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Vasquez, Angelica, Bio30lL, Activity 2,2020

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San Ramon Bontoc, Southern Leyte

Name:Angelica Colis Vasquez Score:

Course/ Yr & Section: BSMB 1A Date Submitted:

Activity No. 2


1. Differentiate a molecule from a compound, and element from atom.

2. Answer:
Molecule is the general term used to describe any atoms that are
connected by chemical bonds. Every combination of atoms is
molecule. A compound is a molecule made of atoms from different
elements. All compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are
Matter refers to anything that occupies space and has mass, all
matter is made up of substances called elements. An atom is the
smallest unit of matter that retains all of the chemical properties of
an element.

What are the types of organic molecules in cells? Determine the building blocks f
or each of these organic molecules.
3. Answer:
Carbohydrates are energy suppliers which are made of simple sugars called
monosaccharide that are linked together by glycosidic bond.

Proteins are building block of skin, muscle and etc..

Proteins are polymer of aminoacids.

Lipids are the energy storage molecule that is made of triglycerides.

Nucleic acid (DNA,RNA) are the polymer of nucleotides.

Nucleotides are made of nitrogenous base, sugar, phosphate group.
They are important of inheritance.

What are the monomers used to make carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids?

4. Answer:
Carbohydrates are energy suppliers which are made of simple sugars called
monosaccharide that are linked together by glycosidic bond.

Proteins are building block of skin, muscle and etc..

Proteins are polymer of aminoacids.

Nucleic acid (DNA,RNA) are the polymer of nucleotides.

Nucleotides are made of nitrogenous base, sugar, phosphate group.
They are important of inheritance.

What function do both lipids and carbohydrates share? How do they differ in this
5. Answer:
Complex carbohydrates (e.g.polysaccharides) and lipids both contain a lot of
chemicals energy and can be used for energy storage. Complex carbohydrates and
lipids are both insoluble in water.they are not easily transported. Carbohydrates and
lipids both burn cleaner than proteins.

Why is water called the universal solvent of life?

6. Answer:
Water is capable of dissolving a variety of different substance,which is why It is good
solvent. And water is called universal solvent because it dissolve more substance
than any other liquid. This is important to every living thing on earth it means that
wherever water goes, either through the ground or through our bodies, it takes
along valuable chemicals, minerals and nutrients.

Does sea water freeze? Justify your answer.

7. Answer:
Ocean water freezes just like fresh water,but a lower temperature. Fresh water
freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit but sea water freezes about 28.4 degrees
Fahrenheit, because of the salt in it.when sea water freezes, however the ice
contains very little salt because only the water part freezes.

Why does ice floats in water? Explain using the properties of water.
8. Answer:
Because ice less dense than liquid water,it will always float on liquid water.
Ice is a rare example of a solid that is less dense than it's corresponding liquid.

Why isn't uracil used instead of thymine in DNA?


Because thymine is a deoxyribose sugar


A. Encircle the correct answer of the following questions.

1. Both complex carbohydrates and lipids can provide energy to your body
as they are broken down. However, only carbohydrates are broken down
into which of the following subunits?
A. sugars B . amino acids C. nucleotides D. fat
2. Amino acids and sugars are both required by animals to maintain their
health. Without a diet containing both of these, animals cannot survive.
Amino acids are obtained by animals when they digest –
A. carbohydrates B. proteins C. nucleic acids D lipid

3. If a complex molecule can be digested to produce monosaccharides and

disaccharides, then the original molecules should be classified as which
type of biomolecule?
A lipids B proteins C nucleic acids D .carbohydrate
4. Triglycerides are compounds created by combining a molecule of glycerol
with three fatty acids. Triglycerides are used to store large amounts of
energy and are classified as a form of which biomolecule?
A carbohydrates B proteins C nucleic acids D. lipid
5. Every living cell, DNA and RNA serve as the molecules that store and
transmit genetic information throughout the cell. These molecules are
both forms of which biomolecule?
A nucleic acids B carbohydrates C lipids D protein
B. Choose the correct answer from the given choices below.
1. Which diagram accurately depicts a nucleic acid? D
2. Which diagram accurately depicts a carbohydrate? A
3. Which of the diagrams accurately depicts a protein? B
4. Which of the diagrams accurately depicts a lipid? C
5. Which diagram can also be called a fat? C
6. Which diagram does NOT represent a polymer? A
7. Which diagram shows part of a cell’s genetic material? B

A. B. B


C. Answer the questions below by selecting one of the following answer


8. Which TWO molecules are used to store energy? A & C

9. Which molecule is used to transmit information? D
10. Which of the diagrams accurately depicts a lipid? C
11. Which diagram can also be called a polypeptide? B
12. Which diagram can also be called an polysaccharide? A
13. Which of the diagrams accurately depicts a protein? C
14. Which diagram accurately depicts a carbohydrate? A
15. Which diagram accurately depicts a nucleic acid? D


D. Use the diagram above to answer questions 1-3.
1. In the diagram above, which of the following is the identity of molecule A?
A carbohydrates B proteins C nucleic acids D lipid
2. In the diagram above, which of the following is the identity of molecule B?
A carbohydrates B proteins C nucleic acids D lipid
3. Which of the following is the best reason that both of these molecules would
be considered organic compounds?
A They both contain atoms of oxygen
B They are both used to store energy
C They both contain carbon and hydrogen
E They are both found in cellular structures

Nucleic acid Carbohydrate

4. A primary difference between the two types of molecules shown above is that
only the nucleic acid is able to –
A store chemical energy C be used to create cell walls
B transmit information D be classified as a polymer

5. Which of the following molecules would be considered an organic compound?

A Water (H2O) B Rust (Fe2O3) C Methane (CH4) D Salt (NaCl)

6. The diagram to the right is an example of which type of molecule?

A carbohydrates C protein
B nucleic acids D lipids

1 2 3

Carbohydrates are an important energy source for all living things.

7. Carbohydrates are known by what another name?Carbohydrates, also known
as saccharides or carbs, provide energy for the body. Each gram of
carbohydrates provides 4 calories. The body breaks carbohydrates down into
glucose, which is the primary energy source for the brain and muscles.

8. Define the following prefixes:

Mono- saccharide Di- saccharide Poly- saccharide
9. Which diagram of carbohydrates shown above is a monosaccharide? 3
10. Which diagram of carbohydrates shown above is a disaccharide? 1
11. Which diagram of carbohydrates shown above is a polysaccharide? 2

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