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ICAO Changes To SID and STAR Phraseologies

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Background The core phraseologies are:

Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs) and  CLIMB VIA SID TO (level)
Standard Instrument Arrivals (STARs) provide a  DESCEND VIA STAR TO (level)
safe and efficient way of prescribing a large These require the aircraft to:
amount of information through procedure 1. Climb/descend to the cleared level in
design. Both depict the lateral profile of an accordance with published level
instrument departure or arrival route and the restrictions;
level and speed restrictions along it. 2. Follow the lateral profile of the
SID/STAR phraseology allows ATC and aircrew procedure; and
to communicate and understand detailed 3. Comply with published speed
clearance information that would otherwise restrictions or ATC-issued speed
require long and potentially complex control instructions as applicable.
Over time, these benefits have been eroded Phraseologies for removal of speed or level
through the development of non-harmonised restrictions:
practices and different meanings being  CLIMB VIA SID TO (level), CANCEL
attached to certain elements of SID/STAR SPEED RESTRICTION(S)
phraseology. Consequently, there may be a  DESCEND VIA STAR TO (level), CANCEL
mismatch between ATC and aircrew LEVEL RESTRICTION(S) AT (point(s))
expectations when SID/STAR phraseology is These phraseologies mean that:
used, and what certain terms may mean. This 1. The lateral profile of the procedure
presents a safety risk that requires a renewed continue to apply and
effort to adopt harmonised SID/STAR 2. Speed or level restrictions which have
phraseology. not been referred to will continue to
The reason for the Changes apply.

The purposes of this change are to:

Phraseologies for variations to lateral
 provide core phraseology that positively profile of the SID/STAR:
reinforces that the lateral, vertical and speed  PROCEED DIRECT (waypoint), or
requirements embedded in a SID or STAR  VECTORING
will continue to apply, unless explicitly
These phraseologies mean that:
cancelled or amended by the controller;
Speed and level restrictions associated with
 provide supplementary phraseology that
the bypassed waypoints are cancelled.
enables any level and/or speed restrictions
as local circumstances, practice or
procedures permit; Phraseology to return to SID/STAR:
 harmonise through appropriate phraseology  REJOIN SID/STAR
the means by which aircraft must be cleared This phraseology means that:
where variations to the lateral profile are Speed and level restrictions associated with
required, such as where waypoints along the the waypoint where the rejoin occurs, as
procedure are bypassed. well as those associated with all
subsequent waypoints must be complied

What doesn’t change

only to the speed restrictions associated
with the SID or STAR procedure. It does not
cancel other speed restrictions such as the
speed limits detailed at ICAO Annex 11
Chapter 2 and Appendix 4.
 The requirement for a QNH altimeter
setting to be included in the descent
clearance when first cleared to an altitude
below the transition level, except when it is
known that the aircraft has already received
the information (PANS-ATM refers),
does not change.
 The terrain clearance responsibilities
prescribed in ICAO Doc 4444 (PANS-ATM) do not change.
 The requirement in ICAO Annex 10 for the
highest standard of discipline to be applied
to all communications at all times does not
 And finally, while pilots and ATS providers
are expected to comply with the revised
phraseology, in unusual or unforeseen
circumstances it may not be possible to
apply the phraseology as intended. Should
this happen, pilots and ATS personnel are
still expected to use plain language, which
must be as clear and concise as possible.

Further information may be found in:

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