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Research 1.4

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Detailed Lesson Plain in English

Grade level: 10 Time Frame: 1 hour

Teacher: Date:

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to do the following:
a. use schema as basis for inferences made about a text;
b. differentiate your uniqueness to others;
d. relate another account of experience to text read.

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Wonder by R.J. Palacio

b. Reference: Wonder (Book) by R.J. Palacio,
c. Materials: powerpoint presentation, illustration board, cartolina

III. Procedure:

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

 Greetings and Prayer

 Monitoring the cleanliness of the room
 Checking of attendance
 Preparatory exercises: (The students will follow)
 (Video presentation-Dance Exercise)
 Review of the previous lesson

B. Pre-Reading
1. Review
Let’s have a short recap of what we have Our lesson yesterday was all about
discussed last time. Who can tell something cohesive devices.
about our topic yesterday?

What are cohesive devices? Cohesive devices are words or phrases

used to link or to connect sentences and
Very Good! Who can enumerate the types of Repetition of Key Terms or Phrases
cohesive devices? Synonyms
Transitional Words

I hope that the things that we have studied

previously are very clear to everyone.

2. Motivation

(The teacher will present a white slide with a X

in the middle)

What can you see? (The pupils will raise their hands.)

Yes, Robert? I can see letter X in the middle.

Okay. Any other answers?

Yes, Ana? I can see someone holding a white


Very good observation!

Most of you noticed the letter X, and few

answered the white paper. Do you want to Yes, Ma’am!
know what symbolizes the paper and the X?

The X symbolizes the imperfections of the

individual, while the white paper shows the
individual as a whole. As you can see the paper
is bigger than the X but most of you saw the X
over the paper and that means we tend to see
the flaws of others over the beauty they has to
offer. Now, after leaving this premise later I want
you to reflect on it.

What will you do if you saw someone who Answers may vary. Some possible
looks like them? answers are:

-I will talk to them and treat them like


-I will protect them if they were being

bullied by others.

Very good! Any other answer?

If you saw someone who has the same

condition with this children treat them well,
because like us they are just normal well-being
who are doing their best to live their life. Don’t
be someone who will bring their confidence
down by judging or mocking them.

1. Presentation of the Lesson

So, the story that we are about to tackle is

somewhat related to the questions and photos
I showed you.

Are you excited to know more about the story?

Yes Ma’am!

That's good.
Our story for today is entitled: "Wonder” by R.J.
The Pullman
Let us know first who are the main
characters of the story. Kindly read them. August/ Auggie, Via, Isabel,

Nate Auggie’s friends

Summer and Jack

Justin, Miranda and Julian

2. Giving the Author’s


But before we start, let us first have a brief Answers may vary. Some possible
information about the author. Who among you answers are:
know R.J. Palacio?
-Her birth name is Raquel Jaramillo

-Her debut work is the novel “Wonder”

which became a New York Times
bestseller list since March, 2012.

Very Good!

3. Giving the Story’s Background

Palacio's 2012 book, "Wonder," tells

the story of 10-year-old Auggie Pullman, a
fictional boy with facial differences, and his
experiences in everyday life dealing with the
condition. The book was inspired by a real-life
encounter, Palacio had with a child who had a
Treacher Collins Syndrome.

4. Unlocking of Difficulties

As you go through the parts of the story you will

encounter some high sounding words so for
better understanding of the text let us identify
the meaning of the following words through
context clues. I will give a sentence and you will Ok Ma’am.
find the meaning of each word. Raise your
hand if you are confident in your answer.

a. Not receiving proper

Deformity attention

Plague b. Unsettled or

c. a deformed part,
Neglect especially of the body

d. A contagious
Dilemma bacterial disease

Disconcert e. A difficult situation

or problem

Deformity, letter c- a deformed part,

1. The injury resulted in a deformity of the hip
joint. especially of the body

What is the answer? Yes, Jayson?

2. Nearly a third of the population died in the Plague letter d - A contagious bacterial
great plague. disease.

What is the answer? Yes, Mark? Excellent!

Neglect letter a- Not receiving proper
3. She neglected her job. attention.

Yes Kenneth? What’s your answer?

Very good!

Dilemma letter e- A difficult situation or

4. I’m in a dilemma about this job offer.

Yes, Emman? What is the answer?

5. Peter seemed disconcerted

and embarrassed.
Disconcert letter b- Unsettled or
Naeomi? confused
You got it!
(The students will do the very good
Let’s give your classmates a Very Good Clap!

C. Reading Proper

I will divide the class into five groups. Each

group will be given a task and will have to focus
on a part of the story that is assigned to your
group. Each group will be given ten minutes to
read and comprehend the part that was given
to them. Afterwards, one of their members will
tell us what happened in that part of the story.

None, Ma’am!
Any questions or clarification before we will
start counting?

(After counting, the students will gather and

have their meeting to discuss the part they
Yes, Ma’am.

Are you ready?

Group 1: They will read the first and second


Group 2: They will read the third and fourth


Group 3: They will read the fifth and sixth


Group 4: They will read the seventh and eighth


Group 5: They will read the ninth paragraph.

D. Post Reading
(After 10 minutes)

(Each group will tell what happened to the

paragraph they have in front.)

Group 1 please go now in front and tell us what


(tells their part)

(After their task:)

Now your questions are: Answers may vary, the following are
possible answers.

 Why does August Pullman having

a difficulty for making friends? -He was having a difficulty making
friends because of his deformity

 What will you do if you are in Auggie - I will tell Jack Will that he needs to
and you heard what Jack Will said? be kind and not insult people having

- I will walk out and will not talk to

Jack anymore.

Next group. Let’s have the group

2. (tells their part)

- Via and Summer. Via is

 Who are the two perspectives in the
Auggie’s older sister while
paragraph and what is their
Summer is his newly found best
relationship with Auggie?

 If you were Via, are you going to get

mad with your parents for putting Auggie -I will try to understand them
first? Why and why not? especially Auggie because he is the
one who needed the attention the
most. Since I am in my high school, I
can take good care of myself.

Group 3, it’s your turn to show your work.

(tells their part)

 What did Jack felt when he realize that

- Jack felt terrible.
Auggie overheard him?

 If you were on Jack’s perspective, how - I will report him to the teacher
will you handle a classmate like that he is starting to bully
Julian? someone.

Group 4, go in front and tell us what you got.

(tells their part)

- She is ashamed of Auggie,

 Do you think Via is ashamed of his because she said she is the
brother? Do you agree with what she only child and she doesn’t want
did? anyone to know about Auggie’s
existence. I don’t agree with
what she did, because at the
end of the day Auggie is her
brother and she can’t do
anything about it.

- She pretended to be sick so

 What did Miranda do to patch up her
that Via can have the lead role
friendship with Via?
for the play.

Group 5, its time to deliver the idea of your


- Henry, Miles and Amos.

(tells their part)

Who rescued Auggie from the older

student they encountered in the woods?
- Aside from being smart, he is
determined though he fells
 What makes Auggie a wonder?
failing sometimes, but at the
end of the day he still chooses
to stand and face his
challenges with kindness.

Ok! Very good class! Give yourself an angel


Now, I will give you an activity. I want you to

think of five reasons why you are a wonder. I
will give you five minutes to do this activity.
Write your answers to the clouds.

IV. Generalization

What is the moral of the story? Yes Princess. - Be kind and courageous.
Don’t judge others based on
what you see, because you
don’t know the beauty that is
hidden within.

Correct! In what part/s did the characters shows

- When Summer chooses
Auggie over the popular one.

- When Jack defended Auggie.

- When Miranda gave up her

role for her friend Via.
- When Henry, Miles and
Amos rescued Auggie.

V. Evaluation

Explain it!

In a one whole sheet of paper, give your thoughts about the following quotation
from the book “Wonder”.

1. “When given the choice between being right or being kind choose kind.”
2. “It’s not enough to be friendly. You have to be a friend.”
3. “Learning who you are is what you are here to do.”

VI. Enhancement

Sing a Song.

With the same group, think of a song that you can relate with our story
“Wonder”. Perform it in front of the class.


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