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Assignment No. 2 My 21st Century Classroom Facilitating Skills ECCaguisano

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My 21st Century Classroom Facilitating Skills

Aspects Observations Strengths Areas for Action Points

Facilitation Style It is good that I have Active participations of Make a small group Cooperative Learning
retained the interest of the learners were activity instead of style and providing an
the learners through my observed during the big group activity so intrinsic and extrinsic
active questioning and whole period that all learners can motivation makes the
by giving the learners actively engage or learner more active and
an intrinsic and extrinsic participate in their interested the whole
motivation. It has been own group class discussion
observed also that my
facilitation style is a
collaboration of
demonstrator and a
facilitator style.
Accommodation of I integrate the use of I observed that Coin more activities It is evident upon the
students’ learning multimedia such as everyone is that involves evaluation of learning
laptops, videos as well participative when I technology to boast the at the end of the lesson.
as the use of different integrate technology on confidence of the
instructional materials. my lesson. Each learners to participate.
learners has ideas to
impart during the
Provision of
Environment that is
conducive for:
 Active Learning I integrate games like I used question and Develop questions I elicit the critical to boast their answer portion and before class and thinking and active
confidence to answer shown different decides when to ask learning through the
and be competitive so strategies to generate them to avoid whole period.
that everyone will answers from everyone repetition
 Higher Order I facilitate growth in Good answers from the Encouraged students to The strategy itself is the
Thinking students’ thinking skills students were participate more in avenue to make the
in critical and creative manifested classroom discussion pupils as a critical
thinking thinker.
 Contextual I presented examples Students were able to Give example that the Contextualized learning
Learning and situations relevant answer the questions students experience made the students
and meaningful to the actively since they are inside the classroom understand more
experience of the familiar with the and make the name of clearly the lesson
students situation and the term the learners as the
used in the sentence. character.
Questioning and Asked guiding questions Engages thought - Teacher makes use of
Reacting Skills to help learners reflect provoking questions to open- ended questions
and examine their elicit reflective thinking
experimental design

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