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Whirlpool W9 OM2 4S1 P BSS Oven

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Quick guide EN


In order to receive a more complete assistance, please Before using the appliance carefully read the Safety
register your product on www‌.‌whirlpool‌.‌eu/‌register Instruction.

1. Control panel
1 2. Fan and Circular heating
(not visible)
2 5 3. Shelf guides
5 5
6 (the level is indicated on the
front of the oven)
4 4 4. Door
5. Upper heating element/grill
3 3
7 6. Lamp
3 2 2
7. Identification plate
1 1 (do not remove)
8 8. Lower heating element
(not visible)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


For switching the oven on and off. For retrieving up the list of your To enable use of the 6th Sense Live
2. HOME favorite functions. Whirlpool app.
For gaining quick access to the 4. DISPLAY 7. CANCEL
main menu. 5. TOOLS To stop any oven function except
To choose from several options the Clock, Kitchen Timer and
and also change the oven settings Control Lock.
and preferences.


Use to cook food or as a Use as an oven tray for Use for cooking all bread and To facilitate inserting or
support for pans, cake tins cooking meat, fish, pastry products, but also for removing accessories.
and other ovenproof items of vegetables, focaccia, etc. or roasts, fish en papillotte, etc.
cookware position underneath the wire
shelf to collect cooking juices.

* Availble only on certain models

The number and the type of accessories may vary depending on which model is purchased.
Other accessories can be purchased separately from the After-sales Service.

ACCESSORIES Remove the shelf guides from the oven and remove
Insert the wire shelf horizontally by sliding it across the protective plastic from the sliding runners.
the shelf guides, making sure that the side with the Fasten the upper clip of the runner to the shelf guide
raised edge is facing upwards. and slide it along as far as it will go. Lower the other
Other accessories, such as the drip tray and the clip into position. To secure the guide, press the lower
baking tray, are inserted horizontally in the same way portion of the clip firmly against the shelf guide.
as the wire shelf. Make sure that the runners can move freely. Repeat
REMOVING AND REFITTING THE SHELF GUIDES these steps on the other shelf guide on the same
• To remove the shelf guides, lift the guides up and level.
then gently pull the lower part out of its seating:
The shelf guides can now be removed.
• To refit the shelf guides, first fit them back into
their upper seating. Keeping them held up, slide
them into the cooking compartment, then lower
them into position in the lower seating.
Please note: The sliding runners can be fitted on any level.

quickly and gently and can also be used to
MANUAL FUNCTIONS heat food already cooked. The oven does not
• FAST PREHEAT need to be pre-heated. Follow the instructions
For preheating the oven quickly. on the packaging.
For cooking any kind of dish on one shelf only. For cooking large joints of meat (above 2.5 kg).
It is advisable to turn the meat over during
• GRILL cooking, to obtain even browning on both
For grilling steaks, kebabs and sausages, cooking sides. It is best to baste the meat every now
vegetables au gratin or toasting bread. When and again to prevent it from drying out.
grilling meat, we recommend using a drip tray to
collect the cooking juices: Position the tray on any
of the levels below the wire shelf and add 500 ml For cooking stuffed roasting joints and fillets of
of drinking water. meat on a single shelf. Food is prevented from
drying out excessively by gentle, intermittent
• TURBO GRILL air circulation. When this ECO function is in
For roasting large joints of meat (legs, roast beef, use, the light will remain switched off during
chicken). We recommend using a drip tray to cooking. To use the ECO cycle and therefore
collect the cooking juices: Position the pan on any optimise power consumption, the oven
of the levels below the wire shelf and add 500 ml door should not be opened until the food is
of drinking water. completely cooked.
For cooking different foods that require the The function automatically selects the ideal
same cooking temperature on several shelves cooking temperature and mode for 5 different
(maximum three) at the same time. This function types of ready frozen food. The oven does not
can be used to cook different foods without have to be preheated.
odours being transferred from one food to
another. 6th SENSE
• COOK 4 FUNCTIONS These enable all types of food to be cooked fully
For cooking different foods that require the same automatically. To use at best this function, follow the
cooking temperature on four levels at the same indications on the relative cooking table.
time. This function can be used to cook cookies,
tarts, round pizzas (also frozen) and to prepare a
complete meal. Follow the cooking table to obtain
the best results.
For cooking meat, baking cakes with fillings on
one shelf only.
To speed up defrosting of food. Place food on
the middle shelf. Leave food in its packaging
to prevent it from drying out on the outside.
For keeping just-cooked food hot and crisp.
For optimal proving of sweet or savoury
dough. To maintain the quality of proving, do
not activate the function if the oven is still hot
following a cooking cycle.
To cook ready-made food, stored at room
temperature or in the refrigerator (biscuits,
cake mix, muffins, pasta dishes and bread-type
products). The function cooks all the dishes

To select or confirm: To confirm a setting or go to the next screen:
Tap the screen to select the value or menu item Tap “SET” or “NEXT”.
you require.
Select a forced air temperature.

Manual Functions

6th Sense Functions Set Cook Time NEXT

To go back to the previous screen:

To scroll through a menu or a list: Tap .
Simply swipe your finger across the display to
scroll through the items or values. Forced Air

Manual Functions COOKING

Conventional Convection For cooking different foods that
Bake require the same cooking
temperature on several shelves
(maximum three) at the same
Forced Air Grill DELAY
time. This function can be used START

Select a forced air


Set Cook Time NEXT

You will need to configure the product when you the identification plate attached to the product.
switch on the appliance for the first time. 4. Connect to WiFi
The settings can be changed subsequently by pressing to Follow the scan-to-connect setup procedure. The app
access the “Tools” menu. will guide you through the process of connecting
1. SELECT THE LANGUAGE your appliance to the wireless network in your home.
You will need to set the language and the time when If your router supports WPS 2.0 (or higher), select
you switch on the appliance for the first time. “MANUALLY”, then tap “WPS Setup”: Press the
WPS button on your wireless router to establish a
• Swipe across the screen to scroll through the list of connection between the two products.
available languages.
If necessary, you can also connect the product
• Tap the language you require. manually using “Search for a network”.
Tapping will take you back to the previous screen. The SAID code is used to synchronise a smart device with
2. SELECT SETTINGS MODE your appliance.
Once you have selected the language, the display The MAC address is displayed for the WiFi module.
will prompt you to choose between “STORE DEMO” The connection procedure will only need to be
(useful for retailers, for display purposes only) or carried out again if you change your router settings
continue by tapping “NEXT”. (e.g. network name or password or data provider)
The 6 Sense Live feature allows you to operate the
th Connecting the oven to your home network will set
oven remotely from a mobile device. To enable the the time and date automatically. Otherwise you will
appliance to be controlled remotely, you will need to need to set them manually
complete the connection process successfully first. • Tap the relevant numbers to set the time.
This process is necessary to Register your appliance • Tap “SET” to confirm.
and connect it to your home network. Once you have set the time, you will need to set the
• Tap “SETUP NOW” to proceed with setup date
connection. • Tap the relevant numbers to set the date.
Otherwise, tap “SKIP” to connect your product later. • Tap “SET” to confirm.
To use this feature you will need: A smartphone 4. SET THE POWER CONSUMPTION
or tablet and a wireless router connected to the The oven is programmed to consume a level of electrical
Internet. Please use your smart device to check that power that is compatible with a domestic network that
your home wireless network’s signal is strong close to has a rating of more than 3 kW (16 Ampere): If your
the appliance. household uses a lower power, you will need to
Minimum requirements. decrease this value (13 Ampere).
Smart device: Android with a 1280x720 (or higher) screen or • Tap the value on the right to select the power.
iOS. • Tap “OKAY” to complete initial setup.
See on app store the app compatibility with Android or iOS 5. HEAT THE OVEN
versions. A new oven may release odours that have been left
Wireless router: 2.4Ghz WiFi b/g/n. behind during manufacturing: this is completely
1. Download the 6th Sense Live App normal. Before starting to cook food, we therefore
The first step to connecting your appliance is to recommend heating the oven with it empty in order
download the app on your mobile device. The 6th to remove any possible odours.
Sense Live app will guide you through all the steps Remove any protective cardboard or transparent
listed here. You can download the 6th Sense Live app film from the oven and remove any accessories from
from the App Store or the Google Play Store. inside it. Heat the oven to 200 °C for around one hour.
2. Create an account It is advisable to air the room after using the appliance for the
If you haven’t done so already, you’ll need to Create first time.
an account. This will enable you to network your
appliances and also view and control them remotely.
3. Register your appliance
Follow the instructions in the app to register your
appliance. You will need the Smart Appliance
IDentifier (SAID) number to complete the registration
process. You can find its unique code the number on

You can delay cooking before starting a function: The
1. SELECT A FUNCTION function will start or end at the time you select in
• To switch on the oven, press or touch advance.
anywhere on the screen. • Tap “DELAY” to set the start time or end time you
The display allows you to choose between Manual require.
and 6th Sense Functions. • Once you have set the required delay, tap “START
• Tap the main function you require to access the DELAY” to start the waiting time.
corresponding menu. • Place the food in the oven and close the door: The
• Scroll up or down to explore the list. function will start automatically after the period of
• Select the function you require by tapping it. time that has been calculated.
2. SET MANUAL FUNCTIONS Programming a delayed cooking start time will disable the
oven preheating phase: The oven will reach the temperature
After having selected the function you require, you your require gradually, meaning that cooking times will be
can change its settings. The display will show the slightly longer than those listed in the cooking table.
settings that can be changed.
• To activate the function immediately and cancel
TEMPERATURE / GRILL LEVEL the programmed delay time, tap .
• Scroll through the suggested values and select the
one you require. 5. START THE FUNCTION
If allowed by the function, you can tap to activate • Once you have configured the settings, tap
preheating. “START” to activate the function.
If the oven is hot and the function requires a specific
DURATION maximum temperature, a message will shown on the display.
You do not have to set the cooking time if you want You can change the values that have been set at any time
to manage cooking manually. In timed mode, the during cooking by tapping the value you want to amend.
oven cooks for the length of time you select. At the • Press to stop the active function at any time.
end of the cooking time, the cooking is stopped
automatically. 6. PREHEATING
• To set the duration, tap “Set Cook Time”. If previously activated, once the function has been
• Tap the relevant numbers to set the cooking time started the display indicates the status of preheating
you require. phase. Once this phase has been finished, an audible
signal will sound and the display will indicate that the
• Tap “NEXT” to confirm.
oven has reached the set temperature.
To cancel a set duration during cooking and so manage
• Open the door.
manually the end of cooking, tap the duration value and then
select “STOP”. • Place the food in the oven.
• Close the door and tap “DONE” to start cooking.
3. SET 6th SENSE FUNCTIONS Placing the food in the oven before preheating has finished
The 6th Sense functions enable you to prepare a wide may have an adverse effect on the final cooking result.
variety of dishes, choosing from those shown in the Opening the door during the preheating phase will pause it.
list. Most cooking settings are automatically selected The cooking time does not include a preheating phase.
by the appliance in order to achieve the best results.
• Choose a recipe from the list. 7. PAUSING COOKING
Functions are displayed by food categories in the “6th SENSE Some 6th Sense functions will require to turn the food
FOOD” menu (see relative tables) and by recipe features in the during cooking. An audible signal will sound and the
“LIFESTYLE” menu. displays shows the action must to be done.
• Once you have selected a function, simply indicate • Open the door.
the characteristic of the food (quantity, weight, • Carry out the action prompted by the display.
etc.) you want to cook to achieve the perfect • Close the door, then tap “DONE” to resume
result. cooking.
Before cooking ends, the oven could prompt you to
check the food in the same way.
An audible signal will sound and the displays shows
the action must to be done.
• Check the food.
• Close the door, then tap “DONE” to resume

8. END OF COOKING It will be possible to combine a time slot only with a meal.
An audible signal will sound and the display will 10. TOOLS
indicate that cooking is complete. With some Press to open the “Tools” menu at any time. This
functions, once cooking has finished you can give menu enables you to choose from several options
your dish extra browning, extend the cooking time or and also change the settings or preferences for your
save the function as a favorite. product or the display.
• Tap to save it as a favorite.
• Select “Extra Browning” to start a five-minute REMOTE ENABLE
browning cycle. To enable use of the 6th Sense Live Whirlpool app.
• Tap to save prolong the cooking.
9. FAVORITES This function can be activated either when using a
The Favourites feature stores the oven settings for cooking function or alone for keeping time. Once
your favorite recipe. started, the timer will continue to count down
The oven automatically recognizes the most used functions. independently without interfering with the function
After a certain number of uses, you will be prompted to add itself. Once the timer has been activated, you can also
the function to your favorites. select and activate a function.
HOW TO SAVE A FUNCTION The timer will continue counting down at the top-right corner
Once a function has finished, tapping on to save of the screen.
it as a favourite. This will enable you to use it quickly To retrieve or changhe the kitchen timer:
in the future, keeping the same settings. The display • Press .
allows you to save the function by indicating up to 4 • Tap .
favorite meals time including breakfast, lunch, snack An audible signal will sound and the display will
and dinner. indicate once the timer has finished counting down
• Tap the icons to select at least one. the selected time.
• Tap “SAVE AS FAVORITE” to save the function. • Tap “DISMISS” to cancel the timer or set a new
ONCE SAVED timer duration.
To view the favorite menu, press : the functions • Tap “SET NEW TIMER” to set the timer again.
will be divided by different meal times and some
suggestions will be offered. LIGHT
• Tap the meals icon To view the relevant lists To switch on or off the oven lamp.
• Scroll through the prompted list. PYRO SELF CLEANING
• Tap the recipe or function you require. For eliminating cooking spatters using a cycle at very
• Tap “START” to activate the cooking. high temperature. Three selfcleaning cycles with
CHANGING THE SETTINGS different durations are available: High, Medium, Low.
In the favorite screen, you can add an image or name We recommend using the quicker cycle at regular
to the favorite to customize it to your preferences. intervals and the complete cycle only when the oven
• Select the function you want to change. is heavily soiled.
• Tap “EDIT”. Do not touch the oven during the Pyro cycle.
• Select the attribute you want to change. Keep children and animals away from the oven
• Tap “NEXT”: The display will show the new during and after (until the room has finished
attributes. airing) running the Pyro cycle.
• Tap “SAVE” to confirm your changes. • Remove all accessories - including shelf guides -
In the favorite screen you can also delete functions from the oven before activating the function. If the
you have saved: oven is installed below a hob, make sure that all
• Tap the on the function. the burners or electric hotplates are switched off
while running the selfcleaning cycle.
• Tap “REMOVE IT”.
• For optimum cleaning results, remove excessive
You can also adjust the time when the various meals residuals inside the cavity and clean the inner door
are shown: glass before using the Pyro function.
• Press . • Choose one of the available cycles according to
• Select “Preferences”. your needs.
• Select “Times and Dates”. • Tap “START” to activate the selected function. The
• Tap “Your Meal Times”. door will lock automatically and the oven will
• Scroll through the list and tap the relevant time. start the self-cleaning cycle: a warning message
• Tap the relevant meal to change it. appears on the display, along with a countdown
indicating the status of the cycle in progress.

Once the cycle has been completed, the door remains
locked until the temperature inside the oven has
returned to a safe level.
Once the cycle has been selected, you can delay the start of
automatic cleaning. Tap “DELAY” to set the end time as
indicated in the relevant section.

Tap the icon to mute or unmute all the sounds and
The “Control Lock” enables you to lock the buttons on
the touch pad so they cannot be pressed accidently.
To activate the lock:
• Tap the icon.
To deactivate the lock:
• Tap the display.
• Swipe up on the message shown.
For selecting Sabbath mode and accessing Power
For changing several oven settings.
For changing settings or configuring a new home network.
For switching off “Store Demo Mode”, resetting the
product and obtaining further information about the


Yes 170 30 - 50 2

Leavened cakes / Sponge cakes Yes 160 30 - 50 2

Yes 160 30 - 50 4 1

Yes 160 – 200 30 - 85 3

Filled cakes (cheesecake, strudel, apple
pie) 4 1
Yes 160 – 200 35 - 90

Yes 150 20 - 40 3

Yes 140 30 - 50 4
Cookies / Shortbread
Yes 140 30 - 50 4 1

Yes 135 40 - 60 5 3 1

Yes 170 20 - 40 3

Yes 150 30 - 50 4
Small cakes / Muffin
Yes 150 30 - 50 4 1

Yes 150 40 - 60 5 3 1

Yes 180 - 200 30 - 40 3

Choux buns Yes 180 - 190 35 - 45 4 1

Yes 180 - 190 35 - 45 * 5 3 1

Yes 90 110 - 150 3

Meringues Yes 90 130 - 150 4 1

Yes 90 140 - 160 * 5 3 1

Yes 190 - 250 15 - 50 2

Pizza / Bread / Focaccia
Yes 190 - 230 20 - 50 4 1

Pizza (Thin, thick, focaccia) Yes 220 - 240 25 - 50 * 5 3 1

Yes 250 10 - 15 3

Frozen pizza Yes 250 10 - 20 4 1

Yes 220 - 240 15 - 30 5 3 1

Yes 180 - 190 45 - 55 3

Savoury pies (vegetable pie,quiche) Yes 180 - 190 45 - 60 4 1

Yes 180 - 190 45 - 70 * 5 3 1

Yes 190 - 200 20 - 30 3

Vols-au-vent / Puff pastry crackers Yes 180 - 190 20 - 40 4 1

Yes 180 - 190 20 - 40 * 5 3 1

FUNCTIONS Convection
Conventional Forced air Grill TurboGrill MaxiCooking Cook 4 Eco Forced air

Lasagne / Flans / Baked pasta / 3
Yes 190 - 200 45 - 65
Lamb / Veal / Beef / Pork 1 kg Yes 190 - 200 80 - 110 3

Roast pork with crackling 2 kg — 170 110 - 150 2

Chicken / Rabbit / Duck 1 kg Yes 200 - 230 50 - 100 3

Turkey / Goose 3 kg Yes 190 - 200 80 - 130 2

Baked fish / en papillote (fillets, whole) Yes 180 - 200 40 - 60 3

Stuffed vegetables (tomatoes, 2

Yes 180 - 200 50 - 60
courgettes, aubergines)
Toast — 3 (High) 3-6 5

Fish fillets / Steaks — 2 (Mid) 20 - 30 ** 4 3

Sausages / Kebabs / Spare ribs / 5 4

— 2 - 3 (Mid - High) 15 - 30 **
Roast chicken 1-1.3 kg — 2 (Mid) 55 - 70 *** 2 1

Leg of lamb / Shanks — 2 (Mid) 60 - 90 *** 3

Roast potatoes — 2 (Mid) 35 - 55 *** 3

Vegetable gratin — 3 (High) 10 - 25 3

Cookies Yes 135 50 - 70 5 4 3 1


Tarts Yes 170 50 - 70 5 4 3 1


Round pizzas Yes 210 40 - 60 5 4 2 1

Round Pizza
Complete meal: Fruit tart (level 5) / 5 3 1
Yes 190 40 - 120 *
lasagne (level 3) / meat (level 1)
Complete meal: Fruit tart (level 5) /
roasted vegetables (level 4) / lasagna Yes 190 40 - 120 5 4 2 1
(level 2) / cuts of meat (level 1) Menu
Lasagna & Meat Yes 200 50 - 100 * 4 1

Meat & Potatoes Yes 200 45 - 100 * 4 1

Fish & Vegetebles Yes 180 30 - 50 * 4 1

Stuffed roasting joints — 200 80 - 120 * 3

Cuts of meat (rabbit, chicken, lamb) — 200 50 - 100 * 3

* Estimated length of time: dishes can be removed from the oven at different times depending on personal preference.
** Turn food halfway through cooking.
*** Turn food two thirds of the way through cooking (if necessary).
The tables list: recipes, if preheating is needed, temperature (°C), grill level, cooking time (minutes), accessories and level suggested for cooking. Cooking
times start from the moment food is placed in the oven, excluding preheating (where required). Cooking temperatures and times are approximate and
depend on the amount of food and the type of accessory used. Use the lowest recommended values to begin with and, if the food is not cooked
enough, move on to higher values. Use the accessories supplied and preferably dark-coloured metal cake tins and oven trays. You can also use pans and
accessories in pyrex or stoneware, but bear in mind that cooking times will be slightly longer. To obtain the best results, carefully follow the advice given
in the cooking table for the choice of accessories (supplied) to be placed on the various shelves.

FUNCTIONS Convection
Conventional Forced air Grill TurboGrill MaxiCooking Cook 4 Eco Forced air

Food categories Level and Accessories Quantity Cooking Info

Fresh Lasagna 2 500 - 3000 g


Prepare according to your favorite recipe. Pour bechamel

sauce on top and sprinckle with cheese to get perfect
Frozen Lasagna 2 500 - 3000 g browning

Brush with oil and rub with salt and pepper. Season with
Roast beef 3 600 - 2000 g garlic and herbs as you prefer. At the end of cooking let rest
Beef for at least 15 minutes before carving
5 4 Brush with oil and sprinkle with salt before cooking.
Hamburger 1,5 - 3 cm
Turn at 3/5 of cooking time.
Brush with oil and rub with salt and pepper. Season with
Roast Pork 3 600 - 2500 g garlic and herbs as you prefer. At the end of cooking let rest
Pork for at least 15 minutes before carving.
5 4 Brush with oil and sprinkle with salt before cooking.

Pork Ribs 500 - 2000 g

Turn at 2/3 of cooking time
2 Brush with oil and season as you prefer. Rub with salt and
Roast Chicken 600 - 3000 g
pepper. Insert into the oven with the breast side up
5 4 Brush with oil and sprinkle with salt before cooking.
Fillet / Breast 1 - 5 cm
Turn at 2/3 of cooking time
5 4 Brush with oil and sprinkle with salt before cooking.
Kebab one grid
Turn at 1/2 of cooking time
Meat dishes
Sausages & 5 4 Distribute evenly on the wire shelf.
1,5 - 4 cm
Wurstel Turn at 3/4 of cooking time
3 2 Brush with oil and rub with salt and pepper. Season with
Fillets 0,5 - 2.5 cm
Roasted fillet garlic and herbs as you prefer
& Fish Frozen fish 3 2 Brush with oil and rub with salt and pepper. Season with

0,5 - 2.5 cm
fillets garlic and herbs as you prefer
4 Cover with breadcrumbs and season with oil, garlic, pepper
Scallops one tray
and parsley
Grilled Mussels 4 one tray
seafood 4 3 Brush with oil and rub with salt and pepper. Season with
Shrimps one tray
garlic and herbs as you prefer
Prawns 4 3 one tray
3 Cut in pieces, season with oil, salt and flavor with herbs
Potatoes 500 - 1500 g
before insert into the oven
Roasted Stuffed 3
Vegetables 100 - 500 g each
Vegetables Brush with oil and rub with salt and pepper. Season with
Other 3 garlic and herbs as you prefer
500 - 1500 g
3 Cut in pieces, season with oil, salt and flavor with herbs

Potatoes 1 tray
before insert into the oven
3 Cover with breadcrumbs and season with oil, garlic, pepper
Tomatoes 1 tray
and parsley
Gratin 3 Prepare according to your favorite recipe. Sprinckle with
Peppers 1 tray
Vegetables cheese to get perfect browning
Broccoli 3 1 tray
Prepare according to your favorite recipe. Pour bechamel
Cauliflowers 3 1 tray sauce on top and sprinckle with cheese to get perfect
3 browning
Others 1 tray

ACCESSORIES Drip tray / Baking tray

Oven tray or cake tin Drip tray with
Wire shelf or oven tray on wire Drip tray / Baking tray
on wire shelf 500 ml of water

Food categories Level and Accessories Quantity Cooking Info
2 Prepare a fatless sponge cake batter of 500-900g. Pour into
Sponge Cake in tin 0.5 - 1.2 kg
lined and greased baking pan
Make a batch of 500g flour, 200g salted butter, 200g sugar,
3 2 egg. Flavor with fruit essence. Let cool down. Stretch
Cookies 0.2 - 0.6 kg
evenly the dough and shape as you prefer. Lay the cookies

on a baking tray
3 Distribute evenly in the baking tray. Let cool down before
Choux pastry 1 tray
Make a batch of 500g flour, 200g salted butter, 200g sugar,
3 2 egg. Flavor with fruit essence. Let cool down. Stretch
Tart in tin 0.4 - 1.6 kg
evenly the dough and fold in a tin. Fill with marmalade a
Prepare a mix of diced apple, pine nuts, cinnamon and
3 nutmeg. Put some butter in a pan, sprinkle with sugar and
Strudel 0.4 - 1.6 kg
cook for 10-15 minutes. Roll it into a pastry and fold the
external part
Line a pie dish with the pastry and sprinkle the bottom with
Fruit filled pie 2 0.5 - 2 kg bread crumbs to absorb the juice from the fruit. Fill with
chopped fresh fruit mixed with sugar and cinnamon
2 Line a pie dish for 8-10 portions with a pastry and pierce it
SALTY CAKES 800 - 1200 g
with a fork, Fill the pastry according to your favorite recipe
Prepare dough according to your favorite recipe for a light
Rolls 3 60 - 150 g each bread. Form to rolls before rise. Use the oven dedicated
function to rise
Prepare dough according to your favorite recipe for a light
Sandwich Loaf in Tin 2 400 - 600g each bread. Form into a loaf container before rise. Use the oven

dedicated function to rise

2 Prepare dough according to your favorite recipe and place
Big Bread 700 - 2000 g
it on baking tray
Prepare dough according to your favorite recipe for a light
Baguettes 3 200 - 300g each bread. Form to baguette rolls before rise. Use the oven
dedicated function to rise
Pizza Thin 2 round - tray Prepare a pizza dough based on 150ml water, 15g yeast,
200-225g flour, oil and salt. Rise it using the dedeicated
oven function. Roll out the dough into a lightly greased
Pizza Thick 2 round - tray baking tray. Add topping like tomatoes, mozzarella and

4 1
Pizza Frozen 1 - 4 layers Take out from packaging. Distribute evenly on the wire shelf
5 3 1
5 4 2 1

ACCESSORIES Drip tray / Baking tray

Oven tray or cake tin Drip tray with
Wire shelf or oven tray on wire Drip tray / Baking tray
on wire shelf 500 ml of water

Make sure that the oven has Do not use wire wool, abrasive Wear protective gloves.
cooled down before carrying out scourers or abrasive/corrosive The oven must be disconnected
any maintenance or cleaning. cleaning agents, as these could from the mains before carrying
Do not use steam cleaners. damage the surfaces of the out any kind of maintenance work.

EXTERIOR SURFACES oven to cool completely and then wipe it with a

• Clean the surfaces with a damp microfibre cloth. cloth or sponge.
If they are very dirty, add a few drops of pH-neutral • If there is stubborn dirt on the interior surfaces,
detergent. Finish off with a dry cloth. we recommend running the automatic cleaning
• Do not use corrosive or abrasive detergents. If function for optimal cleaning results.
any of these products inadvertently comes into • Clean the glass in the door with a suitable liquid
contact with the surfaces of the appliance, clean detergent.
immediately with a damp microfibre cloth. • The oven door can be removed to facilitate
• After every use, leave the oven to cool and then ACCESSORIES
clean it, preferably while it is still warm, to remove • Soak the accessories in a washing-up liquid
any deposits or stains caused by food residues. To solution after use, handling them with oven gloves
dry any condensation that has formed as a result if they are still hot. Food residues can be removed
of cooking foods with a high water content, let the using a washing-up brush or a sponge.


• Disconnect the oven from the power supply. designed for domestic appliances and is not suitable for
• Unscrew the cover from the light, replace the bulb general room lighting within the home (EC Regulation
and screw the cover back on the light. 244/2009). Light bulbs are available from our After-sales
• Reconnect the oven to the power supply. Service. Do not handle bulbs with your bare hands as your
fingerprints could damage them. Do not use the oven until
Please note: Only use 20‑40 W/230 ~ V type G9, T300°C
the light cover has been refitted.
halogen bulbs. The bulb used in the product is specifically


• To remove the door, open it fully and lower the Refit the door by moving it towards the oven,
catches until they are in the unlock position. aligning the hooks of the hinges with their seating
a and securing the upper part onto its seating.
• Lower the door and then open it fully. Lower the
b catches into their original position: Make sure that
you lower them down completely.
• Close the door as much as you can. Take a firm
hold of the door with both hands – do not hold it
by the handle.
Simply remove the door by continuing to close it
while pulling it upwards at the same time until it is • Apply gentle pressure to check that the catches
released from its seating. Put the door to one side, are in the correct position.
resting it on a soft surface.

• Try closing the door and check to make sure that
it lines up with the control panel. If it does not,
repeat the steps above: The door could become
damaged if it does not work properly.

WIFI FAQs WIFI not available in Russia

Which WiFi protocols are supported? What can I do if my wireless connection does not
The WiFi adapter installed supports WiFi b/g/n for reach the appliance?
European countries. You can use specific devices to extend your home
Which settings need to be configured in the router WiFi coverage, such as access points, WiFi repeaters
software? and power line bridges (not provided with appliance).
The following router settings are required: 2.4 GHz How can I find out the name of and password for my
enabled, WiFi b/g/n, DHCP and NAT activated. wireless network?
Which Version of WPS is supported? See the router documentation. There is usually
WPS 2.0 or higher. Check the router documentation. a sticker on the router showing the information
you need to reach the device setup page using a
Are there any differences between using a
connected device.
smartphone (or tablet) with Android or iOS?
What can I do if my router is using the neighbourhood
You can use whichever operating system you prefer, it
WiFi channel?
makes no difference.
Force the router to use your home WiFi channel.
Can I use mobile 3G tethering instead of a router?
What can I do if appears on the display or the oven
Yes, but cloud services are designed for permanently
is unable to establish a stable connection to my home
connected devices.
How can I check whether my home Internet
The appliance might have successfully connected to
connection is working and wireless functionality is
the router, but it is not able to access the Internet. To
connect the appliance to the Internet, you will need
You can search for your network on your smart to check the router and/or carrier settings.
device. Disable any other data connections before
Router settings: NAT must be on, firewall and DHCP must be
properly configured. Password encryption supported: WEP,
How can I check whether the appliance is connected WPA,WPA2. To try a different encryption type, please refer to
to my home wireless network? the router manual.
Access your router configuration (see router manual) Carrier settings: If your Internet service provider has fixed the
and check whether the appliance’s MAC address is number of MAC addresses able to connect to the Internet,
listed on wireless connected devices page. you may not be able to connect your appliance to the cloud.
Where can I find the appliance’s MAC address? The MAC address of a device is its unique identifier. Please ask
Press then tap WiFi or look on your appliance: your Internet service provider how to connect devices other
There is a label showing the SAID and MAC addresses. than computers to the Internet.
The Mac address MAC address consists of a How can I check whether data is being transmitted?
combination of numbers and letters starting with After setting up the network, switch the power off,
“88:e7”. wait 20 seconds and then switch on the oven: Check
How can I check whether the appliance’s wireless that the app is showing the UI status of the appliance.
functionality is enabled? Some settings take several seconds to appear in the app.
Use your smart device and the 6th Sense Live app to How can I change my Whirlpool account but keep my
check whether the appliance network is visible and appliances connected?
connected to the cloud.
You can create a new account, but remember to
Is there anything that can prevent the signal reaching remove your appliances from your old account before
the appliance? moving them to your new one.
Check that the devices you have connected are not I changed my router – what do I need to do?
using up all the available bandwidth.
You can either keep the same settings (network name
Make sure that your WiFi-enabled devices do not and password) or delete the previous settings from
exceed the maximum number permitted by the the appliance and configure the settings again.
How far should the router be from the oven?
Normally the WiFi signal is strong enough to cover
a couple of rooms, but this very much depends on
the material the walls are made of. You can check the
signal strength by placing your smart device next to
the appliance.

Problem Possible cause Solution

Power cut. Check for the presence of mains electrical power and
The oven is not
Disconnection from the whether the oven is connected to the electricity supply.
mains. Turn off the oven and restart it to see if the fault persists.
Contact you nearest Client After-sales Service Centre
The display shows and state the number following the letter “F”.
the letter “F” followed Oven failure.
by a number or letter. Press , tap and then select “Factory Reset”.
All settings saved will be deleted.
Verify if your domestic network has at least a rating of
The home power more than 3 kW. If no, decrease the power to 13 Ampere.
Power setting wrong.
goes off. To change it, press , select “More Modes” and then
select “Power Management”.
The oven does not Press , tap “Info” and then select “Store Demo
Demo mode is running.
heat up. Mode” to exit.
WiFi router is off.
Router set up properties has Verify if the WiFi router is connected to internet.
changed. Verify the WiFi signal strength close to the appliance is
The wireless connections good.
does not reach the
The icon is shown appliance. Try to restart the router.
on display. The oven is unable to make See paragraph “FAQ WiFi”
a stable provision to home If your home wireless network properties has changed,
network. carry out the pairing to the network: Press , tap
The connectivity is not “WiFi” and then select “Connect to network”.
The connectivity is Remote enable not allowed Verify before purchasing if your country allows the
not supported. in your country. remote control for electronic appliances.

Policies, standard documentation and additional product information can be found by:
• Visiting our website docs‌.‌whirlpool‌.‌eu
• Using QR Code
• Alternatively, contact our After-sales Service (See phone number in the warranty booklet). When
contacting our After-sales Service, please state the codes provided on your product's identification
plate. Model: xxxXXXXxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXX



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