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Mental Health of Higher Education Level Studentsin The Time of Pandemic Covid-19

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

10(10), 599-605

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Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/15528



Barsha Ghosh1, Tapash Das2, Ankur Nandi3 and Prof (Dr.) Tarini Halder4
1. M.A Student, Department of Education, Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, West Bengal.
2. Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, West Bengal.
3. Junior Research Fellow, Department of Education, University of Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal.
4. Professor, Department of Education, Kalyani University, Nadia, West Bengal.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History Globally, the Covid-19 epidemic has an effect on pupil's mental health.
Received: 19 August 2022 As a result of the epidemic, symptoms of anxiety, depression, and post-
Final Accepted: 23 September 2022 traumatic stress disorder have all been documented in pupil's life. The
Published: October 2022 pandemic has damaged social bonds, disrupted, education, as well as
jobs and income, and increased public anxiety and terror. Main purpose
Key words:-
Covid-19, Mental Health, Higher of the study was to find out the impact of pandemic covid-19 on mental
Education, West Bengal health of higher education level students. The current research is
qualitative and is a descriptive survey study. In the current study, eight
institutions in West Bengal purposefully chosen as a sample, and
274students ultimately chosen from those ten universities by using a
random sampling technique, a self-prepared questionnaire (Google
from) used, and a percentage calculation used for data analysis. As a
result, the mental health of the higher education students has been
disrupted due to pandemic covid-19.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2022,. All rights reserved.

The World Health Organization (2013) defines mental health as "a state of wellbeing in which the
individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and
fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community" Everyone has to be in good mental health. At
every stage of life, mental health is just as important as physical health. Our emotional, psychological, and social
well-being are all components of our mental health. Our ability to think, feel, and act are all impacted. It also affects
how we make wise judgments, communicate with others, and manage stress. From childhood to maturity, mental
health is important at every stage of life. A child's healthy growth depends heavily on their mental health, which is
determined by the interaction of physical, environmental, social, and psychological factors. When one or more of
these factors are out of balance, a child may experience mental health issues that limit their ability to develop into
healthy, responsible adults.

There are several connections between education and mental health. Good mental health is the first and
most crucial requirement for any type of schooling. Poor mental health will make it difficult for a youngster to focus
in class and remember what they have learnt. Good mental health is necessary for learning. Children who are in
good health have a strong desire to learn new skills and knowledge that will give them more control over their
environment. This study sought to determine how the COVID-19 affected university students in West Bengal's

Corresponding Author:- Barsha Ghosh 599

Address:- M.A Student, Department of Education, Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, West
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(10), 599-605

mental health. It was done to establish the prevalence of stress, anxiety, and depression among university students
during the pandemic and to assess their psychological well-being. It was also done to lay the groundwork for
government and university assistance programmes for COVID-19-affected university students. For students at all
levels and levels of study, the Covid-19 pandemic forced the closure of all educational institutions around the world,
creating numerous challenges.

Many institutions all around the world have taken precautions, including shutting down campuses or
buildings, postponing classes, switching to online-based curricula and exams, and cancelling practicums. However,
as of mid-June2020, many colleges are still unsure of how long such measures will endure and how they would
affect students. Such COVID-19-related disruptions can exacerbate existing stressors and have a severe influence on
students' mental health by elevating levels of tension, anxiety, and sadness. University students encounter a range of
passing events and ongoing stressors as they become used to new academic surroundings and responsibilities.
Constant stress can be detrimental to both mental and academic health. There is significant effort being made by all
higher education institutions, institutional administrators, instructors, students, and other stakeholders.

Brahmbhat (2016) found that male English medium students of higher secondary school have found to be
better mental health than remaining groups of students of higher secondary school. Significant difference is not
existed between male and female students of higher secondary school on mental health. Significant difference is
existed between Guajarati and English Medium students of higher secondary school on mental health.

Moghe, Kotecha, and Patil (2020) in their study showed there is overall increased awareness about mental
health among the student population and with programs/strategies focusing on background and gender, a significant
improvement is attainable.

Chen, and Lucock (2022) they discovered considerable levels of anxiety and despair, with more than 50%
of people reporting levels that greater than the clinical cut-offs. Females also performed significantly better than
males. The survey also indicated relatively low resilience levels, which we attribute to limitations and isolation that
limited people's ability to engage in healthy coping mechanisms and activities rather than persistent personality
traits. Lower levels of exercise, greater levels of tobacco use, and a range of life events related to the pandemic and
lockdown, such as cancelled events, deterioration in personal relationships, and financial worries, all linked to
higher levels of distress. We talk about the significance of long-term observation and assistance with mental health
for college students.

Objectives of the present study were -
1. To study the impact of pandemic Covid-19 on mental health of higher education level students regarding
academic related dimension.
2. To study the impact of pandemic Covid-19 on mental health of higher education level students regarding
temperament related dimension.
3. To study the impact of pandemic Covid-19 on mental health of higher education level students regarding social
relation related dimension.

Delimitation of the Study

The study has the following delimitations:
1. Sample size-For this study, the researchers only chose a small number of college universities students.
2. Area-Only a few districts in West Bengal chosen as the study region.
3. Dimension-The researcher has examined a few aspects of living for education level students.
4. Analysis of data- Only frequency, percentage calculations, and graphical data presentation are used by the
researcher among the various methods of data analysis.

Rationale of the Study

A student's mental health is the most important factors in determining their performance. Without a healthy
mental balance, students struggle to concentrate on their studies, which negatively affects their marks and increases
their worry and anxiety. Since mental health can have a big impact on pupils, it's crucial to be aware of this. In order
to engage in productive activities, develop satisfying interpersonal relationships, and be able to adapt to change and
overcome obstacles, one must be in good mental health. In this ground the present study was justified.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(10), 599-605

Methodology of the Study:-

1. Method of the study: The current study was descriptive type survey and a qualitative study.
2. Population of the Study: All the higher education level students in West Bengal selected as population for the
present study.
3. Sample of the study: 274 students in all, drawn at random from ten universities, served as the sample for the
current study.
4. Data source of the study: For the purpose of performing this study, researchers combined primary and
secondary data. Primary data was collated by the researcher using self-prepared questionnaire and the secondary
data available in print form and various online databases are also used.
5. Instrument for data collection: Self-prepared questionnaire (Google Form) was used as a tool for collecting
data from the sample in the present study.
6. Data collection procedure: Researchers have collected data for current research using social networking sites
(What App, Facebook, G-mail) with the help of Google from self-made close ended questionnaire through
internet survey across the different university of West Bengal during current epidemic situation keeping in mind
hygiene and social distance.
7. Technique of data analysis: For data analysis and presentation of data researcher used frequency, percentage
and graphical presentation as a data analysis technique.

Analysis and Interpretation: Dimension wise

1. Impact of Pandemic Covid-19 on Mental Health of HEIs Students Regarding Academic related Dimension.

Table 1:- Item wise percentage of response towards Academic related dimension of HEIs students.
Item Percentage of Responses
Statements of Academic Dimension
No Agree Neutral Disagree
1 I feel worried about my studies. 69 7 24
2 I get headache when I continuously think about my carrier. 59 16 25
3 I feel suffocated to think about present situation. 78 6 16
4 I am not able to concentrate while studying. 67 9 14
5 The pace of my studies has slowed down for Lockdown. 81 6 13
6 I get more opportunity to study at home for lockdown. 53 21 26
7 Being deprived of co-curricular activity 86 5 9
Having been taking online exams for long time, there is fear in the 82 7 11
minds about taking exams offline.
Online assessment is not an accurate assessment of one’s own 61 22 17
10 Online examination gives me satisfaction. 77 12 11

Percentage of response towards Academic related dimension

100 9
16 15 13 11 17 11
24 25 6 26 5 7 12
80 6 9
7 16 22
60 21

40 78 76 81 86 82 77
69 59 61
Item no Item no Item no Item no Item no Item no Item no Item no Item no Item no
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Agree Neutral Disagree

Figure 01:- Item wise percentage of response towards Academic related dimension of HEI s students.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(10), 599-605

Interpretation: A survey of 274 HEIs students had been done to study the impact of Pandemic Covid-19 on Mental
Health. Out of total students 69% responded Agree, 7% responded Neutral, 24% responded Disagree on item no 1;
Out of total students 59% responded Agree, 16% responded Neutral, 25% responded Disagree on item no 2; Out
of total students 78% responded Agree, 6% responded Neutral, 16% responded Disagree on item no 3;Out of total
students 76% responded Agree, 9% responded Neutral, 15% responded Disagree on item no 4; Out of total
students 81% responded Agree, 6% responded Neutral, 13% responded Disagree on item no 5; Out of total
students 53% responded Agree, 21% responded Neutral, 26% responded Disagree on item no 6;Out of total
students 86% responded Agree, 5% responded Neutral, 9% responded Disagree on item no 7; Out of total students
82% responded Agree, 7% responded Neutral, 11% responded Disagree on item no 8;Out of total students 61%
responded Agree, 22% responded Neutral, 17% responded Disagree on item no 9; Out of total students 77%
responded Agree, 12% responded Neutral, 11% responded Disagree on item no 10.

2. Impact of Pandemic Covid-19 on Mental Health of HEIs Students regarding Temperament related

Table 2:- Item wise percentage of response towards Temperament related dimension of HEI s students.
Item Percentage of Responses
Statements of Academic Dimension
No Agree Neutral Disagree
11 Feeling bore after long time lockdown. 81 8 11
12 During lockdown I addicted to Mobile and Internet. 73 9 18
13 Due to the pandemic, daily life has changed drastically 66 12 22
14 I forget my previous lessons. 56 13 31
15 Attention is distracted while taking online classes. 53 21 26
16 Assignments in the virtual class cause discomfort. 61 11 28
17 Standing in the present moment I am losing my confidence. 47 28 25
18 I am getting mentally ill while staying at home in Lockdown. 56 23 21
19 Very soon I lost my temper. 63 28 9
20 Family matters are causing emotional distress. 45 23 22

Percentage of response towards Temperament related dimension


11 9
18 22 25 21
8 31 26 28 32
80 9 28
11 23
60 13 21 28

40 81
73 66
56 61 56 63
53 47
20 45

Item no Item no Item no Item no Item no Item no Item no Item no Item no Item no
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Agree Neutral Disagree

Fig 2:- Percentage of response towards Temperament related dimension of HEI s students.

Interpretation: A survey of 274 HEIs students had been done to study the impact of Pandemic Covid-19 on Mental
Health. Out of total students 81% responded Agree, 8% responded Neutral, 11% responded Disagree on item no

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(10), 599-605

11; Out of total students 73% responded Agree, 9% responded Neutral, 18% responded Disagree on item no 12;
Out of total students 66% responded Agree, 12% responded Neutral, 22% responded Disagree on item no 13; Out
of total students 56% responded Agree, 13% responded Neutral, 31% responded Disagree on item no 14; Out of
total students 53% responded Agree, 21% responded Neutral, 26% responded Disagree on item no 15; Out of total
students 61% responded Agree, 11% responded Neutral, 28% responded Disagree on item no 16; Out of total
students 47% responded Agree, 28% responded Neutral, 25% responded Disagree on item no 17;Out of total
students 56% responded Agree, 23% responded Neutral, 21% responded Disagree on item no 18; Out of total
students 63% responded Agree, 28% responded Neutral, 9% responded Disagree on item no 19; Out of total
students 45% responded Agree, 23% responded Neutral, 32% responded Disagree on item no 20.

3. Impact of Pandemic Covid-19 on Mental Health of HEIs Students Regarding Social Relation related

Table 3:- Item wise percentage of response towards Social Relation related dimension of HEI s students.
Item Percentage of Responses
Statements of Academic Dimension
No Agree Neutral Disagree
21 Our social relationship has change during lockdown. 69 23 11
I feel lonely because I don’t communicate with friends and teachers
22 79 11 10
in the online class.
23 Intends to take classes directly in the classroom. 82 5 13
24 I feel the need of teacher while reading by myself 89 7 4

Percentage of response towards Social Relation related dimension


100 4
11 10 13 7
11 5
80 23


40 79 82


Item no 21 Item no 22 Item no 23 Item no 24

Agree Neutral Disagree

Fig 3:- Percentage of response towards Social Relation related dimension of HEI s students.

A survey of 274 HEIs students had been done to study the impact of Pandemic Covid-19 on Mental Health.
Out of total students 69% responded Agree, 23% responded Neutral, 11% responded Disagree on item no 21; Out of
total students 99% responded Agree, 11% responded Neutral, 10% responded Disagree on item no 22;Out of total
students 82% responded Agree, 5% responded Neutral, 13% responded Disagree on item no 23; Out of total students
89% responded Agree, 7% responded Neutral, 4% responded Disagree on item no 24.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(10), 599-605

The findings of the research study are as follows:
1. It is found from academic dimension that the pandemic situation disrupted the mental health of HEI s students
from the view point of various academic aspect related issues like-sifting examination system off-line to online,
lack of concentration for study, feelings of suffocation due to lockdown, absence of co-curricular activity due to
lockdown, fears and worried about studies due to lockdown.
2. The pandemic condition disrupted the mental health of HEIs, according to the temperament dimension. Changes
in temperament brought on by lockdown include feeling bored, being addicted to mobile devices and the
internet as a result of the lockdown, losing one's temper, experiencing emotional anguish, getting distracted
from what needs to be done, and developing low self-esteem.
3. It was found from social relation dimension that the pandemic scenario affected HEIs' mental health, and the
lockdown had an adverse effect on their disposition. Social relationship has change during lockdown, feel
loneliness, intends to take classes directly had an adverse effect on their disposition.

Discussion and Conclusion:-

Pandemic situation disrupted the mental health of HEIs students from the perspective of various academic
aspect related issues, such as sifting examination system from offline to online, lack of concentration for study,
feelings of suffocation due to lockdown, absence of co-curricular activities due to lockdown, fears and worried
about studies due to lockdown.(Zarima, H.D., & Linda, H, 2020) (Jena, P.K., 2020) (Dharanendrappa, S. N., 2012).

Temperament changes brought on by lockdown include feeling bored, being addicted to mobile devices and
the internet as a result of the lockdown, losing one's temper, suffering mental distress, getting side-tracked from
what needs to be done, and having low self-esteem.(Matiz, A, 2021) (Kluwe-Schiavon, B., 2021) (Roy, D. et al.,

The lockdown had a negative impact on the HEIs' demeanour, and the pandemic scenario had an impact on
their mental health. Their temperament was negatively impacted by the change in their social relationships during
the lockdown, their feelings of loneliness, and their plans to enroll in classes.(Long, et. al, 2021) (Calbi, M.,& et al.,

Pandemic covid-19 is currently the only cause of catastrophe in the history of human civilization. After a
long time, one of the major disasters in the history of human civilization, which has devastated all aspects of human
civilization especially education. Due to this epidemic, all educational institutions closed and the classroom method
of direct teaching-learning was closed. As a result, the mental health of the students has been disrupted. It is
necessary that “Increasing the strength of our minds is the only way to reduce the difficulty of life.” ― Mokokoma

Implication of the Study

According to the researchers, this study has the following significance:
1. By this study education professionals are aware of how a student's mental health affects their learning and
achievement, and they also understand that there is a lot that can be done to support students who are struggling
with mental health difficulties.
2. With the aid of the study, psychologists and counselors can provide complete services and assistance to the
students and also providing access to behavioral and mental health services and programs.
3. Utilizing senior staff, such as those working for the Department of Education, to provide the support and
services required by the help of the study.
4. This study teaches instructors and students how to see the early warning signs of mental health issues and raise
awareness of and deal with mental health crises.

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