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Experiment 01 SPECIFIC HEAT

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Saint Louis University


Department of Chemical and Mining Engineering


Laboratory Course: ENGGCHEML 2336

Schedule: 7:30-10:30 T
Experiment Number: #3
Experiment Title: Specific Heat of a Metal
Group Number: __7__ Date Performed: 02-14-2023 Date Submitted: 02-21-2023

Group Members (In alphabetical order)

Noces, Aron Mar C.
Penuliar, Meryll A.
Reyes, Ian
Reyes, Gerry
Salvador, John Cedrick

Contents Total Remarks Score


Chapter I: Theoretical background 10

Chapter II: Apparatus, Reagents 15

and Experimental Set-up

Chapter III: Result and Discussion 30

Chapter 4: Conclusion and 10


References (APA Format) 5

Format and Neatness 5


Evaluated By: _____________________________________ Date: _______________



This lab's objective is to experimentally ascertain a metal's specific heat capacity. The density
and this experimental measurement will be utilized to establish the metal's composition by using
the specific heat determined using calorimetry. The science of calorimetry measures the heat
exchanged with the environment to calculate the changes in energy of a system. The amount of
heat transported to or from an object is measured by a calorimeter. Knowing the heat capacity of
the individual calorimeter in calorimetry is frequently preferable to know the heat capacity of the
overall calorimeter system (calorimeter and water). The amount of heat needed to increase the
temperature of 1.0 gram of a substance by 1.0°C is known as its SPECIFIC HEAT. It is one of
the fundamental characteristics of pure materials and, like density, is somewhat temperature-
dependent. The CALORIE, the standard unit for measuring heat, is also known as the quantity of
heat needed to increase one gram of water's temperature by one degree Celsius. The fluctuation
in water's specific heat is zero for this temperature range. A metal's variation in specific heat over
relatively short temperature ranges is so minimal that it can be believed to be nonexistent. The
equation (assuming there is no work or changes in potential or kinetic energies) summarizes the
relationship between this capacity for holding heat and the heat effect (Q), mass (m), the specific
heat of the substance (sp ht), and temperature change (△T) following a heat flow: Q = m x sp ht
x △T. In this experiment, the specific heat of selected metals will be measured following two
fundamental laws of heat: (1) The change in temperature of a substance is directly proportional
to the amount of the heat added and (2) The temperature change is inversely related to the mass.
(a) If two things that were initially at different temperatures come into contact, allowing heat to
transfer from the high-temperature body to the low-temperature body, they will eventually attain
the same temperature; (b) The heat obtained by the initially cooler object equals the heat lost by
the initially warmer object exactly (assuming no heat loss to the surroundings).
Specific heat capacity of metals - analysis this experiment aims to determine the specific (2019).
The calorimeter and any materials inside it absorb any heat (Q) that is released during a reaction
or process. The temperature of a material increases as heat energy (Q) is added to it. The specific
heat of such material is measured in calories (cal) or joules, whereas the temperature is expressed
in degrees Celsius (°C) or kelvins (K) (J). Joules per kilogram Kelvin (J/g °K) is the unit for
specific heat in the International System of Units (SI). The ratio between the heat a thing absorbs
or loses and the accompanying change in temperature is called the heat capacity. The amount of
heat required to raise the temperature of a mass of a material by one degree is measured by its
specific heat capacity (c). A material's specific heat determines how much energy is required to
raise its temperature. For instance, water has a specific heat of 1.00 cal/g °C or 4.186 J/g °K.
According to this calculation, 1 calorie of heat or 4180 joules of heat is required to raise 1
kilogram of water by 1 degree, respectively. The law of energy conservation states that heat
energy is transmitted between two things when they come into contact at differing temperatures.
For instance, if you put a hot piece of metal into a container of cold water, the metal will start to
cool down and the water and container will start to warm up until an equilibrium temperature is
reached. A calorimeter is used to calculate the specific heat of an unidentified substance. The
heat energy per unit mass per unit change in temperature is known as a substance's specific heat

Blaunch, D. N. (2015). The amount of heat needed to increase the temperature of a specified
quantity of a substance by one degree is known as the heat capacity, or C, of the substance. C =
m x sp heat is the formula for the relationship between heat capacity and specific heat. As a
result, q = Ct and C = qt. The calorimeter in this experiment comprises the device and the 100.0
g of water it holds. In an ideal world, the calorimeter's components would not heat up, but a
portion of the system's energy is always absorbed by the calorimeters. The amount of heat
absorbed by the calorimeter for each 1°C change in temperature is known as the calorimeter's
heat capacity. It is necessary to experiment to ascertain the calorimeter's heat capacity.
Investigating the mixing of warm and cold water is the simplest technique. The calorimeter is
filled with an equal mixture of hot and cold water, and the final equilibrium temperature is
measured. The equilibrium temperature of the combination is equal to the average of the hot and
cold temperatures if the calorimeter doesn't absorb any heat at all. In actuality, the calorimeter
and the cold water both absorb heat from the hot water. To put it another way, the heat that the
cold water gains should be equivalent to what the hot water lost. Any variation is the result of the
calorimeter gaining heat. This is presuming that the calorimeter doesn't lose any heat to the
The hot water is losing heat, while the calorimeter and cold water are accumulating heat, as
indicated by the minus sign. The amount of heat that the calorimeter absorbed, qcal, can be
calculated from the volume of water in the calorimeter and the temperature change that the water
underwent. By dividing qcal by the temperature change, one can get the calorimeter's heat
capacity, or Ccal. The calorimeter for this experiment is a straightforward thermos jar with a lid.
Together with the heat received by the actual calorimeter, the thermometer also absorbs heat,
which is taken into account by the calorimeter's heat capacity. Both the heat absorbed by the
thermometer and the heat absorbed by the actual calorimeter are taken into consideration in the
calorimeter's heat capacity. The amount of water to be put in the calorimeter can be more simply
measured by volume on the premise that the volume of water = the mass of water because the
density of water over the range of temperatures in this experiment is very near to 1 g/mL.

Calculating metal’s specific heat capacity required the use of a calorimeter. The heat lost by the
metal should equal the heat obtained by the water since it is assumed that the calorimeter and its
contents are thermally insulated from their surroundings. By heating the Metal and monitoring
the temperature and mass of the different components of this experiment (water, metal, and the
calorimeter) we were able to utilize the first law of thermodynamics to measure the heat capacity
of Metal.


This experiment's goal is to teach the pupils about the following:

● The three materials being examined for their specific heat capacities (Cadmium Metal,
Zinc Metal, and the Unknown Metal).

● Study the idea of metal's specific heat to identify materials.

● Using the equation in the laboratory handbook to learn how to calculate the specific heat
of metal.

A material's capacity to absorb heat from its surroundings is indicated by a property called
specific heat, according to Abu (2004). When it comes to heat, mass, temperature changes, and
heat capacity, particular heat knowledge can help researchers observe and execute experiments
accurately and safely. Researchers can obtain conclusions specifically for metals by properly
understanding the principles of specific heat and capacity.

Also, the researchers can use their understanding of a metal's specific heat capacity in their daily
lives, particularly in the kitchen. Using culinary equipment to prepare food is one specific and
useful example. Due to their tiny specific heat capacity, frying pans, pots, kettles, and similar
objects are a valuable material because they can swiftly heat up even when only a small quantity
of heat is applied. Consequently, enhancing your understanding of the specific heat of metals
might aid in cooking that is completed quickly.

Last but not least, the discipline of civil engineering can use knowledge of specific heat capacity.
Specifically, hydraulic engineering in which the ocean is used as a heat reservoir and a specified
water temperature is applied. Fundamentally, Earth's oceans are vast heat-storage systems, and
the oceans' high specific heat capacity is what allows our climate systems to maintain regular (or
essentially stable) temperature ranges.


400 mL BEAKER – The students used a 400-mL Beaker to store water then boiled it for 15
minutes to allow the metal to absorb the heat.

BUNSEN BURNER – The students utilized it to boil the water in the 400 mL Beaker for 15 min
so that the test tube containing metal could be placed inside.

CALORIMETER – The students utilize the equipment to insert metals and water into it and then
measure the temperature.

50-mL GRADUATED CYLINDER – The equipment was used to measure 25 mL of cold water
before it was placed on a calorimeter by the students.

TEST TUBE HOLDER – The students employed this apparatus to place each metal within a
boiling water bath.

THERMOMETER – The students used this equipment to determine the temperature of the water
and heated metals after 15 minutes of boiling.


BALANCE – It assisted the students in measuring each metal.

WIRE GAUZE – The students used the Wire Gauze to secure the 400 mL beaker to an iron ring.


ZINC METAL – This reagent was first weighed using a triple beam balance, then placed in a test
tube while immersed in boiling water, and the temperature was recorded using a calorimeter by
the students.

- The product is identified as Zinc Metal, which is also the same as High Grade Zinc;
Special Zinc; Zinc; Zn; CGG Alloy <1% Aluminum. This product was manufactured
by Teck Metals Ltd. And a supplier on The US. This product is used to coat steel for
corrosion protection (galvanizing, electroplating, and electrogalvanizing), as an
alloying element in bronze, brass, aluminum and other metal alloys, for zinc die
casting alloys, for zinc dry cell and zinc/air batteries, for the production of zinc sheet
for architectural and coinage application as a reducing agent in organic chemistry and
for other chemical applications. For Safety, this material is safe and doesn’t meet any
of the negative effects that can do in or on our body. But, its fumes may cause mild
local irritation to eyes, nose, throat and upper airways. But otherwise, this product is

CADMIUM METAL – The metal was initially weighed using a triple beam balance so that the
students could utilize the data for the lab sheet. It was then placed inside a test tube that was
immersed in boiling water for 15 minutes before being placed inside a calorimeter for the
students to record its temperature.


- The product is identified as Cadmium Metal and also known as Tadanac Cadmium;
Cadmium Balls; Cadmium Sticks; Cd; ASTM B440. Its manufacturing company is
also Teck Metals Ltd. Which is located in British Columbia. This Product is used as a
constituent in easily fusible alloys, in soft solder and solder for aluminum, Cadmium
metal is used as a constituent in easily fusible alloys, in soft solder and solder for
aluminum, in electroplating, as a deoxidizer in nickel plating, in process engraving, in
electrodes for cadmium vapor lamps, in photoelectric cells, in nickel-cadmium
storage batteries, and in pigment manufacture. For safety purposes, This metal has
pass category 1 of Acute Toxicity (Inhalation), Also pass Carcinogenicity – Category
1A, Reproductive Toxicity – Category 2, Specific Target Organ Toxicity(Acute
Exposure) – Category 1, (Chronic Exposure) – Category 1, and also pass the
environmental category 4 on Aquatic Toxicity Long Term.
UNKNOWN METAL – Students used the metal in the same way they did the preceding metals.


- This product is identified as Metal. It is a substance characterized by a high electrical

and thermal conductivity as well as by malleability, ductility, and high reflectivity of




The RULE OF DULONG AND PETIT states that the product of an element's atomic weight and
its specific heat is roughly 6.4, thus the students' task in this experiment is to calculate the
specific heat of metal and the approximate atomic weight of metal. The pupils obtained 22g of
the correct weight of Cadmium Metal (Metal #1) as per the technique. Also given to the students
was the weight of zinc pellets (metal #2), which came to 21.1g. The pupils placed each metal in a
dry test container after accurately weighing the metals. The next process the students carried out
involved preparing a 25.0 mL (25.0g) of cold water in the makeshift calorimeter and recording
its temperature. The water obtained 22°C and laid it aside. The students then carry out the
following process, which involves carefully heating the water to boiling while submerging the
test tube with the metal in a large beaker with around 400mL of water. The students wait 15.0
minutes for the water to boil before assuming that the metal has reached boiling point and
recording that assumption. As a result, they received 17°C for both the first metal, Cadmium
Metal, and the second metal, Zinc Pellets. When the third treatment is completed on.
Immediately after performing the third operation on each metal, the experimenters place the
heated metal into the calorimeter's water, cover it, and measure its temperature. Next, as the
temperature rose until the thermometer's reading reached equilibrium, the students intently
monitored the process. The temperature was 28°C for the Cadmium Metal (Metal #1), and 30°C
for the Zinc Pellets (Metal #2). Then, while keeping the water and metal fixture thoroughly
agitated, they recorded the final temperature of both. Students must subtract the metal's original
temperature from its final temperature in order to calculate the metal's temperature loss. In the
case of the first metal, they obtained a value of 11°C by subtracting 17°C from the metal's initial
temperature and 28°C from its ultimate temperature. The preceding (deducting) process was
repeated on the second metal to obtain 13°C.

For tabulating the specific heat of such metal, the experimenters used the formula: -Heat loss by
metal = Heat gained by water. – [ m x CP x △T ] = [ m x CP x △T ] the negative sign denotes
the direction in which heat flow is occurring. For sphtₘ of Cadmium (Metal #1) m= 22g, for
getting the CP: 4.184 J/g°C over (22g)(11°C)=0.0173 J/g therefore CP= 0.0173 J/g, for getting
the △T: (Tբ - Tᵢ)= 11°C. For sphtᵥᵥ still the same procedure and formula but different sign, m=
25g, CP= 0.0279 J/g°C, △T= 6°C. Then repeat the procedure to obtain separate data for each

A. Determination of the Specific Heat of a Metal


Mass of metal 22g 21.1g

Original temperature of water 22°C 22°C

Original temperature of metal 17°C 17°C

Final temperature of metal 28°C 30°C

Temperature loss of metal 11°C 13°C

Mass of water 25°C 25°C

Specific heat of metal 4.19 J/g°C J/g°C


· sphtₘ

– [ m x CP x △T ]

– [ 22g x 0.0173 J/g x 11°C ]

-Q= -4.187 J/g °C

· sphtᵥᵥ

[ m x CP x △T ]

[ 25g x 0.0279 J/g x 6°C ]

Q= 4.19 J/g°C



· sphtₘ

– [ m x CP x △T ]

– [ 21.1g x 0.0153 J/g x 13°C ]

-Q= -14.197 J/g°C

· sphtᵥᵥ

[ m x CP x △T ]

[ 25g x 0.0209 J/g x 8°C ]

Q= 14.19 J/g°C


The 21.4g unknown metal's specific heat and approximative atomic weight are shown in Table
B. The specific heat of the unidentified metal was ascertained using the same method as that
used to collect the data in table A. The specific heat of the unidentified metal is 4.19 J/g°C. The
aforementioned formula was used to determine the metal's approximate atomic weight.
converting from Joules per gram of temperature to calories per gram of temperature for the
specific heat of metal. It was calculated that the unidentified metal has 6.3922 grams per mole by
plugging it into the formula.

B. Determination of the Approximate Weight of a Metal

Mass of unknown metal 21.4g

Original temperature of water 22°C

Original temperature of metal 17°C

Final temperature of metal 29°C

Temperature loss of metal 12°C

Mass of water 25g

Specific heat of metal 4.19 J/g°C

Approximate atomic weight of metal 6.3922 g/mol

The Dulong-Petit law specifies the link between an element's specific heat and atomic mass. The
Dulong-Petit law states that the gram-atomic heat capacity is constant, or that the sum of an
element's specific heat and atomic mass is constant and roughly equal to 6.4. There are roughly
six calories per gram of atoms in all solid elements.

First, let us convert the specific heat from Joule per gram into calorie per gram. We know,
1calorie = 4.184Joule⇒1Joule = 4.184calorie. So, the specific heat of the metal in calorie per
gram = 4.19 / 4.184cal/g = 1.0014 cal/g. According to Dulong-Petit law, approximate atomic
mass × specific heat = 6.4. Therefore, the approximate atomic mass = 6.4 / specificheat = 6.4 /
1.0014 = 6.3911 g. Given, the equivalent mass of the metal = 21.4g We know that valency is
equal to the approximate atomic mass of the metal divided by the equivalent mass of the metal.
So, valency= 6.3911 / 21.4 = 0.2987. Therefore, exact atomic mass = valency × equivalent mass
= 0.2987 x times 21.4 = 6.3922g


The metals' specific heats were established experimentally by the students. The calorimetry
method was used throughout the experiment. Each metal sample was massed and heated in a hot
water bath. It was then put into a calorimeter filled with water. And the heat obtained by the
water was computed, which also means that the heat gained by the water equals the heat lost by
the metal. Nevertheless, the group did wonderfully during the experiment. There was no dispute
among the group members. If the data collected during the experiment is correct, it is possible to
calculate the real value of the metals' specific heat. The most difficult aspect of this study was
gaining prior knowledge on the topic of particular heat. To acquire the genuine values of the
findings, the experiment must be carried out appropriately to avoid careless errors, and the
proper amount of materials and apparatus must be used.


The experimental error is considerable since each metal received only one try. A better approach
would be to do many trials for each metal. Volume measurement is another source of mistake. A
more accurate piece of equipment should be used to measure the volume of water. The masses
should be calculated using an analytical balance that can measure to the thousandths place.
Additional reasons for mistakes include: difficulties reading the thermometer, heat loss to the
room as a result of a poor calorimeter, and human error in moving the metal shot to the
calorimeter. If this experiment were repeated, the results could be improved by increasing the
number of trials and using better measuring devices, such as a pipette for volume and an
analytical balance for mass. In conclusion, the specific heats of metal samples can be determined
experimentally using calorimetric techniques.

Specific heat capacity of metals analysis the aim of this experiment is to determine the specific.

Abu, E. (2004). A new correlation for the specific heat of metals, metal oxides and metal
fluorides as a function of temperature. J. Latin America of Applied Research (LAAR). 34. 257-

Blaunch, D. N. (2015). Experiment: Calorimetry and heat of neutralization introduction.

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