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Unit I - Introduction To Quality and Quality Tools

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There are seven basic quality tools, which can assist an organization for problem
solving and process improvements. The first guru who proposed seven basic tools was
Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa in 1968, by publishing a book entitled “Gemba no QC Shuho” that
was concerned managing quality through techniques and practices for Japanese firms.
It was intended to be applied for “self-study, training of employees by foremen or in QC
reading groups in Japan.

Figure 1 indicates the relationships among these seven tools and their
utilizations for the identification and analysis of improvement of quality

These seven basic quality control tools, which introduced by Dr. Ishikawa, are :
1) Check sheets;
2) Graphs (Trend Analysis);
3) Histograms; 4) Pareto charts;
5) Cause-and-effect diagrams;
6) Scatter diagrams;
7) Control charts.

1. Check Sheet

Check sheets are simple forms with certain formats that can aid the user
to record data in an firm systematically. Data are “collected and tabulated” on
the check sheet to record the frequency of specific events during a data
collection period. They prepare a “consistent, effective, and economical
approach” that can be applied in the auditing of quality assurance for
reviewing and to follow the steps in a particular process. Also, they help the
user to arrange the data for the utilization later .
The main advantages of check sheets are to be very easily to apply and
understand, and it can make a clear picture of the situation and condition of
the organization.
They are efficient and powerful tools to identify frequently problems, but
they don’t have effective ability to analyze the quality problem into
the workplace. The check sheets are in several, three major types are such
as Defect-location check sheets; tally check sheets, and; defect-cause check
sheets .
Figure 2 is depicted a tally check sheet that can be used for collecting

data during production process.

Figure 2: Check sheet (Tally) for telephone interruptions


2. Histogram

Histogram is very useful tool to describe a sense of the frequency

distribution of observed values of a variable. It is a type of bar chart that
visualizes both attribute and variable data of a product or process, also
assists users to show the distribution of data and the amount of variation
within a process.
It displays the different measures of central tendency (mean, mode,
and average). It should be designed properly for those working into the
operation process can easily utilize and understand them.
Also, a histogram can be applied to investigate and identify the
underlying distribution of the variable being explored
. Figure 3 illustrates a histogram of the frequency of defects in a
manufacturing process.

Figure 3: Histogram for variables


3. Pareto Analysis

It was introduced by an Italian economist, named Vilfredo Pareto, who

worked with income and other unequal distributions in 19th century, he
noticed that 80% of the wealth was owned by only 20% of the population.
later, Pareto principle was developed by Juran in 1950.
A Pareto Chart is a graph that indicates the frequency of defects, as
well as their cumulative impact. Pareto Charts are useful to find the defects to
prioritize in order to observe the greatest overall improvement.

To expand on this definition, let’s break a Pareto Chart into its components.

1) A Pareto Chart is a combination of a bar graph and a line graph. Notice the

presence of both bars and a line on the Pareto Chart Below

2) Each bar usually represents a type of defect or problem. The height of the bar

represents any important unit of measure — often the frequency of occurrence

or cost.

3) The bars are presented in descending order (from tallest to shortest).

Therefore, you can see which defects are more frequent at a glance
4) The line represents the cumulative percentage of defects.
Let’s look at the table of data for the Pareto Chart above to understand
what cumulative percentage is.

For Collar Defects, the % of Total is simply (10/59)*100.

The Cumulative % corresponds to the sum of all percentages previous to and

including Collar Defects. In this case, this would be the sum of the percentages

of Button Defects, Pocket Defects, and Collar Defects (39% + 27.1% + 16.9%).

The last cumulative percentage will always be 100%.

Cumulative percentages indicate what percentage of all defects can be removed

if the most important types of defects are solved.



Button Defect 23 39.0 39.0

Pocket Defect 16 27.1 66.1

Collar Defect 10 16.9 83.1

Cuff Defect 7 11.9 11.9

Sleeve Defect 3 5.1 16.9

Total 59 - -

Figure 4: Pareto Charts

In the example above, solving just the two most important types of defects — Button
Defects and Pocket Defects – will remove 66% of all defects.

In any Pareto Chart, for as long as the cumulative percentage line is steep, the types of
defects have a significant cumulative effect. Therefore, it is worth finding the cause of these
types of defects and solving them. When the cumulative percentage line starts to flatten, the
types of defects do not deserve as much attention since solving them will not influence the
outcome as much.

5) In manufacturing, Pareto Charts are used as a quality management tool: they

help analyze and prioritize issue resolution.
The idea behind a Pareto Chart is that the few most significant defects make up most of the
overall problem. We have already covered two ways the Pareto Charts help find the defects
that have the most cumulative effect.

First, the first bars are always the tallest, indicating the most common sources of defects.
Second, the cumulative percentage line indicates which defects to prioritize to get the most
overall improvement.

6) The Pareto Principle can analyze Pareto Charts, also known as the 80/20 rule.

4. Fishbone Diagram

Kaoru Ishikawa is considered by many researchers to be the founder and

first promoter of the ‘Fishbone’ diagram (or Cause-and-Effect Diagram) for
root cause analysis and the concept of Quality Control (QC) circles . Cause
and effect diagram was developed by Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa in 1943.
It has also two other names that are Ishikawa diagram and fishbone
because the shape of the diagram looks like the skeleton of a fish to identify
quality problems based on their degree of importance .
The cause and effect diagram is a problem-solving tool that investigates
and analizes systematically all the potential or real causes that result in a
single effect.
On the other hand, it is an efficient tool that equips the organization's
management to explore for the possible causes of a problem .This diagram
can provide the problem-solving efforts by “gathering and organizing the
possible causes, reaching a common understanding of the problem, exposing
gaps in existing knowledge, ranking the most probable causes, and studying
each cause”.
The generic categories of the cause and effect diagram are usually six
elements (causes) such as environment, materials, machine,
measurement, man, and method, as indicated in Figure 5. Furthermore,
“potential causes” can be indicated by arrows entering the main cause arrow

Figure 5: The cause and effect diagram (Fishbone Diagram)


5. Scatter Diagram

Scatter diagram is a powerful tool to draw the distribution of information

in two dimensions, which helps to detect and analyze a pattern relationships
between two quality and compliance variables (as an independent variable
and a dependent variable), and understanding if there is a relationship
between them, so what kind of the relationship is (Weak or strong and
positive or negative).
The shape of the scatter diagram often shows the degree and direction
of relationship between two variables, and the correlation may reveal the
causes of a problem. Scatter diagrams are very useful in regression modeling
.6The scatter diagram can indicate that there is which one of these following
correlation between two variables: a) Positive correlation; b) Negative
correlation, and c) No correlation, as demonstrated in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Scatter Diagrams

6. Flowchart

Flowchart presents a diagrammatic picture that indicates a series of

symbols to describe the sequence of steps exist in an operation or process.
On the other hand, a flowchart visualize a picture including the inputs,
activities, decision points, and outputs for using and understanding easily
concerning the overall objective through process.
This chart as a problem solving tool can apply methodically to
detect and analyze the areas or points of process may have had potential
problems by “documenting” and explaining

an operation, so it is very useful to find and improve quality into process as

shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Flow chart of review process


7. Control Chart

Control chart or Shewhart control chart was introduced and developed

by Walter A. Shewhart in the 1920s at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, and is
likely the most “technically sophisticated” for quality management ... Control
charts is a special form of “run chart that it illustrates the amount and nature
of variation in the process over time”.
Also, it can draw and describe what has been happening in the
process. Therefore, it is very important to apply control chart, because it can
observe and moniter process to study process that is in “statistical control”
(No problem with quality) accordant to the samplings or samplings are
between UCL and LCL (upper control limit (UCL) and the lower control limit
“statistical control” is not between UCL and LCL, so it means the
process is out of control, then control can be applied to find causes of quality
problem, as shown in Figure 8 that A point is in control and B point is out
of control.
In addition, this chart can be utilized for estimating “the parameters” and
“reducing the variability” in a process. The main aim of control chart is to
prevent the defects in process.
It is very essentially for different businesses and industries, the reason is
that unsatisfactory products or services are more costed than spending
expenses of prevention by some tools like control charts. A Control Chart is
presented in the following Figure.

Figure 8: The Shewhart control chart

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