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GRC Vision, 2019 To 2024

Vision: The Governance, Risk, And Compliance Playbook

by Renee Murphy and Christopher McClean

January 25, 2019

Why Read This Report Key Takeaways

Risk management professionals are used Regulators Are Still Falling Behind, Ceding
to helping steer their organizations through Oversight To Customers And Employees
uncertainty, and as fast as business and While government and industry regulators lack
technology are advancing, they should be the capacity to guide emerging technology and
looking five years into the future to guide their business models, customers and employees are
current strategy. Many key trends will amplify banding together on social media to demand that
strategic and digital risks and transform the core companies they work with behave better.
responsibilities of risk management. This report
Emerging Technologies Represent Challenges
outlines these global business and technology
And Opportunities For Risk Managers
trends and their long-term implications, helping
The aggressive collection and use of data,
risk managers better prepare for the potential
along with new technologies like IoT devices
impacts that will shortly ensue.
and machine learning, are creating new
data integrity risks for companies in every
industry. At the same time, these new analytic
and automation capabilities will help risk
management leaders better identify and
manage risks across their organization.

This PDF is only licensed for individual use when downloaded from or All other distribution prohibited.
For Security & Risk Professionals

GRC Vision, 2019 To 2024

Vision: The Governance, Risk, And Compliance Playbook

by Renee Murphy and Christopher McClean

with Stephanie Balaouras, Nick Hayes, Claire O’Malley, Trevor Lyness, and Peggy Dostie
January 25, 2019

Table Of Contents Related Research Documents

2 Regulators Continue To Cede Oversight To Beware The Coming Data Integrity Crisis
Customers And Employees
Extend Compliance And Risk Management To
3 New Trends Are Elevating Risk, Requiring What Really Matters For Your Business
More Advanced Controls
GRC Vision 2017-2022: Customer Demands
No. 1: Silicon Valley Is Becoming The Next Escalate As Regulators Falter
Wall Street, And Not In A Good Way

No. 2: Data Integrity Risks Are A Mounting

Threat To Your Business
Share reports with colleagues.
No. 3: Third-Party Risk Is Getting More
Enhance your membership with
Complicated And Difficult To Control
Research Share.
No. 4: GRC Vendors Will Push Robotics And
Analytics To Keep Pace With Business


5 Recalibrate Your Risk Register; Embrace

New Technologies

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For Security & Risk Professionals January 25, 2019
GRC Vision, 2019 To 2024
Vision: The Governance, Risk, And Compliance Playbook

Regulators Continue To Cede Oversight To Customers And Employees

Business and technology change is accelerating, with the promise of hyperadoption driving companies
to transform every aspect of their customer engagements. To stay ahead of the digital disruption
curve, they’re assembling teams with incredible creativity and technical talent. Meanwhile, regulators
charged with overseeing these companies and protecting consumers against unsafe products lack
the bandwidth and skills to keep up.1 The evidence is growing: Risk management professionals at big
tech companies are building their own frameworks to guide their version of ethical behavior, and big
businesses continue to win their battles against the government.

But customers aren’t simply acquiescing. To punish offending companies — and reward those
with better reputations — they’re articulating their values on social media and encouraging others
to respond, effectively launching collective bargaining campaigns. And they’re doing it on an
unprecedented scale:

›› Customers are punishing bad corporate behavior more than regulators are. It’s easy for
companies with large coffers to look at regulatory settlements (with no admission of guilt) as a
cost of doing business. However, while Wells Fargo launched its advertising campaign trying to
reestablish customer trust after its “eight is great” scandal, 14% of the company’s customers said
they planned to switch to another bank, with estimated losses of $99 billion in deposits and $9
billion in revenue.2 Similarly, after a number of privacy and workplace harassment scandals rocked
Uber in 2017, customers left in droves, with 14% saying they would never return, 18% saying they
would return with better privacy assurances, and 28% saying they would return when the CEO,
Travis Kalanick, was fired. When the dust settled in June 2017, he stepped down.3

›› Customer pressure is also rewarding companies that stick to their values. Consumers using
their collective voice to demand change can be a good thing for companies that express and live
by values those customers care about. At a time when racial issues were intensifying around the
NFL, Nike took a risky bet with a nationwide ad campaign supporting Colin Kaepernick for his
decision to kneel during the national anthem. Ultimately, customers responded positively, Nike’s
stock rose in value by over $6 billion, Kaepernick’s jersey sold out overnight, and Nike picked up a
lot free, positive press.4

›› Employees have joined the call to regulate their employers’ behavior. Like customers,
employees prefer to associate with companies that share their values. Even without formal unions,
employees of large firms are using social media networks as platforms for collective bargaining
in the form of walkouts and protests. Google employees staged a walkout over the company’s
handling of sexual harassment claims.5 Earlier in the year, Amazon employees effectively protested
their employer’s working with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.6

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For Security & Risk Professionals January 25, 2019
GRC Vision, 2019 To 2024
Vision: The Governance, Risk, And Compliance Playbook

New Trends Are Elevating Risk, Requiring More Advanced Controls

Along with the shift in oversight, new business models and technical advancements will require risk
managers to expand the scope of processes and decisions they assess, while also providing new
tools to take on these challenges. Four key trends will disrupt the field of risk management over the
next five years.

No. 1: Silicon Valley Is Becoming The Next Wall Street, And Not In A Good Way

Because of its massive scale, its ability to negatively impact wide swaths of humanity, and its
history of bad behavior, the financial industry deals with a vast number of federal, state, and market
regulators. As Silicon Valley increasingly demonstrates dubious privacy practices, business models that
circumvent existing laws, and a pattern of disregard for employee and customer well-being, tech firms
are on the path toward greater regulation as well. Even if the regulators are falling behind in innovation
and scale, there’s reason to think that this increased oversight will be difficult for any companies
making money from tech innovations and use of data:

›› Tech firms are making an unconvincing case for self-regulation. If Silicon Valley is after the
kind of self-regulation physicians and lawyers enjoy, they should address their Facebook problem
before it’s too late. Although Mark Zuckerberg called for Facebook to be regulated, the regulation
he is asking for is weak and ineffectual. Since the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook was
caught retaining users’ videos, allowing Russian meddling, propagating fake news, secretly deleting
Zuckerberg’s messages while keeping and sharing users’ messages, spreading hate speech in
Myanmar, and moving 1.5 billion accounts out of Ireland and back to American data centers rather
than follow the GDPR. That’s not what contrition or self-regulation looks like. And regulators know it.

In a Reuters/Ipsos survey of 2,237 people, 46% said they want companies that have their
personal information to be more regulated, 63% want to see less targeted advertising, and 51%
don’t trust Facebook.7

›› Authorities aren’t stopping with GDPR. By far the most massive move to wrangle inappropriate
use and protection of data, GDPR promises a new level of corporate respect for personal privacy,
and hefty fines to encourage real change.8 But even as more governments around the world are
adopting similar language in their new privacy laws, authorities are taking Facebook, Google,
Microsoft, and other tech giants to task over perceived lapses in good business practices like
privacy protection. Regulators that can’t figure out new tech and business models simply ban them.

No. 2: Data Integrity Risks Are A Mounting Threat To Your Business

As digital transformation fundamentally changes the way your businesses collects, processes, and
relies on information, it’s exposing your company to substantial and unmitigated data integrity risk. If
left unchecked, attackers that manipulate your firm’s data (rather than steal it) could cause disastrous
losses for your firm.9 We’ve already seen examples of data integrity attacks resulting in massive

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For Security & Risk Professionals January 25, 2019
GRC Vision, 2019 To 2024
Vision: The Governance, Risk, And Compliance Playbook

physical damage (Stuxnet), widespread political implications (voter manipulation), and the potential for
corporate fraud on a scale we’ve never seen before (deep fakes). Key aspects of this growing trend will
require risk managers’ immediate attention:

›› Your business relies on data like never before. Data is being created and consumed at a rate
faster than ever. From finance planning the yearly budget to marketing picking what customers
to target to HR making hiring, firing, and salary decisions, every department in your business
extensively relies on data. And the advent of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI),
machine learning (ML), robotic process automation (RPA), chatbots, intelligent agents, and more
are drastically increasing this data dependence. While these technologies can significantly help
win, serve, and retain customers, automated decision-making technologies are a clear target for
data tampering.

›› Attackers can manipulate data without hacking into your network. Protecting your firm’s data
integrity doesn’t just mean ensuring attackers don’t get inside your networks. Attackers can target
your company externally by manipulating your reputation via social media, fabricating news stories,
or even using bots to mimic customers on your website.10 In 2013, a fraudulent tweet using the
Associated Press’ Twitter account announced that explosions had injured President Barack Obama at
the White House: Reaction temporarily wiped out $136.5 billion of the S&P 500’s value.11 In May and
June 2018, Twitter banned more than 70 million accounts in an attempt to crack down on the flood of
propaganda and bots influencing news consumption, although more work needs to be done.12

No. 3: Third-Party Risk Is Getting More Complicated And Difficult To Control

Companies are still struggling to exercise effective risk management across their growing partner
ecosystems. What sets many of these third-party mishaps apart is that companies invest so little in
their due diligence of third parties. However, the ones that do put in the effort have been making good,
tough decisions to protect their business and brand. Recent events have shown striking differences in
approach and results:

›› Poor due diligence now affects mergers, acquisitions, and other relationships. Companies
may have a mature process to review a segment of their third-party relationships (e.g., suppliers)
for a small scope of potential risk (e.g., financial instability). However, very few have comprehensive
programs covering all categories of third-party risk. In an embarrassing disclosure, Marriott
reported in November 2018 that hackers had access to roughly 500 million customer records of
its subsidiary Starwood for at least two years before it acquired the company in 2016.13 Just as
embarrassing, consulting firms Bain & Company, KPMG, and McKinsey & Company all took heat
for their lack of customer due diligence after accidentally assisting South African Revenue Service
officials plunder state resources.14

›› Proactive third-party risk management protects the business and brand. On the positive
side, firms that anticipate third-party risk events have been able to sever relationships before they
hurt their brand. In the wake of the February 2018 school shooting in South Florida, many banks,

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For Security & Risk Professionals January 25, 2019
GRC Vision, 2019 To 2024
Vision: The Governance, Risk, And Compliance Playbook

airlines, retail stores, and other companies severed their business relationships with the National
Rifle Association. Meanwhile, REI went a step further and stopped selling Bolle, CamelBak, and
Giro brands, because their parent company, Vista Outdoor, also manufactures assault-style rifles.15

No. 4: GRC Vendors Will Push Robotics And Analytics To Keep Pace With Business

When it comes to machine learning and AI, even the most advanced tech companies such as Amazon
and Google struggle with discriminatory or otherwise biased outputs from their data models.16 As
these initiatives take hold and represent larger portions of corporate revenue, compliance and risk
management teams will need more-effective technologies to ensure their firms’ automated processes,
data models, and analytics engines produce their intended outcomes. Risk managers will need to get
up to speed on AI, intelligent agents and chatbots, and RPA.17 Risk and compliance use cases will
transition quickly from theory to practice — with some early pilots already proving GRC value:18

›› Artificial intelligence will accelerate existing GRC processes. Even early applications of
automation and analytics can generate impressive GRC benefits.19 IBM Watson’s Compliance Assist
solution helps legal and compliance pros with tasks related to eDiscovery and contract management,
analyzing and visualizing risks hidden within the unstructured data of lengthy documents.20

›› Bots will support risk and compliance effort like control testing and risk mitigation. Bots are
poised to make major contributions to GRC functions by augmenting human work. Emagia offers
its digital assistant Gia to assist CFO customers in their daily work routines. One task Gia performs
on request is to query disparate ERP systems to extract relevant billing, legal, and M&A activity
related to a common project.21 There’s also a new chatbot, Spot, on the market, which acts a
whistleblower hotline interface for reporting workplace harassment and discrimination and Leena,
which will automatically answer employees’ HR questions.22 The list of relevant GRC bots will
surely expand.


Recalibrate Your Risk Register; Embrace New Technologies

Business and technology changes are going to drastically shift the risk landscape for businesses over the
next five years. For example, you’ll have to widen the scope of your risk assessments to take data integrity
risks, third-party risks, and risks to customer and employee sentiment. Thankfully, you’ll also have access
to many of these same new technologies to lighten your load and broaden your scope as needed. Amid
this chaos, put yourself and your company in the best position to capitalize on new opportunities:

›› Embrace advanced analytics and automation. As automation becomes commonplace, risk

management leaders will need to foster their team’s science, technology, engineering, and math
(STEM) skills as well as robotics quotient (RQ), which measures people’s ability to work with
automated entities.23 The internal audit team at the Australian bank ANZ is in the process of training

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For Security & Risk Professionals January 25, 2019
GRC Vision, 2019 To 2024
Vision: The Governance, Risk, And Compliance Playbook

all of its staff on data analytics and has updated its staff capability and development framework
to reflect new automation and analytics skill priorities.24 As the bank pushes toward AI and
automation, it’s also encouraging employees to pursue a master’s degree in data analytics.

›› Focus on ethics and values as regulatory guidelines fail. Many of the technical, data, and
customer engagement decisions your executive colleagues will make in the next five years will take
the company into uncharted territory. Previously, when adopting a new technology, releasing a new
product, or testing a new business model, it was often good enough to have the legal team review
applicable laws and set guidelines. Now, as legal guidelines don’t exist for many of the initiatives
we’ll soon face, you’ll have to facilitate conversations to determine how ethical implications,
customer and employee expectations, and corporate values guide your direction.

›› Reconsider how you categorize and measure risk. The astronomical value of intangible assets
means that any risk with a potential brand impact should likely rise to the top of your enterprise risk
register. You should also consider the complexity of your firm’s third-party ecosystem and reliance on
those firms maintaining a high degree of consistency, resilience, and performance. Very few of these
risks fit into traditional operational, financial, or reputational categories; instead, categorize risk based
on which assets it targets, the source of the risk, and the different types of potential impacts.

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For Security & Risk Professionals January 25, 2019
GRC Vision, 2019 To 2024
Vision: The Governance, Risk, And Compliance Playbook

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See the Forrester report “GRC Vision 2017-2022: Customer Demands Escalate As Regulators Falter.”

Source: “October 2016 Wells Fargo Mini-Study,” cg42, October 2016 (


Source: Mike Isaac, “Uber Founder Travis Kalanick Resigns as C.E.O.,” The New York Times, June 21, 2017 (https://

Source: Alex Abad-Santos, “Nike’s Colin Kaepernick ad sparked a boycott — and earned $6 billion for Nike,” Vox,

September 24, 2018 (

Source: Daisuke Wakabayashi, Erin Griffith, Amie Tsang, and Kate Conger, “Google Walkout: Employees Stage

Protest Over Handling of Sexual Harassment,” The New York Times, November 1, 2018 (https://www.nytimes.

Source: Hamza Shaban, “Amazon employees demand company cut ties with ICE,” The Washington Post, June 22,

2018 (

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For Security & Risk Professionals January 25, 2019
GRC Vision, 2019 To 2024
Vision: The Governance, Risk, And Compliance Playbook

Source: Chris Kahn and David Ingram, “Americans less likely to trust Facebook than rivals on personal data: Reuters/
Ipsos poll,” Reuters, March 25, 2018 (
GDPR is the most dramatic change in data protection and governance in the last 20 years — and jurisdictions around
the world are using it as a model for their own regulations. To help security, privacy, and other risk professionals cope,
we reviewed the emerging vendors in the GDPR compliance and privacy management software market. For more on
the market we uncovered, see the Forrester report “New Tech: GDPR And Privacy Management Software, Q4 2018.”
As organizations rush to capitalize on the value of data, security leaders who have historically emphasized data
confidentiality will face a new battle over data integrity, where malicious actors tamper with, corrupt, and manipulate
the data on which insights-driven businesses depend. We examine the new investments, capabilities, and roles that
security leaders will need so they can give their business colleagues confidence to use and trust the data they collect.
For more information, see the Forrester report “Beware The Coming Data Integrity Crisis.”
To learn more about common bot attack patterns and the best ways to prevent them, see the Forrester report “Stop
Bad Bots From Killing Customer Experience.”
Source: Peter Foster, “‘Bogus’ AP tweet about explosion at the White House wipes billions off US markets,” The
Telegraph, April 23, 2013 (
Source: Craig Timberg and Elizabeth Dwoskin, “Twitter is sweeping out fake accounts like never before, putting user
growth at risk,” The Washington Post, July 6, 2018 (
Source: Taylor Telford and Craig Timberg, “Marriott discloses massive data breach affecting up to 500 million
guests,” The Washington Post, November 30, 2018 (
Source: Renee Bonorchis, “Bain says guilty of ‘serious failure’ with Sars,” Moneyweb, December 19, 2018 (https://
Source: Gene Johnson, “REI to halt sale of CamelBak, other brands because parent company also makes assault-
style rifles,” Chicago Tribune, March 2, 2018 (
As organizations apply advanced analytics and AI throughout their IT, operational, and customer-facing environments,
the threat of biased machine learning models grows. We demonstrate how biased models are bad for business and
the severe business impact they can cause — all with reputational, regulatory, and revenue consequences at stake.
See the Forrester report “The Ethics Of AI: How To Avoid Harmful Bias And Discrimination.”
Automation technologies include a wide range of technologies, all of which drive improvements in scale, velocity, and
other business metrics. In fact, the potential of this next line of automation is so great, Forrester believes it will revolutionize
the business impact of technology. See the Forrester report “The CIO’s Guide To Automation, AI, And Robotics.”
For example, Cognizant helped a major life sciences company implement RPA to tackle burdensome quality
management and safety reporting requirements. Cognizant developed specially tailored bots to take over the formerly
manual activities of data entry, sorting, and submission preparation for associated safety reports — resulting in a
fully automated, zero-touch process. As a result, the life sciences company saw reporting time reduced by 30%,
first-time form accuracy improved from 85% to 99%, related regulatory compliance rise from 95.7% to 96.1%, and
on-time compliance improved from 88.6% to 91.9%. Source: “Pioneering Robotic Process Automation at a Major Life
Sciences Company,” Cognizant (

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For Security & Risk Professionals January 25, 2019
GRC Vision, 2019 To 2024
Vision: The Governance, Risk, And Compliance Playbook

The evolving systems, technologies, and data dynamics underlying advanced analytics use cases can have

meaningful implications for GRC. In particular, these sophisticated tools and techniques that analyze massive
quantities of structured and unstructured data can build meaningful digital risk insight that automates associated
process at unprecedented speed and scale. See the Forrester report “Build Digital Risk Insight.”

Source: “Watson Business Solution: Compliance Assist on IBM Public Cloud,” IBM (


To learn more about how to successfully enhance employee productivity with technology, see the Forrester report “The

Technology-Augmented Employee.”

Source: Victoria Turk, “This bot for workplace harassment takes the bias out of reporting,” Wired, October 9, 2018

( and Ron Miller, “Leena

AI builds HR chatbots to answer policy questions automatically,” TechCrunch, June 29, 2018 (https://techcrunch.

Forrester’s definition of robotics quotient (RQ) is: “A measure of the ability of individuals and organizations to learn

from, adapt to, collaborate with, trust, and generate business results from automated entities, including software like
RPA, AI, physical robotics, and related systems.” See the Forrester report “RQ: Assess Your Readiness For Working
Side By Side With Robots And AI.”

Source: “2018 State of the Internal Audit Profession Study,” PwC (


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