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Promoting Acquisition By: Journal 1

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In a comparison of incidental teaching and traditional training procedures, three language-delayed

autistic children were taught expressive use of prepositions to describe the location of preferred
edibles and toys. Traditional highly structured training and incidental teaching procedures were
used in a classroom setting, and generalization was assessed during free-play sessions. Results dearly
indicate that incidental teaching promoted greater generalization and more spontaneous use of
prepositions. These findings have important implications for language programming and teacher
training, suggesting that incidental teaching should be induded as a standard component of lan-
guage development curricula for autistic and other developmentally delayed children.
DESCRIPTORS: autistic children, incidental teaching, generalization, prepositions, language

An extensive body of research has documented be as follows: (a) traditional training is controlled
the effectiveness of traditional operant training pro- and paced by the teacher, who presents opportu-
cedures in promoting speech acquisition by autistic nities to respond that are separated by specified
children (Koegel, Rincover, & Egel, 1982; Lovaas, intertrial intervals; incidental teaching episodes are
1977; Lovaas & Newsom, 1976; Risley & Wolf, child-initiated, usually by requests or gestures for
1967; Wolf, Risley, & Mees, 1964). Hart and preferred items; (b) traditional training usually oc-
Risley (1968, 1974, 1975) adapted operant pro- curs in sit-down sessions, where the setting has
cedures for use in the course of children's ongoing been arranged to minimize distractions; incidental
play activities, and they demonstrated that inci- teaching takes place in the context of other activ-
dental teaching enhanced generalization of descrip- ities, where the environment indudes items of in-
tive language by disadvantaged preschoolers. Sim- terest among other naturally occurring stimuli; and
ilar generalization benefits resulted in extensions of (c) in traditional formats, teaching stimuli are typ-
incidental teaching procedures to autistic children ically teacher-selected items, and consequent stim-
(Carr & Kologinsky, 1983; McGee, Krantz, Ma- uli are often unrelated to teaching stimuli; stimuli
son, & McClannahan, 1983). used in incidental teaching are child-selected items,
Although there have been modifications of both and contingent access to these items is used as
procedures, the major distinctions between tradi- reinforcement. An additional distinction may be
tional and incidental teaching procedures appear to made in prompt strategies, with traditional lan-
guage training curricula making use of standard
This research was supported in part by a grant awarded prompts until the child has achieved a criterion
to the Princeton Child Development Institute by Father level of correct responding, whereas incidental
Flanagan's Boys' Home, Boys Town, Nebraska. Portions of teachers' prompts for elaborated language are var-
this paper were presented at the meeting of the Association
for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, D.C., ied according to the child's initiating responses.
December, 1983. Gail G. McGee is now at the Department Other in-context language training strategies
of Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mas- have also been found to be effective with devel-
sachusetts 01003.
We appreciate the assistance of Rona Blank, Deborah K. opmentally disabled children. Substantial general-
Griffith, Catherine Schulz, and Stanley Zalenski, and the ization resulted from use of (a) a "mand-model"
cooperation of Edward C. Fenske, Educational Program Co- technique with language-deficient preschool chil-
ordinator, Princeton Child Development Institute. dren (Rogers-Warren & Warren, 1980), (b) a
Reprints may be obtained from the Princeton Child De-
velopment Institute, P.O. Box 2013, Princeton, New Jersey "delay procedure" with severely language-delayed
08540. retarded children (Halle, Baer, & Spradlin, 1981),
GAIL G. McGEE et al.

(c) "loose training" with moderately retarded chil- METHOD

dren (Campbell & Stremel-Campbell, 1982), (d)
"natural language training" with nonverbal autis- Participants
tic children (Koegel & O'Dell, 1982), and (e) Three autistic boys who were enrolled in the
"embedded instruction" with developmentally de- day educational and treatment program of the
layed, severely language-disordered children (Neef, Princeton Child Development Institute participat-
Walters, & Egel, 1984). Although various com- ed. Children 1 and 2 had attended for less than 6
ponents of these procedures differed from standard months; Child 3, who was awaiting placement in
incidental teaching formats, each application in- one of the Institute's group homes, had attended
volved prompting language in the context of nat- the day program for 7½2 years. All three children
urally occurring stimuli. had functional, but severely delayed, expressive
It has frequently been suggested that incidental language, which was frequently echolalic and per-
teaching is more efficacious than traditional train- severative. The three boys were often ritualistic,
ing in facilitating generalized language use, but becoming inappropriate or disruptive when there
there has been little comparative research on these were changes in their daily routines.
procedures or on variations of the two approaches. Criteria for selecting participants were verbal
Williams, Koegel, and Egel (1981) showed that imitation skills and inability to use target prepo-
the use of functional response-reinforcer relations sitions correctly, as determined by scores on a 25-
increased teaching efficiency relative to the use of item screening test derived from the Boehm Kit
arbitrary reinforcers, and in other studies (Koegel Concept Cards (Boehm, 1976).
& O'Dell, 1982; Neef et al., 1984), language Child 1 was 8 years old at the time of the study.
training in a more natural setting produced acqui- In a recent evaluation he achieved a Peabody Pic-
sition and generalization of expressive speech by ture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) Mental Age Score
children who had made minimal progress in tra- of 3.5 and a Vineland Age Equivaleat Score of
ditional training conditions. Given the character- 2.2. His inappropriate behaviors induded noncon-
istic generalization deficits displayed by autistic textual laughing, tantrums, and self-stimulatory
children (Koegel & Rincover, 1974; Lovaas, Koe- behaviors such as hair twirling and fingerplay. His
gel, Simmons, & Long, 1973), well-controlled expressive speech consisted primarily of brief re-
comparative information on strategies to remediate quests ("water toy"), prompted statements, and
such deficits appears to be central to effective lan- echolalic responses ("Say I do"). Child 1's verbal-
guage programming. izations were characterized by severe articulation
Our study was a direct comparison of traditional problems.
and incidental teaching procedures for language- Child 2 was 6 years old. He scored 3.0 on the
delayed autistic children. The two instructional PPVT, and obtained a Vineland Age Equivalent
strategies were assessed in the context of teaching of 3.8. This child was receiving individualized
expressive use of prepositions-language concepts treatment for self-injurious behavior (head and chest
that have typically been difficult for autistic chil- hitting), which had decreased to relatively low levels
dren to acquire. Incidental teaching and traditional by the onset of the study. However, fingerplay and
paradigms were compared in terms of children's vocal noisemaking were frequently displayed. Child
patterns of acquisition and in terms of teaching 2 had dear articulation; he was able to request
effficiency. Generalization of preposition use across preferred items in sentences ("I want the Tom and
teachers, settings, and stimulus positions was as- Jerry book."); and he typically engaged in high
sessed in free-play sessions; levels of spontaneous rates of verbal behavior. However, his speech was
(unprompted) preposition use associated with each often noncontextual or perseverative.
teaching method were also compared in generali- Child 3 was 11 years old when the study began.
zation sessions. He scored 5.7 on the PPVT, and had a Vineland

Age Equivalent of 5.3. He received individualized materials in all of the children's classrooms. Twelve
treatment designed to decrease headbanging, phys- toys/edibles that would fit on or in the boxes were
ical aggression, and destructive behavior. His ver- identified by each child, who selected his most
balizations were usually requests ("I want preferred items from a menu of 30 foods and toys
please.") and brief replies to familiar questions prior to baseline. The first six items selected by a
("I'm fine, thank you."). His speech was often child were randomly paired with the last six items
extremely low in volume, particularly when he was he chose, to arrange six pairs of stimuli of approx-
acquiring new responses. imately equal value for each participant. Tokens
were used to mediate delays in reinforcement dur-
Setting ing acquisition probes.
All teaching sessions took place in a dassroom
subdivided into three activity areas that were re- Experimental Design
served for: (a) assessment probes, (b) traditional Traditional and incidental teaching procedures
training, and (c) incidental teaching. During as- were compared in terms of their effects on acqui-
sessment probes, a participant was seated at a desk sition, teaching efficiency, and generalization, by
facing the teacher, and stimulus items were pre- simultaneous teaching (Kazdin, 1977) of pairs of
sented on the desk top. A similar arrangement was prepositions. The results were replicated within and
used for traditional training. For incidental teach- across participants, using a multiple baseline (Baer,
ing, stimulus items were arranged on three small Wolf, & Risley, 1968) across three pairs of prep-
(0.3 m X 0.4 m X 0.6 m), yellow, triangular- ositions nested within a multiple baseline across
shaped comer shelves; participants sat or stood three participants. Acquisition and generalization
(their preference) approximately 0.3 m from the were evaluated using two probe procedures that
shelves; and the teacher sat beside the child. An remained standard across conditions. Generaliza-
observer, seated on the perimeter of these activities, tion across teachers, settings, and positions of stim-
had fill view of the participant and the teaching ulus items was assessed in each experimental con-
materials but could not see the teacher's data sheet. dition, and differential effects on the spontaneous
Stopwatches were used to time the duration of use of expressive language were also examined.
teaching sessions. Three pairs of prepositions were taught: (a) on-
Generalization probes were held in a different under, (b) inside-next to, and (c) in front of-in
dassroom, where a participant was seated 0.9 m back of. For Children 1 and 3, the members of
in front of a large (1.2 m X 1.3 m), brown book- each pair were randomly assigned to traditional
case with five shelves. The child could see the stim- and incidental teaching procedures. For Child 2,
ulus items arranged on the shelves, and the teacher the assignment of prepositions to teaching proce-
stood near the child. Observers were situated be- dures was exactly the reverse of Child l's assign-
hind room dividers (1.5 m tall) that were located ments; this was done to achieve added control for
in back of the participant; this arrangement en- difficulty of prepositions. Next, pairs of stimulus
sured that data collection activities did not interfere items were randomly assigned to each target prep-
with the play environment. A physical barrier pre- osition. The random assignment of prepositions to
vented observers from seeing one another's data procedures, as well as training stimuli assignments,
sheets, but both observers could see and hear the is displayed in Table 1.
child, teacher, and stimuli. A portable cassette tape
recorder and earphones were used to synchronize Teaching Session Procedures
the timing of observation intervals. Each child received 1:1 instruction from the
The stimulus items were dear plastic shoeboxes teacher during daily sessions (approx. 45 min long),
and play materials and edibles; plastic shoeboxes which began with an acquisition probe, followed
were commonly used to store instructional and play by traditional and incidental teaching procedures.
20 GAIL G. McGEE et al.
Table 1
Random Assignment of Target Prepositions and Stimulus Items to Traditional and Incidental Teaching Procedures

Child Procedure Prepositions Stimulus items

I Traditional 1. under turtle-candy
training 2. next to TV Guide-roulette
3. in back of ball-cracker
Incidental 1. on comic strip-bells
teaching 2. inside Viewmaster-water toy
3. in front of down-Spiderman book
2 Traditional 1. on Viewmaster-Spiderman book
training 2. inside Play-doh-roulette
3. in front of bubbles-turtle
Incidental 1. under down-gum
teaching 2. next to Tom & Jerry book-water toy
3. in back of Dataman-ball
3 Traditional 1. on chips-bubbles
training 2. next to ball-Viewmaster
3. in back of Spiderman book-water toy
Incidental 1. under roulette-car
teaching 2. inside coloring book-bells
3. in front of fish-Dataman

The order of teaching procedures was randomly items, both of which were visible throughout;
determined for each child on the first day of teach- however, unrelated training and consequent stim-
ing and alternated thereafter. uli were used so that the reinforcement techniques
Traditional training. The child was seated at would approximate traditional procedures used for
a desk in a distraction-free area of the room, and teaching prepositions. The members of the stim-
the teacher presented stimulus materials on the ulus pair continued to be alternated in this fashion
desk top. A training stimulus was placed in rela- across trials, with trials separated by 5-sec intervals.
tion to the plastic shoebox to demonstrate a target Incidental teaching. Training stimuli were dis-
preposition. The teacher then asked, "Where is the played on small corner shelves, together with plas-
7', tic shoeboxes, to demonstrate the target preposi-
Errors were followed by prompts (e.g., "Say, tion(s). When the child initiated an incidental
'The bubbles are on the box."'). Descriptive praise teaching episode by naming or requesting an item,
(e.g., "Super, you said the bubbles are on the the teacher asked, "Where is the ?" If it was
box!") and reinforcement followed every correct unclear exactly which of two items the child was
response, whether unprompted or prompted. Re- selecting, the teacher asked, "What do you want?"
inforcement consisted of approximately 5-sec ac- before inquiring, "Where is the ?" If the
cess to the member of the stimulus pair not used child responded to the teacher's location inquiry
as a training stimulus; that is, the consequent stim- by pointing or gesturing toward the item, his hands
ulus was never the training stimulus for that trial. were gently held at his sides, and he was instructed,
On the next trial, the consequent stimulus used in "Tell me where."
the preceding trial became the training stimulus, Errors were followed by prompts (e.g., "Say,
and the other member of the pair was now used 'The car is under the box."'), with the level of
as a reinforcer. Thus, to control reinforcer value, prompts varying according to the child's initial re-
training and consequent stimuli were child-selected sponse. For example "Say, 'The car is under the


UNDER 20 ' 6 0 6



NEXT TO 16 ' 6 6



IN BACK OF 10 5 6

a a

Figure 1. Sequence of conditions and corresponding number of teaching trials during each session for incidental teaching
and traditional procedures.

box."' might be used early in teaching, but as the the first pair of prepositions. When an acquisition
child began to use labels and prepositions spon- probe showed that a child had achieved 80% cor-
taneously, more complex responses were prompted rect or better on prepositions taught with both
(i.e., "Say, 'I want (with pause)." or "Say, 'I (with procedures, the next pair of prepositions was in-
pause)."'). Access to requested items was always troduced. Maintenance teaching (five trials per
contingent on an elaborated response about the preposition per session) continued for previously
item, which is consistent with the description of acquired pairs. When two or more prepositions
incidental teaching provided by Hart and Risley were taught with both procedures during a single
(1982). session, the order of presentation of trials was ran-
The reinforcement procedure consisted of de- domly alternated. The sequence of conditions and
scriptive praise (e.g., "Terrific, you said the car is the corresponding numbers of trials provided for
under the box!") and approximately 5-sec access each teaching procedure are illustrated in Figure 1.
to the training stimulus following each correct re- In summary, 20 trials for each teaching procedure
sponse, prompted or unprompted. Because child were provided in every session, until a child met
initiations determined the order of teaching trials, criterion of 80% correct on the third pair of prep-
training stimuli were removed from the shelves ositions on an acquisition probe. Subsequently, 15
when the specified number of trials for each stim- maintenance trials on each procedure were provid-
ulus had been completed. ed.
Criteria. Initially, 20 traditional trials and 20 When 100% correct responding on both teach-
incidental teaching trials were completed daily for ing procedures was achieved on an acquisition
22 GAIL G. McGEE et al.
Table 2
Arrangement of Stimulus Items for Generalization Probes

Arrangement 2 for child 1

Shelf Preposition
location Stimulus item displayed Teaching procedure Item position
1 turtle on incidental teaching novel
2 Viewmaster in back of traditional novel
3 candy under traditional training
4 ball in front of incidental teaching novel
5 roulette inside incidental teaching novel
6 TV Guide next to traditional training
7 water toy inside incidental teaching training
8 bells under traditional novel
9 cracker in back of traditional training
10 comic strip on incidental teaching training
11 Spiderman book next to traditional novel
12 clown in front of incidental teaching training

probe, fading was introduced. That is, mainte- plays, the location of the stimuli on the shelves
nance teaching for all three pairs with both pro- was randomized, as shown in Table 2. The child
cedures continued during each session, but sessions was seated 0.9 m in front of the bookcase on which
were conducted only every other school day. When play materials, edibles, and boxes were displayed.
100% accuracy was again achieved, acquisition The teacher was at one side, between the child and
probes and teaching sessions were thinned to every the play materials/edibles. This provided the child
third day. Teaching was discontinued when all three a good view but prevented direct access to items
participants' response rates on acquisition probes on the shelves.
had stabilized in fading conditions. The two teachers who participated in the gen-
eralization probes were selected because of their
Generalization Assessment Procedures good contingency management skills. Both had re-
One-to-one, 10-min, free-play sessions were ceived training in the implementation of traditional
conducted by one of two different teachers in a highly structured training procedures, and neither
different room, to assess generalization across peo- had experienced any systematic exposure to inci-
ple and settings. The measurement system also as- dental teaching formats. They alternated in the role
sessed children's use of prepositions to describe of teacher on an arbitrary basis, and both teachers
novel positions of teaching items, as well as spon- were blind regarding the teaching procedures and
taneous preposition use. experimental conditions. In general, teachers were
All 12 stimulus items (the toys and edibles and instructed to use the free-play session to prompt
the plastic boxes used in teaching with both pro- and praise children's appropriate verbalizations.
cedures) were arranged on a large bookcase prior Additionally, they were instructed in the following
to each session. To assess generalization of prepo- procedures to ensure that no inadvertent teaching
sition use across stimulus positions, one member of prepositions occurred during the free-play ses-
of the pair of stimuli used in teaching each target sion.
preposition appeared in its original teaching posi- Requests for a toy/edible that spontaneously
tion, and the other member of that pair was ran- included a preposition correctly describing the lo-
domly assigned to a new position. Two such ar- cation of the item (e.g., "gum under box" or "I
rangements of stimuli for each participant were want the gum under the box.") were followed by
alternated across generalization probes; in both dis- immediate access to the requested item. When the

child's request did not indude a spontaneous prep- tion of a stimulus (play material or edible) in re-
ositional description of the item, the teacher lation to a plastic box. Both sentences and phrases
prompted, "Where is the ?" Correct prepo- were scored correct, and verb tense was not con-
sition use in response to the teacher's prompt was sidered relevant to scoring. For example, correct
also followed by access to the item. If the child preposition uses induded (a) "The ball is on the
gestured toward the bookcase, the teacher asked, box."; (b) "I want the ball on box."; and (c) "on
"What do you want?" before proceeding with the box" (in response to the teacher's question, "Where
prompt ("Where is the ?"); this step was is the ball?").
necessary for the teacher to identify the item that Errors of omission and errors of commission were
was being gestured for (the child was 0.9 m from scored separately. Errors of omission induded no
a large array of items) and to judge the accuracy child response and responses that occurred more
of any prepositions used by the child. than 5 sec after the teacher's prompts. Errors of
Following errors of omission or commission, the commission (incorrect preposition use) induded (a)
child was instructed: (a) "Show me where it is," inaccurate descriptions of the spatial relationships
and (b) "Say, 'I want the (gum, ball, car, etc.)."' between stimulus items and boxes; (b) ambiguous
The child received the item he touched or pointed descriptions of the location of stimuli (e.g., "The
to as soon as he imitated the teacher's request. bells are around the box."); and (c) self-corrected
Teachers did not model use of prepositions, and responses.
provided no feedback, teaching, or practice for in- During generalization probes, phrases contain-
correct responses. ing prepositions were scored as correct or incorrect
In summary, the child received the desired item and as spontaneous or prompted. Prompted state-
immediately after correctly using a preposition, ments were those preceded by the teacher's cue,
whether the preposition was used spontaneously or "Where is the ?" Spontaneous preposition
was prompted by the teacher's question, "Where use was scored for any statement or request that
is the ?" Children were also able to obtain contained a preposition, and that was not preceded
the edibles and play materials without correct by the teacher's prompt, "Where is the ?"
preposition use; access was gained simply by fol-
lowing the teacher's instruction to gesture toward Measurement Procedures
and to request the item. When requested items Acquisition probes. An acquisition probe was
were toys, approximately 5 sec of play was per- administered at the beginning of each teaching ses-
mitted; when food items were requested, small sion; these probes consisted of five presentations of
pieces were provided. The teacher replaced all items the three target prepositions for each teaching pro-
in their original positions after each use. cedure. On probe trials, one member of the pair
At least three generalization sessions were con- of training stimuli randomly assigned to a prepo-
ducted during baseline for each child. The partic- sition was arranged with a plastic box to demon-
ipants were yoked once teaching was initiated for strate that preposition, and the teacher asked,
the first child, with all three children participating "Where is the ?" The order of presentation
in generalization probes whenever any child met of prepositions varied across five randomized blocks
the 80% acquisition criterion on a pair of prepo- of the six prepositions, yielding a total of 30 trials
sitions. Five final generalization probes were con- per probe. The two training stimuli assigned to
ducted when all children had met criterion on all each preposition were presented in alternating
three pairs of prepositions on acquisition probes. blocks of trials, so that both training items were
presented on every probe. Participants earned to-
Response Definitions kens and descriptive praise for visual attending and
Preposition use was scored correct when the child direction following on a variable ratio 3 schedule.
used a preposition to accurately describe the loca- No feedback was provided for correctness of re-
24 GAIL G. McGEE et al.
sponding during acquisition probes. Tokens were prior to the study, and were kept blind regarding
exchangeable for brief access to a child-selected toy experimental conditions throughout.
or edible at the end of each probe. A coded data sheet provided for scoring up to
The data sheet for acquisition probes indicated two occurrences/nonoccurrences of preposition uses
the order for presentation of prepositions, as well per interval, the maximum number possible within
as the stimuli that were used to demonstrate the a 10-sec interval because preposition uses were sep-
preposition. Additional randomization of stimulus arated by toy play (or eating) and teacher inter-
presentation was achieved by rotating three ver- actions. Each preposition use was scored in the
sions of the data sheet across sessions. The teacher following categories: (a) use of one of the six target
and an independent observer scored each trial for prepositions or "other" prepositions, (b) correct or
the presence or absence of preposition use, as well incorrect preposition use, and (c) spontaneous or
as for correct or incorrect preposition use. Two prompted preposition use. Observers also recorded
independent observers, uninformed about the pur- the stimulus items requested, so that it could later
poses and procedures of the study, alternated across be determined whether the preposition had been
sessions in assessing interobserver agreement with used to describe a stimulus located in the teaching
the teacher. position or in a novel position (see Table 2). Gen-
Teaching sessions. The same observers collected eralization data were summarized for use of prep-
data on acquisition probes, duration of teaching ositions assigned to traditional procedures, and for
procedures, and number of teaching trials. The use of incidental teaching prepositions, in the fol-
duration of each teaching procedure was recorded lowing ways: (a) the frequency of occurrence of
to the nearest minute. Stopwatches were started at correct preposition use, (b) the frequency of correct
the end of a standard teacher statement; for inci- use of prepositions to describe stimulus items in
dental teaching the cue was, "It's time to play with novel positions, and (c) the percentage of prepo-
these toys now."; for traditional procedures the cue sition uses scored spontaneous and correct.
was, "It's time to answer some questions now."
Stopwatches were stopped when the item earned Interobserver Agreement
by the child on his last trial left the teacher's hand. Acquisition probes. Interobserver agreement was
An independent observer also recorded the number assessed in 21% of the acquisition probes, for each
of teaching trials, as a measure of teacher accuracy child in each condition, and was calculated using
in delivering the correct number of trials per pro- the formula: total number of agreements divided
cedure. by total number of agreements plus disagreements.
Generalization probes. Preposition use was as- Mean interobserver agreement on acquisition probes
sessed during 1:1, 10-min, free-play sessions that was 99% for Child 1 (range 97% to 100%), 99%
were conducted during baseline and teaching by for Child 2 (range 87% to 100%), and 99% for
one of two different teachers in a different dass- Child 3 (range 93% to 100%).
room. Frequency of occurrence of preposition use Teaching sessions. Interobserver agreement was
was scored within 10-sec intervals; a time-sam- assessed for each child in both traditional and in-
pling data collection procedure was used to facili- cidental teaching conditions, in 18% of the teach-
tate assessment of interobserver agreement. Each ing sessions. Agreement for procedure duration was
preposition use was scored in the interval in which calculated by dividing the smaller duration by the
it ended, regardless of the degree of overlap across larger duration. Mean interobserver agreement on
intervals, and an audiotape signaled the end of duration of teaching procedures for Child 1 was
each 10-sec interval. As an additional control, dif- 98% (range 89% to 100%), for Child 2 mean
ferent observers were used during teaching sessions duration agreement was 99% (range 89% to
and generalization sessions. The two generalization 100%), and for Child 3 mean agreement for the
observers were trained in data collection procedures duration of teaching procedures was 98% (range
83% to 100%). For all children, with both pro- and 3 for prepositions assigned to both procedures.
cedures, interobserver agreement was 100% for Child l's perseverative responding (i.e., he an-
number of teaching trials (calculated by dividing swered "under the box" on every trial) yielded a
the smaller frequency by the larger frequency). baseline mean of 33% correct for his last three data
Generalization probes. Interobserver agree- points on traditional prepositions. The means of
ment was assessed in 60% of the generalization the last three data points in teaching conditions for
probes, for each child in every condition, and was Child 1 were 87% correct for traditional proce-
computed for occurrences as well as for occurrences dures and 95% correct for incidental teaching pro-
and nonoccurrences. The formula used to calculate cedures. For Child 2, the mean of his last three
interobserver agreement was: number of agree- traditional training sessions was 98% correct, and
ments divided by total number of agreements plus the mean of his last three incidental teaching ses-
disagreements, with an agreement counted only for sions was 100% correct. Child 3's mean percent
statements scored the same across categories (e.g., correct in the last three teaching sessions was 98%
the same preposition cirded, correct versus incor- for traditional training and 89% for incidental
rect, spontaneous versus prompted, and identical teaching. Similar results were displayed in single-
stimulus items recorded). For Child 1 mean agree- subject representations of these data. In summary,
ment on occurrence of preposition use was 85% there were no significant differences in acquisition
(range 70% to 100%), and mean occurrence/non- or retention of prepositions taught with traditional
occurrence agreement was 94% (range 80% to or incidental teaching procedures.
100%). Mean occurrence agreement for Child 2 Procedural efficiency data, or relative durations
was 95% (range 75% to 100%), and occurrence/ of teaching sessions, are shown in Table 3. Across
nonoccurrence agreement was 98% (range 95% to the three children, the mean duration of traditional
100%). Mean interobserver agreement for Child sessions was 9 min (range 5 min to 23 min), and
3's occurrence data was 80% (range 50% to 100%), the mean duration of incidental teaching sessions
and mean agreement for occurrence/nonoccurrence was 12 min (range 5 min to 30 min). Traditional
data was 94% (range 90% to 100%). Mean levels sessions were completed slightly faster than inci-
of interobserver agreement for each condition across dental teaching sessions; differences were negligible
all three children were 80% for occurrences during for Children 2 and 3, and these differences tended
baseline and 95% for occurrence/nonoccurrence to decrease as sessions proceeded.
data during baseline; mean interobserver agree- The effects of traditional and incidental teaching
ment during teaching was 87% for occurrence data procedures on the generalization of prepositions
and 94% for occurrence/nonoccurrence. The few from teaching sessions to a different setting and
occasions when interobserver agreement was less different teachers are shown in Figure 3. In the
than 80% were primarily due to a low number of free-play setting, there was no correct preposition
occurrences of preposition uses during baseline; use during baseline, with the exception that Child
however, articulation darity improved considerably 1 perseveratively used the preposition "under." The
during teaching, also contributing to increased levels mean frequencies for correct use of prepositions
of interobserver agreement. acquired through traditional (incidental) training
for Children 1, 2, and 3 were 1 (4), 2 (7), and 6
RESULTS (9), respectively. Across participants, mean correct
use of traditional prepositions in the free-play set-
Comparative acquisition data are displayed in ting was 1 during baseline, increasing to a mean
Figure 2. The mean of the last three data points of 3 correct following acquisition in traditional
in baseline was 0% correct for Child 1 for prepo- training sessions. There was no correct use of prep-
sitions assigned to incidental teaching, and baseline ositions assigned to incidental teaching procedures
means of 0% correct were obtained by Children 2 during baseline, and a mean of 7 correct preposi-
26 GAIL G. McGEE et al.
- Incidental Teaching

a..... Traditional

! Teaching



100IBaseline :Teaching m.



04 -------------------

10 20
30 40
so 60 70 30 90

Figure 2. Percent correct responses on acquisition probes during incidental teaching and traditional training.

tion uses occurred per free-play session following mastered during teaching sessions, and generali-
acquisition in incidental teaching sessions. For all zation to a different setting and different teachers
participants, differential generalization effects oc- was greater with incidental teaching procedures.
curred after all three pairs of prepositions has been Generalization of preposition use to describe
Table 3 for Child 2, traditional, 9% (0% to 20%); inci-
Duration of Traditional and Incidental Teaching Sessions dental, 36% (0% to 83%); and for Child 3, tra-
with Equivalent Number of Trials
ditional, 25% (0% to 33%); incidental, 36% (0%
Means (and ranges) of each procedure in minutes to 54%). In summary, the participants showed
Child Traditional training Incidental teaching some spontaneous use of both sets of prepositions
in generalization sessions, but the highest levels of
1 10 (6-23) 17 (8-30) spontaneous use were of prepositions taught with
2 8 (5-13) 9 (5-14)
3 8 (6-11) 10 (7-13) incidental teaching procedures.

novel arrangements of training stimuli was also In a controlled comparison of incidental teach-
evaluated in the free-play setting, by locating half ing and traditional teaching procedures, autistic
the training stimuli in positions other than the children's acquisition and use of prepositions was
positions in which they were taught (see Figure 3). investigated. The results demonstrate that inciden-
As with other generalization measures, virtually no tal teaching produced greater generalization of
correct preposition uses occurred during baseline preposition use across settings, teachers, and posi-
(with the exception of Child 1's perseverative use tions of training stimuli. Importantly, the findings
of "under"). Following acquisition in teaching also demonstrate that incidental teaching fostered
conditions, Child 1 correctly used a traditional more spontaneous use of speech by severely lan-
preposition to describe novel stimuli arrangements guage-delayed autistic children. There were no sig-
only once in 11 sessions: he correctly used a mean nificant procedural differences in acquisition, reten-
of 2 incidental teaching prepositions per free-play tion, or time efficiency.
session to request items in novel positions. Child An unbiased assessment of procedural differ-
2 was largely unable to generalize preposition use ences was ensured by controlling for difficulty of
across stimulus positions, demonstrating no such prepositions, number of teaching trials, reinforcer
generalization with prepositions taught with tra- value, and reinforcement schedule. Generalization
ditional training procedures, and only two in- sessions were conducted in an entirely different en-
stances of generalization across stimulus positions vironment by uninformed teachers (with tradition-
occurred with prepositions acquired through inci- al training histories). There was potential for dif-
dental teaching. Child 3 correctly described novel ferential stimulus control favoring incidental
arrangements of stimuli a mean of 3 times per teaching in the teacher's question, "What do you
free-play session using prepositions acquired in tra- want?", which was necessary to identify desired
ditional training, and he used a mean of 6 inci- items when unclear gestures occurred during inci-
dental teaching prepositions per probe. Therefore, dental teaching or generalization sessions. How-
incidental teaching procedures also yielded higher ever, this question was seldom used during inci-
levels of preposition use when the children en- dental teaching because children were dose to
countered arrangements of stimuli that had not stimulus items and high rates of verbal requests
been used in teaching. occurred throughout. Although in generalization
Spontaneous, correct uses of prepositions in the sessions children were a greater distance from a
generalization setting are displayed in Figure 4. large array of items, the question, "What do you
During baseline there was no spontaneous prepo- want?" was primarily used early in baseline be-
sition use by any of the three participants. During cause children quickly learned that verbal requests
teaching, mean percent (and range) of preposition were necessary. It is also noteworthy that during
uses scored spontaneous and correct in the free- the free-play sessions, the children requested stim-
play setting were: for Child 1, traditional, 3% (0% uli from both teaching conditions with similar fre-
to 22%); incidental teaching, 19% (0% to 44%); quencies. The possibility remains that, despite an
28 GAIL G. McGEE et al.

21 I Traditional Training Baseline IIncidental Teaching

I | Child I

5- I1


w 1 Incidental T aching
0) seiline Traditional Training 20. Elaseine

c- I
15 I *
Isz I A Child 2

0 I a
0 I
lir I
0 I~~~ I

0 oS LJ\JV,
U. I-.

Baseline I Traditional Training Baseline, I Incidental Teaching

I I-

I 0 I! Child 3
I ~~~~I
I S.
i 2 14 2 4- 0 U 10 12 14 16

Figure 3. Frequency of correct preposition uses during free-play generalization probes (solid lines), and portion of correct
responses in which prepositions were used to describe novel positions of training stimuli (dashed lines). Arrows indicate
the point at which each child met criterion on three pairs of prepositions during acquisition probes.



Child 1 *Child 2 Child 3





Figure 4. Mean percentage of prepositions used during free-play generalization probes that were scored as spontaneous
and correct responses.

extensive set of controls, the incidental teaching the locations of novel stimuli. Child 3 displayed
and generalization settings may have shared some limited, but equal, levels of generalization of both
common controlling stimuli intrinsic to the process incidental teaching and traditional prepositions to
of obtaining toys from a shelf or bookcase. Of describe novel stimuli (which could be a learning
course, this situation exists to some extent in all history effect because he had received traditional
generalization assessments of incidental teaching language training at the Institute for several years).
procedures because a characteristic strength of such It is likely that more generalization can be achieved
language training is teaching in the context of nat- by using more than two exemplars of training
urally occurring controlling stimuli. stimuli (Stokes & Baer, 1977).
Findings that incidental teaching resulted in As described by Hart and Risley (1982), the
greater generalization of preposition use across set- essential elements of incidental teaching appear to
tings, persons, and positions of training materials, be child initiations, response-produced reinforce-
although promising, do not imply that the prob- ment, and instruction in natural settings. Our
lems of programming generalization for autistic study demonstrates that autistic children who have
children are solved. During a special probe at the simple expressive language can participate in
end of this study, Children 1 and 2 showed vir- "standard" incidental teaching procedures, given a
tually no generalization of prepositions to describe curriculum for teachers and students to follow.
30 GAIL G. McGEE et al.

However, the incidental teaching procedure in our teach new language responses (prepositions) to au-
study is less natural than Hart and Risley's (1982) tistic children, while simultaneously programming
format, in that children receive consecutive teach- generalization across multiple dimensions. Inciden-
ing episodes on specific target responses. More nat- tal teaching formats are called for in language de-
ural interactions between language-delayed chil- velopment curricula for autistic children; applica-
dren and their teachers have been arranged through tion of these procedures will also require training
task variation (Koegel & O'Dell, 1982) and programs that prepare teachers to make use of
through distribution of teaching trials throughout naturally occurring teaching opportunities (Halle
the course of other activities (Neef et al., 1984); et al., 1981). Perhaps conclusions should come as
and in both of those studies, in-context language no surprise: Autistic children can best acquire func-
training produced improved acquisition and gen- tional and spontaneous use of prepositions through
eralization of expressive speech. Our results showed carefully programmed instruction that emulates
similar comparative generalization effects, but dif- normal language development.
ferential acquisition did not occur; however, the
variables relevant to acquisition are unclear due to REFERENCES
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