Stevenson2000 PDF
Stevenson2000 PDF
Stevenson2000 PDF
Although children with autism often learn to answer questions and make requests, many do not
initiate or pursue conversation with others. In this study, audiotaped scripts were introduced and
then systematically faded to teach four boys with autism to converse with a target adult. A
multiple-probe design across participants was used to assess the number of scripted and un-
scripted interactions during Baseline I, Baseline II, Teaching, and Maintenance phases. The
intervention procedures increased unscripted interaction and the eects were maintained for 10±
92 sessions. Previous research has documented the favorable eects of fading written scripts for
children with reading skills. The current investigation demonstrates the eectiveness of
audiotaped scripts and script fading for children with autism who are nonreaders. Copyright
# 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
* Correspondence to: Lynn E. McClannahan, Princeton Child Development Institute, 300 Cold Soil Road,
Princeton, NJ 08540, USA. E-mail address:
Copyright # 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Behav. Intervent. 15: 1±20 (2000)
Script-fading procedure 3
the theme was, and what their role was'' ( p. 269)Ðwere present throughout the
study, but teachers did not model scripted responses.
In 1993, Krantz and McClannahan used written scripts that were system-
atically faded from end to beginning to promote peer initiations. Four children
with autism, ages 9±12, were taught to read and then say ten dierent scripts
about recently completed, current, and future activities. Scripts were faded in ®ve
phases, from end to beginning, by deleting words. As scripts were faded, both
unscripted initiations and responses to others' initiations increased. Although
there were only ten scripts, the children typically made many more than ten
initiations per session and recombined elements of the scripts to produce new,
unprompted and unscripted statements and questions. However, this use of
scripts was limited to youngsters with reading skills.
In a more recent investigation, Krantz and McClannahan (1998) used script-
fading procedures to increase the unscripted social interaction of three boys with
autism (ages 4, 4, and 5 years) who had minimal reading skills. Prior to the study,
the children were taught to read the words ``Look'' and ``Watch me'', and during
the teaching condition these textual cues were embedded in their photographic
activity schedules. After they learned to use the scripts, the boys' unscripted
interactions and conversational elaborations increased, and these gains were
maintained when the original recipient of interaction was replaced by a new
recipient. The textual cues ``Look'' and ``Watch me'' were then faded from end to
beginning by cutting away portions of the cards on which they appeared; after
the ®nal fading step, the children's unscripted interactions maintained and then
generalized to new activities that had never been the topic of teaching. This study
and its predecessor (Krantz & McClannahan, 1993) documented promising
procedures that enabled children with autism to initiate and participate in social
exchanges without verbal prompts from adults.
Our previous investigations assessed the eects of written scripts. The present
study was designed to examine the use of audiotaped scripts and script fading to
teach conversational skills to young people with autism who were nonreaders.
Interaction was never initiated by the conversational partner, and verbal
prompts, instructions, and questions were not used.
The participants were four boys who attended the Princeton Child
Development Institute's day school and intervention program for 5.5 h per
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4 C. L. Stevenson et al.
day, 5 days per week. All met the criteria for autism noted in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; American Psychiatric Associ-
ation, 1994) and autism was diagnosed by one or more outside agencies before
they were enrolled. Informed consent was obtained from each participant's
parent(s) prior to the study.
Rick, Mike, Brett, and John, ages 12, 15, 13, and 10 respectively, had been
enrolled in the program for 7±12 years, and required continuous supervision and
ongoing intervention. Age-equivalent scores on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary
Test were 6±9 and 5±0 for Rick and Brett (Form L), and 6±2 and 2±7 for Mike
and John (Form M). Age-equivalent scores on the Vineland Adaptive Behavior
Scales were 4±8, 5±0, 4±0 and 3±2 for Rick, Mike, Brett, and John respectively.
The youths had acquired limited expressive language repertoires and had
learned to mand (e.g., ``I want drink'', ``May I go to the bathroom?''); to greet
others (e.g., ``Hi, Mom''); and to use polite words and phrases such as ``please''
and ``thank you''. When verbally prompted, they responded to instructions or
questions with words, phrases, or simple sentences (e.g., ``Apple'', ``eat apple'',
or ``The boy is eating'', but they rarely engaged in spontaneous conversation,
except to make requests.
Prior to the study, the boys had learned to follow photographic activity
schedules (Krantz, MacDu, & McClannahan, 1993; MacDu, Krantz, &
McClannahan, 1993), and one youth had learned to sequence his activities by
choosing photographs from a display board and mounting them in his schedule.
The participants used activity schedules throughout the school day and followed
their schedules relatively independently, even when activities and materials were
resequenced (McClannahan & Krantz, 1999).
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Script-fading procedure 5
Master cards; because these photographs were identical, they did not suggest any
particular content of conversation, but merely cued participants to approach the
recipient of interaction and initiate interaction. Nonsocial activities were
represented by photographs of speci®c academic and leisure materials, such as
a picture of a vehicle puzzle or a picture of a tracing task. Photographs were
encased in plastic baseball-card holders and attached with Velcro to a yellow
foam display board. The 25 materials for nonsocial activities were randomly
assigned to ®ve groups and these groups were systematically rotated across
sessions. Also, photographs depicting the ®ve Language Master cards (the social
activities) and ®ve academic or leisure activities (the nonsocial activities) were
systematically rotated across ten positions on the display board. In all conditions
except Baseline I, an activity schedule book (a 15 18 cm binder containing ten
yellow pages covered with plastic page protectors and with small Velcro circles in
the center of each page) was placed on the desk below the display board.
Materials for nonsocial activities were located on a bookcase and the position
of materials was systematically rotated across sessions. During Teaching, the
Language Master and Language Master cards were placed on a legal-size
clipboard on the recipient's lap. The order of presentation of Language Master
cards was systematically rotated across sessions, thus changing the sequence of
audiotaped scripts.
Dependent Variables
Scripted 1, scripted 2 and unscripted interactions were de®ned as under-
standable statements or questions (i.e., verbal productions that included a noun
or pronoun and a verb) that were not prompted by another person asking a
question (e.g., ``Where do you go to school?'') or giving an instruction (e.g., ``Say
Ð Ð'' or ``Tell me about Ð Ð''). Statements or questions were scored as
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6 C. L. Stevenson et al.
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Script-fading procedure 7
such as ``Thank you'', ``Excuse me'', and ``Please, Ann''; responses to questions
or instructions (e.g., ``What?'', ``Okay'', ``No'', and ``Yes I do''); and requests
such as ``I want bathroom'' and ``May I have a tickle?'' These exclusions were
adopted because the participants had already acquired skills in greeting people,
using polite phrases, and manding. Although many such non-interactions
appeared in conversation during the study (and were not discouraged), they were
not scored as unscripted.
In addition, if a participant used a statement that included `understood'
nouns, pronouns, or verbs (e.g., ``Nice talking to you'') and then immediately
repeated the statement using the understood component (e.g., ``It's been nice
talking to you''), the repetition was scored as non-interaction. Finally, verbal
productions prompted by the teacher or the recipient of interaction were scored
as non-interaction. These exclusions were adopted in order to achieve a
conservative measure of unscripted interaction.
Experimental Conditions
Baseline I
The recipient of interaction (a familiar teacher) and observers were stationed
in adjacent corners of the room; they occupied these locations throughout the
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8 C. L. Stevenson et al.
Baseline II
When Teaching began, all materials were present. The activity schedule book
was on a desk, and the display board above the desk included ®ve photographs
of academic and leisure (nonsocial) activities; materials relevant to completing
these activities were arranged on the book shelves. The display board also
included ®ve photographs of Language Master cards, and Language Master and
cards were placed on a clipboard on the recipient's lap. This location was selected
in order to promote approaching the recipient.
The instructor stood behind the participant and used graduated guidance to
assist him in (a) opening the schedule book, (b) selecting a photograph from the
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Script-fading procedure 9
display board, (c) mounting the selected photograph on the page to which the
schedule was open, (d) obtaining the depicted materials, (e) completing the
activity (i.e., approaching the recipient, running a card through the Language
Master, and saying the statement or question most recently played on the
Language Master, or emitting the responses required to complete a nonsocial
activity such as a worksheet or puzzle), and ( f) returning materials to their
original locations, returning to the schedule book, and turning the page. The
instructor made every eort to use only the amount of guidance necessary to
achieve correct responses. For example, if a boy did not reach toward the display
board, his hand was guided toward the board, but not toward any particular
stimulus; only if he did not then make a selection was he guided to select a
During subsequent sessions, graduated guidance was replaced by spatial
fading; that is, the teacher gradually changed the location of manual prompts
from hands to forearms to elbow to shoulder (Cooper, 1987); this prompt-fading
procedure quickly enabled the boys to select their own sequences of activities.
Next, spatial fading was replaced by shadowing, and then proximity to the
participant was decreased. This most-to-least prompts hierarchyÐgraduated
guidance, spatial fading, shadowing, and decreased proximityÐachieved a
relatively errorless teaching procedure.
In order to prevent errors, the instructor reinstated the previous level of
prompting at which the participant was successful. For example, if the instructor
was shadowing a boy and observed that he was about to make an incorrect
response, such as beginning to reach toward materials that did not correspond to
a photograph, she returned to spatial fading. If she was using spatial fading and
noted that a participant who was about to turn a page of the schedule book was
holding two pages rather than one, she returned to graduated guidance.
Similarly, the instructor returned to the prior level of prompting in order to
correct errors. If she was shadowing and a boy made an incorrect response (e.g.,
returned materials to the bookshelf but put them on top of other materials,
rather than in the empty space that they previously occupied), she returned to
spatial fading; and if that was not sucient to correct the error, she moved back
to graduated guidance. If the instructor was using spatial fading and a
participant made an error (e.g., poked holes in a worksheet rather than writing
on it), she returned to a graduated guidance. Whether preventing or correcting
errors, as soon as a youth's performance stabilized, prompts were again faded in
the previously noted sequence.
The instructor was completely silent throughout Teaching, never using verbal
prompts. If a boy ran a card through the Language Master and did not repeat the
audiotaped script, he was manually guided to run the card through the Language
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10 C. L. Stevenson et al.
Master again (and again, if necessary). All four participants said target scripts
after running cards through the Language Master one to three times (but
typically one time), and verbal prompts were never required.
Throughout all conditions, the recipient of interaction responded to
participants with elaborations of their statements or questions (e.g., if the
participant said ``Do you like pizza?'' the recipient made comments such as
``Yes, I like cheese pizza'' or ``Yes, I go to Pizza Hut''), but never gave
instructions or asked questions. After recipient and participant had completed
approximately four exchanges, the recipient modeled a closing statement such as
``It's been nice talking to you'', ``Thanks for telling me that'', or ``Talk to you
later''. However, early in Teaching, all four boys began to use these statements,
with the result that they terminated conversation soon after it began. Thus, in
approximately two exchanges per session, the recipient used a continuation
statement such as, ``I'd like to tell you something else'' or ``I thought of another
thing to tell you''. Teaching sessions ended when a participant completed the ®ve
social and ®ve nonsocial activities that constituted the activity schedule. Early in
Teaching, when the boys were learning to follow the activity schedule and say the
scripts, some sessions lasted as long as 15 minutes; by the end of this condition,
sessions lasted 10 minutes or less.
Script fading began after at least one session in which no prompts were
delivered during nonsocial activities, and after three consecutive sessions in
which a participant said the Language Master scripts without prompts. Scripts
were faded from end to beginning by deleting words (see Table 1), and, as they
were faded, pictorial stimuli representing social activities were also faded by
cutting away portions of the photographs of Language Master cards. Only one
fading step was introduced in any session. In Step 7, when neither Language
Master nor Language Master cards were present, the remaining portions of the
pictorial stimuli were removed, leaving baseball-card holders with plain yellow
backgrounds. Finally, in Step 8, baseball-card holders and half of the display
board were removed; the remaining board showed only ®ve nonsocial activities
(exactly as in Baseline II).
Maintenance began after fading was completed and after three consecutive
sessions in the Teaching condition in which no prompts were delivered. No
prompts were delivered during Maintenance, and the instructor remained in a
corner of the classroom. Sessions ended after a participant completed his activity
schedule (10 minutes or less).
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Script-fading procedure 11
Interobserver Agreement
Prompted Responses
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12 C. L. Stevenson et al.
®rst interaction in the next interval. The slippage rule meant that agreement was
scored for interactions that were not recorded in the same interval if matching
responses were the last entry in an interval for one observer and the ®rst entry in
the next interval for the other observer. Agreement on non-interaction was
scored if both observers recorded a response that did not include a noun or
pronoun and a verb. Percentage interobserver agreement was calculated by
dividing the number of agreements by the number of agreements plus dis-
agreements, and multiplying by 100. Interobserver agreement on verbatim
recording of interactions was obtained for 75%, 66%, 51%, and 47% (mean
60%) of sessions during Baseline I, Baseline II, Teaching, and Maintenance
respectively; these data are shown in Table 2.
Mean interobserver agreement on the three primary variablesÐscripted 1,
scripted 2, and unscripted interactionÐwas at acceptable levels. Lower means
and ranges for non-interaction matched the experimenters' informal observation
that these verbal productions were often low volume and poorly articulated.
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Script-fading procedure 13
were scored as separate productions only if they ended with periods, question
marks, or exclamation points and if the ®rst word began with a capital letter
(e.g., ``Coke. 'Bye''). Interobserver agreement on coding of interactions was
obtained for 100%, 70%, 82% and 88% (mean 85%) of sessions during Baseline
I, Baseline II, Teaching, and Maintenance respectively (see Table 3).
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14 C. L. Stevenson et al.
Figure 1. Number of scripted 1, scripted 2, and unscripted interactions by each participant during
Baseline I, Baseline II, Teaching, and Maintenance conditions. Arrows 1±8 indicate fading steps.
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Script-fading procedure 15
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16 C. L. Stevenson et al.
and Brett continued to utter a few scripted 2 responses. John ceased using the
scripts after the ®fth fading step. All participants said 15 or more unscripted
statements or questions per session after script fading was completed. In add-
ition, all four boys emitted 15 or more unscripted responses per session in
Maintenance, when no prompts were delivered.
During teaching, the participants engaged in conversation on a variety of
topics. Content analysis revealed that Rick and Brett had recurrent topics of
conversation (e.g., going to McDonalds or watching movies), most of which were
modeled by the recipient early in this condition; they altered scripted responses
to engage in these unscripted interactions. For example, Rick changed the script
``What is your favorite food?'' to ``What is your favorite movie?'' and Brett
changed the script ``I like to eat pizza'' to ``I like to roller-skate''.
As noted earlier, the recipient modeled closing statements after approximately
four verbal exchanges. Thus, all four boys quickly learned to end conversations
by saying ``Bye'' or making other types of closing statements, such as ``Talk to
you later'' or ``Nice talking to you''. By the ®rst session in teaching for Mike and
John, and the second and third session for Rick and Brett respectively, the
participants began to end conversations on their own initiative, usually before
four exchanges had occurred. When this happened, the recipient sometimes used
a continuation statement such as ``I thought of something else''. The pattern of
ending interactions after only one or two exchanges may have been a result of the
recipient's models, may have served as escape responses that terminated social
interactions that the participants found dicult, or may simply underline the
boys' severe conversational skill de®cits. In retrospect, it may be important to
provide more experience with conversation before modeling closing statements.
The boys' choices of social and nonsocial activities were measured after the
third teaching session, and after each participant completed all fading steps
(after sessions 41, 59, 83, and 92). Choice was de®ned as the number of social and
nonsocial tasks completed when a participant was presented with ten social and
ten nonsocial activities and a schedule that allowed him to select ten of 20
available activities. Observers recorded the number of social and nonsocial tasks
completed, using a continuous event recording system in 1-min intervals.
Results varied by participant. Rick chose only nonsocial activities. Mike
alternately chose nonsocial and social activities. In both assessments for Brett,
he ®rst selected ®ve social activities and then ®ve nonsocial tasks, an
arrangement that he also consistently followed in teaching sessions. Finally,
John picked eight nonsocial and two social tasks during the ®rst probe and three
nonsocial and seven social tasks in the second assessment. Interobserver agree-
ment on number and order of social and nonsocial tasks completed was 100%
for all participants in all sessions. The data on activity choice were idiosyncratic
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Script-fading procedure 17
across participants, and only Rick's choices implied a preference for nonsocial
activities, the pattern that one might predict based on the de®nition of autism.
The measurement procedure was sensitive to participants' repetitions of their
own statements and questions, but did not assess whether the recipient's
responses were echoed. In order to examine echolalic responses, three Teaching
and Maintenance sessions (sessions 61, 75, and 91) were audiotaped and scored
by independent observers. One hundred percent agreement was obtained for
transcribing and scoring audiotaped responses for all participants in each taped
session. The analysis showed that Rick said 21, 20, and 28 non-echolalic state-
ments or questions during the three taped sessions. Mike said ®ve non-echolalic
responses in each session, Brett exhibited eight, 11, and nine non-echolalic
statements per session, and John produced ®ve non-echolalic responses in each
audiotaped session. Although three participants often echoed the recipient, they
were, nevertheless, responding to her, practising turn taking, and practising
statements that were sometimes used in later conversation.
Echoic responses may be functional in promoting the conversation skills of
young people with autism, just as they have been shown to contribute to
the acquisition, generalization, and maintenance of receptive naming skills
(Charlop, 1983; Leung & Wu, 1997). Echoics frequently occur in infant
vocalizations and in the speech of persons learning a second language (Pierce &
Epling, 1995). It is not surprising that they are often observed in the speech of
children with autism whose verbal repertoires consist primarily of mands, and
who are making ®rst attempts to engage in conversation about shared topics.
Echoing another person's statement or question reinstates a stimulus (Bijou,
1993), perhaps facilitating the child's next response. Both anecdotal observation
and transcriptions of audiotaped sessions indicated that participants not only
repeated the recipent's statements, but also used them appropriately at other
times, and in later conversation.
As the study progressed, the boys looked more competent as interaction
partners; pauses before they initiated conversation and before they responded to
the recipient's statements appeared to be of shorter duration. Like the parents of
typical young children described by Hart and Risley (1999), the recipient ``made
eective the children's utterances that made sense, tolerated the mistakes of a
novice, (and) modeled and demonstrated the skills to be learned . . .'' ( p. 186).
Thus, the procedures used in the investigation set occasions for the participants
to contact and practice many dierent models of appropriate, contextual
language, and to practice conversational turn taking that was not interrupted by
verbal prompts.
At the conclusion of the study, a new set of scripts was introduced in the boys'
classroom. Social activities were embedded in their school activity schedules
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18 C. L. Stevenson et al.
(McClannahan & Krantz, 1999), and their regular teachers were trained to use
the intervention procedures included in the study. For example, teachers who
were recipients were trained not to ask questions or give directions, but to
provide contextual language models and to fade scripts at relevant times.
Classroom conversations were audiotaped and later transcribed and scored, and
the de®nition of unscripted interaction was revised to exclude echoic responses;
nevertheless, clinical data showed substantial increases in unscripted responses.
In addition, four dierent recipients were often available, and it was noted that
the youths quickly learned to seek out a dierent recipient if a particular teacher
was busy, suggesting that their interaction skills generalized across persons.
Although the study did not formally measure generalization of social
interaction skills across persons or settings, the assessment of unscripted inter-
action provided a dierent measure of generalizationÐthe occurrence of target
responses in training and nontraining conditions (Stokes & Baer, 1977). In
Baselines I and II, Teaching, and Maintenance, interaction was assessed before,
during, and after scripts were introduced and faded, and the data clearly show
that after scripts were faded and prompts were absent, interaction continued at
levels well above baseline.
It is dicult, in a journal article, to convey how the participants sounded when
they conversed with the recipient. Did they sometimes sound stilted and robotic?
The answer is unquestionably yes (and so do novice psychology lecturers,
travellers to Paris who have just completed a beginning course in French, and
many others who are learning new skills that require additional practice). If,
instead of saying a script, a participant changed only a noun (e.g., substituted
``Do you have a cat?'' for ``Do you have a pet?'') was that credited as unscripted
interaction? Yes, it was. These participants were essentially silent during
baseline; before the study, they did not initiate unless verbally prompted; and
their age-equivalent scores on a measure of receptive language ranged from 2±7
to 6±9.
What did they sound like when they conversed with the recipient? As in
previous studies (Krantz & McClannahan, 1993, 1998), we noted that responses
that were initially imitative often reappeared in spontaneous, generative speech.
For example, after saying the script, ``Pete likes to play Nintendo'', Brett
frequently imitated the recipient, who modeled statements such as ``You like to
go camping with Dad'', ``You sleep in a tent'', or ``You go to the museum''.
After scripts were faded, Brett made unscripted contextual statements such as ``I
go camping with a tent'', and ``I like to go to the museum with Dad''.
Building conversational language is a key issue in autism intervention.
Although many young people learn to mand and to verbally respond to others'
instructions or questions, their expressive language repertoires often appear to be
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Script-fading procedure 19
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