxford. I’m afraid she’s ill - very
‘Listen,’ said the doctor. ‘She had a bad hit on the head
in the accident, but she didn’t break anything and her head

Nobody understands Carol

'She thinks her husband is in Prague.

Christmas in Prague

is all right. We looked at it very carefully. She’s going to

be OK after a good sleep.’
‘But - all this talk about Jan her husband,’ said Mr
Rinaldi. ‘What about that?’
‘Yes, she’s confused about that, it’s true. But she
remembers her name, she knows you, and she understands
that she’s in hospital. All this is very good. Now, what
about you, M r Rinaldi? It’s a difficult time for you too,
because of your concerts. I understand that. But please go
away now. Eat something. Have a sleep. Then come back
later this afternoon. You can’t do anything now.’
‘All right,’ said Mr Rinaldi. But he was not happy.
‘Poor Carol,’ he thought. ‘And my poor orchestra. How
can I find another harpist before tonight’s concert?’

Some visitors for Carol

wo hours later a tall man arrived at the hospital. He

T asked to see the woman in yesterday’s street accident.
He didn’t know her name. The doctor came downstairs.
‘Who are ^ u ? ’ she asked the man.
‘My name is Pavel Brychta. I saw the accident and I
called the ambulance. Is the woman all right? I just wanted
to know that. I was afraid she was dead.’
The doctor smiled. ‘Would you like to see her? She’s
much better now.’
‘Yes, please,’ answered Pavel.
‘Then come with me.’
They went upstairs in the lift and walked along to
C arol’s room. At the door they stopped and looked in
through the window.
‘She’s sleeping,’ said the doctor.
‘But she looks well,’ said Pavel. ‘Yesterday she looked
so white! I was afraid for her.’
Just then Carol opened her eyes and saw a man through
the window in her door.
She sat up. ‘Jan !’ she shouted. ‘Ja n !’
‘Oh dear!’ the doctor said. ‘Not again! She hit her head

Christmas in Prague

in the accident and she’s confused about some things. She

thinks that you are her husband from England.’
‘Shall I go?’ asked Pavel.
‘Perhaps it’s better - yes,’ answered the doctor.
She went into Carol’s room and closed the door. PaveJ^
walked slowly back to the lift. Then the lift door opened
and a man ran out, with some beautiful red flowers in his

He saw Pavel, and stopped suddenly.

Some visitors for Carol

arms. He looked at the numbers of the rooms and then

went quickly into Carol’s room. He didn’t see Pavel. But
an older man came slowly out of the lift next. He saw Pavel,
and stopped suddenly. Pavel stopped too.
‘I’m sorry,’ said the old man. ‘My eyes aren’t very
good . . . I thought. . . You see, yjzft look— ’
‘Yes, I know,’ said Pavel. ‘I saw your friend.’
‘He’s not my friend - he’s my son. Please, tell me, what
is your name?’
‘Pavel Brychta.’
The old man looked very afraid. His face went white,
and his mouth opened and closed, but he said nothing.
Now Pavel was afraid.
‘You don’t look very well,’ he said. ‘Would you like to
sit down? And shall I call a doctor? There’s a doctor in
this room here . . .’
‘Please . . .’ said the old man. ‘My son is in that room.
Please take me to him.’
Pavel took the old man’s arm.
* * *

In Carol’s room Jan put the red flowers on the bed and
took his wife’s hands.
‘ Oh, my love, are you all right?’ he said. ‘I can ’t
understand it. Why did you run in front of a bus? How did
it happen?’ 0 fc M '
Carol didn’t answer his questions.

He saw Pavel, and stopped suddenly.

Christmas in Prague



Christmas in Prague


‘Jan ?’ She looked up into his face. ‘You are Jan? Tell
me that you’re Ja n .’
‘Of course I’m Jan! What are you talking about?’
The doctor came up to the bed. ‘Wait a minute,’ she

Some visitors for Carol

said. ‘You told me that your name was Pavel Brychta. Are
you Mrs Vlach’s husband, or not?’
Just then Carol looked behind Jan. She saw Pavel with
Ja n ’s father through the window of her door. Her eyes got
bigger and bigger.
‘Who - is - that?’ she said.
Jan and the doctor turned and saw Pavel.
‘My G od!’ said Jan. ‘I don’t know!’
The doctor looked back at Ja n ’s face. ‘Two men, but
only one face,’ she said quietly.
Then Ja n ’s father opened the door of Carol’s room and
the two men came in.
Jan stood up. He looked at his father. ‘Who is this man?’
he asked.
‘His name is Pavel Brychta,’ answered his father. ‘Please
bring me a chair and some water. I need to sit down before
I can answer your question.’
Jan got a chair for his father and the doctor gave him
some water. Then she left the room quietly.

Who is Pavel?

he old man drank some water and looked up.

T ‘Pavel,’ he said. ‘I must ask you to look at this photo.’
He put his hand in his pocket and took out a photograph
of a young woman. ‘Do you know this woman?’
‘Yes,’ said Pavel. ‘T hat’s a photo of my mother, Lenka.

‘Do you know this woman?’

Who is Pavel?

She died when I was very young. But my grandmother had

many photos of her, and we often looked at them.’
‘Did you live with your grandmother when you were
‘Yes, I did. But how do you know all this?’
‘Because,’ said Josef, ‘Lenka was my wife.’
‘Dad, what are you saying?’ said Jan.
Josef looked at Jan. ‘My boy, don’t be angry with me. I
didn’t tell you many things about your mother. Perhaps I
was wrong. But I wanted to fo rg et. . . not to forget your
mother, only to forget that terrible night in 1957. Jan, this
man Pavel is your twin brother. You can see that it’s true.
Look at your faces.’
Pavel looked at Jan. ‘So, I have a brother,’ he said. ‘My
grandmother never told me that.’
Jan smiled. ‘And my father - our father - never told me
about a twin brother!’ He turned to Josef. ‘Dad, why didn’t
you tell me?’
‘It’s a long story,’ said the old man. ‘It begins many years
ago when a young man went to Prague University. He was
there for seven years, and in his last year he met a beautiful
young woman.’
His eyes turned to the photo.
‘She was so beautiful! Of course, the young man fell in
love with her, and they got married in 1956. But things
were difficult in Prague then. People were not happy and

Christmas in Prague

they were not free. Lenka and I, and a lot of our friends,
wanted to change things. But it was dangerous work. The
Russians knew about us and they watched us all the time.
Then you two boys were born on a wonderful day in June
‘But you went away,’ Pavel said angrily. ‘Your wife died,
and you left the country. You went away to England and
began a new life. You didn’t write, you didn’t telephone.
You weren’t interested in me —your son!’
Jo sef’s face was very sad. ‘Pavel,’ he said. ‘I thought you
were dead. Look. I must show you something.’ From

‘You weren’t interested in me —your son!’

Who is Pavel?

behind the photo of his wife he took out a letter, and gave
it to Pavel.
The letter was old and yellow. Pavel opened it and
began to read. The letter was in Czech, and it was his
grandmother’s writing.

I write to tell you, Josef, that your wife is dead. On

Christmas night the guards shot her on the road at the
border. She carried Pavel - your baby son, and my
grandson - on her back, and the guards shot him too.
Your wife, and your son, are dead. Your 'friends' came
and told me yesterday.
You have Jan, and a new life in England. And what
do I have? Nothing. You took one grandson away from
me, and now my daughter and little Pavel are dead -
because of you. Don't write to me, and don't come back
to Prague. I never want to see you or hear from you

Slowly, Pavel put the letter down. ‘I understand now,’ he

said quietly. ‘What a terrible letter! How could she do that
to you . . . and to me?’
‘Stanislava loved her daughter very much,’ Josef said
sadly. ‘She loved you, too, and didn’t want to lose you. I

fYou weren't interested in m e-y ou r son!'

I 30
Christmas in Prague

see that now. But she never liked me. And after that letter,
how could I go back to Prague? You were dead, Lenka
was dead . . .’ He put his face in his hands.
The room was very quiet. Then Pavel put his hand on
his father’s arm. ‘Stanislava is dead now,’ he said. ‘You
and I can begin again . . . ’ He smiled. ‘And learn to be father
and son.’
Jo sef’s face was wet with tears. He put his hand over
Pavel’s hand and smiled back at him, but he could not
speak. Now there were tears in everybody’s eyes.
Aft^r a minute or two Jan said, ‘Dad, I know it’s difficult
for you. But can you tell us about that Christmas in 1957?
How did it all happen? I’d like to know . . .’
‘Yes,’ said his father. ‘You, and Pavel, must know.’ He
turned to Pavel. ‘But what did Stanislava tell you?’
‘Very little,’ Pavel said. ‘She never wanted to talk about
it. She told me that my mother died in hospital. And you
went away to England. That was all.’
‘I can understand that,’ said Josef. ‘Poor Stanislava! She
lost her daughter, because of me. And she never liked our
work for freedom, you see. She didn’t understand. She just
wanted a quiet family life.’
‘Christmas 1957 . . .’ said Jan.
‘Yes,’ said Josef. ‘In October and November of that year
things got more and more dangerous for Lenka and me.
Our friends told us: “Leave, before the Russians get you.

Who is Pavel?

'Leave, before the Russians get you,

Christmas in Prague

Get away to Austria, and then to England.” We didn’t want

to leave Czechoslovakia, of course; it was our home. But
we couldn’t stay. Our friends helped us, and Jan and I got
across the border on the day before Christmas, December
the 24th. It was night. There was no moon, and we got to
Austria all right through the fields and the snow. But the
next n igh t. . .’
‘December the 25th,’ said Pavel. ‘My grandmother told
me the day. My mother died in a hospital bed in Prague,
she said.’
‘Lenka died in the snow, on the road at the border,’ Josef
said. ‘She was so near Austria . . . so near us . . . with you,
Pavel, on her back . . .’
The old man’s voice stopped, and again, he put his head
in his hands.

The music must come first

or some minutes nobody in the room said anything.
They looked at the old man in his chair, and they all
thought about a snowy night in 1957.
Then Pavel turned to Jan.
‘Let’s forget 1957 for now,’ he said quietly. T o r me,
this is a wonderful day. I have no family in Prague.
My grandmother died many years ago. But now I have a

‘Let’s forget 1957 for now/

‘Let’s forget 1957 for now.’

Christmas in Prague

brother, a father . . .’ He looked at Carol in her bed, and

smiled. ‘And a sister.’
‘Why did you come to the hospital to see me?’ Carol
‘You had an accident because of me,’ Pavel said. ‘I knew
that. You called to me, and shouted, and then ran to me
across the street, right in front of a bus. I didn’t understand
why, but I wanted to know that you were all right.’
Jan looked at Carol too. ‘And are you all right, my love?
I’m sorry, I forgot about you . . .’
‘I’m feeling very w ell,’ Carol said happily. ‘Now I
understand everything, so I feel much better. My husband
is my husband again - and we have a new brother. Oh,
but there is one thing . . .’ She looked at her new brother.
‘Why is your name Pavel Brychta, and not Pavel Vlach?’
The old man moved in his chair. ‘Her name was Lenka
Brychta,’ he said quietly, ‘before she married me.’
‘Yes,’ Pavel said. He looked at Carol. ‘You see, my father
didn’t want me, I thought. So I didn’t want my father’s
name, and when I was older, I changed it and took my
mother’s name.’ He turned to his father. ‘I was an angry
young man then, but now . . .’
‘N o ,’ said Josef. ‘Don’t change it. It’s a very good name.
And you are Lenka’s son.’
Suddenly the door opened, and M r Rinaldi came in.
‘Carol,’ he said, ‘the doctor says that you are better. Is

The music must come first

Suddenly the door opened, and Mr Rinaldi came in

Christmas in Prague

it true? You look wonderful. Can you play in the concert

tonight? You see, I can’t find another harpist, and without
a harp the music— ’
He saw everyone for the first time, and stopped.
‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ he said quickly. ‘I see you have friends
here. But, you see, it’s important. It’s an important concert
for my orchestra and— ’ He stopped again. ‘Why are you
all laughing at me?’
Jan stopped laughing first.
‘M r Rinaldi,’ he said, ‘you are the right man for Prague,
the city of music. The music must come first!’
‘C a ro l. . .’ M r Rinaldi began.
Carol turned to Jan. ‘I feel very well now and I’d like to
play tonight. But I want all my family to come to the concert
- my husband, my new brother, and their father. Can you
all come? Please say yes!’
Jan looked at his father.
‘Are you all right, dad? Or are you feeling tired now?
Shall we all go to Mr Rinaldi’s concert?’
‘Free tickets, of course, for all Carol’s family,’ said Mr
Rinaldi quickly.
‘Christmas music in Prague again,’ Josef said slowly.
‘And with my two sons. Wonderful, w onderful. . .’ He
smiled happily at Jan and Pavel.
‘How can we say no?’ he asked.
The music must come first

border the line between two countries

bus a kind of big ‘car’ which many people can travel in
city a big town
concert a time when an orchestra plays music to many people
conductor a conductor stands in front of an orchestra and
shows them when to play the music quickly, slowly, quietly,
confused (adj) when you cannot understand something, you
feel cbnfused
dangerous something dangerous can hurt or kill you
difficult not easy
fall in love with to begin to love somebody
field a piece of ground where animals eat grass, or people grow
freedom being free
get married to take someone as a husband or wife
guard (n) someone who watches a border, or buildings, etc. to
stop people coming in or going out
gun a thing that shoots out bullets to kill people
harp a musical instrument with many strings, played with the
harpist a person who plays the harp
hurt to feel pain
lie (past tense lay) to put your body flat on something, e.g. a
bed, the ground
lift (n) a kind of large ‘box’ that takes people up and down in a
high building
loud not quiet; with a lot of noise


moon the big round thing that shines in the sky at night
music when you sing or play an instrument, you make music
orchestra a group of people who play musical instruments
police people who look for bad people and send them to
prison, and who help when dangerous things like accidents
poor when you say ‘poor’, you are feeling sorry for somebody
present something which you give to somebody at Christmas,
on birthdays, etc.
rehearsal when you practise music, etc. before you do it in
front of other people
sad not happy
shoot (past tense shot) to send a bullet from a gun and kill or
hurt somebody
shout (v) to speak or call out very loudly
snow rain which is very cold and white; it comes down slowly
and lies on the ground
tears water which comes from the eyes
terrible very, very bad
turn to move your body round
twin one of two children who are born of the same mother at
the same time '
university a place where people go to study after they leave
violin a small musical instrument with four strings
violinist a person who plays the violin
wet not dry; full of water

Christmas in Prague


Before Reading

1 The title of the story is Christmas in Prague. Find the

answers to these questions.

1 Where is Prague?
2 Was life in Prague in 1957 very different from life there
in 1995? How?

2 What do people do at Christmas in Britain and many other

countries? Make three sentences. Use some of the words
from this list.

dinner, family, music, presents, children, holiday

3 Read the back cover of the book. How much do you know
now about the story? Tick one box for each sentence.
1 Carol and Jan are married. □ □
2 Carol’s father is called Josef. □ □
3 Josef is English. □ □
4 Josef lived in Prague a long time ago. □ □
5 Josef is afraid to go back to Prague. □ □


a c tiv itie s: Before Reading

4 Read the story introduction on the first page of the book.

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Change the false
sentences into true ones.

1 Jan was born in London.

2 Jan ’s mother lives in Oxford with her son.
3 Josef often talks about his wife.
4 Josef has a photograph of Jan ’s mother in his pocket.
5 Carol plays the guitar.
6 Carol wants to go to Prague for Christmas.

5 What are the family secrets in the story? Can you guess?
Tick one box for each sentence.
1 Someone in the family is dead. □ □
2 Someone in the family is alive. □ □
3 Someone in the family is in prison. □ □
4 Someone in the family has got a lot of
money. □ □
5 You guess!


While Reading

Read Chapter 1. Underline the mistakes in this paragraph

and then correct them.

It is midday. This is Czechoslovakia and the year is 1967.

Across the fields is the German border. In a house, a man
and a woman are talking. The woman holds a baby girl in
her arms. She puts on a black coat and a black hat. They
leave the house and walk slowly out of the village. The
man says goodbye and the woman begins to run. The baby
opens his $yes and is very quiet. At the trees, the woman
turns left and soon she is at the river. She sees a black car
but the men in the car do not see her.

Read Chapters 2 and 3, then answer these questions.

1 . . . wanted to go to Prague to play in some concerts?
2 . . . was writing a new book?
3 . . . talked about Prague but never wanted to go there?
4 . . . went shopping in Prague?
5 . . . looked at Carol in the street, but didn’t smile?
6 . . . couldn’t stop because there was no time?
7 . . . was angry because Carol was not at the rehearsal?

a c tiv itie s: While Reading

Before you read Chapter 4, can you guess what happens?

Tick one box for each sentence.
1 C arol is dead. □
2 C arol is in hospital, but she can’t remember
anything. □ □
3 C arol is in hospital and she is going to be O K. EH □

Read Chapters 4 and 5. Choose the best question-word for

these questions, and then answer them.

Why / What / How

1 . . . did Carol feel when she woke up in hospital?
2 . . . did Mr Rinaldi think that Carol was very ill?
3 . . . was it a difficult time for Mr Rinaldi?
4 . . . did Carol shout ‘J an’ when she saw Pavel through
the window in her door?
5 . . . did Jan bring for Carol?
6 . . . did the doctor say about Jan and Pavel?

Read Chapters 6 and 7. Put these sentences in the correct

order, and complete them. (Use as many words as you like.)

1 Carol played in the concert and her family__________ .

2 Pavel changed his name because__________ .
3 Pavel found that he had a father, a brother__________ .
4 Stanislava said Pavel was dead because__________ .
5 Stanislava told Pavel that his mother died__________ .


After Reading

1 Fill in the names in this family tree, and then write ten
sentences about the people. Use these words.

father, mother, son, grandmother, brother, wife, husband

Example: Jo sef is Jan s father.

2 What happened in 1956 and 1957? Match these halves of

sentences and join them with these words.

and / because / but / so

1 Josef and Lenka got married
2 Josef and Lenka wanted to change things in
3 Josef and Lenka couldn’t stay in Czechoslovakia
4 Josef carried Jan across the border on 24th December
5 Lenka tried to cross the border with Pavel on 25th
6 Stanislava didn’t want to lose Pavel

a c tiv itie s: After Reading

7 she told Jo se f that his wife and son were dead.

8 after that they went to England.
9 had two sons, Ja n and Pavel.
10 it w as dangerous.
11 people were not free or happy.
12 the guards shot her.

3 Mr Rinaldi telephoned Jan to tell him about Carol’s

accident. Write out the conversation in the correct order
and put in the speakers’ names. Rinaldi speaks first (3).

1 ‘An accident? What happened?’

2 ‘Carol! It’s Carol, isn’t it? Tell me, quickly!’
3 ‘Hello? Mr Vlach? This is Mr Rinaldi, from the
4 ‘Yes, I’m afraid I have some bad news for you.’
5 ‘In hospital? But why? Is she ill?’
6 ‘Oh no! I must come at once. I’m going to catch
the next plane to Prague. Please tell her that I’m
7 ‘She had a little accident in the street yesterday.’
8 ‘Yes, it’s Carol. She’s in hospital, but she’s going
to be all right, Mr Vlach, I promise you.’
9 ‘She ran in front of a bus and the bus hit her.’
10 ‘Yes. What is it? Is something wrong?’

a c tiv itie s: After Reading

4 Here is a new illustration for the story. Find the best place
in the story to put the picture, and answer these questions.

The picture goes on page .

1 W ho is the woman in the bed and why is she in hospital?
2 W hy is she shouting?
3 W hy is the man there?

Now write a caption for the illustration.


a c tiv itie s: After Reading

5 Imagine that Stanislava wrote a different letter and told

Josef the true story. Use these words to complete her letter.
(Use each word once.)

alive, baby, back, border, but, dangerous, daughter, dead,

didn’t, guards, have, her, him, new, stay, tell, with, write

I write t o you, Josef, that your wife i s . On

Christmas night the_____shot her on the road at the
. She carried Pavel - your son, and my
grandson - o n back, but the guards shoot
him. Your wife is dead your son i s . Your
‘friends’ brought to me yesterday.
You have Jan and a life in England. And I _____
baby Pavel. But m y is dead. I want Pavel t o _____
here with me. Don’t to me, and don’t com e_____ to
Prague. It i s . Pavel is all right me.

6 Do you agree (A) or disagree (D) with these sentences?

Explain why.

1 Stanislava was a bad person because she told Josef a lie.

2 Stanislava was very unhappy, not bad.
3 Josef and Lenka were wrong to do dangerous things
when they had two babies.
4 Josef and Lenka were right to work for freedom; that
was more important than their children.


Joyce Hannam is an experienced teacher and lecturer. She has

taught English in several European countries, including
Greece, Spain, Turkey, and the Czech Republic. She now lives
in York, in the north of England, and works mostly with
Japan ese university students and business people from
Germany, Italy, France and Spain. Her stories for the Oxford
Bookw orm s Library also include The Death o f Karen
Silkwood (at Stage 2), in the True Stories series.
Joyce Hannam is married to a musician and has one young
daughter. All three of them enjoy singing at all times and in all
places. Her story Christmas in Prague was inspired by a visit
to that city.


Classics • True Stories • Fantasy & Horror • Human Interest
Crime & Mystery • Thriller & Adventure

The o x f o r d b o o k w o r m s l i b r a r y offers a wide range of original and

adapted stories, both classic and modern, which take learners from
elementary to advanced level through six carefully graded language stages:

Stage 1 (400 headwords) Stage 4 (1400 headwords)

Stage 2 (700 headwords) Stage 5 (1800 headwords)
Stage 3 (1000 headwords) Stage 6 (2500 headwords)

More than fifty titles are also available on cassette, and there are many
titles at Stages 1 to 4 which are specially recommended for younger
learners. In addition to the introductions and activities in each
Bookworm, resource material includes photocopiable test worksheets
and Teacher’s Handbooks, which contain advice on running a class
library and using cassettes, and the answers for the activities in the books.

Several other series are linked to the o x f o r d b o o k w o r m s l i b r a r y . They

range from highly illustrated readers for young learners, to playscripts,
non-fiction readers, and unsimplified texts for advanced learners.

Oxford Bookworms Starters Oxford Bookworms Factfiles

Oxford Bookworms Playscripts Oxford Bookworms Collection

Details of these series and a full list of all titles in the o x f o r d b o o k w o r m s

can be found in the Oxford English catalogues. A selection of titles
lib r a r y

from the o x f o r d b o o k w o r m s l i b r a r y can be found on the next pages.


I h n U U L In a house in Oxford three
people are having breakfast
- Carol, her husband Jan,
and his father Josef. They are talking about Prague, because
Carol wants th e m all to go there fo r Christmas.

Josef was born in Prague, but he left his home city when
he was a young man. He is an old man now, and he would
like to see Prague again before he dies. But he is afraid.
He still remembers another Christmas in Prague, many long
years ago - a Christmas th a t changed his life fo r ever . . .

Cover illu stra tio n by the Se n a te


B o o k w o r m s provide enjoyable rea d in g in English at six la n gu a ge stages,
and offer a wide range of fiction, both classic and modern.

OXPORD 9780194229388

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