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Burgos St. Pob. Norte, Paniqui, Tarlac - Philippines

School Year 2021-2022



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Practical Research 1 Senior High School





This is to certify that the research work presented in this thesis entitled The Impact of Pandemic to

the Physical and Mental Health of Senior Highschool Students of CIT Colleges for the course Practical

Research 1 at CIT COLLEGES OF PANIQUI FOUNDATION INC. , for the course Practical Research 1 at CIT

COLLEGES OF PANIQUI FOUNDATION INC. , embodies the result of the original and scholarly works carried

out by the undersigned. This thesis does not contain words or ideas taken from published sources or

written works by other persons, which have been accepted as basis for the award of any degree from any

other higher education institution except where proper referencing and acknowledgment were made.




DATE: JUNE 17, 2022


The researchers would like to extend their sincere thanks and gratitude to the following persons

who have contributed and supported them in the fulfillment of this study. First and foremost, we would

like to offer our praises and gratitude to the Almighty Godabove who has been our source of strength,

knowledge and wisdom as we push further towards the completion of this research work. Even though

the world is struck by a pandemic as this study is being completed. He always guided us and provided

strength. We also want to thank our former research teacher Ms Paulina De Guzman who shared her

knowledge in our Practical Research 1 and 2 who also provided her knowledge,patience and guidance

towards us in completing our studies. And to the respondents of this study, for being approachable,

cooperative and for spending their time in answering the survey questions provided; to the beloved

families of the researchers, for their unending financial,emotional, moral and spiritual support; and most

of all, the researchers would like to extend wholeheartedly the gratitude and praise to ever loving and

merciful God for touching and bringing together those people who literally shared their abundant

resources, talents,skills, time and effort for the completion of the study.

● Chapter 1
● Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1
● Background of the Study …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
● Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………………………..……………………………………. 5
● Significance of the Study …………………………………………………………….……………………………….......... 6
● Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………………………………….……………………………….. 7
● Definitions of Terms……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

● Chapter 2
● Review of Related Literature…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

● Chapter 3
● Research Methodology……………………………………………………….………………………………………………. 13

● References and Bibliography……………………………………………………….……………………………………… 16

● Appendices ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18
Chapter 1

The Problem and it’s Background


The COVID-19 pandemic has also severely affected the education system as classes shifted to

distance learning with students struggling on coping up to adapt the “new normal” as many describe

today’s way of living life due to the impacts of the pandemic. Many people also lost their jobs resulting

in financial concerns in the family. In this situation, the effects of COVID-19 did not only affect health but

the entire way of living life. Mental health is no excuse for all the concerns brought by the pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges to students, educators, and parents.

Students already coping with mental health conditions have been especially vulnerable to the changes,

and US researchers are learning about the broad impacts on students as a result of schools being closed,

physically distancing guidelines and isolation, and other unexpected changes to their lives. This research

is all about The impact of pandemic on mental and physical health of Senior High School students of CIT

COLLEGES. Mental health days, in term taking a mental health break or day-off from all the academic

stress that is coming from CIT College, Inc. going to their students. It is true that students from this

particular school have a lot on their plates from their parents’ expectations to maintain the standing

of the school in all national examinations. It can cause a lot of stress to the students and most of the

time it is very exhausting. Mental and physical health are equally important components of overall
health. For example, depression increases the risk for many types of physical health problems,

particularly long-lasting conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. That is why mental health

needs to be taken seriously in all aspects of a person’s life, whether it may be an elementary student or

a senior high school student.

As the COVID-19 continues to spread in many countries, the rising concerns of mental health are

alarmed along with the infection rates and may probably evolve into long-lasting health problems.

Global health measures and communities should support psychological interventions and promote it

globally to intercept increasing alarms of mental health concerns (Torales, et al.,2022). The pandemic as

proved by many studies has brought harmful effects to mental health. Common mental health concerns

such as depression, anxiety and stress may be frequent due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The importance of this research is that it can give you information about how the pandemic can

impact students' mental health, especially the way students think, emotions, thoughts, and feelings.

Mental health also impacts decision-making procedures, how to deal with stress, and how to connect

with others' lives. This study can also help us as individuals to be aware so as to avoid or prevent these

types of mental health problems or issues to which us researchers all know many Cit Colleges of Paniqui,

Inc. students can relate. Being aware of this kind of situation is a huge benefit to society and to every

individual because it gives you confidence when helping those who are suffering from this kind of

Mental health problems as studied by many greatly affects one's way of life negatively. As no

one knows when the pandemic will end, people are struck by different emotions, doing everything they

can to alleviate their boredom for several months. The fear brought by the pandemic led many people

to experience negative emotions while others are looking for hope for a better future ahead and

thinking when the pandemic will end. While others try to cope up with how to adjust in time of

pandemic, others are also losing hope to try coping up to get a hold of themselves. Furthermore, mental

problems were a rising concern before the pandemic started and may have gotten worse in the present

pandemic period. If this is the case, mental health should not be forgotten as a global health crisis and

has to be flattened along with the virus.

Hence, this study purposely directs to determine the impact of pandemic in the physical and

mental health of Senior High School students of CIT Colleges, Inc. Specifically, it aims to: a) point out the

factors that affect the mental health of students in time of pandemic, b) to know how mental health

affected the way of life of students and, c) to recommend possible solutions in order to cope up mental

health difficulties despite pandemic scare.

Background of the Study

Pandemic is a worldwide problem, it is not only on the health of people or the economy of a

country but it is also a major struggle in education .It must tackle the situations of every student in this

pandemic school year as long as they are all affected by this. Have you ever asked some of them how

their life is? Are they okay? Are they still alright? Are they struggling or are they willing to jive with the

flow of the pandemic?. This study aims to extend the understanding of mental health in senior high

school of CIT Colleges of Paniqui Inc.

Students are facing different challenges in terms of their academics such as assignments,

projects, recitations, examinations, quizzes and many more especially during this pandemic. These

challenges can affect the mental health and well-being of higher education students. For some

students, stress almost becomes a way of living. However ,it is dangerous to let stress, anxiety or

depression become a student’s way of living in Senior High School because some stress levels can lead

to terrible effects that completely change students’ lives and it may result in failure. Stress is inevitable

and unfortunately, it produces headache, neck crick and causes many health problems that include

depression, anxiety, heart disease and stroke (Clark, 2022). However, Stress is necessary to challenge

students to learn .Therefore, students need to create coping strategies for their stress in order for them

to reduce the negative effects on their learning and mental health.

Stress is the "wear and tear" of student’s bodies caused by a frequently changing environment.

It has physical and emotional effects. It can create positive or negative feelings. Positive influence of

stress can help and compel them to action; it can result in a new awareness and an exciting new

perspective. Negative influence can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, depression, and lead

to health problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Stress can help or

hinder us depending on how they react to it. Stress is a fact of nature in which forces from the inside or

outside world affect the individual, either one's emotional or physical well-being, or both. The individual

responds to stress in ways that affect the individual, as well as their environment. Due to the

overabundance of stress in modern lives, people usually think of stress as a negative experience, but

from a biological point of view, stress can be a neutral, negative, or positive experience .

Students experience great amounts of stress, whether teenagers or Senior HighSchool age, in

the family or among their peers. Indeed, Stress, Anxiety, Depression are symptoms that can affect the
body, thoughts and feelings, and behavior. Being able to recognize common stress symptoms can give a

jump on managing them. Stress that's left unchecked can contribute to many health problems, such as

high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

Also, It is highly important to raise mental health awareness in schools since young people are

seriously affected by mental health issues every day. They need a system they can rely on and a source

of information to guide them through the process of dealing with their inner issues. Schools need to

initiate changes and get as many people, students, teachers, and other school employees to work on

raising mental health awareness. Start with yourself and initiate a change in your school today.

Statement of the Problem

This study directs to determine the impact of pandemic in mental and physical health among

Senior High School Students of Cit Colleges Inc. It specifically aims to answer the following:

1.What are the factors that affect the mental health of students in times of pandemic?

2.How mental health affected the way of life of students?

3.What do you believe is important for anyone to be aware of if they know someone with this mental

health issue?

4. What actions could you take to help someone who is exhibiting these signs and symptoms?

Significance of the Study

As mental health is highly essential to everyone in the time of pandemic, the study is purposely

aiming to help everyone cope up in adapting this “new normal” as the temporary way of living life in the

upcoming years.

For the students- this study may bring inspiration in helping their classmates with mental health

problems and letting them participate in fighting mental health problems the entire world is facing. This

study can be valuable to them as source of knowledge in combating mental health difficulties

For the parents- this study may help them guide themselves in helping their children, family

members and relatives cope up with mental health difficulties. By this study, they may guide their

children to live a mentally healthy life.

For the teachers- learning will not stop despite challenges being faced in the time of pandemic.

They should ensure that the mental health of their students is in good condition as they gain knowledge

from their home. This study may help them deal with their students to cope up with their difficulties and

may as well help to address students’ psychological necessities.

For the school administrators- the future of the student is in their hands as the parents trusted

them to handle their children. It is up to them to bring what is best to their teachers, workers and

students to make them perform with high morale. This study may help institutions make intervention

plans to address the mental health of students and provide a mentally healthy school year despite

pandemic scare.
For the future researchers- this study may serve as their reference for further elaboration of

this study and may serve as their guide in their future studies to help assess the mental health


Scope and Delimitation

The study will concentrate on determining the The Negative Influence of Computer Addiction to

the Academic Performances of Senior Highschool students of Cit Colleges of Paniqui, Inc. Specifically, it

will also cover determining the factors that affect the mental health of students in times of pandemic,

knowing how mental health affected the way of life of students and recommending possible solutions in

order to cope up with mental health difficulties despite pandemic scare. Mental health issues rapidly

increase in teenagers especially those who range from 16 to 18 year of age wherein Senior Highschool

students are in the scope. Hence, the 70 respondents necessary for this study are the Senior Highschool

students of Cit Colleges of Paniqui Inc.

Definition of Terms

The following terminologies are the essential in understanding the entirety of the context :

● Mental Health- Defined as a person’s emotional, psychological and social well-being.

● Stress- Defined as state physical, mental and emotional factor that results into physical or

mental tension (Shiel, Jr., 2018)

● COVID-19- is the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that emerged in December

● Anxiety- is the mind and body's reaction to stressful, dangerous, or unfamiliar situations. It's the

sense of uneasiness, distress, or dread you feel before a significant event.

● Depression- depression is a constant feeling of sadness and loss of interest, which stops you

doing your normal activities.

● Emotion- a conscious mental reaction (such as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as a

strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by

physiological and behavioral changes in the body.

● Senior high school- (SHS) refers to Grade 11 and 12, the last two years of the K-12 program that

DepEd has been implementing since 2012.

● CIT COLLEGES- school located at Burgos St, Población Norte, Paniqui , Tarlac. This is the school

where the respondents will come from.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This section contains the studies related to the influence of mental health in times of pandemic.

It includes the factors that affect mental health and mental health in times of pandemic,how mental

health affects the way of life of many people and possible solutions in coping up to mental health

difficulties. The related studies were gathered from academic journals, theses and online sources. With

these materials, the researcher obtained the necessary background knowledge to be able to proceed

with this study.

1. Foreign

Fitzpatrick et al. (2020) study concluded that the signs of fear and worry were evident with some

populations expressing more anxiety and depressive symptoms. Fitzpatrick et al. also mentioned that

the continuation of COVID-19 pandemic, fear and worry can also continue to have a compromising

effect on mental health of Americans. The mental health concerns will be at its peak until the pandemic

is over. Mental health issues are rising rapidly more than the virus itself as people will keep worrying

about their future and lose hope.

Kontoangelos et al. (2020) study stated that children are prone to experiencing worry, anxiety

and fear with older people who are vulnerable to the disease can be extremely frightening while

healthcare workers and staff who are more prone in getting the virus are both under psychological and

physical pressure. Kontoangelos et al. also suggested that media information and social networks should

be controlled and community supportive psychological interventions should be promoted globally

especially for those who are in the frontlines and those who are affected by the COVID-19. The children

are sensibly prone to mental health concerns in times of pandemic. They Worry the same as mature

people do. In addition, those who are weaker to viruses, people who age from 60 years above also tend

to worry more. Furthermore, the healthcare workers, as expected,are more prone to physical and

mental illness as they battle the virus.

In support of Kontoangelos et al. study, there are high rates of anxiety, depression and

posttraumatic symptoms among children as studied by de Miranda et al. (2020). The mental health

concerns of the children should be quickly intervened as they are capable of growing up along with their

mental health difficulties and might affect their behavioral growth. To further support the studies above,
there are high rates of anxiety, depression and posttraumatic symptoms among children as studied by

de Miranda et al. (2020)

Moreover, a cross-sectional study by Song et al. (2020) about mental health and work attitudes

among people who are returning to work during COVID-19 in China concluded that major risk mental

health factors for work attitudes include worrying about unemployment with protective factors of

resilience and optimism. The risk of returning to work is a major concern about re-establishing the

economy. Their mental health concerns can be associated with their work resulting in less productivity.

Rauschenberg, et. al (2020) stated that quarantines, loneliness and COVID-19-related anxiety

may impact the youth’s mental health negatively as lockdowns get longer to lower transmission of the

virus. Moreover, Rauschenberg et al. suggested that digital interventions can be used to continue to

provide for mental health services demands and may help to minimize negative mental health impacts

during pandemic. It is expected that many will not consult mental health professionals face to face in

time of pandemic. As a result, mental health services should be maximized by using digital intervention


Chalise and Paudel (2020) study in Nepal suggested that providing training, education relating to

psychosocial concerns to health system leaders, first responders and healthcare professionals could be a

key to address concerns of the populations who need mental health services to prevent further

worsening of mental health issues for weak nations. Countries with weak healthcare systems, providing
training to address mental health concerns in the country can be the first step towards intervention

plans and maximizing mental health services nationwide.

2. Local

Arnado and Bayod (2020) study revealed some coping strategies amid the pandemic. These Are:

optimism, strong family relation and engagement to usual activities. Being an optimist despite the

pandemic can lead to finding hope one needs to adapt to this “new normal” time until the virus is

cleared out. Moreover, building strong family relations can help to cope up whenever one feels alone.

You can do leisure activities with your family such as watching movies. Engagement to usual activities

can greatly reduce mental health difficulties as you alleviate your boredom and do what you like. One

can also develop skills and expand activity scope in order to have vast choices when they are bored

doing the same thing over and over again.

Bawingan et al. (2020) concluded that Filipinos have high levels of concern over the pandemic

and expressed fear towards COVID-19 in their health. Bawingan et al. also concluded thatFilipinos

maintained their mental health concerns by taking care of their health by taking vitamins,supplements

and a balanced diet. In addition, relaxation activities like listening to music and watching, sharing their

worries and having leisure time with family helped them to cope with mental health concerns. The

issues of anxiety are normal in this time of pandemic because everyone is concerned about their health

and everyone is avoiding contracting the virus. Having a healthy lifestyle is one of the best ways to cope

with a pandemic to increase your immunity and resilience to diseases.On the other hand, having

activities can help alleviate and divert your negative feelings throughout the pandemic.
Pastor (2020) concluded that Filipinos sentiment increases over time in social media platforms

like Twitter as COVID-19 transmission multiplies every day. Pastor stated that the effects of the

lockdown in Luzon led to experiencing food shortage and worrying about the future situation while

many are looking for government’s assistance. In addition, the sentiments, effects ofCOVID-19 and

quarantines are correlated with each other to look for solutions in surviving.

Baloran (2020) study entitled “Knowledge, Attitudes, Anxiety and Coping Strategies of Students

During COVID-19 Pandemic” concluded that students have vast knowledge about the virus and anxiety

symptom is common due to thinking of their education which led to worrying.Baloran also concluded

that Higher Education Institutions should pave ways to address mental health concerns of students. The

awareness and knowledge of students about the virus is good.However, the pandemic led them to

worry about their education and thinking of their own future.

The schools should make their guidance counseling services widely open as possible as students

who enrolled are already experiencing mental health concerns. Counseling services of schools can be

open to provide mental health services for others.

The Department of Health reported that there are 3.6 million Filipinos who are suffering from

mental disorders with depression leading with 1,145,871, people linked to alcohol addiction with

872,145, other with 520,614 are related bipolar and drug use; 349,058 related to epilepsy and

schizophrenia with 213,422. It also includes others related to suicidal thoughts (Crisostomo, 2020).The

3.6 million number is already enormous to the total population of 100 million Filipinos whosuffer from
mental health difficulties. Since coping up with one of the major problems, some intend to use drugs

and alcohol for leisure. With the number of Filipinos suffering mental from mental health concerns,

immediate interventions should be provided as early as possible.

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter discusses the design and processes the study has undergone. It presents the

method of research used, the population, sample size, and sampling technique, description of the

respondents research instrument, data gathering procedure  

   Method of Research

 This study focuses on Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of CIT Colleges of Paniqui Foundation

Inc. towards The Negative Influence of Computer Addiction to the Academic Performances of Senior

High School students of CIT Colleges of Paniqui Foundation Inc. This study employed the Quantitative

mythology to identify the behavior and experiences of the chosen respondents.  

Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique

The study's respondents are Grade 11 and Grade 12 students, and seventy (70) respondents

among Grade 11 and Grade 12  students  were selected since they are related to the study. Sampling

was utilized in this study. This sampling approach is based on pre-determined criteria based on research.

Since many students are already vaccinated and they are allowed to go to school . An paper  survey was
chosen by the researcher this survey uses the traditional paper and pen approach , it was used to gather

information and data from the respondents.

Research Instrument

As far as research instrument is concerned, the conduction of the survey will involve the use of a

questionnaire composed of 8 questions in line with the objectives and the research questions (indicated

in the Statement of the Problem). The questions in the instrument will be the guide of the researchers

towards the satisfaction of the objectives that will later result to the output what will be analyzed in

Chapter 4.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers asked permission to the Teachers , and Principal of the Senior High and Senior

High Department of CIT Colleges of Paniqui Foundation Inc. in distributing questionnaires to the Grade

11 and Grade 12 students . After given the permission, the researchers explained the purpose of the

study to the selected respondents. The researchers collected the data by means of survey questionnaire

that comprises their names, strand, and what they think about The Negative Influence of Computer

Addiction to the Academic Performances of students in Senior High School students of CIT Colleges of

Paniqui Foundation Inc.  After they have taken the survey questionnaire, the survey questionnaire was

checked, tallied, interpreted, and analyzed.  

Data Analysish
The process in the systematic approach of the study was indicated as administering a survey

towards the respondents, the responses will be later analyzed and tabulated in the proceeding chapter.

The survey questionnaire will personally be administered by the researchers through a frontal

visitation of the researchers, the survey made (beforehand) will be distributed and these will be

answered in a 3-5 minute span. The 3-5 minutes time is expected to elicit proper answers from the

respondents, this will also elude hasty and inappropriate responses from the students. The answers will

be tabulated and shown in Chapter 4.

Reference and Bibliography

Ahn, S., & Fedewa, A. L. (2011). A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Children’sPhysical Activity

and Mental Health. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 36(4), 385–


Arnado, J. A. S., & Bayod, R. P. (2020). Help Seeking Behavior of Young Filipinos AmidstPandemic: The

Case of Cor Jesu College Students. Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics,30(8), 463.

Retrieved from:




Baloran, E. (2020). Knowledge, Attitudes, Anxiety, and Coping Strategies of Students duringCOVID-19

Pandemic. Journal of Loss and Trauma. 25(8), 635-642.


Bautista, A. G. M., & Manuel, E. S. (2020). Mental Health of Students in the Philippines duringPandemic:

An assessment. Journal of Humanities and Education Development Journal of Humanities and Education

Development ,2(5), 316-323.

Bawingan, P., Ancheta, K. S., Laranang, K. M., Denise, R., Alcantara, J. Q., & Balain, A. O.Reactions,
Behavioral Practices and Coping Mechanisms of Filipinos in Luzon,Philippines during the Lockdown Due
to Covid-19. Philippine e-Journal for Applied Research and Development . 10(2020), 14-28. Retrieved
Burgos St.,Pob. Norte,Paniqui,Tarlac - Philippines
Senior High School Department
School Year 2021-2022


Age : 17
Date of Birth : January 22, 2005
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino
Height : 5’7
Weight : 75
Father’s Name : Archimedes A. Deguzman
Mother’s Name : Jeany D. Deguzman





YEAR GRADUATE: 2020-2021


YEAR GRADUATE: 2016-2017


● Eating
● Reading Web Comics
● Watching Movies/Drama Series


Burgos St.,Pob. Norte,Paniqui,Tarlac - Philippines
Senior High School Department
School Year 2021-2022


Age : 17
Date of Birth : September 08, 2004
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Christian
Citizenship : Filipino
Height : 5’6
Weight : 55
Father’s Name : Jaime C. Gojar Sr.
Mother’s Name : Perlita O. Gojar





Year graduated: 2020-2021

ELEMENTARY : Rang-Ayan Elementary School

Year graduated: 2016-2017


● Basketball


Burgos St.,Pob. Norte,Paniqui,Tarlac - Philippines
Senior High School Department
School Year 2021-2022


Age : 16
Date of Birth : July 27, 2005
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino
Height : 5’5
Weight : 45
Father’s Name : Noel M. Guzman
Mother’s Name : Ofelia L. Guzman




Year graduated: 2020-2021


Year graduated: 2016-2017


● Watching Movies
● Having fun with friends or family
● Eating

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