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SPE 64991

Productivity Decline of Vertical and Horizontal Wells by Asphaltene Deposition in

Petroleum Reservoirs
Shaojun Wang, SPE, and Faruk Civan, SPE, The University of Oklahoma

Copyright 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

dimensional, three-phase black-oil simulator. Two typical
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2001 SPE International Symposium on cases are evaluated with the simulator and representative
Oilfield Chemistry held in Houston, Texas, 13–16 February 2001.
results are reported.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to Asphaltene Precipitation Model
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at The polymer solution theory represents the existence state of
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of asphaltene in crude oil more accurately than the colloidal
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is theory [1]. Hirschberg et al. [11] first applied the polymer
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous solution theory to simulate the asphaltene precipitation
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
problem. By combining the Flory-Huggins theory for polymer
solution and Hildebrand solubility concept, Hirschberg et al.
[11] obtained the following equation:
V V 2
Asphaltene precipitation and deposition models were φ A = exp  A − 1 − A (δ A − δ L )  (1)
established and verified by typical experimental data. These V
 L RT 
models, the porosity and permeability reduction models, and where, φ A is the volume fraction of asphaltene dissolved in
the asphaltene mass balance equation were incorporated into a
three-dimensional, three-phase black-oil simulator. Two the crude oil. V A is the molar volume of asphaltene, assumed
typical cases involving asphaltene deposition in petroleum constant. V L is the molar volume of liquid phase, calculated
reservoirs associated with vertical and horizontal wells were with the modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin state equation in the
investigated using the simulator. During the three-year period Hirschberg et al. model. R is the universal gas constant and
of production, the productivity index declined more than 50 % T is the absolute temperature. δ A is the solubility parameter
for both the vertical and horizontal wells. The pattern of
of asphaltene, given as :
asphaltene deposition in the reservoir with a horizontal well
was found to be different from that in the reservoir with a
δ A = 20.04 * (1 − hT ) (2)
vertical well.

Introduction where h is a specific constant for each oil and δ L is the

The existence state of asphaltene in crude oil is different than solubility parameter of the liquid phase defined by [49]:
in solvent [1]. The crude oil containing asphaltene is a real 1
 ∆U vaporization  2
solution, but asphaltene forms aggregation in solvent [1]. The δ L =  
 (3)
process of asphaltene precipitation in hydrocarbon miscible  VL 
flooding is also different from that due to pressure depletion where ∆U vaporization is the internal energy change during the
during primary oil recovery [1]. The detailed review of the
existence state of asphaltene in crude oil, and the precipitation vaporization of a unit mole liquid.
and deposition of asphaltene in petroleum reservoirs is given The asphaltene precipitation process can be represented by
in Table 1-7 by Wang [1]. a vapor-liquid and a liquid-liquid equilibrium. In the vapor-
In this paper, an asphaltene precipitation model is liquid equilibrium, the composition of liquid is calculated and
developed and verified by a typical experimental data. Then, a the asphaltene solubility is calculated with Eq.(1) in the liquid-
porous media deposition model for asphaltene is established liquid equilibrium. It is assumed that the liquid-liquid
and applied to six sets of experimental data. Finally, the equilibrium does not effect the vapor-liquid equilibrium. In the
precipitation and deposition models for asphaltene as well as liquid-liquid equilibrium, the asphaltene precipitate is treated
other auxiliary models are incorporated into a three- as a solute-rich phase and the oil is treated as a solvent-rich
phase [11]. Hirschberg et al. [11] applied Eq.(1) to simulate

the asphaltene precipitation when the crude oil was mixed 0.0012815 1/ D C , which is close to the value given by
with solvent. Burke et al. [19] applied Eq.(1) to investigated Hirschberg et al. [11].
the effect of solvent content on the asphaltene precipitation
and Boer et al. [28] applied Eq.(1) to screen the crude oil with Asphaltene Deposition Model for Core Tests
asphaltene precipitation problem. Because the dead-oil was used in all core tests for asphaltene
The above precipitation model is applied to simulate the deposition, a single-phase system is assumed. A horizontal
experimental data of asphaltene precipitation reported by flow is considered, and the gravity effect is neglected. The
Burke et al. [19]. The composition of the oil is given in Table asphaltene precipitation and deposition problems are
8. The oil contains 16.08% (weight) asphaltene at stock tank represented by mass balance models for the liquid and
condition and has a bubble point of 2,950 psia. The reservoir asphaltene, the momentum balance equation, the asphaltene
temperature is 212 D F . The experimental data of asphaltene precipitation and deposition models, and the porosity and
precipitation is reported in Fig. 1. permeability reduction models.
Hirschberg et al. used the Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) The mass balance equation for the liquid phase is given by
equation of state to calculate the vapor-liquid equilibrium. [1]:

(φρ L wOL ) + ∂ (ρ L u L wOL ) = 0
However, compared to the Peng-Robinson equation, SRK
generated a big error in the calculation of vapor and liquid (4)
∂t ∂x
compositions [1]. Therefore, the Peng-Robinson equation was where O represents the oil component and L represents the
used to calculate the vapor-liquid equilibrium in this study.
liquid phase. φ represents the porosity of the porous media.
The shift parameter concept is applied to improve the
calculated molar volume of liquid [48]. First the critical ρ L is the density of liquid phase. u L is the flux of the liquid
properties and acentric parameter of C 7 + are defined by phase. wOL represents the mass fraction of the oil in the liquid
matching the bubble point. Then, the vapor-liquid equilibrium phase.
is calculated with the Peng-Robinson equation, and the molar The mass balance for asphaltene is given by[1]:

(φC A ρ A + φρ L w AL ) + ∂ (ρ L u L wSAL + ρ L u L w AL ) =
volume of liquid phase is calculated with the modified Peng-
Robinson equation [48]. The solubility parameter of ∂t ∂x
asphaltene is obtained using Eq.(2) and solubility parameter of (5)
∂E A
liquid phase is calculated with Eq.(3). Finally, the asphaltene − ρA
solubility is calculated with Eq.(1). In this process, the molar ∂t
volume of asphaltene, the shift parameter of C 7 + , and h in the where subscript A represents the asphaltene. C A is the
Eq.(2) are adjusted to match the experimental data. volume fraction of the suspended asphaltene precipitates in the
Regardless of how the three parameters are adjusted to liquid phase; ρ A is the density of asphaltene; wSAL and w AL
match the Burke et al.[19] experimental data, the maximum represent the mass fractions of the suspended asphaltene
asphaltene precipitate always occurs at the pressure of 2950 precipitates and the dissolved asphaltene in the liquid phase,
psia rather than 2014.7, indicated by the experimental data. It respectively; and E A is the volume fraction of the deposited
is believed that either the precipitation experimental data or asphaltene in the bulk volume of the porous media.
the bubble point has an error. Burke et al. [19] also noticed The momentum balance equation is given by Darcy’s law:
this error, but did not offer an explanation. The experimental k ∂P
data given in Fig. 1 indicate that the asphaltene precipitate uL = − (6)
slowly increases with the decrease in pressure when the µ L ∂x
pressure is above the 2014.7 psia, reaches a maximum value at where k is the absolute permeability of the porous media, µ L
2014.7 psia, and decreases rapidly with further decrease in is the viscosity of the liquid. P represents the pressure of the
pressure when the pressure is below 2014.7 psia. This liquid phase.
tendency is consistent with the previous observations [11, 39]. The deposition rate for asphaltene is given by [1]:
Therefore, it is believed that the reported bubble point value is ∂E A
incorrect. After the bubble point is adjusted to 2050 psia, the = αC Aφ − βE A (v L − vcr , L ) + γu L C A (7)
Burke et al. experimental data for asphaltene precipitation
where the first term represents the surface deposition. The
could be perfectly matched with the above model, Eq. (1). The
second term represents the entrainment of asphaltene deposits
simulated results are presented in Fig.1 and the parameters
by the flowing phase when the interstitial velocity is larger
used to match the experimental data are reported in Table 8.
than a critical interstitial velocity. This term shows that the
Fig.1 demonstrates that the above precipitation model can
entrainment rate of the asphaltene deposits is directly
adequately simulate the asphaltene precipitation process due to
proportional to the amount of asphaltene deposits present in
pressure depletion. The defined molar value of asphaltene by
porous media, and the difference between the actual interstitial
matching the experimental data is 1.02 m 3 / kmol . This value velocity and the critical interstitial velocity necessary for
is very close to the value defined by Nghiem and Coombe asphaltene deposit mobilization. The last term represents the
[30]. The shift parameter of C 7 + is reported in Table 8. h is pore throat plugging rate, which is directly proportional to the

product of the superficial velocity, u L , and the concentration the sandstones varied from 0.67 to 107 md. The porosities of
of the asphaltene, C A , that is the asphaltene precipitate the sandstones ranged from 7.1% to 24.7%. The core samples
were 5 to 7 cm in length and 2.3 cm in diameter. The test
concentration in the liquid phase. α is the surface deposition
temperatures were 50 and 80 °C, and a backpressure of 145
rate coefficient, β is the entrainment rate coefficient, and γ is psia was applied [50]. Because the compositions of the two
the plugging deposition rate coefficient. The value of β is set oils were not reported, the compositions of two dead oils
as: reported by Hrischberg et al [11] were used to approximate the
β = β i , when v L > vcr , L (8) compositions of the Weyburn and Hassi-Messaoud crude oils.
The shift parameter, acentric factor, and critical properties of
β = 0 , otherwise (9)
C 7 + were adjusted to match the asphaltene contents of the
where β i is the instantaneous entrainment rate coefficient. v L
Weyburn and Hassi-Messaoud oils. Then, the model described
is the interstitial velocity of liquid phase equal to u L / φ ; and in the previous sections was used to simulate the deposition
v cr , L is the critical interstitial velocity of liquid phase, which data of experiment GF1, GF3, GV5, GV10, GP9 and HMD26
[50]. The related data and obtained parameter values are listed
is considered to be constant. The value of γ is described as:
in Table 10. The simulated results are shown in Fig.2-7. In all
γ = γ i (1 + σE A ) , when D pt ≤ D ptcr (10) six cases, the simulated results matched the experimental data
γ = 0 , otherwise (11) accurately. Based on the value of the parameters obtained by
where γ i is the instantaneous plugging deposition rate history matching, the surface deposition occurred in all six
experiments. The pore throat plugging deposition occurred
coefficient, and σ is the snowball-effect deposition constant. only in experiments GF1 and HMD26, and the entrainment of
Thus, the pore throat plugging deposition rate increases deposits occurred in the remaining four experiments. Based on
proportionally with the total deposits. D pt is the average pore these results, it can be concluded that the surface deposition is
throat diameter; and D ptcr is the critical pore throat diameter, a predominant mechanism of asphaltene deposition.
assumed constant. When D pt is less than D ptcr , pore throat
Asphaltene Deposition Model For Petroleum
plugging deposition will occur. Reservoirs
The instantaneous, local porosity, φ , during asphaltene The three dimensional mass balance for asphaltene can be
deposition is equal to the difference between the initial expressed as [1]:

porosity, φ 0 , and the fractional pore volume occupied by the (φS L C A ρ A + φS L ρ L w AL ) + ∂ (ρ L u L w SAL + ρ L u L w AL ) +
asphaltene deposits, E A [42]: ∂t ∂x
∂ ∂
φ = φ0 − EA (12) (ρ L u L wSAL + ρ L u L w Al ) + (ρ L u L w SAL + ρ L u l w AL ) =
∂y ∂z
The instantaneous, local permeability, k , is calculated by
[1]: ∂E A
− ρA
φ 
3 ∂t
k = f p k 0   (13) (14)
 φ0  This mass balance equation, the asphaltene precipitation
where f p is a coefficient for permeability modification by the model, the asphaltene deposition model, the porosity and
permeability reduction models are incorporated into a three-
valve or gate effect [51], and k 0 is the initial permeability. dimensional, three-phase black-oil simulator [1]. Because
The asphaltene precipitate is calculated by the these equations are highly coupled, an inside iteration is
precipitation model described in previous section. applied to solve the mass balance, asphaltene precipitation and
The above models are coupled and solved by discretizing deposition, the porosity and permeability reduction models
by finite-difference, backward both in time and space. Hence, simultaneously.
a fully implicit numerical model is established and solved by The simulator was used to simulate the asphaltene
iteration. The program was evaluated with respect to the deposition in a reservoir of 2100 ft long, 2100 ft wide, and 50
sensitivity of the simulated results to time and space steps. The ft thick, and located at a depth of 4000 ft [1]. The reservoir
simulated data were not appreciably sensitive to time and was horizontal, homogeneous, and isotropic. The permeability
space steps. was 25 md and the porosity was 0.25. The reservoir was
The model described here was applied to six sets of core undersaturated with an initial pressure of 5261 psia,
test data involving asphaltene deposition [50]. Two types of D
temperature of 212 F and bubble point of 2050 psia. The
oil were used in these experiments: the Weyburn (contain crude oil of the reservoir had a gravity of 19 API at stock tank
5.3% asphaltene) and Hassi-Messaoud (contain 0.15% condition. The oil contained 16.08% (weight) asphaltene [19].
asphaltene) crude oils [50]. Four different natural sandstones The asphaltene precipitation curve (Fig.1) illustrates that no
were used: the Fontainebleau, Vosges, and Palatinat asphaltene precipitation occurs at pressure above 5056 psia. At
sandstones, and a HMD reservoir rock. The permeabilities of 5056 psia, asphaltene begins to precipitate, and the

precipitated asphaltene concentration increases with decrease pressure of the blocks around the wellbore quickly and fall
in pressure for a specific temperature. The precipitated below the pressure at which asphaltene starts to precipitate.
asphaltene concentration reaches the highest value at the Asphaltene began to precipitate and deposit in the near-
bubble point pressure of 2050 psia and then decreases with wellbore region during the first 5 days of production, and the
further decrease of pressure for specific temperature. Two asphaltene had the lowest solubility, the highest precipitate
cases are considered. concentration, and the highest quantity of deposits in the
Case 1 A vertical well located in the center of the reservoir blocks where the horizontal wellbore was located. After five
is producing oil with a bottom flowing pressure of 1000 psia days, the pressure in the blocks, where the wellbore was
and initial flow performance index of 0.048115 bbl/day-psi-ft. located, dropped to below the bubble point pressure. Also, the
The radius of the wellbore is 0.5 ft. The reservoir is divided dissolved asphaltene concentration in the blocks, where
into 21 equal blocks in both x and y directions with a block horizontal wellbore was located, increased with the decrease
length of 100 ft. There is one block in the vertical direction in pressure. The minimum asphaltene solubility and maximum
with a block length of 50 ft. The vertical well is located in the concentration of asphaltene precipitates moved from the near-
block 11 and 11 in the x and y-direction. wellbore region towards the outer boundary (Fig. 12, 13,)
Nearly three-years of production was predicted and the because the asphaltene solubility decreased with the pressure
results are provided in Fig.8-11. The production rate of the decrease initially and increased with the pressure decrease
well declined quickly from more than 4000 bbl/day to less after the pressure dropped to below 2050 psia. The maximum
than 100 bbl/day due to formation damage caused by asphaltene precipitate concentration occurred in the blocks
asphaltene deposition even though the average reservoir close to the wellbore over 400 days (Fig. 13) and the highest
pressure remained high. The reservoir pressure decreased quantity of asphaltene deposits were calculated in these blocks
quickly at first, then declined slowly at the end of three-year (Fig. 14). As a result, the porosity and permeability in these
production. The pressure at the near-wellbore region was the blocks decreased severely. The most severe damage occurred
first to fall below the pressure at which asphaltene begins to beyond the wellbore region rather than the blocks located near
precipitate. As a result, the solubility of the asphaltene the wellbore (Fig. 15)
decreased (Fig. 8) and the asphaltene began to precipitate and
deposit in the near wellbore region (Fig. 9, 10). After 25-days Conclusions
of production, the pressure in the whole reservoir dropped to The model and method reported in this paper adequately
below the pressure at which asphaltene starts to precipitate and simulate the asphastene precipitation and deposition in
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Vol. 14, No. 1&2, 1996, 13-39. Improve Volumetric Predictions”, SPE Reservoir
41. Peramanu, S., Clarke, P. F., and Pruden, B. B., “Flow Engineering, August, 1988, 1033-1040.
Loop Apparatus to Study the Effect of Solvent, 49. Hildebrank, J. H., “Solubility. XII. Regular Solutions”,
Temperature and Additives on Asphaltene Precipitation”, Journal of American Chemical Society, Vol. 51, 1929,
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 23, 66-80.
133-143, 1999. 50. Minssieux, L., “Core Damage From Crude Asphaltene
42. Civan, F., “Modeling and Simulation of Formation Deposition”, paper SPE 37250 presented at the SPE
Damage By Organic Deposition”, Presented at the First International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry held in
International Symposium in Colloid Chemistry in Oil Houston, TX, U. S. A., February 18-21, 1997.
51. Civan, F., Reservoir Formation Damage-Fundamentals,
Modeling, Assesment, and Mitigation, Gulf Publish
Company, Houston, 742p, 2000.

Table 1 Basic information about asphaltene

Feature Information References Comments
Definition Materials in crude oil, insoluble in n-heptane, but 2, 3 Defined by solubility rather than
soluble in benzene or toluene molecular structure
Elemental Carbon: 80.42~88.65%; 3, 4 The asphaltenes from different sources
Compositions Hydrogen: 7.44%~11.10%; Oxygen: 0.3~4.9% have different elemental compositions
Sulfur: 0.3~10.3%; Nitrogen: 0.6~3.3%
Molecular Polynuclear aromatic ring systems with alkyl side 3 Different molecules may have different
Structure chains number of rings
Molecular 1500~2500 3, 5 Measured by the method that prevents
Weight asphaltene molecule aggregation

Table 2 Related experiments about asphaltene

Experiment Equipment Fluid Results References Comments
and Method
Electron Electron Crude oil No dark spots or 6, 7 The oil film is clear and
Microscope, asphaltene particles uniform
Electron Electron A mixture of Many dark spots 6, 7 Asphaltene precipitation and
Microscope, crude oil with observed aggregation by solvent
Observation hydrocarbon
Electrical Effect Electrodes, Crude oil Asphaltene adsorbs 7
Apply electrical onto positive
potential electrodes
Silica, Crude oil Clear and uniform 8 Flowing through silica may
Electron before flowing. cause asphaltene precipitation
Electrical Effect
Microscope, Dark spots observed
Flowing and after
observation flowing
Ultra-centrifuge, Crude oil Asphaltene particles. 9, 10 Strong centrifugal force may
Sediment Particle weight: cause asphaltene precipitation
Ultra-centrifuge 30,000 and aggregation
Visual cell, Crude oil Completely reversible 11 Reversible in pressure
Pressure depletion precipitation and depletion
Reversibility and dissolution
Optical Mixture of Completely reversible 12 Breaking aggregation needs
Microscope, crude oil and precipitation and extra energy.
Adding fresh oil hydrocarbon dissolution
Reversibility into mixture , solvent
stirring and
Visual Inject mixture Asphaltene 13 Reversible during flowing in
Micromodel, of oil and precipitates and synthetic porous media
Reversibility Flowing and solvent first, deposits and then
observation and then fresh disappear gradually
oil after injecting fresh oil
Core, Inject mixture Pressure builds up first 14 Reversible during flow in
Flowing and of oil and and declines gradually natural porous media
Reversibility observing pressure solvent first, after injecting fresh oil
drop and then fresh
Molecular Ultra-centrifuge Crude oil 30,000 9, 10 Strong centrifugal force may
Weight cause asphaltene precipitation
and aggregation
Osmotic pressure Solution of 80,000 15 Solvent causes asphaltene
Molecular asphaltene in aggregation
Weight solvent
Small-Angle Solution of 20,000 - 138,400 16 Solvent causes asphaltene
Molecular Neutron and X-Ray asphaltene in aggregation
Weight Scattering solvent

Table 2 Related experiments about asphaltene (continued)

Osmotic pressure Solution of 80,000 15 Solvent causes asphaltene
Molecular asphaltene in aggregation
Weight solvent
Small-Angle Solution of 20,000 - 138,400 16 Solvent causes asphaltene
Molecular Neutron and X-Ray asphaltene in aggregation
Weight Scattering solvent
Molecular Cryoscopic method 600 - 6,000 15
Molecular Viscosity 900 - 2000 17
Weight determinations
Molecular Mono-molecular Solution of 80,000 - 140,000 18 Solvent causes asphaltene
Weight method asphaltene in aggregation
Preventing Solution of 1500 - 2500 3, 5 Represents real molecular
Molecular aggregation asphaltene in weight of asphaltene
Weight method solvent that

Table 3 Physical models of asphaltene in crude oil

Model Assumptions References Comments
Real Asphaltene is dissolved in crude oil and crude 11, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, Reversibility experiments strongly
Solution oil forms a real solution 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 support this model.
Colloidal Asphaltene is suspended in crude oil and 2, 3, 4, 9, 18, 33, 34, 35, 36 Reversibility experiments are
Model peptized by resins. The asphaltene precipitation strongly against this model. Even
is irreversible. When the ratio of resins to the ratio of resin to asphaltene
asphaltene contents is larger than 1.25, the crude contents is as high as 22, some
oil is stable and creates no precipitation and crude oil still has asphaltene
deposition problems. precipitation and deposition

Table 4 Factors affecting the asphaltene precipitation during primary oil recovery
Factors Change of Factors Asphaltene Solubility References Comments
Pressure is above the bubble 11, 19, 28, 37, 38,
Pressure point and decrease decrease 39
Pressure is below the bubble 11, 19, 28, 37, 38,
Pressure point and decrease increase 39
Temperature Increase increase 20
Temperature Increase decrease 19
Increase and below reservoir increase 40, 41
Temperature temperature
Increase and above the reservoir decrease 40, 41 Need more experiments
Temperature temperature to investigate the effect
of temperature
Composition Dissolved gas increase decrease 19

Table 5 Asphaltene precipitation models

Model Assumptions References Comments
Regular Solution Low pressure, Pressure change is small 23, 29 Its assumptions make this model not
Model applicable to primary oil recovery
Polymer Solution Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) and liquid-liquid 11, 19, 24, 28
Model equilibrium (LLE). LLE does not affect VLE
Colloidal Model Asphaltene is peptized by resins as particles. 34, 36 Experimental evidences are against
The precipitation process is irreversible. this model.
When the ratio of resin to asphaltene contents is
larger than a critical value, the crude oil is stable.

Table 6 Models for asphaltene deposition in core test

Model Assumption Transport Precipitation Deposition Comments
Model Model Model
Civan The flow channels in Mass balance equations Regular solution Surface deposition, Match
42, 51 porous media are for vapor phase, liquid model pore throat plugging , experimental data
grouped into plugging phase, paraffin and and entrainment of very well.
and nonplugging asphaltene components. deposits.
Ali and Asphaltene is Mass balance equation Adsorption, Asphaltene must
Islam suspended in crude oil for asphaltene surface deposition, precipitate first
43 and ready to deposit entrainment of and then deposit.
Wang et Asphaltene Mass balance equations Ideal solution Surface deposition, Precipitation
al. precipitation can be for vapor phase, liquid model pore throat plugging , model is over
44 simulated by ideal- phase, paraffin and and entrainment of simplified.
solution theory. asphaltene components. deposits.

Table 7 Models for asphaltene deposition in reservoirs

Model Assumptions Transport Precipitation Deposition Comments
Model Model Model
Leontaritis Psuedosteady state Darcy equation Colloidal Surface deposition, The model can only be used
45 flow. Damage area model entrainment of near wellbore region in short
does not change. deposits production time. Numerical
Pressure does not results are unstable.
change in the outside
of damage area.
Nghiem et al. Asphaltene can be Composition Regular Adsorption Adsorption is not a major
32 grouped into simulator solution deposition mechanism and
precipitating and non- model does not represent the major
precipitating feature of asphaltene
components. deposition.
Kocabas et al. Asphaltene is One-dimensional Adsorption, Asphaltene must precipitate
46 suspended as particles mass balance surface deposition, first and then deposit.
in crude oil and ready equation for entrainment of
to precipitate. asphaltene deposits
Wang and Asphaltene deposition Third- Third-order Surface deposition, The precipitation model is
Civan envelope can be dimensional, bi-variate pore throat empirical curve fitting of data
47 simulated by a bi- three-phase truncated plugging, and
variant truncated black oil power series entrainment of
power series simulator. deposits

Table 8- The compositions of crude oil used in the experiment of asphaltene precipitation [Burke et al., 19] and parameters used to
match the experimental data [present study]
N2 CO 2 C1 C2 C3 i - C4 n - C4 i - C5 n - C5 C6 C 7+
Composition 0.57 2.46 36.37 3.47 4.05 0.59 1.34 0.74 0.83 1.62 47.96
(mol %)
Critical -232.5 -220.4 -116.7 89.9 206.1 274.5 305.6 369.1 385.8 458.0 628.0
Temperature, D F
Critical Pressure, 493.1 507.5 666.4 706.5 616.0 527.9 550.6 490.4 488.6 436.9 428.9
Acentric Factor 0.0372 0.0484 0.0104 0.0979 0.1522 0.1852 0.1995 0.2280 0.2514 0.2994 0.4714
Shift Parameter 0.0 0.0 -0.154 -0.100 -0.085 -0.079 -0.064 -0.044 -0.042 -0.015 0.0415

Table 9 Data used in the simulation of experimental data and the model parameters determined by trial and error [present study]
GF1 GF3 GV10 GV5 GP9 HMD26
Core Properties
Initial Permeability, md 107 77.4 18.0 29.0 1.1 0.67
Initial Porosity, % 13.1 13.7 24.3 24.7 22.6 7.1
Length of Core Sample , cm 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
Diameter of Core Sample , cm 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3
Oil Properties
API of Crude Oil 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 43.0 43.0
Asphaltene Content wt.% 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 0.15 0.15
Experimental Data
Flow Rate, cm3 / hour 50 10 10 10 10 8
D 50 50 50 50 80 80
Temperature, C
Deposition Parameters
Dpcr , cm 0.00048 0.00016

u cr , L , cm / sec 0.0 0.0145 0.01 0.01 0.000643 0.0

α , 1 / sec 0.0017 0.0018 0.0051 0.0128 0.0275 0.0065
β i , 1 / cm 0.0 0.69 0.003 0.012 0.0006 0.0

γ i , 1 / cm 0.07 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.035

σ , constant 35 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
f p , constant 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

1.2 1
Experimental Data
Quantities of Asphaltene Precipitate (weight %)

Ratio of Instantaneous Permeability to Initial

Results Generated
by Model


0.6 0.6


0.2 Simulated
0.3 Results

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
500 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500
Injected Volume (pv)
Pressure, psia
Fig.1 Comparison of Burke et al. experimental Fig.3 Comparison of experimental and
data with results generated by the model simulated results for the GF3 Minssiuex test

0.9 Experimental
Ratio of Instantaneous Permeability to Initial
Ratio of Instantaneous Permeability to Initial

0.8 Simulated
0.9 Results


0.8 0.5


0.7 Experimental
Data 0.2
Results 0.1

0.6 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Injected Volume (pv) Injected Volume (pv)
Fig. 4 Comparison of experimental and
Fig.2 Comparison of experimental and
simulated results for the GV5 Minssiuex
simulated results for the GF1 Minssiuex

1 1

0.9 Experimental

Ratio of Instantaneous Permeability to

Ratio of Instantaneous Permeability to

0.8 Simulated 0.9
Results Simulated
0.7 Results

Initial Permeability
Initial Permeability

0.6 0.8


0.4 0.7


0.2 0.6


0 0.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Injected Volume (pv) Injected Volume (pv)

Fig.5 Comparison of experimental and Fig.7 Comparison of experimental and

simulated results for the GV10 Minssiuex simulated results for the HMD26
test Minssiuex test

Experimental Data
Ratio of Instantaneous Permeability to

0.9 Simulated Results

Initial Permeability




0 10 20 30 40 50
Injected Volume (pv)
Fig.6 Comparison of experimental and
simulated results for the GP9 Minssiuex

Concentration (volume fraction in

Dissolved Asphaltene


0.117 0 day 2 day 25 days 75 days
125 days 175 days 250 days 350 days
0.116 450 days 600 days 800 days 1000 days
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Distance from Wellbore (ft)
Fig. 8 Dissolved asphaltene distribution along x-direction at different production time
for vertical well

Asphaltene Precipitate Concentration

0 day 50 days 100 days

0.008 200 days 300 days 400 days
500 days 600 days 800 days
(volume fraction in oil)

1000 days






0 200 400 600 800 1000
Distance from Wellbore (ft)

Fig.9 Asphaltene precipitate distribution along x-direction at different production

time for vertical well


0 day 100 days 200 days 300 days

Quantities of Asphaltene Deposit

400 days 500 days 600 days 700 days
(volume fraction of rock)

800 days 900 days 1000 days





0 200 400 600 800 1000
Distance from Wellbore (ft)
Fig. 10 Asphaltene deposit distribution along x-direction at different production time
for vertical well

Permeability (md)

0 day 100 days 150 days
250 days 350 days 450 days
10 550 days 650 days 800 days
8 1000 days

0 200 400 600 800 1000
Distance from Wellbore (ft)

Fig. 11 Permeability distribution along x-direction at different production time for

vertical well

Asphaltene (volume fraction in oil)

Concentration of Dissolved

0.117 0 day 1 day 5 days 25 days
50 days 100 days 200 days 300 days
400 days 500 days 750 days 1000 days
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Distance from Wellbore (ft)
Fig.12 Dissolved asphaltene distribution in direction perpendicular to horizontal
wellbore at different production time

Asphaltene Precipitate Concentration

0 day 1 day 5 days 25 days

0.012 50 days 100 days 200 days 300 days
400 days 500 days 750 days 1000 days
(volume fraction in oil)






0 200 400 600 800 1000
Distance from Wellbore (ft)

Fig.13 Asphaltene precipitate distribution in direction perpendicular to horizontal

wellbore at different production time

0 day 5 days 25 days 50 days
Quantities of Asphaltene Deposits

100 days 200 days 300 days 400 days

500 days 650 days 800 days 1000 days
(volume fraction of rock)




0 200 400 600 800 1000
Distance from Wellbore (ft)

Fig.14 Asphaltene deposit distribution in direction perpendicular to horizontal

wellbore at different production time

Permeability (md)

0 day 25 days 50 days 100 days
200 days 300 days 400 days 500 days
2 650 days 800 days 1000 days
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Distance from Wellbore (ft)

Fig.15 Asphaltene permeability distribution in direction perpendicular to horizontal

wellbore at different production time

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