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Nur Azlinda Mohammad

A thesis submitted to the faculty and the Board of Trustees of the Colorado

School of Mines in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of

Science (Petroleum Engineering).

Golden, Colorado

Date ____________________

Signed: __________________________

Nur Azlinda Mohammad

Approved: __________________________

Dr. Jennifer L. Miskimins

Thesis Advisor

Golden, Colorado

Date ____________________

Approved: ____________________

Dr. Ramona Graves

Professor and Department Head,

Petroleum Engineering


The work in this project concentrates on comparing the results of hydraulic

fracture mapping and modeling using two microseismic monitoring techniques:

downhole and surface arrays. There were three objectives achieved in this project in order

to obtain the resulting comparisons. The first objective was to develop detailed post-

treatment models of the hydraulic fracturing treatments in the subject well, Well D1,

which was monitored with downhole microseismic data. The second objective was to

develop detailed post-treatment models of the hydraulic fracturing treatments in the

subject well, Well S1, which was monitored with surface microseismic data. The final

objective of this project was to determine the match characteristics of the downhole and

surface microseismic data to hydraulic fracture models developed for both Wells D1 and

S1. Comparisons of the match characteristics of the multiple inputs were then developed.

In this study, GOHFER™, a fully three-dimensional fracture simulator was used

to build hydraulic fracture stimulation models that were integrated with microseismic

events detected during actual hydraulic fracture treatments on Wells D1 and S1.

GOHFER™ uses data from actual hydraulic fracturing treatments (pressure, slurry rate,

and proppant concentration) and log-derived data to supplement reservoir and mechanical

properties as input. Another software called Transform™ was employed to analyze the

microseismic event datasets, as well as, to perform the final integration process where

actual microseismic events were overlapped with the simulated fracture geometries

created in GOHFER™. Comparisons of the match results are then made between the two

techniques: downhole microseismic monitoring and surface microseismic monitoring.

Input data for this project were obtained from five wells in the Greater Natural

Buttes, Uinta basin, Utah. Two wells, Wells D1 and S1, were stimulated with hydraulic

fracturing treatments where each well was monitored by geophone arrays that were

placed at different locations. Downhole geophone receivers were employed in an

observation well, Well D2, to monitor microseismic activities in the treatment well, Well

D1. For the other treated well, Well S1, geophone receivers were placed on the ground

surface surrounding the treatment well to monitor microseismic events in the subsurface.

Multiple log data were provided for the treated wells including the sonic log from which

rock mechanical properties were calculated.

Ten fracture models were built using GOHFER™ for five stages each from Wells

D1 and S1. Pressure matching procedures were performed to achieve the final simulated

fracture geometries. The integration process took place by utilizing data from two

sources: microseismic mapping during actual hydraulic fracturing treatment; and fracture

profiles from simulated fracture models. Results from the integration process show good

agreement for most stages in the downhole-monitored well, whereas comparisons of

surface microseismic mapping measurements with the simulated fracture geometries

yield questionable results especially regarding microseismic event locations with respect

to depth.


ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................... iii

LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................................... xvii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................. xviii

DEDICATION................................................................................................................. xix

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................1

1.1 Purpose of This Work ..................................................................................1

1.2 Research Objectives.....................................................................................2

1.3 Study Area (Field Location) ........................................................................2

1.4 Data Set........................................................................................................4

1.5 Recent Works and Applications...................................................................8

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................10

2.1 Geological Overview .................................................................................10

2.1.1 Depositional System ......................................................................10

2.1.2 Stratigraphy....................................................................................12 Mancos Shale Formation .................................................12 Mesaverde Group.............................................................15 North Horn Formation .....................................................15 Wasatch Formation ..........................................................16 Green River Formation ....................................................16

2.1.3 Producing Formation .....................................................................16

2.1.4 Petroleum System and Reservoir Characterization........................18

2.2 Microseismic Overview .............................................................................19

2.2.1 Microseismic Events......................................................................20

2.2.2 Downhole-monitored Microseismic ..............................................24

2.2.3 Surface-monitored Microseismic...................................................25

2.2.4 Software Used for Microseismic Analyses....................................29

2.3 Fracture Geometry Modeling.....................................................................29

2.3.1 2-Dimensional Models...................................................................29

2.3.2 Pseudo-3-Dimensional Models......................................................32

2.3.3 3-Dimensional Models...................................................................33

2.3.4 Net-Pressure Analysis....................................................................34

CHAPTER 3 HYDRAULIC FRACTURE MODELING .................................................36

3.1 GOHFER™ Software ................................................................................39

3.2 Modeling Process.......................................................................................41

3.2.1 Input ...............................................................................................42

3.2.2 Output ............................................................................................51

3.3 Pressure Matching Process ........................................................................54


MODEL RESULTS ...........................................................................................................56

4.1 Input Data For Hydraulic Fracture Model .................................................58

4.1.1 Logs and Log-derived Properties...................................................58

4.1.2 Formation Zone Setup....................................................................62

4.1.3 Pumping Schedule .........................................................................66

4.2 Input Data For Microseismic Model..........................................................78

4.2.1 Microseismic Event Locations For Well D1 .................................79

4.2.2 Microseismic Event Locations For Well S1 ..................................94

4.3 GOHFER™ Pressure Matches ................................................................111

4.3.1 Matched Parameters.....................................................................112

4.3.2 Advanced Parameters...................................................................114

4.4 Hydraulic Fracture Model Results – Pressure Matches and Fracture

Geometries ...............................................................................................115

4.4.1 Well D1 – Stage 1 ........................................................................116

4.4.2 Well D1 – Stage 2 ........................................................................118

4.4.3 Well D1 – Stage 4 ........................................................................122

4.4.4 Well D1 – Stage 5 ........................................................................126

4.4.5 Well D1 – Stage 7 ........................................................................130

4.4.6 Well S1 – Stage 2.........................................................................130

4.4.7 Well S1 – Stage 3.........................................................................140

4.4.8 Well S1 – Stage 4.........................................................................140

4.4.9 Well S1 – Stage 5.........................................................................143

4.4.10 Well S1 – Stage 9.........................................................................146

4.5 Crosswell Tomograms .............................................................................149

4.6 Data Integration .......................................................................................155


5.1 Discussion of Results from Downhole-monitored Well (D1) ................ 157

5.1.1 Well D1 - Stage 1.........................................................................158

5.1.2 Well D1 - Stage 2.........................................................................161

5.1.3 Well D1 - Stage 4.........................................................................165

5.1.4 Well D1 - Stage 5.........................................................................167

5.1.5 Well D1 - Stage 7.........................................................................170

5.2 Discussion of Results from Surface-monitored Well (S1) ..................... 174

5.2.1 Well S1 - Stage 2 .........................................................................174

5.2.2 Well S1 - Stage 3 .........................................................................178

5.2.3 Well S1 - Stage 4 .........................................................................182

5.2.4 Well S1 - Stage 5 .........................................................................185

5.2.5 Well S1 - Stage 9 .........................................................................188

5.3 Downhole Methodology vs. Surface Methodology .................................190

CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................201

6.1 Conclusions..............................................................................................201

6.2 Recommendations and Future Work .......................................................204

NOMENCLATURE ........................................................................................................207

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................209

CONTENTS OF THE DVD-ROM..................................................................................214

DVD-ROM ............................................................................................................ POCKET


Figure 1.1: Flow diagram of the project objectives .............................................................3

Figure 1.2: Map location of the Uinta Basin........................................................................4

Figure 1.3: Well locations for downhole microseismic monitoring ....................................6

Figure 1.4: Well locations for surface microseismic monitoring ........................................6

Figure 2.1: Figure of late Cretaceous paleogeography ......................................................13

Figure 2.2: Stratigraphic column of the Uinta basin and its adjacent basin ......................14

Figure 2.3: An example of the Price River formation at the Kenney reservoir outcrop....17

Figure 2.4: Figure of vibrator truck creating vibration on ground surface ........................21

Figure 2.5: Particle and wave motions of the primary and secondary waves....................21

Figure 2.6: The transmission technique to create a 3-D map ............................................23

Figure 2.7: The emission technique that maps the distribution of the microseism............23

Figure 2.8: Side view of the settings for the downhole arrays...........................................25

Figure 2.9: 3-Component downhole geophone..................................................................26

Figure 2.10: Single and staked receiver geophones for downhole arrays………………..26

Figure 2.11(a): Surface microseismic mapping layouts ....................................................28

Figure 2.11(b): 3-D seismic output from the microseismic mapping process...................28

Figure 2.12: Example of microseismic events in Well D1 ................................................30

Figure 2.13: Map-view example of the downhole monitored wells (Well D1 and D2) ....31

Figure 2.14: Log-log slope interpretation for the idealized net pressure data ...................35

Figure 3.1: Wellbore stability plot for Well S1 .................................................................37

Figure 3.2: Gamma ray log for the downhole monitored well, Well D1...........................38

Figure 3.3: Actual pressure, slurry rate, and proppant concentration curves for Stage 9..40

Figure 3.4: Work flow of GOHFER™ actual job data match ...........................................43

Figure 3.5: An example of the grid structure feature of GOHFER™ ...............................44

Figure 3.6: Fracture orientation determined by the principal stresses, σ1, σ2, and σ3 ........... 46

Figure 3.7: Example of strain where rock sample is deformed and compressed...............47

Figure 3.8: Plot of Young’s Modulus (Stress vs. Strain)...................................................49

Figure 3.9: Poisson’s Ratio, the ratio of lateral to axial strain...........................................50

Figure 3.10: The main screen layout of the LOGCALC™ ...............................................52

Figure 3.11: Example of WinParse™ view .......................................................................53

Figure 3.12: The HTGraph™ displaying the actual pressure, slurry rate, and
proppant concentration curves acquired during a hydraulic fracturing job ...........55

Figure 4.1: Flow chart of the integration process where fracture geometry output
from GOHFER™ models are overlapped with microseismic events …………....57

Figure 4.2: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 1 of Well D1........................67

Figure 4.3: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 2 of Well D1........................68

Figure 4.4: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 4 of Well D1........................69

Figure 4.5: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 5 of Well D1........................70

Figure 4.6: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 7 of Well D1........................71

Figure 4.7: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 2 of Well S1 ........................72

Figure 4.8: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 3 of Well S1 ........................73

Figure 4.9: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 4 of Well S1 ........................74

Figure 4.10: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 5 of Well S1 ......................75

Figure 4.11: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 9 of Well S1 ......................76

Figure 4.12: The Pumping Schedule tab in WinGOHFER™…........................................77

Figure 4.13: Microseismic events (blue dots) that occurred in Stage 1 of Well D1.........80

Figure 4.14: Microseismic events (red dots) that occurred in Stage 2 of Well D1............81

Figure 4.15: Microseismic events (aqua dots) that occurred in Stage 3 of Well D1 .........82

Figure 4.16: Microseismic events (orange dots) that occurred in Stage 4 of Well D1......83

Figure 4.17: Microseismic events (green dots) that occurred in Stage 5 of Well D1........84

Figure 4.18: Microseismic events (grey dots) that occurred in Stage 6 of Well D1..........85

Figure 4.19: Microseismic events (pink dots) that occurred in Stage 7 of Well D1..........86

Figure 4.20: Actual hydraulic fracturing data for Stage 1 of Well D1 ..............................87

Figure 4.21: Actual hydraulic fracturing data for Stage 2 of Well D1 ..............................88

Figure 4.22: Actual hydraulic fracturing data for Stage 3 of Well D1 ..............................89

Figure 4.23: Actual hydraulic fracturing data for Stage 4 of Well D1 ..............................90

Figure 4.24: Actual hydraulic fracturing data for Stage 5 of Well D1 ..............................91

Figure 4.25: Actual hydraulic fracturing data for Stage 6 of Well D1 ..............................92

Figure 4.26: Actual hydraulic fracturing data for Stage 7 of Well D1 ..............................93

Figure 4.27: Microseismic events (blue dots) that occurred in Stage 2 of Well S1 ..........95

Figure 4.28: Microseismic events (red dots) that occurred in Stage 3 of Well S1 ............96

Figure 4.29: Microseismic events (aqua dots) that occurred in Stage 4 of Well S1..........97

Figure 4.30: Microseismic events (orange dots) that occurred in Stage 5 of Well S1 ......98

Figure 4.31: Microseismic events (green dots) that occurred in Stage 6 of Well S1 ........99

Figure 4.32: Microseismic events (grey dots) that occurred in Stage 7 of Well S1 ........100

Figure 4.33: Microseismic events (pink dots) that occurred in Stage 8 of Well S1 ........101

Figure 4.34: Microseismic events (light green dots) that occurred in Stage 9 of
Well S1.................................................................................................................102

Figure 4.35: Actual hydraulic fracturing data for Stage 2 of Well S1.............................103

Figure 4.36: Actual hydraulic fracturing data for Stage 3 of Well S1.............................104

Figure 4.37: Actual hydraulic fracturing data for Stage 4 of Well S1.............................105

Figure 4.38: Actual hydraulic fracturing data for Stage 5 of Well S1.............................106

Figure 4.39: Actual hydraulic fracturing data for Stage 6 of Well S1.............................107

Figure 4.40: Actual hydraulic fracturing data for Stage 7 of Well S1.............................108

Figure 4.41: Actual hydraulic fracturing data for Stage 8 of Well S1.............................109

Figure 4.42: Actual hydraulic fracturing data for Stage 9 of Well S1.............................110

Figure 4.43: Graph of matched GOHFER pressure (aqua) in comparison to

bottomhole pressure (black) and the actual pressure (red) measured
during the fracturing job of Stage 1 for Well D1.................................................119

Figure 4.44: Graph showing the matched GOHFER pressure (aqua) in comparison
to the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 1
for Well D1 ..........................................................................................................120

Figure 4.45: GOHFER output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the
fracture of Stage 1 for Well D1............................................................................121

Figure 4.46: Graph showing the matched GOHFER pressure (aqua) in comparison
to bottomhole pressure (black) and the actual pressure (red) measured
during the fracturing job of Stage 2 for Well D1.................................................123

Figure 4.47: Graph showing the matched GOHFER pressure (aqua) in comparison
to the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 2
for Well D1 ..........................................................................................................124

Figure 4.48: GOHFER output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the
fracture of Stage 2 for Well D1............................................................................125

Figure 4.49: Graph showing the matched GOHFER pressure (aqua) in comparison
to bottomhole pressure (black) and the actual pressure (red) measured
during the fracturing job of Stage 4 for Well D1.................................................127

Figure 4.50: Graph showing the matched GOHFER pressure (aqua) in comparison
to the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 4
for Well D1 ..........................................................................................................128

Figure 4.51: GOHFER output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the
fracture of Stage 4 for Well D1............................................................................129

Figure 4.52: Graph showing the matched GOHFER pressure (aqua) in comparison
to bottomhole pressure (black) and the actual pressure (red) measured during
the fracturing job of Stage 5 for Well D1 ............................................................131

Figure 4.53: Graph showing the matched GOHFER pressure (aqua) in comparison
to the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 5
for Well D1 ..........................................................................................................132

Figure 4.54: GOHFER output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the
fracture of Stage 5 for Well D1............................................................................133

Figure 4.55: Graph showing the matched GOHFER pressure (aqua) in comparison
to bottomhole pressure (black) and the actual pressure (red) measured
during the fracturing job of Stage 7 for Well D1.................................................134

Figure 4.56: Graph showing the matched GOHFER pressure (aqua) in comparison
to the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 7
for Well D1 ..........................................................................................................135

Figure 4.57: GOHFER output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the
fracture of Stage 7 for Well D1............................................................................136

Figure 4.58: Graph showing the matched GOHFER pressure (aqua) in comparison
to the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 2
for Well S1...........................................................................................................138

Figure 4.59: GOHFER output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the
fracture of Stage 2 for Well S1 ............................................................................139

Figure 4.60: Graph showing the matched GOHFER pressure (aqua) in comparison
to the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 3
for Well S1...........................................................................................................141

Figure 4.61: GOHFER output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the
fracture of Stage 3 for Well S1 ............................................................................142

Figure 4.62: Graph showing the matched GOHFER pressure (aqua) in comparison
to the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 4
for Well S1...........................................................................................................144

Figure 4.63: GOHFER output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the
fracture of Stage 4 for Well S1 ............................................................................145

Figure 4.64: Graph showing the matched GOHFER pressure (aqua) in comparison
to the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 5
for Well S1...........................................................................................................147

Figure 4.65: GOHFER output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the
fracture of Stage 5 for Well S1 ............................................................................148

Figure 4.66: Graph showing the matched GOHFER pressure (aqua) in comparison
to the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 9
for Well S1...........................................................................................................150

Figure 4.67: GOHFER output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the
fracture of Stage 9 for Well S1 ............................................................................151

Figure 4.68: Map view of two crosswell tomogram profiles between Wells S1-S2
and S1-S3 .............................................................................................................152

Figure 4.69: The two crosswell tomogram profiles (Profile 1 on the left-hand
side and Profile 2 on the right-hand side) with Well S1 as the axis ....................153

Figure 4.70: Profile 1 of the crosswell tomogram between Wells S1 and S2 .................154

Figure 4.71: Profile 2 of the crosswell tomogram between Wells S3 and S1 .................154

Figure 4.72: Side view of both crosswell tomogram profiles showing the location
of the microseismic events with respect to Profiles 1 and 2 ................................155

Figure 5.1: Profile view of microseismic events (blue dots) that occurred during
Stage 1 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1..............................................159

Figure 5.2: Map view of microseismic events (blue dots) that occurred during
Stage 1 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1..............................................162

Figure 5.3: Profile view of microseismic events (red dots) that occurred during
Stage 2 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1..............................................163

Figure 5.4: Map view of microseismic events (red dots) that occurred during
Stage 2 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1..............................................164

Figure 5.5: Profile view of microseismic events (orange dots) that occurred during
Stage 4 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1..............................................166

Figure 5.6: Map view of microseismic events (orange dots) that occurred during
Stage 4 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1..............................................167

Figure 5.7: Profile view of microseismic events (green dots) that occurred during
Stage 5 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1..............................................169

Figure 5.8: Map view of microseismic events (green dots) that occurred during
Stage 5 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1..............................................170

Figure 5.9: Profile view of microseismic events (pink dots) that occurred during
Stage 7 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1..............................................172

Figure 5.10: Map view of microseismic events (pink dots) that occurred during
Stage 7 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1..............................................173

Figure 5.11: Profile view of microseismic events (blue dots) that occurred during
Stage 2 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1...............................................175

Figure 5.12: Map view of microseismic events (blue dots) that occurred during
Stage 2 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1...............................................177

Figure 5.13: Map view of microseismic events (blue dots) that occurred during
Stage 2 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1 along with the
simulated fracture profile in the background .......................................................178

Figure 5.14: Profile view of microseismic events (red dots) that occurred during
Stage 3 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1...............................................179

Figure 5.15: Map view of microseismic events (red dots) that occurred during
Stage 3 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1...............................................180

Figure 5.16: Map view of microseismic events (red dots) that occurred during
Stage 3 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1 along with the
simulated fracture profile in the background .......................................................181

Figure 5.17: Profile view of microseismic events (aqua dots) that occurred during
Stage 4 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1...............................................183

Figure 5.18: Map view of microseismic events (aqua dots) that occurred during
Stage 4 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1...............................................184

Figure 5.19: Map view of microseismic events (aqua dots) that occurred during
Stage 4 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1 along with the
simulated fracture profile in the background .......................................................185

Figure 5.20: Profile view of microseismic events (orange dots) that occurred during
Stage 5 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1...............................................186

Figure 5.21: Map view of microseismic events (orange dots) that occurred during
Stage 5 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1...............................................187

Figure 5.22: Map view of microseismic events (orange dots) that occurred during
Stage 5 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1 along with the
simulated fracture profile in the background .......................................................188

Figure 5.23: Profile view of microseismic events (green dots) that occurred during
Stage 9 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1...............................................189

Figure 5.24: Map view of microseismic events (green dots) that occurred during
Stage 9 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1...............................................191

Figure 5.25: Map view of microseismic events (green dots) that occurred during
Stage 9 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1 along with the
simulated fracture profile in the background .......................................................192

Figure 5.26: The microseismic moment magnitude with respect to true vertical depth..194

Figure 5.27: Hearing distance of microseismic events for Well D1................................195


Table 4.1: Well D1 Input Data of Hydraulic Fracture Model............................................61

Table 4.2: Well S1 Input Data of Hydraulic Fracture Model ............................................62

Table 4.3: Microseismic Event Locations for Well D1 .....................................................94

Table 4.4: Microseismic Event Locations for Well S1....................................................111

Table 5.1: Comparisons of Fracture Geometries Between Fracture Model and

Fracture Mapping.................................................................................................197


First and foremost, I would like to especially thank my advisor, Dr. Jennifer

Miskimins, who has walked with me the many extra miles in order to ensure the

completion of this work. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn and grow

intellectually, and providing me a great learning environment and experiences while

working in this project. There have been many ups and downs prior to the completion of

this work, but you have been there for me on multiple occasions, and for that, I thank you

for not giving up on me. There are no words that could describe my appreciation to you.

Along the line, I would take this opportunity to thank the three important people

who also served on my committee. Dr. Donna Anderson, your help and guidance

throughout the learning process (which started way back in Massadona 2006) made me

fall in love with geology without any boundaries. You made geology so interesting, even

an engineer couldn’t resist it. Mr. Robert Kidney, thank you for your patience in

entertaining my multiple weekly emails. The meetings and email attachments sure helped

me find the path to take while working in this project. Dr. Manika Prasad, thank you for

always being available when I had the rush to ask random questions on logs, geophysics,

or places to go in San Francisco. I truly appreciate the open-door policy and perhaps one

of these days, you will finally get the chance to push me off the whitewater raft into the


A special thanks goes to Dr. Bob Barree (from Barree & Associates) for the time

he spent to guide me in building and calibrating my hydraulic fracture models. I would

also like to thank Ms. Amelia Webster (from Transform Software) who went beyond the

scope of her duty in helping me to effectively use the software and help me integrate the

input data provided in this project. Not to forget, the new head of department for the

Petroleum Engineering Department who will be signing my silver diploma, Dr. Ramona

Graves, thank you for your ongoing support and words of wisdom that you usually share

with me at the hallway.

To the operating companies, EOG Resources, Inc. and Anadarko Petroleum

Corp., I am indebted for the support given in terms of input data that were provided to

make this project possible. I am also very thankful to the FAST (Fracturing, Acidizing,

Stimulation Technology) Research Consortium run by Dr. Jennifer Miskimins who

generously funded the growth of this research project. Also, I would like to thank Ms.

Denise Winn-Bower from the Petroleum Engineering Department who tirelessly assisted

me in multiple occasions, even those that are beyond her call of duty.

A special note of thanks goes to my family and friends in the two continents of

Asia and North America (and the Caribbean as well). Thank you for the never ending

support which made it possible for me to proceed to the ‘Finish’ line. This work has been

a long time coming.


I would like to dedicate this work to my family back in Malaysia. To my mother,

Hasnah Abu Hassan, who never stops believing in me and my endless dreams. My

brother, Asyraff Syazwan, the smart little boy in the family whom I love so dearly and

dreams to become a great scientist. My father, Mohammad Adnan, who never tires of

supporting me and providing me with great assistance. My sister, Julia Inne, who took

one for the team to look after the family while I’m gone. My better half, Paul Okonkwo,

deserves special mention for his faith, patience, and confidence in me and my

capabilities. Lastly, this is dedicated to my six-year advisor, Dr. Jennifer Miskimins, who

never failed to provide me countless support, gives me stability and answers to my many

questions, and patiently watched me bloom from an 18-year old freshman at this college

to becoming the person that I am today. Without the support, faith, and love from my

loved ones, this work wouldn’t come out to be what it is today.




This chapter introduces the purpose and scope of this study, research

objectives, the area of study, the data sets available and used, and ends with

potential applications.

1.1 Purpose of This Work

This project focuses on analyzing processed surface and downhole

microseismic data and constructing hydraulic fracture models to determine the

match characteristics of the fracturing treatments. The microseismic data was

acquired from passive seismic events recorded while monitoring hydraulic

fracture treatments. These works are crucial in verifying the reliability of surface

microseismic technology in detecting and measuring microseismic events

resulting from stress changes corresponding to hydraulic fracture treatments

occurring in the subsurface, despite vertical limitation concerns. For comparison

purposes, downhole microseismic data sets from a more conventional method of

fracture mapping is included in this project to enable the analyses of the surface

fracture mapping method with respect to the more common and conventional

downhole method of microseimic imaging. Methodologies to model hydraulic

fracturing treatments using both microseismic techniques are developed in this


1.2 Research Objectives

This project promotes the significance of multiple inputs integration in a

fracture mapping and modeling task. The following are the main project


1. Develop detailed post-treatment models of the hydraulic fracturing

treatments in the subject wells with downhole microseismic data;

2. Develop detailed post-treatment models of the hydraulic fracturing

treatments in the subject wells with surface microseismic data; and,

3. Determine the match characteristics of the downhole microseismic

with the surface microseismic data and the hydraulic fracturing

treatments models as an integration of multiple engineering and

geologic inputs.

As shown in Figure 1.1, an integration of post-treatment hydraulic

fracturing models with microseismic data is performed for both surface and

downhole monitoring methods to meet Objectives 1 and 2, respectively. Upon the

completion of both objectives, match characteristics for the surface and downhole

monitoring methods are analyzed to meet Objective 3.

1.3 Study Area (Field Location)

The study area is located in the Uinta Basin in eastern Utah. There are

several hydrocarbon producing fields within the Uinta Basin including the Greater

Natural Buttes (GNB) Field where the data for this project originated from

(Figure 1.2). Additional information about the study area is provided in Chapter 2.


Objective #1 Objective #2

Hydraulic Downhole Hydraulic Surface

Fracture Monitored Fracture Monitored
Treatment Microseismic Treatment Microseismic
Models Data Models Data
(Well D1) (Well D2) (Well S1) (Well S2 & S3)

Match Match
Characteristics Characteristics
For Downhole For Surface
Data Data
Objective #3


Figure 1.1: Flow diagram of the project objectives as an integration process of

multiple inputs.

Figure 1.2: Map location of the Uinta Basin, located in the northeastern part of
Utah (USGS, 2002).

1.4 Data Set

A data set has been provided by EOG Resources, Inc. and Anadarko

Petroleum Corp. for the purposes of this study. Details regarding the geology

background of the field are acquired through literature review. This project uses a

set of data from five producing wells in the GNB field where the wells are located

in two adjacent sections (Figures 1.3 and 1.4). Available information is

summarized as follows:

• For the downhole microseismic monitored well, D1, the data available is

as follows:

o Well D1 well data (hydraulically fractured well)

 Open hole and cased hole log suites; and,


 Pump curves from hydraulic fracturing treatments for

Stages 1 through 7.

o Well D2 well data (monitoring well)

 Open hole and cased hole log suites; and,

 Downhole seismic stimulation monitoring (Stages 1

through 7).

• For the surface-monitored hydraulically fracturing well, S1:

o Well S1 well data (hydraulically fractured well)

 Open hole and cased hole log suites;

 Schlumberger’s Sonic Scanner™ and Ultrasonic Borehole

Imager™ (UBI) logs;

 Pump curves from hydraulic fracturing treatments for

Stages 2 through 9; and,

 900 feet of core over four intervals of reservoir cut with oil

-based mud.

o Well S2 well data (monitoring well)

 Open hole and cased hole log suites; and,

 Schlumberger’s Sonic Scanner™ and Formation Micro

Imaging™ (FMI) logs.

o Well S3 well data (monitoring well)

 Open hole and cased hole log suites; and,

 Schlumberger’s Dipole Sonic Scanner™.


645’ D2

1 mile

• Log suites
• Sonic
•Log suites Scanner

•9 Stages
Pump Curves

Figure 1.3: Well locations for downhole microseismic monitoring

(modified from Kidney, 2007).

• FMI Log •Sonic Scanner

• Sonic Well • 8 Stages
Scanner S2 Pump Curves
• UBI Log
• 900’ core
1 mile

•Dipole Sonic Well


Figure 1.4: Well locations for surface microseismic monitoring

(modified from Kidney, 2007).

o Surface seismic stimulation monitoring for Well S1 treatments,

Stages 2 through 9.

o Crosswell seismic data

 Profile 1  1580 feet separation between Well S1 and S2

(refer to Figure 1.4); and,

 Profile 2  2180 feet separation between Well S1 and S3.

o 3-Dimensional seismic covering 80 miles square area

 Final migrated data; and,

 Volume velocity and curvature attributes for fault/fracture


• Software:

o GOHFERTM software is used to simulate the stages of hydraulic

fracturing activity for both surface and downhole monitoring wells.

This software is provided by Barree & Associates through the

FAST Consortium at the Colorado School of Mines.

o Transform™ Software Version 2.2 is used to analyze the

microseismic data in 3-Dimensions and 4-Dimensions with respect

to time. The same software is also used in the input-data

integration process. This software is provided by Transform™

Software through the FAST Consortium at the Colorado School of


1.5 Recent Work and Applications

Microseismic technology is a developing technology that is still

undergoing significant technological developments throughout the years since it

was initially introduced commercially in the 1980’s. The geoscientists in the

industry are making improvements that are beneficial to the quality of this

mapping technology and are acquiring better and more reliable microseismic data.

Some recent works that have been published are as follow:

• Applicability of surface microseismic monitoring approach in the absence

of offset wells (Abbott et al., 2007);

• Passive seismic monitoring to overcome environment and lack of area

issues of active seismic (Duncan, 2004); and,

• Microseismicity is controlled by structural mechanisms associated with

the fracture and the reservoir. Also, shear stress occurring at fracture tip

provides a mechanism for microseisms to reflect length and possible

height of the fracture (Warpinski et al., 2001).

The microseismic mapping methodology is commonly used to monitor the

growth of hydraulic fractures that are created through a hydraulic fracturing

treatment as well to monitor reservoir performance, for instance, in reservoirs that

undergo secondary recovery process. Fracture mapping (microseismic mapping),

provides a direct measurement of fracture geometry created from a hydraulic

fracturing treatment. Hydraulic fracture models, on the other hand, give the ability

to predict how changes to a fracture treatment would alter fracture geometry.


Combining both the direct measurements from microseismic mapping and the

geometries obtained from the hydraulic fracture models, calibrated fracture

models with good predictive capabilities can be created.




This chapter summarizes the geologic environment of the studied field

(GNB) and the three major technologies associated with this project:

microseismic monitoring technology, fracture diagnostic methods, and hydraulic

fracture modeling. Also, the area of interest within GNB as well as the monitoring

techniques used during the hydraulic fracturing treatments on the two treated

wells is emphasized in this literature review section.

2.1 Geological Overview

The development of the Uinta basin was initiated during the early Tertiary

(Paleocene and/or Eocene) time (Osmond et al., 1968). This basin was originally

part of a Cretaceous foreland basin. It is asymmetrical and bordered by the Uinta

Mountains on the north side, the Wasatch Mountains on the west side, and the San

Rafael Swell on the southwest side (Spencer, 1987 and Osmond et al., 1968). In

recent times, the Uinta basin took shape as a result of the uplift of its margin

which resulted in a height increment of 3,000 to 6,000 ft (Slim, 2007).

2.1.1 Depositional System

The depositional environment of the studied section in the Uinta basin is a

fluvial-deltaic type of deposit which is mainly indicated by the heterogeneous


nature of the stacked sands throughout the formations of interest. According to

Galloway and Hobday (1996), a fluvial environment is described as a “continental

depositional environment where sediments are carried and transported by running

water to be later deposited into lacustrine (lake) or marine (ocean) basins”. There

are two types of stream systems that can be developed on different slopes with

sections that have high sinuosity (meandering streams) and low sinuosity (braided


Some of the fluvial types of deposits mentioned by Galloway and Hobday

(1996) include channel fill (lag; different types of bars), channel-margin deposits

(crevasse splays; levees), and floodbasin deposits (floodplain, interchannel lakes).

The probable type of deposition for the producing sand bodies studied in this

project is from point-bar depositions along a meandering river (high sinuosity

environment) (Kidney, 2007).

The basin is an asymmetric structure that underwent subsidence due to the

Laramide orogeny during the late Cretaceous-Eocene (Osmond et al., 1968). It

has a steep northern flank and a gentle southern flank where the basin is filled by

lacustrine and fluvial sedimentary rocks (Gutierrez, 2007). The uppermost

Cretaceous and lowermost Tertiary strata dip at 40 to 60 towards the north

(Gutierrez, 2007). Also, Morgan et al. (2005) concluded that this area is

dominated by 30 to 50 NE regional dip into the basin that are interrupted by a few

E-W- and NW-SE-trending faults. Most faults that are exposed at surface in the

southwest of Uinta Basin are grouped into two types: the Duchesne-graben type

with shallow and hingeline type of faults, and the oblique-slip faults (Morgan et

al., 2005).

2.1.2 Stratigraphy

The stratigraphic sections that contribute to the petroleum system of the

Uinta basin are discussed briefly in this section. Five formations extend from the

older marine Mancos shale to the younger Green River formation. The Mesaverde

group was sourced from eroded sediment from the Sevier orogenic belt (Figure

2.1) to the west of the basin (Slim, 2007). According to Hintze (1988) and

Johnson and Roberts (2003), the sediments were “shed to the central and eastern

Utah during repetitive cycles of regressions and transgressions of the Campanian

sea”. The stratigraphic column for the Uinta basin, the Douglas Creek Arch, and

the Piceance basin is shown in Figure 2.2. Mancos Shale Formation

In general, the Mancos Shale is formed by a thick sequence of marine

shale that interfingers with a number of sandstone tongues reflecting several

episodes of deltaic depositional environment along the margin of the Cretaceous

Interior Seaway on the western side of the basin (Gutierrez, 2007). This formation

has varying thicknesses from approximately 1,700 ft on the west side of the Uinta

basin to approximately 5,000 ft in the middle section of the basin (Gutierrez,

2007). The major members of this formation are the Tununk Shale, the Ferron

Sandstone, the Lower Blue Gate Shale Member, the Emery Sandstone, and the

Upper Blue Gate Shale member (Montgomery et al, 2003). The Mancos shale

lithology ranges from black organic-rich shale to a combination of siltstones and

sandy siltstones (Gutierrez, 2007).

Figure 2.1 Late Cretaceous paleogeography leading to the formation of the Uinta
basin after the movement along the Sevier orogenic belt
(modified from Blakey, 2007).


Price River

Figure 2.2: Stratigraphic column of the Uinta basin and its adjacent basin, the
Piceance basin, showing the two producing formations of this basin. The Douglas
Creek Arch, which separates the Uinta and Piceance basins, is also shown
(USGS, 2002).
15 Mesaverde Group

The Mesaverde Group is a “part of a wedge of alluvial fan and plain and

deltaic sandstones deposited as a belt along the western margin of the

epicontinental sea as it regressed” (Gutierrez, 2007). The group ranges in between

2,200 to 2,900 ft of thickness with the Star Point Formation, the Blackhawk

Formation, the Castlegate Formation, and the Price River Formation serving as

the group members of the Mesaverde (Gutierrez, 2007).

The Price River Formation is the formation in particular from which the

two treatment wells (Well D1 and S1) studied in this project produce. This

formation mainly consists of sandstone and siltstone (Guiseppe and Heller, 1998).

Due to its fluvial environment depositional system, many sandstone sheets

ranging from 20 to 100 ft thick are separated by a number of siltstone intervals

from 7 to 30 ft thick (Gutierrez, 2007). North Horn Formation

The North Horn Formation in the Uinta basin section separates the

underlying Mesaverde Group from the overlying Wasatch Formation. This

formation consists of a distinct reddish sandstone, siltstone, and limestone beds.

The lithology of this formation ranges from “thin lacustrine shale and lime

wackestones overlain by variegated floodbasin mudstones and fine-grained fluvial

sandstone lenses with thin granule horizons” (Gutierrez, 2007).

16 Wasatch Formation

The Wasatch Formation changes thickness across the basin: the beds thin

from approximately 3,000 ft thick on the west side of GNB to approximately

1,000 ft on the east side of the area where the margin of the basin approaches

(Osmond, 1992). According to Gutierrez (2007), the lower part of this formation

consists of “varicolored shale, paludal limestones, carbonaceous shale and coals,

and conglomeratic sandstones”. Overlying these beds are “alluvial red shale and

siltstones enclosing scattered, lenticular channel-form sandstones” (Gutierrez,

2007). Prominent color changes between the beds helps to define contacts within

the formation. Green River Formation

As a result of a lacustrine depositional environment, the Green River

Formation consists of “dark brown marlstone (oil-shale) with interbedded light

gray, oil stained water-bearing sandstones” (Gutierrez, 2007) that thickens from

2,200 ft on the southeast corner of the basin to approximately 3,800 ft in the

northeast corner. The lower part of this formation is “lacustrine ostracodal

coquina limestones, gray to tan with some oil staining” (Gutierrez, 2007) that are

of great color contrast to the underlying Wasatch Formation red beds.

2.1.3 Producing Formation

The main gas producing formations from the Uinta basin are the Wasatch

(lacustrine deposition) and Price River (fluvial deposition) formations (refer to


Figure 2.2). The producing formation of interest in this project is the Price River

formation from the late Cretaceous time. This reservoir is identified as a tight gas

sand reservoir with permeability in the milli- to microdarcy range and porosity as

low as six to twelve percent (Kidney, 2007).

Figure 2.3 shows an outcrop location of the Price River formation in

Colorado. In general, the lenticular shapes of sand lenses are observed at the

outcrop and are assumed to be presented in a similar manner in the subsurface.

The behavior of these discontinuous sand bodies stacking on top of each other

agrees well with the fluvial point-bar type of depositional environment. These

discontinuous characteristics require great planning of the field and reservoir

development to ensure optimum recovery of the hydrocarbon in place.

Figure 2.3: An example of the Price River formation at the Kenney reservoir
outcrop, Colorado where the lenticular shape of sand lenses (shown in yellow) is
observed (Kidney, 2007). The red box indicates sand body discontinuation trend
seen in fluvial type environment.

2.1.4 Petroleum System and Reservoir Characterization

The petroleum system of the Greater Natural Buttes Field was described

by Cuzella and Stancel (2006) and is summarized below:

• Trapping mechanism: Continuous gas accumulation

Discontinuous lenticular sandstone reservoir

No distinct gas-water contact

• Producing formation: Wasatch (gross thickness: 1,000-3,600 ft)

Price River (gross thickness: 3,800-5,600 ft)

• Reservoir lithology: Sandstone and shale interbedded

• Source beds: Mesaverde organic mudstones and coals

• Gas characteristics:

o Specific Gravity: 0.63

o Water-Gas-Ratio (average value): 100 bbl/mcgf

o British Thermal Unit: 1,100

o Cumulative Production (up to 2005): 1.16 TCFG

The characteristics of the Price River reservoir in particular are

summarized below, according to Cuzella and Stancel (2006):

• Porosity (average): 11%

• Permeability (average): 0.01 millidarcy

• Water Saturation (average): 0.43%

• Reservoir Pressure Gradient: 0.43 to 0.52 psi/ft

• Type of Drive: Solution gas drive


2.2 Microseismic Overview

Seismic and microseismic imaging technologies are commonly classified

into two categories: active and passive sources. Surface reflection seismic uses

active seismic sources. Microseismic monitoring (fracture mapping) uses passive

seismic sources caused by the rock breaking due to the injected fluid causing

pressure changes. Also, geologic features such as fault slippage can cause the

microseismic events as well. Microseismic monitoring techniques can be broadly

grouped by the location of geophones being downhole in a wellbore or located on

the ground level surface.

2.2.1 Microseismic Events

A seismic event can be generated from two types of sources: active

seismic and passive seismic. An active seismic source is an intentionally induced

seismic events for the purpose of gathering subsurface images to map the

reservoir in two dimensions (2-D) or three dimensions (3-D). The source for

active seismic can be as simple as dynamite or can also be a more sophisticated

technology such as specialized air guns or Vibroseis trucks to send seismic waves

through the ground formations (Figure 2.4). The signal waves reflected by the

different types of formations that have different rock properties and

configurations are then recorded and analyzed to construct a 2-D or 3-D model of

the geologic structure of the reservoir.

Passive seismic, on the other hand, as described by its name, does not

require intentional sources like active seismic does. This seismic imaging is done

using sources induced internally in a subject reservoir such as those from

hydraulic fracturing treatments rather than the specialized air guns, Vibroseis

trucks or dynamite. Smaller seismic events in the subsurface with low amplitudes

are called microseismic.

A microseismic event occurs when the rock underneath the ground surface

is fractured due to stress failure. From this failure, two body waves are released

from the “crack”. Pressure waves (P-waves) travel at the greatest velocity within

solids. Thus, they are the first waves to appear on a seismogram. They are also

called primary waves. P-waves are fundamentally pressure disturbances that

propagate through a material by alternately compressing and expanding the rock

and the particle motion is parallel to the direction of wave propagation. On the

contrary, the shear waves, which are also known as the secondary waves (S-

waves), are transverse waves that travel more slowly than P-waves. Therefore, the

S-waves appear later than P-waves on a seismogram. In S-waves, the motion of a

particle is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation as shown in Figure

2.5. Detection of both P-waves and S-waves arrivals may provide information to

locate the source point of an event.

A magnitude is an assigned single number to quantify the amount of

seismic energy released by an earthquake or another seismic event. A local

magnitude (ML) value of two or greater is identified as an earthquake, where a

magnitude of three is potentially damage causing to surface structures

(Microseismic Inc., 2007). A local magnitude between two and negative two is

considered a micro-earthquake. It is generated by tectonic stresses and represents


a potential passive seismic source for mapping subsurface structures and

occurrences (Microseismic Inc., 2007).

Figure 2.4: Example of a vibrator truck creating vibration on the ground

surface where the sound waves are transmitted through the formations
and reflected to the surface and later captured by the seismographic
recording truck (University of Akron, 2009).

Figure 2.5: Particle and wave motions of the primary (P-wave) and secondary
(S-wave) waves (University of Oregon, 2008).

Passive microseismic imaging is divided into two categories, the first one

being the transmission technique and the second is the emission technique (Neale

and Duncan, 2003). The transmission technique observes the travel time of

seismic signals originating from micro-earthquakes to create a 3-D map as shown

in Figure 2.6 (Duncan, 2004). This technique is designed to capture bigger

earthquakes with a local magnitude of zero or greater, and it works similar to

conventional 3-D seismic imaging. Meanwhile, an ML of between negative two

and negative four is defined as microseismicity (Neale, 2007). Such microseismic

events may occur very frequently over a period of time.

The second passive microseismic imaging technique, emission, targets the

microseismic activity itself induced by the fracture treatment as the imaging

targets. This technique observes and records direct arrivals of the seismic waves

from the events and maps the distribution of the hypocenter position, the location

where the energy stored in the strain rock is released as pictured in Figure 2.7

(Duncan, 2004). The emission technique is able to capture small microseismic

events with magnitude ranging from -1 to -3 (Neale, 2007).

As the technology has evolved in the oil and gas industry, microseismic

monitoring has become one of the common methods used in subsurface hydraulic

fracture mapping along with surface and downhole tiltmeters. Similar to

tiltmeters, the microseismic mapping method is also able to provide fracture

dimensions such as height, length, and azimuth.


Figure 2.6: The transmission technique observes the travel time of seismic signals
originating from micro-earthquakes to create a 3-D map, similar to conventional
3-D seismic imaging (Duncan, 2004).

Figure 2.7: The emission technique targets the microseismic activity induced by
the fracture treatment (as the imaging targets). This technique observes and
records direct arrivals of the seismic waves from the events and maps the
distribution of the hypocenter position, the location where the energy stored in the
strain rock is released (Duncan, 2004).

In addition, microseismic mapping technology gives better resolution

along with fracture dimensions in “real-time”. The microseismic events occur as

formation rocks break, and the events signals are potentially strongest at the tips

of the fractures. Therefore, microseismicity fracture mapping provides fracture

dimensions in terms of “created fracture length” (Warpinski, 2009). In addition to

the total fracture length acquired in this mapping process, the microseismic data

can also be used to build a calibrated model to help compute effective fracture

length based on the measured total fracture length (Warpinski, 2009).

2.2.2 Downhole-monitored Microseismic

The location of the geophone receivers plays an important role in the

accuracy of data collected from seismic activity. The traditional location of the

geophones used in microseismic monitoring is in the borehole of an offset well

near the treatment well (Figure 2.8). Downhole monitoring is currently the most

common method used to produce 3-D images of hydraulic fractures.

The equipment lowered down the borehole consists of 3-component

geophones that are attached to wireline from the surface. These 3-component

instruments are designed to receive waves from the X, Y, and Z direction in the

well bore (Figure 2.9) (Shemeta et. al., 2007). Having geophones stacked on top

of each other (Figure 2.10) can help to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio, resulting

in better wave analyses and more accurate calculations (Shemeta et. al., 2007).

The downhole geophone receivers are usually run in an offset well near the

treatment well.

Observation Distance
Depends on Seismic Attenuation

Treatment Well

Observation Well


Figure 2.8: A side view of the settings for the downhole microseismic mapping
method which requires the observation well to be adjacent to the treatment well.
The loss or weakening of energy as a seismic wave propagates through the earth
is called seismic attenuation. Such attenuation affects observation distance of
microseisms (modified from Roundtree, 2009).

Downhole monitoring technology can be accurate and reliable for

hydraulic fracture mapping purposes if an accurate velocity model of the reservoir

is available. The major drawbacks of downhole monitoring are the loss of

production from the offset well that is being shut in for the geophones and the

cost of drilling a monitoring well if a nearby wellbore is not available (Duncan,


2.2.3 Surface-monitored Microseismic

A relatively new technique is microseismic imaging by monitoring the

activity from the ground surface. With this method, a number of geophones are

Figure 2.9: 3-Component downhole geophone capturing wave movement in X, Y,

and Z directions (Albright et al., 1994).

Figure 2.10: Single and stacked receivers technology implemented in the

downhole microseismic monitoring (Shemeta et al, 2007).

laid on the ground surface around the treatment well. The geophones are

connected to each other using lines that are initially attached close to the

treatment well, and extent outwardly with “arms” that range from a few hundred

feet to 10,000 feet or more as pictured in Figure 2.11a (Abbott et. al., 2007). The

geophones placed on the surface monitor seismic activity before the fracturing

treatment begins, during the treatment, and after the treatment has been

completed. This is done to have an initial recording of the background noise

before the reservoir is treated (Figure 2.11b).

Today, there has been a relatively limited amount of work done on surface

microseismic monitoring technology as compared to downhole techniques.

Overcoming vertical limitations is one of the main issues in this monitoring

method. As the well gets deeper into the formation, there are more challenges of

capturing the microseismic events that are happening near the well bore, leading

to a bigger range of error and decreasing the interpretational accuracy. With

increasing vertical depth, the small amplitude waves generated by the seismic

event are too “weak” to be transmitted all the way up to the surface through

thousands feet of medium. The signals could have been released by the event, but

might not make their way to the surface to be recorded.

Eliminating the noise from the surface environment is also a big concern

(Abbott et. al., 2007). By having the geophones laid out on the ground surface,

the receivers can also pick up noise from the environment. For instance, any well

pump nearby, trucks coming in and out of the location, or any other sort of major

noise caused by interaction on the ground surface can degrade the seismic signal

(Warpinski, 2007).





Figure 2.11: Surface microseismic mapping layouts (a) geophones array (“arms”)
extending radially on the ground surface (Abbott et al., 2007) and (b) 3-D seismic
output from the microseismic mapping process (Abbott et al., 2007).

2.2.4 Software Used for Microseismic Analyses

In order to perform microseismic analyses for this project, Transform™

software was used to upload, view, and analyze the microseismic data obtained

from the wells. This software offers flexibility in visualization with innovative

and user-friendly 2-D and 3-D visualization of a broad spectrum of the well

production data, hence, improving the understanding of the area of interest.

Figures 2.12 and 2.13 show the general layout of the 3-D viewing windows in

Transform™ once the microseismic data are uploaded into the system.

2.3 Fracture Geometry Modeling

To date, there are a variety of fracture modeling software and simulation

packages available to model fracture geometries during a hydraulic fracturing

process. The three main classes of models that have been developed over time are

the 2-dimensional (2-D), the pseudo-3-dimensional (P3D), and the well-

developed 3-dimensional (3-D) models. All are discussed in Sections 2.3.1-2.3.3

including the unique characteristics and requirements for each model.

2.3.1 2-Dimensional Models

The most common 2-D fracture models known in the industry are the

Kristianovich, Geertsma, and De Klerk (KGD) model and the model created by

Perkins and Kern which later was modified by Nordgren (PKN) (Miskimins, 2004

and 2005). According to Green (2006), when using these models fracture height


Stage 7

Stage 6

Stage 5

Stage 4

Stage 3

Stage 2

Stage 1


Figure 2.12: An example of microseismic events in Well D1 shown at seven

different stages that are represented by different colors using Transform™
software with Stage 1 occurring at the deepest depth and Stage 7 is at the
shallowest depth.

Treatment Well


events for all

Figure 2.13: A map-view example of the downhole monitored wells

(Well D1 and D2) using Transform™. The different colors of
microseismic events represent the different stages of hydraulic
fracturing that took place.

needs to remain constant along the fracture length and can be set using

lithological boundaries. However, the two models differ in the fracture extension

occurrence concept. The PKN model states that fracture extension occurs by

rectangular extension whereas KGD chose the radial/circular extension. The

application of these models is mainly for reservoirs that have “high stress contrast

between neighboring formations where the contrasts follows lithologic

boundaries” (Green, 2006). However, the 2-D models have limited application

since such scenarios seldom apply to real reservoirs.

In general, the application of these models in heterogenous reservoirs

demands substantial manipulations to take place by making estimations of

fracture heights. These estimations are usually field-measured values or based on

previous experiences and results. Since this method requires user-input,

inaccurate fracture height estimation will cause over- or under-prediction of

height, ignoring the effects of leak-off. In this case, the fracture under

investigation will result in out-of-zone growth, later causing completion and

productivity issues (Green, 2006).

2.3.2 Pseudo-3-Dimensional Models

Pseudo-3-dimensional (P3D) models differ from the 2-D models such that

they do not require an estimate of fracture height but instead require “an input of

the minimum horizontal stress in the proposed fracture zone and bounding layers”

(Green, 2006). According to Green, a simplified depiction of fluid flow in the

fracture is implemented in the P3D models to shorten the calculation time by


estimating 2-D fluid flow and the pressure-width relation. As a result of

innovative inventions and improvements in computer power, the P3D models are

no longer preferred and are being substituted by the later fully 3-D models.

2.3.3 3-Dimensional Models

The new and improved 3-D models produce relatively better results with

the closest approximation to the actual hydraulic fracture growth. These models,

however, require accurate stress contrast and other reservoir data. The positive

side of the 3-D models is “the calculation of fluid flow and pressure along the

fracture uses a fully 2-D model of fluid flow to calculate the pressure” (Green,

2006). This type of calculation provides an accurate width at any point. However,

these new models are lacking on the “suitably detailed input data” to assist in

precise evaluation and future development (Green, 2006). Such input data

requires additional costs and time to the operating companies, which can be

inconvenient to the process. Fine-tuning the methodology in 3-D models by

performing thorough post-fracture evaluation will possibly provide a simple yet

effective finding to field applications. Some of the more common 3-D models that

are currently used in the industry are as follows (Miskimins, 2004 and 2005):

• FRACPRO – a model originally developed by Professor Mike Cleary at

MIT and Resource Engineering Systems, Cambridge, Mass, sponsored by


• E STIMPLAN – a model originally developed by Mike Smith at NSI,


• MFRAC – a model developed by Bruce Meyer of Meyer & Associates,

Natrona, Pennsylvania; and,

• GOHFER™ – a fully 3-D simulator developed by Dr. Robert Barree as

part of a PhD program at the Colorado School of Mines.

2.3.4 Net-Pressure Analysis

The net pressure (Pnet) is one of the important components that is

calculated during a hydraulic fracturing process. It is defined as the pressure in the

fracture (Pfracture) minus the closure pressure (Pclosure) (Gidley et al, 1989) as shown

in Equation 2.1:

Pnet = Pfracture - Pclosure (2.1)

From this net pressure response, the type of hydraulic fracture growth is

able to be determined. Figure 2.14 shows an idealized log-log plot of the net

pressure. Such plots can be used to analyze the behavior of fracture growth at the

subsurface and indicate its direction. From this plot, Zone 1 is interpreted as area

with restricted height growth and unrestricted extension. At 0 log-log slope, Zone

2 represents the opening of natural fractures where height growth is stable. In

Zone 3a, extension growth is restricted with two fracture wings whereas in Zone

3b, extension growth is restricted with one fracture wing. Finally, in Zone 4,

fracture height growth is presumed unstable.


Figure 2.14: Log-log slope interpretation for the idealized net pressure data
(Gildey et al., 1989).



Hydraulic fracturing treatments are generally performed to stimulate wells

in order to increase well productivity. Some common goals of hydraulic fracture

stimulations are: to maximize effective fracture length and number of zones

producing; to achieve maximum conductivity; to minimize treatment cost; to

minimize formation damage; and to add to or accelerate the hydrocarbon recovery


A successfully working hydraulic fracture model must be able to assist in

explaining the results acquired from a specific job that has been pumped or be

able to predict the results of a specific job that is to be designed. For both cases of

pre-treatment and post-treatment results, computer models need precise

characterization of the studied reservoir, rock properties, and the stress state of the

area, as well as, detailed information on materials to be pumped.

For this study, hydraulic fracture treatment data from two wells, D1 and

S1 are analyzed. Well S1 is the single well that was treated with hydraulic

fracture stimulations and has available pump stage data along with surface

monitored microseismic events data for the eight stages. The pump curves

provided for this project were generated during the fracturing treatment from

Stage 2 to Stage 9 (Figure 3.1). Data from Stage 1 for Well S1 are not available

for this project. Figure 3.2 shows the gamma ray log along the depth of interest

Figure 3.1: Wellbore stability plot for Well S1 with open and cased hole logs
including data on the gamma ray, neutron-density, pore pressure gradient and the
lithologic section of the well. The boxes represent different stages of the
hydraulic fracture treatment starting from the bottom of the well
(modified from Kranz et al, 2007).

0 API unit 200

Stage 7

Stage 6

Stage 5

Stage 4

Stage 3

Stage 2

Stage 1

Figure 3.2: Gamma ray log for the downhole monitored well, D1, with
approximate lithologic representation. The boxes represent different stages of the
hydraulic fracture treatment starting from the bottom of the well. The yellow
color filling in the log represents sandstones whereas the dark brown represents
shale. The orange color, on the other hand, represents a mix of sand and shale.

for downhole monitored well, D1. Seven stages of hydraulic fracture treatment

were performed on this well within the 2,020 ft gross depth interval, resulting in

seven datasets of downhole monitored microseismic events.

As mentioned in Chapter 1, the Grid Oriented Hydraulic Fracture

Extension Replicator (GOHFER™) software is incorporated into this project to

enable the process of modeling the fracture job. According to the creator of the

software, Barree (2007), GOHFER™ “attempts to honor the expected

discontinuous nature of rocks with bedding places, planes of weakness or

incipient failure, and pre-existing natural fractures and fissures”. The modeling

process using this software is discussed extensively in the following sections.

Figure 3.3 depicts an example of the three curves associated with each

stage pumped, tubing pressure, slurry rate, and proppant concentration, using data

from Stage 9 of Well S1. From these input curves, pressure history matching is

done for each hydraulic fracture treatment stage.

3.1 GOHFER™ Software

GOHFER™ software is one of the more commonly used software

packages in the oil and gas industry to model complex hydraulic fractures in the

subsurface, such as the subject tight gas sand reservoir in the Uinta basin. This

software uses a finite difference grid structure to describe the entire reservoir

which allows vertical and lateral variations, single and multiple perforated

intervals, and bi-wing asymmetric fractures in order to accurately model even the

most complex reservoirs. For this project, the ability to model bi-wing

asymmetric fractures is critical to precisely represent the fracture patterns in the

producing fluvial-deposited sand bodies.

T ubing Pressure (psi) A Slurry Rat e (bpm) B

A Proppant Concentrat ion (lb/gal) C B C
7000 60 7

6000 50

5000 40

4000 30

3000 20

2000 10

1000 0 0
14:10 14:15 14:20 14:25 14:30 14:35 14:40 14:45
7/14/2008 7/14/2008
Customer: Job Date: Ticket #:
GohWin v1.6.5
Well Desc: UWI: 10-Nov-08 13:00

Figure 3.3: Actual pressure, slurry rate, and proppant concentration curves
for Stage 9 using GOHFER™ software. These data were available for all eight
stages on Well S1 and for all seven stages of Well D1.

At each node, reservoir properties such as porosity, permeability, and pore

pressure are assigned by directly uploading the LAS log files into the system.

Other inputs such as formation zone thickness as well as rock-mechanical

properties derived from the logs are also able to be assigned.

Besides simulating fractures using data from the treatment that took place

on the treatment well, an accurate lithologic representation of the well is also

created based on the input from logs. By modeling the hydraulic fracture

treatment, the length and the height of the fracture can be estimated. It is common

in a fracture analysis to use microseismic to confirm fracture growth. For this

project, the downhole-monitored and surface-monitored microseismic data are

compared to the simulated fracture models. The software work flow and list of

important input data needed to complete the initial construction of the model is

further discussed in the next section.

After inserting input data and running the simulation using the software,

there are two important requirements that must be met in order to produce a

unique match for the model. By modeling, an attempt is made to match both the

pressure behavior as well as the fracture geometry. Pressure matching is done by

getting the simulated pressure curve to match with the actual pressure data from

the field. Only then, the simulated fracture geometry can be matched to the actual

fracture geometry.

3.2 Modeling Process

The general work flow for actual job data matching using post-treatment

models is shown in Figure 3.4. The seven steps shown cover the process of

building a GOHFER™ model using actual oil/gas field data after the hydraulic

fracture treatment took place. Step 5 is an iterative process that needs to be

repeated until the desired match is achieved between actual pressure and the

GOHFER™ simulated pressure. The results of the pressure matching process for

this project using Figure 3.4 are discussed in Chapter 5.


3.2.1 Input

The grid oriented feature of GOHFER™ is one of the important key

factors that contributes to this project. The rectangular grid structure is used to

describe the entire reservoir, serving the same function as a reservoir simulator,

and it allows the assignment of complex and detailed descriptions of the particular

fractured intervals. For each node, reservoir properties such as permeability,

porosity, and pore pressure, and mechanical properties such as Young’s Modulus,

Poisson’s Ratio, Biot’s constant, and tectonic stress are assigned (Figure 3.5).

The list of input required for a working model to be created using GOHFER™

are listed below, but are not limited to (Barree, 2009):

• Rock elastic properties:

o Poisson’s Ratio, Young’s Modulus, Biot’s constant

• Reservoir pressure variations:

o Depletion, overpressure, underpressure (lateral and vertical


• In-situ stresses:

Computed from derived rock properties

• Leakoff magnitude and distribution of natural fractures:

o Acquired from injection diagnostic tests

• Fluid and proppant schedule:

o Constructed to arrive at desired length and conductivity with

required height development


Actual Job Data
Match Work Flow
Create new
1 GohWin™ file

simulation Create Log File using
analyze LAS files
Complete Actual
Simulation Input

Define grids, adjust &

a initialize node sizes &
Formation zone set up,
depth intervals, b
formation rock type Perforation diameter,
c number of holes
Define wellbore, enter perforated
actual pumping d

Save & Run

2 Simulation

Perform PDAT
3 (if data available)

View pressure plots

4 using GohGraph™, set
stage locations

Adjust reservoir & grid

5 properties to match

View pressure match

results using HTG™,
6 repeat step 5 if needed

View simulated fracture

7 geometry using

Figure 3.4: Work flow of GOHFER™ actual job data match for
post-treatment model.

Figure 3.5: An example of the grid structure feature of GOHFER™ where

reservoir and mechanical properties are individually assigned for each node. The
left track shows the perforated section of the well, colored in brown, and a log
track of gamma ray in yellow. The right track generally represents the scale for
reservoir or mechanical properties used where in this example it represents the
scale for Young’s Modulus values in MMpsi.

For the reservoir and mechanical properties, values are usually derived

from log files that are provided by the service company for the specified treatment

wells. The LOGCALC™ function in the software is used specifically to perform

these value derivations. Properties such as stress, strain, Young’s Modulus, and

Poisson’s Ratio and their impacts on the fracture model are further discussed as



The total fracture closure stress equation as used in GOHFER™ is listed

as (Barree, 2009):

Pc =
(1 −ν )
[D γ
tv ob ]
− α v (Dtvγ p + Poff ) + α h (Dtvγ p + Poff ) + ε x E + σ t (3.1)

where Pc = closure pressure, psi

ν = Poisson’s Ratio

Dtv = true vertical depth, feet

γob = overburden stress gradient, psi/ft

γp = pore fluid gradient, psi/ft

αv = vertical Biot’s poroelastic constant

αh = horizontal Biot’s poroelastic constant

Poff = pore pressure offset, psi

εx = horizontal tectonic strain, microstrains

E = Young’s Modulus, million psi

σt = regional horizontal tectonic stress, psi

For effective use of Equation 3.1, variable interaction with each source of data

should be studied in order to fully understand the complexity of estimating a

“physically consistent and reasonably accurate stress profile” (Barree, 2009).

A good comprehension of stress distribution is important to understand

fracture growth and geometry. The distribution of stress is responsible in

controlling some factors such as the orientation of a fracture, fracture height


containment, treating pressure magnitude, and changes in treating pressure during

the fracturing job. Hydraulically induced fracture orientation in the subsurface is

mainly dominated by the stress difference that exists between the three principal

stresses: overburden pressure (σ1), maximum horizontal pressure (σ2), and

minimum horizontal pressure (σ3) as shown in Figure 3.6. According to Barree

(2009), the magnitude of the stresses especially the minimum stress will

determine the fluid pressure needed to open a fracture. On the other hand, stress

variations between different rock layers control the magnitude of treating pressure

and pressure behavior with time by controlling the height of the fracture created

(Barree, 2009).


σ1 > σ 2 > σ 3


Figure 3.6: Fracture orientation is determined by the relationship of principal
stresses, σ1, σ2, and σ3, as shown in this figure. Fracture growth will occur
perpendicular to the minimum principal stress (σ3) since it is the path of least
resistance (modified from Barree, 2009).


Strain is defined as the deformation of rock when a force or stress is

applied to rock, changing its shape, size and/or length. The strain equation is

simply the difference between the new and original length divided by the original

length of the measured section (Figure 3.7). Strain is a dimensionless parameter

that can represents a positive or negative value representing compression and

extension, respectively.

ε = (L2 – L1) / L1 (3.2)

Original L1 Sample
Length L2

Figure 3.7: An example of strain where rock sample is deformed and compressed
due to force or stress applied (modified from Barree, 2009).

Young’s Modulus:

Young’s Modulus indicates the “stiffness” of rock. This parameter

measures the amount of stress required to cause deformation of rock, hence,

indicating the hardness or “stiffness” of the rock. Young’s Modulus is simply

calculated by taking the ratio of stress over strain (Figure 3.8). A higher modulus

value represents stiffer material because it needs more stress applied to yield a

given strain. For example, a very hard and well cemented carbonate or sandstone

may have modulus value of 10 to 12 million psi (Barree, 2009). On the other

hand, a very soft, friable and unconsolidated sandstone may have modulus value

of one million psi or less (Barree, 2009).

The task of determining elastic properties for a rock sample is a difficult

process. It is usually done by physically taking static measurements on cores and

using dynamic log measurements to calibrate. According to Warpinski et al.

(1998), laboratory measurements have shown that static measurements of cores

yields lower values than dynamic moduli values. These discrepancies are

contributed by matrix weaknesses, in-situ reservoir confining stress, and the

poroelastic nature of rocks themselves (Economides and Nolte, 1981). In addition,

getting exact dynamic measurements is difficult because a small amount of error

in measurement could lead to large discrepancies in values.

For Young’s Modulus values that are measured in a laboratory on an

unconfined sample, the measured value can potentially be very different that

Young’s Modulus values that are measured on the same sample but at reservoir

stress conditions. Lama and Vutukuri (1978) stated that stress history and

saturation conditions do affect the measurement of Young’s Modulus. Hence, lab

core measurements are problematic to work with in achieving practical and useful

rock elastic properties.

However, decent measurements are achievable. According to Pantoja

(1998), careful and close observations are needed to develop suitable correlations

for in-situ moduli that are based on static measurements using appropriate scale

which affects the final values and final application of the data.


Figure 3.8: Young’s Modulus is defined as the ratio of stress over strain. The
higher the slope is, the “stiffer” the material is. In this figure, the red slope line
represents a higher modulus value for “stiffer” material. On the other hand, the
green slope line represents a lower modulus value for material that is less stiff
(modified from Barree, 2009).

Poisson’s Ratio:

Poisson’s Ratio is another common rock mechanical parameter that

contributes to fracture geometry. By definition, Poisson’s Ratio is the ratio of

lateral strain, εx to axial strain, εz under conditions of axial loading as shown in

Figure 3.9 (Barree, 2009). In other words, the ratio of Equation 3.3 over Equation

3.4 produces Poisson’s Ratio value as shown in Equation 3.5. The numerical

value of this parameter ranges from 0 to 0.5 where a 0 value indicates no lateral

strain occurring when a sample is loaded and a value of 0.5 indicates that the

particular sample expands laterally as much as it compacts axially. A typical

Poisson’s Ratio value for rocks ranges between 0.15 to 0.35.


εz = ∆L/L1 (3.3)

εx = ∆D/D1 (3.4)

ν = εx / εz (3.5)

Where εz = Strain in z-direction (axial strain)

εx = Strain in x-direction (lateral strain)
∆L = Change in length
L1 = Initial length
∆D = Change in diameter
D1 = Initial diameter
ν = Poisson’s Ratio



D1 εx

Figure 3.9: Poisson’s Ratio is simply the ratio of lateral to axial strain under
conditions of axial loading. Smaller ratio value indicates small lateral strain
occurring as sample is loaded (modified from Barree, 2009).

The LOGCALC™ feature in the software helps compute dynamic

parameters such as the previously mentioned Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s

Ratio sourced from well logs. This feature is most beneficial when core data are

not available. A set of well logs are used as source curves to be fed into

LOGCALC™ and the computed parameters are displayed as output curves


(Figure 3.10). The general structure of the input and output curves are listed as

(Barree, 2009):

• Input (source) curves:

o Any number of input LAS-type source files;

o CSV-type files with core data, or externally generated values;

o All source curves are used as inputs to various calculations;

o Output curves can also be used as sources; or,

o Multiple sources can be input to each calculation.

• Output curves:

o Can be generated by copying input, averaging multiple inputs,

summing inputs;

o List of outputs required for GOHFER™ model generation are pre-

defined with specific calculations;

o Order of computations is set to minimize work load;

o Each generated curve may be used as input to later calculations; or,

o New output curves can be generated by the user.

3.2.2 Output

The main simulated outputs sourced from GOHFER™ are viewed through

another feature called WinParse™. There are several options on parameters that

can be displayed using WinParse™. The most common and useful parameter is

the proppant concentration (Figure 3.11). From this figure, proppant concentration

within the fracture can be studied. The asymmetric, bi-wing features of the

fracture are also displayed to assist approximating fracture length on both sides of

the wellbore since not all fractures will grow symmetrically.

Generated Input
Output Curve (Source) Curves

Figure 3.10: The main screen layout of the LOGCALC™ displaying the input
curves and the generated output curves. The input log curves are displayed on the
right side of the panel and the generated output curve is displayed on the left side
of the source curves.

Perforated Holes

Figure 3.11: An example of WinParse™ view showing the distribution of

proppant concentration in this asymmetric fracture. In asymmetric growth,
fracture wings extended out from both sides of the well are modeled so that the
effects of lateral pressure gradiaents, dip of beds, and/or changes in rock
properties can be honored to represent the hydraulic fracture growth more
accurately. As mentioned in Chapter 2, one of the appealing features of
GOHFER™ is its ability to model asymmetric bi-wing fracture on a wellbore.
The lateral-scaled axis represents the length of the fracture and the vertical-scaled
axis represents the depth section of the wellbore where the fracture is being

Some other parameters that can be displayed using WinParse™ are (but

not limited to):

• Net pressure;

• Viscosity;

• Fracture pressure;

• Fracture width;

• Injection rate; and,

• Leak-off rate.

Another feature of GOHFER™ that serves the purpose of viewing output

results from the fracture simulation is the HTGraph™. Figure 3.12 shows an

output example from the simulation of Stage 2 for Well D1. From this graph, six

major curves are displayed for comparison and matching purposes. The six major

curves are the actual data from the actual hydraulic fracturing job performed in

the field as shown in Figure 3.3: tubing pressure, slurry rate, and proppant

concentration; and the simulated GOHFER™ output curves: surface pressure,

slurry rate, and proppant concentration.

3.3 Pressure Matching Process

The pressure matching process refers to the task of matching the simulated

GOHFER™ pressure curve with the actual pressure curve. The key to a unique

simulation output is when both pressures and geometries are matched. Hence, a

unique fracture model result is successfully obtained when the two pressure

curves are matched to overlap each other and also when the fracture geometry

obtained from the GOHFER™ simulated result is matched to the actual geometry.

The ability to obtain as much input data as possible in building a hydraulic

fracture model will reduce the needs for making assumptions. A typical problem

in a hydraulic fracture simulation is attempting to match the simulator result to the


actual field data. It is common to modify the input data in order to manipulate the

model. This is when advanced parameters are used which are later discussed in

the next chapter.

T ubing Pressure (psi) A Slurry Rat e (bpm) B

Proppant Concentrat ion (lb/gal) C GOHFER Surface Pressure (psi) A
A GOHFER Slurry Rat e (bpm) B GOHFER Surface Prop Conc (lb/gal) C B C
7000 100 6.0

6500 90 5.5

6000 5.0
5500 4.5
5000 4.0

4500 60 3.5

4000 50 3.0

3500 40 2.5

3000 2.0
2500 1.5
2000 1.0

1500 10 0.5

1000 0 0.0
11:40 11:45 11:50 11:55 12:00 12:05 12:10 12:15
1/30/2009 1/30/2009
Customer: Job Date: Ticket #:
GohWin v1.6.5
Well Desc: UWI: 09-Jul-09 12:43

Figure 3.12: The HTGraph™ is used to display the actual pressure, slurry rate,
and proppant concentration curves acquired during a hydraulic fracturing job.
Another set of data that is also displayed on the same screen window is the
simulated data for the pressure, slurry rate, and proppant concentration. These
simulated data are noted as GOHFER™ Surface Pressure, GOHFER™ Slurry
Rate, and GOHFER™ Surface Proppant Concentration.




This chapter describes the process of inputting the actual hydraulic

fracturing data for Wells D1 and S1 into the GOHFER™ software, the final

matches determined between the actual and simulated data, and the comparison of

these models with the microseismic events as displayed in Transform™. First, the

pumping treatment schedules from the actual hydraulic fracturing treatments were

uploaded into the GOHFER™ software. Five models were then built for each

subject well, Well D1 and Well S1, using the actual pumping data and LAS log

files. A match of the simulated GOHFER™ pressure data as well as the simulated

flow rate and proppant concentration to the actual treatment pressure was then

obtained to the actual data. Once the pressures were matched for each stage from

both Wells D1 and S1, the fracture geometry profiles were overlaid with the

microseismic events captured during the actual hydraulic fracturing treatments.

Performing this integration step allows analyses be made pertaining to the use of

microseismic data in confirming fracture growth to replicate the actual hydraulic

fracture treatment. Also, comparisons are made between the downhole-monitored

treated well and the surface-monitored treated well. The integration process of

these multiple inputs is described by the flow chart in Figure 4.1.


Actual hydraulic Recorded microseismic

fracturing job data events
(pressure, slurry rate, (X, Y, and Z
proppant concentration) locations)

GOHFER™ Transform™

Actual and simulated Microseismic event

pressure matched, locations displayed
simulated fracture around treatment
geometry well

Microseismic events and

modeled fracture geometry
are overlapped and


Figure 4.1: Flow chart of the integration process where fracture geometry output
from GOHFER™ models are overlapped with microseismic events.

4.1 Input Data For Hydraulic Fracture Model

Building a working hydraulic fracture model requires a large number of

input data. In this section, a list of input data ranging from log-derived

parameters to actual pumping schedule data are described as well as their effects

on the model.

4.1.1 Logs and Log-derived Properties

As described in Chapter 3, the GOHFER™ model is heavily dependent on

log file input. For this project, a number of Log ASCII Standard (LAS) files were

used to construct the hydraulic fracture models for both Wells D1 and S1. The

LAS files include some important logs such as the resistivity, gamma ray, caliper,

bulk density, neutron porosity, neutron density, and most importantly the dipole

sonic log which provides information on transit compressional travel time

(DTCO) and transit shear travel time (DTSM).

Uploading these log files into LOGCALC™, the log-processing

component of GOHFER™, resulted in crucial log-derived properties that were

later fed into the formation zone setup in WinGOHFER™. Some of the derived

properties are:

• Poisson’s Ratio

o With the availability of full wave sonic or dipole sonic logs,

this property is calculated with a simple equation (Equation

4.1) that is based on the ratio of the shear-to-compressional

wave arrival times:


ν = (R – 2) / (2R – 2) (4.1)

where R = (DTSM2/DTCO2) and is unitless.

In this project, Poisson’s Ratio values are calculated from the

available sonic log.

• Young’s Modulus

o If Poisson’s Ratio is calculated using Equation 4.1, Young’s

Modulus can also be calculated directly provided that a bulk

density log and sonic logs are available. The equation used to

calculate this property is shown in Equation 4.2:

E = 13447 ρb [(3R – 4) / (DTCO2*R*(R – 1))] (4.2)

where ρb = bulk density in g/cm3 and R = (DTSM2/DTCO2) is


For this project, Young’s Modulus values are derived from the

provided sonic and density logs.

• Biot’s Constant

o Horizontal Biot’s constant is set at 1 in all cases in

GOHFER™. This constant represents the interaction of pore

fluid pressure on horizontal total stress. Due to the pore fluid

being in direct communication with the frac fluid, the pressure

response should be at a ratio of 1:1 and is not translated

through any rock deformation.

o Vertical Biot’s constant represents the poroelastic constant that

describes the stress that counteracts the reservoir gradient in


the lateral direction. The estimation of this property is

configured by Equation 4.3:

αv = 0.6 + (M*PHIE) (4.3)

where M is defaulted at 1 and PHIE is the shale-corrected

effective porosity from a neutron-density crossplot.

• Process Zone Stress (PZS)

o This parameter is a directly measured pressure taken from the

extension pressure and the closure pressure in a fracture

injection test. PZS is not related to only one property since it

includes effects of fluid lag, intact rock strength (tensile

strength), and other non-linear stress dissipations around the tip

of the fracture. Due to the unavailability of the mini-frac

analysis (fracture injection test) in this project, the PZS is

estimated from log data using Equation 4.4:

PZS_VSHALE = a1* VSHALE + a2 (4.4)

where a1 = 500 and a2 = 500.

This is an acceptable alternative way to produce PZS value

when the mini-frac data is not available (Barree, 2008). Due to

the lack of such data, this value might not accurately represent

the actual value as would be predicted by the mini-frac test.

• Total Stress

o This value is calculated from other parameters such as

Poisson’s Ratio, Young’s Modulus, Pore Pressure Horizontal


Biot’s constant, Vertical Biot’s constant, tectonic strain, and

tectonic stress. The equation used is the same as shown in

Equation 3.1 in Chapter 3.

Tables 4.1 and 4.2 represent the log-derived data for both Wells D1 and

S1. For each well, an average value of Young’s Modulus, Poisson’s Ratio, and

porosity is calculated for each hydraulic fracture stage. The values are averaged at

every 10 feet of the gross height interval for presentation purposes. Also, the net

height shown in these two tables refers to the perforated interval for each stage.

For Well D1, the hydraulic fracturing job treatment was performed with

seven separate stages. However, due to the poor quality of some treatment data,

Stages 3 and 6 are eliminated from this project. On the other hand, Well S1 is

hydraulically fractured at nine separate stages. For the same reason as Well D1,

Stages 6, 7, and 8 of Well S1 are not included in this project.

Table 4.1: Well D1 Input Data of Hydraulic Fracture Model

Hydraulic Perforated Gross Net Poro Young’s Poisson’s

Fracture Depth Height Height* -sity Modulus Ratio
Stage (feet) (feet) (feet) (%) (MMpsi) (unitless)
Stage 1 8273 - 8548 275 14 9.6 4.907 0.265
Stage 2 7975 - 8188 213 12 6.9 6.480 0.221
Stage 3** 7703 - 7890 187 12 11.6 5.301 0.274
Stage 4 7434 - 7653 219 12 8.6 6.649 0.231
Stage 5 7146 - 7345 199 12 7.7 5.812 0.263
Stage 6** 6856 - 7071 215 12 8.9 5.755 0.272
Stage 7 6528 - 6750 222 14 7.7 6.153 0.248
*Net height refers to perforated height interval for each stage
**Eliminated stage from this project

Table 4.2: Well S1 Input Data of Hydraulic Fracture Model

Hydraulic Perforated Gross Net Poro Young’s Poisson’s

Fracture Depth Height Height* -sity Modulus Ratio
Stage (feet) (feet) (feet) (%) (MMpsi) (unitless)
Stage 2 7950 - 8071 121 12 6.5 6.631 0.200
Stage 3 7716 - 7913 197 12 7.1 5.701 0.241
Stage 4 7460 - 7663 203 14 7.0 6.932 0.203
Stage 5 7213 - 7417 204 14 6.3 6.525 0.233
Stage 6** 6947 - 7142 195 14 6.9 6.193 0.240
Stage 7** 6721 - 6878 157 12 7.0 6.248 0.238
Stage 8** 6416 - 6647 231 12 6.7 6.340 0.243
Stage 9 6223 - 6371 148 12 7.5 5.784 0.251
*Net height refers to perforated height interval for each stage
**Eliminated stage from this project

4.1.2 Formation Zone Setup

One of the important features in WinGOHFER™ is the Formation Zone

Setup and Grid section as previously shown in Figure 3.5. In this section, user

input data and log-derived data are the major components to the construction of a

GOHFER™ model. The input data are listed as:

• User input

o Zone Setup – Noting the producing and non-producing

formation intervals.

o Perforation Diameter – A perforation diameter of 0.34 inches is

used for both wells.

o Holes Perforated – Number of total perforations shot at each

perforated grid. Each grid represents a true vertical depth of 10

feet. The number of perforations ranges between two to three

shots per foot.


• Log input and log-derived input

o Effective Porosity – This value is read from the utilized LAS

logs. Effective porosity affects fluid leakoff calculations within

the fracturing simulator.

o Permeability – This value is read from the utilized LAS logs

using correlations embedded in LogCALC™. This is done due

to the lack of permeability value from logs or mini-frac

analysis. This property represents reservoir permeability with

respect to fluid flow.

o Poisson’s Ratio – This property describes the deformation

characteristics of the formation material. The value is derived

from the sonic log.

o Young’s Modulus – This property describes the stiffness of the

formation. The value can also be calculated from the sonic log

and bulk density log.

o Pore Pressure Gradient – This is where a value for fluid

pressure gradients is entered for the pore pressure calculation.

o Pore Pressure Offset – This property describes the amount of

overpressure or depletion that is present within the reservoir


o Pore Pressure – this property describes the present status of the

reservoir pressure. This value is a combination of the data from

the Pore Pressure Gradient and Pore Pressure Offset tabs.


o Horizontal Biot’s Constant – This property describes the

poroelastic constant that used to predict the counteracting stress

of the pore pressure against the overburden gradient.

o Vertical Biot’s Constant – This property describes the

poroelastic constant that describes the stress that counteracts

the reservoir gradient in the lateral direction.

o Process Zone Stress – This value includes the effects of fluid

lag, tensile strength of rocks, and other non-linear stress

dissipations around the tip of the fracture.

o Total Stress – This value is calculated using values from

Poisson’s Ratio, Young’s Modulus, Pore Pressure, Horizontal

Biot’s Constant, Vertical Biot’s Constant, Tectonic Strain, and

Tectonic Stress tabs that are previously derived from the logs.

o Fissure Opening Pressure – This property describes the amount

of pressure offset above the total stress that is required to open

natural fractures (can be measure from pump in tests).

o Tectonic Strain – This property describes the amount of lateral

tectonic movement that the reservoir structure is under. A

range of tectonic strain values from 100 to 300 microstrains are

used for each stage of each well (Barree, 2008). Such variation

could vary potentially be due to depth, geology structure such

as fault, as well as asymmetric sediments accretion that were


deposited gradually in the fluvial-deltaic type of environment

(Escartin et. al., 1949).

o Tectonic Stress – This property describes a constant shift in

tectonic stress.

o Transmissibility Multiplier – This property describes the ability

of the fluid to transmit pressure along a fracture length. The

multiplier is applied to the parallel plate solution for fluid flow

down the fracture to determine the amount of fracture frictional

pressure. Thin fluids like water will results in very narrow

fractures that show low values of the transmissibility

multiplier. Thicker fluids, on the other hand, will show higher

value closer to 1.

o Percent Dolomite – This value represents the percentage of

reservoir rock that is dolomite.

o Percent Limestone – This value represents the percentage of

the reservoir rock that is limestone.

o Proppant Holdup Factor – This value accounts for the relative

velocity of the proppant with respect to the fluid velocity. This

relatively velocity ratio is calculated internally in GOHFER™

based on the fracture width, local shear rate, and local leakoff


Figures 4.2 to 4.11 represent input data that were imported into

GOHFER™ for each model. These figures are generated using WinParse™ from

GOHFER™. The data included are Poisson’s Ratio, Young’s Modulus,

Permeability, Horizontal Biot’s Constant, Vertical Biot’s Constant, Porosity,

Percent Dolomite, Percent Limestone, Process Zone Stress, Pore Pressure, Total

Stress, and Critical Fissure Opening Pressure.

4.1.3 Pumping Schedule

Another input section in WinGOHFER™ is the Pumping Schedule, where

additional information on the wellbore as well as pumping information from the

actual hydraulic fracturing job, is inserted to construct the model. The four tabs in

this section are labeled “Wellbore”, “Design”, “Injection Test”, and “Actual” as

shown in Figure 4.12.

In the “Wellbore” tab, wellbore information such as the Perforation

Coefficient of Discharge, treatment tubing diameter, and wellbore fluid are

inserted. The “Perforation Coefficient of Discharge” is the value that is used in

the calculation of perforation friction. This value is assumed to be the starting

value at the onset of the fracture stimulation job, and a value varying from 0.5 to

0.7 was used for the models in this thesis. As proppant is injected into the

wellbore, the value of this coefficient will increase, as well as the perforation

diameter due to erosion.

Under the “Wellbore String” section in this tab, a value of four inches was

used as the treatment tubing diameter. Another user input required under this tab

is the “Wellbore Fluid” condition that gives the status of the wellbore contents

prior to injection.
Figure 4.2: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 1 of Well D1.
Figure 4.3: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 2 of Well D1.
Figure 4.4: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 4 of Well D1.
Figure 4.5: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 5 of Well D1.
Figure 4.6: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 7 of Well D1.
Figure 4.7: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 2 of Well S1.
Figure 4.8: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 3 of Well S1.
Figure 4.9: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 4 of Well S1.
Figure 4.10: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 5 of Well S1.
Figure 4.11: Input data imported into GOHFER™ for Stage 9 of Well S1.

Figure 4.12: The Pumping Schedule tab (upper right) in WinGOHFER™

displaying wellbore information along with designed and actual pumping
schedules (tabs on the lefthand side).

The second tab in the Pumping Schedule section is the “Design” tab which

allows the fluid and proppant types to be chosen from a drop-down menu.

Multiple stages are inserted while designing a fracturing treatment to represent the

different stages that take place during the fracturing job with respect to proppant

concentration and time.

Another important tab to ensure a working model is the “Actual” tab,

where the actual pumping schedule data are imported into WinGOHFER™. In

this section, the fluid and proppant type along with proppant concentration and

slurry rate information from the actual job are uploaded into the system. The

proppant type used in all the models is the Jordan Unimin 20/40 whereas the

fracturing fluid used in is “YF 125.1 HTD 200 J-475 5” fluid for both wells.

Two of the extended parameters included in this tab are “Friction

Coefficient Factor” and “Perforation Factor”. The Friction Coefficient Factor

allows the overall pipe friction to be adjusted to match the observed treating

pressured. This value is important in the process of pressure matching the actual

and simulated pressures. A value greater than 1.0 increases total pipe friction

whereas a value less than 1.0 reduces pipe friction. Value ranges from 0.3 to 1.5 is

used in these models. The Perforation Factor, on the other hand, determines the

percentage of perforation holes that are open. A value of 1 represents that all

holes are open and a value of 0.5 represents that only half of the perforations are

open. For these models, a Perforation Factor of 1 is used for all stages. Both

factors are entered per stage.

4.2 Input Data For Microseismic Model

For the microseismic model, a number of Comma Separated Values

(CSV) files were provided for each stage for both Wells D1 and S1. The X, Y,

and Z coordinates for each microseismic event are included in the files. These

files are imported into the Transform™ software along with the actual pumping

schedule data.

4.2.1 Microseismic Event Locations for Well D1

As previously stated in Chapter 1, Well D1 was monitored by downhole

microseismic technology set up in an adjacent monitoring well, Well D2. Figures

4.13 through 4.19 display the microseismic events that were detected during each

treatment stage in Well D1. The different colors of the microseismic events

represent different stages of hydraulic fracturing treatment done on each well

whereas the varying sizes of the event spheres are based on the magnitude of the

microseismic events (ie. the larger the magnitude is, the bigger the microseismic

event sphere is). These figures are the output of the CSV files that were

previously fed into the Transform™ software.

Figures 4.20 through 4.26 display the actual data from the hydraulic

fracturing job including the tubing pressure measured at surface, slurry flow rate,

and proppant concentration. These three sets of datastreams are used to build the

hydraulic fracture models as well as imported into Transform™ to be displayed

along with the microseismic event histogram and microseismic event count. A

general observation shows that the microseismic events at each stage lasted

throughout the fracturing job with most events distributed during early- and

middle-time during the job.

Table 4.3 represents the estimations of the length, height, and azimuth of

the microseismic events that were detected in each fractured stage. The fracture

lengths are measured in terms of total length instead of half-length so that fair

numerical comparisons can be made between fracture geometries from the

downhole-monitored well to geometries from the surface-monitored well.

Well D2

8029 ft

Stage 1 Microseismic
8426 ft

Figure 4.13: Microseismic events (blue dots) that occurred in Stage 1 of Well D1. The microseismic events were
between depths of 8029 ft to 8426 ft.
Well D2

7920 ft

8195 ft

Stage 2 Microseismic

Figure 4.14: Microseismic events (red dots) that occurred in Stage 2 of Well D1. The microseismic events were
between depths of 7920 ft to 8195 ft.
Well D2

7372 ft

Stage 3 Microseismic
7813 ft Events

Figure 4.15: Microseismic events (aqua dots) that occurred in Stage 3 of Well D1. The microseismic events were
between depths of 7372 ft to 7813 ft.
7284 ft

Stage 4 Microseismic

7909 ft Well

Figure 4.16: Microseismic events (orange dots) that occurred in Stage 4 of Well D1. The microseismic events were
between depths of 7284 ft to 7909 ft.
Well D2

7069 ft

7383 ft

Stage 5 Microseismic

Figure 4.17: Microseismic events (green dots) that occurred in Stage 5 of Well D1. The microseismic events were
between depths of 7069 ft to 7383 ft.
Well D2

6685 ft

Stage 6 Microseismic

7163 ft

Figure 4.18: Microseismic events (grey dots) that occurred in Stage 6 of Well D1. The microseismic events were
between depths of 6685 ft to 7163 ft.
6483 ft

Stage 9 Microseismic

7058 ft Well D2

Figure 4.19: Microseismic events (pink dots) that occurred in Stage 9 of Well D1. The microseismic events were
between depths of 6483 ft to 7058 ft.
Figure 4.20: Actual hydraulic fracturing data (slurry rate, surface pressure, and proppant concentration) for Stage 1 of
Well D1 including the microseismic event count and histogram.
Figure 4.21: Actual hydraulic fracturing data (slurry rate, surface pressure, and proppant concentration) for Stage 2 of
Well D1 including the microseismic event count and histogram.
Figure 4.22: Actual hydraulic fracturing data (slurry rate, surface pressure, and proppant concentration) for Stage 3 of
Well D1 including the microseismic event count and histogram.
Figure 4.23: Actual hydraulic fracturing data (slurry rate, surface pressure, and proppant concentration) for Stage 4 of
Well D1 including the microseismic event count and histogram.
Figure 4.24: Actual hydraulic fracturing data (slurry rate, surface pressure, and proppant concentration) for Stage 5 of
Well D1 including the microseismic event count and histogram.
Figure 4.25: Actual hydraulic fracturing data (slurry rate, surface pressure, and proppant concentration) for Stage 6 of
Well D1 including the microseismic event count and histogram.
Figure 4.26: Actual hydraulic fracturing data (slurry rate, surface pressure, and proppant concentration) for Stage 7 of
Well D1 including the microseismic event count and histogram.

Table 4.3: Microseismic Event Locations for Well D1

Perforated Perf. Microseismic Microseismic Activity and
Stage Height Height Activity Activity Fracture
Interval (feet) Total Length Height Azimuth
(feet) (feet) (feet) (degree angle)
1 8273 - 8548 275 700 397 113
2 7975 - 8188 213 900 275 107
3 7703 - 7890 187 600 441 95
4 7434 - 7653 219 1250 500 100
5 7146 - 7345 199 850 314 99
6 6856 - 7071 215 1250 478 100
7 6528 - 6750 222 1150 278 102

4.2.2 Microseismic Event Locations for Well S1

In contrast to Well D1, Well S1 was monitored by surface microseismic

technology without any additional monitoring wells. Figures 4.27 through 4.34

display the microseismic events that were detected during each treatment stage in

Well S1. These figures are also the output of CSV files that were previously

entered into the Transform™ software. Figures 4.35 through 4.42 display the

actual data from the hydraulic fracturing job including the tubing pressure

measured at surface, slurry flow rate, and proppant concentration along with the

microseismic event histogram and microseismic event count. A general

observation shows that the microseismic events at each stage are mostly

concentrated during middle- and late-time of job. Table 4.4 represents the

estimations of the length, height, and azimuth of the microseismic events that

were detected in each fractured stage. The total length measured for the fractures

based on microseismic activities are estimated from the tip of the fracture wing on

the West side to the tip of the fracture wing on the East side.
7528 ft
Stage 2 Microseismic

8071 ft

Figure 4.27: Microseismic events (blue dots) that occurred in Stage 2 of Well S1. The microseismic events were
between depths of 7528 ft to 8071 ft
Stage 3 Microseismic
7329 ft

8123 ft

Figure 4.28: Microseismic events (red dots) that occurred in Stage 3 of Well S1. The microseismic events were
between depths of 7329 ft to 8123 ft.
7171 ft
Stage 4 Microseismic

7803 ft

Figure 4.29: Microseismic events (aqua dots) that occurred in Stage 4 of Well S1. The microseismic events were
between depths of 7171 ft to 7803 ft.
7025 ft

7472 ft
Stage 5 Microseismic

Figure 4.30: Microseismic events (orange dots) that occurred in Stage 5 of Well S1. The microseismic events were
between depths of 7025 ft to 7472 ft.
6495 ft

Stage 6 Microseismic

7083 ft

Figure 4.31: Microseismic events (green dots) that occurred in Stage 6 of Well S1. The microseismic events were
between depths of 6495 ft to 7083 ft.
6501 ft

Stage 7 Microseismic

7168 ft

Figure 4.32: Microseismic events (grey dots) that occurred in Stage 7 of Well S1. The microseismic events were
between depths of 6501 ft to 7168 ft.
6262 ft

Stage 8 Microseismic

7100 ft

Figure 4.33: Microseismic events (pink dots) that occurred in Stage 8 of Well S1. The microseismic events were
between depths of 6262 ft to 7100 ft.
5471 ft

Stage 9 Microseismic

6836 ft

Figure 4.34: Microseismic events (light green dots) that occurred in Stage 9 of Well S1. The microseismic events
were between depths of 5471 ft to 6836 ft.
Figure 4.35: Actual hydraulic fracturing data (slurry rate, surface pressure, and proppant concentration) for Stage 2 of
Well S1 including the microseismic event count and histogram.
Figure 4.36: Actual hydraulic fracturing data (slurry rate, surface pressure, and proppant concentration) for Stage 3 of
Well S1 including the microseismic event count and histogram.
Figure 4.37: Actual hydraulic fracturing data (slurry rate, surface pressure, and proppant concentration) for Stage 4 of
Well S1 including the microseismic event count and histogram.
Figure 4.38: Actual hydraulic fracturing data (slurry rate, surface pressure, and proppant concentration) for Stage 5 of
Well S1 including the microseismic event count and histogram.
Figure 4.39: Actual hydraulic fracturing data (slurry rate, surface pressure, and proppant concentration) for Stage 6 of
Well S1 including the microseismic event count and histogram.
Figure 4.40: Actual hydraulic fracturing data (slurry rate, surface pressure, and proppant concentration) for Stage 7 of
Well S1 including the microseismic event count and histogram.
Figure 4.41: Actual hydraulic fracturing data (slurry rate, surface pressure, and proppant concentration) for Stage 8 of
Well S1 including the microseismic event count and histogram.
Figure 4.42: Actual hydraulic fracturing data (slurry rate, surface pressure, and proppant concentration) for Stage 9 of
Well S1 including the microseismic event count and histogram.

Table 4.4: Microseismic Event Locations for Well S1

Perforated Perf. Microseismic Microseismic Activity and
Stage Height Height Activity Activity Fracture
Interval (feet) Total Length Height Azimuth
(feet) (feet) (feet) (degree angle)
2 7950 - 8071 121 750 543 120
3 7716 - 7913 197 800 794 120
4 7460 - 7663 203 1100 632 110
5 7213 - 7417 204 1100 447 110
6 6947 - 7142 195 800 588 120
7 6721 - 6878 157 1100 667 110
8 6416 - 6647 231 650 838 125
9 6223 - 6371 148 700 872 110

4.3 GOHFER™ Pressure Matches

As mentioned in Section 3.3, the pressure matching process refers to the

task of matching the simulated GOHFER™ pressure curve with the actual

pressure curve. Typically, it is problematic to attempt matching the simulator

result to the actual field data in a hydraulic fracture simulation. Obtaining as much

input data as possible to build an accurate hydraulic fracture model reduces the

needs for making assumptions. However, in order to get the final pressure match,

some modifications are made to the user-input and log-derived parameters, as

well as advanced parameters to obtain unique results as discussed in the next

section. These modifications are made with the understanding that all data have

some inherent error. Modifications are made in a systematic way to honor the

most accurate data first.


4.3.1 Matched Parameters

Throughout the pressure matching process, few parameters are modified in

the Formation Zone Setup and Grid section in GOHFER™. The most common

parameter that is modified in this process is the tectonic strain. Whenever the

computed stress is above or below the measured closure pressure, the differences

in the values are attributed to tectonic strain. Thus, changes are made by

increasing the tectonic strain to lift the simulated pressure curve and vice versa.

Another modification is also made on the Process Zone Stress (PZS) parameter.

Since the PZS accounts for the effect of fluid lag, rock tensile strength, and other

non-linear stress dissipations around the tip of the fracture, is it not related to only

one single property. Also, since the value for this parameter in this work is

lacking in detailed information due to the unavailability of a mini-frac analysis,

the PZS is derived from logs by using the LogCALC™ function in GOHFER™.

In the Pumping Schedule tab, there are two parameters that can be

changed in this pressure matching process. They are the Perforation Coefficient of

Discharge and Friction Coefficient Factor. As previously mentioned in Section

4.1.3, the Perforation Coefficient of Discharge is the value that is used to calculate

perforation friction. This value is assumed to be the starting value at the onset of

the fracture stimulation job. As proppant is injected into the wellbore, the value of

this coefficient will increase, as well as the perforation diameter due to erosion

effects. Equation 4.5 represents one of the methods to calculate total friction

pressure in terms of slurry flow rate:

Total ∆P (qi) = Kperf*q2 + Knear WB*q1/2 (4.5)


Where Kperf = perforation friction coefficient (psi/BPM2)

Knear WB = near-wellbore friction coefficient (psi/BPM1/2)

P = friction pressure (psi)

q = slurry flow rate (barrel per minute)

The first term on the right-hand side of Equation 4.5 represents the delta pressure

contributed by perforation friction, whereas the second term on the same equation

represents the friction pressure due to tortuosity and misalignment of the fracture

and the wellbore. For the Kperf term in particular, it is calculated using Equation


Kperf = (0.2369*ρ) / (N2*D4*C2) (4.6)

Where ρ = density (pound per gallon)

N = number of perforation (unitless)

D = diameter of perforations (inch)

C = perforation coefficient of discharge (unitless)

From Equation 4.6, it is known that a higher value of perforation

coefficient of discharge (closer to 1.0) will result in a lower total friction pressure

value and vice versa. A value of 0.55 is set as the default in the software. This

coefficient is crucial in determining the match to actual pressure during the early

times of the treatment. The Friction Coefficient Factor, on the other hand, allows

the overall pipe friction to be adjusted to match the observed treating pressure. A

value greater than 1.0 increases total pipe friction whereas a value less than 1.0

reduces pipe friction. This parameter is adjusted accordingly to match the general

shape of the actual pressure, especially during late times due to high shut-in

pressures simulated in most of the WinGOHFER™ models for the stages.

4.3.2 Advanced Parameters

Under the Customer and Reservoir Information tab in WinGOHFER™,

there is a section called Advanced Reservoir Parameters. These parameters assist

in matching the pressure responses to phenomena such as natural fracture clusters

or the ongoing changes in lateral reservoir parameters. Manipulating the models

by entering input values for the advanced reservoir parameters is an important

factor in the pressure matching process due to the additional leak-off issues

caused by such reservoir changes. The advanced parameters are:

• Pressure Dependent Modulus Stiffness Factor (MSF);

o Used to determine the magnitude of modulus change created by the

opening of natural fractures.

o Used in an exponential equation such that as the pressure exceeds the

fissure opening pressure, the modulus will change exponentially.

o Normal range for MSF value is 0 to 0.01 with positive values causing

the apparent Young’s modulus to increase, whereas entering negative

values will cause Young’s modulus to decrease with fissure opening.

A value of zero indicates no modulus stiffening.

• Pressure Dependent Leakoff (PDL);

o Used to determine the magnitude of leakoff change created by the

opening of natural fractures.


o Used in an exponential equation such that as the pressure exceeds the

fissure opening pressure, the leakoff will change exponentially.

o Normal value range for PDL is from 0 to 0.01 where only positive

values are allowed. A value of zero indicates no PDL behavior and

only matrix leakoff.

• Relative Permeability Ratio;

o Used to account for the change in permeability from the reservoir fluid

to the invading fracturing fluid.

• Transverse Storage Coefficient (TSC);

o Used to define how much fluid is moved from the main planar

hydraulic fracture to a presumed system of fractures transverse to the

main fracture. Both fluid and proppant are moved into “storage” by

this parameter.

o Values ranging from 0 to 0.003 are recommended. This parameter is

generally used in conjunction with PDL.

• Tortuosity Pre-Factor;

o This value can be entered if a step down analysis is performed to

determine tortuosity and number of open holes.

4.4 Hydraulic Fracture Model Results - Pressure Matches and Fracture


In this section, simulated results from the GOHFER™ hydraulic fracture

models are presented for both Well D1 and Well S1. Also included in this section

are the discussions on the pressure-matching processes performed to obtain the


results for each stage. The final fracture geometries from both wells are also


As presented in the next subchapters, the fracture geometries simulated

from the hydraulic fracture models do varies in terms of height containment and

half-length. Such variations are contributed by several factors such as the

difference in rock mechanical properties for different rock type (ie. Young’s

Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio values of sandstone vs. shale) as well as reservoir

heterogeneity in both lateral and vertical directions. For example, hydraulic

fracture is well-contained in areas where a thick block of shale formation is

present above and/or below the perforated interval. Since there are tendencies for

the fracture to decrease in width and/or stop to propagate once it approaches shale

bodies, shale tends to be a good fracture barrier in between the treated stages in a

well. However, when the shale is consist of thin and laminate layer, fracture

height containment could potentially be poor as the fracture will not completely

stop propagating as it goes through the thin shale layer. In fact, the width of the

fracture will decrease as it propagates through the shale layer and can increase

again when the fracture makes contact on the sand body overlying and/or

underlying the shale layer.

4.4.1 Well D1 - Stage 1

Actual treatment data including the pressure, slurry rate, and proppant

concentration, as well as, the simulated data for Stage 1 of Well D1 are shown in

Figures 4.43 and 4.44 (Figure 4.43 also includes the simulated bottomhole

pressure curve). Match adjustments were made in this stage by increasing the

tectonic strain to 105 microstrains and decreasing the friction coefficient factor to

be 0.3 during late-time stage to match the pressure data. At early-time, the

simulated pressure data could only be matched to the actual pressure treatment

data by adjusting the perforation coefficient of discharge to 0.8. This lowers the

friction caused by perforations. Advanced parameters values were adjusted to

0.003/psi for the MSF, PDL, and TSC in this stage.

After close observation, it was identified that there was an issue regarding

the injected slurry rate during late-time. This problem occurs at every stage for

this downhole-monitored well. It is typical for pressures to drop as they approach

late-time stages in the simulation following the supposedly decreasing pumping

rate and proppant concentration injection trends. Nonetheless, the actual treatment

pressure data seemed to “peak” with sudden and rapid increases which remain


The slurry rate increment as proppant injection is stopped is not a normal

scenario during a hydraulic fracturing job because the slurry volume is usually

decreased and later stopped with the termination of proppant injection as an

indication of the completion of the job for that particular stage. These odd flow

rate and pressure behaviors affect the results of the simulated data when the late-

time pressure for all Well D1 stages display a “step” shape as the simulated

pressure curve approaches the shut-in time. When the simulated surface pressure

is compared to the simulated bottomhole pressure (Figure 4.43), the “step” shape

in the late-time pressure for the bottomhole pressure is not as visible.


One possible explanation to the “step” shape behavior is that within the

wellbore, the bottomhole pressure has overcome the overburden pressure value in

the reservoir. Therefore, the rock layer gets shifted upwards since the overburden

pressure is not able to apply the same or higher pressure to prevent horizontal

fracture component growth. Such deformation can possibly be captured by using

tiltmeters or radioactive tracers.

In Figure 4.45, the final matched fracture geometry for Stage 2 of Well S1

is shown. The fracture height is very well contained within the perforated interval.

The proppant is highly concentrated within the shaly sandstone rock layers in the

perforated area especially at the region near wellbore. The fracture total length is

610 ft and the simulated fracture stayed within the 1500 ft grid size built for this


4.4.2 Well D1 – Stage 2

Figure 4.46 shows the pressure, flow rate, and proppant concentration data

of the actual treatment for Stage 2 along with the simulated matched data. Figure

4.47 shows the simulated surface pressure curve without the bottomhole pressure

information for more detailed comparisons. To match the simulated pressure to

actual pressure, the tectonic strain was increased to 300 microstrains to shift the

simulated pressure upwards. Also, the perforation coefficient of discharge value

was raised to 0.7 to lower the total pressure. The friction coefficient factor was

increased to as high as 1.5 at early-time and is kept at this higher value throughout

the fracturing job. The MSF and PDL parameters were changed to 0.002/psi

whereas the TSC was changed to 0.003/psi.

T ubing P ressure (psi) A Slurry Rat e (bpm) B
P roppant Concent rat ion (lb/gal) C GOHFER Surface P ressure (psi) A
GOHFER Slurry Rat e (bpm) B GOHFER Surface P rop Conc (lb/gal) C
A GOHFER Bot t om Hole P ressure (psi) A B C
9000 120 20
110 18
7500 16
7000 90
6500 14
70 12
5000 60 10
50 8
3500 6
3000 30
2500 4
10 2
1000 0 0
09:18 09:22 09:26 09:30 09:34 09:38 09:42 09:46
1/30/2009 1/30/2009
Customer: Job Date: T icket #:
GohWin v1.6.5
Well Desc: UWI: 22-Aug-09 16:45

Figure 4.43: Graph showing the matched GOHFER™ pressure (aqua) in comparison to bottomhole pressure (black)
and the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 1 for Well D1. The “step” shape mentioned
is seen at time 09:40 in this graph in the observed tubing pressure does not significantly appear in the bottomhole
T ubing P ressure (psi) A Slurry Rat e (bpm) B
P roppant Concent rat ion (lb/gal) C GOHFER Surface P ressure (psi) A
A GOHFER Slurry Rat e (bpm) B GOHFER Surface P rop Conc (lb/gal) C B C
6000 120 20

5500 110 18
5000 16
4500 14
4000 70 12

3500 60 10

3000 50 8
2500 6
2000 4
1500 10 2

1000 0 0
09:18 09:22 09:26 09:30 09:34 09:38 09:42 09:46
1/30/2009 1/30/2009
Customer: Job Date: T icket #:
GohWin v1.6.5
Well Desc: UWI: 22-Aug-09 16:44

Figure 4.44: Graph showing the matched GOHFER™ pressure (aqua) in comparison to
the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 1 for Well D1.
Fairly good matches are observed.

Figure 4.45: GOHFER™ output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the fracture of Stage 1 for Well D1. The
vertical scale on the right-hand side represents depth and the Gamma Ray log on the left-hand side. The horizontal scale
at the bottom is for fracture length. The blue dashed line represents fracture half-length. The proppant concentration scale
is shown as the color bar at the bottom.

The final matched fracture geometry for this stage is shown in Figure 4.48.

Again, the fracture appears to be very well contained in terms of its height. The

proppant concentration is evenly distributed within the fracture, except for some

higher distributions surrounding the perforation holes. The fracture total length is

805 ft after excluding the high permeability “stringers” within the fracture

geometry. Overall, the fracture remained within the 2000 ft grid size built for this


4.4.3 Well D1 – Stage 4

In Figure 4.49, actual treatment data as well as simulated matched data

including the simulated bottomhole pressure data for Stage 4 are displayed. Figure

4.50 displays the same information with the exclusion of the simulated

bottomhole pressure data. In order to match the pressure data, the tectonic strain

was increased to approximately 300 microstrains whereas the perforation

coefficient of discharge was changed to 0.65. The Friction Coefficient Factor

when proppant concentration is 1 pound per gallon is set to be lower than 1.0 at

0.8 and for proppant concentration at 2 pound per gallon, the coefficient factor is

set to be 1.3 to increase the friction inside the pipe. Advanced parameters

including the MSF are set to 0.003/psi meanwhile a PDL value of 0.002/psi was

entered for this model. Also, as described in Section 4.4.1, the “step” shape during

late-time is visible in these figures.

T ubing P ressure (psi) A
Slurry Rat e (bpm) B
P roppant Concent rat ion (lb/gal) C
GOHFER Surface P ressure (psi) A
GOHFER Slurry Rat e (bpm) B
GOHFER Surface P rop Conc (lb/gal) C
A GOHFER Bot t om Hole P ressure (psi) A B C
9000 120 20
8500 19
110 18
100 17
7500 16
7000 90 15
6500 14
80 13
70 12
5500 11
5000 60 10
4500 9
50 8
40 7
3500 6
3000 30 5
2500 4
20 3
10 2
1500 1
1000 0 0
11:40 11:45 11:50 11:55 12:00 12:05 12:10 12:15
1/30/2009 1/30/2009
Customer: Job Date: T icket #:
GohWin v1.6.5
Well Description: UWI: 22-Aug-09 17:05

Figure 4.46: Graph showing the matched GOHFER™ pressure (aqua) in comparison to bottomhole pressure (black)
and the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 2 for Well D1. The “step” shape mentioned
is seen at time 12:09 in this graph in the observed tubing pressure does not significantly appear in the bottomhole pressure
T ubing P ressure (psi) A Slurry Rat e (bpm) B
P roppant Concent rat ion (lb/gal) C GOHFER Surface P ressure (psi) A
A GOHFER Slurry Rat e (bpm) B GOHFER Surface P rop Conc (lb/gal) C B C
7000 120 20
6500 110 18
6000 100 17
5500 90 15
5000 80 13
4500 70 12
4000 60 10
3500 50 8
3000 40 7
2500 30 5
2000 20 3
1500 10 2
1000 0 0
11:40 11:45 11:50 11:55 12:00 12:05 12:10 12:15
1/30/2009 1/30/2009
Customer: Job Date: T icket #:
GohWin v1.6.5
Well Description: UWI: 22-Aug-09 17:04

Figure 4.47: Graph showing the matched GOHFER™ pressure (aqua) in comparison to the actual pressure (red)
measured during the fracturing job of Stage 2 for Well D1. Fairly good matches are observed except for the 150 psi
pressure differences during proppant injection.

Figure 4.48: GOHFER™ output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the fracture of Stage 2 for Well D1. The
vertical scale on the right-hand side represents depth and the Gamma Ray log on the left-hand side. The horizontal scale
at the bottom is for fracture length. The blue dashed line represents fracture half-length. The proppant concentration scale
is shown as the color bar at the bottom.

Figure 4.51 displays the simulated final fracture geometry from Stage 4.

The proppant concentration is fairly distributed within the fractured region, along

with numerous high permeability streaks. A higher amount of proppant is

concentrated at the bottom of the perforated interval as well as the upper portion

of the perforated interval. The fracture total length for this stage is 800 ft. The

fracture also grew out-of-zone into the shale region above and below the

producing interval since the shale are only present in thin layers, hence reducing

the fracture width but did not terminate the fracture.

4.4.4 Well D1 – Stage 5

The actual treatment data and GOHFER™ simulated data are displayed in

both Figures 4.52 and 4.53 (Figure 4.52 also includes the simulated bottomhole

pressure). Increasing the tectonic strain to 140 microstrains helped to match the

actual and simulated pressure curves. Also, the perforation coefficient of

discharge was decreased to 0.47 to raise the total pressure at early-time. The

friction coefficient factor, on the other hand, was set to less to 0.4 during late-time

as an attempt to imitate the late-time and shut-in pressure of the actual treatment.

The “step” shape during late-time pressure can be seen for this stage. Also, the

advanced parameters play some role in this stage where the value of MSF was set

at 0.004/psi, the PDL was at 0.0025/psi, and the TSC was entered as 0.002/psi.

Final fracture geometry for this stage is displayed in Figure 4.54. The height

containment for this fracture is poor with out-of-zone growth of about 180 ft

above and below the perforated producing interval. There are some high proppant
T ubing P ressure (psi) A
Slurry Rat e (bpm) B
P roppant Concent rat ion (lb/gal) C
GOHFER Surface P ressure (psi) A
GOHFER Slurry Rat e (bpm) B
GOHFER Surface P rop Conc (lb/gal) C
A GOHFER Bot t om Hole P ressure (psi) A B C
9000 120 20
8500 110 18
7500 100
7000 90
6500 14
70 12
5000 60 10
4500 50 8
3500 40
3000 30
2500 4
10 2
1000 0 0
13:10 13:15 13:20 13:25 13:30 13:35 13:40 13:45
12/15/2008 12/15/2008
Customer: Job Date: T icket #:
GohWin v1.6.5
Well Desc: UWI: 19-Aug-09 22:14

Figure 4.49: Graph showing the matched GOHFER™ pressure (aqua) in comparison to bottomhole pressure (black)
and the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 4 for Well D1. The “step” shape mentioned
is seen at time 13:39 in this graph in the observed tubing pressure does not significantly appear in the bottomhole
T ubing P ressure (psi) A Slurry Rat e (bpm) B
P roppant Concent rat ion (lb/gal) C GOHFER Surface P ressure (psi) A
A GOHFER Slurry Rat e (bpm) B GOHFER Surface P rop Conc (lb/gal) C B C
7000 120 20

6500 110 18
6000 100
5500 90
5000 80

4500 70 12

4000 60 10

3500 50 8
3000 40
2500 30
2000 20

1500 10 2

1000 0 0
13:10 13:15 13:20 13:25 13:30 13:35 13:40 13:45
12/15/2008 12/15/2008
Customer: Job Date: T icket #:
GohWin v1.6.5
Well Desc: UWI: 19-Aug-09 22:14

Figure 4.50: Graph showing the matched GOHFER™ pressure (aqua) in comparison to
the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 4 for Well D1.
Fairly good matches are observed.
High permeability streaks

Figure 4.51: GOHFER™ output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the fracture of Stage 4 for Well D1. The
vertical scale on the right-hand side represents depth and the Gamma Ray log on the left-hand side. The horizontal scale
at the bottom is for fracture length. The blue dashed line represents fracture half-length. The proppant concentration scale
is shown as the color bar at the bottom.

concentration areas at the middle of the perforated zone, in correspondence with

some thin sandstone layers. The fracture total length is estimated to be 615 ft.

4.4.5 Well D1 – Stage 7

Figures 4.55 and 4.56 show the GOHFER™ simulated data that are

matched to the actual treatment data (Figure 4.45 also includes the simulated

bottomhole pressure). The pressure matching process was done by adjusting

several parameters: tectonic strain was increased to 100 microstrains, MSF was

set at 0.005/psi, PDL was set at 0.003/psi, and TSC was set at 0.002/psi. To match

the early- and late-time stage, the friction coefficient factor was set to 0.5 and 0.1

respectively, whereas the perforation coefficient of discharge was kept at the same

default value of 0.55.

Figure 4.57 shows the resulted final fracture geometry for Stage 7.

Fracture height containment is very poor in this stage, especially at the region

above the perforated interval where shale is present in thick layers. Fracture total

length is 770 ft with the highest proppant concentration near a few perforated

sand layers. The fracture also grew into the lower zone of the perforated interval

into some shale and shaly sand layers.

4.4.6 Well S1 – Stage 2

The pressure, pumping flow rate, and proppant concentration of the actual

treatment and the simulated matched data for Stage 2 of Well S1 are displayed in

Figure 4.58. At the early-time, the simulated pressure data was matched to the
T ubing P ressure (psi) A P roppant Concent rat ion (lb/gal) C
Slurry Rat e (bpm) B GOHFER Surface P ressure (psi) A
GOHFER Slurry Rat e (bpm) B GOHFER Surface P rop Conc (lb/gal) C
A GOHFER Bot t om Hole P ressure (psi) A B C
9000 120 20
110 18
7500 16
7000 90
6500 14
70 12
5000 60 10
50 8
3500 6
3000 30
2500 4
10 2
1000 0 0
14:57:30 15:01:30 15:05:30 15:09:30 15:13:30 15:17:30 15:21:30 15:25:30
1/30/2009 1/30/2009
Customer: Job Date: T icket #:
GohWin v1.6.5
Well Desc: UWI: 19-Aug-09 22:17

Figure 4.52: Graph showing the matched GOHFER™ pressure (aqua) in comparison to bottomhole pressure (black)
and the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 5 for Well D1. The “step” shape mentioned
is seen at time 15:20 in this graph in the observed tubing pressure does not significantly appear in the bottomhole pressure.

T ubing P ressure (psi) A P roppant Concent rat ion (lb/gal) C
Slurry Rat e (bpm) B GOHFER Surface P ressure (psi) A
A GOHFER Slurry Rat e (bpm) B GOHFER Surface P rop Conc (lb/gal) C B C
7000 120 20

6500 110 18
6000 100
5500 90
5000 80

4500 70 12

4000 60 10

3500 50 8
3000 40
2500 30
2000 20

1500 10 2

1000 0 0
14:57:30 15:01:30 15:05:30 15:09:30 15:13:30 15:17:30 15:21:30 15:25:30
1/30/2009 1/30/2009
Customer: Job Date: T icket #:
GohWin v1.6.5
Well Desc: UWI: 19-Aug-09 22:16

Figure 4.53: Graph showing the matched GOHFER™ pressure (aqua) in comparison to
the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 5 for Well D1.
Fairly good matches are observed.

Figure 4.54: GOHFER™ output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the fracture of Stage 5 for Well D1. The
vertical scale on the right-hand side represents depth and the Gamma Ray log on the left-hand side. The horizontal scale
at the bottom is for fracture length. The blue dashed line represents fracture half-length. The proppant concentration scale
is shown as the color bar at the bottom.
T ubing P ressure (psi) A
Slurry Rat e (bpm) B
P roppant Concent rat ion (lb/gal) C
GOHFER Surface P ressure (psi) A
GOHFER Slurry Rat e (bpm) B
GOHFER Surface P rop Conc (lb/gal) C
A GOHFER Bot t om Hole P ressure (psi) A B C
7000 120 20
6500 110 18
6000 100
5500 90
5000 80
4500 70 12

4000 60 10
3500 50 8
3000 40
2500 30
2000 20
1500 10 2

1000 0 0
09:54 10:00 10:06 10:12 10:18 10:24 10:30 10:36 10:42
12/15/2008 12/15/2008
Customer: Job Date: T icket #:
GohWin v1.6.5
Well Desc: UWI: 22-Aug-09 16:40

Figure 4.55: Graph showing the matched GOHFER™ pressure (aqua) in comparison to bottomhole pressure (black)
and the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 7 for Well D1. The “step” shape mentioned
is seen at time 10:39 in this graph in the observed tubing pressure does not significantly appear in the bottomhole pressure.
T ubing P ressure (psi) A Slurry Rat e (bpm) B
P roppant Concent rat ion (lb/gal) C GOHFER Surface P ressure (psi) A
A GOHFER Slurry Rat e (bpm) B GOHFER Surface P rop Conc (lb/gal) C B C
6000 120 20

5500 110 18
5000 16
4500 14
4000 70 12

3500 60 10

3000 50 8
2500 6
2000 4
1500 10 2

1000 0 0
09:54 10:00 10:06 10:12 10:18 10:24 10:30 10:36 10:42
12/15/2008 12/15/2008
Customer: Job Date: T icket #:
GohWin v1.6.5
Well Desc: UWI: 22-Aug-09 16:41

Figure 4.56: Graph showing the matched GOHFER™ pressure (aqua) in comparison to
the actual pressure (red) measured during the fracturing job of Stage 7 for Well D1.
Fairly good matches are observed except for the high pressure peak during shut-in.

Figure 4.57: GOHFER™ output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the fracture of Stage 7 for Well D1. The
vertical scale on the right-hand side represents depth and the Gamma Ray log on the left-hand side. The horizontal scale
at the bottom is for fracture length. The blue dashed line represents fracture half-length. The proppant concentration scale
is shown as the color bar at the bottom.

actual pressure treatment data by keeping the perforation coefficient of discharge at

its default value of 0.55.

The initial simulated pressure curve and actual pressure curve show a

difference of approximately 500 psi. However, adjusting the tectonic strain to the

amount of 200 microstrains shifted the simulated curve upwards to match the

actual curve. At the late-time stage, the friction coefficient factors are decreased to

0.2 to match the general shape of the actual pressure near shut in time.The proppant

concentration injected along with the slurry flow rate is at the increment of one

pound per gallon at every five minutes of the fracturing job. The slurry rate was

kept at a constant value throughout the process at approximately 50 barrels per


The only advanced parameters adjusted are the PDL and TSC from zero to

0.001/psi to slightly increase the stiffness of the rock and the tortuosity storage

factor. In Figure 4.59, the output from GOHFER™ is shown as the simulated

fracture geometry in terms of proppant concentration distribution inside the

fracture. As can be seen, the proppant are highly concentrated near perforations

holes surrounding the wellbore, as well as, at the upper zone above the perforated

interval at 7780 ft to 7830 ft. This out-of-zone growth occurred as the fracture

grows into the shale layer overlaying the perforated sand section, which result in

proppant transported to non-productive areas. The fracture does not display much

height containment as the fracture grew 200 ft above its perforated interval as well

as 300 ft lower than its perforated range. The fracture total length is 570 ft.
Figure 4.58: Graph showing the matched GOHFER™ pressure (aqua) in comparison to the actual pressure (red)
measured during the fracturing job of Stage 2 for Well S1. Good matches are shown throughout the
treatment process for this stage.

Figure 4.59: GOHFER™ output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the fracture of Stage 2 for Well S1. The
vertical scale on the right-hand side represents depth and the Gamma Ray log on the left-hand side. The horizontal scale
at the bottom is for fracture length. The blue dashed line represents fracture half-length. The proppant concentration scale
is shown as the color bar at the bottom.

4.4.7 Well S1 – Stage 3

Figure 4.60 shows the surface pressure, pumping flow rate, and proppant

concentration of the actual treatment and the simulated matched data for Stage 3 of

Well S1. To match the simulated pressure to the actual pressure, the tectonic strain

was increased to 140 microstrains. The perforation coefficient of discharge was

lowered to 0.50 and at the late-time stage, the friction coefficient factor was also

lowered to 0.6 to decrease the friction in the pipe. The slurry rate for this stage was

constant at 50 barrels per minute whereas the proppant concentration steadily

increased at one pound per gallon every five minutes. The MSF, PDL, and TSC

were all set to 0.001/psi to match the characteristics at early-time.

Figure 4.61 shows the final simulated fracture geometry in terms of

proppant concentration. In contrast to the fracture geometry seen in Stage 2 (Figure

4.59), this fracture shows more height containment within the perforated interval.

The total length for this fracture is 1385 ft. This can be an advantage to the

production as the fracture is able to tap more hydrocarbon resources further away

from the wellbore. Also, large amounts of proppant are concentrated at the

shallower perforated sections. A reasonable explanation to this situation is the

possibility of proppant buildup near the wellbore area which later grew into the

above bounding shale layers.

4.4.8 Well S1 – Stage 4

The surface pressure, pumping flow rate, and proppant concentration of the

actual treatment and the simulated matched data for Stage 4 of Well S1 are shown
Figure 4.60: Graph showing the matched GOHFER™ pressure (aqua) in comparison to the actual pressure (red)
measured during the fracturing job of Stage 3 for Well S1. Good matches are shown throughout the
treatment process for this stage

Figure 4.61: GOHFER™ output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the fracture of Stage 3 for Well S1. The
vertical scale on the right-hand side represents depth and the Gamma Ray log on the left-hand side. The horizontal scale
at the bottom is for fracture length. The blue dashed line represents fracture half-length. The proppant concentration scale
is shown as the color bar at the bottom.

in Figure 4.62. For this stage, adjustment to 180 microstrains was made to shift

the simulated curve upward while attempting to match the pressure data. At the

early-time, the simulated pressure data was matched to the actual pressure

treatment data without making any additional adjustments. Also, no advanced

parameters were changed in this particular stage. The perforation coefficient of

discharge is kept at its default value of 0.55. During the middle- and late-time

stages, the friction coefficient of factor was set to 0.8 and 0.5 respectively to

decrease the friction in the pipe so that the pressure data matched.

The final fracture geometry for Stage 4 is shown in Figure 4.63. Similar

to fracture geometry in Stage 2 of this well (Figure 4.59), the fracture exhibits

poor height containment within the perforated interval. The proppant is

transported 200 ft beyond the upper perforated interval and approximately 160 ft

deeper than the lower perforated interval. There are a lot of high streak “stringers”

that branched out of the main fracture body in which some of the streaks seemed

to grow out of the 1600 ft grid size setup. The fracture total length for this fracture

is measured at 965 ft. The proppant concentration distribution follows a general

trend where the proppant amount increases downwards in the interval with the

highest concentration at the bottom of the fracture in Stage 4.

4.4.9 Well S1 – Stage 5

Actual treatment data, the surface pressure, slurry rate, and proppant

concentration, as well as the GOHFER™ simulated data for Stage 5 are shown in

Figure 4.64. The only adjustment made in this stage to match the pressure data
Figure 4.62: Graph showing the matched GOHFER™ pressure (aqua) in comparison to the actual pressure (red)
measured during the fracturing job of Stage 4 for Well S1. Good matches are shown throughout the treatment process
for this stage except for the 250 psi difference in between time 12.02 to 12.15.

Figure 4.63: GOHFER™ output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the fracture of Stage 4 for Well S1. The
vertical scale on the right-hand side represents depth and the Gamma Ray log on the left-hand side. The horizontal scale
at the bottom is for fracture length. The blue dashed line represents fracture half-length. The proppant concentration scale
is shown as the color bar at the bottom.

was changing the pressure coefficient of discharge to 0.6 and decreasing the

friction coefficient factor to be less than 1.0 during early- and late-time stages.

Figure 4.65 represents the fracture geometry for Stage 5 from the

hydraulic fracturing job performed on Well S1. Although there are a number of

“stringers” in this fracture profile, the proppant concentration is highly distributed

near the wellbore region. In fact, the proppant are evenly and highly distributed

along the entire perforated depth interval. It also appears that the fracture grew

downwards for approximately 150 ft beyond the lower perforated interval and

some proppant are settling at the bottom of the fracture. The fracture total length

for this fracture is 660 ft.

4.4.10 Well S1 – Stage 9

In Figure 4.66, the surface pressure, pumping flow rate, and proppant

concentration from the actual treatment data along with the simulated matched

data are displayed for Stage 9. The pressure matching process for this stage was

by far the simplest one. The only modifications made were increasing the tectonic

strain to 115 microstrains and adjusting the friction coefficient factor at the late-

time stage to 0.1 in order to match the late-time pressure as the shut in time

approaches. The perforation coefficient of discharge was kept at the default value

of 0.55 and no advanced parameter values were changed.

Figure 4.67 displays the final simulated fracture geometry for this stage.

The fracture grew upwards and downwards away from the perforated interval by

approximately 300 ft in both directions. The area that has the most proppant
Figure 4.64: Graph showing the matched GOHFER™ pressure (aqua) in comparison to the actual pressure (red)
measured during the fracturing job of Stage 5 for Well S1. Fairly good matches are shown throughout
the treatment process for this stage.

Figure 4.65: GOHFER™ output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the fracture of Stage 5 for Well S1. The
vertical scale on the right-hand side represents depth and the Gamma Ray log on the left-hand side. The horizontal scale
at the bottom is for fracture length. The blue dashed line represents fracture half-length. The proppant concentration scale
is shown as the color bar at the bottom.

concentration is along the perforated depth interval surrounding the wellbore. The

fracture total length is 672 ft. Although this is among the shortest fracture total

length measured for this well, the proppant seemed to be evenly distributed within

the interval rather than settling at any specific zone in this stage.

4.5 Crosswell Tomograms

As mentioned in Chapter 1, the list of input data provided for this project

includes two sets of crosswell tomogram data. These data were also imported into

Transform™ software for viewing purposes and potential analysis. Figure 4.68

shows the map view of the crosswell tomograms locations with Profile 1 between

Wells S1 and S2, and Profile 2 between Wells S1 and S3.

Figure 4.69 shows a side view of both tomogram profiles with Well S1 as

the axis. Figures 4.70 and 4.71 display the individual tomogram for Profile 1 and

Profile 2, respectively. As seen in Figure 4.72, the majority of the microseismic

events detected in Well S1 are on the opposite side of the two tomogram profiles

provided for this project. Hence, the tomograms are less than ideal to be

incorporated into this work as no useful correlation can be made in between the

crosswell seismic profiles and the microseismic events. These profiles are

potentially useful for other studies such as determining sand body termination in

the stacked fluvial reservoir environment in order to better plan infill drilling

within the current area spacing for production optimization.

T ubing P ressure (psi) A Slurry Rat e (bpm) B
P roppant Concent rat ion (lb/gal) C GOHFER Surface P ressure (psi) A
A GOHFER Slurry Rat e (bpm) B GOHFER Surface P rop Conc (lb/gal) C B C
7000 120 20

6500 110 18
6000 100
5500 90
5000 80

4500 70 12

4000 60 10

3500 50 8
3000 40
2500 30
2000 20

1500 10 2

1000 0 0
14:10 14:15 14:20 14:25 14:30 14:35 14:40 14:45
7/14/2008 7/14/2008
Customer: Job Date: T icket #:
GohWin v1.6.5
Well Desc: UWI: 19-Aug-09 12:50

Figure 4.66: Graph showing the matched GOHFER™ pressure (aqua) in comparison to the actual pressure (red)
measured during the fracturing job of Stage 9 for Well S1. Fairly good matches are shown throughout
the treatment process for this stage

Figure 4.67: GOHFER™ output showing proppant concentration (lb/ft2) inside the fracture of Stage 9 for Well S1. The
vertical scale on the right-hand side represents depth and the Gamma Ray log on the left-hand side. The horizontal scale
at the bottom is for fracture length. The blue dashed line represents fracture half-length. The proppant concentration scale
is shown as the color bar at the bottom.

Well S2

Well S1

Well S3

Figure 4.68: Map view of two crosswell tomogram profiles between Wells S1-S2
and S1-S3. The colored dots (located in the dotted orange circle) are the
microseismic events detected for Well S1.

Figure 4.69: The two crosswell tomogram profiles (Profile 1 on the left-hand side
and Profile 2 on the right-hand side) with Well S1 as the axis.

Figure 4.70: Profile 1 of the crosswell tomogram between Wells S1 and S2.

Figure 4.71: Profile 2 of the crosswell tomogram between Wells S3 and S1.

Figure 4.72: Side view of both crosswell tomogram profiles showing the location
of the microseismic events with respect to Profiles 1 and 2.

4.6 Data Integration

Using the simulated fracture geometries acquired from the GOHFER™

models and the known microseismic event locations, the integration process can

be performed. Fracture geometries from each stage are imported into the

Transform™ software to overlay them with the microseismic activities that

occurred during each hydraulic fracturing stage. By overlaying the microseismic

events on top of the fracture profile, the match characteristics of the


microseismicity with respect to the simulated fractures can be analyzed to achieve

Objective 3 of this project. Data integration results are presented in Chapter 5.




The results for each stage from the two wells are presented in this chapter.

Overlaying the simulated fracture profiles from GOHFER™ with the

microseismic events for each stage leads to the analyses and conclusions on the

matching characteristics between the microseismic with respect to the hydraulic

fracture. These results are discussed extensively in this chapter.

5.1 Discussion of Results From Downhole-monitored Well (D1)

As previously stated in Chapter 4, only five out of seven stages from the

treatment of Well D1 are studied in this project. These five stages are Stages 1, 2,

4, 5, and 7. General observations of the microseismic event locations in this well

show fairly good agreement with the simulated fracture geometry from

GOHFER™. Also, the microseisms show a preferential growth trend towards the

east side of the wellbore, advancing towards the monitoring well. Probable

explanations for such behavior are discussed in the following sections. In the next

sections, the results for the individual stages from Well D1 are displayed and


5.1.1 Well D1 – Stage 1

As shown and discussed in Chapter 4, fracture modeling of the fracturing

treatment was conducted to ensure the match of the observed pressure data and to

approximately match the fracture geometry. The fracture geometry predicted by

GOHFER™ is plotted with the microseismic data as shown in Figure 5.1. In

Stage 1, Well D1 was stimulated from 8273 ft to 8548 ft at 120o phasing, 3 shots

per foot. From Figure 5.1, it is observed that the microseisms show a fair

representation of the simulated fracture geometry.

This microseismic mapping result indicated a fracture total length of 700

ft with a fracture height of 397 ft. The mapped microseisms show a slightly

asymmetric shape towards the SE. Based on this figure, there is some upward

growth of the microseismic activity past the perforated interval beyond the top of

the fracture. Using the option to “Activate Time Playback” in the Transform™

software, each microseism occurrence with respect to time can be viewed as the

well is being hydraulically fractured. For this stage, most microseismic activities

occurred at the center of the wellbore during the early time and later move away

from the wellbore. The time playback also shows that most of the earlier

microseisms occurred at the deepest level of the perforated section.

The fracture geometry predicted by the fracture model shows a fracture

total length of 610 ft and a fracture height of 285 ft. In comparison to the

microseismic mapping measurements, the simulated fracture half-length is 15%

shorter than the microseismic mapped total length whereas the simulated fracture

height is 40% less than the microseismic mapped fracture height. According to
Figure 5.1: Profile view of microseismic events (blue dots) that occurred during Stage 1 hydraulic fracturing
treatment in Well D1 overlapped with the GOHFER™ modeling results. The right and left side of this figure points
towards the SW and SE, respectively.

Liu et. al. (2009), it is common when observed fractures give longer half-length

measurements in comparison to the half-lengths predicted by fracturing models.

Also, Liu et. al. (2009) stated that fracture height measured from a fracturing

model is usually less than the actual mapped fracture height. This is because

height growth is often considerably less than expected based on the stress

contrasts, presumably due to relatively complicated vertical fracture mechanics

across the various layered materials. In addition, such behavior could also be

contributed to by other factors such as thin high stress zone layers or high leakoff

into the formation. However, for this stage, this is not the case when the model

fracture height is actually less than the measurement mapped by microseismic


It is known that a dominant source mechanism of hydraulic fracture

induced seismicity is shear slip. Such slip is induced by elevated pore pressure

that reduces normal stress along pre-existing fractures (Pearson, 1981). According

to Green and Sneddon (1950), slip can also occur near the tips of created fractures

due to large shear stresses generated by tensile opening. Since shear slip can be

triggered by small pore-pressure increases relative to crack-opening pressure, it is

a fair assumption to expect the microseismic events to extend into the rock

beyond the opened hydraulic fracture lengths and widths (Evans et al., 1999).

Hence, the measured fracture half-length discrepancies in between the

microseimic mapped events and the simulated fracture from the fracture model

could be explained from this phenomenon.


Another observation on the microseisms captured using the downhole

methodology is the width of the microseismic “cloud” that presumably surrounds

the fractured area in the stimulated section. Figure 5.2 shows the map view of

Well D1 along with the microseismic events that occurred during Stage 1. The

width of the cloud is approximated at about 150 ft with microseismic events

tightly clustered within the cloud. A good visual comparison is made later in this

chapter when the surface-monitored microseismic events are brought into

discussion. Also, note that all simulated fracture geometries from the fracture

models are displayed as symmetrical fractures.

5.1.2 Well D1 – Stage 2

Results from the overlapping of the simulated fracture geometry with

microseismic events for Stage 2 of the treatment are shown in Figure 5.3. In Stage

2, Well D1 was stimulated from 7975 ft to 8188 ft at 120o phasing, 3 shots per

foot. From Figure 5.3, it is observed that the microseismic events agree well with

the simulated fracture geometry.

The microseismic mapping results indicated a fracture total length of 900

ft with a fracture height of 275 ft. The mapped fracture is asymmetric to the SE

direction. The activation of time playback displays microseisms occurring mostly

in the center during early time and started to occur sporadically with time before

they start growing to the SE side.

The fracture geometry from the model gives a fracture total length of 805

ft with fracture height of 260 ft. In comparison to the microseismic mapping


results, the fracture total length from the model is 95 ft less than the microseismic

mapping result whereas the fracture height from the model is higher than previous

method by 15 ft. Reasons for such discrepancies are possibly related to several of

the reasons mentioned in Section 5.1.1.

Figure 5.2: Map view of microseismic events (blue dots) that occurred during
Stage 1 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1. The right side of the figure is
the East side whereas the left side of the figure is the West side.
Figure 5.3: Profile view of microseismic events (red dots) that occurred during Stage 2 hydraulic fracturing treatment
in Well D1 overlapped with the GOHFER™ modeling results. The right and left side of this figure points towards the
SW and SE, respectively.

Another observation made from the overlapping of the fracture geometry

profile from the fracture model and the microseismic mapping results is the

microseismic cloud width. As shown in Figure 5.4, the microseisms mapped in

Stage 2 are also sporadically close to one another with highest microseisms

density on the SE side of the wellbore. Also, the width of the microseismic cloud

is approximately 200 ft.

Figure 5.4: Map view of microseismic events (red dots) that occurred during
Stage 2 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1. The right side of the figure is
the East side whereas the left side of the figure is the West side.

5.1.3 Well D1 – Stage 4

Results from the overlapping of the simulated fracture geometry with

microseismic events for Stage 4 of the treatment are shown in Figure 5.5. In Stage

4, Well D1 was stimulated from 7434 ft to 7653 ft at 120o phasing, 3 shots per

foot. From Figure 5.5, it is observed that the microseismic events show a fair

agreement with the simulated fracture geometry.

The microseismic mapping results indicated a fracture total length of 1250

ft with a fracture height of 500 ft. The mapped fracture is asymmetric to the SE

direction. The activation of time playback displays microseisms occurring mostly

in the center during early time and starting to grow downward with time before

they settle to the SE side.

The fracture geometry from the model gives a fracture total length of 800

ft with a fracture height of 470 ft. To numerically compare the microseismic

mapping results to the measurement from the model, fracture total length as well

as fracture height from the model are both less than the microseismic mapping

result. However, based on Figure 5.5, a few high permeability streaks at depth

7450 ft and 7500 ft did overlay with the farthest microseismic events to the right

of the wellbore. Also, height-wise, the microseismic events do cover a good

portion of the simulated fracture height, making the height measurement

discrepancy (30 ft) a minor issue.

Figure 5.6 shows the map view of the mapped microseisms. In this figure,

it is clearly seen how the microseisms are very dense on the SE side of the

wellbore. The microseismic events cloud is very long compared to the

Figure 5.5: Profile view of microseismic events (orange dots) that occurred during Stage 4 hydraulic fracturing
treatment in Well D1 overlapped with the GOHFER™ modeling results. The right and left side of this figure points
towards the SW and SE, respectively.

previous stages and the cloud width is about 150 ft. Again, the microseismic

events are distributed very close to each other with the exception of event

activities on the west side with two microseism outliers.

Figure 5.6: Map view of microseismic events (orange dots) that occurred during
Stage 4 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1. The right side of the figure is
the East side whereas the left side of the figure is the West side.

5.1.4 Well D1 – Stage 5

Results from the overlapping of the simulated fracture geometry with

microseismic events for Stage 5 of the treatment are shown in Figure 5.7. In Stage

5, Well D1 was stimulated from 7146 ft to 7345 ft at 120o phasing, 3 shots per

foot. From Figure 5.7, it is observed that the microseismic events show a fair

agreement with the simulated fracture geometry with preferential microseisms

occurrence on the east side of Well D1.

The microseismic mapping results indicated a fracture total length of 850

ft with a fracture height of 314 ft. The mapped fracture is asymmetric to the SE

direction. The activation of time playback displays microseisms occurring mostly

in the center during early time and started to move away from the wellbore and

later settle to the SE side.

The fracture geometry from the model gives a fracture total length of 615

ft with fracture height of 425 ft. In comparison to the microseismic mapping

results, the fracture total length of the model is significantly less than the total

length mapped by the microseisms whereas the fracture height from the model is

significantly more than the microseismic mapping result. The simulated fracture

geometry did not show as good height containment as indicated by the

microseismic events. Also, the simulated fracture indicated shorter facture total

lengths that did not match with the microseismic event locations. Hence, this is

not as good a comparison of the two results as in the previous stages.

The map view of the microseismic events for Stage 5 is displayed in

Figure 5.8. In this figure, the microseismic events are shown to be tightly spaced

to one another. Hence, the microseismic cloud width is as small as 100 ft. Again,

it is obvious that the fracture is visually asymmetric to the East side of the

wellbore with few events detected past the observation well, Well D2.
Figure 5.7: Profile view of microseismic events (green dots) that occurred during Stage 5 hydraulic fracturing
treatment in Well D1 overlapped with the GOHFER™ modeling results. The right and left side of this figure points
towards the SW and SE, respectively.

Figure 5.8: Map view of microseismic events (green dots) that occurred during
Stage 5 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1. The right side of the figure is
the East side whereas the left side of the figure is the West side.

5.1.5 Well D1 – Stage 7

Results from the overlapping of the simulated fracture geometry with

microseismic events for Stage 7 of the treatment are shown in Figure 5.9. In Stage

7, Well D1 was stimulated from 6528 ft to 6751 ft at 180o phasing, 2 shots per

foot. From Figure 5.9, it is observed that the microseismic events show a fair

agreement with the simulated fracture geometry in terms of fracture half-length,

but poor agreement when it comes to fracture height.

The microseismic mapping results indicated a fracture total length of 1150

ft with a fracture height of 278 ft. The mapped fracture is very asymmetric to the

SE direction. The activation of time playback shows that the microseisms are

symmetric halfway into the treatment, and then later grow in great numbers to the

East of the wellbore.

The fracture geometry from the model gives a fracture total length of 770

ft with a fracture height of 675 ft. In comparison to the microseismic mapping

results, the fracture total length of the model is significantly less than the total

length mapped by the microseisms whereas the fracture height from the model is

significantly more than the microseismic mapping result. Similar to the fracture

simulated in Stage 5 of the fracture model, the simulated fracture geometry did

not show as good height containment as presented by the microseismic events.

However, some of the high-permeability fracture streaks in the fracture created in

Stage 7 did overlap with microseismic events, even the farthest event away from

the wellbore. Hence, the microseism locations are still in considerable agreement

with the fracture total length from the model.

The map view of the microseismic events for Stage 7 is displayed in

Figure 5.10. In this figure, the microseismic events are shown to be tightly spaced

to one another especially on the East side. Hence, the microseismic cloud width is

as small as 100 ft. Again, the fracture is visually asymmetric to the east side of the

wellbore with few events detected passed the observation well, Well D2.
Figure 5.9: Profile view of microseismic events (pink dots) that occurred during Stage 7 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1
overlapped with the GOHFER™ modeling results. The right and left side of this figure points towards the SW and SE, respectively.

Figure 5.10: Map view of microseismic events (pink dots) that occurred during
Stage 7 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well D1. The right side of the figure is
the East side whereas the left side of the figure is the West side.

5.2 Discussion of Results From Surface-monitored Well (S1)

The same procedure performed on Well D1 (downhole-monitored) is also

applied to Well S1 (surface-monitored). The simulated fracture geometry profiles

resulting from the fracture models are overlapped with microseismic events

mapped using the surface geophone receivers. Results from the overlapping

process are displayed and discussed in the next few sub-sections. The five stages

studied in this project for Well S1 are Stages 2, 3, 4, 5, and 9. General observation

of the microseismic events shows fewer events detected by the surface receivers

in comparison to the number of event detected using the downhole receivers.

Also, there are some difficulties in determining fracture half-length for the

fractures mapped using this methodology due to the lack of the bi-wing fracture

shape. Hence, fracture half-length measurement is not determined for the studied

stages but instead, the total length of the fracture is used for comparisons. In the

next five sections, the results for the individual stages from Well S1 are displayed

and discussed.

5.2.1 Well S1 – Stage 2

The fracture geometry predicted by GOHFER™ is plotted with the

microseismic data as shown in Figure 5.11. In Stage 2, Well S1 was stimulated

from 7950 ft to 8071 ft at 180o phasing, 2 shots per foot. From Figure 5.11, it is

observed that the number of microseisms shown is very small with only seven

microseismic events detected.

Figure 5.11: Profile view of microseismic events (blue dots) that occurred during Stage 2 hydraulic fracturing
treatment in Well S1 overlapped with the GOHFER™ modeling results. The right and left side of this figure points
towards the SW and SE, respectively.

The total length of fracture estimated from microseismic mapping is 750 ft

with a possible fracture half-length of 375 ft. The fracture height is estimated to

be 543 ft. The microseismic events tend to grow towards the SE direction, away

from the wellbore. Using the “Activate Time Playback” function in the

Transform™ software, the microseismic event occurrences are viewed with

respect to treatment time. Early time events occurred close to wellbore whereas

late time microseismic events occurred away from the wellbore.

The fracture geometry predicted by the fracture model gives a fracture

total length of 570 ft and a fracture height of 420 ft. Due to a possible noisy

environment surrounding the geophone receivers located on the surface,

uncertainties related to travel time picks are a significant source of errors for

events recorded on a surface array. However, this error can be partially lessened

by using a large, redundant array with thousands of receivers (Eisner et. al.,

2009). According to Eisner et. al. (2009), location uncertainties for microseismic

events recorded using surface arrays are much poorly constrained in vertical

direction than horizontal direction. Hence, the general rule is stated that “depth

estimation from a surface array is not as robust as from a downhole array” (Eisner

et. al., 2009). This statement appears to be true for Well S1.

Figure 5.12 shows the map view of the microseismic events from Stage 2.

Figure 5.13 shows the microseismic events and the simulated fracture geometry in

a partial map view for fracture geometries comparison. From Figure 5.12, the

microseisms cloud is shown to be asymmetric. In this case, it is difficult to


determine the width of the microseismic events cloud due to the small number of

events and the lack of a cloud shape for this fracture.

Figure 5.12: Map view of microseismic events (blue dots) that occurred during
Stage 2 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1. The right side of the figure is
the East side whereas the left side of the figure is the West side.

Figure 5.13: Map view of microseismic events (blue dots) that occurred during
Stage 2 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1 along with the simulated
fracture profile in the background.

5.2.2 Well S1 – Stage 3

The fracture geometry predicted by GOHFER™ is plotted with the

microseismic data as shown in Figure 5.14. In Stage 3, Well S1 was stimulated

from 7716 ft to 7913 ft at 120o phasing, 3 shots per foot. From Figure 5.14, it is

observed that the microseisms show more activity than the previous stage.

Total fracture length for this stage is 800 ft and the fracture height is 794 ft

based on the microseismic events. Almost all of the microseimic activity extends

to the SE direction of the wellbore. Fracture total length and height from the

model is measured as 1385 ft and 262 ft. The activation of time playback shows

deeper events occurred during early time and the microseisms later grew upward.
Figure 5.14: Profile view of microseismic events (red dots) that occurred during Stage 3 hydraulic fracturing
treatment in Well S1 overlapped with the GOHFER™ modeling results. The right and left side of this figure points
towards the SW and SE, respectively.

Figures 5.15 and 5.16 show the microseismic events from a map view,

with the simulated fracture profile included in the latter figure for fracture

geometry comparison purposes. From Figure 5.15, the microseisms are clearly

seen to occur only on the SE and south side of the wellbore. If a microseismsic

cloud width were to be estimated, it could be up to 600 ft, which is very large.

Figure 5.15: Map view of microseismic events (red dots) that occurred during
Stage 3 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1. The right side of the figure is
the East side whereas the left side of the figure is the West side.

Figure 5.16 Map view of microseismic events (red dots) that occurred during
Stage 3 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1 along with the simulated
fracture profile in the background.

5.2.3 Well S1 – Stage 4

The fracture geometry predicted by GOHFER™ is plotted with the

microseismic data as shown in Figure 5.17. In Stage 4, Well S1 was stimulated

from 7460 ft to 7663 ft at 180o phasing, 2 shots per foot. In Figure 5.17, only ten

microseismic events were captured by the surface receivers. For a big treatment

job with high volume that lasted for almost an hour, the amount of microseismic

events detected is particularly small.

Total fracture length for this stage is 1100 ft whereas the fracture height is

632 ft. Almost all of the microseimic activity extends to the east direction of the

wellbore. Again, the measurement of fracture half-length is not determined for

this stage due to no typical bi-wing fracture pattern being shown. Fracture total

length and height from the model is measured as 965 ft and 590 ft.

The activation of time playback for this stage shows that microseismic

events did not occur during the early and middle of the treatment process. The

first microseism occurrence is a few minutes after the proppant concentration is

maximized at 5 pounds per gallon. Reasons for such a phenomenon are not

known. Shallower events occurred earlier and as time progresses, the microseisms

started to grow downward. Similar to results in the previous stages, the

microseismic event locations are measured a few hundred feet lower than the

perforated interval.

Figures 5.18 and 5.19 show the microseismic events from a map view,

with the simulated fracture profile included in the latter figure for fracture

geometry comparison purposes. From Figure 5.18, the microseisms are

Figure 5.17: Profile view of microseismic events (aqua dots) that occurred during Stage 4 hydraulic fracturing
treatment in Well S1 overlapped with the GOHFER™ modeling results. The right and left side of this figure points
towards the SW and SE, respectively.

seen to occur mainly on the east side of the wellbore. No microseismic cloud

width was estimated due to the sporadic nature of the ten microseismic events.

Figure 5.18: Map view of microseismic events (aqua dots) that occurred during
Stage 4 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1. The right side of the figure is
the East side whereas the left side of the figure is the West side.

Figure 5.19: Map view of microseismic events (aqua dots) that occurred during
Stage 4 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1 along with the simulated
fracture profile in the background.

5.2.4 Well S1 – Stage 5

The fracture geometry predicted by GOHFER™ is plotted with the

microseismic data as shown in Figure 5.20. In Stage 5, Well S1 was stimulated

from 7213 ft to 7417 ft at 180o phasing, 2 shots per foot. In Figure 5.20, a good

number of microseismic events are captured by the surface receivers.

Total fracture length for this stage is 1100 ft whereas the fracture height is

447 ft. Most of the microseimic activity extends to the east and SE direction of the

wellbore. Fracture total length and height from the model is measured as 660 ft

and 433 ft. The activation of time playback for this stage shows that shallower

events occurred early and the microseisms later grew downward towards the east.
Figure 5.20: Profile view of microseismic events (orange dots) that occurred during Stage 5 hydraulic fracturing
treatment in Well S1 overlapped with the GOHFER™ modeling results. The right and left side of this figure points
towards the SW and SE, respectively.

Figures 5.21 and 5.22 show the microseismic events from a map view,

with the simulated fracture profile included in the latter figure for fracture

geometry comparison purposes. From Figure 5.21, the microseisms are clearly

seen to occur only on the SE and south side of the wellbore. The microseismic

event locations appear to very sporadic and not clustered near each other.

Figure 5.21: Map view of microseismic events (orange dots) that occurred during
Stage 5 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1. The right side of the figure is
the East side whereas the left side of the figure is the West side.

Figure 5.22: Map view of microseismic events (orange dots) that occurred during
Stage 5 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1 along with the simulated
fracture profile in the background.

5.2.5 Well S1 – Stage 9

The fracture geometry predicted by GOHFER™ is plotted with the

microseismic data as shown in Figure 5.23. In Stage 9, Well S1 was stimulated

from 6223 ft to 6371 ft at 180o phasing, 2 shots per foot. In this stage, only eight

microseismic events were captured by the surface receivers.

Total fracture length for this stage is 700 ft whereas the fracture height is

619 ft. Most of the microseimic activity occurred only to the east side of the

wellbore. On the other hand, fracture total length and height from the model is

measured as 672 ft and 482 ft, respectively.

Figure 5.23: Profile view of microseismic events (green dots) that occurred during Stage 9 hydraulic fracturing
treatment in Well S1 overlapped with the GOHFER™ modeling results. The right and left side of this figure points
towards the SW and SE, respectively.

The activation of time playback for this stage shows that microseismic

events started to occur at the center of the wellbore. Shallower events occurred

earlier, and as time progressed, the microseisms started to grow downward. In

contrast to results from previous stages, the simulated fracture profile is vertically

covered by half the height of the mapped microseisms. In other words, there is

better agreement in depth between the microseismic mapping and the fracture


Figures 5.24 and 5.25 show the microseismic events from a map view,

with the simulated fracture profile included in the latter figure for fracture

geometry comparison purposes. In Figure 5.24, the microseisms are observed to

occur only on the SE side of the wellbore. The microseismic event locations are

less sporadic and give a microseismic event cloud width of about 200 ft.

5.3 Downhole Methodology vs. Surface Methodology

After a discussion of results for both Wells D1 and S1, comparisons are

made based on the observations of the downhole and surface monitoring

methodologies. One very apparent difference between the two methods is the

microseismic events distribution.

For Well D1 that was monitored using downhole geophone arrays, there

are approximately more than 30 microseismic events detected per stage for the

studied stages included in this project. This is possibly due to the advantageous

location of the geophone receivers being downhole, hence, reducing the travel

distance in between the source of the microseisms and the receivers. Also, the

events detected are tightly clustered to one another with high event density close

to the wellbore and expanded to the east and SE of the wellbore.

Figure 5.24: Map view of microseismic events (green dots) that occurred during
Stage 9 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1. The right side of the figure is
the East side whereas the left side of the figure is the West side.

Figure 5.25: Map view of microseismic events (green dots) that occurred during
Stage 9 hydraulic fracturing treatment in Well S1 along with the simulated
fracture profile in the background.

From a general observation pertaining to the microseismic events recorded

for Well D1, there is a potential distance bias due to the location of the

observation well (Well D2) being located on the east side of Well D1 (hence,

capturing more events on the east side of Well D1). However, such bias could

have potentially been eliminated with the addition of another observation well

situated on the west side of Well D1 to enable possible events on the other half of

the fracture wing to be captured. This solution will provide the ability to detect

microseisms at the optimum level. Hence, more accurate conclusions can be

deduced pertaining to fracture asymmetry/symmetry as the distance bias is

eliminated. Also, note that other probable causes to fracture asymmetric shape

mapped by microseismic mapping could be contributed by reservoir heterogeneity

(eg. shorter half-lengths as fluvial sand bodies approach boundary and are

terminated) or a phenomenon called stress shadowing where an existing fracture

can impose stress on a nearby propagating fracture, providing fracture


Figure 5.26 shows the plot of the microseismic magnitude against the

distance between the event and toolstring. The magnitude scale is measured from

the amplitude of the seismic event where magnitude is related to seismic energy

and each unit of magnitude has an energy increase of 32 times (Pinnacle

Technologies, 2008). For instance, a magnitude of -1 releases 32 times more

energy than a magnitude of -2. The average event magnitude in this well is low at

approximately -3.7 (Pinnacle Technologies, 2008). Hence, this resulted in a

hearing distance of about 720 ft as shown in Figure 5.27. The hearing distance is

plotted as a red circle around the observation well in this figure. From past

experiences of the monitoring company, the distance between Wells D1 and D2

of 700 ft is near the edge of the hearing distance for these formations in the Uinta

basin (Pinnacle Technologies, 2008). The anticipated fracture azimuth would

bring the eastern fracture wings closer to Well D2 and should allow for an

adequate mapping of the fracture geometries in the eastern wings. As a

consequent, the fracture wings on the west side would be too far away from Well

D2 and could not be completely mapped. From this information, it can be

concluded that the asymmetric feature of the microseismic events recorded for

this well is mainly caused by the bias location of the observation well, Well D2.

Figure 5.26: The microseismic moment magnitude (y-axis) with respect to true
vertical depth and tool-event distance (x-axis) (Pinnacle Technologies, 2008).

Well D1 Well D2

Figure 5.27: This plot shows the hearing distance for all Stages 1 to 7 in Well D1.
The average hearing distance for this well is approximately 720 feet and shown as
a red circle with circle radius of 720 ft. From this figure, it is seen that the
microseismic events on the west side of Well D1 is farther and beyond the scope
of the hearing distance in this formation. Hence, the reason of location bias for the
monitoring well is a good explanation to the asymmetric fracture shape as
monitored by microseismic mapping (Pinnacle Technologies, 2008).

As displayed in Figures 5.1 to 5.10 in Chapter 5, the microseismic events

monitored on Well D1 show good agreement between the fracture geometries

mapped from the microseismic mapping as well as the geometries produced from

the fracture models with very few event outliers. This can be observed aerially

from map view as well as vertically from profile view. Based on this observation,

the measurement of fracture azimuth is obtained for each stage, giving an average

of 102o. By overlaying the microseismic events with the simulated fracture

profiles from GOHFER™, Stage 2 from Well D1 shows the best agreement in

between the two data. Figure 5.3 shows that the fracture heights from the

microseismic mapping and the fracture model are almost the same value. This is a

very successful representation of the integration process discussed in Chapter 4.

The revision of the other four stages gives comparable fracture geometry

measurements (half-length and height) to the results produced from the

microseismic mapping.

On the other hand, the microseismic events captured by the surface

geophone arrays provide a different view on the integration process. From the

map views provided in Figures 5.12, 5.15, 5.18, 5.21, and 5.24, it is obvious that

the microseismic event locations are widely spread among each other. In other

words, the surface receivers give a good areal coverage since the receivers are

located on the surface, surrounding the treatment well. However, good areal

coverage and the microseismic data they captured for the surface-monitored

stages neither provide a clear measurement of fracture azimuth nor give a good

estimation of fracture half-length. The layout of the microseismic events cloud is

hard to be determined, thus, reducing the certainty in deducing the fracture


Table 5.1 shows the comparisons of fracture geometries between the

fracture model (GOHFER™) and the fracture mapping (microseismic mapping).

The average percent differences of total hydraulic fracture length between the

models and the mapping for Well D1 and Well S1 are 34.07% and 31.73%,

respectively. In terms of fracture total length, the average values for both methods

are comparable with 2.34% difference between the two values. On the other hand,

the average percent difference of fracture height for Well D1 is 27.28% whereas

Well S1 gives an average percent difference in fracture height of 54.22% which is

significantly larger than the average value from Well D1. From these percentages,

it is shown that the fracture heights measured using the surface tools gives a larger

percentage difference between the fracture model values and the microseismic

mapped values. Hence, using the downhole tools is a better option in measuring

the vertical height growth of a hydraulic fracture. Also, the fracture height

comparison supports the previous statement by Eisner et al. (2009) indicating that

the surface geophone arrays do not provide a robust of depth estimation in

comparison to the downhole geophone arrays.

Table 5.1: Comparisons of Fracture Geometries between Fracture Model

(GOHFER™) and Fracture Mapping (Microseismic Mapping)

GOHFER™ GOHFER™ seismic Micro- Percent Percent
Model Model Mapping seismic Difference Difference
Stage Total Fracture Total Mapping In Total In
Fracture Height Fracture Fracture Fracture Fracture
Length (feet) Length Height Length Height
(feet) (feet) (feet) (%) (%)
1 610 285 700 397 -14.75 -39.30
2 805 260 900 275 -11.80 -5.77
Well D1

4 800 470 1250 500 -56.25 -6.38

5 615 425 850 314 -38.21 26.12
7 770 675 1150 278 -49.35 58.81
Average: 34.07 27.28
2 570 420 750 543 -31.58 -29.29
3 1385 262 800 794 42.24 -203.05
Well S1

4 965 590 1100 632 -13.99 -7.12

5 660 433 1100 447 -66.67 -3.23
9 672 482 700 619 -4.17 -28.42
Average: 31.73 54.22

After reviewing the overlapping results for both wells, it is fair to

conclude that the discrepancies between the mapped microseismic events and the

simulated fracture models, particularly for fracture height for both methodologies,

demonstrate the difficulty to obtain sufficient information to obtain completely

matched results. Also, since microseisms do not necessarily occur on the

hydraulic fracture itself (but can in fact be some distance to the side and/or ahead

of fracture), it is difficult to determine completely accurate geometries of the

fracture. According to Warpinski et al. (1999) in their study of the B-Sand at the

M-site in the Piceance basin of Colorado, analyses show that microseismic events

can occur as much as: 12-15 ft ahead of the tip of the fracture and 15-20 ft normal

to the tip of the fracture because of the large stress concentrations at the fracture

tip; and several tens of feet normal to the body of the fracture due to leakoff

effects (increases in pore pressure).

Other factors that can contribute to microseismic event location

uncertainty are the distance from microseism to receiver and the azimuth of

microseismic signals. From the same study done by Warpinski et al. (1999),

accuracy of the azimuth to the microseism is about ±5o whereas uncertainty in the

distance from the receiver to the microseism varies considerably depending upon

the number of levels on which the S-wave arrival is accurately detected, but it is

approximately on the order of ±50 ft. Given the uncertainties in microseism

locations, the microseismic results in this research and other situations should be

considered as an envelope that “surrounds” the fracture.


The strength of microseisms recorded during a treatment is influenced by

several factors such as:

• Injection rates, pressure, along with fluid type, proppant

concentration, and temperature of injected fluid;

• controlling stress and pressure changes in the formation;

• Environmental factors associated with the formation where the

fracture is created (which includes the stiffness of the rock,

tectonic stresses, and pre-existing fractures/fault); and,

• Production history of the region (resulting in pore-pressure and

stress changes).

Also, microseism viewing distance does vary by formation and basin. For

example, viewing distance in the Barnett shale is approximately 4000 ft whereas

the viewing distance in the Rocky Mountain region is approximated at 1500 ft.

Unfortunately, noisy environments surrounding geophone receivers, both surface

and downhole, can possibly reduce the viewing distance of microseismic events.

Noisy environments can occur for many reasons. Some examples are:

• Monitoring from an observation well that is on the same pad as the

treatment well;

• Monitoring in a field that has ongoing drilling near receivers;

• Monitoring from an observation well that is intersected by the

created hydraulic fractures; and,


• Monitoring in a field with closely spaced wells undergoing

artificial lift.

In addition to noise, the quality of the microseismic signal is also impacted

by signal attenuation as a result from geometry spreading and absorption along

the travel path. With increasing travel distances between source and receivers

(especially for surface geophone arrays), signal strength will decrease which

ultimately limits the range over which microseisms can be detected as signal

strength approaches background noise level.

As introduced in Chapter 1, the main focus of this work is to provide an

objective comparison between the results of modeling methodologies in

conjunction with microseismic integration for the two techniques: the

conventional downhole microseismic monitoring and the unconventional surface

monitoring. Both methodologies use similar physical modus operandi which

requires a source of microseismic events (ie. shear slippage), geophone receivers

(downhole/surface), and accurate velocity model to ensure correct determination

of microseismic event locations, hence mapping out the possible geometry of a

hydraulic fracture in the subsurface.

The 27 figures in this chapter help to conclude the outcome of this project

in order to meet the third project objective which is to determine the match

characteristics of the downhole and surface microseismic data to the hydraulic

fracture models build for both Wells D1 and S1. Conclusions and a list of

recommendations to further study these methodologies and increase efficiency of

microseismic and fracture modeling are further discussed in the final chapter.



In a tight gas sand reservoir such as the one studied in this project,

hydraulic fracturing treatments are required in order to acquire and sustain

commercial production. Although the exact distance at which leakoff-induced

microseisms might occur is difficult to determine due to factors such as unknown

permeability of natural fractures in the formation and uncertainties from the

velocity model, the analyses demonstrated in this thesis provide guidance in

interpreting the microseismic data in conjunction with hydraulic fracture

modeling and show that the microseisms map out an envelope in which the

hydraulic fracture is embedded. Conclusions regarding mapping and associated

modeling from this research project, along with recommendations for future work,

are provided in the following sections.

6.1 Conclusions

After constructing and pressure matching the fracture models for Wells D1

and S1 and integrating the resulting fracture profiles with the microseismic events

captured by surface and downhole geophone arrays, the following conclusions are


• The results of input integration for Well D1 (downhole-monitored)

showed good agreement between the microseismic mapping


measurements and the fracture geometries simulated by GOHFER™.

Stage 2 from the Well D1 treatment gives the best agreement in terms

of fracture height and fracture total length with percent difference of

11.80% for fracture total length and 5.77% for fracture height when

the fracture geometries from the microseismic mapping were

compared to the values from the fracture models.

• The results of input integration for Well S1 (surface-monitored)

showed questionable and poor agreement between the microseismic

mapping measurements and the fracture geometries simulated by


• Downhole microseismic methods are the best option to determine

vertical growth patterns of seismicity induced by hydraulic fracturing

processes since depth estimations from surface arrays are not as strong

as depth estimations from downhole arrays. Values calculated in Table

5.1 supports this conclusion where the average percent difference of

fracture height for Well S1 is 54.22% whereas in Well D1, the value is

only 27.28%.

• Surface geophone receiver arrays are capable of providing good areal

coverage surrounding the treated wellbore as they are able to visually

show the location of microseisms that occurred up to a thousand feet

away from the wellbore. However, some of the stages in Well S1

resulted in small amounts of detected microseismic events. Thus, the

measurements of fracture height and half-length bear more


uncertainties due to the lack of microseisms detected by the surface


• By combining complimentary strengths and weaknesses of fracture

mapping and modeling, calibrated fracture models are produced from

this work. Fracture models give the ability to predict how changes to a

fracture treatment would alter fracture geometry. Fracture mapping

(microseismic mapping), on the other hand, provides a direct

measurement of fracture geometry from a hydraulic fracturing

treatment but cannot be used to predict what could be happening under

a different set of conditions. Combining both the direct measurements

and the fracture models, calibrated fracture models with good

predictive capabilities can be created.

• Most microseismic occurrences during the Well D1 hydraulic

fracturing treatment were centered near the wellbore and expanded

preferentially towards the southeast of the wellbore. Such asymmetric

fracture growth could be contributed to by several factors including:

bias location of the observation well (microseismic events advancing

towards Well D2), reservoir heterogeneity (termination of sand bodies

in fluvial environment), or possibly limited viewing distance as

(smaller magnitude) microseismic events occur further away from the

wellbore towards the northwest direction. This last option, limited

viewing distance, is likely the reason in this case based on the hearing

distance radius shown in Figure 5.27.


6.2 Recommendations and Future Work

In this section, recommendations are made in order to improve further

studies using surface and downhole microseismic techniques in conjunction with

hydraulic fracture modeling. Some of the important steps that can be taken to

enhance the quality of data and minimize uncertainties are suggested as follows:

• Employing both surface and downhole geophone receiver arrays on the

same well would be a beneficial effort as well as a great experimental

process to obtain a fair comparison in between the two methodologies. By

having receiver tools in both locations, microseismic events captured by

both arrays can be compared in terms of locations, fracture heights, and

fracture half-lengths. At the very least, the accuracy of the surface-

monitored microseisms can be compared to the conventional downhole-

monitored data that is known to be well tested to date.

• Performing mini-frac analysis before the actual pumping treatment would

be a good addition to any hydraulic fracturing process as values such as

closure stress gradients and permeability can be obtained through G-

function analysis using data from the mini-frac analysis.

• A hybrid of downhole and surface tools is a practical idea that could

essentially increase the accuracy of microseismic events detected. Two

good combinations would be:

o Using downhole geophone arrays with surface tiltmeter tools; and,

o Using surface geophone arrays along with downhole tiltmeter


The microseismic data provides a detailed map of micro-earthquakes that

are induced by the hydraulic fracturing process. The tiltmeter, on the other

hand, provides an integrated measure of the actual rock deformation.

Separately, both tools provide important information about fracture

growth, the process, and the resultant geometries. Jointly, however, the

combination of the tools can provide a much more complete or composite

view of the fracture.

• Since perfectly straddling the downhole toolstring along the stimulated

interval would be very difficult, the toolstring should be placed as close as

possible to the target depth as this will minimize the depth error and

increase signal-to-noise ratio.

• For both surface and downhole arrays, stacking the seismograms is a good

move to overcome low signal-to-noise ratio (Shemeta, et al, 2007). A

typical downhole receiver array consists of 12 levels of receivers spaced at

50 ft apart meanwhile a stacked array has 18 receivers. By digitally

stacking the signals from the receivers, noise cancellation can be obtained,

thus improving signal quality by reducing noise, improving hodogram

linearity, and clearer phase arrivals. As a result, enhanced microseismic

maps are gained by improving data quality of low-amplitude events and

extracting data from events (more and smaller events) that might not be

analyzable without the stacking. When the signal-to-noise ratio is

improved, weak signals are better identified and more accurate arrival

time determination are made possible.


• Other recommendations such as a matched filter technique to enhance

signal from induced microseismic (Hulsey et al, 2009), using perforation

timing measurements for velocity calibration (Warpinski et al, 2003), and

using source parameters technique to better describe the fracturing process

by determining the actual failure mechanism (Mayerhofer et al, 2000) are

also suggested for further review.



αv = Vertical Biot’s poroelastic constant (unitless)

αh = Horizontal Biot’s poroelastic constant (unitless)
C = Perforation coefficient of discharge (unitless)
CSV = Comma Separated Values
D = Diameter of perforations (inch)
D1 = Initial diameter (inch)
Dtv = True vertical depth (feet)
DTCO = Transit compressional travel time (microsecond/ft)
DTSM = Transit shear travel time (microsecond/ft)
∆D = Change in diameter (inch)
∆L = Change in length (feet)
E = Young’s Modulus (million psi)
FMI = Formation Micro Imaging
GNB = Greater Natural Buttes
γob = Overburden stress gradient (psi/ft)
γp = Pore fluid gradient (psi/ft)
ε = Strain (microstrain)
εx = Regional horizontal strain (microstrain)
εz = Strain in z-direction, axial strain (microstrain)
ν = Poisson’s Ratio (unitless ratio)
Kperf = Perforation friction coefficient (psi/BPM2)
Knear WB = Near-wellbore friction coefficient (psi/BPM1/2)
L1 = Original length (feet)
L2 = Final length (feet)
LAS = Log ASCII Standard
ML = Local magnitude
MSF = Pressure Dependent Modulus Stiffness Factor (1/psi)
N = Number of perforation (unitless)
Psi = Pound per square inch
Pnet = Net pressure (psi)
Pfracture = Pressure in fracture (psi)
Pclosure = Closure pressure (psi)
Poff = Pore pressure offset (psi)
Pfriction = Friction pressure (psi)
PDL = Pressure Dependent Leakoff (1/psi)
PZS = Process Zone Stress (psi)
PHIE = Effective porosity (decimal)
q = Slurry flow rate (barrel per minute)
ρ = Density (pound per gallon)
σt = Regional horizontal tectonic stress (psi)
σ1 = Overburden pressure (psi)
σ2 = Maximum horizontal pressure (psi)
σ3 = Minimum horizontal pressure (psi)

TSC = Transverse Storage Coefficient (1/psi)

UBI = Ultrasonic Borehole Imager
VSHALE = Volume of shale (ft3/ft3)


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