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English 7 Q3 Module 6

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7 English

Quarter 3 - Module 6
Reacting to What is Asserted
or Expressed in a Text


English – Grade 7
Alternative Deliver Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 6: Reacting to What is Asserted or Expressed in a Text
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education - Region III

Secretary : Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary : Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer/Illustrator/Layout Artist/Editor:
Mary Rose DJ. Mallari
Antonio R. De Guzman
John Christopher D. Berdol
Lorelie P. Labao

Content Evaluator : Aileen S. Mijares

Language Evaluator : Roda S. Jimenez
Layout Evaluator : Roda S. Jimenez
Management Team: Gregorio C. Quinto, Jr.
Rainelda M. Blanco
Agnes R. Bernardo
Jay Arr V. Sangoyo
Glenda S. Constantino
Joannarie C. Gracia

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Quarter 3 - Module 6
Reacting to What is Asserted
or Expressed in a Text

Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, dear learners, can continue your
studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and discussions
are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step as you
discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM. This
will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to ask your
facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson. At the end of
each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are
provided for each activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teachers are also provided to our
facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best help you on your
home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of this
SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercise and tests. Read the instructions
carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks in this
module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.

What I Need to Know

This module provides varied activities that will help you react to what is asserted or
expressed in a text.
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
• determine tone and mood of the text;
• identify types of text; and
• write reactions to what is expressed in a text.

What I Know

A. Directions: On the line before each statement, draw a happy face () if the statement is
true, and a sad face() if the statement is false.

__________1. Mood is the general feeling the reader gets while reading a story.
__________2. Tone is the attitude a writer takes toward an audience, a subject, or a character.
__________3. Authors do not write to inform, to influence, and to entertain.
__________4. An expository text informs the reader based on opinions and barber’s tale.
__________5. A descriptive text paints a picture in the mind of the reader using five senses.

B. Directions: Read the text below. Then, answer the questions that follow by circling the
letter of the best answer.

Though cellphones are necessary for high school students in terms of

their safety, they should still be prohibited from using it in the school. This
concept is founded on several reasons, such as disrupting the educational
process and facilitating students’ cheating; distracting students by the
possibility to access the Internet, social media, or communicate with friends;
finally, cellphones contribute to the spreading of the social phenomenon
known as cyberbullying.

6. What type of text is the given example?

a. Descriptive Text
b. Expository Text
c. Persuasive Text
d. Narrative Text

7. According to the text, what is the perception of the author towards cellphone?
a. Cellphones should be prohibited only when causing low grades.
b. Cellphones are necessary but should not be used inside the school’s premises.
c. Cellphones does not facilitate dishonesty and distract students.
d. Cellphones are advantageous especially for high school students.

Today is my graduation day, at last! For the past few nights, I was
not able to sleep tight due to the excitement. Yesterday, I reminded my
whole family about the celebration. Sadly, one of my cousins said she can’t
go because she is sick. Nevertheless, my heart is filled with joy because
finally, I am going to high school!

8. What type of text is the given example?

a. Descriptive Text b. Expository Text c. Persuasive Text d. Narrative Text
9. “Today is my graduation day, at last!” What mood is best drawn in this statement?
a. sincere b. excited c. afraid d. surprised
10. “One of my cousins can’t go because she is sick.” The tone of the text can be best
described as
a. cheerful b. sad c. relaxed d. calm

C. Directions: Read the following examples of a text carefully. Then, on the space provided
before the number, write N if the paragraph is Narrative, D if Descriptive, E if
Expository, and P if Persuasive.

____1. Jacob, Jeziah, and I are into a nice routine. Jeziah will make a buttered bread for
breakfast, and Jacob will prepare the coffee. We will talk about our plans as we
prepare our breakfast. At 10:00, we will be sitting in the living room to watch movies.
I am assigned to prepare our meal for lunch. In the afternoon, Jacob will water the
garden and Jeziah will walk the dogs. At exactly 8:00 in the evening, we shall go to
bed and sleep.
____2. Prayer is powerful. As a lifeline to God it invites more peace in one’s life and help us
learn more about God. Prayer can reduce feelings of isolation, anxiety, and fear. It is
always best to pray and call unto God.
____3. The ocean absorbs about 30% of the carbon dioxide that is released into the
atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels. As a result, the ocean is becoming more
acidic, affecting marine life. Rising sea levels due to thermal expansion and melting
land ice sheets and glaciers put coastal areas at greater risk of erosion and storm
____4. Spark is my dog. He is adorable. He has brown and black fur with white spots. I
always want to pet him because his fur feels very soft. It is a routine to feed him. Every
morning, I give him dog food. Spark is very active. He likes to run around and play
with whatever is on the floor. When tired or sleepy, he usually sleeps under the sofa.
____5. The painting was a field of colorful flowers, with deep and rich whites. Yellows and
blues atop vibrant green stems that seemed to call you to reach, touch, smell, and
pick them.

What’s In

In the previous lesson, we studied about citing evidences to support a general statement.
We learned about the function and importance of the presented details in the text. To test your
memory, solve the puzzle to find the words.

Directions: Locate 5 strategies in citing textual evidences. Write them on the blanks provided.

___________ D O J M P A U L A I S A M

___________ U A L I S E L E N A J I R
___________ A I A D I Y E M I E L M S

___________ K K I A O L H L T I S R L
___________ Q U O T A T I O N R L C P

What’s New
Directions: Read the text below. Then, answer the following questions by circling the best

Embracing the New Normal

by Mary Rose DJ. Mallari

It has been a year since we are locked down by the fear brought to us by this pandemic.
We are all unaware and confused with what is going to happen to us. These trying times help
us realize a lot of things, we learn our lessons and set priorities in life, we understand the ways
of the world with an honest thought of tomorrow.

Maybe, everything has changed. However, may these challenges make us always
remember to follow the safety protocols for the sake of everyone; may the obstacles we are
facing right now help us realize the worth of everything; and may this pandemic lead us to
value time and be purposeful.
Let us build the new normal together. Let us know how to speak and listen, for it is the
real essence of helping which can restore humanity. We must embrace the challenges for
without them, there would be no opportunity to improve. We, the generation of all walks of life,
are termed “family”, so with love and humility, let us prove ourselves that we can adapt and
adjust to these changes positively. Let us determine our purpose and possess a clear vision
combined with faith, hope. courage, integrity, passion, and love.
Let us help one another. It is not the time to blame others for possible misfortunes. Hand
in hand, with the Creator’s blessing, we can amazingly build the new normal. It has been a
year since we are locked down by the fear brought to us by this pandemic and we have to
believe that better days are yet to come.

1. What type of text is the given example?

a. Expository Text
b. Persuasive Text
c. Narrative Text
d. Descriptive Text
2. After reading the text, what do you think is the goal of the author?
a. To inform the readers of her personal experiences
b. To persuade the readers to be positive and help each other in building the new normal
c. To provide facts about the current situation
d. To entertain the readers by citing the advantages and disadvantages of following
safety protocols
3. Upon reading the text, what do you think is the meaning of the phrase, “we have to believe
that better days are yet to come”?
a. The author believes that after the pandemic, we will be all academically smart.
b. The author believes that despite all these challenges, great things await us.
c. The author believes that after the pandemic, we will prosper right away.
d. The author believes that after the pandemic, we shall not go outside ever again.
4. Based on the text, what do you think is the over-all tone of the author?
a. depressed b. positive c. sarcastic d. angry
5. Give the mood as best expressed in the statement, “These trying times help us to realize
a lot of things, we learn our lessons and set priorities in life, we understand the ways of the
world with an honest thought of what about tomorrow”.
a. reflective b. sad c. cheerful d. suspicious

Notes to the Teacher
The activities in this module are arranged from simple to complex to help the learner
gradually master the desired learning competency. Give him/her the needed support and
guidance so that he/she will be able to summarize key information from a text.

What is It

Reacting to What is Asserted or Expressed in a Text

How do you react to a text? Do you find it difficult in determining the mood, tone and
purpose of the author in the texts? Let’s have our simple discussion!

Mood is the general feeling the reader gets while reading a story. The reader may feel
excited, happy, scared, lonely, angry, sad, overjoyed, frustrated, depressed or amused. It is
the feeling or atmosphere the reader perceive or feel while reading. Thus it is the overall
emotion created by a work of literature.
These feeling were expressed by the writers through the words that he/ she chose to
describe the characters, setting or events in the story.

Examples: The bright castle of King Indarapatra was filled with festivities (happy). The
words “bright” and “castle” express that the mood is happy.

The bones were scattered around the dark mountain (scary). The words
“bones” and “dark” signify that the place is scary.

Tone is the attitude a writer takes toward an audience, a subject, or a character. Tone is
conveyed through the writer’s choice of words and details. The tone can be light and humorous,
serious and sad, friendly or hostile, joyous or angry, and proud or sympathetic. It is suggested
by the choice of words, the arrangement of the words the author used.

Example: “I’m not like you. I don’t like to play rough, dangerous games (fearful)”. The
words “don’t like” and “dangerous” express the tone is fearful.

At this point, let us discuss about the types of text.

Distinguishing the text types is simply a matter of determining the author’s goal. Know
the intention of the author if he wants to tell about a personal experience, describe something,
explain an issue, or convince the readers to accept a viewpoint.

There are four basic text types such as descriptive, narrative, expository, and

A descriptive text usually focuses on describing a single location, object, event, person,
or place. It endeavors to engage all five of the reader’s senses to evoke the sights, sounds,
smells, tastes, and feels of the text’s subject. It paints a picture with words. The descriptive text
strives to communicate deeper meaning through the description.


by: Mark Penny

People age and their looks change, but we

often remember them as they used to be. When I
think of my mother, I see her as she was when I was
a boy. She was a beauty.
Hair styles changed many times while I was growing up, and my mother’s did, too,
but I usually think of her with her hair done up in a beehive. She had wavy, dark brown
hair and hazel eyes. Her face was a slightly rectangular oval, which made her look
both gentle and strong. She had high, arching eyebrows and a triangular, slightly turned
up nose. Her chin was smooth and feminine. She was not very tall, about five feet six
inches, but she was slim and graceful, so I never thought of her as short compared to
other adults. She was proud to be a woman and always wore feminine clothing. Her eyes
and smile also radiated pride in who and what she was.

Narrative texts include any type of writing that relates a series of events and includes both
fiction (novels, short stories, poems) and non-fiction (memoirs, biographies, news stories).
Both forms tell stories that use imaginative language and express emotion, often through the
use of imagery, metaphors, and symbols.
arrative text involves the reader by making the story as vivid as possible. The fact that
narrative essays are usually written in the first person helps engage the reader.


Fathers and Sons

by: Mark Penny

My oldest son is seven. His school anniversary

was coming and there was going to be a sports day
one Saturday morning. I work six days a week,
including Saturday, and on Saturday morning I
have three hours of classes that only I can teach. I
thought my students would be very unhappy if I took
the morning off. When I told my son I could not go to

his sports day to see him run, he was very sad. He cried. When I saw how disappointed
he was, I decided that being with him on his big day was more important than the money
I could make, so I took that Saturday morning off. When I got to his school for the sports
day, he was very happy and gave me a big hug.

Expository texts exist to provide facts in a way that is educational and purposeful. This
text is fact-based with the purpose of expressing the truth through a reliable source. Truth and
deliberate expository text will focus on educating its reader.
It is an informative piece of writing that presents a balanced analysis of the topic. In an
expository text, the author explains or defines a topic, using facts, statistics, and examples.


Air pollution is a major concern of new civilized

world, which has a serious toxicological impact on
human health and the environment. It has a number
of different emission sources, but motor vehicles
and industrial processes contribute the major part
of air pollution. According to the World Health
Organization, six major air pollutants include particle
pollution, ground-level ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, and lead.
Long and short term exposure to air suspended toxicants has a different toxicological
impact on human including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, neuropsychiatric
complications, the eyes irritation, skin diseases, and long-term chronic diseases such
as cancer.
Source: /PMC5122104/#

A persuasive text is any text where the main purpose is to present a point of view and
seeks to persuade a reader. A persuasive text can be an argument, discussion, review, or
even advertisement.
The author may present both sides of the argument, but must be able to communicate
it clearly.


The Most Important Meal

Most of the people go through the day without

having a breakfast. Many of them believe that it is
not necessary reasoning that they don’t have time
for that. Knowing that breakfast is the most important
meal, everyone should eat breakfast before

performing any activities. When you skip breakfast, experts say that you are looking
for a disease because it’s not healthy to have an empty stomach all day long. Eating
breakfast may be hard for those who does not have appetite in the morning, but always
remember the risks and consequences it may bring. Remember, it is the most important
including Saturday, and on Saturday morning I have three hours of classes that
only I can teach. I thought my students would be very unhappy if I took the morning off.
When I told my son I could not go to his sports day to see him run, he was very sad. He
cried. When I saw how disappointed he was, I decided that being with him on his big day
was more important than the money I could make, so I took that Saturday morning off.
When I got to his school for the sports day, he was very happy and gave me a big hug.

REMEMBER! Make it a goal to understand what you read be it long or a short

text. Be able to determine the tone, mode,and purpose of the author.

What’s More

Independent Activity 1
Change and Rearrange!

Directions: Look at the following scrambled letters. Rearrange them to form the word being
referred to. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

It is the attitude of a writer toward an

_____________1. N T O E
audience, a subject or a character

It is the general feeling the reader gets

_____________2. D O M O
while reading a story

It is a text which includes any type of

_____________3. R A N R T A I V E writing that relates a series of events
and includes both fiction

It is a text where the main purpose is

_____________4. S A U I V E P R E S
to present a point of view and seeks to
persuade a reader.

It is a text describing a single location,

_____________5. C R I V E I T D S E P
object, event, person or place.

Independent Assessment 1
My Heart’s Pool of Emotions!
Directions: Identify the tone and mood as expressed in the given sentences. Choose among
the words inside the heart and write the answer on the space provided

scary thankful

happy determined

puzzled humble

________1. A strong wind blew around the dark mountain.

________2. The old man responded, “My neighbor and I are thankful to you and your
brother Erick”.
________3. The bright plaza of Sandoval was filled with merriment.
________4. “I will go forth and will succeed.”
________5. “But what is my kind? What cloud family do I belong to? I don’t know myself.”

Independent Activity 2
Pair and Match!
Directions: Match the definitions/ explanations found in the Column A to the ideas in Column
B. Then, write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the

____1. It usually focuses on describing a subject A. Expository Text

and engage all five of the reader’s senses.
____2. Its main purpose is to present a point of B. Persuasive Text
view and seeks to persuade the readers.
____3. It is a fact-based text with the purpose of
C. Descriptive Text
exposing the truth.

____4. It includes type of writing that relates a D. Narrative Text

series of events and includes both fiction
and non-fiction.
E. Text Types
____5 Distinguishing these simply determine the
goal of the author.

Independent Assessment 2
Schooltime Stories!
Directions: Read closely the texts below. Identify the type of text, the tone of the writer, then
give your reaction about the given questions.

A. “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” It is
my first time visiting Hagonoy known for its fishing industry and the famous
National Shrine of St. Anne. Hagonoy is a great and amazing place filled
with hospitable and jolly people. The foods are undeniably amazing. The
sceneries are stunning especially the fish ponds full of tiny fishes. The wind
at night refreshingly cool. The culture is also great. Indeed, Hagonoy is a
place to visit.
1. Type of Text: ___________________________________________
2.Tone: ________________________________________________
3. According to the text, is the writer’s experience worth remembering?
Why or why not? ________________________________________

B. B. COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person

to person, including between people who are physically near each other
(within about 6 feet). People who are infected but do not show symptoms
can also spread the virus to others. How easily a virus spreads from person
to person can vary. The virus that causes COVID-19 appears to spread more
efficiently than influenza but not as efficiently as measles, which is among
the most contagious viruses known to affect people.
4. Type of Text: ___________________________________________
5. What do you think is the best way to minimize the spread of COVID-19

Independent Activity 3
Read and Complete!
Directions: Read each text below. Then, complete the table

A. It was a beautiful day when they set a picnic.
At the farm, they even heard the humming of the
birds and the dancing of the trees. There was
laughter all around. The blazing sun seemed 1. Happy/
2. ________
to smile at everyone. The quiet river shone Excited
so bright because of the sun’s magnificent
reflection. It was indeed a fun and colorful day!

B. Bullying is defined as an aggressive behavior
among school aged children that involves a real
or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is
repeated, or has the potential to be repeated 3. ________ 4..________ serious
overtime. According to the experts. both kids
who are bullied and who bully others may have
serious, lasting problems.

C. Electronic gadgets can be considered a tool

that can improve life, but it also have its own
disadvantages. It is true that it revolutionized the
way of how most of the things work. It enables
us to have easier communication and opens
opportunity to many people. But we should also 5. ________ witty serious
keep in mind that they do not come without
negative effects. It includes addiction to mobile
applications and it gave birth to cyberbullying.
As one of the famous men stated, “Gadgets can
be a good friend, but not a good master.”.

Independent Assessment 3
Agree or Disagree?

Directions: Determine whether you agree or disagree with each assertions/ statements
below. Circle the word that corresponds to your answer. Then, on the space
provided, write/ state your reasons for your agreement and disagreement.

AGREE DISAGREE 1. An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.


AGREE DISAGREE 2. “Mobile games distract students from studying well.”


AGREE DISAGREE 3. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”


AGREE DISAGREE 4. “Youth is the hope of the nation.”


AGREE DISAGREE 5. “Technology is a useful servant but a

dangerous master.” -Lange

With the different activities you have gone through, share what you have learned by completing
the statements below.

I learned that...

I realized that...

What I Can Do

eading is a continuous process and skill that one must practice. In doing so, minds
are filled with knowledge and information. Also, it is important to be able to react to what is
asserted or expressed in a text. Understanding is present when connection takes place

Directions: Read and understand the text below. Supply the appropriate details inside the

1. Face masks now play an essential role in our lives since it provides a
simple barrier to help minimize the spread of covid-19 virus. Wearing it is
now part of my daily routine before going outside. Before anything else, I
always make sure to clean my hands with soap and water.

fter drying it, I always double check if my mask is properly worn.
I make sure that it covers my mouth and nose and remember to avoid
touching it. After using it, I properly remove it from behind and discard
immediately in a closed bin.


Type of Text:

Is wearing face mask

important? Why or why

2. Living in the city is never easy, even for those who were born here
in the industrialized and modernized environment of crowded roads,
huge malls and supermarkets, busy railways and road, and polluting
factories. I was born and raised in a city, so I clearly know about the
heavy traffic and fast-facing environment.

Does the writer find living

in the city easy? What
reasons does he give?


Type of Text:

True or False
A. Directions: On the line provided before each number, write T if the statement is true,
and F if it is false.

_______1. Tone is the attitude a writer takes toward an audience, a subject, or a character.
_______2. An persuasive text is an informative piece of writing that presents a balanced
analysis of a topic. Facts, statistics, and examples are presented in the text.
_______3. Mood is the general feeling the reader gets while reading a story.
_______4. Tone and mood are both perceived when reading a text.
_______5. A persuasive text delivers two sides of an issue, the affirmative and the
negative side.

B. Directions: Read the text below. Then, answer the questions that follow by circling the
letter of the best answer.

Let us support one another. Through good and bad times, we should
stand as one family. Towards the betterment of our community, lets us
work hand in hand with God’s grace. Let us be responsible enough in all
of our actions, nurture the nature as it nurtures us, and most especially,
love each other purely and genuinely. We are one!

6. What type of text is the given example?

a. Descriptive Text
b. Expository Text
c. Persuasive Text
d. Narrative Text
7. According to the text, what do you think is the idea the author wants to convey?
a. That we should support and love each other,be responsible to all of our actions, and
nurture the nature.
b. That we should do our best in everything we do.
c. That we should live our life according to the way we want.
d. That we should believe in our dreams

The long wait is over! Finally, we are now going to Bataan for
vacation. I am so excited that my things were packed a week ago. When I
woke up, I immediately took a bath and changed into my favorite sweater.
I ate my meal as fast as I could. After doing so, I instantly secured my
seat in the van. This could be the best day of my life!

8. What type of text is the given example?
a. Descriptive Text
b. Expository Text
c. Narrative Text
d. Persuasive Text
9. “The long wait is over!” What mood is best drawn in this statement?
a. sincere
b. afraid
c. excited
d. surprised
10. “This could be the best day of my life!” The tone of the text can be best described as
a. hopeful
b. happy
c. relaxed
d. dismayed

C. Directions: Read the following texts. Then, on a space provided before the number,
write N if the paragraph is Narrative, D if Descriptive, E if Expository,
and P if Persuasive

___11. We are the Filipinos with a sense of identity. We are the image of our parents and
running in our veins are the blood of our ancestors who fearlessly fought for our
country. We are the reflection of our culture and tradition. Let us be proud of who we
are—for we are the product of the magnificent history of our nation. Let us preserve
our customs and ways of life for it is the legacy of our brave people. It is true that
change is inevitable, but let us not forget our glorious past.
___12. First, I always make sure that I clean my hands thoroughly with soap and water. When
it becomes dry, I always double check if my face mask and face shield are properly
worn, covering my mouth and nose. After a long day, I carefully remove it from behind
and discard immediately.
___13. Whenever I try to walk around the nature, it is undeniably impossible not to admire and
appreciate the beauty of it. The color brought by the shining sun is definitely adorable.
Its reflection towards the lake shines like a diamond. The sounds of the chirping bird is
like a song massaging my ears. The fresh winds calmly touches my skin as the leaves
from the trees fall down to enrich the soil. The butterflies are gracefully flying as if they
are excited to see me. The sight is even more fascinating when there is no garbage
around. Indeed, nature is the most wonderful sight we can have for free. We just need
to responsibly take care of it.
___14. Human health is vulnerable to climate change. The changing environment is expected
to cause more heat stress, an increase in waterborne diseases, poor air quality, and
diseases transmitted by insects and rodents. Extreme weather events can compound
many of these health threats. Ecosystems are also affected by climate change.
Changes are also occurring to the ocean. The ocean absorbs about 30% of the carbon
dioxide that is released into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels. As a

result, the ocean is becoming more acidic, affecting marine life. Rising sea levels due
to thermal expansion and melting land ice sheets and glaciers put coastal areas at
greater risk of erosion and storm surge.
___15. I had the chance to go the beautiful city of Tagaytay. I always wanted to see to its
beautiful sceneries and sunset. Its high mountains made my heart excited and ponder
with joy. The breathtaking sunset is undeniably heartwarming. Its bright light made my
mind calm and peaceful. Indeed, an amazing place to relax.

Additional Activity

Great! You have made it this far! Now, you have the ability to react to what is asserted
or expressed in a text. Also, as you go through the pages of this module, you have discovered
and appreciated the value of reading whether a long or short text with comprehension.

Directions: Define the following terms.

Mood: ____________________________


Narrative Text:_________________________

Persuasive Text: _______________________

Descriptive Text:____________________

What I Know What’s in
A. B. C.
topic sentence
1.  6.c 11.N main idea
2.  7.b 12.P paraphrase
3.  8.d 13.E summary
4.  9.b 14.D
5.  10.b 15.D
What’s New What’s More
1. b
Independent Activity 1 Independent Activity 2 Independent Activity 3
2. b
1. Tone 1. c 1. Descriptive
3. b
2. Mood 2. b 2. happy/ excited/ amazed
4. b
3. Narrative 3. a 3. Expository
5. a
4. Persuasive 4. d 4. serious
5. Descriptive 5. e 5. Persuasive
Independent Assessment 1 Independent Assessment 2 Independent Assessment 3
1. scary 1. Descriptive Text Answers may vary
2. thankful 2. proud or excited
3. happy 3. (Answers may vary)
4. determined 4. Expository
5. puzzled 5. Possible Answer : We
may minimize the spread
of COVID-19 by staying
at home and follow safety
ASSESSMENT Additional Activity
A. B. C.
1. T • Mood is the general feeling the reader gets while reading a story.
6. C 11. P
2. F • Tone is the attitude a writer takes toward an audience, a subject or a character.
7. A 12. N
3. T • Narrative Texts unclouded any type of writing that relates a series of events and
8. C 13. D
4. T includes both fiction and nonfiction.
9. C 14. E
5. T • Persuasive text is any text where the main purpose is to present a point of view and
10. A 15. D
seeks to persuade a reader.
• Descriptive Test focuses on describing a single location, object, event, person, or
Answer Key
Jackson Best. “Come on, Convince Me: Your Guide to Writing a Persuasive Text”. 3P Learning.
Accessed January 18, 2021.

Management Team of Grade 7 English Learner’s Material. English Learner’s Material. Pasig
City: FEP Printing Corp.

Markpenny, Mars Denar English. “Model Short Narrative Essays”. Accessed January 18, 2021.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “Climate Change Impacts”. Accessed

January 18, 2021.

Markpenny, Mars Denar English. “Model Short Descriptive Essays”. Accessed January 18,

Shane Donnchaidh. “How to Write a Descriptive Text”. Literacy Ideas for Teacher and
Learners. Accessed January 18, 2021.

The Official Journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. “Effects of Air Pollution on
Human Health and Practical Measures for Prevention”. Accessed January 18, 2021. /PMC5122104/#

“What is Expository Text? - Definition, Types & Examples.” September 28, 2015.

For inquiries or feedback, please write:

Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
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