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Fan Product - RoleMaster - Character Profile Questionaire

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Character Profile Questionnaire

*Compiled from Rolemaster List members

Character Background

1. Where is your character from?

2. What country/Nation/area are you from?

3. What city/town/village are you from? If an unknown location, where is it and

what is it like? Briefly describe your home (GM collaboration)

4. What is the background of your character's social standing? (GM collaboration)

Family / Friends / Growing Up

5. Fill in the following information for every member of your family that you grew up

• Name
• Relationship to you
• Place of birth
• Age
• General personality
• Your relationship with them
• Reasons for any ill-will/special ties
• Profession/aspirations
• Sibling rivalries

6. If any family member is dead, sick or missing, explain reason/background.

7. Fill in the following information for other relatives that you're aware about:

• Name
• Location
• Age
• What you've heard about them
• What they do

8. Who was/is/are your best friends? Where are they and what do they do? Do you
expect to see them again? Describe how you met, how/why you became friends
and what your current relationship is.

9. Who was your first love? Describe him/her and your relationship and what
happened between you. Where has s/he from, what did she do, what was
his/her personality, what are they doing now.

10. Who was your last love? Describe him/her and your relationship and what
happened between you. Where was s/he from, what did s/he do, what was
his/her personality, what are they doing now.
11. Who is your current love(s)? Describe him/her/them and your relationship.
Where has s/he from, what did s/he do, what was his/her personality, what are
they doing now.

12. What other people from your village stand out in your memory and why?

13. What were some of your favorite things to do in or around your hometown? Are
there any places/events that stick out in your memory or were important to you?

14. Of your personal belongings (including equipment), do you own anything of

exceptional quality and/or sentimental value? Explain its origins and its meaning
to you.

Character Traits

15. Describe your character's personality (use p66 from the RMSR if you need help
with good adjectives). What events/influences in your character’s life has helped
mold this personality?

16. What are other people most likely to notice your character upon meeting
him/her? (piercing stare, melodious voice, cold hands, etc.). What sort of
reaction does this feature/aspect normally provoke? How does your character
feel about this? (proud, arrogantly proud, ashamed, self conscious…)

17. How does the character dress? How much care do they take of their personal
appearance and why?

18. What was your character's greatest regret? Most significant perceived failure?
Greatest fear? How does this affect him/her in day to day life?

19. What was your character's greatest perceived success? How does this affect
him/her in day to day life?

Career / Training

20. Why did you pick your profession (character class)? Was there another
profession you would have rather picked, but couldn't?

21. Where did you learn the skills of your profession?

22. Who trained you? What was your teacher like?

23. What was your training like? Were you apprenticed, enlisted, contracted, trained
at a school?

24. If you are not training any longer, why did you leave?

25. For all major, non profession-related, non-adolescence skills, describe how you
came to attain those skills and how you learned them.
26. If you are in someone's or some institution’s service and/or employ (i.e. the
military, the clergy, a mentor, a guild, an employer, a school), describe the terms
of your service, person(s) you report to , what is expected of you, any liens held
against you, what the service means to you (are you loyal to it, merely in
contract with it, or are you a "volunteer"), etc...

27. What are your professional goals? In other words, what do you wish to achieve
with your character's occupation?


28. Why have you chosen an adventurer's life?

29. If you have left home, why did you leave?

30. Do you plan to go back home for visits? If so, what are some things you are
looking forward to?

31. If you haven't left home, do you plan on it? Why?

Personal Beliefs

32. What is your feeling about your own country/city/village? Who rules your
country and how do you feel about them?

33. What is your feeling about your neighboring countries/cities/villages?

34. How do you feel about other races, particularly PC races? Is there a race you feel
particularly strong about, be it good or bad? Why?

35. How do you feel about religion? What gods do you worship, if any?

36. If you are a priest/cleric, how do you feel about other gods?

37. Are there any religious groups you hold in admiration or view with animosity?

38. Are there any political groups you hold an interest in or dislike? Why?

39. Has your character ever killed another sentient being? When? What were the
circumstances and how does s/he feel about it? Are their any potential legal
consequences to what happened?

40. In general how much does your character value life?

41. Has your character ever been critically injured? Near death? How does s/he feel
about what happened? How did it effect his/her psyche? Does s/he have any
physical scars/limitations because of this?

42. Has your character ever had any contact with the supernatural/divine? Any
oceanic/satori experiences? How did this affect him/her?

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