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Route 5 Work to Resume

Gov. Moore Commits to
Veterans Home Reform
Blessing of the Fleet
Moves to St. Mary’s City

Governor Pushes
EV Mandate
2 The County Times Thursday, March 16, 2023






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Blessing of the Fleet gets a new venue
State wants to shift to electric vehicles in the
next 12 years


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Thursday, March 16, 2023 The County Times St..Marys Local News
St 3

Route 5 Project Starting Sheriff Hall Asks For

Up Again This Month More Funding
“They are planning to start resurfacing By Guy Leonard Mary’s agency] who don’t get a step in
in mid-April in order to work on finishing Staff Writer their 20th year,” the sheriff explained.
up that project.” “I believe people should work where
The crux of the project has been to Sheriff Steve Hall told The Commis- they live,” Hewitt said. “You have to go to
widening the section of the road from its sioners of St Mary’s County recently that Charles County to get it [the enhanced pay].”
intersection with Moakley Street down to he needs more funding to pay deputies A significant number of agency employ-
the entrance intersection with MedStart St. increased wages to forestall the agency’s ees lived in Charles and Calvert because of
Mary’s Hospital to improve traffic flow. retention and recruitment difficulties. better housing opportunities, Hall said, but
“We all want to see it completed at an Hall requested an additional $4.5 mil- the agency was trying to leverage the good
expedited pace,” Colvin said at the end of lion on top of the $57 million sheriff’s points of St. Mary’s to attract and retain
the business meeting of March 13. office baseline budget for fiscal 2024. law officers.
According to a release from the Mary- The sheriff said that St. Mary’s depu- “We are looking for any opportunity to
land State Highway Administration the ties still lag behind their counterparts in get home grown talent,” Hall said, noting
remaining work to be done on Route 5 Charles County and in the State Police; the criminal justice training program at the
through the town is pavement patching, Hall said he wanted an additional 6 percent Dr. James A Forrest Career and Technol-
landscaping, driveway entrances and increase in deputy pay and benefits on top ogy program was producing young people
asphalt resurfacing of the travel lanes. of the already 4.5 percent the county com- who were signing on with the agency.
“Once the work begins, it will require missioners agreed to back in January. “The homegrown talent is where we get
daytime — 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and/or nighttime “We’re just trying to keep up with our the biggest bang for the buck,” Hall said.
single lane closures from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m.,” competition commissioners,” Hall said to “This is one of the best places to live and
the SHA statement reads. “A safe, efficient Commissioner Mike Hewitt, who asked if raise your children in Maryland; I think we
By Guy Leonard work zone will be maintained as crews work Hall was trying to keep up with public sec- have the best schools.
Staff Writer toward project completion this summer.” tor unions which have seen steady pay and “So I think there are a lot of things we
The lane closures, while ostensibly nec- benefits increases. can bring to the table.”
The Route 5 breakout project in Leon- essary for the road work to continue, were “We are… currently 7 percent behind Hall said he was just looking for the
ardtown designed to improve traffic flow at broadly unpopular last year among town and they are going to get another 5 [per- commissioners to keep the agency compet-
one of the county’s worst bottlenecks is set residents and motorists in general for the cent increase,]” Hall said. “Calvert is about itive and nothing more.
to pick up again this month said Commis- major traffic snarls they created. even with us, but some of the ranks because “We don’t want to be out in front,” Hall
sioner Eric Colvin. It resulted in many complaints to the of the way they’re built out make more.” said. “Because typically the ones out in
“We heard back from them just the other government of the Town of Leonardtown. Calvert has 25 salary steps for law front of the race don’t finish first.”
day that they are preparing to start work enforcement employees while St. Mary’s
this month,” Colvin said. “That’s taking has just 19, Hall said.
way too long to do. “There’s certain employees [in the St.


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Thursday, March 16, 2023 The County Times St..Marys Local News
St 5

Sterling: Tougher THE Wentworth eekly

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“When I voted on that Stake Kit
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talking about is violent crime. BUY 5 or More SAVE 20%
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In years past, she said, the Only
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State’s Attorney Jaymi Sterling “Last year we had seven,” CYPRESS ARBORVITAE
Sterling said, noting there has
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By Guy Leonard already been one murder and one attempted
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Staff Writer murder so far this year.
Sterling said drugs and guns were the
Bags Dew
State’s Attorney Jaymi Sterling said prime movers behind the surge in local Right
this week that three “paradigm shifts” she violent crime. Only
has enacted in the office are designed to Still, Sterling said she has found WILLOW WEEPING $
strengthen prosecution of sensitive cases $300,000 worth of savings in her office, OAK WILLOW
involving children, certain sex offenses much of it by having the state take up the
and illegal guns. child enforcement employees once operat- LANDSCAPE DESIGN BUILD
But those changes, which primarily ing out of her office. Need better curb appeal, privacy, or more color in your landscape?
involve ensuring that those are prosecuted Other savings could be had by leverag-
Schedule an appointment to get your landscape re-designed and take
entirely in Circuit Court and do not lan- ing technology versus older methods of
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guish in District Court, Sterling said, means operation.
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the process becomes more expensive. In one instance she found an invoice for
Her budget request included technolog- seven books that cost $3,000. Walks • Walls • Ponds • Patios • Raised Planters • Gardens • Terraces
ical upgrades, additional attorneys, parale- She said that older employees may have Fire Pits • Columns • Outdoor Kitchens • Much More!
gals and law clerks. favored the use of legal books, but the
Sterling was making her presentation to younger employee base she now has is
the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County more technologically adept.
regarding her budget request for fiscal “We’re not going to need those kinds
2024; while she characterized much of her of books so we can have savings in some
requests as “ultra conservative” from a fis- of those books,” Sterling said. “But we’re WENTWORTH LAWN MANAGEMENT
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approved funding for two more attorneys
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6 The County Times Thursday, March 16, 2023

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Thursday, March 16, 2023 The County Times On The Cover 7

Governor Pushes Major Electric Vehicle Rule

By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer

Gov. Wes Moore announced this week

that Maryland would follow California in
greatly restricting the number of gas-pow-
ered vehicles to be sold here over the next
several years.
“Today, we’re talking about a major
transformation that is going to define this
administration—and that’s how we turn
Maryland from a state powered by oil and
gas to a state powered by clean energy,”
said Moore in a prepared statement
released March 13. “I am confident that
the state of Maryland can and will lead the
clean energy revolution.”
The regulation the state has adopted is
the Advanced Clean Cars II rule, which is
a vehicle emissions standard first adopted
by California using its authority under the
federal Clean Air Act, the governor’s state-
ment reads.
Now that California has adopted the
standards, other states can follow suit,
according to the Moore administration. the state to meet these ambitious goals.” Environmental advocates hailed the deci- “Maryland will likely be the only state
The new regulation requires manufac- Morgan continued: “Millions of dollars sion. “By acting so immediately to advance in the region moving forward with this rad-
turers to continuously increase the share of are being projected to be spent on these zero-emission vehicles and reduce harmful ical environmental policy,” said Buckel.
electric vehicles sold, reaching 100 percent projects, yet we can’t get a simple amend- emissions, Governor Moore and Secretary “Our state does not exist in a vacuum, and
of passenger car and light truck sales by ment to stop the gas tax increase that takes of the Environment Serena McIlwain are these policies will do little-to-nothing to
model year 2035. place each July. backing up their pledge to position Mary- impact emissions in our region.
To adopt the rule as quickly as possible, “I don’t believe St. Mary’s or Calvert land as a national leader in fighting climate “All it will do is put more stress on the
the Maryland Department of the Environ- County are ready anytime soon for the EV change and its contribution to environmen- household budgets of Marylanders. It is
ment presented the proposed regulation to model being proposed.” tal injustices,” said Executive Director of the completely irresponsible.”
the state’s Air Quality Control Advisory Del. Matt Morgan, of District 29A, Maryland League of Conservation Voters According to Baltimore Gas and Elec-
Council at its first meeting of the year said the move to electric cars could put an Kim Coble. “The Advanced Clean Cars II tric, electric vehicles cost roughly one-
March 13. undue gas tax burden on those still driving Rule is a proven policy for reducing green- fourth as much to drive as gasoline cars in
The council voted to recommend that gasoline powered vehicles. house gasses from transportation and will Maryland. Electric vehicles also generally
the department move forward in propos- “This announcement isn’t a surprise, as jumpstart Maryland’s implementation of the have lower maintenance costs, and there
ing a regulation to enact the new stan- California is rapidly becoming our sister landmark Climate Solutions Now Act.” are state and federal tax incentives for their
dards. MDE will follow the process for state,” Matt Morgan said. “However, the The House Republican Caucus spoke purchase, the governor said.
a proposed regulation, which includes a Governor has a lot of questions to answer out strongly against the action. In an effort to help make electric vehi-
public hearing and opportunity for public before this goes into effect. “Today’s announcement was treated like cles available to all Marylanders, the rule
comment, to allow for a regulation to take “First, what stops Marylanders from a celebration, with the practical realities also features flexibility that encourages
effect in September. crossing state lines to purchase a gas- pow- of this policy completely ignored,” said manufacturers to provide electric vehicles
The new regulation immediately gar- ered vehicle? Will there be different regis- House Minority Whip Jesse Pippy. “The in overburdened and underserved com-
nered both praise and scorn. tration requirements? average price of an electric car is over munities, including community-based
“Governor Moore has set forth a very “Also, electric cars do not pay into the $60,000 – the price of a luxury vehicle. ridesharing or car sharing programs.
aggressive Electric Vehicle (EV) policy Transportation Trust Fund because they “This is not something that is affordable Detractors of electric vehicles are quick to
that mirrors that of California and Mary- aren’t subject to our ever-increasing gas tax.” for many Maryland families. Currently, point out, though, that they often have poor
land special interest groups,” said Del. He continued: “According to a Maryland only 1 percent of the 5.2 million automo- range and long recharge times as well as
Todd Morgan of District 29 C. “There Department of the Environment analysis, biles registered in Maryland are electric. expensive replacement costs for batteries.
are over 25 related bills working through 383,000 fewer new gas-powered vehicles Under this policy, 43% of new vehicle sales In some cases replacement EV batteries
House committees this week. would be sold under the new rule by 2030. in Maryland must be electric cars by 2027.” can cost in the range of tens of thousands
“While this may be the future, my big- “Will that loss of revenue fall dispropor- House Minority Leader Del. Jason of dollars.
gest concerns are the price of the vehicle tionately on those who still own gas- pow- Buckel said the rule would have little effect
and the lack of infrastructure throughout ered cars?” on the region’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Publisher Thomas McKay The St. Mary’s County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the residents of
St. Mary’s County. The St. Mary’s County Times will be available on newsstands every Thursday. The
Associate Publisher Eric McKay paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company, which is responsible for the form, con-
tent, and policies of the newspaper. The St. Mary’s County Times does not espouse any political belief or
General Manager endorse any product or service in its news coverage.
Al Dailey
To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the writer’s full
Advertising name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior
Jen Stotler to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week. After that deadline, the St. Mary’s County
Times will make every attempt possible to publish late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be

County Times
Staff Writers condensed/edited for clarity, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copy-
Dick Myers right in material submitted to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the
Guy Leonard St. Mary’s County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We
are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The St. Mary’s County Times cannot guarantee that every
Contributing Writers letter or photo(s) submitted will be published, due to time or space constraints. P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler
8 The County Times Thursday, March 16, 2023


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Thursday, March 16, 2023 The County Times 9

Blessing of the Fleet Commissioners Briefed

Gets New Host on Cannabis Rules Bill
By Guy Leonard 2029 as the taxes on cannabis go up, he said.
Staff Writer “What’s the thought process behind
this?” asked Commissioner Mike Hewitt.
A bill delineating the regulation of rec- “Is this just another lobby that has more
reational cannabis — including the appor- influence than the counties have.”
tionment of the tax revenues from sales Houser said the state was trying to keep
— is making its way through the Maryland the taxes low initially to remove barriers
General Assembly, assistant county attor- to entry to the market and to get purveyors
ney John Houser told county commission- and buyers away from black market sales.
ers this week. The tax on cannabis under the new leg-
HB 556 has passed out of the House of islation would be 10 percent, Houser said,
Delegates, Houser said at the March 14 which is lower than other states who have
By Guy Leonard Club, said the change of venue could help business meeting of the Commissioners of adopted recreational cannabis.
Staff Writer breathe new life into the event. St. Mary’s County, on what was almost a The bill also contains provisions which
“I think it will be a great thing,” Alder- “strict party line vote” of 133 votes to 32. restrict counties from using their zoning
Cancelled last year over foul weather son said. “It’s a lot closer to Lexington “Our fractional share of the already laws from unreasonably burdening canna-
concerns, the annual Blessing of the Fleet Park, a lot closer to the population center.” fractional share that the counties will get bis operations from opening.
is scheduled to resume again this fall but in The county is working on a replacement of the revenue tax … will now have to Houser said the exact meaning of that
a different location. for the aging St. Clements Island Museum, be earmarked towards behavioral health language was unclear next to the recent
Historic St. Mary’s City (HSMC) has which Alderson said, would be under and treatment expenditures,” Houser said. zoning the county enacted which restricted
announced that it will host the festivities demolition when the Blessing of the Fleet “They will not be funds that we can use for the much of the cannabis industry away
that have long taken place at St. Clem- occurred in the late autumn. any purpose whatsoever.” from the critical and rural preservation
ents Island Museum in Colton Point and Alderson said this year’s event will be a This is according to the amendments areas of the county.
extending out to St. Clements Island itself. one-day affair. that have been placed on the bill so far, “You’re going to be allowed to regulate
The island, which sits just off the coast Karen Stone, county museum division Houser said. where these go,” Houser said. “Someone
of the county, was the first landing site of manager, said late last year that the foot- All the counties will have to take a cannot show up and say ‘I have a can-
the English settlers in 1634 who founded print of the new museum building would piece of just 1.5 percent of the total rev- nabis license and I’m allowed to go here
the fourth oldest English colony in the be the same as the current structure but enue the state takes in from taxing recre- and you [commissioners] have no input
New World. with an extra 1,500 square feet of exhibit ational marijuana. in the process.’
“St. Clement’s Island Museum has ongo- space going up to the second floor. Houser said the county stands to get “That is not how I read it.”
ing construction for their new museum “We’ve got a good start on the design of $6,000, by his calculations, from the
— we can’t wait to see it — prompting the new exhibits,” Stone had said. “We’re entire industry.
the change of location for this year,” an expanding the whole founding story.” That could rise to $40,000 to $50,000 by
announcement from HSMC stated. “We There are also plans to add hands-on
are honored to be hosting the 2023 event exhibits for children on the second floor
and appreciate the opportunity from 7th with an outside deck overlooking the Poto-
District Optimist Club.” mac River.
The move makes for a significant change County officials say that if everything
of venue as St. Mary’s City is on the other goes according to plan the county should be
end of the count in the southern portion, able to open the new museum by year’s end.
though it is the colony’s first capital city.
Commissioner Mike Alderson, who is
also a member of the 7th District Optimist

California Man
Convicted of Felony
Assault of 11-Year-Old
Sarah Proctor, Special Victims Unit
(SVU) Chief for the Office of the State’s
Attorney for St. Mary’s County, prose- LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS
cuted the case. She said, “Events of trauma LOCAL ADVERTISERS YOUR ONLINE
to children are never easy for the child to REAL ESTATE COMMUNITY FOR
re-tell, especially in a court setting; in this
case, the child showed her strength.”
State’s Attorney Jaymi Sterling said, & ST. MARY’S COUNTY
“I want to extend appreciation to the jury
members for their time and attention during EMPLOYMENT
the trial, to the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s CHILD CARE
Office for their diligence and professional-
ism throughout the investigation of this case, GENERAL
and to SVU Chief Sarah Proctor for never MERCHANDISE
shying away from prosecuting tough cases.”
The conviction carries a maximum penalty
A St. Mary’s County jury found Devonte of 25 years of incarceration. Shubrooks is
Arnez Shubrooks, 29, of California, MD, being held without bond pending sentencing.
guilty of Felony First-Degree Assault for The Honorable Joseph M. Stanalonis
the strangulation of an 11-year-old child. presided over the case. WWW.SOMD.COM • CLASS.SOMD.COM
10 The County Times Thursday, March 16, 2023

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Thursday, March 16, 2023 The County Times St..Marys Local News
St 11

Governor Moore Commits to Transforming

Care at Charlotte Hall Veterans Home
governor’s steadfast agement—a pattern that we are seeing all ects valued at $2 billion.
commitment to trans- across the State of Maryland as our admin- “These grants are great investments for
forming care for the istration continues the work of rebuilding Maryland’s arts, sciences, culture, commu-
veterans who reside at state government and identifying areas nity, and health,” said Maryland Depart-
Charlotte Hall Veter- that require both immediate and long-term ment of General Services Secretary Atif
ans Home. action,” said Governor Moore. “We will be Chaudhry. “The department takes great
The meeting pre- calling upon our partners in the legislature, pride in assisting these organizations with
sented an opportunity our partners on this Board, our partners in their ability to update, expand, or renovate
for the Board to learn local governments, and so many others to their facilities.”
more about the swift help us provide our veterans with the care During the meeting, the board also sanc-
action taken by Mary- and support that they need and deserve.” tioned the state’s $400 million General
land Department of “Today’s meeting presented exactly the Obligation bond sale to fund the state’s
Veterans Affairs Sec- kind of opportunities and challenges that capital projects and priorities. The sale
retary Anthony Woods brought us together to serve the people of follows the announcement of the state
to help Charlotte Maryland,” said Governor Moore. “It will retaining its AAA bond rating from the
Hall Veterans Home, not be easy, but this work is necessary if three major rating entities—Moody’s, S&P
which the Centers for we are to build a government responsive Global Ratings, and Fitch Ratings—mak-
Medicare and Medic- to the people it serves and that leaves no ing Maryland one of only 13 states in the
aid Services recently one behind.” country to attain this coveted financial seal
relegated to a one- The Board approved $17.2 million in of approval.
star status. Working Capital Grants funding to foster essential “Retaining our AAA bond rating is an
in close partnership capital projects for museums, community achievement that speaks to our sound fis-
with the U.S. Depart- centers, medical and athletic facilities, cal policies and practices, saving Maryland
Governor Wes Moore presided over the ment of Veterans Affairs, the Maryland community revitalization, and historical taxpayers millions of dollars,” said Mary-
Board of Public Works meeting on March Department of Health, and the St. Mary’s buildings. Capital Grant programs are land Department of Budget and Manage-
15 at the Treasury Building in Annapolis. County Health Department, the depart- administered through the Maryland ment Secretary Helene Grady. “We are
The meeting included approval for both ment is developing solutions to address Department of General Services’ Capital committed to maintaining this high stan-
$17.2 million in Capital Grants funding long-standing challenges at the facility. Grants Office, which provides administra- dard going forward.”
and Maryland’s General Obligation bond “The situation at Charlotte Hall is a prod- tive and technical support for a portfolio of
sale, in addition to discussion about the uct of years of poor oversight and misman- more than 2,000 active capital grant proj-

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12 The County Times Thursday, March 16, 2023
Thursday, March 16, 2023 The County Times Cops & Courts 13


Wanted: Karen Anne Wanted: Jermaine
Granville Cornelius Dorsey
The St. Mary’s to under $25,000 and Robbery. The St. Mary’s Vehicle without a License.
County Sheriff’s Anyone with information on Granville’s County Sheriff’s Anyone with information on Dorsey’s
Office is seeking whereabouts is asked to contact Detective Office continues whereabouts is asked to contact Detec-
the whereabouts of Joseph Bowling at 301-475-4200, ext. seeking the where- tive Joseph Bowling at 301-475-4200, ext.
Karen Anne Gran- 71959 or email joseph.bowling@stmary- abouts of Jermaine 71959 or email joseph.bowling@stmary-
ville, age 34 of Cornelius Dorsey,
Mechanicsville, for Citizens may remain anonymous and age 41, who is Citizens may remain anonymous and
absconding from contact Crime Solvers at 301-475-3333, or wanted for Sec- contact Crime Solvers at 301-475-3333, or
an authorized res- text a tip to “TIP239” plus their message to ond-Degree Escape. text a tip to “TIP239” plus their message to
idential treatment facility on March 10, “CRIMES” (274637). Through the Crime Dorsey failed to maintain a charge on his “CRIMES” (274637). Through the Crime
2023. Prior to treatment, Granville was Solvers Program tipsters are eligible for GPS ankle monitor and left his residence in Solvers Program tipsters are eligible for
being held in the custody of the St. Mary’s an award of up to $1,000 for information Waldorf where he was sentenced to home an award of up to $1,000 for information
County Detention and Rehabilitation Cen- about a crime in St. Mary’s County that detention. Dorsey was originally charged about a crime in St. Mary’s County that
ter on a no-bond status for Theft: $100 to leads to an arrest or indictment with Driving/Attempting to Drive a Motor leads to an arrest or indictment.
under $1,500; Theft Scheme; Theft: $1,500

Identity Needed for Theft

The St. Mary’s within his jacket. The suspect then left the
County Sheriff’s business with the battery concealed in his
Office is seeking jacket without paying.
the identity of the Anyone with information about the
person pictured in a identity of the suspect or this incident is
theft investigation. asked to contact Deputy Helen Deitrich at
On Tuesday, March 301-475-4200, ext. 78066 or email helen.
7, 2023, at 2:28 pm, Case #
the suspect arrived 12373-23
in the parking lot of Citizens may remain anonymous and
the Ace Hardware contact Crime Solvers at 301-475-3333, or
in Leonardtown in text a tip to “TIP239” plus their message to
a silver Ford sedan. “CRIMES” (274637). Through the Crime
The suspect walked Solvers Program tipsters are eligible for
into the store and an award of up to $1,000 for information
after speaking with several employees, about a crime in St. Mary’s County that
concealed a DeWalt lithium ion battery leads to an arrest or indictment.

Lexington Park Man Arrested

on Cocaine, Gun Charges
On Friday, March with the Intent to Distribute Cocaine.
10, 2023, Detectives While the search and seizure warrant
with the St. Mary’s was being executed, Somerville was at
County Sheriff’s the St. Mary’s County Circuit Court for
Office Criminal an unrelated case for Possession with the
Investigations Divi- Intent to Distribute. Somerville entered a
sion, with the assis- guilty plea on Friday and will be sentenced
tance of deputies at a later date. Upon completion of the
from the K-9 Unit hearing, Somerville was taken into custody
and Patrol Division, executed a search and at which time an additional search and sei-
seizure warrant at the residence of Jadon zure warrant was executed on his person
Bernard Somerville, age 22, at Park Pines where multiple cellphones and a quantity
Drive in Lexington Park. of US currency was located.
Detectives located a loaded Glock 22 Somerville was transported to the St.
.40-caliber handgun, four different pack- Mary’s County Detention and Rehabili-
ages of cocaine (both crack cocaine and tation Center where he was charged with
powdered cocaine), a digital scale with Possession with the Intent to Distribute;
cocaine residue, and both used and unused CDS Possession: Cocaine and Illegal Pos-
packaging materials. Somerville is prohib- session of a Regulated Firearm. Somerville
ited from possessing firearms due to a pre- was held without bond.
vious conviction for Conspiracy to Possess
14 Legal The County Times Thursday, March 16, 2023

Legal Notices
CASE NO: C-18-CV-23-000103
CASE NO: C-18-CV-23-000102
Glen E. Vacek,
Glen E. Vacek, Plaintiff
Chesapeake Land & Development
Chesapeake Land & Development 20720 Golden Thompson Rd 28, Site #28
20720 Golden Thompson Rd 27, Site #27 Avenue, MD 20609
Avenue, MD 20609
St. Mary’s County, Maryland,
St. Mary’s County, Maryland,
all unknown owners of the property described below, their heirs, devisees and per-
all unknown owners of the property described below, their heirs, devisees and per- sonal representatives and their or any of their heirs, devisees, executors, adminis-
sonal representatives and their or any of their heirs, devisees, executors, adminis- trators, grantees, assigns, or successors in right, title and interest and any and all
trators, grantees, assigns, or successors in right, title and interest and any and all persons having or claiming to have an interest in the property described as:
persons having or claiming to have an interest in the property described as:
20720 Golden Thompson Rd 28, Site #28, Plat 38/74, St. Patrick’s Campground
20720 Golden Thompson Rd 27, Site #27, Plat 38/74, St. Patrick’s Campground
and also known as Account Number 07-039190
and also known as Account Number 07-039182
The object of this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of all rights of redemp-
The object of this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of all rights of redemp- tion in the following property, sold by the Collector of Taxes for St. Mary’s Coun-
tion in the following property, sold by the Collector of Taxes for St. Mary’s Coun- ty to the Plaintiff:
ty to the Plaintiff:
20720 Golden Thompson Rd 28, Site #28, Plat 38/74, St. Patrick’s Camp-
20720 Golden Thompson Rd 27, Site #27, Plat 38/74, St. Patrick’s Camp- ground and also known as Account Number 07-039190
ground and also known as Account Number 07-039182
The Complaint states, among other things, that the amounts necessary for redemp-
The Complaint states, among other things, that the amounts necessary for redemp- tion have not been paid. It is therefore on this 21st day of February, 2023, by the
tion have not been paid. It is therefore on this 21st day of February, 2023, by the Circuit Court for St. Mary’s County, Maryland:
Circuit Court for St. Mary’s County, Maryland:
ORDERED, that notice be given by insertion of a copy of this ORDER in some
ORDERED, that notice be given by insertion of a copy of this ORDER in some newspaper having a general circulation in St. Mary’s County once a week for 3 suc-
newspaper having a general circulation in St. Mary’s County once a week for 3 suc- cessive weeks, warning all persons interested in the property to appear in this Court
cessive weeks, warning all persons interested in the property to appear in this Court by the 21st day of April, 2023 and redeem the property and answer the Complaint,
by the 21st day of April, 2023 and redeem the property and answer the Complaint, or thereafter a Final Judgment will be entered foreclosing all rights of redemption in
or thereafter a Final Judgment will be entered foreclosing all rights of redemption in the property, and vesting in the Plaintiff a title, free and clear of all encumbrances.
the property, and vesting in the Plaintiff a title, free and clear of all encumbrances.
Debra J. Burch
Debra J. Burch Clerk of Court for St. Mary’s County, Maryland
Clerk of Court for St. Mary’s County, Maryland


The Commissioners of Leonardtown will be accepting bid proposals to mill

and resurface Lawrence Avenue, Leonardtown, Maryland.
The job will consist of approximately 97,038 square feet to be milled 2 inches
with a 2-inch overlay. The work shall include maintenance of traffic and striping
per the Maryland State standard.
A pre-bid meeting will be held at Town Hall located at 22670 Washington
Street, Leonardtown, Maryland 20650 on March 24, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. where an
information packet will be distributed. A site visit will follow the pre-bid meeting.
Sealed bids are due no later than 10:00 a.m. April 3, 2023, at which time they
will be publicly opened and read. The successful bid is projected to be awarded at
the April 10, 2023, Town Council meeting with the work to be completed in April
2023. For further details, please contact Tony Wheatley by email at
The Commissioners of Leonardtown reserve the right to reject any and all bids and
proposals, and to accept any proposals deemed to be in the best interest of the Town.

By Authority: Laschelle McKay, Town Administrator

Thursday, March 16, 2023 The County Times Legal 15


CASE NO: C-18-CV-23-000145 CASE NO: C-18-FM-23-000015

SINAN CESUR Brian Beidleman Ashley N. Smith

19805 Center Avenue 4817 Coyle Rd 27386 N. Sandgates Rd
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 Owings Mills, MD 21117, Mechanicsville, MD 20659
Plaintiff Plaintiff Defendant

(Md. Rules 2-121, 2-122)
4701 Sargent Rd., NE Brian Beidleman, the above named plaintiff, has filed a petition/complaint titled
Washington, DC 20017-2722 Petition to Modify Custody in which he/she is asking the court to grant custody of
a minor child.
The Circuit Court for St. Mary’s County may grant that relief unless Ashley smith,
MATTIE L. BROWN above named defendant, can show reasons why the court should not grant the
4701 Sargent Rd., NE relief. Ashley Smith must file a response to the petition/complaint/motion on or
Washington, DC 20017-2722 before May 10, 2023.

-and- If Ashley Smith fails to respond within the time allowed, the court may enter a
judgement by default or grant the relief sought, as long as a copy of this Notice is:
P.O. Box 1 • published in a newspaper in this county/city at least once a week for three (3)
Leonardtown, MD 20650 consecutive weeks on or before April 12, 2023

-and- • other: Complaint and related documentation mailed to Defendant’s last

known address.
P.O. Box 642 After the time period in the judge’s order has passed, you may ask the court for a
Leonardtown, MD 20650 default judgement or to move forward with your case.

and Debra J. Burch

Clerk of Court for St. Mary’s County, Maryland
Unknown owners of property known as Lt 10 & 11, Longview, 07-002955 March 10, 2023
the unknown owners, heirs, devisees, and personal representatives, and their or
any of their heirs, devisees, executors, administrators, grantees, assigns, or succes-
sors in right, title and interest

Defendants > | Member SIPC


The object of this proceeding is to secure the foreclosure of all rights of redemp-
tion in the following property located in St. Mary’s County, Maryland, sold by the
Compare our CD Rates
Collector of Taxes for the County of St. Mary’s and the State of Maryland to the Bank-issued, FDIC-insured
Plaintiff, in this proceeding:

Account Number 07-002955, *UNASSIGNED, LT-10&11, LONGVIEW

The Complaint states, among other things, that the amount necessary for redemp-
4.75 % APY*
tion has not been paid.

It is thereupon this 27th day of February, 2023, by the Circuit Court for St. Mary’s
5.0 % APY*

5.35 % APY*
County, Maryland, ORDERED, that this notice be given by the insertion of a copy
of this Order in some newspaper having a general circulation in St. Mary’s County, 1-year
Maryland, once a week for three (3) successive weeks, warning all persons inter-
ested in the property to appear in this Court by the 27th day of March, 2023, and
redeem the property above described and answer the Complaint or thereafter a final Call or visit your local financial advisor today.
Judgment will be entered foreclosing all rights of redemption in the property, and
vesting in the Plaintiff a title free and clear of all encumbrances. David McDonough
Financial Advisor
41680 Miss Bessie Dr Suite 302
Leonardtown, MD 20650

If you would like to submit a legal notice,

please contact the County Times at:
301-373-4125 * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 03/10/2023. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured
depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial
P.O. Box 250 Hollywood, MD 20636 advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate
risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the
investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may

County Times
not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not
allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All
CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC).
St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County

16 Letters In Our Community The County Times Thursday, March 16, 2023

Sunny Squirrel
Appointed Official Rec
To the Editor:
March 20th, 2023 marks the five year
anniversary of the horrific shooting death
use of weapons of any type in our schools.
Our school system has spent millions on
& Parks Mascot
of 16 year old Jaelynn Willey. Has anything various superficial and cosmetic attempts to
been learned from this horrific incident? improve school security. I am 100% confi-
First and foremost, the Security Vestibules dent none of them will remotely slow down
which is supposed to direct people through anyone that wants to carry out the next hor-
the office first prior to entering the school rific act. As it stands now in the year 2023, it
did not accomplish anything. A lot of tax- is not a matter of “if” but a matter of “when”
payer money was used for something that it will be. Everyone realizes not all guns will
accomplished nothing. Many years prior to be locked away from children. However,
the shooting at Great Mills High School, lets say it does occur. If a student wants to
as a member of a Superintendent’s Safety kill someone, he will. He would likely grab
and Security Committee, I clearly told the a knife instead. It is readily accessible. Will
Board of Education that the most likely Maryland then pass a law to keep knives
scenario of a major incident at any of the locked up from students?
Meet Sunny at the 2023 Cherry Blossom Festival
schools would likely be from “within.” I Why can’t they get a good handle on stu-
was immediately ignored. No one wanted dent mental illnesses and go from there? Too The Commissioners of St. Mary’s South Coral Drive in Lexington Park. Free
to consider the possibility. many children have never heard the word County are pleased to announce the event parking is available at Lancaster Park,
What has changed in five years? Nothing. “NO” from their parents, guardian or grand- appointment of Sunny Squirrel as the located at 21550 Willows Drive in Lexing-
However, pending before our State legisla- parents. Too many children have grandpar- Official Mascot for the St. Mary’s County ton Park. Additional/overflow parking will
tors is another gun control effort. It is simi- ents trying to raise them. Too many children Department of Recreation & Parks. be available at the Frank Knox Develop-
lar to existing law. If it passes and becomes do not have a stable home life. Too many “I’m totally nuts about our awesome ment Center located at 21748 Three Notch
law, it too is likely to be ignored by parents children have one or more parents addicted Recreation & Parks programs in St. Mary’s Rd in Lexington Park with an STS express
of children and teens even though the penal- to drugs and or alcohol. Too many children County,” exclaimed Sunny. “Sports, shuttle to the event ($1 per rider).
ties may be potentially increased. What was have parents that simply don’t take the time camps, parks, beaches, museums – we’ve “We hope that Sunny’s abounding
true then, remains true today. If someone to spend time with their own kids. Kids need got it all!” energy and program knowledge will get
wants to kills someone, he will. Those that love and attention for proper mental and Sunny will be making appearances at the community as excited about Recreation
want more gun control should be looking at physical growth. And then there is the par- community events to promote Recreation & Parks as we are,” said Arthur Shepherd,
the age in Maryland to possess a long rifle ent that is in jail. And then the guardian that & Parks programs. Residents are encour- Recreation & Parks Director. “Join us at
or a shotgun. Whether it is a shotgun, pistol, takes the child to see his father or mother aged to take photos with Sunny at these the Cherry Blossom Festival this weekend
rifle or a AR15, all of them can kill a person. in jail. It doesn’t help. And the list goes on. events, and to tag the Department of Rec- to meet Sunny and to enjoy a full day of
I believe what is NOT being addressed And then the rest of us wonder why there reation & Parks on related social media fun for the entire family!”
enough in our school system is the extent is a shooting in a school. Looking at gun posts with the hashtags #SunnySighting For more information on St. Mary’s
of mental illnesses in our schools. It is obvi- laws to better secure weapons is fine. But, it and #SquirrelSelfie. County Recreation & Parks, please visit:
ous to me that our school system is not ade- is rather obvious it is putting a band aid on Don’t miss your next chance to meet Connect
quately addressing this very, very extensive something that needs a tourniquet. Sunny at the St. Mary’s County Cherry with us on social media at
problem. The problem is so severe that it is Blossom Festival, being held on March stmarysmdrecreation and
and will be the main issue of fights and the Roy Fedders 18, 2023, from noon – 4 p.m. at Lexing- stmarysrecparks.
ton Manor Passive Park, located at 21675

Armitage Named to Power

What is St. Mary’s County Crime Solvers, Inc.?
The St. Mary’s County Crime Solvers, not getting to residents as we hear time and

List of MD Attorneys
Inc. is a non-profit designated 501©(3) time again “What is Crime Solvers.”
organization that assists the St. Mary’s This is the reason for this letter to the
County Sheriff’s Office in helping to solve Editor so hopefully it will reach more resi-
crimes committed in St. Mary’s County by dents of St. Mary’s County to fully explain
providing rewards for information that leads Crime Solvers. Also if your organization chosen for this accolade. She has practiced
to the arrest of criminals. This information would like to have a briefing on Crime law in Lexington Park for thirty years.
can be provided anonymously by any per- Solvers to find out more information and The honor is bestowed upon “the most
son to the Sheriff’s Office tip line (301-475- to find out what your group might be able influential figures in law, higher education,
3333 24 hours a day). to do to help in this effort I will be very health care, business, financial services and
The St. Mary’s County Crime Solvers is happy to speak to your group. Please con- other fields”. Recipients in the legal category
NOT part of the St. Mary’s County Govern- tact me at the e-mail address listed below are recognized as “the finest practitioners in
ment. Crime Solvers DOES NOT receive to arrange a date and time. this complex legal field in Maryland.”
any tax dollars from the County, State or To date, except for a business or two, Armitage grew up in St. Mary’s County
Federal Governments. donations to help support this effort are very and attended schools here. She founded her
Crime Solvers is comprised of volun- slim. Together we can help keep criminals law firm in 1992 in Lexington Park and has
teers who lend their time and efforts in off the street of St. Mary’s County but it extensive community involvement, includ-
educating the community about the role has to be a joint effort. Without adequate ing serving on the Boards of Directors for
of Crime Solvers, solicits donations and funds Crime Solvers CANNOT continue to St. Mary’s Ryken High School, the St.
arranges fundraisers to obtain the money to provide sufficient rewards to all those who Mary’s County Bar Association, and Bay
be used for the rewards. call in their tips. With your help and support Montessori School.
The St. Mary’s County Crime Solv- this could be done. The full amount of your Armitage has also received the Maryland
ers began in 1979. Our group thought that donation is tax deductible to the extent of Bar Association’s Pro Bono Service Award
through our continued efforts in providing the law since no goods or services were pro- and was named a Leader in Law in 2021.
the community pamphlets, pens, briefings, vided to you in relation to your contribution. She was selected for Power List honor by
at various events plus rewards to individu- Let’s make this a safer community for all. Lexington Park attorney Sue Ann Armit- the Editorial Leadership Team of The Daily
als who anonymously provided information age has been named to The Daily Record’s Record, a Baltimore-based publication
to take the criminals off the streets in St. Roy Dyson Power List of family law attorneys. Armit- focused on business, law and government.
Mary’s County that the information was get- Chairperson, St. Mary’s County Crime age was one of only 25 attorneys statewide
ting out to all. However it has become clear Solvers, Inc.
to us that information on Crime Solvers is E-mail:
Thursday, March 16, 2023 The County Times In Our Community 17

Celebrating 10 Years in Business

March 25 • 8:30AM
By Ronald N. Guy Jr.

Contributing Writer

Under average driving conditions, just two-and-half hours behind the wheel
will cover the drive from Philadelphia to the University of Maryland. The
directions are simple: merge on to I-95 South, set the cruise control until the
D.C. Beltway, take the Route 1/College Park exit, head south for a couple min- Now thru March 31 at 7pm
utes and…Welcome to Turtleville. If you miss the turn onto campus, purely by
accident of course, RJ Bentley’s is just down the road and offers adult elixirs,
Online at
artery-clogging culinary treats and a full immersion into Terrapin mania.
A handful of years ago, Hakim Hart and Donta Scott made that trip from SPRING CONSIGNMENT
Philly while prospecting for a college and a basketball destination. The
allure of Maryland would have been understandable for the two Philadel-
phia residents – a school close to home and a basketball program, one that
had made the NCAA Tournament in four of its first five years since joining April 22
the Big 10 conference, that offered stability and consistent access to college
basketball’s best competition.
Fast-forward several years and the returns on that assessment of Maryland
is mixed: the competition was as advertised, but the experience for Hart and
Scott has been anything but stable.
The relationship between the University and its two recruits from the
City of Brotherly Love started out well, as most relationships do. During
their 2019-2020 freshman season, Hart and Scott were contributors on a HAYESAUCTIONSERVICES.NET
nationally ranked Terps team. Led by senior PG Anthony Cowan and F Jalen
Smith, Maryland won 24 games, were co-regular season Big 10 champions
(301) 861-7738
and appeared poised for an NCAA Tournament run. LOCAL FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED
Then…you know…COVID. The tournament was canceled and Terps’

season ended as quickly as a snap of Thanos’s fingers. Cowan’s career at
Maryland was over; Smith, who was just a sophomore, left for the NBA.
Like so many student athletes at all levels, the 2019-2020 Terps deserved a
better fate. But in 2020, life wasn’t delivering many fairy tale endings.
Hart and Scott’s sophomore season was a struggle. An undersized Terps team
battled to a 17-14 overall record and managed a win in the NCAA Tournament.
Considering the departed talent from the season before and the COVID-dic-

tated scheduling challenges and empty arenas, the Turtles made the best of it.
The next year was an abject disaster. After a 5-3 start, and with patience
running thin on his modest March and Tournament success, head coach Mark
Turgeon and the University mutually agreed to part ways. Frankly, Turgeon
quit on his team – kids he had no doubt asked for unwavering commitment.

The team understandably tanked under interim coach Danny Manning and
recorded Maryland men’s basketball’s first losing season since 1989.
The expectation, given the transfer portal and the flexibility it offers ath-
letes, was that every Maryland player with remaining eligibility would run
for the exits. The coach that recruited them left. The team cratered. A new If you’ve got the HOME
coach with new philosophies was inbound. Check please. I’ve got the LOVE!
But Scott and Hart stayed for their senior seasons. This not what players
Hello, my name is Iris. My Shelter Pals want to let
do now. Nor should they in cases like this. Hart and Scott certainly could
you know some very important information....I’m available for adoption!
have left. They probably even deserved to leave - college eligibility is finite
I’m a BEAUTIFUL,SWEET, LONG HAIRED GIRL and I really really enjoy
and precious. Instead, they honored their commitment to Maryland. On the
being petted. Believe it or not, I’ll sit with you for hours as long as you
court this season, the results have been fantastic: a twenty-plus win season, keep petting me. I’m about 4 YEARS OLD and I can’t wait to meet
an NCAA berth, a packed Xfinity Center and all expectations exceeded. The YOU! Iris you would make ME part of YOUR LOVING FAMILY! Please
credit is not Hart’s and Scott’s alone, but they served as a bridge from the come meet me at the Petco in La Plata ASAP or email animalshelter@
past, a mooring for the fragile present a foundation on which to build a future. BE MY MIRACLE AND PLEASE CHOOSE ME!
It being easier to replace than to nurture or repair, the search for greener And remember, ALWAYS OPT TO ADOPT!! Help us make adoption the
personal grass – a better job, car, house or even spouse - is something of a ONLY option.
societal compulsion now. Scott and Hart, displaying character beyond their
years, chose to aerate and fertilize their Maryland lawn and to return to a To see more of my amazing friends also available for adoption, “like” us
sub-.500 team and a new coach, instead of leaping to a seemingly better on Facebook @ Charles County Animal Care Center or view us on our
situation. With Maryland’s long and distinguished list of elite players, Hart’s website at
and Scott’s basketball measurables won’t pop, but these days, young men control/animal-care-center
dedicating four years to a university and leading through tumultuous times
rivals any statistical compilation.
Send comments to
18 Obituaries The County Times Thursday, March 16, 2023

In Remembrance
To schedule an obituary in the County Times, submit text and picture to by noon on Tuesdays for publication on Thursdays.
Any submissions received after this deadline may run in the following week’s edition.

Ray Taylor, 63 Helene Hautzenroder, 91 selfless attitude and dedication to serving Helene was a frequent contributor to
others leaves behind a beautiful legacy that numerous charities from her retirement
Ray Edward Tay- Helene Lou Hau- will continue to inspire others. She derived savings that she so generously shared with
lor, “Opie”, 63, Lex- tzenroder, “Sis”, 91, pleasure in any family or friend event. She those in need. She was a strong contributor
ington Park, MD, of Lexington Park, celebrated to the fullest; planning for hol- to her church and church-related activities.
formerly of Clarks- MD, passed away idays, special events, and made-up events. She enjoyed giving presents to her chil-
burg, OH, passed on February 26, She enjoyed travel, eating out, pets, water dren, grandchildren, great grandchildren,
away on February 2023 at Georgetown color painting, reading, dining out, attend- relatives, and friends. She was a frequent
27, 2023 in Leonard- University Hospi- ing church, and shopping “with the girls”. trusted counsellor to friends who needed
town, MD. Born on tal, Washington, She was up for any adventure, and was at moral support. She never held a grudge and
April 3, 1959 in Cir- D.C., surrounded by ease in any environment. Her children will always was willing to forgive and forget
cleville, OH, he was the son of the late Mar- her loving family. Born on September 11, always be grateful for the magical, happy, any real or imagined slights. She demon-
tha (Wallace) Conley and the late Charles 1931 in Keene, NH, she was the daughter stable, calm, and loving support that she strated Christ’s forgiveness and love in all
Taylor, Jr. Ray was the loving husband of of the late Jake Woods and Marie Woods. provided as a Mom throughout her life. her relationships.
Diana (Halasz) Taylor, whom he married Helene is survived by her children, Joseph The family will receive friends on Ours was a perfect match as we both are
on March 5, 1981 in Leonardtown, MD. He Hautzenroder (Sue) of NY, Michael Haut- Wednesday, March 8, 2023 from 11:00 AM people of strong faith fully committed to liv-
is survived by his children Jerod A. Taylor zenroder (Jah) of MD, Linda Hautzenroder to 11:30 AM in Immaculate Heart of Mary ing our commitment to our Lord by regular
(Sara) of Lexington Park, MD, Athena N. of MD, and Debra Hautzenroder of VA, Catholic Church, Lexington Park, MD, weekly attendance at church worship, and
Dyson (Keith) of Lexington Park, MD, and four grandchildren, Kielen Hautzenroder where a Mass of Christian Burial will be regular financial contributions and service
Jacob A. Taylor (Jenna) of Lexington Park, (Beth), Autumn Steier (Andrew), Audrey celebrated at 11:30 AM with Father Marco in church activities. Our love for each other
MD, his siblings Sheila Jewell (Gordon) of Young, and Skyler Young, three great Schad officiating. Interment will follow in reflected the Christian love of our church
Williamsport, OH, Mike Taylor (Sharon) of grandchildren, Junie Hautzenroder, and the church cemetery. friends and family for us, which continues
Mt. Sterling, OH, Lee Taylor of Chillicothe, Nora and Malachi Steier, her NH relatives, In lieu of flowers, it would be greatly today in the comforting “Peace That Passeth
OH, his half-sister Sara Rings (Jeff) of nephew Peter Wright (Regina), Niece Heidi appreciated if donations were made to The Understanding” which lights up our lives—
Columbus, OH, his half-sister Tammy Poar Wells (Keith) and daughter Devon, great Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, 22375 and our own passing on to Heaven.
(Roy) of Columbus, OH, three grandchil- niece, Katie Parrelli (John), great nephew, Three Notch Road, Lexington Park, Mary- She was not preachy, but hers was an
dren Aaliyah, Joshua, and Lincoln, as well Adam Wright (Nicole), and great nephew land 20653, where Helene was a member excellent example for us to follow to help
as one grandchild on the way. In addition to Michael Wright (Deb, fiance). She is also for many years. bring true happiness into our own life. The
his parents, Ray was preceded in death by survived by her close friend and partner, Arrangements provided by the Matting- source of that happiness is memorialized in
his sister Sue Jennings. DeForest Rathbone of MD. In addition to ley-Gardiner Funeral Home and Cremation one of her favorite slogans, “BELIEVE!”
Ray graduated from Adena High School her parents, she was preceded in death by Services, P.A., Leonardtown, MD. Helene’s perpetually happy face reflected
in 1977, as well as from Ross County her husband, Joseph F. Hautzenroder, and Condolences may be made to the family her awareness of Christ’s promise to her-
Career and Technology Center (Auto- her sister, Ann Wells. at self and others who BELIEVE and obey
motive). He served in the United States Helene grew up in Keene, NH and grad- His commands: “Lo I am with you always,
Marine Corps as an aviation mechanic for uated from Keene High School. Soon after Remembering Our Beloved Helene even unto the end of the world.”
four years, from July 22, 1977 to July 21, graduation, she moved to Boston where Hautzenroder Thus, this is the beautiful legacy of
1981; during this time, he was stationed she obtained a Licensed Practical Nursing On Sunday February 26, 2023, my Helene, one of the sweetest loving per-
at Camp Lejeune, NC. Ray moved to St. Degree. She was then employed by Mas- beloved companion Helene passed peace- sons we could ever know. We all can thank
Mary’s County, MD from Clarksburg, sachusetts General Hospital. During that fully at Georgetown Hospital with her lov- God for allowing her to have been such an
OH on October 5, 1981. He continued his employment, she also provided private ing family at her side. It occurred just days important part of our lives. Amen.
career at HX-21 for over 41 years, starting care to individuals at home who required after she suffered a sudden damaging fall DeForest “Dee” Rathbone
as a maintenance contractor, promoting additional medical assistance. While in in her home. Prior to that unexpected tragic Beloved companion of Helene
to supervisor, maintenance controller, and Boston, she also met the love of her life, event, she had been in excellent physical Hautzenroder
group manager. His knowledge, passion, Joseph F. Hautzenroder, who was in the and mental health having enjoyed the fel-
and enthusiasm for the profession was military. Helene and Joseph were married lowship of fellow Christians at a recent Al Guy, 93
known to all. Ray was a member of Abate, in Keene, NH in 1951. church-sponsored Valentine dinner/dance.
Bucksnorts, and enjoyed working on cars Helene and family were stationed at After which, in the blessing of God’s tim- Albert “Al” Fran-
and Harley Davidson motorcycles. numerous duty stations throughout her ing, she had basked in the presence of her cis Guy, 93, of Cle-
Ray was a father figure to many, beloved husband’s military career. The final duty whole family home with her for birthday ments, MD, passed
by all who knew him. He was The man Station was in Patuxent River, MD in celebrations and home cooked meals. away on March 9,
that anyone could turn to for guidance and 1961. Helene resumed employment several Helene was a committed lifetime Cath- 2023 surrounded by
mentorship, and a jack of all trades. For years after arriving in MD. She worked olic whose Christian faith life began as a his loving family.
everyone who knew and worked with Ray, at St. Mary’s Nursing Home and SMILE small child who walked to her local church Al was born on June
he was a man who treated all with respect, Adult Day Care. Later she became the in her idyllic hometown of Keene, New 11, 1929 in Clem-
kindness, and real value. driving force behind the establishment of Hampshire. After she completed her nurs- ents, MD to the late
The family will receive friends on Fri- St. Mary’s County Developmental Center ing education and became a Navy Wife, she Anna Mary Agnes Abell and the late Claude
day, March 10, 2023 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 (later renamed The Center for Life Enrich- raised her four children near several naval Eugene Guy. On June 14, 1952, Al married
PM in the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral ment). She spent many years as the Direc- stations throughout the nation until finally the late Eleanor “Micie” Ann Nelson, with
Home, Leonardtown, MD, where a funeral tor there. Her last job was at Cedar Lane settling in Southern Maryland where she whom he shared 49 years and 9 children.
service will be held at 3:00 PM with Dea- Apartments, where she was employed as and husband Joe sacrificed to send them to Al is survived by his very faithful com-
con Walter Rourke officiating. Interment a Service Coordinator. She retired there at Catholic schools. panion, Evelyn Diehl, and his children:
will be private. Serving as pallbearers the age of 80. Helene made a significant I first met Helene through my wife Kath- Tammy Pilkerton (Charlie) of Clements,
will be Jerod Taylor, Jacob Taylor, Patrick impact at Cedar Lane. At the time of her erine who had worked for Helene at Cedar MD, Ellen Nelson (Wally) of Chaptico,
Dyson II, Devon Johnson, Gene McNair, retirement ceremony, she was presented Lane and became one of her best friends. MD, Dottie Nelson (David) of Clements,
and Donnie Carter. Honorary pallbear- with a wing of a building named after The three of us had frequently enjoyed eat- MD, Francis Guy (Sandy) of Clements,
ers will be Kenneth Dyson, James Curtis, her; Helene Hautzenroder Wellness Cen- ing out and attending local entertainment, MD, Agnes Bennett (Tim) of Clements,
Dustin Harris, Kim Davidson, Gail Miller, ter. Even in retirement, Helene continued etc. After her husband passed, and my wife MD, Tim Guy (Irene) of Spring Hill, FL,
and TJ Tutz. to keep abreast of the needs of folks in St. passed shortly afterward, we gradually Brian Guy (Kim) of Clements, MD, Mike
Condolences may be made to the family Mary’s County. She continued to provide began a friendly relationship that evolved Guy (Dawn) of Clements, MD, and Sonny
at visitation and assistance to those in need in into a very deep emotional commitment Guy (Jen) of Clements, MD, 24 grandchil-
Arrangements provided by the Matting- any way she could. that grew and prevailed with our exchang- dren, and 29 great-grandchildren.
ley-Gardiner Funeral Home and Cremation Helene was a kind and gentle person ing commitment rings signifying our deep Al was preceded in death by his siblings
Services, P.A., Leonardtown, MD. who was full of love and positivity. She love for each other. I was blessed as her Joseph Stanton Guy, Claude Bryon Guy,
had grace and wit all rolled up in one. Her children accepted me into her family. Mary Agnes Hammett, Dorothy Elizabeth
Thursday, March 16, 2023 The County Times Obituaries 19

Sell it - Buy it
Tri County Livestock Auction
Emig, Laura Cecelia Gass, Nellie Evange- time with family on his boat, the “Micie 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the Month – Auction begins at 4 PM
line Patrick, Anna Gertrude Haden, Claudia G”. Over the course of his life, he enjoyed Located Off MD Rt. 6 West – Charlotte Hall, MD
Abell Yates, Frederick Edmund Guy, Charles being a member of the local pool and duck
Perry Guy, and George Aloysius Guy, his pin bowling leagues, Rocking Chair Soft-
20th Annual “Millwood” Auction
grandsons Dale Nelson and Josh Guy, and ball and pitching horseshoes. He never Friday, March 17th – 2 pm
his granddaughter Candance Ann Goddard. tired of watching local softball, the Wash- Groceries, Flowers/Plants, Box Lots, Misc. Items
Al was a lifelong resident of St. Mary’s ington Nationals, and looked forward to Saturday, March 18th – 8:30 am
County. He attended St Joseph’s School in football season and attending Washington Farm Equipment/Machinery, Shop/Garage Items, Building Materials,
Morganza, MD and graduated from Char- Redskins games with friends. Of course, he Antiques/Collectibles, Tools, Lawn/Garden Items, Furniture & Crafts,
lotte Hall Military Academy in 1947. He loved his Budweiser, which he referred to Buggies, Hunting & Sporting Items, Toys, More
enlisted in the Air Force on December 30, as “Vitamin B.” 27429 Thompson Corner Rd. – Mechanicsville, MD
1950. While in the Air Force, Al received Al was a devoted husband, a present
many commendations for his aerial map- father, a supportive brother, and the per- Tri County Livestock Auction
ping photography while serving overseas fect “Pop”. He will be missed deeply by all Special Lamb and Goat Auction – March 29, 2023 - 6 PM
in Tripoli during the Korean Conflict. Al of his family and friends and undoubtedly Located Off MD Rt. 6 West – Charlotte Hall, MD
was honorably discharged on November will be remembered as the “Greatest Guy”.
29, 1954. Prior to the service, he worked The family will receive friends on Anne Arundel County Young Farmers
for Georgie, delivering Arrow beer. After Thursday, March 16, 2023 from 4:00 PM Public Consignment Auction
the service he worked for Wink at Guy to 8:00 PM with prayers recited at 6:00 PM Farm, Lawn & Garden Related Items
Brothers Implements. In November of in the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, Saturday, April 1, 2023, 8 am
1961, Al and Micie purchased the lawn and Leonardtown, MD, followed by recitation
241 Farmhouse Lane, Lothian, MD
garden business from Wink, creating Guy’s of the Rosary by the Knights of Columbus
Brother Marine, Inc. Al worked on many and an Optimist Prayer Service. A Mass For more information call: 240-825-9509 or 240-486-6592
small engines and quickly earned a reputa- of Christian Burial will be celebrated on So. Md. NWTF Hunting Heritage Banquet & Auction
tion for servicing outboards, lawn mowers, Friday, March 17, 2023 at 10:30 AM in
Saturday, April 1, 2023, 4 pm
chain saws, and water pumps. He built a Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Bushwood,
quality business that provided for his fam- MD, with Father Stephen Wyble offici- Charles Co. Fairgrounds - 8440 Fairground Rd, LaPlata, MD
ily. After the death of Micie in 2001, Al ating. Interment will follow at Charles Tickets Required. For more information call go to:
passed the day-to-day management to his Memorial Gardens in Leonardtown, MD. or call 301-752-4292
two sons, Francis and Mike, who still run Serving as pallbearers will be his grand-
the business today. sons, Kevin Pilkerton, Gary Nelson, Danny www.Far rellAuctionSer
Al was a devout Catholic and dedicated Nelson, Kyle Bennett, Jason Guy, Aus- 301.904.3402
member of Sacred Heart Church in Bush- tin Guy, Michael Guy, Jr., and Eric Guy.
wood, MD. He was a fixture as the cashier Honorary pallbearers will be his grand-
for the church’s dinners and loyal to the daughters, Laura Ward, Rachael Bowles,
church choir until circumstances prevented Kari O’Brien, Brandy Guy, Melissa Lacey,
him from being able to attend. Al was a Amanda Goddard Bennett, Shannon Far-
charter member of the 7th District Opti- rell, Catie Brown, Ashley Jo Guy, Mikaela
mist Club and served as President for the Guy, Elaina Guy, Emily Guy, and Elyssa
Optimist Club in 1978. He was the club’s “Lou” Guy.
chaplain and official photographer and Contributions may be made to Sacred
rarely missed an event. Al was a member Heart Catholic Church – Choir Fund, P.O.
of American Legion Post 221, Leonard- Box 37, Bushwood, MD 20618 and/or the
town Knights of Columbus Council, and Seventh District Optimist Club, P.O. Box
former member of the Mechanicsville 53, Bushwood, MD 20618.
Moose Lodge. Condolences may be made to the family
In a few words, Al’s life could be at
summed up as God, Family, Optimist, Arrangements provided by the Matting-
photography, bird watching, gardening, ley-Gardiner Funeral Home and Cremation
sudoku puzzles, fishing, and spending Services, P.A., Leonardtown, MD.

A Tribute to the Loved One Honor the memory of your cherished

one by sharing the story of their life
with friends, neighbors and associates
Whose Memory Lives here in the community.

For details and to place

On Forever in Your Heart your notice of remembrance,
call 301-373-4125 for assistance.

Providing trusted service to the community for over 100 Years

41590 Fenwick Street • P.O. Box 270 • Leonardtown, Maryland 20650

20 Calendars The County Times Thursday, March 16, 2023

St. Mary’s Department of Aging & Human Services

Programs and Activities
Loffler Senior Activity Center 301-475-4200, ext. 1658
Garvey Senior Activity Center, 301-475-4200, ext. 1080
Northern Senior Activity Center, 301-475-4002, ext. 3101

Unless otherwise specified, all activities are open to Senior Activity Center participants ages 50+. Please call your local Senior Activity Center or visit for the most up-to-date information.

Celebrating Centenarians means… it’s time to clean the house. Back Department of Aging & Human Services, as advanced students. Advance registration
Deadline to Register is March 17, 2023 by popular demand: local professional located at 41780 Baldridge St, Leonard- and payment is required. Register and pay
Do you know someone living in St. organizer, Wendy Small of RES Multiser- town, MD 20650. for these classes at www.stmaryscountymd.
Mary’s County who is 100 years of age or vices, will provide tips & tricks to help This event is a cooperative effort gov/aging or leave a message on our reser-
older? We want to honor them at the Cen- you organize while cleaning this season! between the Department of Aging & vation line at 301-475-4200, ext. 1660.
tenarian Celebration! The deadline for reg- This hour-long presentation at Northern Human Services, St. Mary’s County Health
istration is Friday, March 17, 2023. Senior Activity Center on Tuesday, March Department, the St. Mary’s County Sher- Insurance 101
The St. Mary’s County Department of 28, from 1-2:30 p.m., will be followed by iff’s Office, and the St. Mary’s County The Maryland Insurance Administration
Aging & Human Services is proud to host a Q&A session. Handouts will be made Department of Public Works & Transpor- will offer a free presentation- Insurance
the annual Centenarian Luncheon at the available. To register for this event, click tation. Shredding services, medication col- 101- at the Loffler Senior Activity Center
St. Mary’s County Elks Lodge, located at on the “View and Sign Up for Activities lection, and safe disposal of medical sharps on Wednesday, April 12, at 10 a.m. T h e
45779 Fire Department Lane, California, and Programs” button at www.stmary- will be offered, all free of charge! primary role of the Maryland Insurance
MD, at 11 a.m. on Monday, April 10, 2023. Accommodations For more information, contact Commu- Administration (MIA) is to protect con-
Each honoree is limited to a maximum can be made for those requiring registra- nity Programs & Outreach Manager Sarah sumers from illegal insurance practices
of three guests. Indicate the number of tion assistance by leaving a message at Miller at sarah.miller@stmaryscountymd. by ensuring that insurers and producers
participants when registering. Honorees 301-475-4200, ext. 3115. gov or 301-475-4200, ext. 1073. that operate in Maryland act in accordance
must be 100 years of age or older as of with State insurance laws. Find out what
April 10, 2023. Community Shred & Medication Take Watercolors with T.L. Ford: Chickadee you need to know about insurance and the
For more information, or to register, con- Back Day Theresa Ford will be at the Loffler Senior many types available from the agency that
tact Sarah Miller, Community Programs & Do you have paper documents with per- Activity Center on Wednesday, April 12, at is designed to protect you. Register for this
Outreach Division Manager, at 301-475- sonal information that you’d like to purge? 1 p.m. to teach you how to paint a small presentation at www.stmaryscountymd.
4200, ext. 1073, or Sarah.Miller@stmary- Or do you have unused, unwanted, or watercolor painting. This month’s subject gov/aging or leave a message on our res- expired medications in your cabinets? This will be a sweet little chickadee. Cost of $25 ervation line at 301-475-4200, ext. 1660.
is your chance to dispose of them safely at includes the use of professional grade sup- Limited seating available.
Spring Organizing Tips with Wendy the Community Shred & Medication Take plies and materials, plus instruction, and
Small Back Day! This event will be held on Sat- a completed project you can take home.
It’s Spring! We all know what that urday, April 8, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., at the Classes are suitable for beginners as well

“I’ve journeyed to 7 continents

in 7 days to run 7 marathons
to push the limits of mind and I run for
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Fun Walk – a great way
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26th Run & Walk for Hospice

26th Run & Walk for Hospice
Saturday, April 15th, 2023 Leonardtown, MD
Saturday, April 15th, 2023 | Leonardtown, MD | Register/sponsor at
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“When you look back on life, you made
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100% of all net proceeds benefit Hospice in providing care to the terminally ill.
Sponsor our Event! See or
Call Emily 301-994-3075/Jim Dicus 240-925-5423
100% of All Net Proceeds benefit Hospice in providing care to the terminally ill
Thursday, March 16, 2023 The County Times Calendars 21

St. Mary's Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

Thu, Mar 16 Lenten Seafood Dinners ington Manor Passive Park’s Cherry Blos- Win products from some of your favor-
som tree area. Maryland Day festivities, ite companies for just a few quarters.
Ham & Cabbage Dinner—Aux of Leon- Immaculate Heart of Mary Church disc golf instruction, fun runs, skateboard- 1 paddle $3 or 2 paddles $5. Quarters
ardtown Vol Fire Dept 22375 Three Notch Road ing demonstrations, face painting, and arts will be available to purchase or you can
Lexington Park & crafts are all available to festival attend- bring your own.
Leonardtown Volunteer Fire Department 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. ees. If you are in the mood to shop, visit
22733 Lawrence Ave, Leonardtown the food and vendors while listening to live
4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Special Corned Beef and Cabbage Din- music. Parking for the event will be avail- Sun, Mar 19
ner available able at Lancaster Park 21550 Willows Dr.
The Auxiliary of the Leonardtown Vol- Adult meals include two sides, plus in Lexington Park. Admission: Free 33rd Pastoral Anniversary
unteer Fire Department is sponsoring a three hush puppies and coleslaw
Ham and Cabbage Dinner on 16 March $16 steamed rockfish or fried shrimp, Southern MD Fishing & Outdoor First Missionary Baptist Church
from 4:30pm—7:00pm. The dinner will baked rockfish or fried rockfish Adventure Fair 46370 Pegg Lane, Lexington Park
be held in the social hall of the fire house. $17 fried oysters or fried scallops 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Dine in or carryout! Dinner includes ham, $24 seafood platter St. Mary’s Country Fairgrounds
cabbage, potatoes, carrots, applesauce, Sides: Green beans, French fries, mac 42455 Fairgrounds Rd, Leonardtown You are cordially invited to join us on
cornbread, and drinks!!! Adults $16; and cheese, stewed tomatoes, three extra 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, March 19th, 2023 at First Mis-
Seniors (65+) $15; Children 10 and under hush puppies sionary Baptist Church (FMBC) as we
$15; Carryout $16. Visit our Facebook Kids Meal: Five fish sticks and one side Event sponsored by Southern MD Rec- celebrate our Pastor, Roderick W. McCla-
page at for $5. reational Fishing Organization Inc. Fishing nahan; a true man of God, on his 33rd
Order online at & outdoor vendors; speakers; MD Boater Pastoral Anniversary. The guest preacher
(credit card, Google Pay or ACH) Safety Course; Kids Casting Contest, door for the occasion will be Pastor Reginald
Fri, Mar 17 Order in person: cash or check prizes and more. Farmer, True Gospel Tabernacle Baptist
Desserts offered by IHM cash only Church, Washington, DC.
Lenten Fish-Shrimp Dinners St. George The celebration will be held in the
Catholic Church Quarter Auction—Golden Beach FMBC Sanctuary during our 10:00am
Sat, Mar 18 Divine Worship. Please be advised masks
St. George Catholic Church Mechanicsville Firehouse Golden Beach are required, temperatures will be taken
19199 St. George’s Church Rd St. Mary’s MD Cherry Blossom Festival 29848 Therese Circle, Mechanicsville upon entry and hand sanitizer is available.
Valley Lee @ Lexington Manor Park 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. The celebration will also be available vir-
4 p.m. to 7 p.m. tually by phone by calling 617-691-8533 or
Lexington Manor Passive Park Benefits Golden Beach/Patuxent Knolls by video meeting ID: join.freeconference-
St. George Catholic Church Lenten Din- 21675 South Coral Dr Civic Association
ners—Every Friday evening dinners Lexington Park Doors open at 5pm Auction starts at 6pm For additional information please con-
Menu is Shrimp or Fresh Catfish with 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM Come dressed in green to show us your tact First Missionary Baptist Church at
Pancit, French Fries, Fritters and Soup. St. Patty’s Day spirit and get a free paddle 301-863-8388. We are located at 46370
$20 per dinner, we hope to see you again You must enjoy the cherry blossom sea- when you purchase 2 Pegg Lane, Lexington Park, MD 20653.
this year! son at St. Mary’s, Maryland. Join outdoor Food will be available for purchase.
enthusiasts as they stroll around the Lex- There will also be a 50/50 and basket raffles

Thanks! It Has Pockets!:

An Introductory Sewing Class
Have a skirt or dress that you love,
but it doesn’t have pockets? Learn
how to add your own! Bring a skirt
or dress to work on and we’ll pro-
vide the rest! Saturday, March 25 at
Leonardtown Library from 11 a.m. –
1 p.m. Basic hand-sewing skills are
not required (though they may help).
Maryland Day History Talk Wednesday, March 22 from 6:30 - 7:30 Outdoor Storytime at We will go over all the steps need-
Join Karen Stone, Division Man- p.m. The first Library: Ancestry Edition St. Clement’s Island Museum ed to add your own pockets to your
ager of the St. Mary’s County Mu- session discussed a basic approach to Stories, songs, and activities for chil- clothing so that you will never find
seums, for a special seminar on our the platform. This one (while beginners dren with their adult caregivers, out- yourself lacking somewhere to put
local history at Leonardtown Library and anyone interested are still wel- doors at St. Clement’s Island Museum your phone, wallet, keys, etc. Nee-
on Tuesday, March 21 from 5:30 – 7 come!) will go through actually search- on Saturday, March 25 from 1 - 1:30 dles, thread, and fabric for the pock-
p.m. Karen will discuss the found- ing on Ancestry. Results will be ex- p.m. Siblings welcome; please register ets will be provided. Just be sure to
ing of Maryland from the perspec- amined, discussed, and analyzed. The once per family group. Rain date: May bring your own clothing item to work
tive of local indigenous peoples and purpose is to understand: (1) how to 13. This activity will take place out- on. We highly recommend you se-
their relations with various colonial filter search results, (2) understanding doors on the grass. Participants should lect a skirt or dress that you are not
groups. documentation and citation, and the bring blankets or chairs for comfort. extremely attached to, incase of any
root source, (3) identifying the differ- After storytime, explore the museum accidents. Items with side-seams
Genealogy Series - Ancestry ent types of sources and best practices and grounds- admission fees will be may be easier to maneuver your first
Library Edition behind searching on Ancestry. The ma- waived for families attending story- time, though we will go over how to
This session will review Ancestry: jority of this program will be spent on time! In case of rain, storytime will be add pockets to items with or without
Library Edition on a more detailed the Ancestry website, walking through, postponed until May 13th. Register on them. Register on
level and build upon the foundations step-by-step, a search process, from
discussed from the Basics program a generic search to a more advanced
at the Lexington Park Library on one. Register on
22 BusinessDIRECTORY The County Times Thursday, March 16, 2023

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Thursday, March 16, 2023 The County Times 23


1. Belonging to a thing 1. Stain one’s hands
4. Pass or go by 2. Nocturnal hoofed animals
10. Partner to cheese 3. Back condition
11. Subjects 4. Popular movie alien
12. U.S. State (abbr.) 5. City of Angels
14. Bits per inch 6. Peaks
15. Forest-dwelling deer 7. Infantry weapons
16. Illinois city 8. Left
18. A salt or ester of acetic acid 9. Atomic #99
22. Wholly unharmed 12. Told a good yarn
23. Cuddled 13. Vale
24. Bane 17. Resistance unit
26. Global investment bank (abbr.) 19. Aquatic plant
27. Oh my gosh! 20. Bluish greens
28. Arrive 21. About some Norse poems
30. Famed Spanish artist 25. Reinforces
31. Home of “Frontline” 29. Egyptian mythological goddess
34. Group of quill feathers 31. Supportive material
36. Keyboard key 32. Subatomic particle
37. Army training group 33. Expired bread
39. Detail 35. Cereal grain
40. Pole with flat blade 38. Goes against
41. Football play 41. Walkie __
42. Makes unhappy 43. One who does not accept
48. Island in Hawaii 44. Beliefs
50. Back in business 45. Indicates near
51. Of an individual 46. Brazilian NBA star
52. Painful chest condition 47. Grab quickly
53. Tropical American monkey 49. Romantic poet
54. Matchstick game 56. College dorm worker
55. For instance 57. Set of data
56. Even again
58. Popular beverage
59. Evaluate
60. Time units (abbr.)


9 Calendar Calvert County Times Thursday, March 16, 2023

Calvert Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

Thu, Mar 16 ACLT North Side Trailhead Employment, and Job Service representa- 13920 H. G. Trueman Rd, Solomons
10 a.m.-4 p.m. tives will be in person to meet with those 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Helping Your Child Manage Big seeking employment or career change.
Emotions Based on the book, “The Lepre- Walk ins welcome on the second and fourth Stop by for your job search needs! Get
chaun Story”, families go through Wednesdays of every month.  , 410-535- job counseling and resume help, search
Calvert Library Prince Frederick a “field of shoes” reading clues 0291 or 301-855-1862.  https://CalvertLi- for jobs and connect with Southern Mary-
850 Costley Way (Zoom & In Person) to help them find the pot of gold. land JobSource., 410-326-5289.  https://
5:30pm-7:30pm BONUS: FIND ROCKS PAINTED W/  
4-LEAF CLOVERS Sleepy Stuffies Storytime
Does your child have meltdowns you Lawyers in the Library
would love to prevent? Do you want to Calvert Library Southern Branch
help your child learn how to regulate their Sun, Mar 19 13920 H. G. Trueman Rd, Solomons Calvert Library Prince Frederick
emotions and become a self-aware prob- 6:30-7 p.m. 850 Costley Way, 12-2 p.m.
lem-solver? “The Zones of Regulation” Pirates of the Chesapeake: Salty
will help you learn regulation strategies Seadogs on MD Shores Wear your jammies and bring your Need help with an expungement? Have
to teach your child for managing emotions favorite stuffed animal as we wind down civil legal questions? Meet briefly with
and sensory needs.  Focused on ages 4+.  North Beach Town Hall from our busy day! We’ll begin by getting an attorney at the library to get hands on
Presentation followed by Q&A. In partner- 1:30-2:30 p.m. our wiggles out and then snuggle up for sto- help. We will also be offering JobSource
ship with Calvert County Public Schools., ries and songs. Suggested for children 0-5. help with resumes and job searching and
410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862.  https:// Bayside History Museum Lecture Older siblings are welcome to attend. 410- information about treatment, recovery, Series. Experience through the narration of 326-5289. healthy lifestyles, conflict resolution,
Donald Grady Shomette, author of the best youth intervention, vocational training
S.T.E.A.M. PUNKS seller Pirates on the Chesapeake and many and more. Partners include MD Legal Aid,
other books and tales of the Tidewater, the Thu, Mar 23 SoMD JobSource, and Healthy Beginnings
Calvert Library Southern Branch, exploits of a dazzling array of pirates, pic- from Calvert County Health Department
13920 H. G. Trueman Rd, Solomons aroons and sea rovers that terrorized the Calvert Conversations and Calvert County Community Media-
6-7 p.m. Maryland and Virginia Tidewater for two tion Center. No cost.  Registration is not
centuries and changed our history forever. Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch required but if you provide information
Question, Discover and Explore! Expe- Registration not required but will get you 3819 Harbor Rd, Chesapeake Beach about the charges you wish expunged, the
rience new technology and techniques as a reminder! Calvert Library Prince Freder- 10-11 a.m. process may go more quickly, 410-535-
we adventure with science, engineering, ick, 301-855-1862. https://CalvertLibrary. 0291 or 301-855-1862.  https://CalvertLi-
math and the arts! This month we’ll be info Some of the who, what, where, why
mixing music and science, testing the lim- and when of local history! We sometimes
its of our voices. For performers in grades meet-up at local places. Call 410-257- Studio in the Stacks: Spring Paint Night
2 to 7. Registration required.  410-326- Mon, Mar 20 2411 for up-to-date information.Meetup
5289. at: Maryland Archaeological Conservation Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Laboratory The Maryland Archaeological 3819 Harbor Rd, Chesapeake Beach
– VITA Conservation Laboratory (MAC Lab) is 6-7:30 p.m.
Sat, Mar 18 a state-of-the-art archaeological research,
Calvert Library Prince Frederick conservation, and curation facility located Step into spring by joining us  for a
Garden Smarter: Native Plants 850 Costley Way, 9:30 a.m.-4:15 p.m. at Jefferson Patterson Park ; Museum, the night of painting, connection, and food!
State Museum of Archaeology, in south- Registration is required for this teen pro-
Calvert Library Prince Frederick VITA provides free federal and state tax ern Maryland. 410-257-2411. https:// gram-ages 13-18. Bring your creativity as
850 Costley Way, 10-11 a.m. preparation services for households whose we will paint a whimsical design on can-
total household income is $57,000 or less. vas. Enjoy pizza and time to connect in this
Presented by: Butterfly Alley. Cost We will only be completing Federal and JobSource Mobile Career Center creative community! Be sure to register as
effective and practical strategies for cre- Maryland State tax returns (No DC or this event has a limited number of seats,
ating a native plant landscape. Calvert other state returns). Prior tax returns from Calvert Library Southern Branch 410-257-2411.
County Community Resource Bldg., the last four years can be completed, but
410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. https:// a separate appointment must be made for

Family Game Day

each tax year that’s needed. Taxpayers are
required to provide the following items to
be successfully completed: Photo Identifi-
JustCuttsLawns Free
Calvert Library Southern Branch
cation for tax filers, Social Security Card
and/or Individual Taxpayer Identification
Spring Spruce Up
13920 H. G. Trueman Rd, Solomons Number (ITIN) cards for everyone on the
1-4 p.m. return, 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862.
Drop-in between and play board and card
games in the meeting room. Choose from
our selection of classic and new games, or Wed, Mar 22
bring your own. We have Happy Salmon,
Yahtzee, Doomlings, Sorry!, What Do You Working Wednesdays - Job Seeker Yard Clean up Brush Cleaning & Removal
Meme Family?, Game of Thrones Monop- Resources
oly, Jenga Giant, chess, Last Word, and Trimming shrubs Cut Beds & Mulch
Seeding Aerating Lawn
more. Children, teens, and their families Calvert Library Prince Frederick
are all welcome! Registration not required. 850 Costley Way. 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

St. Patrick’s Day “Leprechaun Hunt”

Maryland Department of Labor, Veter-
ans Program, Senior Community Service Call 301-556-8335
Thursday, March 16, 2023 Calvert County Times In Our Community 8

What’s Coming to
In Remembrance Calvert
To schedule an obituary in the County Times, submit text and The following list of pending site
picture to by noon on Tuesdays for plans was presented to the Calvert
publication on Thursdays. Any submissions received after this County Planning Commission
deadline may run in the following week’s edition. at their March 15 meeting. That
means that the proposals are on
the list for consideration by the
planning commission at a future
mission, Senior Counsel, Bank of America, meeting. The meeting was in
Riggs Bank, and Barnett Bank, VP of Prod- a hybrid form, both virtually
uct Development, SEI Investments, are but and in person at the Har-
a few notable entries in her extensive legal riet E. Brown Commu-
resume. In 2002, she arrived in our little nity Center (HEBCC),
beach town, where she started her private 901 Dares Beach Road,
practice specializing in living trusts and Prince Frederick.
estate planning. CSPR-142795, Calvert
Lyn’s true passion was painting. As a Gateway, Lot 12R, Retail Building
youth she drew inspiration from her brief ‘A,’ located at 10380 Town Center
Lyn Striegel, 74 time amid the desert expanse of Arizona, Boulevard, Dunkirk, on a 4.04-acre
the turquoise of the sky and deep hues of lot, zoned Dunkirk Town Center. Proposed
Whether as attorney, businesswoman, or the rocks finding their way onto her can- 15,493-square-foot building for com-
artist, Lynda Joy Striegel approached all vasses. Her work would later take equal mercial retail space with parking and site
her professional endeavors as works of art. inspiration from the Bay. improvements. This project is on private Frederick, on 115-acre parcel, zoned Town
Beloved mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, From the instant of her arrival, Lyn was water and sewer. The concept submittal Center/Forest District. This project will
friend, and colleague to so many in Calvert devoted to the betterment of the Chesa- was accepted February 23, 2022. Agent: have private water but will utilize public
County and beyond, Lyn passed away in peake and North Beach communities. She Bay Engineering sewer. Proposed 75,099 square feet of dis-
her home office in North Beach on the founded the Bay Business Group, Beach CSPR-142828, Magnolia Ridge West, turbance for commercial retail space with
morning of March 11th, 2023. She was 74. Trolley Association, and Artworks at 7th, located at Armory Road and Dares Beach parking and site improvements. The con-
Born in Oakville, Ontario, Canada, to was a columnist for the County Times, and Road, Prince Frederick, on multiple parcels cept submittal was accepted September 28,
Clifford and Grace Green, Lyn would earn served on the North Beach Town Council. totaling 24.497 acres, zoned Prince Freder- 2022. Agent: COA Barrett
her M.A. in English from the University Lyn now joins her partner, Jim Andre, ick Town Center, New Town District. Pro- CSPR-142871, Calvert Hills - Phase II,
of Toronto, where she became a protégé who passed away in 2020. She is survived posed approximately 91,000 square feet located on Calvert Hills Road, Prince Fred-
to the great literary theorist and philoso- by her son David Bettino and his father creating 79 townhomes. This project is on erick on a 2.33-acre parcel, zoned Town
pher Marshall McLuhan, an experience Donald, her sister Carolyn, nephew Zak and public water and sewer. The concept sub- Center/Village. This project is proposed for
that indelibly shaped her mind, triggered his wife Amanda and their children Indy and mittal was accepted April 27, 2022. Agent: 35 apartment units, served by public water
her intellect, and played no small part in Noah, her stepchildren Brett and Kat, and COA Barrett & sewer, to complete the development that
what was to become a prodigious legal grandchildren Maleiya and Conner. CSPR-142842, Sunset Terrace Condo- started with Calvert Hills - Phase I. The
career. After earning her J.D. at the Antioch Memorial details will be provided at a miniums, Mixed Use, located at 14474 concept submittal was accepted October
School of Law in Washington, D.C., she later date. In lieu of flowers, the family & 14478 South Solomons Island Road, 26, 2022. Agent: Bay Engineering.
became an Associate at Skadden Arps, then asks mourners to visit Art Works at 7th, Solomons, on two lots totaling .42 acres, CSPR-142896, Dunkirk Business Center
Senior Counsel at Sallie Mae. Supervising and buy something if the spirit moves you. zoned Solomons Town Center. Proposed - Lot 3, Flex Space, located on Keith Lane,
Attorney, Securities and Exchange Com- 19,191-square-foot, three-story building Owings on a 1.15-acre parcel, zoned I-1
for mixed use: 1,000-square-foot commer- Light Industrial. Proposed 9,750-square-
cial retail space and 18,191-square-foot for feet, one-story building for flex space. The
eight condominiums with parking and site project will have private water and septic.
Where Life and Heritage are Celebrated improvements. This project is on public The concept submittal was accepted Octo-
water and sewer. The concept submittal was ber 26, 2022. Agent: COA Barrett.
accepted July 27, 2022. Agent: COA Barrett The following Major Subdivision Pro-
During a difficult CSPR-142856, Solomons Condomini- posed Project List for Upcoming Review
ums, located at 14516 & 14518 South Sol- was also submitted at the same meeting.
time… still your best choice. omons Island Road, Solomons, on two lots SD-142770, Lusby Villas, Lot 1, located
totaling .67 acres, zoned Solomons Town on Lusby Parkway in Lusby. One commer-
Affordable Funerals, Caskets, Vaults, Center. Proposed 34,483-square- foot, four- cial lot proposed on one parcel consisting
Cremation Services and Pre-Need Planning story building for mixed use: 2,450-square of 24.87 acres, Zoned Lusby Town Cen-
Family Owned and Operated by -foot commercial retail space and 32,033 ter, Village Residential Office District,
square feet for 13 multi-family condomini- Tier I. The Preliminary Plan submittal was
Barbara Rausch and Bill Gross
ums with parking and site improvements. accepted January 26, 2022. Agent: Barrett This project is in the Critical Area and on & Associates
public water and sewer. The concept sub- Concept submittals have been removed
Owings Port Republic Lusby mittal was accepted July 27, 2022. Agent: from this list. There is no assurance that
8325 Mt. Harmony Lane 4405 Broomes Island Rd. 20 American Lane COA Barrett those projects will reach Preliminary Plan
410-257-6181 410-586-0520 410-326-9400 CSPR-142881, Prince Frederick Town status. If/when they do, they will be placed
Center South, Shopping Plaza, located on this list under their Preliminary Plan
on South Solomons Island Road, Prince project number.

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7 Calvert Local News Calvert County Times Thursday, March 16, 2023

Hearing Set on Staff Recommended Budget

Contains No New Money for Schools
By Dick Myers of those difficult decisions. slower revenue growth, it is imperative funded in this budget.
Staff Writer The budget which is that the deployment of financial resources “FY 2024 is projected to see an increase
now available online be handled, as they have in the past, with in real property tax revenue, our largest
The March 21 pub- includes a cover sincere prudence. To that end, staff contin- source of revenue. The reassessment of Tax
lic hearing on county letter to the com- ues to tirelessly seek new vision dedicated District 3 (the north section of the county)
government’s Staff missioners that to pushing the limits of service on behalf reported an 18.9 percent increase in the
Recommended explains some of of our citizens. With efficiencies in place, calendar year 2022 triennial assessment,
Budget for Fis- the budget: staff recommends no new staff or new which will be phased in over a three-year
cal Year 2024 will “The General program initiatives be included in the F?Y period. We also anticipate a limited amount
present a document Fund budget for 2024 budget. of new construction in our estimate of real
that includes no new Fiscal Year (FY) “ This FY2024 staff recommended property tax revenues.
money for the Board 2024 begins July budget includes: Operating funding for “The six-year Capital Improvement Plan
of Education even 1, 2023, and totals Calvert County Public Schools at $141.3 (CIP) totaling $501.4 FY 2024-2029. Edu-
though they are ask- $374.0 million for million, which is level funding compared cation (school construction/renovation/
ing more than $22 million expenditures and rev- to FY2023. systemic repairs) accounts for the largest
more from the county and even enues. The staff budget “The State of Maryland passed HB1450 category totaling $112.3 million of the CIP
though almost $10 million of that is includes $41.4 million use of in 2021, which revises the Maintenance budget, as we focus significant resources
funding required by the state as part of the Prior Year Fund Balance because expen- of Effort (MOE) requirements. There are on the renovations/additions of Beach Ele-
Blueprint education reform. ditures exceed revenues. The staff rec- several items that need to be finalized mentary and Northern Middle Schools.
But Calvert County Commissioner Pres- ommended budget prioritizes education, before moving forward with the new MOE In the CIP budget, the Enterprise Fund is
ident Buddy Hance notes that the hearing public safety, capital investments and calculation. the next largest group budgeted at about
is just the beginning of the process. The maintaining a high level of service to our “The Other Post-Employment Benefits $106.7 million.”
county still doesn’t know what revenue to community. This budget reflects an expen- (OPEB) contribution of $752 thousand. The Staff Recommended Budget hear-
expect, how much Dominion will be pay- diture increase of $31.9 million as com- The full actuarial determined contribution ing on March 21 will be at 7 p.m. in the
ing after rhe phaseout of the Payment in pared to the FY 2023 General Fund budget will be adjusted and reflected in the FY Commissioners Hearing Room, located
Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) and how much the of $342 million. 2024 budget once the calculation is final- in the Calvert County Circuit Courthouse,
state will be paying for the Blueprint. “ The primary decrease in General Fund ized. $3.0 paving program. A General Fund Second Floor, at 175 Main St. in Prince
The staff budget does include $41.4 mil- revenues is due to the Payment in Lieu of contribution of $12.7 million to the capital Frederick.
lion from prior year’s fund balance that Tax (PILOT) agreement the Cove Point projects fund.
can presumably be applied to the school liquified natural gas facility that will tran- “An additional $12.7 million in new
board and other requests, leaving it up to sition from a PILOT to a 42 percent tax requests requested by staff and $22.4 from
the commissioners in the end to make all credit on July 1, 2023. As we prepare for Calvert County Public Schools but are not

Next Year’s School Calendar Adopted

Includes an August 24 opening
By Dick Myers in advance. And it seems like we’re not giv- but follows it anyway because schools are
Staff Writer ing enough notice at this time. If this calen- used as polling places.
dar starts next year, it seems like we need to She further explained, “The
The Calvert County Board of Education make these kinds of changes sooner.” negotiated agreements talk about
has approved a calendar for the next school Jacobs said they plan on starting the cal- 10-month staff working 190
year with an early start date of Thursday, endar deliberations earlier in the future. days, 12-month staff 245 days.”
Aug. 24. The vote to accept the recommen- Board member Dawn Balinski, who The agreement also calls for
dation of the committee which developed supported the calendar presented, said she six, two-hour early dismissal
the calendar was 2-1, with board mem- had personally heard from teachers who or late start days, which are
ber Lisa Grenis opposing. Vice President supported the earlier start. “Our kids are designated as “work time for
Antoine White and member Jana Post were back for sports anyway,” she was told. teachers. Teacher work time
not in attendance. Balinski added regarding problems with within the calendar is typically
Director of System and Instructional vacation schedules, “It is unfortunate that scheduled around the marking
Performance Jackie Jacobs explained, “The people may have already booked. That is period for teachers to finalize
early start date was proposed as a way to unfortunate. And you know, in Maryland, their grades,” Jacobs said.
add some flexibility within the calendar in they should have been wary about Labor There are 13 of those half days
response to the changing of state assess- Day anyway, because at one point the built into next year’s calendar, down
ments, with some state assessments starting governor told us when to start. So, we’ve from 15 this year. They include two
earlier, trying to get in school a little bit had this bouncing back and forth between half days at the end of the school year, two
earlier before those testings were to occur.” Labor Day and before Labor Day.” for graduations, and one for parent con-
Jacobs said of the 70 responses received Jacobs explained what goes into devel- ferences on Columbus weekend. would be incredibly challenging to tackle.
during the comment period, 55 wanted a oping the calendar. She said state law The number of half days also drew neg- So, thank you.”
start after Labor Day or at least no earlier requires students to be in school for 180 ative comments from sone survey respon- Jacobs responded, “It was a lot of com-
than the week of Aug. 28. days within a 10-month period and, “may dents and also were questioned by Grenis bined effort, and we had some great discus-
Jacobs said, “A few suggested that the not be open on Saturdays, Sundays, and and Balinski. sions and really talking through what are
community would like more notice if the holidays. The holidays are Thanksgiving The calendar also has three built-in snow the constraints versus what are some things
system were to start earlier than the last Day and the day after, Christmas Eve, and days and Grenis suggested they would be that we can do to make it the best calendar
week of August.” then through January 1st, Martin Luther better served for in-school instead of the we can.”
Grenis agreed. She said, “If it gets King, Jr. Day, President’s Day, the Friday two half days at the end of the year, when
approved now, parents may have already before Easter, and from then through Mon- learning is difficult.
made arrangements for vacations or camps day after Easter, Memorial Day, and pri- A point on which Grenis and Balinski
that are non-refundable. Vacations, for mary and general election days. agreed – calendar building is difficult. Gre-
example, are scheduled months if not a year Calvert is exempted for election days nis said to Jacobs, “This is one job I think
Thursday, March 16, 2023 Calvert County Times Calvert Local News 6

Historic District Sought for Solomons House

to recommend the designation of the Vail fisherman on the Patuxent River.”
House Historic District at their meeting on Dan Baker’s great-grandfather owned
March 8, 2023.” the house. He is safety officer for county
The Maryland Historic Trust said of government and gave the commissioners
the Vail House, also known as the John some of the house’s history at the meeting.
R. Lankford House, “This extraordinary Baker said that Captain Vail, when he
house faces west onto Solomons Island came down the Potomac River and around
Road. It is a late-nineteenth-century two- to the Patuxent, saw the property and “fell
story framed Queen Anne house, the most in love. He wanted to build a house there.
architecturally pretentious house to sur- The first house was out on the front next
vive from the Victorian era in Solomons. to the biological lab. The biological lab
Set on a brick foundation, it is a two-story has the old house now.” He added, “They
framed and weatherboarded structure with used to live there first and then they had the
a wood-shingled steep pyramidal roof. It big house built. All the wood came from
is square in plan and has a brick chimney Hooper’s Island. In the original pictures
located at its center. Asymmetrical archi- we donated to the museum, it’s just a big
tectural elements include a half-round stair potato field as far as you can see.”
bay set onto the north side of the house, a Baker said in the 1970’s there was an
second story bowed window sheltered by a open house and his grandfather “took me
front-facing gable that is embellished with room to room (to explain) whose room this
sawn and turned woodwork and -- most was. They got the first oil heat or gas heat in
prominently -- a cylindrical southwest cor- the county. They had the first running water
ner tower with a conical wood-shingled in the house. And that was a big thing. “
The Vail House roof. The west and south sides of the house “Baker added, “When you go up the spi-
are sheltered by a one-story hipped-roof ral staircase going upstairs…they have all
By Dick Myers At the commissioners’ March 14 meet- porch supported on Doric columns with the glass on the windows,” adding, “It was
Staff Writer ing, Historic Preservation Planner Chris- rails and balusters between them. The front all hand blown. And my grandfather would
topher Sperling explained, “Mr. Donald center of the porch is emphasized by a give ne titbits on this and that and different
Owners of one of the most recognizable P. McDougall applied for Historic District front-facing gable. A wooden picket fence things. But I’m glad to see him preserve it.”
houses on Solomons Island have applied designation for the property to be known encompasses the lot.”
for a Historic District designation. The as the Vail House at 14280 South Solo- The trust in their survey said, “This house
county commissioners and planning com- mons Island Road, Solomons,” adding, was built in 1902 for Captain Philip T. Vail,
mission will schedule a joint work session “The Historic District Commission (HDC) a native of Oyster Bay on Long Island in
to discuss the request. voted 6-0, with one member not voting, New York. Vail was a successful pound net



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5 Calvert Local News Calvert County Times Thursday, March 16, 2023

High School Principals Defend the ‘Playbook’

By Dick Myers added. More than 40 students were selected data weekly from the time
Staff Writer to go to the Super Bowl, which was paid that we put these students in
for by the company that runs the program. the program. We looked at
Calvert County’s four high school prin- Johnson explained, “The Playbook that data weekly, we commu-
cipals defended the controversial “Play- experience included a full school motiva- nicated weekly with School
book” program during a presentation at tional session with Dr. Eric Thomas and Days Foundation (program
the March 9 school board meeting. School his team. He provided an in-person session presenter), and then the stu-
board member Lisa Grenis asked the prin- with each of the 50 students at each school. dents were selected maybe
cipals a number of questions during the He did a parent session with the selected about three weeks before the
presentation and later suggested the board students. He had in-person optional session Super Bowl. We started defin-
look for cheaper alternatives. with high school staff. And the experience ing who those students would
Chief Academic Officer Dr. Susan John- also included the youth outreach exposure. be. And then, once we got
son explained, “Program expectations are And these are opportunities that occur out- closer and closer, we defined
about increasing literacy, developing lead- side the normal school day, allowing stu- five students for my school. It
ership skills, and developing team build- dents to connect and network with peers. worked out perfectly because
ing skills. And the overall goals are for Some of those opportunities included Sat- when we drilled down and we
students to maintain a positive outlook in urday morning movies. They had the book started looking at the students,
their academics, in their behavior, and in mobile at different sessions. And then, we five of our students stood out,
their attendance. The overall goal with the have also the Super Bowl experience.” they maintained their aca-
program also was to identify a group of 50 Grenis said, “I had the pleasure meet- demics. their grades stayed
students with the most needs and provide ing with all the principals to get their at par. Either they stayed the
them with the necessary support through perspective, and they seem very positive same or they increased, and
monthly Playbook sessions, focused on about it, but I’ve also had the pleasure we had no issues with them
goal setting, meeting goals, and increasing of talking to community and teachers and with behavior.”
literacy. And the outcome of those meet- hearing on their side. So, there are posi- Regarding mentoring of
ings would be that our students would be tive and negative.” the students chosen for the The Playbook’s Dr. Eric Thomas
increasing their achievement and decreas- She asked the criteria for identifying the program, Huntingtown High
ing the number of days absent that they had students who got to go to the Super Bowl. School Principal Beth Morton said, “I we try to target those groups that are where
and decreasing their referrals.” Calvert High School Principal Darrel created a Schoology folder. And so that’s there is an achievement gap and try to use
Johnson said, “At the beginning, 197 Prioleau explained, “It was based on the one way that we communicate with fam- this as a support to try and neutralize that.”
students were identified for the program. parameters that we set at the beginning of ilies and with the kids. I’m trying really With the school board asking the county
And at the end of the second marking the school year. We looked at the atten- hard to communicate directly with the for more than $22 million more in the next
period, there were 176 students in the pro- dance, their behavior and their academ- students. They’re young adults and we’re fiscal year, in part due to state-mandated
gram.” Some dropped out and others were ics. We monitored and we collected that trying to build that sense of responsibil- programs, the Playbook, or whatever suc-
ity and then each AP (assistant principal) ceeds it, could be a target, Grenis still has

calls up and meets with their students, concerns, noting the budget includes an

reminds them about the meetings and increase from $344,000 to $860,000. “I
talks to them. So, we’re continuing that really would like a commitment as to what

NVAt GraIdO N through the rest of the year, to continue that money is being used for.”
focusing on that goal setting and focusing
on bringing your GPA up.”
She added, “I’m not against the premise
of the Playbook, but I wonder if it can be

Regarding the individualized attention, done more cost efficiently. Instead of hav-

c For Proje c
Grenis observed, “This just speaks loud ing the big money really going for these
and clear to me that smaller class sizes and motivational speakers that are virtual,
more staff in the building is going to have could we not find local people that could
a huge impact.” come in and speak on behalf of going
SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 2023 Northern High School Principal Ste- through hardships and overcoming it?”
Doors Open at 7:30 p.m. Show Starts at 8 p.m. phen Williams said, “For every program “We might not be able to send them to
Huntingtown High School Auditorium, 4125 Solomons Island Road, Huntingtown
there’s going to be failure, depending upon the Super Bowl, but we could certainly
For more information, contact the Calvert Alliance Against Substance Abuse at 410-535-3733.
how you look at it, but if you’re looking at send them to King’s Dominion or even
it from the lens of the student and looking a Ravens game at a fraction of the cost,”
at their growth from where they started to she opined.
TICKETS where they’re ending, there’s been signif- Board President Inez Claggett said that
icant gains.” had been tires before. “it’s hard finding
$35 in advance
As to reaction of students not in the community members to actually come into
$45 at the door
(cash and check only) program, Patuxent High School Princi- the schools to speak to the students as well
CHRIS FRANJOLA is a writer and comedian who can currently be heard
hosting his highly successful podcast, “Cover To Cover With Chris Franjola.” $25 for CAASA members pal Anthony Barone said, “I think it starts as to be mentors,” she asserted.
and students 13-18
He’s a frequent contributor on Heather McDonald’s wildly successful
podcast, “Juicy Scoop.” Chris was a regular panel guest on “Lights Out with
with how the students who were chosen. I Townsel responded to the budget con-
David Spade” on Comedy Central and on Fox’s gameshow “Punchline.”Chris Available for think we were very equitable. We brought cerns: “The money is not specifically for a
was also a writer and a regular performer on E!’s hit show “Chelsea Lately” purchase at: in all stakeholders, the athletic director, program. It’s to support behavior in Calvert
for eight years. Together with the talented writing staff, Chris wrote more (cash and check only)
than 1,500 episodes while performing on the show. Before “Chelsea Lately,”
Chris wrote for other shows, including “Family Guy,” the MTV Video Music CAASA Office
the counselors, the VPs there. Being a new County Public Schools, multiple programs
Awards and the original “Chelsea Handler Show.”He also starred on the Prince Frederick principal to the building, I didn’t have the and opportunities that are available. We
critically acclaimed scripted comedy series “After Lately,” which aired for
three seasons on E!. He was the host of the “Sons of Anarchy” aftershow Floral Expressions same expertise in these students as they just need a budget so we can do it. Previ-
“Anarchy Afterword,” airing live on FX. Owings did. We really targeted what the students ously, there’s nothing, there’s no budget, so
MATT BERGMAN has been honing his comedy craft since he was in Tickets may also be needed, equity versus equality. Some stu- we’re just trying to figure things out. It is
college pursuing a degree in criminal justice. After graduating, he realized
he was afraid of criminals and decided stand-up comedy was the way to purchased online at: dents need more than what we’re offering. not specific to the Playbook. The Playbook
go. Bergman is easily relatable and versatile, a skillset that has opened the
door to tv appearances on Gotham Comedy Live, Comedy Central Live
CAASAcomedyinvasion When (Superintendent) Dr. Townsel first was done this year.”
and a Dry Bar Comedy Special. His recent album “Approbation Constante”
was called “really tough to purchase” by his mother who still doesn’t quite
proposed this idea, we thought about it as But Townsel said the budget cost was
understand iTunes. a motivational piece for those students that arrived at by adding middle schools to
TIM D. MILLER is a master at engaging audiences and crafting a stand-up we’ve struggled to reach before or strug- what the high schools cost this year for
set that is a guaranteed good time for all. Tim’s material is based on his
life experience from Waco to the Army to the White House, trying to raise
gled to untap their full potential. And we the Playbook.
a daughter and his unique ability to find the funny in everyday life. Tim saw this as a way to do that. I know when
has appeared on TRU TV and in 2019 he performed at Comedy Central’s
Clusterfest. He is the producer and host of “Read the Room,” a crowd work you look at our demographics at Patuxent,
Thursday, March 16, 2023 Calvert County Times Calvert Local News 4

Prince Frederick to Get New Centerpiece

Loop Road Study Proposed
By Dick Myers for the project came from “the Maryland estimates “to go from where it ends now to
Staff Writer Department of Commerce and adminis- Route 4 above Stoakley Road.”
tered by five rural regional councils to Cosgrove said, “Correct. It’s a good
The Prince Frederick Town Center will boost the economic development activity, section of road. You’re going to wrap
be getting a new centerpiece. stimulate private sector investment, and to around the hospital, come out on Route 4.
Capital Projects Analyst Veronica Atkin- create jobs in the state’s rural regions.” There’ll be some state highway improve-
son told the Calvert County Board of Also in the public works capital bud- ments. There’ll also be a wetlands cross-
County Commissioners (BOCC) at their get is money to study the feasibility of an ing back there.”
March 7 meeting that included in next eastern bypass of the town center. Acting So, Hance asked where the $8 mil-
year’s proposed capital budget, “is the Director of Public Works J.R. Cosgrove lion estimate came from. Cosgrove said,
Armory Square Development project; this said it’ll cost $1 million for the “north- “That’s just a rough estimate on basically
project was recently awarded 100 percent east segment of Chesapeake Boulevard. the length of what we’re currently seeing
grant funding. This project will fall under That’ll add to the existing capital project improvements cost today. These are just
the Department of Public Works Capital that we have there, to help fund building rough estimates that were in the budget
Division. The project was awarded $60,000 the remaining portion of Fox Run Boule- from years ago. We haven’t updated the out
in FY 2023 and an additional amount of $2 vard between the high school and the mid- years (beyond six years) yet because we
million was awarded for Fiscal Year 2024, dle school area along with design money don’t really have a design or nailed down
for the design and construction of a multi- for looking at expanding Chesapeake Bou- the exact alignment, to figure it out.”
use open-air pavilion.” levard towards the north area as the plan “We know roughly where it’s going to
According to Public Information Pro- calls for.” go, but when you get started getting up
gram Manager Sarah Ehman, “The pavil- Of the $1 million, Cosgrove said, “This around the hospital, there’s three different
ion will be located on the site of the armory is starting design and looking into acquisi- options to help reduce the impact on the
building, which is currently owned by the tion of land.” environment,” he added. Acting Public Works Director J.R. Cosgrove
county. We don’t have a rendering available Commissioner President Buddy Hance He said the study could help mail down
at this time; plans include a commercial asked the total cost of construction. Cos- the cost but also land acquisition will play erty owner is willing to sell and if we can
kitchen, restrooms and a grassy area sur- grove answered, “It depends on which. We a key role. even move forward with it or not,” Cos-
rounding the pavilion to support a variety have three different alignments. You’re “The worst part with any of these road grove added.
of events including a farmers market, com- probably looking in today’s money, prob- improvements is land acquisition. You can
munity events, arts and entertainment.” ably about $8 million at least.” never nail how long that’ll take because it
Atkinson told the BOCC that the funding Hance said he had seen much higher kind of comes down to whether the prop-

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3 Calvert Local News Calvert County Times Thursday, March 16, 2023

County Government to Take Over

Annemarie Garden
By Dick Myers
Staff Writer

The Calvert County Board of County

Commissioners (BOCC) has accepted a
proposal presented by County Administra-
tor Mark Willis to bring the operation of
Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Cen-
ter (AMG) within county government. The
commissioners agreed to the concept by con-
sent with the details to be worked out later.
Willis noted in his memo to the BOCC
that the venue “requested that their organiza-
tion be realigned into Calvert County Gov-
ernment (CCG), using the Calvert Marine
Museum (CMM) as a model, similar to
incorporating CMM into CCG in the 1980s.”
Willis said, “Staff reviewed several
organizational options to onboard AMG;
they include:
1. “County Administration Oversight –
Direct reporting structure to the County
Administrator – Requested by AMG.
2. “New Department of Arts & Museums
– the Department would include CMM, agency currently in the county budget, “Their agreement or their desire to contrib- to do everything. We want to continue to
the Railway Museum and AMG. receiving $366,000 this year. His proposal ute the way that they did really came to an be a partner.”
3. Potential realignment to existing was to put $1 million for AMG in the pro- end a few years ago.” Hann-Ruff noted, “The people of
departments: posed county budget next year as a place- He said AMG Executive Director Stacey Calvert County own the facility. And there
a. Department of Parks & holder, with the BOCC deciding that when Hann-Ruff approached him with the idea. are some things that we need help with in
Recreation. they finalize the budget. She briefed the commissioners on their his- taking care of it. But we want to continue
b. Department of Economic The operation of AMG has been under tory and how they came to that point. to do all the programs that we do.”
Development.” a foundation since the land on which it sits Hann-Ruff explained the cooperation She said in Fiscal Year 2022 they had
Willis said AMG is the largest outside was donated to the county. But Willis said, between the county, the foundation and almost 100,000 visitors. “We’re doing
AMG’s fundraising arm, Anne’s Circle, our part to serve our community, to bring

Bowen's Grocery
has been in place for years. “I’m proud tourists to our region. We love tourists.
of the fact that we’ve actually had a very We want them to come down and spend
cordial and cooperative relationship and all their money in Solomons, in Calvert
Family Owned & Operated Since 1929 partnership, and we’ve accomplished an County, and then go home and tell their
incredible amount in two decades.” friends what a great time they had.”
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“It’s tremendous, the transformation in Commissioner Catherine Grasso
USDA Choice Beef operations and staffing,” she said. “We’ve reacted: “There’s a lot of creativity there.
turned it into something truly to be proud And I don’t want to see a government
“Our Own” Freshly Ground Chuck of. And that is a reflection of our partner- involvement that would ever squash what
ship that I think has been so productive. So you all have done and want to continue to
Steaks • Pork Chops • Fresh Chicken the way I see this is really renegotiating and do. So, I had a conversation with adminis-
rethinking what the partners are doing.” trator Willis to see how this would all play
FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, MEAT, PRODUCE She noted, “Some of this did come about out. And I think it’s worked for the Calvert
Berger & Otterbein's Fresh MD Crab Meat because there have been changes with the
Koenig Private Foundation.” She said the
Marine Museum, hasn’t it? Yes. So that
was my only concern at all. I want to see
Specialty Cookies Lump • Jumbo Lump funding from thar founding organization you all continue to flourish in that part of
started by Francis and Ann Marie (their it, for us to stay out of it.”
Frozen Crab Cakes namesake) Koenig ended in 2019. Commissioner Mike Hart said, “I think
From Dalys Seafood Hershey’s “BEST” Since then, she said, “We’ve actually
done a great job adjusting to that. We were
what you guys have done has proven that
you have a successful model. You know,
Full Service Meat Department Hand-Dipped Ice Cream pretty aggressive before, but we got a lot it’s kind of like, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix
Custom Orders Welcome 12 Taste Tempting Flavors more aggressive with grants and other it. I think you’re doing really well. So, I
funding options. We’ve got a terrific devel- think where we can come into place is to
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Hot Soups Salad Pints • Ice Cream Cakes Ann’s Circle board. I’m proud of what we Commissioner President Buddy Hance
Sandwiches did to adjust to all of that. You all stepped was inclined to initially put AMG under

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up as well.” the county administrator like Calvert
She said Anne’s Circle was created Marine Museum.
Hot & Cold Desserts “because we knew we needed community He said, “When we first talked about
Delivered Weekly input into the operation of what we were this, I said, there’s no way we’re going to
Hot Lunch Specials Large Variety doing, programs and events. We wanted to let Annamarie fail. So today we’re just
Available Monday - Friday make sure we were serving the community.” starting that path to formalize and make
“This is my selfish side,” Hann-Ruff you all stable, but I just warn you, there’s
WINE • COLD BEER LOCAL HONEY said. “What I see being part of the county
can bring is some inner stability. I’m really
going to be bumps in the road.”
But he added, “I have struggled person-
EXCHANGEABLE PROPANE TANKS proud of everything we’ve done.” ally with creating a whole new department
4300 Hunting Creek Rd • Huntingtown, Maryland She added, “We are creative and we are to oversee three museums. And this is my
scrappy as an organization, but I think we personal opinion.”
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MON-FRI 6 AM - 8 PM • SAT-SUN 7 AM - 9 PM We’re not coming to you all expecting you
Thursday, March 16, 2023 Calvert County Times 2



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Calvert high school principals defend “Play- Annemarie Garden to be taken over by
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Historic District Sought

for Solomons House
Principals Defend
the ‘Playbook’
Prince Frederick to Get
New Centerpiece

County Takes Over

Annmarie Garden

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