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In this chapter, the writer presents research finding and discussion. In this
chapter the writer presents the answer of problem statements that contained in the
first chapter. The problem statements are (1) What are the types of classroom
techniques to develop students’ English grammatical knowledge (2) What are the
purpose of each classroom technique to develop students’ English grammatical
knowledge (3) What are teacher’s role to develop English grammar knowledge (4)
What are the student’s role to develop English grammar knowledge at SMP
Muhamadiyah 1 Surakarta (5) What are the role of Instructional material.

A. Research Finding
The research finding is answering of the problem statements that formulated
before. The data are presented based on observation in the classroom are interview
with the informant, and analysis of the document. In this section, the writer will be
present the types of classroom technique used by the teachers to develop students’
English grammar knowledge, the purpose of each classroom technique, the teacher’s
role, the student’s role, and the role of instructional material.
1. Types of Classroom Technique Used by the Teachers to Develop Student’s
English Grammatical Knowledge.
Classroom technique is a strategy used by the teachers in the classroom to
facilitate the students to receive and understand any material. Teaching technique
used by the teachers to teach her/his students. Teaching technique here related to
classroom activities. In this research, the writer focuses on classroom technique to
develop students’ English grammatical knowledge at SMP Muhammdiyah 1
Surakarta. In this research, the writers have also recorded and take a picture the
students’ activities in the class. To get the data, the writer followed English teachers
in the classroom, then take a note all the activities in the classroom. Also, the data are
gotten from interviews with the three English teachers and documents from English
classroom activities. In the classroom activities, the writer found that the three


English teachers used different types of technique in teaching grammatical


Based on the observation and interview that have been conducted, the
researcher found some techniques in teaching English to develop students
grammatical knowledge, such as fill in the blank, reading aloud, answering
questions, picture describing, drilling and presentation. Here, the writer will explain
each technique as follows:
a. Filling the blank
Based on the observation, the researcher found some technique used by the
teachers in teaching English. Filling the blank technique is one of the techniques to
attract the students to the materials given by the teacher. The teacher used filling the
blank technique to teach their students with the topic is adjective phrase. Through
filling the blank techniques can improve students’ grammar mastery.
The teachers explain the material with the easy explanation. The teachers
provided the students’ with an incomplete sentence and asked the students to
complete the sentences by selecting the words that have been provided. After the
students finished the exercise, the teacher discussed the students answer.

Teacher: OK students, after I explain you about adjective

phrase. I will give you exercise and you must
complete the sentences by choosing the words that
have been provided. Do you understand?
Student: Miss Can I discuss with my friend?
Teacher: Sure. I’ll give you 30 minutes.
Student: OK misses. (Doing their work)
Teacher: Finished?
Student: Yes, miss.
Teacher: Alika what is the answer number 1?
Student: We are in rainy season, so it is...My answer is very
Teacher: Good.

(Observation on 2 February 2016)

b. Reading aloud
Based on the observation, the writer also found reading aloud techniques that
used by the teachers to develop students’ English grammatical knowledge. The
teacher used reading aloud technique to give information about the topic lesson.
Through reading aloud can help the students in the development the students'
grammatical knowledge because the students know how the way to put information
about their reading. The teacher acts as an actor who gives information and example
by reading aloud the words, sentences or text to the students.
In observation process the teacher used reading aloud techniques when in
teaching learning process discuss about narrative text. The teachers explain about
what is narrative text and what is the generic structure of the narrative text. The
teachers show the material used by power point. Sometime, the teachers choose one
all of the students to read the narrative text explanation.
Teacher: OK students! Now, we are going to study about
narrative text. OK, I will show you a slide of
narrative text. Narrative text is text focusing on
specific participants. The social function of narrative
text is to tell stories or past events and entertain the
readers. OK, Mila read the second line
Student: (read the slide) the generic structures of the narrative
text are orientation, complication, and resolution.
Teacher: OK, good. The language features of narrative text
are using processes verbs, temporal conjunction and
simple past tense. (Explain the meaning of language
Student: Contoh narrative text apa saja sir?
Teacher: The example of narrative text like fable atau cerita
dongeng, fairy stories, legends atau legenda.
(Observation on 19 February 2016)

c. Answering Questions
Based on the observation, the writer also found answering question
techniques that used by the teacher to develop students’ English grammatical
knowledge. Answering questions technique was a form of active learning. The
teacher used answering question technique to know the understanding of the students
after they get the materials explain by the teacher.
In this technique, the teachers give an explanation about the topic lesson. The
students asked to answer questions related to the material. The students answer the
questions orally or write down their answer on the whiteboard. In the teaching
learning process in the classroom the teacher and the students discuss about
auxiliary verb do and does.

Teacher: And OK student, after I explain you about auxiliary

verb do and does. Please, answer the questions and
write down on your notes. You may discuss with your
Student: Yes, sir. (Write down their answer in their notes)
(Student’s task)
Teacher : I will give you 30 minutes to do your works.
Student : Yes Sir.
Teacher : Finished?
Student :Yes, sir.
Teacher : I will choose one of you to read the answer of the
questions. Oke, Maya reads the answer number one.
Students: It…matter, go ahead! My answer is doesn’t

(Observation on 3 March 2016)

d. Describing Picture
Based on the observation the writer found a picture describing technique that
used by the teacher to develop students’ English grammatical knowledge. Picture
describing is one technique to describe the picture. Through, describing picture

techniques make the students more creative and fosters the creativity and imagination
of the learners.
Based on the observation the teacher used picture describing techniques when
in teaching learning process discuss about simple past tense. For this activity, the
students make a group and the teachers give some pictures. The students discuss the
pictures with their groups. The students asked to make short dialogue based on the

Teacher: OK student, I bring you some pictures.

Student: Can I look the pictures sir?
Teacher: Yes of course. Today I want all of you making group.
This is pair work so your group is your chair mate. I
want you to make short dialogues telling what you
did yesterday based on the pictures that you got.
Before you do it, I will give you an example and the
example, what did you do yesterday Ani? I worked
yesterday. Do you understand?
Student: Yes sir.
(Observation on 16 March 2016)

e. Drilling
In observation process, the writer also found drilling techniques that used by
the teacher in teaching learning process. The teacher used drilling techniques to make
students understand what the material will be taught. Drilling is a technique that
listening a model that is provided by the teacher to repeat sentences or utterances
with understanding pronunciation and meaning. Through drilling can help the
students to know the structure of the sentences.
Based on the observation the teacher used drilling techniques when in
teaching learning process discuss about present perfect tense. The teachers explain
about present perfect tense. After the students listen a text which was read by the
teachers’ utterances, the teachers drill some utterances to make the students
understand what the material will be taught.
Teacher: Repeat after me.
Student: Yes, sir.
Teacher: I have finished my study.
Student: I have finished my study.
Teacher: He has read the magazine.
Student: He has read the magazine.
Teacher: I have walked.
Student: I have walked.
Teacher: Good. That is the example of present perfect tense.
(Observation on 28 March 2016)
f. Presentation
Based on the observation the writer found presentation techniques that used
by the teacher. The teacher used presentation techniques to manage the structuring of
class activities. Presentation can help the students in the development the students’
grammar mastery, because from a presentation they can discuss a topic lesson with
their friend.
In teaching learning process in the classroom the teacher and the students
discussed about expressing likes and dislikes. The teacher explains about the

material. Then, the teacher asks the students to practice and presentation the result of
their works in front of the class.

Teacher: After I explain you about asking and expressing likes

and dislikes. I want all of you making group. Your
group is your chair mate. You have to make
dialogues about asking and expressing likes and
dislikes. Before you do it, I give you example about
asking and expressing likes and dislikes for example
do you like pizza Ana? Have you understood?
Student: Yes, sir.
Teacher: I will give you 20 minutes.
(All students make conversation in pair work)
Teacher: Have you finished?
Student: Yes sir
Teacher: Time is up student. I will invite one group. Vanessa
and Diana please read your work.
(The students read their work)
Student1: Good morning Diana?
Student2: Good morning Vanessa. Do you like chocolate? I
have one for you
Student1: yes I do. OK, thanks
(Observation on 29 March 2016)

Based on the observation above and interview, the researcher concludes a

table that contains several techniques used by the three English teachers in SMP
Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. The several techniques used by the teachers can be
seen as follows:
No. Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3
1. Filling the blank Filling the blank -

2. Describing - -
3. - Reading aloud Reading aloud
4. Answering Answering Answering
questions questions questions
5. - - Drilling
6. - - Presentation

2. Purpose in Using Each Technique

Every teacher used their own way to teach their students. A technique is the
strategy used by the teacher to teach their students. Classroom techniques used by the
teacher to found the goal of the teaching-learning process. Every techniques used by
the teacher have their own purposes. In this case, the writer will conveys each
purpose in used by the English teachers in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta as
a. Filling the blank
Filling the blank technique used by the teacher to complete the sentences with
an incomplete sentence. In SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta the teachers sometime
used filling the blank technique. Filling the blank technique is given a series of
sentence with a word missing
The purpose of this technique can help the students to understand the
sentences. The students asked to complete sentences with the target language and this
technique can develop students’ grammar mastery.
Teacher: OK students, after I explain you about adjective
phrase. I will give you exercise and you must
complete the sentences by choosing the words that
have been provided. Do you understand?
Student: Miss Can I discuss with my friend?
Teacher: Sure. I’ll give you 20 minutes.
Student: OK misses. (Doing their work)

Teacher: Finished?
Student: Yes, miss.
Teacher: Alika what is the answer number 1?
Student: We are in rainy season, so it is...My answer is very
Teacher: Good.
(Observation on 4 April 2015)
b. Reading aloud
The teacher used the reading aloud techniques in teaching learning process
actually have the purpose. The purpose of the teacher used reading aloud techniques
is to practice the students to know how to read well, how to put right intonation and
put right information.
For example: Guru memberikan penjelasan tentang narrative
text. Kemudian guru meminta salah satu siswa
untuk membaca penjelasan dalam slide.
Kemudian guru memperhatikan intonasi dan
cara membaca siswa dan membenarkan jika ada
kesalahan dalam membaca.

Student: (read the slide) the generic (generik) structures

(struktur) of the narrative text are orientation,
complication, and resolution.
Teacher: (guru membenarkan pronounciationnya) the generic
(dje’nerik) structure (‘strakter) of the narrative text
are orientation, complication, and resolution.
(Explain the meaning of the sentence to the students).
Ok, good. The language features of narrative text are
using processes verbs, temporal conjunction and
simple past tense. (Guru Menjelaskan language
features dari narrative)
Student: Contoh narrative text apa saja sir?

Teacher: The example of narrative text like fable atau cerita

dongeng, fairy stories, legends atau legenda.
The purpose of this technique, the students can develop their grammar skill
mastery because from reading a text we can put right information. So the students
know the structure and meaning of the sentences.
(Observation on 4 April 2015)
c. Answering Questions
Answering the question is one technique to know the understanding of the
students after they get materials explain by the teachers. Answering question
technique used to make the students interesting with the material.
The purposes of this technique can help the students in the grammar mastery.
For example: the teachers give an explanation about the topic lesson. The students
asked to answer questions related to the material. The students answer the questions
orally or write down their answer on the whiteboard.
Teacher: Ok students, answer the questions. Write down on
your notes. You may discuss with your partner
Student: Yes, sir. (Write down their answer in their notes)

(Observation on 4 April 2015)

d. Picture Describing
Picture describing is one of the techniques to describe the picture. The
teachers explain the material then the students answer the question based on the
picture. Through picture describing techniques the student enjoying the picture which
brought by the teachers.
The purpose of this technique are the student can share their opinion and
ideas related to the picture, fosters the creativity and imagination of the learners
because they have given some picture, and interact with their friends and teacher.
The students can form groups and teachers give some pictures. The students discuss
the pictures with their groups, then the students asked to make short dialogue based
on the picture.

For example:Guru meminta siswa membuat group kemudian

guru memberikan beberapa gambar. Siswa
diminta untuk membuat dialog berdasarkan
gambar yang diberikan oleh guru menggunakan
simple past tense.
Teacher: OK student, I bring you some pictures.
Student: Can I look the pictures sir?
Teacher: yes of course. Today I want all of you making group.
This is pair work so your group is your chair mate. I
want you to make short dialogues telling what you
did yesterday based on the pictures that you got.
Before you do it, I will give you an example and the
example, what did you do yesterday Ani? I worked
yesterday. Do you understand?
Student: yes sir.
(Observation on 4 April 2015)
e. Drilling
The teacher used drilling techniques to make students understand what the
material will be taught. This technique tends to lead the students to repeat sentences
or utterances with understand pronunciation and meaning. Through drilling can help
the students to know the structure of the sentences.
Drilling techniques have some purpose in teaching learning process,
especially in teaching grammar skill. The purpose of this technique to make the
students understand how to pronounce a word well and to understand meaning the
structure of the sentences if we can pronounce some a word well we can improve our
listening skill.
Teacher: Repeat after me.
Student: Yes, sir.
Teacher: I have finished my study.
Student: I have finished my study.
Teacher: He has read the magazine.

Student: He has read the magazine.

Teacher: I have walked.
Student: I have walked.
Teacher: Good. That is the example of present perfect tense.
(Observation on 4April 2015)

f. Presentation
The teacher used presentation techniques to manage the structuring of class
activities. Presentation technique can help the students in the development the
students’ grammar mastery, because from a presentation they can discuss a topic
lesson with their friend.
Presentation technique has purpose in teaching learning process, especially in
teaching grammar skill. The purpose of this technique to make the students'
understand about the material because they interact with their friends and teacher.
Teacher: After I explain you about asking and expressing likes
and dislikes. I want all of you making group. Your
group is your chair mate. You have to make
dialogues about asking and expressing likes and
dislikes. Before you do it, I give you example about
asking and expressing likes and dislikes for example
do you like pizza Ana? Have you understood?
Student: Yes, sir.
Teacher: I will give you 20 minutes.
(All students make conversation in pair work)
Teacher: Have you finished?
Student: Yes sir
Teacher: Time is up student. I will invite one group. Vanesa
and Diana please read your work.
(The students read their work)
Student1: Good morning Diana?

Student2: Good morning Vanesa. Do you like chocolate?I

have one for you
Student1: yes I do. OK thanks
(Observation on 4 April2015)

Based on the observation, the writer draw conclusion the purposes several
techniques that used by the three English in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta,
several purposes of the techniques that can be seen in the following table:
No Classroom Purposes
1. Filling the blank To help the students understand the
2. Reading aloud To practice the students to know how to read
well, how to put right intonation and put
right information.

3. Answering Questions To make the students in the development

grammar mastery easier.
4. Picture Describing a. To help the student share their opinion and
ideas related to the picture.
b. To foster the creativity and imagination of
the learners.
c. Interact with their friends and teacher.
5. Drilling a. To make the students understand how to
pronounce a word well.
b. To understand meaning the structure of
the sentences.

6. Presentation To make the students understand about the

material because they interact with their
friends and teacher.

3. Teacher’s Role
Based on the writer observation, the writer found that there were many kinds
of the teachers’ role in the teaching-learning process to develop students’ English
grammatical knowledge at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta such as, teacher as
controller, teacher as an organizer, teacher as prompter, teacher as a resource, teacher
as tutor, teacher as an observer and teacher as a model. Here the writer will explain
each teacher’s role as follows:

a. Teacher as Controller
The teacher as controller means the teacher should control the students
activity, keep the condition of the students, and helps the students to focus study in
the classroom. The teacher is in complete charge of the class. The teacher assumes
this role when a new language is being introduced and accurate reproduction and
drilling techniques are needed.
In classroom activity, the teacher always has the rules to control the students’
work and pay attention to the explanation given by the teacher. The teacher is mostly
the center of focus, the teacher may have the gift of instruction, and can inspire
through their own knowledge and expertise. Usually the condition of classroom
activity is not conducive, so the teachers have to keep the condition of students in the
classroom. The teacher also tries students to keep busy, it is to help students to focus
students in the classroom.
Based on observation, for example: At the beginning of teaching English the
teachers give the instruction for the students to pay attention with the teacher’s
explanation, such as: “attention please”, “silent please”, “be quiet”, “don’t be noisy”,
“tolong didengarkan jangan ramai sendiri”, etc.
(Based on observation March 8, 2016)
b. Teacher as Organizer
Teacher as organizer means the teacher also can organized the activity in the
classroom. The teacher should be good at organizing activity in the class so

teteaching-learning process will be more organized. In another case, teacher as

organizers also makes the material can be absorbed by students maximally.
The success of many activities depends on good organization and on the
students knowing exactly what they are doing next. Giving instructions are vital in
this role as well as setting up activities. The organizer can also serve as a
demonstrator, this role also allows a teacher to get involved and engaged with
Based on interview, for example when the teacher gives assignment for the
students, the teacher asks to make by their own, and the students asking, how if they
search on the internet. Then the teacher offer to make by their own mind.
(Based on interview April 12, 2016)

c. Teacher as Prompter
Teacher as prompter means the teachers give motivation for the students to
keep the spirit in the classroom activity. For example, at the last subject students
usually students started bustling and not enthusiasm in learning English, so the
teacher has to give motivation for the students that the learning is important.
For example:
The teacher gives some motivation to the students about
how to learn English language easily. The teacher can
tell a story about the teachers’ experiences to study
English and sharing the students about inspiring story.
(Based on interview April 15, 2016)

d. Teacher as Resource
The Teacher as a resource means the teacher is resource the material of the
students. However the book is the main resource of the material, but the teacher is
the most important resource for the students to transferring the materials, because if
the students find the material by themselves, they cannot optimally in getting the
materials. So the students need the teachers inthe learning process.

The teacher is a kind of walking resource center ready to offer help if needed,
or provide learners with whatever language they lack when performing
communicative activities. The teacher must make her/himself available so that
learners can consult her/him when (and only when) it is absolutely necessary.
For example:
Before the lesson begins, the teacher search the source
of material on the internet, or book, or other sources, the
teacher delivers the material from the source which
discover by the teacher.
(Based on interview April 12, 2016)

e. Teacher as Tutor
After the teachers know what the material is, the teachers deliver the material
for the students briefly. The teacher as a tutor means the teachers also explain the
purpose of the materials. If the students do not understand about the material the
teacher will be explained again.
The teacher acts as a coach when the students involved in project work of
self-study. The teacher provides advice and guidance and helps the students clarify
ideas and limit tasks. This role can be a great way to pay individual attention to a
Based on observation, for example when the teacher started to give
assignment from the material that already given and the teacher explains what the
assignment is. Then, the students do not understand with the explanation, the teacher
should explain back to make the students really understand with the assignment.
(Based on observation April 15, 2016)

f. Teacher as Observer
As an observer, the teacher wants to know the students’ understanding with
the material. The teacher can observe the students by asking a question, giving
individual task, then teacher observes student’s responses. Besides the teacher

observes the students, the teacher also wants to know how far the method or
techniques used in teaching learning process is successful or not.
One of teacher’s most important skills, as an observer, is underrated. Yet
without honing this skill, he can never truly understand students and meet their
individual and group needs.
For example:
When the teacher was explaining the material, making
the teacher know how far the students understand the
material, the teacher usually gives the spot question for
the students, if the students can answer the question it
means that the students pay attention to the teacher
(Based on observation April 15, 2016)

g. Teacher as Model
Teacher as model means the teacher will be imitated by the students, the
teacher becomes a model for the students. The teacher do something like reading
aloud, drilling, repetition that will be imitated the students to know how to read a
word well.
For example:
Teacher: Repeat after me! Write down
Students: Write down (writ don)
Teacher: Bukan writ don, tapi rait doon (write down)
Students: Write down (rait doon)
Teacher: good
(Based on observation April 18, 2016)

4. Students’ Role
Besides the teachers’ role, the students also have their own role in the
classroom. Teaching learning process will be more effective, attractive, enjoyed and
conducive if the activities are centered on the students’ needs and interest especially

process in English class. In teaching-learning process at SMP Muhammadiyah 1

Surakarta the writer found some students’ role, such as: student as a planner, student
as group, student as a tutor, student as monitor and evaluator. Here the writer will
explain each student’s role as follows:
a. Student as Planner
Student as planner means the students should make a planning of their
learning program and they have responsibility for what they do in the classroom.
They can build a critical thinking about the material that explained by the teacher.
In this case, the students as a center planner in the classroom activities to plan
the strategy in discussing the materials. But the teacher just as the facilitator in the
classroom. It means that although the position of students as the center planner, but
teachers also remains control the students in the classroom activity.
For example:
The teacher gives issue in the classroom activity and divided
the students into several groups, to discuss from different side
like, the student give the negative and positive opinion. In this
case, the students demand to solve their own problem with
their friend.
(Observation on April 16, 2016)
b. Student as Group
Students as group means that the students can share their ideas or knowledge
with other students and the teachers. The students can ask and then discuss with
others if they find the difficulties the material. They also can learn together to solve a
problem in learning and finish their assignment from their teacher in their group. The
students can easily explain the ideas or transferring another ideas or opinion in their
For example: The teachers divided the class into several groups and give the
assignment to the students. After the teachers’ explanations then the students discuss
with their group to make an assignment by the opinion of all members of their group
and compare it into an idea
(Observation on April 18, 2016)

c. Student as Tutor
Student as tutor means the students facilitate the teacher to learn with others
so that the students can share their knowledge with others. The students who already
understand with the material that has been taught to teach his friend who cannot or
have not understood about the material.
For example:
When the teacher give the question for the students, and there
is students who do not understand with teachers’ explanation,
so another students explaining to their friend who did not
understand about the material.
(Observation on April 18, 2016)
d. Student as Monitor and Evaluator
Students are monitor and evaluator, its means of his own learning program.
They can monitor and evaluate their learning program by themselves. The students
can monitor their learning progress from the result of their task, by the seeing the
result can see how far they understand the material. From the result they know how
to evaluate the learning style is success or not if the result is bad they can change
their own learning style.
For example:
The teacher ask the students to answer the question orally then
the teacher ask to choose one of them to answer the question
but the student’s answer still incorrect, so the students can
evaluate their learning style.
(Observation on April 18, 2016)

5. Instructional Material
Based on the interview that has been conducted on 28 April 2016, there are
some kinds of instructional material. The teacher said instructional material is a tools
for the students to understand what they explained by the teacher in teaching learning
process of English. Here the researcher will show the kinds of instructional material

and the role of instructional material used by the teacher at SMP Muhammadiyah 1
a. Kind of Instructional Material
The materials used by the English teachers in SMP Muhammadiyah 1
Surakarta are such as textbook (English in Focus written by Artono Wardiman for
seven grade, Semesta by 3 Serangkai) workbook (BSE), dictionary. These
materialsprinted materials. Sometimes, the teachers had taken the material from
internet. The materials taken from the internet are non-printed materials.

b. Role of Instructional Material

After the observation and interview the researcher found some role of
instructional material used in SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. Here the researcher
will show the role of instructional material as follow:
1. A source for presentation materials (spoken and written)

In teaching learning process especially in teaching grammatical knowledge,

sometimes the teacher asks the students to present in front of the class what they
learn about the materials.
English teachers at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta used print English
textbook and unprinted material as a resource for the students to present the
materials. The teachers used, printed and unprinted materials to make the teaching
learning process interesting.
Such as in the English book page 7 in Chapter 1

2. A reference source for learners on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation.

In the teaching learning process, especially in teaching grammatical
knowledge, the teachers need a resource in teaching grammar, vocabulary and
pronunciation. Because, the teachers without reference on grammar, vocabulary and
pronunciation very difficult to teach the students.
Such as in the English book page 37 Chapter 3

Based on the explanation above, the researcher will show the relation
between types of classroom techniques, the purposes of using each technique,
teachers’ role, students; role, and role of instructional material. The relation can be
seen on the following table:
Table of the relation among types of classroom techniques, purposes of
classroom techniques, teachers’ role, students’ role and instructional material
No Classroom Purposes Teachers’ Role Students’ Material
techniques Role
1 Filling the Helps the Teacher as: Students as: Textbook
blank students to -Controller A Planner and
understand the -Resource A group material
sentences. -Organizer A tutor for from
-Observe another internet
monitor and
evaluate their
own progress
2 Reading To practice the Teacher as: Students as: Textbook
aloud students to know -Observe A Planner and

how to read well, -Model A group material

how to put right -Prompter A tutor for from
intonation and -Resource another internet
put right learner
information. monitor and
evaluate their
own progress
3 Answering To make the Teacher as: Students as: Textbook
Questions students in the -Controller A Planner and
developing -Resource A group material
grammar mastery -Observe A tutor for from
easier. -Organizer another internet
monitor and
evaluate their
own progress
4 Picture a. To help the Teacher as: Students as: Students’
Describing student share -Observe A Planner work and
their opinion -Resource A group textbook
and ideas -controller A tutor for
related to the
-Prompter another
b. To foster the
creativity and
monitor and
imagination of evaluate their
the learners. own progress
c. Interact with learning
their friends
and teacher.
5 Drilling a. to make the Teacher as: Students as: Textbook
students -Prompter A Planner and
understand -Model A group material
how to -Organizer A tutor for from
pronounce a -Observe another internet
word well. -Tutor learner
b. To understand monitor and
meaning the evaluate their
structure of the own progress
sentences. learning

6 Presentation To make Teacher as: Students as: Textbook

students' -Controller A Planner and
understanding -Organizer A group material
about the -Model A tutor for from
material because -Prompter another internet
they interact with -Observe learner
their friends and monitor and
teacher. evaluate their
own progress

B. Discussion of Research Finding

Based on the research finding conveyed by the researcher above, there are
components which are discussed in the research finding. The components consist of
types of classroom techniques in teaching English grammar knowledge, the purposes
in using each technique, teachers’ role in teaching learning process, students’ role in
teaching learning process and the role of instructional material at SMP
Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta.
The writer compares with the others previous finding, it can be acquired the
differences with the finding from Heri (2011), in his research he found the teacher
used memory enhancement in teaching grammar skill. By memory enhancement to
facilitate the students to remember something more easily and quickly about
grammar and more interesting in learning English. The similarity of the research
finding is to develop students English grammar skill. In Kara (2013), the classroom
technique in teaching grammar used games. By games technique to make interaction
among learners and also to facilitate the students makes it easier to learn grammar
and new vocabulary. The similarity of the research finding is to develop students
English grammar skill.
Based on the researcher above, the writer intends to extend the previous
researchers and to enrich the similar researchers as the basis for writing her paper.
Here the writer wants to conduct the different research compared the previous

researchers. The writer study focused on classroom technique to develop students’

English grammatical knowledge at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta in 2015/2016
academic year.
From the data are gotten from the observation and interview with the three
English teachers, some students, and documents or field note in English class at SMP
Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta, the writer found some techniques used by the three
English teachers in teaching grammar skill, namely fill in the blank, reading aloud,
answering question, picture describing, drilling and presentation. Fauziati (2010: 63)
present several techniques in teaching grammar such as: presentation, practice and
production. Types of classroom activities such as reading aloud, question and answer
exercise, getting student to self-correct, conversation practice, dictation and
paragraph writing. Some of this finding is appropriate with the Fauziati theory.
All of the techniques used by the three English teachers have their own
purposes. There are some techniques used by the teachers and its purposes. (1)
Filling the blank to help the students in understanding (2) Reading aloud to practice
the students to know how to read well, how to put right intonation and put right
information. (3) Answering question to make the students in the development
grammar mastery easier. (4) Picture describing to help the student share their opinion
and ideas related to the picture, to foster the creativity and imagination of the
learners, to interact with their friends and teacher. (5) Drilling to make the students
understand how to pronounce a word well, to understand meaning the structure of the
sentences. (6) Presentation to make students' understanding about the material
because they interact with their friends and teacher.
In the teaching - learning process, the teacher has rules. According to Harmer
(1983: 57) “teachers’ role may change from one activity to another, or from one
stage of an activity or another. All rules, aim to facilitate the students’ progress in
some way or other.” Based on this statement, the teacher is tools to facilitate the
students in the classroom. In her observation, the writer found some teachers’ role in
each teaching technique. There are teachers’ roles that the writer found in her
observation. (1) Teacher as controller, (2) teacher as an organizer, (3) teacher as

prompter, (4) teacher as resource, (5) teacher as tutor, (6) teacher as an observer and
(7) teacher as a model. This finding is corresponding with Harmer theory.
The writer also found some students’ role in teaching-learning process such
as (1) Student as Planner, (2)Student as Group, (3) Student as Tutor, (4) Student as
Monitor and Evaluator. This finding corresponds with Johnson and Paulston theory
(1976: 39-46) spell out learner roles in an individualized approach to language
learning: (a) the learner is planning of his or her own learning program. (b) The
learner is monitor and evaluator of his or her own progress. (c) The learner is a
member of a group and learns by interacting with others. (d) The learner is a tutor of
other learners. (e) The learner learns from the teacher, from other student, and from
the other teaching source.
Based on the explanation above the writer will show the differences these
studies with the previous finding as follows:
No Teaching Present Finding Previous Findings
Component Susanto (2011) Kara (2013)
Filling the blank, Mind map, Used games
reading aloud, music, memory
1 Techniques answering questions,
technique and
picture describing,
drilling and drill.
- Helps the students To facilitate the To make
to understand students to interaction
sentences. remember among learners
- To practice the
something more and also to
students to know
how to read well, easily and facilitate the
how to put right quickly about students makes it
intonation and put grammar and easier to learn
2 Purpose right information. more interesting grammar and
- To make the in learning new vocabulary
students in the English.
grammar mastery
- To help the
student share their
opinion and ideas

related to the
picture, to foster
the creativity and
imagination of the
learners, to
interact with their
friends and
- To make the
understand how to
pronounce a word
well, to understand
meaning the
structure of the
- To make students'
about the material
because they
interact with their
friends and
- To make students
understanding the
meaning structure
of the sentences.

- Controller
- Organizer
Teachers’ - Prompter
3 - Resource
- Tutor
- Observer
- Model
- planner
Students’ - group
4 - tutor
- monitor and
5 Material Textbook, and
Sources from


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