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Utah State University


All Graduate Theses and Dissertations Graduate Studies


Factors Affecting Air Entrainment of Hydraulic Jumps within

Closed Conduits
Joshua D. Mortensen
Utah State University

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Mortensen, Joshua D., "Factors Affecting Air Entrainment of Hydraulic Jumps within Closed Conduits"
(2009). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 531.

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Joshua D. Mortensen

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree




Civil and Environmental Engineering


_________________________ _________________________
Steven L. Barfuss Blake P. Tullis
Major Professor Committee Member

_________________________ _________________________
Gary P. Merkley Byron R. Burnham
Committee Member Dean of Graduate Studies


Logan, Utah



Factors Affecting Air Entrainment of Hydraulic Jumps Within Closed Conduits


Joshua D. Mortensen, Master of Science

Utah State University, 2009

Major Professor: Steven L. Barfuss

Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering

While there has been a great deal of research on air entrainment at hydraulic

jumps within closed conduits, very little of the research has specifically addressed size

and temperature scale effects. Influences from jump location and changing length

characteristics on air entrainment have also received little attention from past research.

To determine the significance of size-scale effects of air entrained by hydraulic jumps in

closed conduits, air flow measurements were taken in four different-sized circular pipe

models with similar Froude numbers. Each of the pipe models sloped downward and

created identical flow conditions that differed only in size. Additionally, specific

measurements were taken in one of the pipe models with various water temperatures to

identify any effects from changing fluid properties. To determine the significance of the

effects of changed length characteristics on air demand, air flow measurements were

taken with hydraulic jumps at multiple locations within a circular pipe with two different

air release configurations at the end of the pipe.

Results showed that air demand was not affected by the size of the model. All

together, the data from four different pipe models show that size-scale effects of air

entrained into hydraulic jumps within closed conduits are negligible. However, it was

determined that air entrainment was significantly affected by the water temperature.

Water at higher temperatures entrained much less air than water at lower temperatures.

Hydraulic jump location results showed that for both configurations the percentage of air

entrainment significantly increased as the hydraulic jump occurred near the point of air

release downstream. As the jump occurred nearer to the end of the pipe, its length

characteristics were shortened and air demand increased. However, jump location was

only a significant factor until the jump occurred some distance upstream where the length

characteristics were not affected. Upstream of this location the air demand was

dependent only on the Froude number immediately upstream of the jump.

(65 pages)

ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................ ii

LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................ viii


I. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................1



ABSTRACT.................................................................................... 5
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 6
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................... 7

Closed Conduit Flow ..................................................................................7

Open Channel Flow ....................................................................................9

EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE ............................................... 10

Size-scale Effect Data Collection .............................................................11

Temperature Scale Effect Data Collection ...............................................12

RESULTS ..................................................................................... 13

Size-scale Effects .....................................................................................13

Temperature Scale Effects........................................................................16

DISCUSSION ............................................................................... 18

Size-scale Effects .....................................................................................18

Temperature Scale Effects........................................................................20

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ........................................... 21


AIR ENTRAINMENT IN CLOSED CONDUITS ....................................23

ABSTRACT.................................................................................. 23
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 24
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................. 25
EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AN PROCEDURE ........................... 28
RESULTS ..................................................................................... 30
DISCUSSION ............................................................................... 37
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ........................................... 38

IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ........................................................40

V. FUTURE RESEARCH ..............................................................................43

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................44

APPENDICES ...................................................................................................................46

Appendix A: Photographs of pipe models and air release structures ......47

Appendix B: GVF spreadsheet and Repeatability Figures ......................55

Figure Page

1 Profile of air and water flow through each model ................................................ 10

2 Plan view of the model used for data collection at various temperatures ............. 12

3 Air demand vs. Froude number for each model size; (♦) 7.62 cm, (■) 17.7 cm,
(▲) 30.0 cm and (●) 59.1 cm diameters ............................................................... 13

4 Scale effects due to jump location near point of air release: (♦) 7.62 cm,
(▲) 30.0 cm and (●) 59.1 cm pipe diameters ....................................................... 14

5 Air demand vs. Froude number for each water temperature where (♦) 12.8°C,
(■) 29.4 °C, (▲) 48.9 °C and (●) 62.8 °C ............................................................. 15

6 Difference in air bubble size between (a) 12.8°C, (b) 29.4 °C, (c) 48.9 °C
and (d) 62.8 °C ...................................................................................................... 16

7 Schematic of open channel hydraulic jump roller (Lr) and aeration

(La) lengths ........................................................................................................... 26

8 Cylindrical Air Capture Chamber (a) and Open Tank (b) air release
configurations ....................................................................................................... 28

9 Air demand vs. Froude of jumps located less than 17 diameters (♦), greater than
17 diameters (■) from the end of the pipe and Kalinske and Robertson’s curve
(solid line) ............................................................................................................. 30

10 Cases of altered characteristic lengths; Case 1 (a), Case 2 (b), and Case 3 (c) .... 32

11 Air demand vs. distance of the jump from the end of the pipe for (▲) 5.0 l/s,
(■) 4.4 l/s, and (♦) 3.8 l/s ...................................................................................... 33

12 Photographs of hydraulic jump Case 2 (a) and Case 3 (b) ................................... 34

13 24-inch pipe model ............................................................................................... 47

14 24-inch model with air capture chamber and vent ................................................ 47

15 Flow nozzle in the 24-inch pipe model ................................................................. 48

16 12-inch pipe model ............................................................................................... 48

17 12-inch pipe model and air capture chamber with vent ........................................ 49
18 7-inch acrylic pipe model...................................................................................... 50

19 3-inch acrylic pipe and air intake just downstream of flow nozzle ...................... 51

20 Air capture chamber and vent on the 3-inch acrylic pipe ..................................... 51

21 Downstream control valve of 3-inch pipe and thermometer for size and
temperature scale tests .......................................................................................... 52

22 Rectangular Open Tank on the 3-inch acrylic pipe .............................................. 52

23 Roughened flow nozzle for rough water surface tests in 3 inch pipe ................... 53

24 Example of spreadsheet used to calculated distance to jump, Fr, V, Qwater

and Qair using GVF water surface profiles (red text indicates values entered
in spreadsheet ....................................................................................................... 55

25 Repeated runs for size and temperature tests to ensure repeatability of data ....... 56

26 Repeated runs for location tests in open tank to ensure repeatability of data ....... 56

List of Symbols

β Ratio of volumetric air flow to water flow (-)

Fr Froude Number (-)

Re Reynolds Number (-)

We Weber Number (-)

g Acceleration of gravity (ft/s2 / m/s2)

ye Effective hydraulic depth (ft / m)

La Aeration length of hydraulic jump (pipe diameters)

Lj Distance from jump toe to end of pipe (pipe diameters)

Lr Roller length of hydraulic jump (pipe diameters)

V Flow velocity (ft/s / m/s)

Qair Volumetric air flow rate (ft3/s / m3/s)

Qwater Volumetric water flow rate (ft3/s / m3/s)

List of Abbreviations

GVF Gradually Varied Flow

MWH Montgomery Watson Harza

USBR United States Bureau of Reclamation

UWRL Utah Water Research Laboratory



At a transition from subcritical to supercritical flow a hydraulic jump occurs

which entrains air into the flow due to its high level of turbulence at the air-water

interface. When a hydraulic jump occurs within a closed conduit and causes pressurized

flow downstream, the air that is entrained may cause problems within the conduit.

Pipelines with changing slopes, low-level outlet works of dams and other hydraulic

conduits have experienced choked flow, blow-back, negative pressures and other similar

problems due to air that was entrained through a hydraulic jump. Knowledge of the

amount of air that is entrained by a hydraulic jump is important for proper venting and air

release design.

Due to the many factors that may affect air entrainment, physical model studies

are often necessary to predict the amount of air entrained by a hydraulic jump (or air

demand of the jump). Great care must be taken when scaling results from models of two-

phase flows as size-scale effects may exist. Various model sizes may be necessary to

determine the significance of size-scale effects between the different sized structures.

An example of such a model study is a pipeline and air release system that was

modeled at the Utah Water Research Laboratory for MWH Global. This circular pipeline

was designed to transport treated effluent from the area of Las Vegas, Nevada to the

bottom of Lake Mead. Due to the slope of the pipe and the hydraulic grade line at the

lake surface, a hydraulic jump will always exist somewhere in the pipe. A passive air

venting system requiring no manual operation or maintenance was designed to capture all
of the free air entrained by the jump. This design consisted of air capture chambers

(short sections of larger diameter pipe with air vents near the top) placed in series down

the length of the pipe. This design was necessary to prevent any free air to be released

into the lake which could cause algae bloom and other environmental problems. Air

demand data was taken at hydraulic jumps in different sized pipe models to determine the

possibility and significance of size-scale effects between pipe sizes. Test results were

useful in optimizing the air release design, assuring that no free air would be released into

the lake.

This thesis studied size-scale, temperature and jump location effects of air

entrained by hydraulic jumps using a very similar pipe and air release design as the

MWH study. For size-scale effects, air entrainment rates were recorded in pipe sizes of

24-inch, 12-inch, 7-inch and 3-inch I.D. that were operated with common Froude

numbers. For water temperature effects, similar tests were performed in the 3-inch pipe

at four different water temperatures (55, 85, 120 and 145 °F). For the research on jump

location effects, air flow measurements were taken with hydraulic jumps located at

various distances from the pipe exit using two different air release structures at the end of

the pipe. One structure was the air capture chamber used in the size-scale effects study

and the other was an open tank. The roller and aeration lengths (characteristic lengths) of

the jump were expected to change with distance from the end of the pipe, possibly

affecting air demand.

Previous studies of air entrainment of hydraulic jumps were reviewed for

guidance in this thesis. The research indicated that various factors may influence the air

demand of hydraulic jumps such as upstream Froude number (Kalinske and Robertson,
1943), jump location from an upstream air intake (Sharma, 1976), flow and exit

conditions as well as conduit geometry (Escarameia, 2007). Many studies of air

entrainment of hydraulic jumps in open channels showed that viscous and surface tension

effects can produce size-scale effects (Chanson, 2008a, 2008b, 2007, 2006, 1995).

However, very little of the research specifically addressed size-scale, temperature or

jump location effects of air entrainment of hydraulic jumps within circular closed


Specifics of the literature review, experimental set up, procedure and test results

are documented in Chapters II and III of this document. Chapter II addresses size-scale

effects from the four pipe sizes as well as temperature effects. Chapter III addresses

effects from jump location and changed characteristic lengths. Both chapters are journal

articles to be submitted to the Journal of Hydraulic Research.

In summary, the main objective of this thesis was to determine how air demand of

hydraulic jumps in circular closed conduits is affected by the following factors:

• Size-scale effects

• Temperature effects

• Jump Location and altered length characteristics effects

Many articles of past research on air entrainment by hydraulic jumps in both

closed conduit and open channel flows have been reviewed and have been found useful.

However, results from these past studies do not specifically address the factors

investigated in the current research. The results obtained from the physical model studies

provide new insights into air entrainment processes of hydraulic jumps within closed
conduits. Hopefully, these results will be useful in future modeling processes and aid the

practicing engineer in predicting air entrainment rates for design purposes.





While there has been a great deal of research in air entrainment at hydraulic jumps

within closed conduits, very little of the research has specifically addressed size-scale

effects. To determine the significance of size-scale effects of air entrained by hydraulic

jumps in closed conduits, air flow measurements were taken in four different sized

circular pipe models with similar Froude numbers. Additionally, specific measurements

were taken in one of the models with various water temperatures to identify any effects

from changing fluid properties. Results showed that the percentage of air entrainment

was not affected by the size of the model. All together, the data from four different pipe

models show that scale effects of air entrained into hydraulic jumps within closed

conduits are negligible. However, it was determined that air entrainment was

significantly affected by water temperature.

Coauthored by Steven L. Barfuss P.E. and Michael C. Johnson Ph.D., P.E
1 Introduction

A hydraulic jump which occurs at a transition from open channel flow to

pressurized flow within a closed conduit will entrain air into the flow due to its high level

of turbulence at the air-water interface. Knowledge of the amount of air entrained by a

hydraulic jump is important for the proper design of pipelines, low-level outlet works of

dams, and other such conveyance systems. Past studies have shown that the amount of

air entrained and passed downstream by the jump within closed conduits is dependent on

many factors, including; Froude number (Kalinske & Robertson, 1943), and jump

location (Sharma, 1976). However, no studies were found that specifically addressed

scale effects of air entrainment of hydraulic jumps within closed conduits. Extensive

research by Chanson (2008a, 2008b, 2007) has shown that for open channel flows, scale

effects of air entrainment exist between different sized jumps with a common Froude

number. However, despite the many studies on air entrainment at hydraulic jumps

performed by Chanson, scale effects of air entrained by hydraulic jumps within closed

conduits have not been addressed.

The primary objective of this study was to investigate size-scale effects of air

entrainment in circular closed conduits. To accomplish this, measurements of air flow

were taken at hydraulic jumps in four different sized pipe models that were operated with

common Froude numbers. A secondary objective of this research was to determine if air

entrainment is dependent on water temperature. Tests were performed in one of the

models by recording air flow measurements at four different water temperatures. The

results of this study are important because the differences in conduit size and even water

temperature are often significant between model and prototype. It is expected that these
findings will give greater insight into air entrainment processes and will be valuable for

system design.

2 Literature Review

2.1 Closed Conduit Flow

Kalinske and Robertson (1943) conducted some of the very first experiments of

air entrainment by measuring air entrainment rates at hydraulic jumps within a single

circular pipe at various slopes from 0 to 16.7 degrees. Their results showed that air

demand is dependent only on the Froude number immediately upstream of the jump and

not the slope of the pipe. From their data they developed the following air demand


β= = 0.0066( Fr − 1)1.4 (1)

In Eq. (1) β is the volumetric ratio of the air flow to water flow and Fr is the Froude

number immediately upstream of the jump with Fr defined as follows:

Fr = (2)

In Eq. (2) g is the acceleration of gravity, V is the approach velocity and ye, the effective

depth, is the water cross-sectional flow area divided by the water surface width.
Kalinske and Robertson also found that for downward sloping pipes, multiple

hydraulic jumps may occur in series with a pressurized air pocket between them and that

the primary jump’s ability to entrain air is dependent the hydraulic features beyond the

jump (Estrada, 2007). Many others have built upon Kalinske and Robertson’s pioneering

work by performing similar air entrainment experiments of closed conduit flow.

Sharma (1976) collected air demand data in a high-head gated, rectangular

conduit model for many different flow scenarios, including a hydraulic jump that fills the

conduit. After comparing his results to prototype data he found that Kalinske and

Robertson’s equation (Eq. 1) underestimated the air entrained by the hydraulic jump in

the prototype when the jump occurred at a considerable distance from the gate. He

claimed that prototype air demand was larger due a “pre-entrained” hydraulic jump which

pumps additional air that was entrained into the more turbulent upstream supercritical

flow. Sharma’s research indicates that jump location and water surface roughness

upstream of the jump may contribute to scale effects and should be accounted for when

measuring air entrainment rates. Despite the studies of Sharma and others, pipe size-

scale effects on air entrained into hydraulic jumps within circular closed conduits has not

been thoroughly investigated.

Escarameia (2007) measured rates of air entrainment into hydraulic jumps in a

circular pipe and compared her results to those found by Kalinske and Robertson (1943),

Wisner et al. (1975), Rajaratnam (1967), and Rabben et al. (1983). This comparison

showed significant differences of air demand between the various experiments. She

suggests that the different results may be due to differences in conduit geometry as well

as downstream flow and exit conditions. The comparison of Escarameia’s results with
other studies show that factors other than pipe size-scale effects may influence air

entrainment and great care should be taken to recognize the effect of each factor.

2.2 Open Channel Flow

Hager et al. (1989 and 1990) have conducted many studies on a classical

hydraulic jump within open channels and reported that in addition to the Froude number

the Reynolds number also influences jump characteristics. They also defined the length

from the toe to the surface stagnation point as the surface roller length. Their

observations indicate that air bubbles intensively rise at the downstream end of the roller.

Although the characteristics of a hydraulic jump in a closed pipe may differ, knowledge

of air bubble transport within hydraulic jumps is important.

Chanson (2008a, 2008b, 2007, 2006, 1995) has extensively studied scale effects

of air entrainment in hydraulic jumps in open channel flows. His work shows that scale

effects may exist between two systems that are not dynamically similar. Complete

dynamic similitude is achieved only when each dimensionless parameter (Fr, Re, We) is

the same in both model and prototype (D.O.I., 1980). When comparing two hydraulic

jumps of different flume widths using Froude similitude, he found greater air entrainment

within the larger jump. Chanson determined that this was due to the jump’s greater

incoming velocities, Reynolds numbers and resulting turbulence. A visual comparison

clearly shows the greater turbulence of the jump in the larger flume as well as a

difference in air bubble size. Greater incoming velocities and turbulence cause more

breakup of the air bubbles, resulting in smaller bubble size and greater air entrainment

rates (Chanson, 2008b).

Chanson’s results indicate numerically as well as visually that viscous and surface

tension effects do influence air entrainment because of their effect on turbulence and

bubble size. His results confirm that scale effects do exist for air entrainment of

hydraulic jumps in open channel flows. However, to date, Chanson’s research has not

addressed air entrainment of hydraulic jumps in closed conduit flows.

3 Experimental Setup and Procedure

In order to investigate the specific influence of model size and fluid properties on

air entrainment of hydraulic jumps in closed conduits, physical model studies were

conducted to compare results. Air entrainment rates were measured in four similar

circular pipe models with inside diameters of 7.62-cm, 17.7-cm, 30.0-cm and 59.1 cm

and lengths of 106, 120, 80, and 53 pipe diameters, respectively. Pipe length and

material varied due to space and visual constraints; each model was set at a 4%

downward slope. Air entrainment rates were obtained in each model by using a model

A031 Kanomax anemometer to measure air velocities through a 6.35 cm diameter air

intake located immediately downstream of an acrylic flow nozzle at the upstream end of

the pipe model. Pressure drop readings across the inlet of each air intake confirmed that

it would not limit the air flow for the range of air velocities measured. Water flow rates

were measured using a combination of calibrated magnetic, ultrasonic and venturi flow


Water entered each model through a flow nozzle which forced an open channel

flow condition with a smooth water surface. A gradually varied flow surface profile

developed down the length of the pipe until a hydraulic jump occurred downstream. At
the end of the pipe the water flowed through a larger diameter air capture chamber with

an air vent near the top to allow the free air to be released from the flow. A hydraulic

jump was forced to occur at a desired location by adjusting a control valve downstream

of the chamber. The air entrained by the jump was measured as it entered the system

through the acrylic intake inserted just downstream of the nozzle (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 Profile of air and water flow through each model

3.1 Size-scale Effect Data Collection

For each model size, common Froude numbers (ranging 2.6 – 11.4) were obtained

by measuring the depth and velocity of the supercritical flow upstream of the jump

location. Due to the difficulty in acquiring an accurate depth measurement inside the

pipe, calculated Gradually Varied Flow (GVF) profiles of the water surface were used to

estimate the depth. Approximate visual measurements from the outside of the pipe were

made for verification. Once the hydraulic jump stabilized at the desired location, the air

entrainment for each run was quantified by averaging a three minute sample (180

velocity readings) of air velocity measurements and then calculating the volumetric air

flow rate (Qair). To ensure accuracy and repeatability, selected runs were repeated using

two identical anemometers and allowing data to be collected for up to ten minutes (600

velocity readings). All tests were performed at a temperature of approximately 10° C.

Scale effects were investigated by plotting the percentage of air entrainment (Eq.

3) (air demand) versus the respective Froude number for each model on the same graph.

Since the same range of Froude numbers was used for each model size, any existing scale

effects could be readily identified.

β= (100) (3)

3.2 Temperature Scale Effect Data Collection

Additional air entrainment rates were recorded at four different water

temperatures (12.8° C, 29.4° C, 48.9° C and 62.8° C) using the same procedure as the

size-scale effect data collection. The air was at room temperature (approximately 21.1°

C). The 7.62-cm I.D. model was used for the varied temperature tests. As with the size-

scale data, selected runs from each temperature were repeated using two anemometers

and allowing data to be collected for up to ten minutes (600 velocity readings).

Water was heated to a desired temperature in a 5 m3 tank and then circulated

through the system and pipe, then back into the tank as shown in Figure 2. Water

temperature was measured as the water left the capture chamber using a digital

thermometer and was kept within 2 degrees of the desired temperature during each test

series. Temperature effects were illustrated by plotting the percent air entrainment versus

the corresponding Froude number for each temperature on the same graph. Temperature

effects could be identified since a common Froude range was used for each temperature.

Figure 2 Plan view of the model used for data collection at various water temperatures

4 Results

4.1 Size-scale Effects

Figure 3 shows air demand results of each pipe model compared to the Kalinske

and Robertson (1943) curve (Eq. 1). This curve was adjusted to fit the x-axis of Fr

instead of Fr-1 as presented in their article. The overlapping data from each model

shows that pipe size has very little effect on the percentage of air entrained by the

hydraulic jump. Air entrainment was dependent on the Froude number immediately

upstream of the jump, except when the hydraulic jump occurred near the air capture

chamber where the air is released from the flow. When the jump was located too near the

air capture chamber, the measured air entrainment increased. Jump lengths (from toe to

point where all air bubbles rose to surface) varied from about 15 to 20 pipe diameters.

Once the jump was more than about 20 pipe diameters upstream, the full length of the

jump was contained in the pipe and the influence of the air capture chamber was not a





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 3 Air demand vs. Froude number for each model size; (♦) 7.62 cm, (■) 17.7 cm,

(▲) 30.0 cm and (●) 59.1 cm diameters

Flow conditions similar to Kalinske and Robertson’s (1943) findings were

observed in each pipe model where a primary hydraulic jump occurred followed by a

pressurized air pocket followed by a secondary hydraulic jump downstream. This almost

always occurred unless the primary jump was near the air capture chamber, and then only

one jump would occur. For some conditions, usually with greater water flow rates, the

air demand consistently oscillated. The primary hydraulic jump also oscillated about a

mean location in phase with the air demand, moving downstream as the air demand

increased and moved upstream as the air demand decreased. When this happened the

vent pipe out of the air capture chamber would fill with water and then be blown out in

phase with the oscillations of the air demand and hydraulic jump.
Figure 4 illustrates the difference in air entrainment at the hydraulic jump between

pipe sizes when a single hydraulic jump occurred too near the air capture chamber. For

this condition, jumps in the larger models entrained a greater amount of air. Figure 4

shows scale effects in air entrainment between the different model sizes for hydraulic

jumps at locations between 6 and 10 pipe diameters upstream of the air capture chamber.

It was determined that if the jump was further away from the air capture chamber than

about 20 pipe diameters, the effects illustrated in Figure 4 would not occur.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 4 Scale effects due to jump location near point of air release: (♦) 7.62 cm, (▲)

30.0 cm and (●) 59.1 cm pipe diameters

4.2 Temperature Scale Effects

Results indicated that air entrainment is significantly affected by water

temperature. As the temperature of the water increased, the amount of air entrained by

the hydraulic jump decreased (Fig. 5). There is only a slight difference between results

of 12.8 °C and 29.4 °C, but the trend becomes more significant with higher temperatures.

Primary and secondary hydraulic jumps were observed to be similar for all temperatures,

similar to the flow conditions of the size-scale data. As noted previously, a primary

hydraulic jump oscillated about a mean location and a secondary hydraulic jump occurred

mostly near the inlet to the air capture chamber.





2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Figure 5 Air demand vs. Froude number for each water temperature where (♦) 12.8°C,

(■) 29.4 °C, (▲) 48.9 °C and (●) 62.8 °C


It was noted that the size of the air bubbles entrained by the jump visually

increased with temperature. Figure 6 illustrates the difference in air bubble size between

hydraulic jumps with a common Froude number of 7.62. The air demand of each

temperature was 12.5 (a), 12.1 (b), 7.5 (c) and 3.2 (d).

Figure 6 Difference in air bubble size between (a) 12.8°C, (b) 29.4 °C, (c) 48.9 °C and

(d) 62.8 °C

Several factors may have contributed to the uncertainty and spread of the data.

These factors come from natural and experimental causes. First, the natural process of air

entrainment in a hydraulic jump is very unstable and erratic which is a significant cause

of the spread of the data. Additional uncertainty was introduced by estimating the depth
of the supercritical flow calculating a GVF profile. Depths were not steady as also

mentioned in Kalinske and Robertson’s (1943) study which also showed spread in their

data. Also, jump location and air demand oscillated about a mean value as previously

mentioned. Data points that were repeated several times with two anemometers and a 10

minute average (average of 600 velocity readings) produced similar results as the 3

minute average. While the results were similar, some uncertainty due to the anemometer

instrumentation was observed.

Despite the uncertainty of the data, definite trends and similarities were confirmed.

Tests in which data was collected for a longer period of time showed no significant

change of air demand or water depth over time. Data from these repeated runs added

confidence that the measured average air demand and estimated Froude number are

accurate representations of the actual values. They also showed that the air demand

trends were repeatable and consistent, despite the erratic nature of air entrainment at

hydraulic jumps which was the greatest source of uncertainty.

5 Discussion

5.1 Size-scale Effects

Results from the size-scale effect data show that for closed conduit flow, air

demand is not affected by pipe size. The data suggest that the absence of scale effects

between the different pipe model sizes was due to the confined flow downstream of the

hydraulic jump in which the air could not be immediately released from the flow. This

was true even when the downstream pipe was partially filled with air when multiple

hydraulic jumps occurred in series, similar to Kalinske and Robertson’s (1943)

experiment. Also, a correlation was found of results from different pipe sizes to Kalinske
and Robertson’s curve (Fig. 3). They did not indicate in their study where any of the

jumps occurred relative to the end of the pipe. The deviation from their curve,

particularly at lower Froude numbers, may be due to the close location of the hydraulic

jump to the end of the pipe. Also, Kalinske and Robertson did not indicate the

temperature of the water or if it was held constant for each run which may account for

slightly higher air demand results of this study in comparison to their curve.

The greater air demand that occurred when the hydraulic jump is located too near

the end of the pipe suggests that air entrainment is dependent on the extent that the

hydraulic jump is contained within the pipe. In other words, the jump’s location relative

to the point of air release downstream. For jumps 15 – 20 pipe diameters or closer to the

end of the pipe, air entrainment was dominated by the jump not being fully contained in

the pipe, despite the relatively low Froude number for these tests. This may be due to

reducing the length characteristics of the jump, or allowing the downstream end of the

jump roller to occur within the air capture chamber which would allow more air to be

freely released from the flow (Hager et al., 1990). The presence of scale effects for

jumps near the chamber suggests that size scaling effects may exist when the air is freely

released from the jump. This finding is consistent with Chanson’s (2008a, 2008b, 2007,

2006) work on scale effects of open channel hydraulic jumps in which the air can be

immediately released from the flow into the atmosphere.

5.2 Temperature Effects

Significant temperature effects on air entrainment were detected when water

temperature was varied (Fig. 5). Since greater Reynolds numbers result from higher
temperatures one would expect greater air entrainment rates due to the increased

turbulence of the hydraulic jump as Chanson (2008b) described for open channel flow

hydraulic jumps. However, the opposite occurred when the jump was confined in a

closed conduit resulting in decreased air entrainment with increased water temperatures.

This may be explained by a visual inspection of the air bubbles entrained into the

hydraulic jump.

The bubbles within the air-water mixture expanded within the hydraulic jump and

were visually larger as temperature increased. Consequently, there was less breakup of

the larger air bubbles limiting the amount of air that could be entrained and passed

downstream. This may have been because of greater surface tension due to the increased

Weber number and surface area of the air bubbles. Also, the buoyant force is greater on a

bubble with more surface area which would keep it up in the recirculation region of the

jump roller, preventing it from being passed downstream. Also, air is less soluble in

water at higher temperatures. However, the majority of the air did not go into solution

but was passed downstream as air bubbles which rose to the pressurized air pocket at the

crown of the pipe.

This trend of decreased air demand continued for rising temperatures even though

Reynolds and Weber numbers increased and Froude numbers remained the same for each

temperature. Photographs show a gradual increase of bubble size with temperature (Fig.

6). The visual inspection suggests that air entrained by a hydraulic jump is dependent on

the size of the air bubbles entrained into the flow.

6 Summary and Conclusions

Measurements were taken of air entrainment rates into four different sized pipe

models with similar Froude numbers and compared to identify any scaling effects.

Additional air entrainment measurements were taken at different water temperatures to

determine if changing water properties would affect the amount of air entrained into a

hydraulic jump. Results showed that the percentage of air entrainment was not affected

by the size of the pipe model. However, results from the model with different water

temperatures showed that air entrainment decreases significantly with increasing


From the comparison of air entrainment within the different sized models it may

be concluded that when the air is not immediately released downstream of the hydraulic

jump, the air demand is not dependent on the size of the conduit. Even though a larger

jump has more turbulence, it cannot entrain a greater percentage of air because the air

leaving the jump is not freely released and the fluid reaches a certain carrying capacity.

It can further be concluded that air entrainment is dependent on the jump’s location

relative to the point of air release on the downstream side of the hydraulic jump. When

the jump was near an air capture chamber, the air demand increased and scale effects

were detected between the different models. This is possibly due to the air being more

freely released from the hydraulic jump similar to open channel jumps which is in

accordance with Chanson’s work.

After visually inspecting the air demand of different water temperatures, it was

concluded that air bubble size greatly affects the air demand of the hydraulic jump.

Higher water temperatures caused the air-water mixture to expand, forming larger air
bubbles. Consequently, larger air bubbles led to less breakup of the entrained air, causing

less air entrainment into the jump even though the Reynolds number had increased.

The findings from this study provide new insights into air entrainment processes

of hydraulic jumps within closed conduits. The absence of size-scale effects of air

entrained into hydraulic jumps in closed conduit flow should aid the practicing engineer

in predicting air entrainment rates for design purposes. Also, in addition to the other

factors that influence air entrainment, water temperature should be considered when

predicting air entrainment of hydraulic jumps.





While there has been a great deal of research on air entrainment at hydraulic

jumps within closed conduits, very little of the research has specifically addressed how

the jump’s location from the point of downstream air release may influence the amount of

air it can entrain. To determine the significance of the effects of jump location on air

entrained by hydraulic jumps in closed conduits, air flow measurements were taken in a

7.62-cm circular pipe with two different air release configurations at the end of the pipe.

Results showed that for both configurations the percentage of air entrainment was

significantly affected by the hydraulic jump’s proximity to the point of air release

downstream. As the hydraulic jump occurred closer to the air release at the end of the

pipe air entrainment increased because characteristic lengths of the jump were shortened

allowing more air to be freely released. However, this was only a significant factor until

the jump occurred some distance upstream where it was then dependent only on the

Froude number immediately upstream of the jump.

Coauthored by Steven L. Barfuss, P.E., and Blake P. Tullis, Ph.D., P.E.
1 Introduction

Often in closed water conveyance systems a hydraulic jump will occur at a

transition from open channel to pressurized flow due to elevation changes or other

occurrences which cause the hydraulic grade line to be greater than the pipe diameter. A

hydraulic jump will entrain air into the flow due to its high level of turbulence at the air-

water interface. Knowledge of the amount of air entrained by a hydraulic jump is

important for the proper design of pipelines, dam low-level outlet works, and other such

conveyance systems requiring air venting. Past studies have shown that the rate of air

entrained and passed downstream by the hydraulic jump, or air demand of the jump

within closed conduits is dependent on many factors, including; Froude number, flow and

exit conditions, jump and conduit geometry and jump location relative to the air supply.

However, no studies were found that specifically addressed how the location of the jump

in closed conduits relative to the point of air release downstream influences the rate of air

entrainment. It is suspected that the location of the hydraulic jump relative to the point of

downstream air release may affect the characteristics lengths of the jump which may also

influence the air demand of the jump.

The objective of this study was to investigate how air entrainment rates are

influenced by changing a hydraulic jump’s characteristic lengths due to its proximity to

the point where the air is released from the flow. To accomplish this, air flow

measurements were made in conjunction with hydraulic jumps that completely fill the

conduit (open to pressurized flow) located at various positions within a circular pipe.

The measurements were made with two different air release structures at the end of the

pipe, one a pipe expansion with an air vent and the other an open tank to determine if
vented or free air release influences the amount of air entrained. Jump location was

defined by the distance from the jump toe to the end of pipe for each air release test

configuration. The results from this study are important because length characteristics

are suspected to influence air entrainment within a hydraulic jump and specific studies

are not found in the literature. It is expected that these findings will give greater insight

into air entrainment processes and will be valuable for system design.

2 Literature Review

Kalinske and Robertson (1943) conducted some of the very first experiments of

air entrainment within circular pipes by measuring air entrainment rates at hydraulic

jumps at open channel to pressurized flow at various slopes from 0 to 16.7 degrees. Their

results showed that air demand varied only with the Froude number immediately

upstream of the jump. Additionally they found that air demand was not dependent on the

slope of the pipe. From their data they developed the following air demand relationship

β= = 0.0066( Fr − 1)1.4 (1)

In Eq. (1) β is the volumetric ratio of the air flow to water flow and Fr is the Froude

number immediately upstream of the jump with Fr defined as follows

Fr = (2)
In Eq. (2) g is the acceleration of gravity, V is the approach velocity and ye, the effective

depth, is the water area divide by the surface width upstream of the jump.

Others have built upon Kalinske and Robertson’s pioneering work by performing

similar air entrainment experiments of closed conduit flow. Sharma (1976) collected air

demand data in a lab-scale rectangular conduit model with a vertical gate under high

upstream head conditions for many different flow scenarios, including a hydraulic jump

that fills the conduit. After comparing his results to prototype data he determined that

Kalinske and Robertson’s equation (Eq. 1) underestimated the air entrained by a

hydraulic jump in the prototype when the jump occurred at a considerable distance from

the gate. He claimed that prototype air demand was larger due a “pre-entrained”

hydraulic jump which pumps additional air that was entrained into the more turbulent

upstream supercritical flow. Sharma’s research indicates that distance to a jump and

water surface roughness upstream of the jump may influence air entrainment and should

be accounted for when measuring air entrainment rates.

Wisner et al. (1975), Rajaratnam (1967), and Rabben et al. (1983) also developed

air demand relationships for hydraulic jumps. Escarameia (2007) compared the air

demand relationship from her results to those found by Kalinske and Robertson (1943),

Wisner et al., Rajaratnam, and Rabben et al. This comparison showed significant

differences of air demand between the various experiments which may be due to

differences in conduit geometry as well as downstream flow and exit conditions.

Escarameia’s comparison with other studies shows that many factors may influence air

entrainment and great care should be taken to recognize the effect of each factor.
For hydraulic jumps in open channel flows Chanson (2008a, 2008b, 2007, 1995)

has extensively studied air entrainment. Chanson showed that in addition to Fr, Re and

We numbers also significantly influence air entrainment rates of hydraulic jumps.

Chanson’s studies may also be helpful in understanding air entrainment of closed conduit

hydraulic jumps.

Hager et al. (1989, 1990) studied characteristics of a classical hydraulic jump in a

rectangular channel and observed a turbulent recirculation region in which unsteady flow

reversals occurred. This region from the toe to the stagnation point was defined as the

surface roller length (Lr). It was observed that air bubbles intensively rise at the

downstream end of the roller. Hager also defined the aeration length (La) of an open

channel hydraulic jump (Fig. 7) as the length from the toe to the point where all the air

bubbles have risen to the surface (Chanson, 1995). Later Stahl and Hager (1999)

observed that in a circular pipe when the upstream depth is greater than 1/3 of the pipe

diameter, a hydraulic jump is similar to the classical hydraulic jump with a turbulent

surface roller. While these definitions do not address rates of air entrainment, they may

be helpful to understand characteristics lengths and air entrainment or detrainment

processes of a hydraulic jump that completely fills a closed conduit.

Figure 7 Schematic of open channel hydraulic jump roller (Lr) and aeration (La) lengths
3 Experimental Setup and Procedure

An experimental study was conducted in order to investigate the specific

influence of altered hydraulic jump characteristic lengths due to location on air

entrainment of jumps in closed conduits. Air entrainment rates were measured in an

acrylic circular pipe with an inside diameter of 7.62 cm and a length of 8 m. The model

was set at a 4% downward slope. Air entrainment rates were obtained using a model

A031 Kanomax hot-wire anemometer to measure air velocities through a 6.35 cm

diameter air intake located at the upstream end of the pipe (Fig. 8). Pressure drop

readings across the inlet of the air intake confirmed that it was sufficiently large to not

limit the air flow. Water flow rates approaching the pipe model were measured using a

calibrated Siemens magnetic flow meter.

Water entered the conduit test section through a flow nozzle which created an

open channel flow condition with a smooth water surface (Fig 8). Primarily, the flow

nozzle eliminated the possibility for air entrainment near an upstream control valve or

slide gate which would create spray and disturb flow at the upstream end. Downstream

of the flow nozzle a gradually varied flow surface profile formed until a hydraulic jump

occurred downstream. At the end of the pipe the water flowed through a larger diameter

cylindrical air capture chamber with an air vent near the upstream top to allow the free air

to be released from the flow (Fig. 8a). A hydraulic jump was forced to occur at a desired

location by adjusting a control valve downstream of the chamber. Tests were repeated

using an open rectangular tank at the end of the pipe with a slide gate to control the jump

location (Fig. 8b). The air entrained by the jump was measured as it entered the system

through the acrylic intake inserted just downstream of the flow nozzle.



Figure 8 Cylindrical Air Capture Chamber (a) and Open Tank (b) air release


Froude numbers immediately upstream of the jump were obtained by measuring

the depth and velocity of the upstream supercritical flow. Due to the difficulty in

acquiring an accurate depth measurement inside the pipe, Gradually Varied Flow (GVF)

profiles of the open water surface were used to estimate the depth. Approximate visual

measurements from the outside of the pipe were also made to validate this method.
Velocities were obtained by conservation of mass using the known flow rate and water

surface depth.

Once the hydraulic jump stabilized at the desired location, the air entrainment for

each run was quantified by averaging a three minute sample (180 readings) of air velocity

at the air intake and then calculating the volumetric air flow rate (Qair). The volumetric

ratio of air to water, or air demand, was then calculated (Eq. 5) and compared to the

upstream Froude number. The location of the hydraulic jump was defined by the

distance from the toe of the jump to the downstream end of the pipe.

β= (100) (5)

To ensure accuracy and repeatability, selected runs were repeated using two

identical anemometers and allowing data to be collected for up to ten minutes (600

readings). Also, to determine if a rough upstream water surface would increase air

demand by causing a pre-entrained hydraulic jump as described by Sharma (1976),

selected runs were repeated using a roughened flow nozzle.

4 Results

Figure 9 is a comparison to Kalinske and Robertson’s (1943) study which shows

air demand of a hydraulic jump vs. the upstream Froude number. It includes results from

both air release structures and shows that the air demand was dependent only on Froude

number except when the jump occurred too near the end of the pipe. For this particular

pipe and GVF profile, the Froude numbers decreased as the flow approached the pipe

exit. The largest aeration length observed was about 17 pipe diameters. When the jump
toe occurred closer than 17 pipe diameters from the end of the pipe, the downstream end

of the jump was not contained in the pipe and air entrainment increased despite the

Froude number, causing the vertical trend. When the jump toe occurred further upstream

than 17 pipe diameters the full length of the jump was contained in the pipe and flow

conditions similar to Kalinske and Robertson’s findings were observed. No significant

differences in air demand results were found between the air capture chamber and open

tank except when a jump occurred within 2 diameters of the end of the pipe at which

point a greater amount of air was entrained into the open tank configuration. A turbulent

roller was observed within the hydraulic jumps where much of the air was rising within

the jump at the downstream end of the roller, similar to Hager’s (1990) description.





0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 9 Air demand vs. Froude of jumps located less than 17 diameters (♦), greater than

17 diameters (■) from the end of the pipe and Kalinske and Robertson’s curve (solid line)
Roller lengths (Lr) of 4 to 5 pipe diameters were observed as well as aeration

lengths (La) of 13 to 17 pipe diameters depending on the Froude number. Lr and La had

similar hydraulic characteristics as the classical open channel hydraulic jump but differed

in length. Results showed that altered characteristic lengths directly influenced the

jump’s air demand.

Three separate cases of altered jump characteristic lengths were identified as well

as their specific influence on the air demand of the hydraulic jump. Each case is

illustrated in Figure 10 which defines Lj as the distance from the jump toe to the end of

the pipe, La as the original (undisturbed) aeration length, and Lr as the original

(undisturbed) jump roller length.

Case 1: Lj > La; the full length of the hydraulic jump is fully contained within the

conduit. Characteristic lengths are unchanged and air demand is dependent on Froude

number only.

Case 2: La > Lj > Lr; the actual aeration length is shortened by the end of the pipe. Air

entrainment increases despite Froude number.

Case 3: Lr > Lj; the actual roller length is shortened by the end of the pipe. Air demand

greatly increases and is dominated by this feature. Froude number is not significant.




Figure 10 Cases of altered characteristic lengths; Case 1 (a), Case 2 (b), and Case 3 (c)
Figure 11 illustrates how air demand was influenced by the distance (Lj/La) of the

jump toe from the end of the pipe. The three data sets are different water flow rates that

were tested. The greater flow rates naturally have higher Froude numbers which

correlate to greater air entrainment which is most apparent in Case 1. The alignment of

flow rate trends as the jump moves closer to the end of the pipe (right to left) indicates

that the Froude number is no longer a significant influence because the characteristic

lengths of the jump have been shortened. There is no significant change in air demand

until Case 3 which shows a drastic increase of air demand as the jump occurred closer to

the pipe exit. The line separating Case 3 and Case 2 corresponds to the original roller

lengths of the jumps tested. Similarly, the line between Case 2 and Case 1 corresponds to

the original aeration lengths.

Case 1
Case 2


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Lj / La

Figure 11 Air demand vs. distance of the jump from the end of the pipe for (▲) 5.0 l/s,

(■) 4.4 l/s, and (♦) 3.8 l/s

Figure 12 is a visual illustration of Cases 2 and 3. For Case 2 (Fig. 12a), the jump

toe occurred 10 diameters from the end of the pipe which allowed the full roller to form.

However, since a fully formed aeration length would be about 17 diameters for this

condition, it was cut short by the end of the pipe causing slightly increased air demand.

For Case 3 (Fig. 12a), the roller length, which is about 4-5 diameters when fully

developed, was cut short and the increase in air demand was even more significant. Air

demand continued to increase as the toe of the jump occurred closer to the end of the


Figure 12 Photographs of hydraulic jump Case 2 (a) and Case 3 (b)

Using the roughened flow nozzle, there was no significant difference in air

demand results. The supercritical flow upstream was visually roughened but air

entrainment rates were similar to the runs using the smooth flow nozzle. This indicates

that the hydraulic jump itself dominated the air entrainment rate and that the roughened

water surface entrained very little air in comparison.

Several factors may have contributed to the uncertainty and spread of the data.

These factors come from natural and experimental causes. First, the natural process of air

entrainment in a hydraulic jump is very unstable and erratic which is a significant cause

of the spread of the data. Additional uncertainty was introduced by estimating the depth

of the supercritical flow calculating a GVF profile. Depths were not steady as also

mentioned in Kalinske and Robertson’s (1943) study which also showed spread in their

data. Also, jump location and air demand oscillated about a mean value as previously

mentioned. Data points that were repeated several times with two anemometers and a 10

minute average (average of 600 velocity readings) produced similar results as the 3

minute average. While the results were similar, some uncertainty due to the anemometer

instrumentation was observed.

Despite the uncertainty of the data, definite trends and similarities were

confirmed. Tests in which data was collected for a longer period of time showed no

significant change of air demand or water depth over time. Data from these repeated runs

added confidence that the measured average air demand and estimated Froude number

are accurate representations of the actual values. They also showed that the air demand

trends were repeatable and consistent, despite the erratic nature of air entrainment at

hydraulic jumps which was the greatest source of uncertainty.

5 Discussion

For both air release configurations results of air demand vs. Froude number

correlated with Kalinske and Robertson’s (1943) results when the hydraulic jump was

greater than 17 diameters from the end of the pipe. It is not indicated in the Kalinske

study the location of hydraulic jumps in relation to the end of the pipe or if the jump’s

characteristic lengths were changed. Although the Kalinske data does indicate a greater

spread at lower Froude numbers, the spread in the present data at lower Froude numbers

is due to the changing of the hydraulic jump’s characteristic lengths because of its

location near the end of the pipe.

As shown in Figures 10 and 11, three separate cases of altered characteristic

lengths were identified. In Case 1 the characteristic lengths of the jump were allowed to

fully form and are completely contained within the pipe. For this case, the flow reached a

certain carrying capacity due to the pressurized air pocket that formed at the crown of the

pipe. Air demand was dependent on the Froude number only. For Case 2, La was cut

short and less air downstream of the jump was confined to the pressurized air pocket at

the crown of the pipe. This may have caused the slight increase in air demand for this

condition. However, there was not a significant difference of air demand in Cases 1 and


Case 3 was the most interesting because of the drastic increase of air demand

compared to Cases 1 and 2. Due to Lr being shortened, the portion of air that was

normally re-circulated by the reversed velocities within the roller was instead passed

downstream. Since a great deal of air bubbles rise at the downstream end of the roller as

described by Hager et al. (1990), this caused a significant increase in air demand despite
the low Froude number. The closer the jump toe occurred to the end of the pipe, the

greater amount of air was allowed to short-cut through the jump and was released at the

end of the pipe. The characteristic lengths of each jump were estimated by observation

only. To date, there is no mathematical relationship that can accurately predict these

lengths for the specific case of a hydraulic jump that completely fills a circular conduit.

The definition of such a relationship may be a source of future research.

There was no significant increase in air demand during the tests with a roughened

upstream water surface, which is not consistent with the results from Sharma’s study.

This may be due to pipe scale size, upstream approach length differences and/or physical

disturbances near the upstream control gate. Again, this study installed a hydraulically

smooth nozzle at the upstream end to eliminate all disturbed flow allowing for the

relationship of hydraulic jump characteristics and location to air demand to be much

more accurately understood.

6 Summary and Conclusions

Measurements were taken of air entrainment rates into a circular pipe with two

different air release configurations at the end of the pipe. The results of both air release

configurations showed that air entrainment rates were greatly influenced by altered jump

length characteristics due to the jump’s location to the downstream air release point.

Three cases or conditions were identified to show how characteristic lengths were altered

by the location of the jump relative to the end of the pipe.

The first case was when the jump occurred far enough away from the end of the

pipe that the length characteristics were not affected. For this condition, the air demand

of the jump was dependent only on the Froude number as shown by Kalinske and
Robertson (1943). In the second case the jump occurred close enough to the end of the

pipe to shorten the aeration length of the jump. For this specific study, this occurred if

the jump toe was closer than 17 pipe diameters from the end of the pipe. In this condition

not all of the air downstream of the jump was confined to the air pocket at the crown of

the pipe and air demand slightly increased despite the Froude number.

The third case occurred when the jump was close enough to the end of the pipe to

shorten the jump roller. For this condition the air that was normally re-circulated within

the jump roller was passed downstream and the air demand increased significantly. Since

the downstream end of the roller was no longer confined within the pipe the air was

freely released from the jump. These results correspond with Hager’s (1990)

observations of air bubbles intensively rising at the downstream end of the jump roller.

The findings from this study provide new insights into additional factors which

influence air entrainment of hydraulic jumps within closed conduits. Understanding how

a hydraulic jump’s length characteristics are affected by the location to a downstream air

release and its effect on air demand should aid the practicing engineer in predicting air

entrainment rates for design purposes.



In order to predict air entrainment rates of hydraulic jumps within a future

prototype pipeline, the Utah Water Research Laboratory performed a physical model

study to obtain results from four different sized circular pipes. The data from these tests

helped determine the significance of size-scale effects and use the air demand prediction

to optimize the design of the prototype air release structure. Additional research was

conducted to determine the significance of water temperature effects on air entrainment

of hydraulic jumps. Hydraulic jump location from the air release point and its effects on

jump characteristic lengths and air demand was also investigated by obtaining data from

a circular pipe with two different air release structures. Test results for each of these

factors were obtained and conclusions made.

Results from the size-scale effect data showed that air demand was not affected

by the size of the pipe. This was true as long as the jump occurred far enough upstream

from the air release structure so the free air would not be immediately released from the

flow. From the comparison of data from different sized pipes it may be concluded that

when the air is not immediately released downstream of the hydraulic jump, the air

demand is not dependent on the size of the conduit. Even though a larger jump has more

turbulence, it cannot entrain a greater percentage of air because the air leaving the jump is

not freely released and the fluid reaches a certain carrying capacity.

Temperature results showed that the air demand was significantly affected by the

water temperature. The data confirmed that the jump was able to entrain less air with
higher water temperatures. After visually inspecting the air demand of different

temperatures, it was concluded that air bubble size greatly affects the air demand of the

hydraulic jump. Higher water temperatures caused the air-water mixture to expand,

forming larger air bubbles. Consequently, larger air bubbles led to less breakup of the

entrained air, causing less air to be entrained into the jump even though the Reynolds and

Weber numbers had increased. Surface tension and buoyancy of the larger bubbles may

have also influenced how air was passed downstream through the jump.

Data from various hydraulic jump locations showed that air demand significantly

increased when the jump occurred close enough to the end of the pipe to change its

hydraulic length characteristics. If the toe of the jump occurred at a distance less than its

roller length (Lr) air demand drastically increased (Case 3). Visual observations suggest

this increase was due to the downstream end of the roller, where much of the air rises to

the surface, being cut short by the end of the pipe which allowed the air to be

immediately released from the flow. Similarly, if the jump occurred at a distance less the

aeration length of the jump (La) the increase in air demand was significant but not as

drastic (Case 2). It was concluded that this was due to the aeration length of the jump

being shortened by the end of the pipe where the air bubbles were still rising and were

not confined by the downstream flow. If the jump occurred further upstream than its

aeration length, the free air that rose to the surface was confined to a pressurized air

pocket and the air demand became a function of the Froude number only (Case 1). It

may be concluded that air entrainment rates increase as the free air is more immediately

released from the flow.

Again, the main objective of this thesis was to determine how air demand of

hydraulic jumps in circular closed conduits is affected by the following factors:

• Size-scale effects

• Temperature effects

• Location and altered length characteristic effects

For this purpose physical model studies have been conducted and results

documented to provide new insights into air entrainment processes of hydraulic jumps

within closed conduits. It is expected that these results will be useful in aiding the

practicing engineer in predicting air entrainment rates and will be valuable for system



Due to the unstable and erratic nature of air entrainment at hydraulic jumps there

is still much that is unknown. Additional research is needed to better understand the

processes of air entrained by hydraulic jumps and the factors that influence those

processes. Specifically, for the case of a hydraulic jump at a transition from open

channel to pressurized flow, additional studies could include the following:

• Comparison of air demand data from prototypes to model results for the same

flow conditions, air release structure and pipe geometry as it becomes available

• Additional data from a greater range of temperatures (less than 40 ˚F and greater

than 145 ˚F)

• Specific definitions and predictions of hydraulic jump length characteristics (Lr

and La) for jumps that completely fill a circular conduit

• Air release/detrainment mechanisms and processes within a hydraulic jump with

pressurized downstream flow

• Dynamics of released air flow through various air removal structures and their

impact, if any, on air demand of upstream hydraulic jumps

These suggestions of future studies are related to components that directly

influence air entrainment processes through closed conduit hydraulic jumps but were not

addressed in the current research. Any insights provided from future research, especially

information of how model results compare to prototype results, would be of great value

for pipe system design.


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Appendix A: Photographs of pipe models and air release structures


Figure 13 24-inch pipe model

Figure 14 24-inch model with air capture chamber and vent


Figure 15 Flow nozzle in the 24-inch pipe model

Figure 16 12-inch pipe model


Figure 17 12-inch pipe model and air capture chamber with vent

Figure 18 7-inch acrylic pipe model


Figure 19 3-inch acrylic pipe and air intake just downstream of flow nozzle

Figure 20 Air capture chamber and vent on the 3 inch acrylic pipe

Figure 21 Downstream control valve of 3-inch pipe and thermometer for size and

temperature scale tests

Figure 22 Rectangular Open Tank on the 3-inch acrylic pipe


Figure 23 Roughened flow nozzle for rough water surface tests in 3-inch pipe

Appendix B: GVF Spreadsheet and Repeatability Figures


Figure 24 Example of spreadsheet used to calculated distance to jump, Fr, V, Qwater and

Qair using GVF water surface profiles (red text indicates values entered in spread sheet)



55 Anemometer 1
Anemometer 2

Original Run
10 minutes of data


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Figure 25 Repeated runs for size and temperature tests to ensure repeatability of data



15 Anemometer 1

Anemometer 2

10 Original Run

10 min. of data

2 4 6 8 10

Figure 26 Repeated runs for location tests in open tank to ensure repeatability of data

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